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Versão On-line ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9Cadernos PDE


Produções Didático-Pedagógicas

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Produção Didático-Pedagógica apresentada à

Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná

como parte dos requisitos para conclusão do

Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional – PDE

Orientadora: Profª Mª. Alessandra da Silva

Quadros Zamboni



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Título: A oralidade nas aulas de Língua Inglesa

Autor Aparecida Mitie Tsutiya

Disciplina/Área Língua Inglesa

Escola de implementação do Projeto e sua localização

Colégio Estadual Hélio Antonio de Souza

Rua Romário Martins, nº 349 Praia de Leste

Município da escola Pontal do Paraná

Núcleo Regional de Educação


Professor Orientador Prof.ª Mª Alessandra da Silva Quadros Zamboni

Instituição de Ensino Superior


Relação Interdisciplinar Português, Matemática, Geografia, Artes

Resumo Esta Unidade Didática tem por objetivo desenvolver estratégias de desenvolvimento da oralidade em Língua Estrangeira Moderna, junto aos alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública paranaense. Pretende-se com esta Unidade Didática: a) desenvolver atividades orais, através de imagens que desenvolvam a observação e, consequentemente, provoquem a interação entre os alunos; b) utilizar diferentes gêneros textuais para leitura compreensão oral e aprimoramento da pronúncia; c) estimular ampliação do vocabulário através de diálogo; d) analisar e comparar diferentes textos, extraídos de jornais, revistas, e sites da Internet. Tendo como base os pressupostos teóricos, as concepções de Bakthin (1997), das Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica de Língua Estrangeira Moderna (2008), Almeida Filho (1998), Schneuwly, B.; Dolz (2004) e Jordão (2006).

Palavras-chave Língua Inglesa- Ensino e Aprendizagem- Oralidade

Formato do Material Didático

Unidade Didática

Público alvo Alunos do 1º ano do Ensino Médio

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What to do?

- Hi! How are you?

- Nice to meet you.

- Have a good day!

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Aula 01 1) Produção oral

What's your favorite soccer team?

Do you know some expression used in soccer games?

What are these expressions?


Nesta aula os alunos poderão desenvolver as competências orais e escritas a partir da reflexão sobre jogos e termos técnicos do futebol.

Apresentar as imagens relacionadas a jogos de futebol em projetores, na TV pendrive ou

lousa interativa. Conversar com os alunos sobre os termos mais comuns usados em um jogo de futebol. Pedir aos alunos que escrevam em seus

cadernos os termos encontrados. Neste momento a atividade poderá ser desenvolvida

em duplas ou grupo, para que haja a participação de todos.

Transcrever no quadro as palavras ou

termos encontrados pelos alunos e traduzi-las com auxílio de dicionários.

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2) Que tal assistir a entrevista de Joel Santana e identificar alguns termos usados no futebol? Acesso em: 21/11/2013.

Transcreva abaixo os termos que você identificou durante a entrevista: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

3) Match the words and their meanings:

1. Match ( ) a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against

another group. 2. Control ( ) the area of a playing field or court near the intersection of the

sideline and the goal line or baseline 3. Opportunity ( ) a contest (as in tennis or volleyball) completed when one player

or side wins a specified number of sets or games. 4. Score ( ) the numbers of points, goals, runs, etc., that each player or team

has in a game or contest. 5.Flagspot ( ) to direct the actions or function of (something) : to cause

(something) to act or function in a certain way. 6. Team ( ) an amount of time or a situation in which something can be


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Aula 02 World Cup – crossword

4) Find the words and complete the crosswords


2. Who's .................................? (ganhando)

4. The best player is ............................... (machucado).

6. Is Brazil .............................. (pronto) to host the World Cup in 2014?

7. Brazil will face Italy in the …………………........... (finais).

8. Which team do you .................................? (torce)

9. The soccer player ........................... (marcou) two goals in the second half.

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1. They just need to ............................... (empatar).

2. The results will be shown all over the ................................. (mundo).

3. Will that be ........................... (bom) for business?

5. They won by ..................................... (pênaltis)

Sugestões de vocabulário e sites para pesquisas:

Bandeirinha - Flagpost Canto - Corner Grande Área - Penalty Area Lateral - Touch Line Pequena Área - Box Rede - Net Trave - Post, Goalpost Travessão - Crossbar Bola de Futebol - Soccer Ball Calção - Short Chuteira - Cleated Shoes, Soccer Cleats Uniforme - Uniform

Banco - The Bench Equipe - Team Reserva - Substitute Técnico - Manager, Coach

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Campo de futebol

Fonte: a autora

Como tarefa os alunos poderão pesquisar no laboratório de informática: posição dos

jogadores, as ações e expressões com “play”. Sugestão de



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Aula 03 1) Pre-listening and watching activities

a) Do you enjoy watching films? What kind do you prefer?



b) And your friends? Do they watch films? What kind?



Film Genres:

Quase todo mundo gosta de filmes e de

futebol. E você? Que tal nos contar um

pouco sobre suas preferências?

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2) Identify the genres of the movies below. Acesso em: 07/12/2013.

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Fonte: Clip art

1) In this activity you can work in pairs. Ask an appropriate question for the response.

Example: Student A: Yes, I like to go to the cinema . Student B: Do you like to go to the cinema?

Oh, I stayed at home and watched TV.

I watched an action film.

The film finished at 5:30 p.m.

I like romantic films.

Adapted from:

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Aula 04

Você conhece o filme “Os Batutinhas” (em inglês: “The little Rascals)? O

vídeo que veremos a seguir é um trecho desse filme. Observe a cena:

Na sequência apresentar o vídeo “Love Letter to Darla” disponível em:

3) Watching and listening

Talking about the video:

a) How many characters are there in the film?

b) Who are the characters?

c) How old are they?

d) Which words can you recognize in the dialogues?

(Após essa atividade, o professor poderá escrever no quadro as palavras que os alunos conseguiram identificar).

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O diálogo está transcrito abaixo, mas faltam algumas palavras. Vamos ouvi-lo novamente?

Preencha as lacunas com as palavras que estão faltando.

The missing words are:

know – what – vomit - something – guys

1.Vamos ler o texto apresentado no vídeo? 2. O que mais lhe chamou a atenção nos diálogos e nas situações apresentadas? 3. Vamos encenar o diálogo que aparece no vídeo?

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Love Letter to Darla

(situation 1)

Alfalfa says: Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts, You make me_____________. You’re a scum between my toes. Love Alfalfa. (situation 2) The written message: Dear Darla, I can’t live without you… really… I’m not kidding. Your Romeo. Alfalfa (Pork and Buckwheat walk down to Darla’s house). Darla: What’s up guys? Buckwheat: Where is the note? Porky: Note? A note? I know there is _______________. Darla: Come on______________! Porky: We’ll find it. Darla: I’m waiting. (Porky blows his nose with the message). Buckwheat: I___________________ I gave to you. Darla: What’s going on? Buckwheat: Sorry! That’s OK. I remember _____________he said. Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re a scum between my toes. Love Alfalfa. Alfalfa: Oh! Yeah! And was she upset? …..

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Aula 05

Exploring other films

Nos textos a seguir há algumas resenhas de filmes. Leia as

informações e escolha uma das opções listadas abaixo.

Despicable Me – Twilight – Ice Age – Cast Away - The Incredible

Which Film?

I) Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks) is an inspector of Federal Express (FedEx), a multinational delivery of cargo and mail, which is to check many corporate offices across the globe. On one of his trips is a tragic plane crash. Chuck, the only survivor, gets stuck on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean, for four years. He will have to fight to survive and adapt to loneliness on the deserted island. The film is: _______________________________________________ II) In a cheerful suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, there is a black house with a dry lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden in the basement of this house, there is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army of minions, we find Gru planning the biggest theft in world history. He is going to steal the moon. The film is: _________________________________________________

III) The award-winning creators of Finding Nemo, comes a full of great action and amazing calm about the routine of a house full of super heróis.Beto and his wife Helen were among the greatest super heroes world, saving countless lives and battling evil on a daily basis. Crazy to return to action, Beto has his chance when a mysterious link will prompt you to attend a distant island to receive a top-secret mission. The film is: _______________________________________________ IV) Isabella Swan moves in with his father in a new city after his mother decides to remarry. In high school she becomes fascinated by Edward Cullen, a boy who hides a dark secret, known only to his family. They fall in love, but Edward knows that the more advance in the relationship, but he is putting Bella and those around them in danger. When she discovers that Edward is actually a

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vampire, she acts against all expectations and is not afraid of the bloodlust of his great love, even though he could kill her at any moment. The film is: _________________________________________________ V) The history happens in the Glacial Era. Manfred Manny is a mammoth one grumpy and stubborn that hates the life in society and he makes an effort to do everything in his way. The destinies of those three such different animals are united for a human baby. With the objective of taking the child to his father, the group begins a long day heading for the north, one of the coldest areas of the globe in that time.

The film is: _________________________________________________

1) Após a leitura, apresente observações e informações que julgarem necessárias para despertar a curiosidade sobre o seu filme preferido. _________________________________________________________

2) Em seguida produza uma resenha sobre um programa de televisão, atendendo as especificidades do gênero. ___________________________________________________________ Adapted from: Acesso em 08/12/2013.

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Aula 06

Describing person 1) Look at the photos. Do you know these characters?

2) Let’s watch the video about them. Vídeo: “Little Miss Sunshine – Teaser”

Disponível em:

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3) Detailed Comprehension about the teaser.

a) Who are they?


b) Do you think they are all members of the same family? Why?


4) Express your opinion about the characters. Use the

cues below and write sentences about them. (Choose four

characters to write about).

Ex: Adjectives (Ex: tall –shy - short hair – blonde – fat – young – thin, etc.).

Family: (Ex: father - mother – daughter – son - uncle – brother, etc. ).

Characters: (Olive – Sheryl – Dwayne – Richard – Grandpa – Uncle Frank).








Adapted from:

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Aula 07

Como conversamos ao telefone no Brasil? Existem regras de etiqueta para se

falar ao telefone? Vamos ver algumas informações?

1) Read the advice on using the telephone:

Fonte: Clipart

Telephone Etiquette

Here are a few basic tips to improve telephone etiquette.


1. Don’t ring before 6 a.m. or after 11p.m.

2. Answer with a friendly greeting, give your name and ask for the person you want to speak to.

3. Thank the other person at the end of the call.

4. When you leave a message, give information like name and your number if necessary.


5. Speak slowly and clearly. Say “Hello” to answer. “Yes” is rude.

6. Repeat the caller’s message to check it is correct.

7. When the caller wants to speak with someone who is not there, you can

offer to take a message.

8. Make sure you have the caller’s number.

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Vocabulary and speaking

2. Here is an example dialogue. Write the number of the advice from the text

“TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE” next to the telephone expressions. (You can use

the numbers more than once or not use all numbers ).

______5_______ Hello.

______________ Hi, this is Peter. Can I speak to Frank?

______________ Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message?

______________ Yes, please. Could you ask him to call me back? It’s Peter

and I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line. It’s urgent.

_____________ Call Peter. Has he got your number?

______________ It’s 11632 205506.

______________ So that’s 11632 205506. I’ll make sure Frank gets this asap.

______________ Thanks very much. Bye.

The extract is taken and adapted from LE MAISTRE, S. and LEWIS, C. Language to Go. Elementary Students’ Book. Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2005, page 62-63.

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3) Telephone call - Folding Cards

In this activity the students can use the example of cards, draw

another cards actions or describe the sequence situation to create

a dialogue about a telephone call. The situation described or the

dialogue created can be read or simulated by the students.

Fonte: WRIGHT, Andrew. 1000 + Pictures for Teachers to Copy. Harlow. England:


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Aula 08 Atividades com Diagramas

Mais informações no link:

Fonte: Graphic Organizers. Teacher Created Resources.

O diagrama de Venn pode ser usado para organizar

pensamentos e ideias durante a elaboração de um texto.

Uma forma de usá-lo é escrever contrastes e comparações, como

no exemplo abaixo.

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1) Using the Prewriting Venn example – Working in pairs a) Observe these animals and talk about what you know about them with your


b) Write the differences using the example and show some possible logical

relations between them.

c) Check and change your choosing answer with another classmates.

d) Present them to the class.

Fonte: Lousa digital

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2) Observe these two boys and speak the differences and possible

logical relation between them. You can create personal

information for each one and present them to the class.

Fonte: Lousa digital

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Aula 09

11) In this dialogue you will practice speaking

about daily routines, as well as current activities.

Practice the dialogue with your partner and then

interview each other.

Interviewer: Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to answer a few questions about your life! Brad: It's my pleasure.

Interviewer: Could you tell us about an average day in your life? Brad: Sure, I get up early - at 7 in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast, I go to the gym.

Interviewer: Are you studying anything now? Brad: Yes, I'm learning a new film called "The Man About Town".

Interviewer: What do you do in the afternoon? Brad: First I have lunch, then I go to the studio and shoot some scenes.

Interviewer: Which scene are you acting today? Brad: I'm acting a scene about an angry lover.

Interviewer: That's very interesting. What do you do in the evening? Brad: In the evening, I go home and have dinner and study my scripts.

Interviewer: Do you go out at night? Brad: Not always, I like going out at weekends.


Acesso em: 19/11/2013.


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Aula 10

11) Drawing in the Classroom – Expressions

There are many expressions which can be quickly expressed. In this activity you can discuss with your partner and ask how the person feels and why. Draw other expressions and make question about them.

Example: Are you happy today? Why are you sad?


Example: Why is he laughing?

What Joke has he heard?


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Example: What

happened to him?

Why is he so angry?

Sleep well

Example: Do you

remember any

dreams from last



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CRISTÓVÃO, VERA LÚCIA LOPES. Modelos didáticos de gêneros: uma abordagem para o ensino de língua estrangeira. Curitiba, 2012.

MARCUSCHI, LUIS ANTÔNIO. Da fala para a escrita atividades de retextualização. 6ª. Edição. São Paulo: Cortez, 2005.

PEREIRA, ARIOVALDO LOPES e GOTTHEIM, LILIANA (orgs.) Materiais Didáticos para o Ensino de Língua Estrangeira Processos de criação e contexto de uso. São Paulo. Mercado das Letras, 2013.

RAPAPORT, RUTH. Comunicação e Tecnologia no Ensino de Línguas. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2009.

WALLESKO, ANGELA MARIA HOFFMANN. Compreensão oral em Língua Inglesa. 1ª. Edição. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2010.

WIDDOWSON, H. G. O Ensino de Línguas para a Comunicação. 2ª. Edição. Pontes. 2005

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