
Roman Republic

Roman RepublicSPQR - SentusPopulusqueRmnusThe Senate and the People of Rome

Tarquin MonarchyI.Tarquin Monarchy-The last of the Tarquin monarchs ruled as atyranny -Absolute power of one ruler that is often cruel. A. The Romans did not like being ruled by a tyrant so they overthrew the monarchy (government ruled by a king or queen). B. They set up their own government called arepublic. C. NO ROMAN OR ITALIAN EVER USED THE TITLE KING AGAIN!!!!!!!

Timeline of RomeDecline and Collapse of the Roman Empire

II. The RepublicII.Republic-Form of representative democracy and type of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and to make laws and the head of the state is not a monarch. A. To serve in Rome's Republic you had to be a citizen and male.

II. The Republic continuedB. Roman Society was divided into two groups: 1.Plebeians- Common People - Peasants, craftspeople, traders, and other workers. a. Majority of the population b. At first, not allowed to participate in the government but eventually got the right. 2.Patricians- Nobles - Wealthy and powerful citizens a. Small minority of the population b. At first, controlled all the government but eventually had to allow the Plebeians.

II The Republic continuedC.Tripartite- A Government of Three Parts OR 3 branches (similar to U.S. Government)-THIS WAS TO MAKE SURE NO ONE PERSON HAD ABSOLUTE POWER OVER THE GOVERNMENT!! 1. Branch One of the Government a.Magistrates- The electedrepresentatives to Rome's Government. b.Consuls- Two most powerful magistrates. c. Elected to one year terms. One ran the city of Rome. The ran the army. d. Two instead of one so no one could become too powerful. CONSULS WERE THE MOST POWERFUL MEN IN ALL OF ROME!!! e. Other Magistrates held other government positions for 1 year terms.

II The Republic Continued 2. Branch Two of the Government a.Roman Senate- Council of wealthy and powerful Romans that advised the city's leaders. b. Met to advise the consuls and magistrates. c. Held office for life. d. SPQR - Latin forSentusPopulusqueRmnus- The Senate and the People of Rome. d. HAD GREAT INFLUENCE OVER ROME'S GOVERNMENT!! WERE HIGHLY RESPECTED MEN.

II. The Republic continued3. Branch Three of the Government a. Two Branches of Part Three of the government. b. First Branch -Assemblies- All Patrician and Plebeian males took part in Assemblies 1. They elected the Magistrates who ran thegovernmentof Rome c. Second Branch -Tribune- Elected officials elected by Plebeians. 1. Couldvetowhich means toprohibitactions by Consuls and other magistrates. 2. Tribunes were very powerful in Rome's government. Held office for 1 year 4. ROMAN GOVERNMENT INFLUENCED WESTERN CULTURE INCLUDING THE UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT!!

II. Roman Republic continuedD.Dictator-A ruler who has complete and absolute power over a country. 1. During a time of emergency or crisis, a dictator could be appointed to run the Roman Republic. 2. An example of a crisis could be a war.

III. Checks and BalancesIII.Checks and Balances- Keep any one part of a government from becoming stronger or more influential than the others. 1. Examples a. Term limits of one year. b. One consul could block the actions of another;vetothe other consul. c. Laws proposed by the Senate had to beapprovedbymagistratesand ratified (approved) by assemblies

IV. Rule of LawIV. Rule of Law - 1. Rome's laws were written down in a code; a collection of rules and laws. 2. First code was written on 12 bronze tables, or tablets; Law of the Twelve Tables 3. Tables were displayed in the Forum - Rome's public meeting place. 4. Used the Twelve Tables as a symbol of Roman law and the rights as Roman Citizens

V. Power of the Roman RepublicV. Power of the Roman Republic 1. Rome became more powerful due to trade along the Mediterranean Sea and by conquest (to conquer or takeover). 2. Trade - Romans became very wealthy off of trade. 3. Conquest a. Forced Greece, Spain, Macedonia, Asia Minor (Turkey today), and the island of Sicily to become part of Rome. b. Punic Wars - Wars between Rome and Carthage. Rome won and became the most dominant power in the Mediterranean Sea. - Scipio Africanus - Roman general who defeated Hannibal of Carthage - Scipio Lane is where the Horry Recreation Center, recyclingcenter, fire station, and near where Burgess Elementary is.

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