Page 1: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2003.5- Solomon, E.P.: İnsan Anatomisi ve Fizyolojisine Giriş. Ertuğrul, L.(Çev.), Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2009-2010.,6- Vural, F., Özkuş, K., Akkın, S.M., Ertem, A.D., Tanyeli, E., Vural, Z.: Anatomi Atlası. 4. Baskı, Birol Basın Yayın Dağ. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 1996.,7- Özden, M.: Anatomi ve Fizyoloji Ders Kitabı. Feryal Matbaası, Ankara, 2003.,1- Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul, 2003.,2- Yıldırım, M.: Sağlık Yüksek Okulları İçin Resimli İnsan Anatomisi. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 2002.,4- Süzen, B.: İnsan Anatomisi ve Fizyolojisine Giriş. 1. Baskı, Bedray Basın Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2008.,3- Yıldırım, M.: Anatomide Başarı İnsan Anatomisi Çalışma Kitabı. 1. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Katabevleri, İstanbul, 2001.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 SYO13101


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:THE TERM human anatomy comprises a consideration of the various structures which make up the human organism. In a restricted sense it deals merely with the parts which formthe fully developed individual and which can be rendered evident to the naked eye by various methods of dissection.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Lectures, Workshops, Group/Plenary discussions,Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Prof.Dr. MUSTAFA TERCANAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 İnsan anatomisine giriş, terminoloji2 Hareket sistemi anatomisi3 Hareket sistemi anatomisi4 Dolaşım sistemi5 Dolaşım sistemi6 Sindirim sistemi7 Ürogenital sistem8 Ürogenital sistem9 VİZE10 Solunum sistemi11 Sinir sistemi12 Sinir sistemi13 Endokrin sistem14 Duyu organları

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Macroscopic anatomy of human bodyC02 Terminology of anatomyC03 Body sistems and treir relations with each otherC04 Understanding of the anatomy in practiceC05 duyu organlarının anatomisini tanımlayabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 2: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 5 70

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

100 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5

C01 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5

C02 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5

C03 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5

C04 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5

C05 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 3: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Republic, (Ed. Sezai ÖZTAŞ), Kırklareli: Kırklareli University Press, (2012). ISBN 978-605-87598-4-8

Sina AKŞİN, Kısa Türkiye Tarihi,Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, Nutuk,Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi (Okutman Yayıncılık)

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 UNV13103


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with information on the transition process from empire to national state and foundation of Turkish Republic after the national struggle under theleadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Narration, question and answer and presentation methodPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Asist Prof.Dr. Sezai ÖZTAŞInstructors:Instructor DENİZ GÜNERAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal web siteThe objectives of Principles of Atatürk and History of the Revolution course, course related concepts.2 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe developments leading to the Turkish Revolution3 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe efforts for the revival of the Ottoman Empire4 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteIdeological movements in the Ottoman Empire(Ottomanism, Islamism, Turkism, Westernism) The Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th century (Tripoli War and Balkan Wars)5 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe World War I (the Ottoman Empire entry into the World War I and its frontlines, the Armenian Deportation, secret agreements against the Ottoman Empire, Wilson Principles).6 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe World War I (The end of war and treaties for the peace, the outcomes of the war, The Armistice of Moudros and first invasions).7 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal website The preparation period for the National Struggle, the situation of the state after the Armistice of Moudros and minorities’ actions.8 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe societies established after the Armistice of Moudros (societies harmful to national unity, national societies), the invasion of İzmir and reactions against the invasion.9 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal website Midterm Exam10 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe circulars, the periods of congresses and the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s arrival to Istanbul and his actions in Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal’s entourage to Samsun and actions in Samsun, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s actions in Havza, the Amasya Circular, the Erzurum Congress, the Sivas Congress11 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe circulars, the periods of congresses and the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (the meetings of Amasya and protocol, the Represantation Committe’s arrival to Ankara, the opening ceremonies of the last Ottoman Chamber of Deputies, making the decisions of National Pact (Misak-ı Milli) and its actions, the invasion of Istanbul, the dismissal of the Ottoman Chamber of Deputies and Mustafa Kemal’s position for this situation, the opennig of the Turkish Grand National Assembly)12 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal wesite The first works of of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and its specifications, the rebellions during the period of the National Struggle, sharing projects of Turkey by the Entente States.13 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal website The frontlines in the Independence War, (the Southern Front, the Eastern Front)14 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal website The frontlines in the Independence War (the Western Front), the Armistice of Mudanya.15 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Course BookPersonal websiteLausanne Conference and Peace Treaty

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to explain the objective of Atatürk Principles and History of the Revolution course.C02 Will be able to explain the developments which led to the Turkish Revolution.C03 Will be able to explain the causes of World War I.C04 Will be able to evaluate the situation of Ottoman Empire during the World War I and the results of World War I.C05 Will be able to evaluate the activities which were made during the preperation period for the National Struggle.C06 Will be able to evaluate the decisions of National Pact (Misak-ı Milli).C07 Will be able to explain the importance of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.C08 Will be able to explain the importance and consequences of Lozan Conference and Peace Treaty .

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 4: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 2 30

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 15 1 15

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 5 5

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

60 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

Page 5: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

sunumÇocuk Hastalıklarında Beslenme Tedavisi/Gülden Köksal 2000 ,Beslenme/ Ayşe Baysal-2000

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 BES13101


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Bölümü ve mesleği tanıyabilme Meslek etiği ve deontoloji ile ilgili temel bilgileri öğrenebilme Mesleklerinin gerektirdiği davranış ve aktiviteleri tanımlama ve uygulama becerilerikazanabilme Eğitimleri sırasında gerekli yönetmelikleri öğrenebilme Meslekleri ile ilgili temel bilgileri edinebilecekleri kaynakları tanımlama ve onlara ulaşabilme Meslek tarihi veuluslararası derneklerin öğrenilebilmesiTeaching Methods and Techniques:Bölüm ve mesleğin tanıtılması,Meslek etiği ve deontoloji, Meslekleğin gerektirdiği davranış ve aktivitelerin tanıtılması Meslekleri ile ilgili temel kaynakları ve ulaşım yollarının tanıtımıMeslek ile ilgili temel bilgileri edinebilecek kaynakları tanımlamaPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümünün ve Anabilim dallarının tanıtımı2 Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümünün ve Anabilim dallarının tanıtımı3 Mesleki etik ve deontoloji4 Mesleki etik ve deontoloji5 Ders programı tanıtımı6 Ders programı tanıtımı7 Yönetmeliklerin ve öğrenci sorumluluklarının öğretilmesi8 Diyetisyenlik mesleği ile ilgili uygulamalar, standartlar ve meslek örgütünün tanıtılması9 ara sınav10 Diyetisyenlik mesleği ile ilgili uygulamalar, standartlar ve meslek örgütünün tanıtılması11 Diyetisyenlik mesleği ile ilgili uygulamalar, standartlar ve meslek örgütünün tanıtılması12 Meslek tarihi ve uluslararası derneklerin tanıtımı13 Meslek tarihi ve uluslararası derneklerin tanıtımı14 Meslekleri ile ilgili temel kaynakları ve ulaşım yollarının tanıtımı.15 Meslekleri ile ilgili temel kaynakları ve ulaşım yollarının tanıtımı.

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Bölümü tanıyabilmeC02 Meslek etiği ve deontoloji ile ilgili temel bilgileri kavrayabilmeC03 Mesleklerinin gerektirdiği davranış ve aktiviteleri tanımlayabilmeC04 mesleği tanıyabilmeC05 mesleğin gerektirdiği uygulama becerilerini kazanabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 6: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 1 14

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 16 2 32

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

48 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

C02 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C03 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C04 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C05 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 7: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Guyton Tıbbi Fizyoloji. Nobel YayınlarıPDQ Physiology, Editory: İnci Alican, İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2005. ,Guyton And Hall, Medical Physology, Editor : Zeynep Solakoğluİstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2005. ,Fizyoloji doç Dr Levent Ertuğrul nobel tıp kitabevi 2007 ,Color atlas of physiology, Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos, Editory: Zeynep Solakoğlu, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi, 2012, ISBN:978-605-4499-12-0.---

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 SYO13103


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To understand of function of different systems in human bodyTeaching Methods and Techniques:• Introduction of physiology, Homeostasis, Cells and organels, transport mechanism in cell surface, biological potentials, • Musculoskelatal physiology, • nervous system physiology,motor control, • endocrine system physiology, • blood physiology, heart and circulation physiology. • Respiratory physiology,Urinary system; fluid and electrolyte balance • physiologyof gasrointestinal tract, • physiology of hearing and visionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Orhan GEDİKLİInstructors:Instructor Gülsün MEMİAssistants:Research Assist. Aylin AYDIN SAYILAN

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 What is physiology, what is the main area to researching/ learning.introduction of physiology2 Homeostasis, cell physiology3 Body fluids and electrolytes, membran potentials and action potentials.4 Musculoskelatal system, bone and connective tissues.5 Blood physiology, immune system and immunity.6 Heart physiology, Elektrocardiography7 Physiology of circulation system8 Respiratory physiology9 midterm exam10 Gastrointestinal system physiology11 Urinary system physiology, body fluids balance, acid-base balance and buffer system.12 Endocrine systems physiology.13 The reproductive system14 Nervous system physiology ( peripheral and central nervous systems)15 Physiology of hearing and vision

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To understand iological systems.C02 Understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and organs, and to observe changes in health or disease status.C03 Establish a relationship with the principles of fundamental clinical physiology.C04 Being able to follow technological and scientific developments in the field of physiology.C05 To be explain the relationship of the human body systems in working order, and be able to discuss with each other.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 8: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 6 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 4 60

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 15 2 30

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

93 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 9: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Kalıtım ve Evrim (Prof. Dr. Ali DEMİRSOY), Yaşamın Temel Kuralları (Prof. Dr. Ali DEMİRSOY)Kalıtım ve Evrim(Prof.Dr. Ali DEMİRSOY),Yaşamın Temel Kuralları (Prof.Dr. Ali DEMİRSOY)

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 BIY13151


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To bring up students that have sufficient information on science of biology, its interests, vital molecules, cell structure, metabolism and fission subjects.Teaching Methods and Techniques:The basic concepts of biology, cell and cell's metabolism, cell division and ecologyPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SÖKMENInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. SEDA BALKANAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content


Course Learning Outcomes


No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 10: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

114 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

Page 11: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

prints of Power point presentationsGeneral Chemistry: R. Chang, McGraw-Hill Inc., sixth editionGeneral Chemistry, R. Petrucci, Prentice Hall Inc.Chemistry, P. Atkins, L. JonesGeneral Chemistry, R. Petrucci,Chemistry; P. Atkins, L. Jones,General Chemistry, R. Chang

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 KIM13155


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Aim of this lecture is making students have knowladge about interactions of matters and properties of chemical reaktions along with concepts of atoms, molecules and elements.Teaching Methods and Techniques:1 Matter and Features, Classification of the matters, Scientific Method, Significant Figures 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions 3 Atoms, Molecules and Ions 4 Stoichiometry 5 Stoichiometry6 Reactions in Aqueous Solution 7 Reactions in Aqueous Solution 8 The Electronic Structure of Atoms 9 mid-term exam 10 The Electronic Structure of Atoms 11 The Periodic Table12 Chemical Bonding I: The Covalent Bond 13 Chemical Bonding I: The Covalent Bond 14 Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals 15Introduction to Organic ChemistryPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. EMEL PELİTAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :



Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Matter and Features, Classification of the matters, Scientific Method, Significant Figures2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions3 Atoms, Molecules and Ions4 Stoichiometry5 Stoichiometry6 Reactions in Aqueous Solution7 Reactions in Aqueous Solution8 The Electronic Structure of Atoms9 mid-term exam10 The Electronic Structure of Atoms11 The Periodic Table12 Chemical Bonding I: The Covalent Bond13 Chemical Bonding I: The Covalent Bond14 Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals15 Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Will able to comprehend structure and properties of matterC02 Will able to compare concepts of atoms, molecules, and ionsC03 Will able to understand the chemical calculations and the chemistry of aqueous solutionsC04 Will able to comprehend of the features of periodic table and elementsC05 Will able to associate nutrients with elements and molecules

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 12: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 8 112

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

171 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

C01 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

C02 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

C03 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

C04 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

C05 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 5 5

Page 13: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Coursebook (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.) Fourth EditionWorkbook (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Beginner Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.), Fourth Edition

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 UNV13105


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with sufficient skills to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concretetype; to introduce themselves and others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have; and to interact in asimple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.Teaching Methods and Techniques:1) Lectures, 2)Workshops, 3)Seminars, 4)Group/Plenary discussions,Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Instructor Gökhan ÖzkanAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımUnit-I, Everyday English (the verb 'to be')Adjectives; Opposite adjectives Ünite 12 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü Basımam is are Negatives and questions and short answers he she they his her Verbs have/go/live/like;Possesive ‘s; The family, Reading: A student’s blog Unit 13 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımSimple Present Tense he/she/it, questions and negatives, verbs, jobs Unit 24 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımSimple Present Tense exercises, What time is it?, Hours, Writing: İmproving style, using objective pronouns Reading: A really good job Unit 25 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımPresent Simple I/you/they , Adverbs of frequency, Verbs, Reading: Town and country weekends Unit 36 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımThe Time Present Simple he/she/it/I/you/we/they Questions and negatives Verbs Adverbs of frequency , In my free time, My perfect weekend, Social expressions, Writing: Form filling Unit 2-37 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımReview: To be am/is/are, possesive adjectives my/your/his/her/its/our/their, possessive ‘s, Simple Present Tense I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they, questions and negatives8 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımThere is/ there are, some/any/a lot of/a-an/much/many, this/that/these/those, Saying numbers and prices Ünite 49 MIDTERM EXAM10 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımThings in the house, Things in the street, Rooms and household goods, Adjectives for good and bad, Reading: America’s most famous address, Writing: Describing your house and/but/so/because Ünite 411 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımCan/Can’t, Adverbs, Words that go together: noun+noun/noun+verb, Polite Requests Ünite 512 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımWas/were, could, was born, Prepositions, Reading: A talented family, Writing: a formal email Ünite 513 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımSimple Past Tense: Regular/Irregular, What’s the date?: Saying years and dates Ünite 614 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımS. Past Tense: Time Expressions, Adjectives ending –ed or –ing: Describing feelings/things, Reading: The meaning of life, Writing: A Biography: Combinig sentences However, until, when Ünite 615 Related Weekly Reading Passage, Grammar Exercise and Conversation ActivityDers Kitabı (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.); Dördüncü BasımS. Past Tense: Time Expressions, Adjectives ending –ed or –ing: Describing feelings/things, Reading: The meaning of life, Writing: A Biography: Combinig sentences However, until, when Ünite 6

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to comrehend and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete typeC02 Students will be able to introduce himself/herself and others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she hasC03 Students will be able to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to helpC04 Students will be able to use specific target language resourcesC05 Students will be able to apply the ability to identify differences in basic target language usages in their speaking skills.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 14: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 4 56

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 20 20

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

114 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

C01 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

C02 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

C03 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

C04 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

C05 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 1

Page 15: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALDers Notları, Selma BüyükgözeBilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımı, Hasan Çebi BAL

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 UNV13107


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Aim is to give usage abilities of operating system, internet and office programmes (MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint) by being introduced basic concepts of computer system.Teaching Methods and Techniques:


Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Selma BüyükgözeAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Computer and Internet Use, Dr. Hasan Çebi BalComputer and Internet Use, Dr. Hasan Çebi BalGeneral Concepts2 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALOperating Systems and File Management3 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALOperating Systems and File Management4 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALGoogle Mail and Google Calendar, Google Docs Service (Docs) and Google Daily (blog)5 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS PowerPoint - Basic Settings, Creating Presentations, Text, Images, and Tables6 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS PowerPoint - Graphics and Drawing Objects, Screen Effects show, Slideshows and Output Processing7 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS Word - Word Processor First Steps and Basic Operations8 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS Word - Formatting (Text, Paragraph, Document)9 Midterm Exam10 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS WORD - Objects (Table, Figure. Images, Graphics) and Printing11 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS WORD - Objects (Table, Figure. Images, Graphics) and Printing12 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS EXCEL - Introduction, Cells and Worksheets13 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS EXCEL - Formatting, Formulas and Functions14 Computer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALComputer and Internet Use, Hasan Çebi BALMS EXCEL - Charts, Page Setup and Preparation of Outcome15 Bilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımı, Hasan Çebi BALBilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımı, Hasan Çebi BALGenel Tekrar

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To explain the basic concepts of computer systemsC02 To use the Windows operating system and make changes to the settingsC03 Recognize Internet services, using the Internet to do research, to use common internet servicesC04 To create the file in MS PowerPoint presentation, slide to add, to delete. To select the slide layout to slides, text, tables, graphics, images and thumbnails to add. The ability to apply slide transitions and animations. To print the document.C05 To create a document in MS Word program, to save. Page to make adjustments to this page to make text input, to change. Make formatting text, tables, pictures and graphics to add, to edit. To print the document.C06 Using MS Excel to create workbooks, data entry into cells, being able to add formulas, and programs to create graphs of the data and the workbook and print the document to be able to change the properties of

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 16: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 10 2 20

Assignments 1 2 2

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 5 5

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 5 5

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

60 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C01 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C02 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C03 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C04 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C05 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 1

C06 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 2 2 2

Page 17: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

AKSAN, Doğan, Her Yönüyle Dil, C.I, II, III. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 1980.ÇOTUKSÖKEN, Yusuf, Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili, I, II, Papatya Yayıncılık, İst.2001.EKER, Süer, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Grafiker Yayınları, 2003.ERGİN, Muharrem, Üniversiteler İçin Türk Dili, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınlar1, 1986.KORKLAZ, Zeynep; ERCİLASUN, Ahmet; GÜLENSOY, Tuncer, Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 2007.YELTEN, Muhammet, Türk Dili ve Anlatım Bilgileri, Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2010.

ÇOTUKSÖKEN, Yusuf, Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili, I, II, Papatya Yayıncılık, İst.2001.,AKSAN, Doğan, Her Yönüyle Dil, C.I, II, III. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 1980.,KORKMAZ, Zeynep; ERCİLASUN, Ahmet; GÜLENSOY, Tuncer, Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 2007. ,YELTEN, Muhammet, Türk Dili ve Anlatım Bilgileri, Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2010.,EKER, Süer, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Grafiker Yayınları, 2003.,ERGİN, Muharrem, Üniversiteler İçin Türk Dili, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınlar1, 1986.ders notları

1 vize 1 final

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

1 UNV13101


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The course is organized in such a way that the students develop a consciousness of and an interest in Turkish language, which is the native language for most of the students.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Defination of language, the place and importance of language in a nation's life as a social institution, relationship between language and culture, the place of Turkish language ant itshistorical periods, status of Turkish language today and its diffusion areas, phonetic characteristics of Turkish and rules related to phonetics, phonetic casesin Turkey Turkish,structural characteristics of Turkish.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Asist Prof.Dr. Bülent HünerliInstructors:Instructor Birol BulutAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.testLanguage theories, the birth of language sand language-culture relationship.2 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.testRelationship withl anguage-thought and language-society, language-literature.3 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testLanguage-culture relationship.4 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThe classification of languages, with special emphasis on the Ural-Altaic language family, to which the Turkish language belongs.5 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThe work of terms: mother tongue, dialects, accent, jargon.6 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testDevelopment of Turkish written language and historical time line.7 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testActual state of Turkish language and deployment range.8 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.Text.Ataturk’s linguistic policyand “Sun-Language Theory”.9 Analyzing and preparing of thet exts onthe subject.MID TERM.10 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThe phonetic structure of Turkish.11 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThemorphologicstructure of Turkish.12 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThe morphologic structure of Turkish.13 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testThe syntax ands emantics structure of Turkish.14 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testActual problems of Turkish.15 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.testActual problems of Turkish.

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Defines the basic concepts of language and Turkish language.C02 Explains the elements of the Turkish language.C03 ImplementsResearch, reading, writing implements, and informing abilities.C04 Distinguishes the differences between the Turkish language and other languages.C05 Grasps the importance of using correct language in the communication reaches generalizations.C06 Evaluates the elements that make up the Turkish language.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 18: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 4 4

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 6 6

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

52 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

Page 19: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi, (Ed. Sezai ÖZTAŞ), Kırklareli: Kırklareli University Press, (2012). ISBN 978-605-87598-4-8Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi (Okutman Yayıncılık),Sina AKŞİN, Kısa Türkiye Tarihi,Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, Nutuk,Diğer Kaynaklar ARIK, Remzi Oğuz. Türk İnkılâbı ve Milliyetçiliğimiz, Ankara, 1981 ARMAOĞLU, Fahir. 20.Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihi, Ankara, 1983 ATATÜRK, Mustafa Kemal. Nutuk, İstanbul, 1982 ATAY, Falih Rıfkı. Bana Atatürk’ün Anlattıkları, İstanbul, 1955 ATAY, Falih Rıfkı. Çankaya, İstanbul, 1984 BERKES, Niyazi. Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma, Ankara, 1973 EROĞLU, Hamza. Atatürk ve Milli Egemenlik, Ankara, 1987 EROĞLU, Hamza. Türk İnkılâp Tarihi, İstanbul, 1982 KANSU, M. Müfit. Erzurum’dan Ölümüne Kadar Atatürk’le Beraber, Ankara, 1988 KARABEKİR, Kazım. İstiklal Harbimiz, İstanbul, 1969 KARAL, Enver Ziya. Atatürk’ten Düşünceler, İstanbul, 1981 KOCATÜRK, Utkan. Atatürk ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi Kronolojisi 1918-1938, Ankara, 1988 LEWIS, Bernard. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu, Ankara, 1984 ŞİMŞİR, Bilal N..İngiliz Belgelerinde Atatürk, Ankara, 1973 TANSEL, Selahattin. Mondros’tan Mudanya’ya Kadar, İstanbul, 1991 TURAN, Refik ve diğerleri. Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi, Ankara,2010 TURAN, Şerafe

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 UNV13104


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with information on how and under which conditions Turkish Republic was established and what the Principles of Atatürk and revolutions are.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Narration, question and answer and presentation methodPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Asist Prof.Dr. Sezai ÖZTAŞInstructors:Instructor DENİZ GÜNERAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Course bookPersonal websiteGeneral properties of Turkish revolution2 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe abolition of Sultanate, the proclamation of Republic, the abolition of the Caliphate3 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe trials of the Formation of the Multi-Party System, the work on Constitution and the revolutions in law4 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe revolutions in education, the revolution in culture5 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe social (societal) revolutions6 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteThe revolutions in economy, the revolutions in health7 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteTurkish foreign policy in Atatürk’s period, the principles of Atatürk’s Foreign policy, Turkish foreign policy of 1923-1930 period (Turkish-Greek relations and Etabli Issue, Turkish-English relations and Musul issue)8 course book Personal websiteTurkish foreign policy in Atatürk’s period (Turkish-French relations, Turkish-Soviet relations, Turkish-Italian relations)9 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteMIDTERM10 course book Personal websiteTurkish foreign policy of 1930-1938 period (the membership of Turkey to the League of Nations, Balkan Entente, Montreux Convention)11 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteTurkish foreign policy of 1930-1938 period (Sa’dabad Pact, Hatay issue and Hatay’s participation to Turkey)12 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteAtatürk’s Principles (Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism)13 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteAtatürk’s Principles (Statism, Secularism, Reformism)14 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteSupplementary Principles (National Sovereignity, National Independence, National Unity and Solidarity, Unity of the state, peace at home, peace in the World, Rationalism and being Scientific, Modernization and Westernization, Human and humanity), the illness of Atatürk and his death15 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi course bookPersonal websiteWorld War II, General situation of Turkey and the World during and after the war

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to evaluate the revolutions in politics, social, law, culture, economy, and health.C02 Will be able to give examples on political, social, economical and cultural changes during the transitional phase to a National state.C03 Will be able to explain the principles and revolutions of Ataturk which form the basis of the Turkish Republic.C04 Will be able to interpret revolutions aimed to take the Turkish republic to a higher level similar to modern nations.C05 Will be able to analyse the Turkish foreign policy in Atatürk’s period.C06 Will be able to evaluate the changes occuring in society and internal-external affairs encountered, in accordance with the principles and revolutions of Ataturk.C07 Will be able to explain the causes of World War II.C08 Will be able to explain the general situation of Turkey and the World during and after the war.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 20: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 2 30

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 15 1 15

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 5 5

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

60 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

C08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

Page 21: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Staff Web PageBasic Information in Family Planning - Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Istanbul, 1997.,Akın Dervisoglu (ed). Health in Turkey and in the World, Problem of Population in the concept of Development and Environment. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, UN Population Fund, Ankara: 1994.,Shorter FC. The population of Turkey after the war of independence. Int. J. Middle East Stud. 1985; 17:417-441.Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 BES13104


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to apply and evaluate demographic concepts and techniques into the solid problems in the area of health, to investigate the relationships between healthstatus and demography both qualific and quantiticTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, presentation, discussion, question - answer, summarizingPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageDemography - I2 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageDemography - II3 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web SiteDemographic measurements - I4 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageDemographic measurements - II5 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PagePregnancies, deaths, immigrations, marriages and divorces - I6 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PagePregnancies, deaths, immigrations, marriages and divorces - II7 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PagePregnancies, deaths, immigrations, marriages and divorces - III8 - -Mid-term exam9 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageDevelopment of Population in Turkey and in the World - I10 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageDevelopment of the Population in Turkey and in the World - II11 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageThe Place of Demography in Health Sciences -I12 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageThe Place of Demography in Health Sciences - II13 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageHealth Status and Basic Demographic Criteria - I14 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageHealth Status and Basic Demographic Criteria - II15 Reading related section before the lessonStaff Web PageHealth Status and Basic Demographic Criteria - III

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining knowledge about the health status and basic demographic criteriaC02 Evaluating the basic concepts about demographyC03 Calculating demographic measurementsC04 Following the development of population both in Turkey and the worldC05 Using the data sources in demographyC06 Describing the importance and place of demography in health sciencesC07 Describing the definition and concept of demography

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 22: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C07 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 23: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

ÖztürK, O.: ' Mental health and Disorders I-II ', the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine Bookstore, İstanbul, 2011Saygılı, S: Phsicology of eating, Istanbul,2007.ders notu-1 ara sına 1 final sınavı

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 BES13108


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to explain psychological effects of nutrition on people, learning the best diets for healty eating.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Diet psychology, psychology of Excessive eating, Obesity, Anorexia, Bulimia nevroza nevroza, fasting and diet psychology.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Prof.Dr. Sefa SaygılıAssistants:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime Noğay

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 source browsing lecture notesWhat we eat and inadequacy about accessing2 source browsing lecture notesThe psychology of extreme eating3 source browsing lecture notesObesity psychology4 source browsing lecture notesNutrition and mental illnesses5 source browsing lecture notesAnoreksia neurosis6 kaynak tarama lecture notesBulimia neurosis7 source browsing lecture notesObsession with healthy eating8 source browsing lecture notesMeals, diet, fasting, psychology9 question preparation Lecture notesmidterm exam10 source browsing lecture notesObese society11 source browsing lecture notesTravel and food culture12 source browsing lecture notesThe secret to a healthy diet13 source browsing lecture notesHealthy and fun food14 source browsing lecture notesWays to lose weight15 source browsing lecture notesWays to lose weight

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to describe the psychology of nutritionC02 Students will be able to analyzing Nutritional disorders and appropriate approach to developmentC03 Students will be able to understand tableware, diet and fasting psychologyC04 Students will be able to to describe the causes of eating disordersC05 Students will be able to describe the relationship between nutrition and mental disordersC06 Students will be able to describe the psychology of obesity

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 24: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 4 4

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

47 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C01 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C02 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C03 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C04 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C05 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

C06 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

Page 25: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Beginner Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.Workbook, dictionary, Audio CdPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 UNV13106


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with sufficient skills to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basicpersonal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment); to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information onfamiliar and routine matters; and to describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Teaching Methods: Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Group Study, Case StudyPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Instructor Fulya KİNCALInstructors:Instructor AYSUN BULUNUZAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials

1 Workbook Unit 7 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 7 Otherspast Simple (2), questions,negatives,time expressions2 Workbook Unit 7 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 7 Otherspast Simple (2), questions,negatives,time expressions3 Workbook Unit 8 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 8 Others count and uncount nouns,I like and I’like,some/any,How much/How many?4 Workbook Unit 8 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 8 Others count and uncount nouns,I like and I’like,some/any,How much/How many?5 Workbook Unit 9 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 9 Otherscomparative adjectives,have got,superlative adjectives6 Workbook Unit 9 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 9 Otherscomparative adjectives,have got,superlative adjectives7 Workbook Unit 10 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 10 Others in/at/on for places, present continuous, present simple or present continuous, something/nothing8 Arasınav9 Workbook Unit 10 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 10 Others in/at/on for places, present continuous, present simple or present continuous, something/nothing10 Workbook Unit 11 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 11 Othersgoing to future,infinitive of purpose11 Workbook Unit 11 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 11 Othersgoing to future,infinitive of purpose12 Workbook Unit 12 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 12 Otherspresent perfect,ever and never,yet and just,tense revision13 Workbook Unit 12 Weekly Study MaterialsCoursebook Unit 12 Otherspresent perfect,ever and never,yet and just,tense revision14 General review15 General Review

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 LISTENING:Students will be able to anlayse phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment) and identify the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.C02 READING: Students wil be able to read very short, simple texts and find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and and short simpleC03 SPOKEN INTERACTION: Students will be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities and handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself. • I can use a series of phrasesC04 SPOKEN PRODUCTION: Students will be able to list a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job.C05 WRITING: Students will be able to write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs.C06 Students will be able to make up a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 26: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 1 %10

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 4 56

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 11 1 11

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

111 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C02 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C03 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C04 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C05 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C06 5 4 3 5 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

Page 27: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Organic Chemistry, Hart-Craine-Hart-Hadad; Organic Chemistry, Atkins-Careyorganic chemistry, fessenden-fessenden,organic chemistry, atkins-carey,organik chemistry, hart-craine-hart

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 KIM13156


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Aim of this lecture is to instruct the students on structures, nomenclature, features and reactions of basic organic molecules such as alcohols, aldehydes, acids, amines andhydrocarbons.Teaching Methods and Techniques:bonding and isomerism 2 alkanes and cycloalkanes; conformational and geometric isomerism 3 alkenes and alkynes 4 aromatic compounds 5 stereoisomerism 6 stereoisomerism 7alcohols, phenols, thiols 8 ethers and epoxides 9 mid term 10 aldehydes and ketones 11 carboxylic acids and their derivatives 12 amines and related nitrogen compounds 13 syntheticpolymers; lipids and detergents 14 carbohydrates 15 amino acids, peptides, proteinsPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Instructor Engin AsavAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials

1 bonding and isomerism2 alkanes and cycloalkanes; conformational and geometric isomerism3 alkenes and alkynes4 aromatic compounds5 stereoisomerism6 stereoisomerism7 alcohols, phenols, thiols8 ethers and epoxides9 mid term10 aldehydes and ketones11 carboxylic acids and their derivatives12 amines and related nitrogen compounds13 synthetic polymers; lipids and detergents14 carbohydrates15 amino acids, peptides, proteins

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Will able to determine, criticise and sythesis of basic subjects of organic chemistry.C02 Will able to draw and denominate organic molecule structuresC03 Will able to present knowladge and ability of principles, theories and concepts of organic chemistry.C04 Will able to utilize knowladge and applications about organic chemistry on their professional lifeC05 Will able to associate their knowladge and abilities with biochemistry and nutrient chemistry

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 28: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 2 30

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 15 5 75

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 2 2

Practice 15 2 30

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

139 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

C01 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

C02 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

C03 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

C04 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

C05 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 5 4 5

Page 29: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Ç. Keyder, Türkiye'de Devlet ve Sınıflar, İletişim. (Ed.) N. Erdoğan, Yoksulluk Halleri, İletişim. A. Buğra, Ç. Keyder, Yeni Yoksulluk ve Türkiyenin Değişen Refah Rejimi, Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı için hazırlanan Proje raporu, Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı Yayınları. (Ed.) A.H. Köse, F. Şenses, E. Yeldan, Küresel Düzen: Birikim, Devlet ve Sınıflar, İletişim.

Görseller (Belgesel, Film vs.)Yok1 Arasınav 1 Yarıyıl sonu sınavı

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 BES13102


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to improve interpreting the social transformation to modernity and class distinction in turkey and industrialized countries.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Conference, Books, Discussion, PresentationsPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. HACI MEHMET SÖKMENInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Material Reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)The Concepts of Stratification and society2 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Typies of social stratification3 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Film etc.)The history of social stratification4 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films vs.)The economic and cultural analysis of social stratification5 Material Reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)The Marxism and Social Stratification6 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)The critics of social stratification7 Midterm Exam8 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Social stratification and social conflict9 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Social Change and Social stratification10 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)class consciousness and class conflicts11 Material Reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Social movements12 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)the relationship between social stratification and ideology13 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Modernity and third-world countries14 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Social change in global world15 Material reading Visuals (Documentaries, Films etc.)Semester Evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Enables learning of the main conceptual framework of the subject area.C02 Enables the application of conceptual framework in the Turkish historical and social context.C03 Develops a fundamental understanding of the relationships between the subject area and the wider sociological knowledge and engenders a conceptualization of relevant social processes.C04 Develops a comparative perspective between the social processes prevalent in the subject area and the practical applications lived in everyday life.C05 Enables an in-depth understanding of the main debates of the subject area and its comparative reflections in the global social relationships

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 30: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

72 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C02 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C03 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

C04 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C05 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 31: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

In lesson expressionÜniversiteler İçin Temel Matematik, Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu,Murathan Yayınevi / Matematik Dizisi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 MAT13158


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Aim of this lecture is to provide basic mathematics knowledge and to analyze and solve the problems in the field of health.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Clusters, Correlation, Cartesian multiplication, Natural Numbers, Real Numbers, Complex Numbers, Equations and inequalities, Algebra, Binomial Coefficients, Linear Point Clauses,trigonometri, functions, exponential functions, logarithm.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Asist Prof.Dr. Serpil AközcanInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. SERPİL AKÖZCANAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Clusters2 Correlation3 Cartesian multiplication4 Naturel Numbers5 Real Numbers6 Complex Number7 Equations and inequalities8 Mid-term exam9 Algebra10 Binomial Coefficients11 Functions12 Functional operations13 Logarithm14 Logarithm15 Practices

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To have basic mathematical knowledge and cultureC02 To have analytical thinking and evaluationC03 Able to comprehend number systemsC04 Ability to analyze and review the problemsC05 Identify concept of clusterC06 Identify function and characteristics of function

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 32: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 14 2,50 35

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

108 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C01 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C02 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C03 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C04 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C05 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

C06 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1

Page 33: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationsMoleküler Hücre Biyolojisi, Prof.Dr. Hasan Veysi Güneş.,Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik, Prof. Dr. Halil KasapSunumlar

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 BES13106


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to give information about the basics of molecular biology of the cell.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Students get information about the cell types, membrane structure of the cell and membrane differentiation, cell movements depending on cytoskeleton, the structure and function ofthe organelles and the relationship between the organelles, signalling mechanisms of the cell, protein synthesis, principals of heredity, the alterations of the cell in cancer and themolecular biology of cancer.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Associate Prof.Dr. Bilal BALKANAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials

1 Tıbbi biyoloji ve genetiğin tarihsel gelişimi, Canlılığın ortak özellikleri, maddenin düzenlenmesi.2 Hücre, genel tanım ve özellikleri. Prokaryotik ve ökaryotik hücre3 Hücrenin içeriği ve fiziksel özellikleri, Hücrenin şekli ve büyüklüğü, Nukleus yapı ve fonksiyonu.4 Hücre membran yapısı ve fonksiyonları, Hücre membranından transport, Fagositoz, pinositoz.5 Hücre iskeleti- mikrotubuller, Hücre iskeleti- mikrofilament ve ara filamentler. Membran farklılaşmaları- silya, flagella, sentriol.6 Membran lipidleri, proteinleri ve karbonhidratları7 Enerji metabolizması8 Ara sinav9 Hücre döngüsü ve evreleri10 Üreme ve gelişme11 DNA yapısı. Ribozom biyosentezi, protein sentezi ve Genetik şifre.12 Kalıtımın temel ilkeleri, Kalıtımın moleküler açıklaması13 insan genetiği, insan genetiğinin araştırılmasında kullanılan teknikler14 İmmün sistem biyolojisi, kanserin moleküler biyolojisi.15 Final sinavi

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Knows medical biology and the history of genetics.C02 Defines the ingredients of cell and the physical properties, the shape and the size, and the nucleus structure and functions.C03 Knows cell membrane structure, functions, the transport from the cell.C04 Knows the cellular cycle and the phases. Defines reproduction and growth.C05 Defines ribosome biosynthesis, protein synthesis, and genetic codes.C06 Defines the principals of heredity.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 34: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 3 45

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 15 2,50 37,50

Assignments 15 2 30

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

115,50 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 4

C01 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 4

C02 3 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 4

C03 5 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 4

C04 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 4

C05 4 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 4

C06 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 4

Page 35: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

AKSAN, Doğan, Her Yönüyle Dil, C.I, II, III. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 1980.ÇOTUKSÖKEN, Yusuf, Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Uygulamalı Türk Dili, I, II, Papatya Yayıncılık, İst.2001.EKER, Süer, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Grafiker Yayınları, 2003.ERGİN, Muharrem, Üniversiteler İçin Türk Dili, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Yayınlar1, 1986.KORKLAZ, Zeynep; ERCİLASUN, Ahmet; GÜLENSOY, Tuncer, Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 2007.YELTEN, Muhammet, Türk Dili ve Anlatım Bilgileri, Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2010.Buckley, Reid, Topluluk Önünde Konuşma, Sistem Yayıncılık, Mayıs 2001,Dilçin, Cem, Yeni Tarama Sözlüğü, Ankara, 1983,Ergin, Muharrem, Üniversitler İçin Türk Dili, Bayrak Yayınları, 2002,Gencan, Tahir Nejat, Dilbilgisi, Ayraç Yayınevi, Ekim 2001,Karaalioğlu, Seyit Kemal, Kompozisyon Sanatı, İstanbul, Ocak 1999,Karahan, Leyla, Türkçede Söz Dizimi, Akçağ Yayınları, 1999,Kudret, Cevdet, Örneklerle Edebiyat Bilgileri, c. 1, 2, İnkılap Kitabevi, 1980,Koç, Nurettin, Yeni Dilbilgisi, İstanbul, 1990,Moran, Berna, Türk Romanına Eleştirel Bir Bakış, c. 1, 2, 3, İletşim Yayınları, 1983-1994,Aksan, Doğan, Her Yönüyle Dil/Ana Çizgileriyle Dilbilim , c.1,2,3, Türk Dil Kurumu., 1979-1982,Aksoy, Ömer Asım, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, İnkilap Kitabevi,Ocak 1988,Aksoy, Ömer Asım, Deyimler Sözlüğü, İnkilap Kitapevi,Ocak 1988,Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Nutuk,Banguoğlu, Tahsin, Türkçenin Grameri, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2000,Bozkurt, Fuat, Türkiye Türkçesi, İstanbul, 1975

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

2 UNV13102


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Grammatical and linguistic knowledge, poems, stories, novels and essays written by the Turkish writers who use the language most skillfully. Besides, some panels and conferencesare held, related to the books selected.Teaching Methods and Techniques:General information about the elements, types of a sentence, expression disorders, general information related to composition, outline that will be used for writing a composition,types of expressions in composition, written composition types, oral expression types, rules to be followed during the preparation of scientific writings.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Asist Prof.Dr. Bülent HünerliInstructors:Instructor Birol BULUTAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading and evaluating articles, studies etc. on the subjecttestThe Importance of correct expression in personal and social communication2 Analyzing and preparing of the texts on the subjecttestTypes and Examples of Written Expression3 Analyzing and preparing of the texts on the subjecttestTypes and Examples of Written Expression4 Preparing sample presentations on the subjecttestOral Expression Types and Examples5 Preparing sample presentations on the subjecttestOral Expression Types and Examples6 Analyzing spelling dictionary and asserting the Works written about spelling and grammar rulestestSpelling Rules7 Preparing the rules of writing texts, which can be made on the applicationtestSpelling Rules8 Preparing the rules of writing texts, which can be made on the applicationtestSpelling Rules9 Preparing writing, speaking and writing rules on the subject of the preparation of questionsMID TERMMID TERM10 Evaluating the spelling dictionary of the works written about the spelling and punctuationtestPunctuation11 Preparing the texts on which punctuation marks can be appliedtestPunctuation12 Evaluating the works written on the misuse of the languagetestExpression Disorders13 Generating examples of disorders in a variety of sourcestestExpression Disorders14 Generating examples of disorders in a variety of sourcestestExpression Disorders

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Defines the basic concepts of the correct expression.C02 Describes the elements of correct expression.C03 Implements the capabilities of research, read and write, obtaining information.C04 Distinguishes the differences between oral and written expression.C05 Reaches generalizations by grasping the importance of correct expression in communication.C06 Evaluates the elements that make up the correct expression.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 36: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 1 4 4

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 4 4

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 6 6

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

56 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 3

C01 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1

C02 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2

C03 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 3

C04 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 2

C05 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3

C06 1 4 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2

Page 37: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Power point presantations, Nutritional Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. Meral Aksoy, Hatiboglu Publications)Nutrititional BiochemistryBeslenme Biyokimyası (Prof. Dr. Meral Aksoy, Hatiboğlu Yay.)

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 BES13203


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to norture the students ready for metabolism subjects byt teaching basic structure, functions and species of biomolecules, vitamins and minerals those takenas nutrients.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Introduction to Nutritional Biochemistry Aminoacids, aminoacid derivates and properties Structure, Functions and Species of Proteins Functional Proteins: Enzymes & HemoglobineConstituents and properties of Carbohydrates Structures of Carbohydrates Functions of Carbohydrates Lipid Species and properties Structures and functions of Lipids Nucleic acids andDNA-RNA structures Structures, Properties of Vitamins Functions of Vitamins Structures, Properties ve functions of MineralsPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Orhan GedikliInstructors:Instructor Engin ASAVAssistants:Research Assist. Aylin Aydın Sayılan

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Functional groups and chemical bonds prints of powerpoint presantationsIntroduction to Nutrititional Biochemistry2 Structures of amines and carboxylic acidsprints of powerpoint presentationsAminoacids, aminoacid derivates and properties3 Structures of aminoacids and proteins in nutritionprints of powerpoint presentationsStructure, Functions and Species of Proteins4 Reactions in cell prints of powerpoint presentationsFunctional Proteins: Enzymes & Hemoglobine5 Structures and reactions of alcohols and aldehydeprints of powerpoint presentationsConstituents and properties of Carbohydrates6 Condensation reactions prints of powerpoint presentationsStructures of Carbohydrates7 carbohydrates in nutrition prints of powerpoint presentationsFunctions of carbohydates8 - -Mid-term exam9 Structures of acids and esters prints of powerpoint presentationsLipid Species and properties10 Lipids in nutrition prints of powerpoint presentationsStructures and functions of Lipids11 Nucleic acid in nutrition prints of powerpoint presentationsNucleic acids and DNA-RNA structures12 Reactions in cell prints of powerpoint presentationsStructures, Properties of Vitamins13 Vitamines in nutrition prints of powerpoint presentationsFunctions of Vitamins14 Minerals in nutrition prints of powerpoint presentationsStructures, Properties ve functions of Minerals15 minerals in nutrition prints of power point presentationsFunctions of minerals

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Will be able to describe macromolecules, which are taken as nutrientsC02 Will be able to determine the differences and smilarities between biomolecule structuresC03 Will be able to compare biofuntions of biomolecules and related moleculesC04 Will be able to set a connection between nutritional needs and functions of biomoleculesC05 Will be able to comprehend the functional characteristics and tasks of macromolecules inside the Cell

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 38: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 7 98

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 2 2

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

144 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 5

C01 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 5

C02 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 5

C03 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 5

C04 4 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 4 1 5

C05 5 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 5

Page 39: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationBaysal, A., (2006). Beslenme, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara. ,Whitney, E.N, Rolfes, S.R., ( 2002 ). Understanding Nurition, Wards Worth / Thomson Learning Company ,USA. 3.Mahan, L.K , Stump, S.E., (2004). Krause’s Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 11 th Edition, USA. 4.Brown, A., (2000). Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation, Wadsworth / Thomson Learning,---

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 BES13205


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to learn the importance of energy and macronutrients of body function and healthy nutrition. To be able to assess foods according to energy, carbohydrate,protein and fat contents. To learn daily energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat requirements and food sources and amounts according to gender and ages, be able to interpret thedietary patterns of this groups. To assess nutritional status of themselves by three days dietary records and physical activity levelsTeaching Methods and Techniques:The importance of nutrition, structures, definitions, classifications, functions, sources, recommended dietary allowances, and excessive intakes of carbohydrates, lipids and Proteins inhealthy nutrition. Teaching of foods nutrient contents, preparations and cooking methods of foods and the applications of some basic and conventional recipes in the laboratory,according to the nutritional principles.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:Research Assist. Eda Bozkır

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffCarbohydrates2 Ders öncesi verilen notları okumaCarbohydrates3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffproteins4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffproteins5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffproteins6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching stafffats7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching stafffats8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching stafffats9 - -Mid Term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnergy and physical activity11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnergy and physical activity12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnergy and physical activity13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProject presentations and evaluation of them14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProject presentations and evaluation of them15 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProject presentations and evaluation of them

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to get an ability to discuss possible common problems in this fieldC02 will be able to gain some skills, to produce new and modern materialsC03 will be able to know general principles of nutritionC04 will be able to evaluate nutrients in foodC05 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC06 will be able to know food preparation, cooking and processing techniques

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 40: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 10 4 40

Assignments 14 2 28

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 4 2 8

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 4 56

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 8 2 16

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

178 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 4

C01 2 4 3 1 3 5 4 2 5 1 4 2

C02 4 1 2 3 4 1 5 4 2 4 2 5

C03 1 4 2 5 1 3 3 3 2 5 4 1

C04 3 4 2 2 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 4

C05 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 5 2 3 4

C06 3 2 3 4 3 3 5 2 1 4 2 2

Page 41: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Various articles and journals, standard food recipesPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 BES13209


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to let students gain adequate knowledge about different countries' cuisines, nutrition cultures/habits and understanding its importance upon individual's healthboth in negative and positive ways, understanding the characteristics of a healthy dietTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, discussion, question-answerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageEthnical Cuisines2 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageNutrition in different geographic conditions and climates3 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageMigration of nutrition and table etiquette in various cultures4 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Southern-Asian Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region5 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of Western Asian Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region6 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Eastern Asian Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region7 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Southern Europe and nutritional habits of the region8 - -Mid-term exam9 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Western European Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region10 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Northern European Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region11 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageGeneral characteristics of the Eastern European Cuisine and nutritional habits of the region12 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageLatin American Cuisines and its relationship with health and nutrition13 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageCentral American Cuisine and its relationship with health and nutrition14 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageSouthern African Cuisines and its relationship with health and nutrition15 Reading articles and books about the subjectStaff Web PageNorthern African Cuisines and its relationship with health and nutrition

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding nutritional habits of various countries/societies and its effect on healthC02 Understanding the importance and affect of nutritional habits upon healthC03 Understanding the characteristics of a healthy dietC04 Evaluating the factors affecting different cultures' nutritional habitsC05 Adaptating different nutritional habits' positive sides to diet

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 42: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 2 1 1 2

C01 3 4 4 2 2 4 3 5 1 2 2 2

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 43: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

İsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737İsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737---

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 SYO13201


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to let students learn the following: active ingredients, effects, side effects, important points during drug administration, the complications due to drugsStudents will have enough information to teach patient and patient relatives about drug administration and important points during drug administrationTeaching Methods and Techniques:Overview of Drugs, Autonomic Nervous System Drugs, Central Nervous System Drugs, Cardiovascular System Drugs, Respiratory System Drugs, Histamine and Antihistamines,Digestive System Drugs, Vitamins, Endocrine System Drugs, Diuretics and Water-Electrolyte Balance Regulating Drugs, Antibiotics, Antiseptics , Antiparasitic Drugs, AnticancerDrugs, Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction, and Acute Poisoning Treatment of Methods.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. AYŞE ÇİL AKINCIAssistants:Research Assist. Aylin Aydın Sayılan

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Overview of drugs2 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Autonomic Nervous System Drugs3 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Central Nervous System Drugs4 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Cardiovascular System Drugs5 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Respiratory System Drugs6 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Histamine and antihistamines7 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Digestive System Drugs8 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Digestive System Drugs9 - -Mid-term exam10 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Vitamins, Endocrine System Drugs11 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737 Diuretics and Drugs Used for for Water-Electrolyte Balance / Imbalance12 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Antiseptic, antiparasitic drugs13 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Antibiotics14 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Anticancer Drugs15 Reading related section before the lessonİsmet Dökmeci. Pharmacology for Health College. 2007. Rotatıp ISBN: 9756395737Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction, and Treatment of acute intoxications

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 The students will have information about basic pharmacological concepts, studying areas and branches, defination of drug, basic principles related to drug administration, administration ways of drugs, effect mechanizms of drugs,C02 The students will be information about pharmacocinetic, pharmacodynamicC03 The students will have information about clinic pharmacologyC04 The students will have information about adverse effects of drugs, contraendication, toxicologic propertiesC05 The students will have information about drugs for different systems diseasesC06 The students will have information about antibiotics and antineoplasticsC07 The students will have information about drug addiction and drug abuseC08 The students will have information about acute PoisiningC10 The students will interpret prescriptions or drugs

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 44: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C07 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C08 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 45: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Prof. Dr. H. Bilgehan "Temel Mikrobiyoloji ve Bağışıklık Bilimi" Barış Yayınları, Fakülteler Kitabevi, İzmir, 1999

Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sert GENEL MİKROBİYOLOJİ LABORATUVAR NOTLARI Atatürk Üniversite yayınları 1996 Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, BrooksGF, Butel JS, Morse SA. Appleton and LangeJawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, Brooks,Prof. Dr. Selahattin Sert GENEL MİKROBİYOLOJİ LABORATUVAR NOTLARI Atatürk Üniversite yayınları 1996,Prof. Dr. H. Bilgehan "Temel Mikrobiyoloji ve Bağışıklık Bilimi" Barış Yayınları, Fakülteler Kitabevi, İzmir, 1999Personel Web YönetimiPersonel Web YönetimiPersonel Web Yönetimi Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 BES13201


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to define and lay out the structure, function, metabolism and other charecteristics of bacteria, virus and fungus, study the cell division methods, replicationand transcription of DNA-RNA which are the building blocks of our genetic structure, discuss protein synthesis, Study Pathogenesis – relation between host and parasite, discuss basicImmunology topics and mention the various microbial diseases resulting from unhygenic food and similar sources.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Temel MikrobiyolojiPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklar general information about the Microorganisms2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe Cell; prokaryotes, eukaryotes3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklar information about the bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae,4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklarclassification of microorganisms5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarDevelopment of micro-organisms, feeding, medium6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarReproductive physiology, breeding restrictions (inhibition methods)7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklarmetabolism of microorganisms8 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarProducing viruses with anaerobic culture methods9 - -Mid-term exam10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMicrobial genetics11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHow to control the microorganism reproduction?12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarChemotherapeutic agents and microorganisms13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarBiochemical mechanism of resistance14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarChemical structure of antigens and antibodies with relations15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarBacterial antigens and Immunology

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Defines the methods of procurement of clinical specimens of the patientsC03 Describes the structure of antigen, antibody and mechanisms of immune response and the structure and properties of viruses, protozoa and fungi.C04 Describes the methods of sterilization and disinfection and lists the mechanisms and resistance mechanisms of antibiotics.C05 Describes the structure, metabolism and genetics of bacteria and the host-parasite interactions.C06 Describe the microorganismsC07 Learns the important properties of fungi and parasitesC08 Learns the general principles of the microbiology laboratoryC09 Learns the modes of transmission of microorganisms

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 46: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 1 %10

Practice 1 %10

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 14 2 28

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

142 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 3 3

C01 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 3 3

C03 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 2 3

C04 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 3

C05 2 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 3

C06 2 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 3

C07 2 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 3

C08 2 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 5 5 4

C09 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 4 4 3

Page 47: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Presentations gathered from pre-mentioned sourcesKIRMIZI H., General and Technical Communication,BEKTAŞ Ç., Administration Skills and Group Studies,CÜCELOĞLU D., Communicational Fixture For a Life Without "If Only",SELCUKLU S., Effective Communication in Business WorldPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 UNV13007


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to; 1-Make students acquainted with capability of expression themselves clearly improving their verbal and formal skills 2-Understanding of communicationtypes and tools used in professional life 3-Provide consciousness of ethics in terms of general and professional waysTeaching Methods and Techniques:Course description and application form will be made in an interactive manner. After the application of theoretical knowledge with the help of visual presentations and examples willwork. Students attendance, assignments and prepare to follow the additional work related to the course awaited.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Prof.Dr. Ali AkbenAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 History, definition, basic concepts of communication2 Aim, importance and characteristics of communication, Communication process3 Types of communication (Importance, basic principles of verbal communication, types of speaking and listening, Development of listening skills, Principles to develop verbal communication)4 Wordless communication (Importance and characteristics of body language, elements of wordless communication)5 Formal communication, and types of formal communication in professional life6 Obstacles of communication and ways of disposal7 Group and mass communication (Definitions, models of communication), Communication Organizations8 Communication in profession (Communication techniques for profession, Formal and informal communication, Horizontal and vertical communication )9 - -Mid-term exam10 Communication in profession (Talking on telephone, Meetings, Influential presentation)11 Communication in profession (Talking on telephone, Meetings, Influential presentation)12 Graphical communication13 Technological communication tools (devices): TV, Telephone, Internet, Teleconference, Video conference, Advantages and disadvantages of technological communication tools in individuals life14 Ethics (History, definitions, conceptions of ethics, Why Ethics?)15 Professional ethics: What is professionalism? Ethics inquiry, Duties, Responsibilities, Ethics in communication

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Analyzing communication elements by learning definitions and concepts of communicationC02 Comprehending the fats that obstacles communication and make provisions against themC03 Developing verbal and formal skillsC04 Gaining acknowledge beyond language factors and comprehend their importanceC05 Understanding and being able to use communication types and tools used in professional life, acknowledge organizational formal styles and general purpose occupational lettersC06 Gaining acknowledge about the group and mass communicationC07 Comprehending importance of graphical communication elementsC08 Gaining acknowledge about the technological communication tools and their application areas

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 48: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C07 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C08 3 1 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 49: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Course Book (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.Workbook, dictionary, Audio CdPersonnel Web PagePersonnel Web PagePersonnel Web Page

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 UNV13201


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with sufficient skills to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.;to deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken; to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personalinterest; and to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and brie?y give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Teaching Methods: Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Group Study, Case StudyPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Instructor FULYA KİNCALInstructors:Instructor AYSUN BULUNUZAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıTenses;Questions;Question words2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPresent tenses;have/have got3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPast Tenses4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıQuantity;Articles5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıVerb patterns (1);Future intentions6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWhat's it like?;Comparative and superlative adjetives7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPresent Perfect and Past Simple;for and since;8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıMid-term exam9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma Kitabıshould;must, tense revision have (got) to10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıTime and conditional clauses;What if…11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıVerb patterns (2);Infinitives12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPassive13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıSecond conditional;might14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPresent Perfect Continuous;Present Perfect Simple vs. Continuous15 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıPast Perfect;Reported statements

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 LISTENING: Students will be able to analayse the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc and identify the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.C02 READING:Students will be able to identify texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. and analyse the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.C03 SPOKEN INTERACTION: Students will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where the language is spoken.C04 SPOKEN PRODUCTION: Students will be able to connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions and they are able to briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. • I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactionsC05 WRITING: Students will be able to write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. and write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.C06 SPOKEN INTERACTION: Students will be able to participate in unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 50: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %30

Quizzes 0 %10

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 1 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 4 56

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 11 1 11

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

111 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 5 4 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

C02 5 4 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

C03 5 4 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

C04 5 4 2 5 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

C05 5 4 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

C06 5 4 2 5 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 2

Page 51: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Course Book (Soars, Liz and John. New Headway Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.Workbook, dictionary, Audio CdPersonnel Web PagePersonnel Web PagePersonnel Web Page

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 UNV13020


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:This course aims to provide students with sufficient skills to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.;to deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken; to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personalinterest; and to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and brie?y give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.Teaching Methods and Techniques:1) Lectures, 2) Group/Plenary discussions, 3) Case studies, 4) Videos/Films, 5)Task simulations, 6)Role play exercises, 7)TutorialsPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Instructor FULYA KİNCALInstructors:Instructor AYSUN BULUNUZAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookJobs2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookProducts and Services3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookLocation4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookTechnology5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookCommunication6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookContacts7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookDepartments8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookMidterm Exam9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı/Çalışma KitabıWeekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookEmployment10 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookCompetition11 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookTeamwork12 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookTravel13 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookSchedules14 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookGeneral Review15 Weekly Study Materials : Course Book/WorkbookGeneral Review

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 LISTENING: Students will be able to apply the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. and solve the main point of many radio or TV programs on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.C02 READING: students will be able to analyse texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. and list he description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.C03 SPOKEN INTERACTION: Students will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where the language is spoken. and participate unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).C04 SPOKEN PRODUCTION: Students will be able to connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. • I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactionsC05 WRITING: Students will be able to write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.C06 Students will be able to write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 52: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 1 %20

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 14 3 42

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 2 2 4

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

118 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

C02 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

C03 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

C04 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

C05 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

C06 5 1 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 2

Page 53: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

1. Introduction, methods and subdivision of pathology 2.Preperating of tissues and staining 3. Degenerations 4. Metabolic impairments 5. Inflamation, etiology, mechanisms and resolving 5. Tissue repairment and wound healing 6. Etiology 7. Neoplastic disease, etiology and pathogenesisiM.Yenerman, General Pathology, İstanbul.Ders notları--

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 SYO13203


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to learn the microscopically and macroscopically finding of disease.Teaching Methods and Techniques:1) Subdivision of pathology, interesting area, prepareting of tissues and staining 2) Degenerative and metobolic disorders 3) The etiology and pathogenesis of inflamation 4) Theetiology, pathogenesis, grading and staging of tumors 5) Etiology of diseasePrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Prof.Dr. Mahmut GümüşAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Handouts HandoutsIntroduction to Pathology2 Lecture notes Lecture notesCell disturbance and necrosis3 Handouts HandoutsAcute and chronic infection4 Handouts HandoutsCell Response to Damage and Wound Healing5 Handouts HandoutsLiquid and Electrolyte Balance, Circulation Disorders6 Handouts HandoutsGenetic Diseases7 Handouts HandoutsNeoplasia8 Handouts HandoutsNeoplasia9 Handouts HandoutsMid-term exam10 Handouts HandoutsImmunological System and Diseases11 Handouts HandoutsDescription of Benign and Malign tumors, the criteria used in their classification, basic principles used in terminology, grading and classifying tumor12 Handouts HandoutsBasic Principles about Infectional Diseases13 Handouts HandoutsTissue Reaction into Various Infection Agents14 Handouts HandoutsExisting Mechanisms for Tissue Differentiation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the importance and practices of pathologyC02 Gaining awareness about the laboratory materialC03 Learning the tecniques used in a laboratoryC04 Gaining knowledge about etiology and etiopathogenesis of various diseasesC05 Understanding pathological processes

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 54: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %5

Attendance 1 %5

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 2 2 4

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

62 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4

C01 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 5 4 4

C02 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 3

C03 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 55: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

In this lecture, the notes which were gathered as a brief of reviewing various Turkish and foreign books that are mainly written about Turkish Cuisine and of personal investigations/experiences will be usedAlgar A. - Classical Turkish Cooking (1999),Davidson A. - Food in Motion (1981),İlkin N. , Kaufman S. - A Taste of Turkish Cuisine (2002),Civitello L. - Cuisine and Culture (2011),Yazgan M. - Turkish Cuisine (1996),Edelstein S. - Food, Cuisine and Cultural Competency for Culinary, Hospitality and Nutrition Professionals (2010)Personel Web SitesiYöresel Mutfaklar ile ilgili sunumlarPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

3 BES13207


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to let Nutrition and Dietetics students gain adequate knowledge mainly about the historical development of the "cuisine" concept, development of theTurkish Cuisine, its characteristics and content, to let them evaluate the interaction between the Turkish Cuisine and healthy nutritionTeaching Methods and Techniques:Interaction of Cuisine and Culture; History of "Cuisine" concept; History of Turkish Cuisine; Main Characteristics, Structure and Content of the Turkish Cuisine, Factors Affecting FoodQuality; Important Facts About Preparing and Cooking Procedures; Healthy Cooking Methods; Folkloric Cuisine of Turkey, Local Cuisines; Food and Social Life Interaction, TableEtiquette; World Cuisines and Their CharacteristicsPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsFood and Cultural Interaction2 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsHistorical Development of the "Cuisine" Concept3 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsHistorical Development of the Turkish Cuisine4 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsMain Characteristics, Structure and Content of the Turkish Cuisine5 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsFactors Affecting Food Quality6 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsImportant Facts About Preparing and Cooking Procedures7 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsTable etiquette8 - -Mid-term exam9 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsHealthy Cooking Methods10 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsFood and Social Life Interaction, Table Etiquette11 Literature reviewing and other sources Lecture notes and presentationsWorld Cuisines and Their Characteristics12 Preparing presentations about the subject-Local Cuisines13 Preparing presentations about the subject-Local Cuisines14 Preparing presentations about the subject-Local Cuisines15 Preparing presentations about the subject-Local Cuisines

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the relationship between nutrition and cultureC02 Gaining adequate information about the historical development of "Cuisine" concept and Turkish CuisineC03 Gaining adequate information about the general characteristics, contents and texture of Turkish CuisineC04 Understanding healthy and high-quality foodstuff preparation techniquesC05 Understanding and practicing food culture and social life interaction, table etiquetteC06 Gaining adequate knowledge about the details of Turkish Folkloric Cuisine and Local Cuisines

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 56: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 35 35

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

107 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 5 3 2 5 3

C01 3 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 1

C02 3 3 4 2 1 3 3 5 1 1 1 1

C03 5 4 4 3 2 3 3 5 1 1 1 2

C04 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 1 3 3

C05 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 5 1 1 3 1

C06 5 4 4 2 2 5 4 3 4 4 5 2

Page 57: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Ekiz D: Eğitimde Araştırma Yöntem ve Metotlarına Giriş Ankara 2003,Erefe İ:Hemşirelikte Araştırma İlke Süreç ve Yöntemleri,İstanbul ,2002,Lobiondo-Wood G, Haber J: Nursing Research, Methotds and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 6th Edition, Mosby Elsevier, 2006.,Wood GL, Haber J: Nursing Research, Methods And Critical Appraisal For Evidence-Bese Practice. Mosby Elseiver. 2006,Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatics 2008Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :



Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 SYO13206


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to study research in health sciences.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Basic theories in research, problem based research, research and problem subjects in health, analyze and istatistics methods, writing a sceintific paper.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SÖKMENInstructors:Instructor Gülsün MEMİAssistants:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan hakime NOGAY

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Research process. Literature sources2 How to read a scientific paper. What should be in a scientific paper3 Data collection. instrumentsThe validity, reliability, specificity, sensitivity,4 Population and sample. The sample sizedetection. sampling methods5 Descriptive criteria, parametric tests of significance6 non-parametric tests7 Sample application and studies8 Mid-term exam9 Research Sources of Error10 Research ethics and research report writing11 article critique12 The table and graph drawing13 Reporting and writing14 presentation of the project15 presentation of the project

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understand and use the istatistical termsC02 To make research in health careC03 Planned a research according to sceintific processC04 Learning of Analytic thinkingC05 To be able to criticizing an article

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 58: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 1 %30

Final examination 1 %40

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 1 10 10

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 10 10

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 1 6 6

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 3 3

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

115 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 5

C01 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

C02 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

C03 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

C04 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Page 59: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Jones JM. Food Safety. Eagen Press,St Paul,1998De Vires J (Ed).Food Safety and Toxicology.CRCPres.NewYork,1996Helfrich W, Winter CK(Ed).Food Toxicology.CRC PressLLC,2001

es JM.Food Safety. Eagen Press,St Paul,1998 De Vires J(Ed).Food Safety and Toxicology.CRC Pres. NewYork,1996 Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13208


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to let the students learn to explain; concepts related with the factors which corrupt food safety, food contamination routes, health effects, preventionmethods and related legislationsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question-Answer, Discussion, Group Study, Case StudyPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarIntroduction to food safety2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Law3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood contaminants and food spoilage4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood originated health risks (bacteria and fungus)5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood originated health risks (bacteria, parasites, natural food contaminants and chemical contaminants)6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood preservation methods and product safety7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHacı Mehmet SökmenPreservation methods in food manufacturing8 Mid-term exam9 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHacı Mehmet SökmenFood additives10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHygiene and sanitation in food manufacturing11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarSafety of food quality12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarGMP and GHP in food safety13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHACCP and its progress in food industry14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarISO 22000 Food Safety Management System15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 15 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarISO 22000 Food Safety Management System

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to Understanding physical and chemical properties of food toxinsC02 Students will be able to Comprehending contamination sources and formation reasons of food toxinsC03 Students will be able to Comprehending protection methods from food hazardsC04 To be able make risk analysis by defining potantial risks for a new developed foodC05 To be able set up HACCP system for a new developed foodC06 To be able to set up proper cleaning and sanitation system in food processing plantsC07 To be able to compare food safety system in Turkey to that used in other countries in the World

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 60: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 1 %10

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 1 12 12

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

70 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 3

C01 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

C02 3 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

C05 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 3

C06 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3

C07 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 3

Page 61: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi 2011 eflatun yayıneviProf. Dr. Osman Erkmen Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods. Nobel Publishing Comp 2007Food Microbiology, Fundamentals and Frontiers, Doyle MP,Beuchat LR, Montville TJ (eds). American Society forMicrobiology Press, Washington DC Pichhardt,K. Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi. Literatür Yayıncılık, 2007 (Çeviri)Adams,M.R., Moss,M.O. Food Microbiology. RSC, 2005Coursebook(Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Food Microbiology2011),other Source(Food Microbiology, Fundamentals and Frontiers, Doyle MP,),Prof. Dr. Osman Erkmen Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods. Nobel Publishing Comp 2007,Weekly Study MaterialsPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13202


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to define microbiologic approach to food production, food spoilage and food borne infectious diseasesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Besinlerin üretiminde, bozulmasında ve besinlerle insanlara enfeksiyon hastalıklarının bulaşında mikrobiyolojinin yeri.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarInteractions between food and microorganisms2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarSource of microorganisms, contamination routes3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFactors effecting the growth of microorganisms4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMicrobiological spoilage of food5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMethods for inhibition and inactivation of microorganisms in food6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFoodborne microrganisms I7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFoodborne microrganisms II8 Mid-term exam9 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFoodborne viruses10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMicotoxigenic molds11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFoodborne parasite12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarProbiotics, Fermentation and fermented food13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMethods for microbiological examination of food14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMicrobiological quality of food15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPredictive modelling and risk assessment

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to define the relation between food and microbiology.C02 Students will be able to get the knowledge about microorganism related illnessesC03 Students will be able to explain the food hygeneC04 Students will be able to describe the content of food microbiologyC05 Students will be able to classifies fermentation of food, spoilage of foodC06 Students will be able to classifies food borne and waterborne microorganismsC07 Students will be able to classifies food poisoningC08 Students will be able tol lists the ways of food preservation

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 62: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %10

Project 0 %0

Final examination 2 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 13 5 65

Assignments 1 10 10

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 14 1 14

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

147 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 4 3 1 4 3 2 3 4 4 3

C01 3 5 5 3 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C02 3 4 4 3 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C03 4 5 5 4 1 5 3 3 3 4 4 3

C04 3 4 4 4 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C05 3 5 4 4 1 5 3 3 3 4 4 3

C06 3 5 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C07 3 4 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C08 3 5 5 4 2 5 3 3 3 4 4 3

Page 63: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Bulduk, S (2013). Food Technology. Detay Publ.Bulduk, S. (2013). Food Technology, Detay Publ.,Related books and various scientific articlesPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :


Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13210


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aims of this course are: to learn basic principles of food science and technology, the factors causing food spoilage, methods to avoid spoilage, storage methods, food constituentsand ingredients used in manufacturing along with their contents and investigating food technologiesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Food science and technology; Constituents, ingredients and contents; Spoilage factors and control methods; Storage methods; Cereal, fruit-vegetable, dairy products etc. technologiesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Handouts HandoutsFood Science and Technology2 Handouts Handoutsİngredients, constituents and contents3 Handouts HandoutsSpoilage factors and control methods4 Handouts HandoutsPhysical storage methods5 Handouts HandoutsChemical storage methods6 Handouts HandoutsBiological storage methods7 Handouts HandoutsCereal technology8 Handouts HandoutsFruit-vegetable technology9 Handouts HandoutsMid-term exam10 Handouts HandoutsMeat and poultry products technology11 Handouts HandoutsDairy products technology12 Handouts HandoutsOil, sugar, tea processing technologies13 Handouts and article reviews Handouts and article reviewsGeneral discussion14 Handouts and article reviews Handouts and article reviewsGeneral discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the main concepts about Food Science and TechnologyC02 Understanding the spoilage factors in foodstuffC03 Anti-spoilage factors in Food TechnologyC04 Understanding storage methodsC05 Understanding the basic principles about ingredients and constituents

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 64: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 65: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Power point presantations, Nutritional Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. Meral Aksoy, Hatiboglu Publications)The Principles of Biochemistry (Lehninger), Nutritional Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. Meral Aksoy, Hatiboglu Publications)

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13204


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to nurture dieticians that know the human metabolism by teaching digestions, absorbtions, catabolic and anabolic patways of biomolecules in metabolismalong with metabolic regulation.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Introduction to metabolism Synthesis pathways of aminoacids Digestion and degredation of Carbohydrates Synthesis pathways of Carbohydrates regulation of metabolismofCarbohydrate and aminoacid Digestion and degredation of Lipids Synthesis pathways of Lipids and Lipoproteins Digestion and degredation of Nucleic acids Synthesis pathways ofNucleic acids electron transport system and bioenergitics Hormones and related metabolism diseasesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Engin AsavAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 types of chemical reactions prints of powerpoint presentationsIntroduction to Metabolism2 structure of aminoacids and proteins as nutrientsprints of powerpoint presentationsProtein digestion and degredation of aminoacids3 structure and properties of aminoacids prints of powerpoint presentationsSynthesis pathways of aminoacids4 structure of Carbohydrates and Carbohydrates as nutrientsprints of powerpoint presentationsDigestion and degredation of Carbohydrates5 structure and properties of Carbohydratesprints of powerpoint presentationsSynthesis pathways of Carbohydrates6 metabolism of Carbohydrates and proteinsprints of powerpoint presentationsregulation of metabolism ofCarbohydrate and aminoacid7 structure of Lipids and Lipids as nutrientsprints of powerpoint presentationsDigestion and degredation of Lipids8 Mid-term exam9 structure and properties of Lipids prints of powerpoint presentationsSynthesis pathways of Lipids and Lipoproteins10 structure of nucleic acids and nucleic acids as nutrientsprints of powerpoint presentationsDigestion and degredation of Nucleic acids11 structure and properties of nucleic acids prints of powerpoint presentationsSynthesis pathways of Nucleic acids12 chemical reactions inside the cell prints of powerpoint presentationselectron transport system and bioenergitics13 steps of regulations prints of powerpoint presentationsregulation of metabolism and Hormones14 metabolic reactions of macromolecules prints of powerpoint presentationsHormones and related metabolism diseases15 General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Will able to describe digestion and absorbtion of macromolecules, which are taken as nutrientsC02 Will able to assess of food energitically by understanding of degredation and synthesis patways of biomoleculesC03 Will be able to understand transformation of biomolecules to eachother and regulation stepsC04 Will able to figure out regulation of metabolism and hormon-related diseaseC05 Will able to develop novel nutrititional patterns by analyzing metabolic reactions

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 66: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 7 98

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 2 2

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

144 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 5

C01 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 5

C02 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 5

C03 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 5

C04 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 5

C05 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 3 1 5

Page 67: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

- Baysal, A, Kutluay-Merdol, T. Sasır. H. et al.: Samples from Turkish Cuisine, Ministry of Culture, 1993- Kutluay Merdol,T, Societies through history and nutritional habits, Organization of Turkish Folkloric Culture and Publicity, 1998- Belge, M., Cuisine Culture Through the History, 2001- Tannahill, R.: Food in History, 1975,- Goodman, Al, Dufour, D., Pelto, G: NutritionalAnthropology, 1999- (Nutritional Anthropology)Baysal, A, Kutluay-Merdol, T. Sasır. H. et al.: Samples from Turkish Cuisine, Ministry of Culture, 1993 - Kutluay Merdol,T, Socities through history and nutritional habitsı, Organization of Turkish Folkloric Culture and Publicity, 1998 - Belge, M., Cuisine Culture Through the History, 2001 - Tannahill, R.: Food in History, 1975, - Goodman, Al, Dufour, D., Pelto, G: Nutritional Anthropology, 1999 - (Nutritional Anthropology)Personel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 10

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13212


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is evaluating environmental factors that effect on nutrition and teaching the different nutritional habits of countriesTeaching Methods and Techniques:PresentationPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 90

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Nutrition and environment interaction2 - -Nutrition and environment interaction3 - -Changes in nutritional habits through history4 - -Changes in nutritional habits through history5 - -Food production and consumption before and after history6 - -Food production and consumption before and after history7 - -Psychology of nutrition8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Religions and nutrition10 - -Religions and nutrition11 - -Economical, political, social and geographic reasons that affect nutritional status of the society12 - -Economical, political, social and geographical reasons that affect nutritional status of the society13 - -Differences between countries' nutritional habits14 - -Differences between countries' nutritional habits15 - -Differences between countries' nutritional habits

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Defining the concept of Nutritional EcologyC02 Evaluating the affects of environmental factors upon nutritionC03 Evaluating prehistorical and continuous changes in nutritional habitsC04 Evaluating the affects of socioeconomical factors upon nutritional cultureC05 Defining various countries' nutritional characteristicsC06 Gaining knowledge about religious beliefs' affect upon nutrition

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 68: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 1 14

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 69: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationGibney, M.J., Hester, H.V., Kok. F.J.(2002). Introduction to Human Nutrition (Ed by), Blackwell Publishing CompanyPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13206


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to learn the importance of water and electrolytes in body function, to learn the importance of vitamin and minerals in human nutrition,to be able to evaluatethe foods for the contents of vitamin and minerals to learn daily vitamin and mineral requirements and food sources and amounts according to gender and ages, be able to interpretthe dietary patterns of this groups.To be able apply for preparing, cooking, and storage of foods by preventing vitamin and mineral losses. To learn factors which effects menuplanning and gain the skill at menu planning.To learn the importance and methods of food processing and storage.Teaching Methods and Techniques:The importance of nutrition, structures, definitions, classifications, functions, sources, recommended dietary allowances, excessive intakes and toxicity of vitamins and minerals. Toteach of foods vitamin and mineral contents, preparations and cooking methods of foods and the applications of some basic and conventional recipes in the laboratory, according tothe nutritional principles.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffWater and electrolytes2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffWater and electrolytes3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffMinerals4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffMinerals5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFat-soluble vitamins6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFat-soluble vitamins7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffWater-soluble vitamins8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFamily planning menu9 Mid term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFamily planning menu11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood processing methods12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood processing methods13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProject presentations and evaluation of them14 The students will read notes which given by the education staffProject presentations and evaluation of them15 Reading the notes given before the lessonproject presentation and evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the importance of water and electrolytes in body functionC02 will be able to know importance of vitamin and minerals in human nutritionC03 will be able to evaluate the foods for the contents of vitamin and mineralsC04 will be able to evaluate the foods for the contents of vitamin and mineralsC05 will be able to evaluate the foods for the contents of vitamin and mineralsC06 will be able to learning the factors which effects menu planning and gaining the skill of menu planningC07 will be able to know the importance and methods of food processing and storage

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 70: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 10 4 40

Assignments 14 2 28

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 4 2 8

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 4 56

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 8 2 16

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

178 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 1 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 1 2 4

C01 5 4 3 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 4 2

C02 3 3 1 2 3 5 5 3 2 3 4 4

C03 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 1 2 4 5 5

C04 4 3 1 4 5 4 1 3 4 5 3 2

C05 5 5 5 3 3 4 5 4 2 3 4 4

C06 1 1 3 4 5 4 2 1 2 3 3 4

C07 2 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 4

Page 71: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Ersoy, G. Exercise and Sports Nutrition, Nobel Publishing, 4th edition, Ankara, 2011.,Gunes, Z. Sports and Nutrition. Nobel Publishing, 5th edition. Ankara, 2009.Personel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13214


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to learn the importance of exercise, the relationships between exercise, health and nutrition, the basic principles for individuals who practice exercise,exercise suggestions, micro and macro nutrients' importance, exercise's role in preventing diseases, nutrition for a better performance, the relationship between sport and nutritionTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, question-answer, discussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Basic principles in exercise and sports nutrition2 - -Carbonhydrates and the importance of carbonhydrates in exercise and sports nutrition3 - -Proteins and its importance in exercise and sports nutrition4 - -Lipids and their importance at exercise and sports nutrition5 - -Lipids and their importance in exercise and sports nutrition6 - -Vitamins and their importance at exercise and sports nutrition7 - -Vitamins and their importance in exercise and sports nutrition8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Minerals and their importance at exercise and sports nutrition10 - -Minerals and their importance in exercise and sports nutrition11 - -Water and its importance in exercise and sports nutrition, liquid balance12 - -Energy metabolism13 - -Body composition and management of body weight14 - -Nutrition advises before, during and after exercise, training or competition15 - -Exercise and nutrition in children

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the basic principles of nutrition which is one of the most important parts of sports performanceC02 Understanding the importance of micro and macro nutrients for individuals having regular exerciseC03 Learning the relationships between sports, health and nutrition and the facts to increase the performanceC04 Understanding the affect of physical activity upon healthC05 Learning the main principles of sports nutrition and menu planning

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 72: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5

C01 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 4

C02 5 5 5 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 4

C03 5 5 5 4 3 5 3 5 4 3 3 5

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 73: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Powerpoint presentationTextbook,prepared presentationDers NotlarıPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 UNV13002


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to teach concepts of first aid to studentsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Powerpoint presentation,question-answer,the technique of demostrationPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SÖKMENInstructors:Instructor İlknur METİN AKTENAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesidntification first aid and emergency care2 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesevalation of the patient and first aid communication3 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesTriage4 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesCardio-pulmoner resussitation5 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in respiratory arrest6 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in shoch7 to make about on subject textbook,others documentsfirst aid in burn8 Mid-term exam9 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in heat stroke and freeze10 to make a research on the subject textbook,others documentsfirst aid in fracture11 make a research on the subject textbook,other sources first aid in dislocations and sprains12 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in injures13 make a reseach on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in poisoning14 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in coma15 make a research on the subject textbook,other sourcesfirst aid in insect stings and bites

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Stıudents will be able to applying the basic principles of first aidC02 Stıudents will be able to providing basic life supportC03 Stıudents will be able to applying first aid in injuresC04 Stıudents will be able to applying first aid in further emergency casesC05 Stıudents will be able to applying first aid in breath arrestC06 Stıudents will be able to applying triage in first aid

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 74: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %20

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %10

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 3 4 12

Assignments 1 3 3

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 4 4

Practice 1 6 6

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 7 7

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

60 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C01 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C02 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C03 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C04 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C05 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

C06 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

Page 75: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

1. Baloğlu B., Ekonomik ve Sosyolojik Bakış Açısıyla Sağlık ve Hastalık, DER Yayınları:389, 2006, İstanbul.2. KEMERLİOĞLU E., KIZILÇELİK S., GÜNDÜZ Mustafa, Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Saray kitabevleri, 1996, İzmir.3. ÇAKMAKLI K., Aileler İçin Sosyal Hizmet, Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu, Eğitim Serisi-3, 1991, Istanbul.

Related books and academic articlesKaynaklar, Slayt Gösterimi-Vize ve Final Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 25

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 SYO13202


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to teach the concept of health and the concept of illness, the importance of health to public. the events that may effect on public health.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Concepts of health and disease, patient behaviors, professionalization in health , the concept of health sociology, history of health sociology, health and the factors affecting healthstatus, effects of cultural values on health, social structure determines the level of indicators of health, family and health, population and health, religion and health, social, health andrelationship with depression, stress, environmental risks, the effect of dietary habits on health, economic transformation and health effects.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Aygül YanıkAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Concepts of health and disease, patient behaviors2 Professionalization in health3 Concept, scope and history of health Sociology4 Factors affecting the Level of Health and Wellness5 Effects on health of cultural values6 The social structure Indicators determining Health Level7 The relationship between the family and health8 Mid-term exam9 The relationship between population and health10 The relation between religion and health11 The relation between Social Depression and Health12 Effects on health of stress13 Environmental Risks14 Effects on health of nutrition habits15 Economic Transformation and effects on health

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to understand the concepts of health and illness, the patient behaviorsC02 Students will be able to learn professionalization in healthC03 Students will be able to learn about factors affecting the level of health and well-beingC04 Students will be able to explain the concept, scope and the history of health sociologyC05 Students will be able to understanding the effects of cultural values on healthC06 Students will be able to learn about the social structure indicators determining health levelC07 Students will be able to learn the relationship between the family and healthC08 Mid-term examC09 Students will be able to understand the relationship between population and healthC10 Students will be able to understand the relationship between the religion and healthC11 Students will be able to describe the relationship between social depression and healthC12 Students will be able to understand the effects of stress on healthC13 Students will be able to understanding Environmental RisksC14 Students will be able to understanding nutritional habits' affect on health

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 76: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

C01 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C07 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C09 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C10 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C11 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C12 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C13 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3

C14 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 77: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999. J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999.Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

4 BES13216


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to rationalize the consumer behavior structure in marketing strategy processTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lectures and presentations, supported by the slidesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Overview of Buyer Behavior & Consumer Analysis2 Applying the Consumer Analysis Framework3 Consumer Analysis, Segmentation, & Strategy4 Introduction to Affect and Cognition5 Product Knowledge and Involvement;Means-End Chains6 Attention and Comprehension7 Attitudes, Intentions, and Decision Making8 Mid-term exam9 Analyzing & Influencing Consumer Behaviors I10 Analyzing & Influencing Consumer Behaviors II11 The Consumer Environment12 Cultures, Reference Groups. and Unhappy Customers13 Case study: international14 Case Study: National15 Case Study: Local

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Analysing the consumer behavior practicallyC02 Understanding the cognitive factorsC03 Understanding the importance of behavior during strategical decisionsC04 Learning the position of consumer behavior in the concept of loyaltyC05 Analysing the process via global examples

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 78: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 4 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

C02 4 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

C03 4 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

C04 4 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

C05 4 5 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

Page 79: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentçocuk hastalıklarında beslenme tedavisi, Gülden Köksal

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13303


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to learn infant's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan To be able to learn toddler's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan To be able to learn school agechildren's and adolescent's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan To be able to learn nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan in pregnancy To be able to learnnutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan in lactation To be able to learn premature's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan To be able to learn spesifications and usageareas of infant formulas.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - Practise, Literature Search, Home WorkPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The Importance of Childhood nutrition in Turkey and inthe world2 Physiology of pregnancy, Problems, Nutritional needs3 Physiology of pregnancy, Problems, Nutritional needs4 Physiology of lactation, Problems, Nutritional needs5 Physiology of lactation, Problems, Nutritional needs6 Nutrition and mental development7 Newborn, nutritional needs and importance of mother’s milk8 Newborn, nutritional needs and importance of mother’s milk9 Midterm Exam10 Premature nutrition11 Premature nutrition12 Infant formulas13 Preschool and school age child nutrition14 Adolescent nutrition15 Childhood and adolescent Obesity, problems, Diet Theraphy

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to learn infant's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition planC02 To be able to learn toddler's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition planC03 To be able to learn school age children's and adolescent's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition planC04 To be able to learn nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan in pregnancyC05 To be able to learn nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition plan in lactationC06 To be able to learn premature's nutritional needs and appropriate nutrition planC07 To be able to learn spesifications and usage areas of infant formulas.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 80: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 2 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 4 56

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 2 4 8

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 60 60

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

166 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C06 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C07 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 81: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Food Packaging Technology. Ucuncu, M. (2013)Personel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13315


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is understanding the function and importance of food packaging, the packaging material, the properties of paper, metal, glass and plastic packaging material,multi-layered packaging materials and their properties, food packaging systems, aseptic/vacuum/modified atmosphere packaging techniques, packaging and storage of raw andprocessed foods, shelf-life of packaged products, food-package interactions, control and safety of packageTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, discussion, question-answerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -The function of packaging and the importance of food packaging2 - -The properties of the packaging materials3 - -The properties of the packaging materials4 - -Aseptic packaging5 - -Vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging6 - -Food-package interactions7 - -Changes occuring during the food storage and packaging8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Packaging of the dairy products10 - -Packaging and storage of cereals and other foodstuff11 - -Packaging of the fruits and vegetables and their products12 - -Packaging of the meat/poultry and their products13 - -Packaging of the oil/butter14 - -Package control and safety, advanced packaging techniques, new developments15 - -General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining knowledge the basic principles of packages and packagingC02 Gaining knowledge about the properties of the packaging materials used in food packagingC03 Gaining knowledge about the storage and storage conditions of foodsC04 Gaining knowledge about the changes in foods during the packaging and storageC05 Gaining knowledge of the new technologies about food packaging

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 82: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 83: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Baysal, A., Nutrition. 9th Print, Hatipoglu Publ, 2001, Ankara.,Jones PJ. Clinical nutrition: Functional foods more than just nutrition. CMAJ 2002; 166: 1555-1563. ,Ross JA, Kasum CM. Dietary flavonoids: bioavailability, metabolic effects, and safety.Personel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13317


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to have information about the description, production and consumption of functional foodsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, tartışma, literature reviewingPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -The Development Process of Functional Foods2 - -Description of Functional Foods3 - -Content of Functional Foods4 - -Functional Foods5 - -Functional Foods6 - -Production of Functional Foods7 - -Health Functions of the Functional Foods8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Health Functions of Functional Foods10 - -Consuming Level of Functional Foods11 - -Bioactive Components12 - -Problems About the Consumption of Functional Foods and Food Supplements13 - -Literature reviewing and case studies14 - -Literature reviewing and case studies15 - -General Evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining knowledge about description, content and types of functional foodsC02 Gaining knowledge the relationship between the health and functional foodsC03 Learning the manufacturing methods of functional foodsC04 Learning the supplements' area and purpose of useC05 Understanding the interaction between nutritional status and supplement usage

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 84: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 85: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Belitz, HD., Grosch, W. Food Chemistry. Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg-Germany, 1999.Fennema OR. Food Chemisrty. Third Ed. Marcel Dekker,Saldamlı İ, Gıda Kimyası, Hacettepe ÜniversitesiYayınları,Ankara 1998,Demirci, M. Gıda Kimyası. Birinci Baskı, Tekirdağ, 2001,Belitz, HD., Grosch, W. Food Chemistry. Springer-Verlag,Fennema OR. Food Chemisrty. Third Ed. Marcel Dekker,Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13301


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To teach the composition and properties of foods with the chemical changes it undergoes during production to consumption period (handling, processing and storage), give theknowledge of chemical and physical reactions that influence food quality, give practical training in the laboratory to form the background in food analysis. On successful completion ofthis course, the students will - have sufficient knowledge of food chemistry to control reactions in foods, - understand the chemical and physical reactions that influence food quality, -comprehend the principles of basic food analyses, - gain the skills to perform basic qualitative / quantitative food analyses, - be able to communicate the information and results ofanalyses in written and oral formatTeaching Methods and Techniques:Çözeltiler ve kolloid sistemler. Karbonhidrat, protein ve yağların yapısı, sınıflandırılması, özellikleri, kalitatif ve kantitatif testler. Enzimlerin yapısı, sınıflandırılması, enzim aktivitesinietkileyen etmenler, besinlerde bulunuşları ve besin sanayiinde kullanım alanları. Besinlerde bulunan pigmentler, tat ve koku ögeleri, özellikleri ve işlevleriPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryallerisunumFood chemisty and its importance, classification of food components2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 2Food technology-food storage methods- factors causing food decay- Prebiotics, probiotics and simbiotic foodstuffs3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 3Water-significance and structure of water- condition of water of foodstuffsWater-water activity-microbial activity- sorption isotherms and their signifance- Water activity and stability of foodstuffs -Determination methods of water activity4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 4Carbohydrates- structures and derivatives of sugars, monosaccharides, polysaccharides and derivatives structures5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 5sugars decomposition reactions -the formation and prevention of enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions - Carbohydrate analysis6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 6Lipids - Simple lipids, fatty acids, essential fatty acids and food distributions7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 7the prevention of deterioration reactions ofl ipids - antioxidant substances -esterification, interesterification reactions, etc. Lipid Analysis8 Midterm Exam9 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 8Proteins - amino acids, protein structure and importance of protein structure of various foods -protein analysis10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 9Enzimlerin özellikleri ve besinlerdeki işlevleri gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 10Vitamins12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 11Minerals13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 12Food Contamination14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma Materyallerisunum 13Examples related preparation of some foodstuffs

Recommended Optional Programme Components


Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to make choices about food sources for healthy eating conciouslyC02 Students will be able to benefit from food sources conciouslyC03 Students will be able to enlightenment about food sourcesC04 Students will be able to comprehend the importance of nutrients metabolicallyC05 Students will be able to understand chemical changes that may occur during production and storage of foodstuffsC06 Students will be able to communicate verbal and written effectivelyC07 Students will be able to comprehend important reactions and mechanisms of food chemistry

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 86: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 1 %10

Practice 1 %10

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

100 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 2

C01 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 2

C02 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 2

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 2

C04 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 2

C05 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 2

C06 3 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 3 5 2

C07 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 87: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentKutluay-Merdol T. (1990). Okulöncesi Dönem Eğitim Veren Kişi ve Kurumlar için Beslenme Rehberi, Ankara. Kutluay-Merdol T. ve ark. (2003).

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13319


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:To be able to learn methods and materials used in education To be able to gain knowledge for changing individuals' behavior. To be able to learn principles of education To be ableto learn communication skills To be able to learn basi methods for adult and child education To be able to improve skills including how to prepare the education program and modulefor specific groupsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - Practise, Literature SearchPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Definition and principles of education2 Definition and principles of education3 Materials and methods of education4 Materials and methods of education5 Communication skills, main characteristics of adult and child education6 Communication skills, main characteristics of adult and child education7 To be considered in groups such as pregnant, lactating, obese, elderly, children’s education8 To be considered in groups such as pregnant, lactating, obese, elderly, children’s education9 Ara sınav10 To be considered in groups such as pregnant, lactating, obese, elderly, children’s education11 Basic principles and practices of behavior modification therapy12 Basic principles and practices of behavior modification therapy13 Service training, presentation of training programs and modules14 Service training, presentation of training programs and modules15 Service training, presentation of training programs and modules

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to know methods and materials used in educationC02 To be able to gain knowledge required in behavioral change of individualsC03 To be able to learn principles of educationC04 To be able to learn main characteristics of adult and child educationC05 To be able to become skilful at preparing the education programmes and modules for specific groups

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 88: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %20

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 2 %20

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 2 4 8

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

52 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

Page 89: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

AKSOY, Ö.Asım ( 1991 ); Dil Yanlışları, Adam Yay.BALTAŞ, A., BALTAŞ, Z.; Bedenin Dili İletişim Becerinizin Anahtarı, Sessiz Diliniz: RemziDÖKMEN, Üstün ( 1994 ); İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati, Sistem Yay.GÜRZAP, Can ( 2008 ); Söz Söyleme ve Diksiyon, Remzi KitabeviGÜRZAP C,; Konuşan İnsan , YKYHEPÇİLİNGİRLER F,( 2002); Türkçe Off YKYŞENBAY, Nüzhet (2004);. Söz ve Diksiyon Sanatı: YKYKOYUNCU, Z.Polat ( 2007 ); Hızlı Okuma ve Algılama, Omega Yay.ÖZDEM, Y.(2003); Konuşma Sanatı, Diksiyon: KariyerTAŞER, Suat ( 2000 ); Konuşma Eğitimi, Papirüs Yay.TELLİOĞLU, Cevdet ( 2000 ); Güzel Konuşma Pratiği, TimaşTEMİZYÜREK, Fahri v.d.( 2007 ); Konuşma Eğitimi, Öncü Kitap.VURAL, B. (2003); Doğru ve Güzel Konuşma, Fonetik, Diksiyon,Artikülasyon: HayatAKSOY, Ö.Asım ( 1991 ); Dil Yanlışları, Adam Yay. BALTAŞ, A., BALTAŞ, Z.; Bedenin Dili İletişim Becerinizin Anahtarı, Sessiz Diliniz: Remzi DÖKMEN, Üstün ( 1994 ); İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati, Sistem Yay. GÜRZAP, Can ( 2008 ); Söz Söyleme ve Diksiyon, Remzi Kitabevi GÜRZAP C,; Konuşan İnsan , YKY HEPÇİLİNGİRLER F,( 2002); Türkçe Off YKY ŞENBAY, Nüzhet (2004);. Söz ve Diksiyon Sanatı: YKY KOYUNCU, Z.Polat ( 2007 ); Hızlı Okuma ve Algılama, Omega Yay. ÖZDEM, Y.(2003); Konuşma Sanatı, Diksiyon: Kariyer TAŞER, Suat ( 2000 ); Konuşma Eğitimi, Papirüs Yay. TELLİOĞLU, Cevdet ( 2000 ); Güzel Konuşma Pratiği, Timaş TEMİZYÜREK, Fahri v.d.( 2007 ); Konuşma Eğitimi, Öncü Kitap. VURAL, B. (2003); Doğru ve Güzel Konuşma, Fonetik, Diksiyon, Artikülasyon: Hayat ,DÖKMEN, Üstün ( 1994 ); İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati, Sistem Yay.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 UNV13004


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:Can be able to use Turkish in a good way in society and gain the knowledge of sound features of Turkish , intonation sytem as a basic knowledge.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Voice and breath practices; phonetics structure and rules of Turkish Language; stress/emphasis and articulation that are unique to Turkish Language; expression techniques andwording style; personal image; non-verbal communication (body language); making presentation according to formal and social protocol rules; public speaking exercises are includedin the course content. Composition skills, copywriting, reads awareness.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Instructor Birol BulutAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.We need an effective and nice to talk to and why? The extent to which the speech, what we need to know in order to be with these features? Examples of correct and incorrect application.2 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Sound knowledge of the correct pronunciation of the language common to need to know the rules. You need to breathe properly for the correct pronunciation. (Breathing practices)3 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Places of articulation, vowel and consonant letters, practice and applications. Celebrity look-a-consonant harmonies.4 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Mistakes are made frequently during the conversation, speaking rate adjustment, speech disorders and their applications to eliminate.5 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Straight celebrities syllable-word-sentence exercises on pronunciation.6 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Round celebrities syllable-word-sentence exercises on pronunciation.7 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Vocalization of consonants issues must be considered.8 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Turkish different words written, the reading and pronunciation. Examples and exercises9 Analyzing and preparing of the texts onthe subject.MİD TERM10 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.What is the emphasis? Definition and types of emphasis: Syllable emphasis on word stress, sentence accent and practice.11 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the and liaison types. Intonation examples and applications.12 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Preparation for effective and good conversation. Physical conditions, scientific equipment and planned preparation, stress and time. management. Body language.13 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Community rules on the front and the speak at microphone. Greeting, hosted and presented.14 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.Made a lot of errors in the determination of sample mass media organizations, to examine and review. Example: poetry, articles, news, reading exercises.15 Reading and evaluating. Articles, studiesetc. On the subject.The student shows competence acquisition and assessment presentations.

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field, using the data to interpret and evaluate, recognize and analyze problems.C02 Required for applications related to the field of modern techniques to use it effectively.C03 Space and related professional environment, using tools such projects, plans to olm is capable of performing.C04 Communicate effectively mastered techniques and innovations in the field to bring the level to follow.C05 Date values, respect, social responsibility, global, social and professional ethics to be aware of.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 90: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %5

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %10

Project 1 %5

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 2 30

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 1 2 2

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 0 0

Mid-terms 1 2 2

Practice 1 1 1

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

63 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 3 3 3

C01 4 4 5 5 3 5 4 4 3 4 5 5

C02 5 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 5 5 5 4

C03 3 3 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 4

C04 4 5 5 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 5 4

C05 5 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4

Page 91: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationMahan, L.K., Arlin, M.T.,(2002). Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th ed, W.B.. Saunders Company, USA,Baysal, A., ve ark., (2002). Diyet El Kitabı, 4. Baskı, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara.,2.Baysal, A., BaG, M (Ed) (2008). YetiGkinlerde Ağırlık Yönetimi, Ekspress Baskı A.g., Gstanbul.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13309


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to understand the definitions, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of the diseasesTeaching Methods and Techniques:The definitions, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of obesity, eating disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, reactive hypoglycemia, coronary heart diseases,hypertension, gastrointestinal system diseases, skeletal system disorders, goutPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İSMAİL ÖZKAYAAssistants:Research Assist. Eda Bozkır

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffIntroduction To Nutrition And Diet Therapy Gn Diseases2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffObesity And Nutrition3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffObesity And Nutrition4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffObesity And Nutrition5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSlimness, Anorexiya Nevroza, Blumia Nevroza And Nutrition6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSlimness, Anorexiya Nevroza, Blumia Nevroza And Nutrition7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffCoronary Arterrial Disease And Nutrition8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDiabetes Mellitus And Nutrition9 mid term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDiabetes Mellitus And Nutrition11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDiabetes Mellitus And Nutrition12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGastro-Gntestinal System Diseases And Nutrition13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSkeletal System Diseases And Nutrition14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGenel tartışma15 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGeneral Discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the definitions, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of obesity, eating disordersC02 will be able to know the complicationsC03 will be able to practice about medical nutritionC04 will be able to do changing about existed nutritional problems in the diets of hospitalized adult and child patients who have problems in clinical nutritionC05 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC06 will be able to know how to calculate energy,protein and other nutrients.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 92: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 8 2 16

Assignments 14 1 14

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 5 2 10

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 4 3 12

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

110 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 3 4 5 4 2 2 5 5 4 3 2

C01 2 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 4 3 3

C02 5 4 3 3 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4

C03 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 2 3

C05 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 3

C06 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 3 4 4

Page 93: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

1.Can H., Kavuncubaşı Ş. ve Yıldırım S. (2012) Kamu ve Özel Kesimde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara.2.Sabuncuoğlu Z. (2011) İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Beta Basım Yayım, İstanbul.3. Werther W.B. ve Davis K. (1993) Human Resources and Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, İnc. New York.

Kaynaklar, Slayt Gösterimi

Vize ve Final Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 100

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 UNV13026


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of the course is to promote the basic principles and processes related to the management of human resources in the health care and other enterprises related to themanagement of human resources to students.Teaching Methods and Techniques:1The basic concept of human resource management principles, and current issues surrounding human resources management, human resources, recruitment, development,compensation, integration, motivation, leadership and communication.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Aygül YANIKAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Basic Concepts in Human Resources2 Principles of Human Resource Management3 Current Issues and the Environment in Human Resource Management4 Human Resources Employment (Business Analysis)5 Human Resources Employment (Work study)6 Human Resources Employment (Human Resource Planning)7 Human Resources Employment (Staffing and Selection)8 Human Resources Development9 Waging (Business Valuation)10 Waging (Business Valuation)11 Integration (trade unions and collective bargaining)12 Motivation14 Leadership

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Students will be able to teach the basic concepts and principles of Human Resource ManagementC02 Students will be able to adopt Current Issues and Environment in Human Resource ManagementC03 Students will be able to teach Human Resources Employment (Business Analysis, Work Study, Human Resource Planning, Staffing and Selection )C04 Students will be able to provide information about the Human Resources DevelopmentC05 Students will be able to teach waging in the Human ResourcesC06 Students will be able to provide information about Business Valuation In the Human ResourcesC07 Students will be able to teach the integration of Human ResourcesC08 Students will be able to provide information about motivation, leadership and communication in the Human Resources

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 94: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C01 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C02 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C03 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C04 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C05 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C06 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C07 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

C08 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 2

Page 95: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Öztürk Nuran, Çakıroğlu Demet, Meslek Etiği, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara,2011Arslan Mahmut, İş ve Meslek Ahlakı,Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara,2012

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 50

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 UNV13029


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:This course aimed to gain the competencies related to professional ethics.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, Conferance, DiscussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:



Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 To Analyse The Concepts Of Ethics And Morals2 To Analyse The Concepts Of Ethics And Morals3 To Analyse The Ethics Systems4 To Analyse The Ethics Systems5 To Analyse The Ethics Systems6 To Analyse The Factors That Play A Role İn The Formation Of Morality7 To Analyse The Factors That Play A Role İn The Formation Of Morality8 Repeating Courses And Midterm Exam9 Midterm Exam10 Examine The Ethics Of Profession11 To Analyse The Professional Ethics12 To Analyse The Professional Ethics13 Analyzing Professional Corruption And The Results Of Unethical Behavior İn Professional Life14 Examine The Concept Of Social Responsibility

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 define the basic concepts such as ethics, morality describe the different methods / ways used for determining the moral goodC02 To explain the difference between the concepts of ethics and moralityC03 define professional values describe the moral justifications of professional valuesC04 To explain the results of correption and unethical behavior in professional lifeC05 analyse a case from the viewpoint of ethics

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 96: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 15 2 30

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 10 10

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 20 20

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

60 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

Page 97: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

A.C.Guyton&Hall. Tıbbi FizyolojiW.F.Ganong. Tıbbi Fizyoloji

Color atlas of physiology, Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos, Editory: Zeynep Solakoğlu, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi, 2012, ISBN:978-605-4499-12-0.,PDQ Physiology, Editory: İnci Alican, İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2005. ,Guyton And Hall, Medical Physology, Editor : Zeynep Solakoğluİstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2005. ,Fizyoloji doç Dr Levent Ertuğrul nobel tıp kitabevi 2007Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13311


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To understand the function of different systems in human bodyTeaching Methods and Techniques:Fizyoloji ve patofizyolojiyi ve fizyolojil süreçte meydana gelen bozuklukları içerir.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Gülsün MEMİAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklarintroduction of physiology2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHomeostasis, cell physiology3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer Kaynaklar Body fluids and electrolytes, membran potentials and action potentials.4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMusculoskelatal system, bone and connective tissues.5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarBlood physiology, immune system and immunity.6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarHeart physiology, Elektrocardiography7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPhysiology of circulation system8 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarRespiratory physiology9 Exam10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarUrinary system physiology, body fluids balance, acid-base balance and buffer system.11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarEndocrine systems physiology.12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe reproductive system13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarNervous system physiology ( peripheral and central nervous systems)14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPhysiology of hearing and vision15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 15 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarGastrointestinal system physiology

Recommended Optional Programme Components



Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Learning the basics of physiology; homeostasis, cells and organels, transport mechanism in cell surface, biological potentials.C02 Understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and organs, and to observe changes in health or disease status.C03 Students will be able to explains the working principle’s of the organism.C04 Students will be able to defines patophysiological alterations of the systems.C05 Students will be able to describe problems about his professionC06 Students will be able to describe the systems and the terminology.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

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Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 5

C02 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 5

C03 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 5

C04 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 5

C05 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 5

C06 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2

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Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Kinton R, Ceserani V, Foskett D, The Theory of Catering, Eighth edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995. 2- Spears MC, Foodservice OrganizationsKinton R, Ceserani V, Foskett D, The Theory of Catering, Eighth edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995. 2- Spears MC, Foodservice OrganizationsPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13307


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to let students gain adequate knowledge about institutonal food services, the structure and charasteristics of these enterprises and the role of the dieticiansworking in this areaTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, discussion, question-answerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Instituonal Nutrition and its importance2 - -INS types / new manufacturing systems3 - -INS types / new manufacturing systems4 - -Management and organisation5 - -Management and organisation6 - -Planning kitchen / dining hall and equipments used7 - -Planning kitchen / dining hall and equipments used8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Menu management and control10 - -Menu management and control11 - -Standard food recipes and auditing12 - -Purchasing and storage techniques and occupational safety13 - -Purchasing and storage techniques and occupational safety14 - -Waste formation and preventing methods15 - -General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the importance of INSC02 Gaining knowledge about the process of INSC03 Learning the equipments used at INSC04 Gaining adequate skills for menu auditingC05 Gaining the skills that have to exist as a manager dietitianC06 Gaining the ability to modernize the kitchen designC07 Gaining information about occupational safety

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 100: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 1 20 20

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

106 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C06 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C07 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 101: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

sunum1.Pekcan G. (2002). Hastanın Beslenme Durumunun Saptanması, Diyet El Kitabı. Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara. 2.Gibson RS. (2005). Principles of Nutrition

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13305


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to learn the detection method of nutritional status in patients and healthy individuals with the concept of community nutrition. To be able to learn community nutrition andnutritional epidemiology, assessment of nutritional status. To be able to gain advanced knowledge and skills in the assessment of nutritional status of patients and healthy people. Tobe able to learn nutritional anthropometry, clinical signs,biochemical and hematological, parameters. To be able to learn health statistics,age specific mortality and morbidity rates,dietary intake surveys and determine ecological factors. To be able to determine assessment of nutritional status of patients and healthy people with assessment methods ofnutritional status.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - PractisePrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Community nutrition and nutritional epidemiology2 Community nutrition and nutritional epidemiology3 Assessment of nutritional status4 Assessment of nutritional status5 Nutritional anthropometry6 Nutritional anthropometry7 Clinical signs, biomarkers: biochemical and hematological, parameters8 Clinical signs, biomarkers: biochemical and hematological, parameters9 Ara sınav10 Health statistics; age specific mortality and morbidity rates12 Health statistics; age specific mortality and morbidity rates13 Dietary intake surveys and ecological factors14 Dietary intake surveys and ecological factors15 Dietary intake surveys and ecological factors

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to learn the detection method of nutritional status in patients and healthy individuals with the concept of community nutrition.C02 To be able to gain advanced knowledge and skills in the assessment of nutritional status of patients and healthy people.C03 To be able to learn nutritional anthropometry, clinical signs,biochemical and hematological, parameters.C04 To be able to learn health statistics,age specific mortality and morbidity rates, dietary intake surveys and determine ecological factors.C05 biyofizik yöntemler, biyokimyasal ve hematolojik yöntemleri kavrayabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 102: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 3 %20

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 4 56

Assignments 3 12 36

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

136 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 5

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 3

C02 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 3

C03 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 3

C04 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 3

Page 103: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Turkan, C. (2002) Menu planning and Principles of Nutrition in Tourism. Detay Publ., Ankara,Bulduk, S. (2002) Principles of Nutrition and Menu Planning. Detay Publ., AnkaraPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 60

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

5 BES13313


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to let students gain adequate information about the principles of nutrition,menu planning and service who likes to become a professional in touristicfood&drink servicesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, question-answer, case studiesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 40

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Description of the lesson and its aim2 - -Foods for a healthy nutrition and their characteristics3 - -Foods for a balanced nutrition and their characteristics4 - -Daily nutrient intake and nutrition principles for a balanced nutrition5 - -Foods and their characteristics; daily nutrient needs of human6 - -Carbonhydrates, Proteins, Lipids/Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water7 - -Understanding menu planning and the factors affect menu planning8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Affects of costumer preferences upon menu planning10 - -Factors affecting menu planning11 - -Menu analysis and standard food recipes12 - -Case studies13 - -Case studies14 - -Case studies15 - -Case studies

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Planning the food & beverage servicesC02 Evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used in food & beverage preparationC03 Managing the preparation and administration of food & beverage processesC04 Deciding about the processes of menu management and related price mechanismsC05 Having the ability to control the products and services according to their quality and healthC06 Gaining knowledge about anything related to the food & beverage processes

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 104: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 105: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Belitz, HD., Grosch, W. Food Chemistry. Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg-Germany, 1999.Fennema OR. Food Chemisrty. Third Ed. Marcel Dekker,INC. New York, 1996prof.dr.ildilge saldamlı gıda kimyası kıtabı hacettepe yayınlarıprof.dr.ildilge saldamlı gıda kimyası kıtabı hacettepe yayınları,Fennema OR. Food Chemisrty. Third Ed. Marcel Dekker, INC. New York, 1996 ,Belitz, HD., Grosch, W. Food Chemistry. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg-Germany, 1999Personel Web YönetimiPersonel Web YönetimiPersonel Web Yönetimi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13302


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To teach the evaluation of food quality by objective and subjective methods, observe the changes of disrupted food tissues with practical applications, discuss functional foods andcomponents with recent publications. On successful completion of this course, the students will - know sensory attributes of foods and be able to apply sensory testing methods, -have sufficient knowledge on functional foods, - discuss the current topics of importance to food science, - differentiate and describe the key properties of food components inchemical terms.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Besin kalitesi ve etkileyen etmenler. Besin kalitesinin sübjektif olarak değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan yöntemler. Fonksiyonel besinler; pre ve probiyotikler, genetik modifiye besinler,soya. Sebze ve meyveler, yumurta, süt ve süt ürünleri, et ve ürünleri, tahıllar, çay, kahve, kakao ve çikolatada bulunan ögeler, özellikleri ve işlevleriPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMilk and Dairy Products2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarEggs3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarEdible Fats and Oils4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarEdible Fats and Oils5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarCereals and Cereal Products6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarLegumes7 Midterm8 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarVegetables and Vegetable Products9 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFruits and Fruit Products10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarSugars and Honey11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarAlcoholic Beverages12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarCoffee, Tea, Cocoa13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarVinigar and pickle14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMeat and fish15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarDrinkingWater and Mineral water

Recommended Optional Programme Components



Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 The students will be able to describe the structure and the composition of foods(fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, cereals, coffe, tea and cacao)C02 The students will be able to describe the processing and manufacturing of foodsC03 The students will be able to explain the functions of food constituents in food processing and discuss the chemical reactions related with these compounds during processing and storageC04 The students will be critically synthesise and integrate relevant knowledge from the basic courses of curriculum. They will be able to apply basic knowledge in practice settings with food processing.C05 Students will be able to have sufficient knowledge of food chemistry to control reactions in foodsC06 Students will be able to communicate the information and results of analyses in written and oral format

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 106: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %10

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 1 5 5

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 14 2 28

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

91 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 4 3

C02 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C03 4 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3

C04 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 3

C05 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 2

C06 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2

Page 107: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Official Journals in which the food legislations are publishedCodex AlimentariusJones JM.Food Safety. Eagen Press,St Paul,1998Helfrich W, Winter CK(Ed).Food Toxicology.CRC PressLLC,2001Food Chemistry, J Agric. Food Chem, Food Toxicology, ve benzer dergilerin makaleleri

Prof. Dr. Fikri Başoğlu Gıda Kalite Kontrolünün Esasları ve Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemleri,Jones JM.Food Safety. Eagen Press,St Paul,1998Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13312


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to inform students about the food quality control procedures and regulations related to food quality standards and to inform students about the legalregulations and to make commentsTeaching Methods and Techniques:1.Besin kontrolü ve mevzuatı ile ilgili temel kavramlar 2.Türkiye’de besinlerle ilgili yasal düzenlemeler 3.Besin güvenliğini bozan etmenler; sağlık üzerine etkileri ve ilgili yasaldüzenlemelerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood safety and Importance2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Quality and Hygeine3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Quality and Hygeine4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Safety and Health Implications5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Control Regulations6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Control Regulations7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarReview of Topics covered8 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Safety control in Turkey9 mid exam10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Safety, related definitions and laws11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood Safety, related definitions and laws12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPractical Applications13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPractical Applications14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarReview of Topics covered15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarEvaluation on the rescripts of Turkish Food Codex

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be aware of the importance of food control and regulations involvedC02 Follow up with the related regulations in TurkeyC03 To be aware of the factors affecting food safety and laws establishedC04 Effect of Food safety on Health and implicationsC05 Students will be able to learn the history of food legislation in our countryC06 Students will be able to have information about Turkish Food Codex

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 108: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 1 %10

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 14 14

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

72 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3

C02 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 4 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 5 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 1 3 1 3 1

C06 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1

Page 109: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

1 Tõnu Püssa, Principles of Food Toxicology Published: September 27, 2007 by CRC Press2 Helferich W, Winter CK. Food Toxicology, CRC Press, Boaca Raton, 2000.3 Altuğ T. Introduction to Toxicology and Food, CRC Press, Boca raton, 2003.4 Tayfur M. Gıda hijyeni, gıda kaynaklı enfeksiyonlar ve zehirlenmeler, Kuban matbaası, Ankara, 2009.Tõnu Püssa, Principles of Food Toxicology Published: September 27, 2007 by CRC Press,Tayfur M. Gıda hijyeni, gıda kaynaklı enfeksiyonlar ve zehirlenmeler, Kuban matbaası, Ankara, 2009.,Helferich, W., C. K. Winter. 2000. Food Toxicology. CRC Press,Hacettepe University Food Engineering Department Toxicology lecture notesPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13318


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to inform the studenst about the affects of toxic and natural compounds in foods on health.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Besinlerdeki toksinleri ve zehirli bileşikleri ve etkilerini, zehirlenme türlerini içerirPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Muhammet Ali ÇAKIRAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 1 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarNutritional toxicology entry2 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 2 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPrinciples of Food Toxicology3 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 3 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarIdentifying poisons in Foods4 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 4 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFactors that influence toxicity5 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 5 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMetabolism and excretion of toxicants6 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 6 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPoisons in plant food sources7 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 7 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPoisons in animal food sources8 midterm exam9 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 8 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarMicrobial poisons in Food10 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 9 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarIndustrial wastes and poisons11 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 10 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarResidues in foods12 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 11 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood intolerance and allergy13 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite12 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarFood additives, colors and flavors14 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 13 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarPoisons formed during food processing15 Yardımcı Kitap Ünite 14 Haftalık Çalışma MateryalleriDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarOverall review

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Define the toxins and toxic compounds in foods.C02 Explain the effects of toxins in foods and toxic compounds on the body.C03 Recognize the types of poisoning.C04 This lecture achieves our students to know the toxic compounds that harmful to human healthC05 Students will be able tolearn the natural and contaminated toxic compounds in foodsC06 Students will be able to have information about plant toxins, mycotoxins and bacterial toxins

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 110: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 1 %10

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 6 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 10 10

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

C01 3 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 4

C02 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 4

C03 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 4

C04 2 4 4 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 1 1

C05 2 4 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2

C06 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Page 111: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

sunumÇocuk hastalıklarında beslenme tedavisi, Gülden Köksal, Hatipoğlu yayınları

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13304


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to learn childhood diseases To be able to gain knowledge about nutritional changes and problems in childhood diseases To be able to learn the diet therapy of childhooddiseases To be able to apply this diet therapy to the patients and discuss To be able to learn how to do the calculations and find the nutritional needs To be able to plan a nutritionalprogramTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question & Answer, Demonstration, Drill - Practise, Literature SearchPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Akut gastroenteritler ve diyet tedavisi2 Akut gastroenteritler ve diyet tedavisi3 Malnütrisyon ve diyet tedavisi4 Malnütrisyon ve diyet tedavisi5 Malabsorbsiyonlar ve diyet tedavisi6 Malabsorbsiyonlar ve diyet tedavisi7 Çocuk hastalıklarında enteral-parenteral beslenme8 Çocuk hastalıklarında enteral-parenteral beslenme9 ara sınav10 Diyabet ve diyet tedavisi11 Diyabet ve diyet tedavisi12 Doğuştan metabolizma hastalıkları ve diyet tedavisi13 Doğuştan metabolizma hastalıkları ve diyet tedavisi14 Böbrek hastalıkları gibi çeşitli çocuk hastalıklarında diyet tedavisi15 Böbrek hastalıkları gibi çeşitli çocuk hastalıklarında diyet tedavisi

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to gain knowledge about childhood diseasesC02 To be able to gain knowledge about nutritional changes and problems in childhood diseasesC03 To be able to learn the diet therapy of childhood diseasesC04 To be able to learn how to calculate and find the nutritional needsC05 To be able to plan a nutritional program

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 112: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 2 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 4 56

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 2 3 6

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 2 2

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

106 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4

C02 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4

C03 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4

C04 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4

C05 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4

Page 113: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationInternational Journals of Nutrition and Dietetics (European J Clin Nutr, JADA, Am J Clin Nutr, etc.) and books,Baysal, A., ve ark., (2002). Diyet El Kitabı, 4. Baskı, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara,Shills, M.E., Olsan, J.A., Shike, M., (1994). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Lea&Febiger, USA.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13310


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to learn the definitions, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of the diseases.Teaching Methods and Techniques:The definitions, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of Liver diseases, alcoholism, gallbladder and pancreas diseases, renal diseases, pulmonarydiseases, neurological and psychiatric diseases, infections, AIDS, cancer, allergy. Nutrient-drug interactions, pre-post operative nutrition, diagnostic test diets, enteral-parenteralnutritionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. ismail özkayaAssistants:Research Assist. Eda Bozkır

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffKaraciğer hastalıkları ve beslenme2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffRenal Diseases And Nutrition3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffInfections, AIDS And Nutrition4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffInfections, AIDS And Nutrition5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSome Neurological And Psychiatric Diseases And Nutrition, Food And Drug Gnteractions6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSome Neurological And Psychiatric Diseases And Nutrition, Food And Drug Gnteractions7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffBurns, Pre-Postop Nutrition, Functional Reactive Hypoglisemia8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffOncology And Nutrition9 mid term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnteral ve paranteral nutrition11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching stafffood and drug12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffgeneral discussion13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffgeneral discussion14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffgeneral discussion15 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffgeneral discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know, etiologies, complications, symptoms, and medical nutrition therapy of Liver diseases, alcoholism, gallbladder and pancreas diseases, renal diseases, pulmonary diseases, neurological and psychiatric diseases, infections, AIDS, cancer, allergy and practice about medical nutrition therapy.C02 will be able toknow nutrient-drug interactions, pre-post operative nutrition, diagnostic test dietsC03 Sağlıklı beslenmenin vücut çalışmasındaki önemini kavrar.C04 will be able to know how to use enteral and parenteral feeding guide bookC05 will be able to know how to calculate energy,protein and other nutrients.C06 will be able to know nutrient-drug interactions, pre-post operative nutrition, diagnostic test diets

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 114: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 5 2 10

Assignments 3 4 12

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 3 3 9

Project 8 2 16

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

105 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 2

C01 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 2

C02 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3

C03 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 2

C04 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 4

C05 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 2

C06 4 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2

Page 115: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Axler B H, Litrides CA. Ctyles of Food Service, Food and Beverage Service, John Willey& Sons. USA 1990. 2- Sevinç, N., (2001)Personel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13316


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to learn and practice the principles of menu planningTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, question-answer, discussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Concept, development and planning principles of the menu2 - -Types and examples of various menus3 - -Menu cards and the principles of marketing4 - -Standard food recipes5 - -Cost and pricing6 - -Menu planning for school-age children and adolescents7 - -Menu planning for school-age children and adolescents8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Menu planning - Employee nutrition10 - -Menu planning - Elderly nutrition11 - -Menu planning - Vegetarian nutrition12 - -Menu planning - Sports nutrition13 - -Menu planning in chronic diseases14 - -Menu planning in chronic diseases15 - -Menu planning in chronic diseases

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the principles of menu planningC02 Gaining capability to perform menu management and controlC03 Learning service techniquesC04 Gaining knowledge about service equipmentsC05 Gaining the capability to plan menus for various groupsC06 Gaining knowledge to plan institutional, industrial and commercial menu planning

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 116: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 1 15 15

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

73 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C06 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 117: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

sunumErsoy, G. Egzersiz ve Spor Yapanlar için Beslenme, Damla Matbaacılık, Ankara, 2000.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13320


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:students will be informed about the basic nturition principles of sportsmanTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Question & AnswerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan HAKİME NOĞAYAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Energy and macro-nutrient requirements of athletes2 Energy and macro-nutrient requirements of athletes3 Mikro-nutrient requirements of athletes4 Mikro-nutrient requirements of athletes5 Nutrition charesteristics of before, during, after competition and trainning6 Nutrition charesteristics of before, during, after competition and trainning7 Nutrition charesteristics of before, during, after competition and trainning8 ara sınav9 Importance of liquid consumption10 Ergogenic aids11 Ergogenic aids12 Body composition and weight management13 Body composition and weight management14 Special condition (women, child, vegetarian) nutrition15 Special condition (women, child, vegetarian) nutrition

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 At the end of the lecture, students will be informed about the basic principles of sports utrition, application of nutrition to improve performance, the ergogenic aids and nutrition of athletes in different conditions.C02 spor performansının önemli bir parçası olan beslenme ile ilgili temel ilkelerin kavratabilmeC03 performansı artırmaya yönelik beslenme uygulamalarını kavrayabilmeC04 ergojenik destekler konusunu kavrayabilmeC05 sporcuların besin ögesi gereksinmelerini kavrayabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 118: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 1 14

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 2 2

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

46 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 119: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Kinton R, Ceserani V, Foskett D, The Theory of Catering, Eighth edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995. 2- Spears MC, Foodservice OrganizationsKinton R, Ceserani V, Foskett D, The Theory of Catering, Eighth edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995. 2- Spears MC, Foodservice OrganizationsPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13308


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is to let students gain adequate knowledge about institutonal food service, the structure and charasteristic of these enterprises and the role of the dieticiansworking in this areaTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, discussion, question-answerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Commercial enterprises at INS2 - -Commercial enterprises at INS3 - -Organisation, kitchen and staff at enterprises4 - -Organisation, kitchen and staff at enterprises5 - -Kitchen/Restaurant Planning at commercial enterprises6 - -Kitchen/Restaurant Planning at commercial enterprises7 - -Preparation methods in detail8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Preparation methods in detail10 - -Cooking and serving techniques11 - -Hygiene and HACCP12 - -Hygiene and HACCP13 - -Hygiene and HACCP14 - -Cost control15 - -Cost control

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining knowledge about institutional nutrition principles in commercial enterprisesC02 Gaining knowledge about equipments used in commercial enterprisesC03 Gaining knowledge about healthy cooking techniques used in commercial enterprisesC04 Gaining knowledge about preparation techniques used in commercial enterprisesC05 Gaining the ability to perform hygiene and HACCP management and controls as a manager dietitianC06 Gaining knowledge about cost management

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 120: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 1 30 30

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

116 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 4

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C06 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 121: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationPekcan G. (2002). Hastanın Beslenme Durumunun Saptanması, Diyet El Kitabı. Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara.,2-Gibson RS. (2005). Principles of Nutritional Assessment, Oxford University Press, NY, USA.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13306


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to learn the nutritional problems of vulnerable groups; and learn the reasons of nutritional problems and solutions; and develop knowledge and skills for thedevelopment and implementation of food and nutrition policies.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Community nutrition and nutritional epidemiology, assessment of nutritional statusPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖZKAYAAssistants:Research Assist. Eda Bozkır

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional problems and food and nutrition plan and policies2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional problems and food and nutrition plan and policies3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProtein-energy malnutrition epidemiology and growth monitoring,4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProtein-energy malnutrition epidemiology and growth monitoring5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffobesity, diet-related chronic diseases,6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffobesity, diet-related chronic diseases,7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional anemia and epidemiology,8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional anemia and epidemiology,9 Mid term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffVitamin and mineral deficiency and epidemiology (Vitamin A, folic acid, iodine, zinc)11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDental caries and epidemiology, Rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis,12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutrition of risk groups (workers and elderly etc), management of nutrition in disasters,13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood fortification and supplementation14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood fortification and supplementation15 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood fortification and supplementation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the nutritional problems of vulnerable groups; and learn the reasons of nutritional problems and solutionsC02 will be able to develop knowledge and skills for the development and implementation of food and nutrition policies.C03 will be able to gain some skills, to produce new and modern materialsC04 will be able to consult in the prevention and diet therapy of chronic diseases in elderlyC05 will be able to learn control of menu and kitchen modernizationC06 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body function

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 122: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 1 4 4

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 4 4

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 2 28

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 3 4 12

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

78 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3

C01 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4

C02 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

C03 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 4 3 4 4 4

C04 5 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

C05 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4

Page 123: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 BES13314


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:improving skills for occupational therapy activities for old peopleTeaching Methods and Techniques:Various knitting work Ornamentation Works Reading activitiesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Instructor AYFER KARADAŞAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities2 -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities3 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities4 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities5 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities6 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities7 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities8 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities9 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities10 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities11 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities12 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities13 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities14 - -Various knitting workOrnamentation WorksReading activities

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Student gain skill for mental activityC02 Student gain skill for psychomotor activityC03 Student gain skill art activitiy

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 124: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %0

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%0 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 0 0 0

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 0 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

0 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 0

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 1 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1

C02 1 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

C03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 125: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

6 STAJ13001


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):YesDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:theoretical and practical preparation of students in hospitals with dietitians providing clinical servicesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Drill, Literature searchPrerequisites:( BES13309 or BES13307 or BES13303 )Course Coordinator:



Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 training period2 training period3 training period4 training period5 training period6 training period7 training period8 training period

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 theoretical and practical preparation of students in hospitals with dietitians providing clinical servicesC02 Klinik çevrelerde beslenme ve diyetetik biliminin teorik bilgilerini uygulayabilme.C03 Hasta ve yakınlarına beslenme konusunda eğitim verebilme.C04 Öğrencinin toplu beslenme hizmeti veren kurumlarda teorik ve pratik olarak diyetisyenliğe hazırlayabilmeC05 Hastane ve kurum personeli ile iletişim becerilerini geliştirebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 126: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %100

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %0

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 6 84

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 10 11 110

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 0 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

194 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 8

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 127: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

sunumRelated books and various scientific articlesPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13421


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is understanding the main principles of nutrition in adolescents, understanding the normal growth process and nutrient needs in theory.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation and discussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Importance and characteristics of nutrition in adolescence2 Growth, development and assessment of nutritional status, body composition in adolescence3 Energy and nutrient requirement of adolescence; Nutrition guides4 Obesity, underweight and eating disorders in adolescence5 Vitamin and mineral deficiency in adolesence6 Vitamin and mineral deficiency in adolesence7 Vitamin and mineral deficiency in adolesence8 midterm exam9 Physical activity and health in adolescence10 Health promotion and school nutrition program11 Health promotion and school nutrition program12 Programs and policies in the World13 Investigation of education and training programs about nutrition in Turkey14 General discussion15 General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Learns the basic principles for a healthier nutrition in adolescentsC02 adolesanlarda normal büyüme sürecini , besin ve besin ögesi gereksinimlerini teorik olarak öğrenebilmeC03 adolesanlarda beslenme sorunlarını, beslenme alışkanlıkları ile ilgili araştırmaları tartışarak yorumlayabilmeC04 Adölesan bireylerin beslenme özelliklerini tanımlayabilmeC05 Adolesanlarda okul beslenme programlarını teorik olarak öğrenebilme ve uygulama alanlarına dahil edebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 128: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 10 2 20

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

50 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 129: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Nutirition, food and Drug Interactions in Man Debry G.(Eds).Karger. Basel, Munchen 1984Roe D. A. Drug and Nutrient Interactions. A problem orientedReference Guide. 4th Edition. American Dietetic Association.Chicago 1989.Clinical Implications of Drug Use. Volume I. Basu T. K.(ed).CRC press. Boca, Raton Florida. 1980Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Related books and various scientific articlesPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13409


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:Improving knowledge of biochemical effect of some used drugs and chemicals on the nutrients, applying of these knowledge on nutritional programme people having drug treatmentTeaching Methods and Techniques:Çeşitli ilaç ve ilaç grupları ile besin ve besin olmayan yabancı maddelerin etkileşimlerinin her safhada incelenmesi. İlaç tedavisinin beslenme durumuna ve karbonhidrat, protein, lipitmetabolizmalarına etkileri, ilaçlarla vitamin ve mineraller arasındaki etkileşimlerPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Food - Drug Interactions Pharmacologic Effects2 Risk Factors of Drug Nutrient Interaction3 Pharmacogenomics4 Effects of nutrients Drug Treatment - Drug Absorption5 Drug Therapy and Enteral Nutrition Interactions6 Drug Metabolism7 Disposal of the drug from the body8 Mid-term exam9 Drugs and the interaction between the nutrients10 Nutrient Metabolism11 Excretion of nutrients from the body12 Foods and nutrients through the replacement of drug activity13 The effects of drugs on nutritional status14 Mouth, taste and smell effect, the effect of the gastrointestinal system, change in appetite15 Organ system toxicity, food additives and food-drug interactions, medical nutrition

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Exploring new developments related to food and drug interactionsC02 Learning to organize the received drugs according to the nutrition programC03 Understanding drug interactions, vitamins and mineralsC04 Learning the effect of nutrition metabolism of drug therapyC05 Examining the interaction between several drugs and nutrients, non-nutritive substances

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 130: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

Page 131: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Various books and scientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13423


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:Learning nutritional approaches to disabled peopleTeaching Methods and Techniques:face to facePrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Determination of Nutrition Status2 Determination of Nutrition Status3 Determination of Nutrition Status4 Problem-Based Nutrition Interventions5 Problem-Based Nutrition Interventions6 Nutrition Interventions for Cystic Fibrosis7 Nutrition Interventions for Congenital Heart Disease8 midterm exam9 Nutrition Interventions for Respiratory Diseases10 Nutrition Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders11 Nutrition Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders12 Nutrition Interventions for mental retardation13 Nutrition Interventions for mental retardation14 general discussion15 general discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding and applying the nutritional disciplines for disabled individualsC02 Mental retardasyonlu bireylerde beslenme problemlerini kavrayabilmeC03 Mental retardasyonlu bireylerde beslenme yaklaşımlarını öğrenebilmeC04 Otizmli bireylerde beslenme problemlerini öğrenebilmeC05 Otizmli bireylerde uygulanacak beslenme yaklaşımlarını öğrenebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 132: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 133: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationPayne, J.J., Grimble, G., Silk, D., (2001). Artificial Nutritional Support in Clinical Practice, MPG Books,Baysal, A., ark., (2003). Diyet El Kitabı. Hatipoğlu Kitapevi, Ankara.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13413


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of the course is to teach new developments on the principles of enteral - parenteral nutrition, the products and nutritional assessment of the individual.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Principles and management of enteral-parenteral nutrition, nutrition intervention, nutrient requirements, effects on metabolism, formulas, compositions, nutritional assessmentPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional requirements2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutritional assesment3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffIndication and contraindication of enteral nutrition4 Indication and contraindication of enteral nutritionBasic principles in enteral nutrition5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProducts used in enteral nutrition and their contents6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffIndication and contraindication of parenteral nutrition7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffBasic principles in enteral nutrition8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffBasic principles in parenteral nutrition9 Mid-term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProducts used in enteral nutrition and their contents11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnteral and parenteral nutritional application in some diseases12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnteral and parenteral nutritional application in some diseases13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnteral and parenteral nutritional application in some diseases14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffEnteral and parenteral nutritional application in some diseases15 General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the principles of enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients who can't oral intakeC02 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC03 will be able to know how to use enteral and parenteral feeding guide bookC04 will be able to get an ability to discuss possible common problems in this fieldC05 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC06 will be able to know how to calculate energy,protein and other nutrients.

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 134: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4

C01 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3

C02 3 5 5 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 3

C03 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2

C04 3 2 3 2 4 4 3 2 1 3 3 2

C05 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2

C06 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 4

Page 135: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

uygulamaScientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13405


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):YesDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to prepare students for job as theoretically and practically. To be able to adapt theoretical knowledge to practise in child hospitals.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture,Question & Answer,DrillPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Orientation2 Training period3 Training period4 Training period5 Training period6 Training period7 Training period8 midterm exam9 Training period10 Training period11 Training period12 Training period13 Training period14 Training period15 Training period

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to prepare students for job as theoretically and practicallyC02 Hastane personeli ile iletişim becerilerini geliştirebilmeC03 Teorik derslerde kazanılan bilginin çocuk hastanelerinde pratiğe aktarabilmeC04 Çocuklarda görülen çeşitli hastalıkları ve bu hastalıklarla ilişkili teorik ve pratik bilgileri öğrenebilmeC05 Klinik diyetisyenin çalışma koşullarını gözlemleyebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 136: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %100

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %0

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 8 112

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 1 10 10

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 0 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

206 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 7

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 137: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

"Lippincott’s Illustrated reviews serisinden: Biyokimya. P.C.Champe,R.A. Harvey çev ed:E.Ulukaya.Nobel Tıp kitabevleri 3.Baskı, 2007.Baysal A. Beslenme, yenilenmiş 12. Baskı, Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 2009.,Mahan L.K., Escott-Stump S., Krause's Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, W. B. Saunders Company, USA, 2000.,Onat T., Emerk K., Sözmen E.Y., İnsan Biyokimyası, 2. Baskı, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2002.Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13411


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:availability, function and sources; energy balance; health risk factors; and special nutrient needs for various stages of the life cycle are taught in this lecture. The functions of the threecategories of nutrients (carbohydrate, lipid, protein) in the human organism for normal nutrition are explored.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Makrobesin öğelerinin asimilasyonu ve kullanımları vurgulanmakta olup enerji dengesi ve karbonhidrat, protein ve yağ metabolizmaları ve bunların sağlıkla olan etkileşimleri ders,tartışma ve öğrenci seminerleri şeklinde incelenmektedir.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe definition, structure and properties of carbohydrate2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe digestion, absorption and metabolism of carbohydrate3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe relationship between carbohydrate and diseases4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe relationship between carbohydrate and diseases5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe definition, structure and properties of protein7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe digestion, absorption and metabolism of protein8 mid term exam9 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe relationship between protein and diseases10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe definition, structure and properties of lipids11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe digestion, absorption and metabolism of lipids12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe relationship between lipids and diseases13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion15 Ders Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarArticle discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 learning the relationship between macro nutrients and diseasesC02 strengthening the english skills with article practicesC03 To explain the chemical structure of amino acids and proteinsC04 In the human body and is the major dietary carbohydrates to explainC05 Enzyme structure, duties and be able to explain the enzymatic reactionC06 Students will be able to describle carbohydrate synthesis in the liver and stored in the musclesC07 To explain the biosynthesis of fatty acids and storage

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 138: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %10

Project 1 %10

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 4 1 4

Assignments 5 2 10

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 2 4 8

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 10 10

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

62 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 3 4 2 3 4 5 4 3 3 4 5

C01 5 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3

C02 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4

C03 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2

C04 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

C05 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2

C06 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2

C07 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

Page 139: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

araştırmaNutritional theraphy in children - Gülden Köksal

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13401


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:searching relevant essays and thesis, To be able to plan and conduct a research on food, nutrition and dieteticsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Field work, Literature search, DrillPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:

Instructors:Asist Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NoğayAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Planning Of Research And Ve General Principles2 Planning Of Research And Ve General Principles3 Literature Searching And Determination Of Research Subject4 Literature Searching And Determination Of Research Subject5 Literature Searching And Determination Of Research Subject6 Collection Of Data7 Collection Of Data8 Mid-term exam9 Collection Of Data10 Collection Of Data11 Collection Of Data12 Collection Of Data13 Collection Of Data14 Collection Of Data15 Gathering of the data

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to plan and conduct a research on food, nutrition and dietetics related subjectsC02 To be able to plan resarch with reviewing of the literature on a topic chosen by the consultant.C03 To be able to read and interpret report and articleC04 Araştırma hipotezi ve araştırma sorularını oluşturabilmeC05 Anlaşılır ve etkili bir şekilde araştırma proje önerisi yazabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 140: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 1 %50

Final examination 1 %50

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 8 112

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 5 70

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 6 6

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

189 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 141: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationA.P.Simopoulos, J.M. Ordovas, Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, Karger

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13417


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of the course is to learn gene, gene as nutrient, genes and environment, the relationship between genes and diseasesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Gene, gene as nutrient, genes and environment, the relationship between genes and diseasesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Genetic Variation2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Genetic Variation: Nutritional Implication3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene : Enviroment Interactions and Coronary Heart Disease Risk5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGenes, Diet and Plasma Lipids6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGenes, Diet and Plasma Lipids : The Evidence from Observational Studies7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDynamic relationships between the genome and exposure to environments as causes of commen human diseases8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDynamic relationships between the genome and exposure to environments as causes of commen human diseases9 Mid-term exam10

Ders öncesi verilen notları okumaThe students will read notes which given by the teaching staffAchieving Balance in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio through Nutrigenomics

11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutrients and Gene Expression12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutrients and Gene Expression13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffNutrients and Gene Expression14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffreview presentation15 Reading the notes given before the lessonPresentation of the chosen article

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the concepts of nutrigenomics nutrigenetic and geneticsC02 will be able to Brings about the results of genetic influence of diet.C03 will be able to nderstands the effects of diseases of the environment.C04 will be able to Investigates the effect of nutrition on the gene.C05 will be able to Learn variaton genetic and nutritional implication.C06 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body function

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 142: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 2 2 4

Assignments 2 2 4

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 2 2 4

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 1 1 1

Project 2 2 4

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

47 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 5 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 4 5

C01 4 3 2 3 4 5 5 4 2 2 4 4

C02 3 3 4 5 5 3 2 4 5 4 3 3

C03 5 3 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 4 3 4

C04 4 3 3 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 3 2

C05 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3

C06 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4

Page 143: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Scientific articlesPersonel Web SitesiMakale TaramaPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 30

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13403


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is research and evaluation activities of pre-selected popular subjects about foods, nutrition and dietetics with responsible teaching staffTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, self-study, discussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -To designate the subject of the seminar2 - -To designate the subject of the seminar3 - -Gathering the articles about the subject4 - -Gathering the articles about the subject5 - -Gathering the articles about the subject6 - -Discussing about the articles gathered about the subject7 - -Discussing about the articles gathered about the subject8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Self-study on the article10 - -Pre-presentations11 - -Designating techniques for presentation12 - -Designating techniques about the presentation13 - -Designating educational tools for presentation14 - -Designating educational tools for presentation15 - -Preparation and actualizing of the presentation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Learning how to read and evaluate the articles at various journalsC02 Practicing research and reporting activities of actual subjects about Nutrition and DieteticsC03 Criticizing the presentations, sources and other tools about the subject is gainedC04 Gaining the ability to comment about the popular subjects in Nutrition and DieteticsC05 Gaining the ability to criticize various diet types' characteristics and positive/negative sides

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 144: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 1 20 20

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

77 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 145: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationBeyhan Y, Ciğerim N,Toplu Beslenme Sistemlerinde Menü Yönetimi ve Denetimi, Kök Yayıncılık, Ankara,1995.,Kinton R, Ceserani V, Foskett D, The Theory of Catering, Eighth edition, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995,Spears MC, Foodservice Organizations A managerial and Systems Approach, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, Ohio,1995.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13407


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to give knowledge about all procedures of Food Service Systems Management and organizationTeaching Methods and Techniques:Principles of organization and administration as applied to food service departments, using systems approach to management functions.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffInstitutional food services and the importance,2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffIFS types / new production systems,3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffIFS types / new production systems,4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffManagement and organization,5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffManagement and organization,6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffManagement and organization,7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffKitchen planning and tools8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffmenü menagement9 mid term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffmenü menagement11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffStandard recipes and control,12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffStandard recipes and control,13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffThe purchase and storage techniques and safety14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSatın alma ve depolama teknikleri ve iG güvenliği15 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffThe purchase and storage techniques and safety

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to gain the skills of administrative dietitianC02 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC03 will be able to learn often observed and causes of diseaseC04 will be able to apply healthy nutrition programs and plansC05 will be able to learn the importance and methods of food processing and storage.C06 will be able to learn control of menu and kitchen modernization

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 146: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 14 2 28

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 14 4 56

Laboratory 14 4 56

Project 10 4 40

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

210 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 7

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 5

C01 4 3 4 2 4 5 5 3 2 4 5 4

C02 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 3

C03 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 2

C04 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 3

C05 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3

C06 2 2 4 5 5 3 2 3 4 3 4 4

Page 147: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Turkan, C. (2002) Menu planning and Principles of Nutrition in Tourism. Detay Publ., Ankara,Bulduk, S. (2002) Principles of Nutrition and Menu Planning. Detay Publ., AnkaraPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 60

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13419


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to let the students gain adequate information about the principles of nutrition, menu planning and service who like to become a professional in food &beverage industryTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, question-answer, case studiesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 40

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Description of the lesson and its aim2 - -Foods for a healthy nutrition and their characteristics3 - -Foods for a balanced nutrition and their characteristics4 - -Daily nutrient intake and nutrition principles for a balanced nutrition5 - -Foods and their characteristics; daily nutrient needs of human6 - -Carbonhydrates, Proteins, Lipids/Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water7 - -Understanding menu planning and the factors affect menu planning8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Affects of costumer preferences upon menu planning10 - -Menu analysis and standard food recipes11 - -Menu analysis and standard food recipes12 - -Case studies13 - -Case studies14 - -Case studies15 - -Case studies

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Planning the service processes of food & beveragesC02 Evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used in food & drink preparationC03 Managing the preparation and administration of food & drink processesC04 Deciding about the processes of menu management and related price mechanismsC05 Having the ability to control the products and services according to their quality and healthC06 Gaining knowledge about anything related to the food & drink preparation processes

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 148: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 4 4 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

C02 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3

C03 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 3

C04 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C05 5 4 4 4 5 2 1 3 3 3 5 3

C06 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3

Page 149: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

Presentations consisting different information which is derived from various sourcesBooks and articles about the subjectPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

7 BES13415


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is learning manufaturing processes, applications and service methods in food&beverage ind.,analysing the factors which affets the efficiency of these processesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Teaching the organisational structure of food&beverage enterprises, the concepts of menu and menu types; evaluating all processes mainly about manufacturing and service in theseenterprisesPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationFood and Beverage Industry2 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.slide presentationsThe importance of food and beverage services in hospitality3 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsFood and Beverage Services Organization Structure4 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsMenu and menu planning5 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsF&B Production: Purchasing, Storing, Manufactoring6 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsF&B Production: Planning, preliminary of production7 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsService: Mise en Place and presentation8 Mid-term exam9 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsService: Service Types10 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsSanitation and Hygiene in F&B Organizations11 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationF&B Controlling and Pricing12 Slide presentationsAutomation of F&B sevices13 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Slide presentationsBanquet Organization14 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Ders Sorumlusu Öğretim Elemanının slayt sunumlarıService practices15 Türksoy, Adnan (2002) Yiyecek ve İçecek Hizmetleri Yönetimi, Turhan Kitabevi.Ders Sorumlusu Öğretim Elemanının slayt sunumlarıService practices

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining adequate knowledge about the structure and process in food&beverage sectorC02 Learning the main specialities and responsibilities of a managerC03 Planning and analysing a menuC04 Proving the skills in purchasing, marketing and strategyC05 Learning how to fix and update the price of a productC06 Gaining the ability of profit-loss analysis

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 150: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C01 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 3

C02 3 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 3 3

C03 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 3

C04 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3

C05 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 3 3

C06 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3

Page 151: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationScientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13418


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:are expected to learn informations about food intolerances. are expected to learn informations about food allergies. learn the differences between food intolerances and food allergyTeaching Methods and Techniques:face to facePrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Humoral and Cellular Immunity2 Food Antigens3 Ig-E and non Ig-E induced reactions4 Epidemiology of food intolerances5 Classification of food intolerances6 Diagnose of food intolerances7 Atopic dermatitis, Urticaria, Angioedema8 Mid-term exam9 Respiratory System and Allergy10 Food induced Anaphylaxis11 Eozinofilik gastroenteritler12 york test13 case study14 Case studies15 Case studies

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Can define and diagnose the food/nutrient intolerancesC02 besin intoleranslarına yönelik bilgileri kavratabilmeC03 besin alerjilerine yönelik bilgileri kavratabilmeC04 besin intöleransı ve besin alerjisi ayrımı yapabilme becerisi kazanabilmeC05 besin alerjilerini tanımlayıp sınıflandırma becerisi kazanabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 152: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %40

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 10 2 20

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

50 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 153: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Saygılı, S. (2012). Nutritional Psychology, Elit Kültür Publ., IstanbulPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13414


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is understanding the relationship between nutrition and psycology and related conceptsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, discussion, question-replyPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Introduction to Psychology2 - -Introduction to Psychology3 - -Introduction to Psychology4 - -Personality Types5 - -Psychological Diseases and Their Affects Upon Individual's Nutritional Status6 - -Special Cases - Anorexia and Bulimia7 - -Special Cases - Anorexia and Bulimia8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Psychological Attitudes SupportingPatient10 - -Psychological Attitudes Supporting Patient11 - -General Discussion12 - -General Discussion13 - -Case Studies14 - -Case Studies15 - -Case Studies

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Understanding the Relationship Between Nutrition and PsychologyC02 Gaining the Ability to Communicate With Patients According to Their PsychologyC03 Preparing Diets/Nutrition Plans According to Personal Characteristics and Attitudes of PatientsC04 Learning the main concepts about psychologyC05 Learning psychology based nutritional disorders

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 154: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 155: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Scientific articlesPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13422


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to improve ability of literatur reviewing and ınterpreting the popular subjects in Nutrition and DieteticsTeaching Methods and Techniques:Research, DiscussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion2 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion3 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion4 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion5 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion6 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion7 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion10 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion11 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion12 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion13 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion14 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion15 - -Literature reviewing, interpretation and discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Improving the skills of literature reviewing and research techniquesC02 Interpreting scientific informationC03 Following the actual subjects in Nutrition and DieteticsC04 Improving professional point of viewC05 Gaining the ability of critizing information

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 156: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

58 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 157: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Various books written about the subjectPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13416


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is teaching the art of retoric and presentation concepts and the characteristics of an affective speech and presentationTeaching Methods and Techniques:PresentationPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :



Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -Introduction to Communication2 - -Understanding the Concept of "Communication"3 - -Historical Examples of Effective Presentation & Talking4 - -Tools and Methods that Increases the Effectiveness of Presentation5 - -Written Communication6 - -Visual Communication7 - -Verbal Communication8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Diction Practices10 - -The Importance of Diction and the Tone of Voice11 - -Diction Practices12 - -Presentation Practices13 - -Presentation Practices14 - -Presentation Practices15 - -Presentation Practices

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Learning the Methods for an Effective CommunicationC02 Proving His/Her Ability for Public Talking & PresentationC03 Understanding and practicing the characteristics of the "Art of Declamation"C04 Understanding the importance of body languageC05 Learning the characteristics of verbal and written communication

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 158: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %20

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 1 %10

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 1 3 3

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

61 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C03 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C05 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Page 159: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PracticeScientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13408


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):YesDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to gain the ability of practicising knowledge in foreign hospital and instutesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture,Question & Answer,DrillPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Orientation2 Training period3 Training period4 Training period5 Training period6 Training period7 Training period8 midterm exam9 Training period10 Training period11 Training period12 Training period13 Training period14 Training period15 Training period

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to prepare students for job as theoretically and practically.C02 Sözlü iletişim yeteneğini geliştirebilme.C03 Klinik ve toplu beslenme hizmetlerinin verildiği kuruluşlarda teorik ve pratik olarak diyetisyenliğe hazırlanabilmeC04 Toplu beslenme hizmetlerinin verildiği kuruluşlarda diyetisyenin yönetici rolüyle ilgili bilgi ve becerileri geliştirebilmeC05 Hastalıklarla ilişkili teorik ve pratik bilgileri öğrenebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 160: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %100

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %0

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 8 112

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 6 84

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 1 10 10

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 0 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

206 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 7

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 161: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationBrowman, B.A, Rusell, R. M. (eds), (2001). Knowledge in Nutrition, 8 th edition, ILSI Press, Washington DC.,* Baysal, A, ve ark., (2002). Diyet El Kitabı, 4.Baskı Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara.

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13410


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of the course is to explore the relationship between clinical nutritional problems and diseasesTeaching Methods and Techniques:Calculation of children’s ideal body weight and height measurements according to their age and demonstrate how to use paediatric growth charts,calculation of children’s energy andnutrient requirements according to their age and diseases, evaluation of clinical symptoms and laboratory findings in such diseases.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. ismail ÖZKAYAAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGeneral information of the lecture: clinical case monitoring, the discussion of the applications, literature floowing and preparations of the presentations.2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffClinical case monitoring3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffClinical case monitoring4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffClinical case monitoring5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffClinical case monitoring6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffClinical case monitoring7 Reading the notes given before the lessonCase studies8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffCase presentations9 Mid-term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcase presentation11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcase presentation12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcase presentation13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcase presentations14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcase presentetion15 Reading the notes given before the lessonCase studies

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to make changing about existed nutritional problems in the diets of hospitalized adult and child patients who have problems in clinical nutritionC02 will be able to practice about medical nutritionC03 will be able to know nutrient-drug interactions, pre-post operative nutrition, diagnostic test dietsC04 will be able to gain knowledge about professional ethics and deontologyC05 will be able to learn control of menu and kitchen modernizationC06 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body function

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 162: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 3 42

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 3 2 6

Assignments 3 2 6

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 3 4 12

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 2 3 6

Project 1 3 3

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

77 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 3 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 4

C01 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 3

C02 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2

C03 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 1

C04 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2

C05 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

C06 4 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 4 4

Page 163: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationMahan,L.K.,Stump,S.E.(2004).Krause's.Food,Nutrition and Diet Therapy,11 thEEdition,Elsevier USA.,Advanced Nutrition,Micronutrient,CRC pres,USA. Berdarier, C.D.(1998).

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13426


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of the course is to improving of knowledge about the relationship between nutrition and immune system, development of different nutritional programmers related withimmune condition of people by using these knowledge and improving of immune system of subjectsTeaching Methods and Techniques:The relationship between nutrition and immune system and function, furthermore, the function of nutrients in immune components production and prevention and the role ofnutritional modulation in immune dysfunction as well as the synergism between nutritional factors and immune – competencePrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffImmunologic basis2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffRisk factors for the development of food allergy3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSymptoms,diagnosis,treatment4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffReview presentation5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood intolerance6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSymptoms,diagnosis,treatment7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffReview presentation8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffSymptoms,diagnosis,treatment9 Mid-term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffFood allergy in infancy11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffReview presentation12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDiet and prevention of allergic disease13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffReview presentation14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffProject presentation15 Reading the notes given before the lessonProject presentation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to know the relations between the nutrition and immune systemC02 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC03 will be able to know food allergies and the reasons of their intolerances and symptom.C04 will be able to evaluate nutrients in foodC05 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body functionC06 will be able to know the effects of the nutrition variation on the immune system

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

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Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 0 0 0

Assignments 2 5 10

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 4 2 8

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 2 2 4

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

52 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 3 4 3 2 3 5 4 3 3 4 5

C01 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 4

C02 4 3 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3

C03 3 4 2 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 2 3

C04 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

C05 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3

C06 4 4 2 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 4 4

Page 165: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

uygulamaScientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13406


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):YesDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to prepare students at the theoretical and practical discrimination dietician in consultation with a dietician in adult hospital.Teaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture,Question & Answer,DrillPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Orientation2 Training period3 Training period4 Training period5 Training period6 Training period7 Training period8 midterm exam9 Training period10 Training period11 Training period12 Training period13 Training period14 Training period15 Training

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to prepare students for job as theoretically and practicallyC02 Klinik diyetisyenin çalışma koşullarını gözlemleyebilmeC03 Teorik derslerde kazanılan bilginin yetişkinlere sağlık hizmeti veren hastanelerde pratiğe aktarıma becerisini kazanabilmeC04 Yetişkinlerde görülen çeşitli hastalıkları ve bu hastalıklarla ilişkili teorik ve pratik bilgileri öğrenebilmeC05 Sözlü iletişim yeteneğini geliştirebilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 166: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 1 %100

Project 0 %0

Final examination 0 %0

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 8 112

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 3 42

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 1 10 10

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 0 0 0

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

164 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 7

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 167: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

PresentationScientific articles

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13402


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:To be able to plan and conduct a research on food, nutrition and dietetics by searching relevant essay and thesisTeaching Methods and Techniques:Lecture, Drill, Literature SearchPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Associate Prof.Dr. Nalan Hakime NogayInstructors:


Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 Collection Of Data2 Collection Of Data3 Collection Of Data4 Collection Of Data5 Assesment Of Data And Reporting6 Assesment Of Data And Reporting7 Assesment Of Data And Reporting8 Mid-term exam9 Assesment Of Data And Reporting10 Assesment Of Data And Reporting11 Assesment Of Data And Reporting12 Assesment Of Data And Reporting13 Assesment Of Data And Reporting14 Assesment Of Data And Reporting15 Assesment Of Data And Reporting

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 To be able to plan and conduct a research on food, nutrition and dietetics related subjectsC02 Anlaşılır ve etkili bir şekilde araştırma proje önerisi yazabilme.C03 inceleyerek bireysel araştırmaları planlama ve yürütebilme.C04 Araştırma hipotezi ve araştırma sorularını oluşturabilme.C05 Araştırma raporlarını ve makaleleri okuyup, yorumlayabilme

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 168: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 1 %40

Final examination 1 %60

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 8 112

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 5 70

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 0 0 0

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 7 7

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

190 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 6

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Page 169: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

"Lippincott’s Illustrated reviews serisinden: Biyokimya. P.C.Champe,R.A. Harvey çev ed:E.Ulukaya.Nobel Tıp kitabevleri 3.Baskı, 2007.Mahan L.K., Escott-Stump S., Krause's Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, W. B. Saunders Company, USA, 2000.,Onat T., Emerk K., Sözmen E.Y., İnsan Biyokimyası, 2. Baskı, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2002. ,Baysal A. Beslenme, yenilenmiş 12. Baskı, Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 2009.Personel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13412


Language of Instruction:EnglishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:To integrate biochemistry, physiology, toxicology and nutrition with regards to micronutrient metabolism A life cycle approach to nutrition science: incorporates nutrient availability,function and sources; and special nutrient needs for various stages of the life cycle are taught in this lecture. The functions of the three categories of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, andwater) in the human organism for normal nutrition are exploredTeaching Methods and Techniques:Mikrobesin öğelerinin asimilasyonu ve kullanımları vurgulanmakta olup enerji dengesi ve karbonhidrat, protein ve yağ metabolizmaları ve bunların sağlıkla olan etkileşimleri ders,tartışma ve öğrenci seminerleri şeklinde incelenmektedir.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of vitamins A, D, E, and their relationships with diseases2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of vitamins C, B1, B2, and their relationships with diseases4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of other vitamins their relationships with diseases6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of minerals Ca, Zn, Se, and their relationships with diseases.8 Mid-term exam9 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of minerals Mg, P, I, and their relationships with diseases.11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarThe properties, digestion, absorption, metabolism of minerals Na, K, Fe and their relationships with diseases.13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarScientific research discussion15 Reading the notes given before the lessonDers Kitabı , Ders Slaytları , Diğer KaynaklarDiscussing articles

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 learn relationship between micro nutrients and diseasesC02 Students will be able to explain fat and water soluble vitaminsC03 Students will be able to explain the symptoms observed in vitamin and mineral deficienciesC04 Students will be able to explains major antioxidant that protects against reactive oxygen species enzymes, vitamins and biomoleculesC05 Students will be able to explain calcium and bone metabolismC06 Students will be able to explains major antioxidant that protects against reactive oxygen species enzymes, vitamins and biomolecules

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 170: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 0 %0

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 1 %10

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 2 %20

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28

Assignments 4 4 16

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

74 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C01 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

C02 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

C03 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4

C04 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

C05 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3

C06 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 171: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

presentationMedical Biochemistry-Edited By John W Baynes and Marek H DominiczakPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web SitesiPersonel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : :

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13420


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:SeçmeliGoals:The aim of this course is to provide general information about the molecular mechanisms of nutrition.Teaching Methods and Techniques:The molecular mechanisms of nutrition.Prerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Asist Prof.Dr. İsmail ÖzkayaAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : : 100

Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGenetic Variation2 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Genetic Variation and Nutritional Reguirement3 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffVitamin Metabolism4 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffgenetic enviroment5 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Vitamin Metabolism, Genetics and the Environment6 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Vitamin Metabolism, Genetics and the Environment7 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene-Nutrient Interaction in Type 1 Diabetes8 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene-Nutrient Interaction in Type 1 Diabetes9 Mid-term exam10 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene-Nutrient Interaction in Type 1 Diabetes11 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffGene-Nutrient Interaction in Type 2 Diabetes12 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcancer and nutrigenomics13 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staffcancer and epigenetics14 The students will read notes which given by the teaching staff Genetic Variation and Physical Performance15 General discussion

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 will be able to evaluate the current development in molecular medicine including children and family which are basic unit of society toward country value and reality.C02 will be able to relation between knowledge gained in molecular medicine and knowledge about different particular area are interpreted in order to make solution by using different research methods.C03 will be able to Understands the effects of diseases of the environment.C04 will be able to Investigates the effect of nutrition on the gene.C05 will be able to Learn variaton genetic and nutritional implication.C06 will be able to understand the importance of healthy eating and body function

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 172: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 2 5 10

Assignments 1 4 4

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 1 2 2

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 1 3 3

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

49 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 2

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 4

C01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3

C02 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3

C03 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 3

C04 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2

C05 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3

C06 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3

Page 173: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Kırklareli University


Credit ECTS


Recommended Sources

Textbook Resources Documents Assignments Exams

: : : : :

-Scientific articlesPersonel Web Sitesi-Personel Web Sitesi

Course Category

Mathematics and Basic Sciences Engineering Engineering Design Social Sciences

: : : : 30

Semester Course Code Course Name L+P

8 BES13404


Language of Instruction:TurkishCourse Level:

Work Placement(s):NoDepartment / Program:NUTRITION AND DIETETICSCourse Type:ZorunluGoals:The aim of this course is practicing research and evaluation activities of pre-selected popular subjects about foods, nutrition and dietetics with responsible teaching staffTeaching Methods and Techniques:Presentation, self-study, discussionPrerequisites:

Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. Hacı Mehmet SökmenInstructors:Instructor Eda BozkırAssistants:

Education Science Health Field

: : : :


Course Content

Week Topics Study Materials Materials1 - -To designate the subject of the seminar2 - -To designate the subject of the seminar3 - -Gathering the articles about the subject4 - -Gathering the articles about the subject5 - -Gathering the articles about the subject6 - -Discussing about the articles gathered about the subject7 - -Discussing about the articles gathered about the subject8 - -Mid-term exam9 - -Preparation10 - -Pre-presentations11 - -Pre-presentations12 - -Designating techniques for presentation13 - -Designating techniques about the presentation14 - -Designating educational tools for presentation15 - -Preparation and actualizing the presentation

Course Learning Outcomes

No Learning OutcomesC01 Gaining the ability to read and criticize the articles existing in various journalsC02 Practicing research and reporting activities of actual subjects about nutrition and dieteticsC03 Criticizing the presentations, sources and other tools about the pre-determined subjectC04 Having the ability to criticize the actual subjects in Nutrition and DieteticsC05 Understanding and evaluating scientific information

No Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcomes

P10 Ability to obtain skills for designing and applying experiments or projects and to analyse and interpret their results.P08 Ability to understand the basic values and culture of the society she is living in and to gain the skill to transform him/herself in a positive way.P07 Ability to have professional ethics awareness.P05 Ability to obtain the necessary information and skills in informatics and communication technologies to follow the contemporary technologic developments and to improve himself/herself in this field.P12 Ability to have the notions regarding anatomy, physiology, operation and sustainability of the biological systems which constitute the basics of the human health.P11 Ability to plan the working procedures in the professional application area, to be member of a team, participate in common works and studies and to lead them.P01 Ability to acquire the necessary basic and social science related information as a dietician and use them in her lifetime.P09 Ability to apply the scientific methods and techniques as a process.P04 Ability to follow the improvements in the fields of nutrition and dietetic.P06 Ability to apply the obtained information and skills in real life and to have lifelong learning behaviour.P03 Ability to use the obtained information to improve the health level and quality of life of the public.P02 Ability to take the principles of protection and improvement of human and public health as his basis during the professional life.

Page 174: SCHOOL OF HEALTH NUTRITION AND · Yıldırım, M.: İnsan Anatomisi. 6. Baskı, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri,

Course Contribution To Program

Contribution: 1: Very Slight 2:Slight 3:Moderate 4:Significant 5:Very Significant

In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage


Mid-terms 1 %30

Quizzes 0 %0

Assignment 0 %0

Attendance 0 %0

Practice 0 %0

Project 0 %0

Final examination 1 %70

Field Work 0 %0

Workshop 0 %0

Laboratory 0 %0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 %0

%100 Total

Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Course Duration 14 2 28

Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 5 70

Assignments 0 0 0

Preparation of Presentation/Seminar 0 0 0

Mid-terms 1 1 1

Practice 0 0 0

Laboratory 0 0 0

Project 0 0 0

Final examination 1 1 1

Field Work 0 0 0

Workshop 0 0 0

Quizzes 0 0 0

100 Total Work Load

ECTS Credit of the Course 3

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12

All 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C01 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C03 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C04 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

C05 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

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