
Ti 1.1 ii *. Elc©li<m.Puhii am>, Tueadai, Sept. 11, MM,

Two hundred »rd thirteen 1 >w i flgive Wa.hburn,UepoMiran, ^ 147; Sm-vrt, D-m a;.t, 35,0«|Barn.s, Wl.iff. l^d^Bgal at in tha nme tiwnslast, Mcrill. Bapiblteaa, 30,360) S-nith,D(-B..".'iBt. 9 I'"' Rapahltebfl mtiuitv isI > ..], aisii'st t ~,,: bs( j.ftf. l-i an ine ... -,l

t. te..n».'';* teeia'ea RapaVteaa aetl gaia af;:.t tk Ihe mgtt gale rate ..f iha Btate wii mw h

0, about 80,000 more tbaa laat jear, Tbfln-tuiiaconfiiiu in flffll) Mflpflet, our laatbight'fl,N>tin.a'e. AM the Kepublican Menbaraof Con-gre.a are ,1. Tl.e Ri pu' 1 eai 8 atv eelehratlogtliir victory in thia city by a torchli^ht pr ¦.

jfluminatiou, Ac.

Widf-Atvaki- Ocmonotrntion lnAlbany.

Ai bbbt, Tiu_.'lav Bept II, lHM.A g-nnd de;non_-tiation of Iba Wm - baaka Cmba of

All.tuv tad ndi -eeiit citi-a t.> pb.ce M night, aodwaa lu ly equj io the au iaipatioia of iia pr .jtacoraatd ihe niautlesi tl Bplaj yet tunde dunnjt v*9eaaapa'gBof nri'.fi rm.d poiitical oluba, A arga uamber ol perB_>n* w*re coosreirvt^tl in tbe ci y t" en* th- torchlighlrnr»f e, antl auny buiioii.^a on ti* liuo ol h w r--flu n-'imt'd Tho ol U.e preOB-aJOB W_t8moat brill-ant

fh.- li e wae forn td at aVnt 8 n'tlock, the untnbarshaitaM 'ataa ae Moaaapp trtor ae bvar in fertniog.ThBBBg ('Ial* lr "t> Kinga'oa, Uo ',,. Val.tle, tt,l> ov v»-am s.xTr,i rga U-aJiet ii. Troy, Laaiitagbargh.Ki'tieib,-k, CaaabBM, BsliiMeetflaj, .1 .nu_.ti.v-i\v_at.- foid, Caaaj b..n¦-. M i-.wk (_Ho*erari')e, Roa«diut, aadmbbI earaa ef Alflaaj Coaatj wer.-pre.i-ut,eonewitb leajM d'eymi _..The wbo'e pro_.e_.-i m aaiabeeed le tbe aatgbbMbu k!

.f i,(>0i> torcbep. ii, th»- Bfleraooa a baadaoMB b.i nertw«f hnoir Htroe- B a"- e-n-et fiom J% .1 ,-u,nil) vt_[ P,* txarii fi h ha daOMB dl v ire h' i tbe unmeT ot the Thaaaaaaal Cteba worebeeompeaied by mmti!laidaot mnwc- and uicbe.-, de<vr, witb II,aad beaaaeto

Thfl A.t.Hny ClabB WBM utiil-r lha eoramand of theirr.enidttr, .1 hlert-dith L«hd. nnd iiiHdealiaiils..T,.-h|-p^riuitf aadthewbola utt.. ra8*ewrmmeradil oaB I I'n- idet.t and bie BanifltaaU Amuag l1, i'r"¦were teveral iln'f t.f Kai] B| il M n>, weeriog '.'i-.'hirte carr.ii ir n aul«. Tbej wer*'v' I 00:>flWaag. Tha aneweioa wiM aal loae n ,tii a tu. itebour. On t-ie lu:t i.f tuani, «-v. r* h-tuui-,_ne il ¦, (flof firewoika took plaee,aadviaiti g ilu bw r.-1 m »eheerad. Pbtbobb ibraaaadtba atraaaa lo wIumm thaparade, wnicli ii«* l«i, ti.,,- (ar lha ian_.'t-t anJ tiand-Miatci j liract if tl.e ttunp . gn.

Tho Fiiaum in KnvYork.siKa. -k, I,,,. d,v. gept. ii, 1860.

Jciia A. Oreen.|jr., Ch ir^in" of the NaiooalDenn- -»i,tit' K'h e C-'-nii'-te wr, t> :, '»t er thia aora.inft to l>t-»n KicbiroDtl. «.:h-irroHn ,.t tha Doafljlu C ti

BtCapHBB lha letter 01 IJ i|-II1.IU NN i, d a, .1 \lr.Lfctiin ..f ihe Su'i (' tairitt.-.- Bad iaforml g M. K.hBMBd th*t, ia.raedi'.'i-iy up'n reeiviog n >ti-e of t'ieaeceptwice by tlie DoaMafl (,'¦.tnmi't . ... the prof) -i-tiona rtrr.iDii «-i-i't:i .- IIr. Wood, wi.i.liu at»iIoib aad half ot the Biatotfehet be(Mr. Orooa voold?rnrene bia CoMadttBB aii'l r.,iity tba i' OpuBad fusionMr (Jreen forwao<; W. Smita L-r dtriiveiyiu New>Toib toMr. DaaaHitbnjond.

A'. *m, Taaeaaj, s-pt li 1860.Uie peapaaad Baka wi.h th.- Drecai -i ga mtin-iee th« ex.:r.i: t.,pe of eoBTonatioo la p<*irelen. The S-trt-tmy t-f the Buite Committee nn I

©ther 1,-ttdii x l)r-m >< i,*ir iri-.-ive bj BBBb rn tii roniii:ii-lilr itit 118 flVIll tll" mr :: -I lr ii- 11 "I'l.'-illlffution. Thr Moekrater Union, Frankltn fl

anc a number of o ber pipen re-i.atsl b] BM l"- BJ, oiKlily d- f-lur ,11 . ifli BBCfa ttl-aitn. ihe Cox jb, waileb ifat r bletoeooMBwaagBBBaM aalbfbBlori lo tli« t'O'.e-t Brecktimen ot \Nertern Ncw-Nork. it will rapadiate ibe re-

eogahieaol aael o,r' ~r- a I aea, Tu \.t. A Ilo.A pioiiiiiu-nt I>.iiioo'iti. writini: Eroa Fr iikln, (' matjtO ilie BiaM i ...i.iiiiio-' <iiil ,r. d lhal I- lankbu will re-i ue.ate any each an .i;..l erntuge ut t,t. Araa n..;n.ot-re of tb." Stnt»- ( oti 1 Comoiittee ar° iu loaraio*day. Tbey denounce auy sucli aitcrit'i-e of priacipla ;n

BBflMBaaiad t*ru,».It it. ni,.lerrt',..| t a* a 1 Mr in ia t ith

frcm Judge I>onglae hima«-lf. ti m' y daehriegtri.tiou to deaaaaee aaj Ibaaoa _aade hi h Bwriflefloltlie true prit.ti|le of I'.' i",i ;.i y. Bbd aitb BMB wbiCbtotaeeeeal ooad diaaaioa. Ii b aa Ibareiabert aftraibd tjuarti m M I'i Bg M -'. ill openljdt'Lt-ane Bi.cb poli, v ;.¦-i., i .. .--.n.1 ih .t t:Cmtral C.'tBn.inee will j r.t a li'.al .-t.-p iu _iny fortheroaaaflMM on Lriu_iv.


Kt iiitblit'uu'.^li-i-tiiiu ut Wott ht>tt r,l*(-iiii

[Thr fol!owln| I. 1 by Ihfl r*ful*r MBgnpUflrrpo.i*!.. _^. nuutn Ta.^a, s-p. 11A Linccln m-eui: w..a bed 1.1 lha llau

b&tlle-glOULd lt .'. :l... .... I, lii-iiafdf llri'l i!-

eet BBMftbbgi ¦

nnmle BbLdeml u-'.atm. tkt i

cf l^.'1 aad 1! I, aben meetiogi utttthe rau e pol L Thana'ed at tw.-.y lo lweaty-fi»e *'

wtre utarly-'¦ taa.> eqaipp-d m d >i!l d illed lnu. hiaty tHcfip, ui...,:. .._- aaa eoaater nu

D iii.n.e- I g a".'

took pteMbetweaalha an-.i-a li¦ I- 87. I. 5iotawith Unu-'B. II '" r.'i' I. 'iu

Dolawi - .. Naai '.:'- J, Marylar.d Philreariv OOtrt BBCtioB t i f''.-.¦ r a'

fir a: d ra: ^l^ 1" I '

,_,_,]~tfa I "-ii in re

Slh^e BtMMj ',,- t., ,\-i:, I" ¦'-..¦- W'.li! d!. i, Ifl

t, ,'n thr«-3'Hnd., bptbel - be II n. .' >lm M.

II tbe Hon..' ,i Hickn Hon, W -. i>-

Kelley S. B. 8mithen, J. Aldrieb D '.''.

Pischnej Kvmi. I I, I Bmith md ^\-

Moriii) t'i J'nttd witb flaaa. aad tb

b I 1 "H. I. N r B

kel,, , | bill lop. liv-iit,'baid.- rl r

iv r_nk Tajbr oominBtlag Bayatd i»jlM bb

j :,d biniaeU a Kepotdiiflnke a folfl »fa(

.. .,.,

He wmaraalad with ehtar after cheei '¦

ni . With tb.- war <ri sof ihe A-uer.- .:.a "I Bntiflh

- io deaulv oonfl t. Mr. Sbermaa ba ba EmIthemoatinc -' -|.lJ ll.ii John CoTode nt annonoo«Itoi

i.ut wm pievent.d bv aagegfBMi ia Wefltflra 1 aaa

Joha f !'tJ ''!rradtd boaaa, aud tl.e Wi.l--,. t.ot are yrnVkdlorebeaaadlaateni andMreral m ica bi

Coiisrt-a^ioniil loabtaUfltllMM.Pobt I b'ai .1 Bead tv. Ht pt, 11, 1- 0.

,'i-bk- B. Mi L- - ,M '.""'

laatedfa L'on«r<_*B by tbe Kepoblleaaaof thaZvlhIliatritt.

Cn/ bbi ty, 5.;-: IITli^ I> r L

W. P- tx-Lell O* Uedt'.-J f<-r CflbitTeoe.Lo. b II-.. -, 1 B'Sday - il 1860.

The IJr( a XVth Cict in n luui.d t.'.e 11 ,n. .1. T. flale t'ir

i .'IU*

PeMMflTMfllfl PMllflefl|| , :-.;- S 11, Ibfifl

A _.;rt.j_rlit Ii.'ur'ie Electoral liekel Bei bBM «"-

,,!., .*.i\t- ..) ll..' i.-n.e- ou 'i.e

_iet, .i o.'liiij/ Kr. \~-ds. al 1. i I ¦"¦

xrmg mtt the ehenaee:if Ixi- .- ¦' .-' >¦ »¦' * ' K


io.ail v-u t. ai jiaapl 0,.,o l> Btlla.Wo. K OflflBM Bm*¦ >a >n BB, .i"lin Cidobn. aud j


KtporU-.l Ibtw A«liiiiiii»»lralioii in' « aiistiia.

Ti , 8 .'¦ II, 1Ttr <;;¦>¦. eftoeaj aa^ tbat h.r Edmaod II< .1

wiil BoeKmlj i*h%- Cuaada ab .i.i iba wifldleofO i

Ur Ldwill'U' ,ii...-.d,d bi8u feafl»i k VVilhaaaarj Adaiiaiati tor ef tbe (toaanaaaab-.-

BJcwa Irom IValkrr.Klu.(i,,,. raadar,Bept. 11, >*"[¦

It labebaTad tbat tbt repcil bj tl.o-"-"^,-... IPalbM'BfuMe badt*enredooedto

,,T ^-""-aSafilfcw U .omeii.welJ proviaeO. ^">', ," ', .,ntoofw:,/^,^ ..¦: '¦'¦';:.

to -ak, \Nu kor if poM le ll ia belUred WbUun wUJmarih la Niaaragaa. A reea from Knauo, ari

rlaiaae, .<.- -f ' ¦ ¦". !' l,,r "'


A t.WalhM.

HabftmhuMetfa I iiif.ti c_._jV-----'-».W.'Rf l -mt, M-W. Toeaday H p* -'¦ l^°-The 11. I nnri roea hait-c.h.H jq rtroc_ mi-

bere at \\ t.reeelrr to-de-.Tlu iift» rtmcu and evei tag ?-> \__ frr,m Boaton w*re

tvcII till* d mhh (-.|..i-HtrM fro-r* Iba \Saat_mf_ p«rt of th*BtaM und W i-i.iii n,en were bara in full BBBlbanMr. Colt of Pkte_»M baiaga an'iaiuaaia-BBBiBnBitirifi. rn t*.- Waatflt- i"> 11 of t .. s .,.-.Tie ith ol"t.'H. tVi Hti.,0 ot ih.-l|..o. Jobn H Clif-

1'HtioV tkao-kaof to-araor. trbiabaBBBataB-afllBtaV r lninee bai np ..' »ll fi-elinga «it_ rearard t<. lhalp¦..' loa. Tlie St".t.-<'.rnaii't..'Ii'i" no other rneu.

'1 ee txhu h o ei tii g tt the Hril and K rerab _en intl i r C 'ii.ii.ot'-:: Botaa Uda eveu. iv', in. aliich \V B. 1>.Bw a of florebattar arfleid*d,aad _,->«ach-*H .mi malei." t'e Fift-iilriii _i d hy OBa K"..l.uli aod Stua .' H.GrOokia. Tlu- iiiuu iiii-.r w, a f..r bu' luaionla .o' c'.tir ly po^alar 1-ljT u.any eolid men ara

Bga|i at ''.AJr. »Jemyn D,*Jier wil prabaktl he lbe Friei'lent to-

njorrow.TT.-re bae ¦>?.. r. rm rrelirninMry ~.~_>t,ri_ held Bt-Aghtt

e_ eo* aaa _l rhe B -aoo C<>m»i''f«e Kn^r_i n_d one atIba \Vorc*aier lteil Hi.d Kferat! l.en i.|.i<tr(ara.

I.." i I.ii.f "ln and Atboi A. Ij.wren.o aiil be tlie(ai.tlitiutee lor State Klex-tore at Imve.

Viiioiui! Ilorac I. .hlliiiion.Kai.aB-XOO M'-h., 8apt II IW.

Tli- National ExWbltlon of Baraaa o.'iBmf-cd barat*-tliiv I peotaia at.ilia rn r-) tnan «_er BBBBBBbPbLS"n t*..f the tiiiit-f h.ireea ;n ll." icun'ry mo ajj t-xliilijlo__.Ftr.ra Tiaipleaad Kthan A!l*.n .tmo-.gthe rm.11 r. I wo thont-ariH BB8B-I we e on tha xrocnd to-day,in.i wiibctandiim the nin.


__f__AK_A- Kl.KCTION.The orTici.-.l raaalt ef the recent Klection in thiw ieas f.illowp:For (iortrnor:

llenrv lt Beetor..30,56. K. U.Jokaaoa..88,618liftti.i'ri inaj.irily.1,960Par Mt mhtrt tt Ctmgrttti

1. T.C.HiB-i_aa.._Ot051 [Jeaae M. Criert.9,600Biadaiaa- ini.j'.iitv. 10,347

2, Tdw.W. i.antt. |i'.,.m;.i c'. B. Mitcheii.. 13,007Jaa. Aatlaaea... 8911 Gaatt'a bbbJ. 3,669Cy'eit and Joeaa aie B*ll men; all tke raal

B._ k;nr;d_e Demociata. Iie-tor n> d Gaatt (bothtl.-it.-d) rbii i*ttimp BBB-BBt the " re_ular" Demo¬cratic nominees.The M\i*>> I.'i bi noa.. Tke Ptrtlemd Ad-.

ot la-f-Bj i t Br_n_-| atur thfl c'e('ion, annouucea

tlu re-iili Bl I' 1!" wh."<;-iH' RepohH ar Vi t^y-I't rtlnl Ii"d'*e-'ned.

All Botior tn tha v\ ide-Awiikca ot Farila_a Haiaai:<liii.ii.mi i.i iiver M'l'iiir-n Tbaaaaad M.ji-itj

\\ i.i'lc ('.,i)u;--"rBi n IV'i |-i ii.-.i l{"pu'.licHn..¦ :itu td BTab ln.i"i.'li 1{-(Ki .li i.'. -I»oiii.'Iah Ao-

t iiiiii.pd nnd K aado.i rnnatpb-ni Baemralbti. lit.-lii aad Bamlin j .'.. 00 Maj .ny1"AN it i rafwaaea to ilhg.ti voiera, '. A' rtittr

-nye:We bad our eba-l tgt ra, no o of \ luck nnd anaaala,

i.i .-\'.)V ''nl "t I"'J t" :.!1.'U_a tlie illag-l"i

abico ih. Aid. I'j.e-i had akavefall. alk aad tor mainon ti.e lista aad tbia datanBtaed tone ti! nur Witle-Awake frienda haaataad n. ti e thy"Wi we i'iit aBpt-tatba B-iraraalaa_Ui_eat

nf cir frkaafl bera, when \r* BBf tka \Vido-j\vvake or-(x'ai izitioneliavi M*ad Uda c;iy."Taa Kbwi raoa Kaia_--Tka Rfoni.licana of

foakarabaaid 'lieiu-we froa Mniue, hy the ce*'-|' kBBI.^t't-re. Ht 4 a. m. *aaMf_BJ '.r^aniF'e'l a WldeAv.itke Clal), inhtle tbeir (Httiitik'ee, anl fired a r.ilateut Buniii-e. T'.e- tttt t le p Dtaaakakta tkraaaaa lo

Bta tke W.L-Awak»8 ttt a kisaek of

BA mfetiric of tbe Uontthia Central CtaatB.lga Clnb

vriie l.eli BB M"t -BJ Digbfl al tkfl ("rner ni BraadwSJantl Tliirteemh et., wli.-u a oeiiea ol re«ol I'.ionii o,v[>.>.-.-iig t'e Jiii-ion B80~Baa_.I were ail ipttd. Mr KieldMail B le:_'hy apeech in re_ard to l-BrOB, proii'Mine-ieg i aa daaora i"R io all iu Brai-eaeiM iaalra tiveof tba iitereets of tka Daaacentk party, tfl laaattablyifi.'i. V to defeat, tliriiup'if.n and di-L-nioe. Tlie at-t. inii.i ce Ht thu meeting ~ae elim..In Httakaigh, Paa, tl.e Pb-bmibUi Caaatjr Con-

vei.iieii met, on the -"'th iuat , aud, afier ronkiuK nomi-natione tor tke I .uiitv ottit¦«*. AaBBflBaljr, an.l t3tt_Ti Bni u t'. taiarai ika Craaaoa baaioa, um raiiaat ABj r¦ v--y Bb rn.y "iu.e tctvvtcri thfl I> .n^la- auii Hrcckin-

tbe foDowti g rtsoinlion wai cinied bf B.cttf ef ''ti to IT:

firi.'t..' Ibat Mthflfltr-flfltet._iflfBfllMetlflB-hfl lt I. .i.i

£ lt) , BM v I -'a' .- tO IBB N i'n al De Bflfltl v

adueat-p'i . Btd a.'l iliailr-t i.i I'latf ir ii- * I>ii. ,-iiioni n uda at Bait.

. |i. || r

(iiieot ihaBoailnoBBaartba a-aaaaBt] c-ame ont ia a

.anl the d.-xt ilay daflk-dBftkl haoar.

QMAfiD REOATTd AT -sisti 8INO.. * .

Tbe bbb-bI Pi f tka Hag Hb| M -MVa. ht Clab ibbm oti fe teraa? at Ha| Hag. _-fl

¦acbti Bartrd freai the foot (f ___a atiaat, aadcuniae extiii'hd r. Mtuitn m'a I'. int, r .-n,d a Mak"-boafl easaaflB Mdi Paiat, Ta-ryt<>-.n. and tha iea baahlOtkephMB (I i-1 u 11:. _r 1'ney tntde n mle.ndid etirt,Bad BB re l.iv, ii .1 w.iii a r_ood biee/.e BBB*-* tIie. BBrtira

Qce. A laraja namix-r of peiri.ii'' BBaaafhlad lar. t

., u pi.'FT-.j.ii.l aappar,.. . h I,. t,, irhiBh aaaplfl

wa- .l"i e. The. yavnta were difidfld bBB) two

| llowi:|e] |' .,

e'iora'1..'. r>l*.lirw.e Br rdtl-y. Sini* Sin^..1. li iU.: Bl |Sb

(. ,, >f',,r_r;,... ., ., M f Bb c Sing"...ri-tiaw.,. \ Havrrttiaw

ib. "Mi t Ltaa.

<i | Si. -

K bi (J Li > 'r.j-jtowa,.., at I. W i,,.. rr hp.ita.

...a LjOB, Sp-.ll*.i ,.-.., ;- ie as fo'.lowe: _*il8t8-MB, Old

T ; 1 lir<t pii/°; I.'t :.< ' BaCO-d prhw.-. B< r Aaa a< d L tataa. Tha ac ¦; d

i'.d at r.'h .'tn ,aad tHai'fll baa al 12b, I'.'tn.i -i' ti ¦ iv- Btag araa a-

fullowi I ¦"' >'. 3h. Ma, ic*.; <»ld T-o, :Jh :.."._..Irt..-, ll'-Ht-r Ann, Ib -BL l_B. l.'-ni.-H. Iti.

:;m. HM.Tka pr i/f - b ara Baa ailver cn|x., two lor eaeh cho*..

ibe flftk being aarardod la tba tttt baat, ii".' _Haa_dromii: aof ih« eooraa ara btfaadad

|u be iwiiity inilrf, l.nt hy B8BM adatakl the uij.-r.. -.. Bt-Boradl laitlM i ap atraaBt,

tbna BMkiog tba raa tweatj-dx M_aa. We BMBiloathin Ic BBM tli- BB a'l'-r boatl vv. i'd md BrBedl* Imve

tbi ek-Baffea ratae. kad the B-Baa-abaaawkBltatBB-Bd. Ae il whh. f.te\\b t_ i-fu-t'lo'l very

Tha f¦'! -*-"'- boala rataraed t" tie doek,ba*1agi,. ,... , j.|,M, San. 1/iu.ckei i".'a Badeoa WH<l-|o,-.« -iv....)¦.-. Mary, aadH-t_a '1 ln- OldTopear

,rtj | 'he B-ud-gataka-'";,f-


Al!BI-I '' I M^N ,"'" WOMBB OB Chaiu.i ¦.!

\.-,,-. LaM evi-i.ii".' Kiie Mare'inl Ituker nrr.-'. d

J.n nl. Miller and Miua Millnr, I.i- en-U-r, on (ikaifl ofMt-Bg tire t" the baBB-BJ Ht* KO (SaBal tttttt,')(t BpiadBytbaJera raaakMBjrk'.BrflBl ea. T«e ira ooearradBt2iii!"t-k vein'.iy Btoraiag,aad Mi Bakei tatka

i . .-. ii ,i ii'a, tl.e day k .ri.' .1 ii. ..

.* t>i. poodabad baaa prtaloaaly raaioradfra-iriBo V9 CHy HaM ptaaa, aad nl-" eaaaa

ii ** IBBM f-i'*- UapBeatlBfll Mdler Hi.'l hiahi Mr. t paa proaaaaiBg taCbaj H*J. ptaaa ke I ''mdtlie gooda in c lniKiv nt Miia, wbo Barfpaara,-Tadleie. Willt-r had ari tsaaiaaBB td ||S8 in ti.e

BaaUkaa ¦<-. araBaaCaBapaajrapaBklBBBri BalaBaaa-Tkfl ttttt* i '.vi'- Bt r.'d u|. ;.i iim h- i ri li \V,»riiStiii-)U-Il.ifj.'-e. aad wid Ubdaj ai bfaal a_____ Bl fl_

? ...

C_-C.:.v. ITeietkl V. John- :i of C.i.-gin tl.enominee of tbe Donol.iK vJ:if* ft the hi

rivid in thr. city Ihhi ev": tr ai.d i- BOW etop, iag at

ti ,. h:fth Av.-iine Bea v*. '. J. ri,*. ii. Bflrtaa. So tii.t.

mttt aad traathar paiMhihig, batl of rhe cardidneecl tbat lu !'(-t, will MBB tleir tJtJtmt (< IkaUghafil"'

vi; thej ara i naiad to tba paapaa B>-U|BtJOBl

EEPUbLWAN MEE TlSG8..Tlie THrd Ward Wub-Awake*, C»p* fl al-1 pa-

raded laat evening in nr.ifonn, with l »n-hee Llaztnir,and banrera fl^ing. to the muinc cf a bra.. iand,mairling ihron^h un-i't of tle do*TKo**n watda. Aathty |*8ied Tai TBIBOBBOBtefl we' wera buuort-dwitb a ' loraiig .u'aie, mai a brltfani dLpUvifbie-worka. Tle Thitd Ward Clab ii ¦ arly H»0itmag, aad Ib dflBflg go A aer«iee in th« bBBMMMBw l;it b we all have et, ieticIi at heart.--jttbBaattef af ihalhfatoaaal Ward R«puMi.m

Aaaocia ien at tfa. t-'-" Grand b raet la«t evening, n?-wntd t f fif.y tiimaa were flddad to th- roll. Them et-

iog waa add.-eeied by L'apt BjerBOB, Freaiden'. of IheS» ventteiith Ward Aat'xi-ttioti, who ita'"! th-it taal

orgai i/aiion wae lona'antly augmenting ia naifllxi-ai.d ln ui ihe rar.ka of ihoe- who had tiil r*.*iitlf beeatl ii appeaeela; a:_,l uhul it-i-'unce, inetiii<Bf tl e not-t active rn'mbira cf their Wi'"-Aw*k« CI llwaa; a* tha IhM »bt tion, a candidate fur Aas'ir.Myma"ontle Mf/art IIhH tii k> t. He Baid they would tifnout at ler-t a baadiadtoMtit-a from tha Se^tnt.-enthon ThnrrflHT. TLe Thirtt-eii'h Waid Wide-AwaktClub MBBM Ihia .-vtninp f»r dnll, nnd to perfert plurufur gioufi 'f. lha On J-'-r l to-iii-ir'. *. i.i^ht.

At S'uyvn-aut Iiaiinte, CI. Jm k of ItronklyuIaM evei.irg addrei&ed a Bplritad UK-etiog. bTa -v-York,i-hid Col, haa R ^reairr intereat iu tha election ottle tt xt IV r-idt i.t 8-iy ttlier a |"->t in tbe ntmtry.Si-ra Jaaaaip I, New-York baa (MpOltod over

1188,888.880ti gooih, kt iHdehaha ia raap'imible.Taiat couutry bM to pay for thoee. What put of itrotiti'l.ntfs mr*t to ar-ewt anothercriaia ! Toe8>othaayaher iuu-ie.t lagNfltflfll in tl.e Preaid'-titi-U elec-itoa, What baa ahe eoatribatodl Hareoltoal Wtll,what ia h wqnhl Whj,ateM Jaaaarj I. tbabaadvalne of cotton aapoitod la hat lii.i-t.ver |7,808,888.AI! t'fih-i' aattai pt l tehal foarparta Laadoa, Llv-erpool, CBaegow, aad Hsrre. Nv* York bMbhvpiMMBMMa w i'!i BfBBBBB, Hamburg, the Hii'.h, k'rench,and Ilti'ii-h Weat lndiea and a him.lred othpr place*.Lat!'«« a |f>tind < f BBBIea g( ne ihern ' Ni.t a pout-.lAid I ahaBaega aapef Iba grmt DeBBoaraba Mteonton le Beat ire i.. i>_-.- tha people a.'.d flh--w that theS'lih will c 'ii.tril.ute enough to p^y thi.. d -bt, or t'natthe wi oli Iftoea BobUm ra Btatoa will pav the City efNew-Voik na BaebMthe fott BepnbHeao BtalM dMiebigu Dhneii Obteaad ladiaBB TheiBMaateofCi 1 Jaeb were illns IBflfld bj! a BBMbM of amm-ini:Batedetee, ard he Bfawad hia inte-ition to do tlu'yfrum aaw flfll NoaeMbM wherav-r bawMwaatadaany n-tctinif, no matter how amall, and iu any k:iIiiv,no matter bow poM. Bk aaavhawaM Bataaad towii'i ^i.-Ht totaraal by ii <. aa liaoeo, an."i g wl.i ne

reeegntied bmbj tbnnwlj pi aaiaaat Daia eiata.te- Ihfl Biatb VVa.'t Bapablkaa Aaaoeiatiea, l>. 8.Ilwire, :'re;idrit, met at No.-Vi Itaya-d etreet laotarenl a, io. ibe reeepak b .<' aew bbbmIm ib.

TL»- Foarlh Wani BefM I'. .n Aa.-.". ia'ion met at

No.818 WOHbbi itiaH I II. M. II; i iathe cbair, aad i-K-eived aboal t-»et.tyne^ merah-rit.ihe ^N' le-AwabM, C hh Crittaadaa, Mpteia, willtiiftt at the wtme place to-oigt t for di ill. and lo m ikeairaaaaBBMbi f< m tarn out toBBonow araategi

A lari.'e and antbrn-iaatic meetingof the PoartaaaflbWanl NNiiiu-Awakes waa Lebl at the lit-ad'iuarterB,N... |-.'t. c-tn-at. bfl iv. li'icr, when it wa- r-

m It-^d to tuin u.t 10 the BBBMB tne. iie,' Bl OaOgM I nati-tnte on Thaifldaj BTaaiag. Oer'hfty iirknxin were

addt'' IB the rull..The EicM-nth Waai BepabBeaa Aaaooifltiaa,

LawkH. Wht»a, Precidei.t, met »t No. 'I Avc ine 1)laat e-Miinif Ior the reception < f new BMBhaflB, and lepaflftll BnMgBMBBlB f-; 1 IhflgMfld deint.iiatru-tion ou Tl. i niay niyi.t..Ai a large neetingof the Eleve.-i-l. Widl

Awake-, beiu a( LflgBI a Hall, No. OS Houaton b reetp ..eiii.g. JoBBpb Su. '.vh oma tht«en Caot,_,in, aiulA'txai.der WBBbmb, Ofdarfj Bargaaab The ClabpiopoaM to tara aM in all uuii...¦ flttha Ceopl.'nit n laillhaiiea ¦aattegi The II«.n. I). N. Mt r r.t

Mr.itff.-t- ibe lt .pal !i. h'i- A ti.i.- Waai al lha ball Ho.-ji Avtiit 11» ti.i* evaafa g-'Ihe l-ilv-ii'ii W-ri VNi.lfi-Awake CI ih met It-t

aifbl at No. 18 l Baj plaM, iii¦'! '¦ MMMad aa waid.BiableaaBeaM ot rttMm i ¦ mtu bi »l**- ea t^i m oitbe gnad IBIJBm i' u n.en'v a tt be h- |.l ,-.t iha OeopMIi.t-ti'ute, tbie Clab will turn ont BboM l|H* M Ba

Ti e Y. u' ie M.-i a Bapab Ic -o l aioa Clal ball M.-I .tliii-iniiiit in. t *iiL' l-irt rigM a'tht S IJBBBaM li.a'i-

lala, ueDieada y. Aftwa Mog '; I ,; Clab,th« mteiiiij; wab atidre»-^<i Bt^OMB laagth bj A. ,1

PhtaahtTtfrr wbwuxmly Bj.plau led


We L'.-t tbefbDoaing iemaof mwsfroaa latoBaaVi.- teaidee] bj -

,N tog Bteaaei \t . rande fr >m i Dtdthe" I'M-.ii-:.. Bha wll i- aaaptojadIII I .H'll' ', -< I' '.

Or ti i Itb r -i I3 Bl Bm J Ai n -. ',!,-. I'¬li, 1, bin tii-d aaalate ln honor ol ihe daj, tha abon

| idi "i

in pcrt bototed lha atan aad itri a at tba maia. Al¦,],,, 11 M K. < 0.. r-.ii "dreaaad ihlp' tliring

^, and tbe aerchant ahipi ln ^ rl b*d thafi1; : nd lha

('. iu refli I.. ii g at Maldoi aoaaluta wa radHadBBM Laflraaae um a pearing in op ia Ba

.'.-Avf.-, bat w Btotaha paebatmal adI urrpe, wbei kt -. le 4 >«:. m i! i pvn -ui >_. nt,! in Polaad, Ibwbriaging balo a timiua. ui.

Mt btoridee ill, t'.e .Irv1 raad b D Bad ttttl ipn oo aabj <'-

WBTir, ivi-re i!'.'tl li''I U.e li.onev tnalkel IU fl't.i e'a v.

fapl B. tmft,] *tot II B. M'aaaral 1 rrM-a,and^»t ..-.-. i.ti. iv.« ca i.r.-nt Britaia lathewiaedMhi.;i Ior the BBMeBEWUl '-i tt.-Ai I' l''.':ifii flu 111-.di.d n.d-J. tilv ob i'' v. h :¦ of 1 Julj 1. He aridto Bad waa bariad ifl ihi Engliah eeniaiarj oa tbeLh. A de'a. huiei.i ot Barioaa aad Mbb iaeheta ti"i"II. M. 8. OheioD ..'i.ix.i.,1.. Pa ated a ibe g <i. e

'i 11- (;. vm l.lf--. t ef Mooterideo 10 ir bItm gan-eai Btttie^rtioB T'i.- ia n in abna < dabl wbich

;i| li ilu D 'iti-i I ll ::: HU < tt f..lit)l.ll IBBB it

the old ',,,...,,, ¦- . v.-ry hfHV-i'v iiftTj alle^aaaMof iodoetrj. NeTartheleM ihroogh

ii.n-iiti tn,'.,- ,it hon >¦ ii iiii-n'i.l BBBfehaatB. it

r< bai la thal ba . n ra p rt bbm ou kt-ei^n il.i_.pkg niiv i» Bomewhal m d*rated -1 -i- ol11,0. .!..._. I..:i u a t'-'v Ili. ial ].(iniu;-:tf -, an.l J iaklii a no ii-i.'ii'i- t>> lha Stale. 'I ia exeea Ire amoont1 f ihete dnee imv i< Bndantood lr ,m ibe CbbI thallin- ,,',).tr d.v a :y'0-tun vt-r*:\, OB laai.og tha pTi,.¦ BaaciM aCu-. «id BBi two baid dollan m aaawhi'.e 00 kariiip Vonta' doo Iba daaa aaBoaated toJ'.MO, being Bearij foot nmt-a the ih paM bl thformer p< n.

....Aagottraaaeatahowaererydeairi tointroonwfcerevei praetkable, bat partj bj naana ol

--_ u ,1 | ,t.-. ..,1 tnghan illoe-t-b! rpintoa Iba partol baj an coMpalled

' riii'itii in iitiiii.' a W -D.-a-iiiff. A BOW

Maup <hw w.ut epeiaiiea 1 ;¦ ihe Ial oi Jalj,\s., 11 i.i;.. ;¦ ..¦I'v Batee, i kt lit

Dnt of |106 ata apwaidfl, vaal tegiTBaea paaaar ritigai m "1.1 Htamp nnderaain "f a beavj paaallj

Ik -..'.. tn. 11 .:' Ull'.I, ot lh' 'I BB'II,ilabora ol tha mized eoamia loa (brtheMttle-

! 1,ia h a .11.-' '-1i,ii.-v ld ><.

bave riM.I'i <l tiinn rr'r;.'en:ei.t for the pajm Bl of tbit. lt I11 iiixu bu.ente dnrvg 1 tt (y *r*,r*. TbiaflM nr

nid npon ibe ekio aale, e atdanng Iba loaa .i^i.i-^ Uti.jlaie been -.' ti-d. ><.( ln Ibe praeeM

ot thi- n -.-in . it ia, f-rh p^ M.1.;. ia. ana a ul 1 bara bi m aati

ripatd.111 iii..... Avr-_. a; ii > BailroadCobb-

paat, ii bii r. n m nl wmtl I.i,' il ti 81 k Enpi-oi'i.M-'-1/ "ii'iii--. I."- -I'pH ara "aow oa tbe wajti.i. Luu'iikI wi'h laalirial fbrtheronfl. Iboeeroad

,0 01 ibe ] --.U...I.. .*.,¦ i- ton pk lha ':' I b*.?I,,,;.. ,|, ".,]...1 and tha 8m loon wiil be, andBxpeettd the road will he opaaed befeM tba aadol lha\. it 1. iiip.i.iy .1 boadoe . uli-r ak'cg, but

...h ,.;. .i<. k Ib .... d i' 'li- CnBed BtiAt iie openiag oi .-. mv* Ni»r__a: Bahool laB -

Ajit-i -iui> is. tight ihoaaaad Bhildraa warahad Ib pea«".- "ii _

Il BWiBMB from ihe rei-ort ..' Ibe KIO Janeiro OUCowpBI v tbi.t a re« 1 d half yeuily divulaiid hbo baeuui .l fi, v. hi h, Bdd«db tbe i.'vi.iih ol. aho v* a

,, |l >. .-' ,r '',..¦.

'i'i bj hava aaarij one hni bad i-.l". <f gai m ,"-- laid,1.1.ii .ir,' 1 IK.. aofhaaia Ii-:iik Baaateaafladta Mpplj

1 v rev. JOB . la MTB '.¦' Ibi/. i ¦.- 1. 1 1 ty.'

A 11 w ai. cint-r to rct, b<tw-n ILi>n>t A) re* audV.'-r,_ ir> eaaas t:cn wi'h iba PMaM lir.e ofataMM'iir*tn HeMithtix, WM to lenve tbe latter placeAagMl Bt

/- ntbet TfaaflflHaMteal> .1 Baah ipeheeefj aea*i--t:t i- of twa tturtt ateairin., to run bntw-en Aot\.tr|i Bfld Li" .I.".in>. Al-oanother, but more rroh-J, p _-t;. 'I fl I N -.- ') k',. lr /-I, BBd Blre? I'lat-.Tt i- I ..'. i BIB'M BBf* vi- g-'-awr 1 hid

r. lari ..1 I"." b-rl+at trip iu the riv*-r^. Thia wne

1 r-,, t, 1, j ,1 t., aa ' -tl 1 '*181 la to, trmt <i-1 .>. >i «o u<»

,-., 1 ',,.,- r1 ..'.' I BBM 'li . brldffB, t.r,-| afl -r i-a-r"-i-, '.tt n- whb l"tr< l\ aaoagb w;.t<-rt 1 B »«| her, tillal la.-' it was d<-'. rmiu.1 le dflflifll fnm furtner a»-

ttBiita Bu I wrt of tho expadWoa ar» aejrn tbeir a jtotbel '"'v' b, bm thi romriiuder<t ibeespeoitioa will h"l"W iniin.'iiitt ly.

Il. i,-f'f witgiat ". '.'I' of exportfl L-..m Fi-id*Or.t'a! Pbrat iard Vi uraj, for tle tetr .Itng.|i-n:,rT I 1880: 348,738 a.'t.-d ot nnd co^-'n'efl.I r-iH,),. *:,l',-,i ,!,..; I1948S Mltad I.T- bkftBj

,(rT BaHed d 683 fl'. 0 ' P*ganeaae B838 t ¦< -"> ir.i'.->w; S.3TI haha woa L>"pathagM b.iir: 158 585 barrala b*ef.

TIIE DI8A8TEE ON LAKE M/CIID'AN.Vrrm The CMttft ¦'¦ tOXtk tP I

Obi iipaabia, ahe waa< apoatha MdwaahM raaala Wbataa, retaraefl to Ibe titvin t>o balf-pirtoaBttata. They uaweed tba hiaab farih*M or t*mt tThe ibe ta en rv dJiaettaB wm lilied arltb flMBBMlj

of r),- «r k tt> Whfch aoiii" Bftj oreixtj hmnub-i'igiwere eltaging wbea oar roportera firal anrlfad. Otha few of IbflBB rt t bed BBOta. T W anrf run fi-aMullyin shire. mid mi alnnr-t BTBTJ MBBM ih.)' wi bin a f.-w r-d-of tbi tt ara, tb bM') r.-'Ura \wi uld MM f thfiii iMiai.'i ¦¦._.-!.1 9 i h-.iilingdi.lti'.ettofihave on ti e nhore. .

Bdward Bpeaaer, a Htudent «>f the Qarret Bthneal jiDHitu'e, was ih|'«.-i.Uv prt.niiii. i.t m loi ett nt-", and|.ii,i gi i i. io ti b aarf bbIiI a ropa ii'"i roead bia body,tiitii- r.acuiiig .-.-itral frum a waterv i_r-ive.T! e atvit g of Davul son and wi'e of Mii wvikee

waatedtbe gwMiH BieiWMeat. Tht- galtaat faHaMWM UOW potne d K'unre on', npon the t.'fi "I tho «'h»-el-'loii.-f. |..'iiiig bia wife by one arm and eliogmg witbh t other t" IM fra;! ark. As he rem h-d * 'i I, tr

foi rnrf eepitefld hia raft, an.l ita burden waa flfll ffltaht lt r Bf-reral Meoada. Ibej Ti .' t1 8 wife w-Hr at hiiidd di.i'.i'i'f fr imtearafk. Taagaltaal f'H w I-r* it nud aaaa ;¦< hiew-,v _¦-iz.ii l> r. at d ft-'.'.. regataed tha wbaai-bnaaa,All ob flhaea baid thaii Eeaatb irbile tL-y appro«e u A.At BM u.ataiit they ii_-pean-d bish ia a'r, aud tt (htl.vt were buiied'ont of right beneath thd terribleMrgfBaA laat the whe^l groeaded norne d.Kta'iee trom

tlp lieach when tha man with his wife in hMflMMH i, |,.i. H and eoBmeacfd Brading to tba wa* H«had ,.,..,) i_i.iv ;. ,-ii..n .li.-i .ai't- whao he aaabbb>hanaied bnl wi mh| bt bj BpeaMr. m ntbaed ooo-.e,bm -li balfbariad ta thBaaageB, and d'a ra aahorB.XI.whe wore M»ed BBj».h So the bighaat tarBM oi

ti,.,,,,.- , ,,. c,;t..; 'ui. BfflBoa. eoM«aadar of tl.eill.fbted boat. On braidL ba wa- rII .-'^Ire^-'»nd l"-,v-erv. al^av. BCgfeOtfag baaa if nud fii-iiK f irtl.iai'. "y

.'.!,, '-.. H- v. iaaaoemAyttlamorolog oel_\ +

¦bi H-. Bti adiag ipoa a ral mi mdad. :,-vi ral otber rafte, aaa BfBgMgMd cheertegthaw

:,' dkdvi i g t! cni now i.i proeai d. Wl ih- in the vpry¦,,',i. .. nragmgothera,fl hearrrofler Btrnab Uwund waebedbtaa ifthaiafljteflflpH flf Ihfl flWiifanaad cr vwIh on ahore.Ttebooba 4 theboMl d :in3 Bt'ward'ad-^, eon-

a> w- r.oi'f :i'.i v. t i'... win MvadtBadan.mi, iii.S tfabbara,eeq., ewaarefthaboM who, togetber with iha Coreaar. Ceontj Pbyei-.>P.;.'.I htri.'i ol TflfeiaiM, ai'd B BUgB BBBber otdtbena are on hand doieg wtmtj UngtoaBaviab aadrtttfiie. Tbebnaattaef tne loaaai in Ihetrietnlty wure

vi-.v kii..i and provided aU tha aacaaflariM for u.e re-

e.iTerj of the exbaaeUd obm «i »weM aa ad.w i. a 11 r reporteia it, th -re w. r^ ro wore |i°n>. '-.*

inr'ghi,batthalabaaMeoreaad .vi^b dflbriaafttav.-,k. Tlu in.- HoQa ea waa oataide. It .a mtki wa \i tetfwr ^he I aa tii bed Uf "¦<',¦

Mavor Weatwertb diapaflflhad UfHwatflbpteaaanto 11 - Ut M "t th- ia<t^r.T -1 fo ii. .wi.- g aatoaaaflf flf fl paaM |H Hi, H, E.

S: '. af Ont BBgBBi Hl h gl"Iwaa BaleepiathaBMta'BneMMthatlweof tba

aicidn.'. Tba watebnaaeaaia ia hu told lha Biat:.t a vi .'.¦'. ba 1 run Into i. e __.e;.aier'» pr..t ¦ .).

ju.-t foi^arti ol tbe wbeeiboOBB, aml atoTB a hole inhfr. '1 he Bale nnd mvaeil went direttlv on ile< k. nndnan d Capt \\ ilaon tht ro. Tba HaeMM bad on hourd

!'o t. 180 be .-I f ealtla. Tha a "aia o I idli i- rni'l" to 11 i'.r...v u ovirl-oard. Tba) were thr wno\.-r l.y lha cow."The lii.t Bl'! tK-c^ri uttt ttttd ta the '.i'e boM to

_..,[. I. It-nk. 'II..-. lonndthe lu Ij o low that theyeoald ii ( wi Bl .t. Tba hi-r-uner WM liaUnl over, butt,, v .,',,,' iu-. _o\ Bl iIm leah.

Tko Captaio orderod all tbe pa -¦ -. n ]\rc-UtfflHIBIBi 1 tl iuk uint ol tlu in Ut' he ll.eii offdaradilociBa lotabeas«aaad iieuk Baaa taa itata-tooH

.,. thal li'.i .¦ .-''"uld i li n ta Ihen [tl tkBiailj Biiiy paaaangirflnt oal abhi _gb 1 pulled ooe

i ut m aa Boated bj iba bibib pbbm.a .ti. ti bbb ""¦ U lh. aegina ffil thr agb lha

botb ).> t,i tbaaaaaali taboald think 15 BriacflMi,,- .-. t-tiu k h--r. ihe *-ull went dowu im-mtdib^''/ trBBtogtbaharriaaaedaeb BeMiag a _<r,-a

,'... .t ,':. i-.-i !.; ¦.- w re .. n tll. .ilttri'ii.t- dOBBnbea Ibebattwantdown; tbe BMatef Ibea jaiapedofl t.-i) .-. t-.., thinkii'i/ tii ii w..iii.l i-iul.. tie-hurrii |_BBI'.ik boob Beparated into 111 ere were ...'. <»n

ihe pi-rt .... wbirb 1 WM theCaptoia WM on thir.;'I,,, mr. r<.n mi'tiv frOM Milvva-ikae, aad flis OT

oibtr fear p m a wi al ol wiib >BBB Pl "i ( "

..Wa held Bp i"iUp dOOTI foe BflBa, lad flWfldl flflbbm) ihly m far afl WiuBtba. Whaa whinaafaa ."'la

ii. .-ii- ro ti ».!>.>. .; bob eof <.' b onh r,: n.i l' .''¦:. tha Captataaad m\.-.r Tbatu t ..I i- ol tie ¦¦;' bick on. A '../ IM i ,nn« b ..i

pata ¦.'¦. ..¦ u. oi oiI b.i-ri! l :i... '..ii ¦; tha paBMngi ra; another bmWBfli Ii b ui. il ai :l i. <lr ivvi.kI. Of tba85 who weieBB "al> 8 wm- r-aved.

"Aiii- Um Bfehoal wa. lannehed, n ,*lbtbbalk, wbb bumehad two boata iren lannehed fn.-ub« ,..i,. -i ... ti-11.. 1 kiu-w ... Ij wo m b Ofl IM ¦¦'.

i: ii Mr. \* aid lha I !b '. il b Ni I d JMu .- iii t 'i'.

' W ln I. it l..-.':..i.t- Hght 'n tlu-in.-rrit'i' the fo Hv< ...-.' ,. i_,i ii ,ii,. ll ial j >n

wreeh. Ihe Cap*aio called to each ol Ib rafteaadia*.(iii'^d If hl* S-ui'li.-rn lri.-n.l- were iiho-inl. TBBJatawered frow each, tbat th.-v aran uot.

'Iii tii i.d.-i r.;. ni-..! t.. were prolmblj ('.'. .-' A.i .¦. ii (;¦! I-- .4 Nim ¦' 'r ..i. atid Mr. Qartband h 'i L of Keatat ky.

'; I.< ..:, iii w .'¦¦. BM ¦¦'. ..ii

btkm VVinetaa. Oneol tba boata, B-om the hufit-t k i-tiirti.l whb tweltra ] bb aogora, e^gbl "t wh. ui

wereMvrd Ihe beat apaettwiaB. Aiadj aad childwbowenaoathb boM ware waabad bwb] oaM mi1'ilelu . Tbavwerawaabrdofl Maaeond^iaBa aoddruwned. «>ur tafonaantata'ed aat .-iu- bbtm apakatn r iiavii <». tht Igfal ..fl ...i Ihia

..:. rttto belt ngedia Milwaakeei b weit uld .-. ttheirb

Pbom l >k- i.t-i.-The harii Mara«al, Capt.(i.l ob airiaad *t Ihiapcrt jeatarday, brioging d«tflfltitm (. ', -k Tan'a "l-lol ol .'. -. .--. Tbai-hIi ni-rlii ¦**.:,» tmnflttallj dnB,oalf 5.48H baahala.\ ,i _.' I,, i-n r ipped eiuci- 'i.e h.i-i rai r'. Tba waathMdwfogtb Brtel bai i>. m Bae, and aaaaj pai wotaBgahi -lali,!-. QnotatioM waw I -p-r l.nabel;t-X| Ofl il Bt)

Stn daj, lha .'', b, wa lo |in oteern a i '. liday, iibeing lha anniverair] ol the I rtb bj of Pi ae AH>. rt.

'I he \'iu "..i.tiin art 1.1. Iv pfl BB 1 bl lha i-luiivCi inril, :- going into affect d dial 'v.Tbebilg l.'i'.id Barrj Steela, from M w-Torkfte

Bt. li ¦-.>. i. m A Tarh a udaad on iha .'i-i.Tbe I- Bmnatte, Caboon, elaartd ow tba 33d ior

.>"- t n. _*-: hae BUBlM..¦ lha ahbj Baaa aal aa raportod aiaebed.

Y. Bfl Bo 11 .¦ Tl.e Mararal bik p BaihadM<a AagBBl I8L Anivrtl.. of A-L.-iif.iu . trrfo»»

I.i ve been nnroer n M I _b BBU i i:<> ld. Thohaflllh oft! lahaid ia u'ood. The f-jlluwitig iinuU_r, oa nawi.i u, lui_. Itenir-utd by a mercauvilaliiiri at BMtedMI

1 i. ii" Aai 1 W ..rv» bv urtn, ,,', _i

¦ ».-.«>' th*.'-..- 'I .. ...I |. l:.

,. I'-l. 1^1.1 \it .| lr..l:i t .,'lvfo

o, .. ...... r .i' '..-l "iu.. ,-t-.1 wlth tb. i. i

| Onr A. v ntl! - r.r. I- .. H |

,*. .i. p ir iaj latB aafaWfl-lta ¦-


A Ven iTaiai iv Liaaa, Lato jMtord^aftafn<. n i.i ..- Boech arreeVadaaotod thiaf, naaMdMoni^ Barris, m i I'are.- .i , . i,i.. im paahal wtMt.I'. r i. mWA t PM, on |:, _\q h\..[a. Mr. (;ruywae BBbbtag aome tadkjtelB M Bgbtb avenue car,,n I .....I hunt, wh.-ii .jie rebhaep wm. pa>patmlfldiHa fully ideiitilii-j II, ,lri-;,». .,i. ,,f tw,< per_t>u« whoWWaaaggteghhba^joal, and who (aadad againat liimaxoui. ut blMN 'iie mLieed hia wallet and money.Th* | liBBBM ir- a fl0t*d lliief, an 11 aly I ir*\ lajfl agiwaa dtaabarged ttom BtaebwaU'a Waadoaaarriiefhabaai "rju*. Xhe Bectmed wmb tflken bflflflMJa BaC. tr. ._...(.,.


TTiK TORONTO DTFKICCf.TY.tnm 0_f Oa- Beeorter-

TlBBBTn, C. W., Sept. II, XBrnXTheaiTairconceming wbkh the greateat iute .tti-

bere exl il.i'ed.the yet myNteri^ia ai.d BBBSflfllB-dMbraaaa kaiwaaa Bm Daka al Newcaetle aid theMsyor oftliu city- ie at Uda mem«ir balaBraa-arataalin New-York tlan in Tornntn: for the letterfl whichycn bave already nv-eiived hy MlagBBpk, and whichdiatloae all tbat _oedn to be known about the mat'er,are beie (lowly pnarde.d, and vithheld from publicviaw. The local newepnpere, in tlie abeeuce of directiiifoiuiuion, preaeut v_ii..Qi opiai.iua and epecaliti >n_,whcb, of conra*, failta meet the po'nt. x-c.'ly. or BBVi,fy tl e popular wieh. At preaem tli* gmend ju l_-meit aprea-8to be tha» thediffi~i,|iy it atill nn-ett'ed,and that tl.e Oiange cuthreak of 8und»y will a_t-r_.yateihe t'OTjhl.e. Aa you ha-e been infortned, no

farther dieqoiet, in tbia city at h-aet, if to bt appre-hended, either frcm tha one eaaaa or the other.A fnller etatement than that eent -y tele_r4phof tbe

oiifciu aid ihe rour-e of the tni-iind*r8taniiiiig be-t aeenihaDulefcnd tbe M.yor, Biiiy etill p »*-oen lBBflN8_BpOB the lirst letter tnrn Sir Eiiomiid lUnt,in which tl e Govemor General coniui'inieu'ed tbePukc'a unwiilii gneps to recognlze in auy rnanner the

Orange ir Bti'niioiir, the Mtftt oi Toronto conmenoedsocb inveet'gaiioi - ia ho thotu/ht tlie ca«a dem»nded.Havirg diecoveied tbat grmnd wan nkenAj broken,upon Ki_g etreet, forthe erection of nn archhytheOraiij-enven, he inteinipted the progTutA r.f the work,io Tiew of the fact that >*er_.iace>n to proceed had uot

been _iven by the city anth'.ri.ieB. Tliif waa IflBBwhh 1 o orf ertaucn cf haWrBBBi-f tttf pern-'inent ir-

pclittH.t.iirc.-, a j_.<jcr't? f the Ci-y 08888- heiogOrargeiren, the remiireion needed <t !y ti be aak-d forto beat enca gn4_-ed: but io order to hold the par;iwcmrernfd, from betirinipg to etid, as etiie'.ly reeponsi-ble whfcm tbo leg_l litritu, a epecial meeting waa

convenid, after wi ich tba work weat ou under-nftihl a.ithority. The Mayor's next fltep waa to

--r%rn in what nianner the anh wonld ba de-o-at^d,and, on receiving iufonnation tliat a piitcre of KingWilliam the Third croat bf the Boyne* aud B pa.ty le-gend were to be proniii dinp ayed BBflalaad Mtl e i--iTJRe lea^er* thtt thrve would BMtB-bBjl kfl8%-jected to. After .-ome con ilut cn, the GranJ Maiterofthe OTannemen. Mr. Job.* Hiilyard Cameror. a_reedtoettect an anaruement l.y which a ponrakof tbePiince af Wtttt ehould be i-aiietinted for Bf Kini<William, and the i-iecription "Oor (lloiiina Cmetitu-

lion,' for tbat of the o.feneivo bgend. It ir qnite pn-ba-fcl* ibht nn!y bitif of thfa fletlj/e B.I BTBI tatBB- Iba iBitled fiBt, llBt ti.ere ia nn ii BBfl tlint tbe Mi.yorkfl-Bvad tka agraflflaaal waa read. in c-od fa:th, I_aiBflBBiad, he wn/te to Sir K-unund Ile-ii ^iviug a rai-nnied..-crii'tion of tie prapeaed ar^h, apaatrjlagaflMlrdor-rnieiit-, buladblg rlie (irauge .triiiu-erown, Bcep-

Ut. and Hitle.l-y whieh it waa t'lrrnonnted. Ti_)BBeWBt he recor-ed BpB88l8d l» atd. all doabta at ret,ttt it llaBUlj stated that, 80 arranged, BBB di.-piaywi.nld be regarded w itn no dinfavor. Tl.e -rn* -tion ottl . praaaatioa waj aikarwiai twtt-d, aad baaaot aaaal.een te peued.Uu: ht Iba Ult ).' m-'it. wlie:: tka i tfti } arty

i.'reii.iy BB-rhrad al H_ahp tbe HBpea laaraad tkat,akkaagl the proa__a f tka 'n.r-gemen bad been ful-llltd eo far bs the ^ctto wa* encerned, it had 1*^11 bythem dt:er_iiued 10 r&tain ihe pictars of King \S Ahma,a« at lirM intendtti. The Mayor remcnJtra'eHl. buiwan prnaadad by -.ari'-.us_i_::rjiea.e not :o inte/t'eroBl BMBBBBt. In ivety way ho .eeiiio t. plian: tadtimid p'entbaian, ukaBB undor.bted amiabi'iry nightLat nally meibalance h;a reaoli-.tion in BBTfl BB BBgaaejliie the | i-eeent. Tal,t8 P-BM ¦! he s-n-athttbe coniif*-! of aome of" !he leadisg Rooian ( atholY",tiho inti.iated to hin tbat they.conld detect nothin-.>9en»ive in tie exbi'ition cf the | ictnra and that theyBaere icacy :o j»wh in.dt r and ealate it, M the oc I I Isor.'-|uiitd. Ihe Mayorj talkag kWe tkaerror c oon-

fiii-.iidin^ the-K)*ifi..n ot tt; Cutliuli.'e with Hia*. of tlierayal paitj, cocclndfd to offer no Vtrrlon, baiihibiMtnedtaBBB,atli)itba 6ta*aa888*Craaaaal *td tbaDaka wBfc tka aaaipaelad eaa-tga. For Ihk purpoee,ka waa akaal to raopaa a laHar wkld bai I wl writ-ter, but at the e_?ire»iion of the Ci'y Sj-li.iti.p, Mr. f.ambje, wiio waa r.bont proceed-ing, aa the repreeentative t.f rlie BMBOnBlia,to bbbB tbognart.. baaateaded aataal pa Baaaa ..:

laibalBBaaaajattaipkiBMl 1 Akkeaghiaa Kayeeii,!iIb !-"< n aad ia B-Bvaraa ioa, i-* more thaa aozioaito acc*pt lbe bia:.:? . f tbtttttilttEtllt, itt ' -nuinljappeartkatkiaoBrfl nbrta-aa trtrt tkosa ef parad tlagtbe pietare to be ('tabliehed in iin plai I ;.' aii, and f _iltag la a ::,ni'iii: »e tru- bfll by tt Itfll in tesd <*f by ondn.e.-ia_e. Mr. fjlboible, forgfiial '>r m j.i->t'nl t.f li*.

-hargB, fkiltdio inform the Duke oftl MBM inwhith Ika arch liad t>e>n uaiiy deciiated. and by.Bpreri Dting tl c condi.iou oi'ihe tiiyin tlie mi.ft f*-rorabla way, neeaeded iu brii ui ¦_ aboot lbe taadtagwuitnt Ikapra d wkl b tkaDal ibadiataedadleaiiiaBM, of aa mll gaa] teasaadaflBBd repeii upon ikfl) lahjee-Tha reaBpUoa araa ao eorvBal, and thi dieprbjwaa ra

iiD|K)ainir. that nc |r:i« n d'.'p med tc raeonaSJi r t "»

rlomlythonaplaaiaal t_rea_aaaaaM v.hith htd pre-cedeti theunivhl. Ihe gaatalpiaaaflfliaa a_aBa_ad,ta atkick, aeeordiag to promia-a, no ( rdi._. eoalslJeim Oraaga aai wa ;.i ,Larcd.a!i'i.'ii^h a Caw paaaUariflobatfakBta ta-Wiafoala worfl ...i_e ealaia upou tbeirbia.Ifl In t'.e :'.rrt of tlu BBrriagae, wkieb vvere

pn rdad bra loi MOii Iki Dakeef Bai i-''.--.tboob tl afroal teat, ridtag ba_twaid wklla Ik IViccei-hi ejpi site tn b Bb The BBaaiag whh fti Bdaaoaadwben t'ey ¦pproaahed the (irHiii-e aiib .which, itehould t-e iiieiitiui _il, vv ij habloaad aad lotoeod to . i.t ika aid Moae gata af i>err) .-. lhal aatSibiy _erejuj.t al'DUl tn jar.. undei it, li.t- PkBBM *!-_not ahaana ihe phaara al*wve. Tne Duke, of ea ir.-e,

D-kla i" bm itatBlL Ti j Piioaa, bowaaer,iin' klj polatad it' .'.a ¦' li ..i kaaa poaaftda tksa tofii.'. tha koreae, aad irhhdraw treai 11 praa a-. .n,it wuld Asenrtoly baeodOBB. B : N was too

laa, aad the eantaga Bed ,'. .<, C10 OraagaaMaf ..mi'u witli i-artiuil.'.:'tmpliHrir a-. il BB-*rgad fmmtkaakadaa of Ibaaiah, reeitaaaiu-j< co-n-

.I lueiiii to the I'l'* aad epit.Tc-t«. BgB8-8l the Duke,wka _atar appeared aure iaipe-taraaale thtm tt ti:.tbm nt .u Tke Prtaea, however, w.u, rkdklj bapat-Miai d BBl' }".-

'i ,. loaMBTal alaag, asd gradoaDj reaeLadthe _i..vii7)muiit 1. ure. bl ika88t_88t88B8rlBally,V 0 Diike -ti.t .'or tka Majar, aad reproarbfaw ith a eevrrity vr hich m .._. ra .'. d aa tOO i-vrtnu

tole wb..liy jaaB-Ud, -'.J vvhiiii cerUt'iily had a re-

Harkaklaaflkcl apea iti ntiiar?ar*edobj at, daaBMaadimint cia e BSB-MBlkiai BB 1 apaBBgMl BM .e decepliouwhich he deilaicd had Ueu pBB8B.Ml np..11 h.m. paititi-hira of ibi-. iu'.eiview, w uu __gktk-f8l-e ..iv. n, ». ie baiCly dcrirnolo to peodaBBtka tM__a8BBi witk tka aaaaaBea_wm the Duke thttBBBBB Bflajta iipaia.i'.u \fcio __Oe_a_, the l'rin?*wonld .-.rr ify hin c Lrplt ;_* n.- lyan inunedia'e depar¬ture tnm the lity. N( tkdag ft rther p_a>etl ou b'rid.iyeveiiiBg. and of the iaten lia'i_e t.i lettere yon have al-

raadjkaaaadriaad. ltisnot true, a« eoma oftheToront'i BBWapBBBia atatc. and ue otbera «l»eaherowillcoubile h i-.p-'tt Ikatt akfajaraadOaaaaaarBMtumid away fi. m the h-vee. Tie lirat letter of thoDuke flfaV-WaBBBB BBBtB-MkoW they were rociu-

neiiitd to air.-nt-i.,.i tbialaaBMaaaaaB-aail bj eid i ,,t baakaai M akalakf. Ika len.'i-e af theUl ¦to v are BB fur BB-aVtory tbat urrHngemeuta fo-ar,e.':ul pil.flatlBB t.-d..y .ttect-d. TnereMflBBBitakfl after the aB__flBBl "l ika BMtBBpBB--i.te, 88 vaa-gs ff iU tt-B-Bf 88 either aide, yet l am

¦BII t! ct a BBBBI dtgB8Bai tone on tlie part of tlieMnvor vviiild huve bBBB B-BB houomble tu himrelf,Bad w.uU avarf a)_J have plaaad _it_ire iu a more

agieeablepoallif u.

A fevr tttfttttt iee .et down fcr Saturday hflcrnoou,ven* paatpaaad _fl Wednreday, on accoant ofthe^tirmy weeBkl r. Oa r-t'iiday ev/emr_- tbe E_BflB a'-tetn 'h ".. aptj b 'al Ofgoode Hall, by ii.viutionol iha haw .Nn ety x iJijeir C'tu_vda, w'.ere Ue ra-

ce-ive. a_d a_8wered ana adiree* re-d by tbe Traaaararof the bociety, Mr. Jobn Hilljard CaaaKraa. it waa

WflBflflrB-BlBg BpactBcle to eea t in g-LU-maa-'BBr. -..n'/edbesd of tbe Orange order, whoae Bi.aleBjarl8fia_B-8BB8BBI -n;gbt have __BB_MBB- all thia

party »nmnlr»ti'8birfb,-/bo leltha Oranire prooee-lion'of F.idaf, ard who, Ni a nnblic. apeenrh on tbaaame day. talked defi^ntly ol no turrendar," aod ta-

eiated on bit claim to eea "th.. I'rinca, witboot bmn.terveution of tbe Daka of llWflBBBB1 -4B*rimt;

w.;,..ii,eai.dc-ordi«lity totbejru-.ta wh.m be aad hia

aaaaaaaa bad mttt afal bb_b-b4 Hu it secandtl at all BbIb_B__-B were to be annk toga'.Ner here; farwlcn the dancingbegun, j'i«t after the paHentaiou aftbe Hddrn--, the I' took hifl (ttati <n r.ym tbe fl tor,with Mra. J. II. Cameron aa his partm-r. The Inkaof Newcaatle nored abont tbe 88 >b«, coo-ereing arfckvariona paraona, snd lookinjr aa nncomprrnnlaiaB aaa

detennicad BB nana); ir wmld have been in>r-*ai*>lafor bim to look more eo, fur when ta p-ibiic the D ikfl'flcoiioteuano alwaya weart ao uovarying ateruoeea.aadplaiily tella of tbe moat UDBwerring tirmneari ofB__BBBBBr. The C.i.venior General fleemed lesetrau-Onil aod elowed a tn'l-Dg noeaei'ieaa of manuer.I'arl 8t Oermariifl. wirfc more activiry than n oial,walked abmt the rooma, shcdflint, bla*id goot-ca'araou all wbo approached bia. Kveiybody app-ared toact nnder an unaccn-toroed impnl^, and yet every-hody BBBBMi dinpoeed to ba st? gay ae poeerble. Thagi_viiy,.,f iba HhIIb of Juetira yieVad far t to hoaratothe treeet and Kiddiert of Bpoi .*-, aad it wa* aotuntil B o clo. V, wten Saobath warninga wera haard,tbat tbe neei ml 'ngt wparated.The n-en" of Sunday w_ the revivaf of emlh

am<nu the Orangei-en, on a-connl ofthe refntal of tbaPrince toptia unrier their arcb on bit way to chircb.It wte* not, however pot-ait le for Um t-> a.otd eeeingir, aa it roo-en King irtre* t from th*. corner Jaat oppa-eite to that on wtich rbe chnrch t*vi:r.da. Ab soon aa

the Oratiren:a.i learn*.. that the I'ridce had pri-<-*eda_ihr'rgh tbe cit v by a cir.-aitoue 1888, thtf BBBBBkMwith tbeir B-BJB, whith th.y at onoe Jiatribatad o-«r

Ika arch. in .he-no*tpr< micent poiiti ma. A ci'y AM»r--rmn who pi-e-< d bf al the t'rme, endeavoretl to a

ladcVr, with tie purpoae of rrmoving t'ie decir*»i Mfl,bot tbe aobaerailedhiui iio*cropulonely, ahakinghimttribe f round and, im.reirvi 1 r.ce, deetroy.n_ tbe ladd-r.< »*ler atfemrtr, in the eame dir.ction were eqnallyfutile. \\ 1 en the L'liuce. cama frotn tbe ci-nih, wae imnieoiat&ly aurroioded, au '. a _Vr>i*miiii-attaa waa e_preee*d io remove the hor.asa. and drag it,v. iti. it.-. oeeapaaBB, nt.der the urrh. Thi.i wae pre-veitrd by »le police. -fcer a atrcj-'/'e irt wbich t a > ar

_k*88flf the riote.'-. were taken into caat d/, au- tbacnrrii.tre wae driveu rapidly awj>y by nno'Her hidot-tr.i. T! ere were inxrlrnt cies aid hootingBat the Duke and the Gevernoi Creneral, bat na

dieplay of vio'imce excep'ioi? tbat jtiat Hllided te.Ou eveoirg, the Duk« and the 8c-ernor

waikcl out into ivuiL'etreet, to take a learer *U*w ofihe arch. WkA they were e_aminir<g it, a crowd.',(!..;. 1 *i'ar theni. with demcneir.*i;-.a8 ci rughaari. rendpr the interftrence of the police ag-iin necea-

-arv. Ils-re. an at ihe rece?tinn 8uun!ay eveniug, thaDuke aprcared perfectly nn< onoemerl, and even hiatadto the cro-tal le*. that he per-civrd no necee^lry fortheir t.t'err'aDce V\ tu the gttt oi the G-oa-an,m. n' Ilon.e, he pansed eom* minntea before r«t,r-

ing, ai d ihie'ly B_rat___8d the croni, wbich thenz) uwed |BBa an _reat kUpeBBBOB fjr diw rdei".La'er in ihe evei ing (he Or_oe,e rl.tfw were ai.1 ra-

r ored fr m the 9rch, whether by order cf the Miyoror by tbe bpon'areoaa acti u ct tbo Orcngvaien, no-

boJy leema to know. Thie DioniinaT the ci»y is 8Jfllflfl(fc the Prince '*. f?oin_ toCo!liog*7nod. nuC-ihe Hama,and a'l BBMkWaaa of party feeling, if cny were ia-t«n:sd, wculd be paiie loet.

[Bv TVVmpb.JT'.Kiimii fueadHy Se«yt. t'., 1*60.

It j"a rained ail day, in'ert.rn_ B-flBaW-Bl Wtfltbe /lince't. pn rrarrme; 1-rii ai.t-itbe'tnding thia, t_Btaiataae* aapbBnaater ahua aa Irat l-uf-ed «i.s oi-a-I t. ,\ ti ln* thi.- aiorni' g. in .;r.-v.«rt'.ar tbt Fiioce ini-rht)-t:itii -aittertf tbe BflBB blflgb The ihi b'. n-e c nt*meric*i *i I'.' o'c'cvcft. The lirrt prir-e wm vv oo I.t thaitivei oi lirm.' tbe eec-'r.rl oy tlie Glan-o of Kiig-el. n Tbe 1'riue BBBaBBtBd M baBOBM BB8BB8a8 oltie Ypc-ht rinb. The R-.v-'. rarty next a.*!it to C-iiverei'y Pink, ahi'i* lbe corn 8 f*t.>nf» waa liid for tha(^unn 3 a'atue; a.Teiwhjd to the L'niver*ii~, N>rm»l.**, 11 ..I :n d I'.if-ii il Qai-BBB, wh.-re the 1'riKip'.-iittd a m^p'e irr-e. An BB-TBM ¦'.aH pr^-rmtar atII e Oi v.rni..eii' H'.cee fro tbe Bel'evilN uVpuuiiiio,prayfi-g the Prteea t. rltl lhat ptaaa Kn:'-r»°''f'-0aj'freednai li-r_ Oraoga tatarraptkM Th PrtB a'a re-

p'v ii .'1 aled tt. ep reu'rrt tbac i'3iire en;. w*m*ntap ade i'* lo B'-cdeto th- r ,|U*8t The citykaa leu) IbiBrgfld n'l To-ni^-h'. the la'l takaap.'a'.-, ai d re iiormw the I'rir.ce g< _» to I^cieu.


-*fl.i.iur.- Itv TBB BOB. IbMEfl 8B-OGB BSa-Bll(l\. Ull tt ¦ Cl rJ-llN".

.'." :i BBTfJ M i' Ifl t i'i',: 'ng B btrge c ¦! BcBoB Ot*parpb) a.-»_.'.!. d al the corn«r e- Poarfk81-801 < n\F'..hty-i'.\'.i atiaeti in re-porv.* o .» call for a R»riiib-licaa kfaaa Meettag. A t-mponii-y Baad ' ad beaBaracud fBe ii'- ipaBhaca,hat,awiag to tha »h'.weraliel fellaboattbi :.i' ,. nai tagorgaataad,Ikapwrre obligbd to aiii< nrn to ihe b .il aad pr woad uuler

| T.

AbaadofMBBBI waa vnividej, arj for sonte ti_abef. re tlf "M.-ki * I m men i tb . .'i .-.'UrreHl pl«.o-BBl to tiie Bt-trd. Tba f l'< *vin_ clli-nn. .»f B-BII t 1 w. t i.-¦ li: F'nr I'te k_ ot \l r il V 1-

mn .; \'i.i ruablaiga Bdaaal Daitoa. kHhtaa Bmrel!, Capt. F. Kili.-u. P I Co. k i.'i K.'-rt Lenixj.Set retiiii.8. Jamej Oarlai d. BBd M. W. Tiov.

i .it pBBMoaai tatroiaaed tka Haa. Jaaaa Baiaaa,{ >b'o, vv'io addreetf-J t'*- iu.t'.,_. Ku w-td fre-ai ei tiy Hviiov.d hy e.'nie draaksa InabaaflB, wb>. aaa>

pt .',,n' uatii tu? in'ert'*.--n.>e et ti.eBOfaag thi-i . .!. rt-ad i.od conmenifd <t> aa

that partiea ol tha Viy.tiia Bill nt Itiirtta whkaBa-c.i.i.-e lhal -all aii'ii art bv nntiire rit»e a..d aaaal| Ihen,t. bi...-.".- l'lt-.'ij. :-te. aj, ruad the M-MIBbJ e_-;, ib tn n lbe Virgiala tawe:

if a firr BBB fl. "y .r> -kinr ;>r wrijr.e. ri)ai._aio th.t BtaaHbaae MB vlfbt of fiopc .. ...n. h.-ti..'. trr caBaaflla

-nr hC.i lllird r,< r\F*r 4'-,^ f C|Ila ,,, pflraflB «'ii-. '.nt t tr .».1 e v. ri >n rr p \tO*d any

bo. nr.; e. * r flag, a .ti. i l*..t te *!. iie ir i'i it.- .,i at i*tlu. Blfltf. lo Iflbl I Of '..ail- i: .n:.. *. j t or iucub.Uag iraiittna*

it . yo p. . ,1 i.trii ia tb> I" » .».... r i. he ih Jl,\. tl iBfflBtte ma X rt puij-oie of »t;v aflcfl Uoofl er wTitiafl^,

v rirenbfla tlir taaa b tball bf -r.*i. r J ia ihr Pau-tel tlbrj :. 1. ta tl Bfl V .1. I> i'lu: ;.v. jenr^

Mi ftaicoBtbaa intioonoad tha Boa. Caaaiai ¦.Fiiiainri nf Maaaaiibiiiatti. [Tl aaakaarafcaMaaaa-eliui-ette II. Tbia w:.a BM Irat.aaaka htdappeared bet^re ihttt, lia ipokaBaaaV-OaflBfl-raM:n 'jl.putli. 'olk; le.-imp'.y BB_td Baah ou* tj extn-ine tbe ftrooBfl apoi w! iakka BMod, aad lhaa .ote _a

ba ibongbt rkibt. At- ap. ke to thoee wbo Iud lahoredaad '.',!. it '...',tii ikatr iweal waa r-_u aa t-ie i-itak* iftl e Sbai,!ii;. -to -.horte mht bad mi ¦> laaaatkiag of afflek- in li-!,i "i 88. [H--J-, h--« ll w aa bo

eaull pMvi tue tcb« a voter Ueir MUMM dateniinad-_« of ike ttmtttf, and it Wh8 imp rta-t

thiit tl.v ikaald vi te aceording to pri_nKKlbe an al at aiatadoattag aaaalfra befire tho aaaatrjaaa iba-wa ofthe '« ritfriaa Tba BapakBaaB partabe d that tlu.'<.'di'."> "f the A _.*.':'hu pe b»i. liat of fnemee; BBB nertber ( _ru-*ris nor the p-o-p_ af tba IflirBory aaa aatabHab B«a~ery in'aa iVr-11, iv. kaaaaH ibe t>a8-8a-h n 'ua. uot aajaaa tido j bBeeaae Meaara vv.t aaaaaad la it. Tbr;, beii*v dtliHt ibo <>p*i irg 1 t ibe ilnve-tthde waa da-itiag it ta

.. hv.iv taafl-M Daaaaeeal -u IS-kfaajd tha11. tlir_. Jln viui Buren aaid, in a apeevb at

lieet. n, lhat he rliould rot »ote ka B«J BMB W_B _U1...1 b. ¦.-¦., NaTer/acaraa aaa) arka woald aat _Ba tai.b. li.'b ii; aad BB Woald attnin tbat obtafll by /oiagback .'irtctlt to tka prfeaif-lai of the*' tbak< publi lhat of n>. uiorv Slave Sta'ee, bo MBBB SlavaT )-ii. n-a. aod the arkhdtaaral oi .Uo Kea*r_('. re«Bfl 11.111 tri.ii. S',i. -ery, aad 'h" ab.. i ii-ci of ;.t wbereverii chi. b* reaakad i y aoBM-aBkaaal mi_ns.

.Mr. EbBB BB lhaa -.-Ats a very b_bV i..te aml »m-\ .i\.nl .- .aer_rin ol Ika di-it/mract tti* i ^Vtr*l pou..«tlpartiea, w tn fhe BBaBPtteeof the H fll party, wh**.1. >t .ne he w u> to nave no .'. ^.trine." lle haJlivcd w i> jaaia BB Korxh C_rol__», he Darrattd hiaizperienea wl.ile there ll* -, M j!pi.i,e_l to withBtBrktd BtkB-Baa tbruUKhout. bii .K,,uei.t apee-ii war iloeed by u Jt-ocii fiom K. ht.PO !., e».i.


Tue Niw-Yoi'.K 0BB1T_a Kvm aoAcCoaieaiiT...The folb.wirg ta a aut ^Taant of tbe aaroinga flf thaNt*w-\oik Cent al Kn.'.ro<_i for the month of Anga»t»lri''_, cumpait d with '.-_. eaming- for Ui* corrt-upoofliflBmi/Lib of tiu paavWaafB.81

. a*** '** tt........... itnettn

k tnc.Mae.B»Vti *

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