Page 1: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Présentation de la séquence

A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

européenne un ouvrage de circonstance. Il s’agit d’une version réécrite du célèbre Christmas

Carol de Charles Dickens dont le message généreux ne peut laisser personne indifférent.

Les objectifs sont multiples :

- faire lire à des élèves de 2nde un livre entier, même s’il s’agit d’une adaptation

- se familiariser avec les coutumes de Noël outre-Manche

- travailler la compréhension orale dans un premier temps : le livre est accompagné d’un CD

(dont les bruitages sont excellents)

- travailler la compréhension écrite dans un deuxième temps

- travailler l’expression écrite et orale

- faire des recherches sur internet au sujet de l’auteur, Charles Dickens, et sur la période

victorienne (le travail des enfants)

- apprendre à chanter un ‘Christmas carol’ : Deck the Halls et faire des recherches sur

internet au sujet de la tradition du ‘carol singing’ au Royaume Uni

- regarder et comprendre un film en V. O. sans sous-titres

Niveau de compétence du CECRL : B1

Mise en œuvre

- Projeter le poster du film à l’aide du rétro-projecteur : procéder de façon progressive en ne

dévoilant pas tout le poster en entier au début (Cf. le numéro de New Standpoints de

décembre 2010)

- Avant de distribuer la fiche d’exploitation chapitre par chapitre, passer le CD

afin de voir ce que les élèves comprennent. Procéder ainsi pour chaque chapitre.

- La « web quest » sur Charles Dickens et la période victorienne sera menée parallèlement au

travail de compréhension écrite et fera l’objet d’une prise de parole en continu lors de la


- Diverses tâches sont proposées, parmi les quelles il faudra opérer un choix.

Branching out

- qu’est-ce que le ‘carol singing’ au Royaume Uni ?

- étude d’un chant Deck the Halls, qui sera chanté par les élèves volontaires de la classe.

- pour le plaisir, la veille des vacances de Noël, projeter une adaptation filmée de A

Christmas Carol. La plupart de nos élèves ayant vu Le Drôle de Noël de Scrooge de

Robert Zemeckis, sorti en 2009, mon choix s’est porté sur la version colorisée du film de

Brian Desmond Hurst, film sorti en 1951, qui dure quatre-vingt-six minutes et n’a pas de

sous-titres. A ce stade, l’histoire est bienconnue des élèves, et les difficultés lexicales ne

seront pas un obstacle.

Page 2: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE



After chapter 1 EE

Scrooge hates Christmas, ‘bah ! Humbug !’

Write a letter to Scrooge arguing that Christmas is a good time of the year and persuading him

that Christmas is worth celebrating.

After chapter 6 EE

What would Fred write in his diary about Christmas Day ?

Think about what happened during the day. Think carefully about Fred’s feelings and what might

have surprised him or made him happy.

After chapter 6 EE

Scrooge writes his first Christmas card

Imagine you are Scrooge and have

just been visited by the three spirits.

The visits have made you realise that

you need to mend your ways.

You decide to write a Christmas card

apologising for one of your faults,

and promising to make amends in

some ways.

Choose who you want to send the

card to. This might be Bob Cratchit,

your nephew Fred, or another

character in the book.

When you create your Christmas

card remember to include the illustration on the front, a printed message (for example ‘Merry

Christmas’, and your personal message (write this neatly on the left-hand side of the inside of the


After chapter 6 EOI

Imagine a dialogue between Mr and Mrs Cratchit. They are overwhelmed about the change that

took place in Scrooge’s personality.

Act out their conversation. About 4 minutes.

Page 3: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Page 4: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Page 5: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE




Chapter 1 - Scrooge and Marley

1) Which adjectives could you choose to qualify Scrooge’s personality ?

2) Why does Scrooge leave his office door open ?

3) What can you say about Fred’s and Scrooge’s conceptions of Christmas ?

4) Lines 25-26 : “Why not eat with us tomorrow ?”

What notion does this sentence express ?

Rephrase it in different ways:






5) Lines 32-33 What does Scrooge imply about the poor ?

6) Lines 37 to 42 Explain the boy’s attitude.

7) What is the condition imposed by Scrooge if Bob wants to be off on Christmas Day ?

8) Lines 50 to 57 Does Scrooge’s life seem to be exciting ? Explain.

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Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Chapter 2 - Marley’s ghost

1) What strange thing happens when Scrooge opens the door ?

2) Pick out a sentence showing Scrooge is beginning to worry.

3) Line 14 : “quietly”; line 15 : “loudly”; line 16 : “suddenly”; line 20 : “slowly”.

What are these words ? How are they formed ?

4) Who is the ghost ?

5) What explanation does Scrooge try to find to explain the presence of the ghost ?

6) Right ? Wrong ? Scrooge resents the ghost’s presence. (Justify your choice).

7) What do the ghost’s chains represent ?

8) Speech bubble : “My only business should have been taking care of others.”

What idea is expressed ? How ?

9) Lines 40-41 “You might escape my fate.”

What sort of probability is expressed ?

10) Line 45 “I think I’d rather not”.

Could you complete this sentence ?

Rephrase this sentence :

11) Pick out all the irregular verbs conjugated in the past simple in the chapter.

Indicate the number of the lines. Give their three forms and their translation.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

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Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Chapter 3 - The first spirit

1) Why doesn’t Scrooge manage to go back to sleep on hearing the clock strike twelve ?

2) Lines 7-8-9 “He was face to face with the strangest creature he had ever seen.”

Comment on the words in bold characters.

3) Lines 11-12 “Are you the spirit I was told about ?”

What is this verb form ? What about the way it can be translated into French ?

4) Lines 24-25 Express the idea of contrast by providing a relevant linkword :

The weather in the city was foggy ……………………… it was bright and cold in the country.

5) Line 26 “I was a boy here.”

Which expression could be used to insist on the break between past and present ?

6) Speech bubble : “I wish I had given the carol boy something.”

What feeling does Scrooge express here ?

Comment on the choice of the tense “I had given.”

Rephrase this sentence with a modal :

7) Speech bubble : “Why didn’t I wish Bob a merry Christmas?”

Rephrase this sentence starting with : I wish ……………………………………………………

8) Why didn’t Scrooge get married when he was a young man ?

9) How does he feel when he sees his old love ? Why ?

10) Pick out some irregular verbs, different from those in chapter 2. Indicate the number of

the lines. Give their three forms and their translation.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

Page 8: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Chapter 4 - The second spirit

1) Lines 7-8 “He could hardly recognise it” means : (tick the right answer)

It was difficult for him to recognise it.

He managed to recognise it easily.

2) Lines 13 to 15 “...they came to Bob Cratchit’s house, where Mrs Cratchit was getting the

Christmas dinner ready.”

Comment on the use of the tenses of the verbs in bold.

3) Lines 21 to 23 Rephrase this sentence by using another linkword to express contrast.

................................ it was a small meal for such a large family, no one would have dreamed

of saying so.

It was a small meal, ...................................... no one would have dreamed of saying so.


4) Speech bubble : “God bless us !” Explain the verb form.

5) Lines 25-26 “Spirit”, said Scrooge suddenly, “tell me if Tiny Tim will live.”

Rephrase this sentence with the help of the prompt :

Scrooge wanted to know if .................................................................................................... .

Do the same with this sentence :”I see an empty seat”, said the ghost.

The ghost said ....................................................................................... .

Draw your conclusion :

6) Lines 35-36 “I wish he was here.”

Rephrase this sentence : If .................................................................................. .

How does Mrs Cratchit feel about Scrooge ?

7) What element shows you that this story is a tale ?

8) What is the atmosphere like at Fred’s house ? Use adjectives in your answer, supported by

relevant quotations.

9) Does Scrooge feel indifferent to people’s joy ?

10) Can you explain the irony of the ‘Yes and No’ game ?

11) Lines 64 to 66 What does this sentence reveal about Fred ?

12) Lines 83 to 90 What lesson is the ghost trying to teach Scrooge ?

13) Lines 93 to 95 Why is the ghost using Scrooge’s own words ?

Page 9: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Chapter 5 - The last spirit

1) Lines 1 to 4 What shows Scrooge has grown used to seeing ghosts ?

2) Pick out the sentence expressing Scrooge’s determination.

3) Line 18 Explain why Scrooge is horrified.

4) Lines 23 to 30 Why is Scrooge shocked ?

5) Line 39 What does the adverb “cheerfully” reveal about this man ?

6) Lines 41-42 “Let me see some sorrow for a death.”

Use the prompt to complete this sentence :

Scrooge wants the spirit ........................................................................................ for a death.

Analyse the way the sentence is built :

7) Why are the Cratchits grieving ?

8) Lines 58 to 60 “Have I seen what will happen or what might happen ?”

Comment on the words in bold.

9) Why does Scrooge tremble when he sees the gravestone ?

Page 10: Présentation de la séquence Christmas Carol 1 · 1 Présentation de la séquence A l’approche de Noël, il me semble intéressant de faire travailler à mes élèves de 2nde section

Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


Chapter 6 - Merry Christmas

1) Lines 1 to 6 What is Scrooge’s frame of mind ? How does he feel about Marley ?

2) Why is Scrooge confused about the date ?

3) Pages 52-53 Which verb is repeated four times ? Why ?

4) Lines 40 to 45 Explain why the two men look shocked.

5) Lines 49 to 52 Why is Scrooge afraid to knock on the door ?

6) Line 62 “Scrooge pretended to be furious” means : (tick the right answer)

He was really furious.

He was not really furious.

7) Tick the right answer : Although he is twenty minutes’ late, Bob is going to get a pay rise.

As he is late, Bob is going to get a punishment.

8) Speech bubble : “I, er, are you sure ? Oh !”

Explain Bob’s reaction.

9) Pick out a phrase meaning “he kept his promise.”

10) Lines 79 to 84 : Which word is repeated three times ? What does it prove ?

11) Go back to chapter 1 and find a sentence which is the right opposite of “...his own heart

laughed with them” lines 83-84.

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Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


General assessment

I Scrooge’s timeline

List the key events that cause Scrooge to change.

Beginning of book

1) ..........................................................................................

2) ..........................................................................................

3) ..........................................................................................

4) ..........................................................................................

5) ..........................................................................................

6) ..........................................................................................

7) ..........................................................................................

8) ..........................................................................................

9) ..........................................................................................

10) ..........................................................................................

11) ..........................................................................................

End of book

Key moments in the story when Scrooge changes :

a- Waking up on Christmas


e- Watching the


i- Watching people sell his

former belongings

b- Visit from Marley f- Seeing the dead man’s


j- Watching Fred’s family


c- Watching the break-up with

his former love

g- Watching Christmas at


k- Sending the Cratchits the


d- Tiny Tim’s death h- Seeing himself as a child at


II Analyse the message Charles Dickens meant to convey in A Christmas Carol.

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Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

Odile GOUGET – Lycée Saint Marc – Nivolas Vermelle – Académie de GRENOBLE


III Tiny Tim’s biography as cloze

Use the following words to fill in the blanks :

bless - Cratchit - cruel - every - friendlier - mother - Scrooge - selfish - Tim - spend -

wonderful - Christmas - carries - cripple - crutch - father - large - said - second - Tiny -

My real name is ....................... Cratchit, but everyone calls me ..................... Tim. I was born a

........................................... and have to use a ........................................ to help me walk around,

but my father (Bob ................................ ) often ................................... me on his shoulder. My

family is quite ....................................... (I have two brothers and three sisters) and we are very

close and all look after each other. We enjoy being together, especially at ................................

time when we are able to .............................................. the whole day together, and my ................

cooks a ....................................... meal for us all.

My ........................................ works for Mr ................................. and my parents have always

said that he is very ............................... and ....................................., but lately he seems to have

changed. He is now much ............................................... and is like a ................................ father

to me.

When people think about me they remember something I ............................... at Christmas:

‘God ...................................... us, ........................................ one !’

Extension: Now that you have completed Tiny Tim’s biography, select one other character

and create your own ‘cloze’ biography for them (no more than 100 words).

When you have finished, test it out on your neighbour.

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