Page 1: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the
Page 2: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department o�er free admission for the entire month of January, 2016. We are hoping to encourage more visits to our museums, where an overwhelming experience of creativity, enjoyment and inspiration awaits.




節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice.

http://hk.history.museumCONTENTS目錄 2





















Hong K

ong Museum

of History

專題展覽 Special Exhibition香港賽馬會呈獻系列:日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition香港故事 The Hong Kong Story香港歷史博物館常設展覽更新工程 Renovation of the Permanent Exhibition of the Hong Kong Museum of History

特稿 Special Feature

文物捐贈 Donation

教育活動 Education Programmes

比賽 Competition

最新出版 New Publication

資源及服務 Resources & Services


Hong K

ong Museum

of Coastal D


專題展覽 Special Exhibition同禦鐵蹄 — 香港的抗戰歲月 Braving the Storm: Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition海防風雲六百年600 Years of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defense

教育活動 Education Programmes

資源及服務 Resources & Services


Dr S

un Yat-sen Museum

專題展覽 Special Exhibition韶光麗影 — 民國月份牌與摩登社會Wonderful Times, Beautiful Images: Calendar Posters and Modern Society in the Republican Period

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions孫中山與近代中國Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China孫中山時期的香港Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time

教育活動 Education Programmes

資源及服務 Resources & Services


Branch M


惡劣天氣特別安排 Inclement Weather Special Arrangements

博物館位置及入場費 Location and Admission Fees

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

羅屋民俗館Law Uk Folk Museum

Page 3: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


專題展覽 Special Exhibition專題展覽 Special Exhibition

明 代 歷 經 十 六 位 皇 帝 , 肇 建 於 一 三 六 八 年 , 覆 亡 於一六四四年,國祚共二百七十六年,是繼漢代、唐代和宋代以後最後一個由漢族建立的大一統中央集權王朝。明代的綜合國力至十五世紀初達到頂峰,於亞洲乃至全球屬首屈一指,其間所完成的各項規模宏大的工程如營建南北兩京、紫禁城宮殿、修築長城,以及編纂《永樂大典》等,皆成為中國輝煌文明的象徵。




至Until 11.4.2016

香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

康樂及文化事務署敏求精舍聯合主辦Jointly presented by

Leisure and Cultural Services Department

The Min Chiu Society

香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家贊助Solely sponsored by

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

敏求精舍香港歷史博物館聯合籌劃Jointly organised by

The Min Chiu Society

Hong Kong Museum of History



全日制學生 / 高齡人士 / 殘疾人士 (及一名陪同的看護人)半價優惠星期三免費入場


HK$10 (including special and permanent exhibitions)30% discount for groups of 20 or more;

50% discount for full-time students / senior citizens / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)Free admission on Wednesdays

Free admission for Museum Pass holders

月白釉花形盤長青館藏Floral-shaped basin in moon-white glazeCollection of Mr C.P. Lin

宣德款青花番蓮紋大盤陳永達先生藏Large blue and white dish with fanlian lotus scrolls, Xuande markedCollection of Mr Lawrence W.T. Chan

明初黑漆螺鈿龍舟行樂圖方盤沐文堂藏Black lacquer square tray with mother-of-pearl inlaid dragon-boat scene, early Ming dynastyMuwen Tang Collection

永樂時期青花纏枝花卉紋雙耳扁壺天民樓藏Blue and white moon-flask with loop-ears and floral scrolls, Yongle periodTianminlou Collection

銅錯金銀仿古鬲鼎式爐李景勳先生藏Archaistic bronze li-ding style tripod censer with gold and silver inlaysCollection of Mr Andrew K.F. Lee

文徵明行楷軸喜聞過齋藏Poem by Wen Zhengming in semi-cursive-regular scriptCollection of Robert & Cissy Tang

萬曆時期紅地繡金龍鳳紋錦昇雯閣藏Brocades with gold-embroidered dragons and phoenixes on red ground, Wanli periodThe Edrina Collection

黃花梨圈椅一對退一步齋藏A pair of huanghuali wood circular-back armchairsTake A Step Back Collection

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常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔地七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的香港」、「歷代發展: 從漢至清朝」、「香港的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、七百五十塊文字說明、多個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊效果,栩栩如生地介紹香港的自然生態、民間風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。


“The Hong Kong Story” permanent exhibition is a showcase of the dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 7,000m², “The Hong Kong Story” comprises 8 galleries located on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, “Prehistoric Hong Kong”, “The Dynasties: From the Han to the Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, “The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong”, “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The Japanese Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 exhibits with the use of 750 graphic panels, a number of dioramas and multi-media programmes, and enhanced with special audiovisual and lighting effects, “The Hong Kong Story” outlines the natural environment, folk culture and historical development of Hong Kong vividly. The exhibition, which is both interesting and educational, starts telling the story from the Devonian period 400 million years ago and concludes with the reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997.

You may visit “The Hong Kong Story” in about 2 hours. However, if you would like to watch the multimedia programmes of the exhibition, including theatre shows and interactive booths, please allow 3 to 4 hours to enjoy yourself.

香港故事The Hong Kong Story

Founded in 1368 and fell in 1644, the Ming dynasty spanned a period of 276 years during which 16 emperors ascended the throne. It was the last unified and centralised dynasty ruled by the Han Chinese after the Tang and the Song dynasties. In the early 15th century when the overall national strength of the Ming dynasty reached its apogee, the empire was the number one power in Asia and even in the world. Among its colossal enterprises were the construction of the two capitals of Nanjing and Beijing, and the imperial palace at the Forbidden City; the restoration of the Great Wall and the compilation of Yongle dadian (Comprehensive compendium of the Yongle reign). These have become the symbols of the brilliant civilisations of China.

Ming culture was resplendent and multifarious. The dynasty saw the peak of traditional cultural development as well as the gradual sprouting of new cultures. From mid Ming onward, political centralisation gradually disintegrated while the scholar-officials began to dominate cultural development. On the other hand, productivity surpassed that of the Song and Yuan times, and commodity economy enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, pushing the progress of folk culture and the standard of artistic creation to new heights. Furthermore, frequent communications between Ming China and foreign countries brought about the import of foreign culture, subsequently unfolding a brand new scenario in the social development of the time.

This exhibition was made possible by the generous support of individual members of the Min Chiu Society. Around 300 sets of items from their precious collections are displayed. They include porcelains, lacquers, cloisonné enamels, jades, textiles, furniture, gold and silver wares, paintings, calligraphies, scholar’s objects, recreational objects and religious figures. It is hoped that these exhibits will guide the audience through the history and culture of the Ming dynasty from fresh and diverse perspectives. Among the highlights of the exhibits are imperial porcelains and lacquers, porcelains and gilt metal wares with strong Arabic flavour and multifarious religious characteristics, succinctly shaped Ming-style furniture, magnificent textiles, exquisite openwork jade belt plaques, paintings and calligraphies of the ‘Four Literary Masters of the Wuzhong Region (Suzhou)’, and scholar’s objects epitomising the taste of the literati.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club SeriesThe Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection

錄音導賞服務Audio Guide Service



Available in Cantonese, English and Putonghua to introduce the exhibit highlights.

Please check out details with the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby.

公眾導賞團(粵語)Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)

全程約1 小時,每團名額30 人, 先到先得。

有興趣者可於下列時間到專題展覽廳入口的「導賞站」集合出發:每日上午11 時30 分及下午3 時

Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.

Please assemble at the “Docent Stop” at the entrance of the Special Exhibition Gallery as scheduled below:11:30 am and 3 pm daily

萬曆款青花留白百鶴長壽圖罐懷海堂藏Blue and white jar with ‘A Hundred Cranes’ reserved in white, Wanli markedThe Huaihaitang Collection

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常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

Welcoming more than eight million visitors over the past 14 years, “The Hong Kong Story” permanent exhibition has enjoyed an enthusiastic response from both local and overseas visitors since it opened in 2001. As our museum collections continue to expand and breakthroughs are made in innovative display techniques, it is important that the permanent exhibition moves with the times, and we are now planning a major renovation of the exhibition.

To draw on the collective wisdom of our various stakeholders, such as our museum expert advisers who specialise in the relevant fields as well as our museum docents, we initiated a consultation exercise with them last year, while this year we will be meeting with a number of other interested groups, including representatives from the education sector and youth and academic organisations.

Public opinion is of equal importance. We will conduct a visitor survey at the museum in January, and you can also download a questionnaire from our website to give your comments. Please return the completed questionnaire to us by e-mail, fax or post. What’s more, we will organise two public consultation meetings which every member of the public is cordially invited. Below are the details:

Date : 12.3.2016 (Sat) 3.4.2016 (Sun)

Time : 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Venue: Lecture Hall, G/F, Hong Kong Museum of History

Your suggestions will serve as valuable reference for the work we are conducting in preparation for a new Hong Kong story!

Renovation of the Permanent Exhibition of the Hong Kong Museum of History




日期:2016年3月12日(星期六) 2016年4月 3 日(星期日)





常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

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文物捐贈 Donation

香港歷史博物館歡迎市民捐贈文物,一起與我們保護和承傳歷史文化。市民如有捐贈,可致電(2724 9042)與我們聯絡,或可將捐贈的資料傳真(2724 9090)、電郵([email protected])或郵寄香港歷史博物館(信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),我們將盡快與您聯絡。博物館會經常舉辦文物徵集活動,市民可留意博物館網頁有關安排和細節。The Hong Kong Museum of History invites you to preserve Hong Kong’s history and culture together with us by donating historical objects to us. If you would like to make a donation, please contact us on 2724 9042. You could also send us information on the proposed donation by fax to 2724 9090, email ([email protected]) or post to the Hong Kong Museum of History. Please specify “Donation of historical object(s)” on the envelope. We will contact you as soon as possible. The Museum holds collection campaigns from time to time. Welcome to check out our website for details.

由香港歷史博物館與國立俄羅斯皇村博物館共同籌劃的「皇村瑰寶: 俄羅斯宮廷文物展」,在二零一四年十月二十九日至二零一五年三月十六日在本館專題展覽廳舉行,共錄得超過十三萬參觀人次,成績令人十分鼓舞。這個合作項目最近更錦上添花,被評選為二零一五年度俄羅斯聖彼得堡市博物館界翹首以盼的最佳外借展覽。二零一五年十一月二十三日,國立俄羅斯皇村博物館的總監奧莉加‧塔拉特諾娃獲聖彼得堡副市長弗拉基米爾‧基裡洛夫頒授獎座以作嘉許。是次展覽取得佳績,有賴雙方同事的工作熱忱和專業態度,本館謹向國立俄羅斯皇村博物館衷心道賀。

Co-organised by the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum Preserve, Russia, from 29 October 2014 to 16 March 2015, Treasures from Tsarskoye Selo, Residence of the Russian Monarchs held at our special exhibition gallery attracted more than 130,000 visitors. We were all very pleased with this encouraging response. To top it all, our collaboration project has been recently selected as the best overseas exhibition in the Prestige of Petersburg category of the 2015 Museum Olympus Awards in Russia. Olga Taratynova, Director of Tsarskoye Selo, received a trophy from St Petersburg Vice-Governor Mr Vladimir Kirillov at the presentation ceremony on 23 November 2015. This award provides recognition for the outstanding enthusiasm and professionalism of the expert staff at both the museums. We would also like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our counterparts at Tsarskoye Selo on winning the award.

香港的工業以輕工業為主,其中紡織、製衣、玩具、塑膠、鐘錶、電子、印刷、食品及飲品製造、金屬製品等都是主要的工業。從戰前至現在,香港工業經歷了不少衝擊和轉變,對華禁運、工廠北移、香港經濟轉型、重視創新和科技等,都為香港工業帶來不同的面貌。香港歷史博物館現正徵集與香港工業有關的物品,包括製成品、產品目錄、產品設計圖、銷售訂單、廣告、宣傳片、工具、照片等,以豐富館藏,作研究及展覽之用。現誠邀大家參與,捐贈不同年代的工業物品給我們,與我們一起見證香港工業的歷程。Hong Kong’s industries are light industries including textiles, garments, toys, plastics, electronics, metal goods, clocks and watches, as well as printing services, and food and beverage production. From the pre-war period to now, Hong Kong industries have weathered many challenges and changes: the embargo policy towards China, moving of factories to the mainland, the transformation of Hong Kong’s economy, and more emphases on innovation and technology. These factors have shaped and continue to shape the development of Hong Kong industries.

We are now appealing to the public to donate items related to Hong Kong industries to enrich our collection for research and exhibition purposes. We welcome donations of manufactured goods, product catalogues, product design drawings, sales orders, advertisements, promotional videos, tools, and photos related to items that are, or were at one time, designed, made, or assembled in Hong Kong. We sincerely invite your kind donation of Hong Kong industrial products from different eras. Your contribution will facilitate our researches on Hong Kong’s industries.


與有榮焉Shared Recognition

「香港工業」藏品徵集行動“Hong Kong Industries” Collection Campaign



[email protected] (852) 2724 9992

(852) 2724 9090

To make a donation of Hong Kong industrial items to us, please send us images of your items along with your name and telephone number in one of the following ways:

By postHong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon“Hong Kong Industries” Collection Campaign

[email protected] (852) 2724 9992

(852) 2724 9090

特稿 Special Feature

香港製造 — 1970 年代塑膠石英錶Made in Hong Kong : plastic quartz watch of the 1970s

Page 7: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


講座 Lectures

「科大人文新語」講座系列HKUST Public Humanities Lectures

合辦Co-organised by

香港歷史博物館Hong Kong Museum of History

香港科技大學人文學部Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


羅馬巴洛克藝術瑰寶Treasures of Baroque Art in Rome鄺綺顏教授(香港科技大學人文學部)Professor Kwong Anna Y N (Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

香港歷史博物館地下演講廳 / 免費入座 / 座位139 / 先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前15分鐘開放。Lecture Hall, G/F, HKMH / Free admission / 139 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 15 minutes before each lecture starts.


常青的生命之樹 — 漢字的過去、現在與未來(普通話主講)Evergreen Tree of Life: the Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Script (in Putonghua)

孫景濤教授(香港科技大學人文學部)Professor Sun Jingtao (Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )


清帝國之在南疆:以湘西苗疆的形塑為中心 (普通話主講)The Empire on the Miao Margins: Social Structure, Rituals and Ethnic Groups in Western Hunan in Qing Dynasty (in Putonghua)

謝曉輝教授(香港科技大學人文學部)Professor Xie Xiaohui (Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


風物存情:西貢鹽田梓村舍文物所寄載的人情與關係Sentiments in Heritage: Sentiments and Relationships Carried in the Heritage Artifacts of Yimtintsai Village, Saikung張兆和教授(香港科技大學人文學部)Professor Cheung Siu Woo (Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

教育活動 Education Programmes

講座內容並不代表博物館立場。The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures.


教育活動 Education Programmes


潔素瑩然 — 永樂甜白瓷鑒賞與研究 (普通話主講)Unadorned Luminance: Connoisseurship and Study of White Wares of the Yongle Period (in Putonghua)

葛師科先生(敏求精舍會員及天民樓主人)Mr Kot See For (Member of the Min Chiu Society and the Owner of Tianminlou Collection)

專題展覽講座Lectures for the Special Exhibition


從明代竹刻說起From Bamboo Carvings of the Ming Dynasty何孟澈醫生(敏求精舍會員)Dr Kossen Ho (Member of the Min Chiu Society)


明代外銷瓷器 — 從沉船出水資料說起Ming Porcelain for Export: A Glimpse from Shipwreck Cargoes林業強教授(香港中文大學中國文化研究所名譽研究員)Professor Peter Lam (Hon Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


明代中晚期的山水畫 (普通話主講)Landscape Painting of the Mid-Ming and Late Ming Dynasty (in


傅立萃教授(香港科技大學人文學部副教授)Professor Fu Li Tsui (Associate Professor, Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


玲瓏:晚明文人珍賞瓷 (英語主講)Linglong: Literati Luxuries of the Late Ming Period (in English)

苗學禮先生(敏求精舍會員及香港東方陶瓷學會會長)Mr Tony Miller (Member of the Min Chiu Society and the President of the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong Ltd.)


明代正德官窯所見回教文化之影響 (普通話主講)Islamic Impact on Zhengde Imperial Porcelain (in Putonghua)

金立言先生(佳趣雅集學術顧問、獨立學者)Mr Jin Liyan (Academic Director to the Classy Society, Independent Scholar)


吳門書派的先導 — 論徐有貞、沈周、李應禎、吳寬四家書法Heralding the Wu School: The Calligraphy of Xu Youzhen, Shen Zhou, Li Yingzhen and Wu Kuan莫家良教授(香港中文大學藝術系系主任)Professor Harold Mok (Chair, Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)



2724 9082

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專題展覽特備節目Programmes for the Special Exhibition

合辦Co-organised by

香港歷史博物館Hong Kong Museum of History

香港中文大學歷史系Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


遺產的新生:文化遺產保護中的村民與政府Recycling Heritage: The Relationship between Villagers and the Government in Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage劉志偉教授(中山大學歷史系教授)Professor Liu Zhiwei (Professor, History Department, Sun Yat-sen University )


茶話樂韻:古琴欣賞及品茗活動Chinese Tea Ceremony with Guqin Performance 一樓大堂 / 每節30人 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 1/F Lobby / 30 persons per session / First come, first served.


樂韻悠揚:古琴樂曲欣賞Guqin Music Appreciation一樓大堂 / 不設名額,先到先得。1/F Lobby / First come, first served.

8/1-25/3(逢星期五 Every Fri)上午11am-中午12nn下午3-4pm

中國古代傢具榫卯結構奇觀Get to Know the Mortise-and-Tenon Joints of Ancient Chinese Furniture一樓大堂 / 不設名額,先到先得。1/F Lobby / First come, first served.

「粵港兩地文化遺產保護」 講座系列Lecture Series on “The Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage in Guangdong and Hong Kong”


文化遺產保護政策下的民間實踐:開平倉東村的保育故事Cangdong Village: An NGO Project of Sustainable Cultural Heritage Conservation譚金花教授(五邑大學建築系副教授)Professor Tan Jinhua (Associate Professor, Architecture Department, Wuyi University)


和而不同:香港與內地非物質文化遺產保護工作的互動Harmonious but Different: The Interaction in Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage between Hong Kong and the Mainland鄒興華教授(香港中文大學歷史系客席副教授)Professor Chau Hing Wah (Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong )

費用全免 / 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名。Participation is free / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activity commences.

教育活動 Education Programmes 2724 9082 教育活動 Education Programmes

費用全免,惟參加者須繳付常設展覽入場費。Participation is free, subject to the purchase of a ticket to the permanent exhibition.

與中央圖書館合辦Co-organised with Hong Kong Central Library


2921 0385

4/1-1/2 ; 15/2-28/3(逢星期一 Every Mon)上午11:30-下午12:30pm

早期香港海旁模型製作Model-making: Early Hong Kong Praya

「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 每節15人 / 一人一額方式登記,先到先得,額滿即止 / 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名。Activity Room in Gallery 4 of “The Hong Kong Story” / 15 persons per session / Places will be open to participants on an individual basis; first come, first served / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activity commences.

專題展覽推廣活動Outreach Programmes for the Special Exhibition

「香港故事」特備節目 Special Programmes for "The Hong Kong Story"


親子劇場:明代文人生活雅趣Family Theatre: A Story of the Ming’s Literati

對象:適合6-12歲小朋友,並由一位家長陪同參加 Target: Children aged 6-12 with one of their parents地點:香港中央圖書館二樓兒童活動室 Venue: Children’s Activity Room, 2/F, Hong Kong Central Library名額:20對親子 Quota: 20 pairs

1/3-31/3 「明.文人.生活」圖書展覽Book Display on "Way of Living of the Ming’s Literati"

地點:香港中央圖書館三樓成人借閱圖書館Venue: Adult Lending Library, 3/F, Hong Kong Central Library

免費參觀 Free admission

3/1-31/1 ; 14/2-27/3(逢星期日 Every Sun)下午4:30-5:30pm

雜貨舖模型製作Model-making: Grocery Store

「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 每節15人 / 一人一額方式登記,先到先得,額滿即止 / 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名。Activity Room in Gallery 4 of “The Hong Kong Story” / 15 persons per session / Places will be open to participants on an individual basis; first come, first served / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activity commences.

參加辦法:入場券將於每節活動舉行前兩星期起在香港中央圖書館一樓資訊服務櫃枱派發,先到先得,額滿即止。詳情請參閱香港中央圖書館網頁。Reservation: Admission tickets will be issued two weeks before each session commences at the Information Service Counter on 1/F of the Hong Kong Central Library. First come, first served. Please visit the HKCL website for details.


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《太平山之疫》歷史劇場Historical Drama: 1894 Hong Kong Plague

「香港故事」常設展展區六 / 每節20人 / 一人一額方式登記,先到先得,額滿即止 / 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名。Gallery 6 of “The Hong Kong Story” / 20 persons per session / Places will be open to participants on an individual basis; first come, first served / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activity commences.

7/1-31/3(逢星期四 Every Thu)下午3:30-4pm下午4:15-4:45pm

考古物語 — 觸摸香港考古文物模型工作坊Hands-on Model Workshop: Learning about Archaeological Finds in Hong Kong

「香港故事」常設展 / 不設名額,先到先得。“The Hong Kong Story” Exhibition Galleries / First come, first served.


通勝看曆史The Use of Chinese Almanac


聚族而居Congregate Clansman


土地祠堂皆庇祐Chinese Family Blessing at Ancestral Hall


美之為何The Beauty of Chinese Arts


墟墟有市The Old Markets


衣裳楚楚Cheongsam and Qipao

影片欣賞 Film Shows

「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 座位20 /先到先得,滿座即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付常設展覽入場費 / 同周內星期三與星期六內容相同 / 活動室將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。Activity Room in “The Hong Kong Story” Gallery 4 / 20 seats / First come, first served / Viewing is free, subject to the purchase of a ticket to the permanent exhibition / Identical sessions on Wed & Sat for the same week / Admitted 5 minutes before the show commences.


《緣來有段故》系列 “National Education” Series

教育活動 Education Programmes 2724 9082


教育活動 Education Programmes

影片欣賞 Film Shows


空中花園 — 沙羅洞Sha Lo Tung


隱世桃源 — 蓮麻坑Lin Ma Hang


生態樂土 — 荔枝窩Lai Chi Wo


大海之秀作 — 西貢大浪灣Tai Long Wan, Sai Kung

《山水傳奇》系列 “Hong Kong Geographic” Series

社區關懷Caring for the Community

團體預約外展工作坊Outreach Workshops by Appointments

專為本地註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設,由香港歷史博物館統籌,於各社區中心內進行外展工作坊。Specially designed for charitable or non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong, and conducted at their service centres.

費用全免 / 每月2節,名額有限,先到先得 / 有關節目及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 9082查詢。

Free for Participation / 2 sessions per month; first come, first served / For enrollment and details, please call us at 2724 9082.

7/1-31/3(逢星期一、四及五Every Mon, Thu & Fri)

「香港故事」場景模型製作Model-making: Scenes in “The Hong Kong Story”社區及長者中心 / 每節30人Community and Elderly Centres / 30 persons per session

影片均為香港電台製作節目,粵語旁述。All these video programmes are produced by RTHK and narrated in Cantonese.

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費用全免 / 每節約一小時至一小時三十分鐘 / 名額20人(包括陪同者) / 先到先得 / 請於辦公時間內致電預約。Participation is free / Each tour lasts about 1-1.5 hours / 20 persons (including minders) / First come, first served / Please make reservation during office hours.

2724 9082

博物館共融計劃Inclusive Life: Museum for All傷健共融Interactivity Scheme團體預約特別導賞及工作坊Special Guided Tours and Workshops for Groups by Appointments

4/1-31/3(逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri)上午10:15am (每月兩節 2 sessions per month)

「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞及紙模型製作工作坊Sign Interpretation Guided Tours and Paper Model-making Workshops on “The Hong Kong Story"

每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者)20 persons with hearing impairment (including minders) per session

4/1-31/3(逢星期一、四、五、六及日 Every Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun)上午10:15am (每月兩節 2 sessions per month)

「日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代」手語傳譯導賞Sign Interpretation Guided Tours to “The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection"

每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者)20 persons with hearing impairment (including minders) per session

4/1-31/3(逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri)上午10:15am (每月一節 1 session per month)

「日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代」手語傳譯、導賞及「觸摸陶塑模型」工作坊Sign Interpretation, Guided Tours and Model-touching Workshops on “The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection”

每節20名視障或聽障人士(包括陪同者)20 persons with visual or hearing impairment (including minders) per session

4/1-31/3(逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri)上午10:15am (每月四節 4 sessions per month)

「日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代」導賞及「觸摸陶塑模型」工作坊Guided Tours and Model-touching Workshops on “The Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection”

每節20名視障或智障人士(包括陪同者)20 persons with visual impairment or intellectual disabilities (including minders) per session

所有節目除特別註明外,均以粵語進行。報名及活動詳情,可瀏覽博物館網頁。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out from

教育活動 Education Programmes 比賽 Competition

康樂及文化事務署香港歷史博物館香港中文大學歷史系聯合主辦Jointly organised byHong Kong Museum of History, Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentDepartment of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港人與海Hong Kong People and the Sea

參賽者需創作三至五分鐘以粵語或普通話敘述的短片或電腦動畫,配以字幕,並提交文字 (1,000 – 1,200字為限), 簡介短片內容及製作設計概念。Participants are required to produce a video or computer animation of 3-5 minutes in duration, narrated in Cantonese or Putonghua with subtitles, as well as a brief of 1,000 to 1,200 words to introduce the content and design concept.

全港中學四年至中學六年級學生,可以個人或小組名義參賽,每組最多五位成員。The competition is open to individual students (F.4 - F.6) or a team of not more than five students.

30.6.2016 (星期四 Thursday)


3943 [email protected]




截止日期 Deadline for submission



Oceans and seas do not simply separate lands. They often demarcate civilisations and drive historical development. The sea has always played an essential role in the history of Hong Kong: settlers made their home in the bays of the region as early as the Neolithic period; Tuen Mun was a stop along the ‘Maritime Silk Road’ in the Sui and Tang dynasties; boat dwellers lived along the coast, and the major clans of the New Territories also settled in these areas; the pirate Cheung Po Tsai made a living raiding ships as maritime trade flourished between China and foreign countries; in the mid-19th century, Hong Kong was colonised by Western imperialism, while reformists in mainland China subsequently sparked a revolution; Chinese labourers travelled overseas, leaving their homeland to make a living, while Western missionaries arrived by the same route to promote Christianity and carry out relief work; the nam pak hong in Sheung Wan and Tai O's shrimp paste are just two of the many local embodiments of the sounds and smells of the sea. How can we tell stories of Hong Kong’s past through the sea?

「香港人與海」歷史短片創作比賽“Hong Kong People and the Sea” Historical Video Production Competition

For details of the competition, please check out from the website of Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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最新出版 New Publication



Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of History

Hard cover, 404 ppPrice: HK$210ISBN: 978-962-7039-88-4

現已有售Now available


The catalogue comprises over three hundred pieces (groups) of rare Ming antiques from the collections of the members of the Min Chiu Society, complemented by maps and historical images. An easy-to-understand approach has been adopted to help the readers explore in depth and reflect on Ming history, and to showcase the court art as well as the rich and diverse material civilisation of the Ming dynasty. From the mid Ming onward, the Chinese society saw rapid growth of its commodity economy and underwent earth-shaking social changes while Europe also started to rise in the 16th century. This catalogue also explores foreign relations of Ming China and offers a new perspective to the study of Ming history.

香港賽馬會呈獻系列日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代 展覽圖錄The Hong Kong Jockey Club SeriesThe Radiant Ming 1368-1644 through the Min Chiu Society Collection Exhibition Catalogue

資源及服務 Resources & Services

「香港故事」常設展公眾導賞團Public Guided Tours of “The Hong Kong Story” Exhibition

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments

錄音導賞服務Audio Guide Service

手語傳譯導賞Sign Interpretation Guided Tours




Each tour lasts about 1.5 hours and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.


English PutonghuaMeeting Point


All local schools, including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, post-secondary institutions and universities, and registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations with a group of 20 or more can apply in writing for the waiver of admission charges and free guided tour. Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.


Avaliable in Cantonese, English, Putonghua and Japanese for a rental of HK$10. Please proceed to the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby for enquiries or rental.


Jointly presented by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the tours are offered for people with hearing impairment for them to better understand the history and cultural heritage of Hong Kong. Each tour lasts about 1-1.5 hours and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.

2724 9057

2724 9082

2724 9080

2724 9080

:上午11時30分 / 下午3時 (逢星期一、三至五) 上午11時30分 / 下午2時 / 下午3時 (逢星期六、日及公眾假期):下午2時30分 (逢星期六、日及公眾假期):下午3時30分 (逢星期六、日及公眾假期):地下展區一入口「導賞站」

: 11:30am / 3pm (Mon, Wed to Fri) 11:30am / 2pm / 3pm (Sat, Sun & public holidays): 2:30pm (Sat, Sun & public holidays): 3:30pm (Sat, Sun & public holidays): “Docent Stop” at Gallery 1 Entrance on G/F

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2724 9080

2724 9026

資源及服務 Resources & Services

2724 9009 / 2724 9033

外借服務Loan Out Services

團體預約館內錄像帶欣賞In-house Video Shows by Appointments

參考資料室Resource Centre


Exhibiton panels and teaching aids are offered for free loan to local registered schools and charitable or non-profit-making organizations on a first come, first served basis. Please contact our staff during office hours (9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. For details, please visit and download the application form.


Located on 2/F of the HKMH, the Resource Centre provides reference books, periodicals and audio-visual materials on Chinese and Hong Kong history, archaeology, ethnography, natural history and museology, as well as historical photos depicting early Hong Kong views. All materials are only used in the Resource Centre and not available for loan.


Available for in-house viewing by groups from local schools and registered charitable or non-profit-making orgranisations. Produced by RTHK, these video programmes on Hong Kong‘s history and culture are narrated in Cantonese. Please check out details from our website.


星期一至五 星期六


Opening Hours:Mon to Fri Sat

Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays

:上午9時30分至下午12時45分 下午2時至5時正:上午9時30分至中午12時 (須在一個工作天前預約)

: 9:30am - 12:45pm & 2pm - 5pm: 9:30am - 12nn (Appointment needs to be made one day in advance)

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專題展覽 Special Exhibition 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

22.1 – 29.6.2016

香港海防博物館專題展覽廳Thematic Exhibition Gallery,Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

防衛獎章 (1939-1945) 此獎章是頒發給一位曾於香港赤柱集中營服務的護士輔助隊成員,以表揚她的貢獻。 Defence Medal (1939-1945) The defence medal was awarded to a person who served with the Auxiliary Nursing Service throughout the internment in Stanley.




同禦鐵蹄 ── 香港的抗戰歲月

少年於香港街頭以紙張製作防毒面罩,約一九四一年。美國地理學協會圖書館,美國威斯康辛大學密爾瓦基分校圖書館藏Youngsters make paper gas masks on a Hong Kong street, cira 1941.Collection of the American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, the U.S.


20人或以上團體七折優惠;全日制學生 / 高齡人士 / 殘疾人士 (及一名陪同的看護人)半價優惠星期三免費入場


HK$10 (including special and permanent exhibitions)30% discount for groups of 20 or more;50% discount for full-time students / senior citizens / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)

Free admission on Wednesdays

Free admission for Museum Pass holders

二次世界大戰時日軍使用的雙筒望遠鏡香港歷史博物館藏品Binoculars used by the Japanese troops during the Second World WarCollection of the Hong Kong Museum of History

一九四零年一月二十九日,何甘棠在太平戲院的抗日慈善籌款晚會上,反串演出粵劇《六國大封相》。香港歷史博物館藏品Ho Kom-tong plays a female role in the Cantonese opera Joint Investiture of a Prime Minister by Six Warlords for a war resistance fundraising performance at Tai Ping Theatre on 29 January 1940.Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History

著名影星陳雲裳支持抗日,在街頭售賣 「救國花」籌款。香港各界文化促進會提供Famous film star Nancy Chan sells ‘save-the-nation flowers’ to raise funds for the anti-Japanese efforts.Courtesy of the Hong Kong Culture Association

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專題展覽 Special Exhibition 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

Japan’s occupation of the northeast provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang in 1931 following the Mukden Incident of 18 September formed the prelude to its full-scale invasion of China. After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7 July 1937, the Chinese people joined hands to put up fierce resistance. As the Japanese army advanced across the mainland, Hong Kong’s unique political and geographical position made it an ideal and major channel for the transportation of supplies to China from overseas and a base camp for promoting the anti-Japanese campaign abroad. Throughout the War of Resistance against Japan, the people of Hong Kong supported their compatriots in China with both human and material resources, and this unwavering support bears testimony to how the intimately connected people of mainland China and Hong Kong have stood by one another through thick and thin.

Under pressure from Japan, the British government banned the export from Hong Kong of military supplies such as ammunition and fuel in July 1939, but hundreds of vehicles and aircraft together with uncountable relief supplies were nevertheless transported directly from the colony to the mainland. As China’s major cities fell to the Japanese one by one, many prominent politicians, writers, artists, singers, dancers, comic artists, journalists and filmmakers came to Hong Kong, where they made use of the city’s unique location to promote anti-Japanese messages to foreign countries. Works of art, films and comics promoting the war of resistance were created by prominent cultural figures and distributed in Hong Kong, with renowned directors such as Situ Huimin and Cai Chusheng making films that encouraged the city’s population to get involved in the anti-Japanese campaign. At the same time, the Hong Kong Students’ Joint Relief Union was founded to unite local students in resistance against the Japanese invasion. Raising funds through flower sales, charity performances and fun fairs, the union‘s activities conducting promotional and education work marked the climax of the student movement in the resistance effort.

The display of invaluable artefacts and historical photographs in this exhibition sheds light on the support provided by the people of Hong Kong in the war against Japan and their contribution to the anti-Japanese efforts in mainland China as well as on the city’s days of darkness during the Japanese occupation. We hope the exhibition will give visitors a better understanding of Hong Kong’s role in the war of resistance and of how the people of Hong Kong joined hands with other patriots, guerrilla forces and international allies to fight the Japanese aggression.

Braving the Storm: Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation

公眾導賞團(粵語)Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)

2569 1248





Free guided tours in Cantonese are provided on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Each tour admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.

Permanent Exhibition: 11am & 2:15pm

Historical Trail: 3:30pm

Meeting Point: Redoubt Courtyard




公眾導賞團(粵語)Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)

全程約1 小時,每團名額30 人, 先到先得。

有興趣者可於下列時間到堡壘大堂集合:星期三、六、日及公眾假期: 下午3時

Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.

Please assemble at the Redoubt Courtyard as scheduled below: 3pm (Wed, Sat, Sun & public holidays)


The permanent exhibition depicts Hong Kong’s history of coastal defence from the Ming and Qing dynasties, the British period, Japanese invasion up to the period after Hong Kong’s return to China. Other historical military structures outside the Redoubt have been restored into a historical trail for public appreciation.

海防風雲六百年600 Years of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence

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講座 Lectures 9/1(六Sat)

親歷其境:鐵蹄下的香港生活My Experience during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong 何景安先生(香港高齡教育工作者聯誼會副會長)Mr Ho King On (Vice President, Hong Kong Senior Education Workers’ Association)


山形花又開:十八日的戰爭The Blossom in Yamagata: Battle of Hong Kong邱逸博士(嶺南大學高級講師)Dr Yau Yat (Senior Lecturer, Lingnan University)

20/2(六Sat)、 21/2(日Sun)下午2:30-5pm

軍事訓練全接觸Experiencing the Military Training

導師:香港退伍軍人聯會會員Tutor: Members of the Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen’s Association


從《經世文編》看清代海防Coastal Defence in the Qing Dynasty with Reference to Jing Shi Wen Bian

區志堅博士(樹仁大學歷史學系助理教授)Dr Au Chi Kin (Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Shue Yan University )

2569 1429

海防博物館演講廳 / 免費參加 / 座位50 / 先到先得,滿座即止。Lecture Hall, HKMCD / Free admission / 50 seats / First come, first served.

講座內容並不代表博物館立場。The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures.

海防博物館上層展覽廳及古蹟徑 / 不設名額,先到先得 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Upper Gallery and Historical Trail, HKMCD / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

27/2(六Sat)、 28/2(日Sun)下午2:30-5pm

軍服多面睇A Closer Look into the Military Uniform 導師:香港退伍軍人聯會會員Tutor: Members of the Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen’s Association


「紙摺軍備」工作坊“The Making of Paper Weapon” Workshop 導師:香港摺紙之友協會會員Tutor: Members of HKGYOU Association

教育活動 Education Programmes

專題展覽特備節目Programmes for the Special Exhibition

專題展覽特備節目Programmes for the Special Exhibition

海防博物館上層展覽廳 / 不設名額,先到先得 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Upper Gallery, HKMCD / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

海防博物館兒童角 / 每節30人 / 活動開始前15分鐘在兒童角接受報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Children’s Corner, HKMCD / 30 persons / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activities commence / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

特備節目Special Programmes

海防博物館兒童角 / 20對親子(建議由家長攜同子女參加)/ 活動開始前15分鐘在兒童角接受報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Children’s corner, HKMCD / 20 pairs (accompanied by parent is recommended) / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activity commences / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.


軍事潛望鏡製作坊The Making of Military Periscope

教育活動Education Programmes


Page 16: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the

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特備節目Special Programmes


「探索香港海防歷史之旅」攤位遊戲Game Booth: “A Journey to Explore the History of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence”


九龍寨城與侯皇廟Kowloon Walled City and Hau Wong Temple

領隊:香港考古學會Guide: Hong Kong Archaeological Society


Deadline for Application:15 Jan (Fri)If the programme is oversubscribed, participants will be selected by lot at 4 pm on 19 Jan (Tue) at the Lecture Hall, HKMCD.


東涌炮台與海防Tung Chung Fort and Coastal Defence

領隊:香港考古學會Guide: Hong Kong Archaeological Society


Deadline for Application: 3 Feb (Wed)If the programme is oversubscribed, participants will be selected by lot at 4 pm on 5 Feb (Fri) at the Lecture Hall, HKMCD.

海防博物館堡壘大堂 / 不設名額,先到先得 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Redoubt Courtyard, HKMCD / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

有關報名詳情,請參閱海防博物館網頁/參加者須年滿16歲 / 行程約3小時 / 名額20人 / 費用全免Please visit HKMCD website for details /Applicants should be aged 16 or above /Around 3 hours / 20 persons / Free of charge


戰爭的代價:萬里尋親記The Cost of War: Where are My Parents?導師:香港紅十字會Instructors: Hong Kong Red Cross


「撒拉森二型」裝甲運兵車模型製作Saracen Mark II Armoured Personnel Carrier Model-making


「復仇女神」號戰船模型製作Nemesis Warship Model-making


「萬年清」號戰船模型製作Wannianqing Warship Model-making


「彗星一型」坦克車模型製作Comet Mark I Tank Model-making

教育活動 Education Programmes

參觀活動Field Visits

親子活動Family Activity

齊來動動手 Let’s Make a Model

海防博物館演講廳及古蹟徑 / 20對 親子(建議由家長攜同子女參加) / 活動開始前15分鐘在海防博物館詢問處接受報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Lecture Hall and Historical Trail, HKMCD / 20 pairs (accompanied by parent is recommended) / Registration starts 15 minutes at the Information Counter before the activity commences / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

海防博物館兒童角 / 15對親子(10歲以下兒童需家長協助製作) / 每項活動開始前15分鐘在兒童角接受報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Children’s Corner, HKMCD / 15 pairs (accompanied by parent is required for children under 10) / Registration starts 15 minutes on the spot before the activities commence / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.


廣東戰船模型製作Guangdong Warship Model-making


「布倫南」魚雷模型製作Brennan Torpedo Model-making

2569 1429 教育活動Education Programmes

Page 17: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the

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影片欣賞Film Shows

1月份(三、日)及1/1(五)Jan (Wed and Sun) and 1/1 (Fri)


《老土正傳:烽火燃情》“Stories of our Land: Lines of Defence”

特別鳴謝香港電台Special thanks to RTHK

2月份(三、日)Feb (Wed and Sun) 下午2:30-3pm

《國殤:死亡工廠731》“Fallen Heroes: The Factory of Death – Unit 731”

3月份(三、日)、25/3(五)、26/3(六)及28/3(一)Mar (Wed and Sun) 、 25/3 (Fri) 、 26/3 (Sat) and 28/3 (Mon)下午2:30-3pm

《國殤:蔣夫人與抗戰》“Fallen Heroes: Madame Chiang and the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression”

普通話旁述、中文字幕Mandarin narration with Chinese subtitles

特別鳴謝陽光衛視 (香港) 提供上述兩套影片播放The above two video programmes come by courtesy of SUNTV (Hong Kong)

除特別註明外,所有節目均以粵語進行。報名及活動詳情,可瀏覽博物館網頁。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out from

海防博物館演講廳 / 座位30 / 先到 先得,滿座即止 / 費用全免 / 演講廳於影片放映前5分鐘開放。Lecture Hall, HKMCD / 30 seats / First come, first served / Free for viewing / Admitted 5 minutes before the show commences.

教育活動 Education Programmes

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments


All local schools, including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, post-secondary institutions and universities, and registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations with a group of 20 or more can apply in writing for the waiver of admission charges and free guided tour. Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.

團體預約特別導賞:手語傳譯導賞Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments: Sign Interpretation Guided Tours

公眾導賞團Public Guided Tours


These tours are offered for people with hearing impairment for them to learn more about the military history of Hong Kong. Each lasts about 2 hours and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.(每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)


常設展覽 :上午11時及下午2時15分古蹟徑 :下午3時30分集合地點 :堡壘大堂

Free guided tours in Cantonese are provided on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.Each tour admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.Permanent Exhibition : 11am & 2:15pmHistorical Trail : 3:30pmMeeting Point : Redoubt Courtyard

2569 1248 資源及服務 Resources & Services

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http://hk.drsunyatsen.museum資源及服務 Resources & Services 2569 1248

外借服務Loan Out Services




A new travelling exhibition entitled “Pictorial Exhibition on China’s War of Resistance against Japan” is now available for free loan. This travelling exhibition sheds light on the progress of China’s War of Resistance against Japan, the support provided by the people of Hong Kong in the fight against the Japanese aggression and the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. We hope that the exhibition will deepen the public’s understanding of this important chapter in history, so that we can all appreciate and value the courage and nobility of the many unsung heroes who battled undaunted to protect our motherland and our people. In addition, two sets of travelling exhibition,namely “History of Island East” and “Pictorial Exhibition on the Nanjing Massacre” are available for free loan to local registered schools and charitable or non-profit-making organizations on a first come, first served basis.

For details, please browse and download the application form.

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Calendar posters were widely popular in coastal cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Hong Kong during the Republican period. Fusing art with advertising, the posters were mass produced by lithography and given to customers to promote businesses. By displaying calendar posters with a variety of themes, this exhibition introduces Hong Kong's commercial activities during the Republican period as well as sheds light on some fashionable lifestyles and trends of the time.

韶光麗影-民國月份牌與摩登社會Wonderful Times, Beautiful Images: Calendar Posters and Modern Society in the Republican Period

至Until 30.3.2016

孫中山紀念館地下高層專題展覽廳UG/F, Special Exhibition Gallery, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum


20人或以上團體七折優惠;全日制學生 / 高齡人士 / 殘疾人士 (及一名陪同的看護人) 半價優惠星期三免費入場及三月十二日孫中山先生忌辰免費入場


HK$10 (including special and permanent exhibitions)30% discount for groups of 20 or more;50% discount for full-time students / senior citizens / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)

Free admission on Wednesdays and the anniversary of Dr Sun's death on 12 Mar Free admission for Museum Pass holders

專題展覽 Special Exhibition專題展覽 Special Exhibition

華商百家利有限公司海報Bakilly Co., Ltd. poster

“Ce Que Femme Veut by Gellé Frères” 香水瓶一九二零年代至一九三零年代“Ce Que Femme Veut by Gellé Frères” perfume bottle1920s - 1930s

同安保火險有限公司月份牌一九二四年至一九二五年Tung On Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. calendar poster 1924 - 1925

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清末的女革命者們Female Revolutionaries in the Late Qing Dynasty

丁潔博士(香港浸會大學歷史學系講師)Dr Ding Jie (Lecturer, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)


近代中國的革命軍事Revolutionary Military Affairs in Modern China

鄺智文博士(香港浸會大學歷史學系助理教授)Dr Kwong Chi Man (Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)


月份牌廣告畫與戰前香港華商網絡Calendar Posters and the Pre-War Chinese Merchant Network

李培德博士(香港大學饒宗頤學術館名譽研究員)Dr Lee Pui Tak (Honorary Research Fellow of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong)


This exhibition aims at explaining how Dr Sun was transformed from an aspiring medical student into a renowned revolutionary leader. Supplemented by a scene setting and historical photographs, the invaluable artefacts will help reconstruct the legendary life of this great Chinese statesman. Visitors will not only be able to get a thorough understanding of his studies and revolutionary campaign, but also understand why Dr Sun admitted that he developed his revolutionary ideas in Hong Kong.


Apart from going through Dr Sun's activities in Hong Kong, this exhibition will inspire visitors to probe into an intriguing question, that is, why and how Hong Kong in the late 19th century nurtured someone like Dr Sun Yat-sen, who possessed such progressive revolutionary ideas. With the display of invaluable artefacts, the exhibition also illustrates explicitly the role of Hong Kong as a revolutionary pivot in the late Qing era.

孫中山與近代中國Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China

孫中山時期的香港Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time

孫中山紀念館一樓1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

孫中山紀念館二樓2/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

孫中山先生的奉安大典紀念章, 一九二九年。Badge in commemoration of Dr Sun's grand funeral, 1929.

孫中山先生受洗記錄,二十世紀初。Baptism record of Dr Sun Yat-sen, early 20th century.

講座 Lectures


玻璃蝕刻小瓶子製作The Making of Small Etched Glass Bottle


石頭彩繪復活兔紙鎮製作The Making of Easter Rabbit Paperweight Stone Painting


新春大吉黏土小盆景製作The Making of Chinese New Year Potted Mandarin Tree Clay

孫中山紀念館地下高層展覽廳 / 免費 參加 / 座位40 / 先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前5分鐘開放。 Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F, SYSM / Free admission / 40 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 5 minutes before the lecture starts.

講座內容並不代表博物館立場。The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures.

孫中山紀念館二樓活動室 / 每節24人 / 下午2時起到活動室報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Activity Room, 2/F, SYSM / 24 persons per session / Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room / First come, first served / Participation is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee.

互動環節 Hands-on Activities

教育活動Education Programmes常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions



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孫中山紀念館地下高層展覽廳 / 座位40 / 演講廳將於影片放映前5分鐘開放 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費 / 香港電台製作 / 粵語旁述。Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F, SYSM / 40 seats / Registration starts 5 minutes before each show commences / First come, first served / Viewing is free, subject to the payment of the Museum’s admission fee / The video programmes are produced by the RTHK and narrated in Cantonese.

孫中山紀念館地下高層展覽廳 / 座位50 / 先到先得,額滿即止。Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F, SYSM / 50 seats / First come, first served.

影片欣賞Film Shows

特備節目Special Programme


《百年留學 : 留學與新文化運動》Hundred Years of Overseas Study: Overseas Study and the New Culture Movement

節目介紹新文化運動如何把民主、科學介紹給廣泛的民眾,推動近代中國文化 。The programme illustrates how the New Culture Movement introduced democracy and science to the common people and helped drive the development of modern Chinese culture.


木管五重奏Woodwind Quintet

由音樂事務處主辦Organised by Music Office


《百載鑪峰 : 西方式建築》 Archaeology and Antiquities: Western Architecture

節目通過介紹香港早期西式建築的特色,反映香港島早期的發展。The programme introduces how the architectural characteristics of the early Western architecture in Hong Kong reflect the city’s development.


All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out from

3580 6780教育活動 Education Programmes 資源及服務 Resources & Services

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments

團體預約特別導賞Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments

手語傳譯導賞Sign Interpretation Guided Tours


All local schools, including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary s choo l s , spec ia l s choo l s , pos t - secondary institutions and universities, and registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations with a group of 20 or more can apply in writing for the waiver of admission charges and free guided tour. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 visitors. Groups of less than 20 are required to pay the admission charges. Group visit service is available on Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday (the Museum closes on Thursday; free admission on Wednesday). Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (Monday to Friday: 9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.


Jointly presented by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the tours are offered for people with hearing impairment to enable them to learn more about Dr Sun Yat-sen and modern Chinese history. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.

(每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)



Page 22: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


公眾導賞團Public Guided Tours

探索甘棠第建築特色之旅Exploring Tour of Kom Tong Hall

錄音導賞服務 Audio Guide Service

外借展板 Loan of Exhibition Panels

紀念館導賞員將為參觀者介紹常設展覽。每團20人,全程約1小時,先到先得,額滿即止。有興趣人士可於下列時間到紀念館二樓常設展廳入口處 集合。Our docents will lead the guided tours to the permanent exhibition. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please wait at the entrance to the Permanent Exhibition Gallery, 2/F.





3/1 - 30/3星期三、日Wednesday and Sunday

17/1, 31/1, 14/2, 28/2, 6/3, 27/3星期日 Sunday

2/1 - 26/3星期六Saturday

2/1 - 26/3星期六Saturday

上午11時30分及下午2時每團20人11:30 am & 2 pm20 persons per tour

下午4時每團20人4 pm20 persons per tour

下午2時每團20人2 pm20 persons per tour

下午3時30分每團20人3:30 pm20 persons per tour

語言 Language

語言 Language

日期 Date

日期 Date

時間 Time

時間 Time

錄音導賞介紹常設展覽的精選展品。錄音導賞器材操作簡便,在展覽廳內看見這個耳筒標誌( )時,只須按下編號,展品介紹將自動播放。參觀路線及時間完全由您掌握。可供選擇語言包括粵語、普通話及英語,租用費為港幣10元。有興趣人士可到地下低層票務處辦理租用手續。

The service introduces highlight exhibits from the permanent exhibition. The audio guide equipment is easy to operate. Simply tap the numbers displayed with ( ) that can be found in the galleries. In this way you gain complete control of the route and pace of your visit. Cantonese, Putonghua and English narrations are available at a rental of HK$10. For enquiries and rental, please proceed to the Box Office, LG/F.

本館備有展覽圖板,歡迎本地註冊學校,以及慈善或非牟利機構免費借用。借用機構須自行到紀念館提取及交還。有關詳情,可瀏覽本館網頁http://hk.drsunyatsen.museum及下載申請表格。The Museum makes available exhibition panels for free loan to local registered schools and charitable or non-profit-making organizations. Borrowers are required to collect and return the panels by themselves. For details, please browse and download the application form.

資源及服務 Resources & Services 3580 6780 2367 7821 分館 Branch Museums

特備導賞團(粵語) Special Guided Tours (Cantonese)

朝夕與共 - 與退休消防員一起參觀「葛量洪號」Visit the Fireboat Alexander Grantham with the Retired Officer

團體預約特別導賞 Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments

手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

公眾導賞團(粵語) Public Guided Tours (Cantonese)

展覽館逢星期六下午3時30分提供由駐船退休消防員帶領的粵語導賞團,與參加者分享昔日駐船工作時的點滴。全程約1小時,名額20人,即場參加,先到先得,額滿即止。Every Saturday at 3:30 pm, the Museum offers Cantonese guided tours conducted by retired firefighters who used to work on the fireboat. The docents will share with visitors highlights of their work on the boat. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis.

與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦,為聽障人士提供手語傳譯服務,增進聽障人士對「葛量洪號」滅火輪的認識。每團約1小時,名額20人,先到先得,額滿即止。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內致電預約。Jointly presented by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the tours are offered for people with hearing impairment for them to learn more about the Fireboat Alexander Grantham. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.

(每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)

「葛量洪號」在香港黃埔船塢製造,除了見證香港的消防歷史外,亦反映香港上世紀五十年代的造船成就。香港歷史博物館把它列為藏品,並建設展覽館,配以獨特的消防文物和多媒體介紹,增進市民對香港海上救援工作的認識。The Alexander Grantham was built by Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd., and as an enduring witness to the history of Hong Kong’s sea rescue services, it is also a testament to the achievements of Hong Kong shipbuilding in the 1950s. The Hong Kong Museum of History acquired the fireboat for its collection, refitting it and opening it to the public in the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery. Showcasing a number of unique firefighting artefacts, the gallery offers a wealth of information displayed in multimedia format to enhance the visitors‘ understanding of marine rescue work in Hong Kong.

展覽館逢星期六、日下午2時30分提供粵語導賞服務,全程約1小時,名額20人,即場參加,先到先得,額滿即止。Cantonese guided tours are provided on Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 pm. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis.

Page 23: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


分館 Branch Museums


The exhibition hall was built adjacent to the Han tomb. In addition to the display of pottery and bronze wares excavated from the tomb, there are two exhibitions, namely ‘Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb‘ and ‘Photo Exhibition on Ancient Musical Dance Baixi Portrayed on Han Pictorial Ston‘. Visitors can have a glimpse of the interior of the tomb through the glass panel at the entrance passage, or the interactive computer model in the gallery.


This 18th-century Hakka village house is the only example of its kind in Chai Wan. To give visitors a realistic experience of how the inhabitants would have lived, the house is furnished with the objects selected from the Museum‘s collection. There are reader rails in the open ground in front of the house featuring the history of Chai Wan, the history and architecture of Law Uk, and the Hakka customs.

2386 2863

2896 7006

羅屋民俗館公告Notice on Law Uk Folk Museum

羅屋民俗館客家屋於2015年10月9日至2016年1月6日期間進行維修及翻新工程,須暫時關閉。工程期間,展覽廳如常開放。The Hakka House of the Law Uk Folk Museum is temporarily closed for maintenance and renovation works from 9 October 2015 to 6 January 2016. The exhibition gallery of the museum will remain open.

李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum


惡劣天氣特別安排 Inclement Weather Special Arrangements

教育活動安排 Education Programmes

博物館開放安排 Opening Arrangements

1. 為幼稚園 / 小學 / 特殊學校 / 兒童中心 / 老人中心及相類團體安排的戶內節目或親子活動(包括預約團體參觀及導賞服務),將於以下天氣情況取消:

i. 若天文台於節目開始前3小時懸掛3號或 以上熱帶氣旋警告信號;或

ii. 紅 / 黑色暴雨警告信號已經生效。2. 其他戶內節目(包括預約團體參觀及導賞服

務),將於以下天氣情況取消:i. 若天文台於節目開始前3小時懸掛8號或

以上熱帶氣旋警告信號;或ii. 黑色暴雨警告信號已經生效。

3. 所有戶外節目,將於以下天氣情況取消:i. 若天文台於節目開始前3小時懸掛3號或

以上熱帶氣旋警告信號;或ii. 紅 / 黑色暴雨警告信號已經生效。

4. 正在舉行的節目:如遇有天文台發出紅 / 黑色暴雨警告信號或懸掛3號熱帶氣旋警告信號,所有戶內節目將會繼續進行,而戶外節目則會取消。

5. 各項取消的活動將安排改期舉行或退款。1. Indoor programmes for Parents and Children /

Kindergartens / Primary Schools / Special Schools / Child Centres / Elderly Centres / other similar organizations (including pre-booked groups visits and guided tour services) will be cancelled under the following weather conditions:

i. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above is hoisted 3 hoursbefore the programme begins; or

ii. Red / Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.

2. Other indoor programmes (including pre-booked group visits and guided tour services) will be cancelled under the following weather conditions:

i. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above is hoisted 3 hours before the programme begins; or

ii. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.3. All outdoor programmes will be cancelled under the

following weather conditions:i. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3

or above is hoisted 3 hours before the programme begins; or

ii. Red / Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.

4. Programmes already in progress: When the Red / Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is issued, indoor programmes in progress will continue, but outdoor programmes will be cancelled immediately.

5. Cancelled visits will be postponed or refunded later. Please retain the admission letter for further arrangement.

1. 8號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號:博物館即會關閉,直至熱帶氣旋警告信號除下後,博物館會在2小時內重新開放;倘若熱帶氣旋警告信號除下時距離博物館閉館時間不足2小時,當日將不會開放。

2. 黑色暴雨警告信號:若博物館經已開放,開放時間將維持不變。若黑色暴雨警告信號在博物館開放前已經生效,博物館即不會開放,直至警告信號除下後,博物館會在2小時內重新開放;倘若信號除下時距離博物館閉館時間不足2小時,當日將不會開放。

3. 海防博物館古蹟徑安排:在海防博物館開放時段,如天文台發出雷暴警告、紅色暴雨警告,或懸掛3號熱帶氣旋警告信號,古蹟徑會暫時關閉,在古蹟徑舉行的教育及導賞活動亦會取消。待警告信號解除後,海防博物館將會在安全情況下盡快重新開放古蹟徑。

1. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above: The Museum will be closed. It will be opened as usual within 2 hours after the signal is lowered. The Museum will remain closed if the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing hour.

2. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal: If the signal is issued during the normal opening hours, the Museum will remain opened. If the signal is issued before the opening hour, the Museum will be closed. It will be opened as usual within 2 hours after the signal is cancelled. The Museum will remain closed if the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing hour.

3. Historical Trail of the Museum of Coastal Defence: If Thunderstorm Warning, Red Rainstorm Warning Signal or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is issued during the Museum's opening hours, the Historical Trail will be closed temporarily. All education activities and guided tours held at the Historical Trail will be cancelled. It will be opened after the signal is lowered, unless there is safety concern.

Page 24: museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services...25 Under the "Appreciate Hong Kong" Campaign, all museums of the Leisure and C ultural Services Department oer free admission for the


2724 9042 2724 9090 2569 1500 2569 1637 2367 6373 3580 0498

巴士站 Bus Stop:

5, 5C, 5P, 8, 8A, 28, 87D, 98P, 117R, 215P, 215X, 219X, 224X, 796P, 796X, 973, A21

尖沙咀東巴士總站 TST East Bus Terminus:

13X, 26, 35A, 41A, 98D, 98P, 208





MTR Station:

About 15-minute walk walk along Cameron Road from Exit B2 of Tsim Sha Tsui Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East.

About 20-minute walk along Austin Road from Exit D of Jordan Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East.

About 15-minute walk along the footbridge from Exit D1 of Hung Hom Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East.


85(城巴)寶馬山 小西灣

82X(新巴)循環線北角健康邨 小西灣 (經太古城中心)Bus Stop:

85 (Citybus) Braemar Hil Siu Sai Wan

82X (Firstbus) Running between North Point Healthy Village and Siu Sai Wan via Cityplaza


筲箕灣港鐵站B2出口沿指示牌步行 約15分鐘。


MTR Station:

About 15-minute walk from Exit B2 of Shau Kei Wan Station.

Carpark is open to visitors from 10 am to 5 pm. The maximum parking time is 3 hours. Please drive eastwards to Tung Hei Road, where you can see the Tam Kung Temple, shipyards and Shau Kei Wan Wholesale Fish Market. Turn left at the junction before running to the Island Eastern Corridor.

巴士站 Bus Stop:

12, 12M, 13, 23, 23B, 40, 40M, 103, H1

專線小巴 Minibus:

8, 10, 22, 22S, 28, 31



MTR Station:

Take Exit D1 or D2 of Central Station to the Mid-Levels Escalator from Central to Caine Road, and walk westwards along the pavement for around 5 minutes.

九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

香港筲箕灣東喜道175號175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong

香港中環半山衛城道7號7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, Hong Kong

開放時間:星期一、三至五:上午10時至下午6時星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館收費:見頁45入場費Opening Hours:Monday , Wednesday to Friday: 10am-6pmSaturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10am-7pmChristmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am-5pm

Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

See Admission Fees on p.45

開放時間:星期一至三、五:上午10時至下午6時星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時星期四(公眾假期、孫中山先生11月12日誕辰及3月12日忌辰除外)、農曆年初一及二休館收費:見頁45入場費Opening Hours:Monday to Wednesday, Friday: 10am-6pmSaturday, Sunday and public holidays:10am-7pmChristmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am-5pmClosed on Thursdays (except public holidays, the anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth on 12 November and death on 12 March), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

See Admission Fees on p.45

開放時間:三月至九月星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時十月至二月星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午5時星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館收費:見頁45入場費Opening Hours:March through SeptemberMonday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am-6pmOctober through FebruaryMonday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am-5pmClosed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

See Admission Fees on p.45

香港歷史博物館Hong Kong Museum of History

香港海防博物館Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

孫中山紀念館Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

李鄭屋漢墓博物館Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

羅屋民俗館Law Uk Folk Museum

2367 7821 3580 0498

2386 2863 2361 2105 2896 7006 2724 9090

開放時間:星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館Opening Hours:Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am-6pmChristmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am-5pmClosed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

免費入場 Free Admission


Opening Hours:Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am-6pm

Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am-5pm

Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

免費入場 Free Admission


標準票 10元

團體票(20人或以上) 7元

優惠票(適用於全日制學生、殘疾人士(及一名陪同的看護人)及60歲或以上人士) 5元

博物館通行證持有人 免費





Admission Fees

Standard $10

Group (20 persons or above) $7

Concession (Full-time students, $5people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder), and senior citizens aged 60 or above)

Museum Pass Holders Free

Free admission for babies and toddlers below the age of 4

Free admission on Wednesdays

Schools and charitable or non-profit-making organisations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 or more may apply for waiver of admission charges.

Free admission on the anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth (12 November) and death (12 March) for the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum.

博物館位置及入場費 Location and Admission Fees

巴士站 Bus Stop:

乘搭途經鯉景道的巴士(2A, 2X, 77, 85, 99,110, 606, 722),至鯉景灣休憩公園對面下車,再沿行人路向西步行約5分鐘,經香港電影資料館至鰂魚涌公園。

Bus Stop:

Take any bus that runs via Lei King Road (2A, 2X, 77, 85, 99, 110, 606, 722). Get off opposite Lei King Wan Leisure Area and walk westwards for around 5 minutes, going past the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park.




MTR Station:

Take Exit E from Tai Koo Station, walk through Cityplaza and then cross the footbridge to the Quarry Bay Park. The walk takes about 10 minutes.

Go to Sai Wan Ho Station. Take Exit A and then head west via the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park. This walk takes about 10 minutes.

巴士站 Bus Stop:

2, 2A, 112, 796C, 970, 970X



MTR Station:

About 10-minute walk from Exit A3 of Cheung Sha Wan Station.

巴士站 Bus Stop:

8, 8I

專線小巴 Minibus:

16M, 18M, 43M, 47M, 48M

港鐵站MTR Station:


About 5-minute walk from Exit B of Chai Wan Station.

香港鰂魚涌公園Quarry Bay Park, Hong Kong

九龍深水埗東京街41號41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

香港柴灣吉勝街14號 14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

開放時間:星期一、三至日:上午10時至下午6時聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館Opening Hours:

Monday, Wednesday to Sunday: 10am-6pmChristmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 10am-5pmClosed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and the first two days of the Chinese New Year

免費入場 Free Admission

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

44 45

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