
. a UDK 930 (460.22./23) 16: 94(497.11) 13

: Expedicin de los catalanes y aragoneses contra les turcos y griegos ( ) 1620. . . : , , , , , , .

(1282-1328) - , , XV . , a , .[1] , , . , , , (1331-1345) (1345-1355). . , II (1282-1328), . 1298/1299. . , .[2] , 1299. .[3] - .[4] , XIV .[5] , , , II (1324-1337).[6], , , , . . ,[7] . , , , , (1556-1598) . , , , , .[8] 1586. , . . , . (?) IV (1621-1665). , , , . . . 1622. IV - . . , . , , , , , . 1635. , . . IV , , .[9] , 1620. , , , XIV . Expedicin de los catalanes y aragoneses contra les turcos y griegos ( - ) . , , , , .[10] , , . , .[11] , - - , , , , .[12] . , . , , , .[13] . , , 1666-1669. , , .[14] 1645. ,[15] , . , , , , , . , . IV, , .[16] . , , , , , . , , . , . XIV . , .[17] , , , .[18] () , , , , , .[19] , - , , . , , , (envi a llamar a suo yerno Crales, prncipe de los tribalos y de Serbia, casado con su hija Simnide).[20] , , .[21] , , - . ? , , , () .[22] , , ( ), , rex, . , . , , , .[23] , - , .[24] : ? . - 1562. .[25] , 1567, 1578. , , .[26] . - , , , - , . , - .[27] .[28] (prncipe de Serbia). , , . , .[29] . .[30] - . Expedicin de los catalanes y aragoneses contra les turcos y griegos ( ) , XVII , , , . , . PhD Radivoj Radic Institute of Byzantunistics SANU Belgrade

Summary SERBIAN KING MILUTIN AND BYZANTINE PRINCESS SIMONIS IN THE WORKS OF CATALNIAN WRITER FRANCISCO DE MONKADAWell-educated nobleman Francisco de Moncada 1620. wrote the historical text named Expedicion de los catalanes y aragoneses contra les turcos y griegos (Expedition of Catalans and Aragons against Turks and Greeks). In this text he had described adventures of one of the most famous mercenary medieval armies, the so called Catalan Company, that waged war against the Turks and then against Byzantium.In composing his writings, Monkada used Catalan and Aragonese sources, as well as facts of Byzantine writers. In his text, Francisco de Monkada briefly mentioned Serbian king Milutin and Byzantine princess Simonis.The facts brought by the Aragonese writer about medieval history are well known, but in this way were brought closer to readers of Perinea peninsula.

[1] : . , - , 46 (1937) 1-43; . , , I-II, 1952 (: 1978) 187 .; L. Mavromatis, La fondation de lempire serbe. Le kralj Milutin, Thessalonique 1978, 15-86 ( : Mavromatis, Fondation); , I, 1981, 437-475 (. . ); , VI, 1986, 24 . ( : . VI).[2] Mavromatis, Fondation, 89-119, a p . VI, 77-143 (. ).[3] . , . XII XV , 1926 (: 1997), 55-84; R. Radi, Some Observations of Theodore Metochites on King Milutins Reign and the Serbian Court at the End of the 13th Century, Zeitschrift fr Balkanologie 37/1 (2001) 47-56.[4] Georges Pachymrs Relations Historiques, d. A. Failler, III-IV, Paris 1999, 299-325. : . VI, 34-60 (. ). Cf. Lj. Maksimovi, War Simonis Palaiologina die fnfte Gemahlin von Knig Milutin? Geschichte und Kultur der Palaiologenzeit. Referate des Internationalen Symposions zu Ehren Herbert Hunger (Wien, 30. November bis 3. Dezember 1994), Wien 1996, 115-120; O.. , - 1298/1299..: , , , 57 (82) (1997) 96-109.[5] Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia, ed. L. Schopen I. Bekker, I, Bonnae 1829, 202-204 ( : Greg. I). : . VI, 168-171.[6] , , . . , 1866, 96-98, 160-161. : , , . , 1935, 72-74, 121.[7] : Francisco de Moncada, Expedicion de los Catalanes y Aragoneses contra Turcos y Griegos, prlogo y notas de Samuel Gili y Gaya, Madrid 1924 / : Moncada, Expedicion/.[8] - . The Catalan Chronicle of Francisco de Moncada, translated by F. Hernandez, ed. J.M. Sharp, El Paso 1975, - / : Hernandez-Sharp, Catalan Chronicle/.[9] Hernandez-Sharp, Catalan Chronicle, .[10] , IX.[11] : Ramon Muntaner, Crnica. Text et notes per E. Bagu, I, Barcelona 1927, II-IX, rev. M. Coll i Alentorn, Barcelona 1951-1952 (=Collecci Popular Barcino 19, 141-148).[12] Hernandez-Sharp, Catalan Chronicle, IX, [13] .[14] Gy. Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, I. Die byzantinischen Quellen der Geschichte der Trkvlker, Berlin 19582, 280.[15] , 322.[16] Hernandez-Sharp, Catalan Chronicle, X. [17] A. Lowe, The Catalan Vengeance, London Boston 1972, 69 sq.; . , II , 19 (1980) 251-273.[18] Moncada, Expedicion, 219-220.

[19] . , , - 1959 (: 1998), 448.[20] Moncada, Expedicion, 220. , , . Cf. Hernandez-Sharp, Catalan Chronicle, 126 n. 1.[21] Moncada, Expedicion, 220.[22] . VI, 24 et passim.[23] Moncada, Expedicion, 220.[24] Greg. I, 233-237. : . VI, 171-175 (. ).[25] .. , (), 1975, 22.[26] . VI, 152 (. ).[27] A. Laiou, Constantinople and the Latins. The Foreign Policy of Andronicus II, Cambridge (Mass.) 1972, 158-226.[28] Moncada, Expedicion, 346-347. Cf. K.M. Setton, Catalan Domination of Athens, 1311-1388, Cambridge (Mass.) 1948 /reprint: London 1975/.[29] Moncada, Expedicion, 347-348.[30] . VI, 182-183 . 60 (. ).

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