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    Tips for using this wordlist

    - Delete any words you already know from the list.

    - Print off what you need, when you need it: section by section, unit by unit, or print the entire wordlist.

    - Write translations in the empty column.- Copy words in the left-hand column, paste them into a new document without the translations and definitions, then test yourself.- Remember you can look up any word in an exercise in your Online Workbook to get a definition from the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Just type the

    word into the search box on each screen. You can then add the details for words in your Online Workbook that you want to learn in the space at the end of the list.

    01 A question of technology

    01 READING (Student's Book pp67)

    achieve v / t i v/ to succeed in reaching a particular goal, esp. by making an

    effort for a long timeI wonder if Mark will eventually achieve the career he is

    dreaming of.

    affordable adj / f d bl/ not too expensiveaffordable prices

    ancient adj / e n nt/ belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years inthe past

    Socrates lived in ancientAthens.



    adj /s ie t d


    if one thing is associated with another, the two things are

    connected because they happen together or one thing

    causes the other

    The town council are trying to find solutions to theproblems associated with rush hour traffic.

    attack v / tk/ to use violence to try to hit or kill sbattitude n / t tju d/ the way that you think and feel about sb/sth

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    audience n / di ns/ the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen tosth

    Many actors prefer live audiences to acting in front of a


    average adj / v r d / ordinary, not specialAn average car costs much less than a Mercedes.

    aware (of) adj / we (r) ( v)/

    knowing, realising sth

    He wasntaware ofthe danger and almost got killed.

    background n /bk ra nd


    the part of a picture, photograph or view behind the mainobjects

    a photo with the sunset in the background

    battle n / btl/ a fight between armies, ships or planes during a warbox-office


    n / b ks f s s k ses/

    a film that many people have been to see

    break up(broke,


    phr v / bre k p/ (/br k/, /br k n/)

    to separate into smaller piecesThe little boy loved to build and then break up his model


    breakthrough n /bre k ru /

    an important development that may lead to an agreement or


    a majorbreakthrough in medical research

    breathtaking adj /bre te k /

    very exciting, impressive or surprising


    budget n / b d t/ the money that is available to a person or an organisation inorder to do sth

    Ourbudgetfor our summer holidays is about 2,000 euros.

    cast n /k st/ all the people who act in a play or filmTitanic had an exceptionalcast, but Leonardo di Caprio

    was the best of all.

    Can be used either with a singular or plural verb.

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    combination n / k mb ne n/

    two or more things joined

    The accident was caused by a combination of dangerous

    driving and bad luck.

    comment n / k ment/ expressing an opinion about sthThe minister said he had no commentto make about the


    concentration n / k nsntre n/

    the ability to direct your attention towards one thing

    You have to use all your powers ofconcentration when you

    take a listening test.

    consist (of) v /k n s st ( v)/

    to be made up of, to be formed

    Your composition shouldconsist ofan introduction, three

    main paragraphs and a conclusion.

    construct v /k n str kt/ to build a road, building or machineThe Rio Antorio suspension bridge was constructedin

    2004.corridor n /

    k r d (r)/ a long narrow passage in a building

    create v /kri e t/ to make sth happen or existThe pupils createdsome beautiful paintings in their art


    crew n /kru / a group of people with special skills working togethera film crew

    demonstrate v /dem nstre


    to show and explain how sth works or how to do sth

    Mr Ferris demonstratedhow the computer program

    worked and explained several details.

    detail n / di te l/ the small facts or features of sthWhen they returned, Kate described every single detailof

    their trip.

    determined adj /d having a strong desire to do sth, so that nothing will stop

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    t m nd/ youJohn is determinedto win the first prize in the next school

    chess competition.

    do (sth) for a


    idm /du (sth)f (r)

    l v /

    do to earn the money to pay your expenses

    What does John do for a living?

    documentary n / d kjumentri/

    a film or TV programme giving facts about sth

    BBCdocumentaries on wildlife are very interesting and


    draw a


    (drew, drawn)

    phr v /dr k n klu n/

    (/dru /, /dr n/)

    to decide after having thought about all the informationconnected with the situation

    The authorities are carefully studying the accident in order

    to drawconclusions about road safety on highways.

    end up phr v /end p/ to find yourself in a place/situation that you do not want tobe inHe started stealing when he was only ten years old and at

    15 he ended up in prison.

    epic n / ep k/ a long film or book that contains a lot of action, usuallyabout a historical subject

    epic-scale adj / ep k ske l/ large-scalefeature film n / fi t (r)

    f lm/the main film you go to see at the cinema, not any short

    films that are shown before

    figure n / f (r)/ the shape of a personCan you see those twofigures in the distance?

    find out

    (found, found)

    phr v /fa nd a t/ (/fa nd/, /fa nd/)

    to get some information about sth/sb by asking, reading,


    Can youfind outwhat time our train to Bristol leaves

    tomorrow morning?

    flat n /flt/ a set of rooms for living in, including a kitchen, usually on

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    one floor

    Do you live in a house or aflat?

    fool v /fu l/ to trick sb into believing sth that is not trueAlice pretended she was sorry, but she cantfoolme!

    frequently adv /fri kw ntli


    very often

    In the summer, wefrequently go swimming at a nearby


    generate v / d en re t/ to produce or create sthThis device burns any kind of paper andgenerates heat.

    generous adj / d en r s/ ready to give or share things with other peopleget involved

    in (sth)

    v phr / et n v lvd n


    to give a lot of time or attention to sb/sth

    Fran had a lot of free time at the weekends, so she decided

    toget involved in sports.

    get rid of phr / et r d v/

    to throw sth away

    gist n /d st/ the main or general meaning of a piece of writingguy n / a / (informal) a man

    At the end of the film the badguy gets shot.

    handful (of) n / hndf l ( v)/

    a small number of people or things

    It will be a quiet gathering, only a handful ofrelatives

    have been invited.

    hey presto idm /heprest /

    people sometimes say hey presto when they have just

    done sth so quickly and easily that it seems to have been

    done by magic

    The magician put the ribbons into the hat and, heypresto,

    pulled a rabbit out of it!

    highlight v / ha la t/ to emphasisehill n /h l/ an area of land that is higher than the land around it, but not

    as high as a mountain

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    image n / m d / a picture of sb/sth seen in a mirror, through a camera, or ona television or computer

    Make sure the image is clear before you take a picture.

    imagination n / md ne n/

    the ability to create pictures in your mind

    I never said I would give you any money its all in your


    Do not confuse imaginative (a person who has a lot of

    imagination) with imaginary (a person or thing that exists

    only in ones imagination).

    impact (on) n / m pkt ( n)/

    the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth

    the impactof tourism on a countrys economy

    important adj / m p tnt/ of great valueIts importantthat students do not miss classes.

    impression n / m pre n/ an opinion

    Whats yourimpression of the new English teacher?in their own


    phr / n e (r) n ra t/

    because of their own merit or value

    inexpensive adj / n k spens v/

    not costing a lot of money

    We stayed at a smallinexpensive hotel.

    instantly adv / nst ntli/ immediatelyBe careful this rat poison is so dangerous that it couldkill you instantly!

    landscape n /lndske p/

    everything you can see when you look across a large area

    of land

    logistic adj /l d st k/ that is connected to the organisation necessary to make acomplicated plan successful Also logistical (adj)

    luxurious adj /l ri s/ very comfortable and expensivea luxurious hotel

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    manipulation n /m n pju le n/

    connected with the ability to handle objects skilfully

    mark v /m k/ to be a sign that sth new is going to happenThis speech may marka change in government policy.

    match v /mt / to be equal, to be as good, interesting, successful, etc. assb/sth else

    matter v / mt (r)/ to be important or have an important effect on sb/sthIt doesntmatterif youre late, well start without you.

    meanwhile adv / mi nwa l/ in the period of time between two times or two eventsIll pop to the shops for some groceries.Meanwhile, you

    start preparing lunch.

    multiply v / m lt pla / to increase or make sth increase very much in number oramount

    notice v / n t s/ to see or hear sb/sth; to become aware of sb/sth

    Did you notice Megans new haircut?on the part of idm / n p t

    v/made or done by somebody

    It was a mistake on the part ofour secretary.

    option n / p n/ sth that you can choose to have or doYou have two options to choose from: French or Spanish.

    ordinary adj / dnri/ normal, usualordinary people like you and me




    v / a t du / (/ a t d d/, / a t d n/)

    to do more or better than sb else

    Some local businesses have outdone big supermarket

    chains in customer service.

    passionately adv / p n tli/ in a way that shows strong feelings of enthusiasm for sth orbelief in sth

    Josh ispassionately involved in computer games he

    spends many hours in front of the screen.

    pick v /p k/ to choose

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    Pickwhichever colour you like best.

    plug (sth) into phr v /pl nt / to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the mainsupply of electricity or to another piece of electricalequipment

    Your hairdryer wont work you haventplugged it into

    the socket!

    position n /p z n/ the way in which sb is sitting or standingTo do this exercise, you start at a kneelingposition.

    practically adv / prkt kli/ almost, very nearlyThe theatre waspractically empty.

    produce v /pr dju s/ to be in charge of preparing a film, play, etc. for the publicto see

    The film didnt cost much toproduce, but it was a big hit at

    the box-office.

    promotion n /pr m n/ advertising used to increase the sales of a productpublicity n /p b l s ti/ attention from the media

    There was a lot ofpublicity for the film The Lord of theRings.

    quality n / kw l ti/ how good or bad sth isThese shoes are expensive because the leather they are

    made of is really goodquality.

    recognisable adj / rekna z bl/

    easy to identify

    Their house is easily recognisable its painted bright


    red tape n / red te p/ official rules that seem more complicated than necessaryand prevent things from being done quicklyWhen we decided to move our shop to a new location, we

    had never expected so much red tape!

    require v /r kwa (r)/ to need

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    Driving a carrequires extreme concentration.

    revolution (in) n / revlu n ( n)/

    a great change in conditions, ways of working, etc. that

    affects large numbers of peopleThe Internet brought about a revolution in communication.

    reward n /r w d/ a thing that you are given because you have done sth goodor worked hard

    a rewardfor good behaviour

    satisfying adj / st sf / giving pleasurea satisfyingjob

    scene n si n a part of a film, play or book in which the action happens inone place

    Action scenes in James Bond movies are really


    search (for) v /s t

    (f (r))/

    to look for

    shade n / e d/ the dark areas in a picture, esp. the use of these to producevariety

    Shade can also mean a particular form of a colour


    (shot, shot)

    v / u t/ (/ t/, / t/)

    to make a film or photograph of sth

    Early in the morning there wasnt enough lighttoshootthe

    scene, so we had to wait for a couple of hours.

    skilled adj /sk ld/ having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be ableto do sth well

    Skilledworkers are hard to find these days.



    v / s la z

    (w )/to go out with people and have fun

    soldier n s ld (r) a member of an army, esp. one who is not an officerspecial effects n pl / spe l

    fekts/unusual or exciting pieces of action in films or TV

    programmes, that are created by computers

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    speed n /spi d/ the rate at which sb/sth moves or travelsThe accident happened because the car was going at top


    speed up phr v /spi d p/ to make sth move or happen fasterIf you are going to finish that job by the end of the day, youwill need to speed up.

    strange adj /stre nd / unusual or surprisingThats a very strange pen; where did you find it?

    suggest v /s d est/ to state sth indirectly, to implyIm sorry, but I dont get it. Are you suggestingthat you

    might not help us?

    suitable adj / sju t bl/ or /

    su t bl/

    right for a particular purpose

    take up(took, taken)

    phr v /te k p/ (/t k/, /te k n/)

    to use time or space for an activityHer grand piano takes up almost the entire living room.



    adj / ta m k nsju m /

    taking a lot of time

    a time-consumingtask, job

    tool n /tu l/ a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve sthLanguage can be a very powerfultool, especially in


    traditional adj /tr d nl/ following older methods and ideas rather than modern ordifferent ones

    traditionalmethods of teaching

    triumph n / tra mf/ a great success, achievement or victoryJudys masters degree was certainly a personaltriumph.

    unwilling adj / n w l / not wanting to do sth and refusing to do itI cant explain why Lukes so unwillingto help Miranda.

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    variety n /v ra ti/ a number of different types of the same thingHave you tried that new variety of ice cream called Red


    visual effects n pl / v u l fekts/

    unusual or exciting pictures, scenes, etc. used in films or

    TV programmes

    vivid adj / v v d/ (of sbs imagination) able to form pictures of ideas,situations, etc. easily in the mind

    whole adj /h l/ full, completeHe spent the whole day writing.

    wire n / wa (r)/ a piece of metal in the form of thin thread that is used tocarry an electric current or signal

    work v /w k/ to have the result or effect you wantMy plan worked.

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    01 WRITING (Student's Book pp89)

    a long way phr / l we / far awaya night out idm / na t a t/ an evening that you spend enjoying yourself away from

    homeI prefera night outat a dance club to going to the cinema.

    appropriate adj / pr pri t/ suitable, correctI dont think it is appropriate to wear jeans to a funeral.

    be in the way v phr /bi n we / to block or stop sb from moving or doing sthThe traffic warden told us to move our car because itwas

    in the way.

    break the


    idm /bre k b k/

    spend more money than you can afford

    by the way phr /ba we / phrase used for adding sth to the conversation

    complaint n /k mple nt/ the act of stating reasons for not being satisfied with sthOn the whole, its an excellent hotel, although weve had afew complaints about poor room service.

    excited adj / k sa t d/ feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasmThe children were excitedabout opening their presents.

    find your way idm /fa nd j (r) we /

    to find the right route to a place

    If you cantfind your way to my office, just give me a call.

    get by

    (got, got)

    phr / et ba / (/ t/, / t/)

    to manage to live using the money you have

    I cant understand how Johngets by on so little money!

    get my own


    idm / et ma n we /

    to get or do what you want, esp. when sb has tried to stop


    Young children become very upset when they cantgettheir own way.

    give (sb) a


    phr / v (sb) r /

    to phone sb

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    go out of my


    idm / a t v ma we /

    to make a special effort to do sth

    Please dontgo out of your way to prepare something

    special for lunch; a quick snack will do.

    host family n / h st

    fm li/

    a family that has people staying at their house

    ignore v / n (r)/ to deliberately pay no attention to sth you know aboutIgnore the details and concentrate on the main ideas.

    let (sb) know v phr /let (sb) n / inform sb, tell sb about sthlook forward


    phr v /l k f w d t /

    to be thinking with pleasure about sth that is going to


    The whole family was looking forward to our trip to


    make (sb) feel

    at home

    phr /me k (sb) fi l t h m/

    to make sb feel comfortable

    mention v / men n/ to write or speak about sth without giving muchinformation

    Dont even mention his name. I hate him!

    on my way idm / n ma we / during the journeyOn your way home, can you stop at the bakers and get

    some bread?

    request v /r kwest/ to ask for sth in a polite wayrequesta brochure from a travel agency

    sights n pl /sa ts/ interesting places in a town or cityIm looking forward to going to Rome and seeing all the


    similar adj / s m l (r)/ like sb/sth but not exactly the sameWe are good friends with Vicky mainly because we have


    vegetarian n / ved a person who does not eat meat or fish

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    te ri n/

    wait around phr v /we t ra nd/

    to wait without doing very much, because you are

    expecting sb to arrive

    The actors had to wait aroundfor an hour before the

    director arrived.waste v /we st/ to use more of sth than necessary

    Dontwaste time watching TV all evening get on with

    your homework!

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    01 USE OF ENGLISH (Student's Book pp10 11)

    apparently adv / pr ntli/ it seems to beatmosphere n /

    tm sf (r )/

    the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or

    situationThe hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal


    attention n / ten n/ special care, action or treatmentNewborn babies need all ourattention.

    blanket n / bl k t/ a large woollen cover for a bedcare n /ke (r)/ the process of caring for sb/sth and providing what they


    consider v /k ns d (r)/

    to think about sth carefullyIm consideringgiving up my job and going to live in the


    development n /dvel pm nt/

    a new event or stage that is likely to affect what happens in

    a continuing situation

    The article presents the latestdevelopments in education.

    due (to) adj /dju (t )/ arranged or expectedWe are due to start our French lessons next week.

    exhausted adj / z st d/ very tiredflatmate n / fltme t/ a person who shares a flat with someone elsefocus (on) v / f k s

    ( n)/to give attention to one particular thing or subject

    Its Kens last year of studies so he shouldfocus on his

    final exams.

    generation n / d en re n/

    a stage in the development of a product

    give (sb) a lift phr / v (sb) l ft/

    to take sb to a place by car

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    go to the


    phr / t tr bl/

    to try hard to help sb

    You dont need togo to the trouble of making up a bed

    Ill sleep on the sofa.

    hand in phr v hnd n to give sth to sb in authorityWhen do we have to hand in our compositions, sir?


    (held, held)

    v /h ld/(/held/,/held/)

    to carry sth

    Can you holdthis box, while I unlock the door?

    hug v /h / to put your arms around sb and hold them tightlyinteract v / nt r kt/ to communicate with sb, esp. while you work, play or

    spend time with them

    Games help children learn how to interactwith each other.

    laptop n / lpt p/ a small computer that can work with a battery and be easilycarried

    library n / la br ri/ a building in which collections of books, newspapers, etc.are kept for people to read, study or borrowlie-in n /la n/ when you stay in bed longer than normal in the morning

    I thought Id have a lie-in this morning as theres no

    school today.

    manner n / mn (r)/ the way that sth is done or happensmove in phr v /mu v n/ to start to live in your new home

    We need to make some repairs to the house before we

    move in.

    move over phr v /mu v v (r)/

    to change your position in order to make room for sb

    Do you mindmoving overa bit to make room for another

    chair at the table?nursery n / n s ri/ a place where small children are cared for while their

    parents are at work

    observe v / b z v/ to watch sb/sth carefully, esp. to learn more about them

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    old-fashioned adj / ld f nd/


    I love the goodold-fashionedcooking of my grandmother.

    pet n /pet/ an animal, a bird, etc. that you have at home for pleasurepoint out phr v /p nt a t/ to make sth clear to sb

    Hepointed outthat it was Sunday and so the shops wouldall be closed.

    practice n / prkt s/ doing an activity regularly so that you can improve yourskill

    With some morepractice, I think Steve might win the piano


    prove v /pru v/ to show that sth is trueI know Liam is responsible for the mistake, but I cant

    prove it.

    prove to be phr /pru v t bi/ be discovered that it is

    Im sure this film willprove to be a great success.recommend v / rek

    mend/to tell sb that sth is good and that they should try it

    Can you recommendme a good book to read?

    regard v /r d/ to think of sth, to have an opinion of sthI dontregardthis problem as very serious.

    role n /r l/ the function or position that sb has or is expected to have inan organization, in society or in a relationship

    the role of the teacher in the classroom

    speech n /spi t / the ability to speakI seemed to have lost the power ofspeech.



    n /

    s bst tju t (f (r))/

    a person or thing that you use instead of the one you

    normally useRaw cane sugar is a healthiersubstitute forregular sugar.

    timing n / ta m / the act of choosing when sth happensGoodtimingis very important in the achievement of your

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    toddler n / t dl (r)/ a young child who has just learnt to walktool n /tu l/ a thing that helps you to do your job or to achieve sth

    research tools like questionnaires

    treat v /tri t/ to behave in a particular way towards sb/sthYou should always treatelderly people with respect.

    trip v /tr p/ to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fallBe careful not to trip over the childrens toys lying on the


    upset adj / p set/ worried, unhappy

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    01 LISTENING (Student's Book p12)

    adjust (to) v / d st (t )/

    to get used to a new situation

    advertisement n / dv t sm nt


    a notice, picture or film telling people about a product orservice

    According to the advertisement, you can use this liquid to

    clean almost anything at home.

    Also: advert (n) orad (n)

    approach v / pr t / to come nearAs you approach the school youll see the forest.

    arch n / t / a curved structureat one stage n /t w n

    ste d / sometime in the past

    author n / (r)/ writeravailable adj / ve l bl/ sth that you can find or buy

    Photocopies are available free of charge in the school


    behave v /b he v/ to do things in a particular wayIf you cantbehave yourselves then you will have to leave

    the classroom.

    bitter adj / b t (r)/ angry and unhappyJohn was very bitterwhen he lost his job after twenty-five


    booking n / b k / an arrangement you make in advance to buy a ticket or

    travel somewhereI think Ill make a bookingfor the Friday performance.

    border n / b d (r)/ the line that divides one country from another countryThe robbers were over the borderbefore the police could

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    catch them.

    bread bin n /bred b n/ a container for breadcant get your

    head around

    idm /k nt et j (r) hed

    ra nd/

    find sth difficult to understand

    I really cant get my head aroundhow she persuaded me

    to lend her such a big amount of money!celebrity n /s lebr ti/ a famous personcharge n /t d / the money that you pay for goods or a service

    There will be no charge for the delivery of the new fridge.

    command n /k m nd/ an orderThe lieutenant gave the commandand his men started


    company n / k mp ni/ a businessMicrosoft is the biggest software company in the world.



    adj /k n s nd

    ( ba t)/

    worried about sth

    Im concernedthat youve been missing a lot of classeslately and your marks have been going down too.

    courage n / k r d / the ability to do sth dangerous and not feel afraidMary showed greatcourage in the face of danger.

    craft n /kr ft/ a boat or shipcraftsman n /

    kr ftsm n/

    a skilled person who makes sth by hand

    customs n pl / k st mz/ the place at a port or airport where your luggage is checkeddeclaration n / dekl

    re n/ an official or formal statement

    delivery n /d l v ri/ taking goods to the people who have ordered thema delivery van

    demand n /d m nd/ the need of customers for goods or servicesThere is a huge demandfor ice cream and soft drinks at

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    the caf during the summer months.

    destination n / destne n/

    the place you are travelling to

    doorway n / d we / the opening where a door fits

    effect n / fekt/ resultThe teachers long absence had a negative effecton the

    students progress.

    effortlessly adv / ef tl sli/ needing little or no effortelegant adj / el nt/ designed well, attractive, well-dressedemployee n / m pl i / a person who is paid to work for a company

    It is a huge company with hundreds ofemployees.

    enable v / ne bl/ to give sb a way of doing sthInternet Explorerenables you to surf the net.

    enquire v / n kwa (r)/ to ask for information

    expectation n / ekspekte n/

    a belief that sth will happen because it is likelyThe expectation is that our 100-metre champion will get a

    gold medal at the Olympics.

    extract n / ekstrkt/ a short passage from a bookfacilities n pl /f s l tiz/ services or equipment provided for a particular purpose


    fair enough idm /fe (r) n f/ used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonableIf you dont like horror films,fair enough; we can watch

    something else.

    feature n / fi t (r)/ an important, interesting or typical partfill in phr v /f l n/ to complete a form with information

    If you want to take part in the competition thenfill in thisform.

    flight of stairs n /fla t v ste z/

    a series of steps between two floorsWe also say a flight of steps

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    general public n / d enr l p bl k/

    people in general

    get across

    (got, got)

    phr v / et kr s/ (/ t/, / t/)

    to communicate sth and be understood

    Some charismatic politicians manage togettheir ideas

    across very easily.go through

    (went, been)

    phr v / ru / (/went/,/bi n/)

    to experience, to suffer

    Cindy has beengoing through a very difficult period since

    her fathers death.

    handle v / hndl/ to control a vehicle/machine/toolhave (sth) to


    phr /h v t spe (r)/

    to have more than you need of sth

    honestly adv / n stli/ used to emphasise that what you are saying is true, even ifit may seem surprising

    Honestly, I have never been to a museum or art gallery.

    in the way of idm / n we v/ used to talk about the types of sth that are availableIn our village there isnt much in the way ofnightlife. Used in questions and negative sentences.

    invest (in) v / n vest ( n)/

    to spend money on sth which you believe will make a


    keep to phr v /ki p t / to continue doing or using sth and not want to change itAunt Beth always visits us on my birthday; she has kept tothis habit since I was born.

    landing n / lnd / when an aeroplane touches the groundThe experienced pilot made a very smooth landing.

    leaflet n / li fl t/ one or a few printed pages given free of charge to advertise

    or give information about sthlong-haul


    n /l h l fla t/

    a long-distance flight

    maid n /me d/ a female servant

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    make it idm /me k t/ to be successful in your careerI couldnt believe my ears when they told me Tess had

    made itas a top model!

    mind v /ma nd/ to be upset, annoyed or worried by sthIts OK; I dontmindstaying in tonight.

    minimise v / m n ma z/ to reduce the effect of sthmiss v /m s/ to fail to do or have sth

    I wasnt feeling very well, so I decided to miss my dance


    misunderstood adj / m s nd st d/

    having qualities that people do not see or fully understand

    a misunderstoodartist

    move house phr /mu v ha s/ to change the place where you liveAfter ten years in the city, we decided to move house and

    live in a village.

    nervous adj / n v s/ anxious, worried, afraidobstacle n / bst kl/ sth that makes it difficult for you to achieve sthThe fact that he didnt have a university degree was an

    obstacle to his career.

    official n / f l/ a person who is in a position of authority in a largeorganisation


    on board prep phr / n b d/ on or in a ship/train/planeoperator n / p re t (r)/ a person in charge of a telephone system

    Call 4355 and the operatorwill put you through to the

    person you want to talk to.

    originally adv / r d n li/ at the beginning, at the start of sthThis building was originally a school, but later it was

    turned into a museum.

    outstanding adj /a t excellent, fantastic

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    stnd /

    parcel n / p sl/ something that is wrapped in paper so that it can be sent bymail or given as a present

    passenger n /

    ps nd (r )/

    a person who is travelling in a car, bus, etc. and who is not

    working on it

    perfectly adv / p f ktli/ completelyYou knowperfectly well we simply cannot afford to buy a

    new car this year.

    pleasure n / ple (r)/ a feeling of being happyI read books forpleasure, not just to learn something new.

    previous adj / pri vi s/ happening before the event you are talking aboutTheprevious owner of the car was a careful driver so it is

    in very good condition.

    property n / pr p ti/ land and buildingsThisproperty, with its huge gardens, swimming pool andtennis court, is worth millions of pounds.

    provide v /pr va d/ to give sth, to make sth availableThe company Phone Awayprovides much cheaper Internet

    access than the other phone companies.

    put forward phr /p t f w d/

    to suggest an idea

    All the staff were asked toput forwardideas for saving


    quarters n pl / kw t z/ rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live inquery v / kw ri/ to ask a question/questions, esp. when you think

    information is wrongquestionnaire n / kwest

    ne (r)/ a written list of questions that people answer so that you

    can get information about their opinion

    railing n / re l / a fence made of metal bars

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    recover v /r k v (r)/ to get well again after an illnessIt took me a week to recoverfrom the flu.



    n phr / refr ns n mb (r)/

    a number that shows where sb can find a piece ofinformation

    rental n / rentl/ arrangement to rent sthresident n / rez d nt/ person who lives in a particular placeroll n /r l/ a small round loaf of bread for one personroutine n /ru ti n/ the normal order and way in which you regularly do things

    If you make exercise part of your daily routine, you will

    become fit very quickly.

    run to


    phr /r n t edju l/

    happen according to an official timetable

    senior worker n / si ni (r) w k (r)/

    a worker higher in rank or status than others

    series n / s ri z/ a number of, a set ofa series of articles in the newspaperservant n / s v nt/ a person who cleans, cooks and helps in another persons


    signature n /s n t (r)/

    your name as you usually write it at the end of a letter

    You must put yoursignature and the date in the box at the

    bottom of the form.

    soak v /s k/ to leave sth in a liquid for some time to get wetspace n /spe s/ empty area or area available for use

    It took us a long time to find a parkingspace.

    stand up for

    (stood, stood)

    phr v /stnd p f (r)/(/st d/, /st d/)

    to say sth to show that you support sth/sb

    My mum always stands up forme against my dad even ifIve done something wrong.

    standard n / stnd d/ a level of quality, esp. one that people think is acceptable

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    starve v /st v/ to suffer or die because of lack of foodThe puppies were starvingwhen we found them but weve

    given them plenty to eat and they seem much better now.

    step n /step/ a surface where you put your foot when you go up to a

    different level of a structure, e.g. stairssuit v /sju t/ or /

    su t/ to be convenient or useful

    Does two oclocksuityou for the meeting?

    survey n / s ve / an investigation of the behaviour or opinions of a group ofpeople

    take into


    phr /te k nt k n s d re n/

    to think about sth when you make a decision

    take it easy phr /te k t i zi/

    be cool and not get upset or stressed

    take its toll


    phr /te k ts t l

    ( n)/

    to cause a lot of damage

    The heavy rain took its toll on Berlin a lot of buildingswere flooded and there was chaos in the streets.

    take part in phr /te k p t n/ to participate inHow many Greek athletes took part in the 2004 Olympics?

    terminal n / t m nl/ a set of buildings at an airportWere leaving from Heathrow Airport, Terminal2.

    the dizzy

    heights of


    phr / d zi ha ts v fe m/

    an important position

    the nerve n / n v/ the courage to do sthI just didnt have the nerve to ask for a pay rise.



    v / n du / (/ n d d/, / n d n/)

    to open sth that is fastened or tied with buttons or a zip

    unpack n / n pk/ to take things out of a suitcase

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    v / n wa nd/ (/ n

    wa nd/, / n wa nd/)

    to stop worrying, to relax

    valuable adj / vlju bl/ worth a lot of moneywork out phr v /w k a t/ to calculate, to find the answer

    I cantwork outthe answer to this question.

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    01 SPEAKING (Student's Book p13)

    candidate n / knd d t/ or /

    knd de t/

    a person taking an exam

    Nearly half the FCEcandidates worldwide are Greeks.

    environmental adj / n va r n mentl/

    connected with the natural conditions in which people,

    animals and plants live

    The documentary highlighted some important


    examiner n /zm n (r)/

    a person who writes or asks the questions in an exam

    expand (on) v / k spnd ( n)/

    to add details, to talk more in order to explain

    improve v / m pru v/ to become better than beforeKevins Spanish improvedsignificantly once he got the job

    in Madrid.

    last v /l st/ to continue for a particular period of timeThe film lasts about two hours.

    neighbourhood n / ne b h d/ a district or an area of a townsurf the


    phr /s f nt net/

    to use the internet

    I was surfing the internetlooking for information on

    Indian music.

    take a deep


    phr /te k di p bre /

    to take a lot of air in through your mouth and nose

    At the top of the mountain Itook a deep breath.

    unsuitable adj / n

    sju t bl/ or / n su t bl/

    not right for a particular purpose

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    02 Work & Study

    02 READING (Students Book pp1617)

    a great deal phr / re t di l v/

    much, a lot

    air (of) n /e (r) ( v)/ feeling or impression that is given by sb/sthDespite being an amateur, the young man had the air ofa

    real professional.

    alien adj / e li n/ strange, from another country or placean alien culture

    appear v p (r) to be written or mentioned somewhereThe authors name appears on the cover of the book.

    aspire v / spa (r)/ to have a strong desire to become sth, to achieve sth

    At the moment Cindy is working as a secretary but sheaspires to greater things she hopes that one day shell be

    the manager of the company.

    bilingual adj / bal w l/

    speaking two languages very well

    bother v / b (r)/ to annoy, to upset sbcanteen n /kn ti n/ a place in a school, factory or office, where people who

    work can get their meals

    claim v /kle m/ to say that sth is true, but without proofBrian claims that his great grandfather was a prince.

    coexistence n / kz st ns/

    the state of being together in the same place at the same


    to live in a peacefulcoexistence with your neighbours

    complexity n /k mpleks ti/

    being difficult to understand

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    concede v /k n si d/ to admit that sth is truecrash course n /kr k s/ a short course of lessons, usually to prepare for a testcreep into

    (crept, crept)

    phr v /kri p ntu /


    to begin to happen

    At first she was enthusiastic about starting her own

    business but then doubts began to creep into her mind.

    custom n / k st m/ an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a societydawn on phr v /d n n/ to begin to realise sth for the first time

    It suddenly dawned on me that the reason nobody had

    phoned me on my birthday was that I had switched mymobile phone off.

    develop v /d vel p/ to gradually grow or become bigger, stronger, etc.The small seaside town quickly developedinto a major


    docks n pl /d ks/ the part of the port where goods are loaded onto shipsdrift v /dr ft/ to move along slowly in water or airBen switched off the engine and the boatdriftedslowly

    down the river.

    expect v / k spekt/ to think or believe that sth will happenWe are expectingvery cold weather next weekend.

    fade v /fe d/ to become less brightThese curtains have been at the windows all summer and

    the sunlight hasfadedthem.

    farmyard n /f mj d/

    an area that is surrounded by farm buildings

    fashion n / f n/ a popular way of behaving, doing an activity, etc.Those days thefashion was to invite the whole village to

    your childrens weddings.

    fit v /f t/ to be the right shape or size

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    These jeansfitme perfectly; theyre exactly what I needed.

    gain v / e n/ to get sthAfter all the rich food I ate at Christmas Igainedthreekilos!

    gas pedal(NAmE)

    n / s pedl/ the pedal you press to control the speed of a vehicle;BrE=accelerator

    genuine adj / d enju n/ authentic, real, trueGenuine CDs are a lot more expensive than the cheap

    copies you can buy on the street.

    glance v / l ns/ to look quickly at sthMarthaglancedat her watch and told me the time.

    gleaming adj / li m / shiningThe children stared at thegleamingsports car.

    hastily adv / he st li/ said, made or done very quicklyWhen he heard about the accident he hastily put on his

    coat and rushed out of the house.

    hint n /h nt/ sth that suggests what will happenIll give you a hintas to what your present is its small,

    shiny and expensive!

    hitch n /h t / a small problemhome-brewed


    n phr /h m bru d

    sa d (r)/

    an alcoholic drink made of apples that is made at home

    immerse v / m s/ to involve yourself completely in sthiron v / a n/ to make clothes, etc. smooth by using an ironmeticulously adv /m

    t kj l sli/ very carefully, paying attention to every detail

    minor adj / ma n (r)/ not serious or important

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    a minorproblem

    misbehaving adj / m sb he v /

    behaving badly

    never mind idm / nev (r)

    ma nd/

    used to suggest that sth is not important so one shouldnt

    worry or be upsetI cant come to the cinema tonight. Never mind, well go

    without you.

    newsroom n /nju zr m/

    the room at a newspaper office where news is received and

    prepared for printing

    not all it is

    cracked up to


    idm /n t l t z krkt p t bi/

    not as good as people think or expected

    obscurity n / bskj r ti/

    the state in which sb/sth has been forgotten

    He spent most of his life working in obscurity.

    occupy v / kjupa / to take up a lot of space or timeMy fathers huge deskoccupies nearly the whole room.ordeal n / di l/ very difficult experiencepathos n / pe s/ the power of description which produces feelings of

    sadness or pity

    patisserie n /p ti s ri/ (from French) a shop that sells cakespeaceful adj / pi sfl/ quiet, calm, not violent

    picturesque adj / p kt resk/

    pretty, because it looks old-fashioned

    apicturesque village

    polish v / p l / to make shinypress v /pres/ to iron, to make clothes smoothprogressively adv /pr

    res vli/ steadily and continuouslyThe music gotprogressively louder as we neared the disco.

    properly adv / pr p li/ in a way that is correct or appropriateTheres something wrong with the coffee-maker, its not

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    proximity n /pr ks m ti/

    being near sb or sth

    purchase n / p t s/ sth which you have boughtMrs Melton put herpurchases into her bag and left theshop.

    quayside n / ki sa d/ a platform where boats come in to load, and the area near itrealise v / r la z/ to manage to do sth important

    Amy would do anything to realise her dream of becoming a

    pop star.

    reasonable adj / ri zn bl/ sensibleAfter all the hard work Ive done over the last two years I

    think its reasonable to ask for a pay rise.

    relief n /r li f/ the feeling of happiness that you have when sth unpleasantstops or does not happen

    News of the childrens safety came as a greatrelief.

    remain v /r me n/ to be leftA lot of foodremainedat the end of the party.

    remove v /r mu v/ to take sth/sb away from a placeIt took days to remove the trees that had fallen across the

    streets during the hurricane.

    replacement n /rple sm nt/

    sth or sb who takes the place of sth or sb else

    We need a replacementfor MIke, who is leaving to go to


    resemble v /r zembl/ to look or be like sbOf course they resemble each other theyre twins!

    roar v /r (r)/ to make a very loud, deep soundThe lions roaredas they ran into the circus ring.

    roast adj /r st/ cooked in an oven or over a fire

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    rural adj / r r l/ connected with the countryside(sbs) mind


    phr /(sbs) ma nd b lz/

    sth is so unbelievable that you find it hard to believe, you

    are amazed

    sheepishly adj / i p li/ in a very embarrassed wayshout v / a t/ to speak loudly or angrily to sb

    Please dontshout; just tell me whats wrong.




    v / r k/ (/ r k/, / r k/)

    to become smaller

    Dont wash your woollen pullover in hot water because it


    sigh n /sa / an act or the sound of taking and then letting out a longdeep breath

    I dont have much time, but Ill wait, she said with a sigh.

    stare v /ste (r)/ to look at sb or sth for a long time

    When I told Jason that he had won the lottery he juststaredat me in amazement.

    steam away


    v phr /sti m we fr m/

    to move away from a place on a boat

    subtract v /s b trkt/ (in Mathematics) to take a number awayWhat do you get if you subtract15 from 33?

    suffice v /s fa s/ to be enough for sthOne example willsuffice to explain the meaning of this


    superiority n /su p ri r ti/

    being better, more powerful, etc. than others, or thinking

    that you are

    The superiority of this computer is clear its faster, hasmore memory and is better designed.

    suspicion n /s sp n/ a feeling sth is wrong, illegal or dishonestI have a suspicion that she isnt telling the truth.

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    tactfully adv / tktf li/ in a careful way so that nobody gets annoyed or upsettake after

    (took, taken)

    phr v /te k ft (r)/

    (/t k/, /te k n/)

    to look like an older person in your family

    Both their daughters have taken aftertheir mother they

    have the same eyes and hair.

    take away

    (took, taken)

    phr v /te k we / (/t k/, /

    te k n/)

    to remove, to subtract

    If you take away three from ten, how much have you got

    left, Helen?

    take in

    (took, taken)

    phr v /te k n/ (/t k/, /

    te k n/)

    to understand what you see or hear

    We told Granny that her house was destroyed in the

    earthquake but she just cant seem to take itin.

    take over

    (took, taken)

    phr v /te k v (r)/

    (/t k/, /

    te k n/)

    to gain control of a company

    Volkswagen took overLamborghini, Skoda and Seat some

    years ago.

    take up

    (took, taken)

    phr v /te k p/ (/t k/, /

    te k n/)

    to use time or space for an activity

    Her grand piano takes up almost the entire living room.

    tap n /tp/ a light hitthe point of

    no return

    idm / p nt v n r

    t n/

    the time when you must continue with what you have

    decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an

    earlier situation

    tractor n / trkt (r)/ a powerful motor vehicle with two large and two smallerwheels, used especially for pulling farm machinery

    turn into phr v /t n nt / to transform, to become sth differentAt the end of the story the frogturns into a handsomeprince.

    unfamiliar adj / nf m li (r)/

    that you do not know or recognise

    At first I felt very uncomfortable with all those unfamiliar

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    faces around me, but soon I recognised a few old friends of


    very adj / veri/ used to emphasise that you are talking about a particularthing or person and not about another

    Thats the very thing I need.wellies n pl / weliz/ long rubber boots that you wear to walk through water or




    n /w k k sp ri ns/

    a period of time that a young person, esp. a student, spends

    working in a company as a form of training

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    02 WRITING (Student's Book pp1819)

    a rough idea phr / r f a d /

    a general idea

    accommodation n / k m de n/ a place to live, work or stay inAccommodation in a five-star hotel is very expensive.accompany v / k mp ni/ to go somewhere with sb

    How many teachers willaccompany the students on their


    allow v / la / to let sb do sthYou are notallowedto use a calculator during the test.

    as far as (sth) is


    idm / z f (r) z z k n

    s nd/

    as regards

    As far as cooking is concerned, no one is better than Mum.

    attend v / tend/ to be present somewhere, to go somewhere quite oftenbesides this phr /b sa dz

    s/apart from this

    coach n /k t / a comfortable bus for long journeyscompetition n / k mp

    t n/ an event in which people compete with each other to find

    out who is the best at sth

    conference n / k nf r ns/ a large official meetingcongratulate


    v /k nrt ule t

    ( n)/

    tell sb that you are pleased because he/she has achieved sth

    IcongratulatedHelen on passing her driving test.

    contribution n / k ntr

    bju n/

    money given to an organization to help pay for sth

    convinced adj /k n v nst/ completely sure about sthKen seemedconvincedhis brother would come first in the


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    deadline n / dedla n/ date before which sth must be finishedThe deadline for handing in our compositions is this


    delegate n / del t/ a person elected to represent a group of peopledelighted adj /d la t d/ very pleasedencourage v / n k r d / to give support or confidence to sbentitle v / n ta tl/ to give a book a titleentry n / entri/ painting, poem, etc. that you put into a competitionevent n / vent/ a planned public or social occasion

    a fund-raisingevent

    expenses paid phr / k spens pe d/

    without having to pay yourself, free of charge

    finance v / fa nns/ to give the money to pay for sthThe new motorway will befinancedby the government.

    get benefit(from) v phr / et ben f t (fr m)/ to get an advantage from sthgrateful adj / re tfl/ showing thanks to sbhead teacher n /hed

    ti t (r)/ a teacher who is in charge of a school

    in addition idm / n d n/ used when you want to mention another person or thingafter sth else

    In addition to popcorn, Aunt Jessica bought us drinks to

    take into the cinema.

    indication n / nd ke n/

    a sign that shows that sth is happening

    input material phr / np t m t ri l/

    information given

    join v /d n/ to become a member of sthMy dadjoinedthe army in 1990.

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    judge v /d d / to form an opinion about sb or sthJudgingby what she said, she was very pleased.

    panel n / pnl/ a group of experts who give their adviceparticipate (in) v /p

    t s pe t ( n)/

    to take part in an activity

    All students are invited toparticipate in the school play.

    prize n /pra z/ sth given to sb who is a winnerThe firstprize is a three-day break in London!

    rush v /r / to make sth move faster(sth) takes it

    out of you

    phr /(sthg) te ks t a t v ju/

    (sth) tires you a lot

    take advantage


    phr /te k d v nt d


    to use well

    Take advantage of the sales and buy your new computer


    take care of phr /te k ke (r) v/ to look after, to keep safe from harmtake place idm /te k ple s/ to happen

    The school song contest willtake place on November 6th.

    take shape phr /te k e p/ to develop welltakes time

    (took, taken)

    v phr /te ks ta m/ (/t k/, /

    te k n/)

    cannot be done quickly, cannot be rushed



    n /trnzk n l let (r)/

    a letter that requires action on the part of the recipient

    venue n / venju / the place where an event takes place

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    02 USE OF ENGLISH (Students Book pp2021)

    academic n / kdem k/

    a person who teaches or does research at a university

    according to prep / k d t / as stated, said by sbAccording to Nick, it was Susan who stole his watch but Idont know if I believe him.

    Arabic n / r b k/ the language spoken by millions of people in North Africaand the Middle East

    conduct v /k n d kt/ to organise and do sthScientists are conductingresearch into the effects of

    television on young children.

    context n / k ntekst/ the words that come just before and after a word or phraseand help you to understand its meaning

    count n /ka nt/ an act of counting to find the total number of sthcount v /ka nt/ to be important

    Megans friendship counts a lot to me.

    culture n / k lt (r)/ the customs and beliefs, art and way of life of a particularcountry or group

    endangered adj / nde nd d/

    that may soon no longer exist

    Our organisation helps endangeredanimals by protecting

    them from being hunted.

    fact n /fkt/ a thing that is true rather than something that has beeninvented

    field trip n /fi ld tr p/ a journey made by a group of people, often students, to

    study sth in its natural environmenthalf term n /h f t m/ a short holiday in the middle of each termHindi n / h ndi/ the language spoken by millions of people in Indiaimply v / m pla / to suggest that sth is true

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    investigate v / nvest e t/

    to find out information and facts about a subject or problem

    by study or research

    The police are investigatingthe burglary at the City Hall.

    keep a record

    of(kept, kept)

    v phr /ki p

    rek d v/ (/kept/,/kept/)

    to keep a written account of sth

    likely (to) adj / la kli (t )/ probable or expectedmake sense idm /me k sens/ to have a meaning that you can easily understand

    This phrase doesntmake sense; what do you think it


    native speaker n / ne t v spi k (r)/

    a person who speaks a language as their first language

    range v /re nd / to include a variety of thingsMetalex manufacture products rangingfrom buckets to


    recently adv / ri sntli/ not long agoHave you seen Liam recently?

    regularly adv / re j l li/ at regular intervals or timesresearch n / ri s t / a careful study of a subjectscientific adj / sa n

    t f k/ connected with science

    a scientific discovery

    shortage n / t d / situation when there isnt enough of sth that is neededThere are watershortages on the island in the summer.

    slim chance n /sl m t ns/

    a small possibility of sth happening

    storehouse n / st ha s/ building where things are storedsurvival n /s va vl/ continuing to live despite danger, difficulties, etc.the globe n / l b/ the world

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    timetable n / ta mte bl/ a list showing the times at which particular events willhappen

    Check the timetable and see when the first train to Bristol

    leaves tomorrow morning.

    transfer v /trnsf (r


    to move from one place to another

    transmit v /trns m t/ to pass sth from one person to anotherI will try not to transmit my fear of heights to my son.

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    02 LISTENING (Student's Book p22)

    absolutely adv /bs lu tli


    without any doubt

    aim n /e m/ the purpose of doing sthOur main aim is to help students with their future careers.

    appealing adj / pi l / attractive, interestingat the end of

    the day

    idm /t end v de /

    used to introduce the most important fact after everything

    has been considered

    attraction n / trk n/ an interesting place to visitburst into


    v phr /b st nt t z/

    to suddenly start crying a lot

    Jillburst into tears when she heard that her cat had died.

    carry out phr v / kri a t/ to do and complete a taskIn our Chemistry class we often carry outexperiments in

    our n /k

    mju n ti/ a group of people who share a common interest

    consideration n /k n s d re n/

    something that must be thought about when you are

    planning or deciding sth


    creature n / kri t (r)/ a living thingWe should respect all livingcreatures.

    delicate adj / del k t/ easily damaged or brokenOur eyes are very delicate, so we need to protect them

    from damage.downside n / da nsa d/ disadvantage

    The downside of working from home is that you can get

    lonely with no colleagues to talk to.

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    employment n / mpl m nt/

    work done to earn money

    fund v /f nd/ to provide money for sth, usually sth officialThe museum is privatelyfunded.

    grab v / rb/ to take sth in a hurry or violentlyin the hope of idm / n h p v/

    because you want sth to happen

    Susan did a crash course in French in the hope ofgetting

    that job in Paris.

    incredible adj / n kred bl/ impossible to believe, unbelievableindustry n / nd stri/ the people and activities involved in producing a particular

    thing, or in providing a particular service

    knock-on adj /n k n/ causing other events to happen one after another in a serieslet go idm /let / to allow sb/sth to be free

    The little girl was scared and wouldntlet go of my hand.

    limit v / l m t/ to stop sth from increasingmarine adj /m ri n/ connected with the seameasures n pl / me z/ official actions done to achieve sth

    The headmistress tookmeasures to reduce bullying in





    v / a t a n/ (/ a t

    n/, / a t n/)

    to be more impressive than sb/sth

    paraphrase v / pr fre z/ to express sth in different words

    pencil in phr v /pensl n/ to make a note of sth that might need to be changed

    Our teacher asked us topencil in the trip to Paris in ourdiaries.

    point of view n /p nt v vju /

    a particular way of considering or judging a situation

    From a passengerspoint of view, the XL model is the

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    most comfortable.

    proportions n pl /prp nz/

    measurement of sth, its shape and size

    raise money phr /re z m ni/ to collect money, usually to help sbrespect v /r spekt/ to be careful about sthYoung people shouldrespectthe elderly.sideline n / sa dla n/ sth you do apart from your normal job in order to earn extra


    source n /s s/ the place where sth comes fromThe school library is a source of information for both

    students and teachers

    tour operator n / t (r) p re t (r)/

    a person or company that organises tours

    turn out (to


    phr v /t n a t (t bi)/

    to prove to be

    The job turned out to be more interesting that I had


    volunteer n / v l n t (r)/

    a person who does a job without being paid for it

    wildlife n / wa ldla f/ animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in anatural environment

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    02 SPEAKING (Student's Book p23)

    briefly adv / bri fli/ in a few wordsmedia n / mi di / the main ways that large numbers of people receive

    information and entertainmentoutdoor adj / a td (r)/ used, happening or situated outside rather than in a buildingan outdoorswimming pool

    Only used before a noun.

    refer to v /r f (r) t / to send or use sth for help, advice or a decisionIf you get lost, please refer to the map I have given you.

    response n /r sp ns/ an answer to sthI sent three letters to Diana, but I received no response.

    the long turn phr / l t n/ this is the name of the task you will need to perform in theSpeaking exam you have to speak for one minute about

    two photos that the examiner will show you

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    03 Entertainment & Pleasure

    03 READING (Students Book pp2627)

    achievement n /t i vm nt/

    a thing that sb has done successfully, esp. using their owneffort and skill

    Winning the tournament was an extraordinary

    achievementfor such a young athlete.

    acrobatics n pl / krbt ks/

    difficult acts or movements with the body

    admission n / d m n/ money that you pay to go into a building or to an eventadopt v / d pt/ to take a child into your family as your own child

    As they couldnt have any children of their own, they

    adopteda little boy.

    agent n / e d nt/ a person who is used by a government to find out secretinformation about other countries or governmentsJames Bond is supposed to be a secretagentfor the British


    celebration n / selbre n/

    a special event that people organise in order to show that a

    day or an event is important

    chase v /t e s/ to run, drive, etc. after sb/sth in order to catch themcircus n / s k s/ a group of entertainers, sometimes with trained animals,

    who perform skilful or amusing acts in a show that travels

    around to different places

    close up adj /kl s p/ very nearcoaster n / k st (r)/ a ride at a fairground that goes up and down very steep

    slopes and that people ride on for fun and excitement

    Also: roller coaster.

    complex n / k mpleks/ a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place

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    conservation n / k ns ve n/

    the protection of the natural environment

    corps n /k (r)/ a group of people involved in a particular job or activityWhen Jason joined the diplomatic corps, we were all very

    happy for him.cover v / k v (r)/ to provide enough money for sth

    Two hundred euros shouldcoveryour travel expenses.

    dine v /da n/ to eat dinnerdiscovery n /d sk v ri/ an act or the process of finding sb/sth not known beforedismiss v /d s m s/ to officially remove sb from their job

    He was dismissedbecause he was always late for work.

    disturbance n /dst b ns/

    a situation in which people behave violently in a public


    donation n /d ne n/ something that is given to a person or an organisation suchas a charity

    We are grateful for even the smallestdonations to our


    dress up phr v /dres p/ to put on special clothes to pretend to be sb/sth differentThe girls love to dress up as princesses.

    embark on phr v / m b k n/

    to start to do sth new or difficult

    Before you embark on home repairs, make sure you have

    calculated costs accurately.

    encounter n / nka nt (r)/

    a sudden or unexpected meeting

    This chapter describes the encounterof young Lizzy and a

    fox in the woods.

    entertainment n / entte nm nt/ amusementThe cinema is my favourite entertainment.

    entire adj / n ta (r)/ used to emphasise that the whole of sth is involvedThe entire island was destroyed by the earthquake.

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    exotic adj / z t k/ exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreigncountries

    brightly colouredexotic flowers

    far and wide idm /f (r) nd

    wa d/


    Weve searched for our catfar and wide, but we cant findhim.

    festivities n pl /fe st v tiz/ the activities that are organised to celebrate a special eventNew Yearsfestivities

    floorless adj / fl (r)l s/ without a floorfoundation n /fa n de n/ an organisation that is established to provide money for a

    particular purpose

    fun-loving adj / f n l v / liking to enjoy themselvesget through

    (got, got)

    phr v / et ru / (/ t/, / t/)

    to manage to do or complete sth

    Viviangot through her exams with excellent marks, even

    though she was sick the whole week before.

    gourmet adj / me / of high quality and often expensive Only before a noun.

    headquarters n pl / hedkw t z/

    a place from which an organisation is controlled

    Most companies prefer to have theirheadquarters in the

    city centre.

    height n /ha t/ the measurement of how tall a person or thing ishigh-tech ride phr /ha tek ra d/ a large machine of the latest technology at an amusement


    hit n /h t/ a thing that is very populara hitmusical

    huge adj /hju d / extremely largeThe film was a huge success; it sold millions of tickets.impressive adj / m pres v/ making you feel admirationin the open air phr / n happening outside rather than inside a building

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    p n e (r)/

    In the summer, there are cinemas where you can watch a

    film in the open air.

    inhabit v / n hb t/ to live in a particular placeThe summer house has not been inhabitedfor more than a

    year.jaw-dropping adj /d

    dr p / very surprising; impressive; making you feel respect and


    kick (sb) out


    phr v /k k (sb) a t v/

    to make sb leave or go away

    They were kicked out ofthe pub because they were drunk

    and started to cause trouble.

    kick myself idm / k k ma self/

    to be annoyed with myself because I have done sth stupid

    Shellkick herselfwhen she realises she could have won

    the competition.

    kick off phr v /k k f/ to startWed better kick off with the meeting at nine or is it too

    early?kick up a fuss idm /k k p f s/ to complain loudly about sth

    Did you have to kick up a fuss about such a silly mistake?

    kid n /k d/ childWhen I was a kid, I used to love playing Monopoly.

    killer whale n / k l (r) we l/

    a small black and white whale that eats meat

    launch n /l nt / the action of sending a spacecraft, weapon, etc. into spaceor into the sky

    leading adj / li d / most important or most successful

    My brother has just been offered the leadingrole in a newTV series!

    Only before a noun.

    line-up n / la n p/ a set of items or events arranged to follow one another

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    There is a very interestingline-up of documentaries on TV

    this week.

    located adj /l ke t d/ if sth is located in a particular place, it exists there or hasbeen put there

    The bedrooms are locatedon the first floor. Not used before a noun.

    manage v / mn d / to succeed in doing sth, esp. sth difficultmasses (of) n pl / ms z

    ( v)/a large number or amount of sth

    massive adj / ms v/ very large, heavy and solida massive rock

    nail-biting adj /ne l ba t /

    making you feel very excited or anxious because you do

    not know what is going to happen Usually before a noun.

    numerous adj /

    nju m r s /

    existing in large numbers

    opportunity n / p tju n ti/

    a chance; a time when it is possible to achieve sth

    Their offer was such a goodopportunity that we decided

    not to miss it.

    perform v /p f m/ to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, actingin a play, etc.

    perform in front of a live audience

    pet v /pet/ to move your hand gently over an animal or a child in akind and loving way

    protest v /pr test/ to say or do sth to show that you disagree with ordisapprove of sth, esp. publiclyStudents took to the streets toprotestagainst the decision.

    queue n /kju / a line of people waiting for sth or to do sth

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    When I saw the huge queue at the bank, I decided not to


    rescue n / reskju / the act of saving sb/sth from a dangerous or difficultsituation

    As soon as the man heard the boy scream, he ran to hisrescue.



    n /r str k n ( n)/


    Most highways have a speedrestriction.

    reveal v /r vi l/ to make sth known to sbWhen the scandal was revealedby the press, the minister

    was forced to resign.

    sea lion n /si la n/ a large seal that is found on the shores of the Pacific Oceansecret n / si kr t/ something that is known about by only a few people and

    not told to others

    A good friend should keep yoursecrets and not tell anyone

    else.session n / se n/ a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity

    a session with his personal trainer

    shelter n / elt (r)/ a safe place for sbshuttle n / tl/ a spacecraft designed to be used for travelling between the

    earth and a space station

    simulator n /s mjule t (


    a piece of equipment that artificially creates a particular set

    of conditions so that sb may experience sth that seems real

    sloth n /sl / a South American animal that lives in trees and moves very

    slowlyspin v /sp n/ to turn or make sth turn round and round quickly

    Some ice skaters can spin incredibly fast on the ice.

    star adj /st (r)/ the best of a group

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    The starprize of the competition is a trip to London, with

    all expenses paid.

    Usually before a noun.

    steel n /sti l/ a strong hard metal that is made of a mixture of iron and

    carbonstingray n / st re / a kind of flat sea fish with a long tailstorey n / st ri/ a level of a building

    the lowerstorey of the house



    phr /stre t ru / from one end or side of sth to the other

    tend (to be) v /tend/ to be likelyOur village is up in the mountains, so winters tend tobe

    very cold.

    terrifying adj / ter fa / extremely frighteningthe skys the


    idm / ska z l m t/

    there is no limit to what sb can achieve

    theme park n / i m p k/

    a large park where people go to enjoy themselves, and

    where much of the entertainment is connected with one

    subject or idea

    townspeople n pl /ta nzpi pl


    people who live in a particular town

    The townspeople were offered free day-passes to the


    trainee n / tre ni / a person who is being taught how to do a particular jobtrek n /trek/ a long hard walk

    I dont think going back on foot is a good idea; its a long

    trekback home.trick n /tr k/ a clever action that sb performs as a way of entertaining

    peopleThe magicians lasttrickwas unbelievable!

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    ultimate adj / lt m t/ most extreme, greatest or most importantThis five-star resort and spa guarantees the ultimate

    holiday for relaxation.

    unique adj /ju ni k/ very special or unusual

    Dont miss this unique opportunity to meet the film star inperson!

    uplifting adj / p l ft / making you feel happier or more hopefulvacation n /v ke n/ American English for holiday

    Vacation also means: one of the periods of time when

    schools are closed.

    vehicle n / vi kl/ sth that transports people from one place to anotherwarn v /w n/ to tell sb about sth, esp. sth dangerous or unpleasant that is

    likely to happen, so that they can avoid it

    wet adj /wet/ covered with or containing liquid, esp. waterwhether conj / we (r)/ used to express a doubt or choice between two possibilitieswildlife refuge n / wa ldla f

    refju d / a place that provides shelter or protection for wild animals

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    03 WRITING (Students Book pp2829)

    announcement n /na nsm nt


    a spoken or written statement that informs people about sth

    Pete and Josies announcementof their wedding took us

    by surprise.

    approachable adj /pr t bl/

    friendly and easy to talk to, open

    awful adj / fl/ very bad, unpleasantbackground


    n /bk ra nd mju z k/

    the music used in a film

    charming adj / t m / very pleasant, attractivedespite prep /d spa t/ even though

    They decided to make the trip despite my warnings about

    the storm that was approaching.

    drop out phr v /dr p a t/ to leave school or university without finishing your studiesDianes parents begged her not to drop outof university in

    her final year, but she wouldnt listen.

    even though conj / i vn / in spite of what has happenedEven though she was so horrible to me, I have forgiven


    film set n /f lm set/ a place where a movie is filmedgo blank

    (went, gone)

    v phr / bl k/ (/went/,/ n/)

    to have no pictures

    My computer screen suddenly went blankand I lost all the

    work that Id done that day.

    in order that idm / n d (r)

    t/ so that sth can happenThe company opened new offices in Paris in order thatthey can promote European sales.

    in spite of phr / n spa t v/ even though

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    In spite ofthe danger, the fireman entered the burning

    building to save the childs life.

    introduce v / ntr dju s/

    to tell two or more people who have not met before whateach others names are

    May Iintroduce your new English teacher? Shes fromNew York.

    issue n / u / one of a regular series of magazines or newspapersmoreover adv /m r

    v (r)/ in addition

    You have made serious mistakes in your work Mr Hadley.Moreover, you repeatedly arrive late for work.

    nevertheless adv / nev les/

    in spite of sth you have mentioned

    I trust him butnevertheless, when I gave him the money, I

    asked for a receipt.

    new release n /nju r li s/

    a film that has just been made available to the public

    physical adj / f z kl/ with the body, not the mindpublish v / p bl / to print a letter, an article, etc. in a newspaper or magazinereputation n / repju

    te n/ the opinion people have about sb

    Stella has a reputation for being dishonest so dont leave

    your purse lying around.

    screen n /skri n/ the flat surface at the front of a television or computer, orthe large flat surface at the cinema, on which you see

    pictures or information

    soap opera n /s p p r /

    a story about the lives of a group of people, which is

    broadcast regularly on TV

    stunt n /st nt/ dangerous act in a filmterrific adj /t r f k/ great, fantastic Dont confuse it with terrifying which means


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    trailer n / tre l (r)/ a series of short scenes from a film, shown as anadvertisement

    trilogy n / tr l d i/ a group of three books or films that have the same subjectturn my

    attention to

    v phr /t n ma

    ten n t /

    start being involved in

    When I became bored with waterskiing, Iturned myattention to surfing.

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    03 USE OF ENGLISH (Students Book pp3031)

    amateur n / m t (r)/ not a professionalautograph n /

    t r f/

    a famous persons signature

    band n /bnd/ a small group of musicians who play popular musictogether

    be out of tune idm /bi a t v tju n/

    to not be singing or playing the correct musical notes to

    sound pleasant

    bench n /bent / a long seat for two or more people, usually made of woodcompose v /k m p z/ to write musiccurious adj / kj ri s/ wanting to know more about sth

    Im curious to find out what Philips exciting news is.

    disaster n /dz st (r)/

    very bad accident, flood, fire, earthquake, etc.

    fan n /fn/ a person who admires sb/sth very much Also: fanatic (n)

    fortunate adj / f t n t/ having or bringing an advantagefound



    v /fa nd/(/fa nd d/, /fa nd d/)

    to start sth, such as an organisation or an institution, esp. by

    providing money

    hand (sb sth) v /hnd (sbsth)/

    to pass or give sth to sb

    The airport officialhandedus our passport and told us togo to gate 32.

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    hold a concert

    (held, held)

    v phr /h ld k ns t/


    to organise a concert

    howl v /ha l/ to make a long loud soundin my view phr / n ma vju /

    in my opinion

    In my view, schools should start later in the mornings.

    in public idm / n p bl k/ when other people, esp. people you do not know, arepresent

    inspire v / n spa (r)/ to give sb the desire or enthusiasm to do sth wellGreat athletes often inspire children to get involved in


    interrupt v / nt r pt/ to do sth that stops sb else from what they were doing orsaying

    lay the table

    (laid, laid)

    phr /le te bl/

    (/le d/, /le d/)

    to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a


    master v m st (r) to learn or understand sth completelymastera foreign language

    member n memb (r) a person or an animal that belongs to a particular groupJanine is a very close friend; shes practically a memberofthe family.



    n / mju z kl nstr m nt


    an object used for producing musical sounds

    mystery n / m stri/ sth that is difficult to understand or to explainnewsflash n /

    nju zfl / a short item of important news that is broadcast on radio or


    occurrence n / k r ns/ sth that happens

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    packed (with) adj /pkt (w )/ containing a lot of a particular thingMy handbag was sopacked with things that it took ages to

    find my mobile phone.

    put on

    (put, put)

    phr v /p t n/

    (/p t/, /p t/)

    to produce or present a play, a show, etc.

    I heard that the Badminton Theatre will beputting onCats; is it true?

    rehearse v /r h s/ to practise a play or a piece of musicThe bandrehearsedfor six hours, but they still werent

    ready for the concert.

    relation n /r le n/ relative; a person who is in the same family as sb elsereview n /r vju / a report in which sb gives their opinion of a book, play,

    film, etc.

    The new play must be good; it has received excellent


    sensibly adj / sens bli/ in a way that shows good judgement

    As Liam wasnt feeling well, he sensibly decided not to goout for a drink.

    support n /s p t/ encouragement that you give to sb because you want themto be successful

    When I lost my job, I had no alternative but to ask my

    parents for financialsupport.

    suspect v / s spekt/ to have an idea that sth is probably true or likely to happen,esp. sth bad, but without having definite proof

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    theres no

    stopping us

    phr /e (r)z n st p s/

    nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to


    tolerate v / t l re t/ to allow or accept sth that you dont agree withOur teacher is very strict and wonttolerate anyone

    talking in class.unkind adj / n ka nd/ unpleasant; slightly cruelKarens unkindcomments really upset my sister.

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    03 LISTENING (Student's Book p32)

    annoyed adj / n d/ slightly angryat least idm /t li st/ not less than

    She must be at least40.

    biting (wind) adj / ba t (wind)/

    (of a wind) very cold and unpleasant

    cant bear v /k nt be (r)/

    to be unable to accept something unpleasant

    cant help idm /k nt help/ impossible to prevent or avoid sthIcant help eating chocolate! I just love it!

    cant stand v phr /k nt stnd/

    to dislike

    Icant standcold weather, so I hate winter.

    crowded adj / kra d d/ having a lot of people or too many peoplecup final n /k p fa nl/ the last match in a series of matches in a competitiondelay v /d le / to not do sth until a later time or to make sth happen at a

    later time

    display n /d sple / an act of showing sth happening, in order to entertainan amazingdisplay of acrobatics

    dreadful adj / dredfl/ unpleasant, horriblefeel like idm /fi l la k/ to want to do sthfireworks n pl /

    fa w ks/ a display of small devices containing powder, that explode

    and produce brightly coloured lights

    get hold of idm / et h ld v/ manage to findHow on earth did youget hold ofMadonnas autograph?

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    keen (on) adj /ki n ( n)/ interested inMy sister is keen on jazz.

    mad about adj /md ba t/ liking sth/sb very muchMy son is mad aboutfootball; he never misses a match.

    make a fuss idm /me k f s/ to pay a lot of attention to sbmake it to idm /me k t t / to be able to be present at a placemuddy adj / m di/ full of or covered in wet earth that is soft and stickymy idea of phr /ma a d

    v/my impression of what sth is like

    Going to a football match is notmy idea offun; I find it

    incredibly boring.

    object (to) v / b d ekt (t )/

    to disagree with, disapprove of or oppose sth

    Most local people object to the new highway.

    postpone v /p sp n/ to arrange for an event to take place at a later timeJudith came down with the flu, so we had topostpone our

    holidays for later in the spring.

    pretend v /pr tend/ to behave in a way that makes other people believe sth thatis not true

    Ipretendedto like Mums roast chicken, but in fact I


    second-rate adj /sek nd re t/ not very good or impressiveA hundred euros per night is too much money for such a

    second-rate hotel.

    stumble over

    my lines

    v phr / st mbl v (r)

    ma la nz/

    to make mistakes and stop while speaking in a play or film

    treat n /tri t/ sth pleasant that you give to, or do for, sbGoing to the zoo is a specialtreatfor me and my brother.

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    03 SPEAKING (Student's Book p33)

    collaborative adj /klb r t v/

    involving the work of many people

    a collaborative effort

    invite v / n va t/ to ask sb formally to do sthAt the end of the presentation, the speakerinvited

    questions from the audience.

    reach a


    v phr /ri t d s n/

    to arrive at finally making a decision

    Its quite difficult to reach a decision when many people

    take part in a discussion.

    task n /t sk/ a piece of work that sb has to dotime v /ta m/ to measure how long it takes for sth to happenturn-take v /t n te k/ to speak when it is your time to do so

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    04 Homes and Families

    04 READING (Students Book pp3637)

    as is commonly

    the case

    phr /z z

    k m nli ke s/

    in the way that sth usually happens

    be better off phr /bi bet (r) f/

    to be happier or more satisfied

    I think wellbe better offif we take a taxi. Its too late to

    walk back home.

    be bound to phr /bi ba nd t / to be certain to happenHes bound to tell you about his new car he never talks

    about anything else.

    bone n /b n/ any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body of ahuman or an animal

    breeches n pl / br t z/ short trousers fastened blow the kneeridingbreeches

    cadge v /kd / to ask sb for sth because you cant pay for it yourselfcadge a lift

    calculate v / klkjule t/ to find the answerIve calculatedthat we need another 2,000 euros to pay for

    the car.

    cart n /k t/ a vehicle with two or four wheels pulled by a horsechimney n / t mni/ a large pipe for passing smoke from a fire into the open airconnection n /k nek n/ a point where two things are connectedconviction n /k n v k n/ strong opinion, belief

    Maria goes to church every Sunday and has deep religiousconvictions.

    crossroads n pl / kr sr dz/ a place where two roads meet and cross each otherdisappointment n / d s sadness because you havent succeeded

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    p ntm nt/ divide v /d va d/ to separate

    They dividedthe birthday cake into 15 pieces.

    drop v /dr p/ to let fall by accident

    Oh no! Ive droppedthe vase and broken it!earthenware adj /nwe (r)/

    made of hard-baked clay

    an earthenware pot

    earthly adj / li/ connected with life on eartherrand n / er nd/ a short journey to buy/get/do sth for sbextract n / ekstrkt/ a short passage from a book, piece of music, etc. that gives

    you an idea of what the whole thing is like

    for conj /f (r)/ becauseWe should all demonstrate against war,forpeace is the

    most valuable thing in the world.

    fortune n / f t u n/ a lot of money

    When his uncle died, Danny came into an enormousfortune.

    frost n /fr st/ thin layer of white ice that appears when temperaturereaches freezing point

    glove n / l v/ a covering for the hand with separate parts for each fingerand the thumb

    go through

    (went, gone)

    phr v / ru / (/went/, / n/)

    to examine sth carefully in order to find sth

    Iwent through the whole notebook without finding the

    algebra formulas I needed.

    halt v /h lt/ to stop

    happen (to be) v / hp n (t bi)/ to do or be sth by chanceCome round for a cup of coffee next time you happen to bein town.

    have in phr /hv n have similar characteristics

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    common k m n/ My sister and Ihave a lotin common; we both like books,music and sports.


    (hid, hidden)

    v /ha d/(/h d/, /

    h dn/)

    to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seenor found

    hole n /h l/ a hollow space in sth solid or in the surface of sthThe bomb blew a huge hole in the ground.

    in the form of phr / n f m v/

    the particular way sth is, seems, looks or is presented

    Help inthe form ofmoney will be very welcome.

    keepsake n / ki pse k/ a small object sb gives you so that you can remember themlead

    (led, led)

    v /li d/(/led/, /led/)

    to connect one place to another

    This narrow path leads up to the top of the hill.

    medal n / medl/ a flat piece of metal that is given to the winner of acompetition or to sb who has been brave

    miss (sth) v /m s/ to notice that sb or sth is not where they should beWere missingabout five pieces for this puzzle its soannoying.

    motto n / m t / a short sentence that expresses the beliefs of a person or aninstitutionKnowledge, tradition, discipline is the motto of our


    out of reach phr /a t v ri t / at a distance so that sth cannot be reachedJenny put the cake tin out of reach on a high shelf so the

    children wouldnt be able to get it.

    outbuilding n / a tb ld / a building, such as a stable, that is built near a main

    buildingpipe n /pa p/ a tube through which liquids or gases can flowa waterpipe

    pond n /p nd/ small area of water, especially artificial

  • 7/29/2019 nfc_wl


    a fishpond

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