Page 1: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Aspek/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Kelas/Semester : VII/Gasal

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 40 menit (2x pertemuan)

Jenis Teks : Teks Transaksional/ Interpersonal

Tema : Gratitude and apology expressions

Standar Kompetensi : 3. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar : 3.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get

things done dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta

dan member informasi. Mengucapkan terimakasih, meminta

maaf dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.

Indikator : Merespon makna tindak tutur yang menyatakan ungkapan ucapan terima kasih dan minta maaf.

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

a. Mengidentifikasi dan memahami bentuk dan fungsi ungkapan berterima kasih

dan minta maaf

b. Menggunakan ungkapan berterima kasih dan minta maaf dalam berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan terdekat

c. Mengetahui berbagai macam ungkapan berterima kasih dan minta maaf

d. Menjawab dan merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan suatu percakapan.

Page 2: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Cermat, komunikatif.

2. Materi Pembelajaran

1st meeting (gratitude expressions )

Dialogue 1:

Mirna : Hail Len, you look beautiful with your new dress.

Lena : Thank you very much Mirna.

Mirna : you are welcome.

Dialogue 2:

Adnan : Hi, good morning Ozan.

Ozan : Good morning adnan, where are you going?

Adnan : I am going to the Bank, but I don’t know the way.

Ozan : Can I help you?

Adnan : Sure.

Ozan : Follow me! I will show you the way.

Adnan : Okay, thanks a lot.

Ozan : any time.

We use these expressions to express


We use these expressions to respond

to gratitude

Thank you


Thank you very much

Thank you so much

Thanks a lot

You have my gratitude

That’s all right

Any time

My pleasure

You are welcome

No problem

Don’t mention it.

2nd meeting (apology expressions)

Dialogue 1:

Kasih didn’t come at Mila’s birthday.

Kasih : Good evening Mila.

Mila : Good evening.

Kasih : Mila, please forgive me. I missed your birthday party yesterday.

Mila : please don’t be sorry. Why didn’t you come?

Kasih : my mother was sick.

Mila : I am sorry to hear that.

Page 3: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

Dialogue 2:

Listy was waiting for Lisa. They had appointment to go to a bookstore.

Lisa : Good morning Lisa.

Listy : Good morning.

Lisa : Listy, I am really sorry. I’m late. I had to water the plant first.

Listy : It’s OK. But next time please tell me first.

Lisa : of course. Let’s go now.

We use these expressions to express


We use these expressions to respond

to apology


I am sorry

I am (very/really/so) sorry

I apologize for …..

Please excuse me

Please accept my apology

Please forgive me

Will you forgive me, please?

It’s O.K

That’s all right

Please don’t be sorry

Never mind

It doesn’t matter

Don’t worry about it

I forgive you

Forget about it

3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

a. Presentation, Practice, Production.

b. Arrange the sentences.

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

1st meeting (gratitude expressions )

Uraian KegiatanAlokasi


Kegiatan Awal 10 menit

Guru mengawali proses pembelajaran dengan salam, berdoa, dan


Confirming readiness (mengkonfirmasi kesiapan siswa)

Siswa bersama guru mengingat materi yang dipelajari pada pertemuan


Page 4: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

Apersepsi : Guru memberi stimulus kepada siswa dengan bertanya


Motivasi :

Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut kompetensi

yang harus dikuasi siswa

Kegiatan inti 60 menit

Siswa berdiskusi dengan berkelompok (Activity 1)

Siswa di bagi menjadi 6 kelompok

Setiap kelompok akan mendapatkan kalimat- kalimat acak yang

berhubungan dengan ungkapan terimakasih

Setiap kelompok ditugaskan menyusun kalimat-kalimat tersebut

menjadi sebuah dialog yang baik dan benar

Siswa bersama guru mengevaluasi hasil diskusi.

Siswa mengetahui berbagai macam ungkapan terimakasih beserta

responnya (activity 2)

Siswa membuat dialog berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan (activity 3)

Siswa menampilkan hasil dialognya

20 menit

5 menit

5 menit

10 menit

20 menit

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru mengkonfirmasi pemahaman siswa.

Feed back (Menanyakkan kesulitan siswa selama KBM)

Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan tentang materi yang telah diajarkan.

Guru mengingatkan materi yang akan di ajarkan di pertemuan


10 menit

2nd meeting (apology expressions)

Uraian KegiatanAlokasi


Kegiatan Awal

Guru mengawali proses pembelajaran dengan salam, berdoa, dan


Confirming readiness (mengkonfirmasi kesiapan siswa)

Siswa bersama guru mengingat materi yang dipelajari pada pertemuan

(10 menit)

Page 5: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)


Apersepsi : Guru memberi stimulus kepada siswa dengan bertanya


Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut

kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa

Kegiatan inti 60 menit

Siswa berdiskusi dengan berkelompok (Activity 1)

Siswa di bagi menjadi 6 kelompok

Setiap kelompok akan mendapatkan kalimat- kalimat acak yang

berhubungan dengan ungkapan meminta maaf

Setiap kelompok ditugaskan menyusun kalimat-kalimat tersebut

menjadi sebuah dialog yang baik dan benar

Siswa bersama guru mengevaluasi hasil diskusi.

Siswa mengetahui berbagai macam ungkapan minta maaf beserta

responnya (activity 2)

Siswa membuat dialog berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan (activity 3)

Siswa menampilkan hasil dialognya

20 menit

5 menit

5 menit

10 menit

20 menit

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru mengkonfirmasi pemahaman siswa.

Feed back (Menanyakkan kesulitan siswa selama KBM)

Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan tentang materi yang telah diajarkan.

Guru mengingatkan materi yang akan di ajarkan di pertemuan


10 menit

5. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran

- Buku paket “English in Focus for SMP/MTs Class VIII pengarang Artono

Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusman/2008 halaman 21,22, 23,


- Buku Let’s Talk kelas VII edisi 4 pengarang Th. Joko Siswanto, Yuniarti Dwi

Arini, Wasi Dewanto /2005 halaman 186, 187, 194, 195, 196.

- Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

- Script percakapan

- Lingkungan kelas (real objects in the classroom)

Page 6: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

6. Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk kerja, tes lisan

Bentuk Instrumen : Performance (work in pairs)

Contoh Instrumen/ Soal : Perform in front of the class !

a. Rubrik Penilaian

Penilaian Skor

Jika pelafalan tepat, dan lancar tanpa membaca teks

Jika pelafalan kurang tepat dan kurang lancar tanpa membaca teks

Jika pelafalan tepat, dan lancar dengan membaca teks




b. Pedoman Penilaian.

A = 91 – 100 (Very Good )

B = 81 – 90 ( Good )

C = 71 – 80 ( Average )

Guru Pamong


NIP 19700914 199412 2 002

Cirebon, Oktober 2013

Mahasiswa Praktikan,


NPM. 110060440

Page 7: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)


Activity 1: Arrange them into a proper dialogue.

Then, perform the dialogue in front of the class.

Haii, good afternoon.

You are welcome.

Thank you very much Mirna. I have this dress from Father.

Good afternoon Mirna.

Wow... it is new dress? You look so beautiful.

Mirna has new dress from her father.

Mirna :

Lena :

Mirna :

Lena :

Mirna :

Can I help you?

Any time.

Good morning Ozan.

Okay, thanks a lot.

Good morning Adnan, where are you going?

Follow me! I will show you the way.


I am going to the Bank, but I don’t know the way.

Adnan will go to the Bank, but he doesn’t know the way.

Adnan :.

Ozan :

Adnan :

Ozan :

Adnan :

Ozan :

Adnan :

Ozan :

Page 8: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

Activity 2: We can use these expressions to express gratitude whenever you get something, some help

or some praise from other people.

We use these expressions to express


We use these expressions to respond

to gratitude

Thank you


Thank you very much

Thank you so much

Thanks a lot

You have my gratitude

That’s all right

Any time

My pleasure

You are welcome

No problem

Don’t mention it.

My pleasure

Activity 3: Make dialogues about gratitude expression based on these situations.

1. One day, your father bought you a new bicycle.

What would you say?

How would your father respond to it?

2. At the break time your friend wants to treat you in the school canteen.

What would you say?

How would he/she respond to it?

3. It was Ratih’s birthday. You gave her a special gift.

What would she say?

How would you respond to it?

Page 9: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

BAHAN AJAR (2nd meeting)


Activity 1: Arrange them into a proper dialogue.

Then, perform the dialogue in front of the class.

My mother was sick.

Good evening.

Please don’t be sorry. Why didn’t you come?

Mila, please forgive me. I missed your birthday party yesterday.

I am sorry to hear that.

Good evening Mila.

Kasih didn’t come at Mila’s birthday.

Kasih :

Mila :

Kasih :

Mila :

Kasih :

Mila :

Good morning, Listy.

Listy, I am really sorry. I’m late. I had to water the plant first.

Of course. Let’s go now.

Good morning Lisa.

It’s OK. But next time please tell me first.

Listy was waiting for Lisa in the cafe. They had appointment to go to a bookstore.

Lisa :

Listy :

Lisa :

Listy :

Lisa :

Page 10: RPP bahasa inggris SMP (gratitude expressions for speaking skill)

Activity 2: Apologize when we have done mistakes. We can use these expressions to express apology

whenever you make mistakes.

We use these expressions to express


We use these expressions to respond

to apology


I am sorry

I am (very/really/so) sorry

I apologize for …..

Please excuse me

Please accept my apology

Please forgive me

Will you forgive me, please?

It’s O.K

That’s all right

Please don’t be sorry

Never mind

It doesn’t matter

Don’t worry about it

I forgive you

Forget about it

Activity 3: Make dialogues about apology expression based on these situations.

1. You friend invited you to her party.

You can’t come because you mother is sick.

What would you say?

How would she/he respond to it?

2. Susan Lost Leo’s Comic.

She left it in the library.

What would she say?

How would he respond to it?

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