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O Método de Respiração Nishino e a Energia Ki (Energia vital): Um desafio para o pensamento científico tradicional

O método de respiração, que foi desenvolvido e é ensinado por Kozo Nishino, um especialista japonês em Ki, é para aumentar os níveis de Energia Ki (energia vital ou a vitalidade) de um indivíduo. Não é terapia ou método de cura. De qualquer modo, muitos estudantes experenciam e implementam sua saúde, e em alguns casos, ficam hábeis a superar problemas de saúde que traziam consigo. Desde que este é um interessante assunto de interesse, do ponto de vista da madicina alternativa e complementar, nós temos estado colaborando com Nishino na condução de experimentos cinetíficos sobre a energia Ki. Descobrimos que a energia Ki de Nishino pode inibir a divisão de células cancerígenas, proteger e isolar a mitocondria da deterioração por calor e reduzir a peroxidação lipídica. A energia Ki pode consistir de vários diferentes formas de energia. Nós descobrimos que ao menos uma delas é a radiação infravermelha ente os comprimentos de onda 0.8 e 2.7 µm. Uma coisa interessante a se observar em sua escola é a prática de Taiki (prática de Ki aos pares). Durante essa prática, Nishino pode mover seus estudantes sem nenhum contato físico. Muitos deles correm, saltam ou rolam sobre o chão quendo recebem a energia Ki. Nós estudamos esse efeito e propomos que a “informação) é conduzida através do ar entre dois indivíduos pela energia Ki. Isso pode ser chamado de um

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quinto sentido independente, comunicação vida a vida pelo Ki. Todos os nossos resultados sugerem que nós podemos reavaliar o dualismo cartesiano (separação de mente e corpo), o qual tem sido um pricipio fundamental da moderna ciência nos três séculos passados.(S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Philadelphia Biomedical Research Institute)

Texto publicado no Oxford Journals.

The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A Challenge to Traditional Scientific Thinking

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Kozo Nishino was born in 1926 in Osaka, Japan. While studying at the Osaka City University Faculty of Medicine, he was inspired by the great accomplishments of the famous ballet producer Sergei Diaghilev, and joined the Takarazuka Musical Dance Revue, soon becoming the resident ballet instructor and dance choreographer. In 1951, Nishino enrolled in the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School in New York, studying choreography under Antony Tudor and learning dance under Margaret Craske. After returning to Japan, he established the Nishino Ballet Troupe in 1954, and produced famous prima dancers such as Atsuko Baba, Motoko Ogino and Kayoko Kadono. After embarking on a career that encompassed

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choreography as well as T.V. and stage productions, he created a string of a great hits by producing and directing many T.V. shows such as NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai) "Uta no Grand Show" and NTV (Nippon Television Network Corporation) "Le Girls". In addition, he produced, mentored and directed stars such as Katsuko Kanai, Kaoru Yumi, Itoko Harada, Etsuko Nami, Sanae Emi and Yuki Kishi. He learned Aikido from Kisshomaru Uesiba Doshu (son of the Aikido Founder) and trained in Kung Fu under master Kenichi Sawai. He attained the highest rank "Shihan"(Master) in both Aikido and Kung Fu. Through his mastery of the sciences of life - "medicine", of the arts of the body - "ballet", and from his acquisition of advanced interactive senses - "martial arts", he originated and developed the way to cultivate life energy, "Nishino Breathing Method". Nishino Juku (School of the Nishino Breathing Method) was established in Osaka and Tokyo in 1985, and has gradually built up a loyal following of students of all ages, both men and women, from every walk of life, including doctors, university professors, administrators, artists, scientists, and lawyers. He maintains a full daily schedule of teaching and personal student guidance at Nishino Juku. When the world-renowned author and movie director Michael Crichton visited Nishino Juku, he was impressed to see Kozo Nishino's youthful appearance and trim, athletic figure and commented, "He is a living demonstration of his method!"

He is president of the Nishino Ballet Troops and Chairperson of the Nishino Breathing Method, Nishino Juku.He had been Guest Professor at Osaka International University for Woman, etc.Since 2006, He has been Visiting Scientist of the Graduate School of Osaka City University Medical School.

Human beings live on energy. This energy is generated by respiration and nutrition. Through respiration, nutrition can be supplied as life energy to every cell of the entire body. Without breathing, nutrition cannot be converted to energy. And, of course, without energy no one can live.

There are two kinds of breathing. One is called external respiration, which is taking in oxygen through the lungs and expelling carbon dioxide. Another is called internal, or cellular, respiration, which is the process of supplying oxygen to the cells of internal organs and expelling carbon dioxide. Cellular respiration is enabled by the action of mitochondria (the cell's energy power plant), which plays a major role in producing indispensable energy for various cell activities, such as generation of the energy storage molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from glucose, and running molecular motors. It can therefore be said that cellular respiration itself produces life energy. The Nishino breathing method is the key to vitalizing this cellular respiration.

There is no greater reality for us than the simple fact of being alive. And,

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as long as we are alive, we should enjoy a "Fountain of Youth".Scientific progress, especially in molecular biology, has uncovered an important element of life. The average cellular lifespan and regenerating cycle of human beings is about two-and-a-half to three years. This cellular regeneration, or remodeling, is just like making copies of cells. The cells of a newborn baby's body are pristine and have an excellent capacity for regeneration. Likewise, in youth, the human being is composed of dynamically replenishing cells. The total number of cells is as many as 6 trillion. Unimaginably huge numbers of cells are repeatedly self-replenishing in our bodies. How wonderfully human life works! Why do we not grasp the paintbrush of our cells' natural ability, and paint a new picture on the canvas of our lives, abundant with energy and beautiful beyond our wildest dreams? Constant regeneration of energetic cells is the way to a joyful and brilliant life.

Dr. Leonard Hayflick, Professor at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, established an important biological constraint known as "Hayflick limit", which holds that human cells are able to regenerate (i.e. copy themselves) approximately 50 times. If the cells replace themselves every two-and-a-half years, and this process can be repeated 50 times, then the human cell's lifespan would be 125 years. (Likewise, if the cells are replaced every three years, the lifespan would be 150 years.) Our bodies are composed of just such tremendously powerful cells. Accordingly, it should not be impossible to enjoy a "Fountain of Youth" - leading a long and dynamic life up to one hundred years old. Let's have our cells regenerate beautifully for one hundred years with joy, since we've only got one chance at life.

The key to this process - creating a cellular "Fountain of Youth" - is the Nishino Breathing Method.The Nishino Breathing Method revives and strengthens cell function, cultivates life energy, and preserves and restores youth and beauty. The Nishino Breathing Method can be considered a contemporary miracle.

What is the Nishino breathing Method?

Classes in the Nishino Breathing Method consist of two essential parts.

First: Various breathing exercises, with the main focus on Sokushin Breathing (breathing through the soles of the feet).

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Second: Taiki (non-verbal communication method of "energy exchange").

Here is an explanation of Sokushin Breathing and Taiki, followed by Key Phrases for understanding Nishino Breathing Method.

Sokushin Breathing

Sokushin Breathing is one of the basic exercises of the Nishino Breathing Method.  Inhalation is through the soles of the feet and, after energy has been circulated throughout the body, exhalation is, again, through the soles. In fact, you are breathing through the nose and exhale through the mouth, but if you do so with an awareness of the soles of the feet, you will feel energy rising upward from the feet to the knees and the thighs to Tanden.  Visualize a great tree sucking up water from the earth. Energy that reaches Tanden is steadily propelled upward along the spine. This energy in turn eventually reaches Hyakue.   At this point, lightly hold your breath, and then - still on the in-breath-bring the energy from Hyakue to Tanden frontally, along the central line. Finally, while exhaling, direct the energy downward through the soles of the feet into the earth.

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This is one of the basic exercises of the Nishino Breathing Method. It is done in a spirit of childlike innocence, plain unfettered under the heavens.With practice, improved blood circulation, as well as enhanced energy and stamina are possible.

1 Release all tension from the body and stand, knees relaxed, with the feet shoulder-width apart.

2-3 While exhaling down toward the soles of the feet, slowly bring the upper body forward.

3-6 As you inhale from the soles of your feet, gradually bring your arms forward and up. Lift both arms until they come above your head and bring the breath to hyakue (the crown of your head).

7 Then hold the breath down to your tanden. Bring both arms down, extending them wide on either side at shoulder level.

8-1 Slowly lower your arms to your sides as you exhale and return to the original starting position. If you repeat Tenyu, continue to bring the upper body forward to the position of 3.

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Visualize white clouds serenely traversing the sky to help you in this exercise. Gyoun relieves fatigue, energizing the physical body.

1 In a relaxed state, stand with one foot in front of the other, shoulder-width apart.

2 While inhaling from the soles of your feet, raise both arms, elbows bent and hands with palms facing up, to chest level. Draw the breath to the crown of your head, and then direct it down to your tanden.

3 While exhaling, take a large step forward with the leg in front. Bring the back of your hands together and extend them in front of you. Hold this position.

4,5 Return your foot to its original position, and while inhaling again from the soles of your feet, raise the arms on both sides, drawing an arc in the air with your arms. And bring the breath to hyakue while placing the back of your hands together over your head, then hold the breath and direct it back down to your tanden.

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6 Still holding the breath, carve an arc in space with the hands again as you bring them back down to your sides. Place the back of your hands on your hips. While slowly exhaling, bend the upper body backward.

7,8 Come back to the upright position, and do the sokushin breathing again. And then bend the upper body forward as you exhale. Place your fingers facing outward, back of your hands against the floor.

9 Come back to the upright position as you breathe from the soles of your feet. Bring your hands, palms facing up, to the chest level as you draw the breath up to the crown of your head. Hold the breath gently there, and then direct it down to your tanden. Exhale as you slowly lower your arms to your sides. Repeat with the other foot.

Karin is a preparatory exercise for the Nishino Breathing Method. It loosens up the body and makes way for the ideal of “playing in the universe”, thus enhancing the benefits of the breathing method.

2⇔1⇔3 Stand with the entire body relaxed, feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.

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Breathing out, gently swing to the left and right, rotating around the axis of the spine. Move from the tanden. Let the arms, which are relaxed and loose, wrap around the body as a natural result of rotating the trunk.

4⇔1⇔5 Continuing to rotate left and right, let one arm wrap around the shoulder while the other arm wraps around your hip.

6⇔1⇔7 Maintain the same swinging motion. Turn your body to the left and the right, look at the heel of the farthest leg. Arms wrap naturally around your body.The swing to the right and then left is one set. Repeat the each set about thirty times. Karin is done not with sokushin breathing but with normal inhaling and exhaling.

Numerous methods have been developed for boosting the life energy. Most methods can be considered forms of asceticism. They involve abuse of the body, or enduring extreme environments and situations to concentrate and elevate energy levels. And there are also methods of mental training for attempting to raise energy levels.

The Nishino Method of "Taiki" differs from these traditional approaches. The Nishino Method addresses the human body through invocation of inter-cellular energy communication. "Taiki" is a method based on implementing a smooth, efficient, circulating exchange of energy at the cellular level.

*Because of possible injuries, please refrain from doing taiki, unless under an instructor’s supervision.

An important point is that the inter-cellular energy communication occurs not only inside one's own body but even between one's own and others' bodies.

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Actually, adversity can foster one's ability of energy communication to other people. So from that viewpoint, adversity can be important for one's growth. The Nishino Method of "Taiki" exercise itself, however, is a method for effecting mutual communication of life energy without introducing adversity or hardship of any sort.

In a "Taiki" practice session, anybody can receive strong life energy. Some people may feel themselves propelled backwards or flung away. Others may yell with excitement and joy, or laugh uproariously. Still others may sing, or leap about as though dancing. When one observes such splendid movements of the body, it is astounding to realize that most such people have never received any special athletic or ballet training.

"Taiki" may appear somewhat peculiar in the light of our contemporary rationalistic society, dominated as it is by logic and intellect. However, when the cells that compose the human body receive the life energy, they feel joyous and begin to move of their own volition.

In prehistoric times, even before the emergence of human language, when the hunting or gathering of food was good, and there was plenty to eat, people would spontaneously jump about and sing. That's because the body was infused with life energy by eating delicious food. When a baby puts something it likes into its mouth, and begins to smile and wave its arms and legs joyfully, this again is due to absorption of energy into the body.

So, when human beings use "Taiki" to implement energetic communication at the cellular level, and when the cells themselves get excited at receiving the pleasurable life energy, causing the body to sing, leap and dance in reaction, all this is an entirely natural phenomenon.

The Nishino Method of "Taiki" does not involve pain and suffering, instead, it teaches us to overcome adversity by cultivating our personal energy, and by experiencing the pleasure of being alive.

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It is impossible to know the future by means of intellect and reason. However, if the other kind of human intelligence, what I call "Physical Intelligence", is cultivated, it is possible to unveil the future to some degree.

In fact, about 20 years ago, when I created the Nishino Breathing Method (NBM) for cultivating physical intelligence, and began to practice it, I came to understand an additional point which I expressed in my lectures and writings as the principle that "As far as the body is concerned, One is All, and All are One."

This insight was certainly not particular to myself, as anybody who takes up practice of the Nishino Breathing Method can experience it personally in his or her own body.

For example, anybody who comes to practice the curriculum at the Nishino Juku, which is based on the NBM, will presently be able to circulate "ki" energy in his or her entire body, with the result that the hands become sensitized and function as a kind of "sensor" for the body. Moreover, when the hands are placed on or near any object, certain inferences and insights can be obtained by the hands themselves and correspond to the object naturally. It is as though the hands can see like the eyes, or discriminate and judge objects like the brain. That in turn suggests that every single individual cell in the body has its own independent existence, and possesses "intelligence" that can react to the environment and situations.

Of course, this premise may partially be a reflection of the knowledge concerning cells and the body that I acquired early on in medical school. However, while carrying out the development and practice of the NBM, I have experientially verified the principle that, as far as the 60 trillion cells which make up our organic existence are concerned truly "One is All, All are One".

Medical research has established that of the 60 trillion cells which form the human body, approximately half are "sleeping". "Sleeping" in this sense means that they simply exist, and do not carry out any useful work on behalf of the human organism. My hypothesis is that the NBM not only stimulates functional cells, but also offers work to those that are sleeping, breaking up the established pattern formed by those cells and creating a new kind of active life for entire body.

In the 21st century, human beings will seek out unprecedented new lifestyles. But knowledge obtained only through books and hearsay, existing only as an abstract acquisition, cannot be put to realistic use. Information from books and hearsay is merely indirect "knowledge" that yields a barren harvest. Only knowledge that lives fully in the body is real and useful.

Because breathing is the link between the universe (exterior) and oneself (interior), it has the potential to trigger a grand liberation within us. At the Nishino Juku, we frequently hear people saying things such

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as: "After taking up the Nishino Breathing Method (NBM), my inter-personal relationships have gotten a lot smoother!", "Negotiations now come out just as I would like!", "That difficult bank financing has been taken care of!", "I just seem to be getting lucky!", etc.

People who experience frequent troubles usually complain that "Nothing ever turns out right" or "Everything always backfires on me". These predicaments are the result of a failure to connect properly to one's surroundings. While hurrying along in a trance, such people have become isolated. Excessive pondering and brooding is also absolutely useless.

Of course, it is sometimes necessary to deliberate over one's course of action, but brooding clouds the brain just when clarity is needed for action. To offer a physical explanation, such people are breathing with their shoulders alone, and never achieve deep respiration. In any case, when a person's "ki" is calm and settled, the body is restored to normal healthy functioning. By means of deep breathing, it is possible to naturally restore the link to one's exterior (surroundings).

For example, a good baseball pitcher may suddenly falter and begin to throw a string of bad balls. At those times, a great coach will walk calmly and casually to the mound, and have a quiet chat with him. By introduction of this "Ma ai", (gap or brief natural pause in time), the breathing is brought under conscious regulation.

In drama and martial arts, the "Ma ai" (interval of time or space) is very important. For example, in dance when the dancer comes before the spectators, it is one person facing many. In this situation, the "Ma ai" is, first, the distance in space between performer and the audience. In addition, there is a "Ma ai" in time between the performer and him- or herself. And finally, establishing a high level of physical performance depends on understanding the "Ma ai" in the breath. Essentially, if one can breathe deeply, and thereby restore responsiveness to one's surroundings, one can regain one's true self.

When we encounter adversity, we shouldn't shut down our receptivity and responsiveness to our surroundings. If we want the situation to change, and to become responsive to us, we must first begin to change ourselves. If we can accomplish this, then the situation will naturally begin to change. That is the meaning of the saying "Heaven helps those who help themselves". However, attempting to change oneself by thought, worry, or mental effort is bound to fail. The necessary changes can only come about in accordance with the level of development of the body and breath.

With all this in mind, the NBM does not promulgate such superstitious concepts as the frequently heard idea that, after you commence NBM practice and your fortunes naturally take a turn for the better, suddenly "The gods have begun to smile down on you!". Instead, you will come to understand that if the body changes, circumstances will naturally change in response. To those who can heed our straight-forward message, the connection to breath is explained in the same direct way.

The Nishino Breathing Method is the way to acquire a slim and resilient body, to call forth your greatest potential abilities, and to make your luck blossom fully.

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Professor Shigeo Miki of Tokyo University Medical Faculty, a famous scholar of anatomy who studied under Professor Ogawa Kenzou, pursuing research in the branch of science founded by Ernst Haeckel concerning the relation between animal form and function known as morphology, is famous for creating the analytic framework of "Miki Morphology".

Prof. Miki's research on the 4 billion years of biological evolution, from the earliest origins of life in the primeval ocean up to human beings, has revealed that the long transition from aquatic to terrestrial animals, beginning between 400 million to 300 million years ago, can be considered the most radical departure that has ever occurred in biological morphology.

But what exactly was the radical change involved in the transition to terrestrial life? It was the evolutionary transition from primitive "branchial respiration", which is the use of gills for extracting oxygen from water, to "pulmonary respiration" - using lungs in the gaseous atmosphere. In that development, a decisive evolutionary threshold was crossed.

So, according to comparative anatomical research, the human embryo, existing for nine months within the amniotic fluid of the mother's womb, undergoes a dramatic recapitulation of all the stages in the history of biological evolution. The leap from the aquatic stage to the terrestrial stage occurs at precisely the week of the 32nd day after conception. So sensitive is the prescribed time of structural transition from gill breathing to lung breathing that this period is also the usual onset time for morning sickness and possible miscarriages.

The revolutionary advance in breathing function and morphology that occurred at one stage in the vast history of the evolution of life is re-enacted in the experience of every embryo in the mother's womb.

Gills are composed of primitive smooth tissue (similar to the makeup of plants) which functions involuntarily. Consequently, movement is slow and fatigue is non-existent. Therefore, creatures endowed with gills live very simply and move by day or night, indifferently.

On the other hand, the cellular structure required to support respiration by lungs is more closely related to skeletal muscle composition, of highly specialized striated muscle. This permits nimble and quick movement, at the price of incurring fatigue and requiring periodic rest.

In other words, the cellular composition of gills does not admit the possibility of conscious intervention, as it functions entirely under unconscious control, whereas lung structure and tissue do allow for the possibility of control by active will. Of course, under normal conditions, lung respiration also functions unconsciously, via the hard-wiring of

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the respiratory center of medulla oblongata, the lower brain.

In practice however, illnesses such as chronic respiratory insufficiency or apnea and other syndromes are linked to the conscious control of respiratory tissue. So, for human beings, learning to master respiration is crucial. The Nishino Breathing Method is a way of placing respiration under conscious control, and learning to breathe well.

THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCEThe Nishino Breathing Method revives and strengthens each of the 6 trillion cells of the human body, stimulates and amplifies life energy by enhancing the function of cellular mitochondria, and optimizes all metabolic processes, such as regeneration of cells, thus guiding all body systems to an ideal state. Practicing this method brings forth numerous highly beneficial changes to mind and body.Among the benefits of regular practice of the Nishino Breathing Method are the following: improved health; enhanced natural self-healing ability; recovery of a more youthful and beautiful appearance; developing one's faculties; starting to have good fortune and so on.At Nishino Juku, people from various fields and of different generations all enjoy practicing together.Here is message from Kaoru Yumi, followed by some students' "voice of experience".

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Publications on Nishino breathing Method

Nishino, Kozo. The Breath of Life,  Using the Power of Ki for Maximum Vitality. Japan: Kodansha International Ltd., 1997 ISBN 4-7700-2022-8

THE KI TO LONGEVITY [2007-05-20]


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Master Kozo Nishino is a very remarkable man. While studying for his medical degree, he also pursued courses in ballet and dance choreography that later led him to a stint in a ballet school in New York, USA. At age 28, he established his own ballet school in Japan which produced many famous Japanese dancers. He went on to produce many popular TV shows.

At age 50, he learned Aikido from the son of its founder, and he also mastered Kung Fu. He attained the highest rank in both. Finally, at the age of 59, he established Nishino Juku, the School of the Nishino Breathing Method, which brought him fame worldwide.


The Nishino Breathing Method ( NBM ) is his own innovation of breathing to harness the maximum ki ( life-force in Japanese, also called qi or chi ). It is a result of his understanding of the workings of the body through his knowledge and practice of medicine, dance and martial arts.

He is famous because of the regular demonstrations of his ability to move masses of people using his ki, and also because he remains fit and looks 20 years younger than his age. His book on ki has been translated into several languages and is sold throughout the world. He is now 81 years young.NBM consists of relaxing, stretching, twisting and rotating the body combined with a very slow, deep breath (one cycle of breathing in 1-2 min). Readers may recall that I teach my qigong students to slow down their breathing from the average 12-16 per minute to 6 or less per minute. But this is 1 cycle in 1 to 2 minutes! So it will take much practice for beginners to breathe so slowly without feeling uncomfortable.One of his effective training methods is called 'Taiki-practice' (meaning 'a paired ki-practice' or energy exchange). Both participants extend their hands and touch each other. They take turns sending ki to the other, repeating the exercise several times. This is most effective when done by a master and a student. He found that through this Taiki-practice, students can quickly improve their level and control of ki.Ki can also be sent remotely, that is, without any contact, and often causes movements in the recipients. He believes that this is a ki-induced 'non-verbal' communication not utilizing the five senses. When he himself sends ki to his students, many of them would move, jump, run, dance or even sing, as if they are controlled by his instructions.

Master Nishino sending his students "flying" with his ki.

Although he has demonstrated this ability many times on TV, many scientists rejected his claims and attributed the effects to trickery or mass hypnosis. In actual fact, the same results can be achieved with the recipients being blindfolded and their ears blocked ( thus excluding hypnosis ).The ability of ki or qi to cause movements in others is related to it's "intelligence". This is very little understood, even by practitioners. Scientists who know about ki postulate that ki carries "information" or "instructions".Qigong masters have known about this phenomenon for a long time. It is possible to "let loose" qi in the recipient to do whatever movements ( thus the running or singing ) or to focus the qi with precise instructions or intentions. While the mind of the recipient is not so important in determining the outcome, the sender must be clear of the intention when sending the qi. In healing, it is essential that the qi is focused and utilized to improve cellular or organ function, and not end up being wasted in useless movements.

Remote ki-sending has been practiced for a long time in a Japanese martial art technique called 'Toh-Ate' (meaning 'hit from a distance'). It is used to knock down opponents from a distance without 

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physical contact. This martial arts technique is still being taught in Japan. This method is also practised by some of our silat (Malay martial arts) exponents. I am sure there are similar methods in many other martial arts styles. Although Master Nishino has taught over 10,000 students in Japan, he never claimed that NBM has any healing or therapeutic effects on those with diseases. The only claims made are that it "revives and strengthens cell function, cultivates life energy, and preserves and restores youth and beauty". While most NBM practitioners do report being mentally and physically young and healthy, many have also recovered from health problems like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis and even cancer. In fact several scientific studies have been conducted on him and his method. One study demonstrated that his method increased the immunity and lowered the stress levels of the practitioners. Other studies showed that his ki protected isolated rat liver mitochondria from heat-induced damaged, and also was able to inhibit cell division of cultured human liver carcinoma cells.

Those of you who have read my articles about how qi and qigong can reverse cancer in many cases will not be surprised ( see ).


According to him, NBM vitalizes cellular respiration, that is, the generation of ATP-energy by the mitochondria ( the cell's energy power houses ), as well as increasing the cellular ki. This is how NBM revives and strengthens cell function, improves health, rejuvenates and slows down ageing. 

His hypothesis is that ki plays a crucial role in protecting mitochondria from damage, and enhances their energy-generating functions. Since all cells (except red blood corpuscles) depend on intact, functioning mitochondria to drive their activities, having healthy mitochondria means the cells remain "young" and active. This hypothesis assumes that ageing is mainly due to gradual loss of cellular mitochondrial function, and natural cell death (apoptosis) occurs when the remaining mitochondria cannot provide sufficient energy for continued cell survival. Much of the mitochondrial damage is due to free radicals, and ki is believed to protect the mitochondria from them.


Sokushin Breathing is a basic NBM exercise, suitable for beginners. Stand as in the basic qigong stance ( see diagram ). Imagination is important because as you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, you have to visualize as if you are breathing through the soles of your feet.

You must be fully aware of your soles. As you inhale, visualize the ki being sucked from the ground up your legs to the spine until it reaches the top of the head ( hyakue, equivalent to baihui acupuncture point ). Gently hold your breath for a few seconds and then resume inhaling while you visualize the ki traveling downwards across your face, throat, chest and upper abdomen towards an area three fingers below your umbilicus ( tanden, equivalent to dantien in TCM ). Once there, exhale slowly while 

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directing the ki downwards through your legs and out of your soles into the earth. Here, "Sokushin" refers to the centre of the sole, through which the ki enters and leaves.

Beginners can "move" the energy faster so that they don't run out of breath, and can gradually slow down until the breathing is as slow as possible, without suffocating. Like everything else, practice makes perfect.

This is actually similar to the microcosmic orbit exercise described in previous articles. Amazingly, Master Nishino developed this exercise without prior knowledge of the qigong or Healing Tao variations. This goes to show that great masters concur on the important exercises.

Reiki was started by a Japanese (Dr Usui), but is now mostly practised outside Japan. There are many more treasures in the rich history and culture of the Japanese people that we have yet to discover.

In a future article, I will introduce another Japanese energy practice, a ki-meditation technique which is like yoga combined with the whirling dervish Sufi dance. And it is not called sushi! 

  Dr Amir Farid Isahak 

Nishino Breathing Method

Demonstration of the Nishino Breathing Method and Scientific Study on KiS. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Ph.D. The Nishino Breathing Method (NBM) was founded in the 80th by Master Kozo Nishino. He was once a medical student, then studied ballet at the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School in New York and became one of the most famous ballet choreographers in Japan. After many successful years, he changed his profession and became a martial artist (an Aikido Master)  [1-3]. Through his Aikido practice, he had developed a martial art technique to knock down attackers by sending “Ki” (spiritual energy) without touching

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them. Master Nishino softened the technique so that anybody, men or women, young or old, can learn and enjoy. More than 20,000 students studied NBM and found out that this breathing exercise and his Ki practice improved their health conditions.

Today’s lecturer (Dr. Ohnishi) was trained at the Aikido Headquarters in Tokyo and received a black belt in 1966. He moved to Philadelphia in 1967, and taught Aikido for 30 years. In 1998, he got interested in NBM and started to learn it under Master Nishino by visiting his schools in Japan. Soon, they started scientific collaboration to find out the mechanism of why Ki has positive health effects. They published 3 collaborative papers [4-6]. Ohnishi was also interested in the possible mechanism of how Ki is transmitted from one individual to another, and move him/her without depending upon five senses (see, hear, smell, taste, and touch). He came to the conclusion that this is an “Interpersonal communication” through Ki, and published 4 papers  [7-10]. It has been believed that only talented people or specially trained martial artists can demonstrate such a Ki-power.

However, Ohnishi found that about 30 to 50% of beginners could learn the feeling of Ki in only several lessons [9].

Introduction of the lecturer:S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi is a Ph.D. in Biophysics. He was an ex-professor at the Hahnemann University School of Medicine.

Currently, he is the director of the Philadelphia Biomedical Research Institute, and a visiting scientist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.


1.      Nishino K: The Breath of Life: Using the Power of Ki for Maximum Vitality. Tokyo, New York, London: Kodansha International; 1997.

2.      Nishino K: Le Souffle de Vie, Utiliser le Pouroir du Ki. Paris: Guy TRedaniel Editeur; 1998.

3.      Nishino K: Il Respiro Della Vita, La massima vitalita dalla forza del Ki, Esercizi di Respirazione facili, effieaci, completamente illustrati. Rome, Italy: Edizioni Mediterranee, Via Flaminia; 1999.

4.      Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T, Nishino K, Tsurusaki Y, Yamaguchi M: Growth inhibition of cultured human carcinoma cells by Ki-energy (Life Energy): Scientific study of Ki-effect on cancer cells. Evidence-based

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2005, 2:387-393.

5.      Ohnishi ST , Ohnishi T, Nishino K: Ki- Energy (Life-Energy) Protects Isolated Mitochondria from Oxidative Injury. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2006, 3:475-482.

6.      Ohnishi ST, Nishino K, Uchiyama K, Yamaguchi M: Ki-energy (Life-energy) stimulates osteoblastic cells and inhibits the formation of osteoclast-like cells in bone cell cultured models. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2007, 4:225-232.

7.      Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: Review: The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A challenge to traditional scientific thinking. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2006, 3:191-200.

8.      Ohnishi ST: Ki: a key to transform the century of death to the century of life. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2007, 4:287-292.

9.      Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: Philosophy, psychology, physics and practice of Ki. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2009, 6:175-183.

10.     Ohnishi ST, Ohnishi T: How Far Can Ki-energy Reach?--A Hypothetical Mechanism for the Generation and Transmission of Ki-energy. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Oxford University Press 2009, 6:379-391.The Society for Metaphysical Enlightenment * A.F.Kenton * (267) 261-2768

Mensagem de Kozo Nishino

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(por Kozo Nishino)

Seres humanos vivem de energia. Essa energia é gerada pela respiração e pela nutrição. Por meio da respiração, os nutrientes da alimentação podem suprir de energia vital cada célula de nosso corpo. Sem a respiração, os nutrientes não podem ser convertidos em energia. E, é claro, sem energia ninguém pode viver.

Há dois tipos de respiração. Uma é chamada respiração externa, que é levar oxigênio através dos pulmões e expelir dióxido de carbono. Outra é chamada interna, ou respiração celular, que é o processo de suprir de oxigênio as células dos órgãos internos e expelir dióxido de carbono. A respiração celular é possível pela ação das mitocôndrias (a fábrica de produção de energia das células), que cumpre uma importante função na produção de energia indispensável para várias atividades das células, como a geração da molécula de armazenagem de energia ATP (adenosina triphosphato) a partir da glicose, e que move o motor molecular. Pode ser dito, então, que a respiração celular, ela mesma, produz a energia vital. O método de respiração Nishino é a chave para vitalização dessa respiração celular.

Não há maior aspecto da realidade para nós do que o fato de estarmos vivos. E, estando vivos, nós deveríamos apreciar de uma “fonte da juventude”.Progressos científicos, especialmente na biologia molecular, descobriu um importante elemento da vida. A média de vida das células e o ciclo de regeneração dos seres humanos é de aproximadamente dois anos e meio a três anos. Essa regeneração celular, ou remodelamento, é feito apenas com a cópia das células. As células do corpo de um recém-nascido são novíssimas e têm uma excelente capacidade de regeneração. Da mesma forma, na juventude, o ser humano é composto de células capazes de renovação dinâmica. O número total de células é de aproximadamente 6 trilhões. Um inimaginável número de células estão repetidamente replicando-se em nosso corpo. É maravilhoso o modo como o corpo trabalha! Por que nós não usamos a habilidade natural de nossas células e redefinimos nossas vidas, abundante de energia e beleza muito além de nossos sonhos? A constante regeneração de nossas energéticas células é o caminho de uma feliz e rediante vida.

Dr. Leonard Hayflick, Professor na Universidade de São Francisco EScola de Medicina, estabeleceu uma importante restrição biológica conhecida como “limite Hayflick”, que dita que as células humanas são capazes de se regenerar (isto é, copiar a si mesmas) aproximadamente 50 vezes. Se cada célula replica a si mesmo a cada dois anos e meio, e esse processo pode ser repetido 50 vezes, então o limite de vida das células humanas deveria ser 125 anos. (Do mesmo modo, se as células se replicam a cada três anos, o limite da vida deveria ser 150 anos). Nossos

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corpos são compostos justamente dessas poderosas células. De acordo com isso, não deveria ser impossível usufruir de uma “fonte da juventude” – levando assim uma vida longa e dinâmica de mais de cem anos. DEvemos ter nossas células belamente regeneradas para uma vida feliz de mais de cem anos, justamente porque temos apenas uma chance de estarmos vivos.

A chave para esse processo – Criar uma “fonte da juventude ” celular – é o Método de REspiração Nishino.O Método de Respiração Nishino vitaliza e fortifica as funções celulares, cultiva a energia vital e preserva e restaura a juventude e a beleza. O Método de REspiração Nishino pode ser considerado um milagre contemporâneo.

Beneficial effects of the Nishino breathing method on immune activity and stress level.

Abstract Highlight Terms


OBJECTIVES: Immunologic activity and stress level in practitioners of the Nishino breathing method were assayed before and after 90 minutes of an exercise class, in order to assess the value of the method.

BACKGROUND: The Nishino Breathing Method was developed by Kozo Nishino, a former ballet choreographer and a master of martial arts, in the 1970s in an attempt to develop Ki (an internal life energy or a spiritual energy). Although he developed his method independently of the Chinese qigong practice, there are certain similarities between them, in that both involve visualization of internal energy flow, slow body movements, and the emission of life energy from one's hand.

METHODS: Twenty one (21) practitioners were tested. Their blood was withdrawn before and after a class, and the activity of natural killer (NK) cells and their cell numbers were assayed. The level of stress was also measured using the Lorish face scale method. The heart rate was also monitored.

RESULTS: The NK cell activity of 17 of 21 (76%) subjects increased after attending a class. The mean NK cell activity of the whole group of subjects increased after the practice (p < 0.03). The mean stress level was significantly reduced after the class (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that the Nishino Breathing Method can effectively enhance the immunoregulatory system and reduce stress even after one class. This indicates that the method would help improve the health of its practitioners if they continue to practice it.

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