
MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition

“ ഒരു വവിതത്ത് നടടാതവര്‍ അപകടകരമടായ രണ

ചവിന്തകള്‍കത്ത് വവിധധേയരടാണത്ത് :പടാതല്‍ ധേടാനന്യകടകളവില്‍ നവിനത്ത്

വരുന്നുവവന്നുനചൂടത്ത് ഉണടാകുനതത്ത്

ചൂളയവിലടാവണന്നുന ”- ആല്‍ഡഡഡോ ലലിഡയഡോഡപഡോള്‍ഡഡ

Botany AssociationSPEÍROO  

SPEÍRO O  in Greek means seed which germinates ....

Vedio Slide

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 1 Who said this & about what ?

"മനുഷഷ്യനന്റെ തല പപപോലുള്ള കപോയയ, തലമുടടി പപപോലുള്ള നപോരുകള, ഉള്ളടില്‍ തലപചപോറയ ! ”- കകേരളതത്തില്‍‍സസലഭമമായത്തി‍കേമാണപപ്പെടസന്ന‍ഒരസ‍വവൃക്ഷപതകസറത്തിചമാണണ‍ഈ‍വത്തിവരണണ

"Fruit is like man's head, Fibres are like man's hair, Inside it, seed like his brain ! ”-‍The‍description‍is‍about‍a‍popular‍tree‍in‍kerala.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 2

ഇബഡനു ബത്തൂത, തതെങഡCocos nucifera

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 2 Who wrote this book ?

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 2 Who wrote this book ?

ഇതതതൊരരു തചെററിയ പരുസസ്തകമതൊണസ്. എളരുപ്പതറിൽ വതൊയറിചരു തതീരരുര. അതസ് ഉറപ്പതൊണസ്. പകക്ഷേ എത്ര വതൊയറിചതൊലരുര മതറിവരതൊത ഒരരു പരുസസ്തകതറികലയസ്കസ്, സകല വറിജതൊനതറികന്റേയരുര കലവറയതൊയ പ്രകകൃതറി എന്ന പരുസസ്തകതറികലയസ്കസ്, കരുടറികതള, നറിങ്ങതള കകൂടറിതകതൊണരു കപതൊവരുകയതൊണസ് ഈ തചെറരുപരുസസ്തകര. വരകൂ. ഈ തചെറരുപരുസസ്തകതറിലകൂതടെ ആ വലറിയ പരുസസ്തകതറിതന്റേ ഏടെരുകൾ മററിചരുകനതൊകതൊൻ ശ്രമറികകൂ.. അതറിൽ ആവർതനമറില. എന്നരുര പരുതരുമയതൊണസ്. അതരു വതൊയറികതൊൻ എളരുപ്പവരുമതൊണസ്. കണരുതരുറന്നസ്, കതൊതരുതരുറന്നസ് ചെരുറരുര കനതൊകറി, കണസ്, നറിരതീക്ഷേറിചസ് ആ പരുസസ്തകതറികലയസ്കസ് നറിങ്ങൾകരു കടെകതൊര. എത്ര ആകവശകരമതൊണസ് ആ വതൊയനതയന്നസ് അങ്ങതന സസ്വയര അററിയതൊര.

പതറിനതൊയറിരകണകറിനസ് കകതൊപ്പറികൾ വറിറഴറിഞ്ഞ ഈ മകനതൊഹരമതൊയ പരുസസ്തകതറിനസ് കകരളറി ബരുകസ് ട്രസറിതന്റേ ബതൊലസതൊഹറിതത്യ അവതൊർഡരുരകകരളറി ബരുകസ് ട്രസറിതന്റേ ബതൊലസതൊഹറിതത്യ അവതൊർഡരുര കകരള സർകതൊരറിതന്റേ ശതൊസസ്ത്ര സതൊകങ്കേതറിക പരറിസറിതറി കമറിററിയരുതടെ ബതൊല ബതൊല ശതൊസസ്ത്രസതൊഹറിതത്യ അവതൊർഡരുരശതൊസസ്ത്രസതൊഹറിതത്യ അവതൊർഡരുര ലഭറിചറിടരുണസ്.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 2

Prof. S. Sivadas

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 3 Whose painting is this ?

Vincent van Gogh

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 3

Vincent van Gogh

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 4 Founder of this ideaഅകമരറികയറിതല പ്രമരുഖ കപന നറിര്‍മതൊതതൊകളതൊയ ബറികസ്’2004ല്‍ വറിറതതൊയറി അവകതൊശതപ്പടെരുന്നതസ് 100 ബറിലത്യന്‍ കപനകള. ഇത്രയരുര കപന ഒന്നറിനരു പരുറതക ഒന്നതൊയറി നറിരതറിവചതൊല്‍ അതസ് 348 തവണ ഭകൂമറിതയ വലരവയസ്കരുര. 2004നസ് കശഷര പറിതന്നയരുര എത്ര കപന ഇവര്‍ നറിര്‍മറിചരുകതൊണരുര. ഇങ്ങതന എത്ര കമ്പനറികള, എത്ര കപനകള. ഇത്രയരുര കപന നറിര്‍മറിതചന്നരു പറഞ്ഞതൊല്‍ അത്രയരുര പസ്ളതൊസറികതൊണസ് പരുതരുതതൊയറി ഉണതൊകരുന്നതസ്.  പസ്ളതൊസറികസ് കപന സകൃഷറികരുന്ന പരറിസറിതറിപ്രശസ്നതറിതന്റേ ആഴര മനസറിലതൊകറിയതൊണസ് കപപ്പര്‍ കപനതയന്ന ആശയര ഉയര്‍ന്നരുവന്നതസ്. പ്രറിന്റേറിങസ് പ്രസരുകളറിതല കപപ്പര്‍ കവസസ് സസ്വരകൂപറിചസ് റതീഫറില്‍ ഒഴറിതകയരുള്ള ഭതൊഗങ്ങള കപപ്പര്‍തകതൊണസ് നറിര്‍മറിചരു. അനതൊഥതൊലയങ്ങളറില്‍ കതൊഫസ് വര്‍കസ് എന്ന നറിലയറിലതൊയറിരരുന്നരു തരുടെകര. കപനകയതൊതടെതൊപ്പര തചെടെറികളരുതടെ വറിതരുകകൂടെറി നല്‍കതൊന്‍ കഴറിഞ്ഞതൊല്‍ ഉചെറിതതമന്നസ് പറിന്നതീടെസ് കതതൊന്നറി. അങ്ങതന ചെതീര, മരുളകസ്, വഴരുതന തരുടെങ്ങറിയ വറിതരുകള കപനയരുതടെ ചെരുവടെരുഭതൊഗതസ്—നറിറചരു. 'വറിതസ് തലല'’എന്നതൊണസ് കപരറിടതസ്. ആവശത്യരകഴറിഞ്ഞസ് കപന കളഞ്ഞതൊല്‍കപ്പതൊലരുര അവറിതടെ ആ കപനയരുതടെ ഓര്‍മയസ്കസ് തചെടെറി മരുളചരുതപതൊങ്ങരുര. ഇതറിനസ് നല പ്രചെതൊരര ലഭറിചരു. പരറിസരതരുതതന്നയരുള്ള സസ്ത്രതീകളതൊണസ് കപനയരുണതൊകരുന്നതസ്, കരുടറികതള സസ്കകൂളറില്‍വറിടകശഷര കറിടരുന്ന സമയതസ്. അവര്‍കസ് ഇകപ്പതൊള ഇതതതൊരരു സറിരര വരരുമതൊനമതൊയറി.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 4

ലകഡമലി എന്‍ ഡമഡനഡോന്‍

അമമതവിരവിയന ധപപര്‍ധപനയന  വവിതധപനയന ഓറഞത്ത് അധലര്‍ടന തടങവി ലകത്ത്മവിയവട  കവണതലകവളലടാന സമഹതവിനത്ത്  മഹതടായ ഒരു സധനശന    നല്‍കുന്നുണത്ത്. അധമരവികയവിവല  ആര്‍ടത്ത്ഗന്യടാലറവിയവിവല ഡവിസസനര്‍ ധജടാലവി ഉധപകവിചത്ത്  ഗടാമതവിവന സസചതയവിധലകത്ത്  മടങവിവയതവി നന്മയവട തവിരവിവതളവികന കടാഞവിരമറവത   ലകത്ത്മവി എന്‍ ധമധനടാവന ജജീവവിതന...

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 5 Karnataka's tree - women

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 5

Saalumarada Timmakka

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 5 Identify him

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 5

Chandi Prasad Bhatt

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 6 ID the economist

"ചരടാചരങളുവട കൂടടായ പവര്‍തനന വകടാണത്ത് പകൃതവിയ്ക്കു കവിടന വമചങള്‍കത്ത് അതത്ത് ഭകണതവിവനയന ധപടാഷണതവിവനയന രൂപതവില്‍ തക പതവിഫലന നല്‍കുന്നു.”

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 6

J C Kumarappa

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 7 ID the Man behind.

July 1 – 7

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 7

K M Munshi

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 8 ID the man

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 8

Mao Zedong

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 9The Story of XI am reminded of the story of Lord Buddha ( Disapamok / Bimbisarah ) who upon selecting his personal physician sent several physicians into the forest with the task of finding as many plants as they could with no medicinal value. Each physician brought back many samples of plants that they felt from their experience and meditations had no value. One physician by the name of X came back empty handed. He explained : "I am afraid I have failed you, he began, I have spent much time in the company of all of the plants in the forest but their is none that I can find with no value to someone. " Upon hearing this, Lord Buddha ( Disapamok / Bimbisarah ) selected X as his personal physician. Indeed, Ayurveda recognizes that medicine exists everywhere and often in the most unlikely of places. Not only are plants and herbs sources of medicine but Ayurveda also uses aromas, colors, sound, special forms of massage and food as healing tools.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 9

Jivaka Komarabhacca

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 10 ID the person


MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 10 ID the person.


A degree in engineering from IIT Delhi, a Masters degree, and a PhD from Houston were just stepping stones for X, an ex-IIT professor. X has been living for 32 years in the remote tribal villages of Madhya Pradesh, and serving the people living there.While teaching at IIT Delhi, X had groomed numerous students, including Raghuram Rajan, the ex-RBI governor, reports Speaking Tree. After resigning from his work, X started working for tribals in the Betul and Hoshangabad districts of Madhya Pradesh. For the past 26 years, he has been living in Kochamu, a remote village with 750 tribals, lacking both electricity and roads, and with just a primary school.

X has planted more than 50,000 trees in the region, and believes that people can serve the country better by working at the grassroots level. “In India, people are facing so many problems, but people are busy proving their intelligence by showing their degrees rather than serving people,” X told the Hindustan Times. X continues to maintain a low profile. During Betul’s recent district elections, local authorities grew suspicious and asked him to leave. X revealed his long list of qualifications, which the district administration, to their surprise, verified to be true, reports Patrika.

What makes X's story truly inspiring is his simplicity. He owns just three sets of kurtas and a cycle, and spends his day collecting and distributing seeds among tribals. X can speak many languages and dialects used by tribals in the region. Closely associated with the Shramik Adiwasi Sangathan, he spends most of his time working for their upliftment.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 10

Alok Sagar

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question11 ID the person ( Y ).

Y and Vasuki lived a peaceful, loving life for a long time. They had children to delight them and family who offered them support, love and affection in their later life. As it was time for Vasuki to leave the body, which was the Temple of abode for that jeevAtman, Y asked her, if there was anything, he could do for her. Promptly the answer came, followed by a question. She said, “Yes”, “my Lord, all our life, from the very first day, you asked me to place a small cup of fresh water and a needle beside you at every meal.” “May I know, My Dear Lord, why you asked me to do this?”

Y said, “I asked for the water and needle to be kept nearby so that; if you ever spilled any food, (mostly rice then) while serving, I wanted to pick it up with the needle and rinse it with the water and eat it to avoid waste. However, my darling, you never dropped a single grain of rice in all these years. There was never an occasion to put the needle and water to use.” With a fully satisfied mind, Vasuki passed on. These stories idealize the perfect couple for a perfect family life.

മരണഡശേഷഷം തെതന്റെ ഡദേഹഷം ജന്തുക്കള്‍ക്കഡ തെലിനഡോനലിട്ടുതകഡോടുക്കഡോന്‍ കല്‍പലിച്ച Y മനുഷഷ്യന്‍ പ്രകൃതെലിയുതടെ ഭഡോഗമഡോതണനഡ വലിശേശ്വസലിച.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 11 ID the person.


X is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of 1330 couplets or Xs, dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual. Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morality, it is known for its universality and non-denominational nature. It was authored by Y. The X is one of the most important works in the Tamil language. This is reflected in some of the other names by which the text is given by, such as Tamil veda, Poyyāmo i (words that never fail), and divine text. ḻTranslated to about 82 global languages, X is the most widely translated non-religious work in the world.The X is dated to sometime between the third and first centuries BCE and is considered to precede Silappatikaram (1st century CE) and Manimekalai (between 1st and 5th centuries CE), since they both acknowledge the Kural text.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 11


MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question12 ...


MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question12 ID the photographer.


MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 12

മധുരഡോജഡ, മഡോതൃഭൂമലി

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Question 13 ID the person.


Within one year of the operation of the factory, the villagers started protesting though it was yet to take an organized form. In the early sixties an action committee was formed with people like K Chathunni Master, a senior Communist leader, E K K Muhammed, a Muslim League leader, and others in it representing to the Government to take measures to control the air and water pollution in Mavoor. But instead of taking measures to control the factory’s pollution, the Government allowed the management to start a new division in 1972 that intensified pollution and the public agitation. It was in this phase that local people like X, who later succumbed to cancer after almost three decades of relentless struggle against pollution, took over the leadership. As the agitation took a more aggressive turn, the Government started negotiations which led to a temporary settlement in 1974. As part of this agreement, it was decided to measure water and air pollution levels regularly for taking stricter action to control discharge of effluents into the river and air. As a result of this agreement, known as Ramanilayam Pact, the Kerala State Pollution Control Board was set up in 1974, one of the first such bodies to come up in the country.

MYRISTICA'17Interdepartmental Quiz Competition ROUND 2

Answer 13

തക. എ. റഹഡ മഡോന്‍


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