
Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

PreparationPrior to updating the F/W, print out the “Configuration” by pressing Print Information >> Configura-tion >> Execute in the menu of the printer. This will capture the current settings and allow for resto-ration of any specific settings back to the unit after the F/W update.

Ensure that the computer you are running the Firmware Update Tool from has an Internet connection.If you do not have an Internet connection refer to Okidoc #4285 and the section “Firmware UpdateTool for PC - No Internet.”

DownloadDownload Firmware Update Tool from following web site.

Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

Update Procedure1. Connect the USB or Network cable to the printer.

2. Turn on the power switch.

3. Wait until “Ready to Print” is displayed.

4. Start the Firmware Update Tool by double-clicking the icon.

5. Choose your language and click the [OK] button.

6. Read the software license agreement. Check [I Agree] checkbox, and click the [Next] button.

Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

7. Read the caution notes, then click the [Next] button.

8. Select [The latest version of the firmware will be downloaded from the server and updated au-tomatically] radio button, and click the [Next] button.

The PC you are running the Firmware Update Tool on MUST have an Internet connection.

Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

9. Click the [Start Search] button to search for printers which can be updated.

10. Choose a device from the printers that were searched, then check the check box for the deviceto be updated. Click [Next] button.

Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

11. Specify the administrator password. The password is used at the “Admin Setup” menu. (De-fault password is “aaaaaa”.) Click the [Start update] button.

12. Click the [OK] button.

13. Update is started. Wait for the printer to be restarted.

Wait a Moment


Oki Technical BulletinKnowledge Base Information

14. If all states turn to “succeeded”. Click the [Next] button and the next printer will be updated (Ifmore than one printer was selected).

15. Check if all the updates were successful, then close the update tool by clicking the [Exit]button, then click the [Ok] button to close the tool.

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