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  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    y One of the most important factors that lead one to theirgoals is the drive.

    y This drive is known as MOTIVATION.

    y It is a zest and determination with a kind of excitementthat leads one to persevere to reach greater heights, in nomatter what avenue of their life; be it personal orprofessional.

    y An internal or external source. The individual determinesthis.

    y To be motivated is a constant need.y A period of de-motivation & bleak; find way to re-motivate.

    y Combination of factors that lead to goal.

  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    y It is an internal state of being, or an internal condition thatactivates one's behavior, giving it direction.

    y Motivation is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic.

    y Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by

    an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists withinthe individual rather than relying on any external pressure.

    y Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the individual.Common extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and

    grades or threat of punishment.y Research has shown that extrinsic rewards can lead to over

    justification and a subsequent reduction in intrinsicmotivation.

  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    y Maslows Hierarchy of Needsy Abraham Maslow's theory is one of the most widely discussed theories of

    motivation.y Human beings have wants and desires which inf luence their behavior. Only

    unsatisfied needs influence behavior, satisfied needs do not.y Since needs are many, they are arranged in order of importance, from the

    basic to the complex.y The person advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level

    need is at least minimally satisfied.y The further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality,

    humanness and psychological health a person will show.y The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-

    latest) are as follows:y Physiology (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.)y Safety/Security/Shelter/Healthy Belongingness/Love/Friendshipy Self-esteem/Recognition/Achievementy Self actualization

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    y The two-factor theory, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that

    certain factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction, but if absent, theydon't lead to dissatisfaction but no satisfaction.

    y The factors that motivate people can change over their lifetime, but"respect for me as a person" is one of the top motivating factors at any stageof life.

    y He distinguished between:

    y Motivators; (e.g. challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which givepositive satisfaction, and

    y Hygiene factors; (e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) thatdo not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in de motivation.

    y The name Hygiene factors is used because, like hygiene, the presence will

    not make you healthier, but absence can cause health deterioration.y The theory is sometimes called the "Motivator-Hygiene Theory" and/or

    "The Dual Structure Theory."

    y Herzberg's theory has found application in such occupational fields asinformation systems and in studies of user satisfaction

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    y Individuals specific needs are acquired over time and areshaped by ones life experiences.

    y Can be classified as either:

    y ACHIEVEMENT: People with a high need for achievementseek to excel and tend to avoid both low-risk(easily attainedsuccess is not a genuine achievement) and high-risk(outcomecan be of chance rather than ones own effort) situations.

    Achievers need regular feedback in order to monitor theprogress of their achievement. They prefer either to work aloneor other high achievers.

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    AFFILIATION: People with high need for affiliation needharmonious relationships with other people and need to

    feel accepted by other people. They tend to conform to thenorms of their work group. They prefer work that providessignificant personal interaction. They perform well incustomer service and client interaction situations.

    POWER: A persons need for power can be of two types-personal and institutional. Those who need personal powerwant to direct others, and this need often is perceived asundesirable. Person who need institutional power (social

    power) want to organize the efforts of others to further thegoals of the organization. Managers with high nInstP tendto be more effective than those with high nPersP.

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    y People with different needs are motivated differently.y High need forachievement - High achievers should be given

    challenging projects with reachable goals. They should beprovided frequent feedback. While money is not animportant motivator, it is an effective form of feedback.

    y High need foraffiliation - Employees with a high affiliationneed perform best in a cooperative environment.

    y High need for power- Management should provide powerseekers the opportunity to manage others.

    y Note that McClelland's theory allows for the shaping of aperson's needs; training programs can be used to modifyone's need profile.

  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    y Workers in any organization need something to keep them


    y Most times the salary of the employee is enough to keep him orher working for an organization. But some times not.

    y An employee must be motivated to work for a company or

    organization. If no motivation is present in an employee, thenthat employees quality of work or all work in general willdeteriorate.

    y At lower levels ofMaslow's hierarchy of needs, such as

    physiological needs, money is a motivator, however it tends tohave a motivating effect on staff that lasts only for a shortperiod (in accordance with Herzberg's two-factor model ofmotivation).

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    At higher levels of the hierarchy, praise, respect,recognition, empowerment and a sense of belonging are far

    more powerful motivators than money, as bothAbrahamMaslow's theory of motivation and DouglasMcGregor's theory X and theory Y (pertaining to the theoryof leadership) demonstrate.

    *Motivated employees always look for better ways to do ajob.*Motivated employees are more quality oriented.*Motivated workers are more productive.

    Motivation is a powerful tool in the work environment thatcan lead to employees working at their most efficient levelsof production.

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    An effective leader must understand how to manage allcharacters, and more importantly the manager must utilize

    avenues that allow room for employees to work, grow, and findanswers independently.

    Elton Mayo found that the social contacts a worker has at theworkplace are very important and that boredom and

    repetitiveness of tasks lead to reduced motivation.

    Employees were given freedom to make decisions on the joband greater attention was paid to informal work groups. Mayo

    named the model the Hawthorne effect. His model has beenjudged as placing undue reliance on social contacts at worksituations for motivating employees.

  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    In Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Robbins and

    Judge examine recognition programs as motivators, andidentify five principles that contribute to the success of anemployee incentive program:Recognition of employees' individual differences, and

    clear identification of behavior deemed worthy of

    recognitionAllowing employees to participateLinking rewards to performanceRewarding of nominatorsVisibility of the recognition process

  • 8/8/2019 motiv shreya


    Motivation is important in any Organization as it..

    Puts human resources into action

    Improves level of efficiency of employeesLeads to achievement of organizational goalsBuilds friendly relationshipLeads to stability of work forceMotivation is important to an individual as:Motivation will help him achieve his personal goals.If an individual is motivated, he will have job satisfaction.Motivation will help in self-development of individual.An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic team.Motivation is important to a business as:The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the team is.

    The more is the team work and individual employee contribution, moreprofitable and successful is the business.During period of amendments, there will be more adaptability andcreativity.Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude at work place.

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