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Writ Petition Nos. 31, 50, 52, 54, 81 and 82 of 1964

Decided On: 30.10.1964

Ae!!ants: Sajjan Singh


"esondent: State of Rajasthan

Hon'be !"#ges$P.#. $a%endra&ad'ar, (.)., ).". *+do!'ar, -.N. Wancoo, *. ida/at+!!a and "a&+ar

Da/a!, )).

S"bje%t$ Constit"tion

Cat%h &o#s$

Ao!ition, Ac+isition, Acts and "e&+!ation, Affiration, A&rarian "efor, A&ric+!t+ra!

and, Aendent of +ndaenta! "i&t, Aroriate Proceedin&, Attorne/ $enera!, #asic

eat+re, (ertain c!ass, (ertiorari, (oensation, (oetent e&is!at+re, (onstit+ent Poer,

(onstit+tion Aendent Act, (onstit+tiona! Aendent, (onstit+tiona! a, (onstit+tiona!iitation, (onstit+tiona! +estion, (onstit+tiona! 7a!idit/, (ontraention, (reation of

e&is!atie (o+nci!, Definition, De!e&ate, De!e&ation, Dero&ation of te +ndaenta! "i&t,

Directie Princi!e, Discar&e, Doctrine of Pit and +stance, er&enc/, nforceent of

"i&t, nforceent of te "i&t, ;ec+tie Action, ;ercise of e&is!atie Poer, ;istin&

a, irst Aendent, rancise, +ndaenta! "i&t, $ie ffect <o, $+arantee, aeas

(or+s, aronio+s (onstr+ction, =+nit/, =ndian =ndeendence Act, =nterretation,

=nterener, =ss+e Writ, )+risdiction, as =nconsistent, e&is!ation, e&is!atie Action,

e&is!atie (o+nci!, e&is!atie Poer, iert/, itera! (onstr+ction, *anda+s, Nint

ced+!e, Oat, Par!iaent, Par!iaent to Aend te (onstit+tion, Part =7, Part 7, P!enar/

Poer, Poer of Par!iaent, Poer to =ss+e (ertain Writ, Poers of e&is!ation, Prii!e&e,

Pri/ (o+nci!, Proiition, +o Warranto, "easona!e "estriction, "easona!eness,"e&+!ation, "eedies, "eedies for nforceent, "eedies for nforceent of "i&t,

"eed/, "eoe Diffic+!ties, "eea!, "eea!ed, "eresentation, "i&t to *oe, "i&ts

(onferred, "/otari ett!eent, eenteent Aendent, eent ced+!e, oerei&n,

oerei&nt/, ecia! Proced+re, tate e&is!at+re, +sension of +ndaenta! "i&t,

<erritor/ of =ndia, <e ;ec+tie, >nion )+diciar/, 7a!idation


(onstit+tion of =ndia ?irst Aendent@ Act, 1951 Artic!e 31A and 31#B (onstit+tion of

=ndia ?o+rt Aendent@ Act, 1955B (onstit+tion of =ndia ?eent Aendent@ Act, 1964

Artic!es 13?2@, 32, 226 and 368B =+&ned Act

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O)e"e# ( Re)ese# b*$I.C. !la" Nath an# $rs. %s. State !& P'n(a) an# Anr.* +196,-2SC,62 

Case Note$

Constit"tion + )ai#it* of A%t + Ati%es ,-A an# ,- of Constit"tion of In#ia /Fist

A0en#0ent1 A%t2 -34-2 Constit"tion of In#ia /Fo"th A0en#0ent1 A%t2 -344 an#Ati%es -, /512 ,52 556 an# ,67 of Constit"tion of In#ia /Se)enteenth A0en#0ent1 A%t2

-368 + Se)enteenth A0en#0ent A%t 9ote%ts %etain A%ts 9asse# b* State :egisat"es

b* in%"#ing the0 in Ninth S%he#"e "n#e Ati%e ,- ;hi%h 0ight be assaie# b*

Ati%es -82 -32 o ,- + 9etitiones %haenge )ai#it* of Se)enteenth A0en#0ent A%t on

go"n# that it i<e* to affe%t 9o;e 9es%ibe# b* Ati%e 556 an# has not foo;e#

s9e%ia 9o%e#"e ai# #o;n in 9o)iso to Ati%e ,67 + s9e%ia 9o%e#"e "n#e 9o)iso

to Ati%e ,67 is to be foo;e# ;hen 9aia0ent inten#s to a0en# an* of 9o)isions of

Constit"tion %o)ee# b* Ca"ses /a1 to /e1 in%"#ing 9o)isions of Ati%e 556 +

Paia0ent see<s to a0en# f"n#a0enta ights soe* ;ith obje%t of e0o)ing an*

obsta%e in f"fi0ent of so%io e%ono0i% 9oi%* an# #oes not 9"9ot to %hange

9o)isions of Ati%e 556 + S"9e0e Co"t he#2 Ati%e 556 e0ains "n%hange# an#Se)enteenth A0en#0ent A%t is )ai#.


=ajen#aga#<a2 C.!.

1. <ese si; rit etitions ic ae een fi!ed +nder Art. 32 of te (onstit+tion, see' to

ca!!en&e te a!idit/ of te (onstit+tion ?1Ct Aendent@ Act, 1964. <e etitioners are

affected / one or te oter of te Acts added to te 9t ced+!e / te i+&ned Act, and

teir contention is tat te i+&ned Act ein& constit+tiona!!/ ina!id, te a!idit/ of te

Acts / ic te/ are affected cannot e saed. oe oter arties o are sii!ar!/

affected / oter Acts added to te 9t ced+!e / te i+&ned Act, ae interened at te

earin& of tese rit etitions, and te/ ae %oined te etitioners in contendin& tat te

i+&ned Act is ina!id. <e oints raised in te resent roceedin&s ae een e!aorate!/

ar&+ed efore +s / *r. eta!ad and *r. Pata' for te intereners and *r. *ani for te

 etitioners. We ae a!so eard te Attorne/ $enera! in re!/.

2. <e i+&ned Act consists of tree sections. <e first section &ies its sort tit!e. ection

2?i@ adds a roiso to c!a+se ?1@ of Art. 31A after te e;istin& roiso. <is roiso reads t+s


Proided f+rter tat ere an/ !a a'es an/ roision for te ac+isition / te tate of

an/ estate and ere an/ !and corised terein is e!d / a erson +nder is ersona!

c+!tiation, it sa!! not e !af+! for te tate to ac+ire an/ ortion of s+c !and as is itin

te cei!in& !iit a!ica!e to i +nder an/ !a for te tie ein& in force or an/ +i!din& or

str+ct+re standin& tereon or a+rtenant tereto, +n!ess te !a re!atin& to te ac+isition of

s+c !and, +i!din& or str+ct+re, roides for a/ent of coensation at a rate ic sa!!

not e !ess tan te ar'et a!+e tereof.

3. ection 2?ii@ s+stit+tes te fo!!oin& s+c!a+se for s+c!a+se ?a@ of c!a+se ?2@ of Art.

31A :

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?a@ te e;ression estate sa!!, in re!ation to an/ !oca! area, ae te sae eanin& as tat

e;ression or its !oca! e+ia!ent as in te e;istin& !a re!atin& to !and ten+res in force in

tat area and sa!! a!so inc!+de

?i@ an/ %a&ir, ina or +afi or oter sii!ar &rant and in te tates of *adras and -era!a, an/

 %ana, ri&tB

?ii@ an/ !and e!d +nder r/otari sett!eentB

?iii@ an/ !and e!d or !et for +roses of a&ric+!t+re or for +roses anci!!ar/ tereto,

inc!+din& aste !and, forest !and, !and for ast+re or sites of +i!din&s and oter str+ct+res

occ+ied / c+!tiators of !and, a&ric+!t+ra! !ao+rers and i!!a&e artisans.

4. ection 3 aends te 9t ced+!e / addin& 44 entries to it. <at is te nat+re of te

 roisions contained in te i+&ned Aendent Act.

5. =n dea!in& it te +estion ao+t te a!idit/ of te i+&ned Act, it is necessar/ toconsider te scoe and effect of te roisions contained in Art. 368 of te (onstit+tion,

 eca+se a !ar&e art of te controers/ in te resent rit etitions t+rns +on te decision of

te +estion as to at te tr+e scoe and effect of Art. 368 is. et +s read Art. 368 :

368. An aendent of tis (onstit+tion a/ e initiated on!/ / te introd+ction of a #i!!

for te +rose in eiter o+se of Par!iaent, and en te #i!! is assed in eac o+se / a

a%orit/ of te tota! eersi of tat o+se and / a a%orit/ of not !ess tan totirds

of te eers of tat o+se resent and otin&, it sa!! e resented to te President for is

assent and +on s+c assent ein& &ien to te #i!!, te (onstit+tion sa!! stand aended in

accordance it te ters of te #i!! :

Proided tat if s+c aendent see's to a'e an/ can&e in

?a@ Artic!e 54, Artic!e 55, Artic!e C3, Artic!e 162 or Artic!e 241, or

?@ (ater =7 of Part 7, (ater 7 of Part 7=, or (ater = of Part E=, or

?c@ an/ of te ists in te eent ced+!e, or

?d@ te reresentation of tates in Par!iaent, or

?e@ te roisions of tis Artic!e,

te aendent sa!! a!so re+ire to e ratified / te e&is!at+res of not !ess tan onea!f of

te tates / reso!+tions to tat effect assed / tose e&is!at+res efore te #i!! a'in&

 roision for s+c aendent is resented to te President for assent.

6. =t o+!d, t+s, aear tat te road scee of Art. 368 is tat if Par!iaent rooses to

aend an/ roision of te (onstit+tion not ensrined in te roiso, te roced+re

 rescried / te ain art of te Artic!e as to e fo!!oed. <e #i!! introd+ced for te

 +rose of a'in& te aendent in +estion, as to e assed in eac o+se / a a%orit/

of te tota! eersi of tat o+se and / a a%orit/ of not !ess tan totirds of teeers of tat o+se resent and otin&. <is re+ireent ost+!ates tat a i!! see'in& to

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aend te re!eant roisions of te (onstit+tion so+!d receie s+stantia! s+ort fro

eers of ot te o+ses. <at is / a tofo!d re+ireent as een rescried in tat

 ea!f. After te i!! is assed as aforesaid, it as to e resented to te President for is

assent and en e &ies is assent, te (onstit+tion sa!! stand aended in accordance it

te ters of te i!!. <at is te osition in re&ard to te aendent of te roisions of te

(onstit+tion to ic te roiso does not a!/.

C. =f Par!iaent intends to aend an/ of te roisions of te (onstit+tion ic are coered

 / c!a+ses ?a@ to ?e@ of te roiso, tere is a f+rter re+ireent ic as to e satisfied

 efore te i!! can e resented to te President for is assent. +c a i!! is re+ired to e

ratified / te e&is!at+res of not !ess tan onea!f of te tates / "eso!+tions to tat effect

 assed / te. =n oter ords, in resect of te Artic!es coered / te roiso, te f+rter

safe&+ard rescried / te roiso is tat te intended aendent so+!d receie te

aroa! of te e&is!at+res of not !ess tan onea!f of te tates. <at eans tat at !east

a!f of te tates constit+tin& te >nion of =ndia so+!d / a a%orit/ ote, aroe of te

 roosed aendent.

8. =t is oio+s tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts ensrined in Part === are not inc!+ded in te

 roiso, and so, if Par!iaent intends to aend an/ of te roisions contained in Artic!es 12

to 35 ic are inc!+ded in Part ===, it is not necessar/ to ta'e reco+rse to te roiso and to

satisf/ te additiona! re+ireents rescried / it. <+s far, tere is no diffic+!t/. #+t in

considerin& te scoe of Art. 368, it is necessar/ to reeer tat Art. 226, ic is

inc!+ded in (ater 7 of Part 7= of te (onstit+tion, is one of te constit+tiona! roisions

ic fa!! +nder c!a+se ?@ of te roisoB and so, it is c!ear tat if Par!iaent intends to

aend te roisions of Art. 226, te i!! roosin& to a'e s+c an aendent +st satisf/

te re+ireents of te roiso. <e +estion ic ca!!s for o+r decision is : at o+!d e

te re+ireent ao+t a'in& an aendent in a constit+tiona! roision contained in Part

===, if as a res+!t of te said aendent, te oers conferred on te i& (o+rts +nder Art.

226 are !i'e!/ to e affected F <e etitioners contend tat since it aears tat te oers

 rescried / Art. 226 are !i'e!/ to e affected / te intended aendent of te roisions

contained in Part ===, te i!! introd+ced for te +rose of a'in& s+c an aendent, +st

attract te roiso, and as te i+&ned Act as aditted!/ not &one tro+& te roced+re

 rescried / te roiso, it is ina!idB and tat raises te +estion ao+t te constr+ction of

te roisions contained in Art. 368 and te re!ation eteen te s+stantie art of Art. 368

it its roiso.

9. =n o+r oinion, te to arts of Art. 368 +st on a reasona!e constr+ction e aronised

it eac oter in te sense tat te scoe and effect of eiter of te so+!d not e a!!oedto e +nd+!/ red+ced or en!ar&ed. =t is +r&ed tat an/ aendent of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts

contained in Part === o+!d ineita!/ affect te oers of te i& (o+rt, rescried / Art.

226, and as s+c, te i!! roosin& te said aendent cannot fa!! +nder te roisoB

oterise te er/ o%ect of not inc!+din& Part === +nder te roiso o+!d e defeated. Wen

te (onstit+tiona'ers did not inc!+de Part === +nder te roiso, it o+!d e reasona!e to

ass+e tat te/ too' te ie tat te aendent of te roisions contained in Part === as

a atter ic so+!d e dea!t it / Par!iaent +nder te s+stantie roisions of Art.

368 and not +nder te roiso. =t as no do+t een s+&&ested tat te (onstit+tiona'ers

 eras did not anticiate tat tere o+!d e an/ occasions to aend te f+ndaenta!

ri&ts &+aranteed / Part ===. oeer tat a/ e, as a atter of constr+ction, tere is no

escae fro te conc!+sion tat Art. 368 roides for te aendent of te roisionscontained in Part === ito+t iosin& on Par!iaent on o!i&ation to adot te roced+re

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 rescried / te roiso. =t is tr+e tat as a res+!t of te aendent of te f+ndaenta!

ri&ts, te area oer ic te oers rescried / Art. 226 o+!d oerate a/ e red+ced,

 +t aarent!/, te (onstit+tiona'ers too' te ie tat te diin+tion in te area oer

ic te i& (o+rtsG oers +nder Art. 226 oerate, o+!d not necessari!/ ta'e te case

+nder te roiso.

10. On te oter and, if te s+stantie art of Art. 368 is er/ !iera!!/ and &enero+s!/

constr+ed and it is e!d tat een s+stantia! odification of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts ic

a/ a'e a er/ serio+s and s+stantia! inroad on te oers of te i& (o+rts +nder Art.

226 can e ade ito+t ino'in& te roiso, it a/ derie c!a+se ?@ of te roiso of its

s+stance. =n oter ords, in constr+in& ot te arts of Art. 368, te r+!e of aronio+s

constr+ction re+ires tat if te direct effect of te aendent of f+ndaenta! ri&ts is to

a'e a s+stantia! inroad on te i& (o+rtsG oers +nder Art. 226, it o+!d ecoe

necessar/ to consider eter te roiso o+!d coer s+c a case or not. =f te effect of te

aendent ade in te f+ndaenta! ri&ts on te oers of te i& (o+rts rescried /

Art. 226, is indirect, incidenta!, or is oterise of an insi&nificant order, it a/ e tat te

 roiso i!! not a!/. <e roiso o+!d a!/ ere te aendent in +estion see's toa'e an/ can&e, inter a!ia, in Art. 226, and te +estion in s+c a case o+!d e : does te

aendent see' to a'e a can&e in te roisions of Art. 226 F <e anser to tis +estion

o+!d deend +on te effect of te aendent ade in te f+ndaenta! ri&ts.

11. =n dea!in& it constit+tiona! +estions of tis caracter, co+rts &enera!!/ adot a test

ic is descried as te it and s+stance test. =n Attorne/$enera! for Ontario .

"eciroca! =ns+rers and oters ?H1924I A.(. 328@, te Pri/ (o+nci! as ca!!ed +on to

consider te a!idit/ of te "eciroca! =ns+rance Act, 1922 ?12 J 13 $eo. 5, Ont., c. 62@ and

s. 508c ic ad een added to te (riina! (ode of (anada / ss. C J 8 $eo. 5, c. 29

Do. *r. )+stice D+ff, o so'e for te Pri/ (o+nci!, osered tat in an en+ir/ !i'e te

one it ic te Pri/ (o+nci! as concerned in tat case, it as een fora!!/ !aid don

in %+d&ents of tis #oard, tat in s+c an in+ir/ te (o+rts +st ascertain te Gtr+e nat+re

and caracterG of te enactent : (itiKensG =ns+rance (o. . Parsons ?H1881I C A. (as 96@B

its Git and s+stanceG : >nion (o!!ier/ (o. . #r/den ?H1899I A.(. 580@B and it is te res+!t

of tis inesti&ation, not te for a!one, ic te stat+te a/ ae ass+ed +nder te and

of te dra+&tsan, tat i!! deterine itin ic of te cate&ories of s+%ect atters

entioned in ss. 91 and 92 te !e&is!ation fa!!sB and for tis +rose te !e&is!ation +st e

Gscr+tinised in its entiret/G : $reat West add!er/ (o. . <e -in& ?H1921I 2 A.(. 91,11C@. =t

is not necessar/ to +!ti!/ a+torities in s+ort of te roosition tat in considerin& te

constit+tiona! a!idit/ of te i+&ned Act, it o+!d e re!eant to in+ire at te it and

s+stance of te i+&ned Act is. <is !e&a! osition can e ta'en to e esta!ised / tedecisions of tis (o+rt ic ae consistent!/ adoted te ie e;ressed / )+stice D+ff,

to ic e ae %+st referred.

12. Wat ten is te it and s+stance of te i+&ned Act F or anserin& tis +estion, it

o+!d e necessar/ to reca!! er/ rief!/ te istor/ of Artic!es 31A and 31#. Artic!es 31A

and 31# ere added to te (onstit+tion it retrosectie effect / s. 4 of te (onstit+tion

?irst Aendent@ Act, 1951. =t is a atter of &enera! 'no!ed&e tat it ecae necessar/ to

add tese to roisions in te (onstit+tion, eca+se it as rea!ised tat !e&is!atie eas+res

adoted / certain tates for &iin& effect to te o!ic/ of a&rarian refor ic as

acceted / te art/ in oer, ad to face a serio+s ca!!en&e in te co+rts of !a on te

&ro+nd tat te/ contraened te f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed to te citiKens / Part ===.<ese eas+res ad een assed in #iar, >ttar Prades and *ad/a Prades, and teir

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a!idit/ as ieaced in te i& (o+rts in te said tree tates. <e i& (o+rt of Patna

e!d tat te re!eant #iar !e&is!ation as +nconstit+tiona!, i!st te i& (o+rts at

A!!aaad and Na&+r +e!d te a!idit/ of te corresondin& !e&is!atie eas+res assed in

>ttar Prades and *ad/a Prades resectie!/. Hee -aesar . tate of #iar ?A.=.".

1951 Pet 91@ and +r/a Pa! . >. P. $oernent MANU/UP/00,/1951I. <e arties

a&&rieed / tese resectie decisions ad fi!ed aea!s / secia! !eae efore te +ree(o+rt. At te sae tie, etitions ad a!so een referred efore te +ree (o+rt +nder

Art. 32 / certain oter Kaindars, see'in& te deterination of te sae iss+es. =t as at

tis sta&e tat Par!iaent to+&t it necessar/ to aoid te de!a/ ic o+!d necessari!/

ae een ino!ed in te fina! decision of te dis+tes endin& efore te +ree (o+rt,

and introd+ced te re!eant aendents in te (onstit+tion / addin& Artic!es 31A and 31#.

<at as te first ste ta'en / Par!iaent to assist te rocess of !e&is!ation to rin& ao+t

a&rarian refor / introd+cin& Artic!es 31A and 31#.

13. <e second ste in te sae direction as ta'en / Par!iaent in 1955 / aendin& Art.

31A / te (onstit+tion ?o+rt Aendent@ Act, 1955. <e o%ect of tis aendent as

to iden te scoe of a&rarian refor and to confer on te !e&is!atie eas+res adoted intat ea!f i+nit/ fro a ossi!e attac' tat te/ contraened te f+ndaenta! ri&ts of

citiKens. =n oter ords, tis aendent rotected te !e&is!atie eas+res in resect of

certain oter ites of a&rarian and socia! e!fare !e&is!ation, ic affected te rorietar/

ri&ts of certain citiKens. <at is o te second aendent as ade / Par!iaent. At te

tie en te first aendent as ade, Art. 31# e;ress!/ roided tat none of te Acts

and "e&+!ations secified in te 9t ced+!e, nor an/ of te roisions tereof, sa!! e

deeed to e oid or eer to ae ecoe oid on te &ro+nd tat te/ ere inconsistent

it or too' aa/ or arid&ed an/ of te ri&ts conferred / Part ===, and it added tat

notitstandin& an/ %+d&ent, decree or order of an/ (o+rt or tri+na! to te contrar/, eac

of te said Acts and "e&+!ations sa!! s+%ect to te oer of an/ coetent !e&is!at+re to

reea! or aend, contin+e in force. At tis tie, 19 Acts ere !isted in ced+!e 9, and te/

ere t+s effectie!/ a!idated. One ore Act as added to tis !ist / te Aendent Act

of 1955, so tat as a res+!t of te second aendent, te ced+!e contained 20 Acts ic

ere a!idated.

14. =t aears tat notitstandin& tese aendents, certain oter !e&is!atie eas+res

adoted / different tates for te +rose of &iin& effect to te a&rarian o!ic/ of te art/

in oer, ere effectie!/ ca!!en&ed. or instance, in -arii! -+ni'oan . tate of

-era!a ?H1962I +. 1 .(.". 829@, te a!idit/ of te -era!a A&rarian "e!ations Act ?=7 of

1961@ as ca!!en&ed / rit etitions fi!ed +nder Art. 32, and as a res+!t of te a%orit/

decision of tis (o+rt, te o!e Act as str+c' don. <is decision as rono+nced onDeceer 5, 1961.

15. =n A. P. -risnasai Naid+, etc. . <e tate of *adras H1964I C .(. ". 82@ te

constit+tiona!it/ of te *adras and "efors ?i;ation of (ei!in& on and@ Act ?No. 58 of

1961@ as +t in iss+e, and / te decision of tis (o+rt rono+nced on *arc 9, 1964, it

as dec!ared tat te o!e Act as ina!id. =t aears tat te "a%astan <enanc/ Act === of

1955 and te *aarastra A&ric+!t+ra! ands ?(ei!in& and o!din&s@ Act 2C of 1961 ae

 een sii!ar!/ dec!ared ina!id, and in conse+ence, Par!iaent to+&t it necessar/ to a'e

a f+rter aendent in Art. 31# so as to sae te a!idit/ of tese Acts ic ad een

str+c' don and of oter sii!ar Acts ic ere !i'e!/ to e str+c' don, if ca!!en&ed.

Wit tat o%ect in ie, te i+&ned Act as enacted s. 3 / ic 44 Acts ae een

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added to ced+!e 9. =f te i+&ned Act is e!d to e a!id and te aendent ade in te

ced+!e is fo+nd to e effectie, tese 44 Acts o+!d ae to e treated as a!id.

16. <+s, it o+!d e seen tat te &enesis of te aendents ade / Par!iaent in 1951 /

addin& Artic!es 31A and 31# to te (onstit+tion, c!ear!/ is to assist te tate e&is!at+res in

tis co+ntr/ to &ie effect to te econoic o!ic/ in ic te art/ in oer assionate!/ e!iees to rin& ao+t +c needed a&rarian refor. =t is it te sae o%ect tat te

second aendent as ade / Par!iaent in 1955, and as e ae %+st indicated, te

o%ect +nder!/in& te aendent ade / te i+&ned Act is a!so te sae. Par!iaent

desires tat a&rarian refor in a road and coreensie sense +st e introd+ced in te

interests of a er/ !ar&e section of =ndian citiKens o !ie in i!!a&es and ose financia!

 rosects are inte&ra!!/ connected it te +rs+it of ro&ressie a&rarian o!ic/. <+s, if te

 it and s+stance test is a!ied to te aendent ade / te i+&ned Act, it o+!d e

c!ear tat Par!iaent is see'in& to aend f+ndaenta! ri&ts so!e!/ it te o%ect of

reoin& an/ ossi!e ostac!e in te f+!fi!ent of te socioeconoic o!ic/ in ic te

 art/ in oer e!iees. =f tat e so, te effect of te aendent on te area oer ic te

i& (o+rtsG oers rescried / Art. 226 oerate, is incidenta! and in te resent case can e descried as of an insi&nificant order. <e i+&ned Act does not +rort to can&e te

 roisions of Art. 226 and it cannot e said een to ae tat effect direct!/ or in an/

arecia!e eas+re. <at is / e tin' tat te ar&+ent tat te i+&ned Act fa!!s

+nder te roiso, cannot e s+stained. =t is an Act te o%ect of ic is to aend te

re!eant Artic!es in Part === ic confer f+ndaenta! ri&ts on citiKens and as s+c it fa!!s

+nder te s+stantie art of Art. 368 and does not attract te roisions of c!a+se ?@ of te

 roiso. =f te effect of te aendent ade in te f+ndaenta! ri&ts on Art. 226 is direct

and not incidenta! and is of a er/ si&nificant order, different considerations a/ eras

arise. #+t in te resent case, tere is no occasion to entertain or ei& te said

considerations. <erefore te ain contention raised / te etitioners and te intereners

a&ainst te a!idit/ of te i+&ned Act +st e re%ected.

1C. <en, it is +r&ed tat te tr+e +rose and o%ect of te i+&ned Act is to !e&is!ate in

resect of !and, and !e&is!ation in resect of !and fa!!s itin te %+risdiction of te tate

e&is!at+res +nder ntr/ 18 of ist ==. <e ar&+ent is tat since te tate e&is!at+res a!one

can a'e !as in resect of !and, Par!iaent ad no ri&t to ass te i+&ned Act. <is

ar&+ent is ased on te ass+tion tat te i+&ned Act +rorts to e, and in fact is, a

 iece of !and !e&is!ation. <e sae ar&+ent is !aced efore +s in anoter for. =t is +r&ed

tat te scee of Artic!es 245 and 246 of te (onstit+tion c!ear!/ sos tat Par!iaent as

no ri&t to a'e a !a in resect of !and, and since te i+&ned Act is a !e&is!atie eas+re

in re!ation to !and, it is ina!id. <is ar&+ent, in o+r oinion, is isconceied. =n dea!in&it tis ar&+ent, a&ain, te it and s+stance test is re!eant. Wat te i+&ned Act

 +rorts to do is not to a'e an/ !and !e&is!ation +t to rotect and a!idate te !e&is!atie

eas+res in resect of a&rarian refors assed / te different tate e&is!at+res in te

co+ntr/ / &rantin& te i+nit/ fro attac' ased on te !ea tat te/ contraene

f+ndaenta! ri&ts. Par!iaent, in enactin& te i+&ned Act, as not a'in& an/

 roisions of !and !e&is!ation. =t as ere!/ a!idatin& !and !e&is!ations a!read/ assed / te

tate e&is!at+res in tat ea!f.

18. =t is a!so +r&ed tat inas+c as te i+&ned Act +rorts in s+stance to set aside te

decisions of co+rts of coetent %+risdiction / ic soe of te Acts added to te Nint

ced+!e ae een dec!ared to e ina!id, it is +nconstit+tiona!. We see no s+stance in tisar&+ent. =t is ard!/ necessar/ to easiKe tat !e&is!atie oer to a'e !as in resect

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of areas entr+sted to te !e&is!atie %+risdiction of different !e&is!atie odies, can e

e;ercised ot rosectie!/ and retrosectie!/. <e constit+ent oer conferred / Art.

368 on te Par!iaent can a!so e e;ercised ot rosectie!/ and retrosectie!/. On

seera! occasions, !e&is!at+res tin' it necessar/ to a!idate !as ic ae een dec!ared to

 e ina!id / (o+rts of coetent %+risdiction and in so doin&, te/ ae necessari!/ to

 roide for te intended a!idation to ta'e effect notitstandin& an/ %+d&ent, decree ororder assed / a co+rt of coetent %+risdiction to te contrar/. <erefore, it o+!d e id!e

to contend tat / a'in& te aendent retrosectie, te i+&ned Act as ecoe

constit+tiona!!/ ina!id.

19. =t as a!so een contended efore +s tat in decidin& te +estion as to eter te

i+&ned Act fa!!s +nder te roiso, e so+!d ta'e into acco+nt te oeratie ords in te

 roiso. <e roiso ta'es in cases ere te aendent so+&t to e ade / te re!eant

 i!! see's to a'e an/ can&e in an/ of te Artic!es secified in c!a+ses ?a@ to ?e@ of te

 roiso, and it is +r&ed tat on a fair readin& of c!a+ses ?@ and ?c@, it o+!d fo!!o tat te

i+&ned Act +rorts to do notin& e!se +t to see' to aend te roisions contained in

Art. 226. =t is not eas/ to areciate te stren&t or a!idit/ of tis ar&+ent. <is ar&+entis rea!!/ ased on ass+tion tat te !e&is!atie ecanis adoted / te Par!iaent in

 assin& te i+&ned Act introd+ces tis infirit/. <e ar&+ent oio+s!/ ass+es tat it

o+!d ae een oen to Par!iaent to a'e aroriate can&es in te different Artic!es of

Part ===, s+c as Artic!es 14 and 19, and if s+c a co+rse ad een adoted, te i+&ned Act

o+!d ae een constit+tiona!!/ a!id. #+t inas+c as te i+&ned Act +rorts to aend

on!/ Arts. 31A and 31# and see's to add seera! Acts to te Nint ced+!e, it does not

aend an/ of te roisions in Part ===, +t is a'in& an indeendent roision, and tat, it is

said, +st ta'e te case itin te scoe of te roiso. =t is c!ear tat at te i+&ned Act

 +rorts to do is to aend Art. 31A, and Artic!e 31A itse!f is inc!+ded in Part ===. =f

Par!iaent to+&t tat instead of adotin& te c+ersoe rocess of aendin& eac

re!eant Artic!e in Part ===, it o+!d e ore aroriate to add Artic!es 31A and 31#, and on

tat asis, it assed te ateria! roisions of te (onstit+tion ?irst Aendent@ Act, it

o+!d not e reasona!e to s+&&est tat tis etod rin&s te aendent itin te

 roiso. Wat te Par!iaent did in 1951, as afforded a a!id asis for f+rter aendents

ade in 1955 and no in 1964. =t o+!d e c!ear tat to+& te ar&+ents ic ae een

+r&ed efore +s in te resent roceedin&s ae een +t in different fors, asica!!/, te/

ino!e te consideration of te ain +estion eter te i+&ned Act fa!!s itin te

scoe of te roiso or notB and te anser to tis +estion, in o+r oinion, as to e a&ainst

te etitioners / te a!ication of te doctrine of it and s+stance.

20. <en, it is +r&ed tat te oer to aend, ic is conferred / Art. 368, does notinc!+de te oer to ta'e aa/ te f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / Part ===. <e contention

is tat te res+!t of te ateria! roisions of te i+&ned Act is to ta'e aa/ a citiKenGs

ri&t to ca!!en&e te a!idit/ of te Acts added to te Nint ced+!e, and tat eans tat in

resect of te said Acts, te re!eant f+ndaenta! ri&ts of te citiKens are ta'en aa/. We do

not tin' tere is an/ s+stance in tis ar&+ent. =t is tr+e tat te dictionar/ eanin& of te

ord aend is to correct a fa+!t or reforB +t in te conte;t, re!iance on te dictionar/

eanin& of te ord is sin&+!ar!/ inaroriate, eca+se at Art. 368 a+torises to e done

is te aendent of te roisions of te (onstit+tion. =t is e!!'non tat te aendent

of a !a a/ in a roer case inc!+de te de!etion of an/ one or ore of te roisions of te

!a and s+stit+tion in teir !ace of ne roisions. ii!ar!/, an aendent of te

(onstit+tion ic is te s+%ect atter of te oer conferred / Art. 368, a/ inc!+deodification or can&e of te roisions or een an aendent ic a'es te said

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 roisions ina!ica!e in certain cases. <e oer to aend in te conte;t is a er/ ide

 oer and it cannot e contro!!ed / te !itera! dictionar/ eanin& of te ord aend.

21. <e +estion ao+t te a!idit/ of te (onstit+tion ?irst Aendent@ Act as een

considered / tis (o+rt in ri an'ari Prasad in& Deo . >nion of =ndia and tate of #iar

?H1952I .(. ". 89@. =n tat case, te a!idit/ of te said Aendent Act as ca!!en&ed onseera! &ro+nds. One of te &ro+nds as tat te ne!/ inserted Artic!es 31A and 31# so+&t

to a'e can&es in Artic!es 132 and 136 in (ater =7 of Part 7 and Art. 226 in (ater 7

of Part 7=, and so, te/ re+ired ratification +nder c!a+se ?@ of te roiso to Art. 368. <is

contention as re%ected / tis (o+rt. Patan%a!i astri )., as e ten as, o so'e for te

+nanio+s (o+rt, osered tat te said Artic!es did not eiter in ters or in effect see' to

a'e an/ can&e in Art. 226 or in Artic!es 132 and 136, and e added tat it as not correct

to sa/ tat te oers of te i& (o+rts +nder Art. 226 to iss+e rits for te enforceent of

an/ of te ri&ts conferred / Part === or of tis (o+rt +nder Artic!es 132 and 136 to entertain

aea!s fro orders iss+in& or ref+sin& to iss+e s+c rits ere in an/ a/ affected. =n te

oinion of te (o+rt, te said oers reained %+st te sae as te/ ere eforeB on!/ a

certain c!ass of cases ad een e;c!+ded fro te +rie of Part ===. <e fact tat te co+rtsco+!d not e;ercise teir oers in resect of te said c!ass of cases, did not so tat te

 oers of te co+rts ere c+rtai!ed in an/ a/ or to an/ e;tent. =t on!/ eant tat certain

area of cases in ic te said oers co+!d ae een e;ercised, ad een itdran.

ii!ar!/, te ar&+ent tat te aendents ere ina!id eca+se te/ re!ated to !e&is!ation

in resect of !and, as a!so re%ected on te &ro+nd tat te i+&ned Artic!es 31A and 31#

ere essentia!!/ aendents of te (onstit+tion ic Par!iaent a!one ad te oer to


22. =t o+!d t+s aear tat in s+stance te oints +r&ed efore +s in te resent

 roceedin&s are rea!!/ conc!+ded / te decision of tis (o+rt in an'ari PrasadGs case

?H1952I .(.". 89@. =t as, oeer, +r&ed efore +s d+rin& te co+rse of te earin& of tese

rit etitions tat e so+!d reconsider te atter and reie o+r ear!ier decision in an'ari

PrasadGs case. =t is tr+e tat te (onstit+tion does not !ace an/ restriction on o+r oers to

reie o+r ear!ier decisions or een to deart fro te and tere can e no do+t tat in

atters re!atin& to te decision of constit+tiona! oints ic ae a si&nificant iact on te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts of citiKens, e o+!d e reared to reie o+r ear!ier decisions in te

interest of +!ic &ood. <e doctrine of stare decisis a/ not strict!/ a!/ in tis conte;t and

no one can dis+te te osition tat te said doctrine so+!d not e eritted to eret+ate

erroneo+s decisions rono+nced / tis (o+rt to te detrient of &enera! e!fare. en so,

te nora! rinci!e tat %+d&ents rono+nced / tis (o+rt o+!d e fina!, cannot e

i&nored and +n!ess considerations of a s+stantia! and coe!!in& caracter a'e it necessar/to do so, e so+!d e s!o to do+t te correctness of reio+s decisions or to deart fro


23. =t is +niersa!!/ reco&nised tat in re&ard to a !ar&e n+er of constit+tiona! ro!es

ic are ro+&t efore tis (o+rt for its decision, co!e; and diffic+!t +estions arise and

on an/ of s+c +estions, to ies are ossi!e. <erefore, if one ie as een ta'en /

tis (o+rt after at+re de!ieration, te fact tat anoter #enc is inc!ined to ta'e a different

ie a/ not %+stif/ te (o+rt in reconsiderin& te ear!ier decision or in deartin& fro it.

<e ro!e of constr+in& constit+tiona! roisions cannot e reasona!/ so!ed ere!/ /

adotin& a !itera! constr+ction of te ords +sed in te re!eant roisions. <e (onstit+tion

is an or&anic doc+ent and it is intended to sere as a &+ide to te so!+tion of can&in& ro!es ic te (o+rt a/ ae to face fro tie to tie. Nat+ra!!/, in a ro&ressie and

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d/naic societ/ te sae and aearance of tese ro!es are o+nd to can&e it te

ineita!e conse+ence tat te re!eant ords +sed in te (onstit+tion a/ a!so can&e teir

eanin& and si&nificance. <at is at a'es te tas' of dea!in& it constit+tiona!

 ro!es d/naic rater tan static. en so, te (o+rt so+!d e re!+ctant to accede to te

s+&&estion tat its ear!ier decisions so+!d e !i&tearted!/ reieed and dearted fro. =n

s+c a case te test so+!d e : is it aso!+te!/ necessar/ and essentia! tat te +estiona!read/ decided so+!d e reoened F <e anser to tis +estion o+!d deend on te

nat+re of te infirit/ a!!e&ed in te ear!ier decision, its iact on +!ic &ood, and te

a!idit/ and coe!!in& caracter of te considerations +r&ed in s+ort of te contrar/ ie.

=f te said decision as een fo!!oed in a !ar&e n+er of cases, tat a&ain is a factor ic

+st e ta'en into acco+nt.

24. =n te resent case, if te ar&+ents +r&ed / te etitioners ere to reai!, it o+!d !ead

to te ineita!e conse+ence tat te aendents ade in te (onstit+tion ot in 1951 and

1955 o+!d e rendered ina!id and a !ar&e n+er of decisions dea!in& it te a!idit/ of

te Acts inc!+ded in te Nint ced+!e ic ae een rono+nced / different i&

(o+rts eer since te decision of tis (o+rt in an'ari PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@ case asdec!ared, o+!d a!so e e;osed to serio+s %eoard/. <ese are considerations ic are ot

re!eant and ateria! in dea!in& it te !ea +r&ed / te etitioners efore +s in te resent

 roceedin&s tat an'ari PrasadGs case so+!d e reconsidered. =n ie of te said !ea,

oeer, e ae de!ierate!/ cosen to dea! it te erits of te contentions efore

referrin& to te decision itse!f. =n o+r oinion, te !ea ade / te etitioners for re

considerin& an'ari PrasadGs case in o!!/ +n%+stified and +st e re%ected.

25. =n tis connection, e o+!d !i'e to refer anoter asect of te atter. As e ae

a!read/ indicated, te rincia! oint ic as een +r&ed efore +s in tese roceedin&s is

tat te i+&ned Act is ina!id for te reason tat efore resentin& it to te President for

is assent, te roced+re rescried / te roiso to Art. 368 as not een fo!!oed, to+&

te Act as one ic fe!! itin te scoe of te roiso. =n oter ords, it as not

dis+ted efore +s tat Art. 368 eoers Par!iaent to aend an/ roision of te

(onstit+tion, inc!+din& te roisions in resect of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts ensrined in Part

===. <e ain contention as tat in aendin& te re!eant roisions of te (onstit+tion, te

 roced+re rescried / te roiso so+!d ae een fo!!oed. #+t it aears tat in an'ari

PrasadGs case, anoter ar&+ent as +r&ed efore tis (o+rt in ca!!en&in& te a!idit/ of te

(onstit+tion ?irst Aendent@ Act, and since e are e;ressin& o+r conc+rrence it te

said decisions, e tin' it is necessar/ to refer to te said ar&+ent and dea! it it, een

to+& tis asect of te atter as not een +r&ed efore +s in te resent roceedin&s.

26. =n an'ari PrasadGs case, it as contended tat to+& it a/ e oen to Par!iaent to

aend te roisions in resect of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts contained in Part ===, te

aendent, if ade in tat ea!f, o+!d ae to e tested in te !i&t of te roisions

contained in Art. 13?2@ of te (onstit+tion. <e ar&+ent as tat !a to ic Art. 13?2@

a!ies, o+!d inc!+de a !a assed / Par!iaent / irt+e of its constit+ent oer to aend

te (onstit+tion, and so, its a!idit/ i!! ae to e tested / Art. 13?2@ itse!f. =t i!! e

reca!!ed tat Art. 13?2@ roiits te tate fro a'in& an/ !a ic ta'es aa/ or arid&es

te ri&ts conferred / Part ===, and roides tat an/ !a ade in contraention of c!a+se ?2@

sa!!, to te e;tent of te contraention, e oid. =n oter ords, it as +r&ed efore tis

(o+rt in an'ari PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@ case tat in considerin& te +estion as to te

a!idit/ of te re!eant roisions of te (onstit+tion ?irst Aendent@ Act, it o+!d eoen to te art/ ca!!en&in& te a!idit/ of te said Act to +r&e tat in so far as te

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Aendent Act arid&es or ta'es aa/ te f+ndaenta! ri&ts of te citiKens, it is oid. <is

ar&+ent as, oeer, re%ected / tis (o+rt on te &ro+nd tat te ord !a +sed in Art.

13 +st e ta'en to ean r+!es or re&+!ations ade in e;ercise of ordinar/ !e&is!atie oer

and not aendents to te (onstit+tion ade in e;ercise of constit+ent oer it te res+!t

tat Art. 13 ?2@ does not affect aendents ade +nder Art. 368.

2C. =t is si&nificant tat Patan%a!i astri ). as e ten as, o so'e for te (o+rt, descried

as attractie te ar&+ent ao+t te a!icai!it/ of Art. 13?2@ to (onstit+tion Aendent

Acts assed +nder Art. 368, e;ained it c!ose!/, and +!tiate!/ re%ected it. =t as noticed in

te %+d&ent tat certain constit+tions a'e certain ri&ts eterna! and inio!ate, and / a/

of i!!+stration, reference as ade to Art. 11 of te )aanese (onstit+tion and Art. 5 of te

Aerican edera! (onstit+tion. =t as a!so noticed tat te ord !a in its !itera! sense,

a/ inc!+de constit+tiona! !a, +t it as ointed o+t tat tere is a c!ear dearcation

 eteen ordinar/ !a, ic is ade in e;ercise of !e&is!atie oer, and constit+tiona! !a

ic is ade in e;ercise of constit+ent oer. <e scee of te re!eant roisions of te

(onstit+tion as ten e;ained, and +!tiate!/, te (o+rt reaced te conc!+sion tat to+&

 ot Artic!es 13 and 368 are ide!/ rased, te aronio+s r+!e of constr+ction re+irestat te ord !a in Art. 13 so+!d e ta'en to e;c!+de !a ade in e;ercise of te

constit+ent oer.

28. =n o+r oinion, tis conc!+sion is ri&t, and as e are e;ressin& o+r f+!! conc+rrence

it te decision in an'ari PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@ case, e tin' it is necessar/ to

indicate o+r reasons for a&reein& it te conc!+sion of te (o+rt on tis oint, een to+&

te correctness of tis conc!+sion as not een +estioned efore +s in te co+rse of

ar&+ents. =f e ad fe!t a rea! diffic+!t/ in accetin& tis art of te conc!+sion, e o+!d

ae serio+s!/ considered te +estion as to eter te atter so+!d not e referred to a

!ar&er #enc for a f+rter e;aination of te ro!e.

29. <e first oint ic fa!!s to e considered on tis asect of te atter is te constr+ction

of Art. 368 itse!f. Part EE ic contains on!/ Art. 368 is descried as a Part dea!in& it

te Aendent of te (onstit+tionB and Art. 368 ic rescries te roced+re for

aendent of te (onstit+tion, e&ins / sa/in& tat an aendent of tis (onstit+tion a/

 e initiated in te anner tere indicated. =n o+r oinion, te e;ression aendent of te

(onstit+tion !ain!/ and +nai&+o+s!/ eans aendent of a!! te roisions of te

(onstit+tion. =t o+!d, e tin', e +nreasona!e to s+&&est tat at Art. 368 roides is

on!/ te ecanics of te roced+re to e fo!!oed in aendin& te (onstit+tion ito+t

indicatin& ic roisions of te (onstit+tion can e aended and ic cannot. +c a

restrictie constr+ction of te s+stantie art of Art. 368 o+!d e c!ear!/ +ntena!e.#esides, te ords +sed in te roiso +nai&+o+s!/ indicate tat te s+stantie art of te

artic!e a!ies to a!! te roisions of te (onstit+tion. =t is on tat asic ass+tion tat te

 roiso rescries a secific roced+re in resect of te aendent of te artic!es entioned

in c!a+ses ?a@ to ?e@ tereof. <erefore, e fee! no esitation in o!din& tat en Art. 368

confers on Par!iaent te ri&t to aend te (onstit+tion te oer in +estion can e

e;ercised oer a!! te roisions of te (onstit+tion. o te oer so+!d e e;ercised, as

to e deterined / reference to te +estion as to eter te roosed aendent fa!!s

+nder te s+stantie art of Art. 368, or attracts te roisions of te roiso.

30. =t is tr+e tat Art. 13?2@ refers to an/ !a in &enera!, and !itera!!/ constr+ed, te ord

!a a/ ta'e in a !a ade in e;ercise of te constit+ent oer conferred on Par!iaentB +t ain& re&ard to te fact tat a secific, +n+a!ified and +nai&+o+s oer to aend

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te (onstit+tion is conferred on Par!iaent, it o+!d e +nreasona!e to o!d tat te ord

!a in Art. 13?2@ ta'es in (onstit+tion Aendent Acts assed +nder Art. 368. =f te

(onstit+tiona'ers ad intended tat an/ f+t+re aendent of te roisions in re&ard to

f+ndaenta! ri&ts so+!d e s+%ect to Art. 13?2@, te/ o+!d ae ta'en te reca+tion of

a'in& a c!ear roision in tat ea!f. #esides, it sees to +s er/ +n!i'e!/ tat i!e

conferrin& te oer on Par!iaent to aend te (onstit+tion, it as te intention of te(onstit+tiona'ers to e;c!+de fro tat coreensie oer f+ndaenta! ri&ts

a!to&eter. <ere is no do+t tat if ord !a +sed in Art. 13?2@ inc!+des a !a in re!ation

to te aendent of te (onstit+tion, f+ndaenta! ri&ts can neer e arid&ed or ta'en

aa/, eca+se as soon as it is son tat te effect of te aendent is to ta'e aa/ or

arid&e f+ndaenta! ri&ts, tat ortion of te !a o+!d e oid +nder Art. 13?2@. We ae

no do+t tat s+c a osition co+!d not ae een intended / te (onstit+tiona'ers en

te/ inc!+ded Art. 368 in te (onstit+tion. =n constr+in& te ord !a occ+rrin& in Art.

13?2@, it a/ e re!eant to ear in ind tat, in te ords of -ania (.) in A. -. $oa!an .

<e tate of *adras ?H1950I .(.". 88 at . 100@, te inc!+sion of artic!e 13?1@ and ?2@ in te

(onstit+tion aears to e a atter of a+ndant ca+tion. en in teir asence, if an/ of te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts as infrin&ed / an/ !e&is!atie enactent, te (o+rt as a!a/s te oer to dec!are te enactent, to te e;tent it trans&resses te !iits, ina!id.

31. <e iortance and si&nificance of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts +st oio+s!/ e reco&nised

and in tat sense, te &+arantee to te citiKens contained in te re!eant roisions of Part ===,

can %+st!/ e descried as te er/ fo+ndation and te cornerstone of te deocratic a/ of

!ife +sered in tis co+ntr/ / te (onstit+tion. #+t can it e said tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts

&+aranteed to te citiKens are eterna! and inio!ate in te sense tat te/ can neer e

arid&ed or aended F =t is tr+e tat in te case of A - $oa!an ?H1950I .(.". 88, at . 100@

Patan%a!i astri, as e ten as, e;ressed te ie tat tere can e no do+t tat te eo!e

of =ndia ae, in e;ercise of teir soerei&n i!! as e;ressed in te Prea!e, adoted te

deocratic idea! ic ass+res to te citiKen te di&nit/ of te indiid+a! and oter cerised

+an a!+es as a eans to te f+!! eo!+tion and e;ression of is ersona!it/, and in

de!e&atin& to te !e&is!at+re, te e;ec+tie and te %+diciar/ teir resectie oers in te

(onstit+tion, resered to tese!es certain f+ndaenta! ri&ts, soca!!ed, = areend,

 eca+se te/ ae een retained / te eo!e and ade arao+nt to te de!e&ated oers,

as in te Aerican ode! ?. 198@. <is /otesis a/, ria facie, tend to so tat te

ri&t to aend tese f+ndaenta! ri&ts ested not in Par!iaent, +t in te eo!e of =ndia

tese!es. #+t it is si&nificant tat en te sae !earned )+d&e ad occasion to consider

tis +estion ore e!aorate!/ in =n re <e De!i as Act, 1912, ?H1951I .(.". C4C, at .

88384@ etc. e as eatica!!/ e;ressed te ie tat it is esta!ised e/ond do+t tat

te =ndian e&is!at+re, en actin& itin te !iits circ+scriin& its !e&is!atie oer, asand as intended to ae !enar/ oers of !e&is!ation as !ar&e and of te sae nat+re as

tose of te #ritis Par!iaent itse!f and no constit+tiona! !iitation on te de!e&ation of

!e&is!atie oer to a s+ordinate +nit is to e fo+nd in te =ndian (o+nci!s Act, 1861, or te

$oernent of =ndia Act, 1935, or te (onstit+tion of 1950. <e s+&&estion tat te

!e&is!at+res, inc!+din& te Par!iaent, are te de!e&ate of te eo!e of =ndia in o

soerei&nt/ ests, as re%ected / te !earned )+d&e en e osered tat te a;i

Gde!e&ates non otest de!e&areG is not art of te (onstit+tiona! !a of =ndia and as no ore

force tan a o!itica! recet to e acted +on / !e&is!at+res in te discar&e of teir

f+nction of a'in& !as, and te co+rts cannot stri'e don an Act of Par!iaent as

+nconstit+tiona! ere!/ eca+se Par!iaent decides in a artic+!ar instance to entr+st its

!e&is!atie oer to anoter in o it as confidence or, in oter ords, to e;ercise s+c oer tro+& its aointed instr+enta!it/, oeer re+&nant s+c entr+stent a/ e to

8/12/2019 Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan 13/23

te deocratic rocess. Wat a/ e re&arded as o!itica!!/ +ndesira!e is constit+tiona!!/

coetent. =t o+!d t+s aear tat so far as o+r (onstit+tion is concerned, it o+!d not e

 ossi!e to dea! it te +estion ao+t te oers of Par!iaent to aend te (onstit+tion

+nder Art. 368 on an/ teoretica! concet of o!itica! science tat soerei&nt/ ests in te

 eo!e and te !e&is!at+res are ere!/ te de!e&ate of te eo!e. Weter or not Par!iaent

as te oer to aend te (onstit+tion +st deend so!e!/ +on te +estion as to eterte said oer is inc!+ded in Art. 368. <e +estion ao+t te reasona!eness, or e;edienc/

or desirai!it/ of te aendents in +estion fro a o!itica! oint of ie o+!d e

irre!eant in constr+in& te ords of Art. 368.

32. =ncidenta!!/, e a/ a!so refer to te fact tat te (onstit+tiona'ers ad ta'en te

 reca+tion to indicate tat soe aendents so+!d not e treated as aendents of te

(onstit+tion for te +rose of Art. 368. <a'e, for instance Art. 4?2@ ic dea!s it !a

ade / irt+e of Art. 4?1@. Art. 4?2@ roides tat no s+c !a sa!! e deeed to e an

aendent of te (onstit+tion for te +roses of Art. 368. ii!ar!/, Art. 169?3@ roides

tat an/ !a in resect of te aendent of te e;istin& !e&is!atie aarat+s / te ao!ition

or creation of e&is!atie (o+nci!s in tates sa!! not e deeed to e an aendent of te(onstit+tion for te +roses of Art. 368. =n oter ords, !as fa!!in& itin te +rie of

Artic!es 4?2@ and 169?3@ need, not e assed s+%ect to te restriction iosed / Art. 368,

een to+&, in effect, te/ a/ ao+nt to te aendent of te re!eant roisions of te

(onstit+tion. =f te (onstit+tiona'ers too' te reca+tion of a'in& tis secific roision

to e;c!+de te a!icai!it/ of Art. 368 to certain aendents, it o+!d e reasona!e to

ass+e tat te/ o+!d ae ade a secific roision if te/ ad intended tat te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / Part === so+!d e co!ete!/ o+tside te scoe of Art. 368.

33. Aart fro te fact tat te ords +sed in Art. 368 are c!ear and +nai&+o+s in s+ort

of te ie tat e are ta'in&, on rinci!e a!so it aears +nreasona!e to s+&&est tat te

(onstit+tiona'ers anted to roide tat f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / te

(onstit+tion so+!d neer e to+ced / a/ of aendent. =t +st not e for&otten tat te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / Art. 19, for instance, are not aso!+teB te scee of tis

artic!e itse!f indicates tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / s+c!a+ses ?a@ to ?&@ of

c!a+se ?!@, can e a!id!/ re&+!ated in te !i&t of te roisions contained in c!a+ses ?2@ to ?6@

of Art. 19. =n oter ords, te road scee of Art. 19 is tofo!dB te f+ndaenta! ri&ts of

te citiKens are of arao+nt iortance, +t een te said f+ndaenta! ri&ts can e

re&+!ated to sere te interests of te &enera! +!ic or oter o%ects entioned resectie!/

in c!a+ses ?2@ to ?6@, and tat eans tat for secified +roses indicated in tese c!a+ses,

een te arao+ntc/ of f+ndaenta! ri&ts as to /ie!d to soe re&+!ation as conte!ated

 / te said c!a+ses. =t is ard!/ necessar/ to easise tat te +roses for icf+ndaenta! ri&ts can e re&+!ated ic are secified in c!a+ses ?2@ to ?6@, co+!d not ae

 een ass+ed / te (onstit+tiona'ers to e static and incaa!e of e;ansion. <e

(onstit+tiona'ers +st ae anticiated tat in dea!in& it socioeconoic ro!es

ic te !e&is!at+res a/ ae to face fro tie to tie, te concets of +!ic interest and

oter iortant considerations ic are te asis of c!a+ses ?2@ to ?6@, a/ can&e and a/

een e;andB and so, it is !e&itiate to ass+e tat te (onstit+tiona'ers 'no tat

Par!iaent so+!d e coetent to a'e aendents in tese ri&ts so as to eet te

ca!!en&e of te ro!es ic a/ arise in te co+rse of socioeconoic ro&ress and

dee!oent of te co+ntr/. <at is / e tin' tat een on rinci!e, it o+!d not e

reasona!e to roceed on te asis tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts ensrined in Part === ere

intended to e fina!!/ and i+ta!/ sett!ed and deterined once for a!! and ere e/ond tereac of an/ f+t+re aendent.

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34. et +s i!!+strate tis oint / reference to soe of te roisions of te (onstit+tion ?irst

Aendent@ Act, 1951 itse!f. #/ tis Act, Artic!es 15, 19 and 31 ere aended. One as

ere!/ to reca!! te +rose for ic it ecae necessar/ to aend Artic!es 15 and 19 to e

satisfied tat te can&in& caracter of te ro!es osed / te ords +sed in te

resectie artic!es co+!d not ae een effectie!/ et +n!ess aendent in te re!eant

 roisions as effectedB and /et, if te ar&+ent tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts are e/ond tereac of Art. 368 ere a!id, a!! tese aendents o+!d e constit+tiona!!/ ierissi!e.

<at, e tin' is not te tr+e +rort and effect of Art. 368. We are, terefore, satisfied tat

tis (o+rt as ri&t in re%ectin& te said ar&+ent in te case of an'ari Prasad ?H1952I

.(.". 89@.

35. <is +estion can e considered fro anoter oint of ie. <e ar&+ent tat te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts &+aranteed / Part === are eterna!, inio!ate, and e/ond te reac of Art.

368, is ased on to ass+tions. <e first ass+tion is tat on a fair and reasona!e

constr+ction of Art. 368, te oer to aend te f+ndaenta! ri&ts cannot e e!d to e

inc!+ded itin te constit+ent oers conferred on Par!iaent / te said Artic!e. We ae

a!read/ e!d tat a fair and reasona!e constr+ction of Art. 368 does not %+stif/ tisass+tion. <e oter ass+tion ic tis ar&+ent a'es, and +st of necessit/ a'e,

is tat if te oer to aend te f+ndaenta! ri&ts is not inc!+ded in Art. 368 as it stands, it

cannot eer e inc!+ded itin its +rieB eca+se +n!ess it is ass+ed tat te re!eant

 oer can neer e inc!+ded in Art. 368, it o+!d e +nrea!istic to roo+nd te teor/ tat

te f+ndaenta! ri&ts are eterna!, inio!ate, and not itin te reac of an/ s+se+ent

constit+tiona! aendent. =t is c!ear tat Art. 368 itse!f can e aended / Par!iaent,

to+& c!a+se ?e@ of te roiso re+ires tat efore aendin& Art. 368, te safe&+ards

 rescried / te roiso +st e satisfied. =n oter ords, een if te oers to aend te

f+ndaenta! ri&ts ere not inc!+ded in Art. 368, Par!iaent can, / a s+ita!e aendent of

Art. 368, ta'e tose oers. <+s, te second ass+tion +nder!/in& te ar&+ent ao+t te

i+ta!e caracter of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts is a!so not e!! fo+nded.

36. <ere is one ore oint to ic e o+!d !i'e to refer. =n te case of an'ari Prasad

?H1952I .(.". 89@ tis (o+rt as osered tat te +estion eter te !atter art of Art.

31# is too ide!/ e;ressed, as not ar&+ed efore it, and so, it did not e;ress an/ oinion

+on it. <is +estion as, oeer, een ar&+ed efore +s, and so, e o+!d !i'e to a'e it

c!ear tat te effect of te !ast c!a+se in Art. 31# is to !eae it oen to te resectie

!e&is!at+res to reea! or aend te Acts ic ae een inc!+ded in te Nint ced+!e. =n

oter ords, te fact tat te said Acts ae een inc!+ded in te Nint ced+!e it a ie

to a'e te a!id, does not ean tat te !e&is!at+res in +estion ic assed te said

Acts ae !ost teir coetence to reea! te or to aend te. <at is one conse+ence ofte said roision. <e oter ineita!e conse+ence of te said roision is tat if a

!e&is!at+re aends an/ of te roisions contained in an/ of te said Acts, te aended

 roision o+!d not receie te rotection of Art. 31# and its a!idit/ a/ e !ia!e to e

e;ained on te erits.

3C. #efore e art it tis atter, e o+!d !i'e to osere tat Par!iaent a/ consider

eter it o+!d not e e;edient and reasona!e to inc!+de te roisions of Part === in te

 roiso to Art. 368. =t is not eas/ to areciate / te (onstit+tiona'ers did not inc!+de

te said roisions in te roiso en Art. 368 as adoted. =n =n re : te #er+ari >nion

and ;can&e of nc!aes MANU/SC/0049/1960, tis (o+rt ad ointed o+t tat aendent

of Art. 1 of te (onstit+tion conse+ent +on te cession of an/ art of te territor/ of =ndiain fao+r of a forei&n tate, does not attract te safe&+ard rescried / te roiso to Art.

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368, eca+se neiter Art. Neiter 1 nor Art. 3 is inc!+ded in te !ist of entrenced roisions

of te (onstit+tion en+erated in te roisoB and it as osered tat it as not for tis

(o+rt to en+ire or consider eter it o+!d not e aroriate to inc!+de te said to

artic!es +nder te roiso, and tat it as a atter for Par!iaent to consider and decide.

ii!ar!/, it sees soeat anoa!o+s tat an/ aendent of te roisions contained in

Art. 226 so+!d fa!! +nder te roiso +t not an aendent of Art. 32. Artic!e 226 conferson i& (o+rts te oer to iss+e certain rits, i!e Art. 32, ic itse!f is a &+aranteed

f+ndaenta! ri&t, ena!es a citiKen to oe tis (o+rt for sii!ar rits. Par!iaent a/

consider eter te anoa!/ ic is aarent in te different odes rescried / Art.

368 for aendin& Artic!es 226 and 32 resectie!/, so+!d not e reedied / inc!+din& Part

=== itse!f in te roiso. =f tat is done, diffic+!t +estions as to eter te aendent ade

in te roisions of Part === s+stantia!!/, direct!/ and ateria!!/ affects te %+risdiction and

 oers of te i& (o+rts >nder Art. 226 a/ e easi!/ aoided.

38. =n te res+!t, e o!d tat te i+&ned Act is constit+tiona!!/ a!id. <e etitions,

accordin&!/, fai! and are disissed. <ere i!! e no order as to costs.

Hi#a*at"ah2 !.

39. = ae ad te rii!e&e of readin& te %+d&ent %+st de!iered / / !ord te (ief

)+stice. = a&ree it i tat tere is no force in te contention tat te 1Ct Aendent

re+ired for its a!id enactent te secia! roced+re !aid don in te roiso to Art. 368. =t

o+!d, of co+rse, ae een necessar/ if te aendent ad so+&t to a'e a can&e in Art.

226. <is eent+a!it/ cannot e said to ae arisen. Artic!e 226 reains +ncan&ed after te

aendent. <e roiso coes into !a/ on!/ en te artic!e is direct!/ can&ed or its

ait as s+c is so+&t to e can&ed. Wat te 1Ct aendent does is to en!ar&e te

eanin& of te ord GestateG in Art. 31A and to &ie rotection to soe Acts assed / te

tate e&is!at+res / inc!+din& te in te Nint ced+!e +nder te sie!d of Art, 31#.

<ese Acts rooted a&rarian refor and +t for te inc!+sion in te Nint ced+!e te/

i&t e assai!ed / te roisions of Artic!es 14, 19 or 31 of te (onstit+tion. oe of te

Acts ere in fact s+ccessf+!!/ assai!ed +t te aendent a'es te effectie and

in+!nera!e to te tree artic!es notitstandin& Art. 13 of te (onstit+tion. =n sri an'ari

PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@ case en te (onstit+tionI ?irst Aendent@ Act as assed

and Artic!es 31A and 31# and Nint ced+!e ere introd+ced, te effect of tat

aendent on Art. 226 as considered and it as e!d tat te Aendent ad not te

effect is+a!ised / te roiso to Art. 368. <e reasonin& in tat case on tis oint a!ies

+tatis +tandis to te 1Ct Aendent.

40. = find, oeer, soe diffic+!t/ in accetin& a art of te reasonin& in an'ari PrasadGs

case and / +rose in ritin& a searate %+d&ent is to sa/ tat = decide te resent cases

ito+t te assistance of tat reasonin&. = sa!! rief!/ indicate at tat reasonin& is and

/ = ae do+ts. =n an'ari PrasadGs case it as contended tat / Art. 13?2@ te

+ndaenta! "i&ts in Part === of te (onstit+tion ere +t e/ond te reac of Art. 368 and

o+tside te oer of aendent conferred on Par!iaent / Art. 368. <is ar&+ent as

considered attractie +t as re%ected eca+se of certain iortant considerations ic

it as e!d ointed to te oosite conc!+sion. <o reasons a!one aear to ae ei&ed

it tis (o+rt. <e first is tat as constit+tiona! !a is distin&+isa!e fro oter +nicia!

!as and as tere is no c!ear indication to e fo+nd tat te +ndaenta! "i&ts are

i+ne fro constit+tiona! aendent, on!/ te inasion of te +ndaenta! "i&ts /

8/12/2019 Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan 16/23

!as oter tan constit+tiona! !as +st e te s+%ect of te roiition in Art. 13?2@. Art.

13 a/ e +oted at tis sta&e :

13. as inconsistent it or in dero&ation of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts.

?1@ A!! !as in force in te territor/ of =ndia iediate!/ efore te coenceent of tis(onstit+tion, in so far as te/ are inconsistent it te roisions of tis Part, sa!!, to te

e;tent of s+c inconsistenc/, e oid.

?2@ <e tate sa!! not a'e an/ !a ic ta'es aa/ or arid&es te ri&ts conferred /

tis Part and an/ !a ade in contraention of tis c!a+se sa!!, to te e;tent of te

contraention, e oid.

?3@ =n tis artic!e, +n!ess te conte;t oterise re+ires,

?a@ !a inc!+des an/ Ordinance, order, /e!a, r+!e, re&+!ation, notification, c+sto or

+sa&e ain& in te territor/ of =ndia te force of !aB

?@ .......

41. =t is tr+e tat tere is no co!ete definition of te ord !a in te artic!e +t it is

si&nificant tat te definition does not see' to e;c!+de constit+tiona! aendents ic it

o+!d ae een eas/ to indicate in te definition / addin& +t sa!! not inc!+de an

aendent of te (onstit+tion. <e eanin& is a!so so+&t to e en!ar&ed not c+rtai!ed. <e

eanin& of Art. 13 t+s deends on te sense in ic te ord !a in Art. 13?2@ is to e

+nderstood. =f an aendent can e said to fa!! itin te ter !a, te +ndaenta!

"i&ts ecoe eterna! and inio!ate to orro te !an&+a&e of te )aanese (onstit+tion.Artic!e 13 is ten on ar it Art. 5 of te Aerican edera! (onstit+tion is its i+ta!e

 roiition as !on& as it stands. #+t te restricted eanin& &ien to te ord !a reents

tis to e e!d. <ere is a riori reasonin& ito+t consideration of te te;t of te artic!e in

Part ===. <e Artic!e +se te !an&+a&e of eranenc/. = a of oinion tat tere are

indications in te (onstit+tion ic needed to e considered and = sa!! ention soe of

te !ater as i!!+strations.

42. <e ne;t reason as tat Art. 368 as erfect!/ &enera! and a!!oed aendent of

te (onstit+tion, ito+t an/ e;cetion atsoeer and terefore Art. 13?2@ did not coer a

constit+tiona! aendent. =t as osered in tis connection tat if it as considered

necessar/ to sae +ndaenta! "i&ts a c!ear roiso in Art. 368 o+!d ae cone/ed tisintention ito+t an/ do+t. <o / ind te easiest and ost oio+s a/ as to sa/ tat

te ord !a in Art. 13 did not inc!+de an aendent of te (onstit+tion. =t as fina!!/

conc!+ded as fo!!os :

... =n sort, e ae ere to artic!es eac of ic is ide!/ rased, +t conf!icts in its

oeration it te oter. aronio+s constr+ction re+ires tat one so+!d e read as

contro!!ed and +a!ified / te oter. ain& re&ard to te considerations aerted to aoe,

e are of oinion tat in te conte;t of artic!e 13 G!aG +st e ta'en to ean r+!es or

re&+!ations ade in e;ercise of ordinar/ !e&is!atie oer and not aendents to te

(onstit+tion ade in e;ercise of constit+ent oer, it te res+!t te artic!e 13?2@ does not

affect aendents ade +nder artic!e 368.

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43. At te earin& re!iance as not !aced on Art. 13?2@ +t easis as !aid on te

aendent of Art. 226. *r. ". 7. *ani did, oeer, refer to te roision for te

s+sension of +ndaenta! "i&ts as soin& tat +n!ess s+sended in an eer&enc/, Part

=== +st stand +ncan&ed and e referred to Art. 32?4@. or te disosa! of tese cases =

indicate / ie tat on te ar&+ents efore +s = +st o!d tat as decided in an'ari

PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@ case Art. 226 is not so+&t to e can&ed / te 1CtAendent. #+t = a'e it c!ear tat = +st not e +nderstood to ae s+scried to te ie

tat te ord !a in Art. 13?2@ does not contro! constit+tiona! aendents. = resere /

oinion on tat case for = areend tat it deends on o ide is te ord !a in tat

Artic!e. <e roiition in tat artic!e a/ ae to e read in te !i&t of dec!arations in te

ario+s artic!es in Part === to find o+t te roer eanin&. <o+& = do not e;ress a fina!

oinion = &ie a fe e;a!es. <a'e for instance Art. 32. =t reads :

32. "eedies for enforceent of ri&ts.

?1@ <e ri&t to oe te +ree (o+rt / aroriate roceedin&s for te enforceent of

te ri&ts conferred / tis Part is &+aranteed.

?2@ <e +ree (o+rt sa!! ae oer to iss+e directions or orders or rits in te nat+re of

aeas cor+s, anda+s, roiition, +o arranto and certiorari, iceer a/ e

aroriate, for te enforceent of an/ of te ri&ts conferred / tis Part.

?3@ Wito+t re%+dice to te oers conferred on te +ree (o+rt / c!a+ses ?1@ and ?2@,

Par!iaent a/ / !a eoer an/ oter co+rt to e;ercise itin te !oca! !iits of its

 %+risdiction a!! or an/ of te oers e;ercisa!e / te +ree (o+rt +nder c!a+se ?2@.

?4@ <e ri&t &+aranteed / tis artic!e sa!! not e s+sended e;cet as oterise roided

for / te (onstit+tion.

44. =t is ria facie at !east, reasona!e to tin' tat if c!s. ?1@, and ?4@ of tis Artic!e ere

inc!+ded in Part EE ?Aendent of te (onstit+tion@ tat o+!d ae ade te &+arantee

aso!+te a&ainst an/ aendent. =t is a atter for consideration eter tis &+arantee is an/

te !ess eca+se te artic!e is in anoter Part F <e first c!a+se ass+res a &+aranteed reed/.

<at &+arantee is e+a!!/ a&ainst !e&is!atie and e;ec+tie actions. Part === is f+!! of

dec!arations of at te !e&is!at+re can do and at it cannot do. <e &+arantee coers a!!

tose actions ic are not oen to te !e&is!at+re and te e;ec+tie. =f it e e!d tat te

&+arantee is inio!a!e o+!d not e &+arantee of te reed/ a'e te ri&ts e+a!!/

 rotected F

45. Anoter roision, nae!/, te Prea!e of te (onstit+tion is e+a!!/ ita! to o+r od/

 o!itic. =n in re : <e #er+ari >nion and ;can&e of nc!aes MANU/SC/0049/1960 it is

e!d tat a!to+& te rea!e is te 'e/ to te ind of te (onstit+tiona'ers, it does not

for art of te (onstit+tion. Peras, in one sense, it does not +t, in anoter sense, it does.

O+r rea!e is ore a'in in nat+re to te Aerican Dec!aration of =ndeendence ?)+!/ 4,

1CC6@ ten to te rea!e to te (onstit+tion of te >nited tates. =t does not a'e an/

&rant of oer +t it &ies a direction and +rose to te (onstit+tion ic is ref!ected in

Parts === and =7. =s it to e ia&ined tat a totirds a%orit/ of te to o+ses at an/ tie

is a!! tat is necessar/ to a!ter it ito+t een cons+!tin& te tates F =t is not een inc!+ded in

te roiso to Art. 368 and it is diffic+!t to tin' tat as it as not te rotection of te roiso it +st e itin te ain art of Art. 368.

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46. A&ain, Art. 13?1@ rendered oid te !as in force in te territor/ of =ndia ic conf!icted

it Part ===. (an it e said tat Art. 13 a/ e reea!ed retrosectie!/ and a!! tose stat+es

 ro+&t ac' to !ife F #eca+se of s+ccessie aendents e ae seen an/ faces of Art.

31A. =t is for consideration eter Art. 13 as not intended to strea!ine a!! e;istin& and

f+t+re !as to te asic re+ireents of Part ===. Or is te door !eft oen for reersin& te

 o!ic/ of o+r (onstit+tion fro tie to tie / !e&is!atin& it te i&&er a%orit/ at an/&ien tie not direct!/ +t / constit+tiona! aendents F =t is ossi!e to %+stif/ s+c

aendents it te aid of te roisos in Art. 19 ic erit te a'in& of !as

restrictin& te freedos +t not / i&norin& Art. 13 and re!/in& so!e!/ on Art. 368.

4C. = a aare tat in A - $oa!an . tate of *adras ?H1950I .(.". 88 at . 100@ -ania ( )

said :

... te inc!+sion of artic!e 13?1@ and ?2@ in te (onstit+tion aears to e a atter of

a+ndant ca+tion. en in teir asence, if an/ of te f+ndaenta! ri&ts as infrin&ed /

an/ !e&is!atie enactent, te (o+rt as a!a/s te oer to dec!are te enactent, to te

e;tent it trans&resses te !iits ina!id.

48. <e oseration is not c!ear in its eanin&. <ere as +ndo+ted!/ a &reat +rose ic

tis artic!e aciees. =t is roa!e tat far fro e!itt!in& te iortance of Art. 13 te

!earned (ief )+stice eant rater to easiKe te iortance and te coandin& osition

of +ndaenta! "i&ts in tat een ito+t Art. 13 te/ o+!d ae te sae effect on oter

!as. <o o!d tat Art. 13 is fraed ere!/ / a/ of a+ndant ca+tion, and seres no

additiona! or intrinsic f+nction of its on, i&t, / ana!o&/ ers+ade +s to sa/ te sae of

Art. 32?1@ eca+se tis (o+rt o+!d do its d+t/ +nder Art. 32?2@ een in te asence of te


49. = o+!d re+ire stron&er reasons tat tose &ien in an'ari PrasadGs ?H1952I .(.". 89@

case to a'e e accet te ie tat +ndaenta! "i&ts ere not rea!!/ f+ndaenta! +t

ere intended to e itin te oers of aendent in coon it te oter arts of te

(onstit+tion and ito+t te conc+rrence of te tates. No do+t Art. 19 / c!a+ses

n+ered 2 to 6 a!!os a c+rtai!ent of ri&ts in te +!ic interest. <is sos tat Part ===

is not static. =t is+a!ises can&e and ro&ress +t at te sae tie it reseres te indiid+a!

ri&ts. <ere is ard!/ an/ eas+re of refor ic cannot e introd+ced reasona!/, te

&+arantee of indiid+a! !iert/ notitstandin&. en te a&rarian refors co+!d ae een

 art!/ carried o+t ito+t Artic!e 31A and 31# +t te/ o+!d ae cost ore to te +!ic

e;ce+er. <e ri&ts of societ/ are ade arao+nt and te/ are !aced aoe tose of te

indiid+a!. <is is as it so+!d e. #+t restrictin& te +ndaenta! "i&ts / resort to c!s. 2 to6 of Art. 19 is one tin& and reoin& te ri&ts fro te (onstit+tion or dei!itatin& te /

an aendent is +ite anoter. <is is te i!ication of an'ari PrasadGs case. =t is tr+e tat

s+c tin&s o+!d neer e, +t one is concerned to 'no if s+c a doin& o+!d e ossi!e.

50. =t a/ e said tat te ords of Art. 368 are +ite e;!icit. Art. 3 6 8 does not &ie oer

to aend an/ roision of te (onstit+tion. At !east te artic!e does not sa/ so. Ana!/sed

 / te acceted canons of interretation it is fo+nd to !a/ don te anner of te aendent

of tis (onstit+tion +t / tis (onstit+tion it does not ean eac indiid+a! artic!e

ereer fo+nd and ateer its !an&+a&e and sirit. <e (onstit+tion itse!f indicates in

soe !aces a contrar/ intention e;ress!/ ?ee Artic!es 4, 169 and te forer Art. 240@ and

in soe oters / i!ication ?ee Art. 11@. Wat Art. 368 does is to !a/ don te anner ofaendent and te necessar/ conditions for te effectieness of te aendent. <e

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contrast eteen te oenin& art and te roiso does not so tat at is o+tside te

 roiso is necessari!/ itin te oers of aendent. <e roiso ere!/ +ts o+tside te

e;c!+sie Poer of Par!iaent to aend tose roisions on ic o+r federa! str+ct+re rests.

=t a'es it inc+ent tat a a%orit/ of te tates so+!d a!so a&ree. <e roiso a!so

 reseres te str+ct+re of te i&er %+diciar/ so ita! to a ritten (onstit+tion and to a

Deocrac/ s+c as o+rs. #+t te artic!e no ere sa/s tat te rea!e and eer/ sin&!eartic!e of te (onstit+tion can e aended / totirds a%orit/ desite an/ eranenc/ in

te !an&+a&e and desite an/ istorica! fact or sentient.

51. <e (onstit+tion &ies so an/ ass+rances in Part === tat it o+!d e diffic+!t to tin'

tat te/ ere te !a/ tin&s of a secia! a%orit/. <o o!d tis o+!d ean ria facie tat

te ost so!en arts of o+r (onstit+tion stand on te sae footin& as an/ oter roision

and een on a !ess fir &ro+nd tan one on ic te artic!e entioned in te roiso stand.

<e anao!/ tat Art. 226 so+!d e soeat rotected +t not Art. 32 +st &ie +s a+se.

Artic!e 32 does not erect a sie!d a&ainst riate cond+ct +t a&ainst state cond+ct inc!+din&

te !e&is!at+res ?ee Art. 12@. (an te !e&is!at+re ta'e aa/ tis sie!d F Peras / adotin&

a !itera! constr+ction of Art. 368 one can sa/ tat. #+t = a not inc!ined to !a/ a&raarianGs ro!e. As at resent adised = can on!/ sa/ tat te oer to a'e aendents

o+&t not ordinari!/ to e a eans of escae fro aso!+te constit+tiona! restrictions.

52. or tese reasons to+& = a&ree it te order roosed, = o+!d not !i'e to e

+nderstood to ae e;ressed a fina! oinion on te asect of te case o+t!ined aoe.

M"#ho<a2 !.

53. = ae seen te %+d&ents of / ord te (ief )+stice and / roter ida/at+!!a ).

and = a&ree tat te Writ Petitions so+!d e disissed.

54. Of te ario+s contentio+s raised in an'ari Prasad in& Deo . >nion of =ndia and tate

of #iar ?H1952I .(.". 89@ in ic te (onstit+tion ?irst Aendent@ Act, 1951 as

ca!!en&ed efore tis (o+rt on!/ to o+!d e re!eant in te conte;t of te (onstit+tion

?eenteent Aendent@ Act, 1964. <e/ are : ?a@ eter te Aendent Act in so far as

it +rorts to ta'e aa/ or arid&e te ri&tG conferred / Part === of te (onstit+tion fa!!s

itin te roiition of Art. 13?2@ and ?@ eter Arts. 31A and 31# see' to a'e can&es

in Arts. 132, 136 or 226 or in an/ of te ists in te eent ced+!e and, terefore, te

re+ireents of te roiso to Art. 368 ad to e satisfied. #ot tese contentions ere

ne&atied / tis (o+rt. <e first contention as not een raised in te ar&+ents efore +s

and te attac' on te eenteent Aendent Act as ased on!/ on te second contention.*ost of te &ro+nds ic !earned co+nse! +r&ed efore +s ere te sae as tose +r&ed in

te ear!ier case. oe additiona! ar&+ents ere a!so +r&ed efore +s +t, as / ord te

(ief )+stice as ointed o+t, te/ are +ns+stantia!. An attet as ade / *r. *ani,

!earned co+nse! for te etitioners, to ers+ade +s to reconsider te decision in te ear!ier case

it re&ard to te second contention. As, oeer, no case as ade o+t / i for

reconsideration of tat decision e intiated to i tat e do not roose to reconsider it.

55. ince / ord te (ief )+stice in is %+d&ents as dea!t it te first contention a!so

and e;ressed te ie tat te reio+s decision is ri&t = tin' it necessar/ to sa/, art!/ for

te reasons stated / / !earned roter ida/at+!!a ). and art!/ for soe oter reasons,

tat = o+!d resere / oinion on tis +estion and tat = do not re&ard at tis (o+rt ase!d in tat case as te !ast ord.

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56. =t sees to e tat in a'in& te ie tat te ord !a occ+rrin& in Art. 13?2@ of te

(onstit+tion does not inc!+de an aendent to te (onstit+tion tis (o+rt as not orne in

ind soe iortant considerations ic o+!d e re!eant for te +rose. <e !an&+a&e

of Art. 368 is !ain eno+& to so tat te action of Par!iaent in aendin& te

(onstit+tion is a !e&is!atie act !i'e one in e;ercise of its nora! !e&is!atie oer. <e on!/

difference in resect of an aendent of te (onstit+tion is tat te #i!! aendin& te(onstit+tion as to e assed / a secia! a%orit/ ?ere = ae in ind on!/ tose

aendents ic do not attract te roiso to Art. 368@. <e res+!t of a !e&is!atie action of

a !e&is!at+re cannot e oter tan G!aG and, terefore, it sees to e tat te fact tat te

!e&is!ation dea!s it te aendent of a roision of te (onstit+tion o+!d not a'e its

res+!t an/ te !ess a G!aG. Artic!e 368 does not sa/ tat en Par!iaent a'es an

aendent to te (onstit+tion it ass+es a different caacit/, tat of a constit+ent od/. As

s+&&ested / / !earned roter ida/at+!!a ). it is oen to do+t eter tis Artic!e

confers an/ s+c oer +on Par!iaent. #+t een ass+in& tat it does, it can on!/ e

re&arded as an additiona! !e&is!atie oer.

5C. <en a&ain i!e te (onstit+tion as ori&ina!!/ fraed can on!/ e interreted / a co+rtof !a and te a!idit/ of no roision terein can e ca!!en&ed te sae cannot e said of

an aendent to te (onstit+tion. or an aendent to e treated as a art of te

(onstit+tion it +st in fact and in !a ae ecoe a art of te (onstit+tion. Weter it as

 ecoe a art of te (onstit+tion is t+s a +estion oen to %+dicia! reie. =t is oio+s tat

an aendent +st co!/ it te re+ireents of te (onstit+tion and so+!d not

trans&ress an/ of its roisions. Were, terefore, a ca!!en&e is ade efore te (o+rt on te

&ro+nd tat no aendent ad in fact een ade or on te &ro+nd tat it as not a a!id

aendent it i!! e ot te d+t/ of te (o+rt as e!! as e and itin its oer to e;aine

te +estion and to rono+nce +on it. <is is recise!/ at a (o+rt is coetent to do in

re&ard to an/ oter !a, te a!idit/ of ic is i+&ned efore it.

58. Neiter of tese atters aears to ae een considered in an'ari PrasadGs case ?H1952I

.(.". 89@ and = tin' tat te/ do erit consideration.

59. */ ord te (ief )+stice as osered tat to+&t in A - $oa!an . <e tate of

*adras ?H1950I .(.". 88@ Patan%a!i astri )., ?as er ten as@ as said tat f+ndaenta!

ri&ts are tose ri&ts ic te eo!e ae resered for tese!es tat !earned )+d&e as

eatica!!/ stated in =n re <e De!i as Act, 1912 ?H1951I .(.". C4C@ tat Par!iaent,

actin& itin te !iits of its !e&is!atie oer, as !enar/ oers of !e&is!ation ic are as

!ar&e and ic are of te sae nat+re as tose of te #ritis Par!iaent and re%ected te

s+&&estion tat Par!iaent is te de!e&ate of te eo!e in o te soerei&nt/ rests. #+tdoes it fo!!o tat te !earned )+d&e as dearted fro is ear!ier ie F No reference as

ade / i in an'ari PrasadGs case ?H1952I .(.". 89@ to is oserations to+& te/

needed to e e;!ained. =n te De!i as Act case e as +ndo+ted!/ said tat Par!iaent

en%o/s !enar/ oers of !e&is!ation. <at Par!iaent as !enar/ oers of !e&is!ation

itin te circ+scried !iits of its !e&is!atie oer and cannot e re&arded as a de!e&ate

of te eo!e i!e e;ercisin& its !e&is!atie oers is a e!! acceted osition. <e fact,

oeer, reains tat +n!i'e te #ritis Par!iaent o+r Par!iaent, !i'e eer/ oter or&an of

te tate, can f+nction on!/ itin te !iits of te oers ic te (onstit+tion as

conferred +on it. <is o+!d a!so e so en, in te e;ercise of its !e&is!atie oer, it

a'es an aendent to te (onstit+tion or to an/ of its roisions. =t o+!d, terefore,

aear tat te ear!ier oseration of Patan%a!i astri )., cannot e re&arded as inconsistentit at e as said =n te De!i as Act case. At an/ rate, tis is an asect of te atter

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ic re+ires f+rter consideration, artic+!ar!/ eca+se te sae !earned )+d&e as not

aderted to tose oserations in an'ari PrasadGs case. =t is tr+e tat / irt+e of s. 8 of te

=ndian =ndeendence Act, 194C it as +on te (onstit+ent Asse!/ ic fraed te

(onstit+tion and not +on te eo!e of =ndia tat soerei&nt/ deo!ed after te

itdraa! of te #ritis oer. #+t ot te O%ecties "eso!+tion adoted / te

(onstit+ent Asse!/ on )an+ar/ 22, 194C and te Prea!e to te (onstit+tion so tattis soerei&n od/ fraed te (onstit+tion in te nae of te eo!e of =ndia and / irt+e

of te oers deried fro te. =n te circ+stances it o+!d ae to e considered

eter Patan%a!i astri )., as not ri&t in sa/in& tat te f+ndaenta! ri&ts are te

ini+ ri&ts resered / te eo!e to tese!es and te/ are, terefore, +na!tera!e.

60. =t is tr+e tat te (onstit+tion does not direct!/ roiit te aendent of Part ===. #+t it

o+!d indeed e stran&e tat ri&ts ic are considered to e f+ndaenta! and ic

inc!+de one ic is &+aranteed / te (onstit+tion ?ide Art. 32@ so+!d e ore easi!/

caa!e of ein& arid&ed or restricted tan an/ of te atters referred to in te roiso to

Art. 368 soe of ic are eras !ess ita! tan f+ndaenta! ri&ts. =t is ossi!e, as

s+&&ested / / !earned roter, tat Art. 368 ere!/ !a/s don te roced+re to efo!!oed for aendin& te (onstit+tion and does not confer a oer to aend te

(onstit+tion ic, = tin', as to e ascertained fro te roision so+&t to e aended or

oter re!eant roisions or te rea!e. <e ar&+ent tat if f+ndaenta! ri&ts are

re&arded as +ncan&ea!e it i!! aer !e&is!ation ic te can&in& needs of a d/naic

societ/ a/ ca!! for in f+t+re is ei&t/ eno+& and erits consideration. =t is ossi!e tat

tere a/ e an anser. <e ri&ts en+erated in Art. 19?1@ can e s+%ected to reasona!e

restrictions +nder c!s. ?2@ to ?6@ of Art. 19 and te oter f+ndaenta! ri&ts or at !east an/

of te can eras e adated to eet te needs of a can&in& societ/ it te aid of te

directie rinci!es. or, Art. 3C, te second Artic!e in Part =7 ic dea!s it GDirectie

Princi!es of tates Po!ic/G, ioses a d+t/ on te tate to a!/ tose directie rinci!es in

a'in& !as. <ese rinci!es are a!so f+ndaenta! in te &oernance of te co+ntr/ and te

 roisions of Part === of te (onstit+tion +st e interreted aronio+s!/ it tose

 rinci!es. <is is a!so an asect of te atter ic re+ires consideration.

61. We a/ a!so ae to ear in ind te fact tat o+r in a ritten (onstit+tion. <e

(onstit+ent Asse!/ ic as te reositor/ of soerei&nt/ co+!d e!! ae created a

soerei&n Par!iaent on te #ritis ode!. #+t instead it enacted a ritten (onstit+tion,

created tree or&ans of tate, ade te +nion e;ec+tie resonsi!e to Par!iaent and te

tate e;ec+ties to te tate !e&is!at+resB erected a federa! str+ct+re and distri+ted !e&is!atie

 oer eteen Par!iaent and te tate !e&is!at+resB reco&nised certain ri&ts as f+ndaenta!

and roided for teir enforceentB rescried fors of oats of office or affirations icre+ire tose o s+scrie to te to oe tr+e a!!e&iance to te (onstit+tion and f+rter

re+ire te eers of te >nion )+diciar/ and of te i&er %+diciar/ in te tates, to

+o!d te (onstit+tion. Aoe a!!, it for+!ated a so!en and di&nified rea!e ic

aears to e an eitoe of te asic feat+res of te (onstit+tion. (an it not e said tat tese

are indicia of te intention of te (onstit+ent Asse!/ to &ie a eranenc/ to te asic

feat+res of te (onstit+tion F

62. =t is a!so a atter for consideration eter a'in& a can&e in a asis feat+re of te

(onstit+tion can e re&arded ere!/ as an aendent or o+!d it e, in effect, reritin& a

 art of te (onstit+tion and if te !atter, o+!d it e itin te +rie of Art. 368 F

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63. <e (onstit+tion as en%oined on eer/ eer of Par!iaent efore enterin& +on is

office to ta'e an oat or a'e an affiration to te effect tat e i!! ear tr+e fait and

a!!e&iance to te (onstit+tion. On te oter and +nder Art. 368 a roced+re is rescried for

aendin& te (onstit+tion. =f +on a !itera! interretation of tis roision an aendent

een of te asic feat+res of te (onstit+tion o+!d e ossi!e it i!! e a +estion for

consideration as to o aronise te d+t/ of a!!e&iance to te (onstit+tion it te oerto a'e an aendent to it. (o+!d te to e aronised / e;c!+din& fro te roced+re

for aendent, a!teration of a asic feat+re of te (onstit+tion F =t o+!d e of interest to

ention tat te +ree (o+rt of Pa'istan as, in *r. aK!+! +ader (odr/ . *r.

*od Ad+! a+e ?1963 P..D. 486@ e!d tat francise and for of &oernent are

f+ndaenta! feat+res of a (onstit+tion and te oer conferred +on te President / te

(onstit+tion of Pa'istan to reoe diffic+!ties does not e;tend to a'in& an a!teration in a

f+ndaenta! feat+re of te (onstit+tion. or stri'in& don te action of te President +nder,

at e ca!!s Gs+constit+tiona! oerG (orne!i+s (.)., re!ied on te )+d&esG oat of office.

After +otin& te fo!!oin& assa&e fro (oo!e/Gs (onstit+tiona! iitations :

or te constit+tion of te state is i&er in a+torit/ tan an/ !a, direction, or order ade / an/od/ or an/ officer ass+in& to act +nder it, since s+c od/ or officer +st e;ercise a

de!e&ated a+torit/, and one tat +st necessari!/ e s+serient to te instr+ent / ic

te de!e&ation is ade. =n an/ case of conf!ict te f+ndaenta! !a +st &oern, and te act

in conf!ict it it +st e treated as of no !e&a! a!idit/. <e !earned (ief )+stice

osered :

<o decide +on te +estion of constit+tiona! a!idit/ in re!ation to an act of a stat+tor/

a+torit/, oi&soeer, is a d+t/ deo!in& ordinari!/ +on te s+erior (o+rts / irt+e

of teir office, and in te asence of an/ ar eiter e;ress or i!ied ic stands in te

a/ of tat d+t/ ein& erfored in resect of te Order ere in +estion it is a resonsii!it/

ic cannot e aoided. ?. 506@

64. <e oserations and te assa&e fro (oo!e/, +oted ere for conenience s+ort at

= ae said ear!ier re&ardin& te oer of te (o+rts to rono+nce +on te a!idit/ of

aendents to te (onstit+tion.

65. <e (onstit+tion indicates tree odes of aendents and ass+in& tat te roisions

of Art. 368 confer oer on Par!iaent to aend te constit+tion, it i!! sti!! ae to e

considered eter as !on& as te rea!e stands +naended, tat oer can e e;ercised

it resect to an/ of te asic feat+res of te (onstit+tion.

66. <o i!!+strate a/ oint, as !on& as te ords Gsoerei&n deocratic re+!icG are tere,

co+!d te (onstit+tion e aended so as to deart fro te deocratic for of $oernent

or its re+!ic caracter F =f tat cannot e done, ten, as !on& as te ords )+stice, socia!

econoic and o!itica! etc., are tere co+!d an/ of te ri&ts en+erated in Arts. 14, to 19,

21, 25, 31 and 32 e ta'en aa/ F =f te/ cannot, it i!! e for consideration eter te/ can

 e odified.

6C. =t as een said, no do+t, tat te rea!e is not a art of o+r (onstit+tion. #+t, = tin',

tat if +on a coarison of te rea!e it te road feat+res of te (onstit+tion it o+!d

aear tat te rea!e is an eitoe of tose feat+res or, to +t it different!/ if tese

feat+res are an a!ification or concretisation of te concets set o+t in te rea!e it a/ae to considered eter te rea!e is not a art of te (onstit+tion. Wi!e considerin&

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tis +estion it o+!d e of re!eance to ear in ind tat te rea!e is not of te coon

r+n s+c as is to e fo+nd in an Act of a !e&is!at+re. =t as sta of dee de!ieration and is

ar'ed / recision. Wo+!d tis not s+&&est tat te fraers of te (onstit+tion attaced

secia! si&nificance to it F

68. =n ie of tese considerations and tose entioned / / !earned roter ida/at+!!a). = fee! re!+ctant to e;ress a definite oinion on te +estion eter te ord G!aG in Art.

13 ?2@ of te (onstit+tion e;c!+des an Act of Par!iaent aendin& te (onstit+tion and a!so

eter it is coetent to Par!iaent to a'e an/ aendent at a!! to Part === of te


69. =n so far as te second contention is concerned = &enera!!/ a&ree it at / ord te

(ief )+stice as said +t o+!d on!/ !i'e to add tis : >on te ass+tion tat Par!iaent

can aend Part === of te (onstit+tion and as, terefor, coetent to enact terein Artic!es

31A and 31# as a!so to aend te definition of GestateG, te +estion sti!! reains eter it

co+!d a!idate a tate !a dea!in& it !and. = ta'e it tat on!/ tat !e&is!at+re as oer to

a!idate a !a ic as te oer to enact tat !a. ince te a&rarian !as inc!+ded in te Nint ced+!e and so+&t to e rotected / Art. 31# co+!d not ae een enacted /

Par!iaent, o+!d it e ri&t to sa/ tat Par!iaent co+!d a!idate te F =f Par!iaent co+!d

aend Part === it co+!d, indeed, reoe te iedient in te a/ of te tate e&is!at+res

 / enactin& Art. 31A and aendin& te definition of GestateG. #+t co+!d it &o to te e;tent it

ent en it enacted te irst Aendent Act and te Nint ced+!e and as no added

44 ore a&rarian !as to it F Or as it incoetent to it to &o e/ond enactin& Art. 31A in

1950 and no e/ond aendin& te definition of estate F <is, oeer, does not aear to

ae een considered in an'ari PrasadGs case ?H1952I .(.". 89@ nor as s+c an ar&+ent

adanced efore +s in tis case. = a on!/ entionin& tis to a'e it c!ear tat een in so far

as te second contention is concerned = ase / decision on te narro &ro+nd tat +on te

ar&+ents adanced efore +s no case as een ade o+t for stri'in& don te eenteent


C0. As indicated in te %+d&ent of / ord te (ief )+stice an aendent ade / resort

to te first art of Art. 368 co+!d e str+c' don +on a &ro+nd s+c as ta'in& aa/ te

 %+risdiction of te i& (o+rts +nder Art. 226 or of tis (o+rt +nder Art. 136 ito+t

co!/in& it te re+ireents of te roiso. <o tis = o+!d !i'e to add tat if te effect

of an aendent is to c+rtai! s+stantia!!/, to+& indirect!/, te %+risdiction of i& (o+rts

+nder Art. 226 or of tis (o+rt +nder Art. 136 and reco+rse as not een ad to te roiso to

Art. 368 te +estion eter te aendent as a co!o+ra!e e;ercise of oer /

Par!iaent i!! e re!eant for consideration.

C1. #efore = art it tis case = is to a'e it c!ear tat at = ae said in tis %+d&ent

is not an e;ression of / fina! oinion +t on!/ an e;ression of certain do+ts ic ae

assai!ed e re&ardin& a +estion of arao+nt iortance to te citiKens of o+r co+ntr/ : to

'no eter te asic feat+res of te (onstit+tion +nder ic e !ie and to ic e

oe a!!e&iance are to end+re for a!! tie or at !east for te forseea!e f+t+re or eter

te/ are no ore end+rin& tan te i!eenta! and s+ordinate roisions of te


C2. Petitions disissed.

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