
Podpora rozvoje cizích jazyků pro Evropu 21. stol.


Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

The Tudors (1485 – 1603): Elizabeth I

England became the leading sea power - colonies in America and East India

the Renaissance came to its height – William Shakespeare (the Globe theatre)

The Stuarts – Civil War

James I – a Stuart king – union of England and Scotland

Charles I: dissolved the Parliament

in 1642 the Civil War between the king and the parliamentary forces broke out

in 1649 the king was defeated and executed

The Republic and Restoration

Oliver Cromwell ruled England as the Lord Protector

Cromwell is a rather controversial figure in the British history: a hero or a dictator

his son was not able to rule the country – Charles II became the king (Restoration)

The Stuarts – Glorious Revolution

Charles IIJames II: showed

great favour to Catholics and unrest grew rapidly

the Glorious Revolution: in 1688 William of Orange and his wife Mary arrived from Holland and became the rulers of England as William III and Mary II

18th century: Empire and Sea Power

the 18th century was marked by the growing power of Britain in world policy

Britain defeated its two big rivals: Spain and France

Britain got power over a lot of territories, e.g. Africa, the West Indies, India, Canada

18th century: Empire and Sea Power

at the end of the 18th century England became the richest country in the world

it fully recovered from the loss of the American colonies

it was transformed from an agricultural to a manufacturing country

19th century: Battle of Trafalgar

the Napoleonic War (1803-1815): Britain versus France

Battle of Trafalgar (1805): Admiral Nelson defeated Napoleon (Spain)

Battle of Waterloo (1815): the French were definitely defeated – Duke of Wellington

19th century: Victorian EraQueen Victoria (1837-

1901); the House of Hanover (German descent – Georgian period)

the Victorian era represented the height of the Industrial Revolution

Victoria's reign was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire – Empress of India


the act that is considered to have triggered the succession of events that led to war was the 28 June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

power - Germany, France, Britain, etc.


the terms of peace were dictated at the Treaty of Versailles, January 25, 1919

David Lloyd George signed the treaty as a British Prime Minister

the Austro-Hungarian Empire ceased to exist


in 1938 Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed a pact with Hitler in Munich allowing Germany to have Sudetenland

on September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war on Germany on September 3


in May 1940, Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister

the Battle of Britain: German Air Force (Luftwaffe) during the summer and autumn of 1940 wanted to gain air superiority over the Royal Air Force (RAF) – London and other cities damaged

WWIIthe Yalta Conference

was the wartime meeting from 4 February 1945 to 11 February 1945 among Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin

the Potsdam Conference, July 16 to August 2, 1945: the future of Germany and the post-war world – Churchill - Attlee, Stalin and Truman

Elizabeth II

she ascended to the throne in 1952 after the death of her father King George VI (the House of Windsor)

she married Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh

she had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward

Iraq War

2003, invasion of Iraq by a multinational force composed largely of United States and United Kingdom troops

Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister was criticised for joining the USA and attacking Iraq

Gordon Brown

Prime Minister since June 2007

Labour Party


Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

Tato výuková prezentace byla pořízena z finančních prostředků hrazených Evropským sociálním fondem

a rozpočtem České republiky.

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