Download - RT May 2013

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The Dawn of a New Beginning…

If there was a way to get you Releasing 1,000% better than you are doing now…would you be interested?

Finally, a new, easy way to Release to get you back on track…just the way Lester did it…continue reading…

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Check out these new, amazing gains… Experiences Imperturbability

“Releasing with my releasing partner Dennis last night I felt a deeper sense of what it is like to be imperturbable. Also, released a need to hide out from life as I let go of a lot of pain, fear and anger from a hernia surgery when I was 3. Released on my dad’s wedding this week which is a wonderful opportunity to let go of aversions to large social situations, family members and the need for approval. Really seeing how wonderful being imperturbable can be. Why should I want anything else?” Rob King, ID

Does Not Need Surgery After Releasing“The reason I took the Health Teleconference Class with Rebecca was because after reviewing

CT scans I was told that I needed surgery from my primary care Dr. and the Surgeon she referred me to. He was going to set up surgery but I told him that I was going to think about it. I took the class. Long story short, toward the end of the class I got a 2nd opinion that did not agree, and then went back to see the referral surgeon and had him review things, he said ‘I do not need to do surgery.’ So no surgery. What a relief! Thank you for getting me back on track and in the right direction.” Bonnie Hemauer, CA

Love (Imperturbability) Oneness Overcomes Her“Day 1 of Course gain 6/22I experienced a priceless insight early this am while doing Adv/Dis to finding the perfect

partner - I was releasing on the 1st feeling and I had a total shift in consciousness - I saw how ego twisted real LOVE ( imperturbability) that underlies everything into wanting - Imperturbability is like an explosion of love re-joining the 2 seeming divisive energies of having and wanting - there is only ONE energy–that of LOVE

During my releasing of wanting it morphed to having which is a letting go of duality - a shift in consciousness. Ego (me) built a huge fortress around it and called it wanting and all the non-sense that comes with it.

I consciously chose imperturbability (love) - and then experienced lots of laughter thru tears of joy with tons of spontaneous releasing - here’s the kicker - this time unlike 4 years ago I was prepared for the ego. I remembered something Larry said last night about Step 6 - I kept letting go and asking “Could it get any better” and it did.

I had hugh amounts of energy in my body - felt like a transformer- had to get up and move- kept releasing- kept getting better- sent out the endless love to the ends of the earth- finally sat down - peace enveloped me- kept releasing- the top of my head opened and dark clouds of thought kept pouring out-

I became the energy of real LOVE ( Imperturbability), Oneness, which translates on this earth to Living In A Sea Of Having without the thought of it - HAVING IT ALL - then the concrete coffin surrounding my heart dissolved to reveal my true nature.

All of this after the opening session of the 30 day FF course - it’s humbling and a big WOW for me-Thank you so much Larry and all your staff for doing what you do” Kathleen Unruh

Unexpected $5,000 Gain“I checked my bank account status today before signing up for Bristol, and was surprised to

find a balance that is 5,000$ more than what I expected to see.I had money gains before, but this is the first time that it is totally unexplainable by any ‘ratio-

nal’ means.Just in the last few days I have released all my wanting around money in a very focused man-

ner, and also let go of the mental picture of my bank account.Thanks for the commitment and the ever-increasing quality of the live classes!”Omer Gilad, Israel

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During the year 527 BC, in the orient, Buddha enunciated the Fourfold Noble Truth:

Life is suffering.The cause of suffering is desire.

Ending desire ends suffering.Desire is ended by following the eightfold noble path.

Twenty-five hundred years later, we still desire. Our society teaches us to desire, to want things, and to work to get things, so we may be happy. Capitalism is based on fostering desire for goods, and getting love through having position, money, knowledge, or power. We are a culture of desire and fulfilling desire.

This isn’t surprising; we haven’t learned the lesson of love taught by Christ two millennia ago either. Both teachings reach the same point in the end. To become desireless, to not want anything external to ourselves, means we rest in ourselves, whole, joyous and happy. In this state, our true nature is constant love, unending love, giving love.

During this century, a master of the desireless state was born and attained his own enlightenment at age 42. His name was Lester Lev-enson. Lester understood desire as completely as Buddha; even more, he discovered a technique of understanding and controlling desire that is far more powerful than the eightfold noble path because it was designed with the 20th Century, inquisitive, psychological personal-

ity type in mind. Also, it is much simpler. Lester’s technique is powerful because it is active, not passive, as are all the higher forms of meditation.

Lester created the perfect method of attaining happiness with no sorrow, called the Release Technique Method. This method is easily accessible to everyone.

Make a List of the Things You Want in Life

Make a List of the Things You Have in Life

DESIRE is Holding You Back From Having Everything in Life

What happens when we desire something? What is happening when we want a sense experience or to possess an object, such as a new house?

First, to want something means we feel we don’t have it. We feel empty, lonely, lacking, or deprived, and we believe if we possessed that object, or had that experience, we’d feel filled up and we would be happy. So, behind all desiring and seeking is 1) a motivation to be happy, and 2) a belief that happiness lies in desire’s fulfillment.

Learn to Let Go of Desire and HAVEProsperity, Health, Happiness and Freedom

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On the contrary. Desire is the problem. Being in a state of desire is suffering; wanting, lacking, hurting, and looking to a future time when we will have the desire and be happy. If we had no desire, we would be happy already, not happy in the future after attaining some experience. You cannot be satisfied in the future; you can only be satisfied now. You may have been satisfied in the past, but that memory does not satisfy now. As long as we are in now (and there is only the now), desiring an object or experience in order to make us happy, then our continuous, present experience will be of the pain of wanting, and of delaying satisfaction or happiness until attaining something in the future.

What is normally taken as human happiness is to get something we want so that the wanting, empty feeling goes away, and we feel happy for a moment—until the next desire arises.

But this ordinary, human-style happiness does not come from attaining the object. It comes from no longer desiring something. When we no longer desire, we no longer look outside our-selves for something. When we no longer desire, we no longer look outside ourselves for comple-tion, and we discover we are complete already. The sense of completion, or fulfillment is always ours already, as we would discover, if only we stop desiring.

For example, we desperately want a new Bentley. We read all the brochures, check our antic-ipated future income, crosscheck anticipated expenses, etc., and then we buy the Bentley. After a few days of buyer’s remorse, we happily drive our new car for all to see. We seek nothing now, and we are happy. Is the happiness from getting the car, or from stopping the lusting? When we stop seeking, we are satisfied.

This understanding goes against the grain of all our beliefs. The ultimate conclusion of this viewpoint is we are happiest when we do nothing, accomplish nothing, dream nothing, and we are content to just rest in our own being. Since most of us harbor a very limited and perhaps negative self-image, we find the prospect of spending a lot of time with ourselves, at best, boring and, at worst, gruesome. The psychodynamics of desire are interesting.

Wanting something means we believe that something is separate from us.

The desire itself creates a duality, a polarization that prevents us from feeling our always-perfect completion inside. As long as we want, we think and emote about the desired object. This mental business reduces conscious-ness of our inward, ever present happiness, and we feel empty and lacking.

Even more, the wanting something creates a duality that prevents our attaining it. Wanting creates a sepa-ration between us and the thing desired, which creates a pain of neediness inside, and a constant straining for

the object that prevents us from acting appropriately to get it. Imagine a man who has starved for ten days suddenly brought to a four star restaurant. His hunger would likely lead to inappropriate behaviors that might get him kicked out before he ate.

Did you ever want a new job, a new house, or a new sexual experience so badly “you could taste it”? What happens? Usually, you don’t get it. You are too uptight, too tense, and your behav-iors are inappropriate. This inappropriate behavior arises on the conscious level.

More subtly, and far less obviously, there are other psychodynamics involved. There is an in-visible level of causation, where the wanting causes a distortion in the flow of supply and demand, so to speak. Desiring sets up a duality that makes it more difficult to get what you want. Only by letting go of the desire can you remove the distortion that allows you to get that which you no longer desire! Paradox?

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It is a paradox only as long as you hold on to the viewpoint that you are a human being, trapped, so to speak, in a body, embedded in a world of objects and time, with a personal history.

In this belief system, this ideology of illusion, that creates the duality of you, of body versus world, and of me wanting something outside myself. Desire sustains the illusion of separateness by lusting after objects that appear to be outside ourselves, preventing us from feeling complete and fulfilled in every moment.

IS THE OPPOSITE OF HAVINGDesire, too, creates and sustains the dualities that inhibit our getting what we want. If we can

get into the feeling state that we already have what we want, the duality disappears, allowing easier receiving of the desired event. That is, if instead of lusting after something, we calmly feel like we already have it, then it is ours. We actually allow ourselves to receive it…by letting go of wanting (a lacking feeling).

This is not meant as a polemic against success. Indeed, success is much easier after master-ing the dynamics of desire. It is perfectly O.K. to experience most anything and to have most anything. The having is not a problem. The problem is wanting, which causes pain and inhibits receiving on the level of behavior. Check the list of Wants that you have made and see if there is any pain there for not having it. See if it is everything you don’t have?

Becoming perfectly happy is as easy as letting go of a hot poker. We can learn to let go of feel-ings, desires, wants. After letting go of the desire, we can have what we formerly desired, because we have destroyed the separating duality, and the sense of lacking—the suffering; or, we can do without the desired object because, in our hearts, we already have the completion we expected from the object.

That is, the solution to the problem of desire is threefold: 1) we let go of the desire, in order to rest in ourselves and end the pain of desire, which allows 2) the receiving of what formerly was desired, because we feel and act differently, and the universe knows it. Lastly, 3) feeling already complete, we may decide to let go the attaining that was so important just moments before.

The old expression, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, is easily explained. A rich per-son doesn’t want money; he has the feeling “it’s mine already,” thus creating more money. A poor person wants money, thus creating lack.

These are wonderful teachings that can appeal to anyone alive. Lester’s message is: You can have it all! He says, parenthetically, “If you want anything at all, you can have it, providing you let go of wanting it.”

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Why are we doing this?You see…part of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals!

This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will have results in all areas of your life.

The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferences…and maybe someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable so we can help as many people as possible attend.

Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since we’re actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full 6 weeks.

So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $895. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $495 upon registering and then pay the additional $400 the next month. We’re so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your personal problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings).

Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and determining how you are going to get it done, don’t procrastinate and lose out on this oppor-tunity—it is a one-time event! The question is, “Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks—not years?” If yes, sign up NOW!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by going to

or call 1-818-279-24386

The course is held 6 consecutive Monday evenings Plus a month long Releasing support

8:00–10:30 p.m. (Eastern time) 7:00–9:30 p.m. Central/6:00–8:30 p.m. MT/ 5:00–7:30 p.m. PT

May 20 thru June 24, 2013

Kris DillardRelease Instructor

Participate on the phone, in a conference call. For Graduates—Designed to eliminate your weight & health problems once and for all!


The Health, Weight Loss & Fitness Teleconference

If you already taken the Health Mastery course (live or on CD), you can attend for $495.



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I became healthy and even lost 50 lbs by Releasing Only!

Kris DillardRelease Instructor


PAIN: Migraines, back, neck, shoulder, carpal tunnel, hip, knee, arthritic pain and neuralgia, joint pain, rheumatism—any kind of pain.CHRONIC ILLNESSES: Asthma, allergies, psoriasis, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, ulcers, MS, headaches, sleep disorders, eating disorders,

indigestion, addictions, fatigue, depression/ anxiety, cancer, heartburn, women’s conditions, menopause, osteoporosis, heart disease, men’s conditions, prostate conditions, diabetes, weight management, ADD/ADHD, bipolar.

This course will help you eliminate:

Loses Weight the First Week“I lost five pounds during the first week of the course with-out thinking about it!” Lloyd Scott, TX

Lost 25 lbs. and Gains $40,000“I earned $40,000 more in 2002 than I did in 2001 by Releasing only. I lost 25 pounds by just Releasing. I have been to practically every self improvement/spiritual pro-gram out there, but none has given me as much happiness and inner peace as Releasing.” Dr. Steve Deweese, MI

Bakery Owner Loses 60 lbs.“I own a bakery, and I tended to sample a lot of the sweets. Since learning The Release Technique I have lost 60 lbs. in a very short time. I had previously tried all kinds of diets and self-help programs and nothing worked till I discovered The Release Technique. What a God send.” Richard Minett, CA

Health & Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and LivingQuality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

Become Healthier and Fitter FasterWhile we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this amazing course.

Are you tired of worrying about your health and not finding answers?

For years I tried to improve my health by dieting, exercising, joining weight loss programs, counting calories and the like, with no success. I looked and looked for answers, but didn’t find any until I started using a natural ability everyone has inside of them to rid oneself of negativity and lose weight. You may not know this, but you have actually been walking around with the very same ability, but you’ve rarely, if ever used it. This ability is the key to improving health, while dropping those unwant-ed pounds and having the life beyond your greatest hopes and

dreams. It is my sincerest wish that you become aware of it, and start using it, as soon as you can, your well-being could depend on it.

“You too deserve a chance to be thin, fit, and have great health. Let me show you how to do it!”


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Weight Loss & Health Gains

Crohn’s Disease Gone & Drug Free“I’ve suffered from Crohn’s disease for 13 years, had numerous flare-ups and not been able to stop taking the strong and damaging medication that keeps it at bay. Since starting the course I’ve had no symptoms, which is great as I’ve had at least one symptom a day everyday for 13 years! And now I am drug-free! I have never released on my health as a goal, but releasing on everything that comes at me seems to have had a strong impact on my condition.” Graham Rix, AL

Loses Weight & Eats All She Wants“I gained clarity of mind. I was able to identify pro-grams that sabotage me. I also experienced losing weight and not gaining at all even though I eat a full meal all the time.” Aileen Sugay, TX

Insomnia Gone“I sleep very soundly after experiencing insomnia for about 13 years. The tightness in my chest has cleared up and I feel ease now. I had a pain in my right underarm and breast area that is gone. My relationship with my Mother has become one of acceptance and greater harmony after being very difficult. I feel tolerance toward people who used to upset me. My relationship with my son has become much more honest and harmonious. I am letting go of fear and worry with ease and have a deep know-ing that as I release my goals are realized.”Catherine Bode Friederich, AZ

Health is Fantastic Goes Beyond Grief“Everything is easier. Making more money—received a bonus of $1,700.00 unexpectedly, went beyond grief, due to the loss of a grandchild. Health is fantastic. I’m definitely more loving, and more positive.”Laura Ryan, IL

Released Pain In One Day“I feel better about my ex-husband–closer to feeling neutral about him. I released pain from a burn–it healed with no blister or scar. I believe my finances are improving. Better awareness of my blocks. Better awareness of how I get back what I give. Recently I fell on my back and tailbone. I released on the pain and was able to get up myself without help and had very little muscle soreness the next day and thereafter.” Margaret Albert, IL

Cures Chronic Bronchitis/Asthma “I have read so many books, taken seminars and listened to tapes. However, after learning The Release Technique, I knew this was what I had been searching for. I have let go of ‘pounds’ of old issues. I feel so much lighter and happier now. I was able to talk to Larry about a chronic bronchitis/asthma condition. He helped me release on this health issue. I continue to do this daily and I have continued to get better. I am a third grade teacher and I plan to release before, during and after class. Thank you, thank you!”Sharon Greenlee, TX

This epidemic is a threat to your health. It has two distinct sources. One is the medicalization of everyday life. Most of us experience physical or emotional sensations we don’t like, and in the past, this was considered a part of life. Increasingly, how-ever, such sensations are considered symptoms of disease. Everyday experiences like insomnia, sad-ness, twitchy legs and impaired sex drive now be-come diagnoses: sleep disorder, depression, rest-less leg syndrome and sexual dysfunction.

But the real problem with the epidemic of diag-noses is that it leads to an epidemic of treatments. Not all treatments have important benefits, but almost all can have harms. Sometimes the harms are known, but often the harms of new therapies take years to emerge — after many have been ex-posed. For the severely ill, these harms generally pale relative to the potential benefits. But for those experiencing mild symptoms, the harms become much more relevant. And for the many labeled as having predisease or as being “at risk” but destined to remain healthy, treatment can only cause harm.

What’s Making Us sick

is an EpidEMic of diagnosEs

Excerpt from an article in The New York Times, dated January 2, 2007.

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“I was looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking for love in too many faces. Searching your eyes, looking for traces, of what… I’m dreaming of… Hopin’ to find a friend and a lover, God bless the day I discover, another heart, lookin’ for love…”

You probably recognize the words from the Waylon Jennings song.Isn’t that how many of us in this world spend our entire life? Looking for love in too many

faces.We are looking for love exactly where it is not, out there. Maybe when we lay in that crib

with those doting adults hovering over us, maybe that’s when we first decided love is out there. Maybe that was when we decided to find love, to get love, to be loved, we have to get it out there. We have to get it from someone, they have to give it to us. And, if we can’t get someone to love us, we live in misery and constant wanting, looking for love in all the wrong places.

Lester Levenson made a discovery in 1952. He found, by deep and honest introspection, that when he was looking for love, when he wanted love from others, when he wanted to be loved, he was sick, and miserable and suffering. When he wanted to be loved he was living in negativity.

Lester found that the times in his life when he was loving, he was positive, happy, healthy and wealthy.

Lester saw when we want to be loved, we are into wanting something from someone. We want them to love us so we can feel good. Lester saw that this is the opposite of love. He saw that it was non-loving to want someone to love us.

He saw that love is an attitude of givingness, of givingness to another, with no thought of receiving anything in return. Love is wanting the other person to have what they want even though we may not be able to give it to them.

Upon making this discovery, Lester set out to rid himself of, to release, all of his non-lov-ing feelings. When he let go of all of his non-loving feelings, what was left was the all-loving infinite being that he had always been, his body was healed, his entire life was healed. Lester

…love is an attitude of givingness…

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has shown us the way. To find love, we have to look inside and we have to release. The more we release, the more we uncover that natural, loving, infinite being that we are, always have been, always will be.

We are, right now, 100% loving, 100% positive covered up by negative feelings called AGFLAP, our wanting approval, wanting control and wanting to be safe. As long as we are into wanting, we are non-loving and we feel a lack of love. We think we can get love out there and we find more AGFLAP because Love is NOT out there. It is right here in our very own nature right now.

We search around in all those eyes and then one day we spot someone who we “fall in love with.” We find someone just like ourselves. We find someone who wants love and we want love from them. We have what we call a relationship. We soon discover that this other person doesn’t have love to give us because they want us to give love to them. Uh oh, we don’t have love, we want the other person to give us love. So, we have two people, both of which want love from the other one and each not having it to give to another.

Is it any wonder we have such a high rate of divorce, so many family problems, so much anger and frustration? We are looking for love in all the wrong places.

We do not have to go anywhere to find all the love in the universe. All we have to do is open up to the all-loving being that we really are. To do that, we do what Lester did. We sit down and we begin to let go of our non-loving feelings; the first one of which is wanting to be loved, wanting approval. We look inside and we release all those negative, wanting, non-lov-ing—disapproval—feelings. And, as we do, we find we are becoming more loving—actually, we are not really becoming more loving—we are just opening up to the natural all-loving being that we are, always have been, always will be.

That is what we do when we Release. When we Release, we are letting go of all that we are not, the non-loving being that we are not. We are letting go of negativity. For each unit of Negativity we release we open ourselves up more to the positive, loving being that we are. And by and by we discover, we do not need anything, we ARE love and we are the All. It is only when we turn away from that, when we forget, and we think love is somewhere out there and we have to go and find it, that we move into desire and thus become miserable and suffering.

So, we have to wake up. It isn’t easy because we have had a habit for a long, long time of chasing love where it isn’t. We have had a habit for a long time of looking for love out there. We wake up, we release and release and release and we see, there is nothing to do, there is nowhere to go, all the love in the universe is right here, right where we are. We are that right now.

Make a decision in favor of being happy all the time. Make a decision to release and realize the All-Loving being that each of us are. And, as Lester tells us, just love, love, love and we will have everything.

…to find love, we have to look inside…

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More amazing gains…More and more I allow myself to be imperturbable at all times with ease.

“Without procrastinating, I return phone calls, prepare documents, schedule appointments, send fee statements to clients and I pay bills.

I booked round trip flights for August 8 and August 13 to and from Los Angeles for the inten-sive at Larry’s house and round trip flights on September 1 and September 9 to and from Reno/Tahoe for the Final Step retreat.

I jog on rugged bike trails in the park across from where I live that I have resisted exploring for 5 years.

I found two baseballs in the woods that had come over the fence of an adjoining Little League Field. I over handed them from the edge of the woods and both landed and rolled to stop behind the bag at Second Base. I have not thrown a baseball overhanded since the 1980’s when I develop a belief that doing so would strain my arm and interfere with my golf swing.

My body seems to be much more flexible, fit and balanced.This morning as I came out of the woods and feeling proud of how far and fast I had come on

the uneven ground, my foot hooked a root or turned a rock and I made a hard five point landing (knees, palms and bill of my ball cap). Of course, I came up laughing, resumed running and crossed the Highway along side of the vehicles leaving the park. When the mud and dust washed off there was no sign of any injuries on my hands or knees.

I may not be able to keep this releasing schedule for more than a couple of million years.” Dennis Hartnett, TX

Gains Fabulous Relationship with Son“Released with Larry about my son, wanting control-feeling very grateful and appreciative for

the work we did. Saw my son this morning and felt loving and supportive of him-the morning went well with him-felt a shift in the relationship. Felt a closeness, and it is easy to support him instead of resisting. Thank you so much for allowing me to see my wanting to control. My ener-gy is flowing. Also appreciated the killing exercise we did, let go of a lot -feeling the most peace than I ever felt surrendering to dying. Love that exercise. Released with Tadas on our programs yesterday and today. Seeing it more and more.” Sandra Pinchefsky

Self Loathing Dissolves“While releasing this morning I saw that I was holding on to a negative self image. With this

picture of myself I was unworthy of having. I focused on ‘I,’ ‘I,’ ‘I’ and released wanting to con-trol the stuckness. I became aware that I am that pure beingness. The attachment to the negative self image, all the pictures and the energy of self loathing dissolved. I can have.” Harlan Mittag, MN

Victory Over Storm“During the East Coast storm of last week the boat house connected to the sea wall was ripped

away with a good portion of the wall. The boat house belongs to my significant other who has his own property across the street. I have been after him for years to repair the section of seawall his boat house is attached to as it is in poor condition - he would always find an excuse not to do so. Thru releasing I had finally reached a place that the attachment to getting it repaired was gone. I was not at all bothered when the storm did its damage. - Phillip was very proactive in addressing the situation and he never voiced the first complaint about having to fix/repair it ( very unusual for him) . Phillip will be replacing approx. 50 feet of sea wall and re-attaching the boat house all at his expense. This is a gain of approx. $15,000–$25,000 to me in addition to adding to my prop-erty value. Not a dime out of my pocket. You gotta love that release technique - I do.” Kathleen Unruh

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The 7-DayLifestyle Bootcamp

May 24–

Isn’t it silly to struggle when I can work side-by-side with you to create the new and better life you’ve always envisioned for yourself?

…of course it is.Now, I’m going to keep this

short because it’s extremely important to me that you read this message very carefully.

This affects no less than your entire livelihood…

At this bootcamp, I’ll be working with a group of dedicated releasers from all over the world, teaching them the newly designed techniques that allows them to accomplish their goals quicker than ever before–undeniably!

You may not have heard about this new breakthrough method recently used in the 30-Day Financial Freedom Lifestyle Teleconference. It’s unlike any other program you’ve EVER seen or heard of.

I’ve combined 30 years of the Release Technique method with Lester’s raw, core teachings and put them together in a way that produces astounding breakthroughs.

I am so sure of the effectiveness of this new material, I am prepared to offer you the most amazing challenge…

W h e t h e r y o u w a n t to create more joy in life, increase your income, improve your relationships, have more free time, or simply live a healthy life, I invite you to take action and jump aboard the most momentum-filled event of the decade!

Starting todayI invite you to finally make

the decision to have all your highest Goals and Dreams!

You will find out how to:✔ Evaporate all of your

frustrations and live a life of total ease and abundance.

✔K n o c k o u t a n y l imitat ions you are experiencing in life and discover that you can do anything you want.

✔Achieve any goal, no matter how big, using these power fu l new techniques.

✔Live in a constant state of peace and joy that no one and no thing can disturb.

Have you thought about what the next decade holds in store for you?

What will your life be like? Will you reach the next level of independence you’ve been gasping for with every breath?

As a Bonus for signing up for this Retreat receive the DIGITAL ONLINE COURSE

a $4,260 Value!


Sign up byMay 15

over memorial day weekend

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Financial Freedom &in Lake TahoeMay 30 (california)

If you did reach that new state of independence, what would it look like? What would you look like? How would you act?

I want to you take a moment to really put yourself in that place. Go ahead and imagine you are sitting right in the middle of your goal, as if it has already been achieved.

Seriously, take a moment to do that...

It feels pretty good, doesn’t it? Guess what...I’m going to show you how to turn that vision into a reality!

Introducing a Whole New EventAt this ver y specia l

Releasing Intensive, you will learn to live life as Lester lived it. And you will receive sup-port to continue what you have experienced, weeks after the Retreat is over.✔ You will experience what

it’s like to live in perfect health.

✔ You wil l experience what it’s like to have total harmony in your relationships.

✔ You will experience what it’s like to have abundance in every aspect of your life.

✔ I am going to take you by the hand show you how you can eliminate every ‘I can’t’ that is currently stopping you from experiencing the life of total fulfillment that you deserve. And I will be available to you for weeks during the teleconference.

✔And there’s no secret mystery to it! What I am going to show you is so simple and so practical that you can’t possibly fail if you follow along.

For Grads and Non-Grads

SPECIAL OFFERBring a friend who has not attended a 7-Day Retreat

and save $200 off the regular price for yourself and $200 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $400, bring 3 friends and save $600, bring 4 friends

and save $800, bring 5 friends and you go for

FREE! Plus each friend saves

$200 off the regular price.

Featuring the Financial Freedom & Lifestyle System

and The Health & Fitness Mastery Course material

Bring 5 new people and stay the entire week at the retreat

for FREE!

Includes room and three meals. Beginners package also gets the Digital Online

Course for FREE a $4,260 Value!

5 Additional 3 hour teleconferences to be held after the Retreat concludes.Digital Online Course (a $4,260 Value!)



Page 14: RT May 2013


Take Charge of All Aspects of Your

Life Today2013 marks a turning

point. Make it the year that you decide to take your life back and live it your way, once and for all.

Whatever you want your li fe to “look” like—just decide. Find out how to release all subconscious “I can’t” programs…and allow what you want to naturally show up.✔ Money. Better health. Business opportunities. The perfect partner. Whatever.

That’s the kind of life you are entitled to live.So listen: If the “picture”

in your life over the past few decades doesn’t match up to the visualization you just laid out a moment ago—maybe you should be at this new Life Mastery Retreat.

This Opportunity is Meant Just For You

A rare oppor tunity is available to you to have all the freedom Lester is talking about—and it’s up to you to take this opportunity.

I invite you to finally make the decision to have all your highest goals and wishes.

Introduce yourself to a whole new level of releasing at the week long Total Life Mastery Retreat.

Special new Financial Freedom and Health and Happiness material will show you how to attain the freedom that you have always been looking for.

I will share with you Lester’s secrets to having total abundance and freedom in your life.

This 7-Day event will help you

master all areas of your life like:

✔ Master all your health problems

✔ Master your financial free-dom and create the life that you deserve

✔ Increase the f low of income into your life

✔ Create and achieve a clear set of goals

✔ Eliminate all fear and worry

✔ Permanently eliminate self-sabotaging patterns

✔ Erase bad habits forever

✔ Enjoy every minute of every day

✔ Implement the life of your dreams

And that’s just a small “snap shot” of what you’ll get out of this new Life Mastery Retreat. But perhaps most important of all… you’ll walk out of that retreat with…

A New Found Feeling Of Inner Peace That Stays With You No Matter What Life Throws At You.

And that ’s something eve r ybody i s sec re t l y searching for.

D i s c o v e r f o r yourself what Lester discovered—a profound sense of peace, happiness and freedom, independent of outer circumstances. Read what Lester has to say about freedom, right in his own words…

“You Can Do It!”Why wai t one more

minute to live a life filled with happiness and total satisfaction. Lester’s message is that you can do it too. You just have to take the step—jump over the fence.

So . . . Where is it Held?

This course is for grads and non-grads. I t wi l l be held at the fabulous Granlibakken Conference Center in Lake Tahoe, California ( just 50 miles east of Reno, NV). The magnificent resor t is nestled in the beautiful pine trees above Lake Tahoe. Granlibakken is a Norwegian word for a “hill sheltered by fir trees.” Its enchanting combination of forest and lake creates the perfect place to practice Lester’s teachings.

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I t is the quiet that makes this Retreat Center the perfect place to learn these proven methods of generat ing unbel ievab le wealth and health. You can also take advantage of the fitness center with sauna and jacuzzi, tennis courts, and the swimming pools.

We’ll start on Friday, May 24 at 7:30pm and continue through Thursday, May 30 at noon. Tuition is only $2,095, plus room and board for $756 standard double occupancy ( $864.08 deluxe double ) and $986.40 standard single ($1,202.40 deluxe single). If you register by May 15, the tuition is only $1,695 (plus room & board). The prices includes three fabulous meals per day. To see what Granlibakken looks like visit:

(*For an additional $80, a limo will pick you up and return you to the airport.)

Just By Attending, You Will Get So

Much More!✔ You receive 5 additional

3-hour teleconferences so you can continue your momentum.

✔ You also receive the digital online course. ($4,260 value)

✔ The Financial Freedom Life Mastery Workbook. This 150 page workbook

is packed with exercises that you can use for a lifetime—exercises you can use to eliminate all obstacles to experiencing total abundance in your life.

✔ Larry guides you through very special cleanup ses-sions daily, designed to dump years of accumulat-ed negativity. ($600 value)

✔ R e l e a s e Te c h n i q u e Instructors are plentiful during the full seven days and are dedicated to give you personal attention. ($3,000 value)

✔ Fantastic Dining. Chefs provide a variety of meal choices for you to enjoy—break fast, lunch and dinner. ($1,100 value)

✔ Spec ia l dea ls , on l y available at these seven-day retreats, can save you thousands!

So . . . Are you in?If you don’t join us now,

your life will probably be the same five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. That’s what happens to the vast majority of people…Life passes them by because they’re afraid to act.

How you do anything is how you do everything. Don’t run the risk of saying to yourself five years from now, “Gee, I’m sorry I didn’t invest a few bucks in myself to

experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.”

The Financial Freedom and Life Mastery Retreat will bring graduates and non-graduates from all over the world. Be there to join in their unprecedented high-energy. Be there to share in their gains and share your own gains. Prepare now for your own releasing crescendo.

I urge you to sign up on our website, or call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place, or go to /live-classes. When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require.

Please contact us as soon as possible as this retreat has so many new, proven techniques to use for your own freedom, it is sure to be a sell out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis.

I’m looking forward to being with you in Lake Tahoe.


All attendees must stay at Granlibakken or

you cannot attend.

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Experiences Great Love & KnowingThat All is Okay“This morning while Releasing and getting ready for a wonderful Releasing day with intentions of clarity min-gled with love, I was stepping into CAP and had gotten as far as Acceptance when I had the overpowering pres-ence of Mind just talking to me, ‘Thank You for finally loving and accepting me and letting me be FREE to Play Back the Positive energy.’ I suddenly realized that I had been blaming Mind and sending ANGER to mind for all the AGFLAP and had actually tied up Mind with blaming and ANGER and consequently, Mind was unable to send me the Positive energy that I so hoped for! I had the dis-tinct sense of a ‘personage’ or some presence as I heard Mind say, ‘Thank you Elaine for finally SETTING ME FREE. I can now PLAY BACK to you the Positive Energy and Love that you have been sending for me to record.’ I continued for quite some time sending LOVE to Mind and giving gratitude to Beingness, Lester and all the Masters for being there to guide me through this won-derful experience. Allowing the wonderful feeling to expand and expand. I AM totally O.K. and I just know everything will be fine, no MATTER what happens.” Elaine Locati

$12,500 Gain“While at the retreat I felt more joyful, peaceful, out-going, and intuitive than I ordinarily do. I experienced greater mental clarity and quietness. I had an easier time dragging myself out of bed in the morning (this is usually quite difficult for me). A few weeks after the retreat I received $12,500 that I had not expected. S.H, VT

WOW“The food is the most amazing food I ever ate—wow!” Ken Smythe, CA

Pain Leaves and Commits to Love“I released a lot of pain and I feel so much lighter. I came here with pain in my left leg and foot where I had surgery on broken bones. I am leaving with no pain in my foot and leg. I feel a very deep feeling of happiness. I have connected with love for myself and everyone.” Vonda Allen, OK

Pain Subsides, Feels Happier“The pain in my legs was gone after releasing and the shaking in my hands subsided after a releasing session. I also began to feel lighter and happier. Thank you for a wonderful retreat.” Elizabeth Darden, PA

Multiple Tornadoes Miss City“I would like to share an amazing gain. This past Fri-day our area was hit by multiple tornadoes. I watched everybody worrying all day about it so I decided to send it love and approval. The radar showed it was headed right for us and as the storm started the weather man said the storm had shifted and it didn’t come through our city. I had set a goal that allowed all my friends and family to be safe and to my amaze-ment they all were missed by the storm. The other thing that happened was that as I was driving home and sitting at a light, the tornado sirens went off right next to me and the wind picked up so I started to panic. It took me minute to realize that this was a gold mine opportunity to let the fear go and that’s exactly what I did. Thank you for teaching us the Re-lease Technique and I look forward to the upcoming Love Yourself Course.” Melissa Hopkins

Allergy Problem Gone“What I gained from coming here is something that I would have never imagined I could gain. I found that I am in control of everything that has ever happened in my life and in order to move on in my life all I have to do is release everything. Before the retreat I had se-vere allergy problems. In a few hours of releasing, for the first time in several years I could breathe without any sort of congestion. Thank you everyone from the Release Technique.” William Almeida, MA

Feels Calm and Satisfied“Tonight I had a breakthrough. I was disapproving of myself and I had to ask myself the question “Do I love myself only when I’m feeling happy and ‘good’?” I recognized what was going on and gave myself love and approval. Now I’m feeling calm, satisfied, and loved. I love me!” Mary Hendricks

Got Self Confidence Back “I am feeling happy and I got my self confidence back. I am feeling clearer about my relationships and I am able to love.” Elizabeth Darden, PA

$66,000 Shows Up“Everything gets clearer and clearer. External events cooperate with us. Weather cooperates with us. We received $66,000 that we didn’t know we had.” Bob and LeaAnn Learsch, WV

Gains from the Financial Freedom Retreat

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When we have a situation, a trouble, or a problem we can’t resolve, the very

first thing we do habitually is, we ask our mind for a solution. Our mind is a recording and playing back unit. If our mind knows, we don’t have to ask. The answer is recorded and automatically pops up. The information comes up instantly. If we need to ask our mind, we already know our mind doesn’t have the answer.

Silly isn’t it? We continually ask our mind, when we know our mind doesn’t have the answer? Go into that empty file cabinet. There isn’t an answer in there to solve our prob-lem or situation. Not getting an answer, we already knew wasn’t there, we go into beating ourselves up. We disapprove of ourselves. What an idiot I am. How could I be so dumb? Shame on me.

Then, we ask our mind again. The entire cycle repeats itself over and over ad infinitum. Yes, ad infinitum, because we never let go of asking our mind and beating ourselves up, all the days and years of our lives.

It’s called worry. That’s its name, worry. Let’s see what Roget’s Thesaurus says are syn-onyms for worry. Here goes: Anxiety, mental anguish, uneasiness, fear, apprehension, con-cern, plague, disturb, vex, fret, upset, torture, torment, trouble. If we need more, Roget’s suggests we look up the words pain and torment. But, we get the idea, don’t we? Worry is worrying. It’s very negative. A very negative habit. It steals our peace of mind.

And, yet, we do it. We do it because we’re on automatic. When we’re on automatic we’re not discriminating, meaning we don’t see what’s going on. We don’t see how we’re hurting ourselves. We don’t see the damage we’re doing to ourselves. We’re on automatic and operating from AGFLAP when we worry.

A discriminating question is, where did we ever get the idea worry ever helped us or solved anything? Our mind tricked us on that one. Somehow we accepted the impression from our mind that we could solve a problem or fix a situation by worrying about it.

Let’s use one of those synonyms. We torture ourselves over a situation or problem often endlessly and yet, we never find a solution. We cannot. Our mind does not know. We

Has worry ever helped us or solved anything?

Worry Does Not Solve Problems

by Dennis Sullivan

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beat ourselves up. We get further and further away from a solution. We get more and more agitated. We get more and more negative. We get less and less positive, less and less happy, less and less healthy, less and less abundant. And, we never, ever, get a real, effective answer, an answer that works.

Oh, our mind will give us answers alright. Contact some other egos and chew over the issue with their minds. By the way, they’re secretly happy over our problem and equally have the same amount of solution, namely none. Worried minds ask worried minds and all that comes out of it is more worry. In fact, when we worry we’re holding the problem in mind, therefore supporting and strengthening the problem. We’re telling our creative mind to give us more of it.

Our minds give us many answers. Take a drink, see the doc-tor, get a prescription drug, eat a big plate of food, take a nap, take a vacation, watch some mindless tv, chat endlessly about our problem. But there never is a real solution. However, there is more beat-ing ourselves up, disapproving of ourselves and getting more and more negative.

Our mind does not have the answer. Our mind does not have the solution. Isn’t it time to stop asking it? Isn’t it time to stop worrying? It’s time. From this day forward, from this moment forward, let’s resolve, let’s discriminate. Let’s notice we’re worrying, we’re asking our mind and we aren’t getting anywhere. Let’s resolve from this moment to make a decision. No more worrying. It doesn’t work! No more worrying, it doesn’t help us. No more worrying. Worry isn’t the way to get solutions that will make us happy and positive.

Getting happy is just a decision. It begins by seeing what we’re doing to ourselves and ending it. Letting it go. Wringing our hands is not the answer. Releasing is the answer. We let go of asking our mind. We let go of beating ourselves up. We let go of disapproving of ourselves. We apply love. We apply love to ourselves. We give ourselves approval, not for just a second, not for just a minute, maybe for an entire hour, maybe for an entire day, maybe for the rest of our lives. We love ourselves.

We apply love. We love our problem. The negative didn’t work, did it? Why not try something positive? We apply love to the problem, or situation, or person. We send approv-al. We keep on sending approval. And, we watch what happens.

For one thing, we aren’t agitated like we were when we worried. We aren’t anxious and disturbed. We have moved up to the high energies of courageousness, acceptance and peace. We apply love. We send approval. We bathe our problem or concern with positive energy. Can’t you feel it already, just as you read these words? The problem resolves! How can it be anything else? Negative, a problem, cannot exist in the positive energy of love. It dissolves, resolves, and the picture changes.

Getting Happy is Just a Decision

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So, why don’t we do it? Be sure of one thing. Our mind does not want us to deal with so-called problems by applying love. Our mind knows, if we apply love, we’ll see that troubles and problems are only a mind-created illusion. They’re not real. They only seem real when energized by negativity. Our mind knows, when we apply love, there are no problems because nega-tivity cannot exist in the positive energy of love. So, why don’t we do it? Why don’t we break the habit of asking the mind, of beating ourselves up? It’s just a decision.

I can be positive and love myself or I can beat myself up. It’s just a decision.

And upon that decision rests our happiness or our ruin. We must

get bigger than that mind of ours and make a decision in favor of being all loving all the time. It isn’t a fairy tale. If we

decide to be all loving all the time, we can live

happily, healthily, and wealthily ever after.

Get bigger than the mind. Decide to face problems and issues by apply-ing love. Try it! It works!

Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information, see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does, share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to— will help you be in touch with the Releasing

community in a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

Join us on facebook!Have your friends join us on facebook!

Decide to face problems and issues by applying love

Page 20: RT May 2013


By Popular Demand in Europe!


If you are interested in Financial Freedom, Health Issues, Cleaning up all your unhappy

9-Day Financial FreedomJune 29–

• Do you have an abundant cash flow, so you can afford all the good things in life?

• Do you have radiant health?• Do you have all the time you need to accomplish all

you deserve?• Are your relationships all loving?• Do you have rock-solid peace?• How effortless are you?• Is there anyone or anything that still disturbs your

peace of mind?If you still have issues or problems, then you are

not there yet, and by “there” I mean “There” with a capital “T.” That state of complete Freedom in everything you do or have, that unshakable peace that Lester knew.

Are you whereyou want to be?

• Have you accomplished all you thought you would by now?

• Do you have all the money you deserve? Are you healthy? Are you in the relationships you have always wanted to be in?If not, I’d like to challenge you to up level all areas

of your life.

Starting today

I invite you to finally make the decision to have all your highest Goals and Dreams!

Has anyone ever challenged you to go after those dreams? To have all the money you will ever use? To be abundantly healthy once and for all? To be in love all the time? To have the peace of mind you deserve?

Well, I want tochallenge you!

Introducing a 9-Day transforma-tional experience where I will take you by the hand and personally show you how to attain the new and better life you always envisioned for yourself!

This new 9-Day Retreat was a tradition when Lester was alive and was always a sell out, so we expect this one will be too. We will be filling spaces on a first-come basis.

Redwood Hotel & Country Club, Bristol

Go for FREESign up for a

$5,180 package


and receive the digital online course ($4,260 value)

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REDWOOD HOTEL & Bristol, Somerset, UKHaving the Lifestyle you deserve, Freedom fromRelationships once and for all, then read on . . . .

& Lifestyle Boot CampJuly 7, 2013

We will also be featuring The Health and Fitness Mastery Course material during the retreat.

Sharing the Mastery Course with you is a promise I made to Lester and it’s a promise I aim to keep. My greatest reward for sharing this will be your success. I have reserved a week at the beautiful Redwood Hotel & Country Club—Bristol, UK. This spacious country club is set on 16 acres of woodland countryside. Deep peace…serenity…a sense of awe for the beauty of this secluded Country Club—all who visit here feel it. You can’t miss it! All your senses awaken. It is the quiet that makes this Retreat Center the perfect place to learn these proven methods of generating unbelievable wealth and health.

You can also take advantage of the fitness center, steam room, indoor, and outdoor swimming pools.

We’ll start on Saturday, June 29, at 5:30 pm and continue through Sunday, July 7 at noon. Tuition is only $2,495 (US dollars), plus room and board of £652 shared room, £884 single room (limited availability). If you register by May 15, the tuition is only $1,895 (US dollars) (plus room and board, includes three fabulous meals per day). To see what the Redwood Hotel looks like visit:

I urge you, for your own benefit, to please pick up the phone and call me in Los Angeles NOW at 1-818-279-2438 or call the local London number 020 3239 3894 to reserve your place. When you call, I’ll talk to you, personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you may require.

Bring a friend who has not attended a Release Technique Retreat and save $200 off the regular price for yourself and $200

for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $400, bring 3 friends and save $600,

bring 4 friends and save $800, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE! Plus each friend saves $200 off the regular price.

Bring 5 new people and stay the entire week at the retreat for FREE including room & board.

Featuring the “Moving from I Can’t to I Can” Releasing System and eliminate all your limitations once and for all!

Sign up by May 15 and receive at no additional cost:

Limited time offer. Subject to change.

✔ 5 Additional 3 hr. teleconferences to be held after the Retreat concludes. ✔ Digital Online Course (a $4,260 Value!)

MassiVE saVingsSign up by May 15

Page 22: RT May 2013


A good number of people believe that if they do everything right that will help them be happy. While others believe no matter what they do or don’t do, that they may

never really have total happiness. Some people believe they must accomplish things like having a good education, living and working in the right communities, having enjoyable relationships with family and friends. Other folks believe that by eating the right foods will help them be healthier and therefore they will also be offered a higher level of happiness. A large majority of folks believe that by taking a vacation once or twice a year or having a certain amount of financial security is what they need to be happy. Other folks perceive that by working harder, achieving more (i.e., recognition or advancement, having more toys, etc.), is what will give them happiness. Happiness to some people includes keeping up with or exceeding others’ accomplishments as referenced in the phrase, “Keeping up with the Jones’.” Some of us believe we need to spend more time trying to figure out what to do, so we can fill in the gap of what is perceived to be missing, and then we can be hap-py. And finally, there are a great number of folks that aren’t sure what real happiness is or how they can go to get it for themselves. Notice how limiting some of these options seem.

At one time or another, we have all spent a great amount of time pursuing activities or gathering acquisitions and occasionally wondered, “Is there more to happiness than being on a constant wheel like a hamster’s treadmill? When can we JUST be happy?” Trust that everyone has questioned the issue of happiness and has also wondered, “Is there more to happiness than just acquiring things or pursuing what others believe will give us happiness?” Yes, happiness is so much more than anything we may previously considered! Certainly acquiring things or achievements are incredible accomplishments; and yet our acquisitions appear to make us happy for short periods of time. The moment we acquire something, we are just as quickly working on getting the next thing; and never had a chance to enjoy or be thankful for what we achieved. At some point we may have also pon-dered if we are doing something wrong, because no matter what we’ve acquired, resulted in our feeling somewhat dissatisfied or unfulfilled.

What’s getting in the way of your happiness?

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Because we aren’t used to seeing ourselves as unlimited beings, we limit ourselves by placing conditions on what we believe we can have, or what we believe we can achieve. Beliefs such as, ‘I can’t… or I shouldn’t….’ also prevent us from being happy because we don’t understand how powerful our thoughts really are. By placing labels of extreme limitation upon ourselves, we then get to be right by creating these realities. We aggravate ourselves with things like guilt, anger, and wanting to change past situations or current cir-cumstances which are frustrating. Surely without realizing it, we are also either repeating patterns that we adopted from others or are in some way are blaming others for what we perceive they have done or haven’t done. Trust that everyone has accepted beliefs from others (parents, teachers, employers, relationships, and the media). Limiting beliefs pre-vent us from stepping outside of our comfort zone. By holding in mind situations that we do not want in our lives, causes us to focus on the problem, thereby sustaining it. We need to be able to begin looking beyond problems, and holding in mind what we would really like to have.

Total happiness is an incredible way of living once we know how to achieve this for ourselves. Truthfully, most of us don’t know where to find happiness only because we are looking for it where it doesn’t exist. We are looking for happiness in people, places or things. We keep attempting to acquire things in hopes that we will be able to move forward and finally be happy. Happiness is your true nature. It exists within you. When we are happy within ourselves, we can easily enjoy all the good things that life has to offer. By identifying and letting go of the limiting excuses that we may be serving up to ourselves, we’ll see that happiness is so much more than we’ve ever previously experienced. Total happiness includes living without regrets or remorse. Happiness is unlimited, loving and positive. By focusing on changing how you feel about yourself, will allow you to move be-yond feeling limited or uncertain. Anyone can achieve happiness if that is what they would really like to experience. Being happy is a natural ability that everyone has; although rarely uses because of not knowing how to access. Once shown where to look for happiness, you can easily move in the direction of where happiness really is and live a life that is more enjoyable. Make the decision to experience your total happiness by letting go of holding onto excuses and limitations. Take a step out of your comfort zone and experience what real happiness is!

www.happinesswhatisit.comYou can find out how to have happiness by watching this new video:

HAPPINESS is your true nature

I encourage you to share this inspirational new video with the world. Join us in our mission to empower and enlighten millions of people everywhere.

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How to Have ALL the Release Technique Teachers Work

With You to “Dissolve” All the Blocks Standing in the Way of You

Living The Life You Really Want . . .. . . and You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your Home . . .

see details…

For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

Sign up for a CYL Telecourse and have a full FREE credit on any other telecourse we offer during 2013*!

*this credit cannot be combined with other discounts, offers, or promotions. The credit is for 1 use only, not to be used for another CYL.

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For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

Also available in the European time zone too! Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 9:30am PT which is 5:30pm UK time.

All the other times are the same as above.

Do you have a telephone… or… Skype account?

If so, you can now take full advantage of the NEW “Change Your Life” course right from the comfort of your own home. Or, if you’re travelling or away on vacation you can still take advantage of it wherever you happen to be.

Hundreds of people have attended one of the live Abundance Course classes when they’ve been held somewhere around the world—attendees often made their way from across the country (and very often from another country) just to experience the life-altering events. In fact, it’s reached the stage where so many people want to attend (or re-attend) a live Abundance Course we are having trouble putting on enough live events in enough areas of the world to keep up with the ever-growing demand. So instead of you having to travel to attend an “on-location” Abundance Course class…make plans to attend the NEW Change Your Life course!

The NEW “Change Your Life” Course delivered to you via teleconference—will be conducted during “3-hour shots”

over two weekends—the dates are as follows: July 26–28 and August 3–4

Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 pm Eastern; 7:30 pm Central; 6:30 pm

Mountain), Each Saturday and Sunday for 3 hours starting at 8:30 am Pacific Time (11:30 am Eastern;

10:30 am Central; 9:30 am Mountain).

The Stay-at-Home, Convenient Teleconference

for Graduates and Non-Graduates


ANNOUNCINGthe NEW & Improved Abundance Course called the

July 26th through August 4th, 2013

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• Larry, teaching the total LIVE Release Technique course directly to you in the comfort of your own home.

• A powerful workbook custom designed to help you practice and learn the Release Technique so that you can live the lifestyle that you deserve.

• Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience.

• If you do not have the Release Technique 17 CD set we will give it to you FREE of charge so you can practice Releasing whenever you want. (a $279 value).

• We will also give you the complete FULL MP3 RE-CORDINGS of Larry and teachers doing clean ups never released before, yours to keep and use again and again. (a $165 value)

• You get full access to all of the Release Technique teachers throughout an entire weekend.

• A releasing partner to help you focus.

• You will be able to participate in breakout groups that allow you to talk in independent, private groups. You will be able to work with other releas-ers one-on-one. And with a press of your phone keypad, you have the ability to raise your hand to ask questions and express opinions, as well as request to work directly with your favorite teacher.

• This course will incorporate a powerful technolo-gy that gives you the experience of being right there in the room with all of the other participants and teachers.

• Access to our support line for Releasing assis-tance during the week (a $3,000 value).

• Lean how to move from “I Can’t to I Can” and eliminate all your limitations once and for all!

• Learn the Lesterizing Goals System

Here’s What You Get When You Register for The NEW “Change Your Life” Teleconference Course:

Have you been trying to have financial freedom and the perfect lifestyle, but it just isn’t happening for you? Stop right now!

The new “Change Your Life” Teleconference will actually show you how to make it

work for you in only 2 weekends.In this course you will discover:

• How to have 93% more time and 362% more money doing what you love• What really causes successful people to win, time after time• How you can master the real principles of success and systematically recreate your life• A system you can use to guarantee your best life in as little as two weekends

You May Be Wondering…Do you miss out on any of the value of the seminar-type Abundance Course class if you don’t attend a live event and meet with other people? Actually, no. Not according to all the releasing graduates that have taken advantage of the “full support” stay-at-home programs like the 30-Day Teleconfer-ence, the 90-Day Teleconference and the Health and Weight Loss Teleconferences. The overwhelm-ing response (from the people that have participated in one, or more, of the teleconference programs we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build up so much focused momentum in their releasing—and knock out so much resistance—without ever having to leave the comfort of their home or take time away from family/work. And the gains they’ve experienced? They’ve been phe-nomenal. I could literally send you pages and pages worth of exceptional gains. In fact, the gains seem to be better than those we receive from participants of the 3-day on location Abundance Course events.

Page 27: RT May 2013


You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling (818) 279-2438 or sign up under “live classes” on our website


Here’s Why I Think The Gains That You Will Accomplish Will Be So Fabulous:

When people can stay at home and participate in a “full support” telephonic releasing program they tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared to when they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of unfamiliar people. Anyway, whatever the reason is—the gains we’ve received from people who participate in the “full support” stay-at-home teleconference programs seem to be off the charts. Want to be the next person to have a life-changing gain? If so…

• Learn to Love Yourself totally

• Have Perfect Health the natural way

• Understand and put in practice the principles of the Law of Attraction—fast

• Learn much faster with the Accelerated Learning System

• Realize greater gains from Releasing faster than ever before

• Apply the Release Technique to maximum advantage in all areas of your life

• Find your Purpose in Life!!!

• Learn how to use the “BUTT” System

• We will feature the Lesterizing Goals Mastery System during this event.

• Move from “I Can’t to I Can”

The Change Your Life course tuition is only $545. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $295 upon registering and then pay the additional $250 the next month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $495 (a $50 savings). The course is open to all people who want to attend, graduates and non-graduates. If you have already taken a live Abundance Course class, teleconference or Retreat, you can take the Change Your Life teleconference course for just $350.

Enroll now for the “Live” Life-Changing teleconference. Bring a friend who has not attend-ed a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will be filled on a first-come basis.

Register for the Upcoming Change Your Life course & Get Ready for a NEW Life

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Gains from the Change Your Life Course

$17,000 in Gains“After you helped me to Release on one of the Change Your Life calls, I received over $17,000 in gains.” Maria

Gains Come Fast & Furious“I started on the Wed. calls this week and had a MAJOR breakthrough. I had ‘forgotten’ to be in Release 24/7, give myself approval/love (although I was doing that with everyone else), etc. I realized that pride was keeping me away from the calls! I had 8 family deaths and multiple other major life crises in the last few years and had been in grief, then slipped to a bottom to apathy. I’ve restarted listening to my Release Techniques CDs, reading Lester’s books, got on the Wednesday call and WOW! What a change! Since Wed. I’ve been so much happier and could tell my ego to get lost as I don’t want to disapprove or withhold love of myself any more. It was as if I was really hearing Larry for the first time! I don’t have to stay with the program that tells me that I have to do everything by myself, and must withhold love of self until I’m ‘fixed’ and in CAP. I ‘got’ that I’d never be in CAP without loving and approving of myself! Ego had been running wild and needed to have the doors opened so it could go. On Wednesday eve during the call, I felt profound peace and joy. I was so high after the call as I had released so much during the call. I’ve been feeling such hope and happiness since then! Gains are coming fast and furious, too! So many family relationships have been healed in the last couple of years since I took the Abundance Course in Boston with you and have listened to Larry on the CDs. I am so grateful. Now I get to heal this relationship with myself. I’m grateful for the willingness to show up for this class, and do the work.” CC, MA

Lets Go of Procrastinating“Just to say thank you for your wonderful ‘Change Your Life’ teleclass. And thank you for the work you did with me Sunday evening on procrastination. I have had a great week. A lot of resistance has come up and, under that, so much disapproving of myself but I’m able to handle it in a way I couldn’t before. I feel light and happy and capable.

So, thank you, Larry and my thanks to all the teachers and support staff who made this class possible.” Joanna Byrne

Gets Herself Back“I’d been in apathy/grief for so long after losing many family members in a very short time frame, that getting up to pride felt like a jump up the scale of emotions.

Since being on the Wed. calls, being in the current Change Your Life Program, releasing with my Release partner (a lovely woman who’s been raving about her experiences @ Camp Allen), and trying to remember to be in Release 24/7, I’ve been feeling like I’ve ‘got Cindi back.’ In the past two days, I’ve had people tell me that I’m glowing or have an aura. One, a friend who knows what I’ve been through in the past few years, can see that I’m again becoming filled with peace and joy, and has told me it is showing on my face.

I feel that The Method, coupled with the CDs, class, Wednesday calls, etc. is the reason that I’m feeling so much better. I’m remembering to give myself love and approval, and often hear Larry and Rebecca’s voice in my head talking about the method. I’m grateful that they’re becoming internalized.” Cindi ClarkHa

Gets 3 Million Dollar Home“My family was relocating to the Miami area recently and I released on finding the perfect housing situa-tion, a specific car type that I liked and the perfect schooling situation for my 4 year old son. My intention was to have him in the Montessori system. I released until I got totally hootless and then turned it over to beingness.

Things started to fall into place in a very short order and with minimal or no effort on my part: A friend of a friend of my wife was planning to leave after her lease expired, and the house she is renting became available. A couple of days ago I signed a lease on a beautiful 3 million dollar home surrounded by heavily forested, neatly groomed 4 acres situated half way between the only two local family members of my wife. The rent and utilities is what I expected to pay for a two bedroom apartment. I could not have asked for a better landlord and that friend who had known him for 3 years had only good things to say about him.I budgeted somewhere between $650 and $850 for schooling for my son. After visiting some, I found a beautiful Montessori school, a 7 minute drive from my home. The entire tuition is paid by the state of Florida so I have to pay absolutely nothing.After going to several car agencies I entered one, found the car that I initially wanted and got a great deal.” Rephael, FL

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Cleans Up the Past with Dad“I have really struggled in my relationship with my dad since my mom passed away a couple years ago. There has been a lot of AGFLAP that has arisen in me that I did not know I had. I did attachments and aversions on my relationship to my dad after the telecourse today and also did a goal chart on loving my dad. As I was talking to him this afternoon I kept saying silently ‘I love you, I love you.’ I feel like my resistance has been greatly reduced and I began to have feelings of love for my dad that I haven’t had in a couple years. I still have some work to do on it but I realize it starts with a decision. Once I made the decision to love my dad no matter what and did the charts, the resistance did not have much of a chance. I have also been listening to some cleanup CDs over and over and over which also helps. The key for me is to stick with it. I am determined to no longer float above my garbage but dump it all.” Rob King

Toxic Person Goes Away“I have 50% less back pain. I ordered a water filter after 4 years of carting jugs back and forth to the grocery store.

My 3 year old goes around saying ‘More, and more, and more’…and he’s happy all the time. I released on his picky eating and he actually ate some hamburger today. Yeah! A toxic person went out of my life.

Thanks for the great course. Look forward to sharing more gains.” Carolyn Victory

Gets Very Quiet“I was in a very QUIET place, powerful, freeing, imperturbable. We were doing attachments and aversions to letting go. I was discriminating and made a decision to LET GO of anything and every-thing. How you do anything is how you everything. It was an instant realization, very powerful, very lovely, so much fun. Thank you.” A happy Vonda Allen

Nothing Bothers Her“I’ve been catching up with the playbacks of the CYL course and doing the homework. I had a wonderful trip to NY as a guest at my friend’s music school and was showered with love! The students I taught were receptive and want me to return next year. Another interesting gain...while taking my violin to a violin shop in Manhattan the maker was trying to show me

what a violin with a perfect neck feels like. Mine is in need of restoration. Anyway she went to a safe and pulled one out and I played on it. It felt and sounded amazing! All so easy. As it turns out ( I didn’t know before hand) it was a Stradivarius! What’s awesome is that a week or two before, I was dreaming and saying to myself ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could play on a Strad before I leave the planet’? I totally forgot about it. I’ve been in and out of violin houses since childhood and not one violin maker has voluntarily given me a Strad to play. She was keeping it for someone. I’m also tickled she trusted my friend and I to play on it! I also had a colleague call me a couple of weeks ago to complain about something that happened on stage that night. He had a tantrum and wanted to vent. I was calm and as it turns out he said to me ‘I don’t know if you get it. Nothing seems to bother you!’ I giggled to myself and thought OK now I’m getting somewhere. I’m also handling overwhelming situations better than I used to.” Susan Blumberg

Experiences Peace of Mind “I am soooo glad to be in the Change your Life Telecourse—even after this first weekend, I am expe-riencing so much more peace of mind! And I am more aware when the ego tells me to beat myself up - in other words, I am able to catch the thoughts and/or discern the body ache and let go of disapproving of myself and give myself approval.- I got the following e-mail from someone I am work-ing with to get an auction going: ‘Thanks Christine! Your communication emails have been awesome. So positive, informational, and easy to read without being overly wordy.’- My son happily gives me hugs and says ‘I love you.’- The other day I was doing the giving myself love and approval and all of a sudden I started speaking these words in German (my mother language) and it felt wonderful! Before I didn’t like saying any German words during my releasing.- The sun is coming out, when I am going outside!- I was arranging payments for my power bill—and the people I was talking with were all compassionate and very loving—so was I.- I am enjoying doing the attachments and aversions to…and discovered one that is coming up in all of them—“I know how to do this” and that is one that I am releasing next.” Christine Mass

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