Page 1: Parise concordance feedback poster 2014_電気通信大学_final2

英文ライティング添削講座Support Writing Course....

is a web-based writing workshop on for in-service English teachers in middle and high school.

英文ライティング添削講座Support Writing Course....

is a web-based writing workshop on for in-service English teachers in middle and high school.


Three Feedback approaches


Three Feedback approaches


Special thanks to...


Special thanks to...

コンコーダンス・フィードバックConcordance feedbackコンコーダンス・フィードバックConcordance feedback

Results & Discussion

Question 1: Survey responses to concordance feedback were mixed, yet rated positively.

「自分で自分の文を添削する際の方法論として B (concordance) は参考になった。」

“For correcting the sentences by myself B(concordance) was helpful as the methodology.”


わかりやすいです。~sや冠詞などは Red-pen method の方が分かりやすいので ,これからも両方のフィードバックをしていただけるとありがたいです。」

“When it came to English usage errors, the web links were easy to use. But because of -s , articles, etc. the red-pen method was easier to understand, so I would want both kinds of feedback.”

Results & Discussion

Question 1: Survey responses to concordance feedback were mixed, yet rated positively.

「自分で自分の文を添削する際の方法論として B (concordance) は参考になった。」

“For correcting the sentences by myself B(concordance) was helpful as the methodology.”


わかりやすいです。~sや冠詞などは Red-pen method の方が分かりやすいので ,これからも両方のフィードバックをしていただけるとありがたいです。」

“When it came to English usage errors, the web links were easy to use. But because of -s , articles, etc. the red-pen method was easier to understand, so I would want both kinds of feedback.”

Peter Parise ・ Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Language and Culture Studies

[email protected]

詳しい情報・ Information神奈川県立国際言語文化アカデミア  

詳しい情報・ Information神奈川県立国際言語文化アカデミア  

A Writing Program on : Using Data-drivenData-driven Feedback

Hyland, K. (2003). Second language writing. Cambridge University Press.

Shintani, N., & Ellis, R. (2013). The comparative effect of direct written corrective feedback and metalinguistic explanation on learners’ explicit and implicit knowledge of the English indefinite article. Journal of Second Language Writing, 22(3), 286–306.

Truscott, J. (1996). The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes. Language Learning, 46(2), 327–369

Van Beuningen, C. G., De Jong, N. H., & Kuiken, F. (2012). Evidence on the effectiveness of comprehensive error correction in second language writing: Effectiveness of comprehensive CF. Language Learning, 62(1), 1–41.

Red pen Direct feedback

Truscott (1996); Ferris (1999); Van Beuningen, De Jong, & Kuiken (2012); Shintani & Ellis (2013)

Audio commentary Hyland (2003)

Concordance feedback Gaskell & Cobb (2004); Gilmore (2009)

Red pen Direct feedback

Truscott (1996); Ferris (1999); Van Beuningen, De Jong, & Kuiken (2012); Shintani & Ellis (2013)

Audio commentary Hyland (2003)

Concordance feedback Gaskell & Cobb (2004); Gilmore (2009)

1) Highlight the error and add a comment 1) Highlight the error and add a comment 2) Find a concordance of the correct form 2) Find a concordance of the correct form

3)Insert hyperlink(s) 3)Insert hyperlink(s)

Ferris, D. (1999). The case for grammar correction in L2 writing classes: A response to Truscott (1996). Journal of Second Language Writing, 8(1), 1–11.

Gaskell, D., & Cobb, T. (2004). Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors? System, 32(3), 301–319.

Gilmore, A. (2009). Using online corpora to develop students’ writing skills. ELT Journal, 63(4), 363–372.

Research questions:

1.Will they consider concordance feedback effective?

2.Will form-focused learning result from this type of feedback?

Research questions:

1.Will they consider concordance feedback effective?

2.Will form-focused learning result from this type of feedback?

2013 spring & fall

Direct Concordance

Helpful 3 2

Moderately helpful 2 3

Moderately unhelpful 0 0

Unhelpful 0 0

2013 spring & fall

Direct Concordance

Helpful 3 2

Moderately helpful 2 3

Moderately unhelpful 0 0

Unhelpful 0 0 Table 1: Workshop questionnaire results. N= (small but meaningful) 5

Question 2 is still in progress but questions, comments and ideas would be most welcome ! Or write it on a post-it!

Question 2 is still in progress but questions, comments and ideas would be most welcome ! Or write it on a post-it!

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