Page 1: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje


Page 2: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje
Page 3: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje

.Galerija likovnih samorastnikov.Trebnje.23. oktober 2014 – 15. februar 2015.


Page 4: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje

LONE VILLAUMETokratna razstava zaokroža leto posvečeno usklajevanju poklicnega in družinskega življenja v Galeriji likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje. Leto smo pričeli s skupinsko razstavo vseh umetnic iz zbirke galerije in nadaljevali z Greto Pečnik, prvo udeleženko Mednarodnih taborov. Zaključujemo ga z razstavo Lone Villaume, ki vsakodnevne medosebne interakcije slika z odkritostjo in navdušenjem otroka, z roko ženske, ki je polna sproščenosti in smeha, hkrati pa izobrazbo arhitektke spaja z ustvarjalno nujo ponovne uporabe predmetov, saj za predmeti brska na različnih krajih in poustvarja zapletene vzorce ali jih kombinira z utrinki s potovanj. Skozi razstavo tako spoznamo žensko, ustvarjalko in aktivistko za boljši, čistejši svet.

Umetnica Lone Villaume k nam prihaja z Danske, dežele, ki je svetu dala Andersena, Kierkegaarda, Bohra in Braheja. Ustvarjalka se navdihuje in izhaja iz dveh zelo tradicionalnih motivnih zvrsti, žanra in krajine, vendar ju nadgradi, preseže in preoblikuje v skladu s časom, v katerem ustvarja. Srž njene tokratne predstavitve predstavljajo dela v tehniki akril na platno, kjer z izrezi vsakdanjega življenja finih gospa slika trenutke polne humorja in smeha. Njene figure se sprehajajo, pijejo popoldanski čaj, opravljajo nakupe na tržnici ali preprosto uživajo življenje; vedno v družbi nepogrešljivih štirinožnih spremljevalcev. Ti so na prvi pogled stranski igralci, v resnici pa v opusu Lone Villaume zasedajo pomembno mesto. Kot pravi sama: »Pes je pogosto portretiran kot človekov spremljevalec in sozarotnik, seveda pa tudi kot glavni igralec in pogosto začuden opazovalec.” Zdi se celo, da so psički tisti, ki vodijo svoje skrbnice na sprehod in medtem ko one uživajo skupne trenutke, sestankujejo tudi psi. Prizori, ki se vsak dan odvijajo po celem svetu, so tako prepojeni s svežino in razumljivostjo, ki veje iz avtoričine vizije sveta okoli nje.

Prav tako pomemben del njenega ustvarjalnega opusa se osredotoča na stvaritve iz odpadnih materialov. Središče krajinskih del je upodabljanje narave, ki pa so jo umetniki druge polovice 20. stoletja na novo iznašli

oz. preobrazili v ekoloških gibanjih in gibanjih, povezanih z zemljo. Umetniki so preoblikovali krajino ter izvajali intervencije

Page 5: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje

oz. pripravljali instalacije v naravi (landart, ecoart), sadili rastlinje ali pa oblikovali komuno s posebnim načinom življenja (slovenska Družina v Šempasu). Lone Villaume imamo lahko za naslednico teh gibanj, ki v svojem bistvu razmišljajo o odnosu človeka do zemlje, uporabljajo najdene predmete, naravne materiale ter poskušajo osveščati o ekološkem načinu življenja. Likovne stvaritve Lone Villaume niso rezultat spreminjanja pokrajine in umetniških posegov v naravo, so intimna dela, ki prav zaradi svoje majhnosti in humorja, ki se v njenih delih vedno znova pojavlja, toliko bolj prepričljiva. Lone živi z ekologijo, ki preveva vsako celico njenega življenja, zato se ni čuditi, da se tudi ob teh drobnih utrinkih vedno znova vprašamo, kako živimo.

Vizija idiličnega sveta in neokrnjene narave, občutljivost za človeško stisko, odkritost in ustvarjanje s srcem je tisto, kar naivne umetnike združuje v vedno aktualnem likovnem izrazu. Lone Villaume povezuje svet naivne umetnosti s sodobnimi trendi v umetnosti, tradicionalne tehnike in motive nadgrajuje, jih reinterpretira, hkrati pa ostaja zvesta ideji naivne umetnosti. Z jasnostjo, občutkom in humorjem reflektira odnos posameznika do sočloveka in narave. Njen ideal predstavljajo sinja morja, zeleni gozdovi ter živahna mesta brez odpadkov. To pa je nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi.

Page 6: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje

LONE VILLAUMEThe present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje Gallery of Naive Artists. The year has begun with a group exhibition of all female artists from the Gallery’s collection and continued with Greta Pečnik, the first participant of the International Meeting of Naive Artists. Now it is ending with an exhibition by Lone Villaume, who paints everyday human interaction with the honesty and enthusiasm of a child and the hand of a woman full of ease and laughter. At the same time, she fuses her background in architecture with the creative necessity of reusing objects, for she hunts for items in various places and recreates complex patterns or combines them with travel impressions. Through this exhibition, we meet the woman, the creator and the activist for a better, purer world.

Lone Villaume is visiting us from Denmark, the land that gave the world Andersen, Kierkegaard, Bohr and Brahe. This artist draws inspiration from two very traditional motifs, genre and landscape, yet she enhances, transcends and transforms them in keeping with the time she creates in. At the heart of the current presentation are her acrylic on canvas works, where, with segments from everyday lives of posh ladies, she portrays moments filled with humour and laughter. Her figures are taking walks, drinking their afternoon tea, shopping at the market or simply enjoying life; always in the company of indispensable four-legged companions. At first glance, they appear to be supporting actors, but in fact they hold an important place in Lone Villaume’s opus. In her own words: »The dog is often portrayed as a people’s companion and co-conspirator, as well as the lead actor, and often as a wondering spectator.” It almost seems like the dogs are the ones taking their owners for a stroll, and while the women are enjoying their time together, the dogs are holding meetings as well. Scenes that occur daily throughout the world are therefore saturated with freshness and clarity that radiates from the author’s vision of the world around her.

An equally important part of her creative opus focuses on creations from discarded materials. The essence of landscapes is the depiction of

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nature, which was reinvented or transformed through ecological and earth related movements by the artists of the second half of the 20th century. The artists have reshaped the landscape and made artistic interventions or installations in nature (landart, ecoart), planted vegetation or formed communes promoting a special way of life (Slovenian commune Družina v Šempasu). Lone Villaume can be considered a successor to these movements, which, at their core, contemplate the relationship between man and the earth, utilise found objects and natural materials, and strive to raise awareness of the ecological way of life. The artistic creations of Lone Villaume are not the result of landscape alterations and artistic interventions in nature, they are intimate works of art whose smallness and humour, a recurring theme in her work, make them all the more convincing. Lone lives with ecology, it permeates every cell of her being, so it comes as no surprise that these small glimpses make us reflect on our way of life.

A vision of an idyllic world and unspoilt nature, sensitivity to human plight and honest art from the heart is what brings naive artists together in eternally relevant artistic expression. Lone Villaume links the world of naive art with contemporary trends, she builds upon traditional techniques and motifs and reinterprets them while remaining faithful to the idea of naive art. With clarity, feeling and humour, she reflects the individual’s attitude towards fellow human beings and nature. Azure seas, green forests and vibrant, waste-free cities are her ideal. And this is, after all, the Earth we all desire.

Page 8: lone.villaume..lone.villaume.nenazadnje Zemlja, ki si jo želimo vsi. LONE VILLAUME. The present exhibition completes the year dedicated to balancing work and family life at the Trebnje

BIOGRAFIJALone Villaume se je rodila leta 1946 v Kopenhagnu, Danska. Diplomirala je na Danski kraljevi akademiji za lepe umetnosti, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, smer arhitektura. Po končanju študija v začetku 70. let 20. stoletja si je ustvarila družino, nekaj let kasneje pa je pričela oblikovati vzorce na tekstilu in izdelovati uporabne predmete iz tega materiala. Z nekaj posamezniki je ustanovila skupen studio in trgovinico. Tam so prodajali lastne izdelke, ki so segali od umetniških do umetno-obrtnih. V 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja se je pričela bolj posvečati slikanju. Je članica organizacije profesionalnih danskih vizualnih umetnikov in organizacije ženskih umetnic. Razstavljala je na Danskem, Švedskem, Poljskem, v ZDA, Italiji, Belgiji, Španiji, Bolgariji, Rusiji, Latviji, Srbiji, Franciji in Veliki Britaniji.

Udeležila se je 41. Mednarodnega tabora likovnih samorastnikov leta 2008. Leta 2009 je za razstavljena dela prejela priznanje na 14. Bienalu naivne i marginalne umetnosti, ki ga organizira Muzej naivne i marginalne umetnosti, Jagodina, Srbija.

BIOGRAPHYLone Villaume was born in 1946 in Copenhagen, Denmark. She graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, the School of Architecture. After completing her studies in the early 1970s, she started a family and a few years later began designing patterns on textile and making useful objects from this material. Together with a few individuals, she set up a joint studio and a small shop, where they were selling their own products that ranged from art to handicraft. In the 1990s, she began turning her attention to painting. She is a member of Danish Visual Artists, a professional organisation, and the Danish Female Artists’ Society. She has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, the USA, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Bulgaria, Russia, Latvia, Serbia, France and Great Britain.

She attended the 41st International Meeting of Naive Artists in 2008. In 2009, she was awarded a prize in recognition for exhibited works at the 14th Biennal of Naive and Marginal Art, organised by the Museum of Naive and Marginal Art in Jagodina, Serbia.

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.Slikarka / The Painter.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.24 cm x 18 cm.2006.

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.A Bientot Rousseau.

.akril na platnu – acrylic on canvas.46 cm x 54 cm.2010.

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.Poletni užitek / Summer pleasure.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.45 cm x 59 cm.2012.

.Vesele vdove / Happy widows.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.40 cm x 50 cm.2008.GT989.

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.Rumena hiša / Yellow House.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 40 cm.2011.

.Kraljevič / A little Royal.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.20 cm x 20 cm.2013.

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.Srečne / Lucky.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm.2009.

.Moški pogovori / Man’s talk.

.akril na platnu / acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm.2008.

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.Telovadba / Workout.

.grafika / graphic.odtis / print. 17 cm x 33,6 cm.2013.

.Kadilci / Smoking men.

.vezenina na volneno tkanino / embroidery on wool.93 cm x 66 cm.

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.Kuža / Doggy.

.grafika / graphic.odtis / print. 17,3 cm x 9,3 cm.2012.

.Brez naslova / Untitled.

.kolesarske zračnice / bycicle tubes.kovina / metal.40 cm x 75 cm.2001.

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.Lebdenje Floating.

.mešana tehnika / mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm.2008.


.mešana tehnika / mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm.2008.

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.Od Sofije do Sortedama / From Sofia to Sortedam.

.serija 18. del / series of 18 works.mešana tehnika / mixed media.20 cm x 10 cm.2000.


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SEZNAM DEL LIST OF EXHIBITS.Od Sofije do Sortedama From Sofia to Sortedam.2000.serija 18. del series of 18 works. mešana tehnika mixed media.20 cm x 10 cm..Brez naslova Untitled.2001.kolesarske zračnice bycicle tubes.kovina metal.40 cm x 75 cm..Brez naslova Untitled.2001.kolesarske zračnice bycicle tubes.kovina metal.40 cm x 75 cm..Brez naslova Untitled.2001.kolesarske zračnice bycicle tubes.kovina metal.75 cm x 40 cm..Brez naslova Untitled.2001.kolesarske zračnice bycicle tubes.kovina metal.75 cm x 40 cm..Slikarka The painter.2006.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.24 cm x 18 cm..Srečanje na trgu Meeting in the square.2006.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.42 cm x 50 cm..Tekmovanje Competition.2006.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 40 cm..Helmer.2008.mešana tehnika mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm..Lebdenje Floating.2008.mešana tehnika mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm..Moški pogovori Man’s talk.2008.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm..Sanjarjenje Dreaming.2008.mešana tehnika mixed media.47 cm x 39 cm..Ups.2008.mešana tehnika mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm..Vesele vdove Happy widows.2008.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.40 cm x 50 cm.last Galerije likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje, inv. št. GT989 property of the Trebnje Gallery of Naive Artists, inv. no. GT989..Viggo.2008.mešana tehnika mixed media.24 cm x 18 cm..Srečne Lucky.2009.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm..Visoke pete High heels.2009.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.46 cm x 48 cm..Srčeva kraljica Queen of Hearts.2010.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.36 cm x 51 cm..A Bientot Rousseau.2010.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.46 cm x 54 cm..Le Vernissage.2010.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.40 cm x 40 cm..Rumena hiša Yellow House.2011.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 40 cm..Čakanje Waiting.2012.grafika graphic.odtis print.17 cm x 20 cm..Dobre karte Good cards.2012.grafika graphic.odtis print.16,7 cm x 25,3 cm..Kavarna Cafe.2012.grafika graphic.odtis print.16 cm x 25 cm..Kuža Doggy.2012.grafika graphic.odtis print.17,3 cm x 9,3 cm..Poletni užitek Summer pleasure, 2012, akril na platnu acrylic on canvas, 45 cm x 59 cm

.Čestitke Congratulation.2013.grafika graphic.odtis print.15 cm x 11,4 cm.

.Hoja Way of walking.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.32 cm x 42 cm.

.Izlet The tour.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.31 cm x 38 cm.

.Kako slastno Delicious.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm.

.Kraljevič A little Royal.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.20 cm x 20 cm.

.Maraton Marathon.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.40 cm x 30 cm.

.Rajska jabolka Paradise apples.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.40 cm x 40 cm.

.Telovadba Workout.2013.grafika graphic.odtis print.17 cm x 33,6 cm.

.Zadnje novice Latest news.2013.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 30 cm.

.Kava za na pot Coffee to go.2014.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.20 cm x 20 cm.

.Komaj čakam I can’t wait.2014.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.20 cm x 20 cm.

.Obožujemo tržnice We love markets.2014.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.42 cm x 50 cm

.Opazovanje Watching.2014.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.30 cm x 40 cm.

.Skušnjava Temptation.2014.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.24 cm x 18 cm.

.Kadilci Smoking men.vezenina na volneno tkanino embroidery on wool.93 cm x 66 cm.

.Počnejo toliko čudnih stvari They do so many strange things.vezenina na volneno tkanino embroidery on wool.93 cm x 66 cm..Prijatelji Friends.grafika graphic.odtis print.15 cm x 10 cm..Stara bedaka Old fools.akril na platnu acrylic on canvas.22 cm x 36 cm..Škatle za cigare Cigar boxes.serija 6. del series of 6 works.mešana tehnika mixed media.21 cm x 14 cm..Vintage.grafika graphic.odtis print.25 cm x 17,5 cm.

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Lone VillaumeGalerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje

23. 10. 2014 – 15. 2. 2015

IzdajateljCenter za izobraževanje in kulturo Trebnje – Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje

ZanjPatricija Pavlič

BesediloAndrejka Vabič Nose

Jezikovni pregledŠpela Brajer

Prevod v angleški jezikLea Udovč

FotografijeLone Villaume, Andrejka Vabič Nose, Zala Miklavčič, Studio 5 Mirna

Oblikovanje in prelomMeta Gabrijel

TiskAlfagraf Tiskarna d.o.o.

Naklada 300 kosov

Galerija likovnih samorastnikov TrebnjeGoliev trg 1, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenija

T: 00386 (0)7 34 82 106, F: 00386 (0)7 34 82 107E: [email protected],

Center za izobraževanje in kulturo TrebnjeKidričeva ulica 2, 8210 Trebnje, Slovenija

T: 00386 (0)7 34 82 100, F: 00386 (0)7 34 82 102E: [email protected],

Copyright by Center za izobraževanje in kulturo Trebnje, Trebnje 2014Vse pravice pridržane

Tiskano v Sloveniji

Razstavo so omogočili:CIK Trebnje – Galerija likovnih samorastnikov Trebnje,

Občina Mirna, Občina Mokronog–Trebelno, Občina Šentrupert, Občina Trebnje.

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