Page 1: Primer periodo   planificacion 5 - nasencio

ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Asencio Nadia Período de Práctica: Primer período Institución Educativa: Jardín Colorín Colorado Dirección postal: 8400 - Quaglia 625 - Bariloche Sala/Grado y sección: Sala de 4 años Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Objetos escolares Clase Nº5 Fecha: 19/05/2014 Hora: 10:05 hs Duración de la clase: 30 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 13/05/2014

Teaching points: School objects.


Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented. Ss will remember the vocabulary presented the previous classes. Students will follow certain commands by watching a fun video. Students will identify what they can do with certain school objects.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Follow commands. Recognizing school objects, colours, numbers and sizes.

Greetings, actions, boy, girl, numbers (1-8), fine, happy/sad, school, school bag, pencil case, pencil, rubber, glue, paper and colours (blue, yellow, red, green and pink), big, small.

Hello! How are you today? Are you happy/sad? Yes-No. What colour is it? Is it big or small? It is big/small.

/g/, /r/, /p/, /

New Identify new school objects and what we can do with them.

Crayons, scissors.

Is this glue? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t. Can we cut with glue? Can we stick with glue? Yes, we can/No, we can’t.

/b/ /s/ /l/ /t/ /k/

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Teaching approach: Communicative approach.

Materials and resources: flashcards, paper, copies, laptop.

Seating arrangement: We will work on a circle on the floor.

Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will have flashcards to show them.

Assessment: The new vocabulary will be assessed trough a cooperative game.


Routine (4 minutes)

(The students are always sitting on the floor waiting for the teacher) The teacher will greet the students: “Hello children! And she will encourage students to answer: “Hello Miss Nadia!” Then, she will ask them, “How are you today? Are you happy? Are you sad?” And she’ll encourage them to answer YES or NO. (While the T asks these questions, she will show them two flashcards and mime the moods). The T will teach them a new “hello song”. She will tell them: “Today we will sing a new song”. She will ask ss to stand up and to copy the teacher. She will tell them: “Now, you have to copy me. Let’s try” And she will encourage them to follow her. The new song is: “Get up on your feet” The T will ask them: “So, how are you today?” She will encourage them to answer: “Very well, thank you”. The T will tell them: “I am very well too. Now, please sit down on your chairs please” Warm – up (5 minutes)

The T will show them a box and say to them: “Look at my fantastic box! I’ll show you what objects I have inside my box.” The T will pick up a real school object (pencil) and show it to them, she will tell them: “Look! What is this? Is this glue? Is this a pencil?” and she will encourage them to answer: “Yes, it is / No, it isn’t”. Then, she will ask them: “What can we do with a pencil? Can we cut with it? Can we draw with it?” While the T asks these questions she will show ss the different actions with concrete material and mime all the different actions for students to comprehend the modal verb: can. She will encourage them to answer: “Yes, we can / No, we can’t” We will follow the same procedure with the glue too.

The T will tell them: “Excellent children! Now, let’s find my favourite school objects”

Presentation (6 minutes) The T will tell them: “Look! This is a crayon. What colour is my crayon?” and she will encourage them to answer: “It is a blue crayon”. Then, she will show (miming and using concrete material) them what we can do with a crayon while she asks them some questions: “Can we cut with a crayon? Can we colour with a crayon?” the teacher will

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encourage them to answer: “Yes, we can / No, we can’t”. We will follow the same procedure with the scissors.

The T will tell them: “Very good children. Now, let’s sit on the floor to watch a video about these school objects” Development Activity 1 (7 minutes) – checking comprehension with a video.

First, the T will hand out school object flashcards and real school objects for each student and we will watch the following video: .

While we watch the video, the T will pause it when a school object is mentioned and she will say to ss: “What is this? Is it a pencil? Who has got a pencil? Show me your pencils!” Before the ss show the school object, the T will encourage ss to answer “Yes, it is / No, it isn’t”. We will follow the same procedure with: pencil, crayon, glue and scissors. The T will tell them: “Excellent! You are fantastic! Now, I have a surprise for you” Activity 2 (5 minutes) The T will tell ss: “I have a video about a friend of ours, He is Teddy.....” and she will encourage ss to complete the name: Teddy Bear. First, we will watch the video and say the rhyme, and then we will follow its commands. The T will tell them: “Let’s watch the video and say the rhyme!” she will encourage them to say it (the T will start saying the rhyme and encourage them to do it too using some gestures). Then, she will tell them: “Stand up and let’s copy Teddy Bear!”

Teddy Bear rhyme: Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Turn around.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, Touch the ground.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoes.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, off the school.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, jump up high.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the sky.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your toes.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the lights.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say goodnight.

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The T will tell them: “Did you like Teddy Bear’s video?” and she will encourage them to answer: “Yes, we did” Closure (3 minutes)

The T will ask ss to sit down on a circle. She will tell them: “Thank you very much for being so great and for allowed me and for allowing me to be here with you! I will miss you!” She will tell them in Spanish too. Then, she will tell them “I have a poster for you and for your classroom” and she will show them the following poster:

The T will read them the message in both languages. Then, we will sing and mime

the rhyme to say goodbye: Bye! It’s time to say goodbye (finger pointing to the watch), see you next class- bye, bye, bye, bye (we will blow some kisses).

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