Page 1: Pengembangan pribadi


Page 2: Pengembangan pribadi

Mind and body function together and are intimately interconnected. So, we cannot really separate personal development (the growth of personality) from cognitive development (the growth of intellectual skills).

Pertanyaannya adalah: apakah personal growth suatu saat akan vakum?

Personal growth: The Pre-Freudian view of mindless children; Children (before six or seven old) viewed to young to

know or feel anything.

Page 3: Pengembangan pribadi

Stages of personal development: Freud

Years Freud

0 – 1.5 Oral Dependence Jaga perasaan, makanan, dan pemberian yg lain,

maksimalkan secara kualitas krn anak ada pada masa menerima.

1.5 - 3 Anal Independence Kebutuhan2 umum , independence and control are at the

forefront of development.

3 - 7 Phallic Identity sexual identity is the major aspect of personality


7 - 12 Latency the oral, anal, and phallic dimensions are integrated and no new elements are added

12 - 18


adolescence = “strum und drang” (ungkapan bhs Jerman: periode tekanan dan ketegangan yg ekstrim).

Oral, anal, phallic karakter Perkembangan personal dan emosional ditentukan oleh 7

th awal. Pengalaman emosi Pribadi dewasa (kualitas ditentukan oleh interaksi anak dg lingkunganya)

Personality is a structure with three major components: the id, the ego, the superego

18 - 30

30 - 60

60 - dst

Three major stages of development transformasi emosi utama ke dewasa

Page 4: Pengembangan pribadi

Stages of personal development: Freud and Erikson

Years Freud Erikson

0 – 1.5 Oral Trust and mistrust

1.5 - 3 Anal Autonomy and shame

Sdh tahu malu, independent, memaksimalkan rasa personal autonomy, the growing sense of self-control, bha sudah jelas, bisa menbedakan objek.

3 - 7 Phallic Initiative and guilt Sdh tahu jenis kelamin, meniru prilaku dewasa, personalitynya banyak dipengaruhi, merasa sdh besar

7 - 12 Latency

Mastery and inferiority The juvenile period; concrete (Piaget), a period considerable emotional stability.

12 - 18


Identity and identity diffusion


18 - 30

Intimacy and isolation

30 - 60

Generativity and selt-absorption

60 - dst

Integrity and disgust


Page 5: Pengembangan pribadi

Thank Kayu

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