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Selamat Datang Nama Baru!Peremajaan Alat untuk Peningkatan Produksi

Kunjungi Sorowako, Berbagi Informasi“Sekolah” untuk Orangtua

Halo Vale


Page 2: Selamat Datang Nama Baru!


Pembaca yang budiman.

Setelah cukup lama redaksi membahas dan merancangnya, akhirnya edisi perdana Halo Vale hadir di hadapan Anda. Tak syak lagi, perubahan nama majalah ini sejalan dengan perubahan nama PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk menjadi PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.Nama Halo Vale, juga rubrik-rubrik baru dalam edisi-edisi mendatang, merupakan pilihan pembaca. Pada 19-29 Februari silam, kami melakukan survei secara sampling kepada 128 responden dari seluruh departemen.

Kepada mereka, kami memberikan enam alternatif nama baru majalah perusahaan hasil diskusi redaksi: Halo Vale, Vale Magz, Go Vale, Vale Kita, Vale Mondial, Komunika. Hasilnya, dari 89 responden yang mengembalikan kuesioner, sebanyak 31,5% responden memilih Halo Vale, disusul Vale Magz 23,6%, Go Vale 19,1%, Vale Kita 13,5%, Vale Mondial 3,3%, Komunika 2,3%, dan tidak memilih 6,7%.

Yang juga membuat kami merasa bangga—namun sekaligus terpacu untuk bekerja lebih baik—sebanyak 49% atau 44 responden menyatakan bahwa informasi majalah Inkomunikasi selama ini telah memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Sementara itu, sebanyak 29% menyatakan biasa saja, 12% menyatakan belum memenuhi kebutuhan mereka, 5% menyatakan sangat memenuhi kebutuhan mereka, dan 5% menyatakan tidak memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mereka.

Pembaca, dengan nama baru pilihan pembaca ini, semoga Halo Vale benar-benar bisa menjadi media komunikasi bersama: dari karyawan untuk karyawan. Sebuah media di mana gagasan, kebersamaan, kemajuan, dan harapan kita semua bisa diberitakan. Selamat membaca.



Dear reader,

After long discussions and extensive planning, we are finally able to present to you the inaugural issue of Halo Vale. The change of this magazine’s title has occurred alongside the renaming of PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk as PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.The title, Halo Vale, and new columns appearing in the magazine’s upcoming editions have been chosen by readers in a survey we conducted between 19 and 29 February of a sample of 128 respondents from all departments.

In the survey, we asked respondents to choose a title from the six that the editorial team came up with: Halo Vale, Vale Magz, Go Vale, Vale Kita, Vale Mondial and Komunika. From the 89 respondents who returned the questionnaire, 31.5% voted for Halo Vale, 23.6% for Vale Magz, 19.1% for Go Vale, 13.5% for Vale Kita, 3.3% for Vale Mondial, 2.3% for Komunika, and 6.7% had no preference.

What has also made us proud – and at the same time encouraged us to work harder – is that 49%, or 44 respondents, said the information they received through Inkomunikasi magazine sufficiently met their demand. Others (29%) were neutral about it; 12% said the magazine did not meet their demand; 5% strongly believed the magazine met their demand; and 5% strongly believed it did not meet their demand.

We hope that Halo Vale, a magazine whose title was selected by popular vote, will become a media allowing communication amongst everyone: from employees to employees; a media where ideas, camaraderie, progress and hope can be retold and shared.Enjoy.

Regards, The Editor


Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs),

Penanggung jawab/Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi/Editors: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud, Sihanto B. Bela,

Cetak/Printing: X-Graphics Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kab. Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 5987,

3657, Fax. 021-5289587.

Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah

maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan

naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor: [email protected] dan [email protected].

Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-

space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and

articles to the editor at [email protected] and [email protected].

Halo Vale I Edis i Mei 2012

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Cover LAPORAN UTAMA I COVER STORYSelamat Datang Nama Baru 06Welcome New Name 08Sejarah Panjang Dua Raksasa Tambang 10A Long History of Two Mining Giants 12Makna di Balik Nama Baru 14The Meaning Behind a New Name 16Misi, Visi, dan Nilai Sebagai Filosofi Kerja 18Mission, Vision, and Values as a Work Philosophy 20Mereka Bicara tentang Perubahan 22 They Talk About Change 24

KINERJA I PERFORMANCEPeremajaan Alat untuk Peningkatan Produksi 26Rejuvenation of Equipment to Increase Production 28Wajah Baru Bandara Sorowako 30Sorowako Airport’s New Look 32Edukasi K3 Dikemas Menyenangkan 34Education on Work Safety and Security (K3) Full of Fun 36Operational Excellence untuk Produktivitas yang Stabil 38Operational Excellence for Stable Productivity 40

ATMOSFER I ATMOSPHEREAgar Alam Tetap Selaras 42Keeping Nature in Harmony 44Lahan Tambang yang Kembali Menghijau 46Mined Areas Returned to Green 48

INTERAKSI I INTERACTIONPesta Luwu, Pesta Kita 50Luwu Festival, Our Festival 52Kunjungi Sorowako, Berbagi Informasi 54Observing Sorowako, Sharing Information 56

PROFIL I PROFILEMereka yang Berada di Saluran-saluran Panas 58Those Working in the Heat 60

KOMUNITAS I COMMUNITIES“Sekolah” untuk Orangtua 62“Schooling” for Parents 64


ERGONOMI I ERGONOMICSRuang Kerja yang Lebih Nyaman 67Create More Comfortable Work Spaces 69


Perubahan nama perusahaan menjadi PT Vale Indonesia Tbk disambut gembira dan optimistis oleh karyawan dari berbagai departemen. Perubahan ini juga ditandai dengan pergantian nama majalah internal dari Inkomunikasi menjadi Halo Vale

The change of corporate’s name to PT Vale Indonesia Tbk celebrated happily and optimistic by employees from all departments. This change also followed by new name of internal magazine, from Inkomunikasi to Halo Vale.

Cover Photo:Doni Setiadi


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Halo Vale I Edis i Mei 2012 04


PERLU MENGANGKAT CERITA TENTANG KARYAWANSaya salah satu pembaca setia majalah ini, menurut saya isinya cukup bagus dan memenuhi kebutuhan informasi saya sebagai karyawan PT Vale. Namun saya saran agar ke depan isi majalah lebih menyentuh aktivitas karyawan dari semua level dan departemen.

E d i Ta n g k e l a y u k [ M i n e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ]Memang salah satu semangat Halo Vale adalah lebih mendekatkan diri dengan setiap individu karyawan. Masukan Anda sangat selaras dengan semangat kami. Terima kasih.

SELAMAT ATAS WAJAH BARU MAJALAH INTERNALKepada redaksi, saya ucapkan selamat atas perubahan nama dan konten majalah internal. Semoga Halo Vale dapat mengulas berita-berita tentang karyawan, selain aktivitas perusahaan lebih kaya dari sebelumnya. Selain itu, harapan saya majalah bisa terbit sering karena selama ini frekuensinya terlalu lama sampai ke pembaca. Usulan saya kalau sebulan sekali terbitnya.

A m a r M a ’r u f [ M i n e O p e r a t i o n D e p a r t e m e n t ]Usulan Anda seputar ulasan dan frekuensi terbit Halo Vale akan menjadi bahan diskusi redaksi. Terima kasih telah menjadi pembaca setia Inkomunikasi selama ini dan kami harap Anda lebih bersemangat membaca Halo Vale.

SENANG DENGAN RUBRIK “PROFIL”Dengan perubahan Inkomunikasi menjadi Halo Vale, semoga redaksi dapat memberi warna baru isi dan penyajian beritanya. Hadirnya rubrik baru “Profil” merupakan salah satu keputusan bagus yang di-lakukan redaksi, sebab rubrik ini dapat mengangkat cerita-cerita unik dan menarik dari profesi para karyawan PT Vale.

N u r h i d a y a h [ M a i n t e n a n c e a n d U t i l i t i e s D e p a r t m e n t ]Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda terhadap rubrikasi Halo Vale. Semoga kami senantiasa memberikan yang terbaik bagi pembaca. Salam hangat.

SEMOGA LEBIH BAGUS DAN DINAMIS Pertama-tama, saya ucapkan selamat atas perubahan nama baru ma-jalah ini menjadi Halo Vale. Semoga tampilan dan isinya lebih bagus dan dinamis. Saya juga mengapresiasi redaksi yang merilis rubrik baru “Surat Pembaca”. Hal ini tentu bisa menjadi media interaksi antara pembaca yang notabene karyawan dan redaksi atau manajemen.

E r l i n H a r r y [ M i n e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ]Terima kasih telah berpartisipasi di rubrik Surat Pembaca kami yang pertama. Kami berharap dapat menjawab kebutuhan Anda terhadap informasi dan selalu menanti masukan dari Anda.

DAPAT DIAKSES MELALUI INTERNET Informasi yang disajikan majalah internal ini sudah cukup baik. Tapi saya dan mungkin rekan saya di departemen kami sering kesulitan mendapatkan majalah setiap kali terbit. Saya tidak tahu mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi. Sebagai solusinya, saya menyarankan agar Halo Vale dapat diakses melalui internet sehingga bila pembaca tidak mendap-atkan versi cetak dapat menikmatinya melalui kanal dunia maya.

Te g u h A r i y a n t o [ F i r e E m e r g e n c y S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t ]Informasi seputar distribusi Halo Vale dapat Anda peroleh di Ex ternal Relations Department (ex t. 3600). Saran Anda agar pembaca bisa mengakses Halo Vale melalui internet sangat menarik dan akan menjadi pertimbangan redaksi. Terima kasih telah menulis untuk kami.

NEED FOR MORE STORIES FROM EMPLOYEESI am a loyal reader of this magazine. I think its content is sufficiently good, and the information it provides sufficiently meets my needs as an employee of PT Vale. However, I would like to suggest the magazine feature activities that involve employees from all levels and departments.

E d i Ta n g k e l a y u k [ M i n e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ]Indeed, the spirit of Halo Vale is to become closer to every individual employee. Your suggestion exactly matches our spirit. Thank you.

CONGRATULATIONS ON INTERNAL MAGAZINE’S NEW LOOKCongratulations to the editors on the name change and content of this internal magazine. Hopefully Halo Vale will cover news on employees and contain more features on company activities. Also, I hope the magazine can be published more frequently because at the current rate, it takes too long to reach readers. I suggest the magazine be published monthly.

A m a r M a ’r u f [ M i n e O p e r a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ]Your feedback on the coverage and frequency of Halo Vale’s publication will be discussed by the editors. Thank you for having been a loyal reader of Inkomunikasi; we hope you will enjoy reading Halo Vale with the same enthusiasm.

ENJOYING THE “PROFILE” COLUMNThe name change from Inkomunikasi to Halo Vale will hopefully en-courage editors to give new color to the magazine’s content and news presentation. The decision to create the ”Profile” column is a good one as it presents unique and interesting stories of PT Vale employees in their professional capacities.

N u r h i d a y a h [ M a i n t e n a n c e a n d U t i l i t i e s D e p a r t m e n t ]Thank you for supporting the columns at Halo Vale. We hope to continue giving our readers the best we have to offer. Warm regards.

IMPROVE AND MORE DYNAMICFirst of all, I would like to congratulate the renaming of this magazine to Halo Vale. I hope the presentation and content of this magazine will continue to improve and become more dynamic. I also appreciate the new ”Readers’ Letters” column. This will surely provide a space for readers – employees, editors and management staff – to interact.

E r l i n H a r r y [ M i n e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n D e p a r t m e n t ]Thank you for participating in our inaugural Readers’ Letters column. We hope we have sufficiently met your need for information and we continue to look forward to hearing from you.

ACCESSIBLE BY INTERNET The information provided by this internal magazine is quite good. However, I – and perhaps other colleagues in my department – often have difficulty obtaining the magazine; I am unsure why. As a solution, I suggest Halo Vale be made accessible via the Internet so readers who cannot get hold of a printed version can read it digitally.

Te g u h A r i y a n t o [ F i r e E m e r g e n c y S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t ]Enquiries regarding the distribution of Halo Vale can be made to the Ex ternal Relations Department (ex t. 3600). Your proposal to have readers access Halo Vale through the Internet is very interesting and will be considered by the editors. Thank you for writing to us.

Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke [email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik.

Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to [email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter pub-lished will receive a souvenir

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Pembaca yang budiman.

Mungkin masih ada di antara kita yang ingat kutipan Shakespeare dalam dramanya yang terkenal, Romeo and Juliet: “What’s in a name?”—apalah arti sebuah nama? Tanpa mengurangi penghargaan kita kepada dramawan dunia tersebut, kiranya kita sepakat bahwa tiap nama memiliki makna. Maka, dalam konteks ini, perubahan nama perusahaan kita menjadi PT Vale Indonesia Tbk tentunya membawa serta spirit dan nilai-nilai baru perusahaan.

Di sisi lain, patut pula disadari bahwa perubahan nama tersebut merupakan suatu dinamika dunia industri. Sebagaimana kehidupan sendiri terus berubah. Dalam perubahan itulah kita dituntut untuk mampu menyesuaikan diri. Pada akhirnya, kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dan kompak menjadi syarat bertahan dan majunya suatu masyarakat, perusahaan, bahkan negara dan bangsa. Sejarah telah membuktikannya.

Atas nama direksi, saya mengucapkan selamat atas penerbitan perdana majalah Halo Vale, pengganti majalah Inkomunikasi yang telah menemani kita sejak 1990. Semoga majalah ini bisa menjadi media bagi kita dalam menjalankan visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Sekaligus media untuk membangun semangat dan kekompakan dalam mewujudkan tiga prinsip penting perusahaan, yakni keselamatan kerja, kesejahteraan karyawan, dan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan.

Mari kita rayakan kebersamaan dalam menatap masa depan yang lebih baik.

Dear readers,

Some of us may remember that famous quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: “What’s in a name?” With all due respect to the legendary playwright, I think we can all agree that every name has a meaning. This means that in this case, the change of our company name to PT Vale Indonesia Tbk brings with it a new spirit and new values to the company.

On the other hand, it is important to understand that rebranding is part of an industry’s dynamics, just as life itself continues to change. The presence of change requires us to adapt. At the end of the day, the ability to adapt and stay unified are the requirements needed for a community, company and even country and nation to survive and progress. History has proven this.

On behalf of the board of directors, I congratulate the inaugural publication of Halo Vale magazine, replacing Inkomunikasi which has been with us since 1990. I hope this magazine can become a medium for implementing the company’s vision, mission and values; and for encouraging enthusiasm and a sense of unity in achieving the company’s three important principles, namely work safety, employee welfare and corporate social responsibility.

Let us celebrate our togetherness as we make the journey to a brighter future.



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“Selamat Datang Nama Baru!”


Perayaan yang meriah dan dipenuhi atmosfer kekeluargaan.

Perayaan yang dinanti-nantikan itu akhirnya berlangsung juga pada 24 Januari silam di Sorowako. Ya, perayaan yang menandai nama baru PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale). Sejak 2010, PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk, sebagai anak perusahaan Inco Ltd, resmi lebur dalam organisasi Vale.

Perhelatan berlangsung meriah di dua tempat. Pertama di area parkir Mine Harapan, dari pagi hingga petang. Dilanjutkan di Gedung Pertemuan Ontaeluwu pada malam harinya. Dengan tagline “Nama Baru, Semangat Baru”, perayaan melibatkan ribuan karyawan dan manajemen PT Vale. Semua berbaur penuh suka cita.

Acara dimeriahkan dengan games, ratusan doorprize, penampilan band karyawan, dan bintang tamu band Sheila on 7 di pengujung acara. Inilah sebuah pesta dengan atmosfer yang penuh keakraban. Presiden Direktur & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter, Chief Operating Officer Josimar Pires, dan Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto, misalnya, kerap menjadi incaran karyawan untuk bisa saling menyapa, bercengkerama, dan foto bersama.

Pada puncak acara di Ontaeluwu, sejumlah direksi memilih berbaur dengan karyawan, yang mengajak serta keluarganya. “Saya di luar saja. Ngobrol-ngobrol dan bersilahturahmi dengan karyawan,” ujar Nico Kanter, yang mengenakan kemeja kasual Vale, ditemani Josimar Pires.

“Event yang melibatkan manajemen dan karyawan seperti ini bagus sekali. Manajemen bisa langsung turun bertemu karyawan,” ungkap Mercy (33) dari Mining Department mengomentari acara perayaan. Acara juga ditandai dengan diresmikannya papan nama bertuliskan ”PT Vale Indonesia Tbk” di area parkir Mine Harapan, pengoperasian perdana bus baru karyawan, dan peluncuran situs

S ambutan Positif

Sambutan positif juga dilayangkan oleh Ketua Serikat Pekerja Kimia, Energi, Pertambangan, Minyak Gas Bumi, dan Umum (SP-KEP) Unit Kerja PT Vale, Andi Karman. Dia menilai perubahan nama perusahaan merupakan salah satu langkah besar perusahaan untuk semakin maju.

“Tentu akan bertambah baik, karena dibarengi komitmen positif Vale, seperti memprioritaskan keselamatan kerja dan manajemen yang transparan. Termasuk menempatkan hubungan antara manajemen dan karyawan sebagai mitra kerja,” tambah Andi Karman.

06 Halo Vale I Edis i Mei 2012

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Dalam sambutannya, Josimar Pires mengatakan bahwa visi dan misi baru PT Vale perlu dijalankan oleh seluruh manajemen dan karyawan secara kompak. “Karena visi dan misi tersebut menjadi pedoman dan arah perusahaan ke depan,” ungkap Josimar.

Rangkaian acara peresmian nama baru PT Vale kemudian dilanjutkan dalam acara Pesta Rakyat, 16-17 Maret, di Camp Site, Sorowako. Dikemas meriah, acara sedikitnya dinikmati oleh 20.000 karyawan dan masyarakat Sorowako dan sekitarnya. Pawai lampion yang diikuti siswa sekolah, organisasi kepemudaan, karyawan hingga kontraktor, tari-tarian, dan suguhan musik band Gigi mewarnai pesta rakyat tersebut. []



Jajaran direksi PT Vale dan Ketua SP-KEP Andi Karman menekan

sirene menandai peresmian nama baru PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. Aksi

Duta “Sheila On 7” (atas).

Edis i Mei 2012 I Halo Vale

Page 8: Selamat Datang Nama Baru!

“Welcome, New Name!”A glorious celebration with a family-filled atmosphere


The long-awaited celebration finally took place on 24 January in Sorowako; an event signifying the company’s official change of name to PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale). Since 2010, PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk, as a subsidiary of Inco Ltd, had officially been merged into the Vale organization.

Celebrations occurred in two places: first at the Mine Harapan parking area from morning until evening, then at the Ontaeluwu Meeting Hall at night. With the tagline “New Name, New Spirit”, the celebrations involved thousands of PT Vale employees and managerial staff. Everyone mingled in an atmosphere of festivity.

The audience was entertained by games, hundreds of door prizes, a live band consisting of employees and the performance of guest band Sheila on 7. The celebration was full of camaraderie. PT Vale President Director and CEO Nico Kanter, Chief Operations Officer Josimar Pires, and Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto were frequently approached by employees and joined them for a chat, a laugh and group photographs.

At the peak of the event in Ontaeluwu, a number of directors chose to mingle with employees, who had invited their family members along to the event. “I prefer to be outside, chatting and talking with employees,” said Nico Kanter, who wore a casual shirt, accompanied by Josimar Pirez.

“Events involving company management and employees like this are very good. The management can come right down and meet employees,” said Mercy (33) from the Mining Department, commenting on the day’s events. The celebration was also marked by the inauguration of PT Vale’s new nameplate located in the Mine Harapan parking area, the operation of a new bus fleet for employees, and the launch of the website.

Positive ResponseA positive response was given by the Chairman of PT Vale’s chapter of the Chemical, Energy, Oil and General Mining Workers’ Union (SP-KEP), Andi Karman. He said the renaming of the company was a major step which would help advance the company.

“Of course it will be better, because it has been accompanied by Vale’s positive commitments to things such as prioritizing work safety and having a transparent management; also to placing managerial staff and employees in a position of partnership,” said Andi Karman.

08 Halo Vale I Edis i Mei 2012

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In his welcoming address, Josimar Pires said PT Vale’s new vision and mission should be implemented by the management and employees in unity, “Because that vision and mission guide and direct the company in its journey forward.”

The celebratory events were then followed by a community festival on the 16th and 17th of March at Camp Site, Sorowako. The fun-filled event was enjoyed by about 20,000 employees and community members from Sorowako and surrounding areas. A lantern parade by school students, youth organizations, employees and contractors, as well as dancing and live music performed by the band Gigi were among the festival’s highlights. []



COO Josimar Pires broke a jug when launched the new bus fleet

for employees. Gigi performances at Camp Site (below).

Edis i Mei 2012 I Halo Vale

Page 10: Selamat Datang Nama Baru!

Sejarah Panjang Dua Raksasa Tambang


Inco dan Vale. D ua perusahaan raksasa ini punya sejarah panjang di sektor per tambangan sk ala dunia

Jauh sebelum kesepakatan pembelian saham Inco Limited oleh Vale, dua korporasi itu telah merekam jejak sukses dalam industri pertambangan. Yang satu produsen nikel terbesar nomor dua di dunia, sementara yang lain merupakan salah satu perusahaan multi-tambang berskala global.

International Nickel Company berdiri pada 1 April 1902 dan berkantor pusat di New Jersey, Amerika Serikat. Pada 1916, International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd didirikan sebagai anak perusahaan International Nickel Company yang berbasis di Kanada, dan berkantor pusat di New York. Pada 1928, International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd berubah menjadi induk perusahaan melalui pertukaran saham.

Nikel yang dihasilkan Inco menjadi saksi berbagai peristiwa penting di dunia. Mesin pesawat terbang pertama menggunakan poros baja nikel. Sejak saat itu dimulailah hubungan tak terpisahkan antara nikel dan industri penerbangan.

Bahkan logam campuran nikel produksi Inco menjadi komponen penting dalam pesawat Apollo 11 yang membawa Neil Armstrong ke Bulan pada 1969. Sepanjang Perang Dunia II, Inco menyuplai 680 juta kilogram nikel dan jenis logam lain kepada negara-negara sekutu.

Pada awal 1968, Inco mulai masuk ke Indonesia melalui kesepakatan awal dengan Pemerintah Indonesia terkait pemanfaatan cadangan nikel di Sulawesi. Kontrak Karya ditandatangani pada 27 Juli tahun yang sama.

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Pada Juni 1970, PT International Nickel Indonesia (PTI), anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki Inco, mengonfirmasi adanya cadangan bijih nikel laterit dalam jumlah signifikan di Sorowako. Pada 1977, pabrik nikel utama di Sorowako dibangun, dan PTI secara resmi berdiri.

Pada 1988, Inco menjual 20 persen saham PTI kepada Sumitomo Metal Mining Company. Selanjutnya, pada 1990, PTI go public dengan melepas 20 persen sahamnya ke publik.

Menjadi PT Vale Vale juga punya sejarah yang tidak kalah panjang. Perusahaan ini, yang sebelumnya bernama Companhia Vale do Rio Doce atau CVRD, didirikan pada 1 Juni 1942 oleh Pemerintah Federal Brasil. Tujuh tahun kemudian, 1949, CVRD menjadi perusahaan pengekspor 80 persen bijih besi asal Brasil. Pada era 1980-an, CVRD mulai melebarkan unit bisnisnya dengan memproduksi alumunium di Rio de Janeiro.

Pada 1997, CVRD diprivatisasi di bawah Brazil Consortium. Dan 10 tahun kemudian, 2007, CVRD mengubah namanya menjadi Vale. Setahun sebelumnya, pemegang saham Inco secara resmi menyetujui pengambilalihan saham oleh Vale, lewat pembelian saham senilai 18,9 miliar dollar AS. Ini merupakan akuisisi termahal yang pernah dilakukan oleh perusahaan Amerika Latin. Inco Limited kemudian bertransformasi menjadi Vale Inco Limited.

Selang tiga tahun kemudian, Mei 2010, Vale Inco mengumumkan langkah berikutnya dengan mengubah nama menjadi Vale. Perubahan itu menyelaraskan perusahaan dengan operasional Vale di seluruh dunia, sehingga memantapkan posisinya sebagai salah satu perusahaan tambang terbesar di dunia.

Vale adalah perusahaan tambang terbesar kedua di dunia dan terbesar di Benua Amerika. Vale menjadi penghasil bijih besi terbesar dan penghasil nikel terbesar kedua di dunia. Vale juga masuk dalam jajaran penghasil mangan dan ferro-alloy terbesar.

Selain itu, Vale juga meneliti, memproduksi, dan menjual tembaga, batubara, logam platinum, serta logam mulia. Vale juga aktif di sektor logistik, energi, dan baja.

Perubahan yang terjadi di Kanada, juga terjadi di Indonesia. PTI, yang mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki Inco, berubah mengikuti induk perusahaannya. Tanggal 24 Januari 2012 adalah hari yang bersejarah bagi PTI, yang telah beroperasi di Sorowako selama 44 tahun. Pada hari itu, PTI resmi berganti nama menjadi PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.

Inilah suatu perubahan yang membawa kita menjadi bagian dari perusahaan multi-tambang berkelas dunia. []



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Foto: Agência Vale

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A Long History of Two Mining GiantsInco and Vale: two giant companies with a long histor y in world- class mining

Long before the agreement was made for Vale to buy shares of Inco Limited, the two corporations already had a successful track record in the mining industry. One was the world’s second-largest producer of nickel; the other was a multi-mining company with operations on a global scale.

International Nickel Company was founded on 1 April 1902 with headquarters in New Jersey, USA. In 1916, Canada-based International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd was founded as a subsidiary of International Nickel Company, with headquarters in New York. In 1928, International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd went through a changeover, becoming the parent company through a stock swap.

The nickel produced by Inco has witnessed many historical events. The engine of the world’s first airplane used a nickel steel shaft. Since then the relationship between the nickel and aviation industries has been inseparable.

In fact, a nickel alloy produced by Inco was used as an important component in the Apollo 11 spacecraft which took Neil Armstrong to the moon in 1969. During World War II, Inco supplied 680 million kilograms of nickel and other metals to armies of the Allied Forces.

In early 1968, Inco entered Indonesia through an initial agreement made with the Indonesian government regarding the utilization of nickel deposits in Sulawesi. A Contract of Work was signed on 27 July that year.


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New Caledonia Goro Project (nickel)

Photo: Agência Vale

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In June 1970, PT International Nickel Indonesia (PTI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Inco, confirmed the presence of lateritic nickel ore deposits in significant amounts in Sorowako. In 1977, a major nickel plant was constructed in Sorowako and PTI was officially established.

In 1988, Inco sold 20 percent of PTI’s shares to Sumitomo Metal Mining Company. In 1990, PTI became a publicly listed company with the sale of 20 percent of its shares to public.

Becoming PT ValeVale also has a long history which is not less impressive. This company, which had previously been called Companhia Vale do Rio Doce or CVRD, was founded on 1 June 1942 by the Federal Government of Brazil. Seven years later, in 1949, CVRD became the exporter of 80 percent of Brazil’s iron ore production. In the 1980s, CVRD expanded its portfolio through aluminum production in Rio de Janeiro.

In 1997, CVRD was privatized under the Brazil Consortium. Ten years later, in 2007, CVRD was renamed to Vale. In the previous year, Inco shareholders officially approved the stock takeover by Vale through the purchase of shares valued at $18.9 billion. This was the most expensive acquisition that had ever occurred in Latin America. Inco Limited was then transformed into Vale Inco Limited.

Three years later, in May 2010, Vale Inco announced its name change to Vale. The change was made to match other Vale operations worldwide, making it one of the biggest mining companies in the world.

Vale is the second largest mining company in the world and the largest in the American continent. Vale has become the world’s biggest producer of iron ore and second-biggest producer of nickel. Vale is also a leading producer of manganese and ferroalloys.

Vale is involved in the research, production and marketing of copper, coal, platinum group metals and precious metals; and active in the logistics, energy and steel industries.The changes that occurred in Canada also took place in Indonesia. PTI, whose majority of shares is owned by Inco, changed alongside its parent company. The date 24 January 2012 became a historic one for PTI, who had been operating in Sorowako for 44 years. On that day, PTI was officially renamed PT Vale (PT Vale Indonesia Tbk).

This is a change that now makes us part of a world-class multi-mining corporation. []


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Photo: Agência Vale

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Makna di Balik Nama Baru


Sepanjang satu dekade terakhir, dunia tambang mengalami pasang-surut, termasuk bisnis nikel. Pada akhir 2008, misalnya. Waktu itu pasokan melebihi permintaan, sehingga harga nikel terkoreksi cukup tajam di pasar global. Dampaknya langsung dirasakan oleh PT Vale, apalagi biaya bahan bakar ikut membengkak.

Di luar persoalan operasionalisasi, PT Vale sebagai pemegang kontrak karya pertambangan, juga diminta Pemerintah Indonesia untuk memenuhi kewajibannya mengembangkan operasinya di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Tenggara. “Saat ini area produktif kita masih berada di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan. Investasi ke depan diarahkan untuk mengembangkan area lain yang sudah dieksplorasi,” kata Vice President Director PT Vale Bernardus Irmanto, awal Oktober 2011 silam.

“Maka kehadiran Vale sebagai pemilik saham yang baru merupakan suatu tanda baik bagi perusahaan. Vale memiliki komitmen investasi dan visi menjadi perusahaan tambang nomor satu di dunia,” ujar Bernardus Irmanto. Vale merupakan perusahaan multi-tambang yang operasinya tersebar di 5 benua, 38 negara, dan berkantor pusat di Rio De Janeiro, Brasil.

Di mata Vale, Indonesia merupakan aset yang potensial. Hal itu ditegaskan CEO Vale Murilo Ferreira ketika berkunjung ke Sorowako awal Oktober silam. “Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang sangat potensial. Kami sangat bangga bisa bersama kalian,” ujar Murilo Ferreira.

Ke depan, Vale akan menanamkan investasi di Indonesia sebesar 2 miliar dollar AS atau senilai Rp18 triliun hingga 2015 nanti. Salah satu proyek yang telah terealisasi adalah PLTA Karebbe, yang menelan biaya hingga 410 juta dollar AS. PLTA ini sudah beroperasi sejak Oktober lalu.

Dengan beroperasinya PLTA Karebbe, kini PT Vale dapat meningkatkan power setting dari 65-70MW menjadi 77-80MW, sekaligus meningkatkan produksi kalsin 0,85 kiloton per minggu. Kalsin merupakan produk antara yang ditambahkan ke dalam furnace.

Perbaikan beberapa fasilitas kerja juga terus dilakukan. Ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan karyawan selama bekerja.

“Nama besar Vale serta misi untuk menjadi yang terbaik, memberikan harapan bagi kita. Juga dalam menghadapi renegosiasi kontrak karya yang akan berakhir pada 2025 nanti,” ungkap Bernardus Irmanto.

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Ada ar ti penting di balik reposisi dan rebranding perusahaan.

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Selat Makassar

Teluk Tolo

Teluk Bone

Laut Jawa

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In the last decade, the mining industry including the nickel business has been through ebbs and flows. In late 2008, for instance, supply was greater than demand, causing nickel prices to fall sharply on the global market. This greatly affected PT Vale; what was more, at the time fuel prices were also on the rise.

Aside from its current operations, PTI as the holder of a Contract of Work has been required by the Indonesian government to meet its obligations to expand operations to the provinces of Central and Southeast Sulawesi. “Currently our production area is limited to Sorowako, South Sulawesi. Future investments will be aimed at developing other areas which have been explored,” said PT Vale Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto in October 2011.

“The presence of Vale as a new shareholder bodes well for the company. Vale has a commitment and vision to become the Number 1 mining company in the world,” said Bernardus Irmanto. Vale is a multi-mining corporation with operations in 5 continents and 38 countries, with headquarters in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

In the eyes of Vale, Indonesia is seen as a potential asset. This was emphasized by Vale CEO Murilo Ferreira during his visit to Sorowako in early October last year. “There is great potential in Indonesia’s natural resources and human resources. We are very proud to be with you,” said Murilo Ferreira.

Vale plans to invest $2 billion or IDR18 trillion in Indonesia by 2015. One project that has been achieved is the building of the Karebbe Hydroelectric Power Generator, which cost $410 million. The plant started operations last October. Thanks to the Karebbe generator, PT Vale has been able to increase its power setting from 65-70MW to 77-80MW, and increase calcine production by 0.85 kilotons per week. Calcine is a intermediate product that is added to the furnace.

Improvements of various facilities have been made continually to increase the comfort and safety of employees.“Vale’s reputation and its mission to become the best give us hope, including in the re-negotiation of our Contract of Work ending in 2025,” said Bernardus Irmanto.

The Meaning Behind a New NameThere is an impor tant meaning behind the repositioning and rebranding of a company.


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Misi, Visi, dan Nilai Sebagai Filosofi KerjaNilai perusahaan ber fungsi sebagai penyemangat dan penyatu entitas perusahaan.

Surat elektronik CEO Vale Murilo Ferreira itu masuk ke outlook komputer karyawan pada pertengahan Februari lalu. Pesannya berisi ucapan selamat atas pencapaian karyawan Vale di seluruh dunia sepanjang 2011. Perusahaan telah berhasil meningkatkan laba bersih dan menunjukkan kinerja yang profesional. Murilo Ferreira juga salut kepada karyawan yang telah berjalan di jalur yang benar dan tampil mengesankan.

Selain menyampaikan berita bahagia, Murilo juga mengingatkan seluruh karyawan agar tetap memprioritaskan keselamatan kerja. Pasalnya, 15 kecelakaan fatal yang terjadi sepanjang pada 2011 membuat Murilo Ferreira sedih dan bersimpati. “Saya ingin perusahaan ini sehat, aman, dan menjadi tempat kerja yang menyenangkan. Dan saya yakin hal ini hanya dapat dicapai dengan usaha bersama,” ujar dia mengimbau.

Sebagai pemimpin tertinggi perusahaan multi-tambang yang tersebar di 38 negara, Murilo Ferreira tidak pernah bosan mengingatkan arti penting keselamatan kerja. Ketika berkunjung ke Sorowako pada awal Oktober 2011 lalu dalam peresmian PLTA Karebbe, dia juga menyampaikan hal yang sama. “Produksi memang penting. Tapi lebih penting lagi keselamatan,” tegasnya.

Hal itu sejalan dengan misi, visi, dan nilai Vale, yang tidak semata menjadi perusahaan tambang kelas dunia. Perusahaan juga harus bisa memberi nilai jangka panjang dan kebaikan bagi manusia dan Bumi di seluruh unit usahanya.

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Murilo juga mengisyaratkan bahwa keseimbangan antara kerja dan keluarga merupakan hal yang penting. Hal itu merupakan salah satu wujud dari nilai perusahaan. “Saya sengaja membawa istri berkunjung ke Sorowako. Karena saya ingin mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa keluarga adalah hal yang utama,” tutur Murilo Ferreira.

Makna Nilai PerusahaanOlivier Serrat, Head of Knowledge Management Centre Asian Development Bank (ADB), dalam artikelnya “A Primer on Corporate Values”, yang diterbitkan Knowledge Solutions, newsletter ADB, Juni 2010, menyebutkan, nilai perusahaan adalah penyemangat sebuah lingkungan kerja, penyatu entitas perusahaan, dan membentuk pencitraan perusahaan kepada publik. “Nilai perusahaan juga sebuah filosofi dan etika untuk bertindak ke dalam (perusahaan) dan keluar (publik),” ungkap Serrat.

Hal senada juga disampaikan Diane Stacey, pakar manajemen bisnis dari Kennedy Western University, Amerika Serikat. Dia mengatakan, nilai perusahaan yang selalu berkolaborasi dengan visi dan misi perusahaan akan menjadi pijakan bisnis, memvisualisasikan tujuan perusahaan ke depan, dan menjadi panduan untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Visi, misi, dan nilai perusahaan juga menjadi standar untuk mendapatkan praktik terbaik dalam menjalankan bisnis.

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Mission, Vision, and Values as a Work Philosophy Company values encourage and bring together various entities in the company.

The message from Vale CEO Murilo Ferreira landed in employees’ electronic mailboxes in mid-February. In it, he congratulated Vale employees worldwide on their achievements throughout 2011. The company managed to increase its net profit and performed professionally. Murilo Ferreira also applauded employees who did the right thing and performed impressively.

Aside from spreading the good news, Murilo also reminded employees to make work safety a priority. He said the 15 fatal accidents that happened in 2011 saddened him and evoked his sympathy. “I want this company to be a healthy, safe and pleasant place of work. And I believe this can only be achieved if we make a joint effort,” he said.

As the highest executive in the multi-mining corporation which operates in 38 countries, Murilo Ferreira never tires of reminding employees the importance of work safety. His visit to inaugurate the Karebbe plant in Sorowako in early October 2011 was no different. “Production is important. But even more important is safety,” he said.

This was in line with Vale’s mission, vision, and values, which aimed not only to become world-class, but also to become a company with long-term value – good for humanity and the Earth – through its operations.

Murilo also indicated the importance of having a work-life balance. It was a reflection of the company’s values. “I intentionally brought my wife to Sorowako because I want to tell you that family is the main thing,” said Murilo Ferreira.

The Signific ance of Company ValuesOlivier Serrat, Head of Knowledge Management Centre Asian Development Bank (ADB), in his article, “A Primer on Corporate Values”, in the ADB newsletter, Knowledge Solutions, of June 2010 said company values provided encouragement to a working environment, brought together entities within the company and formed a company’s public image. “Corporate values are also a philosophy and an ethical guideline for actions taken inside (the company) and outside (the public sphere),” said Serrat.

Similarly, business management expert Diane Stacey from Kennedy Western University, USA, said the values of a company that was in constant collaboration with its vision and mission created the business’ foothold, the visualization of the company’s goals and the guidelines for achieving success. A company’s vision, mission and values provided the standards towards achieving best practice in business. []


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“Vale sangat peduli terhadap keluarga dan keselamatan karyawannya. Itulah yang saya tangkap. Saya mengikuti town hall meeting beberapa waktu lalu, dan hal-hal personal seperti itu bagi saya mengharukan. Semoga tidak sekadar slogan, melainkan benar diwujudkan. Soal perubahan, menurut saya, itu tidak bisa dihindarkan. Hidup tidak bisa dipisahkan dari perubahan. Yang penting kita berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Semangat baru ini harus tetap menyala.”

I G e d e S u d i a n a [ 4 1 ] , D e p a r t e m e n U t i l i t i e s ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 2 0 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Semoga perubahan ini membuat karyawan lebih sejahtera. Dari visi, misi, dan nilai baru Vale Indonesia yang saya baca, karyawan lebih diperhatikan. Artinya, ini sebuah perubahan yang baik.”

S a h r n i r [ 3 0 ] , D e p a r t e m e n P r o c e s s P l a n t ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 1 0 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Perubahan itu wajar dan kita harus siap hadapi. Saya berharap kita lebih baik dari semua sisi. Jangan sama, karena kalau sama akan rugi kita. Saya optimistis PT Vale akan lebih baik. SDM akan lebih baik dan teknologi kita akan berkembang karena ini perusahaan besar.”

B u t r o [ 4 4 ] , D e p a r t e m e n S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 1 3 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Saya menyambut positif perubahan ini. PT Vale punya program 5S dan visi-misi barunya membuat kita lebih nyaman bekerja. Hubungan dengan kami para kontraktor saya harap juga semakin baik.”

A d e l i n e Ta n g g u l u n g a n [ 2 8 ] , C V D u t a Ve r b e k , D e p a r t e m e n M i n i n g ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 6 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

Mereka Bicara tentang PerubahanPerubahan punya makna tersendiri bagi merek a yangmendambak an kemajuan perusahaan.

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“Saya berharap segala hal menjadi lebih baik setelah perubahan ini, terutama soal people development. Selama ini pengembangan belum sampai ke level bawah. Penerapan nilai-nilai perusahaan juga belum sampai ke karyawan. Semoga ke depan manajemen lebih terbuka dan transparan. Event yang melibatkan manajemen dan karyawan bagus sekali sehingga manajemen bisa langsung turun bertemu karyawan.”

M e r c y [ 3 3 ] , D e p a r t e m e n M i n i n g ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 9 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Semoga perubahan ini membuat kondisi lebih baik bagi karyawan, perusahaan, dan masyarakat. Saya berharap manajemen lebih memerhatikan semua lapisan karyawan, sehingga tidak ada gangguan yang menghambat pekerjaan. Dengan nama baru ini, tentu semangat bekerja bertambah karena sekarang kita bagian dari perusahaan tambang terbesar.”

P a l i n [ 3 3 ] , D e p a r t e m e n A c c o u n t i n g ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 7 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Sebagai karyawan Mine Rehabilitation, saya berharap perhatian perusahaan terhadap lingkungan lebih ditingkatkan. Ajang penanaman bibit yang dilakukan manajemen, karyawan, dan masyarakat sebaiknya diadakan secara rutin dan tidak terbatas di Sorowako saja tapi ke hingga ke kecamatan lain seperti Towuti, Wasuponda, dan Malili. Ajang itu juga penting untuk menunjukkan komitmen lingkungan PT Vale kepada masyarakat luas.”

Y u l M a r t h i n [ 3 1 ] , D e p a r t e m e n M i n i n g ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 7 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Harapan saya adalah peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi karyawan PT Vale dan jaminan sosial serta jaminan keamanan terutama bagi kami yang bekerja di lapangan. Beberapa perubahan sudah saya rasakan, misalnya sistem kerja yang saat ini semakin tertata serta dukungan dari atasan yang makin kuat sehingga kami lebih nyaman bekerja. Semoga hal-hal baik bisa semakin ditingkatkan.”

B a s o H a r i s [ 3 6 ] , D e p a r t e m e n E x t e r n a l R e l a t i o n ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 4 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Dengan perubahan ini, saya berharap segalanya menjadi lebih baik. Kesejahteraan karyawan dan keluarga lebih baik, hubungan dengan masyarakat setempat juga semakin baik, dan manajemen lebih memperhatikan karyawan hingga level paling bawah. Kinerja setiap karyawan juga makin diperhatikan.”

N a r n i [ 2 9 ] , D e p a r t e m e n S e c u r i t y S e r v i c e s ,s u d a h b e k e r j a 7 t a h u n d i P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

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They Talk About Change



Change has its own meaning for those wanting to advance the company.

“Vale is very concerned about families and the safety of its workers. That is what I can gather. I attended the town hall meeting a while ago, and personal things like that always touch me. Hopefully it is not just a slogan, but something that can truly be realized. As for change, I think it is inevitable. Life cannot be separated from change. The main thing is to change for the better. This new enthusiasm must continue.”

I G e d e S u d i a n a [ 4 1 ] , U t i l i t i e s D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 2 0 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Hopefully this change improves the welfare of employees. PT Vale’s new vision, mission and values which I have read pay more attention to employees; this means this is a good change.”

S a h r n i r [ 3 0 ] , P r o c e s s P l a n t D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 1 0 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Change is normal and is something for which we must be prepared. I hope we will become better in all aspects. Don’t stay the same because that would be disadvantageous. I am optimistic PT Vale will improve. Human resources will be better and our technology can develop because it is a big company.”

B u t r o [ 4 4 ] , S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 1 3 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“I am positive about this change. PT Vale has the 5S program and its new vision and mission will make the workplace more pleasant. Its relations with contractors like us will hopefully improve.”

A d e l i n e Ta n g g u l u n g a n [ 2 8 ] , C V D u t a Ve r b e k , M i n i n g D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 6 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

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“I hope things will improve with this change, particularly in terms of people development. All this time, development has not reached the lower levels. Company values have also not been established among employees. Hopefully the management will be more open and transparent. Events involving the management and employees are very good, as they allow management to come down and meet directly with employees.”

M e r c y [ 3 3 ] , M i n i n g D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 9 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“Hopefully this change will improve the conditions for employees, the company and the community. I hope the management pays attention to all levels of employees so nothing disturbs the work flow. The new name will surely increase enthusiasm for work because now we are part of the biggest mining company.”

P a l i n [ 3 3 ] , A c c o u n t i n g D e p a r t e m e n t ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 7 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“As employee of Mine Rehabilitation, I hope the company’s attention to the environment is further enhanced. Not only the post-mining land rehabilitated but the environment as a whole. Planting event which involve management, employees, and society should be held regularly and are not limited to Sorowako but to all other districts such as Towuti, Wasuponda, and Malili. The event is also important to demonstrate environmental commitment of PT Vale to the public.”

Y u l M a r t h i n [ 3 1 ] , D e p a r t e m e n M i n i n g ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 7 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“I wish for the enhancement of PT Vale employee’s welfare, the enhancement of social security as well as security guarantees, especially for us the field workers. I felt some changes already, for example, the current work system is now more organized and the increase support of our superiors made us more comfortable in working. Hopefully good things could be more improved.”

B a s o H a r i s [ 3 6 ] , D e p a r t e m e n E x t e r n a l R e l a t i o n ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 4 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

“With this change, I hope things get better. Welfare of employees and their families will be better, relationship with the local community is also getting better, and management pays more attention to the lowest level of their employees. Performance of each employee is also more considered.”

N a r n i [ 2 9 ] , D e p a r t e m e n S e c u r i t y S e r v i c e s ,h a s w o r k e d f o r 7 y e a r s a t P T V a l e I n d o n e s i a T b k .

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Peremajaan Alat untuk Peningkatan ProduksiDari furnace 2 rebuild hingga perbaik an k anal PLTA Larona.

Guna meningkatkan kinerja, PT Vale melakukan penggantian dan perbaikan di sejumlah peralatan produksinya. Proyek bernama “Major Shut Down” itu meliputi 26 jenis pekerjaan, tersebar di Process Plant, Thermal, dan dua PLTA (Larona dan Balambano). Empat di antaranya yang terpenting adalah rebuild (peremajaan) furnace 2, kiln 1 dan kiln 2, dan perbaikan kanal air sekaligus penggantian turbin di PLTA Larona.

Gil Samoila, Senior Project Manager Major Shut Down, mengatakan, proyek ini bertujuan meningkatkan performa kerja alat produksi PT Vale. “Setelah 15 tahun, beberapa peralatan perlu diremajakan dengan melakukan penggantian komponen,” ujar Gil Samoila.

Di Process Plant, aktivitas perbaikan telah berlangsung sejak pekan ketiga November 2011. Proyek itu selesai pada kuartal II 2012. Yang paling menarik dari proyek ini, yang melibatkan 100 tenaga teknis dan 800 pekerja lokal, adalah penggantian furnace 2 dengan desain baru dan lebih bertenaga. “Furnace 2 sekarang memiliki kapasitas produksi lebih besar dan menghemat konsumsi energi dibandingkan desain sebelumnya,” tambah Gil.

Kelebihan furnace 2 adalah usia pakai dan operasi selama 15 tahun. Sebelumnya hanya 10 tahun. Termasuk atap furnace yang sebelumnya perlu diganti setiap 2 tahun sekali, kini menjadi 5 tahun sekali.

Desain furnace 2 ini dirancang sendiri oleh karyawan PT Vale. “Selama setahun, dibantu 4 konsultan, kami merancang spesifikasi furnace 2 yang paling presisi dari sebelumnya,” kata Gil. Sedangkan untuk komponen, furnace 2 menggunakan produk dari Asia dan Afrika Selatan.

Perbaik an di LaronaSelain itu, shut down di PLTA Larona juga tak kalah pentingnya. PLTA yang telah beroperasi sejak 1979 ini memerlukan perbaikan lebih komprehensif di bagian kanal air dan turbin pembangkitnya. Perbaikan telah dikerjakan sejak Oktober 2011 lalu.

Pekerjaan di Larona dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pertama, melakukan penambalan pada beberapa bagian kanal air sepanjang 6,9 kilometer yang mengalami kebocoran. Kanal merupakan saluran buatan dengan kedalaman lima meter. Penambalan dilakukan oleh para pekerja ahli agar pasokan air ke dalam turbin tetap lancar.

“Pekerjaan tersebut kami selesaikan dalam tempo 2 kali 8 jam. Pada kesempatan tersebut kami juga melakukan penggantian overhead ground wire (OGW) pada jaringan 150 kv yang putus saat terjadi gempa beberapa waktu yang lalu,” ungkap Manager of Hydro Operation PT Vale, Yusri Yunus.

Sedangkan pada tahap kedua dilakukan penggantian generator dan runner turbin nomor 2, yang mengalami kavitasi. Proyek ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan penting, seperti dry test, wet test, load rejection test, dan terakhir reliability run test.

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Sejak 25 Februari 2012 dilakukan penggantian generator dan runner turbin nomor 1, dan diharapkan selesai pada Mei 2012. Untuk proyek ini PTVI didukung oleh Andritz Hydro, perusahaan turbin kelas dunia asal Austria. Sebelumnya, Andritz dipercaya sebagai vendor dan pelaksana pemasangan komponen hydro mechanical, electrical, dan control PLTA Karebbe.

Dengan dilakukannya penggantian generator dan runner tersebut, PLTA Larona akan lebih andal dalam menghasilkan energi listrik sekitar 165 MW (continous power capacity).

Tantangan Pengerjaan Selama shut down di Larona, menurut Manager of Hydro Maintenance PT Vale Muammar, hanya terjadi satu kecelakaan ringan. “Dari 80 pekerja sejak Oktober hingga selesai pada Februari, hanya ada satu pekerja yang mengalami keseleo. Selain itu aman,” ujar Muammar.

Sedangkan di Process Plant, Gil Samoila mengatakan, disiplin kerja dan pengerjaan yang sesuai perencanaan perlu ditingkatkan. “Ini merupakan tantangan kami. Dua hal tersebut merupakan kunci keselamatan dan patokan pengerjaan proyek sesuai target,” kata Gil Samoila. []


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Rejuvenation of Equipment to Increase ProductioniFrom furnace 2 rebuild to repairing the c anal at Larona Hydroelec tric Generator.

To improve performance, PT Vale has replaced and repaired some of its production equipment. The project named “Major Shut Down” involved 26 types of jobs done at the Process Plant, thermal equipment and the two (Larona and Balambano) hydroelectric generators. Four of the most important jobs were furnace 2 rebuild; replacing No. 1 and 2 kilns; repairing the water canal; and replacing the turbines of the Larona generator.

Gil Samoila, Senior Project Manager Major Shut Down, said the project was aimed at improving the performance of PT Vale’s production equipment. “After 15 years, some equipment needs rejuvenating and this is done by replacing various components,” said Gil Samoila.

Repairs at the Process Plant commenced in the third week of November 2011. The project is finished in quarter II 2012 The highlight of the project, involving 100 technicians and 800 local workers, was the replacement of furnace 2 with a new, more powerful design. “Furnace 2 now has a bigger production capacity and is better at saving energy compared to the previous design,” added Gil.

The advantage of furnace 2 is its operational lifetime of 15 years compared to the earlier version’s 10 years. Also, the previous version required the furnace roof to be replaced every 2 years; now this only needs to be done every 5 years.

furnace 2 was designed by PT Vale employees. “For one year, assisted by 4 consultants, we designed the specifications of furnace 2 to match the earlier version as precisely as possible,” said Gil. For its components, furnace 2 used products from Asia and South Africa.

Repairs at Larona The shut down at the Larona hydroelectric power generator has been no less important. The generator, which started operations in 1979, was in need of comprehensive repairs to its water canal and turbine. Repair works commenced in October 2011.

The work in Larona was conducted in two stages. First, patches were applied to parts of the 6.9 kilometer canal that leaked. The canal itself is a man-made channel five meters deep. The patchwork was done by experts in order to ensure that the water supply to the turbine remained stable.

“We finished the job in two 8-hour sessions. We also changed the overhead ground wire (OGW) on the 150-kv network which broke during an earthquake a while ago,” said Manager of Hydro Operation, Yusri Yunus.

In the second stage, the generator and No. 2 runner turbine, which had cavitated, were replaced. This project consisted of several important steps such as the dry test, wet test, load rejection test and, finally, the reliability run test.

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The job of replacing the generator and No. 1 runner turbine began on 25 February 2012 and is scheduled for completion in May 2012. For this project, PT Vale is supported by Andritz Hydro, an Austrian-based world-class manufacturer of turbines. Previously, Andritz was entrusted to act as the vendor and installer of the hydro mechanical, electrical and control components of the Karebbe hydroelectric generator.

It is expected that the new generators and runners will allow the Larona hydroelectric plant to better produce electricity about 165 MW (continuous power capacity).

Job Challenges Muammar, Manager of Hydro Maintenance, said that during the shutdown at Larona just one small accident occurred. “From the 80 workers who started in October and finished in February, only one sprained an ankle. Apart from that, things have been safe,” said Muammar.

At the Process Plant, Gil Samoila said work discipline and achieving targets as planned were things that needed much improvement. “This is a challenge for us. Those two things are the key to safety and are standard for completing a project according to target,” said Gil Samoila. []



Shut down at Larona Hydroelectric Generator.

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Wajah Baru Bandara Sorowako Sejak dibangun tahun 1978, untuk per tama k alinya Bandara Sorowako direnovasi besar-besaran.

PT Vale melakukan perbaikan fasilitas dan upgrading petugas bandara Sorowako guna meningkatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan penerbangan. Pekerjaan dibagi dalam dua proyek: airport security upgrade dan airport runway overlay. “Hal ini sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Penerbangan terkait keselamatan, keamanan, dan operasi bandara,” ungkap Sidransyah Yusri, Manager Facilities & Transportation Service PT Vale.

Proyek pertama meliputi instalasi mesin X- ray yang sinergis dengan pembuatan sterile area dan non-sterile area. Nantinya, sterile area hanya dapat diakses petugas bandara dan calon penumpang pesawat. Sterile area berkapasitas 40 orang itu, juga akan dilengkapi pendingin ruangan, televisi LCD, dan jaringan internet nirkabel untuk kenyamanan penumpang.

Proyek kedua, airport security & safety, meliputi pelebaran landasan pesawat sepanjang tujuh meter. Hal ini, tambah Sidransyah Yusri, sesuai ketentuan International Civil Aviation Organization. Untuk pesawat Fokker 50 yang digunakan PT Vale saat ini, lebar landasan minimal harus 30 meter.

Pembenahan fisik landasan itu juga ditambah dengan pembuatan drainase, temporary apron & taxi way, serta runway overlay. Dalam pengerjaannya, proyek ini juga dibantu Support Engineering Service dan dua kontraktor (Thiess dan Beca).

Sedangkan terkait keamanan penerbangan, PT Vale menggelar inhouse training bagi petugas keamanan bandara. Pelatihan mendatangkan penguji dari Direktorat Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan, diikuti 20 petugas dari Defense Security Service (DSS) pada November 2011 lalu.

Upgrading petugas Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan dan Pemadam Kebakaran (PKP-PK/pemadam kebakaran khusus bandara) juga dilakukan. “Dengan adanya upgrading ini, PKP-PK naik dari kategori 4 menjadi kategori 5. Artinya, response time pemadam kebakaran lebih baik dari sebelumnya,” ujar Sidransyah.

Sedangkan untuk petugas non-PKP-PK dan keamanan, terdapat empat orang yang mendapatkan sertifikasi pengawas bandara dari Direktorat Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan. Dua orang dari bagian operation, dan dua orang dari maintenance.

Dengan semua perbaikan itu, kini bandara Sorowako telah mengantongi Sertifikat Bandar Udara dari Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia per tanggal 18 Oktober 2011. []



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Mesin X-ray menuju sterile area penumpang merupakan

salah satu bentuk renovasi Bandara Sorowako.

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Sorowako Airport’s New Look

PT Vale has made repairs to facilities and trained workers at Sorowako airport to increase flying safety and comfort. Repair works were divided into two projects: the airport security upgrade and the airport runaway overlay. “This is in line with aviation laws with regards to airport safety, security and operation,” said Sidransyah Yusri, PT Vale’s Facilities & Transportation Service Manager.

The first project involved the installation of X-ray machines alongside the construction of sterile and non-sterile areas. In future, the sterile areas would only be accessible to airport workers and flight passengers. With a capacity of 40 people, the sterile area will be equipped with air-conditioners, LCD televisions and wireless Internet to ensure passenger comfort.



For the first time since its construc tion in 1978, Sorowako Airpor t has undergone major renovations.

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In the second project airport security and safety the width of the runway was extended by seven meters. Sidransyah Yusri said this was in accordance with rules of the International Civil Aviation Organization which require runways for Fokker 50 aircraft, currently used by PT Vale, to have a minimum width of 30 meters.

Upgrades to the runaway also included the building of drains, temporary aprons and taxiways and runway overlays. This project received assistance from the Support Engineering Service and two contractors (Thiess and Beca).

In terms of flight security, PT Vale conducted in-house training sessions for airport security officers. The training sessions which took place in November 2011 involved examiners from the Ministry of Transportation’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation and were attended by 20 officers from the Defense Security Service.


There was also the upgrading of Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (PKP-PK) officers. “The upgrades have increased our PKP-PK services from being a Category 4 to a Category 5; this means the response time of the firefighters will be better than they were before,” said Sidransyah.

Personnel outside security and PKP-PK whose skills were upgraded include four officers who received airport-supervisor certification from the Ministry of Transportation’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation – two of them were from the operations division and two from maintenance.

Thanks to the upgrades, Sorowako airport became the holder of an Airport Certificate from the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia on 18 October 2011. []

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Edukasi K3 Dikemas Menyenangkan Peringatan Bulan K3 diisi beragam kegiatan yang mengingatk an ar ti penting kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.


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Memperingati Bulan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Nasional, PT Vale menggelar berbagai kegiatan yang dipusatkan di Sorowako dan Malili pada 11-12 Februari 2012. Kegiatan berupa lomba cerdas cermat, lomba menulis, sepeda santai, dan upacara di Lapangan Camp Site, Sorowako.

Upacara peringatan dilakukan di Lapangan Camp Site, dihadiri ratusan peserta dari manajemen PT Vale dan karyawan. Hadir pula dalam acara, Wakil Bupati Luwu Timur Muhammad Thoriq Husler, Kapolres Luwu Timur Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Andi Firman, dan Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Malili Faisal SH.

Di Malili, diselenggarakan acara bersepeda santai bersama Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma, manajemen PT Vale, dan masyarakat. Dengan rute Lapangan Merdeka menuju Taman Kota Andi Nyiwi, kegiatan diikuti ribuan peserta dari berbagai usia.

Mengusung tema “Optimalisasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja untuk Peningkatan Mutu Kerja dan Produktivitas”, acara juga menggelar simulasi evakuasi korban kecelakaan lalu lintas dan pemadaman kebakaran oleh Fire & Emergency Service (FES) PT Vale.

Dalam aksi evakuasi, anggota FES mampu mengeluarkan korban yang terjebak di kendaraan dengan cepat dan aman. Sedangkan dalam aksi pemadaman kebakaran, FES berhasil menjinakkan api dari dua ban truk yang dibakar dalam waktu singkat.

Menjaga Keselamatan DiriSenior Coordinator Environment, Health & Safety PT Vale sekaligus Ketua Panitia Kegiatan Hari K3, Jani Steven Pamona, mengatakan, peringatan Bulan K3 merupakan momentum kampanye peningkatan kesadaran karyawan dan masyarakat akan pentingnya K3.

Menurut Jani, terjadinya angka kecelakaan di tempat kerja maupun di lingkungan terutama karena kelalaian manusia sendiri. Bukan hanya pengetahuan, K3 perlu dipraktikkan dengan kesadaran dan keikhlasan. “Makanya kampanye tentang K3 menjadi agenda rutin EHS. Dan kami tidak bosan melakukan sosialisasi,” tambah Jani.

Hal senada diungkapkan pula oleh Kapolres Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Ajun Komisaris Besar Polisi Andi Firman. Menurut dia, keselamatan merupakan hal paling berharga bagi manusia, namun kenyataannya masih sering diabaikan.

“Saya memberi apresiasi kepada PT Vale karena terus mengampanyekan keselamatan. PT Vale merupakan mitra terbaik karena tanggap melakukan antisipasi dan bantuan ketika terjadi kecelakaan,” kata Andi Firman.

Mewakili manajemen, Andi Mappaselle, SGM Process Plant PT Vale mengatakan, “Kita bekerja untuk keluarga. Maka itu perlu menjaga keselamatan diri, agar keluarga dapat tenang. Hal ini sejalan dengan nilai Vale, life matters most, sehingga hal ini perlu diamalkan,” ujar Andi Mappaselle. []


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Education on Work Safety and Healthy (K3) Full of Fun Occupational Health and S afety (K3) awareness month was commemorated with ac tivities aimed at reminding people the impor tance of safety and security in the workplace.

To raise awareness of the National K3 Month, PT Vale conducted various activities in Sorowako and Malili on 11 and 12 February 2012. These include quiz contests, essay-writing competitions, a bike riding event and a ceremony at Camp Site Field, Sorowako.

The ceremony at Camp Site Field was attended by hundreds of PT Vale employees and managerial staff. The event was also attended by East Luwu Deputy Regent Muhammad Thoriq Husler, East Luwu Chief of Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Andi Firman and Chief District Attorney Malili Faisal SH.

A fun bike riding event with participants that included East Luwu Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma, PT Vale management staff and community members was held in Malili. Thousands of participants of various ages rode their way on a route that took them from the grounds of Lapangan Merdeka to Andi Nyiwi City Park.

The theme for the events was “Optimizing the Implementation of Work Health and Safety Management Systems to Increase Work Quality and Productivity”. Other activities included simulations of a traffic accident victim evacuation and fire fighting by PT Vale’s Fire & Emergency Services (FES).

In the evacuation simulation, FES members were able to quickly and safely remove a victim trapped inside a vehicle. In the fire-fighting simulation, FES rapidly extinguished two burning truck tires.

Maintain Personal S afetyPT Vale’s Senior Coordinator Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) and head of the organizing committee for K3 Day Events, Jani Steven Pamona, said the commemoration of the K3 Month was a campaign opportunity to increase awareness of the importance of Work Safety and Healthy (K3) among employees and community members.

Jani said that accidents in the workplace and the environment are mainly caused by human error. K3 is not just knowledge, but a concept that people need to put into practice consciously and willingly. “That’s why the K3 campaign is part of EHS’s routine agenda. And we will never get tired of socializing it,” added Jani.



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East Luwu Chief of Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Andi Firman, agreed. He said safety was the most valuable thing to have but many people disregarded it.“I appreciate PT Vale for continuing to campaign for safety. PT Vale is a good partner of ours because it is responsive in anticipating and assisting when accidents occur,” said Andi Firman.

On behalf of the company management, PT Vale’s SGM Process Plant Andi Mappaselle said, “We work for our families, so we need to look after our own safety to allow our families to live in peace. This is in accordance with Vale’s value; life matters most – so this needs to be put into practice,” said Andi Mappaselle. []



Fun bike at Malili.


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Guna mendukung operasionaliasi dan produktivitas di seluruh sektor, PT Vale membentuk departemen baru bernama Operational Excellence (OE). Masuk dalam departemen ini adalah Operation & Maintenance Improvement Program (OMIP), Vale Production System (VPS), dan Environmental Management System (EMS), serta Health and Safety.

OE, yang telah dicanangkan sejak 2011, memiliki program untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasionalisasi berdasarkan tindakan yang benar, tepat, dan akurat. Implementasinya ditujukan pada sumber daya manusia PT Vale, sistem manajemen, operasionalisasi, sektor perawatan peralatan produksi, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, serta produksi yang berkelanjutan.

SGM Operational Excellence PT Vale Mario Paventi menyambut baik implementasi program OE. “Saya yakin, penerapan program OE yang memiliki visi produktivitas lebih baik, bekerja dengan efisien, nyaman, dan aman ini, dapat memperbaiki kinerja perusahaan tahun 2012. Dan saya yakin, hal ini akan memberikan kita semua manfaat,” ujar Mario Paventi.

Beberapa program OE yang telah dijalankan sejak tahun lalu dan akan terus dilanjutkan adalah OMIP. Dengan menjalankan konsep “Plan, Do, Check and Act”, Vale


Operational Excellence untuk Produktivitas yang StabilPT Vale menerapk an program “Operational Excellence” di semua lini perusahaan.


Seorang pekerja dari Fabrication Workshop

sedang merakit komponen furnace.

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Management System akan memfokuskan dan mensinergikan kapasitas produksi dan metode “Stop The Stops” dalam operasionalisasi dan perawatan alat produksi. Sejak Agustus 2011, program ini telah diterapkan di 12 proyek operasionalisasi dan perawatan alat produksi di Process Plant, dan telah berhasil mengurangi downtime hours.

Menurut Yulius Erwin Tandiayu, Project Leader Conveyor System Improvement, OMIP merupakan paradigma baru dalam menganalisis terjadinya keterlambatan produksi. Pasalnya, OMIP menerapkan metode penilaian yang komprehensif, di mana analisis dilakukan berdasarkan jejak rekam dan status peralatan produksi. Setiap permasalahan pada alat produksi diurai dan dicari akar masalahnya.

Analisis OMIP juga tidak semata pada fisik dan material alat produksi, melainkan juga memperhitungkan faktor lainnya, seperti environment, keahlian pekerja, keahlian mekanik, stok material, dan sebagainya. “Selama ini orang hanya berpikir kalau faktor penghambat produksi itu melulu soal alat. Padahal juga bisa karena faktor orang (operator yang menjalankan alat), mekanik (kesalahan dalam perbaikan), lingkungan yang kurang nyaman, dan penghambat non-teknis lainnya,” ujar Yulius Erwin.


Menurut Mudriyanto, OMIP Team Leader, Calcine Crane Main Hoist Improvement, OMIP diimplementasikan agar operasi produksi dapat berjalan lebih stabil dan tanpa henti. Output OMIP berupa rekomendasi dan action plan.

Tejo Srinoto, konsultan OMIP dari Relogica, mengatakan, OMIP dijalankan dengan melakukan analisis lintas fungsi (cross function analysis) dan perbaikan yang berkelanjutan. “Intinya, mengelola proyek secara terstruktur,” ujar Tejo.

Penerapan 5SDalam implementasinya, OMIP saat ini berfokus di Departemen Process Plant dengan tetap melibatkan Departemen Process Plant Engineering dan Supply Chain Management (SCM) sebagai pendukung.

Program OE lainnya adalah penerapan 5S, yang merupakan bagian dari implementasi VPS. Program 5S berorientasi pada budaya resik-rapi agar ruang kerja menjadi nyaman dan aman untuk bekerja. Sepanjang tahun ini program Environment and Health and Safety juga diterapkan, dengan fokus pada konsep lingkungan kerja tanpa kecelakaan. []

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Rapat evaluasi Tim OMIP.


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Operational Excellence for Stable Productivity PT Vale implements an “Operational Excellence” program on all company lines.

To support PT Vale’s operations and productivity enhancement, PT Vale has new department called Operational Excellence (OE), consisting of the Operation & Maintenance Improvement Program (OMIP), the Vale Production Systems (VPS) and the Environmental Management System, Health and Safety program.

Established since 2011, OE has program aimed at increasing operational performance through correct, precise and accurate action. It is targeted at PT Vale’s human resources, management systems, operational systems, production equipment maintenance sector, work safety and security, and sustainable production.

PT Vale’s Operational Excellence SGM, Mario Paventi, was pleased with the implementation of program. “I am sure the implementation of the OE program, which envisions better productivity and a workplace that values efficiency, comfort and safety, will help improve the company’s performance in 2012. And I am certain we will all benefit from this,” said Mario Paventi.

OMIP is among the ongoing OE programs implemented since last year. Applying the concept “Plan, Do, Check and Act”, Vale Management Systems will focus on, and bring into synergy the production capacity and the “Stop the Stops” method for operating and maintaining production equipment. Since

August 2011, this program has been implemented in 12 operational and production equipment maintenance projects at the Process Plant, successfully reducing downtime hours.

According to Yulius Erwin Tandiayu, Project Leader Conveyor System Improvement, OMIP sets a new paradigm for analyzing production delays. OMIP applies a comprehensive evaluation method in which an analysis is made based on the track record and status of production equipment. Every problem concerning production equipment is explored and the source of that problem is sought.

The OMIP analysis is targeted not only at the physical and material attributes of the production equipment, but takes into account other factors such as the environment, workers’ skills, mechanic’s expertise and material supplies. “Until now people think the only factor that can slow down production is equipment; in fact, it can be caused by humans (the operator of the machine), mechanical factors (errors in repairs), uncomfortable environments and other non-technical factors,” said Yulius Erwin.

According to OMIP Team Leader for Calcine Crane Main Hoist Improvement, Mudriyanto, OMIP was implemented to stabilize production and ensure it proceeded non-stop. The output of the OMIP was a set of recommendations and an action plan.



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Tejo Srinoto, OMIP consultant from Relogica, said OMIP was implemented through a cross function analysis and sustainable improvements. “In short, it is about managing a project in a structured manner,” said Tejo.

Implementing 5SCurrently, the OMIP is focused on the Process Plant Department while involving Process Plant Engineering Department and Supply Chain Management (SCM) as support.

Other OE programs include the implementation of 5S, which is part of the VPS. The 5S program is aimed at instilling a culture of cleanliness and tidiness, which in turn creates a comfortable and safe workplace. Throughout this year the Environment, Health and Safety program has also been implemented, focusing on the concept of an accident-free workplace environment.[]



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Keep things organized. One of 5S point which need to be

implemented by employees to bring comfortable workplace.


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Agar Alam Tetap SelarasPT Vale melaksanak an sejumlah program lingkungan di sekitar area tambang, termasuk lingkungan masyarak at.

PT Vale berkomitmen menjaga keselarasan lingkungan dengan pengelolaan rutin melalui Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (PROPER) 2011. General Manager Enviromental Pieter Sampetoding mengatakan, PROPER meliputi rehabilitasi lahan pasca-tambang, penanganan limbah cair, sampah B3 (bahan berbahaya dan beracun), emisi, hingga pengelolaan limbah rumah tangga.

Dalam lima tahun terakhir, total anggaran yang telah dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk perbaikan lingkungan mencapai Rp1,3 triliun. “Kami yakin bekerja di perusahaan dengan kondisi lingkungan baik akan membuat semua karyawan bahagia,” kata Peter.

Menurut Pieter, pengelolaan lingkungan hidup itu meliputi semua wilayah kerja PT Vale. Sejak pembukaan lahan tambang, pengelolaan menjadi nikel, hingga transportasi ke tempat pengapalan. Perusahaan secara bertahap juga melakukan penangananan gas SO2 dari cerobong pabrik. SO2 adalah senyawa gas yang dihasilkan oleh sulfur (belerang) ketika dipanaskan di tanur peleburan (furnace).

Pada tahun 2011, PT Vale memasang sistem injeksi terbaru di kiln 5 guna mengurangi kadar SO2. Anggaran untuk proyek ini senilai 5,5 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp50 miliar. Sementara empat kiln lainnya dilakukan pada 2012 ini.

Jika penambahan sistem injeksi debu itu sudah terpasang di lima kiln, maka target perusahaan pada 2013 sebesar 0,68 kg SO2 per 1 kg nikel. “Ini merupakan bukti bahwa perusahaan tidak main-main dalam melakukan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup,” kata Pieter.

Sebagai perbandingan, target Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup pada 2011 adalah 1,03 kg SO2 per 1 kg nikel. Pencapaian perusahaan saat ini 0,93 kg SO2 per 1 kg nikel. Ini berarti sudah di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

Selain itu, sejak 2005 PT Vale secara bertahap melakukan perbaikan pada cerobong asap, memasang alat penangkap debu, seperti ESP (electrostatic precipitators) di tanur pengeringan, pereduksi, dan converter. Masuk di dalamnya sistem baghouse di tanur peleburan. Cara kerja kedua alat ini adalah menangkap debu dengan sistem elektrik dan penyaringan seperti vacum cleaner.

Untuk limbah cair, PT Vale juga melakukan penanganan yang penting. Salah satunya menyangkut lumpur ketika lahan dibuka. Air yang tergerus dari area tambang terbuka akan mengalir bebas dan dapat mengakibatkan sedimentasi pada aliran sungai dan akhirnya ke danau.

Untuk mengantisipasinya, di beberapa titik dibuat kolam-kolam penampungan. Ukurannya bervariasi, dari kapasitas 1.000 meter kubik hingga 13 juta meter kubik. Total terdapat 81 kolam penampungan.

Kolam-kolam pengendali sedimen itu juga untuk mengurangi risiko erosi dan penggerusan di wilayah lingkar tambang. Kolam-kolam itu akan dikeruk dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Untuk pengelolaan kolam sedimen tersebut, pada 2011 PT Vale mengeluarkan dana sebesar Rp19,97 miliar.

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Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Untuk menangani limbah B3, PT Vale bekerja sama dengan PT Prasadha Pamuna Limbah Industri (PPLI) di Bogor. PT Prasadha adalah perusahaan spesialis pengelola sampah B3, seperti baterai, alat-alat elektronik, dan cairan berbahaya lainnya.

PT Vale hanya mengumpulkan sampah B3 di sebuah gudang, kemudian diangkut paling lama setiap 90 hari. “Saya kira kami tak ada masalah dengan sampah B3. Semua terkelola dengan baik,” jelas Pieter.

Seperti yang sudah-sudah, PT Vale juga melakukan pengelolaan limbah atau sampah domestik di lingkungan masyarakat. Pada 2011, perusahaan mengeluarkan anggaran sebesar Rp10 miliar untuk teknologi pemisahan sampah organik dan non-organik. “Tahun 2011 pemasangan konstruksi sudah selesai. Tahun ini kami harap semua akan berjalan dengan baik,” pungkas Pieter Sampetoding. []


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Keeping Nature in HarmonyPT Vale has conduc ted several environmental programs around mining areas, including within communities.


PT Vale is committed to maintaining environmental harmony through routine management under the Assessment of Company Performance in Environmental Management Program (PROPER) 2011. Environmental General Manager Pieter Sampetoding said PROPER covered post-mining land rehabilitation, treatment of wastewater, hazardous and toxic waste and emissions, and household waste management.

In the last five years, the company has spent a total of IDR1.3 trillion on environmental rehabilitation. “We believe that employees who work in a company with good environmental conditions will be content,” said Pieter.

Pieter said environmental management efforts have been implemented in all areas of PT Vale from the clearing of land for mining, the process of nickel production, to the transportation of the product for shipping. The company is also in the stage of treating SO2 gases released by factory stacks. SO2 is produced when sulfur is heated in a furnace.

In 2011, PT Vale installed a new injection system in the No. 5 kiln to reduce SO2 levels. The budget for this project is $5.5 million or about IDR50 billion. The other four kilns will have the system installed this year.

Once the dust injection system has been installed in all 5 kilns, the company can expect to have an SO2 emission level of 0.68 kg for every 1 kg of nickel produced. “This is proof that the company is not fooling around when it comes to environmental management,” said Pieter.

As comparison, the Ministry of Environment in 2011 targeted 1.03 kg of SO2 per 1 kg of nickel. Currently, the company is achieving 0.93 kg SO2 per 1 kg nickel, meaning that it is already lower than required by government.

Also, since 2005 PT Vale has been repairing stacks and installing dust collectors such as ESPs (electrostatic precipitators) in drying kilns, reductors and converters; and baghouse systems in smelting furnaces. Both types of equipment collect dust using an electric filtering system like a vacuum cleaner.

PT Vale also applies important treatment to its wastewater. One treatment targets the mud in land-cleared areas. Water running off an open mine area could cause sedimentation to enter river systems and possibly end up in the lake.

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To prevent this, sediment ponds have been created at several points, with capacities ranging from 1,000 cubic meters to 13 million cubic meters. There are a total of 81 sediment ponds. These ponds, which control sedimentation, also help reduce the risk of erosion and grinding in the mine’s surrounding area. The ponds are dredged regularly. PT Vale in 2011 spent IDR19.97 billion managing the sedimentation ponds.

Treatment of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3)The treatment of hazardous and toxic waste (B3) is conducted by PT Vale in cooperation with PT Prasadha Pamuna Limbah Industri (PPLI) in Bogor. PT Prasadha specializes in the management of hazardous and toxic waste such as batteries, electronic goods and hazardous liquids.



PT Vale collects the B3 waste in a warehouse and, in 90 days at the most, removes it. “I don’t think we have a problem with B3 waste. It is all managed well,” said Pieter.

As it has done in the past, PT Vale also manages the domestic waste and garbage from surrounding communities. In 2011, the company spent IDR10 billion on the technology to separate organic waste from non-organic waste. “The installation was completed in 2011. We hope all will go well this year,” said Pieter Sampetoding. []

Hazardous waste treatment installation at Rante Pond.

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Lahan Tambang yang Kembali Menghijau

Karung-karung berisi pupuk berjajar di area Bukit Inalahi. Tanaman penutup dan perintis sudah siap ditanam untuk menghijaukan kembali daerah purnatambang seluas empat hektar itu.

Penghijauan Bukit Inalahi adalah bagian dari program revegetasi PT Vale sepanjang 2011. Inilah salah satu bentuk pengelolaan lahan purnatambang agar bisa kembali mendekati kondisi semula dan sesuai peruntukannya.

Lahan seluas 137 hektar telah direhabilitasi pada 2011. Tahapan rehabilitasi lahan meliputi pembentukan kontur sesuai standar lereng lahan rehabilitasi, pengembalian tanah pucuk (top soil), pengendalian erosi, pembangunan drainase, pembangunan jalan revegetasi, penghijauan, pemeliharaan tanaman, dan pemantauan keberhasilan.

Rehabilitasi lahan adalah bagian tak terpisahk an dari kegiatan operasional PT Vale.

Saat lahan ditata, seluruh bongkahan batu ditimbun sedalam satu meter. Pengendalian erosi dilakukan dengan membangun lereng balik (back-slope), saluran air, kolam pengendapan, tanggul pengelak, dan lain-lain. Setelah tahapan penataan lahan selesai dilakukan, top soil atau tanah pucuk ditebarkan ke seluruh lahan dengan ketebalan antara 20-30 cm. Tahap akhir penyiapan lahan adalah penggemburan lahan.

Tahapan rehabilitasi selanjutnya adalah penanaman tanaman penutup tanah dan pohon-pohon jenis perintis. Lahan yang telah digemburkan ditaburi kompos sebanyak 25-30 ton/hektar guna memperbaiki sifat fisik dan kimia tanah agar sesuai dengan pertumbuhan tanaman penutup.

Benih tanaman penutup, yang merupakan campuran jenis rumput-rumputan dan kacang-kacangan, ditanam dengan cara disebar di atas tanah. Sementara jenis pohon perintis yang ditanam seperti sengon, johar, eukaliptus, dan akasia. Pada satu hektar lahan rata-rata terdapat 400 pohon. Dalam

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satu area ditanami lebih dari satu jenis tanaman untuk memperkaya biodiversitas lahan, meningkatkan ketahanan pohon dari serangan hama penyakit, dan menyediakan keragaman tempat hidup satwa.

Pemeliharaan tanaman dilakukan hingga tanaman berumur satu setengah tahun atau hingga dapat tumbuh alami secara berkelanjutan. Sebelum tanaman bisa “mandiri”, kegiatan pemeliharaan, seperti pembersihan gulma, pemberantasan hama penyakit, dan pemupukan ulang, terus dilakukan.

Meski demikian, rehabilitasi lahan bukannya tanpa kendala. “Ada area pasca-tambang yang tidak bisa ditimbun kembali karena berbentuk puncak-puncak batu cadas yang tidak terdapat tanah sebagai media tumbuh tanaman. Kondisi tanah yang miskin unsur hara dan kandungan besi yang tinggi sering menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh kerdil. Selain itu, ada hama penyakit yang kerap menyerang,” jelas Aris Ambodo, Manager Mine Rehabilitation PT Vale.

Pada 2005, misalnya, sempat terjadi serangan hama terbesar berupa wabah karat puru (gall rust). Wabah ini menjangkiti pohon-pohon trembesi yang berujung pada kegagalan 800 hektar area rehabilitasi. Maka PT Vale kembali menanam jenis pohon yang berbeda untuk mengurangi serangan jamur yang sama.

Sedangkan kendala terbesar yang ditemui sepanjang 2011 adalah curah hujan yang tinggi. Lahan menjadi sangat basah, bahkan di beberapa lokasi bulldozer terbenam, sehingga menyulitkan penataan. Akibatnya, penataan lahan terlambat dan tidak bisa segera ditanami.

Tanaman Lok alProgram yang menarik adalah penanaman berbagai jenis tanaman lokal yang telah dilakukan sejak 2007. Tanaman lokal ditancapkan di bawah pohon perintis pada lahan rehabilitasi yang telah berumur empat tahun ke atas.

Tanaman lokal memerlukan naungan dari tanaman perintis yang rimbun agar dapat berkembang. Jenis tanaman lokal itu seperti bintangur (Calophyllum inophyllum), betao (Callophyllum sp.), belulang (Stemonurus celebicus), jambu-jambu (Syzygium sp.), kayu hitam (Diospyros celebica), meranti (Shorea sp.), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), dan kayu bitti (Vitex Coffasus).

Pada 2012, PT Vale tetap menjaga maksimum luas bukaan lahan untuk penambangan pada batas 1.100 hektar demi menjaga kondisi lingkungan. Total area yang direncanakan direklamasi pada 2012 seluas 115 hektar. PT Vale juga berkomitmen melaksanakan progressive rehabilitation demi mengurangi dampak erosi sesegera mungkin. []

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Mined Areas Returned to GreenLand rehabilitation is inseparable from PT Vale’s operations.

Sacks of fertilizer were lined up in the Bukit Inalahi area. Cover crop and pioneer plants were ready for planting to re-vegetate the four-hectare area which had been subjected to mining activities.

The restoration of Bukit Inalahi is part of PT Vale’s re-vegetation program for 2011. It is a form of managing post-mining land, and an effort to restore the land, as closely as possible, to its original state and function.

An area measuring 137 hectares was rehabilitated in 2011. This consisted of land reclamation, or the reshaping of terrain into a standard rehabilitation-ready slope; restoration of top soil; erosion control; building drainage systems; laying down paths for re-vegetation; greening; maintenance of vegetation; and monitoring results.

When an area is to be restructured, rocks are first buried at a depth of one meter. Erosion control is done by creating back slopes, water channels, sedimentation ponds, embankments, etc. The next stage, after the land has been restructured, involves the distribution of top soil at a thickness of 20 to 30 cm. The last stage is the tilling of land.

The next stage of rehabilitation involves the planting of cover crop and trees categorized as pioneer plants. Tilled land is treated with compost at a rate of 25-30 tons per hectare to improve the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics and match them with the requirements of the cover crop.

Seeds of cover crop, which consist of a mix of grasses and legumes, are sown by way of scattering them on the earth. Pioneer plants that are used include sengon, johar, eucalyptus and acasia trees. On average, a plot measuring one hectare contains 400 trees. The type of vegetation grown in a plot is always mixed to increase the area’s biodiversity, improve plant resistance against pests and diseases, and provide diverse habitats for fauna.

The vegetation is tended until it is aged 1.5 years, or until it can grow naturally in a sustained manner. Before the vegetation can be left to grow independently, continuous maintenance is carried out; this includes weeding, eradication of pests and diseases, and reapplication of fertilizer.

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Despite these efforts, land rehabilitation is not without its difficulties. “There are post-mining areas that cannot be reinstated because they consist of rocky outcrops containing no soil, which is essential to support plant growth. Soil that is poor in nutrients and high in iron often causes plants to grow stunted. Also, they are vulnerable to pests and diseases,” said Aris Ambodo, Manager for Mine Rehabilitation.

In 2005, for instance, crops of trembesi trees were attacked by a severe case of gall rust, wiping out 800 hectares of rehabilitated land. After that, PT Vale replanted the area with different types of trees to reduce the chances of the crop being attacked by the same fungus.

The biggest obstacle for rehabilitation efforts in 2011 was the presence of high levels of rainfall. Heavy rains soaked the earth in some locations even causing bulldozers to become stuck and caused delays in land restructuring activities; as a result, the planting of re-vegetation crops also had to be delayed.

Loc al VegetationOne interesting program carried out since 2007 is the planting of a variety of local vegetation. In this program, local plants are placed under pioneer plants in rehabilitated areas aged four years and older.

Local plants require shade from lush pioneer plants to be able to grow. Among these local plants are bintangur (Calophyllum inophyllum), betao (Callophyllum sp.), belulang (Stemonurus celebicus), jambu-jambu (Syzygium sp.), kayu hitam (Diospyros celebica), meranti (Shorea sp.), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) and kayu bitti (Vitex Coffasus).

In 2012, PT Vale will keep the area cleared for mining at a maximum of 1,100 hectares to preserve environmental conditions. The total area planned for reclamation in 2012 is 115 hectares. Vale Indonesia is also committed to carrying out progressive rehabilitation as soon as possible to reduce the impact of erosion. []


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Pesta Luwu, Pesta KitaDari siraman rohani, bedah buku, hingga konser Mahadewi.

Memperingati Hari Jadi Tana Luwu ke-744 dan Hari Perlawanan Rakyat Luwu ke-66, manajemen PT Vale bersama empat pemerintah kabupaten di Luwu Raya (Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Luwu, dan Palopo) menggelar pesta rakyat pada 20-22 Januari 2012. Acara, yang dipusatkan di Malili dan Mangkutana di mana penyelenggaraannya didukung oleh manajemen PT Vale, berupa seminar dan bedah buku “Budaya Tana Luwu”, tausiyah ustadz Maulana, tarik tambang, pawai lampion, konser grup Mahadewi, dan ditutup dengan upacara bendera.

Chief Operating Officer (COO) PT Vale Josimar Pires mengaku terkesima melihat antusiasme masyarakat Luwu dalam perhelatan ini. “Kegiatan ini merupakan tradisi yang sangat bagus. Acara seperti ini harus selalu ada,” kata Josimar, yang bersama manajemen PT Vale sempat bertanding tarik tambang melawan tim Pemkab Luwu Timur, yang dimotori Bupati Andi Hatta Marakarma.

Sedangkan Presiden Direktur & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter berpendapat, pesta rakyat merupakan media silaturahmi antara manajemen dan masyarakat, sekaligus membangkitkan semangat masyarakat. “Untuk itu, PT Vale yang beroperasi di wilayah Luwu akan mendukung kegiatan masyarakat seperti ini,” ujar Nico Kanter.

Dalam acara bedah buku dan dialog budaya Tana Luwu, hadir narasumber Sirtjof Koolhof, pengamat budaya, serta sejarawan Profesor Andi Ima Kesuma dan Edward Poelinggomang. “Kegiatan seperti ini membuka kembali mata masyarakat Luwu tentang pentingnya melihat sejarah dan menghargai budaya lokal kita,” kata Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma.

Luwu Maju PesatPada malam puncak acara, hadir tamu kehormatan, yakni Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan Syahrul Yasin Limpo beserta perwakilan Muspida Sulawesi Selatan. Gubernur juga memberikan ucapan selamat dan sambutan kepada masyarakat Luwu.

“Luwu merupakan wilayah di Sulawesi Selatan yang sangat pesat kemajuannya. Ekonomi dan pertaniannya maju. Semoga hal ini dapat terus dipertahankan seluruh masyarakatnya,” ujar Gubernur. Dia juga mengingatkan agar seluruh masyarakat Luwu senantiasa menjalankan kearifan lokal berupa toleransi dan semangat gotong royong.

Pesta semakin meriah dengan hiburan dari pop star Mahadewi, yang berhasil menggoyang ribuan penonton yang memadati Lapangan Andi Nyiwi. Pada penutup rangkaian acara, digelar upacara bendera sebagai penghormatan mayarakat Luwu kepada para pahlawan di masa revolusi kemerdekaan. []

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Siraman rohani dari Ustadz Maulana diikuti ribuan masyarakat

Malili dan sekitarnya. Marching band memeriahkan

pembukaan upacara bendera di Mangkutana (bawah).

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Luwu Festival, Our FestivalFrom spiritual talks and book reviews to a Mahadewi concer t.


In commemoration of the 744th Anniversary of Tana Luwu and the 66th Luwu People’s Resistance Day, PT Vale’s management alongside authorities from four regencies in Luwu Raya (East Luwu, North Luwu, Luwu and Palopo) held a folk festival on 20-22 January 2012. The celebrations, held in Malili and Mangkutana and supported by PT Vale’s management, consisted of a seminar and book review of “The Culture of Tana Luwu” (Budaya Tana Luwu), spiritual advice from Ustadz Maulana, a game of tug-of-war, a lantern parade, a concert by the Mahadewi group, finally, a flag ceremony.

PT Vale’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Josimar Pires said he was impressed by the enthusiasm of the Luwu community during the festival. “This activity is a very good tradition. These events must always be held,” said Josimar, who, alongside PT Vale management staff, participated in the tug-of-war against a team of East Luwu government officials led by Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma.

PT Vale’s President Director and CEO Nico Kanter said the folk festival was an ideal place for company management staff and community members to meet, and a good way of raising people’s spirits. “For this reason, PT Vale, which operates in the Luwu region, will support community activities like this,” said Nico Kanter.

The book review and Tana Luwu cultural dialogue was attended by cultural observer Sirtjof Koolhof and historians Professor Andi Ima Kesuma and Edward Poelinggomang. “Events like these are an eye-opener for the Luwu community as they make people understand the importance of looking back at history and appreciating our local culture,” said East Luwu Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma.

Luwu Developing RapidlyThe evening was highlighted by the arrival of the guest of honor, South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo and representatives from South Sulawesi’s provincial council of leaders. The Governor congratulated the Luwu community and gave a speech.

“Luwu is a region in South Sulawesi that is developing rapidly; its economy and agriculture have developed well. I hope its community can keep this up,” said the Governor. He reminded the community to hold fast to the local wisdom of tolerance and mutual cooperation.

Pop stars Mahadewi rocked the festival’s audience that evening, performing on the grounds of Lapangan Andi Nyiwi. The day ended with a flag ceremony as the community’s sign of respect for the country’s heroes who lost their lives in the revolution for independence. []


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Tug of war (left) and lantern parade (right).

Mahadewi entertaining thousands audiences in Malili.

Book review and dialogues “The Culture of Tana Luwu”


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Kunjungi Sorowako, Berbagi InformasiTim Vale Brasil mengunjungi Indonesia. Muncul banyak cerita menarik dari per temuan itu.

Tiga staf Vale Brasil tampak antusias memasuki area kandang ayam petelur. Mereka adalah Marco Barros (GM Community Relations), Roberta Aviz (Manager Community Relations), dan Maria Angert (Vale Foundation). Mereka bahkan berdiskusi serius mengenai pelaksanaan Commdev PT Vale dengan Sohra, Community Relations Analyst, dan Abdul, Ketua Kelompok Peternak Singkole yang mengelola ribuan ekor ayam petelur di Sorowako itu.

“Peternakan ini sangat mengesankan. Program yang bagus dan hampir sama dengan yang dilakukan masyarakat di area penambangan di Brasil,” ujar Roberta Aviz. Pujian ini dia sampaikan ketika mengetahui Kelompok Peternak Singkole juga memproduksi pupuk kandang seberat 40 kilogram dalam sepekan.



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Rombongan, dipandu Director External Relations & Corporate Affairs PT Vale Basrie Kamba, kemudian melanjutkan kunjungan ke kelompok ternak ayam potong Mitra Pae-pae, program mina-padi, dan budidaya ikan air tawar di Wasuponda. Terakhir, rombongan diajak berkunjung ke Rumah Sakit Inco dan gedung Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) untuk HIV dan AIDS.

Dinamik a OperasionalisasiSelama tiga hari, 8-11 Februari 2012, tim Corporate Affairs Vale Brasil melakukan lawatan ke Sorowako. Selain mereka bertiga, terdapat Gleuza Jesue (Director Environment), Paulo Rocha (Environment Team), dan AJ Nichols (Asia Pacific Head, Corporate Affairs). Tujuan kunjungan adalah melihat langsung operasionalisasi penambangan dan program pemberdayaan masyarakat PT Vale.

Pada hari pertama, bertempat di ruang rapat Taman Antar Bangsa, rombongan mengikuti presentasi dan berdiskusi dengan tim External Relations Department, ditemani Senior General Manager Engineering & Technological Services Roimon Barus. Dalam acara tersebut, dipaparkan kebijakan perusahaan dalam menjalin komunikasi dengan karyawan dalam wujud town hall meeting, tantangan PT Vale dalam pengembangan bisnis, dan dinamika pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat. []


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Observing Sorowako, Sharing InformationA team from Vale Brazil visited Indonesia, resulting in many interesting stories.



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The three staff from Vale Brazil seemed enthusiastic as they entered the chicken coop for egg-laying hens. They were Marco Barros (GM for Community Relations), Roberta Aviz (Manager for Community Relations) and Maria Angert (Vale Foundation). They had serious discussions on the implementation of PT Vale’s community development programs with Sohra, a Community Relations Analyst and Abdul, Head of the Singkole Livestock Farming Group, which manages thousands of egg-laying hens in Sorowako.

“This farm is very impressive. The program is good, and similar to what the community in the Brazilian mining area is doing,” said Roberta Aviz. He made the compliments after learning that the Singkole Livestock Farming Group also produced 40 kilograms of manure a week.

The group, accompanied by PT Vale’s Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs Basrie Kamba, continued their visit to the Mitra Pae-pae Broiler Chicken Farming Group and the rice-fish intercropping program and freshwater fish cultivation in Wasuponda. The visitors were then taken to Inco Hospital and the Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) building for HIV and AIDS.

Operational D ynamics The Corporate Affairs team from Vale Brazil made their three-day visit to Sorowako from 8 to 11 February 2012. Others in the group included Gleuza Jesue (Director of Environment), Paulo Rocha (Environment Team) and AJ Nichols (Asia Pacific Head for Corporate Affairs). The visit was aimed at observing firsthand PT Vale’s mining operations and community empowerment programs.

On the first day, at Taman Antar Bangsa meeting room, the group attended a presentation and had discussions with the team from the External Relations Department, accompanied by Senior General Manager Engineering & Technological Services Roimon Barus. During the meeting, the visitors learned about the company’s policies on communicating with employees, which was conducted in the form of town hall meetings; PT Vale’s challenges in developing the business; and the dynamics of implementing community empowerment programs. []



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Mereka yang Berada di Saluran-saluran Panas

Profesi mereka merupakan bagian dari inti produksi nikel PT Vale. Mereka bekerja di antara tungku-tungku panas Process Plant, yang membutuhkan konsentrasi dan disiplin kerja tinggi. Mereka adalah para tapper, skimmer, dan pengemudi haul master.

Tapper bertugas menjaga nickel matte yang masih berbentuk cairan panas agar tidak tersumbat di saluran pemisah dengan saluran slag. Bila saluran tersumbat, nickel matte dan slag bisa tercampur. Akibatnya, kualitas dan kuantitas nickel matte yang dihasilkan turun.

Tugas skimmer hampir sama, hanya saja lebih berfokus pada aliran saluran slag. Terakhir, yang tak kalah penting, adalah pengemudi haul master, truk raksasa pengangkut slag menuju tempat penampungan. Inilah kisah mereka selama bekerja di antara hawa panas.

Batholomeus Massenga (35), TapperBatholomeus telah menjalani profesinya sejak tujuh tahun lalu. Dia bekerja di depan material bersuhu 1.300 derajat celsius selama delapan jam sehari. Dia harus lihai menggunakan besi berongga berukuran empat meter ke dalam mulut saluran. Dengan sigap dia harus senantiasa

berkoordinasi dengan rekan kerjanya yang memasang selang oksigen di pangkal besi dan menunggu aba-aba. “Kalau sudah ada oksigen keluar dari rongga besi, harus cepat didorong dan diputar-putar. Kalau terlambat bisa tersumbat,” ujarnya.

Selain berjibaku dengan hawa panas, Batholomeus harus lihai mengawasi percikan api yang kerap keluar dari saluran. Bila percikan api itu mengenai tangan, kulit bisa berlubang dan membekas seperti gigitan ular. Meski menggunakan aluminized clothing, Batholomeus kadang masih terkena percikan api itu. “Kalau sudah begitu, berarti perlu lebih waspada. Inilah pekerjaan saya,” ujarnya bangga.

Er win Ar ya S amad (42), SkimmerErwin Arya masih mengenakan aluminized clothing ketika Halo Vale hendak mewawancarainya. Dia memperkenalkan diri, kemudian membuka “baju astronotnya” itu. Kami melihat bajunya basah-kuyup karena keringat. Dia hanya tersenyum melihat wajah kami yang tercengang. “Profesi ini seperti petinju. Mulai ronde pertama sampai selesai, terus berkeringat. Pakaian tak pernah kering,” kata dia.

Tak heran, tambah dia, ketika pulang kerja dengan menggunakan bus karyawan, tak ada orang yang mau mendekatinya. “Karena pasti bau,” ujar Erwin terkekeh. Dia pun bekerja satu shift selama delapan jam per hari. Bila masuk pagi, istrinya akan bangun lebih awal dan membuatkan sarapan atau membungkuskan bekal.

Tetap konsentrasi di tengah suhu 1.300 derajat celsius.

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Seorang skimmer seperti Erwin bertugas melancarkan saluran slag dengan tongkat besi. Saluran ini bersebelahan beberapa inci dari saluran nickel matte. Dalam beberapa peristiwa, aliran nickel matte keluar ke jalur slag, begitu pula sebaliknya. Jika demikian, semua tim akan bergerak. Saluran akan ditutup dan hal itu membutuhkan banyak tenaga. Aliran slag mengalir seperti lahar gunung berapi. Pelan namun membahayakan. Suhu slag lebih tinggi daripada nickel matte, yakni mencapai 1.500 derajat Celsius. Panas seperti itu bisa mencairkan tongkat besi yang digunakan Erwin dalam hitungan detik.

Sebagai perbandingan, bila menyentuh api kompor, kulit yang terkena hanya merah atau paling banter melepuh. “Kalau slag dan nickel matte terkena jari, pasti langsung meleleh,” ujar dia. Mengingat tingginya risiko kerja yang dihadapi, membuat Erwin punya kriteria tersendiri atas apa yang dimaksud dengan situasi aman: “Kalau saya sudah di rumah dan ganti baju,” katanya tertawa.

Muhammad Nasyaruddin (36), operator Haul MasterPria yang telah bekerja sejak 2002 ini adalah pengemudi truk pengangkut lahar panas dari furnace berbobot tiga ton untuk dibuang.

Pekerjaan ini juga tidak mudah. Pasalnya, Muhammad harus lihai mengoperasilan haul master yang memiliki dua jenis kemudi sekaligus, kemudi kendaraan dan kemudi untuk mengangkat dan menurunkan bak slag. Setelah itu, dia membawa truk melalui jalanan berbatu atau berlumpur sepanjang 1,5 kilometer menuju tempat penampungan slag.

“Sebelum menjadi pengemudi haul master, seseorang perlu mengenal lapangan selama tiga bulan. Sebab kalau tidak ada orientasi bisa terjadi insiden, seperti mangkuk slag tumpah,” ungkap dia.

Selain konsentrasi, fisik prima adalah kriteria wajib yang perlu dipenuhi operator “truk mangkuk” ini. Betapa tidak. Selama delapan jam per hari, si operator bisa bolak-balik dari furnace ke slag dump dengan membawa 17 “mangkuk” berisi slag.

Tantangan terberat adalah ketika bekerja malam hari dan kabut sedang turun. “Lampu haul master kadang nggak bisa menembus kabut. Jadi kalau masuk malam, pikiran dan fisik perlu lebih baik,” ujar dia. []



Bartholomeus Massenga.

Erwin Arya Samad

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Those Working in the HeatMaintaining concentration at temperatures of 1,300 degrees Celsius.



Their job lies at the heart of PT Vale’s nickel production. Working among scorching hot furnaces of the Process Plant, they need the most concentration and discipline when it comes to getting the job done. They are the company’s furnace tappers, skimmers and Haul Master truck operators.

A tapper’s job is to ensure that nickel matte in its hot liquid form does not clog up the dividing channel separating it from the slag flow. If the channel is blocked, nickel matte will mix with the slag, thus reducing the quality of the nickel matte produced.

A skimmer has a similar job, but focuses more on the flow in the slag channel. Finally, the operator of a haul master oversized truck is tasked with transporting the slag to a holding area. This is a story of those who spend their working hours constantly in the heat.

Batholomeus Massenga (35), TapperBatholomeus started doing his job seven years ago. He works in front of materials with temperatures of 1,300 degrees Celsius, eight hours a day. He must be skilled at using the hollow iron structure that has a four-meter channel at its opening. His work involves coordination with a colleague who fixes an oxygen tube at the foot of the iron cavity then waits for his signal. “If oxygen starts coming out of the cavity, it must be pushed and turned around. If we are late to do this, it could get blocked,” he said.

Apart from having to deal with high temperatures, Batholomeus must also be wary of fire sparks that often escape the channel. Sparks that land on the skin leave pockmarks, similar to marks caused by a snake bite. Although Batholomeus wears aluminized clothing, the sparks occasionally still get to him. “When that happens, it means I need to be more cautious. This is my job,” he said proudly.

Er win Ar ya S amad (42), SkimmerErwin Arya was still in his aluminized clothing when Halo Vale interviewed him. He introduced himself then took off his “astronaut gear”. His clothes were soaked in sweat. He smiled as he watched us recoil from the shock. “This job is like a boxer’s. From the first round to the end, I am constantly sweating. My clothes are never dry,” he said.

Not surprisingly, he said, when he takes the employees’ bus home, nobody wants to sit next to him. “Because I must really stink,” Erwin said with a chuckle. He works on eight-hour shifts. If he has the morning shift, his wife gets up early and makes him breakfast or packs him a meal.

A skimmer like Erwin has the job to smooth the slag channel using an iron bar. This channel is only a few inches away from the nickel matte channel. In a few instances, the nickel matte has escaped into the slag flow, and vice versa; when this happens, the whole team must take action because all channels must be shut, and this requires a lot of manpower.

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Slag flows like lava from a volcano: it is slow and intimidating. The temperature of slag is higher than of nickel matte – reaching 1,500 degrees Celsius. In just a few seconds such temperatures can melt an iron bar, such as the one used by Erwin.

As comparison, fire from a stove that comes into contact with skin will cause the skin to become red or, at the most, blister. “If slag and nickel matte touches your finger, it will melt straight away,” he said. Because of the extremely risky nature of his job, Erwin has his own criteria of a safe situation: “It is when I am at home and have changed my clothes,” he said with a laugh.

Muhammad Nasyaruddin (36), operator Haul MasterMuhammad has been on the job since 2002, driving a truck that transports and removes 3 tons of hot lava from the furnace.

The job is not an easy one. Muhammad must operate the haul master’s two types of controls simultaneously: one is the steering wheel to drive the vehicle; the other is to raise and lower the slag tray. Afterwards, he drives the truck over a 1.5-kilometer muddy or rocky track to the slag dump, or holding area.

“Before becoming a haul master operator, you need to learn the ropes for three months. If you don’t go through an orientation process, accidents could easily happen, like having the slag spill out the bucket,” he said.

Apart from being able to concentrate, a good physique is a requisite for an operator of a “bucket truck”. For eight hours a day, the operator shuttles between the furnace and slag dump to transport up to 17 truck-buckets of slag.

The biggest challenge is working at night in foggy conditions. “Sometimes the haul master’s headlights cannot penetrate the fog because it is too thick. So if you are on a night shift, your mind and body need to be even sharper,” he said. []




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Muhammad Nasyaruddin

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Ada sekolah untuk semua profesi. Dokter, insinyur, tentara, perancang mode, koki, seluruh ilmunya bisa dipelajari di sekolah khusus. Tapi bagaimana dengan sekolah bagi para orangtua?

Menjadi orangtua yang baik tentu bukan perkara mudah. Perlu wawasan, keahlian, dan dedikasi yang tulus. Ketidaktahuan dan minimnya pengalaman bisa menjadi pangkal pola didik negatif dan dapat berujung pada karakter anak yang menyimpang.

Berbagi pengalaman dengan sesama orangtua merupakan salah satu cara termudah—dan menyenangkan—untuk menggali ilmu seputar pengasuhan anak. Itulah yang dilakukan Hening, Nadia, Penny, Mulyana, Mirna, Indri, dan Sierra.

Semua berawal dari pertemanan yang memberi mereka banyak kesempatan untuk berkumpul dan mencurahkan isi hati. Salah satunya soal pendidikan anak. Keprihatinan mereka pun sama. “Misalnya, soal sopan-santun dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak sebagai bagian dari cara mendidik anak. Memberi label ‘nakal’ kepada anak dalam ucapan sehari-hari masih sering kami dengar,” kata Hening Sarwasri.

Dari ngobrol-ngobrol itulah mereka lantas mendirikan Smart Parenting Club (SPC), bertepatan dengan Hari Ibu 2009. SPC menjadi wadah bagi orangtua yang peduli terhadap masa depan anak.

Visi mereka: Membentuk peradaban yang bermartabat dan berhati nurani dimulai dari lini terkecil dalam masyarakat, yaitu keluarga. Melalui miniatur “sekolah” untuk orangtua inilah, mereka mulai merintis mimpi.

Terus Belajar“Bagi para orangtua baru, tentu banyak yang perlu dipelajari. Kami prihatin tapi tidak pernah menyalahkan orangtua yang mendisiplinkan anak dengan cara mencubit, menjewer, atau menyeret anak yang merengek karena minta dibelikan jajanan di pasar. Semua itu karena ketidaktahuan,” tambah Hening, Ketua SPC. Maka orangtua baru dengan anak bayi dan balita menjadi sasaran utama SPC.

Parenting class akan digiatkan SPC sepanjang tahun ini. Di kelas kecil itu, setiap orangtua dapat berbagi pengalaman dan melontarkan permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi seputar anak. Lalu mereka mencoba mencari solusinya. “Bahkan pernah beberapa orangtua mengetuk pintu rumah kami untuk berbagi keluh-kesah. Tentu kami akan mendengar. Dan jika bisa, kami memberikan saran dari pengalaman kami sesama orangtua,” kata Nadia Mulkin, Sekretaris SPC.

Selain parenting class, SPC, yang kini punya 20 anggota aktif, juga mengadakan ajang yang lebih besar. Mereka pernah menggelar workshop bertajuk “Bunda Manajer Keluarga” pada Maret 2011 lalu, dan dihadiri tidak kurang dari 400 ibu. Acara tersebut mendatangkan Irawati Istadi, penulis buku-buku best seller seputar pendidikan anak dan pengelolaan keluarga. “Itu menjadi bukti bahwa keinginan para orangtua untuk menggali ilmu besar. Dan kami berharap bisa menjadi wadah bagi mereka yang ingin terus belajar,” kata Mirna Haerani, Humas SPC.

“Sekolah” untuk OrangtuaDi sinilah orangtua bisa saling berbagi pengalaman dan menuntut ilmu.

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Tidak ingin berhenti menyebarkan visi, SPC juga aktif mengisi berbagai ajang yang masih berkaitan dengan pendidikan anak. Pengurus SPC pernah menjadi motivator siswa-siswi SMP menjelang Ujian Akhir Nasional, menjadi pembicara dan moderator dalam berbagai seminar.

Kerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah dan BKKBN tingkat provinsi juga pernah dijalankan agar semakin banyak orangtua yang tertular virus better parenting. “Kami juga masih terus belajar. Salah satunya dengan menjadi peserta workshop atau seminar orangtua. Selesai workshop, ilmu yang didapat dibagikan kepada anggota SPC yang lain,” kata Penny Herawaty, Bendahara SPC.

Merangkul KeluargaApa mimpi SPC selanjutnya? “Kami tidak hanya berfokus pada internal komunitas ini. Sebaliknya, yang paling penting bagi kami adalah melihat perubahan positif pada pendidikan dan pola asuh anak di masyarakat sekitar kami,” kata Hening. Menjadi agen perubahan demi mewujudkan keluarga-keluarga cerdas merupakan misi mulia yang diemban SPC.

Menurut SPC, belajar menjadi orangtua cerdas tidak bisa seperti membalikkan telapak tangan. “Bukan hanya mengadakan seminar atau workshop satu kali, lalu tidak ada kelanjutannya. Justru yang penting adalah follow up. Kalau tidak ada, pasti lupa ilmu yang didapat saat seminar,” ujar Mulyana Mulkin, Seksi Program SPC.

Dan orangtua bukan hanya ibu. Ayah punya peran besar untuk mewujudkan keluarga cerdas. “Selama ini baru ibu-ibu yang mengikuti kegiatan kami. SPC berharap para ayah juga tertarik dengan kegiatan kami. Kami sedang merancang kegiatan yang menarik bagi ibu, ayah, dan anak sehingga mereka bisa datang sebagai keluarga yang utuh. Cerdasnya juga utuh,” pungkas Hening.

Tertarik menjadi anggota Smart Parenting Club? Silakan menghubungi Hening Sarwasri melalui email: [email protected], atau telepon: 0813-555 4233; 0811-423 669. []


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For all professions there is a school. Doctors, engineers, soldiers, fashion designers, chefs all their knowledge can be gained in specialized schools. But what about a school for parents?

Being a parent is not an easy task. Vision, expertise and genuine dedication are needed. Ignorance and lack of experience can initiate negative upbringing, resulting in the child’s deviant character.

Sharing experiences with other parents is one of the easiest and most fun ways to learn about parenting. That is what Hening, Nadia, Penny, Mulyana, Mirna, Indri and Sierra have done.

It all started with a friendship that provided a chance for them to gather and confide in each other. One topic was child education, and they all shared similar concerns. “For instance, to be polite when communicating to our children is part of their education. Labeling children ‘naughty’ is something we hear too often in daily conversations,” said Hening Sarwasri.

It was during these casual gatherings that the friends decided to establish the Smart Parenting Club (SPC), launching it officially on Mother’s Day of 2009. SPC became a venue for parents concerned for their children’s future.

Their vision was to create a civilization possessing dignity and a conscience, starting with the smallest unit in community, which was the family. Through this miniature “school” they embarked on achieving their goal.

Continuing to Learn “For new parents there are, of course, much to learn. We are concerned about, but do not blame, parents who discipline their children by pinching, ear-tugging or by dragging them away when the children whine for treats at a shop. It is all caused by ignorance,” added Hening, the chairperson of SPC. It is for this reason that SPC focuses its activities on new parents of babies and under-five-year olds.

This year, SPC will invigorate its parenting classes. In these small classes, parents can share their experiences and child-related problems. They can then seek a solution. “In fact we have had some parents knock on our door to confide in us. Of course we will listen to them; and if possible, we will give them suggestions based on our own experiences as parents,” said SPC Secretary Nadia Mulkin.

Apart from parenting classes, SPC, which currently has 20 active members, conducts activities on a larger scale. The group hosted a workshop with the theme “Mothers as Family Managers” in March 2011, attended by about 400 mothers. Guest speaker Irawati Istadi, author of a bestseller on child education and household management, was present at the event. “It is proof that parents have a great desire to seek knowledge. And we hope to facilitate those who want to keep learning,” said Mirna Haerani, the public relations officer of SPC.

“Schooling” for Parents A place where parents c an share their experience and gain knowledge.


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Beyond spreading its vision, SPC has also been involved in various activities relating to child education. SPC executives were motivators of junior high school students embarking on their National Exams and they acted as speakers and moderators in many seminars.

The organization has also cooperated with the local government and the provincial office of the National Family Planning Board (BKKBN) in its efforts to promote better parenting among parents. “We, too, are still learning. One way is to participate in workshops or parenting seminars. After attending those workshops, we share our knowledge with other members of SPC,” said SPC Treasurer Penny Hera Waty.waty.

Bringing Family TogetherWhat is SPC’s next goal? “We do not want to focus only on the internal side of our community. Instead, what is most important to us is to be able to see a positive change in the education and upbringing of children in the communities around us,” said Hening. Being an agent of change for the

purpose of creating smart families is SPC’s noble mission. According to SPC, learning to be a smart parent cannot be achieved overnight. “Not through attending a seminar or workshop just once without following up afterwards. In fact, the most important thing is follow-up, otherwise, knowledge gained through the seminar will just be forgotten,” said Mulyana Mulkin from SPC’s Program Division.

And mothers are not the only parents. Fathers have a big role in creating smart families. “So far, our activities have only been attended by mothers. SPC hopes that fathers will also be interested in our activities. We are currently designing programs that will be attractive to mothers, fathers and children so they can attend as a whole family. They will also become wholly smart,” said Hening.

Interested in becoming a member of Smart Parenting Club? Please contact Hening Sarwasri by emailing [email protected], or calling 0813-555 4233; 0811-423 669. []



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Jawab pertanyaan berikut ini dan dapatkan merchandise Vale. Lima pengirim yang beruntung masing-masing mendapatkan Polo shirt.

1. Vale beroperasi di berapa negara ? Jawaban: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Siapa nama CEO Vale yang berkunjung ke Sorowako pada Oktober 2011 ? Jawaban: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Kapan PT Inco resmi menjadi PT Vale Indonesia Tbk? Jawaban: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

Kirimkan jawaban Anda melalui email ke [email protected] atau fotokopi dan gunting formulir kuis ini lalu kirim ke DP 23B. Pengundian secara acak dilakukan melalui situs Pemenang akan diumumkan di Halo Vale edisi mendatang. Semoga Anda beruntung!

Answer these following questions and get Vale’s merchandise. The lucky five-senders each will get Polo shirt.

1. In how many countries Vale operates? Answer: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. What is the name of CEO Vale who visited Sorowako in October 2011? Answer: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. When did we finally announce our new name: PT Vale Indonesia tbk ? Answer: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

Send your answer by email to [email protected] or photocopy and cut out this quiz form and drop it to DP 23B. Random draw will conducted through Winner will be announced in upcoming issue of Halo Vale. Good luck!

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Istilah carpal tunnel syndrome atau musculoskeletal disorders mungkin asing di telinga kita. Namun jika istilah itu diterjemahkan sebagai rasa kaku di pergelangan tangan dan kelainan otot, pasti sudah sering kita dengar, bahkan mungkin kita alami.

Bukan hanya itu. Keluhan lain seperti nyeri pinggang dan kelelahan tak pelak akrab dalam keseharian. Keluhan-keluhan tersebut erat kaitannya dengan lingkungan kerja.

Ergonomi, ilmu yang mempelajari manusia di lingkungan kerja, perlu diterapkan untuk mengurangi stres dan menghindari cedera serta berbagai gangguan terkait penggunaan otot berlebih, postur tubuh yang buruk, serta pekerjaan berulang. Caranya dengan menata mekanisme kerja, ruang kerja, dan perangkat penunjang pekerjaan. Dengan penerapan ergonomi yang baik, tugas dan aktivitas disesuaikan dengan keterbatasan karyawan, sekaligus mengoptimalkan kemampuan pekerja.

Ergonomi dan K3 (keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja) tak terpisahkan. Keduanya mengarah pada peningkatan kualitas kehidupan kerja (quality of working life), yang berujung pada produktivitas dan kualitas kerja. Bahkan ada ungkapan bahwa “without ergonomics, safety management is not enough”. Berikut beberapa prinsip ergonomi sederhana di lingkungan kerja yang dapat Anda terapkan.

Ruang Kerja yang Lebih NyamanTata letak ruang kerja Anda berpengaruh besar terhadap kenyamanan bekerja.



* ) Atur meja kerja berdasarkan frekuensi penggunaan perangkat kerja. Perangkat yang paling sering digunakan seperti mouse dan telepon ditempatkan di posisi yang paling mudah dijangkau.* ) Atur pencahayaan ruang kerja. Hindari lampu yang menyorot langsung ke monitor karena akan memunculkan pantulan di layar.* ) Jangan menggunakan gagang telepon dengan menjepitnya di antara telinga dan pundak. Jika aktivitas menelepon relatif sering dilakukan, gunakan perangkat handsfree, sehingga mengurangi postur yang tidak normal pada leher.* ) Tempatkan mesin fotokopi di ruangan dengan ventilasi baik, karena cahaya yang terpancar dari mesin dapat menimbulkan ozon dalam ruangan. Ozon dapat menimbulkan iritasi mata, tenggorokan, dan berbahaya jika terhirup. Selain ozon, limbah mesin fotokopi lain seperti toner tinta dan serbuk halus kertas juga tidak baik bagi pernapasan.

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* ) Jaga temperatur 21 derajat Celcius dan kelembaban ruang 40-60% untuk mencegah bakteri, virus, dan jamur berkembang biak.* ) Posisikan kursi Anda seperti ilustrasi [i]

Ilustrasi [i] Ilustrasi [ii]

* ) Sebaiknya pilih kursi yang dapat diatur ketinggian alas duduknya dan memiliki penyangga punggung.* ) Aturlah kursi sehingga paha dalam posisi horizontal dan punggung bagian bawah tertopang. Tambahkan bantal di bagian bawah sandaran punggung bila perlu.* ) Gunakan kursi dengan penyangga tangan sebagai penopang saat menggunakan komputer.* ) Gunakan sandaran telapak kaki jika merasa kurang nyaman dengan pijakan Anda.* ) Ubahlah posisi duduk secara teratur selama bekerja, karena duduk dalam posisi tetap dalam jangka lama akan mempercepat risiko nyeri pinggang.* ) Posisikan komputer seperti ilustrasi [ii].* ) Atur posisi kibor agar lengan Anda dalam posisi rileks, dengan lengan bawah pada posisi horizontal.* ) Pergelangan tangan harus lurus.* ) Ketika mengetik dan menggerakkan mouse, lengan harus ikut bergeser sehingga jari tidak dipaksa meraih tombol- tombol kibor.* ) Atur monitor sehingga mata Anda kira-kira setinggi tepi atas layar. Monitor yang terlalu rendah atau terlalu tinggi akan menyebabkan leher dan pundak nyeri jika bekerja dalam waktu lama.* ) Jarak Anda dan monitor berkisar 45-60 cm. Monitor yang terlalu dekat mengakibatkan mata cepat lelah.* ) Posisikan monitor tepat lurus di depan Anda, jangan paksa kepala menoleh untuk melihat layar.

Apa tanda-tanda sistem kerja yang tidak ergonomik?- Hasil kerja (kualitas dan kuantitas) tidak memuaskan.- Sering terjadi kecelakaan kerja atau kejadian yang hampir berupa kecelakaan.- Pekerja sering melakukan kesalahan.- Pekerja mengeluhkan adanya nyeri atau sakit pada leher, bahu, punggung, atau pinggang.- Pekerja cepat lelah dan butuh istirahat yang panjang.- Postur kerja yang buruk, misalnya sering membungkuk, menjangkau, atau jongkok.- Lingkungan kerja yang tidak teratur, bising, pengap, atau redup.- Pekerja mengeluhkan beban kerja (fisik dan mental) yang berlebihan.- Komitmen kerja yang rendah.- Rendahnya partisipasi pekerja dalam sistem sumbang saran atau hilangnya sikap peduli terhadap pekerjaan, bahkan muncul sikap apatis.



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The terms “carpal tunnel syndrome” or “musculoskeletal disorders” may seem foreign to our ears. Literally translated, though, it refers to stiffness in the wrists and disorders to the muscles, which are all conditions we often hear, or indeed, suffer ourselves.

But that is not all. Other ailments such as lower back pains and exhaustion are things that we hear of everyday. These complaints are closely related to the workplace environment.

Ergonomics, the study of humans in the workplace, needs to be applied to reduce stress and prevent injury as well as other disorders that may result from the overuse of certain muscles, poor body posture and repetitive actions. The way to do this is by arranging the method of the work itself and the mechanisms of work spaces and their supporting facilities. By applying sound ergonomic principles, tasks and activities can be adjusted to take into account employees’ limitations and at the same time optimize their potential capabilities.

Ergonomics and work health and safety (K3) principles are inseparable. Both aim to increase the quality of working life which, in turn, will result in better productivity and increased work quality. There is in fact a saying: “Without ergonomics, safety management is not enough”. Below are a few simple ergonomic principles that can be applied to your work environment

Create More Comfortable Work SpacesThe layout of the work space has a significant impact on work comfort.


* ) Arrange your desk based on the frequency you use your work equipment. Place items that are most often used, such as computer mouse and telephone, in positions that are easy to reach.* ) Adjust lighting in your work space. Avoid shining a light directly onto your computer monitor as this will reflect glare* ) Do not use your telephone handset by clasping it between your ear and shoulder. If you use the phone often, use a hands free set to avoid subjecting your neck to an abnormal posture.* ) Place photocopiers in a room with good ventilation because the bright light from the machine causes the release of ozone into the room. Ozone causes eye and throat irritation, and is harmful when inhaled. Apart from ozone, other photocopier waste, such as ink toners and fine paper dust, can also be harmful to the respiratory system.


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* ) Maintain a steady temperature of 21 degree Celsius and humidity level of 40% to 60% in the room to prevent the development of bacteria, viruses and fungus.* ) Position your chair as shown in the illustration [i].

Illustration [i] Illustration [ii]

* ) If possible, choose a height-adjustable chair with back support.* ) Adjust your chair so your thighs are positioned horizontally and your lower back is supported. Place a cushion on the lower part of the back rest if necessary.* ) Use a chair with armrests as support when using the computer.* ) Use a footstool if you feel uncomfortable with your footing.* ) Change your seating position regularly during the course of your work because sitting in the same position for extended periods of time increases the risk of lower back pain.* ) Position your chair as shown in the illustration [ii].* ) Position the computer keyboard so your arms are in a relaxed position, with the lower arm resting horizontally.* ) Your wrists must be straight. * ) Make sure when typing on the keyboard and moving your mouse, your arm moves freely as well so your fingers are not forced to reach out to the keypads.* ) Position your monitor so your eyesight more or less rests on the top of the screen. A monitor that is too low or too high causes strain on your neck and shoulders if you work over a long period of time.* ) Make sure there is a distance of 45 to 60 cm between you and the computer monitor. A monitor that is too close causes eye fatigue.* ) Position the monitor so it is directly in front of you. Your head should not be required to turn to view the screen.

What are the signs of a workplace that is not ergonomic ally correc t? - Unsatisfactory work output, in terms of quality and quantity.- Frequent occurrence of workplace accidents or near misses.- Workers making frequent mistakes.- Workers complaining of sores or pain around the neck, shoulders, back or lower back.- Workers becoming tired easily and requiring long periods of rest.- Poor work posture, such as having to bend over, reach across, or crouch frequently.- A work environment that is disorganized, noisy, poorly ventilated or dimly lit.- Workers complaining of excessive workloads, both physically and mentally.- Low commitment to work.- Low participation of workers in providing feedback, uncaring attitudes towards work, and a general feeling of apathy.



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TPS liar pinggir jalanI l legal dumping on side of the road

Lomba terongEggplant race

S ampah puntung di area terlarangCigarette butts in forbidden place


71Edis i Mei 2012 I Halo Vale

Rubrik Zoom In memuat potret unik dan menarik seputar tempat, orang, atau kejadian di sekitar kita. Kirimkan foto Anda ke [email protected].

Zoom In publishes unique and interesting pictures about places, people, or events around us. Send your photograph to [email protected].


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: Don

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: Don

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: Don

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