
PowerPoint Presentation

Content Saves Lives

Translating for Humanity

Christian Gericke@cgericke

1 @cgericke

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More people die from lack of information than lack of medication

Have you ever been in a foreign country, in a pharmacy or at a restaurant, trying to explain yourself. And then someone starts to speak to you in your own language? That feeling of relief that you can be understood!

We believe that Language is powerful and language matters. For every one of us, our identity is embedded in our language. Our ability to engage fully with the world is greatly improved when we can communicate on our language

Translators without Borders envisions a world where knowledge knows no language barriers.

TWB translates more than eight million words per year and to date, with the support of our community of professional volunteer translators, TWB has translated more than 35 million words for non profit partners. That is money saved that our non profit organizations can put back into their programmes. But that is just our core work. We do so much more


Nepal April 25, 2015

Grosses Erdbeben, sehr nah der Oberflche, Hilfsorganisationen wollten helfen, grosse Organisationen, Response Teams10

Aber auch die Leute wollten helfen! Und suchen Hilfe! Es endet mit einem Ausrufezeichen! Gern wollen wir helfen und das beschreibt eigentlich was TWB macht! 11

to be continued

Global teamsworking togetheron tough languageproblems

Was fr Unternehmen gilt/ Content Strategen gilt, Grosse Teams arbeiten zusammen, um grosse Sprach- und Kommunikationsprobleme zu lsen.13

Es ist Content Strategien, viele Agenturen und Mitarbeiter intern, die Content erstellen. Woran aber oft wenn berhaupt nicht gedacht wird, ist die richtige Sprache und bersetzung! Und das ist ein Problem, dass die Non Profit Organisationen auch haben. Es wird ber Helikopter, Decken, Schuhe etc nachgedacht, aber sie denken nicht daran, wie sie mit der lokalen Bevlkerung kommunizieren knnen. Das ndert sich langsam! Auch von der UN, anderen Hilfsorgansiationen abwrts wird es langsam klar, dass Kommunikation key ist und dass die Message den Empfnger erreichen muss. 14

Das ist dasselbe Problem mit zuviel Content. Es wird massiv Content erstellt, in Englisch und Franzsisch. In Liberia viele Leute in der Hauptstadt sprechen Englisch/ Franzsisch aber ausserhalb niemand.


Content Marketing Conference CologneThe Content Quality Imperative

Und es ist dassselbe Phenomen, dass auch im Content Marketing auftritt! Personen schreiben Content, ohne sich Ihrer Zielgruppe bewusst zuwerden. 16


Engaging Content 54% Producing Content Consistently 50% Measuring 49%

Und auch hier wieder die Parallele wenn Conten nicht engaging ist und nicht mit der Zielgruppe funktioniert. Sollte es kleine Prio sein. 17

to be continued



IBM bildet sogenannte Kohorten! DATA driven

Je nachdem wie diese Zielgruppen reagieren, alles automatisch und Daten getrieben, werden daraus Personas gebildet.


MapAction Language Data

Dasselbe Prinzip gilt bei Crisis Response. Immer wenn eine Krise also eine Gegend erreicht, schauen wir, welche Sprache wirklich gesprochen wird. Also nicht die Sprache der Regierung, sondern die Sprache der Region, wo die Leute sind und Hilfe brauchen. Partner MapAction. Und daraus wird dann ein Plan erstellt! 21


Und eine der Dinge, die sich IBM auch wieder schaut die der Weg und ob der Content passt 22

Wikipedia ist ein tolles Beispiel fr Content-Erstellung. Es hat Peer-Reviews, geschrieben von rzten, immer wieder korrigiert, sehr verlsslich und sehr up-to-date. Von rzten fr rzte ...

Aber es ist schwer zu verstehen fr die Allgemeinheit ... Wer weiss schon was Plasmodium ist ... Und das ist nicht eine Frage der Sprache

Wundervolles Projekt mit der Wikimedia Foundation: 100 meistgelesene Artikel in 100 Sprachen in einer vereinfachten Sprache



Messung von Erfolg 24

Impact wird jetzt auch gemessen in der humanitren ArbeitOst Afrika

Wie verhindert man Infektionen und wie behandelt man Infizierte? Zuerst hat man eine Gruppe so befragt Andere hat man Ihnen Informationen in E, gegeben und danach gefragt, und dann in Swahili von 8 nur bis 16% Also komplett die Zielgruppe verpasst! Swahili vielleicht auch nicht die Muttersprache, aber weit verbreitet und fast 92%


Microsoft Swahili English Translator

"Kiswahili is spoken by up to 150 million people throughout eastern Africa including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. With the new translation system, governments in the region will be able to make documents and information available at virtually no cost, non-governmental organizations will be able to quickly communicate with locals, and most importantly, people will be able to communicate back and forth across borders for both business and personal purposes."



More than 100 items translated30 languagesMore than 81,000 words

13% of womenin Sierra Leone understand English

Mother & Child reading English poster

Our Malinke poster (CDC)

Our Hausa poster

48% literacy in the region

Videos in Krio and Fula36

Biggest cause of infant mortality: diarrhea

Unicef says more than 70 per cent of almost 11 million child deaths every year are caused by six issues: Diarrhoea, malaria, neonatal infection pneumonia, preterm delivery, lack of oxygen at birth

From The Guardian (search dirty little secret liberia)

Rev Charles Saylee and his wife Dorris: their daughter died of diarrhoea, despite having rehydration medication.Salz Wasser Flssigkeit

7 languages reaching 20 million people in West Africa

Information translated into30 languages across Africa




Rapid Response Team! 50 freiwillige innerhalb von Stunden! 43

Das ist eine Standard Operation Procedure in Crisis Response Standard keywords, um Social Media etc zu monitoren das erlaubt uns Leute zu verstehen44


Geo Location Schnell bersetzt! Daten an die Armee bermittelt, um Leute zu retten und hier medikamente abzuwwerfen46

MT @droidur Deupur tapu, Parbat district, avalanche affected, no food, water, no help.Kids, elderly need help #Nepal #NepalQuake #hmrd

[4/27/2015 7:08:32 PM | Edited 7:08:47 PM] HR Aline Carr: Just got a reply that India has airdropped supplies to this area.


Other activations

Philippines tsunami Syria refugees Bosnia floods

Helping with SMS and radio information in Tagalog and Cebuano55

Syria speaks helping refugees with information in Arabic56

Providing Arabic Content for Syrian Refugees

Special projects translating critical information for the UNHCR for Syrian refugees57

Doctors without Borders Zelt Lesvos Griechenland nahe der trkischen Grenze

Crisis Response Organisation, Arabic, Farsi, Darsi 62

Simple Words for Health


12,000 medical terms, simplifiedConsistent use into 100 languages


Wiki Project Med3.3 million people in June 2016 accessed health information in joint Translators without Borders-Wikipedia projectSo far, we have translated 1903 vetted medical articles into 83 languages, including Bengali, Gujarati, Haitian, Indonesian, Lingala, Mongolian, Nepali, Shona,Slovenian, Somali, Tigrinya, Urdu,Vietnamese, Wolof, Xhosa and Zulu.


Access to knowledge in a local language is critical to empowerment.

As many as 40 percent of child deaths could be prevented with improved family and community carenot through high-tech health equipment, but though access to solid knowledge, support and basic supplies. (Unicef,


When you support us, you also support these projects.76

TWB & UK Open University

Train 12 translators from GuineaTranslate 300,000 words EN-FR

77Translators without Borders and ehealth Africa are working together to transform primary health care services in Guinea through the translation of health training materials (HEAT) from English to French (the official Language in Guinea) to ensure that it's accessible for community health workers working among grass root communities in Guinea. Once translated to French, the training packages can then be translated to other local languages in Guinea. This project will translate the 13 HEAT modules into French and develop a cadre of 12-14 specialized health care translators in Guinea to be able to work beyond the scope of the project as professional medical translators

How we do it

35 million words donated 600 non profit organisations3,500 volunteer translators130+ language pairs250 Translators Trained

How do we work

Translating an average of 800,000 words per month for approved non-profit partners focused in crisis, health and education.

Translating and/or simplifying more than 580 vetted medical Wikipedia articles into 53 languages.

Partnering with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Humanity Road, and other organizations to provide a 24/7 rapid-response translation team to assist search-and-rescue efforts following the 2015 Nepali earthquake.

Partnering with OCHA to provide linguistic support during the recent humanitarian crisis in Burundi.

Building Words of Relief, the worlds first-ever global translation network designed for real-time support during crises (funded by the Humanitarian Innovation Fund and Microsoft).

2015 at a glance


ProgramsCrisisDevelopmentTechnologyRapid response to support non-profits with community engagementCreation of long-term content, simplified and in local languagesCreate content platforms to integrate with partner delivery channels

AdvocacyEvangelize the need for community engagement through local languagesSimplification of health content for community health workersTranslation of standard medical content into local lingua francasCampaign-driven content into local languages

Rapid creation of networks of local language experts Monitoring of local language social mediaCreation and/or translation of crisis-specific local language content (message libraries)Rapid response message handling platform integrated with existing crisis response infrastructurePlatform for volunteer translation of development contentTranslation automation for local languagesMachine Translation for official languages (EN, FR)Broaden understanding of the need for content in humanitarian workDevelop strategic planning influence on content needs for local communitiesFoster relations between agencies on content best practice


Become a TWB Corporate Sponsor Donate - give the gift of knowledge $50 will give a woman in Kenya information on breast feeding; $100 allows us to inform refugees on winterizing messages; $250 trains a new community translator in Africa.$50 wFundraise - join a fundraiser or start your ownWork at a company? Recommend us. Introduce us to your networks be an Ambassador for TWBHow can you help TWB?

Lack of translation support is a perennial hidden issuedelaying critical communications and disenfranchising affected populations.

Disaster Relief 2.0, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2011

DfID - Call for funding proposals: Programming should consider both immediate life-saving needs (including food, water, shelter, NFIs, protection, communication with affected communities, etc.) as well as ...The Department for International Development (DFID) is a United Kingdom government department responsible for administering overseas aid.

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