Page 1:… · ¦¦¦!¦; • j ¦E9TA inwrtiv l847i- .•;'¦•?:-/'¦ •; ' -i jl AJKI«ST; CnioatX«»'iK:*Hi'S«O«B

¦ ¦¦ ! ¦ ; • j ¦E9TAinwrtivil847i- .•;'¦•?:-/'¦ • ; ' -ijl AJKI«ST; CnioatX«<>»'iK:*Hi'S«O«B 4»tBMi!ianb

n1"1 M K<i>U ot tf& «*£»**>; x*ijM(fM«t - . ;¦ :i > (orKMixM.xka'nOnaeufc-'aunthi»:";-», ¦ ¦¦ :¦i -OBICE-TWO FENCE i Xeariy(ln! Advaate) *8«. 6a.

"Tfca"- All Ch< ques.and Pij O; Orders,made payableti^CoEKBUDB P." BSDHOITO, wA this :Offloe. ¦; ¦ ¦ :. :"f- ¦• ¦¦ > ¦

¦¦ J •¦'- • •[; ¦ ¦¦y ;. \,\ - i- : i0[ . r--'

- - ~- :-

The NKWB (Ii kertl iy pbUtioe) eJroulateh «xtan«Telykmoaint tiiii mitohiffitf, ttiutara and nobflifer, 'geotry,'t dn'raUwiM , &O.} jnW*tarfi*d,Kilkauqf,Tii>pe»Tj,ajd'the'lbf uolpnd 'geteralljr.fThe Hl"wr«|na»vfiained * oirohlatloji 'neve* equalled" by; *ny psperblbliBh'Sd In WitJerford. and'rU; gdmittedW th leaiding¦fouraal Jn this important oityj with whfch there is directdiily ccmmnnloaaon.frwn London; ;¦ p: ¦ !'.- ; lj - ~ Inparti,mlar attention aJd!fa>


i llSv«ti»emU»:teoelrta-tdir.tli» Sfore byJOlwiqM-

kfiaVewspaH Awntf Inthe P^Ml . - I*£bt jment requisite awn pairtias not known at'th* oJBoe,

I AQ*HTB gbfc .'sijj.'o*: Jfta -OTTWJ. >*», *o}» '¦ "• • ;

¦ ¦¦. , . ¦ I AiiviaTtsMnart *-*1 '."! ? ! ? '' ' I ¦' .

\\ rATEEFOBu-ttr. ¦W.:K»i'*>'l4tBiS<3«0!;|efHt' :I Dl?Gi0aVA^BMHAJ»J*,CO./I>6w»bir«g «te, ;;.

*te !s£i*sSF3KK*G5

"Y -.-ftS' Ksprw*. 2Va»n*. <«4,i *«*<¦**5dswal v : I - MwfcSfeMiWtt,! ¦ I '.¦*>^ ^u, |- B7SB.J WEEK DAY. IJSttTM1 -'"r £KS LONDON- (Paddingtbn) at- 6j45 p'.m.,

,lwSi Seran fcnu'. in time fdr.tte;;TTsinfc on: l^wSXttaiidpnBriokjpontrriilroland,

U?< ^Arrivalof the 11 ajn Train from limerick,: oT»» Train..from Maryborough, and810 aim. Train from Lismore, Asumiro in¦ lsuism%s^En,

Sssfiassasss tt?ITattTmnoB Sunday morning. . . . . ¦• ., ¦ i-^ J .¦¦_

Cam can only be received «nojcos w» JW-^B

,& mlfwAn ABRIVAL of StowM'JfW W*-

*$&? no cirSun oeU, Passenger. toWi^ d

^a^voilaWel ™ffitfS £8„ ! : i< , l sra caaa8»ndI1oraC«bin,.aQjgd

BEX?(BkB (0v^Wo2flont ) Utd<^»* l;

¦ „ | i. ¦

8rd Clk»e »ndJPor6O»bUi, W« «4:

: PaddingtonTamunnB. j ; . I : '} *'

¦ !i

" : VjASEfiEIQAiN LINE. ^ '1 , S '

, -^i *| UNITED STiJTES' jMilT.

i ¦ NEW J0BK,_BO3TON. or BAMIttOEE,r|I I ETEET WEUHE8DAY, ':• ¦ V'-r- .-pE"

Calling at' Qneenstowa ThnraiayB. | ' -

1 FirsVclaeB Pnll-powered Iron ; StJ&nehipa.Tho on y Trans-Atlanta line sailing under tae; Um-

tod States FUg. Aocommodfttioii for all .olasiiea of

?asgengeia oqoal to any European Steamship Line.1 Passengers jtad goods are landed at Philadelphia on

the Wnarf of; the Pennsylvania Bailroad . Company,

vhiobJuuiths thortestand moat direct route to aUplacea

in the Western StateSr !. i . : I, For further particulars' apply to ! : ;• j! EI0HAHDSON, BPKNCE & Co., '¦ ¦ ¦ \ -

; , j I 17 and MiWatOTHSbfeet, Liverpool}! : I/OCAJi AOKNT8 : : < i

I HAEVEY &'SMiTH,' Little Oeorge'a-Street,

! EICHABB LANDYt Osracb on-8uii ; i

. 'WIIXIAM O'DOiJOQHJJE, KUmaothomaa ; ' -DOTLE &.HUNT,!New BOM. (O3)

i C U B E , F O B A L1*: ' | .sdiiiowAY's. oi»afs*£»Ti


,ness••»*depression, ana au^ ^ rf

ift iiilt^"Sifl' sTet SehSSSon,"dt»»nril'*oe 6»<»d-

:giSS«lSi S ftans

the .tSS or contracted tissue.,«»».» r nS-' flesh to disappear, and foul and loathsome


£J!iTu!d ffiese effects ;are not temporary, bnt areiiadical ond permanent i ' . ¦ , i . ¦i Ss ! Fl«DiAS, ' Ain> ABScBSSfB.-Theseiand aUieiiSfa'fffcSonsmurtb.. caret nil, WpdijccotdtogtoSli rSmendedintlieprintedrnstructioni. The.'SntoSt mustbf appue4;olrectlytK) thej«tsafleotad,W HoUowayf* KUs W Bimnltanoously tatsn to purify

; v icoas vii»B.—In tha reduction of »U (Hindalur

the woritoa«9 will yisldut» comparatively short ipaeaof time- ! , ; :

¦ ; ,:¦ '» ;• ¦¦ - V- -;.. j ' -

ScBOrnLiJUJDOiiPacni Dis»*8«a.—TMi OintmentIs a oertfin remedy for all diseases of tbe skin, Whetherpimple or ooinplicated.: Scurryv ringworm-, tjlotones,

: pimples, and btner oataheous diiorden, ar» atpnceera*dioated by thl« invaluable Unguent, i '- i , { ' ' 'BaththeiOinijn cnt atuiPiluJhovldbfUMi iH tlM/oUov i.

¦Bad Legs i ' T,Corns (Bolt) ; (¦ Soald* •. ¦ ¦ ¦¦; ¦

Bad Breasts , ;,KrtnI»» ] ' ' SoreXhrpatsiBurn*' ¦ i: . liOout -

¦ - . - ' J ' Skin Diseases

Bunions - i . , Glandular Swellings Hoarty " ;Y!>iiltil«;ti« I j Lumbago > ; ttoro'(tleadi

ChappedHa^ds j Piles .. : ' ¦. ' '.' Tumpan j '•

Contrictedand Stiff ¦ShsamitUtc ' : Dloers ,' : Joint« ij , i Bor*Nippl8» : ' W nads , ;

! 78. Njw O J^ ^ ^ ML,

plying att&£bV«2dr«»,<l»ily, bf*M». .M» "«« «f'

I i^OBS YQ0U HA^:*ALL i^™' mlttcnlofa»#rS«tlss,:s»4a*i Mpfc. aSiJ^Stars,

rta^ iiomry, for BTO*IVU»S;>!«»•»BJ»» H ¦ I Sc53li« "

ifei lte

3WS# "".T I: :'!• j ¦'OLTTDB SH£pi»iNi}!'OOMPAUT, '¦ ' ¦

|¦ | . - : ¦¦ ' I ¦'.-. ¦ v^OTBM^&JV^SSfe-. -¦ ' ?:; -V : ' ;j

.| Medlar 8isani Cotf aiu'kicaHon litwttn '[¦WATEKEOED: . ina LOHDOH ,fLYMOtTTH, SOOTHAltFTdlirj I iin1 SO0Tg . 0*, >)

i OOEk, DUBLIN, Bm?A»tiAai>taii4SCIOW. J j |.


INfflHTaAHUI/L, EATHLD*, 8AXTKE3; SKBRBTVOBI.T0WA3U),! »»- lnt<mdod to SnU issTtmiUr, »a»ai»r'#«rfmlBUnjj1 (nalen -prenatei {byStmtorsseen drsmastaaoet),wltMlbert+toTow V«»eU,»»d«oo*U *t«urPort or Portsla UT'order, lsor oat of the assttaaiarycoarse,toBapMr*sad Insbhmriie Cargo, or for arif othtr purpose whitaoerer.

- M : ¦ HEOM WATEBFOSD TO QI^JBQOW. ' r1 - ' I :Moodoy, T 2Dd«Ho». < Airaot - ''" "- t U :aodB. ;Tnasday: 3rd . . ,i : : rU Belbst'i ¦ '¦ < , i- p.m.,•WoanesdoyJ - .4tli : ,» i ; - TUCork-. '.li pim. ,SatSW < ' 7th „ ' I direot - ' 'l y .m. 'Hooaaiy, I ' 8th „ : ! dlreot ¦ U'soda:WedntiaftrJ llth;^ ; Tia Cork '{ 1! p.m.BdUudsy, . - l«h :-„_. . . !. , dlr»ob. . .: laipaii. 'iMOWAJ, 16th. „ 'i uiraet ' ' Inoon. imine sy, ¦ 18th ' „¦ - vt Cork ' ; V - i r pV*.!.Satttrdatt 81st „ ¦ : ,<llr«ot ¦ , ' l |p,m. IUa»0tj. , -?: "S3rd''',,' i: if -dinct : . ' :l2 noob lfinttBdsjtt 'ti -¦ £8th- '," !p./arirt-iVv;- ¦ '-M»V 'Ttlot&u. . 80tb. ,i : -J .!dl»ef : (^.. -" ,12 boo?." ; I ' • ¦- raoK oiisaowIxonrirtB»dk»: ! '£. ''L -

EVeryMONDAY dteeotl -*'¦ i ¦¦»-; . ;.; ¦ i p.m.. • W NE AT.Lco^ ^ ^ fl

Every THtTESDAY direct | ; '•... • :. | i",,. r I p.5.• ¦¦ ¦ I . - v ' ; ! i : I 1 E«nto Or»»8ook_^p.B- .l- L' ' ly. .' fson y txTxarom ip attwtat^ - '. '. '¦:¦¦' t iTUE8DiY, 8rd Movember, •: ¦¦ ; ..^ '¦ ;-j|«^ a t'l pja. J

• i ' r . - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦

; T in I ¦

.. .((, ¦

: < \ ¦ ¦ ¦.-¦:¦

\Every »En>AY, • ¦ I... . i ¦ | ... . ¦.;|>.i. |-«t. l pjn. }

• ¦ ¦¦¦• ssLTisn TO iriT»m«mo, fc :¦ . •.. - :¦-. . | TI Evary WEDNXiJDiAYLTl»DgbJfii. . '. -.- i |I •

¦!¦ • raox WIT»ETOOJ> ro nHJi, ' T ' < i ¦ A' ¦?;¦,? •'•Sto Cork ma Belfast «Tj- • • ;. . . :v t ?¦ - Frinajsrfithani aoth Hovem*r.-.: • . ;. j "/ |

!¦ . . ¦' ' :'¦ • . :¦ TU Cork n" | ¦• : : % . •!•,. ;. |.

"/ -.J ;

; :¦ i 7rUays, lSth ssd 27lb NoremMr.; i • '• ::DUSLI> TO WAISBTCKXH-Evtrjr THUBaOAY, direot.

•j .- ¦¦ \ . raox WiTisiopjo td ooBi,^;-,- .; i¦:•'. '.

•Every FRIDAY, direct : I • : ... ..! . at'l p n>.i PcoK /Cokz TO Wjiratroac, directv- ¦:I MOITDAY, 2nd'Novembor, uideveryiSSIDAt.: Wimroao TO LOHDOS <8t. Katherins's Dock),

i : Every SATDBDAY, at i pjo. . .i f ! ;LoirooH TO "WJLTXSUJBH, *rta FlrmoaUi, ¦ !

Every THOESDAY.: t»m St, Eathermt's Dock.! INo Tnuuhlinnent by this roate. . Ordtr* tor oaJl»etion o

delivery of Goods will bo atKrudsd to by L»Tiottoii Brotben69, Old BsUey, E.C. : iQraat HenniU««.3trert, WspcianlEand Aroh«wrtreet, South lambeth, 8.W. j r, 7 - |

WAIKETOED . TO PLTVOOTH, dlroot—Every 9ATIW0AYL! ¦ ¦ . ' a tip .ia. - : ' ;¦ ¦

, 7- [ ; . f

PITKODTB to WUXIIQ&D, direct—Every BATUBDAY.1 Wimnu TO SotmmytoM. VU PWMOCTB,! . Every SATUEDAy at * p.m. : . , : . , .i BOUZEUKROB TO WATSUPOKS, VU Pmnoatt! ¦. • ¦- . Every1 PSIDAY. j . . - :¦ :these Steamers hava excellent : aeoommpdatioB lot

Pipengers. ¦ I ¦ ' ¦ i ¦ ¦¦Ij '-iji ; •«> ,- .- . ' |T^^- . . . , . *AS8AaE-l|I0KE.j£. S \ ' j

• ; . • • ¦ ¦ ¦ . : ¦ :: Cabin. • 1B«tom; Doc tWsterfordtb Glasgow and Ballast ¦ 17s. M. \T*. ¦ 10s.

I „ , ¦ Cork, : ... ;. ._. ¦ IX '-" Ms. ' EaL' ! Dnblln, ... I -.- '. 12s. 61 flOt. 7«. 8d,, Plymouth 4 SonthamptO»,20s.' ¦¦' Ms.¦ ¦ Ids I

-,,- ; London, ... |...i| : «&: 6d ¦- ' S5«.. . KIs.|Setorn Tickets available for.tvo montha- s t.trasstenbl*|ChUdrenaboTe8apd nnderl :yeaT»ot a«», Ut Ilsr4 I•a- Non.r-Tbe Clyde Shippiag Company UMp* all Goods

shipped by these lines o.' Bteametcat Ss id JJBT ont, to-Tradershaving yearly agreements, aii|4«. per Cent.TO' oootunonalShippers. Vahies to be declared Bt time of ShijnaBBt.!- Forms•nd all information to be hod at the offices. ¦•¦ ipi: • ¦ ; : i

For Bates.'of. Freight, &o4 apply;to—J. . CeXtXKXaioic,M Utst i Hxntx J. Wxaura ii. Co, f Jnsouu j ITaoiusU'GisuT, {London aid South-Western Boilwfy Company,Exeter Buildings, Arthur Street, West, end-at flw> Lj. & 8.WBailwHT Beodving JC£oases | tbrooghout .LonJpnf. CLT»«Sdimia Co., Glasgow, Greenack, 13, Xhoma*-stT> Lfenoriok |ajafhampton; 21 EdeiQn»yiDublin; Patrick't'uaay, Cork,

i !CtYDE smPPrauiCOMPAMT M^i i ¦ ¦[ . ¦ '" ' ' ! CtutemBooiti <)uay, Waterurd. ' ':Special forms of Bills of | Lading, required by tho ClySs

8aij>jiing Cempony, to be hadjof.the AgeaU. : j

I Watorfora Steamahlp Company i¦ I ¦ ¦ (LIMITED). . :'*ai' J I'


¦ STEAMEBa t - : . "' - i i •'; •• ¦ ) ¦ ¦

BEQINAIiD, COMEBAGH, LABA, -ZEPHYB, GAX-jTEE, CEEADEN, IDA, I TINTEBN",' 9E0SA1,I - DAUNTLESS, and New Steamer BnMhg. , |i is_ |TK T^rOj» TiCE. —The [jVaterford

_, ' M-fc—Hf ¦ AJI ¦ Steamship CompanfClJnuted)iiirSBKSLjV^V . receive jOooa> and Uvsffitoo* for Bh|»-.¦ J^m«it : ori the- (X»dit!ou»;moi bn»d;is.-prn niirTii™r-Tr«mi»gajjjJJ^ -jAMtM, 4c, to be had;at thslr

I .- ¦ Offloes. ! ' I ' 'i l v i f 'I WATEEFOBJ) 1»!D ! BBISTO

! |max' wAixuross to BBJBTTOI, ¦ nun SIUBTOZ. tacwAtzaro9n>

i Dlrecti ¦ ! • ; " i [ ; ¦ Direct i - t T : ; | |Toeiday, fljov. 3... 3 s#'nooB Thunasy,.irov.. 6... 4 morn :Friday. ,, «... 8 Morn f Siturdsy; „ 7...!S *li' nlTdetoiy, „ W...10 m ra ; Woonjsday „ U.-.8 nl«jtFrid»T, „ 13-11 mom ; Saturday. „ 14..JO nightTuesday, ,, 17... a atfnoon Thursday, „ . 1S..J S momMaw, >, 20- » mbro | Saturday, „ 21.: & nlt'n!TSSUUT. „ U... 8 morn Wednesday,, 3... 8 night'FrSS; " 27-.W mom I kturiay. ", 28...W night.

O- < M eady Morning Soilings,' Cabins of the steamers winbeTopen .toKwelveTpSasenBers rriving by the Might jUsol

Fares—Calm, Us\ ; do. Efltnrn. (available for One month)at i do Children and Servants; tz&Tellins; with Families, 111*.D*ok, 7s. 6d. | do Children, 4s.! j ; ¦ • . ! : ¦ . :

i W A T t R F . O B ,D AlHD 1 I V E 8P 0 0 L ; i; nOH V USBTOBD ! ! . ) |' ' «OK HVIEPO0I. I ; !

Monday, l or. 'i ... Safl'a Soiniir, Nov. 1._ 6mornWednesday „ 4 „. 12noo^!Weduaad«y, •• * — 8 momFriday. „ t» '¦¦• limoraVM AJ , ¦ ¦' „ - 6 : _ Ombrnitondar, ,. « -. a aifaiKocjiy. „ 9. .i llmbmWednesday, » ll '••• * " 'P wedsesoay, „ 11 ... \2 ooon ,FtSsyT " 13 ... 1 art'a PridsjT „ 13 ..'. laft'n '¦Uooday, „ 16 ... 3 oit*n fltntBil, , „ IS .j, 4(nwrnWsdnetday, „ 18 _. Unoos Wedntadaj, „ IS .J. 7 mornFriday, „ 20 U lOtoorn Friday, . „ SO ,J, 8 momMonday, „ £3 ... 2 alfn Monda/J • „ as ,J. 11 mornWedneaday, , ,- is ... 2 aftfn Wsdnasday, „ 25 .1.02 noonj.FrtSxT " -27 - 3Ah'n FMdarT f" 87 '!. "aft'?;Jlondar, >• w — 3nlt*n[3tniDir, ! ,, 2» i. 4 morn

ICabin Fate, 15s. Od i <lu MflAuro, available tor s month. 2Ss. •Do. Servants itraveliing wjHi families) and Chndien, 10» iDeck, 7s 6d j Children, 4s. " T : - ; i ¦ : j ;

ii.Wdn.f/iw M 'Nma <mint«d-oii sll Beturn Tickets on<thsfollowing urms:— Vot a! Fortnighti Si. 6d, and for every:

•t«S a|ar^D< ! I ' '• i ooods oo -id' turoogS^m

on; principal StaUonsj onQrtS Jlorthemi Lanosshlri and .Yorkshire, London andiSorth . Wei tern > . Loudommd Sooth Western, Manoheeter.Steffletd,' ii"d • LincolnshlrJV and' Midland BaUwa« , to'WateJoM.j Thronghi Bwikini»also vO Limexiok,:'«jper,

ffGo(5s"JBobked through from a^BUtlons' on Watartord and(fe toSamUJailway/ Wafirf?rd,' DunlarTan,andLiamor«Bailway.atdWater!ord andlUninrkk BaUway. i . ; : I .¦ .

Panels looked thronghlai low Batek to silprincipal Eta.Uonson I/ >ndon and Horth!Weihtern Bai!way.^ i ; :

WATE«?(JBDVAM'D ; SEWPOB*. ;! ;: nute wnnaoaD. : i ! nox rowrosx. : \

Weekly, "i" !" '' ' 'I ' • ¦ Weekly. ; ; :WATlB8FX)Bl> *,H,i> D U B GA i T A H fT As Cisxoloifers. ¦¦" ' ' '. ' ' :

• TT A TE BP O E D lA lf D l YO U GH A I i . i' :] v ¦ ¦7i v : \ ; ¦ ¦ A«Canro I offers. ¦ < . ! i : !' ; w iTEBPOBD ^ABi) . NEW BOS8 ; j ,'. Faos M3W Boss—Dsily; Sunday exc«ii.)i( tt 8-45 aan. :- VBOK WixiWOaD—Doily, iBondays osospted, st 3-10 p.m. •

WAiiB B ?jOBD~H Mp, .DU . l f C A M W O f l '. .¦ FaoK-Dmioinroji—Dafly.'Sondays sxoeoled, st 8J0 s,m. ..j , F witiaooiu ^Paffi'tf8*ffiys sxWptea, at »*¦.pja.

Wor»-Th» Wt^rforlfiteamshlp Ooapany, limited, InsnrssU OOodsahippid by thesf I4a*s of . Steamers at Ss. 4d. perOsntTto Jfraders having Yearly AgreemenU, and 6sJ perCent-to <K caskmal8hlMxJr»,t»tas«, to be declared at tbit ofBMfo mt, Forms.ani. all, tofoms|iloii. to be had at :of

B*rths « scared and sveTy tatormattonglTen by Agents at :..:;: BMMOtEweteriord BtawuhtoCoanpany-s OfflcoOJmfted)*tnSSiroO Serfoi4 ¦JEfesmship Company ffamiiedj! 20,WateMtteet.andOlaj JWolt^ ' : • : It Stwios rXbomasJf.C j^DockjktMji

. ,

• ¦•B»»M»?iji —Mr."**¦Dojrify. JIalnftreet. , , | -• TOTOMAIP-W. a. PssBsrljrelso&slaoe. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: j:¦ ¦ ftta Omoes; »s*.BM andiDnnoamion. | :And.M ths;Ck»BpW«|Hea^Offlces,T»3M Alx, Wtioyoap


..^{^¦ lfO]RLiD,tFAIM!g !''J , : |

. ii :¦ :' ¦! :- Ti^"lilbuil»'- Bbo!lkj«ta«.V

/''i- ; ; - i i • '-

• ¦TOE OLBANSRJa attdlCLEAEINa tk» BlA^OlfJ B - frimiaUImnuiit^,oinnotb»!toonifhlyirtOomm#od*4.1For 8erolu)a, 8«urtir, Sklo DlsetMS, aid soresof all ktofls It u a n«v«r-£siUBg and permanent euro. [ ! | i

B CmssOld Bowi i I * TT , : T : , \ \ |.¦ Cures 21e«r»t«d Sobi. on tii Heeki ; ' > \ ' l . ' i

* ;"" Cores tnemated Son le« > , • • • [¦ .'• ¦¦ ¦' | ¦ I

'¦¦ > '' :

: Cu»* Bla<*h«a«<>i|pHpli oo tl>s FaoSl| ' !- '. ! .: l.j Cnrss WBrrr-aesaarl- ' - ' f .- (- . ] ¦ v-.- i ¦ ', it -,.

¦¦ ¦ ¦ Oarm Blood and Skm Disessesi' ' : ;' Cures GlaBdta»r.8v«plDgij i . I '- . ¦ I i ' ;• M r .Clean 1 tnsBlood fjwa sllIiipdrs"Hatter, Cremwhstevsr

is'tntamiitatsliiplnuoj t t<>th»titt«,aa4w«npinl*dfr««frocnao; tbinjj loJorWusti Upmostd«Jlc«U«ODrtlUtJonofeither ,»i, the ProprJrtoti sdUcttnsSaMrs to civs Us, trialto t«uts vain#. • :i;v; ; - -. r

\ ¦- . . ¦ '. ] • ",i i | f Ti- r^¦¦ • ¦• ; ¦uocsurts o*:TjWTt)ios!iiij.r»oiAu, »**!».¦ .; I -1'

(toldI is BotMsSs «W W«Jk.w»I laC*c«,. oonta iaaiJBoVties.lls eacb.nfidsat to'sfftotsperavuient onreW Iontvst»j idla#J ess«».'by aniObwists sal Patent Vtdiein*Tn>iinis thirnrtinnt till ntrrli ij tr»inf tn si j iiiili sss ns, ijsi)cil|i|

'TfitH? MlauiM CoiwUc Dfttf C >npssy,T Lt^odtV. i '. *""**"" *T"*' . ^ '.'.' 'j' i' [ i * ' * ; 'I -. ' ' i ''" ~ * ' • ¦ ^LM—iBB vJ-Javrt


• .'HiTiiiHinbi : 4T::io'tMK*-;vVkiui»!'fc.!itmrteaSoi-MalnTrdMes. , : SingleTrts»es,Tfobi (10i. jDoobW5TO«»eS, f«<n 18*.' ,. Sskl fres ftorn obeerVtfHon¦ndpo«*fre.. ~.\ - i: | ' .:;|i;:|- f |: • ¦• '. ¦ , -.t./. i ;.- vjl.lf, -iWHrif>*a; V60-l£iririitTK9 Ti va» it tHa mart««Wrthf« JntentiOT. forlift*, Wm«titof HeroUj TheBM ot a steel sprin/ij •» 1 orUal la Ito Wfeotw, is nvdlflfd,

2o^itlfelt*i^! )f4««K4«l, i ,8W%d<jsjrip-av*«5oolar.*ltii« FU4DW* »nd prljos.tojJ.WfUWJiS odJi (limited) SJ I.Kwi^ J oa. Do noVbor

•jW Fpr. White «tt tyTlftjr. t.tvr *Wt». ~ - ; . ;•

fV ;j X :;4 l! l :iK i; i

"?! r.'i '?A *1 "¦', ¦ iinft ^Ht . ' I : R :"f ' Pf- KtM^-PJ;


rV^I i3 OxLU UJu ,

t**ViNimite ' ~ b ' t ^m k i .

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L_.,.,J RSI-'Names

,|, . . ,nuOT°.9' wiTSBTOXBMitmsuw

MaUi ^-^rKaUl v-i ,

12 7 l' 5S 'U S IR L : ' ! : -• ¦;1 'Waterford dep,* \ns rYXO^C* 7&*C3 1 2

«i/O:8 337 108 10!

9,431<I 1510 49nr« Kisf^'ejlftM)' '¦¦22' - "The«o

In a highparticijrar


j Junction 4.,...: ,: Ooi* .....,.,..,,..Dromkeen...;._... 9 .0 rBobsr.,.....;...,t . .»;U 4iaLimezlckanlttU » 85: 1 a 6» l?o [' :-¦J l:* j ' . : . : ¦ , \h A '. iSd eU Mtdini

jTT7P~ w)»,"'JtVai lii'.'jyi.. ¦. <-¦ .¦ - . . < I ' i/TBilndi wltM'oitB

rlTJ«SiD.Jia*8.V3:43llJa*8 I ' '184818431243

Class. Class. Class.Cuuu 6htsr. Class

4 0 10 80!4 20rj .¦... )14 301 ...14 40 11 IS4 85 ] •;„ :6 10 .11 S55 0 U.507 5 1*2 08-80 !-8 45-

7707187 287,347808-*rSSS

Limerick dopBo&azi '-'-V. * >••

i Dramkoeit H ...p ia,

w- : . . .Oola „ ...Junction arrive

' Tlppetary^dcpClonmel Carrlok Waterford arrii

Ul M13 512 301823. 03 35

.1:55am2 £ D8 08 4&

S80 !l0 U8 10 jlO^O!«:>» U25 WSTY

IfVlATiG GINGEii AJp^K jr.JI^BfBY, Secretary

tBELAHD AKEIWATEB*OBD':AHD CBflTSit tBELAND Ami. . KUJCEHKY JOBCnOH l£AILWAY8. J I ' -The shortest rout* from Waterford and Kilkenny to Du>Hn

Athlone, ParBonstawn, or Nenc«h,iis «<«'Maryborough. I -Brans TtcxtTKare isvned'betwses&ny' two Stations, asd

aro aTaQable for.. B«tttrtTTU follows :—Between StaUohiwhen the a» ohaiMd is far a-diitanoeinot exoeedJbg 12nlfes, 3 days,Jnoloding- ths day of luae. 8unday belnj k df itnon i thus, a Ticket issued on a Bondni cr Jlonday biafall-(tie op to Tuesday night, aid a mjkrt issued on a 8»tird«yxm to Monday night.' Between Btatious where-th»-Farecharged is for a distespe above 13, and not exoeeding SO miles,7 days after th'e 'ilay of Uldo : thus a Tloket bsned onTuesday will be available up to tho following Tuesday tight.Between 8 tattoo. whe&eMbs.'J'iw tharg&t Is for a distsneeexceedinir 50 milM, Oae Month. -Th« onVwud portion* ofEettrro Tlcksts aie only UTaOabls for Ithft train by Whlo hthey'are Issued; - ¦: :¦¦¦ : '. . ¦¦ ' . \. : . ' r : . . . |. ! . -

?¦¦ 47 247S»8 308 0.0 208 12

Boeuroa ParsonstOwnJffenagh t Temslemere fl-M £¦ : . . • . £

18 8 1 -10:1 14mnoas. ¦ 12 3J6J1343Han, QttU.

h in; i m

2-20- I—U7 I-

Clas. Class;Class..Class.NEBAL 'WA'CEEg in every'variety, mannfaotnred on their Pcemieca by Smith's celebrated! Prize Stt urn-power Machinery. ' ¦

t is their int iniion to oiler to tbe Trade a vtry tvperior ©ualii]/ of eaok Article, they -i : I ' . -. ' ¦ conBilcntly b9pe for a liberal share of pitronftjre.<3",AU Orders Cdrefully attended to and executed on tbe aoortest notice.jTllttj May,. 1JJ86. | ". j i ' ; . : i

Templemdrc, • : dop. —Ballybrophy » ' : •[ —Nenagh » ¦ ¦ •

¦ —Parsonstown - - —Eoscrea. • i - —Jlounthrath . j. ¦ ' • —Maryboru' nirrl up —Athlone Junction - ^Dublin f . dop. —Portarlington Jano'tn —MaryboroV arrl: dwn —*

COWB tauss. 39odsMiryboro' I dop. —Abbeylci* r . ¦ -Attanagh • • —BaUyroggst ' r ¦. ' • —Kilkenny!- ' ' •arrival — .

640 — 1 15 —7 13 — : 1 47 — I8 IS - : iJ So 8 4|8 88 — U K 8 24:— • —

¦¦ sis -;

« 0 7 40 1 0 9 80'!8 8 - 245 - ' !8 25 8 55 3 9 11 32!Mail 1, 2.3 . i8 0 10 45 3 15 4 0!8 20 U 10 S3] 4 201 !B 28 11 25 3 6 0 , 4 34).B 35 11 85' 4 0 ' 4 45;;'

10 8 12 15 4 SO: -8:10;I10 13 14 25 4 40 ' 5 4).10 2i U40 » » ! 8 80: ¦!10-85 12 »5 5 20 '5 461 110 44 iio 635 ao;;!

—I ISO 5^6 : e 25j jU 6 Mr a i «35 '11 29 2 0 830 - 7 0>4


Do. departureBennetsbridge; - - '7 45Thomastown : ¦ 8:oP^Tyhr'i- : T - - 8 35MuHinsTat • ' : • 8 55Kilmacow } '< , - • 8 5Waterford arrival 9 80


8 «5| 6 U | 4 li. ~ , l. :¦: i ' . ; ¦ - .v "i- - I > '"rr- ' !"r.' :¦¦¦ ' - .¦;,. : -H—." . . i - • ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ; , ,j ^>- \ , ,, ; ¦, ¦< - [ ijy^n ^ '¦«" i ¦ ':: !.|;.:. .7 Wr§& - TWTT

; " - v i^r ' ;' ¦' " ' :"" 'J^

: \ ' ;

£S#»-Ml- IMF Jf J^m^Mm \\i ¦ '. . ¦ . ". '¦¦ , 1. 5 TW()lf ^W QTTiT.T.gT V iJAf ' I

¦'¦'¦. THBOAT,l^WATiok^uOor}oH.~S^r«lei»asd drynsss, tiosUaf iiml ini<abun; lad<winr«o«di snd»fls<ttti»»th»,foJo».Forth s^| »«8fps'sOlJB«tto*Jnlubes. InooDta^wHhth»ili»da»tts«niomTOt:tliyVr»excltad by th» *ct o< sucking A»foV*rU«. la tbrtiTanMsbls oon/setfoiis, keoomas aetWslr.b-Wmg.-SoldogjV h>

U, woTkoo^aosssSdTiroal Btosassk:"«sys, i "Tbi Qtf.oeriM Jujshis ffsparsd JlT !»*!&£•*• *~ ?U "??J* I"*1twbtsd irrl^aKwttvaec sUJsfcw WM.iikC MOordOD Bol*8j*ogSj*|e!»&. W te» M&^MMfnV «|andEsr IniiSryTwSaij AfM r'»» *t»»d«dtrULrli ,n'found your 55Mlt&JuJ«be*«oos«ldscabIeb«iSltfirJtKotirithwtmiSf "'> £¦*"»">> gslsiastaU fcm>i«f j LtSaJsse." ..:^4 ..:.4, '. £ ' - , : |: - \ ] I I : - . .¦¦ Mti VUjy*

Wv^Mt sANMMforty «3,C6itt»MCbawery k> el ba

SSbWtSSWfl^ ^J 1**' «f *9»•'JOJPOfr'jwiOst^Iw :irttfii'ryf"at V**ir™***Pflt^lSlP<¥4-* 4<» ' i&*^

TiHilibtf ig rotccted W wrpfltaal Inianctioq to

Chimoery of

tbr' »thidy 1858and^dthout


0«!)W jgWiae.: v :

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sms sii rroBBiG: > |." Th4U»B .0J y*I».D»T»,

sunosi. 12asi-4 2;l_B43<k>odi, Class Class iClasa, Class.¦

. - ; . : *.»,+.*». I.*.*/ 1 r.».183<12i3

CJaas. jClats.coon | r.K.'

~ lim

Wsterford, departure 7 £0KUmacow .'. :... 7 80

h. m.1 o.m(2 80 I 4 . 02 40 4 10— ^4 2 0

.8 0 4 4?


Unlllnavat '....:..:.. 7 40BdUyhale..........~ ' 8 5Thomastown ............ 8 20Benhetsbridge;.- 8.35Kilkenny:. arrival 8 59

Do .........departnr*\» 0Ballyraggct™!?! 8 85Attaniwli 9 43

OBEB-IZ UTSlLj TlSr &c BEJL^ ST3 40 5 4) — 11*0 — - fl ^T4 0 6 0 — 12 5 — ; : \J-SL.A 10 A 10 I •» 115 — I 'v I T '

Abbeylafcc . .:..; ...I fl »maryooro ......amva iv.n;MmKnKinffh / tmn nn'in K\Portarlugton Juno....Ill 11Dn»Un;.:.-..:...arrlvairi 15'Athlone June, i arrtv.l > 143

815 10 0Having : Purchased ; MessrsMaryboror. dap. «own

iMountnth .„.. jirriTulBallybronoy .i..;,......

10 80

IO"M11 34


I - i

BASSl ajid]ptbef, CUOIOE AJ^BS of Superior ^Qqility andBrat .Brands ot DEVONSHIEE blDEE- f :

SOX01TS. m

7S28 16 80

h m1642 21

12 BS

lUneOTallad for nil 'classes of Stock. Every delivery goaran eed Wi Dr. Voeloker's AnalyoU. ; Price £7 10s. per ffon; F.O:R. in Hull. ;

1 ' I ' '

• , ' ' I ' '

!! ¦ ' , ¦ ;

' :


;¦ '

ISa ufBOiiirefl by. .tfio! Watorloo Kills Co., Simltea, Htn,Ti.

! ' r : ' I

' "* ''". ' ¦ THIS CELEBRATED. . : " : ; | - ¦ .

1 • ¦ j ; ,!

¦' ¦] [ ¦- No^ so! EXTENSIVELY; USED, :


i Bo3t and Oheaposfr TTlno ovor Imported. , Prioa—34a. pe? DfiaonBE HAD PB Jll

1 - ¦ • ' ' • ¦• ..

' i . "

¦ ¦ ¦' - i ¦"'

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.: - rj ; KElAti <fe . : WlLS0N, ;• ::! ¦ :- ' - i> :L¦ : .¦ ¦ . . ; , ! j rrjwi! USBOBJ^

TS. '68, QVAT r ;, WAi;sRp qBD

Horancuxidc BSAVOS. — Mitt/borough dep., 8.45 'ajn.,11.10ajn., 4J5p.mi Moantmelllcksrr., 7.10a.m., lli« a.m.,5 0 pjn. Moantmelllck dep., 7.53 a.m., l-ST p.m., SJD ii.m. ]Maryborough«r., 8^0a.m,, 2.L5 p.m a.lSp.m.. , ,, : ,|' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: > ¦ ¦ ¦;-: . ' ¦ ¦'¦: i .W. wn-T'tAfoij a^rttary.

WATBBFOBD AND TBIMOBE BAILWAT; :j : ' Wuk Day Traint.- | | ¦

; I i : 8 | | 8 : . 4 | ¦ i- o

¦; 7 . 81 0

lE j.a ml. a E) ! a m ( p m I p;rj : pm I P m. :;.p.m;j p m

——Ih ml h in i h m h m ! h m ha ho kb t haW'frd8 15 10 80 I ... li 15 2 » 4 0 » 80 7 U | 9 OEm're!».10J - M l l O l 1 £0. 8 . 0 4SO 1 0 7 4 5 | S 8 0

j. . flunaay Train*. ; ';'.; .; '! ; - .. !• I . 3 , 4 j . 5 | - i 6 > T | J8l , 9t.\si i p m , p a | ,pm j pm I p.m plgj .pmrsoKjam

1 hm 'hm h m j hm . ! in I s m j h m llm hmWfrd\ » l > | ..: 12 16 ... 2 0 : 4 8 0

¦'...' i.. ; B ^

Tm'rcl frBO .i. .... 1 80 • ... i 4 0 6 80 !.:; 8 SO

First Class Single .Ticket, Is.' i Eotirn Ticket, Is. 6d.Tbtrd ¦ ditto. . . . - Bd.' t' Betarn ditto, islod.TOrd - ditto. . Bdl j1 Betnrn ditto, 'isiod. . (f2<htf)

: WILLIAM BEA, BooretgryandMaik r. i ¦

WATEBFOBDl DUHaASVAH,' A LI3M0EB. BJJliWAY. I SHOOTZST »bffii TO Coxx, TiuLii, *»D Enuakxi.. ;

. . » ! . -. : !. i i i i : ; : i ¦

. •

t !i' - . ¦• ¦¦ " ! v - ¦ wog wxr»yn»B. . - . . ¦ ; ¦ { ¦ ! •

• ' - STATIOOT.:| . Week Dsy*. ' fliniays.

r. *Watarford . ;L depKUmeadoa . ;U . „CsxroU's Cross, ... ! „Kumaothomas i |... ¦ „Dorrow and StradteDy „Dungarvan .:!... .,,Cpp<wh , ;L. : „Cappoiuln , ... ,,lAmmi _ ¦!—„ arriv

8. * W, Baflwaytlasmore i'.» depFermoy '... arrivMallow ' "... . -.;,

,y» 88- c/ - 2: =¦ ¦ I ! ! PfflCEST MA»!lUFACTURERSlNTHEWdBU)- ; i > :

H 13 IE - . 4 , E: ; ; : • !1 G|LA.iS:S |; i:A:F'D;;.; C H I N A ! W^U'EB.O^^IU U , ¦*» . •;- 4 [- • ¦ • ¦ • ¦¦ . • ¦. ¦ i


il |i E |[3. - ¦ ¦'•: ? : ¦ ; : !;

! -: ;

OWEN;- .;PowE _ &:vjs^Si^ • ' ¦¦]¦¦¦ '¦ ¦ ¦' ~ U~ ! j. I ¦ '• ' ' ' '- 7. B, AJD 33. QBEA. CKEQfoQffS-ST., WATEBJrOED.'¦¦ ¦. ! "¦ A oplendld Col «otioa of Dreidon and Bevre Ohlzia,«altabl«for Weddiutr

i —rn— . V:.: ' ; ;'!|M .- j • ; . ' ¦ !" '¦" • : ;; ' | j ; ' ' Pg»gent*' : - ' - ¦ ; r:' - - r ¦¦¦•¦ : - :- ;-¦¦-¦ "


B*Kj 1- : j ' OnV 8TO0E of'.DESSEET 8EBVI0E8 are til of the Newest MuT most ftrtlatio PatternfA.fcli. K. '

1 ¦ i ! - - ..- . | j : - i . rj . - I : - - ! - ; - ; - - - - ' : !| ani Vapgaa. ' : _|__ : ;;" '_ " i;.L'.._l;!

Cork ¦ ; ..'.¦ * T,', I 2 0 i 8 UKgsmey : .../•; ¦„ 8 4 . »aTrsles ...' „ l .irtgj w u

" I TO WAT1X&U), ¦ •

s.* W. B4nw»y.Tralae ' ' . il.. depKillarney! \- '. •>Cork ' ¦- ' ' ¦[ ¦¦ ¦

.,Mallow.- I: •• , •>Vfttilioy :»• .- !;l.* #|Llamore... I., fam


I; i I . AGENT8 FOEiMINTONS & COPELAND'S OHWA. ',t8i iPA^TlM, l«n> PxoHlCS, ITUrFLIBD WITH CuTftBT 14)6 AU> | OTUttB BlKJUISTTM. . '! , . ;l SPBolAi-iA-TTWrnoN . OIVBH TO MATO^UTOS ' IJ« , (3i.i«8 AWD ! CBIHA. a26bti

i - ?:; : - -«iW. D.*1. Bailway.Lismore ... i:... . dspOsppoquis : j '. "i~ "Osppafh, -« j! «¦Danguvaa... •". ¦,.. ¦Dnrrow ft StraSballylilsjactbonu* ¦ -.Carroll's Oros» ;.. . . .¥llihBs4«n ..iWaUrford • ' ._ I

3 !'i4" 4- .

*»1 I IT: 1!^ M v I T • II •?•

W#5ffiP -h"^^ '¦'•

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¦I Ev^O^^ T^' ^ ''^110'''' 1 ^ ¦ '- ' ''' ::' i '¦•:'lV;'- ':';i¦!V;.''' -V. A'iC j

of~- La4l"A «nti»i and Beferetf to^nVletnWin Vh'e 'loc this!'FooJ, will be »ent post frei on sppllaatlon. : ! ' | ,

i<oDBtitnt i n- U ty'ol'p oilto WDtcn tiifrarfejkWeiaJlj partial. Thetxre nutritious

¦at wben properly 'dried, tbey-will keep uuohati^od'for anjTsnRtb of tim»t aniaxw n{Uoflhe^ bj ttmreLitJve Iq«fj&et at *H!ob t(ic^6iy bephrcHAsed^'/—id 'dfc.' < ; ' '"sijkeep in, ilgj 6oodjti/Dii.-fir almoet ajj! leDiftb|pf tiu£, j an} w ll b fojnn good aridfor every lesonption of 8tbokraod particularly Usefot for Hones and Catt ''—roeJcWr

P0]Gf)LIj ;p1) PRI^ipj)ALS-AW™rfl -11 tfil Al*-h - fi I ¦&•'< -U J'JM.ikS«l>i aafiLhr...

¦ .


\ ^[ : - r . ¦¦¦ ¦:

\ -Wade ONLY by • 'OANTRELL & COOHR ANE,1 TJndtr, Special B'Jslstr tloii.'¦¦ \ ¦

I'.I _L.. } ',. > < i

The. TtrivJcf w the Gouty ami Jthcy matie.: •' '" ¦' / '.'¦Ifacla only by

. CAf iML L : <S^QQCHf ii(lE, r¦' I TJndor Special Registration ' - ¦


rveyora to Her Hojesty's-Houses of-Pa*liainont, ¦'"• ' ¦ ;- . ' ¦

; AITO TO . t

- - " - . . . '


i;ap.S2 Esi^ :;BtfA , 'T|ifti q.'a,;,.nix2j..: ¦: . .- . - •. .

in tbe . above extefidt?MAH0N Y & Inlfreat


to inform their Frwnda and the Piiblm tbat their Vans con deliver! - |-i ' ; through Town aud Country ' j

0UIKNE88. ciWS. 8operior. DOUBLE - ^TOUT-! ' : ! . , •' ¦'"


ii /tH^fe;

^it|«tt^««te sj^cj.


! ' - "' ¦• • piftgJ#iWit -Tri» WmL\ j' - : '

• ntBrtdtlferiwi ;OW^Mu^GKittl M>M ii&4n4.

'^ n Bw^mo< »T»ty T^L uj rffjiiu^

VlTOE MQsSSwjoiih" u tbelSiwVsSoUlon •<Sfe|to1»hfliaih^y atirionJBaik*. 8Uao.

W OMoes.IeSiWjph land Po«?OTfc JaadWallpubt)i*,pis .o<-aniussm« . P. KJanrAJProprleW. li

' ' ''SOtTTHt KENSDfC^ON : "rPrtT»U S*«ld*ritUl itunily Olnb.

ti: ;irJ ,i, ,,,;«<iicliiBHW0(WBS!l£A»8IOirl>> i ' '¦ -• "' '• • '¦

I 13'16' i^Ti *<32SBSS$®-Wto$ ^ ;1 ( b i^raos con-rtMsntpotiUftnlBTown). <

One minute,fcomiflontli Kank%ton BbUSos ! tan• i minutes wm<mV&£titn f M zf o i t n minhUs to Uur

^Ty>y pyfH»— - «rt

»yn([. ?/< avoid *nnns»i of< House

'J? iicMpUf^Wtoir* to Town,,or OfotbafidssirfaurSa aflVintifeiW- sT lub", oomhlhed >fWh'taS prfr»oy

0biB6Tl«HbtM, at i>in6dera»»C0ii . 7|Tfrv '•i In*<)d»otidnotreferenow r»*nired, ¦ , | 'dl8-tf::>y i Addrsss- Sseretary,1 THE' OLENDOWERE E 8 l D E K T l A L : CL C B:/and PEIVATB HOTKL,Harrinjt&u/Boad, South.'KeDsiiWctoji, 8.W. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ! .

roa AjroBir ^QTw: jfiTTOIS Large, Cosrftlrtable, and eottve^reritlj'situatedJL'- HOTH3i^haj5eoenWy,beea thorongblrpaintedand reooTatecl liy aQ'pressnt'Troprleior, Ur, A£ALX.

3hrf Gsntl^nsa jut families ootninsj to Dnolfc'onlegal,bosin«a», iVwill be found mast ooaranlsmtJielofsltnated nertto the Poor Court*randfo^ WeddingParget and Dnblla, the aoiommodatlon Issecond to nqnrintbt Kingdom. . . ¦ { " ¦ '• .Private SitUngr add Dining Booms, Coff& i-room forLadies, Bed-rooms from -Is. 6d. to 2s. aaoh. 8mokingand-Biuiard AooosV*— .. - , - - ' * i '•' . ; ; ¦ ;

John^aipeWa'in^Sons' 'Seven._y4tit* old" Mslt'rGulntteisV Btouk-fJ-^Bass's Ale. Wittts, Brandies,Champagnes, LtqnearM.- *c. . .

EICHABPfHEALY, Proprisiar. !. i »13.1y

: ¦

"- . " ' 9j^ri»j Sotrf, I : j ; . ;LOWBE-BAOK ILLE-STEEE'^ DtBLIN. ,

(Opposite the General Post-Offloe and Telegraph Offlos)Ths most Josataal iniths City. ¦ :

COMjPtdJ/i'WlfT remodelled OJKI r©-f nTnished. Staffnlfioent JuiadiHlGoffeO'Booni, Diniog-BooiiQ,Smoking-Eoom, Bmiafd-r om. Charges, moderate.• rr XJHAELEEr;I.AWJLini, Proprietor; f8.t

GMAT GLOBfi HOTEL,XOWiB't SftQiaHtSTBBBr. ' D JTJ'BX I J *Un. RIOHAMD OOtPBY, Ptoprietnu (vlSo tf oftU


': . . . I

¦ ¦ : l ¦

-i ¦ . ' ¦

j. . • - . ; ¦


MOST Qentiy'j immediate ineighbourhood. ,'of Law Courts and Telejraph jOffldes ( a Jew

doors fiymil^ing's prldge Tramwayi Line ;' fire to t*nminntes'dHv« to aqy'CHiy Bailway ; i^wly dsooratedre-furnished, and supplied with every modern lmprore'ment-.rpqpjsitafqr.^he.oomfort.of vitltors ncder th«personal saparvision j)f Mrs. CoiriT and family. - • ¦- JErt*1, Batter, Crskm; and Vegetables from thaPannd y. :NotwUhSt»admr present high rate*; terms a eaiitmod«ra«e. Breakfast* from Is. M. a»;fronIs. 6d. «aoh. I Tabled'Hot* daily, three cf clink 1 8un-dnys. five o'elook. Soup, Two Joints, |Veget»bte« andCheeM, 2s. oily.' > - ¦- . • ¦. ' r ' ' iA NtJErht Portar in aUeddanoe. All Servants paid bythe Proprietress. All eommonlcaUonS fo be addressed,

Mri/COFFBY Gmt Globe Hotel, ,r• - ! - Lower Bridge-street, poblfal.;

' Nooommunioation with any other boose. ' : f26.lviad COaXKSaoiAX* HOTEL,24, QUAT. WATBBS0&D.

, ¦ M I O H A B L K I R W A i N !¦TTTATINO ptuohased th» Interest iin the aboveJijL jHOTEL. bcgs toaanouflca that tU» Estab«njhment OPWIID on 8ATDBDAT, FEB. 15, 1879., M. K. trasta, by strict attention to those whdpotronis* Taa SKIT AND COJCHXBCUVHOTIL, tomerit a continuance of their patroaago. '

Quay, Watorford^F b. 12,1885/ ' f88.t<

* Tha 8«rllagton &6«tata(*uit,* '• '27, ST.' ANDBBW 8TUEET, DOBLIN,

(hitter and BhtU-f iih, hunef mm, Dinntr and 8%m*rRoom, OBV&aa.LAUB , '. '(nert door to Hibernian BihV). ,\

LUNCHEONS and Dinnere, 8onp, Fish, En-trees, and joints, Ac, Sappers, Fish and Meat.

Gbuno always ready.' •• . ¦ 1 : :.Ths BILLAED ¦ BOOM is elegantly sppoiated. '8ST LUNCHEON8 at the ekjanUy-Btted Ksh,

Baffet , consist of Oysters, Lobster*, Crabs, aixfSavoory Fisb, and a variety of, Meat and other 8and>wibhes. 'Wines and Spirits of the !finest qtslllty.Jameson's Seven1 Tears' Old Malt. Ua'rtell's Brindy,14 years old. Aten'and Stout from tho bast Breweries,aud ln ptrfeot eoaditloo. Finest Bed Badlci BnrrenOysters ! Over. l,000Boiea of very old Citrafalo 8 took,pnrobasdd by the lute Mr. Oorless. 4. triil'sbOcitod. •

THOMAS S: COELES8. Paopunioa. (o2StTaejr© 'to, Diao in bUa,

Tni BEST 8im.trKo -Uttnqta in , lrvliod -1».' . ' . Bupplied ai tba ".'' . - ; ¦

¦ '.'¦ :± \ -i. THOL HOTBL, UPPBB.flAGEVl(,LE-

J?L, STEEET jOppositei. NeUou'sl PUlar)7 M r. The Primeflt of. B«J» ancLMOTTOW. ./ , . ., . i. Vege t/les fresh daily fton tbe Proprlstor'i own

Garden. . ¦ \ .: ,' . . ,' , , . ., ' . ij«*tl

HBPl|il|W: ; ': ''" "Ti T'T'r "" i' ¦

W: |W: !II ll '!ji U lA6i«cSi«ilV IS f .ak .-/-Chaste.. fili&ipf'!¦> . < - - W- " Charlia BWel* ? JB1- ;- ' j HL Pof Ebc*liijHarUB^Hor»>a.'ml. '. ', l y \ FABRIHEf' TOOlja i¦'' '•¦ ' \'\\ - ' ' ^Qr«*t,yari«t». . ¦;'I t I lvl Porttbl»: Fo«s«, VlceaiAnvn»,

tt lHOE SB NAILS , !l' . , ~ . . Xba in'ibiWerld.' 1 j |

Kennan's ;w Machine-made iJ| HorseshoesU- will wear longeT ths* hand J !Kg made, though mochohespsr '

.•V'' FromOsj,p«r4ot8aa«t«. ,


Hoi only to Prtiict b*i io Pnmot4 Tro**, a*A¦ j . ; iriM 0ood:jrtn (of «<k«r. , .!. - ^

; j . I .. SttABUniR) JMO,' . . I ; . J , . !'riia(t sUidOo.'n Briti«k Hd r«>UfB '

- — ama\Hial toti ttr ilffMcm - ';Xf BAD: pWKJ rW* • Q*u*mpn, I«

of (wialoinstioakUualKiv« eats. JJoti t-jSM? %Tbopsanfls Foods *iv« o».ambsarib«r£liljb-n>tJ eoslolS ¦ifteMsstssilUttorSKSiarn?' "-

^^ £35* r ,iS *T^^ s2%«»Jf.pttttlott OvUwUPW W'' J , ' ' ' ¦'- ^' ••¦* -. / ;'< r j ¦ f'L . j , = •; ¦ ¦- " ¦ J -



i ? ; • .•>:i . 1 -ii :' *-tl i:f- ' •'¦•vKiTi- ?.>;<mmmimiM

n^aas lUrnOktelatiMttteB

ibatnthat ttb howSSM lfik


os aad <lfa«Bbs»t o*'Os*|««

?bsd^M jtS3i8iwSIaMAV-9r8BaK «strsiE7M»3AV8o*>nuS? b!ill Unrtsrr-irritir illaiiiil li

mit:- ~ <

UU*abOh««iaAdlSTlStiawtf- ir«; »wHh&.«ta«dfl«

(MnbtmiwpotW«itfwithTsxttl^n^r^4&*d«lfc>.B |W iD r J * s kvOaiBi 7 kT s^BVa^ VUDWWW.


•Ms«rs**:«av«B.,«59.:*K;.t. .c>^ ->fj : HJi:' o.. .¦»¦! i. ~

PSICS. <S .COHPLSTB=Wi|k. «assyfeS14aah Mhrc**lfeo»sei k Jfo. i«pro»ad«r» rt «c2»M*5?titt-metal pouted staad: This ertmonaUTy ¦M*nsVi#twta ;olsarly I show Itse saost laMrUat jhsMtalji*oSit -aal ¦

Utoasjrlaskss asully suvpEsi a» «W<w i?! .r' T-TTl* !, IKPllOVJUl OOUBWi: OPSJU*: KACB. AJTD. TEHJOQLA8SK3- t l0s.M.,14s., ais- i,s<j»s»OB»Jo^t»»sst»»ftstthsr slipfttrtft a^ .Wal«h Pocfcit.' yst ;rUsTtasot«a»ofp»«rmaoy«itB»UrfiBS»m«a«ral«o."Xleros«b>«soi osatpower, from Sat WL and inTi«lbUPaoto«a>a»^ < r T~

. Titiaiq- jbAHTsaHfl AHD DjaSotvwo j v m t-

tales, w«rs, tavds.Ae., A|snp«rior:Lantern*and'10sBdssfrom7avM. A oaUtogas onsppUostipn. ' . t>: > { - . ' ,"iDtttBAii irrrzsora HuoiorncB mkav.r in.>»)nm|Uro»)f+*ooaf«t«ly Wrrtwtorths1 Westhsr, t<W» .saasjynoqfafta to Hsbofssy, wiUiThWwosnUi~. r.-l4s.¦BOWMO1TB »IW M0pEL.BABOM3ra»,p«li»ll,»d. j

^TiM^Eo^^AWcimo'iSffraoTOBjria "s sa* 'aUsmrr dMfrscofdsafDSSs; ¦" . • ¦ •¦ •• >t^: - • *{'• -

¦¦'¦¦! !; CACTlOiri-In eossniMnes (rf, aWssiMri.-attsafto at :Imposition, (t>B«o«sssiytojotosti tai»<a»<l lufetayss, ;aad to «U«rf»-Oiily to b* had from. K. %.touiwhf M ,OpJ <pM»«kh*3yestsl(lah«dmI)aiMssiyssTs;.: ~ ' itrance bjr HaU-Door. wtthia one door of Dswton.stastt, 1DUBUH. Tb t U i t M kst«W( ttj PrwHw/Jkuwmb ;¦ ^n ^ * ^BH V B^ VP^^IfVv

H^p T r J^py^^ r p

^y W^P^PBWj VSSWW V n ^ B VW ',»o»iu, «»4 lu *4<a«r AW M ASCHTS BonTHAVXtUtBAHUTETiJtgjtABaAv-gr^Jarr, ppaizir, o»w, i

CHINA TEAS.I wo- ar^^

now onyiQ > .Direct from..jlmpartxn^&t'tfce'-pubUo'&iteoi isodi oaa offer eta' Ter 1ftIlyTEcra|ii;to ,Ixmdon Houses. - BfU&tuiod'lTM on •appJHcatioju The TrafM^onljrit -

¦AiLflk-- ••;¦¦¦

• liil: Warmi'a Haoe, OOBK.:I - -- - - .- /(¦¦"•\ -i»B;' ' iSMlTtfS !; tk ".-'"::: '-' i:? i V;

^O J B I T I V E BEMTBfllBf, '

T?OB 1 HE CUBE of Eit^aDB indJC PH7 !ICALDE0aJTyr-CUAtiAi-8so.byt>ortt» aU partsof , Uie VYoTldon reosiptof TworHi»a i, tottSWJx tM*. «M i>ag«a.- . ;. - .. , i . -: . : - i ^(« : i ; ; . ¦;.

I The BOOK,or POMTTTB Bnik *j >ta *iirm »4m»Mtrt-ordinary.Cnrsp. nf Plsissns nf Ilis TT1I11S11 PstsHiWoakncas, Qravsl.l Baokaehia, and DilUBa«sta 1-Also^rf;KTiwvooa JDtMtj; -, Th«.rTa««o£ tkeliaES*givotb> English whioh w»suasd ja Hnh am; -pfcgositfv*Mediok«s thatwsreuasdhy Dr.BJOt-Vfrtrotsrlhttt:Tears are qow patented. 1 gull I nstrncflo«iiaT»th«awith each M*dieUs>to.enablstlM LnBadto>«UMth«Medicine and Cart hjsjsell, without o)nrait£ir»ltadl<falMaa. 8snt4irMt(ios tit* UfaorMorr.- ) / ' > - < , ;j ¦ * f ^ r1^ ! - 1if ii h^ ^ ^S:Snd Xusaular System . etomoUs 2M«tits"aWbv>«7ss Di.nurhly »or»IU , i« MJ .bodUj.jMattb^aSTljSaessaproper aealtky eoadiUonoiUM Herwms'and Fhyskairoresa,T Bottlsso<mtamlii»iameas«»sddos»Si»s. «a. ; , 1 : :I» U» pnpsnUen of. tUa Zoai»ts»tnst«stean)s sas*Used: I« Is a faUUnt iomponM or OaMtoi the aatfT* nis)reflnad trustworthy psesanUM of Iron, vredaeed la a fonwUah UM *™«i*no» o/^n»ny.»»» lau-_•««»•&***'W*.ThU Tbnb oflsrs a ttiOy' means of tauGiflbe' strtoffh sadthsr fcubaStsailotdsd )by Qniniiia asd Iran, wit host say tsarof 111 oODSSQtutsosa, as Its oom>ositios> is ttet arvrovsjd of byh* f H A asjtSifot aJSaSlami Utroarhottt Us >oantry

lOEPPEE-'S. QPINUfi) and tkOX 'JtONIC.-iiIt ' Bottt»» «9ntaluiut rt me»jra«d doa«sria.>«i3'Xoiiis{rotmont win. rsmoTt . In cvutm ritouisnpck • uAgitBBtSsarttam.'Rrsalmws ot UM MOUUCO, Stakiilg BfciSiUons t»1aa» Osw Ksiana, M. Zto wbols dl««*siT»-ftttotwusarspowsctul/safbrttdhy QuiabMssdinisu |. . > :.\j >-'.} . ¦. : ¦ \lOKPPEB'S QULSINK aad 1BON 'TOlffa—JLT ' <Jumln»sad&JB form OsVUtmt sBaerlrst UMisMt ftaaU ooaplatetsaMatat fross ilsiasa—"I 0* U*st!sHUai if*Unu j ntht saostww|iiT)Silstajt».of tt»»st»s»js; ags.«|aSoTtiEixfiSJ; ftSEi3 Sd ®3SCSi ^JDE?PBB'Sf' QITtiTDrBiakdntOJR, PCijnOi*

Vurt aSdajn. Ib« Btaas Jan, jol*s»tf>/«s , >«»)¦& HtjuljtU ot tU 4a. idT; BottUsTlW JssssTi iWisTrop

asimstVntad^.sway.soa I1U'utits tail'tarsPwaCi»|U»pl«J, wfasss: Moiokts, xatfc 1 Biitftsss, \*tm mWijMl j^ o sa^u^ a aag^^ ^ wsa

^^A 'SijiyiK r- ifiH fey; S»r ls?Uttos of tiM «M«T'. . tf t ^^^i ^tijf AUf '. tai iQf '+j n Sihsalsts. Boitlss.lSrtBVssgh. ' ~]~']~ ..f l . • : c- "^T ss ssf ^u SISosa sd*»'sir/CnMOomp)aialnt;o( UncPsrsicSBtsiCisMs«i*io«larf/#h« arJatW^sTaUaMsoi laNssii SyaSstS*J«»latt»£js sKBodT2fcaRB»W»»»^^I 'fTr TM Mtf ml TMrtlt'wiWMtl* ifciisB H»s ¦'¦¦'*'tovyjirwny5sB»andMmSLb rtttmtnaurttmt *' ' . '

<a^^BBadteVst^BS9 Al b 4 rf^ BBB. sAvflB^V S SSBB^ B B S fc aBBBkSBBWa^BA^Ba a^BlS D b B^BBB^B^BuSi ¦¦¦! ' " **'

f;j.WgEgISfe»v|Ti|g ft -A_ . .¦;/¦;JT ^CKtEE'^;8uipHra HAtt^BWXDJX] >:- :, '

waa B«t«b>sawd.7/U(M^

nnavTW iii*1 -ww?^%i-p*» ii si^^^

Page 2:… · ¦¦¦!¦; • j ¦E9TA inwrtiv l847i- .•;'¦•?:-/'¦ •; ' -i jl AJKI«ST; CnioatX«»'iK:*Hi'S«O«B

! - - Si : !j . , ^^ ll - -}t^Lt-iti

• ¦ ¦! i !• ' • - -i -'I llfe i-, .M 'I ¦¦•• • • ' ' . ¦';¦'!. ;!'foi; • • .

PABKt of 7B Irl i Arte. for «Uler v ^f-^Yf AycJTiOy. j 'i.'. "::JOHW PwrD««' haVinz retired tnatroctl^na from; Mr. THOKAS; ItoO*; Will Sell by Auction, atI The ! CITY j A'erCTIOK M^T,. *7.; Barren-i . strandStreeti WaterfordJ i-V _L - ' ' ( ' ¦¦* • . •r i iiOn; JtfoyJUI^WJW JflM^WM,.—-~rnnv ' .IMIUPOUWH -Ji- *; "UiBll h*\A nnri«rJLi'. ; -thb!<M<»t'J*(>Wl»-;ti>t» #*r*u> «3Wat«rf6»d,frhose consent1 pe haslreceiv^d t**&e-»»le.S*: '• -~:• The: Farm contain* TO [Acres (Irish PlantationeMQM); aad'h »yihlW5a*'at}asrir»aruafion,

je56.' AUtein Gra«,«fceptH^AoiM; nnder Tillage.I ! Sale 6t TireWii loilf'.'¦

¦ t. •'

¦• ¦ ¦¦ ! ':

: !' ; . . . ; JOHN .EiENDEE, Auctioneer, i

< . . (\ i - ; : ; . |;cr|nrj pip ' 4|TBB«'0BD' ;:- ! • '- ¦'•' TO CABINET -HAKERB, UPBOLSTSRSsd! ! ; ASD. - UHDERTAKB&S. : . . ;

j ' : ; ; ' Important Sale by ¦ Tender. :mHE Ejjkuf bra of M«. JAKES B. ISOOTT, deceased.JLt ', offer'for Sale by Tender the {leasehold Inter*esly ; Valuable1 Connection, and Good Will, withimmediate possession, of tbe business Premises oftbe1 deceased, ' at The Mall, Waterford, together,with all theFixtura and Stock-in-Trade. i: The premises ore aitnate in onepf tbe best posi-tions in the City ol Watcrfoni, extending from TbeMall to Rose-lfne, and are beld under Lease for ftterin, of which 'Z l jj years are unerpjred, at tbe verylonlrent bfJSOpeij annum. The la]ta Me. JAXCS B.Scdrr resided on tbs premises, where, for upward*of a quarter of a cent 1117, be carried on an extensiveand Jucratire'business as a Cabinet Maker, Up-holsterer, and Undertaker; Tbe best customers ottb(J :Counties of iWaterford, Wexford.and Kilkennyareattached to the'establishment !

The < concerns are commodions, I and admirablyadapted for tbe bnsiness, and comprise extensiveW/arewpms, Showriotcs, Workshops, Yards, Sheds,Stabling, &o. '. . ' : ¦ : ' > : I: Tbe Stock Is well 'elected and of prime quality,edited for tbe bestj olasa of customers; Is well keptaQilentimly free from old unsaleable goods. Portionof lh5hStock^TO» manufactured on tbe premises, andtheVremsinder wasparchosedfrom the best makers.

: Tbe entire Wy be tendered for iin one lot, or inthe following fots, vixs— ¦ ¦ • : ' . " ' ¦j LOT No. T.—Leasehold Iritereati Fixtures, aridGoad Will.

; i ' . ; ' :¦ ¦. ' . . . • ¦

M.i)T No. 2.—Stoclc-in.Trade. r ¦¦ , :: The Stock will be on view; on the premises from

Saturday,1 the 24th October, 1885, to Saturday, tbe7th'¦ November, 1885, from 11 o'clock a.m. to 4o'clock p.m. each dij. i ; : . ;

: Tenders, addressed to Messrs. DOBBIN, TANDY &HCCOT, Solicitors, 16, Colbeck.Street, Waterford,and marked "Ifnder," *iU be received np to ISo'clock noon oa Monday, tbe 9th November, 1886,ut yrhich place and time they will be opened in tbepresence of such of the parties concerned as may

. Tbe Executors do not ,bind themselves to acceptthe; highest or any Tender. ¦ , • .

For conditions of Sale and f nil -particulars applyto I : ¦ '

¦ ¦ .-¦. ; .-, : ¦¦ ; ¦ ¦ • : ¦¦ ¦

I Messrs. DOBBYN . TANDY & MoCOY,i ' . '^Solicitors;,*.

O23l2t ' 16.! Colbeck.Street. Waterford.[Ij5, Great George'* St., waterford.


.SALE BT PRIVATE T&EATY, HOUSEHOLD' mRNirusB, $o?p. ' . ¦ ; > .-. : . sQJffBSCEIBEBS :h«Te receive* instrnctioDB fromK?r Mr. MABT N WALBH, wbo is retiring frombuBiness, to Sell bis INTEREST in the well-knownfind old-establjsbed;LICENSED HOU8E, No. 15,Great: Georgea-street, irf which jbbe present broprietor bos earned on thePablio,B«fre»hment ana iodg-ing; house business for over half a century. TbeHooBe is in first-class order,; and does not requireone! Bhilling outlay.' The proprietor spared neithertime not money in making, the place comfortablefor his customers. ¦ !' • . • { ' ; ¦ • . " , - 'i It contains Spacioas ;Shop, ' witb 2 Counters ;TaD-Eoom It, Box : Drawimr-roomj. 2 Dininff-momit. 10hMfta Doable Bedrooms, 2 Comfortable Kitobens witbGrates and Ovens, : I ondryj BoQ«r Hoots, NewLofts, Closets, Coal Houses, Yard with gate entranoefrom George's 8treet, Knockaderry : Water and Gasthrongb. the Premise*- All held nnder Iiease for annnexpired term of about U yean, at a Low Bent.- ¦

;TSB PoENiTDtiS—Prime IbttW Beds, Bedding,Bhop Fixtures and Fitting*, can be had at a Valuation.Seldom does an opportunity of Seeuring a first classbusiness Coxoern, wi h anon aa 'exWsive Cconeotionoffer in Waterford. ; Mr. Walsh wishes to have thepUoo disposed ot immediately, in order to give hi*Bnocessor a Chanoa of ketplagon the present lncmtivetrade,jwhiab took him s nnmber of years to aeoare.PriVate offer*.'wOliba reoaired npto ! Saturday, 7thNovember 168$. 'FbrfnttluT putioaUa apply to

! /'• ipOMAB WAMH7* pON.Aucaoneors,ThaMall; Waterford.' ¦. : i : ; : ¦ :



2ho Hew Zealand Frozen Meat Company'.- \ ': : Have Opened the Shop - ' ' , ''No. 6, HiamSTSEET, WJLTEiSFOBD,M i : With a Splendid display,of j

TJIBOZEN BEEF AND MUTTON, at I PricesJD I which will be: a Boon to tbe Public at large.Tbsooknowledjred anparlority of ths difflato of New

Zealand over all other countries for taqprodnetion ofUattos, is universally admitted. Th» Company can,wjtb oonfidnoti reoommena th» Muttos M bung (BOWsntritiou and wholeaom* than ur Hattoa tbaloan bepurchased. Toe' Company, 'on placing this Muttonbefore, th« Pobllo, with themto ri»» ltafalrindl»tarti»l¦trial, and' Wdre for themielves. , I •

8tt ;W UOtl;, ottr (m»tert Fbysldan, isbu Etport.proDpnnoes it to;b« the'finest and moat nntritlons ofooy imported into England. ; •Tbete 8heep are all slabghtercd at «w C5W of Dnne*din,: new Zealand, and shipped to England weekly bytha Companj'a'Steamera.: AU Sheep are especially wlected by the Oompaa>'» Bayers, and on no account iaa/aibng sheep allowed to be shipped. \ ' I ' ¦The jprejadioe that. bas existed against this Muttonby the Kngliih Botchers is now overcome, and at tbepresent time the demand for it in London, and all theUrge towns in tha Kingdom, is rapidly InoreMtng, thusahbwing conclusively that tha me*t^oneanringipnbliowill parphaseit, if offered at reasonable Priaoa. f ' ¦ iCOHI AUB arm cst TRIAL, and ws gnannteethat yon-will not be disappointed, : ' , ' ' <\ ! PRICES—From 3d. np per lb, i 1ISST, Fresh AniTalsevery Morniur.: . i i 'THE NEW ZEAXAND. FEOZBN MEAT CO;: ' - No. 6, HIOH 6TBJB»T, WATKBTOBO. 'ol<Wt • . '. . - ; . 0 . MLNEB, Agent


WB call; yoar attention to ah evil which daily; ' threatena to. give an Additional Advantageto the f oreigner in Competing for bur Trade.Damage atislng from BeaUnjr wjtb Wbij w orSticks, and other Ilj-Tieatment, is- on tbe inc -ease.Our . Buyers are instructed to avoid Anim ila soAaatnged.or to boy at ft Redactd Price,: but n> (Jut

in Pripe can cover tbe loa«, and when we'te l youthat AKRBICAH A»D| GIBJUH BACOH NXTXBinonDAMAOEB, yon will eee tbe necexsiry of setting! yourf«e« against this most cruel and injurious Practice,one ioakukted to: make Irish Bacon a 8econd orThird Clas»Art»ele.c ; ¦ ; :iSS* Never Bekt or.; Whip bnr! Pig* j «»errBlow, however slight, is« Permaneat Injury. '

h ; HENBYf DENNY 4i 80N8,: lExow. of J. J.;BiqHABDSONl.. , .1 ii . . ,. , :,. - .}. *;M. SLATTBKT. M. . '

i MATTEESON & CO. (tdcolti d). .'•• .: ! : : 1 I ' • - ' : . 1 . . ' ¦

Owing to the Bad Treatment Farmers andtbtirAssistants give Pigs'aftek they are Purchased I y tbeBuyers, during Deliver/ {to. their Men,1 by Wbi] ipingai(4; Beutingr we ere compelled to cnarg^ themin future for every damage *o {appearing' afterDelivery, aa tbe! Merchants will not Slaughter anyAnitoats so Damamd. r I f j..: ¦. ..: , ;' .•'-:.'

¦j . : .- WATEBFOBD PI<J BUTEBS.October 8th,- 1886.,.: j v|V/ ¦

¦' ; ; ; ; ; o M M

1 ¦'¦ ¦ WATEBFOEtt UNION. f ! .

. ¦. ; • ! • . ; ;


;:,- -. .;] 1 - ;<, ^ .- ;- .^ y

- -¦ ¦ r

¦ ' : ¦;¦¦ j ; , 7AJTKAV1 W&tXMD. '; ¦;;:!¦ ; . > 'riTHB Board c>f GrnsJdiiuia w5Jt>t Meetij ig UA. b» bM . on WEDt tiBOATt : 4»» NOT»I Ji»1885 Vowed -to| *W'« DBITBB for tf(« WOBKHQTffflS VAH sod a£Al t8E/ for «osrMtert<H ffielPoor to th« Ho»pit»l» addtb* Dead for UiUb $1Gwdiios'Cemetery. ] ¦ ;¦'¦ ¦ j;: i v -« •

¦' = ¦- -—f >~- i -"- ^ <' *.!,— •• . '¦¦ ¦

TMpwaonappoiat*lm««t:b»an)krifc«eontro 'kaidire&do pf t&iMaiter Mt^ WorkboMeJaiid >bJSw**s»«dOT'aek CUV «tM*4iMh*m**& tt*iauof» M .we joasieriaay ragout ot HUB. -TOI a«tBart bw fixMat8«r4 w ,wWi ni^claJ»Tl#S»»ana • fontobMlMMrbdiVi A vwfis*2»» Ufa *I M'tofloar C*rBir0f UMiftbUof #] »|?

|V -fr '- — ii ' - ':'. '!¦ ¦•' it'''il i"ili;i; ' ''"''"- '"'' ' " '¦'


WMmmmmm'iMWl moMAur^n^^Mmi

rTfflBj attention' 6i '- the-i iQflintrjr -aM{¦PhBHc! 'JU* * ] ' ¦£ caJledtothisEatibUannient., ^"T-' UL" :!\:- '-: (MODI or TBM. Caaunf t. Qnixwnr. 1 ;;-"

'Con »toy orders eartfolly^ i8»>dfbi 7! A';-!?;': '!,

_Uto«3 Jfetai LLJa JUrianjrfriy iort.JMtwM*b**Jwrxmeljwww for, ooa»waiw;'b> rail, *o. Icermai*


icHABi ,Mc%psH; " .::: : :^^Ii0*»»Br»JBAflS-FOTJir »«r

!: OASvPtriEB. .J^K3JiAD MEBOHANT i !.;:: "/ .: K; .: : ;/ VWaaBEJrOBD. . : ' ; j ^- .,j (Lam: or. Vatiit Qm6«aw'» r 8TMO«), ;I ;;-.i:O««ijani Woto" Boo»» i' W4. 10.LADT"JUOTi1 ;!?

/^SltiNi:H0Tl9i&, CONSEBVATOBra, andVrTjE05BWO BTJItDmag ( Hot jW*.fer ,ontBe mostapprov^prindple, , _^ , . / ;> •: - r ' ..Tefuntpinlalf, too nnmyrons for insertion, frpm tieeadiiig.O«nti7 of Waterford ahd'anrroosding ConntiM,

whos1* places I aaVa hiSited, maytbe IMI at my offlo**.

I- 'P-S i-T-HaYto* pi»ha»ed at the Sale atLittlaGeorgi1street Oeientire StockofiBraai, wooo, anajjeaa rat-terns oonneotod with the ForaW, for BraW' CastingsV'Mi enabled to exoonW all orders for Cuing p b t h *shorteetnotioe,andon reaacm»blet«rnis. • : • ¦• ¦ : >' .

i '- r Entranoe to Work* from Peter street. hnbC i l -v i l . , IMPOBTAHT NOTICE. ' .'. : ¦ . :

: Parties about to. Snpply thett House* witb the newPIPE-WAT IB will oonsnit their own interests by callingat, the above EatabliahmeJit, where estimates can be had

AU wori will be guaranteed !ofj thebsstmatarialandwbrkmanthip,andwill be exeonted on the most BXA.8OV*B1-»^T«BM8.; ! ¦ ¦ i : I'•- ¦ •, . '• . ¦ . '¦ > ' ¦ '' ¦

: A trial respectfully solicited..10JLady Lane.Waterf6rd.Auir 27, '88.

. : |; i .;1 !' ¦: X B. ; DA1T0N, i - = T '- '< '

' . ¦ i . JPirrf . OlaMt Ctrtf ad Bnoiiuer, . V . iB .l i W T S E ' S ! HIJ TilLi C O B K . "

Andr at 29, M A L L . W X T E B F O B ib t ,A - aBHT i iot the Irish Eiterprisa Dry Doflk

JEaLi I Bepairing Company,! now: forming;, 81ght«fed Xnbricator, a real eeotjomio novelty 1 ; theAutomatic Water Gnage—when the glass breaks itshuts ! off ; tbe steam and trader. .The UniversalKnowledge and Information Company 1 any ques-tion answered for Is., trith numerous other Speci-alities, ! All of intrinsic worth to steam nsera&ridothers concerned therein. |;' ¦; !! ii P ORTRA|IT;S " . . . " ImAKEN DAILY by Mr. WIHTEB, and Finishedr-a. : \la the best style of Axri, at his approved .

¦i 1; i l PHOToaaAPHic StBDio 1 . '«2?" 62, qUAY(S/»B KHTBiispB) WATERFORD

i , i ! !

j "!j ¦' ¦ POWEB ; BBOS.' ' ; ¦ . . '¦ ' ¦

: ;|Gingbr -Ala and Uinoral. XT&iota,. mEQOAlLBD f OB PUBSTt 'ASD AB0UA.

¦ I ' : 1 . ¦ . ,• . ' ¦


! ; ; !• DUNOAEVAN, fau21.6m.- ¦¦ '


. r

¦ .

" ¦

¦: l • ' ! > • ¦

¦ ¦ '¦


I : ' : ; ! ' :| ' ¦'¦ ¦

L E SiL l^h S ¦ ' ¦ ¦

;; ; ¦ -;6PjBBA VOICE I )ZSnGS0. ;.

TettikoiAaLt from the' leadingl iiutieal Talent of¦' • ;¦¦

j j - j • ¦' ¦'' - ' tht JTfnj/dVwt.; ' ' . \ ¦ • v' e j( Tka MAETEL or'THi AGE.1

: A PERFECT CUBE *o> iii. AFFECTIONSJ$L.\' : : \ 0! the Voior and THEOAT. I¦ ¦ ; J : ! ¦¦ « l.» « ' ; :

: .To be bad of all Chemist* throughout tbe World,in Boseajjle. lid., 2s. 9dj, and 4s. 6d. each, and ofP. A; LESLIE & Co., feole Makers and Patentees,



"O ! i O'KEBFFB &| SONS beg respectf ally¦Jti e j .toi invite the attentidn of; the people of Water-ord and the surrounding district* to the large stock of

BxAJj-fiTasES, TOKBS, aind M6KXII«NTS of the bew-eatlrtyle and beat o-aterial procurable, including » largeatookof Interlaced Celtio,Cro«seJi] :

-P. p|K.[* SONS are prepared tjoepter into contract*for; every:! description of otoneaod Marble Work forCemeteries, Ac. CaimntTPixaiB prepared and set.

By their extooaive pr^misea . they can' oxocnte anywork* 'ontnuted to theoi at the ahonestnotiM, in theoott attls,land on the moat reasonable'terms. ap3-ly.

: [ ! . | . :If OIHOEB frTlS . !.|; VnzqpAjSum AS A DXUOIOUB STOHACHIO,

:I ; '¦¦• ! ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦' MB *H" B^

oif ''

nUUIEIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superiorC > j to any other offered to tbe Public.

OflrluHBD THB WBSr PSIZB—DCBIiUTj ; i i - . ! v; EXHIBITION, 1862. : : ii May! • •$> obtained of sll1 Grocers and Wine¦ 1 Hcrchants" throuigbont the Country, !And-Wnolesale (in Wood and Bottle) from the'

¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ' I : I

" - ; ¦' ¦' Manitfacturere ,- :

¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ - ¦

BEWLEY '& DRAPER (LIMITED),«28J- i !i D V B L m . . t£

i i j JOHET Z>. WASSa,iPJ li TJiMBEB xxb GAS- FITTEB, '

;. j J j ; ! ' 4B. PATBICK STREET. '. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦} [ ¦ .

WSTATEB C i 0 S Ei T S, |WABH-HAHD BASIHS,v y ! Fpucm and larq Pmtw neatly fitted up. ;Jobbing promptly at tended! to. i al7.1y

/ J IBIS& ABT xm> MANT7FACTUBE. ;' ¦¦ : ' SDWABP O'SHBA, : : . ' . i ! :

jMOROUBNtfAL fiCULPTOB, CALLAfl. !1 ¦- . -. . . j . : f . ¦'¦ Cocmx Kjutiirirt, ; ; . ! . :

BEQS to oin tbe attf ntlpn! of bis Customer* and: the] Irish Public to the fact that he has been

awarded a G«ta> HMDAU and Drnoju for the supe-rior excellence of bis exhibit of a Celtic Stone Croasattbe Boston Exhibitioa of (1883 1 also the HIOHKTPaxtv, awarded1, at the recent Dublin and CorkExhibitions for his specimensiof Celtio Crosses.

All kinds of, Mo&nmental apd. Ornamental Stoneand M)ybl« Wj>rka < CeljUa Crosses in great variety.

Altarsj j Fonts, Mural Tablets, Ac., exeonted on.the meet reasonable Teems :aod shortort notice. . i :

Further particulars can be bad oh application to, ' i I EDWABD O'SHEA.'¦ I <y26

f.! CALLAir, '.COJttJty I KKfcKENinr. " ¦¦:-"

' V**9 Farmu ifor jtte - I»«TH<WI :• ¦ vr- j u!.- .. . - ..- '. ; , - , • : - SH ! ,• ; .

¦ ¦. ' : : ¦:

MAHTTOBA A H D T M CANAI IAN NOBTH': !. i ' l - ! - •: ,-. ; . : ¦ WEST,! '¦ 1 ¦ •!- , .

¦ ¦ : :

"TCrUICff Comprise* 160,000,0)0 Acres' ot theTT lberf Wheat I*nd in ttoWoxld, and 60.000:'

000 of the best Grazing i Land. 1 Bail way communi-cation open to all parts of the Continent.' ImprovedFarm*', for Sole k all |parta 6f ' Canada. AiaistedPassages 'granted ' to Agricultural Labonrera, andFemale Domestto 8erran(e,: who are in greatdemani.!; :¦!'¦


¦ !'. ; : : : ¦ .

'. | I .. . . . ¦:¦'..

' - ,

Applyj<for tbe New Qovjernment! Pamphlets,:Maps, and fuIHnforination toM I i 1 :™ j - -;| THOMAS'i CONN&LLTi. j

r A ' 'j ; |: '! . -' ¦ Canadian UfovkranJent Agent,Nothdmberland; HOUM, Bereeford-Place, Dublin

! • toCAL : BAltAVAY!; TBXF Pro. . : " iTmflify tuTff / ot «i»t «i»4l»i 0CT0BBB 8Jr«, UM. : |;

'. ;; , I ' ij W«t«rfOTa~'Vv'»terfoii Kili«nn7~ Watirfora,. ;; ' j I ' ' ¦¦ «nd and Central Junction Pnunrns.', ; , 1'I.lmeriek Ire .4 iuilwaj : udj. ! ¦ j *|273 miles (Slwles I. (28 mue . Llssun; ' -

¦ i I - I i opeaj. .jppen) | ; open) (i3 mJlo»).¦ -» ¦ i I ¦ j u

't 'ii a. , e "•; ¦ a, 'ie . 'i. '* >/ : * :*.rDmmgkmi"- : " '¦ ¦", ' -'¦ ' - ¦ri i ¦' ; ' I ¦' '¦ ¦

P»ni3k *e,. ;¦ < ' : SS') I3 3 m 10 11 I W W OOoodayO»ttt» ! ' ,-:• ¦ ! 830 I I 81* 8 7 1 31J 10 0ioUi.i..i.uei 0 0 «JS IS W «di* a. m i 0

Cormp'dint ¦. : : ' ¦ i i ¦ ' '¦ !w«dHart yr.«g0 ; 0 0 jOH t W U 7 885 10 0

I* tneliida* 131' aile* ot jiiat tthm ' roAod b/ WUexitorda)>a. «>yrl Btfwy CoPBtnjr'. T7> [.' j' ¦' : *; : ¦¦'¦¦. 1 1 ; ,

¦ ; !.¦¦!• WATEBFOBD DTTEB!, MABKET. ; i ' i ' ¦

HimWof lllrUM thi Public Butter Uarht; /or Mf k em&ina f r i &py f th f r 4»i), and price *. .Xoadsjr, - i 60 I ~ I io£l <M. to U81. 0dToMoar.i — ; ' 0 ! — < a*, M. to 00.. od.

IMaWay-¦¦' 1M > - lnai W. to U*. 04.. Tk5idt>7¦— ' • -\W ! - life. 0& to Mi. 01.• - 'jnMar, f — ' ¦' ¦¦" i - i WiT 0d. to 0U». <M.

llo/otjniklM vonMpoiullackMk lastrMir. J8S .,ftlo« peii owt, ii,,i...;.,. .L.7,.}. U0«J Od. to ISOi. 0*

.- .¦¦ '! i i (BTJ A •vTArtBfO^D MA.H). ¦ • •; -.( ¦jOn Hobday; last at FermoT (air the sapply 'of

pig» jiho#n for aale nainberea bver a,000. J?rpmthU I lot 'tbe' fWetertord Ira/efa boagbt 800,! atfijdfa MK>':to'«6ii!per e«r.t.! 'Cwrngk n-Soir fair;held! op:|the.ieuoe day, b»4 a iupplT of 80O,i[wb oji ibe Wa^ordmerobjanila; divided a« fol-.lo i:+jLeaari. Penny", OS QI Blobardaoit, IWij ;Bht*ery^»)JMatter»onj 100. Prjcea, 46e, pericift.; Qa)rloiv pui'.b. d <»n Toeaaakhad a • npplrof ilJWO!jpr%»ei Wonera., ,8M of thl* lot; werepoiteba. M* Wtwe yf attttp ti mjtn at 48*. per,$$,1.] Vf,nW, 4^apiip ofM-pig,,of ; Ter>i

1 (.;¦!

AngolaI -A




.; :


: :•

yv Slysuux rWooeAlBf., aad Sew

JTivTp r (ki t. fo. H 3*: ' '¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ i 'i i' i LJ'I*\TI ¦iHesi '

J3Bw»rer¦ t ri IT.?- *?<

i ;¦ fcg!r->J±|Q-/-L A il .ii - JL'JcOO V v ™-*

L. ..! . f|3|jjljjr|tec=|-:5.j j i; ' I . . T - ;

¦! : ¦ : : . ' U.M ¦ !'- 1- " ¦ i; ' £ I - .' i . ; - ¦


; l ;. SPECIAL !

?d:i M ¦ V ' ¦'¦ ,-GEG^OlJ'S>-'.iSTREEfe. j TOTEliF@Ri

: Br^EAKFA; nrs;: : : tj) lirj NlE. /.' v |Ai C¦ > ¦. ! •

¦ iai iiu j: ! i

*¦¦ ¦ - i ¦ ¦!•¦ 7\, i \ - \ .


:v it- .

" ¦ ; - nggJP FABME^S and other* who have not visited this SouM are requested to¦ '"¦ ' "' ;¦ 1 ! "•¦ '. I j ¦ ' • ;• ¦

"—T~T~!T" '¦ ' ¦ '

; 1-M M i|Sest DftDlin atod: Cork Whiakfyv Ale &ni, Porter of tW:' ¦ ¦. • • j - - '-7 ¦ • ¦ ' i ! ; : l :' : : ¦ x£iP-T . . . I NMI ^T O'C.^ V 'MM !

|;JKILMAGTHOMAS ANioi ivmv ,. :, '} ' " ¦ ¦ '. ¦ ¦ .. .

%mmTj§MM ^ 1 : TEA&t I :)IAN TEAS" ! are the produoa of the ; Sargeeling and tbe favouriterdens, and will givo tborpngb aitiefaction to oar Customers. ¦ '¦' I •

I' i ; , f T; ; . :

. 1 . • . ! : ' ¦: ¦ ' -¦ : . ¦ , ;ind |2s. 8d. qufllitie are j specially recdomendedi as thesa ; prices ; ' .•i us. an opportunity • >f supplying < he Finest Teiw grown. : ' ¦ ¦ : M|

¦ • ! • .


.¦ ¦

.! r. . - •¦: .. . ¦ ¦

. !

OVB ;"P0BE INDIANI ¦ Assam Gardens,j

¦-. ' V I

• ¦ ; ; , : T ; ; .

¦. !¦

•-. : ¦: ¦ -

Tbe; 8s., 2a. 6d., and <2a. 3d. qualities are j specially recommended; oa thesa1 afford us an opportunity; >f supplying < he Finest Tea3 grown. :

\ ,' ¦ : O U R M lL O W E R P|R I C E D ¦ TEASAt tbo oamo time, at 2*., Is.- 10d4 and Is. 8d-,j will be. found to bo excellent v' yery much superior; to Teas hitherto offered at thcua prices.

. ' Having ampli capital, we are enabled to purohaao on best terms for Cash.


A large Consignment of La<Ues'! . c | ^ "

aUABMiT ED JVATE;nment of Lames' md Gentlemen's Coats,

I "

aUABANT ED y ivATEB PR'oOF} ' : ' \'

we aro enabled to offer! at 0 )NBIDEEABLY UNDEE THEIB! : . USUAt PB13E8 ; F»B' ; i 1 ;nir . :3yc|G) -J5r .Bjiri , ! ¦;-o-ir x< 'sr . ; ¦


THESE GOODS we aro; i ,. I - " -

63| AND 64/ QtSyPwi

MUBPHY has, by tbo excellence of bis Ma: for tbeir PuniTr and QVAUTT n tbeTBADE IS DAILT INCBEABINQ¦-¦ ¦•; H18

iiE:w M I N E R A L Wj A.T :3RS I AND CORD IALS! f j- — . — . — — — - -¦— 1


— f m ^ T ¦* ^ * '

MUBPHY has Wtaiaed the services of a iully qualified Distiller (irbo, in additionDiploma, holds the Gold Medal awarded by tbe < British Brewers' and Distillers'Bent

diploma, boias tae uoia Medal awiraett oy toe v unusb Brewers' and Distillers : !iz " ¦" ' . ¦ ¦ Award ABSociation") for the oarefal liruparttjion of tbeOinrjor "VTincp, Cordials, Bitterij, >to» e\ <i,, Croxm Dodo end X-omonodo.! 8AUPLEB AND QUOTATIONS 8BNT . FREE. ' : o23.t

- Statntory nonoo^

to Creditors. ;In the Ooods of the Beroredd PIBEOB HsmBHAR,

late of Tramore, in Connty of Waterford, Catholio.Clergyman, Deoeased. 1 ! ... |i .

HOTICE IS HEREBY; GIVEN, puiunant tothe 22ad and 28rd Vio.,1 Cap. 85, that all persons

claiming to be Creditors, or otherwise to h»Te any: oiaim againai.tha Assets of tbe.aald Bevereod PISBSB', HirrBBBA*, who 'died on o» about the 17,th day of; Aniftat, 1885, are reqoired, on or befon the 5th day ofDa£taber, 1885, to Inrnish the particulars (in writing)of Meh CIaiina«s Otmands to the nnderslngned Soli*tdto«forthe3ev«Md P. J. MOXJAWKT, ofTamore,in UM Ooaota et Waierford; Parish PriMt, and thoBevwendBoiiiST POWIB, «¦» of O«»rfe'»*tjfe«t,in thsCityof Watarford; Bookan Cathobo Olergyman

'tha iSTMmtArsnunxl In tha but Will and Taataoieat.i irlth ow Codicil, of tho said Defieassd, to whom Pro-bate thereof waa | granted forth of tbe W»tfrfordDistrict Begistnr ot the Probate and MatrimonialDivision of the High Court of Vnstioe in lreliiid, onthe 26tb day o f ' September,! 188}. And NOTIOI la.HsafeBTiFn&TBAB, QrvXM, that after the «aid 5th;dayof December1, the said Execatori will prooeed to jdU-

; tribute tbe Asset* of tbe Deceased amongst tho parliesentitled thereto, having regard only,to tha Claims andDemands of which notice shall!have been girei aaatoronaid. i - 1 - !. 1Dated this 22nd day of October, 1&S5. •¦ Blea wi"

; DANIEL D.0WFOBD, SoHcitor1 forn , ' th» «aid ExeCDturi, 21, King-

i . :> street, Waterford. . . . , I ,.


3/5&. a3*.: ^fflilJ'! . : - n l I ; ;CT V ^ ^ 8 i ^ r ^ J ifi^ Tl ^^ T^ TW" V f* F>A \

X &MAJ XilLf X JLXN W 1jZ5cau£actuso? of 2Jiao?cl aafl Uodloiiaal;

! : i ; ; : WA+ER!FO

Btotntory UoUoo : t» Creditors.In tho Goods of the Bevereftd PATWCJE Hvarar,

. late of Be'reaford tnwt.inj th* City ot WaterfordCatholic Clorgyman, Deceased. ¦ I,•VTOTIOB IS hEBEPpr GtV^N, jrarsuant

J3I to th» 22nd and 23M ( ¦%)., Cap. 8f, that allPersona oUiping to' b& Creditor* or otherwise to have

'any cUim cr demand agaiRitj tbe A»»cU of the said. Bev. PATRICK MourHT. wbi died on or about] the-23rd day of July, 1885, are tiqulred on or before tbe6th day of D OIMBSB. 1835, to furnish the pifrtionUrs(in writing) ot loon claims 01' demands to the under.signed Solicitor for. the . Mioaioi K«

ATIVO,ISm., W Otorge'iiitrMt. intlis tity of ,Waterfprq,] Aitholia Clmnnan' no* 1 if the Executor* naiedin Use last WUIand Teatai efat, with! one CpdieUL oftha aaid deoeWd, ta whom P*ob»t» thereof wu grantedforth ofthe Waterford DiMr ot BegUtry of the Pro-'bats and M«irin,onial Diviai >n of tht High Court ofJottloo in Ireland, on tha-22 jd dayof OotoUr, 1885.And Notice is hereby fortbs* liven, thatafter the aaid

TSth 3ay W DMember,'8S, th» said Execnjor wiUprocoedto dUtribota tb« AsseU of tl e Deoaaaed amongtt'tl>6parties entitled'thereto, baviog rejard only to!theplaioa anddomands of wbioa nottos shall have been,given as aforesaid. j ¦ !

. Dated this SZLd day of OoUber, 1683. , \DANIEI. BUNFOBD, Solicitor for

; • j th» siid lExcoutor, 21.Kin^>' ' ¦ • ' • ¦ ' : ' ' - '¦ ' M ttW8

.WatCTford. I

¦;. . i .- . ; '..- " -i ' T f ti l K B E

¦- -¦ • : •¦


THIS Kirst-Class Hotel is beautifully situated,commanding An nointer rupted vftiw ot tho Buy,

and within one minute's walk <.f tbu Suaod kindBailway: Station, : ' ' ¦ ¦ i . . i . ,; • : .

- BTKOIAL ' TXBHS K B . BOABD«aa.; • ' ¦JylMy]

¦ i

¦ ' K. FDYNN. Proprietreda.

'onx Porm, ' j j '. ' [ESTATE, onderftbe

«U«d) «4t, ia86, fUtilei, by . I .-_;.¦,. .. .I i : ;.^M., B.A., Barrister,)u«Ie to the Franchise' '¦ r I ¦ : ' l : i& [0O. (LIMITED),TUKKprnriej. i-i , [ ¦ ¦ j«nl»."Posi^ree. a25

¦'¦'¦¦'¦' Sow , to Buy 1

HOW TOiSJBLft YOUIPq«ja^ of;Xand (X

Couwwatanf, Forma, and IiWILtlAM JLAW8ON, J

*'- «t-Uw, Aothor of "A¦• AcUfi [ ^\Dcauu .—ALEX: THOH¦ ¦ Tali Qoaas's .PanPrice Two HhUltogs and'SU¦ I ' ; ^: v-Btainea;''diMii ' iv7ori»vi '/ ' '[ ; l| UPPBB CAMDBN'B ntEElV bXTSiilN : :TVTKSSBS. PAB^Y *;J (OW£LIi! fetpectfjjllyJJUL -rrquetttDe Clergy to^Enoobaiaa IatsH!ABT.: All . VTprka >xeoated«0 tbe Pmnl«rt.-s I ;! Desikn.aiaE»tliIte«Fri «. i .:- :T (all y)

OWELI/ respectfullyto EaooDBiai IkiiB

tbe PmnI«rt.N

TVAVkXEbti AUMAN^d for!jj$8tf,!;£J Tear of (Change. Cirottla loao»»r 1W*».- (Ulw.-Rolee «l,tb«fi»ark-. W* b » i f MM l o ^,mg^hUCz*dki«l!foMkold'th( &uST>AaVinoeAfghaoitUn, t tht Boodan Bit JditJon, Jlw:—LobdCOO*M aii OJ..- 8 Ttork•» tM rA Giaii, (UiipSaM.'- \\: r !ti; |.^%i|. |. ¦:;;::., ,, ;;;.;««

I -"I

«V MiR i Oil Matt 1? iaik«i»«ffM«{m \( Ittirry Ouss^aN pfoaoosofd » Coaaaii Mim to ik :• sea ralu^SrSvM L t Sjfy i % f¦¦> :-- - -' r - i : - ' • 'V- - -K *V Ml¦;¦ > :

i • ¦ • i 1 '

: ¦: ¦ i . \- . : i i ! :

'.' ¦¦ :

iHiiKiawmffln^;: to'' doTwrt ciatijii.. - ; ¦ ,i :.ri', y>-- -.V:- '- h > i l .- . - . / ¦X . i : \ '. ¦¦¦. ¦. •¦•; • . ! .- . ip

6bv ,:Ho one sHotild be with'otitt il ; j


Best Brand, : ¦0SO.H

I - - . ' I " ' I ' ¦ - • ! : .' • • ¦ ' : . . . .,

¦. . . . .I

^;;;.i R|pOMS, \:\ '

liiBliFORD. :. !- j --"i ; / ' v - ; ; i M . ' . . . : • |- ;. j^.¦':.:iANb ; -BEDS.- ! t !

* / ' ;value, nnd

: i•I'.tf


ufactures, established a foremost positionpinion!of all good judged. ! 'AND , HI8 : ' J . !

to bio

IISTiBB.; -i

AJl^E ; <fc ; 00


itrjfca. 2:,;

o.© XJLJJJJ JCJ MJ $'fitorb, cad Wholcsolo Sottlo?,

' i :|M j GBEAT '

;Q H E A P SA L El¦



: ¦

off !

B O l O T D A U D D H Q E 2i ; \J0 8 E P H

X\B 0YP' B ,


i !¦ ¦' TDLLOW-STBE^T, CABLOW.1 ¦ • ! • i ¦ . ¦ ¦

i ' o23

TOrath JOonotred; aad Old Anni ;]' ¦: I7NBECOONI8ED,BY liing FBED LEWIS' Hair Colour Be<JLP sw»r,which in a few 'days restores thaoolour ofgrey i h< H pr hair turning grey, to ita original coloqr.It will {darken red hair. It will not soil tha hair or[linen, haying no sedimoati and cannot b« detected in;nsa. I irge bottles, 2* Cd. Sent secretly pack*) postfrc9,3j. ' :'- .

" ¦ .."

. . I " , .

' ' :"' ;.¦ ¦•

"¦¦ •.¦ I S , PLEET-STBEET, DUBLIN. ; " ;; I And All ilerohanU. ; o30.06


; BOAS QBS O I O n O. !'To Boad Contractors and thou interested in County

] • I " > Pruentmmts. 1 'BAITS for holding- Boad Sessions, previonn

& SPBINO ASSIZES, 1883 1-Bot Eil onlliheon, at ililai/oot, Thursday. Utb Janu-

ary, I88fl, at XI o'Cluok. ; ;<3»ultiB:', Callaghano, save day, 14th January. 1830.

at 1 o'clock. ' ' ; ¦ ¦ ' ', | ;Middli tiu'rd, Tramore, Friday, 15th Jaooary, at 11

o'clock. I : ¦¦ ! I ' I ¦Upper Aird, Carriosbeg, Saturday, 16th1 January, at

02.85 o'( |bck, . . - . . ; ; i iI Olenal airr, Ballymacaibery, Monday, 10th January,jatia^O >'Clook. : ¦ - . ;

¦ j ¦I .Ooshmore aad Coshbride, Llimore, Tuesday, 18thtfaonary U-ia-o'Olook. :• . ' i i '

Dedot Within Dram, Clashmoro, Wednesday, 20thJanoary kt 18 o'clock, ; . . ,De iesi Svithont Pram. Dnqgarran, Thnriday, 2IifrJanuary it 11.80 o'CIook. j : . .At Dajigarvan, tbe Btuinqu of tbe County at Largewill be eatqrsd on before that of the Barony of DeciesWilhoot Drum. ' • ¦ • ¦¦¦ ! 1AU A plications for Presentments, 4c., jnoat be

Jodfftd it ny Office on or before SATUBDAY, the 2ndday, of J nnary, < 1888. and 40 ApplioaMoa will' be »n-Ured on pa Presentment Sheet that is not prepared inaooordanoo with the Act of Parliament. :B, H. POWEB, ;8eoroUrr to the Oraod Jury.Conntj ISocretaiy'a OfSoei, Oonrt House Waterford,

. ¦- ¦ ¦ I : 8f«tJuly, 1S85. - i : ¦

.: .v . t- . .v. - ,Wa*«fc . ' . , : ! ¦ ' ; :A ¦ ' EJ BIDENT AGENT, in or near Waterford;JpX. w M> anderttanda Buying, to attend Fainand Market*. Wages—£$ per week and Expenses:Enclose Stamp-, for particulars, which will tie tento e*cb applicant. : Addresi—Mr. CLABK. 23,

WMtw ^TOif.8xB»tT, BTOOKFOBT. 01856Tc tto Clergy I »nd UtUgbma

I ' ' j!; ; C O M M U N I T I E S . | • j \SACK in VE8TMENTS of all deocripHons and

. In be Newest D«lgn!», inoludlog CHAXTIBUU,Core*. UnciiiAi,. Van4, . PMAOHJWO ttroni,Atn, fiii' Ac, can be b«d at ST. DOMINIONSLHUUBAitlAi. HUUUOU VYA'lBttJfW^^ !

Tbe Vfork and Embroidery arts executed, in tbeSchool, 40d can, guaranteed aa durableand »ttmdUv«. The Priciee wiU. be foondiaslowM *ibow lof any EsUbllshoient for tbe aaU of Vest-ment*. lAll Orders will be attended to prouply onappHcarioil-io';// ;' / I. ; - . . '¦. '¦ \ \ ; . ; . \ \T«i Si riaidBCfs, ST. DoxurioK'a iKDCsiraiu.,

• ' ' SOBOOI,, WATsafoao. : :N.B,-B(rretU»,Stockii*c:.niadeat the shortest


• I ; '.], i:|- .i - :W»

-';<ULUL ¦- M :| •

BL&C K.;Ha.roborgb«, Ugbt and Dark Brabamt,Piitridga and Bnffj Cochins, Pekln Dock*,

rom )0i| a1 pair, gomt|ef tbese Priw Widoera,.nd brVd from surh. Apply '0, ¦ »Ut8m'

Mlw -I TBANQE, ;T»« JA«BT, WAT«RtO»P. | :

Mr. C l*»Ie» I*wlor. pnopijetor Imperial Ho.I, .Dab M, baa mttn:» to the Bexton fund*;id! Mr, poSSiV OorleW Bwllngtoo Be#4loijjint; PiMIAjvSfoMj;? ¦¦¦ } . ; {¦ .

^'tta i FJ r'/HinnvX'fli^Win TWnttar mtv'Wa

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l*!B»-3*W::F4wipe>er'-for:- I 'AgTriejilfailiH;:X.: .CoobiiM tie ;b.«t Artiole* and Beporta oneyiriwbiet Jntereifngto Farmer*. . [ ,

C* a»of aftei Noyember 7th the Prk* will be,Eed«e4 ABlPBNinr, WJBBKLie,a*d4t-ailLthea b ' tfce "fcrt Penny/gricolteral Paperphb-illshtd in Ireland.

¦' ! ¦ ' ; ¦ ' ¦ : ! : -

' ¦. ..-'

¦•!¦ • '• : '


'•WANTED/ * fore January 1st, 1*86, «00 addl-itJpnal 8aKribeffl in'eaoh Couaty in Ireland. A.;Specimen fepy of ?th Novef bef and subsequent'iaVoee POS FBWTO at A rthMbm. i i;.- It;rl« tie' interest of every Farmer, both large!

'Mtiff' ikHtAll Vit kk>J 2a juijtl*' ^ J>lr. : . ' !

AGENTS oTieepeotability and energy will be Iappointed in tbbte counties where the paper is not'now directly represented to canvas for subscribers.;For Terms apply to the Manager, >


67. Mi»bt» AiBBT STaarr, DUBLIN.

Xha Iri«h.' tarm Sheet AlmtMiao, 1889

EVEBY Implement, Seed, and Manure Merchantin Ireland is invited tc apply for a ran copy

of the lues Vxi * Sheet Alwanao for 1886, «peclJally designed and printed in cokmre at great ex;pense. It kill be superior to anything of the kindever placed before the Irish A|{rfcnTtural Public,and will be sent but Post free, mounted, ready forbanging up, and will contain information meat aw-ful for reference idnring the ensuing year. ! Applyat once to the Manager, .



N.B.—This Almanac, printed 00. spsdal, paper, willalso be distributed as a Supplement ta the IBIBH PABMof December 28th. 1885. whlob, in addition to its ordi-nary Subsoribers, wiU bo sent Port Pree to all appli;Aitbmi received nrior to Deoember 24th, 1885.'


Enoouraso irion lannuiacniro.

/TtlVE THE PBEPEBENCB of yonr Trade toHJ IBISH GOODS. They »re equally as cheapend BS good as those imported.



Agent fo r IAmort and DUtrkt •.—JOHN NOONAN , |

T T A T . T. W A R E H O U S E .

GtJn ?OB 0A1E

AFIBST-CLASS D O U B I / E - B A B B K i.BBEECH-LOADEB, Warranted, j Apply



<2O 12IXXEBS, Eto.riTIHE Board of Guardians of the Callan UnionJL will , at their Weekly Meeting on MONDAY,2nd NOVEMBER Next, receive and considerTenders for supplying tbe Workhouse with 20 Tonsof BE8T WHITE BAKEBB' FLOUB.i fot BixMonths, ending May, 1888. ' ]

Sealei Tenders, addressed to the Board of Guar-dians, will ; be received by me up to 12 o'clock ontbe above-named day ' > ;

On eamo day a person competent to dischargetbe duties of : Baker to tbe Workhouse will boelected, at a Salary to be fixed on tbe day of theielection. Applications! and Testimonials will boreceived by me up to IS o'Clor.k on 2nd prox.

(By order), JOHN F. SHELLY,• j " Clerk of Union

Board Boom. Callan. 19th Ootober. 1885. ' o23POB D A L E , ;

A HIGHLY FINISHED COUNTEB. ' 11 x 2,JCA. x 5, ' containing Six Drawers and Till j builtby PABNIU. & 8OH8. Bristol. . Apply to

JAMES O'NEILL, 45 MiCHA*t-STas*r. (oSO.tfC O L O N I A L L I N E

TO AUSTRALIA AND NSW ZEALAND.TW\KE splendid Steamship "BOMJAT," 100JL A I, 5,500 Tons bordaa, will be despatched fromtbo Victoria Docks for Melbourne and Sidney, callingit Hotwrt (vi» ; C»p« of Qood Hope), on: the 80thNovaunxB. Has a splendid Saloon and Stateroomwith every convenience, and the arrangements forThird CUsa Passenger*!are; nnsnrpasssd. SuperiorDietary So&le. " Calls at Plymouth, and will carry anoxporiencedSurgeon. Apply to JOHN HXKBT PLIBT,112, PenchKroh Street, London, E.G. ' .

. 7Q BE GOKD,fllHE LICEN8ED HOUSE, NO. 6, BABBON-JL STBAND-8TKEET, held nnder Lease for82 years, from tbe 1st of May last, at tbe YearlyKent of jttB. Apply to oO


AJUNIOB CLEBE for a Solicitor's Ofice.Must write a good band. Apply, tin own

handwriting, to " Lex, ' Office of this paper. (¦


thank Messrs. Joseph Stepbenson, ; W. E.Koily, and J. W. Howard, for £i each towards thefund for the rapport of the Sisters of Charity, and6«. for tame from Mr. Canlfleld.. ' ;

j gtrths;' j Barrlaoo, mi deaths .A *wunttmtniiofIHtt\»,'UtrrUiu.*l) ntU ,miitbtvrivi i<a

¦ 1 i B 1 B T H B . !On O» S4tb imU at Booth Fusde, Waterford, «w wife of

(Jeorge CUtspett, of a*oo. : ' :October a, •* FembTOkt-Toad, DnUla, tt>* wU* ef MijorJ. W. Asdrtwi, of a d»o»ht«r.. October ti. at Ainu Coltagt, Cork, tha wlfs of JottpfcHau«hton,E«i., of »ton. . ;

October S3, at 111, Donore-temea South Clror'ar-rONi,Dublin, the wif«ol Mr. Thom«J Blown, at m won. '

October Badena,co. Wteklow, tb» wlta of tin Btv.W, P. CouiSljr.B.Ai, T.C.D.,of adwjrbter.

October 28, »« M> St. 8t«pbm'* re«a, North, Dablln, the«lfa ot JOOM* Little; M.D.. of a «on. •

I j M A B K I A G E 8. jOrfoUr to, at CbrUl Chnroli, WaUrford, by tb* X«T. S

VUoba, Bobart,. toa ol th« Ut* Thomas Pools, to'Ku? E:(WaBU), *lo<at daafhWr of tha lat« Sobtrt BoiaJck, ?«tb-'ard, co. wtxfofd. i "" : '

Octobtr &, at St. Aodraw's Church, Bojbj, W. SbtPMraBotbwdaod, Baotor pf, Udrd naof aeoTM datberUaa, of Fone, f j f . , DX., dithivas. H.B,to Id* EmiXT, rooamt dmghtq; ot tho l«ia HonUr Korri-¦oa Eea Bauibimcn. ' ' j' Oototar 28. «t Si. Juna'i, H*ary, aoa of W. Dot^no. otDublin, to lUlle, thifd «ll««i aa£f litat of J. Orarxv Ho/-dram. Athlon*. ' ¦ ¦ T '

October 84. *t Bt. Maxr M daltn'i, tfoitlaka. Dr. Uavtact P. J. Hnl(an,of Hann, to JlorrAoruiU, jraugtstdaubUr of Jamet BOUITU, E»q.,C.ELofBanti:Bcxnf ,¦odlfaxloo, formarW of Golden Bride* BOOM, SO. DuiUo. .

i I D E A T H 8.tut eight, tit Tr»mon!> after a short iUam, Xr. B.

dutnihaa, •?oood, aon ol th* laia Mr. : P. V. Vyr' trrtOaaplr ragmted. • ' JOoL «4,*tTh*K«3], Watartorf, Anne, yotogait daotbUrof.the lata SirBimooN«wport, of thisolt/. . . . .. . I '

October W, «t Ardnton, Utlan Fraaaea, lh« ibaloraddaocbterof i WUUam aad Isabel Pero*mHUrw«ll, oiMoonBUI, to. Wktactotd, t(*d In jmru. ' J 'October!l,»t b4r rtaUanoe.pnagarran, £lix», f t i i e t of P.T. Tr«Tera,-S»q,JIJB,af»d78 »«ara. ; ¦' OMobtf !*, a* Osab«],m. T!npnsr]r, Charlotte, widow oftb* lata Jobs WUU, E*Q. . <

Oetobar 84, at hi» rtaldanos. Tha Totaoa, DowoWtlek,! OctobeT Hat8aooDdarabad.IiKUa.ol Xsdlaa t**n, J.btt.Bnotar Ksox, Coloael Iitb Hoacan, aUart MS. of Unt»uWSolonal Knoz, Ut* 13th Ufht Ihmroona, ot [MtU«JCaatla, TkurUa. . : :, October 17, ai ClovgbautCMUa, eo. Woxford,! iaabtthD ..wurt of 'joha Wo*. atJu ***-*-. SKffl aB;«ttd «U«rt dancbtarot aaaaal Box>*U, Baij., l+w&iitoiiL00. W»iford,af«de»j«i». ~V7 . . ¦> ¦¦ •:!•

L18MOBE STEEPLEOHA8E3-4rH NOYKli OSB-¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' : BNT^IE8.


¦. - -- •, ¦- • ; .- . . :

FaADiu' Putt of 21 ion. « for auHned b» atora 1; weight for ag* 1 pinalUaa and ajlowaaoaa j about!two mU*«. To atari M l!o'«look. " I *, iBomuloa ... ...; 4 yn. laaadam, by K. " ¦ •fcftwUark ¦ ... 5, ,,,, Q.ISJ6)... ... « yraj5nlo OhUf 6B75)... agio. Daehna Lavia. 'O«od».(*75) ... ¦ •<„ BoryVtfoon^CH U „'XdaKoaa Fura of 40 aoVJ « a baodloap y * m& m. T»

DitaitpalaioaBt ... i 0% Dn.haflowpUM. v *> \,ned bnnUn_i paoaltteiTaod altow»i*i j t»> *M+,'' half, mile*. AcSS ^HiM e'elMfc.V< ' .'Mr!F:BomolM ... ;: : .., , 4 yrf.f PWlb»U«ae ;'\;.. fi jra.

'SirlBoaan ' ...' 4 \ * D«olat.wI. ' -. 4i ,' -TRfvOoMOLATioii P T« c< n affra j.»i|MWif a 1I'..U:mika.>. . To atart U»«Vlo»«, i flr»*eaWa<'» ;Mla«. Many ¦; \ -' :..>, •¦ tfa\t>wSt ] lmW- « I,;

i jl ,;j , ; . " . • ¦ : ,;: '.mmmmimmm * mt^ mt mmm ^ J. ¦ -¦ ;.- *- '*¦ .? "I ¦ *,;ii$fttib»oiiup . B ^MMt ^M i iiim \f \nmimmBii jwit f ai^f r H p tp i f } Me

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¦FT-i•¦ lKisu. [;¦ r'lT'uJj!S~ JL' f "'" '' ISJ. ' ' "1

1 ' * d^ ^6:'3fer! J¦ —

¦ ffti -r ¦';'¦'' ' , - u o 0 00 fU » M 0

• ! -,;-,-::;rii'!;''T0EBi» "1: '' ! , ' ') V *'««• 'ira TrjPwtiairal of gBilbi. ~ !'"' ; "'! <•¦'¦ • '. J, drTHBiTrier barrel of WHbJ." ~ , '"' ; "'! <•¦ 'i. j, d.. - STw-taUri J . . - •¦• • - : . , w e - w o

ItruiAD pUUJf, Yallow I - ¦ •; .» ».. ¦ ¦'*» «, : - . . . . . - . ¦ i b n U M t itosauUn - : ^« ijU,, . _ . . .—¦ ¦ AaMrJ«a *K«w . . .¦ ¦"*• « . .

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- - co.oidi : • V*" CSS 3 -JS °: - - oSiaa 1 ; ¦• - I - 'U » 13 UMUOVR, American, j nbarrel of UOU. • !¦<"> O w 0¦i. — rnoeb,pavauit,pf ISQUM. .; r.OU . O Of 0UJDIAN l!£Ai* Atnarioaoj f r «aak - - W O <X> 0$ -¦¦: ¦ - { firStettgBt^ ii« *« ¦» •I: ' ¦

. -" i- .-. 1 ¦ . . :

Imp ^^or tefo tek endi Thg^

ath.Indten Cora... . . —'IWM. liAUaOotB —QoutonWkMt. . SMO f^da. WbaaA, 1. -- i!*n*i*Oat».™... iawKr- ;. do>. r Oat*..!..-.... 18388 do.:Barla/.. .......... — DM<«. I : Btfm — do.„,. / 2U do. j . Fkmr.I. ... — Saoki•Uaz- — I - BarrHi. I Oataafl ).. «* oov«rti „... — 8*«ta.i , ; lndUo,mii*i ... — do

; (Corrteitd this day f o r th* Wt ttrfori Hevc t). '.':.', • : ¦ POAVISIONS. ;Bico» Plot, per cwt. - - «a. 0d. t6«-. Cd.8mu do. . — . — **l0 . W , 0Fair do. — — 9' 0 00 0HiADa,per toa - ' -«3 00: 0 00 0I^XcEHdUr;.,

tra{5EEff - » ; 0 « 0

Bor.par lb. - ; - O..M to *M.Monoir.ptr lb, '¦*- — 0 6 0 9LAKB, per lb. :— . • — 0 0 u 0VBU,p»lb. — • i — 0 , 0 0 0Poaz, perlb. : '— ¦ ¦ — :0 0 0 0

f f lS I L !Niw»oum>ti*» Codfish, per <mt.- Wt Od. to ffl.. 0d.HJOWCTO^Bound,perb»»r*l — I J 8 ;0 ' . . OJ 0

Do.SpUt Labrador- - ' « ; 0 . W 0SAt«o», p«rlb.(wbol*»al») — 0 0 0 0OaiMi,p«do. - - ! 1 ¦ « 08Ol», P»r,dO. ¦ r ~ j ¦* ! » • : 0 •Toaaoi. uer do — •— ' I " 0 0

FOWL AflD EUUa. : , :CmciMi. oerpdr — — I 4*. 00. to B<. d.Cocx Touao, per pair - — ¦¦' 0 0 0 i 0Dro«x»aa, 1 jrp.-'T — — ; * J *. «Giiaa, do. - - ! 5 0 B Ofco«»,jerl«l) - -

¦ Jj> O ¦

. W «Duck Ka — — 10 0 10 <Fowl. Mxnair — — 1 i a » 0'*¦ ?ODDEa AflD OB-BM CBOPd. ¦HAT. per ton, ' - — 1 My. W u> «5J 0 J.8t»*w,wbeat*a,perdo. - — » 0 M 0

Do., oaten. — — ' 80 0 M OTOWIIM, pardo. — ! W O OJ u

c S ao40- ' =¦


KAH.WAT8. i, Great Southern *Wa«tem '. ; ... 1031

Midland Gtt»t Wertern 67}Great Northern Bailway .... ... 10Dublin, Wioklow, and Weiford ; 4 0 :

aunts. I 'Natlonal Bank

¦ ' ¦ -' ¦ ¦ i ... . ... 21JProvlnsial Bank : ! 2ClBank of Ireland : ¦ ¦ ; ... • „. 8CBJ;

, HABVEY & SMITH, Btockbrokera, Watarford. '

i XOTICB TO CQPBX8P0XDXST8. ¦ ,IW* ban TtMtod » l*n(tb«aed latter bom Mr, V. H,

Coartana/, which we retrain from pobllihinf, aa it bualreadraDDaaraii la a loeal Journal. ' .

$f o jEaterforb - flora" 81 JDfff. AlTD VXAB BOT."


THE PROSECUTION o» MB. J. D. FT|<B.I ' ¦ ' " . : » — ' i ' !1 TLebiggeat blunder made byj the present Gd-Temtuent was undoubtedly the proaecntion of3Ir. J. D.PTHE at tbe Bally macarbeiy Seeaiouon Tuesday. Their intention in bringing for.ward the case waa, no doubt, to practice a littleintimidation on their own account, hoping, deter many ifrom following Mr. Pnri'aadmirable example. , They conld not for a mo-ment have bad a bone of a oonriotion, as thaevideaca prodnced iaaapportof the pro«eontionwas not aach ae eveil the mo»t.)oval of '1 loyal-iata" conld aocept as warranting a' conviotionJIn tho f nil report of tbe proceediaga, which; weeive in another column, it will be tejen that Mr.PTVS, Mr P. J. Powi», 1LP. and their friend*were received with the atmott' entbaaiaim byjuj immenae crowd, who; were' not; deterred \ntbe least by the pretence of the jutice* and ofthe military, from giving independent expret*¦ioni of opinion aa to the coqdnctof the Go*wranmt. in the tranuntinn. i


MB. F. 0. Bl/OOMFUXO, JJP.J has issued aaaddress to tbe elector* of the city which will, nodoubt, command ' considerable attention, batwhich will not, we are confident, aeoare man/rotes in bU favor. Tbe oitisens know M*.BtoojoriRXD too lon and too well to give himany support 1 ¦ . ; i . . .: 1 m ! ''


Oii Friday there was a large |ud very repre-sentative meeting in furtherance of thia fond intbe Mansion Honse, Doblio, tbe lord Major, XrJOHN O'COSHOS, presiding. The claim* of Mr.THOMAS BBZTOS ,Man orator,» patriot, and a.practicaladvocateof tbo cause of Ireland, wereput forward in: the strongest t«rms by tie dif>ferent speakers. A representative from thisoffice waa present. May we ask what is Water-ford, the birth-plaoe of Mr- SiXTOir. doing?The fund is noV np to over £500. We: expectit will run op, to thousands. He is a man ofnatural ability; combined with g iaine patriot-ism, even from hie , boyhood—as »e all wellknow—and untiring I ndustry., Ho one asks bislawyer, or medical man, to Work for nothing.And why shoold we (expect ml a man as Mr,8KT0H to work wi boat , fair wrtunerition tfliA <l. -- . . i_ l .¦ : -M I A*i t<mf .. ¦ ¦¦liit uli KIA PMMHAIIW

would be paid; at least £S00 e.y< «w,andy««wetentare toxsayKbfl H a,Member d(4lM*. 'tweirehalf th|s amotsnt from his ooontry |Mwe be en-tewdParMa«eiifci! l'< , - :v M i 'fa ¦ . .

, We c^py tbflfuBowinx letter trom Aid. W. J.aiiftH w , ",b.,n7, . , , . , - .v, \ ¦ '¦ '

¦, ,!, .

-. TO ni««w»oil«».»«* tsjramui. I ¦

F *** P ' ' ^^ ^ B - a* ^^ 4»-ff'», * ^?-^^^ "* S^S^aT-tjiaA pajp fja^OOCSBMBSI hss Mr. saxlba eatabtpMi Ms *W» to tha¦easMegjtwec^toc yfry, b«a ri»o th. taet««4l)«rtiaW^a«d^>adfoatooi*wslo»* ka«asta(SSMM fftMtsssTtfore A, OMMU »oiUaklSw.trio, iaTsbowiM aptW o*a^«b^Mud« tSSIriS tmdVf katr, aadtaW«3MUMoMSsMaSttk tot U« i *r»»lJ»toIcU I p o *33m3 *3 *.lag ebqasiaiiaessTWlislMaisTl^

r- a- 1 t ] m, 1 > tv, CTJ- .-j-ra 'T g',p-fnt-, yt«paos« of «w «mn .~Tow. J5W3KM -[/ : 1

• '¦' ' -"¦ " ' : "i 1 ¦'-' ?T; 1 . ' ' ' "i n i3S.|:M ti|/ '!¦i i- 'HOME • TBlADA -BATJVB SWWKa -We refer to tbe. ivisrti^M i» thjISrys.agenrlor our. nati», fh 'ttofSillp^k!bo»e that BO perse*. »U1 boj apS|syS


isesSsssm1 iiiiaiirfl i^iiiiii

VaBKWOT*awana»Ba»}fpga]a»na«2OSSHrMMMsr¥ i

whom ht loved so wait -Ee-loM a* fcfl tt VSSS'%oratlun bafe«,b«i :jbem*^ .«s«i5 £.^S -^for WaUrford a. v«jTiW««a«^SMiMy.r5»*( mm :-"-taorJlJaJj* lr nSSS£S)51 Bst^ftg^^ aiooncloaton la, that jbe wonW aenst b*V a iSP« t - ¦&«ESSW?li!iS-'large snot, wWen aooordii* te Xr//. A. Kaftt ' wMdf i m t *° wl1 .Mr/faaiMSks-Sinititat btfiiuldsnama. : ;T ' •¦• :- .: 'f?l'- .«< .w ¦¦. Irasntto lsairnibatea 6tt<rrit»li»A)Mfaatia,|b.tbe other aaasbur, arkatber ae |W maaStol»3»«fc4ia la^ ay oUejitay, ;|tg ' ajabjagaTt,.

fol 11 wut tTCTflsa' dHoQTCad-'' lodMB-Mr *SEbiaMlf MiMMf Tfiv satny dtfflealtfs* satti tb» issattShis andtavourxt UtbejtotplaeeAe rsttiih ibat «t»moaay-if aver ?bfiia.d-will only hi hSsSTanmrn''otm y ttttfO ^^ Sm Umibi SSSlo«a in caao tba4iis>rolber*b< «VOTM«0{MS(t Xtxt)he reasons that j t > will sake taa j m mi^Mm.tain this fact jAnd why U ta , id Wt aartosold aoore. it ia om»lt. to ttidmtaad/ BUT alal'*r—I ' fi. i mnUii nf iim* TJirttisi 1m htissitf ¦HIbain ezi«t«so« wbaa tUs sapposM «s«raoas fett toth«1 poor citUeiW of Waterfottt will te dMdbata|£!And bow ttut anffetio* poor!, M •» axk*.mlfltMa u aqoaatkm of crave Uwart»-ik spposia, In-deed, to b*» eaM a "f ^iKaiJ ^ ff SS.". Mr. Blake WIBI alacr latent on doing .wdoiira' totthcyoanf men of Waterford, by appTynut«, portt(»ofthis (010.(0 toohnioal ednaatfan flow Ss caal divtrtthia from iU original ist«otioa, i» tosa*a sjatkw«ftnrprUa, aa tb* b*qaa*t, iatended for is* S«er ofWatarford, ooold hardly apply to tactn^ateaaestiea.

UnlestMr. J.!A. Blak« eoald- gLnr u «K*» amcls-factory iaformaaoa on. tab labjact gnxraUy, tiki MOTof Watarford aboald no4in fatan, pho* too sues re*llano* ,on-any visionary. atpeeUtinas. La* ttsei actforjet tbe old aayinj, ihat" dirtanee oft Isada ea>cbaotmast to tha mt," and that " hope dateradmakath toe heart siok."—I am, Dear Sir, yearn faith-folly, 1 ' • - ¦ ¦• ¦

• • . ¦ ¦: . ¦ ' :

] Tax Poos Max's i anto.Waterford. October. 1885. - ¦

THE LABOUBEBS' ACT-WATEBJOBD DNIOK.: 10 IBM xsfroa or TBM WATmaroao ¦***¦,1 Ntwtown Honat, Tramcc*»Oetob*r tttk.JS8&.-DEA* 8t»,-Owiof. to tha »aay. a»taysr wUaa

mntt neowiarlly occur in oarryiuf oai tM ptaVWoiBSeven of tbe amaaded Labourer*' AetfltKkelbiBMrtjof offerinf Ute.folkiwinf naarks. ' ; "i: '- '.T :

Tbacuarcuanaof the Watarford T/aoa hav», a* yoaare aware, adopted aa imprttremetrt' sebesas for 94liaJf-aom sndsra«^Mootta«*s.- Jj- <^ Undw tha most favourable elteatastsiww*. It wffl tak*..11 ..LI* AIA.*. L.f. . A.L..^ a- . . u £._ IHA-I Mm WUSW»IPWi» mmmmm uawtw #"¦»•¦¦ •«• ¦ Maaay i«-w wwWBHelifand toe probability i*J tU» alter tbe looal awjtiiry assbeen hald, and the merUaof tbe ptopOMd siBafiave*-tit-MeoVtba munberof eotUgf tt wffl o> PoeiiU* teerect nDdertbe achooia now adrartiaad wiU be OOB-tidenbly dimiaiabsd. . ' ° ' ' , i -

So one aoqeaiated witb tbe WaWford Unton wfflaeaerttbaterenijf toe present sobson ware oarrj*d ootin its entirett, that It would provide saOetas¦eeomodatioa tot th* labourer! living in the vaioa.

Before long I hope tha gnTitian* wfll adoptaaeooadinprovuuoit sabema. Wa»t probability i* then thatthe labonrera, wboee oondUioa (t i* hoped to iaprove,by carrying, oot a awpond Improve meat naeote, wffl fcasvathoir blots of froundln time fot eropniat next sorisitfNow, 1 anoaid aay, in net, eoa*id*reu* tta» a*acialapaa before »oottago eaa be erected under Ibssebeawalreadyadverdaad. | , .. . ' . -1- • ' I-'- '..

Coder tbeea drenmataaoM, tt beeooe* tb* daty oftboee interested; i tb* laboams* qa*sticw« so lakelmil ictA step* toj provide the labourers with baH»acres. • ¦ " '•' ¦ ¦ '

It is ¦ matter of moet nrgent injportSBS* ttsssuitable land, with, regard fc» quality aad pesBiaa,shoold be now! aeeared, aa in. eoarse ot to*, a eottag*wiU bo ntMMd,it Wtobe boped/>a aaob pleta. 1

I would saowt that in each dUtri*t,» IssiBtjiljnof cbs looal braoeh of the Irbb HattaoalrJUM*, set-Ing in eoajaaetion with the gaaroiaa' br raaratafofthe dlttnct, shoeld tak* tmwedtte atepe w> eroeareploU U gronnd for the, Uboarew ef their ofsfafats aeteiraady p<x«<i««*d olaame. ¦ ' . ¦ -¦

Some iarmen wfah large farm* will no doabt beceiled upon to give two ot three plots. Tnefae»of «>*eoapBiaorr powers asw cwiiajiw 07 mm mmmmmr *Labourer*' Act, will u dasTapteeo*9pd snflsW* sttHto be fjvsn wptr* the'eoodifiSwr tte tabonatsof adi*trioti»ojilre*j refon», aadwifl no doabt, iirtawm*aome in jsimeriisfahr aeeidiag to a tsssaoaMs dhwiartSoleotuijr poef proper,aad *«Ha*le ateswflljeasts*thoeeflilhig tftewpreMBtaaoa tona*»9b* (orwariedto the board of guardian* to b» renkraM dsCatta,and gimtlyfaaflftatatto working of th* "Act .!

Iiaay beaiediotklajaa troablaiooM anaartUda* to*tou«enitabl« hauler** for the laboaters, bs* I bsi

toMiialinUaVselea^mV . L " -¦'[¦Tn*seaeme'alreadypabHsb*a wffl *asbWttM* faf

Urestod to >dg« hwr^rtt will ssstatae waata oftheirdistrieuii • ' • '. ' ¦ • '* ¦ ' ¦ '¦} ' ""

I*a*ar*^naiaaas wfllb*fkd to be peiaMoirtai nitabklaadia the aaJghCoarbood«(;»toraorvuSrs.whioataey eoal4 «*Wa by agnisliai fata, fair saner rest,! for tbe p*rp»* ukpak saawto tb* aarieaUoialkbo«NH^ o« each towa orvilkfa.: The Uboom* Ac* •peaks of sttta* aosTiakmeaaore. > • .• ! . . . . . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . . • • < . . . . .l addm»thM*r*aadBi toarposi tbeewtsliustil

in tbe Uboarer*' <ra*sBoa the niimily ot so—iom«diat* action—lasi, Dear tta, y»wa faiskWiy,¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ 1 ; ¦ ¦ : ! : P.-J;' Fowaav

: . ' ¦ .- ; ' k^ArrtA^;-,;;:; :;.;, ;- ;MUtUNAVAT Alh> BAIXTVACKt"'mOUDStti

! : i tVSIK; . . :'." ¦ : T^

TT:- •' :J - ,

Sia.-T f*et t *M *ka t i f wQm ii t im $ lo wjeai f»> ftadsto tb* pabtte, sad partteWrif M *t sSSSf S m m mthe N«5So»*il—r**7toeaaW* itmtSZmpSoiSSmtTlgbe'* pwi^iwfc werTaaftd frosVerflgSi

will U» IffM/WV S* feB*««*H Mn«TV.«OT aH*jBJE e «B V WyW^WI

on i*Uo«-<>ocntryam fa AjStsrisHJ^ tajWwij*th*: IrUh-AsirtaMrgres* t^*&j m#Mm«*rai>dseo «ri*4. b*4'a*''wm:« s7MM^W|r«'rWall don. MalUaaeJu" I ,U. w«to^W$fifc«;

ir '!sSsWBBBtWw


Page 3:… · ¦¦¦!¦; • j ¦E9TA inwrtiv l847i- .•;'¦•?:-/'¦ •; ' -i jl AJKI«ST; CnioatX«»'iK:*Hi'S«O«B

1- .


iifeii lbJs l, 0*


¦¦ 'lif e ':


rot GoK: "Xbnot Binrrounde ever

lno> • (in

reiant.terfoimoBgiam tlb soulem a


Latterbiticjaaireer.( th>retei.


ano take tome praottad step* to;o* ou» «ha BWMioeeitd teform that Mr; tyxrWaayao ably idvcelS*.We do not bind ounelfBa'tt the- *4opUM 6T;«ayparti>I**s$ylo of firkin *Ap"»entf thatia a'matfcsthateouldlw arranged and aj reed to mitbtf^Mtiniirhici wts , propose/" s trhf inttodoottoa1 VotV|k. n ,imlfom and .small package In place of the pnteiili i$n-attraptiv* and irregutij* jflrklhs, and th* doing awajwith! tho abanrd : ana Junbuaineaalik* '-.«yatna¦!•«•' »oi>«tare"-thBretT'taking! the Watorford ButleiMarket to the position it ought to ooeopy,.would,we'aatieipato, be some ofi thai good results ot iooh ame«Hng—tourstroly,...' |. . : jf,-A. FowiB; * Co.1 1;

THE EECENT :TO&CfiLiaHT pEbcESSIONi : •"' - .,

¦ .' TO THB WlTOi O* Tft» HMWS. ' • '• '> " '

¦ : ; ! TJnitedTtkdea'ICteb.aiilUUiWiferforf, ;- ' ¦

¦ " iOot264,1885. .^V .

;, i ;: '. . .

< 8t a—Permit mBto8tatelthrpo1jb.3rdar i ooldmn8.tJu*!tie lots torchlight;' procession, fa,whioh an, effigy oflie. Courteaay was aarrled |throagh th* .principal(trac ts of the city, was uot'-amn'gid' or carried outby tto membera of the United Trades' Club, they nothiviing got any intlmatian tliat L saoh a thiag. wa«abodtto.take place. . j . , i | . • '¦ : j

Bf inserting this in yoor.neit issue yon will muoaoblijte(—Yonra truly, ;, ! " , , ;. 1

;| 1 TBJOHAS BOTLIB, President I

i j i L O C A L , I T S M . B . « !IteiTB or. MB. J. A. HAYES.—We sincerely re>

grial to onnounceithe death of Mr, J. A. Hayes of theWa srford Post Office, which occurred in Dublin odSat uday, where1 Mr. Hayes had a few days pre-viously proceeded on vacation. The cause of deathwas typhoid fever, to which he /succumbed after asho rt: illness, Mr. Uayea was in his thirtieth year1,and he was hon.i see. oE the Bioyole Club, and wasmanly, instrumental in' carrying the late,races h»the Park to a sncoessfal isane, and amongst ' hiinot lerous cyoling friends and the publio generallywiti! whom be came -in ; contact, his ' demisewill ' . be a source of general Borrow, j Tbfefollowing resolution was adopted by the aea-"btirsiof the Waterford Bioyole Club t—"iThabwe] the members of. tbe Waterford Blo;de Club, dorecord our most sincere By mjjatby with the relativesof the late deeply .uypeawa Jar. j. &. iL»yes> wpyhsibeen a member ot par club since its Inception,anil-who has won tho.respect and admiration of allbei cimein contaot witt.'" '. . , - . . '¦ ¦ - \ I l l

DcowtfBD AT SBA.—On Friday night, as theB. 'a. BtainoW Was jlrbieeding on her passage; fromWfrterford to tiverpobl, an able Beamah mamedCoffey was washed overboard, and as the ,aea wasrunnu« Tery high at the time, the efforte made toEaTe hHn were unattended with snecess. : ; | ; |¦i AK -ACTIVE SEEOEANT.—On Saturday morningatjagbt o'clock Sergeant Keating, of the Manorbtreet Police Barrack, received information of thetheft of a pair of boots belonging to a woman namedAEoe Whelan, Kabarry. At nine o clock he bad incustody Bridget Doggan, who wasproTed to


disposed of the articles to Mre. "de la Poer.'1

Ttrprisoner was on the same d« brought beforeMr.; Bodkin, E.M., and remanded to the Patrick aBall Petty Sessions. In this, aa iu many : othercases in which the Sergeant has been; lately en|-paged, ho has shows much intelligence and un-tiring energy, and fully merits the eulogiums whichare constantly passed TJpon him. : : • jj IWATBEJOBD; FAIB.—The " great" October oronion fairj waa held at Ballybricken on Monday.Tie fair, unfortonatelf, this time, was only a greatode in name, buyers , being remarkable by theirabsence, and the number of sales transacted beingfew in tbe extreme. Nearly everything; purohasednis;for home consumption; the export trade fromthis country just at present being anything batbrisk. Cattle of inferior quality could not be soldat] any price, the quotations which we giTeibelo^rbeing the returns of a few sales of beasts in theprimest condition. As an!instance of what! couldhi obtained, for cattle Inot in the primes^ condition1,ire may menticD that Captain Power had somefairly good one and a bait year olds, for: which thphighest offer was .82 each. | He offered to sell themtor < £Z. but could cat no purohaspr. |A reliableauthority tells ua these- cattle would jhave been;*r|irth £3 at the same period last year. Really tip-toptwo and a. h lf ' year oldfl sold at an average of aboutJ63, and some splendid three year olda .fetched aislaioch as £H. ¦ Milcli cows fetched from JilO to JB14,lu|d mutton may be quoted at 6d. per lb.j Goojt'weanling calves realised 50*. eoch, and for, primebeef 66s. per cwt. -was tbe quotation. Strong storejpjgs fetched 40s., and bonbams were in good request,nt about an average .'of 26a. The hone fair :we|splentifully uupplied with an inferior class of animals,bit owing to the almost complete absence of balsidsbbyers, tetr purchases were made. . ¦ j ' . ': ¦ {' JLECTUBEB OH IIAOB M4DN0.—On Tueaday andVfednesday efeninga, Allen 8. Cole, Esq., delivered

1 too very interesting1 lectures on the art of ladeRaking and designs for nuking lace, which weijeillustrated with diagrams and enlarged photogtapbaof specimens of lace, projected oxy-Hydrogeu li^Htnpon a screen.' On eacb evening Mr. J. N.jWhiti,J[P., presided, but the attendance was very email.

CITY PETTY 8ESSIONS—THIS DAT.(Before Mr. Slatlery, Mr. M. J. Cox).

. PAWBESOKIHO CASS.—James Murphy summonedMr. E. Casey; pawnbroker, for falling to deliver ujpseveral articles.pledged, \ valuu for 8s. Mr. . T.

I Strange for complainant.; A decree tor 8>., ;andi $s. special costs, was given. : ¦ . i; 'j- INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CABS.—Eev. B. Power,Adm., applied for an order for the admission in othe Indurrrial School of fire children named Coffey,whose father, was washed overboard off the Rtgi-licdd eome days since, and. whoae mother bad difdwithin twelve months.: The application wasgranted. , i . ¦ !¦ . i ¦ . . ;. | j

I Mr. Dnnford applied or en ad interim transferof the licensed house in Newgate-street', lately; heldby Mary Anne Phelon, .'to Francis Oswald, who-—' • 4u«:^v« Mit in tti»pnni-prns. Grantsdl

I FOEOTBLB AOMBSIOS.—Sergeant Dalton chargedMary Hayes |-with, beinar ! drank and disorderly InPoter-etrcet on Sunday night. She wi« disorderlyby shouting and cursing, (and went ing. to get ifltothe lock-up, i 8be was refused admission and sheleft, but returned again with a big atone and com-menced to break in the door. She bad to be takenin then. Mr. Slattery \ 8be must be Very : fond; ofyou. Sergeant Dalton 1 They are making a prac-tice of this now. : Fined 40s. vr a month's impri-coaroent. j

¦ ' : - . '¦. "\ \ \ . 1; ¦

1 THB Knirz.—Sergeant Naish charaed James3fcNamara With having assaulted a lad oaniedWilliam Britt at Barrack-street, on the 27th of lastSeptember. | On! tbt day in question Britt waswalking down Borrack>street, when McNamaraandhe hod an altercation, in tbe course of Which j hegave bimastab in the thigh. From tbe. enecis ozthe wound, Britt was in Hospital one month. , I; Mr. lu C. Strange^ for the defence, admitted thatMcNamara bod a knife in bis hand and did infticttbe stab, boi it was janly io.muke Britt let go ft toldhe bad of him. jThia affair was the upshotof a row between town boys and: some boyafrom Slievekale1 direction; : , . : -j ; . :

Sergeant jDaltonf-McNamara is bandaiatter ;ofthe Little Patrick-street band. They have tbtdrrooms opposite tbe lock-up. Toe Btitte pom e ct afighting tribe (Uugbter). ; | ¦¦; ¦

The accused was jtenteoced to imprisonment forone month witbj bard labour, the' one week whichhe had already spent in gaol being allowed to him. ,


FOB Tia 00&a«BT"W«XK. ' - I [BOTTEB-—Not fdr the whole year : around have

our tnwkete been iore depreMed than dnnni tbeSk now drairingTto »do»J. ™™.to'\Wtn

BoVeralshaUnga percwt- on flne qualitfes;: Stooo-d qoaSSouS only :be sold at

ridlculoadir lowS££w\mdTtoaeeoVifor the worst kinds a sale tonld'f St SSteM:atsUV I« consqoence: of tbis%teSt Vbta &g° qi«.titi« *.¦??• ift^Butter aw being iTeld over in anticipation of a! bet-ter tone takinl plica In our markets, but ak thedtouSTto Wft Bptter >. daily henmtogUJ. andfoSsupolieartm continue to ipourinlrUkly wtte EnglftB park to,! there U &t «msir rooo tohope ihlt theiTprofpecU. -iU b«f realieed. Prkeato flnat 4ild; Inferior qualitiesfjom 85s; per cwt. Upwards. ;. . j . - -

¦ L

: oct. 80, 786- , B- MiHOjrr, * Ro.BA«>N.-fce8«rB. Matttnon i and 0i,f jGko p«te

W«* quote WateWord Bacon at 6^ ^p osd sfo« J price* irreguUr. HatntroV «s. to

Sfff d«maltd slowj : PiK» <g»- PW *-t ;j { ' iTHE POBKJ TEADE IN IX)MUO«.

(fet OH* IK TH* TKAM.)j, i I . "¦¦

LOSDOV ) OCT. 28.—The pbrk.1«4e on S« finished verjf rjadly, W^I MU I continuedso eiiice. Tbia miorning there w«J a Uorgd sop-pit of Irish pliga bere, and all r«aS4 t 42s. to4&B, p e r cw{. yU unseIKi«cM»tPl»aoldat ahxoflt iwh terer price bojeT» +i*b\io offer.Supply of jaO jktidf of uc*t be»&e & axecatfof tne demand, j ; ' ? : ;. ¦¦ ': ¦ .; ; ' ' j .4-j ¦'.:. '¦¦: '. ¦ ; ;

.' \ DxmaA&vj w umQn—rw$MB>Trl

: '{ ' ¦

TdoxAB O'B. IWttLUKarY.C, la.tW«h*lf,andsnbsequentiy BV J. .Usana, J. 0f itft : -[

Also prewt~-J- V;O'Brirt,!Chiri»jfl»tom,J.P.. P. Veale. Hanric* Qua Ga t 1 v.Mat>thew Walsh; Capt. Kefly; John Mjoloafcy. ?. WaUb,J. /.O'Brien. ' '\ •> •! ! • ¦¦'•:' . !" - iij-i; ^

vUiting guardian, ''noMBtMOcUd carton.}vn *Of+meato in' the w«^;also-. irt.:.

|r«taate*:o<the' bread.: store.• B* fortl»* feiotntoea»W*oi4p«-f.TtlwgirblaiiA friot^ th*

be« fW-

• -Wfl Wfo '¦ ttF IOTWB Pi. V J5WSnJ IS ' ^ 5 »a5'

"•; ;Onj.Tueadaj wMii&frl ^^«warfed to tip.popllf :who>ei e>Md,fcf03 l t\» Ute IntemPdiate:ISJxauilnatloua i^MaAUdf.i rth«

; Mayor,- in thri ;:l -iBi r ^:

-o>|:V]v»ry;:i^'4 ««*«2<*«»*Jo*?d-«VJijs?JT f «J :j*yil-Jkfh(>wn' cttdsoiw^;Tbe;M«yoj risria^ jMi olofr.fa* ' $ij4-::aat.iAML V\- 4 '**&: tBja.;;fei|moaa,ao>n keUy;'

(Ciiptain JTbole,: Hjp C m ip-JBitoaga ii JoKh:;Pp#er. T.0., ::B» Bjaq,mi*.iirr»iah;;p. 0>M)iarjji;.Dr. O'FJanapij, b.PJBrtijip: tfJy.Hortud, jWal^r

:Wal«n; ;r8e*erai; a;ie» pd ii^entif'¦! :! : - Vt:--Fiunm^8 m, irose' f ii >ildr-Mr.Mayir. Bjtta.QentlemMr^D behalf of MountiiSlonCom'mon^'I 'muat:'Jbid:'yjptf .jaU- . hearty weisimehero I this! evening. ' Yoi iane! payioe a handsomeoomplimtot to /the, CbrWisln rBrotbew;'to; theirpupila," aijd to the parente tf ; the pupils, by yourpresence at and distribnUonpf our bird, won priies,modale.and exHbUjpni,'!; (Wjej re gli i aware of tbeonerous dnties! necestarDy, def olving on yon, g'; burdened ai yon aj*:w)th public offices in acity of more than 20,000 pop )la)tion.-: We also dulyrecognise the bundredaad-onee3U« daily rolling ianpoQ every bosinees maij.i but,' above ftnd beyondthese duties that I bavejutti touched upon, irTahurried passing manner, Btaodstbe most imperativeand enduring of all—the 'duty; of 'f Home Sule" inthe iamily. circle—land yjs^ bo^wi ib'standingi theseseveral taxes on your mpst finite I :treaaure -iyoartimei—here yon are to enc? urage, the youngand the old, tbe pupil anct the .teacher, the parentand the citizen, in tbelr individual tad. united efforts.towards the moral training knd mental colture ofthe future men of this htstorig •( tTrbs Intaotn."Gentlemen,you are setting tbe sesJqf iyijmrapprovalon the aotion of your farefa^hers bnd predecesaoriin dvio honors ,/rom the dawn [of- Ibis currentcentury to this day1, by iour j kind presence here! to-oight, and thef fyre, Mr:1 Mayor and gentleman, ontbp part ot all-present, I begi to) tender -you our.Bearty tbank» .(hear). Watirfbidldeserves freil ofall Catholio Irelaid tajthelcauee! of religionB andeommeroiil education. jWatekford : wo* the cradleor the Christian Brothers in 180*. Waterford Uthe priied and - loved jbome iof. «rery ChristianBrother to-day, 1885 ;' [and you will; pardon | myprophetio assumption in affirming 'that Wuierfordin the future will re-fecho; Waterfojtd 'ofi the pW, inits devotion to, support of; and undying love of theChristian : Brothers (hear). ; J^ow, lallo* me to behistoric : The dreary, tbemnrky evening of "PenalIiaws" was about setting: down; jlnto a palpable;mental darkness of the gm| maJB»,of the Irish1people, when the noble-hearted, | seU-sacriflcingEdmond Ignatius Bice resolved, in obedience to a1Heavenly call in 1793, to devote!himself, his;life,bis ample fortune, towards educating the youth ofthis! city, first in a thoroughi knowledga of tbeirjReligion, and then a practical knowledge of whatwe ifow term the <' Three B'sf (bear, bear). TheBishop, priests, and people of Waterford, withwilling hands and pnrsi,! with "oheerfol .hearta andtongues,- lent every aid (n fdrtberanee of Mr. Bice'sundertaking. Unanimity ot the different classes, inEocietT most be Dreoodent; to onfted; aotion. landunited action influenced by Beligion, directed byprnaence, mnst infallibly | be crowned with thedesired success (bear). Thus the people of Water,foid proceeded, and thu« the' deelred suoces*! wasattained on the memorable morning; of May 1st,180 , when the first pair of Obristiari sohooU wereopened here where we.,aro now assembled.! Thirtyyears had elapsed after the opening of this first pairof Christian sohools 'before ! the quasi National1school system came into existence, fly this time—1884—the Christian Brothers schools were estab-lishjed in Carrick, Dongartan, Thurlea, Co^k, Xiime*rick, and Dublin. Tbe. Prctentatlon Nuns wereeven more rapidly extending ; they had conventsaadj free-schools in the) principal towns of Irelandlong before the National system of edaoatio'n hadbeep dreamt of by an Eisglish or quasi Irish, secular,oreocleaiastio statesman (bear, hear). The EnglishGovernment, weary of penal enactments, and, sametim?, witnessing the rapid' progress of Catbolioeducation in Ireland, entirely independent of Stateaids and completely under tbu control of the. bishope,priests, monka, and nuus,j resolved, determined tointroduce gome syBtem lot eduaitiou well calculatedto oppose and counteract the good work being thenso energetically carried onL And lo I the Nationalsystem,, well baited and booked, sprang into exist-ence. Was tb'is National ajatem, of foreign; birth,given for our benefit and education P We all knowit .Was designed for a] very different purpose—oarperversion in creed and in love of country. -MissWhately, daughter of (Archbishop Whately of Cab-ling in her book clearly proves the truth of thismy statement to yon. ; I would adviaa yoa to; readbor production, even at the cost of some time andmoney j and I thus advise you,, relative-to MissWhatel/a book, under the conviction1 that the mindwell stored in truth and knowledge always availsmore to individual and National happiness, bothhere and hereafter, than 'oao accumulated wetlth,lodged ln: bauk or locked-upjiin coffers. But; weare assured, that uowi; tpe I National schools areqajte mellow ; in fact; a greiit boon-toall Ireland 1Well, be it granted that may are so.' ' To whdin,' IaBk, is this admitted: and wholesome reformationdub f I! unhesitatingly lanBwer and affirm, th'isreformation or modification pro '. Um.—again ( sayp rif . tem. -ot that hostil system:is entirely

due to

the persevering and, progressive efforts of ; tbeEeligipus Teaching OrdJerjs, men and women, aidedand directed by the bishops and priests of Ireland .Now, Saint Paul inculcates " Honor to whom honoria due," And most willing}* do I comply, in cedingoil honor to tbe beautiful cftf by the Lee for iU aid,proWcIiop, and eocourigement to Miss NannoBagle and her spiritaal daughter, add a still largershare of; honor to this old jolty by the Soir, the nur-sery of Chrirtian Brothers for Ireland,; Australia,New Zealand,! Gibraltar,1 and Newfoundland.! ilnIreland alone, the Christian Brothers educate 80,000in1 religion Mid literature!] in Australia, 2,600 j; inGibraltar, WO j and; in iNetrfoundlandi 400 j alltogether making k (jrinfl total, 8?,46Gf. Of :tbistotal, 7iO are under tralolrig,1 4c.. in Aitane Indus-trial School ) 160 in : limerick Industrial School ;100 in Tralee Industrial; School 1; 160 in G*lwayIndustrial 8obool 5 ISO (n St. ymcent de Paul'sOrphanage, Doblla j i230 deaf ; mutes' in Ctthra,Dublin j and 100 ia,:the Orphanage, Melggbrno.Austraiii (beir, hear).|; Mr.jJnhn A. Blake visitedthese schools January, fltb, 1833. ; He usured me,ere departing, that be was highly gratined with oilhe bad witnessed' in ioorjseveral sobools that: day.He then] asked'me, 't How are you.! Christian Bro-ihera, able to teach aboat J.00 boys each" t ¦ I in-formed him we paid at least two monitors in eachschool-room, and al»o profeuort of science andlanguag a in our, advanced, school* ; tbe salariesvarying from £5 to. 4S2.per annum. Hia,nextquestiqn'was, " How! are yourachooUinspectedf"My reply, " One of AUlc most efficient Brothers,thorougbly qualified'fo*[the inspection of schopls^has beeninspeofing every; Obrisfi 1 Brothers' sohoolin Ireland several time* eaoh year up to this. Our:Buptrior ueneroi ana ni» turaa awuianis nave:visited, and axe obliged by oor Brief to visit andexamine iach boy in oar schools each year, and everylocal Sni erior of each hoijwe of our order MCBTexamineVery boy in m and every subject, s» setdown in ibis Programme of Studies fot the ObrisJtian Brothers' BchooUTHBM Tntxs each year—viz.jbefore OhrirtrnM, Easter, and: mid-samwer vfca-ltiofis, and the local saperior. muit nuke a tabulatedreturn of eaohexaroiMtfouito the'8uperior-Generalbf oar otier in Pobljn; retaining a popy thereof; forbis ownlgtiidanoe. ll iben ! addad/thateaoh localliaperter of a CbTistftwjBfetner'a: monastery landschools tjinst, of neces*itjv,be» buxix nsncrosofhis aohool I then lubmttted these tabulated rteeta;Mr. Bla£ thankea «Bajf6r iny Information, to himso IreelyTgivep,a«di wfy ' -iw!berwould dlskbus^nisn/ 'ofi Ids/friands, jn Ugui of the CtjrUtianBrothersf system ot^ondttctjatftiBelr aoooola. It majrnot, be ai i(sato;ip|D«qa'yba thatjHr. Blaks has sentme hiaaibsoription eichlyeWr smc« Wa risit > tveh•bOe in the Antir

he did not forgit doing aoi)apd yoal wuf. Hgr*» wiio OJ« tost inia is ua aosppracUca.1 maobwi of! Us *»teem forLtbeqhrUtiai. Brotherslaladi theiri Sohools., I will for roaa few teporUof thoChrlaU»nBroth«VsibooU, taken: (torn ha Bin* Book* of tb« BnrtlCooaisaoocrs'oC Edaoatlofl Eoqulry, W68,ind theprecedin % Commission ij ¦ '¦ \ : p\ . !. . ; ' i I - { '¦¦ ¦ .' ThtM, Mr. CrMrfoffl lay* .-fnTb» ooal •flWen*schools, fn my Opinion;'arVi tao»i ts*aa<«4 by th» toal^(sanUy <* (f oif afintosn y tod 1 atWboWttianVUney to tit* axetOadeaof tbaUvystaoutlw tr*|aiii||<t tha it sohcrsj and tJuar seAiln tbaoaoMofcdmes;.lion. "- -:

F :; '¦¦ ' :< : : j ' i - '|- : i ; i''

. ; M ¦ | -' • ¦ ! ¦ • ¦ ¦ ; • : !!¦:

- 1 Mi-PetftWather s»r» 1 "In thai school radarthe au4-Sment of tha oominQaltjr« th« OhrUUaa flrotlura,

tli t r u dir«ota4it4 ijnait, I found UM tea* itor«floiaat, sad th» oasiacs sealoetly darotad to h«r*ork/V- ¦. • • ' ¦. I'- • :p!' l ' | ' i :|: '- i ' l ' ,:¦ U :! : ' i ' I "T Dr." H Blaia »»ra i-l wit maeh impreasad witl U*«aVahal m peotpras«dta<l byJheMkeboota, aad poi tiaa-brly witt ihdrdSdtoM ia4 ordar.eombUad witl 1 UM>dSesrfola mtbifdiSWtrM#« popil*. Tbsboys nfe-oaiad .in tha Christtaa 9rKhanr aoaoola have1 tniaasral taf«sd««ttnwa>] f af n *o t profUlaMyintha

SlSwr ¦ STimoSM Mm ^mmm- orSavtktkmMc f t t i jtetvate or M f d m igwot ¦»*ar4 bat

^**iHA Yitmmi bi tht AAooUrvMar tat ASM <M W


sijiyuTiibel-true:,:idea: . '!¦;;by- , the r *at 8ionj,8ij

porfcd,' the good, bi gedeirou», 9n*th«"(peotte: of . Waterfird ]naye alwajririiiphrP*Mnti.tock; ¦ thatfitW.- year aitefc'Je.foWih fresh branehdfl i ind al»6 re<|»iVe aneach - new graft ln; the shape of otphinaitrjal ;«ohpor: and denf-mute institc ia, tliibeing of onr . nation »nd the gNoter gtbi(heir. hear)., Tbe!,Sofi>bf God ftMureattree! is known by ita fruit." The fruit M(produees is I.«00 b>ya(>U well and iWarlyin tj iedoctrineof the Catholio Chtjroh, anpsroeatageof then) thoroughly instructed icommercial .cooree'. ;This large' onmberont]every five seitt. ! From 1879 jfo"thLless, than 252 Jipuot Blob boys bay* pa«etermedlate Kxaanastioni with honjirs loj tl*ub}ectsset forth'on this largeobeet Theschools thrpngh Ireland carried, oft j this yebibitions,. 9i prizes, and 703 passes or bbone this fruit will afford much nlenanre

now x request your forgiveness for theintroductory remarks (loud applause).

Mr. O'FARBBIIII! said be had very fadd to ', what bis Eev. Superior hodthinking that the best thing be couldd

troauce to inem; tae jpremier btodent of IreIt wa» no small honor to tbe people of Wateto baye the cleveVes^ student in IreUnd nmthem1. They would prize this the more frocfact tbat tbi9 yonng.fadj bad to coiopete with8,500 youths, and.uad taken - the llead'of' tbeby scoring the high total of 6,660 marks (appUJohn Droban W,first iexbibitionerj : in IrelandRold medalistfoi -being Iflrfit fn bU grade, andfor-winning. tie silver medal for the dear old t<of ;'IrelaudV' Perhaps;they would ;be interestkndw that this ybung lad is not asyet fifteen ;and had got 80 per cent in the eleven 8ubje<went in for, and, furthermore, that be never rline of Celtio until last .November. Notwithsing that, he had takenflrat place in Celtic. ,In .be received 9dO inarkej out of a total ot 1,200he never learned a detention or a congugatitbe Latin tongue until last September, by pi

course or manufacture,: ana would not be reapresentation for some time. He then handed 2Droban a cheque for &6,' tbe value of the exbiwon, and wished him prosperity in1 his future c

Mr. O'FABBCLL eafd an ardent admirer <Irish tongue b<id prooiiBed a prize of .one <oveif the first Drire was taken bv a ' kd fro si \

Joan ironan, j nm bxnioiooner in ireiana,Jiio ; uaiaMedal for first plaoa t Silver Medtl for first plaooiaCeltio ; winner of spoci&l local prise for CelUo, lOi, ud6e. for prawing. , :; ; ¦ . : ¦¦

Andrew J. JDangaa, lExhlbitloner,: - J615.Win., Kearney, Exhibitioner, i!15. and Middle gra ie

Prixeman, £1. . j ¦ ; -John . Crotty. Firstfoloss Prizepian, Je3. Thomas

Henaeberry, 2nd ola«a Prizo-man, £2. James Walsh,do., £2. John Petarsop, do £2 1 winner of spsoial prizafor Drawing, £1. W|llUm Aylwtrd, Srd-ola&s Prise-man, £1 ; winner of speoial priie for Drawing, 10s. !

Peter Power, J. P. (Sullivan, Biohard Power, Thorns?Fitzpatriok, John p rlong, Tbomas Higjrlns, JameaCorny, Ed. O'Shaughnessy, John Power, 'CorneliasM'Donald, Joseph; Maitaffbr Jamea Kearney, JohnO'Brien, John Cnrtln,. Joseph T. Kenny, WillianO'Brieo, Tbomas Crotty, Charles-J. Firth, Mioo&olBarry, William Madigan, Patk. Power, Frsaois Qaiaa,Paal Tritnohlcr. John Walsh, Thorns* Walsh, josaphP. Brirtooe, John PJ Boblnton, Patrick J. Boaoha,Matthew Oloeson, Biohard Salliran, John Dobbyn,John Dererenx, Patriok Dalk/nJ Oornelioa O Dono-hoe, William A. Smith, DorainloKeUy.: ' ¦

These latter received handsome premiums, conaUtinsof beautifully bound.books, religious, literary, anaBoientiflo. the valae of whioh depended upon the ordei

omplimented him, and expressed a wish that hii pro-ress during the oomin? yoar rpuld bo atlll starelarked]. - . ¦ . :• : :'• ¦:- ¦¦ ' • '-¦• | ' ¦' .: • .

' .j •. ¦ " ¦ : I i . THS OOBCXBT. ¦ - iAfter the opening «borus, " May : Day," MrJ CJ

>owlingsang '-The Old Brigade" with considerable1xpresajon. ¦ Mr. P. Walsh gaVe as a reoitation

Tbe Defence : of Peter Finiierty," which ' jirasiatened to with muoh attention, land received !thepplause. whioh such X meritorious oontribaijiop'eserved. Mr. W. Manning's excellent basa voice,ras beard to muob advantage in]1" True Till Deatb,")nd in reply to< a general calf, be sang Pinsiiti'aBanner/'with equal success. "j List to tbe Convent

(ells," tbe next item on tho programme, was simd

created a very favouraUe imprearion. Mr. ;' ElDonnelly hardly did himself ja«tloe, in hla singingof that lovely aong, '' Snow JFlakei." He wastneorti, and did better in bis second effort Mr. J,Power sang " In Hippy Moments" really well, andwas applauded, and one or two other items broughttbe musloal part ofj the proceedings to a conclusion*During the evening Mr. M. A. Manning contributedtwo readings, " Cbrfetmas Day in a Workhptjae','and " BUl s Eose," wbioh added muoh to it hoevening's entertainment.: Mr.; M.: P. Fit«<ernldplayed tbe various accompanimenta excellently, anddeserves much credit for his untiring exertionsdurlnc* tha evenin?. I - f '¦

: Aid. RIDMOHD said—I now uiove that bis Woirsbip the Mayor do : leave tho chair, and that lild.Xi. A. -Eyin, J.P.j bar highly respected fellow!-cititen, and former pupil of these-eobools, be calledthereto. ' He (Aid; k.) then continued—It nowj be-comes my pleaaintf duty to propooe a cordial .voteof thanks to our worthy Mayor, Mr. Allinghaai> forpieaidintf here this; evening, and for tbu attentionand good-feeling which he baa always shewn towkrdsthis noble institution, that { has been inijtnj.mental In educating, for so many years, the youthof our city (cbeersji' ; j j

Capt. THOMAS Toot*, T.Cjbsd great pleasurein seconding the1 motion, which pasted amid load

on tbe agreeable duty lie nod to perform tuereToscevening, and tbftt! he (chairman) waa eatUfled'tbatof tbe many dutiw bis Worship ' had perfoftnodduring his Maypralty, none [ hod given bitp somuob pleasure a$presiding thereon that oocaiiop,and banding to; Dia youthful ! fellow-cititensj tljeprites they bad so splendidly w|on at the last Inter-mediate Examination (cbeers)' :

I 'The resolqtion then passed dnanimoasly. 1 | ;The MATOB having in the nabal way thanked Aid,

Byan, said that be regretted exeeedlngly, owing toa slight indisposittoB (tbe Mayor sprained hif footwhen leaving tbe. chair), be felt unable to expresshimself in language befltting jtbis grand occasion;He said It was one of the rarest treats of his life jtopreside here to-night at the distribution of prises;and made elcKTBtot^ reference to the creat roll -of

f Mount Bion. scBoois,vspecjauy-reiemng io tneiremier student of 'Ireland, Master John Drtbanheir. hearV He •complimented Bev. Broihirs'rawley, CPart«U,tand th« community in ffenetU;n tbe aplendid resnlta they had achieved in tha

a oemeiery; nasi me ramaioa 01 vno XMT, urcioerInoud Bloe, tb« founder of tbe CbrUMan Brother*Ireland (cheers). ;It "is bat k century ago [he

gan tbe worfc founded tha achool*, and now wehold bis dlsdiles: spread over IreUnd, AnstallaL»w Zealand, and. otter plaeefc. Here to-night w»ve a speoimiaii of tbU work (hear, bearf. 1 The¦others desdrril the wariaestltbanks aadareniwAuS

aupport of tbe'oituenaof Waterford, and bt had nodoubt ffom tbvinagttifioantgmiberingtber* to-bl*h]btbst aneh wonld befer be **>bUng; (ajplao* e)J Sstbenpajdabigbjjbmpllmentt; Uie»ue*a«fuIpWais;ooogratalstod t&emon the prl «• they; bad won, andon their gracefqllandreapeotft Idetjieaoour.; MountSion sftbooj* Mye iipro4<*oa4 sianjr etohsant lowi,members of Pariiaiaent, sad > ibert oonspicuona-fortbeir succeis «n4 a afomtuta In life, and he n tA nodoobtfbayooog'stwnUbsn to-night would m>ttthemselv«a!«<lu>lly wortBy 0 Ibnirf pr»dec«*or»(hear. hew). Ttfe ihrf .o itoi bi tntmiok «wiah that an opportunity ate Uar to wb*£ the , Badwitnessed thif! I&W *vM h t often afforded ilsj-•a oocs^nHw-fip UnM tj rmghMi to bims*ff mhiafelloiMrt«ei»s Mi well aa to tbogaod Bn thursand tijairtiapll*; 10 whom a t tbe merit mi 4d4.Hb WOUWB ttJta proposed. i« marked thkghi dfth» in«< W

s . FrawUr, Boparior, aaikbBro&m f i t , -firotot - 8ioo;: fur ti«lr anwiaito•xartiotw, rioiMOyoB tbepw awat ioeessioo, Wifc fttb*sdaoatioajo||! t)tt jontfiof WsiatfordgeaMQ

' : ¦ ¦ ' I !¦! * ; ' ¦ : '. : : ' : i

»nd'C*a;ibfi|ih;«p| >j o«

Ul^ere;ipre»£t«i Inot',th«otb*i; mttVei a. et^;1ntellektul!treat tber

4ancea>sad I-tttst tl at-y^o, .suooe«sors 1*111 alioh fy< ?r,.ooin 1the dUtribu ion of pr te* to.-- idates 1 tbat hwb year I be numlimore and'rB( re,trtitil jfii<will so fa* sdcceejl ts t6,tal« a|ltiont, Ac, offered by th!' lateralerr (he*r, b sir); ', :'I so r no rej Inot look toi wan I fo' t iat: Itonly to add I bat he ba ppieat) i awere, apent within ins preein >*all«, and I 'feel , p> >dfnde<<bf being preRentl 1 toi witness t>iiAlitoMater (obeers)iv ! •; .:i, The CAiiiwAk!(Al4 Byan) tme the greatest 'bleisacer(o: pcto the large-audience } see befi(bear, hear). We are all heartjipermitted to enjoy su :b a, tr«>parson should M difl cult itoj iproud to see tbelfo'rty Or fifty ijthe platform to receive froovttjethe nrises, whioh'thav had conl

tho Ubnsttan Brptbars have »tain the fame of Moont > Biojbare amongst rAJtbe ftbod Brotearthly reward bat foVtha loidevote tholrlive?, their energjreligious add'seoularfeducaMyouth of Irelinf ohiersif lamidst loud oheejrs,,: I , - ' ¦¦ IV Bev. Br.iPiAWiiBT,! on cocknowledge the vote of thanks,}He eaid i-rMr.': Cbttlpmoo ailadles here aisembled, I;thaithat sterling ring of * ayes,"[iof thanks so heartily out by tttirely unexpected by me[. Nfrom the reading of i ommisslated Bchool-rHaJrns, hi>to'riodmove on directlvito mv more oc

merciauy, cneotiy 01 ms aaoptihear). Time will npt(allow mjMayor ; and I nost pass on ,tL. A. Byan, the isteiung friendot the Christian Brothers (ohe<8ion stands deeply indebted;fish—Waterford! city^ stands,, 1debtod to Ald.'Byi;a.j Need Iwould be " caWyitfg pepperjlands," or pickle to tbe Bay ofa further toucli of the camal-haknowniutrinsic worth! and pub(applause). Foe. are all ajwarej <ing, paternal i mind of Alderindid hia pen, tongue, [or W ldeljTHB WATtBToiuo NBWs; ; burj

reelings to tne iiaaies and sevbefore me? WordB|fall me ttbe hour, 10 p.ti., forbids ray !DO your patience., I And yet, i'many prizes, .tazaar| tables, 1heartily bestowed during pas .munlty P No, I cannot for(|(ladies j nor car. I permit youassuring you c f our j gratituc <baps tbe most agreeable par:|tertainment mi iy be fairly set |tbe excellent bind of young cthe " Waterfoid National anahave, with mnbh care, expeni <jvenieuce, come toque aid to Ithe evening's 1 iroceedinga 'fbjsong" and pianofortje accomptAgain . tbinkiilg you all, , addwe shall do eVerythlng withjtto have you all beryj agaiu thlclcse the procepdings (loud aijd

greve BOgers, ii.r. i- . . , nooinhxrac sAt a meetiolrof the KilmU

jucuraia; loe^uoj 01 j;zo rqr

Waterford Koad, Tramore. 1comemnd the i guirdians to etender to fit jup in .workio ;wel l for 'the sum pf £9,[ *sewer for' tbe pnmp, to carrkr'for the sum of ,£3. On the 1 a•eoonded bv iMr. T. ConnAl

111 MJV ,.VMUllMtlbWS W BUU]

Clampetp pMpoeed|(and. itbe water >f both wellanalyelsJ ' I .¦ ¦' XOONOOI

Tha following letter was re! , ; ) Moonc

Srn—aeeid{( [with iiarpriteJesterday'sis neof iha Etpr

[oonooin pudirj, I nerebi ufeting aama a •temeita thereto ms. HoV. 1 [aoksT!(oleVk7amyaeU 1 this l'j poiqt blankdid not Bet oompewtion I : •to'be gone ou with s jthia J aior now expected bopp«o«atitlon on whit inthprify he (tistatements. Tbe:truth It,' :did tender atjfitat, bat ifhoitram timber to iron I- oertaionlr obfeotiori ulaood by,: m»

nooM t this ftletlrap waa'tnow, aa I diditboa, at any tima with auoh|g-osrantee. theytha work—I am, air,| jonra ti

I Ald. Eedmind-WlUwe b.: Tha Clerk Wd that he di

A Utter j ahajhad it at prmomberhaYiof .made the ott

Aid. OlamStt-Both are rnrit, bat tbeweondltlmo ho, COITTBAOT 1-7J0I »nn» Diat 28a. Od. pe • ettt, 1 ra» aooe]wen redeiv* —the 1 rioas beOd. per do,, Jni 34s. 6d- Iperpjr^blloaft Man ioa Fp,Hotheribttotij and irown I bMra. HanrahaBj .'P i»k . ettk.Power: i '¦ • ¦ l j : A BBBIOVI

io wa rreai ung; v utu: ¦¦¦ • ¦' ] i i i j . : /-I1 Oarriaiti ty--I ratyour Uod 06 i«ia«ra Inboy;naaiadiriIUaii St|Ha waa takaiiont firsiMr. tfohhFitJttvrali , i

JXtt .'- i ilatidMr/rtfifcrt-totiaobil trwBiKO^OoS W fe «»Sff» ttfmi Kdiaii ctv74

Vl ' f r y - l¦¦¦I ri

'. - i -


* ¦ -;;;


¦ il : " i

¦ ¦/ '! ¦' ! ¦ i-5 •


nikcioircumatan^. ;Mayor, ot' youeS;,jtd:pr*»%oraraoco«asfnl caiidHDf-pH«ea ma* b»ya of Mbant Siohie honora, «ahibj-ikte Commiaaion-1 ;wby we ahonia>nolanotk,"I<hav>)of mtbhlldhoodof theie hlatori,

to haVe Ibe hondraaccessb't my old

d.said—li Affordsadah a rriaolatlon

lease who .was notpaths marching tipI bands of, tbe May?'j^ated for and auc-mediate contest, ine youtbj of Ireland(T*gfld. vLong maych youth* to m»ln-knd bug may we

erbood,1 wbo, for noknd honor of God,

and intellect to thett of the Catholioie resolution paaaed

in? forward to se-as warmly received.\ gentlemen, andHi you sincerely fort favour of tbe vote1 bhairman, but en-w, that I , am freejnere' reports, tabu-tea and foots, &o., I

jht of bis clear intel-ibw experience to-, mentally i nd com->u, Waterford (bear,saying more of tie

? tbe chairman, Aid.And right-hand-manrs), To him Mountbut I am a bit sel-iven more deeply in.say more t No ; itkc, to, the Spice Is-'^Tramore, to venturerrbru8b o'ei the well-io career of Aid Byanf tha mild, unoffend-

convey my grateimreral gentlemen herenot 1 tbu lateness of; trespassing further

I'OW can I forget y'ourand days of toil,; so;: years on this com-et your beneficence,r departure withoute (hear, hoar). Per-of this evening's; en-

down to tbe credit otoeD, the meuab«^s otlj Literary Clob," iwhoi and personal incon-shorten and . enlivenjf the oierry voice ofaotment (bear, bear).

assuring you tbut

a our limited powersU time 1888, I beg tollcontinued applause).


BiuKing a weu a\ tadt was decided tp re-teept Mr. McGratb'aa pump in tbe j new

id to make a> smallbff the surface water.

was reaoivea to senato Dr. Cameron, forAOAIK. >. i ;

i',"ootober 26 th, 1885.

ijr name drawn op ia, in connection with the1 the opportunity pf ro-contained in referenoeI that I waaateddereteny. Ha also aald aa 1uld not allow the work

r aid not tender. Tbethe way was that I badrd for tha a*fety of mjibis to give, and I say1 the board wiUfnrnUhre weloome to oarry on

r atatemeot raiorrea to.:bt Hearatiaa tenderid not. 'iovan'a tender for beef,«d. Threo other tendersig 27a. 9d. perowt 1 28«.k>. White %md s>4td.a, and at:4|d., Jamestad at 4W; bar 41b loaf,1 at 7d. per lb. NioholM

0 to Druff unuer' M orpb«a school-•boat U j f i t t—1 10th June last by1, in wbote aervloa' Dunns tUi oerlod


Hatat in theabot* latterasd said ba slwaya fpu4oothlnfcabookthl* «atU

I hav» apprUed tb# beard

w*. p«r w*ur.» «ot atak wo aofotota aAafcaos ofW.—Adjoonjad,. I '(#m»t,lnlng at lasV>#oort.bora,!, r discnargMd,M1<»l in f»*s* hSpttsiWat ojr provisjolu ra>wnsumrd.illO l ,7d.|

Uo(t h l.U.8d.tl5o.O^

) . 1 - ±

,-* '¦'.- ..

CoiiAMt o» tH«|QMi -Upt rrtLia ; El/dionwr*$iji*>)$i$iJ!ifl s;i:.":-Ji jV,v -:4 s 'C'ti

i;i'(p«kiVa4oesjb#f jikB |) i>ai«rb«<y>ttya»as)onSi'lag^p«c«eb!ii>j« weWJni ltdted again* * *«*P*P jlaa' 'i^bf thWi'ae^m^Ury; cad 't«[;fcrl|helWest^v^e«»ntyif Wat«rf<|4:W»l eUW h>»> •*<>* ^why'be aboold not bs'boi nd: to 'ihe,peMefxwh*V+'log, oa Saoday, t7ttt'8a >t, \ut Toarnk *aL:wba»addtesabat; a public |mt*ti igi used langtu ewalobwaa alleged t« be of * (A iracterjteodtagto axolt*to outrage, crftae.s-uilUwJ «*n«aa.': TbeprotecuHOBwas 1 made tbe qoeitton of! two I large displays—one!of the popular elemi>oti 1 nd the other on tlw pertot the autboritle*. Ir.-Pjne is a great favourite lathe county, aod bii popularity is very general Tbeproceeding* tbst were; broWht against him aiused:uonaiderable inxlignurion.j and rast numbers < ofoeonle from almost all cArtera iof Waterford add

as a. sort of prof e«t agalnkfthe aotion ot the Govern-ment, and to show Mr;'[Pyne that hla cause wastbeln. . The GoTarnmeutltook yeiy. ertenalvs andunneoessary precauiions fpr the'preservation of thepeace. A very; large constabulary foroe, number,ing 160 men, Waa: drafted to tbe 'pot, under tbecammand of DUlriot Inspectors Lopdell, Carriok-on-Suir 1 Thynhe, Cappoquin, and Hugjrin*. Port-law, and this force wasi supplemented by a falltroop of the 2lst |Iuss« s, from Clonmel. ' underthe command of !l,ieut»nant H. L. Pilklngtoo,Oloamel. Tbe Hon. 8. ;!F. .Carew, B.M., was Incharge magisterially of tbe 'entire body of polieeand'military. | " ¦¦ • ; . -

' -'¦§ '

-.." '' ¦ ¦ ¦ I

" ¦ : ¦!

From about an hour or two before the time foiopening tbe cohrtthe codntry people fromjtbe sur-rounding neighbourhood began to drop into the vil-lage in. twos and threes, along the roadways aidover the bill", and later oi, regularly organised con-tingents from NewoMtle.Grange.Four-Mile-Water,the Nire, Cloumol, and Other placss, arrived—al-moat each being preceded; .with a fife and drum 01brass band' Some had;banners with uuorownBdharps, a sunburst, etc./ and -bearing the following

unitea wu stana j amaea we tan, waue iajrtbe Newcastle, civalmde : rode two men w

Jen scarfs, embroidered with some National

insnas. xQey ma eo ana met 01m near osunerxaCbnrcb, then wheeled round and both bodioa cajneon tatber quickly to the court-house, where tbemagistrates bad already assembled. • \ -

Amoogst those present ia tbe. crowded court-bouse were :—Hev8 Tboaiau McDonnell, Adm, BSPeter and Paul's, Clonmel ; Thamaa Moran, C;C,do j W Meagber, C C, StiMary' j Bev P Condon,0 C, do; Jtev J vQ«e»Hy, C C, Tallow j BevWilliam Power, P P, Tourneena j Mr T J Condpn,T C, Edward Murphy, iT C, T BuMell, T C.. PNusrent. Greenane t 0,O'Connor, and B Eoohe.

a. «. , JU. VIWOJI */ V/, »«^w.» , w VH..wu, # v, «»»%.

loudly cheered by the populous'outside, and also b;those inside tbe building. He took hia seat on on<at tbe side bonobes dose to the witness table, hiBev Mr Casey eittiorf ton his right. Mrs Pyn<(wife of the defendant)., was accommodated with 1seat on tbe benoh along with tbe Bevs D. Heirnand Wm Power. Mr Kelly, S O S , county Waterford, appeared1 to conduct the case on tbe part 0the Crown 1 Mr Bichard Adams, B L (of tbe MunBter Bar), instructed by iMr E Bice, of ffermoy, appeared for Mr Pyne, and sat beside him. Thmagistrates who presided were 1—-Henry E Eedm ,nd, B M, Dungarvan (chairman) ; Cupt WelchK M , Carriok-on-Suir j| P J Power, M P, and PiWttUh, of Newcastle. It was fully half-post twelvo'uloek before tbeir worabips took their seats on ;thbench. Col the Hon SJF Catew, BM , occupiedseat on the benob, bat did not adjudicate, aa dialso District Inspector* Lopdell and Wynne. "

After a preliminary objection on the part ot MiAdams to the form of summons, which be held w«not iu accordance with.tbe f etty Sessions Act, ha

tbanka to i'atbor Jfoner ror tbe able way in wblcuhe presided over tbis vast meeting. I am also gladto sen that the caralrV of Lvre have increased rather

Witness—Xea, but they are uninteiugibto to me,owing to being disconnected. I believe they are tbewords, " Wje mast watch tbe laudgrabber." j Mr.Pyne continued—" There are only two waya ofdealing with thejlandgrabber—the landgrabbedwhois a very anoient : person, because we find it inScripture that Moses told the people " Accursed bethe man wbo oovttetb his neiifhbour'a land mark."

ust set yourwilvut, 10 wstcn nis mo

ouade to tbe cooingjignc w t>at win toe tarmeiido this half-year t t tbink that unless they !cometo some sort of an arrangement they ; will gain."Tbe rest of the sentunoe ia lost. Mr. Pyne con-tinued, " Now, tbero will be no money coming for-ward from America.1 Ton mnst be prepared tomeet—to meet all in)» body, and thui nnd oat notthe highest reduction you will ask from the agent,but tha le*st yoa |atni take from him. Now, gentle-men, tbis is tbe only way tbe landlord will come—and be oompelled to! come—to torma.': I am sorryto say that lately ,! bad to flgbt Devonshire single-handed, but 1 did it,. I would now like to say atew words to the labourer*. Tbe i labourer isawakening again. It i» little good giving alm abouse to live in,'and I don't want to take any creditto ourselves.'? Tbe 'rest ot the sentenoe is lost.Mr. Pyne continued—" The great question now toconsider is tbe labourers. Well, tbe only way thatI can see i» for thi labourers to come to soms tort ofoonnlculon. and II would tuffkest that it be put for-ward that if a farmer aid not uu m acres 01 potatoesout of every 100; and; if be wanted a labourer he badnone ; that Would soon leave work to tbs laborer. Ibavejjreat pleasure In seconding the vote of tbankato Father Power.*, Tbat'a all of Mr. Pine'sspeech. .- j , J .-;. ¦ <- ' . ¦ : , \ ¦

In cross-examination witness said Ba bad beenfour years in tbe force, and had devoted himselfsix years to abortband:) he bad taken a note ct per-bapa forty or fifty 'meetings. On being asked toread portion of j a llp*ech in another part ol tbenotebook, after som«!heaitation witness read a fewwords and then .stopped., and on being asked thereason.why said hejhid not paid any attention tothat part since it; was taken j be bad r««dover Mr.PyneTa speech 1 subaequently he read the notea inthat part of (the book pointed out by Mr. Adams Ina very eiumbliog 'and hesitating way. Parts ofMr. Pyne'a ajpeeoh bfe admittaithat he did notUke,having a difficulty in somo instaoces, «a ne a*id, ofnndantAndliur hiuu ;

meeting at which Mr. Pyne spoke j be btard hiark ou thfit day^Mxl

to tbe best ot bUreoolleo-!tbe report ol ill read tbare that day was an so-

curate ooe. I ¦, ] '. '.[ ' : , , ; " : V ' |Croaa^xadiined-iDld yon hear ibe passage rs*4

out there about tba> tsi mac—If ba bad. not SO aareaof potatoes io tbe bandied f I did. : :•¦ . •

Wbat was tt>« neaning of f—brtween yoa andme does It not look like b*Wefd4*h f—I coafeaa Idon't quite ritsdeMtaod it. Nor (toe* anyone else. Yoabeard Mr. Pjue j illiuleto (ba two ayaUms ot daal-Inn with noooDoiar Doraous-Hbs'new aud tbtoldayitem r via yo aa» uau«m««* uimt w ¦«» ¦¦¦tb«n to aoMpt thej u> nsUia, and not tbe old I,1 did 1 ol tbie two I nadaratood Mm to Meonssmdtha ntw <k» t '¦ : tsto spaooo took tan or twalvaonluutwtoAelivef I am not awart that tha. on« ra»ported by the poliojnua only took tbrMi taiaate* t«)

Mt John )? Boyl*. commarolal travrlUr,, DoMiaLwas awom,aad, U anawat to MrY Adams, stetcdthat h« was prew it at .tlw mtUagm U>« >7thi.w: »»J h**Tdalr.;PTnasn«ak. Mr. Pine SaWLthelaw oondem«ad;th4 old oua, and If a man used ith» ,would bi punished. Tuawfore ba .woold ptefwth« othar. \m nnjaratogd hi* to; ooodidiu shoot;.ing, and diaaf tb* pwpto j rou. ,<«." [That waitfca trlata aJndotrrioUBiMiat of U* wotdj to Mif it*!/*

'¦*¦*¦¦*''* ¦ -i - ' ¦ ' ¦' '¦

i ' :'"1- i

',:v- :


• •'- 1- Oroat ja«i«rtk« by Mr Ivlly--Ci» yonat»t4tb< :::

^ y ,&*«Wiii0lMfe:'DWl«.iBl'fc

; I . ' : ] ! ! 'I " . : . ¦' !/ i :: / .il -


WMO« M r *m gfg «# #•'*>& *

^ ¦iaitffl BiAai^ hT B a>^Lfc 4^ ai itBByikT tf^ sLa aV^ H ^ ^n ^ ~*. ** **X

i ~ ' ^ LEE VVt 1 b^PILT.Jriiah ft l^HVBW^ I lUMki EXflhQI^

¦¦ C flB

TLT2< J uHu 3h»Sa iSf * 3SP-r?n*¦nin ajaaB^aVj 9 tl PsB# IBBUGWI JBBassff C HPl.,- 1 ' f

.-Jlif a V wS, t&Si rt>aaW.4»jNlz^mtmmm¦ p * *s n #f «w 5J #nimiAa aoaBoaialMkfl Mtrasa Ami. Banmdi 1¦ - ^ - ™1T^ • TT XU I ^M - ^ S) M* . s i^^WBa iaia^M 3«I

•nMsmeail £e4a Uii^^mmStS ,rthaajtt .< oort 1 rone*;f ff lm m pstffelsav* witl|»fu aay|dUplaiy of ftaUaar, aad in aaa«^oooeoagwte«»^»wr«'laUj,b«tnjInto to. aS^ tba-TtllaVrwWDriS^ ^ ^given, thilNattonal basaienwarsarafar&daloft, and .tliaJrWM adatla* was on* of axtexeitamen*, WhgMr J, D.Pfnaaad hiaeiattorosy mad* ttair waypat of tb* ooort-

liey war* uMaOjr *tu*4 UU« py tbeU itrattw tHands, who MMfcad disposed to 1pon thalr slionUara, and oatrr than off bbey wer oMnpeBad toreaJca t&anuelvaa fa)urMaaof th«& ia tors. « ; 1 j : ¦¦>. .A largo. wagooaUa was fttjm, : drawn aait

larpoaa of • bUn iaadaa • temporary plttihis veh a«t»rai of th« oI»rgym«B got. I

vut mm TW»O» waa UWJUOUMJ UM*m mi row W TOiocs.At lsngtb. howeytr, ha aaaeaadad, and thinj dariat aooaparaova ldH,ha pMcosad. amidrt loud applattaa,th* Bev William Power ihoold"tak» ti»» S5?whioh waa, the ajcoal for '» traah outburst otapplaHM.At thl* knomentTtooj Mr, Pyn» waa rwopdaad u»artb* warOnetfa, Whkh k*. .wm#.*bonfc .aaUrlaf, \itiithara was'aruhjtoithir aiditol tbaoamsgal .to auk*hkods with him. < Prom tbVmidst of the mass of peoplewer* heard abova tha geaeral dincriea of, " Hurra* toroar'fatajr*'aamban, and "Down with laod-gmbrbera." and anoh like exprstdona. . 1 1The B«v. WiilUa Pq«.c, P. P., a*ld-WJl, ,nyfriend*, I have tjo retoro, yoajmy wanaeat thanks totthe great honoarjyon bff* doa* me in askiag m» to pwside a* ypar ohatnnan upoa tola oooaaSoq (loud coaara).Yoa sn|all aaa«mbled bar* for oaa pnrpoaa, aad'thali* to aho» how,we regard Mr. Jaapar Xtoogla* Pyna,one of tha selected fntara mambera for tha ooonfy ofWaterford (ranakrad oheert). In •electing that gentle-man w* hava proved to ttw !world that w» hsve. noreliBions, antaojity, DO aeotarlaa feeling. W* bav*Dothlng of the bak, mj at* only aetoatod by m dMlrafor the nod of tbeeoontfy, for its liberation by gainingHome Sol* (ohe»ra). I shall'not delay yoa longirTalI fiad that theri are aoDM gontlamen bar* who ba>* toestoh the train', apd mnat leave imm^Utoly 1 bat Imake one requeet ot yoriVbear heat). You have gtioedtho day (load oheara). Seep it aa it ought to bs keptia n peaceful, orderly manner. Oo home qnieUy,,»ndat once (cries of " We will, yoar reverenoe j") and Iexpect there will ba no one hat* in an hoar's tiax(load and eonUftued appl»o««), amidst whioh the rev.BtButman stood uUa an/l nn nl>»> tn ,

: Mr. r. J. rower, M.P., on coming to the* front, winovived with prolonged oheers. He said-Mr. Caaiman and. fello -ooantrymen, I matt oommenoe aobaanalion* by jukiagyoa to me to wear my hat whispeaking. (A voloe-'fCertain!;, sir," aod ohecra

WM al«*y« a> mia of ooora«*, he never hesitated to assbi; voioe agtiaat any exoeaa, and I think tba dUtrlet Inwbioh bis inflaehoeugTttteat,thatdistri*tCMicoiaparef»?oar»bly with1 say other ia IreUnd M> far M oatrw*and onme go. ! . ' :

A Voioe—" IJown with land-grabbers" (groans).Mr. Power (returning)—I shall not detain you by

making a *pMohr for attend reasons 1 beoaoM other*,like myaeU, halve to mtca a train, and bsaldsa lammjrieK' at present goffering from a eold | bat be&r* Iclose thesa few. worda, allow me to say that tboajrh myfriend Mr. Pyue haa bten di.tingtu.hed for ooarageand moderation (oheer*) h* haa alwayi, at tha risk otdispleasing those who are greateit in this eoontyy—he haa always, and, pleaao God, he will always aUadbetween, the oppreaaor and tba oppreaiad. Woatherlandlord, farmer or labourer, while be is an oppressorba will have aa enemy in Jasper Doagta* Pyne loear,hoar). I aay thla, th»t If the proaeourioa of ito Uyended Otherwise tau it did DO person eoald opra- theirlips is safety in pnblm < I don't know what Infatuation

technicality in tha m4ttei whioh in a few week* heno*wonld render him inooimptteat to ba elected aa m«mb*rfor this oounty. ; *. ' '•

A Voloer-" Usmor* Cutle." . j 'Mr. Power—Ye*, the aatlea of Doblla and lirasor*

have a fearless oppontaant in Mr. Pyne (immense cheer-ing). , All .I oaa say U, that if in your opinion, Vhieh ITHJOK, I am dvolared worthy of the Honour of - beingagain elaotad AS on* of year rtpreuntaUv** In Parlia-ment ' 1 sh»U ;be proud to go to the alien assembly iaonmpany with.Mr. Jasper Djuglaa Pyae, aadil moatalways feel proud in fading myself assooiatad with on*of Mr. Forster'a ao^allaj " dfsaolata raftUna andvillage tyrant*" (groans and ohaen). Osatltmaa, Ishall not detain you1 lupg«r. ' I

Mr. J. D Pjn* nixt cim* forward, and aaoh W«MMr; J. DVPyn* nut ctme forward, and aabo waatiie vociferboa] ohcoiag wihh whioh h» was n«t*dthat for somat time aa ooald not make himself heard.When tbs cheer* had somewhat abated ba said—Manof Waierford j I have to thank 70a for the gmt oom-pliment you have paid me to-d*y, ooming, as you did,on a working day.toJialp to sustain ma in tha atrogglebetween the Govarnioeai sad myself (ohetre). 'i I ham•lao to thank Mr. Power for tba Jdod way la whioh Inhaa spoken of me. Gtntlemen, allow m* to aay that Iwaa flitremlr; glad when you mad* selaetaiirof ydorf atura .membns, and allooated to them tha division*they I war* to.represent, that my frUnd her* (Mr. P. J,Power) waa ohoato for East Watarford. Had ti ba«nfor the weatata division h* waa Mlaoted, and I for th*••stern, then! 1 ahoold bar* been left ««{tv bitweeatwo Pw *rt (UnghUr). As to tha proeMdlnfswUiisday, I tker* was brought forward agiOast ma a- iubladapotoh; frooxa reporter who ooald not Nport. Tapok**6 ti« me«tinjp in Tonrneana/or al*r«a nia«to* aad*. half, and an h» oould do Ira* to read note* forthr** tGentlemen, there is one thing thl* trial to-day baa doa».say what you will, tb* Government b»V* BOW Erov*dto you that boyeottkf i« legal. Yormy partlaball

1 ummtvaraaiawirii nnaMJM,: ,


\ \ , AB4ta*fatb*vow oHlpp*nr/. ¦ 1 . j ,Oentlanea,! again»ak yoa for tbs spitt&d r*.oepUonyoohivaglvaB.'ai*.; I woold apaak fa>|ra«,B»9i«

at l*ntth, b« It U il^driv.frociTar.teTatowiwhere 1 aa expected tUa «rramg- - " I I1 Mr. Pyna and bi*lamedia»*Mead* tbeaidtoveoffaaddit immon** eh*eriog,i the band* playing */ra*bsome- Natiotiais *ir*,; Ua oarriaf* b t ia f m ex t t i by apretty lengthy oaulaad* Toe oth« oootipfiiat* v«ysoon aitaflud homaamia by dlfftrant rootait, **d b*>for* vary lontf only a few of to* nadghuouting •oaatribebpU tiadNfBiiiied b*hisd. Th* Hasaanbft to n-tara to CloBb»el at »a e»riy boor, ridiojr tar>a»jb to«viUtfa dod aroBod byLoid Athtown'e 4*awua raa4UtM oa, whaa th» villigo 1 was Mto.Md W ito'otdisa»»quit* «v*ry-4»y appMade*. th* variona poUtw dta/a*wen abo roiblod to reti»h» to oiwrUra, sod •« Wral-

btod * day ot axoitiNseat that wfll loaf b« nSMabandth«t loo*ii»y. ! ( , ,, ., : ' . . . . ,1 : .-. . •

OVttw-rwjaJtt ofi tt.-w.aU ol Mr. IrnrV eaWrongb UM toontryi twnaras w*r* hgnM as4 ta* avoat rtjoidagwa**vfa**4. : ': ; . - . '! - | •

iiiMACTHOMASJ B0A&D 07 QTJAaDUHaU.; : i - I . ¦ • • ; UWMT. , . ¦ ; ; i •:¦:' ¦

4 • •¦• .¦

JAKES Pow«fJB*q- Chainaasu BCC*J lad. -, ' ¦ll«o pr nt-M-ymft 8bJTal^KKatoa'. Qleesoo, *a«^Wal*b,L.Pow*r,M«rta!On&,¦ay, J.V ~i..Wakb. Bryan Tina, Makib».T5,: tutiaU, witb IlistibMt Uxm* aad OoaWrs, Walsli SadQm*.andUt.h. 0.Banif lSKl attaiidaaM. . V^, /.

¦' • " . : ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦:•; ' T'"The board aawejt ied this mooring alsJoovtUoloek, aad took «1 b*, ooo*id**rtfc« of ti«l MMatations'sUis I ( *r tat rkbouw*/ m ^^Tb* oo»4ttM«$iat*d f«t«u«M'«M[ ttj«Maiports CA UM vatkws «it«. m£b *t<>Z tstonM«4 te»omar:i tottaM, which, lafy** I SSt¦ritbar tJtoTa^WU; UJ h*a» saattj t *l£

on tM*Bt'< "Tau-nM [0aT'tM'a*«ak'.BichjOra ofaldW NWlyjio tW

m±m**A ( Jj j j t t mii3m t '.a UlAirLfeGfift

'.' ' ¦ { 1 . ';¦"¦¦- 1 {• ! ' - ':• ¦ I ',.!» !.';¦ ii-;tli?iiiilf-'

m rmf mrmir^

^Xx.Mvi t&MiOotiT -^*il.tjibia«-—r'j:; >:;U;:' T¦ Mr. M. I •• WaJbA-y ft*) ielark ta'paidvito U: his:

,,ilf;f ate isWMl* < f««* «5<*» *«•¦'«**• ''«•*•;i

was uked u Mr. Wi W» M | prot**«dVc »!$£•'

MrJatraage raplki that that was *i4aU«r;otptxw*dai«)iLttoMtb«r. , ; _; i ; ¦':• . ' -. . :• ¦ ) . .1 .. .- . _

Ohaircnaa—Ha|» wf apreeedant f*ttwi t r . ' z'Clerk—ttfath iDiiw^' .W.*^1 ' -^ • • "

> Mr. M. $4W Pfeh^Whs tto'y*iri-.a«D.!i .zMM Um: :pr«'MaU yna -.-M - 'otj Uta:minnte*,*aidlt h*d > b« iaMrtod in* Ml beforethe minut sf:«aM'MgMd.!¦ -i -;.; ¦•=- . .y d .- - ¦< •;;> ;«: ¦

Chalna n—TKeibuiineas eaanot ba block td dp tothis wsj. W« h*v* kh« dork's estimato pf oon-sld«and trikatna'rite. • . : / : -' ' , '

Mr. Gl **»o—On <be pment occasion jit ia ab-solntely naaaaary tot-ns to go oa with ihebusi-ness. : Ohairmaa-rX ifiB got on with thsjafenlbs; oftbe »inute» under your protaat, Mr. Walaf. ;

Mr. ML jlWalinf-tf yoa do yon wilfictiiUrd?ifw. CTalrnun^Well thenl willact *4tro*ir«,

Mr. Gleswn—PutUtothaboard. f « iCbairmi in—But h» won't allow ma to io thatMr. M. fc Walsh—Order the clerk to ipnt them

oa tnrmiaatcsv >; :.'.

'. ' . ' ! ,7^. ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :• ¦¦ .: Mr. Mj urio* Coffey—I.tbink it is lnyour d|s-cretlou, h M, CbairaiaB, to aiin them. ' ; i !

Chairman—I wfll Uke hS responsibility oa my-self. Mr, Terry—Did not the clerk follow the aamecourM adopted foe tne laat ten yeaa r- Mr. J,WalaorHa did..!. • . ;, ¦; . ' . , ) . . . . ¦•

Cbairmkn—Tbia is a most imnorta,ut crisis inour affairs. Her* we are to-day and catjnot get re-lief foe tile poor, and If yon strike a rate oar trea-aarer mai be mote . lenient. : Mr. Walah's protestwould block ap toe basin*** today- MrM 8 Walsh 1It ia tbe 1 il«rk'« fault. ChMrman : I do- notl sea asingle lei tor in the lot that is of any Importance.

Mr. M 8, Walah read th» act, which aUted that" letters received from tb* Comminioners, or forpurposes relating to the) basineas of th« onion,should b 1 inserted on tho minute*."

Clerk-fTbe letter* are- all acknowledged on theminnteu It ta quite *ufflcient i . '

Mr. M. 8; Wiish--ln addition to entering mypretest, I propose' toat ail letters received in rela-tion to the Labcurers' Act be insetted on "themiuutesJ Mr. P. Walah seconded tbe motion.

Mr. tf. 8. Walsh—Capt. Dawson's letter In con-'nection fitb'th» aaarUry p»oaecatioD, axonlpatinjrhimself, 'i M o t ooana inserted oni t be minute*.

Clerkj-I uaed:my own judgment. : . !Mr. waUh'a motion waa then agreed to, and the

minatesjwere *ign«d.v. ' . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦: I AK.VMmnaMWT'i MknK. , j

Th* Cflerk stated tn»t he wrote to th* managerof the Provincial B.wk In. Dublin, pointing oat thatthe goardUna would strike a rate on the 27th insi,but thai none of it could ba lodired for etebt ornips week*. H« then aaked if cbeqaca for tha out-door1 relief for the timo mentioned would be cashed.' Th* following is the reply received :—| P ' .ProvioeUl Bank ot Ireland, DnDgarvafl, 13ia Of*.,¦'85'

DSAB 8IB—In thre* yeWr* ih« mfao«*c <nth*Kaa»-al*B»' Overdraft* a»o«Dted to 468. Itlathi*.ay*t*«thadirtitorswaiitto ehwk i th*y tkioat ttot a soffl-dentr»*oagbttob**t»aokto iaeet tha> '¦ wiAtsof th*year,ajwl JecveidaUy baUa** to aradit, t8*|nUre*»whioh i roald halo to pay the MK odd do*'to th*bank; si 4 which they hir* ao other way <d :i«eanrlnrWoolcl fTb«po*aibl*fc» «e«t the oa Woor rdiaf la tabwaylnoador. I woald diaoooB* a bill fcjr *•> JMOQ.for two oooaths, tigutibf two of tha nacdUnavaAaUt tha 1 roceeds be ulacod, in yoar ha&d* for dUtribu-tioa aalongik th* rsUevias; offlaen. Bytb« (iat*tb*bill wotld fall do*,t)M nto woold b* la oolWotioo, anda obea uie might tow be signed for* 100 for two months'oat-dob : »fi*f,'with wbJoh-th* biU ooald b* takosnp. I think t»i» plan would bs tettsr than tiut•dpptea by to* N»aoa»l Baok. nunaly, asaoaatingth« ch*ia»s wh»»pr***Bi*d.—Toarstraly; \- - •:

I • ¦ . . - ' J.,W. Dnrsocn.Wm.!Hunt,B»q., KilBucthotnaa. ' ¦ i ' IIn i«ply to toe chairman, t be Clark: Hid tba dis-

oount 1 oonld b* ma3* op jfmoOgft tit* gtiarjllaita. .' Mr. Qleeson—How muflb are w* lit debt now r ;

Clerk—Tbe« is aboat <eaJO in cheqoetoat. Taaoverdrift at present\* 6X. ¦ " j; i i ¦ '

Cbai rolan -W* aM 'disbttssiagf the dJaccnBt, aadno one] his as yet said h*: will pot hii name to tbeuin /,.LUl.»_\T " ¦ ' ' , . i , . ¦ I . I . . . . . .Wil l IIB ttKUi«K/. . • 1 , . ¦ , .

Mr. aiewoo—IwiUpafi B*/ naaaa-tolt, [. Cha rmaa—I: prpppM hit all the gaardiaiu put

tbefr name* toit - f-' - - . • . - : j . i .:- , -.Mr. JH, 8. Walah said hit would not pat hi* n»m*

to a bill in that bank. ! . . . . .; j . .::! ¦, ¦ ..;,Clark—I think, with all respect to the manager,

that tV plan adopted by tb* Natloaai Bank ia tfaajsimplext. ¦ . ' ' • ¦ . . - . ' ¦ j. \. \ '::,.


Mr.lB. Finn—Why tbiy would glve tBO ro anyindiviaual, aad they ref ate us tbisliitW coaeessiba.

Cl«rk—You d>not ondarstand.; Thkr* ia £U0due to- th* bank for intoreat, which 'eu 'only bapaid rygrtbe intere«tonw[iatev«( rnooW is ia thebank Wooghi« to thai union.- R . ¦( ' - ¦'

Mr.fM. 8. W*l*h-r moy* that th* il«k bedir*ot*d to ooo»ujual«at»»ith tha maaagtlt of th*Mon***r*nd tHtuttt aad HaUooaXBAsiflaDtta-garvaa, aod •** what their terawwUl b*j tokdvaoo*thi* o1on«7 to hayoflth* int««rt dn«j, witbartswtb eaaag* ot "trMMorwhi*. Tb*i aawa tfcin»;ofr»ctr in<^nietk«withlh*8oirthIhibliaTJafcn.Tb* awaaget of Jhe B«ak of Ireland, raftaed tohooodp tbdr eav**; «•» taty oocamtjiisatad aritathe. HlbeniiaafBaak, th« <Hr*otoT* «« Whkh lama*dlately rolaatMrtd to wttaMt tb».amay. Tb*,fjooallOoTerBDMBt Board pat fatitaw ff«to,«adMr. Sextoo thea broO|)to«aob a *trotM«aa* befor*the.HoQs*of Comas4u»tha| ta« B*akj ot Iralaadw>>n "trj gt*4 to adHawtha BMO*J» and fccooortbe c! laqoe*. . ¦ ' • •

¦ - i ¦ . ',- . . ;• w i '- , :>i .¦¦•.¦! ,

Mr^ B. Finn—I bar* pteuore iayeopoding your

recolation. I ' ; . j . . • . ! ' ; . . , '.'. l •.,, , :• .Mr. M. 8. W.Uh-J do not know,, what pWt

murt have pmv»ll*d to giv* th« tr*MwroaWp ofthiscoloa to ib* ProviocW ftuik. I 4> aoTthiafcth*y, rould get it from toi aew Wood *• aa*a b*r« ¦.aow. Mr. IlPowa»^Tl>*dir<«to«olth«lSraa(jBta '[\Bank an notniuAbeiteraar ards poUtiosV¦:%¦••:- ,.;

1b J* Walsh—If tb*ygiv* « |MJ t*(w*tj». inotereaboStbeJr polltfi*.- ;• V m -'--: '; ¦, - -.l: Mr 1L8. Watah-Vtoagro»tn*olttiaB4bBr ibo*nl to think tb*t, with hot aa virfrMft 'oftEt-,!oar < aaaoca ;foc • out-ooor ¦ rsllet hav* bas»-4ift . -ihoaoir ti :¦'¦

¦¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ y - ; i

'¦ ¦ " ' - \. ¦¦\:^V :t 'i

Kii B. Kan—Why fa* D«ngarr«;'g<*«liaB*^thalr outdoor rrftof toMW w.w t^ iSi; ;:with mty Ml it aa ovitarBft thvy rat mwSStti- ¦ ,i«b*n< •for JOO fo» «»*.' ' . ¦: ¦*<"• FTj;. ;f W.\i^'-

lC Wa^ protjoWtJoo.wks' *ir«M:io.-*abd.;ft

waa Utfto i |o Wtpoa 'U>w P^ovSbWB4ak 'to X - ¦.forw rdaWl^ iJM0f>Uto *h«'giaa fiai ' -pa* 1 sotjttoaiagtwd'flo'rtgC7':-: i«- ' m+^**< i-;r: To p« J»Ua9V 'fjsWJar'.*teV|irif$|tHMi*^^ -: •^mm®mm$Ia naty to *:ooo*4ai^*ii».torSt -W;jiJb»-"|-; >eltrl, l5uw/wai»".f* ,lfro^Fifc'-Ja*5.-! -":'tot, *

¦i3>*u#»iiM p t:M i-ivMjLPi, Power, M.P ,"*7w* 'a iW iMMii:>' ^pari :w. sad fVllo)r|i gS?; f ^ W i IS

h*g koiatoTsty** jHawtJWM)(*j|fiNM||Qh|ijj|Mas £

> r f Ll SSlriij^?y BS jdBB8j|ayiiS3PBS BH ay f f i tf c

Page 4:… · ¦¦¦!¦; • j ¦E9TA inwrtiv l847i- .•;'¦•?:-/'¦ •; ' -i jl AJKI«ST; CnioatX«»'iK:*Hi'S«O«B

• , In innocent iniwf -"^"Ti !":'- -'-'. Y: '«- '; f v l

• They aid not knbir i(:th6\J -v lu -v ^.. i : i> - >? . •»; •' O*no;^ th*y.«atar;-"; tb8ro.'llleJi« ?nicfc 4«ysi';- LI¦ -i/WienTra ara.'Tromfiaand 'nftit.V!— 'i xv: y j^ tiiij 'iil«aid to ttio ybutb!atia inaJienV:'. ,'\.,; i .'.r ',; ''• * ""Ton nToiivintf Jour happfc-sfr dajfi'f 'V • ' ! ! i - 1! :• And;inbt their.spatWinJtejoii thiu-ecittpt'' . . f : , N ¦¦¦¦• . :i! ::A<dWamy'£Bir-oJt. .'frttze, : : ;; i :.i " - \— r j ' • ' .-.", ¦ '. . '¦

j And their hands sought ono another, r ¦ ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦: ¦ ; ¦ ;I . And.their obeek$;flushed rosy red;| ¦

¦ ¦, . 5- .|:- , :. . :« Oh. no.'Atbty sa ,;-'. there;!} be hafcpler d»J|« i - . ¦• ;..

"i'orn^whtn refr'arg wedl!' ;. . . . I , .. ..; . • . ;. .; . .',•'I saWtotbeixmn iad- oman, ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ,, ' ! ¦ ¦'••¦ Tdn areiliving jdrfr hi»i>pi?8t d»S» ( , . . .!¦ !'. .¦: * ¦ ; •Ai they laugbinglj F^ebfcd.togetfter1, . . . . ; ,;¦ , ..; ,

, Tfoefe baky^wiflniqij , : | , - . : > : . . '"• i 'h;,»8 daj8 »re, daj8 o('labfMir, ; : . , : : ;

They can ¦hardl yj he-our best, : '[, ¦ „ " '¦["

Tu«to'|| ba happicrdays.wnen the obildren 1 » e jrovvn,An'd'wd have earripdourrest." '!i -j ' • ¦'¦¦' '• '•/ ¦ ¦¦; ¦

I said to tho aged opnplo, .! , - ,. I • . - '. * . ¦ . '¦" You are liviog your happiest °»y» ;

Tour children do you bonbur, ,,. _ j t¥ou have won 8noce»9.£rid praibo. jWith a peaeefuTJook.tboy answered, ¦ ; ., ¦¦

" God is good to ns, that's true s . . . • .- • .¦ .; ,- .Bat we tMnk there'll be happier, day* for os -j . . .

In thebfe we're going to," : • ¦ ¦ ' . "• • - ¦ . ' ¦ i

NEVER AGAINSwiftl?. the days and monthsjglido on '} , !

, The nioiapnts hasten by j . . : .. ! .. ¦'Ijik« njarniogolonite that Bft( l «wojr

Bonejvth the.beDding.slrT.' . " . '• The golden earn that gilds] tie .tower "'

. Ai)d"tvsru,s thei verdon't iplsih, ¦"•.Will ne'Ve'rVneVtt softly lalTI"- :n • -

' ' On hill'and towof again.! ¦'

I The aame glad spring time cannot ohe ;r '': Again'with Itavea and fldwers, '.' Not djuig-summer backward torn

And find Jnno's rosy bowers. ; '.Nor will tbo eaBijj Brpcet tnorninff son r ;

Ring far na o'er and o*«ri T- / ; ¦ ¦ jNor withered lilies ope again . ¦ . ¦'

Beside the cottage, door. I , .. . . , . ,;

. Fir tbe wild streamlet we m*y call—- j : ':The prayer will be. in' vain :-- ¦ ¦¦ - . ;

The eame bright waters nuyir will : •Dasb o'er tho ipcka agaiiij :

: The mirth arid bliw of early, jdnys ¦I No longir will restore, i i : ,. ,

Hoc can tho feet of manhood tread !Again the pathway oTer. ' ' ' ¦ j '

Then let natreaaure gems of thoughtThat sparkle iu oar wayi . ;

Gather the sunbeams and the bloomTo gladden day by day.r ¦ . ;

ImproTA the moments as they fly,Nor let life's setting ann ¦¦ ' . ' "

Find us with idle, unfilled binds—Odr esithly taska' nndone'.'

LORD SALI^BUEY .,ON iEDUOAT^ON.Lord Salisbury! at Newport eai(i :—I .am not

spiking-for;my own .Cbnrcb lone. Wbat Iclaim 1 would extend' with . equal , bandi to theNonconformists :o£ "Wales or thejJB«nian],tJi»]tbf>-]ics of IreLauJ. Bnt I do claim that to wba,(«verChurch or Beet of Christianity they belong, thereshould be the Utmost opportunity given toeducate tbe people in that belief 'of Christianity,iasteud. of' driving-tbeai away ito the lifeless,tailed down, ineohouicaj, unjujak religious tcachiing ' which is prevalent' in ' Board ' Swhdols.Believe me, the eBsence of religions teadhing isjthat' the teaoberisliotild' believe: that wlJicb'Thcteaches, and Bhould deliver as be believed it theWhole .measure of truth tba't be. has'.reteiyed.jUnJeBS there is that sympathetic^ that u,^gnetipfeeling which is established between pirpilandteacher by tbe confidence of the people tb at "theteacher is dealing honestly, iwitb, them, theirreligious teaching is a farce and a sham, andiberefore I windd give the tUmof it )irud6m Qif i icould p08iibly . be given to all the*denominationsof thw country to :teacb ad they believe'to tbeChildren of their own flocks that which1 ' theyesteem the highest troths of the Obtisiianitythey profess.''' ; . . ' • ' . ¦ • ¦ i


bark' Veronica'' brings news of a. disaster j to tbecrew- of tbe whaling hark' Greyboundjas re-ported by a. fisherman. ' When off St. Qeurge,one of the western islands, a boat's ¦ crew was£ftnt |for a whale. . The boat was capeized by thewhulft's fluke and the sii men. were left'clingingto the wreck. Anottfr boat ;was sent' andtjhe jm'en w<;re picked up. Another jittackwas made upon tbe whale and again the boatwas jcapsized und the twelve inen were pre-cipitated into the Water. Night had come- onand in the darkness it was impossible U) findthe ship. For 13 hoora the men clung to tbewreck, when they were picked up by the i Grey-ho and. . Two of' the boat eteerera and- three' ofthe men, all of whom were Portuguese,' weredrowned) bat £beir names were not known bythe fiahermen who made the report. ' : '

I A DISTINGUISHED MUSICAL PEIEST.I The following potagrapb, comujunloated by the

uuaical agents,'hit appeared in the daily paperathis week 1—"The announcement'is'now onUtiullynkde! that -Lisit hss accepted an Invitation to bepresent at the performance of bis: oratorio, ' TeeLegend of Saint Elizibetb/ at St. James^ Hell onApril S. It is forty-fonr yean «nce Liiit hut vwi-ted London. At Bis edTaoced age it i» not consi-dered, probable, that the great. pwnUt will pU; inpablib, although the offer of a very large turn.hasbeen tnade eboald bebe,uble to do so.". There i» aljjttle: inaucuracy: in this statement, for it is sotqui(o: forty-fife! days,.: much less yean, since thevenerable Abbe visited 'London. He stayed fherequite1 quietly for aJ feW days, and escaped withoutany chronicle of bisi matements finding, its wuy in-to tbe Ipress. ..The : Abbe cotupleted bia aefenty-fburth year on rboreday. ; j .' ; . ¦ ¦;

A WONDEBFUL AMEEICAN CLOCKBedford, Ptt., Oct. 9.—In the little town of

Woodbiiry, this coonty, resides a young tnaa notedfor bis mechanical skill, who is woriing at a won-derful clock, nbicb,' when completed, will eclipseaoytbiog ever produced in the clock line/not even6Xi.-epUpg tbe faioous 8truebourg cloct.' ifehuBbeen norking on this dock over live years ucd' ex-pects , to complete it next'spring. When/finished;thisimmenae timepiece will be 12feet Tiigb by.Greetwide and 31 feet deep, built 'entirely of walbutwood. It is axtistiiiiliy designed and displays inita coniposition, a.^rindeur ptj>roport\on'. With itsgracrfuf , ni6uldipip(,';aud deiicafely carved, brna-meote. On tbe lower front of the case is a circle' of11 dials, with alarire'di'iU in tbe centre .giving thetime at ' Washington, D.C., in boBre, oinntes, andseconds, tbe aiontn.of tbe year, date'of tbe : iiontb,tbe week, lha day of the week; the toat seisbns ofthe year,'and the chunge» o0he mo iW The) 11 re-maining dip la give tbe:'difference bf time'in NewXork, Chicago, bun Francisco^LondoD,' Pekiri, (Jon-stantitibple, Melboiirnja, ' Vieonji," Coiroj . and 'St.Petersburg.'' One of ice meet enrjoua featdres ofthe clock ia the following j]A,taiijertdin'hi)ur ofthe day o-figdre reptesentiBg WiUiacD 'H. Vandtr-bilt, tbe great nilruad'jiuig,' ariwg from his cbair,hoJdipg a charter ia 'iiii rigQt (Land, kni in tarn allthe great railroad kings of thm coantry filowl". entera door at bis left, pass and ^K

>W to hifu ' and aisap-rpear in a submissive "iky, at a door t(> bis rigat. 1

i A PBINCELY QIFX> ;The; Duke 'of Norfolk on Monday.presented the

prizes ¦ and medals Awarded id connectton with tberecent} Exhibition of'thtf Cutlers' Company at i8bef-field, and eiterwards eut«ff«toed;tbe) whole bf tbe:cxhibi ors, nearly ope Ibouiand/

at the Corja Ex^ich'ange. Addressing thVgatbinpg n the Cutlerd'Hall; Mr. Mundella. MiK.'spoke'en e importanceof teachnicaleducatiKn^in promotion, of wjiicb•'¦ tb*¦Duke 6f Norfolk'had givefa JB8/)00 to, the SbieffleldScbooli He (Mr Mundelltt) trusted that tbo exiVrnple ' of bia OrW* libbrality woald lie fo^owtdby.many of tbosp interested: iS'tb« t^wn and [tradeioti Sheffield. At tbe luntib Wnicb (ollotwetf CknonWulsbaw and Lord Bdniond' wwrt; j»er* jrf<j«eal. » ,':. . ; • " ' . . ' . ~ 'Urrr -r.-l ,V , \ . p'i \ , CATTLEi EJBpjr'ltfEXipOr J , i • ,

; A Company fats last been *etartt{<2/ called, the

Mextea Land ftod C«tUe Beuohe, capiUl 4SW.O0Oin 'jeolsbarei. More opposition Up,to tbeflristiFaimefc ; ¦ . :, :: ; i 7 i ,{', ¦.?,• -• ' . . ¦¦

' \ : ', ¦ . : . '. ' • '\\-

; ¦ -. ¦¦ : • ¦¦¦¦¦•

' ¦¦!:¦ -i Vi fc'

l- 1 .- ¦/:•

¦ : • - . > .|.: 'i'. :

rj ¦ { ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ : -aoa.CHOL«BA;r ., . . . !¦ . . 1;;.

I If tie bittory' of nog-oholeta- could to cuttoilyinvtestijrated tbere U no doubt that th|o»e wbo|bB*ebrdd from *ell tD»tqredwiim»l»,'«hdfb«vJn|pi plentyof mm pasture iaidmaMr/ and who, duriBK Ibe•ealotui of tb« pir«v«Jet«6» ol:ooot<»gionih«»*tkep>ibejur swine from •loggis}) streaois liible to ikiry,cottagion, HvA hurt f iVe*. to drink well |»«terl:<jn-&rtt *min *lGd>brtii&ixAhia *ge,*m be found totkM WeaptiotioaJylfcxesSpt {con Um by-di»ea»e,¦ ] - . iu-u. - r i f t/ ' t . ; ^ij i^y. - ¦ : --. , ¦ ; ..; «., .•- - . ,|;

I T«fl';thoo d<rir&(tfij' kpple. ibrppba' rrcoiWejr t*rk 5u I iiw tol-ire oomt) -ic**the; o t t^Tn«kHWm«?l< spm'f t n®

tlmi %n iwb^f* 'tiS?d«»'tt^tol

F,; :! -A;^.H^:l: r. ' - - ' "' iy- " \\

¦;j v ! '.

¦ .-^v l;i

' ¦ ¦ . iv-' i r -; ¦{• ;• ¦ ' ,. • ¦ ; ! : ¦ ' - :';/ ' . " '

jliBft^^^T^ Esii fl'aotms- i 1 jr.; .\\>\-.t *&.&$&.. aa^ stAi r*N .; .kl^L,-:. ' . ' i ; . ,>;¦' .'¦

¦¦ ..-•rj;;j?;v!.1. ii'1: II ¦] ¦: ¦:¦; :$. h'1 ;- ; - ¦ rFn' ' . ;.:i!i.u ,;; : ; * ¦tj ill/ao'TiaiaJnc&B'6> :iikif ¦wirBaioMi Jniwa*. * iy»«»^SM^yr0tn\ttfie^ftiffltWkrB<snH1i4fed^JM «Wto7«'MU4|?idonifeltf'£n [Hati ibor^H.' abd'ja*as»4'jor thoeei defeat* iufdnii pT blio »nd privkMiN,'ibaiwtpeh *tu ithadireitt .coailU of English *ppw«»ion)l»*jpl#tjt»i .{:i;ri w: lkr ;i;.j :,,;, ;f, .,.! .ri^n^ni'ivj ey i»»y that we


and1 (thB; lavl8ii l8TOboffiltK8f] titlf« tnjifmfih wo}suooteded, though wltri'drnldtaftan oroatihg!diaBen»ijQrilarbtoiii-WpreSeauitWi'ParWakinf; ¦'''. '• ' T'":'' i: •*''•"¦¦ ¦ !

1 J AgainVtbey: 8ajthat>e;;iirtf poor and unthrifty.'Bl-'tjiofitfhtttftrTjjiSse*liw»'W detiirfb us »l¦ DST'jxtopeHytiia f^ lipWlroto«^WtmVinote'by?Wy iodnstiyi'however Kreat. ; O/a ium—ontrelfeioii teaches us thai 'pxpinisAKiliiae tohereHbs *teiotr bindiDJron us-;':'!« i• : Alks f (f-»UQh%efe««rbiU«ir whdriirather «»n' breakc|a^«OT!dJwffaW(Wone<r'dnr oountry to'Willlain' IUi'Wf*oaM nievef bsvegroiik'd tandor!thbSaiony61c»and the 'sitrotioihi;< opil;£!iw«, '', -' !¦, ''I ,* ¦¦ ' '-' • ' ¦' ''-':'• "• ¦" ¦'*¦'; ! '¦|lBut".thereris-«xother afioasationiwhloh, haVingsome.

trdlh i^ it 1 us a fonndition, most)»' rirfufi>d-iniini;di*-:tely OpDn onr:aooMirioa to. Self-Gtwornment Ti , tbut-.crur iWWr. I ses-are dirtyandignoraBtoT- ddmestipebonbmy i ..' ¦!- I

- J ;I .: , .' J :.•.¦•; ¦. . ¦¦': . . <¦, : T,. - :- < . . . . . ¦, : M :-, - .I . ;

vniB theoldstory of thirKarisei repeaW—"Thaink'Qoa i thstw* wti liye Wider1 benign-laws made; by bin1-1selTeai fbr-ontWiyes eja oot'like ttioeef dirty,'nithritty;Xtltu; {wboed/labgoage and ; naticroil OMtois we sbp-pTes^e -'withJthiB' natnral bbhtemienee, that they-lostall. toeik

"hiatorioalind family: traditions, whibhlwdnld1have s«udeq tho • (JesgelidahtB inithe -inanagemontfoftheir: •' housohold| ftfTairs).1' ¦ It: is 'truly gratifying toevery -Irish heart to' kbow that our rulers failed toko-compliifh that at nhioh they aimed in 'all' their anti-Irjshedibu^Tiz.l the stamping out of dor faith and of- oarnndyintf ¦¦¦ thifst : tor nariohal '8oft-QdTdrnm^Ati: erenthoagh(in their; attempts they ctujt a blight on'Irisheducatibn.' ¦ . '» :. -. » ' ¦ . ¦ . . '. j • : :;¦' Uilder' ft' protcotiTo • and • fiaterinrf Legislature therfewiU «pebdUy.e»lit:l^or»tiVe' obcupation lortnuoh:nibre;than; tha ¦ present'popnlatiou. ,-'Bo jwe mnst1 sSe'lPW, re-move/ thine caos'us wbidh continne to diminish-our num-bfir: 1 Theahieteanaes'aro r 1.' Emigration'. J a/Poverty1,1tha reeilt of urijuijt or misapplied; lows.'; 3, DetectiveSaniiatibn / ' :i '¦- ¦ '¦¦'¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ;• ¦'• • ! ¦ ¦' • " '-. • ' :: . 1 ; ' -j " :'a'tib' first two !will disappear at the advent of HomeEulo,:aid the 'third it will then :he in' our power; toabollBb.! Erea1 with the greatest proaperity existing init,'B> '; oi y oarelees of its Saoituy J acrangements moot;snffclr eerioaa loeaea throcgn any«pldemis iiitrododedambiigs

its inhabitants; ' ¦ .( : ' • ' ¦ '¦¦¦ ' ¦ "' "' r <:- '¦¦'r I Cholerft ,wliiqb is hogging tho westarn patta of Europein it* deadly embrace, - and Whirh-dlea bard orea, wbBncombatod by. a perfect systim of sanitation; wodldmake 'lid hinbo ln-'tho back'kpes of most of oar Irishcities afid townb.' At 'present'we are not to blame (oroor, Eicntc»ming»; we oould notoipwrt to reoo»er, lormany 1 generations, from tba ntnnning shock whiohtAdely iitingsishid 'the titnl spark of onr ' civil anddwneatid traditions, or from tbe 'stifliiig stribtnres which8i»teoo.nenUy delayed its restoration; ; ; [ : : r¦ jBntifj.under the new reglmo our oiUcs do not ehe\»a'mach ' smaller mortality In their future reoortal thavsbftU I mint that censure whieh they nbir undeserjedlyrocei»e- ! la ' London; :although. there are great naturaldisad.Taritagcs to be overcome/there being little 6r nainolino ih the ground of :mujiy dutricta, so that thasdwago das t» be pumped op at diffirent Btations alongthojmainidrdinB, yet the mortality'.attribnUblo to bad,dramage; has biien reddced to a mere oypher. Incurcquntrjr most of our cities are «o eituated as io renderperfect drainage comparatiTely eiajof accomplishment,1eo tUat in-all probability'dofioient drainage is but ftsmall factor in the prodnctian of -disease amongst as.• I t {* tbe p'resenoe of-decaying imatter, close to the'dwellings, without thorough ventilaooi which preventstha ihhobitaiitB of a, Wwu horn - enjoying that robiisthealth which is possessed by the farming population .To prevent the : accumulation of refuse Bhouid bo ohrfirat barf; to rtmove iti if it uxiats; our second. Thecity; of London and the , :8orrouuding.districts h»Vobronebt the cleansing system to great perfection. Thedust Carte go around every morning" through theetrebtsto remove tao r«iuee from every house whioh rcqnires?heir Iserticeg. .The householders, call their attentioneither by a note to the cleansing department or byplacingift card with a large D printed on it in a froniwindow ;|or bgain, in districts where the daay clean-wg BjsMm ' is in praetico, by: placing at an early houreach Jnorn.'ng, on; the edge of tLe footway, the pail orpails .whlob ai:» tiuppllrid by the district Board to eachnonse. rhe local tanitary inapector, provided that hein conscidntiona In fulfilling-his dhtiea, visita each houseperiodically to see that etery point of sanitation iseffect!rely carried ont, .and tho landlord is compelledby. law to have the drains and Btenoh-traps in coodorder.' : ¦: ¦

.¦ ' ¦¦ : ¦ • • I I ¦ ¦

i i

: Snch a SnyBtem aa the'above mustueccgaaiHy ptouioUhoaltb/stieDgth acd longevity ; il 'the gpneralpublicentorei into iy with tbe proper spirit. ' Without oo-operk-won ¦ on th«ir part, the best sanitary legislation cannotprodncoeatialaotory results. ' ' ' ' i I: Union is strength, as we see to-day exemplified bythe . scoops* of a United' Ireland. ; but in order to b'«

united eaoh Individual must '. haye the same opinionsand ¦ intentions. Each housoholder, studying tba sub-je,ot *ad [carrying out tho 'sugjegtioUB of tbo sanitarypommftteorpreaerres his family from tho greatest dan-gers to health and benefits his neighbours.. 1 it lit therefore Inoumbent on every member of a civ ¦liaed; comtaunftj to learn the dangers whioh overhangti °5Sif • 8te«?ted population, and to" combine withSHii iiu'!'men 1U undertaking remedial measures.Wbilaj tht eyes of all the world are opon us, wo mustprove thaftwith the abolition of a one sided Government,m shall rapidly rise in repnta<ion fer ad?ancomont inall things jBonducivo to the public good.l 'uUf^ri.* !."""8" t^-PW'Mt avoidahlomortality;; we (shall hate sufficient people to carrv ouoor futore refived industries without calling back tbodesoondanft ot OId Ireland whoj though separated fromus by tbobsunds of mUe«, aro giripg support to theTonog. Ireland which .has just left ita o/adje.andialearning to walk.—I am, yours,'Ao. "

Iliondoni OctkeraSth. lSSS.I^- 1- HAMtTOW' |

' ¦ ; i ' j" LECTION EXPENSE8. ¦¦ j

:Witb reapect , to the charges sanctioned by tbeAct, it will bd seen from the following items thatub ftilt °-

now *rr on'

tb* 8id" of pr<?fnB?For prepsiing w4pub)Isbingnotioo of election 2 "2 *6iorpreparinr and supplying the nomination . ^; !paperi;....J..........: ;,„_ 1 1 0For ooa«troobDg » polling station, with' ita . "

; fltang» arid compartments, not exoeedlna !: two lnjiniAber:.....' ...;..... 7 7 0For' ewh jOoisbArtment required 'to"be"con" "

v Ittp>tt?1i"&DB °r' n tiro b« oe8d 1 1 0l£ t% J&Z£j &i-&** 010. 0• ¦ f•dESS& Tir; " * oauot pap<lr' »•' i 10

1For ifch Btambin'g'insirnm«nt X.'. '."'.'. '.'. 0 10 0Por ^caohpresiaingofficer.,, " ' 3 a -nFor'ono cferk ojt each pomDgstetion where not ' V

. more ian |Bve hundred voters are assigned• to snen stajtion...'....'..... 1 1 nFotM 'Aaationalclerk a,t8p<;iiiOg'"

»tation'for ''_ ' every ilnmber of flTehuodraifoteM 1 1 0For every, bers jn employed in counting votes', ;no eiteedng sct such persons whore tho

!¦• > W3&I*M? "ff 8^ clcoto'» does ,not

. v ¦!"«*<>! tnrj e .tuonsand, and one for every .„ .I ttd n*!, wo thousand electors .......... . 1 1 0For , making tiie retnrn > the olerk of: the•' ¦ ' c«f»M,-.- —• :••• t '. ¦ x 1 0¦ iq aaditiQn to tbe above, tbe Beturning Officer<nay:chwgp fo: tho preparation and poblicatiou ofnotices, (other tbaa tbb notices of clt-ctionl a Bumof ,£10,; ard £1 for every additional one tbouBandelectors abovefone; thousand ; and for professionaland other'tssistaoce in And' about tbo cowlact of anelectioo; fte Beturning Officer; may charge for acontested f ectbou a sun) of £20; nnd «n additional£2 for yvery one thousand registered electora abo»eone thonBand end up to tea thousand, and £1 ad-ditional forj every one thousand above ten thousand,and fof-ajtAther expenseB a Bum 'of 10, and an ed-iditipnaVfl foi every one thousand electors abovethe,flrBt one U ousand. 8otne idea of the expensesconnected witl tbia part of an election bill may begathered: froaf the maximum amount of eecurityReturn ogj .Officers, may now deinitnd from candi-datw, j ln |» norongb contnfning from 4,000 tb7,000 registend electore, je25O can now bo da-manded/: whilst the amount from 7;d00 to"10 000electirsiiB'only iSOO ; and. as these are the maxi-mum ambunteL they will of conraa he nrniv.r.tionatcly rodactd according to tljo Dumber of com-petmg;caadida£es.' i ' . '• ¦ > . ¦ ; .

•k4^?^BM!AN AND

TSB 8HAEKTheiBo n Herald tella *¦ thrilling .etory

?ll>VPfc;%l l!chw<

1 'Freeman, fisherman, and £swinrtaa sbark. They met by chance off Bains-ford Islana. -;Too aba/k-introduced himself toKr*;£r?!mia?rtyr attacking andi nearly npseftingbw ',1/u iV I Mr.' Freemkn". seiz^'hia ci&nminRfork, gabbed tbe fish Several times, thought bohad Inl ed it; loaded itintb tbetoW , arid startedfor , Boitoin. Off "Lbne lslandi BSid tW-'.KAkl,canje 'Wi life and btide ¦ thtnfa^Hvely "fir Mr.i|refemain;||In thel ' «.riijjfijU» ' tbe' boat wda over-S?.rftfr?i " tjie. cantbr arid oaptive were left toWK* optjtbe :b>t|l»; .in tbe water] Remarkable08 it mayi seem, ; Mr. Freeman succeeded in5% ing:tfle bcatind. Becnrjagjtbe abark witb arow* tfw jl .bw.nrize to Soutt -Boetoh, Pointawtere »t ae plaijed on:exhibition. Mr. Free.Oiaii a! faptnre mewirjred 16 feet and was one^ofthet! Inaott^ dahgdro^B 1 man-eater'HJaptared' inBoBtonj Etabov tm-yewn Ametttaii 'Pawi:¦', - • ¦; f i t t- . l ' l i j . ¦¦¦ ¦¦ 1 il .1. - ' - - I mm ¦¦¦f. -.f fN- . -

• '•¦JW^H'-T;**!: w. ibs :W9 -8t Pwent•elling ill49tbL; whwh yields to investors 7}ptr centi, t»hiph Jift good rate of interest, regird to pastjimd present depression. Weeee po- in8dediaiW|«igtia of recovery for tbeni,bnt we j^wdarithem. A .feo^d, iound Becatity.

; Hiberniaii Bank •6are«.aiie-«elllngl a the lowprioi'ofJ .botji^nMdmbg tbat tbe -bank iaaftet pweiiit'ihroigfc a very-'seVere cri«iB,'andtMi HiWff li} betv/ demiuidir:m|a:e0upon ik>oWJBII; •*£ ;4<jn«J4er I that • the jtharee, 'ard',»ellirj^

proTieIni^rtoe. i ;: .. : -# , ;ii;^ . ., : ¦> ; , ¦.. • : . - . :\. Jh:mw i BB^f f - 9 » o S) O miat1 tiTOaV' » 'fltWin8- I *op abarea eld

a; yer

y.good rat4.«t,iiitero»t, and.K8thjnfcagoodri»e?ill i»i4jp |b«fpre',t|w pextidividerid '! fft|&e ]art;fe*-beiUr: iat««tuienU,~-^¦? i ;j I; ] ;.: 1;, M ¦• ¦ .j .; I.. - . . .

¦: V.:\M\. . .; : : - 'I \%- U- . : ¦> >

¦ ¦;titkACOVT^At'-lasfi iida>'»'. miMgiif ;tblaSi-BftWcB'm'! Ptielan prSiw<i.l';«rg|.l tefcWniWj Doyle, C.p, proposed—" 'Ahit 'in 'miip fiWbsnr aid1raHtoriUte;'iioaievttiaDafB:(JiOTei|.And'.' > enp&aMge; aqdasOppoctiilocal •:«papfoy«W(i iaa/. loi j * tbUylaroi.VHff«"»i }H; »»<{; prjDoipi s.or, ^qe>Ma^on«l<lf gsgue,!-;o?ilc?;. i.X???''ith" PeoPLe3tiPKife ^<i>ff*|feiice-io|;ho'me''mla|l*i(ottrJ,>t,Scb $<at'.l iia'tWaluY a' miMy''{. to tiny foifelgh fldlir iMr. 'mntf Mitbiir i seddndedi ti»e,..reaoljijion., land <U wi«alnatiuin»o<Mlii.ftd3bted.!:The.vBevi. Jobn, CatroUi;jRBi",i(ropoied,iai d, Mr,r'Putriuk,C!onnolly eeoonde<l/jh /ollo<rint{ reso utiqn,;wW«b W

^B alSa: bn«uima«»ly:pas8ed:,!TWti-r"|i'U».t

;we strikaarate of onepeaoy In the poafad {( UMistv tanant»: ¦ jto relist,. 1 by , eiery; i legal njei .na. . within(their powjer, any «Ueuipta made .toifor e tljeut *t(¦ptty.itnpoBsible renu. Oil nett Sundi/ i collecton¦wiU be,*ppp|n.t«l.for the;purpoae of cwyiig thii; resolution into effect. ¦.,; i j ; | ' . . . i .; ! T - i l': 'BAtL-rboTT.—On Sund%Bev. T. H«ABHi,ip.P.i; pttsidedij . It".wa8 proposed by Joljn Power, Win , :Tcrryj'jthat tbe tollowiug bu adiniued'af^mewbersioftbla branch—JfobnBurKMs.JohhOates.: Henry ,W«lsh, Win. Walsh, Walter PbwerJ lAnna;CruBford, Thomoa Hartbi and, Miobael Powpryames While, Killnai:emo^ae. wrote nTwW!«Stm fanhaving , brokeb the rules pf tbe Lengue, t»i d pjo-

.raising qot to do BO iu future. A oiiatgejaviDjj:been brooght forward against J, Sbeehftn, for] h«| grabbed o house and ap^ ot Undj' tht iprt>-party of fillen Kearney, the committee before goinginto tbo diatter, ndopted ibe following resolut on:. .

. . ! ". That1 this <:oramitt«e.iie»erve to itpelf the. rigMof holding- a private meeJing for tbe investigftioa'of msttsrs/rwithin: tbe jijrisdiction ,o( tb> league;and wbinb, in their opioidn, should be disoa sed inprivate/' .'! . . | . • ,

\ , ¦, ¦ ¦ ; ; ; .

~ ¦' ;After oonsidering. tho cosa »bo»e siladed to,.ibe fol-ilowing declsioa wa» come I tb s-r-Proposed by Thumas¦ WalBh, seconded by Thomai Stephenaon—V Th»t Mrs;

jBrien ba ttompensated by John Hbeehaa to the smbunt ;,of £2 , this sum to be jiaicf £u'Bix mouthsVthe first in-iistalmpnt of 10a to be paid ai soonas possible.": i-Jt ' waa!also deflidad that 8neehari be-requested, to otter and I¦pay only half his-present rant for tho plot ! ]. . i I': 'ibe toUlowing resolulion liraar also adopted, i—f'. That--any member of this branob who bnys 01 sells, lends,qr!jBorrows, was or assots, ftom tbia day forward, from]any. Emorgonuyman.or any man who la uienenij to the iNational qausc, skall be oxpelled forthwith." ; T \¦ The Secretary was ordered to write to ©: I iokoy.jP.jL.G., and Jas. Hearn, PJL.Q., about' their o inductas: regards; their voting tor Mr. Fitzg«rald fot tfc i- caui:didature of city rale collector as against tbo uhbipa offthe National gpaxdians at ttieir prolimmary meeting attho Town Bail; .' . ¦ ! ' ¦ i i ' ! ¦ ' ¦ ! ¦ 'i !

hXhhrHEi.Li.-Roy. j, WAtaH, q.C, presided onSunday.; Tb« Secretary repOrtoa that 121 uxombars hadbeen enrolled, and that JBls ?s'6d had bcea received inanbscriptidae to date. ' ' i ¦ , ! - ! ' ¦ ¦

jOn the motion of ilr. T. feookett, P.L.O., Booon'ded.

by P. J. tawler, the Eev. Thomas Walsh, 0.(3., waselected chairman1 by aoolamation. . M; II n'I.. I) , . ^k.!_ J..'I .L .. «•• ._ ¦—•_ ml'_ «.MV .MK>V. vwwiiimu |iivpuD6u mail oiessco. i loouuClcary and, Miobaol Ketfte be reapootivoly appoii tod astreaaaror and secretary, whi<jn w»» una.nimoas.lyagreed.toP- .

: : . ; .;. ' . I . ¦ ^. The following members of the braneb wore nocol-

nated . to aot as a committee) the olcotlon to lak( plaobat next meotiug on l'st Noreober:—Mcsar*. James, T.Kookott, P. Uleary, T. Qoihlan, W Wall. (Philipl*ndy (Pat), il. Blanohfleid, John Power (P; ]»ah),John Cooauy, Pattiolc llroanaa, J. Whitty, PV J.Lawlor, Thomas U'JDonodl, (Ballynealo); Tl iomaaUendy, Patrick Byan, Laurence Butler, PhUip andy(ButlfrstownJ, and T. Htoney. Thu pro(Wedin( s <:on-cludod after a reaolntion had bouu adoptod, pli dgingsympathy with the prinoipba of iho Irish NationalLeague. \ : • I T -. : i f ¦¦_TBMPt,E0BCM.-OnSnndayfie r. J. SHOETALrJjC.C,Vioe-i'regident, occupied the ohoir; ! | i " ' .vioe-rregident, occupied the choir; ' I 1 " '^

AIBO preseht-^EeT. E. Murpby,' C.C. ; Mesdr'a. E,BlAckmoroJ T; 8hea, E.' Barry. N. Coughlii J.Hearne, Bj Nolan, J. Shea, E. Pholan. P. W lab,W. White, P.

MWoods , A > McGrata. Y(. D+ltonJ . Walsb, and H i Shi'a. | •; ¦

j I ' :• Permission having boon recoirod from tbo CentralBranch to add thrue momb^ to .tbo commitwo, tbefoUowing were . Relented i Mir. W. Burke for Ooniugdistnot i Mr. J. Mnrphy for Temiileornm dlatrici ,' andMr. D. Lorkin for tho dlatiHct of Hiltown. After ap.pointing delegates to attend the Kilkenny convoqtions,andforwarding a oheque for *IO to tho Centrs.1 Branoo,the proceediogs terminutod. i : i ] i

. WiNDOfP (CODNTI WilrEB?0BD).-Oa Sdnday,Mr. P. CuBack prosided, A rcsplutioa pludgin^sup-port to the ' candidates eelootad at tbe Uto Danga'rvahconvention 'wan adopted. i i i I ;' , KILEOBBBNTT.—On Sunday! Mr. P. POWEB. V.P 1.ocoupied tho chair. i : i

AUo. pretent-B. Finn, treksurerj L. Casoy! honseo; M. Coffev. T. Gnnirh J ;WhnUn Rf c«u\v aByan, J. Joley, W. Gatry. lund obo^t one 1 hoiidred'others. There is ecaroily »i non lcagaor In j taapansb, oxept a few who fcavo madii Uiemi elvesobnoxious, :'to the people. I A resolution from theOamckbeg .branoh condemning the action ot Con it da1» Poor in pressing Mr. E. \V>lsh. P. L.G., for hU ren ton the day (t was due, was passed. A resolution] for.warded by tbo United Trades';'Club, WatarfordJcon*domnuig the action' of tho'Messrs. CourWuay for lm.porting foreign m»do Brklna into the city, wia; oU tbomotion of L. Caeoy, seo, eecinded by BJ 'Finn, unani-mously adopted. : A tcnaut dl JMr. J. Jflynn's appliedto tho braaoh to have a fair, rent Eied on hU; houio, aspa considarcd tho present rt-nt too high. Two arbitraltor» were appointed to go arid, too tho place. A tihaatof Mr. L. fliorriasoy's made a siinilar applicatioujibdtMr. Morriswy refused to 'haVel arbitrators appointedjas bo said ibe gave him the samoToductionas hiinaalf reJceived frommiB Iaridbrd. No1 further aorion wa« takenin thi) ca8e.j A great many 6r' the labourers presentwore supplied with forms odder thn Labourers' I Aot.The following resolution waslnnonimoasly adoptea !--

Proposed by M. CoHoy, sodonded by Pi Oongh||andresolved—" 'bat we regret exceedingly ¦ tho aotipn ofthe StradbaJly branoh in violitlng one of tbe-fu1 pda-inontal principles of tbo Irish Notional League by; ad-mitting into their ranks a notorious landgr&bbcr of 'four years' standing j and w« houe ttaoy will Imm Jdivtely i wlpe o0 tbe foul stigma pn their fait name 'andexpel bun from tbe organisation! and that the secretarybe reqdesled to send a copf of this resolution to tbosurrounding: branches." Adjourned, ; ' j :BATSOOBJTAOK.—On Suudiy DENIS ; H. POVB Eoaoupied the obair. ¦ . i , | ¦ . - ¦ ; ['Upwards I of forty new mcmb, ora were . earolUd.Several members of tbo Mothel branoh. attendad, andrendered valuable service In brlbeirii? to lloht tha non.daot of panics in this pariah who aro asslitiog in aly'way the local cmorgenjjymeii. | The folldwidg rcsola-tionB1 were ndop'tedi— , ¦' - ' ' : '

" That tn« thaubsof this mcptW aro daoand tenderedito.Thomas Byan, lot' Kilneubeg, for,; bis'powerful influence in induciuii a.) great body of fanners 'to join this braucb of tho National Leaguo." "Thatthe tenants! on each property .moot as soon as pnsJibleto decidt1 what action is to 'bo taken with regard torouts , and what reductions on^ht to bo nak'd." A re-eolution fortrarded by the UniteiJ Trades' CInb, W4ter-ford, condoinlng- the imporUtioti of foreign<iuad«i nr- :,kins, was adopted. ; EJiooud He la Poor's botlon inl un-duly forcing Mr. Walab, of O&rravono, fo^ rente, jwascopdomnod. j Tho. meeting, boirevor, expressed sur- ;prise on bearing that, Mr. Walsh, bad actu&lly p idj tbe:ront .withoat 'rednotion." 8uv«raJfarmereiwb.p. wero in 'the past upbolduig th'n'grubberut Coolrishornft,: citno Iforward and wcro admitted ) as . membets oo tjeir !pledging themselves to refrain ' from sd Uolngin the !future. ¦" ' ¦

i : ¦ ' 'j

' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ I ! ' ,LlsiIOBE.—The annual genera) mietiug of the mBm-fbar* or tbe LUmoro Braaoh eMtho National Leabue>

was bold oh Sunday. There */a$ a forge : attendance. ;On the .motion ' of; Mr. M. Jj VValsbo, e'oooadod by |Mr. Win. Heelan. ttu Uo?. JimeB .Cyugblan, C,C,XiBmorer was moved to the cbairf The Uev. Cbairmsabriefly explained the object fbr . nhioh the meeting Wascoprened, viz :—To olcot oEoors and a cdaimittoaiorthe' enstiing year, and to oleot members. On' tbe motion'of Mr. Ah J. Wnlab, seconded by'Mr. J. p.'Brfcm,tbe Her; James Cougblan was! unanimously re-oledtedpresident, and on thd motioiiot Mr. Tbomaa Crony,seconded by Mr. John Hiokie. Mr. Eiohard O'Donnellwas elected .vice-president. On' the ! motion ; of ; Mr.Jamea Q'Bri i'o, seconded by Mr', Vyilliam eclan, Or.DanDchy was elected hon. treasurer, an,d Means. JdbnFarrell aa'd'M, J. Walsh were olQOtod hon.'secretaries.Tho following resolutions were| than' unanimouslyadopted by tbe meeting -.—Pniposed by 'Mr'.' 'Wmiueelan , seconded by Jlr. Wm.! Walsh, and resolved i—That we strongly condemn the arbitrary and spitefulconduct of the Government in prisoooting oor memberelciit for West Waterford, MT.;|J- D. Pyno, and kroask as many numbers as c«n joeaibly attjod to go to

. Ballymacaroery on Tuesday next to testify pur, appre-oia'tion of bis'pastservicoiito ih'9 Kfttiohal cause, andto thu country in general." .'Proposed by'Mr. JohnFarrell, eeoondod by Mr. Wo. WoeyJ'and resolved 1—That we pongratnlate the dock Cattle Trader Astoola-tiob on their manly apWt in opposing landlord tyranny,an'l we beg to assure them.taaf the members of |thi(bnnoh ;of thi National Lessoe will be in Una with tbepther branebci thfougboat toe ap^ntry,to support tbimin their noble struggle against oppression aha tyranny/''Arto'r : transacting sbmq' rourlde busino»» tha maelingUlsberaod. '! r ' " " ! i !' ( \ *held .on Hundley. iThe meeUogTiaalargu atfd rturosan.tatue and two Jocal bands tttetdW. ;l'h« aeqUagAraaconyunt;d. . principally, to oonddtnh th* ooudttct of thoGovernment la Droseouting, W|., Jf., Ddutlas Pyne.oheof the caadidates aoleotoa to fepreaont the ooubty ifW.terford. Bev, J»mc« QuklV t;.c, luexplaining t ispbjecU of thp meeting, said, t ley, had met'therfe thatday' to

^sympsitbiae #wlth tho ft dwholwrns im«le<! obtto bo/tbe notim, of _ British tyranny (hear, heary ai dohoer*). Let them tbdr pnsuno* at Biilma-narbory on TncetUy next that, tbey !»re resolvadtopt& oQ bv.Mr. Pyoeopd aid him aajfiroa it MI in thoirBower (Ipud ,cbeet«, .and crie» oi " We will1:). X lefollowing rojolntfon was tb«a t aanlmoaily oarrisd i'—"That, we, tbe members of tli » ^nackaoow KftUorilLeague, p edge onr«elv«i to giy > «U tW anpport in otrpo#or to thefcatUo'deUersof Cork in tnur pitriotlo

action; against tho raok-ronterii knd art«rmifl»tor«¦Uoonnty Cork/! John LumbaiM iud ! John 8ulliv»bitwatonanu oa| th property of lira EU» , WiUiwas, HDublin, sitos,t4> nt Newtowfl, WJ«STooMbrt, «Uted;th it{hey bad rec(uve<t;notips |qri hi h*j7-ya«r'» Nnt d' i«Ust September. They decided I o {pay the bulf-galt < ngetting^ reduotion( ost 26 p«,c«i I,jon* ot-oUwrwIa*.

. One grand business JD life in lot to see what H •dimly at a distancfl, -bot to < 16 what lies'clearly itband.; - .

¦ j "\ \ \ ; ' ; i; : : ¦ - : . . i ; - . - • ¦

• KlBATiHo'a PovrDEB.—I[i la ' inga^rnotbli,fleai, »nd ail la.ocU (perfeotW inHvalWI/.: iftsriale if:to everything bat'Inaeota. Ttiuf 6d.'andli. 4 ;'

i : ftOb A QOJOOty i»:'n» ' Cb»W e»r"tiauMmM"r Q&.M0- fit Sotthimptoa 3alUEbus,Bdlborqi tick '*'i

KiE- ^*h![;-;: ii;' ; v ;-i : :• ¦;,¦:- . !¦ ¦VvtMt^^sr laTr y

^' ; •r *1 '» ';|: ' '¦• '" ¦ v ' 'Jm> i . |L " > f - ' ¦ ¦• '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ~* . * ;' . " ' ' ¦ V I '

: .[ Traty wiQ* thf / M * A*r Wnfro-Jl* Mdrvewuil) *;- vffi^ .' 'i«SfJri&'K i«?";.''- ' • ¦"•' . - :v:i -- ;t:

'TjffiSoirm?7ii8S5tKi £2i' JiliSj«Pa . ' IS ° >!

|ta« oo rioH-vfiitviit- 'lBafht tssni nr fte PArti.oti.tlM vUi ;t£!Pi£u&S&L!'t>iM * ¦ <s»»fy JafimBm siwirta. j 3*fW4..i-inatUaMi-..*M ni«e aT.ths statton bra dmdiation ol¦¦gmnua *h Kottdftl V Mr^0i*mT»Jfer, M.V, inS Mr. Jotta:po61c pre«ldi»»>T6ltl>* ttobjui. (feaUfhtm* froni;»he<»rI*»J5»» iPfW9»t»* with:S«» r)<UK»nt Ulss Boti¦Hgn* oil 'iwbUf of tft' ttiteaol the TUUJO. Th« tftnd Mittjf tquia«Ji6mie- CarititMUWorks grooeedtd thtti] Had th»|»Unl»tarof AgrlodhaSfVi.idrl.Te.i to the. hlr ground*. - A.;ls*f« ¦ ooliopttrae jof peopl»7ws» lu. waiting, and gathered:»K«tid tk'e -f aA OMuSZiif a mlBUteraUghteST 'p ' -1 'n ; - ;

«Li ' ' "' *»i>Bis8 to UK ciKUsa. '• ' ' . • 1 ! ¦'¦'¦Thfl Proldent IX tl>4 8ooietr.Uiaa read an address, tt.

which eraUflcaUon «u.-«x{n6«aea at tuning suob » dlstia-ga<ihe<rTiiiitor. f i f . P4>l(ni: w»» ealoglaed for hit nunago-; ment of the port-offloo dopartment, andireferenoe 'waa thenf f".?? ;tha;pto«paK)as: oondition of tho country uid .theDoan iai aaanotaz of UM h*rteat. b.oooolndio^thead-araeam\ae nie»ttoaot tie',d»v»lop«oeht ol the tgifcaltonvllnUresta of CamuU caftli* hoperol outlook. f

¦ ~ r: il' :-A ,.• ' ' ' '' •"¦ *U«S»B'S »«n.y. ¦ I . .• •¦ ' , iMr. Curling, in reply, said It gave !iim.unusaaJ plas»0W tpmeat -so many pebple of-Linsaownei and. esped&uy on solntprwtJne occaaion is tne twenty.ftrsf snnfversa» of tbaopeulng of their Ulx. i B * had b*»* told m tha wa/ nom tbe

•taHpu. that the tint ejhlbltloa had been held In tile ooroexS,'>;.fl«ia. and .the.number of «xMUta-hmd hpmltrx tew.Tb> . natuw ihd sUe« tho fflapl*r to »y showed the pro*-wroua' coodltloo of-tba townAfp. andh» w.i eioaedlnglyp(on»9d to run, down from Ottawa ob tha iqvitatloa o! their¦WOfUw ijepwaentattve In the: House of Commons and witnessthese indication* of advtnoement. In the addxesa w bleh hadbtoa rekentad to him h« me* partlenlirly grttlflxJ t > bear sowarm aa expression ot aonfldtnoe io the management of thapo«U>ffloe department.. They were, no doubt. »waw that Itw*f » growing d«p«rtmeht, la whlou the work and reapon*aibJUtiM,wer« :r*pMy' incwo«iog-. ' hero waa, perbapa/ nbother department ialhe Oovenitaent io whioh tbe jnlnlaUrhad so great an opportunity meeting, the commok need ofthij peopie for , "• ' j ; ' I ¦ ' ¦ . ,

J 'A '. '„" '¦ ¦ **BIUi riClLSTltS. ' .T- ttilBA.A ¦ FT *i ¦ _i »i .... L. -« t* HJVMUU buiTusiup^ now auppuou Bo.w ii wimpo*t oiucesaoms of tha older d»ea before him would remember, the in.(nfflclont ohanwur of tbe mill accommodation io ye ra goneby.1 He tomembered the late Hon. John bondfleld flioDooaldeating that, jreara ago when n letter arrired from the oldcotmirjr ;the Mttler*. formiloo around notild - gntbar lathe'evening to hear it rmid. Nojra then came oblj ut lo'og inter-TaU ; bnt, now, with poweriol Bteumera, ei«Uent luilwaji,telegraph-wires, and•; flrst-cloM postal amngemeat*, tharewaa xarceljr a aettlentmt in any part of the Uominioa where» mull did sot arrive onoe, twice, or thrca times a #eek (ap-plaose), i Aa Canadians,'having tha welfare of the countr/ atheart, thatwt* loondlUoo'oi tbinraof whiob th^tbooldall feel proud. (renewed ajpliose). The/ and their fathersaud mothers haa aaaiatedin cringiiig tbla about—in;bnildingup a country sucond to oone bn tho globe (cheers). In orderthat tho/ might know aometklng of the , '¦¦

• i OSOWTB 'OMBI CilTAllllS roBML ST8TXM f ' , :he woali. snbmlt to tham theiollowmg figures:—Tha number6f poatrOfflces in lSi& waafSOJ. while iu '1885 th«re wera7,035, an inttrease la the nntxiper of offices in tbe tenJyeara'cf2,1*3, .Since the. Karth-Wein. hod been opened np it bod no-oeajiatod a conaiderubla eztanaioa la postil ama^meots),and ' places whioh a few yoojre ago wore only aerveel at longiiiteivals were now supplied with mails once or twice a week.In ;apetldogof tho development of other phases of) the ayaytern BOD. Mr, Catling used tbess aUtlatica i— ' I • ¦ '' . , ' ~ 1875. ' ¦ 188*.I 1W4. . 188*.Miles of mull route ... ... 38,130 J 47,131Annual mall travel . . I ... 14,381,678 2«,S88^16Inters ... ... 42,0 #f lCM W4WXDJPott Cards ... 4,646,000 13,580,000Kejiatcred letters ... I ... 1,780,000 ;3,00o,000Postal revenue ... Cols. ' 1 38,609 dols. L2,830,741

Kothinfr, however, indicated more impressively tho pros'.porous .oonuition of the counfzy than the growth of thepostal saving bonks. In whioh fanners wore aa much interest-ed as the working okasas, b}< whom it wo» Urprolr a*od. Hewould read them a statement-token from, the offldal record* :; i . . . 1868. 1 1B74, . 1W. ' - ,Nomborbf banki . ' 8L 268 I 3M¦ : . . <• depositors 2,103 ¦ 24,»68 3,822 -Total on deposit dol3,2CH,638;doli!.3,£OJ^6i dols. 15,46.172Increase of deposita in loat ten yeoia ... dola. 12,P6*,22O ¦

Tula was received with opplsase. and Bon. llxi Callingthen snldjthat the addross had also referred to i .. i . ia« owomMrati/ urniizsTs ! 'ot tbe country. Tho evidences a( pragtessand proaperity inthat respect wen) to be seen on every hand. The coauty utLeads, like tbe county of Hlddlessi,' where hs was born, nodbeeu settled about If(l8. 'The changes which sixty ypais hodbrought were omaaing, and tbo places that were then in thewilderness hod this year bocn covored with a bountiful har-vest.' For this all were grutoful to a kind Providence. 'Acomparison of the figures from tho census returns wouldshow this to be trae i— . I :

1871 1831 .Animals and their products dols. 179,861.17 dols. 23',GG2.<80Field produot ... ¦ ... IOJ.627,319 151.S20.612

i Increase in ten years, dols. 91,4'X), 649. i .The shipments of goods supplied bv the farmers of Canada

hid also grown wonderfully. . They were :—¦ I ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ 1B74. 18S5. '. •

Aniinals and their produota dols. 14,679,169 dols. ssd,&W,2'0Agtloultuwl products wiw.lia 1»,123,C8:¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' Increase, dols. 11,351,571. I\ I ' . ¦ THB COTLR TBiDE. )

! Bon. Mr, Carllng then passed on to speak of tho hnportut\ foots shown by the rotums of our cattle trade. This bnsl-' ness had grown more rapidly thah perhaps any othe( branchof our trade with Great Britain, and with proper care on

'the partof ogtlcaltutista in the aelectirn of suitable breedsof cattle, there w»s every reason for the belief that the prc-|»nt condition of Canada ia this rcgurd woald be fully roLln-jtrlnsd. TUB flgnrea of th9 trade nere ai follows i— jl : ' Hombar. I Value*: Pollara.!H74 ... ... ... 89,623 I 051,203I187J ..I ... ... 53,068 823,522;1876 ... ... ... S»,857 ; | W1.K0¦167? ... i.. ' ... 23,659 ,; ' 715.750i!878 ... ... .. 29,925 1,152,BS41CT9 ,.. ... ... 48,469 t fim.BSOU880 ... ... ' ... M.8H 2,7i»4,437il88l ... ... , ... 63,277 3,48i,871!18W ... ... , ... 6J.107 8 58 01883 ... ... ... Od SO 3,888,0281884 ... ... i ... 89 63 «,«l,08a0885 1 ... ...

¦ ... 14t,4*l 7,580.043Other branches of the trade in Hro animals hod also grown1and to prove tbia the Minister of Airriculture guve the follow!Ing flgurea:—In 1874 there were 5,349 horaca ezportod, valued'at 570,511 dolUrs. In 1835 the numbor exported iu 13,310'valnod at 1,64 ',506, showing aa lnoreaso in the eleven years of4,011 in tbe nnmber of animals, end of 8,0C9,96i dollars lavalue. In ahoe^ tbo exporU in 1874 were 252,031 head,:valnod at 7UJ^<U dollars, while It I8i\ the number waa,801,4 8, uf a valne of 1,544,605 dollar*, the inoreaso ln'tbe tenyean being 62,022 in Damber, and 842, 041 in value. II ' : raOBOcra ov THX DUST. |I There was another branch of the trade la whioh tho far-mers were interested, and that waa the nuking and ablpmentof cheoae. ; The Canadian article had Ut en the load In tbetnarktt* o<-tbe old ooantry. and was recognised as tbe beatmado iu Airerloa at least. " Tbe people of tbs county ofLoeda went deei>l» lntereited to the matter, and thoV woaldbis grat\&ti to learn the following Bgnrcs in connection withtbo export ;trado r»- • I¦ : 1874 ... 2*,05\9S3 lbs. dols. 3,523.501 .

. 1834 ... ra;755,423 „ 7 51,882I Indrease 45.7W.4il „ dols. 3,728,783 ,

Tbs shljrmeots of butter during tho past elavea ycirs hadctoadlly avarimd tbout 12,0 ",0u0 pounds autimUjJ worthabout 3,50 ,000 dols,, "in oonsaiuonoo of tha vory great in-creaM tu t£» shipments of oheuo. These fljnro wera re-markable. The egg buiiacss had «J:o been OOUTO, fnd tddtrade Mtariif showed as foUons :-

^: : 1874 ... t,4O7,634doj, dols. t37,7K)i 1881 ,.i ll.«',855 i,, 1 00,107,

: Inorcass : 7,083,331 ., l,372,caaI ¦ THI OS1IB IE1I1E. I

: Coming to tho matter of tbe grain trade, the hon. gentle-man 'showed tho iUma of barley, rye, oats and peoa to havel»on.: o> follows i—The ahipxneats of barley and rynin 1874were¦3.748,870, bnabels, of a value of 4,07».8»dols. Ia 1884tbry reaohe4 8,l»l,3.7 bnshell, value 7,2ii,317 doll., an In.create dariair tbe decsdoof 6,103,057 bnsbels, and of U,l»,4(j3'dols. in valttJ. Of oatt 0*8,1 X) tnahala *ero oiportod in 1874,!df a value of 455.789 dola., whuat Vho avormfo for the last,five yean i»2.83J ,259 bnabela value 2,(48,101 tlols., .bowing onlncreaao of 1,834,189'buahels and of l,5M,8Oi dola. ia vuluoOf. peoa tha,ex ort* in 1874 were 1,717,112 bashelal valueil ,39 ,76l dollars, the average for tbe laat five yearg being81225,371 bnsbeU, value 2,703,67* dols. an increase of l,$"8,250ibusJiels. and of 1 69.9U dols; in rolua. Th« flactuatlngratareof tbewUeat sUipmcnt was dealt with, and iben Mr.

.Corliag.ahowod Ui»t 1 o • . the paw five years thora 'had bcenexported aanuallv an av*ragq 6HB7.746 bonds of [jriUL!vttlaad at 433,018 dollars. Compared with ten rears agp thatshowed an iacreaM of S0,8£l barrels and S09,f« dolors an-Jmullr. Tbia bturfna**1 «u growlug very rapidly in couw-queuoe of the inereudng1 demand for Canadian fruit in Eu-RlUh markets. We were a progrodve people, u all thenf auna ishowed, and ws were eatarprUng aa well. Us thenspoke ot -or, edBcauooalan municipal •xtemj^aod the ex-ojlleni reauita they Wera oohiefing. Another ^^ ;1 I ¦ " ' ' ' rnotxet or.iB« ro'oaazssivB SFIBIT jWM to bs foonj to ¦ tbe fact abut in 1875 we hod but 4 82anule» of railroad la opention,': wbtle m 1885. with the com-pletion of the great Canadian PaeiSo railway, there wopld bsJo,4iO miles (ohean). Thlsgroat band traversed a countxrnneqaoUed In tbe world for agricultural rtnouroes, audiowjjioh was (o be found a happy. Intelligent and industriousp*i>jil« (cheers). ' H* deoUred 1bo fair formally operi, andwished 'the i-townsbip- aoontinuatlou of the aame prosperitythit had marked io the past. ¦. * T 'I IMr. A.,\ft Wright followed, giving a aketcb of tho colonialexhibition to be held next year In London. England. , .l iMr.Cortnur was subbcquentlf entertained to lnnoheon attha rcfidenoe of Mr. Joseph A Bradley, reeve of the towDthipaifd waa then driven to Gananoqneaa tbo gueat of Mt, Taj-lor, M.P. Ia tb« «ventog|ho towa band aerrnded him. | :jAgent tn Dnl-lin — Mr. I'HOMAB COHWOLLT,

Northumberland House, Beresford Place. 'i

: ' " ;'¦

! THE EE^TT Q0E8TI0N IN TIPPEBAET.i At a malting, of tbe tenants on the estate ofHJoraco 8. QiBrien, held: at Nenagh NationalLjlerary Institnts last weqk, the following resold-tlosa were aniniroounly ¦ ndopted i—BeBolred—" That in consequence of the low price of cattle andal| foinj pro^uqe the teoants ojjree not to accept aless reduction than 80 per cent bn tbo rent nowdvle.V 2nd. .',' Tbftt.n defence fund beUtarted, Vlththio view to. rneot uny coalB that the tennnts may be,pdt to by the landlord." 3rd. " That a rate of 2,p4r cent on the: rents be pdd to tb« tnnsorer' forprfesenti naa, and that tbt> rnwimum sum tbatjasy.tejmnt to asked to pay bis £Z.'r • ; : ¦ ¦

! fnie.DIA ipNPPXES are the best dycB ?v ( rmode. Drones; coat*, searf*. Hoods, rarn, stockinn, carpet,rags, ribbons, feathers, or inr fabrio or fanor aruole easilyan4 perfectly; colored to any shade. Black, Browii; Qr<*o,Blno,' Scarlet, Cardinal,' Bed. ' Navy Blue, Soil Brown,Olifo Qreen, Terra, CotU, and % I <*b«r baatoolpn.,! Warran-tediastaod durable.: .Eaob psokat will color one to four lbs.of tooda. : It Jo^ have never na«4 dyea, tij thts* onoe.' XoiwlU li«deliabI«d. old by cbamisUand druniats, or «endusi(jl»mps, aaj any color waoted will be sent poatwidi V«olnroa aamble* aid » book-'of<direction* aeot for Aid.VwiiiTflay aioaU alMSi7' >yBt,L8* BWUittOSON«Joli Mi Shoe Lane; ObarterhoniO-Str»t,I^ndon.E.C. i ; ¦ ¦HoOtp. 8ILVBB, CQPPElk . jOftaROKZi PAUJf„ for8fl#ag. aa jrlbila.of otpamenUI work. Qf m)l cbemlaU. Urm

idtf4'absoHCoVfc*«bov»; -y ^ -r^—. -. T .TI .! i )*A,?'8 Pnxs-^PjLBTlsioir.—As antntnnt?eW pn' wtetar, 'altadsf, 'deUceV, aad. pala-raoeit'yojithsbe<x)i JUstle%a, Iajuruid,'in4d«b4tbit«o. antes* an'olfentira,;eortblnW with kom* tohle, b* idtitalsUr*! to qok*«n tbeirBnf»ebl»d organ*. This tiT«a»«>»qolMaian* l*..sanilisdl .'UtaifeoOtsdiniiL.wUolk duk nilJ3u aaaonpOsh M tbi» UWai iUdJ provided tb» priot*l instructions snnouuMo< ttiamrteetwHiaorop aoaa attention. IHotloways. Pill* awospfti»toy odaptad to aupslt the madlotl w»4t» of-yoirth, b»cad»ebU>wdlaIna *eu gooUy, thpojb Istrdri •» »:F<>rUI*r,->«»jflI^tor UUntlva, Vrnio, and mild apiriao*-' A very farar do*e* oftie le iPJil* will oosvioo* any.Jl a»oorag»d iavalld (bat Uscsri Uea In fcl» own bands, and a (tttl* p«xs«veraac« onl/ isdetiapUadfoi ita oompUtton. ' . •U JtooiuAn.—FOB *a* T«IXH AHD BaaATH!-;^Javr]dirops or *J»'Ug!»Myier«ta»,rjiprlti««d ou a wet tooth

it* rebth frosiiatU puatltM or JujphrlUes, hardens the grim*;n* '«ntf tart.r»«top» ii<eur. riwjt t° ti* Taeth a poodljasif 't>TwbH«B*Hi, aV a d«Ugbth<Tfl«<nno* to t&e\reTtbrir imVrvetair unpleaaruit odour Ortstni from decayed UeihirMbajcb ankbk*. Tb»trvofra»< KorUfw, baing coopisMif . o ftoiMtvuid swee» barbs, k i lieUciotts to tha UaM ndge'aMrvJttttTWSt iUoovirVof, il * tfs, Mo* Sk», od 0 W

W *>*FMK»W»IIrwiw. _¦¦,¦¦ ¦

j ¦; : ¦ ¦ ¦ : . ¦• ' . ' ¦ ; '

;;: {¦ ¦ ¦; ¦;' ¦ - !' M ci

KailwajB,TOB^rn'erJ for.Wl deaJ jriptiiTjjTwpGtt^Nbrthftm^B^ GteatteoVtb-TnJtt BWe*i;tert;-wbioh continbe |to «Hp away -gn otMvi-There wa*. a' rJeeidod rj taiid for 'botn>l 0MM 'Qr t WeaWrtroka WKtferford and' latoetfos:,;tt© :la 6r!e«pec<allT,' tne ooropAxa ively jfaVoor-1able traffid tr B on^^ p last we«k,bar-'

PiWGEES8o» 0ANAJ)A-AQEI0UI(rUEB.:We publiah to-day i a Tery r^markablf report;

on the progress; of .Oanada in flgrioaltare—:tbe,cattlo trade-r-theprodacta' of ilhe1 dairy—grain,itradei-and¦ podtal•.Igj ebiajr \Aoi .It ahotra whatthat great country is doing bhder ita own f otter'sing legiSflatbJe'. ' The incy aee

in < ittle,|:bfttt« ,'

and'corn for tbe past ten years; is mo8t striking;4id only .shows what it may ibe in tbe} fature;dno( Vbab 'we,: jna Ireland especially (ah BgnooWtorarcoqn^^ .bAve,tp.'cbntcnd.'again . ' !: |

DUNQABVj Ut i COBBBSPONDENCE,| • • • ... .- . , ; i. j -, '.- ' . I • .j ¦ . I

. ' TOWN COMM^SIONEBS—F,BID|T, '¦'• > .' The members 'present wer<?—Me8Srs. .T. O'B.WIMUtaV: (Chalrinari);l: E. Keolmh, Capbiin Kirby,W; Dunlfe,, Captain GlbbonB, Eiohard Ptielan, M.Fl/nn,and E. E. Bre'nak V " :: ! " ' ' "' . ¦

jiessrB.i B. Greene,'John Cultihane,'and TbomasO'Connor, havjng been recently ele'cMfd, made tbeir'declarations under tbe Act of 1864, as amended bytha Aot of 1880. ' ' ¦ • ' :

. ¦_ : ' ' "

; ';' ' ¦ ¦ '' HABBOUB MABTIB.—(The Harbour Muter re-onmniended the purchase of! Rome bnoyB for tbobarbodr.' . CapUiu Gibbons said it would be betterto manage tbe ones 'they ba.3 until next'sdmrner;This was agreed to. ' ! ' ; ¦ ! *

Bosotidil .'Sr/BVBT.OB.r-Mr,iBeary;J}.8., reportedthat be bpd e'prved the necetssary noticea o'fl tbe re-putW owners of the old store in Oaol-lane' [reportedto be dangerona to life. They ooald not take down thestore audsel) the building! materials for the cost of tbework. Tbo board decided to wait until Mr. Cirberry,one of tbo reputed owners,iwho badi bo&u served withnotice by registered lerter,»bould hs,Ta replied;

LHATE OF AueiNqB.—Tbe Borongh: Surreyor waspantud one wook'a leave of absence.' Mr. Brenan said;he waa wortby of it, as' he had dope bis work-well, andwas most attentive to his dutios. ! ' : ' '

NEW LAMP.—On the motion of Mr. John Corran,aoconded by Mr. Keohan, two new lamp posts wersordered to bo provided— ono for iFair-laie 'and tbeother for Shandon-lane at tbe nriteranoe to'the townwhere what Mr. Brennan dosoribed. a», a "• Groggy".wooden post is at present ereptert. '• . '. THB "TIHI8" ON X)ONOABVA«.—Iti was dooidod toforward the resolution adopted with regard to certainstatements in the Time* to tbe proprietors of that jour-nal. Adjourned. : . : ; " ¦ :

PETTY 8ESSIONS-6ATUBDAT. ¦(Before Sir Nugent fUmbls and Sr. Holland.)

TRESPASS AMD AflsAntT.—Mr. Mlohael;Keating,Enookmaun, sued Margarot Joyce! for the trospaaa ofsix bead of cattle. . i i !

It appeal's that Keating took the farm from, which.Mr. John Wall was evicted, and that in consqnoncethere was a bad feeling between the parties. Mrs-Joyoe, tbe owner of the catt|o, lives with Mr. Wallon an ' adjoining farm, and Mr. Wall; had a charge o(assault against Miss Keating, sister of-the plaintiff ,and Miss Keating bad a cross ca44 against Mr. Walllor assaulting her with a poker, j !. Un the appliP4tioo ot i}r. Williams, who produceda medical cortifioato that Mr. Wall was nnablei to at-tend, the cases woro adjourned to this day week. Mr.Simon O'Brien, who appeared as » witness in the cases,claimed'5s. for car fare', wbioh Mr. Keating said hewonld pay. ¦ '

ATT^B XHB FAIR.—A nnmbor cf porsqns wcrosummoned' for being drunk ou the' fair day, and fluesvarying from Is. to Bs.; 6d. were inflioted.

AssAuLTinOTHE POLICI .—Thomas Flyna, a youDglad, was obarged with being drank and disorderly and,assaulting Constable Leary on the nlghtof tho 21st 1instant: Ho kicked him several times oa the kne» and:shoulder, aud resisted the police wben bringing him to 'tbu barruoks. - Constablo' O'DonoeU corroborated the !proseoators statemunt, and as, th* prisoner got ft very ¦bad oharaoter from tbo police,' be *a» sent to goal for ,three months, with hard labour. Adjourned. : ,

: THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.—Tbeso olections,whichstood adjourned siuoa Ust week, took placo oa Thurs-day. There were fourteen candidate» on tha paper, allon tbe National tlokot. i The following were nominated,and polled as follows:—Thomas McCarthy, £8 ; ThomasPower (Main-street), 88; Thomas Marshall, 38;Thomas Power (Blaoipool), 43; John Uallinaue, 94 ;John Oarnin, 661 John Fitzgerald, 81 Pelor Walnh,19 : JohnScanlan, S6j Thos. O'C.'naor, 71 ; John Me-Grath, 10; Kd. Kcily, 10; Hiohard Kiely, 10 ; Thos.O'Neill, 15. ; • .

Moaars. Cullinane, O'Connor, Gnrran, and MoCorthy,boinff highest on tho list, were elected. .


CAPITAL ... ... • ... .02,000,000PAID UP .., ... i ... 500,000

LONDON , 40, Threidacadlo-Stroot; EDINBO &OU, 23,St. .Andrew 's Sqoaro. Brauobns and Agonoies inIadin, China., Japan , theStraiU b'ottlomonts, and theAustralian Colonies, • ¦ ' .

TELE DIEEOTOH8 aro now receiving applicationsfor 4 per cunt. Debentures o( SIO and upwards,

secured upon, tbe Freehold Bank Premises in tbe Cityof London, and elsewhere. Creditors of tie old Bankcan obtain 3 por Cent* Debentures for tha balance oftheir ola'.ma. ' '

Tbe Bank receives money on deposit, buys aad sellsbills of exchange, makes telegraph tranafns, issuesletters of credit, ¦ forwards bills for collection, andtransacts banking and ogenoy business generally.INTE &EST ALLOWED on Deposits of £10 and upwards,

Fixed for 3, i, or.5 months, at 8 per cent per annum.Fixed for 6 or 9 months „ 4 ,, ,,' ¦Fixed for 1 year certain . „ 44 ; „ „Fixed for 2 years 4} „ „Fixed for 8, S, or 7 years ,, 5 „ „'Current occonnts opuued and ohcok books supplied.

Iuturoit at 2J per cent, pat annum allowed on theminimum monthly baloaoe, if aot bulow £100. < <

Pa-y and Puntiona drawn. Innuronco Premlpms,Club Sabsoriptioas, and other periodical paymentsmade at a unitorm comtniaaiun'of { per oent. ,

Beourities boagbt, lold aod maeived for sife ouitodyfrom oonatituonUot the Bo^ik. Interest and DividcmdaoollecUd. ' . '¦ ¦ '• 1 ¦

Drafts issued upon tho Bank's liastorn Branches atourroiit rates,'free of commission. BILLS coll«jt<id ornegotiated, and ovory dtaoription of exobangu buiucsaconducted. ' i

All neco<3ary information; and forms can bo obtiiaedby application to the Agcnoy, 23, Bt. Andrew's tiqaare ,Edinburgh ; or at the Head Ofiico, ',40, Tbreadneedle-Stroot, London. ' au21.1y



Near the tUIwo of ZilliagOorf. in Xoirer Aoitria, livesHarli Hf *, an .intellkenl .and indoktnooa. womim, whotostorv ot pb-alcalaaSonn^andOiial rellAf, as related by her-uelf.ia ol interest to Englhb women. " I Wiisemplojrad."¦be sivk , "In the work of a lorce fanuhonse. Overworkbrought on sink neadMha, followed by a deathlj faintingud «*ckne3a of the stouuob, nutU I w«s unable to retainui'/hor food or drink. I waa ooopelled to.tike to mr bei forMnral weeks. Oo.tloy a littls : oetter from, rest and q -ukI aou^bt to do some work , but was aooD Ukeu.wlth a pJin iuD/ side, w Toh In a littla while aeemeil to tprtad ove r mjrwhole Bad/, aiid t irobUfd In every UIDO. TU» waa followedhy a cough ai d shortness ot breath; OBUI SuaUy I «oqlil notMI, and 1 took to toy bed tor the aecqadr ami, » X tboogbt,lor .tbe Lut time. My friends tol l me that njy.Hnte badnearly oonie/and that I coold not live'lnngrr'than when thetrees put on tbeir (teen coco more. , To<n> i h»pyeoe i to getone oi the 8«Jz«l p.uni>plot«. I raid It, toil ray deirmotuerLIUUyni. |U? tt WIUO VI , CTUgUl • QTruu, I^JUU U .J WV9. MaUfcl*acoordliig to directions, aud I had hoi lAlsn the whole of Itbefore I Alt a great, oamge for tho bettir. " My.laat&lsaabegan June 3rd. 1831, ard eontioaed to ATiguat^Mb, wbea Ibegan to take the Sirup. Very soon I coul 4 do * littla lightworL. Tbo cough Vert me, and I was no more troubled iafcteutblnjr. Now I am perfectly onrod. And ob, kow happylaml I cipnotei^re»aKr»M»n<Je<n^on«bfor 8«}g«r»JBrrup.How I moil tell you that .the doctors in our district <fljtrl>bated haadbllls oiutiontoy poople Agulnat tbe medicine; tel-ling them it wfmld flo them no gooj, and nuny «*r« thkrrbyinflnenooa to destroy,tbe. adget ptmphleU t bit now, when-era^one ls to b9 found. It to kei|t Uifi a reUc. .Tbe few sre-servei aro 'borroaeJ to reii, and I have lent mine for slimile i around oar1 district.' Peoplo hive «ome eighteen pjlle*to ket me t4 buy tho to»dlola«fot them. :knowiog. that itcaied. me, and to get the ri«b,t kind. I ktow a.wpmun who was lookiof like death, ana who told me \bntwas no help for her, that aha hod consulted several doatorv,baw UOSBOoald hsIpiher. I toldlber.of fi*ljf«l'« a/rnp, andwrote tba noma. down for. hex, tut site olgbt took* so »U-tako- Bb« took mr id<\<x and tho ByrapT^od now the ia inperfect health, and the 'people around u*<«ro amaied. ITbanted>oipo ]asm>d>'agcl>pTO(te«»i{aonr<)i<i>zbtaoarbood:taatdaprJasiy thaj(. do»'t wanoIho dqctpr«py wars, bnttheytiko tboSjrnp., . Suffe rer* from font wboiwerei oonlnid totholr Ma ana could hardly movt» a OagttJ bay*) been- datedby it. Toare i» a irirt la oar dlatrki.wlioreaiiiltE oojd faygoing throiwh aomo w»t«rr. aqdlwua io t)«4. fin year* Withoostiveneu and rhenmutla paloa, ind bod, to bav<i M attendantto watob by liei . ' Cb^ BotadocWin-tbeatrrnrau^locAUtriott to wiion her motUer hid not applied to reliert herchild, but every one orosxed UwinselTaa, and aald t»«y oooMset help her. Wheneverth« Ultl»b«Ui»o«'wW»U Is ruig inottr'placo when somebody ia dead,' we thought aUrely it I nitot her, but 3e%el'a Byrup And nils tav«* b«r 1*«, kudinow•bei.^aalieal(hyuuybo<ly. |0«« to«bAnb. aod, QIB ««rkereu>u tbafielda. Kverybody w.ia«aU.ul«ha4 wlian tbeyTaawher oat, knowing how niaa mn sberluidn'b«en in ood7! To-'dair abe 'add* hex nrntltods to knio* for Ood'a mezdecasdaaial'Bfinupi': " i ' -. - , , ; . KUIA Ba4«.¦' ' I , . . I' HotwwATts O sruikt I A»P PXLLS. —Www ol the Boweli-A rttaedy, which bas b»ro tested«od proved In a tboonnd difftrtst ways, napabU'of «rad kit-injpolaono'ttstainisfroaiole«ntod hMlinr them up, sa trtt*f fcritl of ita capMty fot exuaotiis; tha intmuloomvUoa*from the boweln. Oa rubhtn«:JBolloji»ya Qintmau t*-.Pftedlv on the aMomeo, a rasl afpfcn, and si it tbidtaosU» alTina irrttaWBty aab*U«. iA«Waa» i, i*tH». tbUnagu«nt drawHo tbt sacfaaf,'f«ta|MMb« Mafer M/ iiOtm.tzem all aoild uiattapt, and prtT«atAlofl«n«»aiioa, dnMntoiT.sad pile., tor <rbloh blUUrtof ir*aj^blo^ashi«i»d,lbduJ)iauooesafui irwtUwB-, wm1 from, iu;pal»fob>«a«>" falWo biboaitMOiths discovery of this CM»tin«iTj»Tro« yrosbltavi*rwadj, ppssaasing equally. <Uri(*O*, y<* p»lS«ctJy Vf ^

Of .-U obnUinsthe delioatilh^^V-al/and

poslsti tM what ' w« ierm S ll /ViMT'nbw't8anytbbuar.4» bav»tb«lr'ttlOAtbI4iittk4d.br1 (to? aM of tb«Irritant aoapa, cartEiio. DMUIMZ. fljctfiw.. ui shw anrffjoloqjjd.toaos.«o«Uo wlth alkaU, a«t m0»ot sntrM fcU.the more WlettTtt*' atifijM oitiiWt iurtain,, TOBAtBION UttK AKO SCWHUB 6OAF'«tS* tMwti tbawUteat nl; moat purtfjtor of,»p»»;byi H», pmilrtuaajUoj.tjkiflg sway. »n«^wvatU^alij>fuirt«»^oUh5». \mronghBeas. rit la r^m«e«asd lU,f2UHr>tt£aodI t*&f«Uobl«s tne motitWut pHM aU<m W tWakiB «1) »U

J!w?* Alb00» *" »»»»lMT»»nut.;;»yr«U!.f3h«iW»f fat*Wlt

Sj : . " : ' «;¦,.; ¦¦- .: „] ; „. i ; •! ' :'. ' I . .-' ¦(» J :-. : : ; ¦ ¦

, Btxr . E»D00TWHs.-i- libp H *r§o\*j t Orioond*:baa ioUmatad through Lord Arthur Bollwry »f»]<n-;

,ij : . ' . ; : ' ] . : ' ! ; I:

AM ^•fflilP^ -p!©

Hi|f w Uf \ ihtPfP .;:' i -\ £:{s« :ii%$M

v T E A nYA&to f aW- - W6 '8T.:y i KM

; CO.KiaM yfU\U ti.$tiiMb 1d6b, E.Cy " f r»(Kh , Wxi«ttoW

Ji. ' flM ¦' "icfldtft Mi Besl Oongh Btmedy,

• EATUTO'S' LOZiWaES;'"! ¦ [ ¦ " '¦ ¦ j V '^"'- ¦'¦¦•

J\. ; Qln«at sad Beit OooghEfl»edy.|?vEATINa:8 JA72BWQB8. ; ¦ j , i . , . -. .,,IV. . : I Oldest-and.Bea ¦ CoUgh Eemedy, .

,JVfT' ¦ • ryoi aB^Be'sij Cottgh ^meay. "

X^ EATma's LozjEfiw£8. ¦'¦¦• ;i• '¦ f : •""• ' - ! ¦ .:¦JV '• - ' '. : '• l'plde*« Md Be«tOoqgh Bemedf. ¦XTBATINQ'B uamam. ¦¦ > - ¦¦ .¦¦%¦ ¦ . - i Oldest and Best Congh Bemedy. iX?EATING'B uozmats.; • . , , :i\ . ; ' ¦ Oldest »qd Bes i Cotuh. Remedy. ,

TTEXTI W'S bQZSm&B-* ¦ ¦ ¦- "¦ '.

JPL ".iff * DooToa¦¦¦yrt Uh "i*t,Ltov" tbore,is uobetter : C?ough Medicis* tb»n KXATIKO'S , hCitX Qlt .Oae gives relief ; if yoasol((ir fromjpoagb try them butonce ; they tctfl care, and thrij• yf i l l not injai-e yottrhealth';' th,ey boutoin only the purist drags. ' skllfoHyooniblned." Sold !evieryirh«re in 181B- tins; ' ' '¦ '¦' - ¦

, N1GE. PLA^OnBED TEA 8,At 2J. OX, ii.:ai., 2». , 8cJ., and 3i. per 1b

SIX FOUJSD3 of th« ' afeoTa TEAS" PEEE? ipr PAB6if4 POST.'

Sent on Keceipt of Order with Remittance. ¦ '¦Vj troOp FORbl BblUJBNE; ;4 COV§: fEAS are? T giving the grWteat! Mtjafictibn, possfstiog

that delicious tiviaeeh of "flii(fiur .lujd Btr«ngtbwhich ' is only louui ' ia'. the;.iTeas'of ;tbe ' finestgrowths; ; If only nprie tried, alwayB nied. :

WOQDFOBb,; BOCBNifei , Ai COj l2.1Q,t . " » , PATMOSiSTriSBT* CORK.

:' : .VST. ParTiLS(»x8. 9» TBJJTOTAMS'M.__ Briton ZdSp A*«oci»tion, Xdjj tf. UA.f JXBlB SOOIETY baa depoaitod: 33,000 ¦ with tbe;JL British and Colonial Ooyerimentsj .as a SpecialSecurity $o,Polioy Holders. -, 1, CHAJBBAW .- FBANCI8 W£BB. Esq., Southampton¦ ' ¦ i ' ' BoUdings, I ' ' ' '1 DBnrrT jHAiBMAir : Dr. .8. W. RICHARDSON,i M.A.; LL.D.; F.B.8., Manchester Bqoare.Important and Special 'Advantages io Total Abttaintrt i

AN IMMEDIATE BOXU8.Eeoont inreaidgatioba having proved the increased

value of th« lives of persous .whoareCoiuis^ptAb-ataiacra, atn <mmtdi<f U\Red\icti>m\ of Tea per Otnt .¦in tht Ordinary Annual Premium is madq oa all suchAaaurances effeotod with tha Aswciatlon, with' partici-pation in the profits. ' 1 (a24.3m.etw)1 ' Prospectus, Proposal Forms, and every informationmay be bad on application t<rtha Company's Agent, '





(Ti P. JONES begs to in|orm .tbe MqiPcalXL/ a Public generally that the [Music Basinees at120, QUAY, is 'still carried on I by bis Daaghtereand Sons (JAKI and ELIZABITB JOKM, T. §. andWu. JONIS), under f he title of WILLIAH JONZS &Co., and tbo only Address of the above'Firm is


Also, tbat bia Son, WILLIAM J<J HXS, from CollardSt. Collard, devotes ^bis entire time to the MaeioBasiness, Toning and Bepairin* Pianos and Har-moniums visiting afc regular times tbe Counties,of Waterford, Werford, Tipperary, and Kilker/ny.Hating assisted to manage the lusio business at120 Quay, for [ho | last 16 yean, and from bisthrough knowledge i of tbe business, obtained atFactories of Collard 4 Collar* and other notedmakers, the pnbliu bay depend on having a celec-tion of firs.t«cLiss InstrumenU to choose. '


lovite intending Purcbusers toioBpect their Stockof NEW INSTETJMENTS. just arrived for tbeHiring Season, from the Factoi ioa of Collard 4Collurd, BrOadwobd,' Kirkman, at d other flnt-classEnglish and Foreign Makers. Ca i be hired bj themonth or year, with the option <: purchase ; also,oa the two and three years' eyste a. j :

S29" Old Itutrumebts taken in e xchange. 'Pianofortes and' Harmonium* {Tuned, Bepalred,

Packed, Stored, orjEeinoved , by spring car/on rea-BODable terms. , ;

. New Musiu ordered daily, and all Music la stockat a great Eediictbo. A; large Assortment of allkinds of Musical Inatruments, Cricket Bats, Balls,Wickets, Lawn TenpJs BaU, Bills, Nets, &o.. at

WILLIAM J0NE8 J & CO.,12 , Q U A Y , WA T E B F O t t D .


HOUSE.Importers of Poretea produce.Mannfooturera and General Mer-chants. Tne Trade! only supplied.No Retail Catalogues1 on appli-cation. :

©gllvie & Moore,Warren's Place, CORK.

f IVER COMPLAIHT8 -DBJ KIKG'8 DAN-JU DEUOW iad,Qtn»UfB LIT i, : POLS (witbnrlMeroary). Th» best tantaf tor Bllloajrneaa, Btomoch. D«-nngemut, Flitulenoe, Pains between the SionMere, B*d'Appetite, tadl««Uon, AeUitr, Hetdaatt, Bswtban, aadlafl othez B/mptoms of. Ptosdend Ii er, ao4 D/Fpijuia,Acknowledged by. many eminent. snrfXMss to b* us safestarid mildMt pUU for »rtrf oonatltutioa. ' I D boxef at U. lid.Is Pd.., and i«. ad.1, at all obemlaW.' I ' '. : iThe moat astounding Curt! art dailv bsug sffaoud in cu*< of Kervoua DebflltT, UttpnrltT of BIootU«faetlv» OiwaJ: tlon, Umgour, LsAaituit, D*;r«aalan \et- Sptrli*, Indira'tloa. Pain and. PalplUUoa io Cie El&eJ, Haraijrhif Dream'i to,, by moans of ' ' • I ' ,1 • * ', '• ¦T\H. DE BOO8' wpTl.d.fame4 QUTT VlTZBjJLr or Teg«UbU UTS DKOP8, who#« tOseU' u* tmi lfmagical ra restoring; Ust tone to Osv srttai (Ariste ttonwhatirer cauM), n-tnvifoistisc aad enht^olnsr UM whole oor-portal fraroa. and gra4ua41; ba*eff«tir«l7bnU«inta ;tb4 mortdnattered cpnatltutloh . ; [ ' :' ¦ .

Although tnl« tndy -wondttfnl r*rapetmtlv» tonloJs aot y»tiforward as imakrUns taunortUlty»i» lanottoo maoh to « tbj IU aauii Jftw Llfe.lf .u it wtre-toparUd to tb*nervous and debilitated, who were tvldsqtly ainklnjr Iat6'aaearly grave r whilst to those of notom <mn It will' («aUrrantljr hoWeaa niani.aiveottp by tb»facalt7, arencw la tb«•oJoTment of ooolth (uie> froaM«t U«««Jn»). % Uvtog Ulti-mo ttj to tha unavetbila vJue ot this neurkablo "rrtiiiinf.Bnadn<iaa( t*rflrnst)tfllf. too> pnbtlaa, aav b*jeea bv any one, , ntmpstloit iaartMielr pljaaao* toVaie. and nous need auntr, whilst auoh a> nuraeulous jnedlta-ment Is to existence. Vn»f <u ot atndiouaj habit, d*biliut«dlemaltt, and tkoM on whMi tbaweuand U»r of lilt ialw-f t a o i n t to tell, abould ¦ vtwavw* ateadilr with this UM-nvrr-iogtonio foT ona mootn,«4 th»y fiJJ tK astonlihed4ttheresulU. All thoM wholuv* tried otlmnnatV mtvaideudJArtartco applianoe« .,;wltbott»vb«««*c al««»BJt, &r* earn-estly reoommauUd to, m«k«lairteWol,tt(>a>«U«J»», whiah,heui mada up on th* Mth*i*ff »"r"TP' Hrltw .tflTajiaMVittoceada. th* mtt soooaas atUadaaf'ia' «W» woBdnfuidisoovery baaUa tea W*t<il wotthM*|»Mia<)M. ?SotIU. and S3«. per bottle. Tb*larg> »1M «n*4m nmeint *m<tOT WMk*. > . . ¦¦ ¦


JLf (ill) tin FILLS -111 tafftrm from c r * *n i am r .veasn«Ma»dinOTbUf««unt^lowajiWUor)b»raaajnardrea!a«a.nwwqaary bM», nwrtal, tadtahlfity. taUtati oTtfii nSSiand bodUr powjrt, wwka*«a of the acres, headache, noise*U th* hwC si<tdUew, taiiwtlou. and o i mn )ml £ S£Z ii&SMSS: wShS a?ASLS »~i tortotkOOm Jaw KlUM f wJUCH tff mViXXj Atld, |HW<r>t PUfflflAll* IWteTfl

"*>P!ISi!7i*o?l<> ft0!>o r'fa<1J^rra

ft >•> •I'tSoni!oa which Ufa and dntn depbad. Ther do'not aoirUhX nSot th»nr»T,4atal«?oy ufls, alek j5aa*«h« toalSstTtoaSaro«tiU, torn**| of spirit*. xnjaUosa of to SmtToJS 3adabjf from Cdi«»tJoirsJidTt«a*nird«ba55,lfi* m&XZ(WM ot QB«ujnp>4 «Oca«v i audit Uu nianXtnirlu2.OtttbH WibsVi »t aaVto. wh irfSiU& Eboa mi orooM, or a«M*a rtor natr2ai SaaiTiS£?SSE'SSHsith* iaaodioa tad dropar/ aSuS? Tht ifiaJ SS!'mOcmumm and ptoptoe,:por tonTtswMU toSTb ^S f H**m. •*!'murraUoufV i» imSunglih r rfc3ii iSLS'ss3fi«ww&f«ssai'¦ —i_.__P".8oJ'l»kJ5M!; J»w» Owca JJ IJjJ vJ.Eppa'8. COCOA. UB i*«i»ni.' ta iU*.-i;;i!..upps-0. uocoA.HUgKTWW- JA* OoMrpitj

tion, aad \>r a oirJol l^Wi .'j S *w|B2Wrt M

wbicli may aaveua niaiv oji»»v,a6ctori '. DUM, °Itlji «thft ludjeiousn a« o/«non*rtiol«« «< dbt MtjiwutUlM

bipod and a proudly. nouri»k«afr»*|«.' TOWHJWW*0ti>tl».-Aladorai2ilj wfuioU]* |' r iCiwE&»'O»0ri* :?a*«U taWfe|5 i» S fflHra

: ! ' i ¦ : ! ¦ ; •!: f / . i f ¦ii r, j ^mtimi

to$ 'd '~ r?2!l£r?MM*£id' -'. Ar tsf rQPon&H TiM 'j r n n^^ ^^ m

\tt (iU. «• creat J k SmmS-Wm m$i<»s Iip>gat» » tobvajgBa»»ijj|iB«i<gjgg|ggggsiffniiit rJom rtgattfttg Mf 55 S p yjjjS|| [ ' |jS

Ayp » - t mwm

| WB^ I r^ ^

plouaonj in tfittisjlor to tb* SiiUttKkf Uf tBSSX--'"$&ttcta th* ds«lof th» "Ksos)d«ba lliU " Isst alta tj 'j j

t hav« (nat pIjwuwW vSSSSuVt i&lSttSISil '"''¦*¦'¦JJ1 " ^ JU*n*S3BVf*% ikijMija -

ietora t a#t 4». C snfjafcaA anaf i rlnt iil n n. ¦' •"-JWBbtgo Aiu} triad vuiOQ* naUUm, tli aijitiTsT'*-. JJi!!J ¦"¦¦ \mf Hi trem**tV *aQM>me>l^ S ^W S ^^9i > ¦ ¦'

' ¦ Vm*~*.* fU l , ,« TTT'1[|m.iS S'Tf.i, .JiL#'V',l b^1.a omol> $—«*• »> tato»*i_JMsSSESSSEStf k'''I, got, Irpm yo» onaar.waj lamJ.fiSflainfSPaBB?R L"'his don* mi cue* much' roxxti tSalaaS3SiSZS\rSvS >:altogether <xe« from pai», LlSenSSmiSg TiSmSS ¦': i BBOftcarris ABD axnvmmof vSSSSSirj

I wlah to taatif/of haHn« dtrlvad in35 jfcffifaflft/.bene«U to i»T bret*bWa^ob«Sl«3{GSa2jftKi,Uognatie I>an«>Iav%osaW dazta«th*hMl stfamg Brutr-i '. . : ! ."Affrakiu''?>*»*., . .' ; Enttlakfflsa. CoTtnatni b.-ttiAi Llf TfJm

I am glad to h» «Ktotn.mj -i t "VrTHawaH -»??-Iavigormior a-hlah I pntah—ad tf n j r m iSnvSi mtn?\iilMd, who war a f tmt m *xtj rWuiSSiSSSSLXm£.•4moit anj, a perfeoi oora-tt o«Tt»iluyWJ MSLH tsSfand tote he «"'°*~»i«M to ¦ii|j«>'W&<>>?»aV| rt S?—*«*» «>'* >" ¦- '¦TTria fnrrnrrjraaitiJill tii * ' L ,

x;a.2^AteSA?gS JgSk.wblcn I sn. wtiiiit, oompanUv^ aiSCTiS iTTSabort Unw, have oouuletaij xjorid Si </TmoA'd«rr*laSBbeumatio aflecUpaof tbs hasdA- • THOMAS fltniEiaCWSlOAi - ¦- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ I : - - :: - ;-M<wtmmCrtta^:B.tlwWytC!oi C«io ,JUIOij- ¦ ] ¦ . - .1 hav* great; pleaauz* la iatpMtat 19* U», w) th«T Jivevj moeb tayroTed alo^e ah* got you/ M M f b M l eAypHwiaWlut July. Tli* pains sha laBaoatnm soWaV «^*<?*»tSrslyartooaplrtel gooeJarthelastthrtalmowefca. -• V • ¦ ¦- ,

PAHre IS THE 8IJJB ASD CBm ^^IM, BtrMbtliWTtnmw, Mooat Po«fa»«rHavisgsnfferad for panj »«ar» trom jiyt jrraltUirt j»l»s.tamy aide and chest, I thougM I would try oSTo7 jo«Z3paU4lMsgnetleoa Appliancca, aad In Ocwbsrj MfrlptoraWtHone from /on. I am glad to acf . tMr^BMhwilxisnvdt*marvallaw. taa (aioa u» f u f i n ij gooe, W hotfoi ljssiuw)tb ecaldasoe, reoommeid jo r )t<iogiiv<goratpr to illsuffering U I had been. Beforo •pwchastntr Jdtir IMCThv.vigorator, I triad all araliahl* BMUK, b<s toaogaipopcr. ¦; BBDMCHUI. COCarf ASD CaWtEr

£?rP%Masort«nOIrtr;JNtoi4,l*>«ApTfl;iB»»[I havema^pleMawlnatat'i»tha.lh«'laae» *o»e»««tf nnUanO* WhiCO mV Vifa *O* {mn! wrmt lm Wn m ^i t i I—* • bos«i ot aach beneit nd 5a» qi W c»5di "miiij fZa ^from which ah* B*J aaflirW •rary'wtowr; cadfor sioMttSsix weeks previous to ualsg oo» of iyoat«a*a«'M«**lMtmV'. '¦ f cciw i f iF®™*'-- H.K;-s Prison, »Ullnor7Woi|«i,-i««-Having (or yaari sataurl ami ktba-ir I-i&aV^W'1**oaialBglr for '«a mnnttn frinf UnfatVw «»d JiWahMOv abisad.wfao bMhadjtaaUoal,woU o< UMgtxA^Slnl)*derived from tb* us* of yt^ b« UoDy •to^Ton»Taadfrom waving it I obtain*! ¦ mott tmaMktttf* «i£t,VUi*aab4v*i*tta* wttblD«J*wdajt \ ~. ', . i , -.

, Pembrokeatown Tnunor*,' Co-'W^terford.',1 feel pleasqre in offering my testimony ia fiTdctj ofjoor Msgiatio Appliaaoet. ' • :' / ¦'• ¦ } ' •' ¦' ¦< - •;•

: Sinoe X began we»ring jhr TYniit fTll I (nillfcipower), I enjoyed czoeUest baaJth, mad bp»»» b**k (¦&•free trom Kieumatiam, to. whiah 1 lrt«i pcrtk>«atx nb>jeot. : F. y nJ«m,4JvLetters requesting adrioe **~"n ""» N* *itVTTi1ifawt.Coasolution Vrs«. ¦ . ' - • .. ^¦ WEXIoar * ;Qp.r .

; ¦:!":;;'.; ';. 9, LorrsB aAomu*-SrB»W« OUBWJT.Sole Manufacturer* of Edgar Tyrttoo'* Patent Thmitf eAppliasoeji* " ! "¦ /- ''' No Applianoe* gennine onleM beatiaa; our WimraisdTr»d» Mirk," Tn» IlAaJi«WO&»t.*'~ : SBJ%

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Po«diog Staff f«r C«ttl«. >PEIME Linseed Caka, D«sotto*t»4/Ooao«i! <3akA OJnsaad'lUd, 8htilCoea» ia bs«j>,«s;<tVMKe>,;I' Sold by : ¦¦( ¦

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Lamps-Tablr, HangUg, BneM, •WsU, B*U;~UBte 'Bjuat, Kaadiag. Sotd br -" 1- ;HjiJirjtt%. UKLC , 62, Quay, Wafrtferi. ¦ v ,

H0M&MADB BSKAO. ' " ' '¦ • ' 1 '¦ •;TJELL'S Bakiag Powdtr win r^f o tr ndf of i o t o e** Bght . Homs-nud* Bread, (kkm, Pattry,Mo,,***«x-pxUtion. gojetin 1 to.C«»tot«t«,ls.*»a»./.P|a<ajiiit»*iy^r

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TIBLt'S MANOB WASH lot Dot * hwirotedilb*: Pwuii-od t>y i • ¦ ; - . i , . 'j .- t . - I , . . ; :HEMBy BELL, 63. QoAy. Watttfowt;; ; n ;

BKLL'SjFTJBNmrM; OOUKOXtOify i ' ;THIS BqriTer pk«eHM'#rrs«iid«iaiW «a«ttt : .u nllu paUah«stsll ao»t»<* lrt^ow^H.trtjf|»^ata»a, '.PajpUr lUoaif, *s, tmparUt . •tthjwrTBk»rW^L» 'te not Uu*MMiaaja« .£««iiacf.:H UMBM *** -and a. t*ev Prqmxf d only **? - .• '¦. ¦" , -i .; . ¦.-:¦ ¦ \>-n.[ : '•'

ueiiUi'B KifjrBCjruAii COUQIT lOZKAOab? U***-s:" Cough* **£ CdtlaL.i. A.mim&,&4lm *l9l*mlltr/i!}i ¦ ,< <

' ' BELL'8isSB!<CE OF (rfSakft. ; $¦^'¦' '•3''''paEPAEED rjro J floekbiq^

aa j jprV' ] Vi{f on'ol tn. IndJBjiitlaii. j n H ny S, -saaTlHbasja}<« Mai ¦¦-

;¦ B sauB'flBoirtst^r-H1' ' ' ' ¦¦ -1

F a DourUWo, ind'-stiauV^' prwaia^bf''' - f Jth* hair, wh*irlisrAltta»c«SSaM&i*SEil> ~ ^ ;>to aay rifr alckna*A,<tf w&*TtBJS»%ris«IW»^>ll^-• :,

T OBBICATINO VAOHI»Brolt^«»ii»WlH ; /by Hjswwir g] UJ», W. Qw» MmKtHm.¦¦>><


tordasditBYidBiar kAis4« «^am<.'BBsa*f(*Uktly!h* ¦H£NBTTB« a s -|fis«tei)sv r i) . -y-

n;«d. *adh. i frapHsi o*ir<kf . <Si Ttjt \?>iuJxfwE ££f"->: '- "¦--,

RWaskwv* «k MM tf-^*w t i itt~w i!sM»S Pi\^ ZiKr^ Si5E sE sBBsBSit Rci™


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