Page 1: Rumah Charis Newsletter Jan 2013







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如果您愿意支持我们的事工,您可透过以下方法奉献:If you wish to support our ministry, you may make your donation to us through the following methods :-

(1) 直接将捐款存入恩惠之家银行户口- AFFIN BANK, A/C No. 100330008106;然后将存款资料电邮或传真予我们以发出收据。 Bank in directly to Rumah Charis bank account – AFFIN BANK, A/C No. 100330008106; email or fax your banking details to us for us to issue official receipt.

(2) 登入恩惠之家网站,透过“ONLINE DONATION”作出捐款;我们会依据 网站捐款记录发出收据。 Log on to Rumah Charis website, make donation through “ONLINE DONATION”; we will issue official receipt based on the donation record on website.

(3) 将捐款支票寄至恩惠之家,支票抬头请写“RUMAH CHARIS”;我们会 依据捐款资料发出收据。 Post your donation cheque to Rumah Charis, cheque payable to “RUMAH CHARIS”; we will issue official receipt based on your donation details.

We sincerely invite you to join hands with us for a better community!

January 2013NEWSLETTER

“受了你们的馈送,当作极美的香气,为上帝所悦纳所喜悦的祭物。”(腓立比书4:18)“ …. The gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.”

(Philipians 4: 18)

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这是汇丰银行(HSBC)为数间儿童院的小孩们举办的“派对” ,就设立在银行总部的阁楼。被邀请的孩子们皆兴高采烈,因为他们可以任吃这么多的糖果,又可参与各种丰富的节目,很快就融入了这片儿童乐园。




丰富的派对 A Great Party Content

节目丰富的派对A Great Party

恩惠老人院Home For The Aged

恩惠儿童之家Home For The Children

面包之家House of Bread

槟城湖内恩惠爱老院Relau Rumah Charis Penang

庆祝节日Celebration of Occasion


分享和关怀Sharing and Caring


2012慈善晚宴 Charity Dinner 2012

关于我们About Us










编辑、翻译、校对、摄影Edit / Translate / Proof Read / Photo玉兰、金鸣、许牧师Geok Lan, Kim Ming, Rev. Koh

The HSBC headquater’s penthouse became a playground for children.

Within the clean white walls that are intercepted with shiny transparent window panes and floored with soft carpets, coloured balloons floated around. Children sat around tables with their minders, trying their hands on art-and-craft. At the New Year party that HSBC hosted for various children homes, there were fun-filled programs as well as sweets and candies to cajole the young.

Among the programs, the game of ‘sticking beans and small pearls onto cards’ required the child’s attention and concentration. The most cherished project would probably be colouring clay fishes. There were palettes with sorts of colours on the table to encourage the flow of creativity. Staff members bent different shapes of balloons and gave them to the children. The story-telling session was followed by a buffet lunch.

After lunch, there were children performances, hand painting as well

as the blowing off candles on a birthday cake for children who were celebrating their birthdays during that time. Lastly everyone received an angpow before saying goodbye.




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A group of church members who visited sang church hymns together with the senior citizens at old folks home. They brought an electric keyboard and filled the home with songs and music. Then, it was the children’s turn to perform. Lastly, the pastor shared a message and closed in prayer. The Christian group’s visit was socially and spiritually uplifting for the young and the old at Rumah Charis.


The old folks of Rumah Charis were invited to a DRB-HICOM event at Holiday Inn Hotel.


Mei Fong, Kua and a group of friends bought dinner for the elderly. There were pan mee, fried rice, fruits and so on. Mei Fong is a kind and helpful person who regularly treats the elderly to delicious food. However, it was the first visit for Kua and friends. We appreciate their effort.


One hot afternoon May and June with friends came to entertain the elderly at Rumah Charis with belly and Gangnam style dancing. They also brought 30 packs of chicken rice for lunch.

义工 Jax Ong 、Kayson 及 Novia 热心的带来一班朋友,为公公婆婆的住所进行清洁工作,他们齐心合力的整理杂物、扫除落叶、清理沟渠及抹风扇等。地方干净,长者们也住得健康,谢谢他们。

Jax Ong, Kayson and Novia led a group of volunteers to do spring cleaning at Old Folks Home. They swept, mopped and wiped the premise so the elderly will have a cleaner environment to live in.


Hon Kee Porridge Restaurant treated elderly to their signature porridges. They were delicious and the easily digestible dishes were suitable for the elderly. Heartfelt thanks to Hon Kee for their generosity.


Home For The Aged

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Pertubuhan Buddhist Kong Fook Koong Foundation officer Mdm Cheong Mee Yong, she led a group of people to visit the old folks home, performing dances and singing. Her team brought along food, provisions, donations and angpows for the elderly.

One Shot Communication一班年轻人,在老人院与长者们侃侃交谈,聊得非常畅怀。有心人来探访,有个交谈的对象解闷,公公婆婆都很开心与他们合照。

A group of youths from One Shot Communication dropped by to chat-up with the elderly. Warm communication and interaction with the youths brought joy to them. Finally a group photo was taken.


Alice & friends donated many items during their visitation to the Old Folks Home.



享用爱心餐 Love Feast

Home For The Aged

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Spreading The CheerWe would like to thank those who have visited and donated food, groceries and angpows to the Old Folks Home. Your concern lights up the life of the seniors.



Home For The Aged

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A group of students from Taylor’s College came to the children’s home to do cleanup. They rearranged the shoe rack, trimmed the lawn, and cleared the drains in order to provide a safe and clean home for the children.


Youths from Taiwan under the leadership of Pastor Song visited the Rumah Charis old folks and children homes. They sang, led the children in worship and prayed for those with needs. Praise God!

儿童之家 Home For The Children


In conjunction with their event’s theme “Touching Hearts”, a group of young hairdressers from Sungei Wang Plaza gave free hair cuts to the children. They looked nicer after the cut. We would like to thank Sungei Wang Plaza and the sponsors.


The Parish of Christ Church Jinjang Kepong visited the Children’s Home and presented songs, performances and games. After that, they taught the children how to make lantern out of plastic bottles. The children were also given various colourful ‘glass papers’ to paste on their lanterns. In the end, everybody happily carried their lanterns around for a show.

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School students from Singapore dropped by the children home for a visit and interaction.

Q-DEES Sri Petaling 一班家长携带孩子同来探访儿童院,他们和儿童玩了很多游戏,还买了肯德基炸鸡请儿童们吃,每人还获赠一份礼物。这里还要感谢所有家长的现金捐赠及食品货物,欢迎你们再次来探访。

A group of parents from Q-DEES Sri Petaling brought their children to visit the Children Home. Besides preparing games and Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch, they gave individual gifts to the children. We appreciate their generous donations and welcome their future visits.

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儿童之家 Home For The Children

孩子们齐齐去看电影“Hantu Gangster”和享用麦当劳午餐,有得看戏,又有汉堡包和薯条吃,大家都玩得很高兴!谢谢Bro Khing, Mdm Kate及Mr. Stephen的邀请。

The children were treated to the movie “Hantu Gangster” followed by lunch at McDonald’s. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Special thanks to the invitation of Bro. Khing, Mdm. Kate & Mr. Stephen.

蒲种“兰姐清蒸非洲鱼” 餐馆宴请长者与儿童,美味的蒸鱼,鲜甜滑嫩,大家吃后回味不已。谢谢他们的招待。

Lan Je Restaurant invited the old folks and children for sumptuous dishes with fish as the main course. They left with good memories of the delicious, thankful for the generosity of the proprietors of the restaurant.


A bubble tea van, a steamboat van and a fried koey teow vehicles were parked at the children home for a food party. The elderly and children tucked in to foot to their hearts desires, thankful for the sponsors show of their generosity.

儿童们被邀请观赏来自外国的“Hi-5 HOLIDAY舞台演出”,穿着亮丽彩衣的演员,在舞台上又唱又跳,感染了孩子们的心,有些还趋向舞台前同欢共舞!

The children then watched the “Hi-5 Holiday Dance Performance”. The performers wore colourful costumes while dancing on the stage. Their performance drew some participation from the children. Some of them came forward to dance below the stage.

儿 童 院 孩 子 受 邀 请 参 与 L o u rd e s Medical Centre KL主办的儿童节庆祝会,他们与其他孩子一起玩填色游戏,喝Vico车提供的饮料,非常开心!我们的儿童还呈献了一个舞蹈表演,大家都鼓掌赞好呢。

The children from Rumah Charis attended a Kids Celebration organized by the Lourdes Medical Centre KL. They participated in a colouring competition at the event, enjoyed drinks by Vico and performed a dance which was appreciated by the audience.

Dika College一班学生探访儿童院,与孩子们玩极具创意的颜色抛掷游戏,教导小孩们制作手工,还为儿童院设计了漂亮七彩的走廊布告板。

Students from Dika College visited the children home to organize games and crafts for the children. They also decorated the announcement boards at the home.

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Wayne and friends spent time with the children, clowning around and bending balloons into all kinds of shapes. The kids were greatly entertained by their antics!

儿童之家 Home For The Children


Twenty-six members of the GAB Foundation staff visited the Children Home. They brought along with them paint, rollers and brushes to give parts of the children premise a fresh coat of paint. They also sponsored a buffet lunch for the inhabitants of Rumah Charis. During the lunch break, they took the opportunity to interact with the old folks, children and staff. They took pictures with them and gave out gifts.




Rumah Charis’s children, Won Le Yi won runner-up prize in “Young Chef Competition” organized by the Petaling Jaya Eastin Hotel.

The creative fruit salad display which she put together won the heart of the judges. It was certainly a memorable experience for the young lass.

Children need cultivation to exert their talents. May our children gain more opportunity and love during their development.


The Bukit Bintang Rotary Club sponsored a playpen setup for the children home. They also brought crafts and foodstuffs for the children.

主办单位 Amoeba Team 在国际珍苑酒店举行了一个儿童营,教导孩子培养良好的价值观:关爱、尊重、礼貌、和谐及团队工作。谢谢Amoeba团队给孩子们这样一个美好的训练,还有丰富的餐点。

The Amoeba Team organized a children camp called “Achievers Camp” at Pearl International Hotel. The event taught and instilled good moral values to the children, such as compassion, mutual respect, good manners and teamwork. We thank you the Amoeba Team for organized such a good camp for the children which delicious meals were also provided.

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儿童之家 Home For The Children一起分享生日蛋糕 Sharing Birthday Cake Together


A patron of Rumah Charis came to the children’s home to celebrate of baby Caitlyn’s first birthday. Everyone enjoyed foods such as ice cream cake, hard-boiled eggs, fried meehoon, fried rice, fried chicken, sausages and assorted vegetables.


Visitors celebrated Le Yi and Li Shun’s birthday with two beautifully-decorated cakes and them each a present. It made the girls very happy. We hope that the warmth and kindness shown will compensate for the parental love that they missed.

儿童院小孩尤罗的13岁生日,热心的义工 Jax Ong、Novia 和 Kayson 特地买了一个蛋糕为他庆祝,小孩昵称为“爸爸妈妈”的他们的爱心,让人感到窝心…

Volunteers Jax Ong, Novia and Kayson visited specially to celebrate Yaw Luo’s 13th birthday. The volunteers are known to be the daddies and mummy to the children at Rumah Charis.

为七月到九月的孩子庆祝生日,可爱的卡通图案蛋糕,小朋友们最喜欢的啦,大家都迫不及待地想吃了,这是他们的欢乐时光;Happy Birthday!

To celebrate children birthdays from July to September a friend brought an adorable cartoon-themed birthday cake for them. The kids loved the cute looking cake and could not wait to taste it. Happy Birthday!

庆祝中秋节 Mid- Autumn Festival Celebration

八月三十一日,儿童国庆独立日派对,谢谢探访者Diana Lee 和朋友的热情招待。

Merdeka Party for Children on 31st August 2012: Thank you for the invitation of Diana Lee and friends.


The KL Chinese Methodist (Hokkien) Church MYF members enjoyable time with the children at Rumah Charis.

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儿童之家 Home For The Children

Contributing Their Care

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烘焙事工里的学员Schools Youths, Special

Teens and Adults in Baking





有兴趣查询有关面包之家课程者,请联络 Ms Koh : 016-3178778 或03-77815977,或登录网站 以了解更多详情。

文/许茹芳牧师 Rev Koh Joo Fung


领取证书Received Certificates

House of Bread’s trainees, Thomas and Wilson have completed their bakery course. They received their certificates happily.

之家 House of Bread

TEACHING others to fish instead of fishing for them is about facilitating personal progress and empowerment through skills training. As the young embark on the journey of acquiring skills, it may set them thinking on what they would like to do in life and what to make of their future.House of Bread is a bakery school that offers baking classes at reasonable rates for youths, which is complemented with a training programme to endow them with skills for working life. For some, coming to classes means having a chance to re-evaluate their values in life and adopting new paradigms. The students need to adapt to the regimen and industry required in the programme, which includes instructions on Moral Education and English. Other than hands-on baking, cleaning up and maintenance aspects, the theory and concept of hygiene, kitchen management and quality control of food are taught.Mothers who have teenagers with learning difficulties have also sent them for training and were delighted to taste the food that their children had prepared. Some of these special teens agreed that the programme had helped them to be more focused and disciplined.Other than special training for youths, House of Bread also offers baking classes to the general public. Those who would like to experience working in a well-equipped kitchen under a professional trainer can sign up for the monthly Creative Baking Classes which are conducted on Saturday mornings at its kitchen in Taman Yarl, Puchong.For enquiries, call 016-317 8778/ 03-7781 5977 (Ms Koh) or visit


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Dell Charity Event Mooncake & Tang Lung making competition.


Mr. Benjarmin Providing Lunch and Opera Singing .

湖内恩惠爱老院 Relau Rumah Charis Penang


Thank you very much for your financial support, donation in kinds, as well as sponsored meals and organized activities for our senior residents.


Di Zi Gui Family Learning Group visit old folks.


19 Taiwanese visitor visit our home.


谢谢各位对恩惠之家的支持!We thank everyone for supporting the events!

感恩开放日Thanksgiving Open Day

团聚晚餐 Reunion Dinner

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Celebration of Occasion

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Tan Wie Llim is a strong and healthy young man in of twenty. When he entered Rumah Charis at the young age of 7, he was small and skinny. Now he is a young adult who helps out at the old folks home.After dropping out of school at the age of 15, he started helping at the home for the aged in Kuala Lumpur. Later he was transferred to Penang as a volunteer worker at the Relau Rumah Charis Old Folk’s Home. It was maturing time for him. He proved to be helpful in many ways when he returned to work at Rumah Charis Kuala Lumpur this year. He is able to listen to phone calls, helps to dispense daily medicine to the elderly, accompany them to clinic for checkups as well as collect medication for them at government hospitals. Other than this he helps to organize the store rooms, share Bible devotions to young and old. He also cares for those who are physically disabled due to illness. He is very thankful to the Lord for giving him the opportunity to learn and serve.Wie Llim’s wants to learn how to drive a car. He said that being able to drive will help him serve God and others better. Everything he does, he does it for the glory of His name. Hopefully someone can help him to fulfill that ambition.“Colossians 3:23 (Chapter 3 verse 23) tells us : whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Wie Llim says: “We have two Heads, the one on earth is temporary, the One in heaven is eternal and His name is Jesus.”Praise the Lord for molding Wie Llim into a precious tool to serve those in need.


桃娇姐是一位性格很乐观的长者,住进 老 人 院 已 有 几年,她很爱劳作,天天都很感恩、喜乐的过着生活,与世无争。



Lam Taw Kiew, a senior with a positive personality, has been with the old folks home for eight years. She is active and is thankful for God’s provision.Taw Kiew though somewhat hard of hearing lives life cheerfully. One day she felt a blockage in her ear. When she touched it, she sensed a growth in the inner ear. She was worried when the condition remained the same after eight days. She fervently prayed for healing. Later she discovered that the growth disappeared. She excitedly shared about this miracle. She is thankful for God’s mercy.

我是莉燕,在 恩 惠 之家 服 事 主




My name is Liyan, I work at the Rumah Charis Children Home. I thank Rev Teo and Suzanne for giving me the opportunity to attend Care-givers Retreat 2012 organized by HISTEAM, co-organized by Malaysian Care. The theme of the camp is “In Quietness and Rest Is Your Strength”. There were around 75 participants for the retreat. We are thankful to those who have sponsored the 4-night 3-day camp. It was an enjoyable time for us.The first day we were encouraged to practise reading and meditation. The second day focused on serving with preparation and having a humble and gentle spirit. The third day sharing was on “Letting Go”. We were greatly blessed by the sessions. Other than attending talks, there were worship, small group sharing and testimonies. It was a great time for social workers to get to know each other.

娇姐的分享 Sharing from Sis Kiew

美好的体验 A Great Experience


宝贵的器皿 Precious Tool

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和关怀 Sharing and Caring

Thank you for warming our hearts with your



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The annual Family Camp at Fraser’s Hill is warm time of sharing amidst cool surroundings.


Team from Astro including Weon Kuan and host Danny visited VSOP to film a television program - “Wonderful Life”. With caring as the theme, the show introduced the viewers to the retired life of the elderly. The cameraman carried the equipment and filmed the activities of the VSOP members. The show has been broadcast on Astro channel.

寰宇电视拍摄录影Astro Filming Video


Brother Lam from Hong Kong visited Rev Teo on a holiday tour to Malaysia and dropped by at the VSOP Club to have a visit.

香港来的访客 Visitor from Hong Kong

家庭营会 Family Camp

2012 晚宴 Charity Dinner



The Rumah Charis Longevity Charity Dinner was about celebrating life in the golden years as well as the initiation of Rumah Charis which commenced with the Old Folks Home. The 100-table banquet spoke of the generous response of the public to help raise funds for renovation of the old folks premise. The guests were entertained to songs and performances as they enjoyed a nine-course Chinese dinner. Some won gifts at the lucky draw. The evening ended on a high note with YB Teresa Kok’s rousing speech on social concern.

We hope to see you next year!


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The TeamExecutive Director – Rev. Teo How KenManager (Finance) – Sis. Lim Kim MingOperation Manager (KL) – Sis. Suzanne LeeOperation Manager (PG) – Sis. Janet TeoCoordinator - Rev. Koh Joo Fung

Advisors:Rev. Ling Shiang Ming – Hon. AdvisorBro. Tang Hong Hee – Hon. AdvisorBro. Wong Chiong Seng – Legal AdvisorDr. Lum Siu Heng – Medical Consultant


我们 About UsRumah Charis is a welfare organization, registered with the Registrar of Society (ROS) of Malaysia on 10-12-1993. The chief ministry is to provide care and assistance to the destitute, the poor, broken family, youths and other needy. The founder is Rev Teo How Ken.

provides shelter, support and medical care to old folks who are destitute. Currently there are two homes for the aged. One is based in Puchong, which was established in year 1988 and the other in Relau, Penang, which was established in year 1998.


serves as a shelter for orphans and children of single parents. Rumah Charis aims to create a conducive environment for growing children by offering them healthy home care and activities. The organisation also seeks to provide spiritual direction, education and counseling for the children. Children Home was established in year 1994.


is a community project where senior citizens can gather for organised activities such as health talks or outings. They can also learn new skills in a conducive and stimulating environment. VSOP Club was established in year 2004.


恩惠之家社会事工 Rumah Charis Social Outreaches

is initiated to enable youths and juveniles to learn a job skill. The purpose is to teach youths how to fish for themselves rather than providing them the fishes. Other than baking, the students attend English and moral classes in order to help them to be more effective and responsible as a workforce in society. House of Bread was established in year 2006.


联络我们 Contact Us

恩惠老人院Rumah Charis (Home For The Aged)No.77, Taman Lucky, Batu 6, Jalan Puchong, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.(Registered / Mailing Address)

恩惠儿童院Rumah Charis (Home For The Children) Lot 10064, Jalan Awan Pintal, Taman Yarl, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 03-77815977 / 03-77844645Fax: 03-77837642Email: [email protected]:

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电话 Tel : ________________________________________________________

传真 Fax : ________________________________________________________

地址 Address : ________________________________________________________

电邮 E-mail : ________________________________________________________

奉献数额 Amount Donated: RM _________________________________________

如果您愿意支持我们的事工,您可透过以下方法奉献:If you wish to support our ministry, you may make your donation to us through the following methods :-

(1) 直接将捐款存入恩惠之家银行户口- AFFIN BANK, A/C No. 100330008106;然后将存款资料电邮或传真予我们以发出收据。 Bank in directly to Rumah Charis bank account – AFFIN BANK, A/C No. 100330008106; email or fax your banking details to us for us to issue official receipt.

(2) 登入恩惠之家网站,透过“ONLINE DONATION”作出捐款;我们会依据 网站捐款记录发出收据。 Log on to Rumah Charis website, make donation through “ONLINE DONATION”; we will issue official receipt based on the donation record on website.

(3) 将捐款支票寄至恩惠之家,支票抬头请写“RUMAH CHARIS”;我们会 依据捐款资料发出收据。 Post your donation cheque to Rumah Charis, cheque payable to “RUMAH CHARIS”; we will issue official receipt based on your donation details.

We sincerely invite you to join hands with us for a better community!

January 2013NEWSLETTER

“受了你们的馈送,当作极美的香气,为上帝所悦纳所喜悦的祭物。”(腓立比书4:18)“ …. The gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.”

(Philipians 4: 18)

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