Download - Palmistry



It is distinct quality of uniqueness that has withstood the test of time. A deep

study of the palm, its shape, depth, position of the mounts, direction of the

lines and combination with marks helps us discover our character and talents.

It is the map of our life, a sort of alphabet of hands. In many parts of the world

still today palmistry is used combined with astrology to predict the future.

The fingers are the mobile section and consist of phalanges, nails and palmer

patterns. These are examined for their form, texture, color and flexibility. The

thumb is considered an entity and analyzed separately. All these give us

information about our personality, talents and a peek at our future.

The lines on our hands do not change through our lives but their general

appearance remain the same. We don't notice these changes because they are

gradual and often very small. The hand will not give

you a reliable indication of how long someone may

live. It just indicates the type of life journey which the

person is having. Their own actions and values will

affect the results they get and the degree of happiness

and success they attain.

Palm reader refer to the small padded areas in palm as

Mounts and each has a traditional name associated with the planets of our

solar system. The mounts vary in the degree of definition and you can give

them each a value relevant to the attribute which is assigned to that mount

according to the prominence of that particular mount in that person's hand. If

you are not confident that you can decide whether a particular mount is at a

medium or elevated level, gently press each mount to get a better idea of its

elevation above the surface of the palm.

Palmistry will also let you check the consistency of that particular mount.

When a mount is soft or sponge like, the person probably has less of the

attribute attached to that mount.

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