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Copyright © 2019 Simone s.r.l.Via F. Russo 33/D80123 Napoli

Tutti i diritti riservatiÈ vietata la riproduzione anche parzialee con qualsiasi mezzo senza l’autorizzazione scritta dell’editore.

Per citazioni e illustrazioni di competenza altrui, riprodotte in questo libro, l’editore è a disposizione degli aventi diritto. L’editore provvederà, altresì, alle opportune correzioni nel caso di errori e/o omissioni a seguito della segnalazione degli interessati.

Tutti i diritti di sfruttamento economico dell’opera appartengono alla Simone s.r.l.(art. 64, D.Lgs. 10-2-2005, n. 30)

Prima edizione: Agosto 2019S42ISBN 978-88-914-2091-6

Ristampe8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Questo volume è stato stampato pressoPL PRINT s.r.l.Via Don Minzoni, 302 - Cercola (NA)


Un ringraziamento particolare a Lisa Piccirillo per i preziosi suggerimenti

Per informazioni, suggerimenti, proposte: [email protected]

Coordinamento redazionale: Dario di Majo

Impaginazione: Pasquale Antignano

Grafica di copertina: Giuseppe Ragno

Lettura delle attività di ascolto: Lisa June Peake, Robin Lindsay e Mary Longrigg

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Questo libro è un valido strumento per affrontare nel migliore dei modi la prova INVALSI di Inglese prevista per il V anno della scuola superiore di secondo grado. Le numerose e varie tipologie di scrittura e di esercitazioni permettono allo studente di prepararsi in modo completo all’esame.

Il libro è diviso in due parti.

Parte prima - STUDY TIPS

La prima parte descrive la struttura delle tipologie di prove, così da iniziare a familiarizzare con queste. Sono presenti, inoltre, verifiche e consigli pratici che aiuteranno a rispondere al meglio alle domande.

Parte seconda – ENGLISH LAB

La seconda parte, sezione operativa vera e propria, approfondisce e completa la prima. Le numerose verifiche, già presentate nella parte precedente, sono divise in:

• Reading Comprehension• Listening Comprehension

I testi utilizzati sono: narrativi, descrittivi, argomentativi, regolativi, continui e non continui e sono tratti da giornali, riviste, enciclopedia online, depliants, brochure, libri.

I brani scelti sono inerenti a tematiche di interesse sia personale che scolastico: ambiente, scienza, tecnologia, tempo libero, sport, storia, arte, musica, attualità.

Gli esercizi sono organizzati per livelli di difficoltà ( B1 e B2) in linea con il Quadro Comune di Riferimento per le Lingue.

La varietà dei testi scelti e le numerose tipologie di verifica permettono all’insegnante di ricreare le condizioni reali dell’esame.

Le tipologie di quesiti sono:Multiple Choice Questions - Domanda o frase da completare seguita da quattro opzioni di risposta consistenti in: Risposte complete; Seconda parte di frasi.

Multiple Matching (Gap - Fill) – Abbinamento tra prima e seconda parte di una frase; Abbinamento tra frasi/ titoli/ descrizioni e frasi/ titoli e descrizioni; Testo da completare reinserendo parti di un testo che sono state cancellate; Abbinamento tra una serie di brevi testi e titoli o riassunti.

Short Answer Questions – Domande a cui rispondere con un massimo di 4 parole.

True / False / Not Given e True False Justification – Per quest’ultima tipologia si è tenuto conto della Presentazione del metodo True False Justification (INVALSI - 24-6-2019).

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La prova di ascolto (Listening) è costituita da: monologhi, dialoghi, conversazioni telefoniche e annunci. Il registro linguistico usato è sia formale che informale. Tutti i brani di ascolto sono presenti sul CD allegato al volume.

Prove Computer Based sono disponibili su una piattaforma informatica simile a quella ufficiale.Per rendere più agevoli le esercitazioni alcune prove sono presenti sia sulla piattaforma che sul testo, dove sono indicate dall’icona CBT.

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Parte PrimaStudy Tips

Before Beginning1. Multiple Choice................................................................................................................... pag. 10

A. A Change of Date .......................................................................................................... » 10B. Notices ........................................................................................................................... » 12C. Giving Directions........................................................................................................... » 13

2. True / False / Not Given • True / False / Justification ................................................... » 14D. Humans are speeding extinction ................................................................................. » 14E. The Decline of Reading................................................................................................. » 16F. Reading in the digital age (Invalsi 24-6-2019) .......................................................... » 17

3. Short Answer Questions .................................................................................................... » 18G. The Crown Jewels and The Tower of London ............................................................. » 18H. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells .................................................................................. » 19

4. Multiple Matching .............................................................................................................. » 20I. Where should they go? ................................................................................................. » 21J. School News .................................................................................................................. » 23K. The Benefits of Sports .................................................................................................. » 24L. James M. Barrie: The man behind the boy who never grew up ................................ » 25M. Rules of hygiene and safety in the kitchen ................................................................ » 26

5. Gap fill ................................................................................................................................. » 28N Food and celebrations .................................................................................................. » 28

6. Interpreting signs / notices/ warnings ............................................................................ » 29O. Notices ........................................................................................................................... » 30

7. Sentence Transformation .................................................................................................. » 32

8. Information ......................................................................................................................... » 33

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Parte SecondaEnglish Lab

Test 1 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... pag. 36

B1 1. A loyal Friend...................................................................................................................... » 36B1. 2. Puppy Law ........................................................................................................................... » 38B2. 3. All hallow’s eve (Part 1) ................................................................................................... » 39B2. 4. Women Writers ........................................................................................................... » 41B2. 5. The Beautiful Game .......................................................................................................... » 42 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 45

B1. 1. Gone to the Dogs ................................................................................................................. » 45B1. 2 An Old Head ....................................................................................................................... » 45B2. 3. Cross Bow Deaths .............................................................................................................. » 46B2. 4. Restaurant Problems ...................................................................................................... » 47B2. 5. The World’s Greatest Game ............................................................................................ » 48

Test 2 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... » 49

B1 1. The Sleeping Pilot ................................................................................................................ » 49B1 2. Wine and Dine… with £4,500 bottle! ............................................................................... » 50B2 3. Too Drunk ............................................................................................................................ » 51B2 4. Moderate Drinking ............................................................................................................ » 52B2 5. Narcissists ........................................................................................................................... » 54 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 56

B1 1. Stuck in the Road ............................................................................................................... » 56B1 2. Stuck in a Nutella Jar ...................................................................................................... » 56B2 3. The Science of Anger .......................................................................................................... » 57B2 4. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde .................................................................. » 57B2 5. What goes on in my mind: interview with a neurologist ............................................ » 59

Test 3 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... » 60

B1 1. Notices and Signs ................................................................................................................ » 60B1 2. Sentences .............................................................................................................................. » 62B2 3. Sentences .............................................................................................................................. » 62B2 4. The Whale who came in from the Cold ............................................................................ » 64B2 5. Lost World….. ...................................................................................................................... » 65 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 67

B1 1. Swimming with Sharks, Sea Lions and Sting rays ........................................................ » 67B1 2. Sunken Treasure .................................................................................................................. » 68B2 3. Litter Deep ........................................................................................................................... » 68B2 4. Swimming Pool Etiquette ................................................................................................. » 69B2 5. The Mediterranean .......................................................................................................... » 71

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Test 4 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... pag. 72

B1 1. The lunar Maria ................................................................................................................. » 72B1 2. Everyday .............................................................................................................................. » 73B2 3. Solar System Mining.......................................................................................................... » 75B2 4. Extinction ............................................................................................................................ » 76B2 5. A Fatal Age ......................................................................................................................... » 80 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 82

B1 1. Giordano Bruno: heretic or hero? ..................................................................................... » 82B1 2. All Quiet in Space .............................................................................................................. » 83B2 3. The Earth from space ........................................................................................................ » 84B2 4. An angle of Paradise ...................................................................................................... » 85B2 5. My Kind of Film! ............................................................................................................. » 86

Test 5 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... » 87

B1 1. Notices and Signs ................................................................................................................ » 87B1 2. Sentences .............................................................................................................................. » 89B2 3. Computer Art ....................................................................................................................... » 90B2 4. Lost in Translation ............................................................................................................ » 92B2 5. The Beauty of Language ................................................................................................... » 93 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 95

B1 1. Oops ….. Banksy Outed? ...................................................................................................... » 95B1 2. Girl Power! .......................................................................................................................... » 95B2 3. Art Crime ........................................................................................................................... » 97B2 4. Famous Beginnings ......................................................................................................... » 98B2 5. All Hallow’s Eve Part 2 ................................................................................................. » 99

Test 6 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... » 100

B1 1. Grumpy to the end ............................................................................................................... » 100B1 2. Dead or Alive? ...................................................................................................................... » 101B2 3. Online Help.......................................................................................................................... » 102B2 4. Digital Nomad ................................................................................................................... » 104B2 5. TED talks: making the simple sound profound .............................................................. » 106 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 108

B1 1. Who am I? ........................................................................................................................... » 108B1 2. Walking Wallet ................................................................................................................ » 108B2 3. Fake Heiress ....................................................................................................................... » 110B2 4. Blind Date ......................................................................................................................... » 111B2 5. Questions and Answers: Karima2G ................................................................................ » 112

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Test 7 › Reading Comprehension .......................................................................................................... pag. 113

B1 1. The Girl and the Sword ....................................................................................................... » 113B1 2. Sentences .............................................................................................................................. » 114B2 3. In love with an actor ......................................................................................................... » 115B2 4. Simple and Interesting: Interviewer with a designer .................................................... » 117B2 5. Small Island ...................................................................................................................... » 120 › Listening .................................................................................................................................... » 123

B1 1. The Sahara ......................................................................................................................... » 123B1 2. Built to Survive: Cockroach DNA ...................................................................................... » 124B2 3. Zoos are good .................................................................................................................... » 124B2 4. Jane Austin ....................................................................................................................... » 125B2 5. What are they saying? .................................................................................................... » 126

• Brani proposti per l’ascolto ............................................................................................... » 129

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Parte PrimaStudy Tips

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Parte Prima: Study Tips

Before Beginning

1. Multiple Choice

Questa tipologia di esercizio (Multiple Choice) richiede di scegliere tra le opzioni proposte quella esatta. Si usa per Reading Comprehension e Listening.Di seguito diamo dei suggerimenti su come affrontare questo tipo di esercizio.

Nel Reading Comprehension le domande (Multiple Choice) che vengono proposte riguardano la comprensione generale del brano nella sua interezza, di un paragrafo o altre più specifiche. Per svolgere questo esercizio non è necessario capire tutti i vocaboli, ma cercare di capirne il significato dal contesto; del resto l’esercizio ti chiede di trovare le risposte alle domande, non di capire il significato di tutte le parole.

Suggerimenti per il Reading:

• Leggi il testo interamente per comprendere l’idea generale.• Leggi il titolo; ti farà capire ancora meglio qual è l’argomento trattato.• Leggi attentamente la consegna dell’esercizio, ti potrebbe fornire informazioni sul tipo di testo presentato.• Leggi attentamente ogni singola domande e le varie opzioni.• Fai attenzione a non scegliere una risposta solo perchè trovi la stessa parola dell’ opzione nel brano.• Fai attenzione e analizzale bene, per rispondere in modo corretto è importante comprendere le domande tanto

quanto il testo.• Non rispondere in base alla tua opinione o esperienza personale.• Bisogna rispondere partendo da ciò che dice il brano o da quanto si intuisce dalla lettura del testo.

Ora un esempio:

A. A Change of Date

Read this online news article then choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for questions 1- 5. Only one is correct. The first one (0) is an example.

Historians have long believed that Mount Vesuvius erupted on 24 August 79 AD, destroying the nearby Roman city of Pompeii. But now, an inscription has been uncovered dated to mid-October - almost two months later.The date of the eruption had been given with apparent certainty thanks to ancient writings of Pliny the Younger that purported to share first-hand accounts.“On the 24th of August, about one in the afternoon, my mother desired … to observe a cloud…” he wrote in a letter about the events of that day.“I have faithfully related to you what I was either an eye-witness of myself or received immediately after the accident happened, and before there was time to vary the truth,” he wrote.But the latest discovery calls such certainty into question.

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1. Multiple Choice

The inscription was discovered in new excavations. It was probably made by a worker renovating a home. But it is dated to 16 days before the “calends” of November - which is 17 October in our modern dating method.“Since it was done in fragile and evanescent charcoal, which could not have been able to last long, it is highly probable that it can be dated to the October of AD 79,” the archaeology team said in a statement.They believe the most likely date for the eruption was, in fact, 24 October.There has long been some speculation that the eruption happened later than August, particularly centred around evidence of autumnal fruits and heating braziers discovered in the ruins.The inscription supports that theory, the Pompeii archaeology team said.So did Pliny the Younger record things incorrectly?His letter was written 20 years after the eruption in 79 AD. And the original copies have not survived the intervening 1,939 years. Instead, our modern reading of the text is based on translations and transcriptions made over the centuries. In fact, copies of the letters have contained dates ranging from August to November - though 24 August has long been accepted.The differences between the texts could easily have been influenced by confusion over the ancient and modern systems of counting days.

* Adapted from the BBC’ s website (18.10.2018)

0. Historians have long believed:A. X that Vesuvius destroyed Rome

B. XX that Vesuvius erupted on 24 August 79 AD

C. X that Vesuvius erupted on 24 October 79 AD

D. X that Pliny the Younger was unreliable

1. The 24th of August was considered credible because:A. X Pliny was a witness and wrote about it immediately

B. X Pliny was a faithful person

C. XX Pliny was a witness and he wrote about it at a later date

D. X it coincided with the archaeological evidence

2. The inscription can be dated to 79 AD because:A. XX it was written with a substance that normally decays quickly

B. X the writer put 79 AD in the inscription

C. X Charcoal lasts a long time

D. X we know the identity of the writer of the inscription

3. Archaeologists had been suspicious for a while about the August date:A. XX due to other findings on the site that do not coincide with late summer

B. X because they knew translations and transcriptions could not be relied on

C. X because they did not trust Pliny to be telling the truth

D. X it is always good to question what was previously believed

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Parte Prima: Study Tips

4. Pliny’s original account:A. X was written in the year of the eruption

B. XX has not survived and has probably been misinterpreted subsequently

C. X was always ambivalent about the date of the eruption

D. X has not survived but has been accurately translated and transcribed over the centuries

5. The linguistic register of the text is mainly:A. X literary

B. X colloquial

C. XX journalistic

D. X familiar

• Attieniti a ciò che ti chiede il testo.• Presta attenzione anche alle domande che ti sembrano facili. Non avere fretta.

Le domande di comprensione possono anche riguardare dei cartelli, avvisi o altro. Esempio:

B. Notices

Read the notices (1-2). Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.


A. XX The Museum is open on Mondays

B. X You can visit the museum from Saturday to Sunday

C. X The Museum is open everyday from 9am-5pm.

D. X The Museum is closed from Monday to Friday


A. X Push the button to make a call

B. XX Push the button to get help

C. X Push the button to open the door

D. X Push the button to unlock the elevator

Le Multiple Choice sono usate anche per gli esercizi di Listening. Qui la difficoltà consiste nel non avere il testo cartaceo, ma solo le domande relative.

Suggerimenti per il Listening:

• Leggi prima le domande e guarda l’esempio, così saprai come devi procedere.• Valuta se la domanda richiede delle informazioni specifiche: un’ora? un nome? un luogo? In questo caso soffer-

mati su queste notizie quando ascolti la registrazione.• Vai per esclusione, cioè elimina subito le opzioni palesemente sbagliate.

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1. Multiple Choice

• Ascolta attentamente dove la donna intende andare. Fai attenzione al nome.• Ascolta il numero del bus che deve prendere.• Nel leggere le altre opzioni, ti renderai conto che sono palesemente errate.• Attenzione alla domanda 5. Ascolta con attenzione!

Ora un esempio:

C. Giving Directions

Listen to Eric giving directions to a woman.First you have 1 minute to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice.While listening, choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D) for questions 1- 5.Only one answer is correct.The first one (0) has been done for you.After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to check your answers.

0. The woman is:A. XX lost

B. X with her husband

C. X knows the city well

D. X very attractive

1. The woman:A. X likes trains

B. X doesn’t know where she wants to go

C. X wants to go to the bus station

D. XX wants to go to the train station

2. Which train station does the woman want to go to?A. X the nearest

B. X the best

C. X Haymarket

D. XX Waverley

3. How far is it on foot?A. X 13 minutes

B. XX 30 minutes

C. X not far

D. X too far

4. Which bus is the best for the station?A. X the number 16

B. X both the number 16 and 23

C. XX the number 23

D. X any bus is good


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Parte Prima: Study Tips

5. Where is the bus stop?A. X in the centre of town

B. X in Waverley

C. X to the right

D. XX Eric and the woman are at the bus stop

2. True / False / Not Given • True / False / Justification

Questo tipo di esercizio richiede una grande attenzione, infatti si chiede di stabilire se le domande sono True, False oppure Not Given, cioè l’informazione richiesta nel testo non è menzionata.Può essere anche proposto agli studenti un testo con domande a cui rispondere Vero (True), Falso (False) e successivamente fornire la motivazione di tale scelta (Justification).“La Justification è data riportando le prime quattro parole della frase che contiene l’idea oggetto della domanda. Se non è presente la giustificazione la risposta è da considerarsi errata” (INVALSI - Esempio di metodo utilizzato nelle prove INVALSI di inglese al termine del secondo ciclo di istruzione - 24-2-2019).


• Leggi con attenzione le domande per capire bene cosa dicono prima di poter decidere se sono True, False o Not Given.

• Una volta lette cerca nel testo, domanda per domanda, a cosa si riferiscono.• Ricorda di limitarti a scrivere solo True, False, Not Given in riferimento a ciò che è scritto nel testo e non a ciò che

tu pensi.• Stai attento a distinguere le risposte False da quelle Not Given, questa è la vera insidia …• Per quanto attiene la “motivazione” della tua scelta, stai attento ad usare le 4 parole richieste.

D. Humans are speeding extinction

Read the newspaper article.While reading, choose True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG) for questions 1-10.Only one answer is correct.The first one (0) has been done for you.

Humans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that one million plants and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concludedGlobal warming has become a major driver of wildlife decline, the assessment found, by

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