

    E. Diday ([email protected]), CEREMADE Paris-Dauphine University. Paris (France)

    POVZETEK Običajni model rudarjenja podatkov temelji na dveh delih: prvi del se nanaša na enote ("posameznike"), drugi pa vsebuje njihov opis z več standardnimi spremenljivkami; te so lahko številčne ali kategorične. Model simbolne analize podatkov potrebuje še dva dela: prvi se nanaša na enote, imenovane "koncepti", ki predstavljajo razrede ali kategorije posameznikov, drugi pa zadeva "opis" te nove vrste enot. Koncepti so opisani s "simbolnimi podatki", ki so običajni kategorični ali numerični podatki, ter intervali, histogrami, porazdelitve, sekvence vrednosti ipd. Te nove vrste podatkov omogočajo ohranjanje notranjih variacij obsega vsakega koncepta. Programska oprema SYR (2009) je bila razvita po akademski programski opremi SODA, ki je bila rezultat dveh evropskih projektov do leta 2003. Njen cilj je izvleči iz podatkovne datoteke (.txt,.csv, accessova baza) z več milijoni enot zmanjšano število "konceptov", ki povzemajo osnovne podatke in so opisani s spremenljivkami, katerih vrednosti so simbolni podatki. Primer simbolne podatkovne tabele je prikazan na sliki 1. Potem je mogoče z novimi orodji za rudarjenje podatkov, razširjenimi na koncepte, ki so nove enote (vizualni opis, analiza osnovnih komponent, razvrščanje v skupine, drevesa odločanja, ekstrakcija pravil, regresija ipd.), iz tega modela izvleči novo znanje. Možno je pokazati, da so opisi simbolnih konceptov strukturirani s "stohastičnimi Galoisovimi mrežami". Osnovni model simbolnih spremenljivk so spremenljivke, katerih vrednosti so naključne spremenljivke, in ne kot običajno številke, zato so potrebne "kopule" oz. vezi. Veliko dela je potrebnega za potrditev, stabilnost in robustnost rezultatov. Predstavljeni so nedavni rezultati analize osnovnih komponent in standardne mešane dekompozicije. Uporaba zajema vsa področja, kjer je novo znanje in modele višje stopnje o konceptih treba pridobiti iz majhnih ali velikih baz podatkov. Viri L. Billard, E. Diday (2003) “From the Statistics of Data to the Statistics of Knowledge: Symbolic Data Analysis”. JASA. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Juin, Vol. 98, N° 462. L. Billard, E. Diday (2006) (authors) “Symbolic Data Analysis: conceptual statistics and data Mining”. Book Wiley. 330 pages. ISBN 0-470-09016-2 E. Diday, M. Noirhomme (authors and editors) (2008) “ Symbolic Data Analysis and the SODAS software” 457 pages. Wiley. ISBN 978—0-470-01883-5. E. Diday (2005) "Categorization in Symbolic Data Analysis". In handbook of categorization in cognitive science. Edited by H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre. Elsevier editor. isbn=0080446124 E. Diday , M. Vrac (2004) “Mixture Decomposition of Distributions by Copulas In the Symbolic Data Analysis Framework”. Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics . (DAM). Volume 147, Issue 1, 1 April, Pages 27-41.


  • Hans-Hermann Bock, Edwin Diday (2000): Analysis of Symbolic Data for extracting statistical information from complex data. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 425 pages, ISBN 3-540-66619-2. E. Diday , R. Emilion (2003) "Maximal and stochastic Galois Lattices" . Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics . 127 , 271-284.

    Slika1 Simbolna tabela podatkov iz programske opreme SYR Ključne besede: model rudarjenja podatkov, simbolna analiza podatkov, programska oprema SYR



    ABSTRACT The usual Data Mining model is based on two parts: the first concerns the units (called here “individuals”), the second, contains their description by several standard variables including numerical or categorical. The Symbolic Data Analysis model needs two more parts: the first concerns units called “concepts” representing classes or categories of individuals and the second concerns the “description” of this new kind of units. Concepts are described by “symbolic data” which are standard categorical or numerical data and moreover interval, histograms, distributions, sequences of values, etc. These new kind of data allows keeping the internal variation of the extent of each concept. The SYR software (2009) has been developed after the academic SODAS software issued from two European projects until 2003. Its aim is to extract, from a data file (.txt, .csv, ACCESS database) of several millions of units a reduced number of “concepts” which summarizes the initial data and are described by variables whose values are symbolic data. An example of symbolic data table is given in Figure 1. Then, new knowledge can be extracted from this model by new tools of Data Mining extended to concepts considered as new units (visual description, Principal Component Analysis, Clustering, Decision trees, rule extraction, regression, etc.). It can be shown that the symbolic concept descriptions are structured by “stochastic Galois Lattices”. The underlying model of symbolic variables are variables whose values are random variables instead of numbers as usual, therefore “Copulas” are needed. Much work is needed for validation, stability, robustness of the results. Recent results extending PCA and standard mixture decomposition are presented. Applications cover all domains where new knowledge and higher level models on concepts have to be extracted from small or large data bases. References L. Billard, E. Diday (2003) “From the Statistics of Data to the Statistics of Knowledge: Symbolic Data Analysis”. JASA. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Juin, Vol. 98, N° 462. L. Billard, E. Diday (2006) (authors) “Symbolic Data Analysis: conceptual statistics and data Mining”. Book Wiley. 330 pages. ISBN 0-470-09016-2 E. Diday, M. Noirhomme (authors and editors) (2008) “ Symbolic Data Analysis and the SODAS software” 457 pages. Wiley. ISBN 978—0-470-01883-5. E. Diday (2005) "Categorization in Symbolic Data Analysis". In handbook of categorization in cognitive science. Edited by H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre. Elsevier editor. isbn=0080446124 E. Diday , M. Vrac (2004) “Mixture Decomposition of Distributions by Copulas In the Symbolic Data Analysis Framework”. Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics . (DAM). Volume 147, Issue 1, 1 April, Pages 27-41. Hans-Hermann Bock, Edwin Diday (2000): Analysis of Symbolic Data for extracting statistical information from complex data. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 425 pages, ISBN 3-540-66619-2.


  • E. Diday , R. Emilion (2003) "Maximal and stochastic Galois Lattices" . Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics . 127 , 271-284.

    Figure 1 The Symbolic data table provided by SYR Key words: data mining model, symbolic data analysis, SYR software


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