
Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868



2017 年 V2.0 版

Part 1

V51131001 Names

1. Does your name have any special meaning? 2. Are there and special customs that are followed when Chinese people name their children? 3. Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names? 4. How are Chinese names and Western names different? 5. What name do people at home call you? 6. Do many people in China have a nickname? 7. Are there any big differences between people's names in China today and many years ago? 8. Do Chinese people like to have common names? 9. Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other? 10. Do Chinese people today usually have a middle name? 11. Is your surname very common in China? 12. What's the most common surname in China? 13. Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to names? 14. Do Chinese people ever change their names? 15. Would you like to change your name?

V51131002 Hometown

1. Where are you from? 2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? 3. What types of tourist attractions would you suggest for someone visiting from abroad? 4. Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school? 5. What do you think needs to change in your hometown? 6. What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time? 7. Why did you choose to live here/there? 8. What do you like about your hometown? 9. What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in? 10. For you, what are the benefits to living in a big city? 11. What facilities does your hometown have? 12. What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 13. What's the most attractive part of your hometown? 14. What forms of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown? 15. How could your hometown attract more visitors? 16. Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51131003 Work

1. What job do you do? 2. What is a day in that job like? 3. Why did you choose to do that job? 4. Is that a popular choice of career in your country? 5. Would you say your job is very important? 6. How do you think your job will help you in the future? 7. How did you get that job? 8. Is it easy to find work in that field? 9. Where do people get information about jobs? 10. Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs? 11. Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself? 12. Which do you enjoy more, working or studying? 13. What do you like most about your work? 14. Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like? 15. What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job?

V51131004 Studies

1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. What subject are you studying? 3. Why did you choose to study that subject? 4. Why did you choose your current course? 5. Is that a popular subject in your country? 6. Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? 7. What are the most popular subjects in China? 8. Why did you choose that university? 9. Do you/Did you participate in any extracurricular activities at your school/university? 10. Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? 11. What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university? 12. What's the most interesting part of your subject? 13. What are your future work plans? 14. How will you get the job you want? 15. Why are you taking the IELTS test? 16. In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university


V51131009 Television/TV program

1. Do you like watching TV? 2. What types of TV programmes do you (most) like to watch? 3. What TV programs are you interested in? 4. Do you prefer reading a newspaper, (or reading a magazine) or watching TV? 5. What types of programme do children in China like to watch? 6. Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio? 7. Do you always watch TV in your leisure time?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


8. How often do you watch TV recently? 9. When do you watch TV? 10. What’s your favorite TV program and why do you like it? 11. Which TV program do you think is the worst one? 12. Are there any problems that TV programs are facing nowadays? 13. What are the benefits of watching TV regularly? 14. What are the differences of TV Shows between your country and Australia? 15. What are the bad sides of TV programs in your country? 16. How do you think TV Programs in China could be improved?

V51131014 Leisure Time/ Weekends

1. When do you typically have free time? 2. What do you like to do to relax? 3. Do you have any hobbies? 4. Do you have enough time for your hobby(ies)? 5. How much time do you spend relaxing in a typical week? 6. Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing? 7. What can people do to find more time for relaxing? 8. Do you often do things with others in a group? 9. Do you ever go out with your workmates/colleagues or classmates? 10. Do you prefer spending leisure time with your family or your friends? 11. What leisure activities do you and your family like doing together? 12. In your leisure time, what do you usually do with your friends or family? 13. Do you think it's important to spend your leisure time with your family? 14. Are weekends important to you? 15. How do you (usually) spend weekends? 16. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? 17. What are you going to (planning to) do next weekend? 18. Is it important for people to have weekends off? 19. Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend?

V51131021 Accommodation

1. Can you describe the place where you live? 2. What do you usually do at home? 3. Are the transport facilities near your home good? 4. Please describe the room you live in. 5. Is there anything you don't like about where you live? 6. Do you have any decorations in your room? If so, what kind of decorations does your room have? 7. How do you think your room could be improved? 8. What can you see when you look out the window of your room? 9. How well do you know your neighbours? 10. What kind of people are your neighbours? 11. Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbours in their homes? 12. Do you like the neighbourhood/environment where you live? 13. Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children? 14. What would you like your next apartment / house to look like? 15. What kind of neighbourhood/environment would you like to live in?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51131023 Housework

1. Do you usually do any housework? 2. Do you like to do housework? 3. What housework does you least like doing? 4. Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework? 5. Have there been any changes in the housework people do? 6. Do you think men and women should share housework? 7. Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?

V51141002 Noise

1. What natural sounds do you like the most? (Why?) 2. What sounds do you dislike? (Why?) 3. Does your school have any quiet places for studying? 4. What are some places where there is a lot of noise? 5. Do you mind noises?

V51141004 Food

1. Which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? (Why?) 2. Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast? 3. Are you willing to try some new food? 4. Which do you prefer – to eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks? 5. What do you consider to be a healthy diet? 6. Do you know how to make (prepare) a meal? 7. Is there any traditional food from your hometown? 8. Which traditional food is the most famous one in your hometown? 9. What kinds of food in your hometown do you prefer? 10. Is there any traditional food that disappears nowadays? 11. Can you cook any food that comes from your home country? 12. Do you prefer the food culture in your hometown or in Australia? 13. What are the differences of food culture between your hometown and here? 14. Can anyone in your family, or your friends, cook delicious traditional food? 15. Do you want to learn how to cook traditional food in your hometown when you are free?

V51141008 Job

1. What do you often chat about the workplace?

2. What’s your current position in your company?

3. How long have you been working in this company and do you like it?

4. What’s the main challenge in your work?

5. Have you faced any difficulties when you first work as XXX (your occupation)?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


6. How did you tackle these problems?

7. Will you try to seek another job in the near future?

8. What’s your career expectation?

9. What’s your dream job when you were a child?

10. Do you think salary is the only thing that counts in a job?

11. Do people care more about salary or career prospect when seeking a job?

12. Which job is the most respectful job in your country?



1. How do you usually spend your holidays? 2. Do you often travel when you are on holiday? 3. How do most people in your country spend their holidays? 4. How long do most people in your country have for their annual leave? 5. Do most people travel to other countries to spend their holidays? 6. What are the differences between the way young people and elderly people celebrate their holidays? 7. What is the most popular Chinese holiday destination? 8. Do you like to spend your days off at home, or do you prefer to travel? 9. Is it expensive to travel overseas for holidays?

V51141010 Colors

1. What's your favourite colour?

2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?

3. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?

4. Do people care about the color of their clothing?

5. Do you think the colour of one's clothing is important?

6. Do you think colour is important in daily life?

7. Are there any colors you dislike?

V51141011 Shoes

1. How many shoes do you have?

2. Where do you shop for shoes?

3. What kinds of shoes do you like?

4. Do you like shopping shoes or clothes?

5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes?

6. How often do you buy shoes?

7. Have you ever bought shoes online?

8. What would be biggest problem if purchasing shoes online?

9. What is your favorite type of shoes?

10. What kind of shoes that you would be least likely to buy?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51141012 Teachers

1. Do you like your teachers?

2. What do you think of your teachers?

3. Do you think it's important to like your teachers?

4. What qualities should a good teacher have?

5. When you were in school, did your teacher have an influence on you?

6. Typically, do Chinese students like their teachers?

7. Do you think teachers should ever get angry at students?

8. What’s the different between young and old teachers?

9. What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?

10. Do you like strict teachers?

V51141021 Friends

1. Do you have many (close) friends? 2. How often do you talk to friends? 3. Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside school (or university)? 4. Do you think friendship is important? 5. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?) 6. Are friends more important than family? (Why?) 7. What kind of people do you like to have as friends? 8. If you had the opportunity, would you spend more time with your friends? 9. What do you and your friends do together? 10. Do you prefer to meet your friends at home or away from your home? 11. How do you keep in contact with your friends? 12. Do you like meeting new people? 13. Do you like making friends with (a lot of) people? 14. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people? 15. Do adults and children make friends in the same way? 16. Do you think it's possible to become real friends with the people you meet on the internet, for

example, on chat sites or personal introduction sites? 17. How do you communicate with your friends? 18. How can people make friends in your country?

V51141026 Music/Music instruments

1. Do you like music? 2. What's your favourite genre (= kind) of music? 3. What kind of electronic devices do you usually use when you listen to music? 4. Have you ever been to a concert? 5. How do you feel about classical music? 6. How important music is in people’s daily lives? 7. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? 8. Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or the violin? Why? 9. Do you think it's important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


10. What are the benefits of leaning to play musical instruments while you are young? 11. Is it common in your country for most children to learn to play musical instruments? 12. What are the most popular musical instruments in your region?

V51141029 Writing

1. Do you often write things? 2. What do you usually write? 3. How often do you send e-mails? 4. What are your main reasons for using e-mails? 5. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? 6. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? 7. Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays? 8. How can children today improve their handwriting? 9. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?

V51151002 Weather & Season

1. What's the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)? 2. How is the weather here different to the weather in your home country? 3. Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)? 4. Would you like to move to a place with different weather? 5. What sort of weather do you like the most? 6. What season do you like best? 7. What do you do in that season? 8. What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study? 9. Has the weather in your country changed much in the past few years? 10. Do you prefer hot or cold weather? 11. Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts? 12. Does it rain much in your country or hometown? 13. What do you do on rainy days and sunny days? 14. What do you think are the disadvantages of raining? 15. Does weather affect people’s mood? 16. Can you give any examples of unusual weather in your hometown? 17. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities? 18. What are the differences between the seasons in China? 19. Do you like the changes of the four seasons? 20. Would you prefer to live in a place with one warm season all year round or a place with different



Going out with friends

1. Do you often hang out with friends? 2. Who is/are your favourite person / favourite people to hang out with? 3. How often do you hang out with friends? 4. Where do you hang out with friends?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


5. Do you invite your friends to your home? 6. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends? 7. Do you prefer having many friends or a few friends?

V51151016 Group learning

1. Do you like group learning? 2. What are the advantages of group learning? 3. What are the disadvantages of group learning? 4. Do you think universities should assign group work for students? 5. What are the benefits that students can get from completing a group work? 6. What shall we do to deal with those who is not very into the group?



1. How often do you dance? 2. Is dancing difficult to learn? 3. Would you like to take dance classes in the future? 4. Is it hard for you to memorize a choreographed (organized steps) dance in a short period of time? 5. Where do people go to dance in your country? 6. Did you like to dance when you were a child?

V51161008 Flowers

1. Do you like flowers? Why? 2. What flowers do you like? Why? 3. Which is your favorite flower? 4. Do you think flowers are important? 5. Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples) 6. On what occasions are flowers important? 7. Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions? 8. In your country, do people ever give flowers as a gift? 9. What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers? 10. Where do you usually buy flowers? 11. Have you ever sent any flowers to someone else? 12. Do you have any custom about sending flowers on some special occasions? 13. Do people in your country like growing flowers?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868




1. Do you like chocolate? 2. How often do you eat chocolate? 3. Do you think chocolate is good for health? Why? 4. Is chocolate a popular dessert in your country? 5. What is your favorite flavor?

V51171001 Robots

1. Do you like robots? 2. DO you think robots would be necessary for human’s daily life? 3. If possible, what kinds of robots would you like to have? 4. Do you think robots will change our life style in the future? 5. Will robots change our society significantly?

V51171002 Indoor games

1. Do you play any indoor games? 2. Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games? 3. Do people in your hometown prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games? 4. What indoor games did you play when you were a child? 5. What is the most popular indoor game in your country? 6. Why do you like or dislike playing indoor games? 7. Is there any particular indoor game that you liked when you were a child? 8. What sorts of indoor games do children play now? 9. What benefits we can get from playing indoor games?



1. Is mirror essential for daily life? 2. How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day? 3. Do you usually bring a portable mirror with you every day? 4. Would you us mirrors to decorate rooms? 5. Where would you put mirrors in your room? 6. Is mirror expensive in your country?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868




1. Do you wear a watch every day? 2. How often do you wear a watch? 3. When did you get your first watch? And from whom? 4. What was your first watch look like? 5. What kinds of watches do you like to wear? 6. Do most of the people wear watches in your country? 7. Why some of the watches are quite expensive?



1. Do you play video games? 2. What kinds of video games do you like to play? 3. Did you spend a lot of time in videogames when you were a child? 4. Is it good for young people to play videogames? 5. How to deal with the videogame addiction among young people?



1. Do you often have dreams at night? 2. Have you ever have bad dream before? 3. What was the strangest dream you have ever had? 4. What do you usually dream about? 5. What was your favorite dream? 6. Do you like having dreams at night?



1. Who is your favorite celebrity in China? 2. Do you know any celebrities from other countries? 3. Do you think we should protect celebrities’ privacy? 4. Do you think celebrities earn too much money? 5. Why some celebrities like to buy luxury goods? 6. If possible, do you want to be a celebrity in the future? 7. What are the disadvantages of being a celebrity?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 2 & Part 3


A Work of Art

Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen. You should say: when you saw this work of art where you saw it what it looked like and explain your impression of it.

Part 3

1. Do schools in China have art classes? 2. Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?) 3. How do you think art classes affect children’s development? 4. What kind of paintings do Chinese people like? 5. What can you learn from western paintings? 6. Some paintings are very expensive, but people still want to buy them. Why do you think they think

this way? 7. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

V51132013 An Interesting Speech

Describe an interesting (and impressive) talk (or speech) that you heard. You should say: who gave the talk what the talk was about where you heard it and explain why the talk was interesting/ what you learned from this talk.

Part 3

1. What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life? 2. What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers have? 3. Why do many people find it hard to give a talk to young people? 4. Why do you think many people are nervous before they give a speech? 5. Why do people give speech to children? 6. Who make people to do so? 7. How media relate to the speech to children in school? 8. What kind of people can give speech to children? 9. How about people on normal jobs? 10. What's the aim of the speeches to children?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51132019 An Interesting Historical Event

Describe an interesting historical event (in your culture/country). You should say: when this event is held who attends this event what people do during this event and explain why this event is interesting.

Part 3

1. Does your country have what we could call "traditional food"? 2. What are some other important traditions in your country? 3. Do you think it's important to maintain traditions? 4. What is the value of traditions? 5. Are young people very attracted to traditional things? 6. Why are some people more attracted to foreign culture than their own culture? 7. Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future? 8. If a tradition disappears in one generation, do you think it's possible for it to return in the next

generation? 9. How do you think the loss of traditions could be prevented?

V51142001 A Book You Read Recently

Describe a book you read recently. You should say: What book it was What the book was about When you read this book And explain what you thought of it.

Part 3

1. What are some of the different types of materials that people in your country read? 2. What are the best-selling types of books in your country? 3. Are motivational books very popular? 4. What benefits do people get from reading? 5. Do you think reading can be fun? 6. What benefits do people get from reading for pleasure?

V51142005 Sth. You Saved Money For

Describe something that you saved money to buy. You should say: what it was how long it took you to save enough money to buy it why you wanted to buy this thing and explain how you felt when you bought it.

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 3

1. Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash? 2. What do young people in your country save money for? 3. Who do you think saves money easier, men or women? 4. You do some people find it hard to save? 5. How can young people learn to manage their financial affairs?

V51142035 A Positive Change

Describe a positive change in your life. You should say:

When it happened where it happened what the change was

And explain how you have benefited from this change.


1. Do you like change(s)? 2. Do you think change is good? 3. Do old people like change? 4. What do you think are the benefits and disadvantages (or


A Cafeteria

Describe a café that you know in your hometown. You should say: where it is how often you go there what kind of food they serve there and explain why you like to choose in this place.

Part 3

1. What foods are most nutritious and what foods are not nutritious? 2. Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat? 3. Do you think that junk foods should be banned? 4. What measures should be taken to increase public awareness of proper nutrition? 5. Are there any cafes near your home/school/university/work? 6. What (different) types of cafes are there in your hometown? 7. What are some of the factors that make a café a good one? 8. Does the food in the café you just talked about (in Part 2) taste different to western food? 9. Is it important in Chinese culture to eat outside with other people?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868



Your Favorite Season/Weather

Describe your favourite season or time of the year. You should say: what season (or time of the year) it is what the weather is like at this time what you usually do at this time and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year.

Part 3

1. Is there anything you don't like about that season? (What? Why?) 2. What's the difference between 'season' and 'weather'? 3. What are the differences between the different seasons in China? 4. Please briefly describe the different seasons in China. 5. What are the signs that the season is changing (for example, from summer to autumn)? 6. Please compare the two seasons, spring and autumn. 7. Which season would you say is the best for tourism? 8. Which season do you like best for sport? 9. In general, how do you think climate of a place effects the people who live there?


A Move to a New School or Home

Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home. You should say: when you moved where you moved from and to why you moved and explain how you felt about this move.

Part 3

1. What are some of the various reasons why people move to a new home?

2. What are the benefits and downsides of moving house?

3. What effects does moving have on people?

4. Who do you think can better adapt after a move, children or adults?

5. Do you think elderly people can easily adapt to a new environment?

V51152006 A music you remember from childhood

Describe a song you remember from childhood. You should say: What song it is When you listened to it Where you listened to it And explain why you still remember this song.

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 3

1. When do people in your country sing songs together? 2. Do you think kids should be taught how to sing songs? 3. What kinds of songs do people in your country sing when they are celebrating festivals? 4. What kinds of songs do young people in your country usually listen to? 5. Is music a subject in school? 6. Do you think it is necessary to teach children to play musical instruments? 7. What do you think is the importance of learning music? 8. Do you think children should learn to play more than one kind of musical instrument? 9. Does listening to music or playing musical instruments help you relax?

V51152008 A time you wait for someone

Describe a time you waited for someone. You should say: When this happened Who you waited for Where you waited for him/her And explain how long you waited for him/her and why.

Part 3

1. Typically, are you patient when you are waiting for someone? 2. Is patience important? 3. How do you think we should teach adolescents to be patient? 4. Would you be irritated if you waited for someone for a long time? 5. Are you ever late for appointments? 6. What are the main reasons to be late? 7. How can you avoid being late for meetings? 8. What do people usually do when they are waiting for someone?

V51152017 A good news

Describe a good news. You should say: What’s that news? Where did you hear it from? Who told you the news? And explain how do you feel about the news?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868



A Good service

Describe a good service from a shop. You should say: What’s the service about? Where is the store? When did you visit this store? And explain how you feel about this service.

Part 3

1. What will you do if someone is providing poor service to you? 2. What kinds of jobs require staff to get in touch with many people? 3. What kinds of people are good at communicating with clients? 4. How is the service provided in your home country?

V51152021 An ambition

Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet. You should say: what it is when you first had this ambition why you had this ambition and explain why you haven't achieved it yet.

Part 3

1. Do you think children should have ambitions? 2. Do you think parents should stop children form thinking too big? 3. What's the importance of having ambition? 4. What are the advantages feeling ambitious towards your work?


A well-paid job

Describe a well-paid job you did. You should say: When did you do this work? How about the salary? How long did you do this job? And explain what you think about this paid work.

Part 3

1. What is the most popular job in your home country? 2. What is your dream job? 3. Will you do everything to achieve your dream career? 4. Why some parents like to make decisions for their children? 5. In your country, is degree a major concern for recruiters?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868



A situation that you disagree with your friends

Describe a situation when you disagreed with your friends. You should say: When and where it happened Who you disagreed with What you disagreed on And explain how you resolved this issue.

Part 3

1. What do you usually do if you disagree with your friends? 2. Have you ever made friends online? 3. How do you act around people you don’t like? 4. Do you only like making friends with people who are similar to you? Or do you like making friends with

different kinds of people? 5. Are you a social person?


Get up early

Describe a time that you got up extremely early. You should say: When was it? What time did you get up on that day? Why did you get up so early? And explain how you felt about getting up early.

Part 3

1. Is it difficult for you to get up early every morning? 2. What are the benefits of getting up early? 3. Are healthy hobbies important to daily life? 4. How to keep healthy? 5. In what ways should parents do to encourage their children getting up early? 6. Should parents allow their children to sleep in during holidays?

V51152065 An important job to the society

Describe an important job to society You should say: What job you think is important to society What skills someone should have to do this job Why this job is so important to society And explain how this job makes contributions to society.

Part 3

1. What jobs should be highly paid? 2. What jobs are well paid in your home country? 3. Do you think entertainers should be highly paid? 4. What jobs in your home country are poorly paid, but you think should be highly paid?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


5. What should governments or communities do to minimize unemployment rates? 6. Do you think universities should advise graduates on how to get a job offer after they graduate? 7. Why would people want to change their current job? 8. Do you think people should only do one job during their lifetime? 9. How can employers motivate their employees? 10. What is the most important factor when seeing a new job? 11. Would you prefer a job with high salary or a job that you are really interested in? 12. What are the advantages and disadvantages for people who change jobs frequently?

V51162005 A House or Apartment You Would Like To Live In

Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. You should say: Where this place is What it is like When you want to live in there And explain why you want to live in such a place.

Part 3

1. Do most people in your home country live in an apartment? 2. Do most people in your country live with parents or live alone? 3. Is it affordable for most people to purchase a new property in your hometown? 4. Would you like to move to a new country in the future? 5. What are the differences between modern style homes and traditional Chinese style homes? 6. What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future? 7. Why do some people move to a new place to start over? 8. Do you think it is difficult to move to a new house? 9. What are the differences between living the city and living in the countryside? 10. Do you prefer to live in a modern apartment or live in an old-fashioned house?

V51162008 A Sport You Would Like To Try For the First Time

Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time. You should say: What sport it is How you would learn it What equipment you would need to play this sport And explain why you want to learn this sport.

Part 3

1. Do you play any sports? 2. What’s most popular sports in your country? 3. Does most of the young people play sports regularly in your hometown? 4. Do you prefer to play sports alone or play in a group? 5. Is it necessary to add sports into course curriculum for teenagers? 6. How to prevent injuries when playing the sports?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51162009 A Recent Event That Made You Happy

Describe a recent event that made you happy. You should say: When this happened What the event was Who was with you when it happened And explain why you felt happy about it.

V51162028 Special trip for the future

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say: Where the destination is Who you would like to go with What would you like to do at that place? And explain why this trip is so special for you.

Part 3

1. Where is the most attractive place in china? 2. Why this place is so popular? 3. What are the benefits of travelling? 4. Would you like to travel alone or travel with friends? 5. What’s the most popular destination for honey moon in your country? 6. Do you like short holidays or long holidays? 7. Do you think we should have more public holidays?

V51162035 Big company you are interested in

Describe a big company you are interested in. You should say: What the company is How you knew this company What’s the major business? And explain why you are interested in this company.

Part 3

1. What are the differences between big companies and small companies? 2. Will you choose to work in a big company or in a small company? 3. What are the disadvantages of working in a big company? 4. How can a small company grow big?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51162042 A country you want to work in for a short time

Describe a country that you want to work in for a short time You should say: What this country is When you want to go there What job you want to do there And explain why you want to work there

Part 3

1. What is your opinion towards gap year? 2. Is it beneficial for youngsters to work or study aboard? 3. What kinds of problems will international students face? 4. What do you think about the culture similarities between two countries? 5. Where is the most popular destination that most of young people in your country would choose to

travel to?

V51162044 Interesting/unusual event

Describe an interesting or unusual event you did recently in free time. You should say: What the event was When and where you did it Who you did it with And explain how you felt about this event.

Part 3

1. What is your opinion towards happiness? 2. What do you think is important in achieving happiness? 3. Is socializing important? 4. How to celebrate traditional events in your country? 5. Which historical event do think most influenced your country’s history? 6. What are the advantages of gaining knowledge of history? 7. Are cultural events an important part of life in your country?

V51162046 A song you interested in

Describe a song that you are interested in. You should say: What this song is about When you first listened to this song How often you listen to this song And explain why you are interested in it.

Part 3

1. What kind of music do Chinese people like? 2. What are the differences between traditional music and modern music?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


3. What’s the difference between the music that old people like and young people like? 4. Is classic music popular in your country? 5. Why some people feel bored when they are listening to classic music? 6. Is it necessary for children to learn music?

V51162047 An event changed your lifestyle

Describe an event that changed your lifestyle. You should say: What this event is about How did this event change your lifestyle? What you did after the event And explain how you felt about this change.

Part 3

1. What are the differences between old people’s lifestyle and young people’s lifestyle? 2. How may lifestyle change in coming decades? 3. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?

V51162050 A situation you will start a small business

Describe a situation that you will start a small business You should say: What is this small business about? Why do you want to start this small business? Whom will you start this business with? And explain how to manage this small business.

Part 3

1. What should be taken into account when you chose a job? 2. What is the difference between the man and the women when they chose their job? 3. How to keep the work-life balance? 4. Do you think salary is the most important fact when you chose a job? 5. If you have your own business, what would it be? 6. What kinds of people will you employ? 7. In the future, do you think people in your country will work fewer hours or more hours? 8. Has the technology changed the way people work? 9. What are the advantages of running your own business? 10. Would you like to be an ordinary employee or to run your own business? 11. What are the differences between running a company here and in your country?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51162051 A special meal

Describe a special meal You should say: Where did you have this meal? When did you have this special meal? What did you have for this special meal? And explain why this meal is so special for you.

Part 3

1. Will you invite your relatives and friends to visit your home regularly? 2. What is the formal event you have attended? 3. Is dressing code necessary? 4. Do you have any unhappy experience with your friends/relatives? 5. What do people usually buy for wedding gifts?

V51162053 Food you ate for the first time

Describe food you ate for the first time. You should say: What is it? When did you eat this food? Do you like this food? And explain why you like/dislike it.

Part 3

1. What are the differences between traditional food in your country and modern food in Australia? 2. What kind of food is healthy? 3. How to prevent children from eating too much junk food? 4. What is the most famous traditional food in your country? 5. Do you think it is good to take children to restaurants? 6. Do you think it is important to cook at home regularly? Why? 7. Has the eating habit in your country changed a lot recently? 8. What food did you like to eat when you were a child? 9. Is it good to introduce local food to other countries?

V51162054 A perfect job

Describe a perfect job You should say: What is this job about? Will you do this job in the future? Why you think this job is a perfect job? And explain what you can learn from doing this job.

Part 3

1. What kind of job can be defined as a perfect job? 2. What was the most popular job in your country 20 years ago? 3. What is the most popular job in your country nowadays? 4. What is the most important factor when you are choosing a job?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


5. Will you choose a job you like or choose a job with high salary? 6. Do you think that men and women are often better suited to different jobs? 7. How do people find jobs in your home country? 8. What are the differences between the way people finding jobs nowadays and in the past? 9. Is the connection between a good job and happiness overrated nowadays? 10. How does your job affect your happiness?


An equipment in your home

Describe an equipment in your home which is important to you. You should say: What the item is When did you get it? Is it important to others in your house? And explain why it is important to you.

Part 3

1. How does modern technology change the way we live? 2. Is the equipment you mentioned before popular in your hometown? 3. What are the disadvantages of relying too much on modern technology? 4. Should the government provide financial support to artists or to new technology development? 5. Why is it always difficult to teach old people about how to use new equipment?

V51162061 A place you do sports

Describe a place where you do sports You should say: Where is this place? How often do you do sports? How did you find this place? And explain why you like to do sports.

Part 3

1. What are the most common sports in your country? 2. Do people in your country prefer to watch sports or play sports? 3. Is it always hard to find a place to do sports in your hometown? 4. Do people in your country like to play outdoor sports or indoor sports? 5. Is adventure sports popular in China? 6. Should extreme sports be banned? Why and why not? 7. How does a country benefit from winning a lot of medals? 8. Why do some Olympians compete against their home country?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172001 An Interesting Neighbor

Describe an interesting neighbor You should say: Who is this person How you know this person What he/she likes to do And explain why you think he/she is interesting.

Part 3

1. Do you think neighbors are important? 2. In your opinion, is it important to live in a friend neighborhood? 3. Do you think the relationships between neighbors today is the same it was in the past? 4. How to keep a good relationship with your neighbors? 5. What are the consequences if your relationship with your neighbors is not that good? 6. What kinds of people need help in China?

7. What do you think of (very) poor people?

8. How do you help other people?

9. Do Chinese people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty? (How?)

10. Do you think it's important to help people who need help? (Why? /Why not?)

11. Do you think the government should help these people? (Why? /Why not?)

12. How does the government try to help these people?

13. Are there any non-government organizations in China that help people?

14. Where do these organizations get their money from?

15. What's your opinion of these organizations?

V51172002 A quiet place

Describe a quiet place where you often go You should say: Where the place is How often you visit this place How you find this place And explain why you like this place.

Part 3

1. What impacts do noises have on us? 2. What shall we do to reduce noises? 3. How to reduce the harm of noises? 4. Who should be responsible for controlling noises, the government or individuals? 5. Do you like to stay alone or you would like to stay with friends? 6. Why do some people not like quiet places? 7. Do you need a quiet place when you are working/studying? 8. Why some people like to spend time in quiet places?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172003 A shop in your hometown

Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown You should say: Where the shop is When it opened What kinds of products it sells And explain how you feel about this new shop.

Part 3

1. Do you like shopping online or shopping in store? 2. Do you prefer visiting big shops or small shops? And why? 3. Should the government invest in building new shops? 4. Should shops be located in city centers or in the suburbs? 5. How to attract customers?

V51172004 A plan (not for work or study)

Describe a plan in your life (not related to work or study) You should say: What it was about When you made this plan When you want to accomplish it And explain what you will do to accomplish this plan.

Part 3

1. What kinds of goals cannot be achieved? 2. Should parents set goals for children? Or should children make their own decisions? 3. When should young generations start to set goals for themselves? 4. Is it always good for us to set goals? 5. Will you feel upset if you cannot achieve your goals? 6. How do you cope with your upset feelings?

V51172005 A time you were waiting for something

Describe a time that you were waiting for something You should say: When it happened What you were waiting for Where you waited for it And explain how you felt about it.

Part 3

1. Do you think patience is important? 2. How to teach children to be patient? 3. Is it difficult to be a patient person? 4. Will people get angry when they wait for a long time? 5. Why some people is always late for meeting someone? 6. How to avoid being late?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172006 A book you want to read again

Describe a book you want to read again You should say: What the book is When you first read this book What this book was about And explain why you want to read it again.

Part 3

1. How often do you read a book? 2. Do you think reading is a good habit? 3. Do the most people in your country enjoy reading? 4. What is the most popular book in your country? 5. Do you think e-books will change the way we read? 6. Do you prefer read a paper-based book or read articles online? 7. Why some people tend to read news online? 8. What benefits do young people get from reading? 9. Shall we encourage children to read more books? 10. What kinds of books shall we encourage the younger generation to read?

V51172007 Good experience in the countryside

Describe a time you have good experience in the countryside You should say: Where you went What you did in the countryside Who you went with And explain why this was a good experience.

Part 3

1. Why not many people chose to live in the countryside? 2. Do old people in your country prefer to live in the countryside or in the city? 3. Why do many people move from remote area to big cities? 4. What are the differences between living in the countryside and living the city? 5. Does the life style changed a lot during the past decade? 6. How to encourage more people to live in the countryside? 7. Do you enjoy living in the countryside? 8. Will you move to countryside when you retired?

V51172008 Foreign food

Describe a kind of foreign food you have had You should say: When you first had this kind of food Where you had this food What it was And explain how you felt about this food.

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 3

1. Do people like to try new food? 2. What kinds of foreign good are popular in your home country? 3. Do people like to eat at home or eat outside? 4. Is it expensive to eat in the restaurant in your country? 5. What are the differences between Chinese food and western food? 6. Is it hard to cook western food, compared with cooking Chinese food?

V51172009 Popular Place for swimming

Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming You should say: Where this place is When you first visited this place How often you go to this place And explain why it is so popular.

Part 3

1. What are the benefits of swimming? 2. Is it difficult to learn to swim? 3. Should the government pay for the sports facilities? 4. Who should be responsible for the maintenance of sports facilities? 5. Why can swimming help people become heathier?

V51172010 An experience that you cannot use mobile phone

Describe an experience that you are not allowed to use your mobile phone. You should say: When this happened What you did Who you were with And explain why you were not allowed to use your cell phone.

Part 3

1. Why many young people get addicted to mobile phone? 2. How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently? 3. Is it impolite if someone is talking loudly in public area? 4. Is it harmful for children to use mobile phones? 5. How did mobile phones change the way we live?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172011 The politest person you know

Describe the politest person you know You should say: Who the person is How you knew him/her Why the person is the politest one And explain what can you learn from him/her?

Part 3

1. How do people in your country show politeness? 2. Is it important to be a polite person? 3. How to teach children to be polite? 4. What would you do if you saw someone behaving impolite? 5. Are there many impolite people in your home country? 6. What kinds of behavior are not polite?

V51172012 Favorite Activity

Describe your favorite activity You should say: What your favorite activity is When you began this activity How often you do this activity And explain why it is your favorite activity.

Part 3

1. Is doing sports regularly good to health? 2. How to prevent sports-related injuries? 3. What is the most popular activity among the young generation nowadays? 4. What exercise do most of the old people do in your home country? 5. Who should be responsible for building and maintaining the sports facilities, the council or the

individuals? 6. How to encourage children to do more exercise? 7. Do you like watching sports or doing sports? 8. What is the most popular sports activity in your country?

V51172013 Area of Science that you are interested in

Describe an area of science that you are interested in You should say: What is it? When you started to become interested in it? What you have learned from it? And explain why you are interested in it.

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 3

1. Are there any differences between the traditional and modern educational systems? 2. What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country? 3. Do you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers? 4. How can a teacher make learning more interesting? 5. Are there any subjects that shouldn’t be taught in school? Why? 6. How can the school help students overcome a problem with a certain subject? 7. Do you think that visiting different websites has benefits for a student?

V51172014 A person provides a clever solution

You should say: Who this person is When he/she gave this solution Why you think he/she is clever And explain how this solution worked.

Part 3

1. How to develop students’ potentials? 2. What shall parents do to encourage youngsters’ intellectual development? 3. Which one is more important, nature or nurture? 4. Shall we arrange different courses for students with different talents?

V51172015 A Crowded place

Describe a time you went to a crowded place You should say Where you went When you went to that place What you did there And explain how you felt about the crowded place.

Part 3

1. Do you like large but crowded places or quite places? 2. Why most of the people prefer to stay in larger cities rather than living in rural area? 3. What are the most significant problems of living in a big city? 4. Shall the government encourage their citizens to stay in countryside? 5. How to minimize the bad influence of over-populated?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172016 A free gift

Describe a time that you had a free gift You should say When you experienced this Where you received this free gift What you received And explain how you felt about this gift.

Part 3

1. Why do some companies provide free samples to their customers? 2. What’s your opinion about giving free gifts to potential customers? Will it work or not? 3. What kinds of gifts are the most popular ones in your country? 4. Is providing free gifts to the public a good marketing strategy? Why? 5. Why people tend to give others digital gifts nowadays? 6. Do you think the value of a gift can represent how important the person is?

V51172017 Family Member made you proud

Describe a family member who you are proud of You should say Who the person is What this person did Why you felt proud of him/her And explain what you can learn from him/her.

Part 3

1. Shall all the children do whatever their parents want them to do? 2. Will you do anything you dislike but your parents want you to do? 3. What advantages make you really proud of yourself? 4. When was the first time you felt proud of yourself?

V51172018 Two people you know from the same family

Describe two people you know from the same family You should say Who these persons are How close they are to each other How you knew these two persons And explain how you think of these two people.

Part 3

1. Do people in your country like to stay in a big or small family? 2. Will Chinese people still live with parents after marriage? 3. How to cope with the problems when living with friends? 4. Shall teenagers share the housework with their parents? 5. What are the problems of having only one child? 6. Why some couple do not want to have a child? 7. What is your opinion towards one-child policy in China?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172019 English Lesson

Describe an English lesson you had You should say What the lesson was about Who the teacher was When you had this lesson And explain what you have learnt from this lesson.

Part 3

1. Some people choose to learn a third language nowadays, is it necessary? 2. Shall we encourage all the children to learn a second language regardless of their natural talent? 3. In your opinion, when is the best time for a child to learn foreign language? 4. What are the major problems of the teaching system in your home country? 5. Any suggestions to deal with these problems? 6. Which one is more important in language learning, grammar or vocabulary?

V51172020 Vegetable or Plant

Describe a kind of vegetable or plant. You should say What it is What it looks like Where you have seen this plant And explain do you like it or not and why.

Part 3

1. Do people in your home country like gardening? 2. What is the most famous plant in your home country? 3. What is your opinion towards Chinese herbal medicine? 4. Will you spend lots of time doing gardening if you have a big house in the future? 5. What is your opinion towards being a farmer in China?

V51172021 Time with a child

Describe an experience you spend time with a child You should say When you spent time with this child Who he/she is What you did with this child And explain how you felt about this child.

Part 3

1. Do you enjoy spending time with children? Why? 2. Why some people hate spending time with kids? 3. Generally speaking, who look after kids in your home country, parents or grandparents? 4. Will all the grandparents spoil their grandchildren? 5. Which one is better, sending children to kindergarten or ask grandparents to look after them? 6. Why some people do not plan to have a baby?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172022 Trip by Bike

Describe a trip you had by bike You should say When you had the trip Where you went Why you travelled by bike And explain how you felt about the trip by bike.

Part 3

1. Do you like to travel by car or by plane? 2. What is the most popular attraction in your hometown? 3. Will you schedule a holiday every year? 4. If possible, will you quit your job and start to travel around the world? Why? 5. Why do some people prefer riding a bicycle to taking public transport? 6. Do most people in China like road trip? Why? 7. How to encourage people doing regular exercise?

V51172023 Special Cake

Describe an occasion that you have a special cake You should say When did you have this cake Where did you have this cake Who were you with And explain why you think this occasion is special.

Part 3

1. What kind of cake will people usually order for their wedding? 2. What kinds of cuisine do most Chinese people like to have? 3. What are the differences between the way people have dinner in the past and nowadays? 4. Do many young couples cook by themselves? 5. What is the most popular cuisine in your home country? 6. What kind of traditional food in your country would you recommend to others? 7. What would people like to eat for weddings? 8. Why people like to eat different food on different occasions?

V51172024 Happy Marriage

Describe a happy marriage You should say Who the persons are When you knew these two persons How long they have been married And explain why you think they have a happy marriage.

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


Part 3

1. Why some people do not want to get married? 2. When do most young people get married in your country? 3. What kinds of wedding are popular in your country? 4. Do you like traditional wedding celebrations or westernized celebrations? 5. Is the divorce rate high in your country? Why?

V51172025 TV series or Drama

Describe a TV series or Drama you enjoy watching You should say: What it is When you first watched it Who you watched it with And explain why you enjoy watching it.

Part 3

1. What kinds of TV series are popular in your country? 2. Are there many people enjoying watching TV in China? 3. What are the differences between the TV programs that young people like and the older people enjoy

watching? 4. Are those educational programs popular in your home country? 5. Why some children do not like to watch educational programs? 6. How to encourage youngsters to watch educational programs? 7. Do you think watching television can teach children how to be a better person? 8. How to prevent young people from being addicted to watching TV programs?

V51172026 Favorite piece of clothing

Describe your favorite piece of clothing You should say: What it is When you got it Who gave it to you/ Where you purchased it from And explain why you like it the best.

Part 3

1. What kinds of clothing do you like to wear at home? 2. Why most young women enjoy purchasing new clothes? 3. How often do you go shopping? 4. Will you go shopping with your relatives or with your friends? 5. Do you think fashion shows are necessary for daily life? 6. What do people in your hometown usually wear for formal events, like wedding? 7. What are the differences between the way men and women buy clothes? 8. Do you prefer shopping online or in store? Why?

Level 6, 388 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000. 0425 465 522; (03)9670 8868


V51172027 Conversation with a stranger

Describe an interesting conversation with a stranger You should say: Who the stranger was Where and when you had this conversation And explain why this conversation was interesting.

Part 3

1. Why do some people not like to talk to strangers? 2. What do women usually talk about? 3. Will you talk about different topics with different people? 4. Do you prefer face-to-face communication or making a phone call? 5. What are the differences between the way people talk to each other in the past and nowadays? 6. Is communication important in the workplace? 7. How to maximize our communication skills? 8. Is taking communication classes necessary for ordinary people?


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