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  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Where we began several weeks ago

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Doctrine means what the whole Bible has to say about a particular

    topic or subject.

    Doctrine of God

    Doctrine of Gods word

    Doctrine of man

    Doctrine of Christ

    Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

    Doctrine of Salvation Doctrine of the church

    Doctrine of end times

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    The Doctrine of Salvation


    The five things we need to learn about "FAITH."

    1. Why is it important to understand faith? (mans perspective)2. What is faith?

    3. What does savingfaith look like from the Bible?

    4. How does this faith work?

    5. Why is it important to understand faith (Gods perspective)

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  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Faith credited as righteousness

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    241 occurrences in the NT

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    General Observations for further discussion

    Romans 433 verses and 62 ImperativesThis is an epistle about how one gets saved

    James 108 verses and 57 imperatives

    This is an epistle about how one lives in light of their salvation

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    40 Occurrences of the word credited in the NT



  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    91 occurrences of righteousness in the NT



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    Rom. 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND ITWAS


    Rom. 4:5 But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his

    faith is credited as righteousness,

    Rom. 4:6just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits

    righteousness apart from works:

    Rom. 4:9 Is this blessing then on 1athe circumcised, or on 2the uncircumcised also? For we






    Rom. 4:11 and he areceived the sign of circumcision,ba seal of the righteousness of the faith

    which 1he had while uncircumcised, so that he might be cthe father ofdall who believe without

    being circumcised, that righteousness might be credited to them,


    Galatians 3:6 1Even so Abraham BELIEVED GOD, AND ITWAS RECKONED TO HIM


    James 2:23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says,AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD,

    AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and he was called the friend of


  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Faith is credited as Righteousness


    I have a check for $100.

    I drive to the bank and fill out a deposit ticket.

    I give it to the teller and I receive back a deposit receipt.

    I go home and open my banking account online.

    And sure enough there it is $100 has been credited to my


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    So when we read in Genesis 15:6 - Abraham believed and God

    credited it to his account as righteousness. It would be very easy

    to form the category as follows:Illustration:

    Salvation costs 1 billion dollars and Abraham can only come up

    with $100,000 which we will call faith.

    And God sees that Abraham has $100,000 and therefore because

    of His mercy and grace credits that to his account and makes up

    all the rest and therefore now considers Abraham to be righteous.

    Abraham is now accepted,forgiven and righteous before Godbecause I credit your faith as the righteousness that I demand.

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    Or is getting saved very, very different than that?

    It is not God seeing a righteousness in us or something that we doand Him somehow making up the difference.

    But rather could it be "faith being reckoned as righteousness"

    means there is an alien righteousness namely the righteousness of

    God in Christ which is credit to our account THROUGH faith.

    And the fact that He credits faith as righteousness DOES NOT

    mean the faith is the righteousness.

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    Why is this so very important that we come to understand what

    the crediting of righteous means to our salvation?

    Because it is so subject to misunderstanding today in thechurch

    It forms the very basis of HOW we have been justified. And

    we know that correct believing is foundational for correct


    The apostle Paul invests all his writing in Chapter 4 in order to

    do an exposition on what faith is credited as righteousness


    Does your legal standing before the Judge of the universe as

    acquitted, accepted, approved, and not guilty before God, does

    that legal standing rest on a righteousness in you or does it rest on

    the righteousness of Christ?

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    You need to know HOW the doctrine of faith works.

    That means it is very important to understand what crediting orimputation means.

    Imputation comes from the word IMPUTE.

    Impute means to think of a belonging to someone, and therefore tocause it to belong to that person. God thinks of Adams sin as

    belonging to us and it therefore belongs to us, and in justification

    he thinks of Christs righteousness as belonging to us and so

    relates to us on this basis.

    There is a difference between imputation and impartation.

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    The impartation is when the Holy Spirit works in us to transform us

    by His power into the likeness of Christ. And we start to see fruit of

    the Spirit in our lives.

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    But this impartation has a foundation that it rests on, and it rests

    on the foundation of imputation.

    You must be reckoned as perfect before God before you can ever

    make any progress at becoming good.

    Remember a few week ago when I read from Ephesians 4:14

    As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and

    there by waves andcarried about by every wind of doctrine, by

    the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;

    We need to become trees and not leaves. And the only thing that

    keeps you from being blown around in this life is to get your

    roots down deep into Biblical truth.

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    So, what does Paul mean when he writes faith is credited as

    righteousness ?

    In Romans 4:6 we see the words "God credits righteousness" apart

    from works. And look at Romans 4:11 "that righteousness might be

    credited to them."

    We have now a new object of the verb. Paul doesn't say that God

    credits faith as righteousness.

    In verse 6 and 11 we have this thought coming out in Paul's writing.

    He is talking about a righteousness that is imputed to you.

    The very least that this implies is this:

    When you read that "his faith is credited as righteousness" then you

    should think,the righteousness of God in Christ is credited to you

    through faith apart from works.

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Romans 3:21 - "the righteousness of God" means that God always

    cherishes that which is most infinitely valuable. Therefore the

    righteousness of God is God's unwavering allegiance to His own

    glory. It is always right for God to uphold His glory because the

    infinite worth of the universe is bound up in the glory of God.

    We have fallen short of His glory and therefore what we need

    imputed to our account is the unwavering allegiance to the glory ofGod.

    Romans 3:21-22 shows that the righteousness of God is

    THROUGH faith, it is not faith itself.

    Faith is not the righteousness but it is the faith that joins us to the

    righteousness which is Christ.

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    Analogy of Butner and his computer party

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  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    When Paul writes; God credits Abraham's faith as righteousness He

    doesn't mean that the faith is the righteousness.

    He means that Christ performed a righteousness that is outside of

    Abraham and it is pure, perfect and undefiled.

    And now God looks upon our faith as the unifying element and

    says for the sake of faith I will count the righteousness of Christ to

    your account in order that you might inherit all

    the promises that are in Him.

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    How does this truth apply to me this afternoon?

    This teaches me that my standing before God is not dependent on

    my obedience but rather my standing before God is dependent on

    Christ's obedience for me.

    This teaches me that our good works do not gain God's favor and our

    bad works do not lose God's favor.

    This teaches me that the gospel is not rooted in my behavior for God

    but rather in Christ's behavior for me.

    This teaches me that my standing with God is not based on anything

    that I do but in fact is based on everything that Jesus has done for


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    For by grace you have been saved through faith;

    and that not of yourselves, it is the gift ofGod;

    Ephesians 2:8

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    For by grace you have been saved through faith;

    and that not of yourselves, it is the gift ofGod;

    Ephesians 2:8

  • 8/6/2019 SBS Class May222011


    Why is justification faith so important from Gods perspective?

    1. Exalt the glory of God

    2. Give assurance that is eternal (accords with grace)

    3. Puts down our Pride (excludes boasting)

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    Romans 4:25

    Commenting on the words, was raised for our justification,

    Denney says: He was delivered up on account of our offences

    to make atonement for them; and He was raised on account of our

    justificationthat it might become an accomplished fact. Pauldoes ascribe expiatory value to the death or blood of Christ: in

    the sense it is true the work of Christ was finished on the Cross.

    But Paul never thought of that by itself: he knew Christ only as

    the Risen One who had died, and who had the virtue of His

    atoning death ever in Him;

    Wuest, K. S. (1997). Wuest's word studies from the Greek New

    Testament : For the English reader (Ro 4:23). Grand Rapids:


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