
Seven Chakra Healing Products

1. The main function of seven chakra healing products is to clean stagnant

and negative energy into positive energy.

2. Seven chakra healing products are made of 7 different layers of

gemstones. Each layer comprises a gemstone that matches the spiritual

energy of the 7 main chakras in our body, in the similar arrangement in which

the layers are seen, from the bottom most layer (red for the kundalini) to the

top most layer (violet for the crown chakra).

3. Each of our Chakras has it’s own unique healing color, which are also

the same colors that appear in a rainbow.

4. These pure, spectral colors can be used to energetically influence the

senses, balancing the body, mind and soul.

5. The seven Chakras are also connected to the seven layers of the aura:

The Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, the Etheric Template, Celestial and

Ketheric Template. ‘

6. Each Chakra also has healing crystals and gemstones of co-ordinated

Chakra colors, which can be used in crystal healing.

7. Chakra crystals are a tool and can be like a storage battery for thought

energy. “Clearing” has to do with the energy of the stone or crystal. They also

to help to create situations in our lives that will lead us in directions that allow

positive growth and healing.

8. There are many ways to use seven chakra healing products but this is

a simple and effective way – make sure you will not be disturbed. Hold your

new crystal under running water, and as the water pours over it, close your

eyes and imagine all the negative energies are washed away down the drain

and out to the vast ocean to be purified by the cycles of life.

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