  • 8/12/2019 Qb Ch-4 Planning 2014-15


    QUESTION-BANK (2014-15)


    Chap!" 4#$%a&&'&

    Tp'*# C&*!p+ ',p"a&*!+ %','a'&+ p"*! a&. p! p%a&

    S!*'& A

    1 ,a" 3!'

    1. State any one limitation of planning.2. Planning is goal-oriented. How?

    3. What is meant by Policy as a type of Plan?

    4. efine Planning

    !. "ist any two characteristics of Planning.#. "ist any two limitations of planning.

    $. %&plain the meaning of '()dget*.

    +. efine planning premises.

    ,a" 3!'

    ,. State any si& feat)res of planning.

    1. State any si& limitations of planning.11. State the steps in the process of planning

    12. What is meant by 'Policy* as a type of plan?

    13. What is meant by 'Proced)re* as a type of plan?

    14. What is meant by planning? "ist any two feat)res of planning

    5 ,a" 3!'!. %&plain the step inoled in the process of planning.

    1#. %&plain any fie limitations of Planning1$. %&plain any fie feat)res of Planning.

    S!*'& B

    1 ,a" 3!'

    1+. Which type of plan has the least fle&ibility and why?

    1,. /n spite of many adantages state how planning can be detrimental

    2. 0ie one difference between policy and proced)re21. What is meant by 'selecting an alternatie* as a step in the planning process.

    22. Why it is said that planning is pre-re)isite for controlling

    23. State why planning is called a primary f)nction of management24. State why planning is called a perasie f)nction in management.

    2!. Planning is the secondary f)nction of management*. o yo) agree?

    2#. '/t is a comprehensie plan for accomplishing an organiation*s obecties*. ention it.2$. 'Policies are g)idelines to managerial action and decisions in the implementation of

    strategy*. S)pport with an e&ample.

    2+. isting)ish between 5)les and methods

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  • 8/12/2019 Qb Ch-4 Planning 2014-15


    2,. Planning does not lead to rigidity. o yo) agree?

    3. 'Planning is a time cons)ming process*. Why this becomes a limitation?

    31. Which plan has a limited scope6 proced)re or method?32. '/t proides a base for analying f)t)re co)rses of action. ()t6 it is not a sol)tion to all

    problems*. 7ame the f)nction of management referred to

    33. What is the meaning of 'ethod* as a type of plan ,a" 3!'". 'Planning is doing the wor8 for achieement of goals.* o yo) agree? 0ie reasons in

    s)pport of yo)r answer.

    3!. Planning always leads to s)ccess.* o yo) agree? 0ie reasons in s)pport of yo)r


    3#. 9:o see whether plans are being implemented and actiities are being performed

    according to sched)le;6 is a step of planning process. /dentify the step.

    3$. %&plain how 'planning* is f)t)ristic?

    3+. 'Planning is perasie*. %&plain briefly.3,. 'Planning is of ital importance in the managerial processes. %&plain.

    4 ,a" 3!'. 'Planning is beneficial to all*. %&plain in brief the benefits of planning f)nction of


    41. %&plain 'obectie* and 'policy* as types of plan )sing s)itable e&amples.

    42. %&plain 'method* and 'r)le* as types of plan43. %&plain 'proced)re* and 'programme* as types of plan.

    44. %&plain 9policy and proced)re; as types of plan.

    4!. %&plain 'obectie and strategy* as type of plans

    6 ,a" 3!'

    4#. %&plain why planning is necessary for effectie management

    4$. %&plain the steps inoled in the process of planning.

    S!*'& C

    1 ,a" 3!'

    4+. 7ame the type of plan which is time bo)nd and lin8ed with meas)rable o)tcome.4,. 7ame the type of plan which proides the broad conto)rs of an organiational b)siness.

    !. 7ame the type of plan which tells what is to be done and what is not to be done

    !1. 7ame the type of plan which defines the parameters in which a manager may f)nction.

    !2. ':his f)nction of management means deciding in adance what to do and how to do*.State the f)nction inoled.

    !3. 'Planning establishes standards for controlling*. /n other words what does this means?

    !4. Which is the most cr)cial step in the planning process?

    !!. < company needs a detailed plan for its new proect '=onstr)ction of a Shopping all*.What type of plan it is?

    !#. 7ame the aspect which m)st be considered while forming b)siness strategies.!$. Which plan has a limited scope6 proced)re or method?

    !+. Planning re)ires logical > systematic thin8ing rather than g)ess wor8. Which feat)re

    of planning is highlighted here?!,. While form)lating a plan6 the manager is re)ired to ma8e certain ass)mptions abo)t

    the f)t)re. What are these ass)mptions called?

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  • 8/12/2019 Qb Ch-4 Planning 2014-15


    #. 7ame the type of plan which is also a control deice from which deiation can be ta8en

    care of.

    ,a" 3!'

    #1. 'Planning is loo8ing ahead*. %&plain

    #2. 0ie an e&ample each of any three limitations of planning which are beyond the control

    of an organiation.#3. 7ame the simplest types of plans. Why are they the simplest?

    5 ,a" 3!'

    #4. '7o enterprise can achiee its obecties witho)t systematic planning*. o yo) agree

    with this statement? 0ie any si& reasons in s)pport of yo) answer.

    #!. ':ho)gh planning is an important tool of management6 yet it is not a remedy for all

    types of problems*. o yo) agree with this statement? 0ie any fie reasons in s)pport

    of yo)r answer.

    S!*'& D

    4 ,a" 3!'

    ##. :he =% of @AB "td. an a)tomobile enterprise dreams of his company becoming thebest player in f)t)re6 for which he sets the obecties6 forecasts the f)t)re and deelopsario)s co)rses of action.

    iC /dentify the management f)nction which is highlighted here.

    iiC What are the ario)s al)es the =% is striing to achiee?#$. What al)es does planning emphasie by red)cing wastef)l actiities and establishing


    #+. 9Planning is a mental e&ercise;. What h)man al)e is being emphasied?

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