
Mathematical Beadwork Part 2 HORIBE Kazunori URLAichi Prefectural Kasugai-Higashi Senior High School I started my mathematical beadwork just after coming across with the 30- ball problem. It was in 1994, 20 years ago. An early work Aug. 2, 2003 Otaru, Hokkaido Feb. 1, 2004 Aichi Universty of Education Aichi Pref. Oct. 7, 2004 Asahikawa, Hokkaido Feb. 16, 2005 Tokyo Big Site My works were on sale at a DIY store, Tokyu Hands in Nagoya from July 2005 to February 2006 (for about 180 days) June 9, 2012 In my yard Tajimi, Gifu Pref. With Sonoda, Kumagai, Jin and I Talking and talking, being carried away Nov Ryukoku Universty Seta Shiga Pref. March 5-6, 2013 Graduate students of Ryukoku Univ. Beadwork for my New Year Card = 1996 I purchased them at a store in Ise, Mie Pref. Netsuke ( ) : Ornaments to be tied to wallet. I think that this kind of ornaments were already sold in the Edo period. Netsuke YouTube sites for my beadworkE&feature=plcpreen&v=_41Go5krvoY&NR=1 my latest works. Works in different shapes Z-spiral shape S-spiral shape Moving image for modeling "3540-beadwork. The wooden balls are the materials originally used for a beaded curtain at Japanese temple of my wifes parents. I met Jin-san in this room. Feb Completed fine end Back to the interrupted place WB_MakingB.htm

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