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Page 3: Skrót krym 2013s

Насыщенное цветом изображение объекта (особенно лицо или руки) сильнее, чем черно-белый рисунок или светлая фотография, изображающая далекий пейзаж, даже если поверхность этих иллюстраций будет точно такой же. Цветные пятна (изображения, графика) сильнее, чем серый блок текста. Цвет сильнее, чем белый,

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Page 4: Skrót krym 2013s

Это известный термин, но он все еще нуждается в уточнении. На

практике при проектировании макета, самый простой способ ошибиться - отсутствие контраста. Контрастом проще всего подчеркнуть разницу между длинной и короткой статьей, фото, графикой. Между цветом и его отсутствием, многострочным заглавием и его однострочным соседом. Тонкий и толстый шрифт ... Контраст это лучший способ организовать ваше визуальное послание, создание иерархии и облегчение навигации; увеличение контраста в готовом проекте, почти всегда приносит успех


Page 5: Skrót krym 2013s

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Типографский порядок

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a de-lightful covered shopping ar-cade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stain sedfsdf fdewaed glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a de-lightful covered shopping ar-cade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has

some pretty awful postwar stained asdfasd fdqaswdf glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo sdfsdf da

Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a de-lightful covered shopping ar-cade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stain sedfsdf fdewaed glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century

Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to sd-fasdfs fsd14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims,

has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as

Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcetsdfsdf fsdfsdf fsd. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the onlasdfsdf fdsdfsdf fsdfsdfsd fsdy medieval parish

church extant in awedfqwe dsasdafsd fsdasfdas reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly

devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Padxcvsdxcv vcxsx rc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie

stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors abovasddasd dsas-dasd dsasdasd asde a friendly little café is central sdfsdf fdsd and cheap and there’s a lift. Not asdfsdf fdsasdfasd fdsasd-fasd fdsasdfsadf fdsa all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Pardfgdf gfdfgdfg gfdfgddfgdfg c Léo Lasdfasdf fdsasd-fasdf agraasdasd dasdasd dsasdasnge. To get there, take bus B, k, asdfasd fdasdM or N asdasd dasdasd dsasdasd dsasdasd to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a liftasdasd dsasdasd dsasdasd. Not all rooms have their own Wcbdfghdfgh gdfghdfgh df-ghdfgh or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo sdsdffsdf fd-sasdfaefsadf fdsasd Lagrange. To get there, take bus asdffasdf dfsfasdfasd fdsasdff sdfsas B, k, M or N to the comédie stop

or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. asdfasd fd-sasdfasd fdsaNot all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and asdfasd fdasdf it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo sdefsadf fd-sasd Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop awsedfsdf dsasd-

fasdf fdasdfasdf or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. asdfasd fd-sasdfasd fdsaNot all rooms have their own wefawsdf fr-dasdfasd fdsdfsd Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly

devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo sdefsadf fd-sasd Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. asdfasd fd-sasdfasd fdsaNot all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly

devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo sdefsadf fd-sasd Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. asdfasd fd-sasdfasd fdsaNot all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not asdasd dawsef dsasdfs fsa all rooms have their own asdfasdWc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the

Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only me-dieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. asdf sdf fdsdf fdsdfsdf fdsdfsd fdsdfsdf fdsdfsd fdsdf tredfsdf dsdf Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the s, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, tassdfsdfsdf fsdfsdfs fsdfsdfsdfsdfdfasd fdasdake bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is bfjhb jhb j h huv uuyguy fgui yfg and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own sdfsdf fdsadf dasdfafsd fdasdWc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, sdfsadf fdsdfsd the only medieval par-


Obama: I know my country has not per-fected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people.

Barack Obama, during recent congress of ethical involvment painted rooms are institutional and utterly

Obama: I know my country has not per-fected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people struggled to keep the promise.

Barack Obama, during recent congress of ethical involvment painted rooms are institutional and utterly

Obama: I know my country has not per-fected itself. At times, we’ve struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people.

Barack Obama, during recent congress of ethical involvment painted rooms are institutional and utterly

12%people were killed during last week in 3 attacks on military, has as much neon as Las Vegas





�ree jured akast serotenolTragedy in Peshawar A car exploded in the middle of a crowd of old woman


Militians arrested 120 Talibans

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-


Militians arrested 120 Talibans

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful postwar stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibanskarachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue crowned Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église



Pedestrianised place Drouet has al-most as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

Good perspectiveThetel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is bfjhb jhb j h huv uuyguy fgui yfg and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own sdfsdf fdsadf dasdfafsd fdasdWc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, sdf-

sadf fdsdfsd the oasdfasdff asdfnly medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.

Good perspectiveThee 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid ohe 85 brightly painted rooms are institu-tional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle sdfasd fds stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a lift. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victing arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are in-stitutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or N to


49minutes police couldn't get to a place when attack insti-tutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, K, M or N to the Comédie


49minutes police couldn't get to a place when attack insti-tutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange.

SCANDAL: The 85 brightly painted rooms are price is sdfsdf fdsasdfasdf fdsasdfasd fdasdf fdsasdf fdsasdfasdf fdsasdfdfsadsasdfasdfdf fdsasdfasdf fdsasdfdf fdsasdf fdsasdfasdf fdsasdfdféo Lagrange. PhoTo: BLooMBerG

Militians arrested 120 dead sdfgsdfg sdfImam Karzai, main uru of refor-matic wing in National Party: Utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léodsfgsdf dasdfasd fasdfas dfghdfg hgdfghdf hgdfghdf hgdfgdg dfgh hgdfgrgh hdfgdhfg hgdfghdfgh d Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, K, M or N to the Comédie stop or bus H to the Pont de sadfsdf fdsdfsdf dsdfsdf

Militians arrested 120 dead fghjf gjfghfhImam Karzai, main uru of refor-matic wing in National Party: Utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léodsfgsdf dasdfasd fasdfas dfghdfg hgdfghdf hgdfghdf hgdfgdg dfgh hgdfgrgh hdfgdhfg hgdfghdfgh d Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, K, M or N to the Comédie stop or bus H to the Pont de sadfsdf fdsdfsdf dsdfsdf


Is civil war a real thread in Pakistan?

 e blast seemed to represent an esca-lation in the militant response because the bombers chose a more congested area.Pushta Ramal, mother one of the victims.





Is civil war a real thre asdasd dsas

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More US marshals flying since last attack

More US marshals flying since last attack

More US marshals flying since last attack

More US marshals sdfgdfgdf flying since last attack sdfgsdfgdf


Militians arrested 120 Talibans

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful c medieval parish church . Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the.


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibans

karachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shop-ping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church . Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-ful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church


Militians arrested 120 dead Talibans

karachi. Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delight-

Explosion rocks 3 schoool aseradet menelaos relaks

Place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas



Pedestrianised place Drouet has al-most as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm dfgdfgdfgdfgd gdfgdfg fdfgd-fgbut the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lasdfasdf fdsasdfasdf agraasdasd dasdasd dsas-dasnge. To get there, take bus B, k, M or asdasd dasdas dasdasN to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.

hôtel Victoria it sure ain’t the ritz but this 29-room hostelry on six floors above a friendly little café is central and cheap and there’s a liftasdasd dsasdasd dsasdasd. Not all rooms have their own Wc or air-con; room 52 looks straight onto the Subé Fountain.

Pedestrianised place Drouet has almost as much neon as Las Vegas. Southeast of the Subé Fountain (built in 1907) – crowned by a gilded statue of Winged Victory – is a delightful covered shopping arcade called Galerie condorcet. in rue Marx Dormoy, 12th- to 14th-century Église St-Jacques, the only medieval parish church extant in reims, has some pretty awful post-war stained glass.

The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s jasdasd dsasdaust across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. To get there, take bus B, k, M or ewrwerw rwerwer rw-erwerweN to the comédie stop or bus h to the Pont de Gaulle stop.


Is civil war a real thre

SCANDAL: The ait’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. PhoTo: BLooMBerG

Arsenal tomeraseton mentahiceal depite

Arsenal tomeraseton aserotemate

McCane: I know my country has sdfssdff ssdnot perfected itself. At times, we’ve know my country has

WHERE IS MY BROTHER? The 85 brightly painted rooms are insti-tutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. PhoTo: BLooMBerG

WHERE IS MY BROTHER? The 85 brightly painted rooms are institutional and utterly devoid of charm but the price is right and it’s just across the canal in Parc Léo Lagrange. PhoTo: BLooMBerG

 e blast seemed to represent an esca-lation in the militant response because the bombers chose a more congested area.Pushta Ramal, mother one of the victims.

A car exploded in the middle of a crowd of old woman kids

Page 6: Skrót krym 2013s

Замена изображения на более интересное, более обращает на

себя внимание, чем какое-либо другое графическое изменение. В иллюстрированной прессе (а другой уже просто нет) изображения играют доминирующую роль, и эта тенденция, похоже, будет постоянной. Тем не менее, характер содержания газеты влияет на тип фотографий, которые будут в ней опубликованы, и это оказывает влияние на тип графических решений. Иначе будут выглядеть макеты газет, где будут размещены исключительно лица политиков и бизнесменов, а иначе популярно-развлекательные,

показывающие скудно одетых певиц и знаменитостей. Редактирование стиля фотографий и графического дизайна газеты зависит от многих элементов: бюджета редакции, фотографических умений команды, качества печати, частоты выпуска, и многих других вещей.

Редактирование фотографий

Page 7: Skrót krym 2013s


Page 8: Skrót krym 2013s

Многие новые формы презентации цифровых данных, связаны с

автоматическим средством визуализации. Другие идеи для инфографики создаются для размещения в Интернете или публикации в СМИ. Все больше и больше инфографика содержит анимационные элементы, фильмы и носит интерактивный характер. Кроме того, это будущее для газетной инфографики, которой все больше придется отстаивать себя в цифровом мире. Для подготовки интерактивных и мультимедиальных инфографик, вы можете использовать ту же программу, в которой макетируете газету. См. примеры.

Новые формы

Page 9: Skrót krym 2013s

Она не может быть слишком перегружена информацией. Это

означает, что необходимо тщательно отбирать информацию, которая присутствует в графическом виде. Тем не менее, даже самая простая идея требует тщательного проектирования визуальной формы, написания нужных текстов хорошего заглавия. Ничего не может быть произведено в спешке. Хороший способ ускорить работу над простой инфографикой, является повторение особенно удавшихся ранее решений.

Проект простой инфографики

Page 10: Skrót krym 2013s

Сложный пакет возникает из многих простых инфографик. Чаще

всего главным компонентом является форма называемая диаграммой (она показывает, как что-то работает, из чего состоит, как устроено), дополнена схемами, графиками, картами и другими простыми графиками. Над пакетом чаще всего работает „штаб” авторов текстов и график, и основой для эффективных действий является осуществляемый с железной волей план действий и гра-фический набросок.

Работа над комплексным пакетом

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Page 12: Skrót krym 2013s

5 Во время съемок видео интервенции всегда позвольте

высказаться обеим сторонам.

Если одна из сторон не хочет говорить, покажите видео материал.

Page 13: Skrót krym 2013s

6 Интервью начинай с презентации своего гостя.

Page 14: Skrót krym 2013s

7 Собеседника постарайся показать в среде, в которой он живет,

или с ней связан. Если, например, речь идет о хоккее,

почему бы вам не поговорить на льду?

Page 15: Skrót krym 2013s

8 Скажите своему собеседнику,

чтобы он смотрел на вас, а не на камеру.

Page 16: Skrót krym 2013s

Фотография**смотри на блоге

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