

By: Ginna Carolina Rojas CharariTécnico en Recursos Humanos

Instructora: Andrea González

Ficha: 1133977-B

DAILY ROUTINE¿What does a successful asistant

do in a normal day?She gets up at fifteen minutes to six (5:45) She has a shower with hot water

She gets dresssed

She brushes her

She makes the bed

She eats cereal and takes coffee for breakfast

She brushes her teeth

She leaves the house and takes the bus

She doesn´t take her brunch

She uses the computer in the work

She goes out to lunch at a quarter to one (12:45)

She goes back to work

She sends an e-mail from her computer

She comes back home

She makes dinner

She has dinner with her boyfriend

She washes the dinner dishes

She reads the newspaper

She wathches tv in the evening

She goes to bed

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