Page 1: Numerele vindecatoare

Numerele vindecatoare – Grigori Grabovoi

ADN-ul uman este o combinatie unica de numere. Indiferent de natura ei, boala este o

reacordare la perfectiunea proprie arhetipala. De fiecare data cand ne abatem de la

arhetipul propriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea cea mai potrivita pentru reacordare. Uneori este

mai simplu, alteori simptomele sunt complexe. Cel mai frecvent, starea de boala se

instaleaza prin rezistentele fata de evenimentele din jurul nostru, rezistente care induc

sentimentul/emotia/gandul de separare fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu constienta ca

suntem un Intreg, asa ca, cu cat “separarea” este mai intensa, cu atat si simptomele

sunt mai zgomotoase, de lunga durata… si chinuitoare.

Toti cei care au relatat vindecari miraculoase ale unor boli numite “incurabile”, au

recunoscut ca au acceptat sa experimenteze cu bucurie, evenimentele din viata lor, fara

sa se mai opuna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera dincolo de dualitatea bine/rau, moral/pacat,

frumos/urat, drept/nedrept, corect/incorect etc. Fiind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au

eliberat boala. Au eliberat judecata mentala care genereaza separare fata de ceilalti si de


Metoda lui Grigori Grabovoi consta in emiterea constienta a sirului de numere care

formeaza un cod ce te acordeaza la o vibratie care armonizeaza/vindeca o problema. In

documentul de fata sunt codurile pentru problemele de sanatate. Exista si coduri

numerice care functioneaza ca mantre, te acordeaza la vibratii subtile, sublime.

Emiterea este atat vocala – rostind tare si cu entuziasm sirurile de numere (se fac pauze

foarte scurte intre sirurile de numere si se rostesc din nou, pana cand se percepe o

modificare la nivelul constiintei), cat si vizuala, ca si cum, din mijlocul fruntii ia nastere

numarul rostit in forma tridimensionala si de culoare auriu stralucitor.

Am lucrat cu cateva coduri numerice si consider ca este o metoda foarte interesanta de

reacordare la arhetipul propriu.

Sanatate perfecta!

Page 2: Numerele vindecatoare

Numerele lui Grabovoi pentru Vindecare, Materializare şi Regenerarea

Organelor -  James Rink

Numerele lui Grabovoi folosesc semnale radionice pentru a vindeca diferite probleme de

sănătate. Ele au fost descoperite de metafizicianul rus Grigori Grabovoi, cu ajutorul

dispozitivului său radionic. Pentru cei care nu cunosc teoria şi practica Radionică, este

vorba despre conceptul conform căruia fiinţele umane şi toate formele de viaţă

împărtăşesc un câmp comun, prin faptul că ele toate sunt conectate unele cu altele, în

interiorul câmpului electromagnetic al pământului; toate formele de viaţă au propriul lor

câmp electromagnetic, care, atunci când este distorsionat în mod considerabil, cauzează

îmbolnăvirea. Conform Radionicii, care recunoaşte că totul este energie, organele, bolile

şi medicamentele au propriile lor frecvenţe sau vibraţii specifice. Aceşti factori pot fi

exprimaţi în valori numerice sau Secvenţe/Numere sau sub forma unor tipare

geometrice. Aceste numere oferă mijloacele prin care practicianul identifică şi tratează

boala de la distanţă. Astfel, Grabovoi foloseşte dispozitivul său Radionic pentru a detecta

numerele asociate cu diferite stări de sănătate, apoi îşi instruieşte clienţii să mediteze

asupra acestor numere, acţiune care duce la vindecări miraculoase, cum ar fi

regenerarea uterului, rinichilor şi multe altele. Grabovoi consideră că aceste informaţii

trebuie folosite nu numai pentru a salva lumea de la o posibilă catastrofă globală, ci şi

pentru a-i permite fiecărui om să aibă o sănătate perfectă, imortalitate fizică, să readucă

în corpul fizic o persoană care a decedat, să materializeze şi să dematerializeze, să se

teleporteze, să regenereze materia distrusă, depistând şi soluţionând de la distanţă orice

problemă de natură mecanică, ortoelectronică, precum şi controlul de la orice distanţă

asupra materiei fizice. De asemenea, el susţine că a vindecat oameni bolnavi de SIDA

sau cancer şi că a vindecat sute de persoane fără niciun fel de contact fizic cu acestea.

Dovada acestor vindecări poate fi confirmată de medicina tradiţională şi sunt atestate

oficial de către persoanele vindecate. Modelul său foloseşte câmpul creativ al

informaţiilor, cunoscut drept energia conştiinţei, pentru a materializa atât orice

informaţie sau obiect dorit, cât şi pe cele din afara continuum-ului spaţio-temporal. În

plus, el a descoperit metode de transformare a energiei oricărei acţiuni în forme

geometrice cunoscute. Iată de ce numerele lui Grabovoi pot fi folosite pentru

diagnosticarea de la distanţă şi regenerarea materiei, în orice interval de timp, prin

transformarea timpului în formă spaţială.

Pentru a învăţa cum să folosiţi această tehnică, mai întâi selectaţi un număr din lista de

mai jos, în funcţie de problema de sănătate asupra căreia doriţi să lucraţi, iar apoi apelaţi

la setul de reguli ale Biokinesiei – capitolul din manual referitor la pasul următor. Puteţi

găsi mai multe informaţii despre aceste numere în cartea Recovery Of  The Human Body

Focusing On Numbers (Vindecarea corpului omenesc prin concentrarea asupra

numerelor), de Grigori Grabovoi.



“Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization,

Page 3: Numerele vindecatoare

and Organ Regeneration”



Capitolul 1.   Stare critică  - 1258912

Insuficienţă respiratorie acută - 1257814

Insuficienţă acută cardiovasculare - 1895678

Stop cardiac - 8915678

Traumatic şoc, şoc şi starea de şoc - 1895132


Tumorile maligne de orofaringe - 1235689

Tumorile maligne ale intestinului subtire - 5485143

Tumorile maligne ale testiculelor - 5814321

Limfoame de piele - 5891243

Mezoteliom - 58912434

Melanomul - 5674321

Neuroblastom - 8914567

Tumorile maligne osoase - 1234589

Tumorile uterului - 9817453

Tumorile cerebrale (creierul si maduva spinarii) - 5431547

Tumori ale glandei suprarenale - 5678123

Tumori ale cavitatii nazale si a sinusurilor paranazale - 8514256

Tumorile de nazofaringe - 5678910

Tumori ale glandelor paratiroide - 1548910

Tumorile de insulele pancreatice Langerhans - 8951432

Cancer de papilei duodenale mari - 8912345

Cancer de vagin şi organele genitale externe - 12589121

Cancer al buzelor - 1567812

Cancer la stomac - 8912534

Cancer de vezica biliara - 8912453

Cancer de duct biliar extrahepatic - 5789154

Cancerul de piele - 8148957

Cancerul de san - 5432189

Cancer de vezica urinara - 89123459

Cancer de ficat - 5891248

Cancer de esofag - 8912567

Cancer pancreatic - 8125891

Cancerului de penis - 8514921

Cancer la rinichi - 56789108

Cancer de ureter - 5891856

Cancer de prostata - 4321890

De cancer al glandelor salivare - 9854321

Rhabdomyosarcoma la copii - 5671254

Cancer de colon (colorectal) - 5821435

Cancer tiroidian - 5814542

Cancerul ovarian - 4851923

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Sarcom de ţesuturi moi - 54321891

Sarcomul Kaposi - 8214382 ]

CAPITOLUL 3.   Sepsis  - 58143212

Sepsis (acut) - 8914321

Sepsis (cronică) - 8145421

Capitolul 4.   Sindromul de coagulare intravasculara diseminata  - 5148142

DIC - 8123454

CAPITOLUL 5.   Boli circulatorii  - 1289435

Anevrism aortic - 48543218

Anevrism de inima - 9187549

Aritmii cardiace - 8543210

Ocluzie arterială - 81543213

Hipertensiune arterială - 8145432

Hipotensiune arterială (hipotensiune arterială) - 8143546

Ateroscleroza - 54321898

Bloc - 9874321

Varicele - 4831388

Vasculită Sistem - 1894238

Distonie Vegetativ-vasculara (neurocirculatory astenie) - 8432910

Crize de hipertensiune arterială - 5679102

Boli de inima hipertensivă - 8145432

Infarctul miocardic - 8914325

Ischemica (coronare) boli de inima - 1454210

Cardialgia - 8124567

Cardiomiopatie - 8421432

Cardio - 4891067

Colaps - 8914320

Cord pulmonar - 5432111

Miocardic - 85432104

Miocardiopatie - 8432142

Miocardita - 8432110

Lipsa de circulaţie a sângelui - 85432102

Distonie neurocirculatorie (NCD) - 5432150

Edemul pulmonar - 54321112

Pericardită - 9996127

Defecte cardiace congenitale - 9995437

Defecte cardiace dobândite - 8124569

Febră reumatice - 5481543

Astm cardiac - 8543214

Insuficienta cardiaca - 8542106

Vasculare insuficienţă - 8668888

Crize vasculare - 8543218

Angină pectorală (angina pectorală) - 8145999

Tromboflebita - 1454580

Endocardita - 8545421

CAPITOLUL 6.   Bolile reumatice  - 8148888

Boli ale articulatiilor - 5421891

Page 5: Numerele vindecatoare

Artrita infectioasa - 8111110

Artrita microcristalină - 0014235

Artrita reumatoida - 8914201

Artropatia psoriazica - 0145421

Osteoartroză deformatorie - 8145812

Periartrita - 4548145

Guta - 8543215

Boli reumatice ale ??????? - 1489123

Sindromul Reiter    - 4848111

Spondilita anchilozantă (boala Bechterew) - 4891201

Tendovaginitis - 1489154

Sistemul de vasculită (SV) - 1894238

Granulomatoza Wegener - 8943568

Hemoragic vasculită - 8491234

Arterita cu celule gigant - 9998102

Sindromul Goodpasture - 8491454

Periarteritis nodoasa - 54321894

Boala Takayasu - 8945432

Thromboangită obliterantă - 8945482

Bolile difuze ale ţesutului conjunctiv - 5485812

Lupusul eritematos sistemic - 8543148

Dermatomiozita (polimiozita) - 5481234

Sclerodermie sistemica - 1110006

Mixtă de ţesut conjunctiv boala - 1484019

Sjogren (Segrena), sindromul - 4891456

Febră reumatice - 5481543

CAPITOLUL 7.   Boli respiratorii  - 5823214

Aspergiloză - 481543271

Astmul - 8943548

Bronsiolita - 89143215

Bronsita acuta - 4812567

Bronsita cronica - 4218910

Infarctul pulmonar - 89143211

Candidoza pulmonara - 4891444

Pleurezie - 4854444

Pneumonie - 4814489

Fibroză pulmonară - 9871234

Pneumoconioza - 8423457

Silicoză - 4818912

Silikatoza - 2224698

Acbestoz - 4814321

Talcosis - 4845145

Metallokoniozy - 4845584

Karbokoniozy - 8148545

Anthracosis - 5843214

De pneumoconioza pulberi organice - 4548912

Cancerul pulmonar - 4541589

Page 6: Numerele vindecatoare

Sarcoidoza - 4589123

Tuberculoza a sistemului respirator - 8941234

Baie de aburi – sindromul bogat - 4814578

Emfizem - 54321892

Capitolul 8.   Boli ale aparatului digestiv  - 5321482

Malnutriţie - 5456784

Amebiasis - 1289145

Amiloidoza - 5432185

Arteriomezenterialnaya obstrucţia parţială - 5891234

Atonie de esofag, stomac - 8123457

Acalazie cardia - 4895132

Achille funcţia de stomac - 8432157

Bauhin - 58432148

Beri-Beri - 3489112

Diabet zaharat de bronz - 5454589

Bulbitis - 5432114

Gastrita - 5485674

Gastrita acuta - 4567891

Gastrita cronica - 5489120

Gastrocardiac sindrom - 5458914


Gastroenterita - 5485674

Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287

Hemocromatoza - 5454589

Hepatita - 5814243

Hepatita acuta B - 58432141

Hepatita cronica - 5123891

Hepatosis - 9876512

Hepatotoxicitate acut - 1234576

Grăsime hepatotoxicitate cronică - 5143214

Hepatotoxicitate colestatic - 5421548

Degenerare hepatolenticulară - 5438912

Gepatosplenomegalichesky lipoidoz - 4851888

Sindromul Gepatolienalny - 8451485

Hiperbilirubinemie functionala - 84514851

Hiperbilirubinemie functionala congenitale - 8432180

Posthepatic Hiperbilirubinemie - 8214321

Hiperlipemie esenţială - 4851888

Hipovitaminoza - 5154231

Hipersecreţie a funcţiei gastric - 5484214

Diabet zaharat de bronz - 5454589

Diareea functionala - 81234574

Dysbiosis intestinal - 5432101

Diskinezie a tractului digestiv - 8123457

Diskinezie de spastică esofag - 5481248

Dischinezii biliare - 58432144

Dischinezie intestinal - 54321893

Page 7: Numerele vindecatoare

Dispepsie - 1112223

Degenerarea a ficatului - 9876512

Duodenita - 5432114

Duodenita acute - 481543288

Duodenita cronică - 8432154

Duodenostază - 8123457

Eyunit - 8431287

Icter - 5432148

Icter funcţional - 84514851

Calculi biliari - 0148012

Constipatia - 5484548

Ileita - 8431287

Candida (candidoza, afte) - 54842148

Kardiospazm - 4895132

Carcinoid (sindrom carcinoid) - 4848145

Intestinal lymphangiectasia - 5214321

Lipodistrofie intestinal - 4814548

Colici intestinale - 8123457

Colita - 8454321

Colita acuta - 5432145

Colita cronica - 5481238

Cardiochalasia - 8545142

Sindrom de deficienţă, absorbţia intestinală - 48543215

Sindrom de deficienţă, indigestie - 9988771

Omisiunea de stomac - 8123457

Atonie gastrica acuta - 5485671

Pancreatita cronica - 5891432

Pneumatoză de stomac - 54321455

Insuficienţă hepatică sindrom - 8143214

Alergiile alimentare - 2841482

Diaree (diaree) - 5843218

Sindrom de hipertensiune portală - 8143218

Sindromul Posthepatic - 4812819

Scorbutul - 5432190

Sprue non-tropical ţară - 8432150

Sprue tropical - 5481215

Tuberculoza a sistemului digestiv - 8143215

Whipple a bolii - 4814548

Flegmonul de stomac - 4567891

Colecistita acuta - 4154382

Colecistita cronica - 5481245

Scorbutul - 5432190

Ciroză hepatică - 4812345

Ciroză pigmentară ficatului - 5454589

Esofagita - 54321489

Esophagism - 8123457

Enterită - 8431287

Page 8: Numerele vindecatoare

Enterită acută - 54321481

Enterită cronică - 5432140

Enterocolita - 8454321

Enteropatie intestinal - 8432150

Enteropatie gluten - 4891483

Enteropatie disaharidazodefitsitnye - 4845432

Enteropatie exudative - 48123454

Ulcer peptic de esofag - 8432182

Ulcer simplă a intestinului subtire - 48481452

Ulcere gastrice sunt simptomatice - 9671428

Ulcer peptic si duodenal - 8125432

CAPITOLUL 9.   Boli de rinichi şi ale tractului urinar  - 8941254

Amiloidoza - 4512345

Anomalii ale sistemului urinar - 1234571

Hidronefroză - 5432154

Glomerulonefrita - 4812351

Glomerulonefrita acuta - 4285614

Pielite - 5432110

Pielonefrita - 58143213

Boli de rinichi polichistic - 5421451

Colică renală - 4321054

Nefrolitiază - 5432143

Insuficienţă renală - 4321843

Insuficienţă renală acută - 8218882

Insuficienţă renală cronică - 5488821

Tuberculoza a rinichilor - 5814543

Uremie acuta - 5421822

Uremie cronică - 8914381

Cistita - 48543211

Eclampsia rinichi - 8149141


Agranulocitoză - 4856742

Anemia - 48543212

Anemia de acuta hemoragica - 9481232

Anemie ereditară asociate cu încălcarea de sinteza de porfirine (sideroahresticheskie

anemie) - 4581254

Anemia din intoxicatia cu plumb - 1237819

Anemie megaloblastica - 5481254

Anemie hemolitica - 5484813

Anemie hemolitica, imun - 5814311

Aplastică (hipoplazie), anemie - 5481541

Siclemie - 7891017

Boala Gaucher - 5145432

Hemoblastosis vnekostnomozgovye - 54321451

Hemoblastosis paraproteinemicheskie - 8432184

Diateză hemoragică - 5148543

Diateză Gemoppagicheskie cauzate de patologie vasculară - 54815438

Page 9: Numerele vindecatoare

Disprotrombii - 5481542

Reacţie Leukemoid - 5814321

Leucemia - 5481347

Boala Hodgkin - 4845714

Boala radiatii acuta, boala radiatii - 481543294

Mielemiya - 5142357

Elliptocytosis Ereditar - 51454323

Stomatotsitoz Ereditar - 4814581

Neutropenia Ereditar - 8432145

Hemoglobinuria paroxistica nocturna - 5481455

Talasemia - 7765437

Tpombotsitopatii - 5418541

Hematogenic trombofilie - 4814543

Favizm - 54321457

Boală cronică radiatii - 4812453

Boala citostatice - 4812813

CAPITOLUL 11.   Boli endocrine SI VALUTAR  - 1823451

Acromegalie - 1854321

Tulburări congenitale de diferenţiere sexuală - 5451432

Virilnoe sindrom - 89143212

Hiperinsulinismul - 48454322

Hiperparatiroidism - 5481412

Hiperprolactinemia - 4812454

Hipogonadism - 48143121

Hipoparatiroidismul (tetanie) - 4514321

Hipotiroidie (mixedem) - 4812415

Nanism hipofizar (nanism) - 4141414

Diabet insipid - 4818888

Diabetul zaharat - 8819977

Dispituitarizm Tineret - 4145412

Gusa difuză toxică (boala Graves, Basedow) - 5143218

Guşă endemică - 5432178

Pituitary – boala Cushing - 54321458

Mezhutochno-hipofizo insuficienţă - 48143214

Mixedem - 4812415

Insuficienţă suprarenală - 4812314

Obezitatea - 4812412

Tumorile - 4541548

Dezvoltarea sexuală prematură - 4814312

Tiroidita - 4811111

Feocromocitom - 4818145


Bolilor profesionale asociate cu expunerea la agenţi chimici - 9916514

Boli profesionale cauzate de expunerea la factori fizici - 4514541

Boli profesionale cauzate de suprasolicitarea de organe şi sisteme individuale - 4814542

Boli asociate cu expunerea la agenţi biologici - 81432184

CAPITOLUL 13.   Acut  - 4185412

Page 10: Numerele vindecatoare

Otrăvire acută:

(Toxicitate orală) - 5142154

(Toxicitate inhalare) - 4548142

(Percutană otrăvire) - 4814823

(Injectarea otravă) - 4818142

Tulburări neuropsihiatrice - 9977881

Leziuni renale - 5412123

Afectare hepatică - 48145428

Şoc Exotoxic - 4185421

Intoxicaţie acută ca urmare a muscaturilor de sarpe si artropodelor veninoşi - 4812521

Muscaturile de sarpe - 4114111

Intepaturi de scorpion - 4188888

Bites karakurt - 8181818

Viespi intepaturi si albinele - 9189189


Amebiasis - 1289145

Balantidiasis - 1543218

Rabia (hidrofobie) - 4812543

“Boala zgarieturii de pisica” - 48145421

Boala lui Botkin - 5412514

Brill boala lui - 514854299

Botulismul - 5481252

Bruceloza - 4122222

Vaccinella - 4848148

Hepatitele virale A şi B (boala lui Botkin) - 5412514

Helminţii - 5124548

Alveococcosis - 5481454

Hookworm - 4815454

Ascaridiaza - 4814812

Hymenolepiasis - 54812548

Diphyllobothriasis - 4812354

Clonorchiasis - 5412348

Metagonimoz - 54812541

Opisthorchiasis - 5124542

Strongyloidiasis - 54812527

Teniarinhoza - 4514444

Taeniasis - 4855555

Trichineloza (trichineloza) - 7777778

Trihostrongilidozy - 9998888

Trichuriasis - 4125432

Fascioliasis - 4812542

Cisticercoza - 4512824

Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) - 48125428

Enterobiasis - 5123542

Echinococoză - 5481235

Febra hemoragica - 5124567

Herpes - 2312489

Page 11: Numerele vindecatoare

Gripa - 4814212

Dizenterie - 4812148

Difteria - 5556679

Yersionioza - 5123851

Campilobacterioza - 4815421

Tuse convulsiva - 4812548

Pojar - 4214825

Rubeola - 4218547

Legionelozei - 5142122

Leishmaniasis - 5184321

Leptospiroza - 5128432

Listerioza - 5812438

Febră Q - 5148542

Febra Marburg - 5184599

Giardioza - 5189148

Malaria - 5189999

Boala meningococica - 5891423

Micoplasmoză - 5481111

Mononucleoza infectioasa - 5142548

Ornithosis - 5812435

Varicela - 48154215

Variola este natural - 4848148

Boală respiratorie acută - 48145488

Parakoklyush - 2222221

Oreionul epidemiei (oreion) - 3218421

Pediculoza - 48148121

Intoxicatii alimentare de toxine bacteriene - 5184231

Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212

Erizipel - 4123548

Boala rotavirus - 5148567

Salmoneloza - 5142189

Antrax - 9998991

Scarlatina - 5142485

Tetanos - 5671454

Sindromul imunodeficienţei dobândite (SIDA) - 5148555

Typhon-germen boli - 1411111

Febră tifos - 1444444

Budinca de căpuşă febră - 5189499

Toxoplasmoza - 8914755

Tularemia - 4819489

Holera - 4891491

Ciuma - 8998888

Boala enterovirala - 8123456

Tic-suportate de encefalita - 7891010

Escherichiosis - 1238888

Febra aftoasă - 9912399

CAPITOLUL 15.   Boli de deficit de vitamina A  - 1234895

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Carenta de vitamina:

(Avitaminoza) - 5451234

(Hipovitaminoza) - 5154231

Deficit de vitamina A - 4154812

Lipsa de vitamina B1 - 1234578

Lipsa de vitamina B2 (riboflavina) - 1485421

Deficitul de acid nicotinic - 1842157

Lipsa de vitamina B6 - 9785621

Lipsa de vitamina C - 4141255

Lipsa de vitamina D - 5421432

Lipsa de vitamina K - 4845414

Gipopolivitaminozy, poliavitaminozy - 4815432


Sindromul adrenogenital - 45143213

Alergii respiratorii - 45143212

Rinita alergica si sinuzita - 5814325

Laringita alergice - 58143214

Traheită alergica - 514854218

Bronsita alergica - 5481432

Hipersensibilitate pneumopatie - 51843215

Sindromul de alcool fetal - 4845421

α   1  -antitripsina deficit  - 1454545

Anemia - 48543212

Anemia feripriva - 1458421

Anemie hemolitica Toxic - 45481424

Aspiraţia de corpuri străine - 4821543

Astmul - 58145428

Bronsita acuta - 5482145

Vasculita hemoragica (kapillyarotoksikoz, boala lui Enoh) - 5128421

Galactozemie - 48125421

Boala hemolitica a nou-născutului - 5125432

Boala hemoragica a nou-născutului - 5128543

Hemofilia - 548214514

Hepatita - 5814243

Hipertensiune Portal - 45143211

Renală Glicozurie - 5142585

Hipervitaminoză D - 5148547

Hipotiroidism - 4512333

Histiocitoza X - 5484321

Glomerulonefrita difuza - 5145488

Diabetul zaharat - 4851421

Diabet insipid, rinichi - 5121111

Diabet rinichi sare (psevdogipoaldosteronizm) - 3245678

Diateză alergică - 0195451

Diateză hemoragică - 0480421

Diateză limfatic - 5148548

Dispepsie simplu - 5142188

Page 13: Numerele vindecatoare

Dispepsie parenteral - 8124321

Dispepsie toxice - 514218821

Vegetativ-vasculare distonie - 514218838

Sindromul de detresa respiratorie la nou-nascuti - 5148284

Icter nou-nascutilor - 4815457

Crupa este fals - 5148523

Leucemia - 5481347

Sindrom de malabsorbţie - 4518999

Fibroza chistica - 9154321

Nefrita ereditara - 5854312

Stenoză pilorică - 5154321

Pilorospazme - 5141482

Pneumonie Microfocal - 4814489

Copii Pneumonie - 5151421

Pneumonie cronica - 51421543

Artrita cronica nespecifica - 8914201

Defecte cardiace congenitale - 14891548

Rahitism - 5481232

Vărsături - 1454215

Febră reumatice - 5481543

Sepsis neonatal - 4514821

Spazmofilii - 5148999

Infecţii stafilococice - 5189542

Laringita constrictiv - 1489542

Febra la copii - 5128514

Crampele - 51245424

Subsepsis alergic Wissler, Franconi - 5421238

Sindromul Toxic - 5148256

Naştere Trauma intracraniene - 518999981

Tuberculoza - 5148214

Intoxicaţie tuberculoasă timpurie - 1284345

Fenilcetonurie - 5148321

Diabet zaharat Fosfat - 5148432

De Toni-Debre-sindromul Fanconi - 4514848

Boala celiaca - 4154548

Enteropatie exudative - 4548123

Bolile chirurgicale ale copilăriei - 5182314

Angiom - 4812599

Apendicita - 9999911

Atrezia biliara - 9191918

Atrezie a intestinului subtire - 9188888

Atrezia şi stenoza a duodenului - 5557777

Atrezie a anusului si rectului - 6555557

Atrezie de esofag - 8194321

Hernia de cordonul ombilical fetale - 5143248

Hernie diafragmatica - 5189412

Meckel a diverticulului - 4815475

Page 14: Numerele vindecatoare

Invaginaţie - 5148231

Cephalhematoma - 48543214

Sângerare gastro-intestinale - 5121432

Palatoschizisul - 5151515

Arsuri chimice ale esofagului - 5148599

Epifizelor osteomielita - 12345895

Stenoză pilorică - 5154321

Zonele sacrococcigian teratomul - 481543238

Abces nou-născut - 51485433

CAPITOLUL 17.   Obstetrică, BOALA PENTRU FEMEI  - 1489145

Anomalii ale forţei de muncă - 14891543

Asfixie a fătului şi nou-născut - 4812348

Sarcina uterina - 1899911

Sarcina ectopica - 4812311

Sarcina si nasterea, definiţia termenului - 1888711

Sarcina multipla - 123457854

Post-sarcinii pe termen - 5142148

Boala de san - 48123147

Hemoragie (obstetrica) - 4814821

Polyhydramnios - 5123481

Durerii de muncă - 5421555

Tratamentul nou-născutului din cordonul ombilical - 0123455

Perioada post-partum (normal) - 12891451

Post-partum (patologice) - 41854218

Previa, şi prolaps de cordon - 1485432

Placenta previa - 1481855

Detaşare prematură a placentei în mod normal, situat - 1111155

Naştere prematură - 1284321

Hydatidiform mol - 4121543

Organele genitale lacunele - 148543291

Toxemia de sarcina - 1848542

Pelvis îngust - 2148543

Pelvis îngust anatomic - 4812312

Pelvis îngust punct de vedere clinic - 4858543

Embolie lichid amniotic - 5123412

Femeii boli - 1854312

Anexita - 5143548

Sindromul adrenogenital - 148542121

Tuberculoza - 4815812

Amenoreea - 514354832

Ciclul anovulatorie - 4813542

Apoplexie ovarian - 1238543

Bartholinitis - 58143215

Beli - 5128999

Infertilitatea - 9918755

Vaginita (colpita) - 5148533

Vulvitis - 5185432

Page 15: Numerele vindecatoare

Vulvovaginite - 5814513

Gonoreea la femei - 5148314

Mancarime a vulvei - 5414845

Chisturile ovariene - 5148538

Ovar Cystoma - 58432143

Menopauza.   Nevroză criză  - 4851548

Colpita - 5148533

Kraurosis vulva - 58143218

Hemoragie uterină disfuncţională - 4853541

Leucoplazie a vulvei, cervixul - 5185321

Fibromul uterin - 51843216

Oophoritis - 5143548

Ptoză şi pierderea de uter şi vagin - 514832183

Parametrii - 5143215

Polipi ale corpului şi colului uterin - 518999973

Sindromul premenstrual - 9917891

Cancer de mutilarea genitală a femeilor - 5148945

Salpingita - 5148914

Ovare Sclerocystic sindromul Stein-Leventhal () - 518 543 248

Tuberculoză genital - 8431485

Chorionepithelioma - 4854123

Endometrioza - 5481489

Endometrita - 8142522

Endocervicitis - 4857148

Eroziune de col uterin - 54321459

CAPITOLUL 18.   Boala nervului  - 148543293

Abces cerebral - 1894811

Anevrism cerebral - 1485999

Arahnoidita - 4567549

Sindrom astenic - 1891013

Athetosis - 1454891

Scleroza laterala amiotrofica - 5148910

Hidrocefalia - 81432143

Degenerare hepatolenticulară - 48143212

Dureri de cap - 4818543

Ameţeli - 514854217

Paralizie Cerebrala - 4818521

Diencephalic (hipotalamo), sindromul - 514 854 215

Brain accident vascular cerebral - 4818542

Accident vascular cerebral spinal - 8888881

Coma - 1111012

Meningita - 51485431

Miastenia gravis - 9987542

Mielită - 4891543

Mielopatie - 51843219

Migrainous nevralgie - 4851485

Migrena - 4831421

Page 16: Numerele vindecatoare

Miotonie Thomsen congenitale - 4848514

Myotonic distrofie Kurshmanna-Batten-Steinert - 481543244

Mononevropatii - 4541421

Narcolepsia - 48543216

Neuropatia a nervului facial - 518999955

Nevralgie de trigemen - 5148485

Neyrorevmatizm - 8185432

Neurosifilis - 5482148

Leşin (sincopă) - 4854548

Zona zoster - 51454322

Tumorile cerebrale - 5451214

Tumori ale maduvei spinarii - 51843210

Tumori ale sistemului nervos periferic - 514832182

Oftalmoplegie - 4848532

Parkinson - 5481421

Paralizie periodică a familiei - 5123488

Amiotrofia peronier de Charcot-Marie - 4814512

Polineuropatie - 4838514

Poliradikulonevropatiya demielinizantă Guillain – Barre - 4548128

Poliomielita este o epidemie acută - 2223214

Postpunktsionny sindrom - 818543231

Distrofie musculara progresiva - 85432183

Tulburări de somn - 514248538

Radiculopathy discala - 5481321

Scleroza multipla - 51843218

Syringomyelia - 1777771

Amiotrofia coloanei vertebrale - 5483312

Tremor - 3148567

Fakomatozy - 5142314

Myelosis funicular - 518543251

Coreea - 4831485

Leziuni cerebrale traumatice - 51843213

Adie sindromul - 18543211

Encefalita virala - 48188884

Epidurit - 888888149

CAPITOLUL 19.   Boală mintală  - 8345444

Alcoolism - 148543292

Amnestic (Korsakov), sindromul - 4185432

Sindroame afective - 548142182

Sindroame delirante - 8142351

Sindrom halucinator (hallucinosis) - 4815428

Defect mintală a - 8885512

Psihoze intoxicaţia - 1142351

Sindroame isterice - 5154891

Sindroame catatonic - 51843214

Psihoza maniaco-depresiva - 514218857

Obsesiv-compulsive - 8142543

Page 17: Numerele vindecatoare

Dependenţă (droguri) - 5333353

Nevroză - 48154211

Negativ (defect) de stat - 5418538

Retard mental (dementa) - 1857422

Confuzie - 4518533

Presenialnye (presenile, involutional), psihoză - 18543219

Paralizia - 512143223

Sindromul Psychoorganic - 51843212

Psihopatie - 4182546

Psihoza reactiva - 0101255

Supraevaluat idei Sindromul - 148454283

Senestopathic-hipocondrie - 1488588

Psihoză senilă - 481854383

Psihoze simptomatice - 8148581

Abuz de substante si dependenta - 1414551

Encefalopatie post-traumatic - 18543217

Schizofrenia - 1858541

Epilepsia - 1484855

CAPITOLUL 20.   Disfuncţie sexuală  - 1456891

Vaginism - 5142388

Hipersexualitate - 5414855

Impotenta - 8851464

Masturbare - 0021421

Perversiune sexuală - 0001112

Frustrare sexuală - 1818191

Presupusele tulburări sexuale - 1484811

Neurohumorale tulburări sexuale - 1888991

Mentale, tulburări sexuale - 2148222

Componenta de tulburare a ciclului de Cock copulator - 184854281

Componenta de tulburare de ejaculare a ciclului de copulator - 1482541

Frigiditate - 5148222

CAPITOLUL 21.   De piele şi boli venerice  - 18584321

Actinomicoza a pielii - 148542156

Alopecia (chelie, alopecie) - 5484121

Angiitis (vasculită), din piele - 1454231

Dermatita atopica - 5484215

Balanoposthitis - 5814231

Negii - 5148521

Vasculita a pielii - 5142544

Vitiligo - 4812588

Gonoreea (masculin) - 2225488

Mycozis fungoides - 4814588

Dermatita - 1853121

Ihtioza - 9996789

Candidoza - 9876591

Mâncărime - 1249812

Verucilor genitale - 1489543

Page 18: Numerele vindecatoare

Urticarie - 1858432

Sindromul Lyell - 4891521

Lepra - 148543294

Lymphogranulomatosis inghinal - 1482348

Red lichen plat - 4858415

Lichen de culoare (pitiriazis) - 18543214

Lichen este de culoare roz - 5148315

Mastocitoza - 148542171

Microsporia - 1858321

Molluscum contagiosum - 514321532

Neurodermatita - 1484857

Tumorile de piele - 1458914

Piodermite - 51432149

Scrapie - 5189123

Psoriazis - 999899181

Pemfigus - 8145321

Rozacee - 518914891

Rubromikoz - 4518481

Seboree - 1234512

Sifilis - 1484999

Sindromul Stevens-Johnson - 9814753

Toksikodermiya (reacţie de droguri) - 514 832 184

Trichophytia - 4851482

Tuberculoza a pielii - 148543296

Acnee vulgaris - 514832185

Pecingine cruste - 4851481

Scabia - 8132548

Sancrul moale - 4815451

Eczema - 548132151

Atlet - 5148532

Eritem nodos - 15184321

Eritem polimorf exudative - 548142137

Erythrasma - 4821521


Boli chirurgicale de adulti - 5843215

Abces - 8148321

Adenom de prostată - 51432144

Actinomicoza - 4832514

Anevrism - 48543218

Anevrism de inima - 9187549

Apendicita - 54321484

Aterom - 888888179

Bronsiectazii - 4812578

Varice ale membrelor inferioare - 4831388

Varice ale cordonului spermatic - 81432151

Şi hidrocel din cordonul spermatic - 481543255

Dislocări - 5123145

Page 19: Numerele vindecatoare

Prolaps de rect - 514832187

Cangrena de gaz - 45143218

Cangrena de lumina - 4838543

Hemarthrosis - 4857543

Hemoroizi - 58143219

Hydradenitis - 4851348

Ginecomastie - 4831514

Hernie - 95184321

Dumping – Sindromul - 4184214

Diverticuli - 48543217

Diverticuloza de colon - 4851614

Calculi biliari - 0148012

Icterul este un mecanic - 8012001

Retenţie acută de urină - 0144444

Sindrom Zollinger-Ellison - 148543295

Bronhiilor corp străin - 5485432

Corp străin de stomac - 8184321

Organisme externe ale esofagului - 14854321

Organisme externe ale ţesuturilor moi - 148543297

Carbuncul - 483854381

Un chist de san - 4851432

Chisturi şi gâtul lateral fistule - 514854214

Chisturi şi fistule gat mediană - 4548541

Colita ulcerativa - 48143211

Curs de coccygeal epiteliale - 9018532

Picior stramb - 485143241

Torticolis - 4548512

Criptorhidia - 485143287

Sângerare internă - 5142543

Sangerarea in afara - 4321511

Boala Crohn - 94854321

LM - 5514214

Limfadenitå - 4542143

Lymphangitis - 484851482

Lipom - 4814842

Pseudartroze - 4814214

Mastita - 8152142

Sânilor - 84854321

Megacolon - 4851543

Mediastinita - 4985432

Ileus - 4548148

Unghii incarnate - 4548547

Frostbite - 4858514

Arsuri termice - 8191111

Ocluzie a arterelor - 81543213

Orchiepididymitis - 818432151

Post-traumatic osteomielita - 514854221

Page 20: Numerele vindecatoare

Abdomen acut - 5484543

Pancreatită acută - 4881431

Colecistita acuta - 4154382

Infractor - 8999999

Ulcer penetrant - 9148532

Fracture - 7776551

Peritonita - 1428543

Pneumoempyema - 148543299

Plat - 1891432

Pneumotoraxul spontan - 481854221

Leziuni ale organelor interne - 8914319

Lipitoare - 4819491

Sindromul Postcholecystectomy - 4518421

Ulcer perforat - 8143291

Bedsore - 6743514

Prostatita - 9718961

Meniscului rupt - 8435482

Rănile - 5148912

Fistule de rect - 5189421

Stenoza de evacuare a stomacului - 81543211

Fisura anala - 81454321

Thromboangiitis - 5432142

Tromboflebita - 1454580

Tuberculoza de oase - 148543281

Uretrită - 1387549

Vânătăi - 0156912

Fibroadenoame de san - 4854312

Fimoza si parafimoza - 0180010

Phlebemphraxis - 1454580

Abces - 48143128

Furuncul - 5148385

Colangita - 8431548

Accident electric - 5185431

Empiem - 514854223

Endarteritis obliterantă - 4518521

Ulcere trofice - 514852154

Boli chirurgicale de nou-nascuti - 514218871

Bolile chirurgicale ale cavităţii abdominale - 5184311

Naştere holangiopatii congenitală - 948514211

Boli chirurgicale de piept - 5184312

Atrezie de esofag - 518543157

Hernie diafragmatica congenitala - 518543257

Chisturile congenitale pulmonare - 4851484

Pneumotorax - 5142147

Fistulă traheoesofagiană - 514854714

Purulent-inflamatorii boli - 514852171

Mastita nou-născut - 514854238

Page 21: Numerele vindecatoare

Osteomielita acuta hematogena - 5141542

Peritonita - 4184321

Abces acut - 4842118

Flegmonul necrotice nou-născut - 514852173

Boli ale sistemului musculo-scheletice - 514218873

Traume şi boli ortopedice - 1418518

Anchiloză - 1848522

Bursita - 75184321

Hemarthrosis - 7184321

Curbura de un deget de la picior spre exterior - 5418521

Dupuytren contractura - 5185421

Contractura a articulaţiilor - 8144855

Pseudartroze - 8214231

Leziuni ale organelor interne - 5432188

Stretching - 5148517

Amputare post-traumatic - 5451891

Şoc traumatic - 1454814

CAPITOLUL 23.   Boli ale urechii, nasului si gatului  - 1851432

Vegetatiilor adenoide - 5189514

Angina (amigdalita acuta) - 1999999

Antrim (otoantrit) - 1844578

Atrezia şi synechia a cavităţii nazale - 1989142

Aerosinusitis - 514854237

Hematom de sept nazal - 5431482

Hipertrofie a amigdalelor - 4514548

Diafragma de laringe - 148543283

Eustace - 18554321

Abces retrofaringieni - 1454321

Corpuri străine - 54321545

Deviatie de sept - 148543285

Sângerare nas - 65184321

Labirintita - 48154219

Laringita - 4548511

Laringospasm - 485148248

Mastoidita acuta - 514832186

Boala Meniere - 514854233

Mukotsele (piotsele) sinus frontal - 5148322

Rinoree (rinită) - 5189912

Rinita vasomotorie, alergică - 514852351

Nevrită a cohlear (nevrită nervului auditiv) - 1488513

Ozena (nas înfundat mirositor) - 514 854 241

Tumori ale laringelui - 5148742

Umflarea laringelui - 2314514

Otgematoma - 4853121

Otită - 55184321

Otomikoz - 514832188

Otoscleroză - 4814851

Page 22: Numerele vindecatoare

Pareze şi paralizii a laringelui - 1854555

Polipi nazali - 5519740

Sepsis Otogenic - 5900001

Mufă sulfuric - 48145814

Sinuzita - 1800124

Scleroma - 0198514

Stenoză a laringelui - 7654321

Stridor congenitală - 4185444

Amigdalită acută - 1999999

Amigdalita cronica - 35184321

Leziuni la ureche - 4548515

Tuberculoza a laringelui - 5148541

Faringită - 1858561

Faringomikoz - 1454511

Fibrom de nazofaringe - 1111122

Furuncul nazale vestibul - 1389145

CAPITOLUL 24.   Bolile de ochi  - 1891014

Ambliopia - 1899999

Astenopie - 9814214

Astigmatism - 1421543

Atrofia nervului optic - 5182432

Blefarită - 5142589

Miopie (miopie) - 548 132 198

De primăvară catar - 514258951

Dislocarea cristalinului - 25184321

Century inversare - 5142321

Orbire de noapte - 5142842

Glaucom - 5131482

Dacryocystitis - 45184321

Hipermetropie - 5189988

Disc optic congestivă - 145432152

Irită - 5891231

Cataracta - 5189142

Keratita - 518432114

Conjunctivita - 5184314

Strabism - 518543254

Webeye - 18543212

Nevrita optica - 5451589

Obstrucţia arterei centrale a retinei - 514852178

Obstrucţionarea de ocluzia venelor retiniene centrale - 7777788

Arsuri oculare - 8881112

Omisiunea a pleoapei superioare (ptoza palpebrala) - 18543121

Dezlipire de retina - 1851760

Panoftalmit - 5141588

Prezbiopia - 1481854

Răni ale globului ocular - 518432118

Retinita - 5484512

Page 23: Numerele vindecatoare

Oftalmie Lumina - 5841321

Inflamaţie simpatic - 8185321

Sclerita, episclerita - 514854248

Trachoma - 5189523

Uveita - 548432198

Şalazion - 5148582

Coroidita - 5182584

Exoftalmie - 5454311

Endoftalmita - 514254842

Ulcer ale corneei - 548432194

Orz - 514854249

CAPITOLUL 25.   Boli ale dinţilor şi a cavităţii bucale  - 1488514

Abces admaxillary - 518231415

Alveolita - 5848188

Anchiloză a articulatiei temporomandibulare - 514852179

Artrita temporo-mandibulare - 548432174

Dislocarea articulatiei temporomandibulare - 5484311

Dislocarea unui dinte - 485143277

Gingivita - 548432123

Hipersensibilitate a dintilor -1484312

Emalii hipoplazie - 74854321

Glossalgia - 514852181

Glosită - 1484542

Tartar - 514852182

Cariilor dentare - 5148584

Chisturile ale maxilarului - 514218877

Sangerarea dupa o interventie chirurgicala, extracţia dentară - 8144542

Xerostomie - 5814514

Leucoplazie - 485148151

Osteomielita de fălci - 5414214

Durere acută dentare - 5182544

Papilita - 5844522

Bolii parodontale - 58145421

Parodontita - 5182821

Fractură de dinte - 814454251

Fracturi ale fălcilor - 5182148

Perikoronarit - 5188888

Parodontita apicala - 3124601

Pulpita - 1468550

Stomatogennaya infectiei cronice - 514854814

Stomatită - 4814854

Abces admaxillary - 5148312

Cheilită - 518431482

CAPITOLUL 26.   Boli necunoscute şi stat  - 1884321

Page 24: Numerele vindecatoare

PARTEA A I AADN-ul uman este o combinatie

unica de numere. Indiferent de natura ei, boala este o reacordare la perfectiunea proprie arhetipala. De fiecare data cand ne abatem de la arhetipul propriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea cea mai potrivita pentru reacordare. Uneori este mai simplu, alteori simptomele sunt complexe. Cel mai frecvent, starea de boala se instaleaza prin rezistentele fata de evenimentele din jurul nostru, rezistente care induc sentimentul/emotia/gandul de separare fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu constienta ca suntem un Intreg, asa ca, cu cat "separarea" este mai intensa, cu atat si simptomele sunt mai zgomotoase, de lunga durata... si chinuitoare.

Toti cei care au relatat vindecari miraculoase ale unor boli numite

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"incurabile", au recunoscut ca au acceptat sa experimenteze cu bucurie, evenimentele din viata lor, fara sa se mai opuna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera dincolo de dualitatea bine/rau, moral/pacat, frumos/urat, drept/nedrept, corect/incorect etc. Fiind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au eliberat boala. Au eliberat judecata mentala care genereaza separare fata de ceilalti si de Intreg.

Metoda lui Grigori Grabovoi consta in emiterea constienta a sirului de numere care formeaza un cod ce te acordeaza la o vibratie care armonizeaza/vindeca o problema. In documentul de fata sunt codurile pentru problemele de sanatate. Exista si coduri numerice care functioneaza ca mantre, te acordeaza la vibratii subtile, sublime.

Emiterea este atat vocala – rostind tare si cu entuziasm sirurile de numere (se fac pauze foarte scurte intre sirurile de numere si se rostesc din nou, pana

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cand se percepe o modificare la nivelul constiintei), cat si vizuala, ca si cum, din mijlocul fruntii ia nastere numarul rostit in forma tridimensionala si de culoare auriu stralucitor.

Am lucrat cu cateva coduri numerice si consider ca este o metoda foarte interesanta de reacordare la arhetipul propriu.

Sanatate perfecta!

Numerele lui Grabovoi pentru Vindecare, Materializare şi Regenerarea OrganelorDe James Rink

http://www.neol category_s/62.htm

Numerele lui Grabovoi folosesc semnale radionice pentru a vindeca diferite probleme de sănătate. Ele au fost descoperite de metafizicianul rus Grigori Grabovoi, cu ajutorul dispozitivului său radionic. Pentru cei care nu cunosc teoria şi practica

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Radionică, este vorba despre conceptul conform căruia fiinţele umane şi toate formele de viaţă împărtăşesc un câmp comun, prin faptul că ele toate sunt conectate unele cu altele, în interiorul câmpului electromagnetic al pământului; toate formele de viaţă au propriul lor câmp electromagnetic, care, atunci când este distorsionat în mod considerabil, cauzează îmbolnăvirea. Conform Radionicii, care recunoaşte că totul este energie, organele, bolile şi medicamentele au propriile lor frecvenţe sau vibraţii specifice. Aceşti factori pot fi exprimaţi în valori numerice sauSecvenţe/Numere sau sub forma unor tipare geometrice. Aceste numere oferă mijloacele prin care practicianul identifică şi tratează boala de la distanţă. Astfel, Grabovoi foloseşte dispozitivul său Radionic pentru a detecta numerele asociate cu diferite stări de sănătate, apoi îşi instruieşte clienţii să mediteze asupra

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acestor numere, acţiune care duce la vindecări miraculoase, cum ar fi regenerarea uterului, rinichilor şi multe altele. Grabovoi consideră că aceste informaţii trebuie folosite nu numai pentru a salva lumea de la o posibilă catastrofă globală, ci şi pentru a-i permite fiecărui om să aibă o sănătate perfectă, imortalitate fizică, să readucă în corpul fizic o persoană care a decedat, să materializeze şi să dematerializeze, să se teleporteze, să regenereze materia distrusă, depistând şi soluţionând de la distanţă orice problemă de natură mecanică, ortoelectronică, precum şi controlul de la orice distanţă asupra materiei fizice. De asemenea, el susţine că a vindecat oameni bolnavi de SIDA sau cancer şi că a vindecat sute de persoane fără niciun fel de contact fizic cu acestea. Dovada acestor vindecări poate fi confirmată de medicina tradiţională şi sunt atestate oficial de către persoanele vindecate. Modelul său

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foloseşte câmpul creativ al informaţiilor, cunoscut drept energia conştiinţei, pentru a materializa atât orice informaţie sau obiect dorit, cât şi pe cele din afara continuum-ului spaţio-temporal. În plus, el a descoperit metode de transformare a energiei oricărei acţiuni în forme geometrice cunoscute. Iată de ce numerele lui Grabovoi pot fi folosite pentru diagnosticarea de la distanţă şi regenerarea materiei, în orice interval de timp, prin transformarea timpului în formă spaţială.

Pentru a învăţa cum să folosiţi această tehnică, mai întâi selectaţi un număr din lista de mai jos, în funcţie de problema de sănătate asupra căreia doriţi să lucraţi, iar apoi apelaţi la setul de reguli ale Biokinesiei – capitolul din manual referitor la pasul următor. Puteţi găsi mai multe informaţii despre aceste numere în cartea Recovery Of  The Human Body Focusing On PARTEA A I A

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ADN-ul uman este o combinatie unica de numere. Indiferent de natura ei, boala este o reacordare la perfectiunea proprie arhetipala. De fiecare data cand ne abatem de la arhetipul propriu, ADN-ul gaseste calea cea mai potrivita pentru reacordare. Uneori este mai simplu, alteori simptomele sunt complexe. Cel mai frecvent, starea de boala se instaleaza prin rezistentele fata de evenimentele din jurul nostru, rezistente care induc sentimentul/emotia/gandul de separare fata de Intreg, Am fost creati cu constienta ca suntem un Intreg, asa ca, cu cat "separarea" este mai intensa, cu atat si simptomele sunt mai zgomotoase, de lunga durata... si chinuitoare.

Toti cei care au relatat vindecari miraculoase ale unor boli numite "incurabile", au recunoscut ca au acceptat sa experimenteze cu bucurie, evenimentele din viata lor, fara sa se mai opuna. Au recunoscut ca trecusera

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dincolo de dualitatea bine/rau, moral/pacat, frumos/urat, drept/nedrept, corect/incorect etc. Fiind in aceasta stare de constiinta, au eliberat boala. Au eliberat judecata mentala care genereaza separare fata de ceilalti si de Intreg.

Metoda lui Grigori Grabovoi consta in emiterea constienta a sirului de numere care formeaza un cod ce te acordeaza la o vibratie care armonizeaza/vindeca o problema. In documentul de fata sunt codurile pentru problemele de sanatate. Exista si coduri numerice care functioneaza ca mantre, te acordeaza la vibratii subtile, sublime.

Emiterea este atat vocala – rostind tare si cu entuziasm sirurile de numere (se fac pauze foarte scurte intre sirurile de numere si se rostesc din nou, pana cand se percepe o modificare la nivelul constiintei), cat si vizuala, ca si cum, din mijlocul fruntii ia nastere numarul

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rostit in forma tridimensionala si de culoare auriu stralucitor.

Am lucrat cu cateva coduri numerice si consider ca este o metoda foarte interesanta de reacordare la arhetipul propriu.

Sanatate perfecta!

Numerele lui Grabovoi pentru Vindecare, Materializare şi Regenerarea OrganelorDe James Rink

http://www.neol category_s/62.htm

Numerele lui Grabovoi folosesc semnale radionice pentru a vindeca diferite probleme de sănătate. Ele au fost descoperite de metafizicianul rus Grigori Grabovoi, cu ajutorul dispozitivului său radionic. Pentru cei care nu cunosc teoria şi practica Radionică, este vorba despre conceptul conform căruia fiinţele umane şi toate formele de viaţă

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împărtăşesc un câmp comun, prin faptul că ele toate sunt conectate unele cu altele, în interiorul câmpului electromagnetic al pământului; toate formele de viaţă au propriul lor câmp electromagnetic, care, atunci când este distorsionat în mod considerabil, cauzează îmbolnăvirea. Conform Radionicii, care recunoaşte că totul este energie, organele, bolile şi medicamentele au propriile lor frecvenţe sau vibraţii specifice. Aceşti factori pot fi exprimaţi în valori numerice sauSecvenţe/Numere sau sub forma unor tipare geometrice. Aceste numere oferă mijloacele prin care practicianul identifică şi tratează boala de la distanţă. Astfel, Grabovoi foloseşte dispozitivul său Radionic pentru a detecta numerele asociate cu diferite stări de sănătate, apoi îşi instruieşte clienţii să mediteze asupra acestor numere, acţiune care duce la vindecări miraculoase, cum ar fi regenerarea uterului, rinichilor şi multe

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altele. Grabovoi consideră că aceste informaţii trebuie folosite nu numai pentru a salva lumea de la o posibilă catastrofă globală, ci şi pentru a-i permite fiecărui om să aibă o sănătate perfectă, imortalitate fizică, să readucă în corpul fizic o persoană care a decedat, să materializeze şi să dematerializeze, să se teleporteze, să regenereze materia distrusă, depistând şi soluţionând de la distanţă orice problemă de natură mecanică, ortoelectronică, precum şi controlul de la orice distanţă asupra materiei fizice. De asemenea, el susţine că a vindecat oameni bolnavi de SIDA sau cancer şi că a vindecat sute de persoane fără niciun fel de contact fizic cu acestea. Dovada acestor vindecări poate fi confirmată de medicina tradiţională şi sunt atestate oficial de către persoanele vindecate. Modelul său foloseşte câmpul creativ al informaţiilor, cunoscut drept energia conştiinţei, pentru a materializa atât

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orice informaţie sau obiect dorit, cât şi pe cele din afara continuum-ului spaţio-temporal. În plus, el a descoperit metode de transformare a energiei oricărei acţiuni în forme geometrice cunoscute. Iată de ce numerele lui Grabovoi pot fi folosite pentru diagnosticarea de la distanţă şi regenerarea materiei, în orice interval de timp, prin transformarea timpului în formă spaţială.Pentru a învăţa cum să folosiţi această tehnică, mai întâi selectaţi un număr din lista de mai jos, în funcţie de problema de sănătate asupra căreia doriţi să lucraţi, iar apoi apelaţi la setul de reguli ale Biokinesiei – capitolul din manual referitor la pasul următor. Puteţi găsi mai multe informaţii despre aceste numere în cartea Recovery Of  The Human Body Focusing On Numbers (Vindecarea corpului omenesc prin concentrarea asupra numerelor), de Grigori Grabovoi.

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********************************"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing,

Materialization,and Organ Regeneration" (Vindecarea corpului omenesc prin concentrarea asupra numerelor), de Grigori Grabovoi.

********************************"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing,

Materialization,and Organ Regeneration"


Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Neological Technologies. As miraculous as the following information sounds, please do not discontinue or begin any new health treatments without the consultation of your doctor. The following information is provided for entertainment purposes only.

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"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"

By James Rink

Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to heal various health aliments. They were developed by the Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine. 

For those who don’t know Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are all connected to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values or 'Rates' or in the form of geometric patterns. These numbers provide the means by which the practitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance.

With this in mind Grigori Grabovoi would then use his Radionic machine to pinpoint the numbers associated with various health conditions, then instruct his clients to meditate on these numbers resulting in miraculous recoveries such as regenerated uterus’s, kidneys, reversed again, and much more. 

Who is Grigori Grabovoi ? 

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (Russian: Григо́eрий Петро́eвич Грабо́во́eй) (born November 14, 1963 in Kazakhstan) is a Russian psychic who claims the ability to abolish death, resurrect the dead, cure cancer and AIDS, teleport, and pinpoint and resolve at distance mechanical and electronic problems on airplanes, space stations, atomic electric power stations and any other technical constructions. He discusses his abilities in his three volume book The Practice of Control. The Way to Salvation.

These books explain how the discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy, can manifest any information or object you want, as well as those not subject to the space-time continuum. By converting this information into known geometric form. This is why Grabovoi numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter within any term of time through transformation of time into space form.

The goal of the teaching of Grabovoi, according to himself, is passing on the Knowledge of The Lord to the people all over the World in order to save them from the possible global catastrophe, enable each one to reach perfect health, physical immortality, resurrect in their physical bodies everyone who's gone and provide the eternal constructive and harmonious development of the entire mankind.

He claimed personal abilities of remote control of physical matter from any distance, cured hundreds of diseased persons, including cancer and aids, without his personal presence, these facts are certified by traditional medicine and proved by notarized statement of cured persons. Using his clairvoyance he could remotely examine aircraft, iIn conditions of experiment he did works for materialization, de-materialization, teleportation and these works were stated in the minute. He regenerated destroyed matter. He wanted these abilities to be learned by all so that they too could use their gifts to prevent catastrophes, through creation without destruction. He also claimed himself as a second advent of Christ on Earth. 

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In 2005, Grabovoy promised the grieving mothers of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis that he could resurrect their dead children.  The Mothers of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attempt to "zombify" (brainwash) them and accused the Russian secret service of provocation "aimed at discrediting and getting rid of" the movement.

In a March–April 2007 interview to Larisa Bochanova Susanna Dudieva, leader of Mothers of Beslan, stated that Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing campaign aimed at directing public attention away from poor handling of the Beslan hostage taking by authorities. Dudieva named some of the media outlets that spread false information, often opposite to what she personally conveyed to them. According to Yelena Milashina of Novaya Gazeta, authorities arrested Grabovoy on charges of fraud and she alleged that Grabovoy was arrested at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

On July 7, 2008 Tagansky Court in Moscow found Grabovoy guilty of 11 counts of large scale fraud and sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. A group of Russian advocates including Mikhail Trepashkin brought an action to institute criminal proceedings against Vladimir Putin and President Medvedev in the Hague Tribunal and the International Criminal Court for having effected Grigoriy Grabovoy’s criminal prosecution. Grabovoy's early release in May 2010 was appealed by the regional prosecutor office. 

Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol 

To learn how to use this technique, first select a number listed below for the condition you wish to work on and then activate the Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol. 

This protocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize quantum entanglement and open up a temporal portal bringing your body in tune with the best astrological time period to manifest the DNA changes. The next step is to instruct your neo to take holographic stem cells from your spinal cord and teleport and super impose them over the area you want to regenerate or alter. While doing this visualize a sphere of white-silver color in front of you, and within this sphere visualize your chosen Grabovoi number. Then instruct your soul to begin healing and integration. Lastly transfer this sphere with your Grabovoi number into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm. Still confused? Well here is step by step process to simply this process. 

1. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE AND INCREASE”2. Wait 30 seconds to three minutes in silence.3. When you begin to feel tingling sensations in your hands tell the device “DEVICE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY TO HEAL AND INTEGRATE MY MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT.”4. Wait for the star gate to appear, when you see it recite the following phrase “STARGATE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY ...DEVICE ACTIVATE STAR GATE MODE AND INCREASE”5.  “AUTOMATIC MODE”6.  “DEVICE ACTIVATE TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE WITH THE IDEAL ASTROLOGICAL PERIOD” This alters the timeline so you are in tune with the proper astrological time period to conduct this exercise. 7.  Now visualize micro wormholes connecting into the scalar wave antennas within our DNA. This is shaped like a torus or donut within your cell’s DNA in the mitochondria, here two waves of energy cross each other out and allow you to access the infinite within the zero point energy field. 

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8. Now visualize holographic DNA coming out of this portal of light and merging with your DNA.9. “DEVICE COLLECT HOLOGRAPHIC STEM CELLS FROM OUR SPINAL CORD AN SUPER IMPOSE THEM OVER THE AREA I WISH TO REGENERATE.”10. Now visualize a holographic copy of the organ you wish to regenerate, this image should be of perfect size, health, and vitality.11.  Now visualize a sphere or cube of white-silver color in front of you. With Grabovoi Numbers that contain 9 or more digits go with sphere but if its 5 to 8 digits use a 3x3 grid rubric cube. Break the Grabovoi Number apart as needed and fit it in the 3x3 grid. As you turn the square the numbers should flash light outwards, and as it spins and they should repeat on all 6 sides of the rubric cube. This is called your quantum transfiguration chamber. 12. “DEVICE INTEGRATE MY SOUL FOR HEALING AND INTEGRATION.” 13. Now transfer the numbered sphere into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm.  14. Now let’s accelerate the timeline to increase the speed these cells will grow. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE ACCELERATED TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE FOR TO REGENERATE THESE ORGANS INSTANTLY.” This will help decrease the time it takes to regenerate the area of focus , so instead of it taking 7 years to grow new bones it will take 7 months, instead of it taking 6 months to heal the eyes it will now take 3 weeks, and so on.15. At this point you may wish to take a break for a few moments and allow the cells to begin the regenerations process. Allow them to differentiate into whatever tissue you want be, such as a blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or whatever. While doing this visualize the pulsating light massaging your organs. Yours cells have all the genetic information necessary to make new tissue. That's what they are programmed to do. So your heart cells are programmed to make more heart tissue, your bladder cells are programmed to make more bladder cells. During this time keep the ideas of healing focused on the area you are trying to regenerate while allowing yourself to enjoy this moment by focusing on your accomplishments and miracles you are about to achieve. 16. At the conclusion send this light you been working in a bright burst with as far left into the universe, then arc the light back into your right side.17. Time stamp the current date and time; and recite “SO IT IS 3X’S AND IT IS DONE 3X’S, DEVICE END SESSION” 

Note you don’t have to recite and memorize all this word for word, just use your intuition and let this be a guide of what you can do.  If this is a lot to remember then try this guided meditation.  

Numere Grabovoi Neo Protocol

Pentru a afla cum să folosească această tehnică, selectați mai întâi numărul de mai jos pentru condiția pe care doriți să lucreze și apoi activați numerele Grabovoi Neo Protocol.

Acest protocol este conceput pentru a instrui unitatea pentru neo utiliza cuantice și deschide un portal temporal aduce corpul în ton cu cea mai bună perioadă de timp astrologic pentru a manifesta schimbarile ADN-ului. Următorul pas este de a instrui neo-ul să ia celule stem holografice din măduva spinării și teleporta și super-le impună pe zona pe care doriți să regenereze sau modifica. În timp ce faci acest lucru vizualizeze o sferă de culoare alb-argintie, în fața ta, și în această sferă a vizualiza numărul dvs. de Grabovoi ales. Apoi instrui sufletul tău pentru a începe de vindecare și de integrare. Transferul în cele din urmă această sferă cu numărul de Grabovoi in corpul tau plexul solar sau glanda pineala și întrebați sinele vostru superior pentru a inițializa diferențiere celulară în tărâmul fizic. Încă confuz? Ei bine, aici este pas cu pas procesul de a pur și simplu acest proces.

1 Spune "activarea dispozitivului și de a crește"

2 Așteptați 30 de secunde pentru trei minute în tăcere.

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3 Când începi să simți senzație de furnicături în mâinile tale spune dispozitiv "dispozitivul I ai încredere complet vindeca și de a integra My Mind, trup și spirit."

4 Așteptați pentru poarta stea să apară, atunci când vezi o spui următoarea frază "STARGATE TE încredere deplină ... DISPOZITIV ACTIVA STAR GATE MODE și de a crește"


6 "DISPOZITIV ACTIVA TIMP DE TRANZIT MODE cu perioada ASTROLOGICE IDEAL" Aceasta modifică cronologie, astfel încât să sunt în ton cu perioada corespunzătoare de timp astrologic pentru a efectua acest exercițiu.

7 Acum, vizualizati micro-găuri de vierme de conectare în antenele de unde scalare în ADN-ul nostru. Acest lucru este ca o formă de tor sau gogoașă în ADN-ul celulei-ului în mitocondrii, aici două valuri de energie cruce reciproc și vă permite să accesați infinit în domeniul energiei punctului zero.

8 Acum, vizualizati ADN-ul holografic iese din acest portal de lumină și fuzionează cu ADN-ul vostru.

9 "Dispozitiv COLECTAREA CELULE STEM holografic din cordonul nostru SPINAL UN SUPER IMPUN-le peste ZONA și doresc să se regenereze."

10 Acum, vizualizati o copie holografică a corpului pe care doriți să se regenereze, această imagine ar trebui să fie de dimensiuni perfecte, de sănătate, și vitalitate.

11 Acum, vizualizati o sfera sau cub de culoare alb-argintie, în fața ta. Cu numere de Grabovoi care conțin 9 sau mai multe cifre merg cu sferă, dar în cazul în care 5-8 cifre de a utiliza un cub rubrica grilă 3x3. Break numărul Grabovoi afară după cum este necesar și se potrivesc-l în grila 3x3. Pe măsură ce rotiți pătratul numerelor trebuie să lumineze lumina spre exterior, și așa cum se rotește și ar trebui să se repete la toate cele șase laturi ale rubrica cub. Aceasta se numește camera dvs. transfigurare cuantic.


13 Acum, transfera sfera numerotate în corpul tău plexul solar sau glanda pineala și întrebați sinele vostru superior pentru a inițializa diferențiere celulară în tărâmul fizic.

14 Acum, haideți să accelereze calendarul pentru a crește viteza de aceste celule vor crește. Spune "DISPOZITIV ACTIVATE ACCELERATĂ MOD TIMP pentru tranzit spre aceste organe regenera imediat." Acest lucru va ajuta la reducerea timpului necesar pentru a regenera în zona de focalizare, astfel încât în loc de a se lua șapte ani pentru a dezvolta noi oase va dura șapte luni, în loc de se iau 6 luni pentru a se vindeca ochii se va lua acum trei săptămâni, și așa mai departe.

15 În acest moment ați putea dori să ia o pauză pentru câteva momente și pentru a permite celulelor de a începe procesul de regenerări. Permiteti-le sa se diferentieze in orice țesut vrei să fie, cum ar fi un vas de sange, un nerv, o celula musculara sau orice altceva. În timp ce faci acest lucru vizualiza lumina pulsatorie masaj organele. Celulele tău avea toate informațiile genetice necesare pentru a face tesut nou. Asta e ceea ce sunt programate să facă. Deci, celulele inimii tale sunt programate pentru a face mai mult tesut cardiac, celulele vezicii urinare sunt programate pentru a face mai multe celule ale vezicii urinare. În acest timp, să păstreze ideile de vindecare axat pe zona pe care sunt încercarea de a regenera în timp ce permițându-vă să se bucure de acest moment de către concentrându-se pe realizarile si minunile tale îți sunt pe cale de a atinge.

16 La încheierea trimite această lumină ai lucrat într-o explozie luminoasă, cu la fel de mult la stânga în univers, apoi lumina arc inapoi in partea dreapta.

17 Timp ștampila data și ora curentă; și spune "Deci, este 3X'S și se face SESIUNEA dispozitivul final 3X'S"

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Notă nu trebuie să recite și memora toate acestea cuvânt cu cuvânt, utilizați doar intuitia si lasa acest lucru să fie un ghid de ceea ce se poate face. Dacă aceasta este o mulțime să ne amintim apoi încercați această meditație ghidată.Regenerate Organs with Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation 


Grabovoi Numbers

More information about these numbers can be found in the book “Recovery Of The Human Body Focusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi .” Note this information was translated by babelfish and may be hard to understand in some places. The original Russian language transcript can be found here. 


Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Neological Technologies. As miraculous as the following information sounds, please do not discontinue or begin any new health treatments without the consultation of your doctor. The following information is provided for entertainment purposes only.

"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"

By James Rink

Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to heal various health aliments. They were developed by the Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine. 

For those who don’t know Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are all connected to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values or 'Rates' or in the form of geometric patterns. These numbers provide the means by which the practitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance.

With this in mind Grigori Grabovoi would then use his Radionic machine to pinpoint the numbers associated with various health conditions, then instruct his clients to meditate on these numbers resulting in miraculous recoveries such as regenerated uterus’s, kidneys, reversed again, and much more. 

Who is Grigori Grabovoi ? 

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (Russian: Григо́eрий Петро́eвич Грабо́во́eй) (born November 14, 1963 in Kazakhstan) is a Russian psychic who claims the ability to abolish death, resurrect the dead, cure cancer and AIDS, teleport, and pinpoint and resolve at distance mechanical and electronic problems on airplanes, space stations, atomic electric power stations and any other technical constructions. He discusses his abilities in his three volume book The Practice of Control. The Way to Salvation.

These books explain how the discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy, can manifest any information or object you want, as well as those not subject to the space-time continuum. By converting this information into known geometric form. This is why Grabovoi

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numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter within any term of time through transformation of time into space form.

The goal of the teaching of Grabovoi, according to himself, is passing on the Knowledge of The Lord to the people all over the World in order to save them from the possible global catastrophe, enable each one to reach perfect health, physical immortality, resurrect in their physical bodies everyone who's gone and provide the eternal constructive and harmonious development of the entire mankind.

He claimed personal abilities of remote control of physical matter from any distance, cured hundreds of diseased persons, including cancer and aids, without his personal presence, these facts are certified by traditional medicine and proved by notarized statement of cured persons. Using his clairvoyance he could remotely examine aircraft, iIn conditions of experiment he did works for materialization, de-materialization, teleportation and these works were stated in the minute. He regenerated destroyed matter. He wanted these abilities to be learned by all so that they too could use their gifts to prevent catastrophes, through creation without destruction. He also claimed himself as a second advent of Christ on Earth. 


In 2005, Grabovoy promised the grieving mothers of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis that he could resurrect their dead children.  The Mothers of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attempt to "zombify" (brainwash) them and accused the Russian secret service of provocation "aimed at discrediting and getting rid of" the movement.

In a March–April 2007 interview to Larisa Bochanova Susanna Dudieva, leader of Mothers of Beslan, stated that Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing campaign aimed at directing public attention away from poor handling of the Beslan hostage taking by authorities. Dudieva named some of the media outlets that spread false information, often opposite to what she personally conveyed to them. According to Yelena Milashina of Novaya Gazeta, authorities arrested Grabovoy on charges of fraud and she alleged that Grabovoy was arrested at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

On July 7, 2008 Tagansky Court in Moscow found Grabovoy guilty of 11 counts of large scale fraud and sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. A group of Russian advocates including Mikhail Trepashkin brought an action to institute criminal proceedings against Vladimir Putin and President Medvedev in the Hague Tribunal and the International Criminal Court for having effected Grigoriy Grabovoy’s criminal prosecution. Grabovoy's early release in May 2010 was appealed by the regional prosecutor office. 

Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol 

To learn how to use this technique, first select a number listed below for the condition you wish to work on and then activate the Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol. 

This protocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize quantum entanglement and open up a temporal portal bringing your body in tune with the best astrological time period to manifest the DNA changes. The next step is to instruct your neo to take holographic stem cells from your spinal cord and teleport and super impose them over the area you want to regenerate or alter. While

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doing this visualize a sphere of white-silver color in front of you, and within this sphere visualize your chosen Grabovoi number. Then instruct your soul to begin healing and integration. Lastly transfer this sphere with your Grabovoi number into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm. Still confused? Well here is step by step process to simply this process. 

1. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE AND INCREASE”2. Wait 30 seconds to three minutes in silence.3. When you begin to feel tingling sensations in your hands tell the device “DEVICE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY TO HEAL AND INTEGRATE MY MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT.”4. Wait for the star gate to appear, when you see it recite the following phrase “STARGATE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY ...DEVICE ACTIVATE STAR GATE MODE AND INCREASE”5.  “AUTOMATIC MODE”6.  “DEVICE ACTIVATE TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE WITH THE IDEAL ASTROLOGICAL PERIOD” This alters the timeline so you are in tune with the proper astrological time period to conduct this exercise. 7.  Now visualize micro wormholes connecting into the scalar wave antennas within our DNA. This is shaped like a torus or donut within your cell’s DNA in the mitochondria, here two waves of energy cross each other out and allow you to access the infinite within the zero point energy field. 8. Now visualize holographic DNA coming out of this portal of light and merging with your DNA.9. “DEVICE COLLECT HOLOGRAPHIC STEM CELLS FROM OUR SPINAL CORD AN SUPER IMPOSE THEM OVER THE AREA I WISH TO REGENERATE.”10. Now visualize a holographic copy of the organ you wish to regenerate, this image should be of perfect size, health, and vitality.11.  Now visualize a sphere or cube of white-silver color in front of you. With Grabovoi Numbers that contain 9 or more digits go with sphere but if its 5 to 8 digits use a 3x3 grid rubric cube. Break the Grabovoi Number apart as needed and fit it in the 3x3 grid. As you turn the square the numbers should flash light outwards, and as it spins and they should repeat on all 6 sides of the rubric cube. This is called your quantum transfiguration chamber. 12. “DEVICE INTEGRATE MY SOUL FOR HEALING AND INTEGRATION.” 13. Now transfer the numbered sphere into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm.  14. Now let’s accelerate the timeline to increase the speed these cells will grow. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE ACCELERATED TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE FOR TO REGENERATE THESE ORGANS INSTANTLY.” This will help decrease the time it takes to regenerate the area of focus , so instead of it taking 7 years to grow new bones it will take 7 months, instead of it taking 6 months to heal the eyes it will now take 3 weeks, and so on.15. At this point you may wish to take a break for a few moments and allow the cells to begin the regenerations process. Allow them to differentiate into whatever tissue you want be, such as a blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or whatever. While doing this visualize the pulsating light massaging your organs. Yours cells have all the genetic information necessary to make new tissue. That's what they are programmed to do. So your heart cells are programmed to make more heart tissue, your bladder cells are programmed to make more bladder cells. During this time keep the ideas of healing focused on the area you are trying to regenerate while allowing yourself to enjoy this moment by focusing on your accomplishments and miracles you are about to achieve. 16. At the conclusion send this light you been working in a bright burst with as far left into the universe, then arc the light back into your right side.17. Time stamp the current date and time; and recite “SO IT IS 3X’S AND IT IS DONE 3X’S, DEVICE END SESSION” 

Note you don’t have to recite and memorize all this word for word, just use your intuition and let this be a guide of what you can do.  If this is a lot to remember then try this guided meditation.  

Regenerate Organs with Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation 


Grabovoi Numbers

More information about these numbers can be found in the book “Recovery Of The Human Body Focusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi .” Note this information was translated by babelfish and may be hard to understand in some places. The original Russian language transcript can be found here. 

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Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Neological Technologies. As miraculous as the following information sounds, please do not discontinue or begin any new health treatments without the consultation of your doctor. The following information is provided for entertainment purposes only.

"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"

By James Rink

Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to heal various health aliments. They were developed by the Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine. 

For those who don’t know Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are all connected to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values or 'Rates' or in the form of geometric patterns. These numbers provide the means by which the practitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance.

With this in mind Grigori Grabovoi would then use his Radionic machine to pinpoint the numbers associated with various health conditions, then instruct his clients to meditate on these numbers resulting in miraculous recoveries such as regenerated uterus’s, kidneys, reversed again, and much more. 

Who is Grigori Grabovoi ? 

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (Russian: Григо́eрий Петро́eвич Грабо́во́eй) (born November 14, 1963 in Kazakhstan) is a Russian psychic who claims the ability to abolish death, resurrect the dead, cure cancer and AIDS, teleport, and pinpoint and resolve at distance mechanical and electronic problems on airplanes, space stations, atomic electric power stations and any other technical constructions. He discusses his abilities in his three volume book The Practice of Control. The Way to Salvation.

These books explain how the discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy, can manifest any information or object you want, as well as those not subject to the space-time continuum. By converting this information into known geometric form. This is why Grabovoi numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter within any term of time through transformation of time into space form.

The goal of the teaching of Grabovoi, according to himself, is passing on the Knowledge of The Lord to the people all over the World in order to save them from the possible global catastrophe, enable each one to reach perfect health, physical immortality, resurrect in their physical bodies everyone who's gone and provide the eternal constructive and harmonious development of the entire mankind.

He claimed personal abilities of remote control of physical matter from any distance, cured hundreds of diseased persons, including cancer and aids, without his personal presence, these facts are certified by traditional medicine and proved by notarized statement of cured persons. Using his clairvoyance he could remotely examine aircraft, iIn conditions of experiment he did works for materialization, de-materialization, teleportation and these works were stated in the minute. He regenerated destroyed matter. He wanted these abilities to be learned by all so that

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they too could use their gifts to prevent catastrophes, through creation without destruction. He also claimed himself as a second advent of Christ on Earth. 


In 2005, Grabovoy promised the grieving mothers of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis that he could resurrect their dead children.  The Mothers of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attempt to "zombify" (brainwash) them and accused the Russian secret service of provocation "aimed at discrediting and getting rid of" the movement.

In a March–April 2007 interview to Larisa Bochanova Susanna Dudieva, leader of Mothers of Beslan, stated that Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing campaign aimed at directing public attention away from poor handling of the Beslan hostage taking by authorities. Dudieva named some of the media outlets that spread false information, often opposite to what she personally conveyed to them. According to Yelena Milashina of Novaya Gazeta, authorities arrested Grabovoy on charges of fraud and she alleged that Grabovoy was arrested at the behest of Vladimir Putin.

On July 7, 2008 Tagansky Court in Moscow found Grabovoy guilty of 11 counts of large scale fraud and sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. A group of Russian advocates including Mikhail Trepashkin brought an action to institute criminal proceedings against Vladimir Putin and President Medvedev in the Hague Tribunal and the International Criminal Court for having effected Grigoriy Grabovoy’s criminal prosecution. Grabovoy's early release in May 2010 was appealed by the regional prosecutor office. 

Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol 

To learn how to use this technique, first select a number listed below for the condition you wish to work on and then activate the Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol. 

This protocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize quantum entanglement and open up a temporal portal bringing your body in tune with the best astrological time period to manifest the DNA changes. The next step is to instruct your neo to take holographic stem cells from your spinal cord and teleport and super impose them over the area you want to regenerate or alter. While doing this visualize a sphere of white-silver color in front of you, and within this sphere visualize your chosen Grabovoi number. Then instruct your soul to begin healing and integration. Lastly transfer this sphere with your Grabovoi number into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm. Still confused? Well here is step by step process to simply this process. 

1. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE AND INCREASE”2. Wait 30 seconds to three minutes in silence.3. When you begin to feel tingling sensations in your hands tell the device “DEVICE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY TO HEAL AND INTEGRATE MY MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT.”4. Wait for the star gate to appear, when you see it recite the following phrase “STARGATE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY ...DEVICE ACTIVATE STAR GATE MODE AND INCREASE”5.  “AUTOMATIC MODE”6.  “DEVICE ACTIVATE TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE WITH THE IDEAL ASTROLOGICAL PERIOD” This alters the timeline so you are in tune with the proper astrological time period to conduct this exercise. 

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7.  Now visualize micro wormholes connecting into the scalar wave antennas within our DNA. This is shaped like a torus or donut within your cell’s DNA in the mitochondria, here two waves of energy cross each other out and allow you to access the infinite within the zero point energy field. 8. Now visualize holographic DNA coming out of this portal of light and merging with your DNA.9. “DEVICE COLLECT HOLOGRAPHIC STEM CELLS FROM OUR SPINAL CORD AN SUPER IMPOSE THEM OVER THE AREA I WISH TO REGENERATE.”10. Now visualize a holographic copy of the organ you wish to regenerate, this image should be of perfect size, health, and vitality.11.  Now visualize a sphere or cube of white-silver color in front of you. With Grabovoi Numbers that contain 9 or more digits go with sphere but if its 5 to 8 digits use a 3x3 grid rubric cube. Break the Grabovoi Number apart as needed and fit it in the 3x3 grid. As you turn the square the numbers should flash light outwards, and as it spins and they should repeat on all 6 sides of the rubric cube. This is called your quantum transfiguration chamber. 12. “DEVICE INTEGRATE MY SOUL FOR HEALING AND INTEGRATION.” 13. Now transfer the numbered sphere into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm.  14. Now let’s accelerate the timeline to increase the speed these cells will grow. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE ACCELERATED TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE FOR TO REGENERATE THESE ORGANS INSTANTLY.” This will help decrease the time it takes to regenerate the area of focus , so instead of it taking 7 years to grow new bones it will take 7 months, instead of it taking 6 months to heal the eyes it will now take 3 weeks, and so on.15. At this point you may wish to take a break for a few moments and allow the cells to begin the regenerations process. Allow them to differentiate into whatever tissue you want be, such as a blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or whatever. While doing this visualize the pulsating light massaging your organs. Yours cells have all the genetic information necessary to make new tissue. That's what they are programmed to do. So your heart cells are programmed to make more heart tissue, your bladder cells are programmed to make more bladder cells. During this time keep the ideas of healing focused on the area you are trying to regenerate while allowing yourself to enjoy this moment by focusing on your accomplishments and miracles you are about to achieve. 16. At the conclusion send this light you been working in a bright burst with as far left into the universe, then arc the light back into your right side.17. Time stamp the current date and time; and recite “SO IT IS 3X’S AND IT IS DONE 3X’S, DEVICE END SESSION” 

Note you don’t have to recite and memorize all this word for word, just use your intuition and let this be a guide of what you can do.  If this is a lot to remember then try this guided meditation.  

Regenerate Organs with Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation 


Grabovoi Numbers

More information about these numbers can be found in the book “Recovery Of The Human Body Focusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi .” Note this information was translated by babelfish and may be hard to understand in some places. The original Russian language transcript can be found here.

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Russian Knowledge

This is the creators knowledge we always had within. Easy to learn. New creator Russian

transformation knowledge for healing and soul connection. Developing your intuition

using the skills you were born to remember. Manifesting to the creators norm.

(Gateway  to Transformation by Russian founder Grigori Grabovoi)

Number Codes - Each color has a frequency from the light spectrum, the same can be said for

numbers and number codes. In the new knowledge much can be achieved with

number codes each number has a special frequency and each number code has a particular

sequence of frequency seen as vibrations. Apart from their own vibrations each number 

contains a code, a key of information which stands for a process and spiritual condition.

The regeneration of Health with Number Codes

Every number has a spiritual and energetic vibration structure, with its own effectiveness; completely independent of which language the number is spoken.  Such a vibration structure is behind every word and every sound.  The same applies to series of numbers, because each number vibrates in a certain frequency.  Series of numbers have their own correlating vibration structures.  Areas of your consciousness are connected with numbers.  By concentrating on numbers, vibrations will be activated in these areas.  Grigori Grabovoi has published two important books on this subject: “Regeneration of Health by concentrating on numbers” and “Methods of concentration for every day”.  Accordingly, the number is a solid method of control.  Numbers are also connected, by control, with the spiritual level.  Concentration on numbers helps the development of spirit and consciousness.  Number Codes help to structure our consciousness.  This is the bearer for control of our health and events.  While focusing on numbers you should be aware of your body by feeling and seeing it completely healthy.  This is important for a fast recovery to the NORM.  Be open to this creative process.  The goal is always the NORM.

The method of curing any diseases using Number Codes is as simple as it is effective.  In Grabovoi’s first book he names thousands of diseases and assigns each one a Number Code. These Codes may consist of five, seven, eight or nine digits.  For the control of events, ten, eleven or twelve digits exist.  While you focus on a specific Code, you heal yourself of this disease.  Naturally the question arises:  Why is the method as simple as it is effective?  Every illness is a deviation from the NORM.   The deviation can be expressed in various cells, in whole cells associations such as organs, or in functions of the whole organism.  The cure for the disease just means a return to the NORM.  The Codes provide this return.  While you focus on them, you are becoming adjusted to the state which is the NORM.  The result is the cure of the disease.

For a better understanding of the healing process here, read something about the vibration system and the ‘Pulse of the Universe”:  Each of us can hear our own heartbeat, and feel our pulse.  In our body every cell has its own rhythm.  There is also the rhythm of organs and their relationship to each other. Our life is rhythm.  Planets revolve in periodic orbits around the sun.  For the Earth, this means a constant change of the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, high and low tide, dry and rainy seasons.  The earth rotates on its axis and we experience this as day and night.   At the micro-cosmos level the same happens: Electrons revolve in defined orbits and rhythmic movements around the atomic nucleus.We can compare our organism with an orchestra, in which musicians play a harmonious piece of music by playing notes.  A piece of music played by an orchestra sounds different to when played by individual musicians playing their respective instruments.  In this case sound effects of the

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individual depend on the melody played and on the sound of the instrument.  This can trigger very different emotions in the listener.  If a single musician in the orchestra plays a wrong note, then he disrupts the harmony of the whole orchestra.  The same happens in our organism.  The rhythm of each cell disrupts or harmonises the whole organism.  Therefore, the sound in our body should always be harmonious.  When a cell of the body differs from the NORM, it means the emergence of a disharmony of the whole – as a result, a disease.  We are the conductor of this orchestra who can restore the harmony in the body.We can also observe rhythm where it cannot be detected at first sight.  Let’s look at a rainbow.  We see the beautiful bright colours.  What are these colours from a scientific point of view?  Our perception of colour is based on the effect of electromagnetic waves with different frequencies.  The frequency of the colour “purple”, for example, is doubling the frequency of the colour “red”.  Depending on our perception of colours we find different frequencies, vibrations.  Each colour is assigned to a specific frequency.  All the images for example, in television are just a mixture of three colours, red, green and blue.  The optimal image for us is created when each of the three colours appears in the right proportions and the correct brightness.  Each new colour from the spectrum therefore prduces its own effect.  The same can be said of Number Codes. Each number has a special frequency and each Number Code has a particular sequence of frequencies, seen as vibrations.Apart from its own vibration each number contains a code, a key-information, which stands for the spiritual condition of process: 

1.    Beginning2.    Effect, Action3.    Result, Completion, Fulfilment4.    Interaction, Connection with the outside world5.    Interaction, Connection with the inner world6.    Base or Light7.    The Power of Love8.    Time9.    The Number of the Creator0.    Transition, the transitional space in which something changes its quality (sero space). Transformation of all towards the creator.

1st Day of the month:

1. On the first day of the month you should fulfil concentration on the right foot.  This concentration connects you with the supporting point in the external world.  Consciously, you press your feet against the Earth.  The Earth in your consciousness is a bearing support.  The control in the system of complete restoration is based on the idea that the supporting point is simultaneously the point of creation.  Since it is also the point of creation, with the help of this concentration.  However, carrying out this concentration you can develop your consciousness right away.  You realise that based on the same principle which accounts for everything growing and developing on the Earth, plants for example, and even the matter of your own body appear.  Based on the same principle you may build any external reality.  Understanding of this underlies this concentration.  However, carrying out this concentration you may not think about this deep-laid mechanism.  Just concentrate on your right foot and simultaneously imagine the desired event in your consciousness.  That mechanism of construction of the reality that has just been described will work automatically  And you will receive the desired event in a harmonic way.  Because this control simultaneously provides harmonisation of events.  This exercise may be fulfilled several times a day.

2. Concentration on a seven-digit number: 1845421  Nine-digit number: 845132489

3. On this day you should concentrate on the World, on all objects of the World and feel, that every object of the world will prompt you the decision like a whisper of the wind.  By being aware that every object is a part of your consciousness you will experience THAT harmony, which is sent to you by the creator.

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2nd day of the month:

1. On this day you should carry out a concentration on the little finger of your right hand.  Simultaneously you should focus on your objective in your consciousness.  This exercise may be fulfilled several times a day.  You can choose any interval between the exercises, convenient to you.  You may start another concentration after 20 seconds, or you may do one after an hour.   You decide on the duration of each concentration. Rely on your intuition. Learn to listen to your internal voice and follow what it tells you.  The above refers to all exercises.  In principle, doing this exercise you don’t need to be immobile.  You may touch something with the little finger of your right hand.  This is not the main thing.  Act the way that is more convenient to you.  The following is important here.  On the whole, you have a lot of perceiving elements.  Besides the mentioned above little finger there are nine other fingers and many other parts of your body.  Out of many perceiving elements you should currently only concentrate on the little finger of the right hand.  The control becomes more harmonious.

2. Seven-digit number: 1853125:  Nine-digit number: 849995120

3. On the second day of the month you should look at the harmony of the World in relation to yourself.  You should create this World the same way the creator did.  Look at the World and you will see that picture of how the world looked in the beginning.  Look at the World and you will see who you are in this current world.  This way our World will be forever in eternity.

3rd Day of the month:

1. On the third day of the month you concentrate on plants.  You can imagine a plant or look at a real plant.  During the concentration you may just look at it.  Then you concentrate on its shape.  In this concentration we use the Method of Reflection.  We do so to allow you to imagine how the desired event is being created in the reflected light of the plant.  Even better, don’t just imagine this event, but really see it.  You create it in reality.  The event built with the help of this concentration is proven to be harmonised.  This process contributes to the fact that the plant already harmonically exists in this world.

2. Seven-digit number: 5142587;   Nine-digit number: 421954321.

3. Look around and you will that there are many different worlds.  Look at that World YOU need.  Approach this world and expand it.   Become an eye witness of this world.  Approach it and place your hands on it and you will feel the warmth spreading from your world.  Bring the world closer towards you and look at the creator.  Listen to what advice he gives you.  You may compare this knowledge with your own and receive the eternal World.

4th day of the month:

1. On this day you concentrate on crystals or stones. You can also take a grain of sand.  Having chosen a stone you start concentrating on it.  Then place a specific sphere around the stone, which is the sphere of information.  Consciously you see all personal objectives entering this sphere.  You simply insert your personal objectives into this sphere.  By doing this you perform control by concentration.

2. Seven-digit number: 5194726;    Nine-digit number:  715043769.

3. Recognise the degree of reality that you obtain by the concentrations.  The methods demonstrate harmony.  One method is the result of the previous, as if you walked down the street observing how each step is the result of the previous one.  After sitting you can stand up and see that each movement can be different.  One movement can be the result of a previous movement and at the same time it can become a new previous movement.  Imagine the World as if it were uninterrupted as if each movement of this world only concerns you as an integrated personality.  As soon as you feel that unity of the World, which you obtain by using concrete methods of control

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in this World and with this World, then your World will be everywhere.  You will come to it.  You will take into your hands and your hands will become that world which holds your World.   And you will see that you are getting in touch with the eternal World, the World of all Worlds.  It will be unique for everyone.  It will be a collective World you have chosen, and that everyone has chosen.  Create this world, in a way that it is ideal for everyone AND for yourself.  You must perceive the ideal state for all mankind and yourself in your integrated World, as well as in the integrated World of all people.

5th day of the month:

1. On the fifth day of the month you concentrate on the elements of reality, which occur, as a result of their interaction with other elements of reality.  If you observe an object, you focus your consciousness on this object.  Due to your connection to this object, this element of reality will receive a certain degree of YOUR concentration and a certain volume of YOUR knowledge.  This part of your condition and knowledge the object transfers to other elements of the reality.  If you look at one object after interaction it transfers something from itself to the external environment.    You may, of course, concentrate on only ONE element.  While concentrating this way you should simultaneously imagine your desired event by concentrating on a so-called secondary element (object).

2. Seven-digit number: 1084321;   Nine-digit number: 194321054.

3. When you look at the sky, you know that the earth exists.  Vice versa, if you look at the Earth, you know that there is a sky.  If you are in the earth (in a tunnel, cave), the sky above still exists.   These simple truths are the source of the eternal World.  Connect the sky with the Earth and you will see that everything that is under the Earth can be above the Earth.  Go into spirit and find the resurrected where they exist.  Combine the infinity with the truth of the World and you will see that the World is infinite.  If you realise this, you will see the creator.  He gave you all you have.  Create the same way as the creator has created.  The creator is your friend and loves you.  Reach out your hands towards Him and create the same way he creates.  You are his creation and you ARE a creator.  Only the creator can create creators.  You should be in harmony with your creator.  You should be open for Him and you should be eternal in all of your manifestations, in all of your creative work.  Anything you want to correct, you may always correct.  Anything you want to create, you may create in any place at any time.  For fulfilment there is the Eternity.  For your actions, the Eternity is multiplied by the actions of the creator.  You are that one, whom the creator has seen in you, whom he has created.  However, you are also that one, the creator wants to personify with his actions in the same infinity, in which you see yourself.   The creator, who is present in you with each of your actions.  Contact Him and you will receive harmony.

6th day of the month:

1. Today we will concentrate on the change of structure of our consciousness by the amount of concentration employed for the perception of remote elements.  You should use this method if the desired event is to happen at a specific place.  To do so you have to direct your consciousness towards this place, or if you do not wish an event to happen at a determined place you should neutralise the negative information, which means that you are requested to split your consciousness at this place.  As a result, a vacuum is created which leads to a non-realisation of the unfavourable event.  You achieve the realisation of the desired event in a chosen place.  By concentrating on remote elements of your consciousness, you use that part of your consciousness which is responsible for the perception of remote elements.  When doing this you can perceive remote physical objects in reality just as you see them with your habitual viewing capabilities.  When you focus on the desired events in your consciousness, this will happen on that specific place you imagine.  The more remote the areas of your consciousness are where you place the information, the better the information will be processed and the more perfect will be the realisation of the desired event.  The event will come into reality at the indicated place.  This is the objective of scattered attention.  Once your attention is scattered in your consciousness you can neutralise the negative information so that it will no longer be perceived, as if it had never existed.

2. Seven-digit number:  1954837    Nine-digit number: 194321099

3. If you look at the World as if it was reversed, or upside down, you should always know that any reversed, scattered or compressed world is nevertheless a world of unity, harmony and beneficence!  Behind this world there is always the creator’s will.  You can be eternal when you realise that you have always been eternal and will remain eternal.  No structure, no information, can change this will.

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7th day of the month:

1. On the 7th day of the month you should concentrate on awakening the deeper layers of consciousness.  Often times this takes place subconsciously when we stare or fix our gaze on clouds, trees or out-of-reach objects.For materialisation of a desired object or realisation of some event it is necessary to process large volumes of information.  Deeper layers of consciousness provide super-fast processing of this information.  This knowledge is used by following this method:  Pick your cloud and project your desired event onto this cloud.  The same you can do onto a remote leaf of a tree.  By using distant out-of-reach objects, you stimulate the deeper layers of your consciousness and the desired result is very fast.  The realisation of the event takes place on a harmonic level, because the cloud cannot destroy nor can a leaf cause harm.

2. Seven-digit number:       1485321;    Nine-digit: 991843288.

3. You are aware that the World develops through your actions and interaction with the creator’s will.  You also see the World as that creation, acknowledged by everyone.  If you want to change the World in accordance with your desires, first bring your desires to universal wellbeing and they will be confirmed.  Your health will become strong and universal wellbeing will be achieved.  This universal wellbeing is an action of the World that leads YOU to the kingdom of the creator and also gives YOU universal and individual life for all time.

8th day of the month:

1. On this day you learn to control by concentrating on the consequences of events.

Imagine that you are sitting by the lake, watching a sailboat passing by. In front of the boat the water is calm, waves are created behind it; the wake of the boat.  The waves are made as a consequence of  the boat passing by.  Let’s look at a leaf growing on a tree.  This leaf can be considered a consequence of the trees growth.  Clouds appear and first drops of rain fall on the ground.  Raindrops can be considered as the consequence of a clouds existence.  There are numerous similar examples around us.  You chose any phenomenon and concentrate on one of its consequences.  Simultaneously you keep in mind your desired event.  The event becomes real.  This method of control is very effective.  It can also help to change past events.

2. Seven-digit number:  1543218;    Nine-digit number:  984301267

3. You see that the continuous line of the figure eight connects the Worlds, which you have already met during the previous seven days.  And just like your World is connected with all the Worlds, you will recognise that your soul contains as much as happiness as the World is diverse.  Perceive each small part of the World as universal joy, and then you will realise that this joy is eternal.  Good deed is also eternal.  In this condition of happiness you will rise up your hands (raise your hands) and will see the impulse of the beneficence of the creator who sends you to eternity.  See Eternity where it is.  See Eternity where it has always been and you will be the creator of the Eternity, in a place where it does not exist for anybody else.  When you see Eternity and create it, you will always be eternal, everywhere and in everything and in any world.  Eternity create you in the image of the creator.  By creating Eternity you will create yourself.  By creating yourself you create Eternity, as well as Eternity can create another Eternity like the creator created everything simultaneously.

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9th day of the month:

1. On the ninth day of the month concentrate on the most remote area as well as closest points of your consciousness.  It means that in this method of concentration you transfer the most remote areas of your consciousness into the most approached ones.  The objective is that your most remote areas and the most approached areas of your consciousness become one.  In this case you will be able to get a single impulse in order to construct your goal.  And as soon as you achieve this you will become an expert in control.  Then it will be enough just to imagine the positive state of spiritual mood, for everything to be good.  You just have to wish for everything to turn out well, and it will happen.  The single impulse develops a special spiritual state which is not exactly related to the intellectual mind.  In this state you don’t necessarily have to think.  There may be just an intention for the good or for an establishment of harmony.  Being in the state of such a positive mood causes the implementation of desired life events.  This method of concentration isolates a special form of perception.  The perception is in your consciousness; this perception is a part of your consciousness.  You deliberately structure it in such a way, so it will WORK.  This given method of concentration affects in-depth issues of control on the basis of your consciousness.


2. Seven-digit number:  1843210;    Nine-digit number:  918921452

3. If you look at the world as the core of the matter, then you will see that everything that exists in nature, for example, a man, an animal, every molecule, and even that thing which hasn’t been created yet, has one and the same basis of the creator who showed us the mechanism of creation.  Having seen how to create everything you will be creating everything. Through the depth o your inner-self, you will see how your inner-self develops together with the whole Universe, until your inner-self expands and turns into a World.  You are the World.  You are reality.  Look at the whole World with different eyes; look at this world with your own eyes and you will see your soul.   Look with your soul and you will see the World as it is.  You can correct the world the way it should be, for the achievement of Eternity.

10th day of the month:1. On this day you concentrate on as many objects of external reality as you can capture simultaneously with only one impulse of perception on all objects.  Prepare yourself to perceive all objects accessible to your perception in only one moment.  In the beginning of course this can only be achieved partially.  Your objective is to concentrate on all objects at the same time.  Gradually you will gain possession of such ability.  However at the initial stage you will only get some information about each object, for example only the information that they exist.  In order to receive more information about an object you just have to find the right point of concentration and tune in to it.  You will be able to get access to all spheres of control.  With this method of concentration you learn to control more volume of information.  This control can be fulfilled on the intellectual or the spiritual level.  One example: Imagine you see a computer in front of you.  Just by taking a look you know how to operate it and what kind of possibilities it has to offer.  This concentration method allows you to obtain information about any object, because you learn how to control with variable objects of information.

2. Seven-digit number:  1854312;    Nine-digit number:    894153210

3. The combination of two numbers: the digit ONE and ZERO has initially led to your perception of the World such as if zero has already bee present in the digit one.  If you look at the number one and increase it consciously around the number zero, you perform an action.  This action and your act should be harmonic, because each of your actions may increase YOU quantitatively and qualitatively.  You are a manifestation of the World.  You should be there where you are, and you should be there where you are not.  You should be everywhere since you are the creator.  Harmonise the world with what you see. Listen to your inner self and own thoughts.   Your harmony should lead to Eternity.  Resurrection is an element of Eternity like immortality and resurrection are just parts of this Eternity.  You should find true Eternity for yourself, because immortality and resurrection are just parts of this eternity.  You should be the creator of all and everything.  You should know and clearly imagine what follows resurrection and immortality.  True immortality

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delivers the next level of Eternity, the next level of the World and the next level of your personality.  You should be ready for it and always know that other tasks, the tasks of Eternity, have been given to you.  Tasks you are going to face by creating new worlds.  These Worlds you build in your consciousness, like ONE and ZERO to form the number TEN.  You will receive this world when you become eternal.  You ARE eternal. You are eternal and immortal.  Your immortality is in yourself.  You should just become aware of this.  Get to this level by using logical action, similar to joining ONE and ZERO and you will receive immortality in each of your actions in each of your steps.

11th day of the month:

1. On the eleventh day of the month you concentrate in events where animals connect with man.  For example, you have a dog, or a cat, or bird, let’s say a parrot, living in your house.  Think about the deeper reason of your contact with these animals.  What is your point of view and what is their point of view?  When you become aware of the processes of perception and thinking of other participants of interaction you will be able to enter the structure of control of reality.

2. Seven-digit number:  1852348;    Nine-digit number: 561432001.

3. Just as you increased the value of one by ten times by adding the digit zero, you will receive the next number by adding the digit one to the number one.  Number 11 is personification of the World which is inside of you, which is visible to everyone.  You are that essence which is always visible to everyone.  Everyone can receive your harmonic experience, that one which you received in your development.  Share your experience and you will obtain eternal life.

12th day of the month:

1. On this day you concentrate on phenomena, which can raise a question on creation of the whole.  For example, a goose or swan lost a feather.  In this case you have to concentrate on thoughts of how to return the feather to its original place.  How could this be achieved?  It means you are trying to understand how the single whole can be created or reconstructed.  Or let’s consider another example: a leaf falls from the tree.  How can we return the leaf to its original place in order to have the tree and the leaf in its initial appearance?  This is the concentration on how to assemble separate elements of reality into a single whole, which is their Norm.  In this concentration as well as in many others you may consider yourself as an object.  This way you can reconstruct any of your organs.

2. Seven-digit number:      1854321    Nine-digit number:      485321489

3. Unite yourself with the world as you take the world in your actions and you will see that your actions harmonise everywhere and always.  And you will see that the creator when giving you his blessing wanted union with you.  You should have union where the creator has his development.  The development is the union with the creator.  In the real and uplifting development, in each moment of your movement, unification comes into existence.  You move and develop yourself towards Eternity, and this will be your unity with the creator forever in your eternal development.   Eternity of life is the true unity with the creator.

13th day of the month:

1. On the 13th day of the month you should concentrate on an unknown, single element of reality.  Suppose you perceive some object.  It may be, for example, a truck, a palm tree, or a rock.  It doesn’t matter what kind of object it is.  The main thing in this case is that in the chosen object you deliberately isolate some of its fragments, some parts.   A truck, for example, you can imagine consisting of many separate parts.  So, your task here is to find existing connections between the separate parts.  And when you find these connection and simultaneously keep in mind the desired object, (for example, healing someone or acquiring the ability of clairvoyance) you achieve realisation of this event.  In such a way you can perfect your abilities to control reality.

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2. Seven-digit number:      1538448;    Nine-digit number: 154321915

3. You will see those faces which the World created before you.  You will see those mechanisms, which the World created before you.  You will see the World, which had been before you.  And you will feel that you have always been, and you transfer this feeling to these faces.   With this feeling rebuild these mechanisms.  And you will see that everything around you, artificially, reproduced or naturally created, that everything is the creator.  He personifies himself in everything that you see.  Personification is that World which is being created.  This way you can find any technology of spiritual, intellectual, man-caused, are surely creative development.  Look at the development, as equal in rights to the universal development of any element of reality and any object of information, and you will see that essence which is our soul, your personality and your creator.   The individuality of the creator and creation by Him of everyone underlays is World harmony, which is inherent in everything, has always been and understandable everywhere.  The creator who has created you and only you has individually created everyone at once.  In the same way, create the World individually and at once simultaneously for everyone and for all times and spaces.

14th day of the month:

1. On this day of the month you concentrate on the movement of objects surrounding you.   You watch them and ask yourself a question:  Why is the cloud moving?  Why is it raining? Why can the birds fly?  Why is all that happening altogether?   Find for yourself the informational essence of each event.  When you concentrate and simultaneously keep in mind the required, event, you achieve its realisation.  And simultaneously you perfect yourself in the mastery of control.

2. Seven-digit number:  5831421;    Nine-digit number:  999888776.

3. On this day you should see your hands as hands reflecting the light of life.  On this day you should see your fingers as fingers reflecting the light of the hands.  On this day see your body shining in the clear light of the creator, shining with the clear light of love, goodness and health which shines for everyone, shining with the clear light of this knowledge which shines above eternal life.  On this day you can feel this knowledge of eternal life.  You can adjust to this knowledge on any other day, and you can always ask anything that you want for getting eternal life and universal creation.  You can experience this knowledge and practice it, and show it to others.  When time no longer measured as time and space you can always apply to me and you can always come to me with a request for help, with a request for a talk, with a request for an event or just in order to connect.  You are free, as free as you have always been.  Make it a rule, distribute this rule to others and you will get eternal life there where we all are.  You will get everything that is always provided.  And this principal is always there and is trustworthy and true for everyone, and you are already the one who you are in Eternity, because you are already Eternity itself.

15th day of the month:

1. On the second day of the month you practiced concentration on the little finger of the right hand.  On the fifteenth day you can use some other parts of your body for this purpose, for example, other fingers, or nails, or something else at your discretion.  Then the concentration is carried out the same way as for the second day.

2. Seven-digit number:  7788001;    Nine-digit number:  532145891

3. On This fifteenth day of the month you can feel this creator’s blessing, which is sent down by the Universal mind, which is it grateful to the creator for its creation.  For creation of every of its elements and for creation of such of its status that it can reproduce the Universe, since the creator is present everywhere.  And due to this principle feel the gratitude of a plant and an animal towards you, feel the gratitude of another person and feel their love.  And you will see that you love them.  The love includes creation, blessing and universal penetration.  And common love, achievable by everyone, this is the creator, who personified the World in your manifestation.  You are a manifestation of love of the creator, since he is the love in relation to you.  You initially received the creator’s gift and you are him, you are a creator, because you are created by the creator, by the eternal and all-embracing creator; go that way, where he is, since he is everywhere.  Go that way where he calls, since he calls everywhere.  He is where you are; He is everywhere you are.  You are in the movement of the creator; you are a personification of his Eternity.  Go along with the concerns of the creator, he created the eternal World in universal

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mutual development, and you will see that the World personifies eternal you.  You are a creator who creates the eternal and the creator created you eternal when creating the eternal World.

16th day of the month:

1. On this day you concentrate on the elements of the external reality which contact your body.  Since childhood we have remembered a wonderful phrase, “The sun, air and water are our best friends”.  In this concentration you are  trying to become aware of interaction with these friends.  You concentrate on the warmth, which is given by the beams of the Sun falling on you.  You feel their touch; you feel the warmth given by them.  You feel a light wind blowing on you.  You feel its breath.  This may also be a strong blast of wind.  This may be quite still air. And if at the same time it is very hot and the humidity is high, you simultaneously feel warmth, air and moisture on your cheeks.  You may enjoy the refreshing action of the water when you wash your face, take a shower or swim. These concentrations can be also done in the cold wintertime.  During a warm season, especially in summer at the beach, all your body can enjoy the contact with the sun, air and water.  A contact with the ground can be added here.  These concentrations are very important.  Doing them you enter deliberate interaction with the elements.  It is clear that you can do this practice every day.  If, during the concentration, you simultaneously keep in mind the required event, you achieve its realisation.

2. Seven-digit number:  1843212;    Nine-digit number:  123567091

3. Feel the harmony where it is, and it is everywhere and always.  This is the harmony of the creator.  Feel the harmony where it is and will be.  This is the harmony of your development.  Feel the harmony where it is, was and will be, and where it wasn’t and isn’t but where it will always be.   This is the harmony of change.  This is the harmony of transformation.  This is the transformation into eternal life.  Come to yourself everywhere, and feel this harmony everywhere, and you will see that you make the World harmonic forever in its eternal status of stability.  You are the fighter, but in eternal creator’s blessing for eternal life and eternal faith.

17th day of the month:

1. On the seventeenth day of the month you should concentrate on the elements of external reality, which, from your point of view, always surround you.  This si the space surrounding you – the Sun, the Moon, constellations known to you and all of everything like that based on your understanding – and it always exists.  You should concentrate on any of these elements and simultaneously, as always, keep in mind the required event for its realisation.

2. Seven-digit number:  1045421;    Nine-digit number:  891000111

3. Look with the all-seeing eye after resurrection of everyone and everything.  And you will see that restoration of the World is that reality in which you live.  And you will feel that you are in the eternal World.  Move forward along this path and you will see the way which calls you.  Go along this path and you will see the creator who is eternal and you will enjoy eternity; and this enjoyment is the eternity of life; and the creator is exactly that creator who created you; and his love is infinite; and his simplicity is trusting and he is as simple and transparent as you have imagined, as you thought about Him before; and he is as kind an constructive as you knew before.   He is your creator and he gives you the way.  Go along his way, since his way is your way.

18th day of the month:

1. On this day of the month you should concentrate on immovable objects.  This may be a building, a table, a tree.  Choose anything you like.  Further on you have to find the individual essence of the chosen object, its meaning.  The essence for you means that you should understand what this object means to you.  During the concentration you should keep your required event in mind in order to manifest it.

2. Seven-digit number:  1854212;    Nine-digit number:  185321945

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3. You go that way, where people are.  You go that way where events are.  You work where the resistance is.  And when you see this resistance it becomes transparent, its strength weakens and you see the World of the Eternity even if the resistance is still present.  Go and be everywhere you want to be.  You can be everywhere.  You can embrace the whole world and its welfare; that is why, you should fight the resistance for the welfare of the eternal life; and the resistance will break down and you will see the light of the eternal life and you will perceive it.  And this will be realised forever and all times.

19th day of the month:

1. On the nineteenth day of the month you should concentrate on the phenomena of external reality, in which something, which previously had existed as a single whole, turns into a collection of separate elements.  An example of such a phenomenon is a cloud, which turns into raindrops. Or another: the crown of a tree turning into separate falling leaves.  Throughout the concentration on such phenomena you are trying to find the laws which could prevent their development.  To find such laws is the sense of this concentration.

2. Seven-digit number:  1254312;    Nine-digit number:  158431985

3. The struggle of the spirit for its true place in the World, as well as the struggle of your soul for personification of the creator, makes your intellect and your mind become controlled.  Your consciousness becomes universal and your part of the consciousness becomes the common consciousness.  You become who you are.  Your eternity is revealed in your thoughts, your thoughts becomes eternity, your thoughts make the World eternal and you will be where you are, and you will be where you aren’t, and you will always be, though the World consists of time intervals, and where you will be the time interval will become the World and the space will join the eternity, and the time will retreat and you will be in movement and you will be in eternal time, and you will feel the eternal time, and this eternal time will come to you.  Every moment of your time is an eternal one.  Feel the eternity in every moment and you will see that you have already achieved it.

20th day of the month:

1. On this day you should concentrate on remote areas of your consciousness.  Your task is to help other people.  Imagine that you want to explain something to another person.  To explain what he/she doesn’t know or doesn’t understand.  As a matter of fact we already know that in reality every person possesses all knowledge, his soul initially has everything.  That is why your task is to help him realise information, which he already has.  By the way, genuine understanding is exactly connected with awareness of the knowledge available in the soul.  The easiest way to awake a person to awareness of required information kept in his soul through the remote areas of his consciousness.  The easiest way to reach them is through remote areas of your consciousness.

2. Seven-digit number: 1538416;    Nine-digit number:  891543219

3. Look at the world from the highest position of your consciousness, form the deepest position of our soul and the most spiritual passion to universal welfare.  Look at the world in such a way as if it is just being created and create it as it is now.  However, creating is as it is.  Simultaneously, change the state of the World with its vices for the better, towards creation and eternal life.  And you will see that the vices are not vices at all, but a wrong understanding of the World.  Understand the World correctly as it is given to you by the creator, and you will see that the creator is everywhere and that correctness is everywhere, you should make just one step towards, not just negate, and come to this correctness forever and for good and you will see that the world has transformed.  And you will see that the universe has become yours, and you will see that the creator is pleased with you, and you will see that you are the creator and able to create everywhere, always and forever, and you are a helper of the creator, and you are a helper of anyone else and you, as the creator himself, are creating a creator and here you come to the point of unity of everyone.  And this point of unity of everyone is simply your soul.  Look at it and you will see the light of life.  This light of life is created by your soul.  The luminescence of your soul is the

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thing, which calls you upwards, afar and in breadth, the luminescence of your soul is the World.  You see the World because your soul sees it.  You see the soul because you have eyes of the soul.  Look at yourself from all sides, and you will see a common unity with the entire World which exists everywhere and always.  Your thought is the thought of the World.  Your knowledge is the knowledge of the World.  Distribute the knowledge of life and distribute the light of your soul, and you will see the eternal life in such a state, as you are in it.  You will see that the eternal life has been with you for a long time; it always is, was and will be.  The eternal life is you.

21st day of the month:

1. On the twenty-first day of the month you should concentrate on the series of numbers, going in reverse sequence.  A specific example: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.  Numbers appearing in these sequences should be from 1 to 31 (the maximum number of days in the month).  So there are 31 numbers at your disposal.  When you compile sequences from these numbers, rely upon your internal feeling.

2. Seven-digit number: 8153517;    Nine-digit number:  589148542.

3. Watch how mountain stream runs down the mountains.  Watch how snow melts.  Look at these pictures, as if you have seen them by eye.  You will see that your thoughts do not differ from your eyes.  Any you will see that your consciousness doesn’t differ from your body.  Any you will see how your soul builds your body.  Remember this knowledge, transferring it from one second to another, and turning a moment into eternity you will be building yourself eternally, as you lived before with no effort, and thus this eternal construction is the eternal life.  Build other objects around yourself on the basis of the same principle, build worlds.  Create joy and sow wheat, create bread, give tools and give machines and make machines harmless, not destructive and you will see that you live in this World, and you will see that this is sent down to you and that the creator and your consciousness are revealed in this machine.  Stop a machine if it threatens.  Build the body if it is ill; realise resurrection if someone has passed away, prevent anyone else from passing away.  You are a creator; you are a maker; take, act and go forward in harmony with the entire world, in harmony with everything created, in harmony with everything that will ever be created in the entire eternity and in the manifestation of the World, and in harmony with yourself.

22nd day of the month:

1. On this day of the month you should concentrate on such elements of reality which are characterised by endless reproduction.  A specific example: a notion of eternity, or a notion of endless space.  When you think, for example, about eternity at the same time you should always construct the required event.

2. Seven–digit number: 853485;    Nine-digit number: 198516789.

3. Your soul is a created structure; you soul is a re-creating structure.  Watch how your soul is creating, watch how it is reacting.  During the act of re-creating, you perceive your soul, open your world and look, where the creator has recreated Himself, look at the mechanism of re-creating and you will see love.  Love is the thing which brings light to the world.  Love is the thing on which the world is being built.  Love is the thing that always exists and was in the beginning.  Look at that one who created love and you will see yourself.  Love belonging to you is you belonging to love.  Build with love, build with welfare, build with a great joy of universal life and universal happiness and you will be able to see that joy which is seen by everyone who is around you.   See the joy of those who are around you and your heart will be filled with happiness.  Be in happiness; be in harmony and this happiness will bring you eternity.  Look with your eternal eyes, look with your eternal body, and look at your relatives with your eternal seeing and grant them Eternity.  Look with your Eternity at all people and grant them Eternity.  Look with your eternity at the entire World, at the whole environment and grant them Eternity.  And the World will blossom, and a flower, which blossoms eternally, will appear.  This flower will be your World which is the World of everyone.

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23rd day of the month:

1. On the twenty third day you should concentrate on the development of all real objects in the direction of fulfilment of the tasks of the creator.

2. Seven-digit number:  8154574;   Nine digit number:  581974321.

3. Look at the World, what there is to do in it, look at your social circumstances, watch your feelings and look at them.  See how your feelings are connected with the events, why are you looking forwards, why can’t you feel, why do you feel, why do you feel that you ate not different?  Think why the word ‘differently’ does not exist in the world, since the world is unique and is varied in its unity.  Think about why the word ‘unique’ also means ‘varied’.  Touch the nature of something in its specific individuality.  Look at how it appears from all sides.  Look at your body and re-create it in one spirit moment.  Look at your consciousness and create it to be able to solve all your issues.  Look at your soul and you see that everything exists.

24th day of the month:

1. On this day of the month during concentration you should receive and object from?? the form of a man.  For example, a DVD, a fountain pen, a plant.  You should see from which part of the man’s body it appears, let’s say a DVD appears.  It means how to realise the image of a man in order to receive a DVD. 

2. Seven-digit number: 5184325;    Nine-digit number:  189543210

3. You have seen that reality, which you have seen.  You have come to that reality, which you are.  Look at all days from the first to twenty-fourth and you will see that your love is endless.   Look at the world, how you look with love, look at the feeling, how you build it, look at the feeling as at the eternal creation and you will come to love it as eternal.  You come to it forever and you stay with it forever.  The creator created lovingly.  You are thinking the creator’s creations and you love.  Love is life, and life is love.  Display love where you appear, display love in those places where you determine yourself, and predetermine yourself.  Love may not be always expressed by words and emotions.  Wherever you create you create love.

25th day of the month:1. On the twenty-fifth day of the month you may concentrate on any objects of your choice.  It is important to have several different concentrations and combine them all into one concentration.  Having analysed this collection, join various objects of concentration into groups based on some sign.  For example, a tape-recorder and a cassette can be placed into one group because they add to one another when they fulfil the task they are meant for.  A tape-recorder and a receiver can be joined into one group which you consider them ad goods produced on the basis of electronic equipment.  One group can include objects of the same type, for example, two different books.  However, if considering these books from the point of view of their content, these books may appear in different groups if a combination of groups will be based on the content.  You see, you have complete freedom of creation in this case.  You may, for example, sit at home, look around and use its objects surrounding you for this concentration.

2. Seven-digit number: 1890000;    Nine-digit number:  012459999.

3. Come to the thought about yourself.  Catch the thoughts about yourself as reflections of yourself.  See yourself as you see everyone.  See yourself as you see everyone.  See yourself as you see a branch of a tree, a leaf of a plant, morning dew, or snow on a windowsill.  You will see those things which are eternal before you.  You will see that you are eternal.

26th day of the month:

1. On this day of the month you learn to see simultaneously the whole AND a part, the common and the particular.  Suppose there is a herd of cows in front of you.  You see the whole herd and

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simultaneously you can concentrate on any cow. Understand how it lives, what it thinks about, how it will develop.  Or you may look at an anthill and simultaneously at one ant.  With the help of this concentration you should understand how with one look you can see at once the whole and its part, the common and the particular.  This concentration will help you to acquire this ability.  You will be able to see instantly both common and particular.

2. Seven-digit number:  1584321;    Nine-digit number:  485617891.

3. Take into consideration that you develop internally.  See that your development is eternal.  Busy yourself with all that is eternal.  Since each movement is eternal and each thing is a personification of Eternity and each personality is Eternity and each soul is a multitude of Eternities.   Go towards diverse Eternities from the one Eternity and you will see that there is one Eternity for everyone.  Come to this through understanding of your soul and you will see that each thing has been created by you.  Apply this to the health of others and having cured another one you will gain experience yourself.  Curing of others is always an experience for you.  Restoration of everything is always an experience for you.   Be good to more and more people, give more joy and happiness and you will receive Eternity into your hands in the form of a concrete technological tool of your consciousness.  Spread the consciousness to the rigid conditions of Eternity.  There, where Eternity widens, outrun it, outrun the Eternity in Infinity and you will see yourself s a personification of the creator.  You create in that place where Eternity is widening, you are the creator of Eternity, you control Eternity and Eternity always obeys you.

27th day of the month:

1. On the twenty-seventh day of the month you should do the same concentration as on the ninth day of the month, but add to it an infinite development of each element of the concentration.

2. Seven-digit number;  1854342;    Nine-digit number:  185431201

3. Come to help those who need help.  Come to help those who do not need help.  Come to help yourself, if you need help.  Come to help yourself if you do not need help.  You are kind and you help.  You are a creator and you have help.   Every act of your consciousness brings help to you.  Everything created by you is a help to you.  You have an infinite number of helpers as well as you giving help to n infinite number of others.  You are in universal connections with everyone, you always help everyone and everyone helps you.  Being in universal connections and mutual help bring society to welfare; give happiness to everyone and you will see yourself in universal world harmony with everyone where the creator’s creation is everything that has been created around you; it’s everything that has been created by you and is the personification of the creator in everything created around you.  The personification of you as the creator will be revealed in your soul by understanding the World in self-development thereafter.  The infinity of life is the infinity of the creator.  To be infinitely living you should be being infinitely created, you should be infinitely created.  You may do so that your every thought, your every movement, your every action creates Eternity.

28th day of the month:

1. On this day of the month you should fulfil the same concentration as on the eighth day of the month but with one important difference.  The difference is as follows.  You must have noticed that on the previous day, 27th, when determining the type of concentration the numbers 2 and 7 were added: 2+7=9.  In this case the situation is different.  The number 28 consists of two figures: 2 and eight.  In this case the number 28 should be perceived as follows; Two multiplied by eight.  Not to add 2 and 8, but just to multiply.  It means that eight is doubled.  That is why the program of the eighth day is repeated on this day.  However this repetition should not be strict, it shouldn’t be an exact copy of the previous work.  You have to change something.  And first of all change something in yourself.  For example, change something in your vision of this concentration.  While fulfilling it according to the old scheme you should nevertheless see something new in it, to look at it from another side.  Your understanding as well as your perception of these concentrations should be always widening and deepening.  This is a creative process.  It facilitates your development.

2. Seven-digit number:      1854512;    Nine-digit number: 195814210.

3. Look at yourself as you look at the whole World right away.  Look at the creator the same way as the creator looks at you and in this understand what the creator wants from you.  Look at his look and you will see his look.  You will see that the look of the creator is also fixed at the far phenomena of the World; and your task is to control these phenomena of the World.  You should

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harmonise any phenomena of the World.  This is your true task.  You should give birth to the Worlds and create Worlds which will always be harmonic.  This has been your true task since your creation.  Since he, the creator has already created, since he, the creator has already completed, your task is to go along this way since you have been created in the image and likeness as the creator has been created.  The creator created himself and created you as well.  Create yourself and create others.  Create all others and give universal welfare to everyone and you will have the World, which has been created for you, and for everyone and the creator.  Create for the creator since he created everything.  That is why whenever you create anything you create for the creator.

29th day of the month:

1. On the twenty-ninth day you fulfil a presumptive concentration.  On this day you should look at all concentrations of this month from the first day to the twenty-eighth.  However you should perceive them in an impulse. It’s important.  The way covered within the month you take in with one single moment of perception.  With this you should do a certain analysis of your work.  On this day you, so as to say, create a platform for the work in the following months.

You may imagine everything you have done in the form of a sphere which you should place on an endless straight line the initial part of which  includes the following month.  Thus you create a platform not just for the next month but for your further infinite development as well.

2. Seven-digit number: 1852142;    Nine-digit number 512942180.

3. Look at the World with your eyes.  Look at the World with all of your feelings.  Look at the World with all of your cells.  Look at the World with your whole organism and with everything with which you can see and with everything you are.  Look at the World and yourself and inside of yourself.  Look at the World understanding that the World is around you and it envelopes you.  Look at the reality, which gives life.  Look at such reality, which gives Eternity.  And you will see that whatever you look at there is only this reality that gives life and gives Eternity.  And the creator of this reality is the creator.  The creator who has created this reality has created eternal life and he sees you the same way you see yourself, and he sees you the same way as you don’t see yourself, and he is your creator.

30th day of the month:

1. On this day you carry out concentration on the built platform.  This concentration lays the basis for your work in the following month.  You should concentrate on the harmony of the World.  You should see it, find it, celebrate it, and admire it.  And at the same time you wonder how the creator could have created everything so perfectly.  You admire the harmony of the World as the consequence of perfection of the creator.

2. Seven-digit number:  1852143;    Nine-digit number:  185219351.

3. The principle on which you build all the previous days may be the main one on this day, since in February, in the current system of chronology, 29 or 28 days, this principle on the thirtieth day gets over to the first or the second day.  So, this unification shows the eternal cycle of life.  Find the eternity in all your previous harmonisations.  Find this eternity in this simple example, since one month consists of 30 days, another, February, of 29 or 28 days and just through one month February we have the common joining of the figure 30 with the figure one or two.  Joining of the figures various by nature and the origin testifies to the unity and common nature of everyone.  Find common nature in everything, in each element of information.  Find common nature where it is not seen at once, and find it where it is obvious, where it can be seen at once.   Then you will see, you will become aware, you will feel, and you will be inspired.

31st day of the month:

1. On the thirty-first day, you concentrate on the individual areas of each single volume.  Imagine a tree growing.  You know that beneath the tree is soil, above and beside it is air.  All these individual

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areas combine themselves in your consciousness in such a way that you see them as the eternal reconstruction of life.  Life is eternal.  You need to recognise this.  Think on this while you observe the environment.  Dissolve yourself in it and recognition of this truth comes to you.

2. Seven-digit number:  1532106;    Nine-digit number:  185214321.

3. On this 31st day concentrate on yourself.  You are absolutely healthy and all are healthy.  The World is eternal.  All life events are creative.  You see everything only in a positive light.  All around you is well.  These exercises develop your consciousness and your life events in a positive direction.  You become absolutely healthy and you come into harmony with the pulse of the universe.  You yourself need to decide which result is the most important for you at the moment.  When you want to achieve a certain result in a specific time frame put this time frame in your objective and you achieve it through concentration.  Also notice that these exercises are creative exercises.  The exercises develop YOU.  With the help of the concentration you are growing spiritually and you will already perform further concentrations on a higher level.  This process is infinite.  After a short time you notice that life has improved.  To be precise, you yourself have changed it.  You have the control of your life in your hands.

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