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2010 年 9 月口译考试热点话题整理1. G20峰会 重点词汇梳理

The Fourth Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies began a plenary session at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on Sunday morning.(2010/6/27)Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper(哈珀), chair of the summit

胡主席致辞《同心协力 共创未来》:Work in unity for the future


the recovery was unfirmly established, unbalanced, and still facing "quite many uncertainties"

主权债务风险持续上升the expanding sovereign debt crisis

主要货币汇率大幅波动drastic exchange rates fluctuations of major currencies

国际金融市场动荡不定persistent volatility in the international financial markets

2. 环境话题是历年口译考试的热点话题之一,今年的环保话题的重点在于低碳(low


  在全球暖化(global warming)导致的气候变化(climate change)的威胁之下,全球正直面低碳挑战(low-carbon challenge),因此,发展低碳经济,减少碳排放(carbon emission reduction),倡导低碳生活方式不但势在必行,而且是我们每一个地球人都必须重视和行动起来的头等大事。  1.低碳 Low-Carbon  2. 低碳经济 Low-Carbon Economy(LCE)


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  A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) or Low-Fossil-Fuel Economy (LFFE) is a concept that refers to an economy which has a minimal output of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the biosphere, but specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.  3. 低碳生活 Low-Carbon Life  相关英语表达见如下例句:  (1)A one-year carbon emission reduction program proposed by China's Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) was started here Wednesday, on World Earth Day, to encourage citizens nationwide to adjust their lifestyle. and live a "low-carbon" lifestyle. A low-carbon lifestyle. covers many aspects of modern life, such as transportation, home heating, and holiday travel, which can be conducted in a way that gives the maximum reduction of personal carbon emissions.   (2)As the Copenhagen Climate Conference is drawing near, more and more debate about low-carbon lifestyle. come forth.   (3)Just this year, the low-carbon lifestyle, or Lifestyle. of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS), suddenly became trendy in China, particularly among young urbanites, Lin said.   与“低碳生活方式”相关的说法还有“低碳生活”,即 low-carbon life,相关搭配就是 lead a low-carbon life,因为“低碳经济”提出的大背景是全球气候变暖对人类生存和发展的严峻挑战,因此,“低碳生活方式”还可以表达为 climate-friendly lifestyles  4. 碳足迹,即 carbon footprint。简单地说,碳足迹是用来衡量我们在日常生活中消耗的二氧化碳的一种方式。无论是开车上班、乘飞机旅行,还是使用电灯、电脑,我们都消耗石油、煤和天然气等化石燃料。这些化石燃料在燃烧时,会排放出诸如二氧化碳之类导致地球变暖的温室气体。对于 carbon footprint,维基百科有如下定义:A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product". For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted. 相关表达见如下例句:A new purpose-built office complex that will offer eco-friendly accommodation across 66,250 square feet is under construction in Wales. It is reported that the Cardiff Waterside project, entitled 3 Assembly Square, forms part of a £140 million construction project and will aim to offer business in the area an environment that has a lower carbon footprint than traditional office space. 上述句子的背景是,英国政府成立了一个 The Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP),即低碳建筑计划,维基百科解释说,LCBP is a Government programme in the United Kingdom administered by BERR (formerly the DTI). It offers grants towards the cost of installing domestic microgeneration technologies and larger scale distributed generation installations for public buildings and businesses, provided energy conservation standards are also met.  5. 低碳技术,即 low-carbon technology,这是发展低碳经济,倡导低碳生活的关键之关键,相关例句如下:The Carbon Trust today launched a new 10m pounds low carbon technology investment joint venture to help UK companies develop new low carbon technologies in China. The new joint venture is a partnership with the Carbon Trust and the China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation (CECIC) to develop and deploy low carbon technologies in China.专家指出,低碳技术将成为国家核心竞争力的一个标志——谁掌握了先进的低碳技术,谁就拥有了核心竞争力。低碳技术的面很广,


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大的技术类型包括节能技术、无碳和低碳能源技术、二氧化碳捕捉与埋存技术,还包括人类可以利用、可以展望到的低碳技术,如核能、风能、太阳能、生物质能、二氧化碳捕捉埋存等相关技术,其中的关键词就是低碳能源(low-carbon energy),如 The world will need to spend an additional $10.5 trillion in the next two decades on energy efficiency and low-carbon energy to avoid runaway climate change, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)。  6. 低碳发展,即 low-carbon development/growth,经济发展的一种全新概念与模式。请看如下句子:China has issued a report saying the country is expected to realize by 2050 a low carbon development, featuring low energy demand and carbon dioxide output.  7.低碳社会 low-carbon society  低碳社区 low carbon community  低碳城市 low-carbon city  低碳世界 low-carbon world  低碳开发区 low carbon development zone  如下述例句:One example of this is the Low Carbon Development Zones being discussed by the EU and China. The Zones, piloted in a small number of Chinese cities and provinces, could both support China’s transition to a low carbon economy and accelerate the development and deployment of low carbon goods, technologies and services to EU, Chinese and global markets.  低碳旅游 Low-Carbon Tour  低碳城市化道路 Low-Carbon urbanization way  碳 Carbon  二氧化碳 Carbon dioxide  二氧化碳排放 the output of the carbon dioxide  二氧化碳浓度 Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide  碳减排Carbon emission reduction  碳排放标准 Standard for carbon dioxide emission  碳排放责任 Liability for carbon dioxide emission  越境碳污染 Trans-frontier carbon dioxide pollution  一氧化碳 Carbon monoxide

3. 中国的对外关系这一话题是翻译考试需要注意的话题之一,其中的中美关系是考试的重点。总体来看,涉及到中美关系的考查段落难度不是很大,原因是有些固定的说法和套话,比如坚持三个联合公报、立足当前、放眼长远等等,所以只要做好梳理和记忆就行。



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对华政策:China policy

起伏不定:be subject to fluctuation

经贸摩擦:economic and trade friction

中美三个联合公报:The three Sino-US Joint Communiques

建设性战略伙伴关系:constructive strategic partnership

面向 21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 a constructive, strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century

历经风雨、不断向前发展 move ahead steadily amid twists and turns

看清中美关系的主流和时代潮流,把握大局,着眼未来,扩大共识,发展合作(We should) stand high to get a commanding view, recognize the mainstream of the relationship and the trend of the times, keep the overall picture and the future in mind and work to broaden consensus and promote cooperation.

立足当前、放眼长远,从战略的高度审视和处理中美关系(Let us) get grounded on the current situation and take a long view with a strategic vision when looking at and handling Sino-U.S. relation.

牢牢把握两国共同利益,加强对话、交流与合作focus ourselves on our common interests with strengthened dialogue, exchanges and cooperation 

努力消除误解remove misunderstanding

妥善处理分歧properly address differences

5 proposals for Sino-US relations by President Hu(2009年 11月 17日,胡锦涛就进一步推进中美关系发展提出五点重要主张中涉及到的重点表述)一、持之以恒增进中美战略互信。FURTHER STRATEGIC MUTUAL TRUST



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The two countries continue to increase strategic mutual trust with prerequisite of respect for each other’s core interests and major concerns.

2.坚持一个中国政策 sticks to the one-China policy

3.妥善处理台湾问题"properly handle" the Taiwan issue

4.不允许“藏独”、“东突”分裂势力利用美国领土从事反华分裂活动 forbid "Tibet independence" and "East Turkistan" forces from using US territory to cover their anti-China separatist activities

5.中美两国不应互为对手,而要做相互信赖、真诚合作的伙伴。China and the United States should not be opponents, but partners that trust each other and cooperate sincerely.

6.中国的发展对包括美国在内的世界各国是机遇而不是挑战,更不是威胁。The development of China is an opportunity for all nations, including the United States. It is not a challenge, let alone a threat.


1.双方要继续通过互访、通话、通信和在多边场合会晤等方式就彼此关切的重大问题及时进行沟通和磋商。China and the United States should maintain different levels of communication and consultation on major issues in a timely manner through different channels, including exchange of visits, talks and meetings on multilateral occasions.


Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue is an important platform to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. The two countries should further substantiate the results of the first round of Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue and start soon to prepare for the second round of talks in Beijing next summer.

三、加强宏观经济金融政策协调。STEP UP MACRO CONTROL

1.双方有必要在加强宏观经济金融政策协调、推进国际金融体系改革、完善全球经济治理结构等方面加强合作,为推动世界经济全面恢复和长远发展发挥更大作用。It is "necessary" for China and the United States to step up cooperation on coordinating macro economic and financial policies, pushing forward reforms in the international financial system and improving global economic governance structure.


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2.当前形势下,两国应该以更加坚决的态度反对和抵制各种形式的保护主义。Under the current circumstances the two countries should more resolutely oppose and resist trade protectionism in any form.

3.放宽对华高技术产品出口限制,承认中国市场经济地位,并为双方企业扩大贸易和投资合作提供便利 loosen restrictions on its export of hi-tech products to China, while recognizing China's market economy status and facilitating expansion of trade and investment cooperation.


1.空间探索 space exploration

2.高速铁路 construction of high-speed railways

3.基础设施建设 infrastructure

4.以中美清洁能源联合研究中心正式启动为契机,深化节能减排、新能源、可再生能源、清洁能源、提高能效、环境治理等领域合作 The two sides should take the launch of the joint clean energy research center as a turning point and deepen cooperation on energy saving, emissions reduction, renewable energy and treatment of environmental pollution

5.中方愿继续本着双向互利的原则同美方加强反恐合作,也愿在平等、相互尊重、互不干涉内政的基础上就人权和宗教等问题开展对话交流,以增进了解、减少分歧、扩大共识 。China is also willing to increase counter-terrorism cooperation with the United Stats on a basis of mutual benefit and hold dialogues with the United States on issues of human rights and religions based on the principle of equality, mutual respect and non-interference with each other's internal affairs.


近年来,中美两国就地区热点问题和气候变化、核安全与核不扩散、打击跨国犯罪、减灾防灾、跨国传染病防治等全球性问题开展了密切协调和合作,使中美关系的战略水平和全球影响显著提升。The two countries should continue to work together on global and regional hot issues in light of the benefit gained in recent years by cooperating on climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, crackdown on transnational crimes, disaster relief and prevention and treatment of contagious diseases.

中美关系发展历程证明一个道理 (2009年 11月 18日,总理温家宝总结的中美关系发展历程证明的道理)


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“和则两利,斗则俱伤”;“互信则进,猜忌则退”。The history of Sino-US relations has made it clear that cooperation benefits both sides while confrontation results in harms, and mutual trust brings progress while suspicion causes setbacks.

合作比遏制好,对话比对抗好,伙伴比对手好。Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontation, and partnership is better than rivalship

2010年 4月墨西哥湾爆发漏油事故 the Gulf oil spill of April 2010

6月 16日,墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件进入第 58天,对这条漫长海岸线上的居民而言,这一天意味着“黑色夏日”的开始。由于英国石油公司(BP :British Petroleum)封堵断裂油管的多次尝试宣告失败,8月份减压井工程完工前,漏油恐难得到遏制。一幕现实版的生态灾难片才刚刚拉开序幕。美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德也于当天宣布,联邦政府已对墨西哥湾漏油事件展开刑事和民事调查。Such oil spill has created an environmental catastrophe unparalleled in US history as tens of millions of gallons of have spewed into the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.

The oil will penetrate into habitats that it’s difficult to get the oil out of.油污会蔓延到人们不易接近的生物栖息地,从而难以清理。Eventually, oil does degrade. The toxic fractions are all removed through natural processes, you know, oxidation and photodegradation and things like that, microbial decomposition. 最终石油是会降解的。有毒物质经过氧化、光降解、微生物作用等自然过程被降级。但整个过程绝不是一夜之间、甚至几年的事。The April 2010 explosion that sent millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico threatens the hard-to-reach salt marshes lining the Gulf Coast.


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4. 2010年墨西哥湾油井爆炸喷发出来的原油已经对沿岸的盐沼造成威胁,这些盐沼是人们很难接近的。

需掌握的词汇表达:oil spill/leak 漏油Deepwater Horizon oil rig 深海地平线钻井平台last-ditch effort 最后的努力gasoline/petrol 汽油top kill 灭顶法(通过泵将大量高密度液体注入输油管,抑制原油上涌,再用水泥封死漏油点。)marsh湿地clean-up清理oceanographer海洋生物学家oil well 油井crude oil 原油diesel oil 柴油criminal probe 刑事调查civil investigation 民事调查filter feeders 滤食动物spill zone 漏油区ultra deep-water area 超深水区shallow water areas 浅水区environmental disaster 环境灾难global crude prices 国际原油价格


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toxic effects of oil 石油的毒性作用dead zone 死亡区leaking pipe 漏油管道补充词汇(认识就行):containment valve 防漏阀leak-proof cover 防漏罩gusher 喷油井relief well 减压井bore hole 钻孔siphon 虹吸blowout preventer 封井器/防喷器water samples 水样tar balls 焦油球trial-and-error process 试错过程/反复试验undersea robots 海底机器人robot submarines 机器人潜水艇water break 水膜残迹tanker 油轮offshore drilling 海底钻探drilling platform/oil rig 钻井平台deepwater oil exploration 海洋石油勘探heavy oil 重油light oil 轻油


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foamy oil 泡沫油

5. 世博会成功举办的意义是秋季口译考试的热点,大家需要格外关注。特别是世博会带来的经济效益和文化影响力。下面的段落希望大家熟读、其中的长句希望大家熟记。

  Duration: May 1 to Oct 31, 2010  Theme:Better City, Better Life  Sub-themes: Blending of diverse cultures in the city, Economic prosperity in the city, Innovation of science and technology in the city, Remodeling of communities in the city, Rural-urban Interaction  Goal: To attract the participation of 200 countries and international organizations and 70 million visitors  Significance of hosting an Expo  Everything begins with the World Expo. As a top event of mankind at a peaceful time, it records the contemporary civilization and looks to future development. Through the inclusive World Expo, new technologies, products, ideas, knowledge and cultures can be exchanged among different countries.  (I) Relevance to science and technology: driving scientific and technological innovation  As a result of the progressing science and technology driven by the Industrial Revolution, the World Expo has become a trend-setter for contemporary technologies and promotes the application of modern science and technology into everyday life. Many new technologies and products made their debut in the World Expo before going public: it was through the World Expo that people got to know steam engine, sewing machine, rubber, submarine cable, telephone, TV and automobile and got familiar with computer science, public network and digitalized economy, human genome research, modern biotechnology, life science, nanometer technology and modern digital image technology etc. For example, the Eiffel Tower constructed for the 1889 Paris Expo became a world famous landmark, and the stone taken from the moon by American astronauts became an appealing exhibit in the 1970 Osaka Expo. The World Expo is a combination of scientific spirit, ideas, achievements, power and wisdom. Seeking truth, facts and laws can help get mankind closer to the objectivity and law of nature.  (II) Relevance to economy: promoting the industrial upgrade of the host city  Holding a World Expo can bring together all kinds of production factors in one area and at a certain time to optimize the allocation of economic resources and speed up the long-term development of the area. That has been the basic motivation for most of the World Expos staged. The phenomenon of "Expo Economy" is divided into three parts: firstly, economic activities directly caused by the Expo; secondly, economic activities centering on the use of Expo resources; thirdly, as a result of the Expo, the developmental environment of the surrounding areas of the host city can be improved, and related economy-boosting activities can be promoted.


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  The World Expo in 1933 transformed Chicago into one of the centers of American cities. Urban decision makers and planners in every city in the world came to know: the World Expo is a rare opportunity to transform. a city, namely to incorporate World Expo design into the master plan for the city and take the cultural and trade exchanges at the World Expo as a necessary step toward a transformed city.(略读)  The Osaka World Expo 1970 made a wonderful facelift to the local transportation, high-end residential communities, business facilities, tourism and cultural exchange facilities. With the Expo as a beginning, a Kansai city cluster with Osaka at the heart began to take shape along the Pacific Coast, which later became one of the top six city clusters in the world. (略读)  The Seville World Expo 1992 in Spain pushed forward the development of the under-developed southern region of the country, narrowing the north-south gap and ensuring a balanced development of its national economy. Meanwhile, the establishment of a high-tech industrial cluster in Andalucia has lifted the local comprehensive strength and high-tech industry to a new height. (略读)  Hanover World Expo in Germany in 2000 caused a loss to the operator, but brought a big profit for the whole country: it created 100,000 jobs for Germany, marked up German international reputation, improved the investment environment in Germany, expanded domestic consumption demand and earned extra tax revenue. (略读)  (III) Relevance to politics: building up national image of the host country  As a global event, the World Expo is inclusive both geographically and in terms of contents. Because there are no limits for polity, region, ethnicity, religion and cultural and economic level, the participating countries can be from any part of the world, thus giving the host country an opportunity to communicate itself and make new friends at home. In the meantime, the participating countries present colorful and varied products that are the most distinctive and latest in their own countries, thus enabling the host country to see and learn about a lot of new things at a lower cost. What’s more, the World Expo stands for a rare occasion for the host city to upgrade its municipal construction. Apart from a gathering of friends and guests from around the world, the World Expo also means numerous business opportunities, giving a new shot to the tertiary industry of the host city. More importantly, the World Expo is a window for the host country to communicate and promote itself and display its comprehensive national strength. It is never a surprise that every World Expo attracts so many candidates for bidding.  Fundamentally, the first modern World Expo held in the UK in 1851 was to show its achievements in the Industrial Revolution and its overriding position among all the powers.  America’s attitude toward the World Expo deserves research. In the mid-19th century, America was eager to project itself as a rising young nation. So in 1853, New York hosted the second World Expo. From then to the 1980s, America hosted 10 World Expos, the most among all countries. However, America quitted BIE in April 2002. (略读)  Germany and Japan are a different story. The two countries are bound up in hosting the World Expo in the hope of going out of the shadow as defeated countries. Thus their Expos are very political. Japan held its first World Expo in 1970 in Osaka, where people,


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societies and companies gathered together to put on a very orderly World Expo that ignited their pride and confidence as a major power in the world. The visitors to that Expo reached a record high. After its successful bidding for the 2000 World Expo, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder made it clear that Germany must take its first World Expo as an opportunity to show the world a unified Germany, an open culture and its modern economic zones. (略读)  (IV) Relevance to culture: facilitating the fusion of cultures in the world  The World Expo is an event for peace, friendship and harmony. It binds people together, regardless of their ethnicities, religions and nationalities. It is deeply rooted in the idea of “Comprehension, Communication, Congregation and Cooperation”. The most important mission of the World Expo is to bring together contemporary civilizations; put together those singular, dispersed and rough produces in the same category under a selected theme and give them an improved, systemic and even artistic expression; bridge common concerns of people around the world and their solutions and then display them so as to provide food for thought.  The World Expo is a symbol of cultural diversity and cultural convergence. When a city, standing for a nation and country, solemnly hosts a World Expo and engage in spiritual pursuit, civil aspirations, cultural thinking and pledge fulfillment, it need a renewed city spirit; when a city, with its advanced productive forces and culture, urban history, urban will and common wisdom, makes great efforts in preparing for a World Expo, it often extends the city spirit to the future; when a city receives tens of millions of people to have an interactive inspection of world economy, society and culture and when the it intensively displays economic ideas, scientific and technological innovations, humanistic considerations, cultural creativity, social trends and renewed time and space, the city spirit is often lifted to a new height.  场馆 Pavilion  重点单词和表述  Shanghai Expo/ The World Exposition Shanghai China 2010上海世博会  expo garden 世博园  China pavilion 中国馆  theme pavilion 主题馆  foreign national pavilion 外国馆  stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆  corporate joint pavilion 企业联合馆  African Joint Pavilion 非洲联合馆  trial opening/operation/run 试运行  exhibition hall 展台  booth 展会上隔开的小间  four pavilions along the central axis 一轴四馆  emblem and mascot 会徽与吉祥物  official mascot 官方吉祥物  Expo centre 世博中心  Expo performance centre 世博演艺中心  Expo Shanghai online 网上世博会


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  门票与交通 Ticket&Transportation  designated day 指定日  Peak Day ticket 指定日门票  standard day 平日  standard day ticket 平日门票  designated/peak day special ticket 指定日优惠票  standard day special ticket 平日优惠票  universal ticket system 一票通用制度  reservation service 预约服务  one-day travel card/one-day ticket 一日票  multi-day travel card 多日门票  multiple-use travel card 多次门票  airport terminal 航站楼  expo host 世博会主办方  expo-themed souvenir 世博会纪念品  franchised/licensed product 特许商品  Miss Etiquette 礼仪小姐  mobile toilet 移动厕所

6. 世界经济危机是当前比较热的一个话题,并且每年的口译考试基本会出现经济相关方面的一些文章,同学们对于世界经济健康复苏这一话题要加以关注。

  段落表述  第一,继续合作战胜危机。在全球化背景下,各国的经济相互依存、相互促进,各国的政策相互影响、相互作用。只有实现全球经济复苏,才能巩固一国经济复苏。过去一段时间,各国携手应对,减轻了国际金融危机的严重损害,阻止了可能出现的较大衰退。当前,国际金融危机尚未结束,经济复苏的基础还不牢固。避免复苏过程的曲折,降低复苏中存在的风险,需要各国继续合作。  First, we should continue to work together and prevail over the crisis, The storm has not subsided, and we have to continue working together like passengers on a same boat. In a globalized world, the economies of all countries are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The policies of one country can well impact those of others. Only when global economic recovery is achieved can the recovery of national economies be secured. The recent joint response by various countries has reduced the severe impact of the international financial crisis and prevented a serious recession that might have otherwise occurred. The international financial crisis is not over yet and the foundation for economic recovery is still weak. Continued cooperation among countries is needed to avoid twists and turns and reduce risks in the course of recovery. The international community should increase coordination and cooperation in macro-economic policies, identify the right direction and priorities of their economic policies, and withdraw stimulus policies at the right time and right pace in order to bring about a full recovery of the world economy at an early date.


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  第二,推动市场更加开放。国际社会应当坚决反对各种形式的保护主义,把各方的郑重承诺转化为实际行动,继续推进贸易和投资自由化、便利化,推动多哈回合谈判早日达成更加合理、均衡的结果,使国际市场更加开放。  Second, we should promote more open market, Li said. This is the only way forward in our continued response to the crisis. Opening-up can be both bilateral and multilateral. It helps increase cooperation, bolster development and promote prosperity. In this sense, one plus one is, more often than not, bigger than two. Trade protectionist practice will only exacerbate the economic crisis, slow down the recovery process and ultimately harm the interests of the very countries who apply such measures.  第三,促进世界平衡发展。国际社会应当从全局和长远考虑,以积极的态度拓展发展空间、促进平衡发展,进一步加强南南合作、南北合作,完善促进平衡发展的国际机制,加大对发展中国家的援助力度,如期实现联合国千年发展目标,使发展成果惠及各国人民。  Third, we should promote balanced development of the world, Li said. The goal of opening-up is to achieve development, and development is what we need in order to improve people's livelihood. We should not forget that one billion people on this planet are still suffering from poverty and hunger. Only by helping developing countries out of economic backwardness can we ensure enough food and clothing for their people, achieve the goal of poverty reduction. And only by tapping the potential demand of developing countries can we expand the global market and reduce unemployment around the world.  第四,携手应对重大挑战。这是促进世界经济健康复苏和持续发展的紧迫课题。在气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性挑战面前,没有一个国家可以独善其身,没有一个国家可以摆脱责任,国际社会应当协调行动。  Fourth, we should jointly tackle major challenges. This is our urgent task if we want to ensure sound recovery and sustained development of the world economy. No country is immune, nor can it shirk its responsibility from tackling global challenges like climate change, energy and resources security, food security, public health security and major natural disasters. The international community ought to coordinate actions to meet the challenges. In the fight against climate change, countries need to actively follow up on the Copenhagen Accord, act in unison and be forward-looking.  第五,改善全球治理结构。通过改进和完善已有架构,形成一个更有利于兼顾公平和效率的全球治理体系,以反映国际政治经济格局的变化,已成为各方共识。全球治理结构的改善,应当体现平等参与、合作包容的原则;需要优先增加发展中国家的代表性和发言权,尊重各种不同发展模式的选择;需要更好地发挥联合国和相关机构的基础性作用,发挥二十国集团的建设性作用。  Fifth, we should improve the structure of global governance, Li said. If we are to overcome the crisis, open up markets, promote balanced development and address major challenges, we need not only more consensus and actions, but also reliable institutional guarantee. It has become a consensus of all parties to improve current structures and develop a more fair and efficient structure of the global governance that reflects changes in the global political and economic landscape. The principle of equal participation and inclusive cooperation should be followed in improving global governance. It is imperative to raise the voice and representation of developing countries. Choice of different development models should be respected. The primary role of the


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United Nations and relevant agencies and the constructive role of the G20 should be given a better play.  需掌握的经济类话题词汇:     次贷危机:subprime mortgage crisis (SMC)  地产泡沫:real estate bubble -- 相关:泡沫经济: bubble economy   经济衰退或萧条: economic recession/ economic declining / economic depression   经济复苏:economic recovery   全球金融危机:Global financial crisis / financial turmoil / meltdown   利率:interest rate   可调整利率: adjustable rate (美国就是因为过分的灵活才……)  固定利率:fixed rate   汇率:exchange rate   货币升值:appreciation   货币贬值:depreciation   货币发行:note issue   货币流通:circulation   抛售美国债:short-selling US treasury bonds (逼美国拿出黄金储备)   外汇储备:foreign currency reserve 黄金储备: gold reserve   顺差:: favorable balance / surplus   逆差:adverse balance / deficit   房贷:home-loan 投机者: speculator 抛售房产: flip one's house   信用危机:credit risk / 信用不足: poor credit   不良贷款:non-performing loan / Bad loan   救市资金:bailout (居 2008美国热词排行榜首位)   宏观经济:macroeconomic   财政刺激:fiscal stimulus   跨国公司:global corporation   申请破产:file for bankruptcy   收购:take over   股市大跌:crash/nosedive/plummet   裁员:ax jobs(大刀阔斧的砍) lay off / cut jobs / 口语委婉可以说 I'm between jobs.   失业率:unemployment rate   刺激消费:to stimulate consumption   扩大内需:to expand domestic demands   美联储:Federal Reserve   贸易保护主义、贸易壁垒:trade protectionism; trade barrier (美国宣扬“买国货”的实质)   股市下滑(挫):slide / fall / slump / tumble   经济刺激方案:economic stimulus plan   道琼斯:Dow Jones Industrial average(INDU) (曾经在近年听力翻译单句中出现过)   纳斯达克:Nasdaq composite   汽车商:Automaker ( GM & Chrysler )   原油:crude oil 也曾在 00年听力新闻中考过


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  金价:... an ounce (注意“一盎司”的连读,很像 announce)

7. 从地震到泥石流,从抗旱到抗洪涝灾害,在自然灾害面前我们的叫喊是苍白无力的。但是我们的意志会使我们绝地求生、我们的精神可以激励生者渡过难关重建家园。

抗灾精神作为应景的话题需要在考前做好复习和整理。下面是有关自然灾害和抗灾精神的词汇汇总,请大家熟记。灾害及相关表述Rain and Flood 暴雨洪灾to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水freshet 河水猛涨/涨水Relief 救灾inundate farmland 淹没农田worst hit 最严重受灾地区Mudslide 泥石流mudslide-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区geological disasters 地质灾害secondary disaster 次生灾害barrier lake 堰塞湖rain-triggered landslide 暴雨引发的山体滑坡mountain torrents 山洪flood peak 洪峰mass evacuation 大规模疏散the emergency rescue headquarters 紧急救援指挥部


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epidemic prevention 传染病预防psychological trauma 心理创伤voluntary rescue work 志愿救援工作disinfectant 消毒剂living subsidy 生活补助resettlement 重新安置抗灾精神1.       抗震救灾,众志成城 United as a wall, making quake small.

2.       抗震救灾 Fighting against earthquake and relieving disaster

3.       众志成城 United as a wall

4.       万众一心 Working with one heart

5.       团结一致 United as one

6.       守望相助 Offering timely help

7.       灾难有界,大爱无疆 Disaster has limit while the greatest love knows no boundary

8.       血脉相连 Linked with the same flesh and blood

9.       灾情就是命令,时间就是生命 As a disaster is an order, every second counts for a survivor

10.   一方有难,八方支援 When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides

温总理地震语录:1.“只要有一线希望,我们就尽百倍努力,绝不放弃。”“As long as there is a ray of hope, we will make every effort and never say never.”

2. “不抛弃,不放弃”!–72小时过去之后,温总理仍然坚持人员探救“Never cast aside and never give up!”

3. “救人是重中之重!”17

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“Saving a life belittles anything else!”

8. 2010年 5月 22日,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)在上海世博会美国馆招待会上发表讲话。讲话中她再次引用了一句诗:山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

演讲原文是: There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: "After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village."

这里“山重水复”可以简单说成 endless mountains and rivers,而“疑无路”这三个字可以说是比较难翻译的一个地方,上文的译本中作了一个主语的转换,将“怀疑”的主语人省去了,用 leave doubt that这个词组来表示,就使得译文简化了很多,不然一定要添译进去一个“人”的主体,译文很可能就比较冗长:After trudging through endless mountains and rivers,one might begin to doubt whether there is a path out。同样,“柳暗花明又一村”这一句也简化成了三个意象:willow,flower,village。下面是希拉里在上海世博会美国馆的讲话全文,标红的部分请大家注意积累和翻译。比如:描写清明上河图的一段话、希拉里在上海世博会美国馆的讲话全文:Establishing an American presence at this Expo worthy of our great country was quite a journey.

这一届世界博览会建立美国展区,为了展现我们伟大国家的风采,走过了一段很不容易的路程。There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: "After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village." Well, I am very pleased that we have finally arrived at our lovely village.

南宋时期的一首诗写道,山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。现在我们最终来到我们可爱的村庄,我感到非常高兴。This was a real team effort, a partnership that brought together our government, the private sector, the Chinese-American community, and so many friends and supporters. So, let me offer a few thank-yous.



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To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S. Mission in China, we thank you.

驻华大使洪博培和总领事康碧翠以及美国驻中国使团的全体男女工作人员,我们感谢你们。To Ken Jarett and the board, staff, and volunteers of the USA Pavilion, including our student ambassadors who represent not just the welcoming spirit of our Pavilion, but the openness of our country. And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners -- your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible. And I am very grateful to each and every one of you.

感谢肯·贾勒特及美国馆董事会、工作人员和志愿者,包括我国的学生大使。学生大使不仅表示我国展馆对来访者的欢迎,而且也代表了我国的开放精神。感谢伊丽莎白·巴格利大使和她的副手克里斯·鲍尔德斯滕。还要感谢我们的公司伙伴。你们慷慨解囊,信心十足,才使这一切成为可能。我十分感谢你们每一位。And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts. It is a great honor to have with us Ambassador Zhang, Vice Foreign Minister Cui, Vice Finance Minister Li, and Vice Mayor Tang here with us this evening. Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion, with its sweeping panorama of a great nation. The ancient Riverside scroll, which depicts another period of dramatic change and development, has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China. This entire Expo, the largest in history, is a testament to the hospitality and energy of the Chinese people. And all around us we see that the glory of the past is matched by the dynamism of the present and the promise of the future.

最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。张大使、崔副外长、李副部长和唐副市长今晚也在座,我们感到非常荣幸。今天我荣幸地参观了中国馆,欣赏一个伟大国家的全景画卷。古老的清明上河图描述了另一个时期巨大的变迁和发展,通过技术的魔力转眼间展现了新中国生机勃勃的形象。整个世界博览会以有史以来最大的规模,体现了中国人民热情好客的美德和能量。在我们四周,随处可见历史的辉煌与现代的活力及未来的希望交相辉映。The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China. If our relations are defined by win-win solutions rather than zero-sum rivalries, we will thrive and prosper together. Now, we may not always agree on every issue, but we should seek and seize opportunities such as this Expo to build greater understanding between our peoples.



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This USA Pavilion embodies many of the qualities that make my country a vibrant and prosperous nation: innovation, sustainability, diversity, the free exchange of ideas. And it is a model of environmental responsibility. And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo.

美国馆体现了创新、可持续性、多样性与自由交流思想等使美国生机勃勃、繁荣昌盛的诸多特性。美国馆是环保责任的典范。我很高兴地宣布,在世博会整个展出期间,美国馆将实现碳中和。700,000 people have already visited this pavilion. And one of the most moving displays is the tribute to the millions of Chinese Americans who have contributed so much to the cultural and economic development of the United States. From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M. Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu, Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business, government, the arts, sciences and sports. And, to that end, I was pleased to hear that the Buffalo Bills have recently drafted the first Chinese-American to play in the NFL.

目前已有 70多万人参观了美国馆。美国馆最感人的展品之一是,赞颂为美国文化和经济发展做出如此众多贡献的数百万美国华裔的专题。从马友友到贝聿铭,从商务部长骆家辉到能源部长朱棣文, 美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。说到这里,我很高兴地获悉,布法罗·比尔队最近吸收了第一位美国华裔参加美国橄榄球大联盟的赛事。But we also celebrate those Chinese-Americans whose names are not well known to us. And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States. And it represents a true pageant of American life.

但我们还赞颂那些不知名的美国华裔。数以千计的美国华裔送来了照片和纪念物,记载华人在美国的经历,成为美国生活绚丽壮观的真实写照。I.M. Pei, the great architect who built the John F. Kennedy library in Boston, along with many other notable buildings, said that he hoped people who went to the Kennedy Library experienced "revived hope and promise for the future." And I believe all of us can see that hope and promise here, in Shanghai.

杰出的建筑师贝聿铭设计建造了波士顿的约翰·肯尼迪图书馆等许多著名的建筑。他曾说,他希望到肯尼迪图书馆参观的人 “重新燃起对未来的希望和信念”。我相信,我们大家在这里,在上海可以看到这样的希望和信念。And we have already been entertained by some of the young people who represent the future. I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception. We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish (ph) Trio, who will be playing during dinner. These are three young Americans who make their home here, in Shanghai. And then, after dinner, we will be entertained by an


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extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University, who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called "Meet Me at the Expo."

我们已经受到一些代表未来的年轻人的感染。我感谢上海音乐学院在招待会上为我们演出的弦乐四重奏。我们将在晚宴上欣赏帕克·奥塞尔·弗里施三人乐队的演出。这个由三位美国年青人组成的乐队已经以上海为家。晚宴以后,我们将欣赏加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校和上海师范大学才华横溢的年轻人的演出。他们将同台演唱,“相约世博”。Thank you again to everyone who helped to make this evening and this pavilion possible. You have enabled me to sleep through the night once again. Thank you all very much.



口译训练最基本最重要的就是记忆力训练,包括脑记和笔记。这是由口译的特点决定的——口译的过程中要边听边分析边整理,之后只有 2-3 秒的时间整理思路就要作出表达。不要指望把所有的都笔记下来,而且也不需要为了口译而去学速记。速记和口译笔记的目的并不相同,两者不能互相代替。




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2,paraphrase。在 shadowing一篇文章之后还要复述这篇文章的大致内容,也是训练自己的一心二用能力,同时也锻炼了归纳整理能力。










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3,把 linking words做一个分类,使用其中最短的那个代替一整类词,比如for代替 because等等。






1 只看不听。 我在图书馆看到很多人复习口试是这样复习的,拿本教材,旁边放很多彩色笔,然后很认真的看书,划,不时还在本子上记点什么.亲爱的,考试时候是看着书翻译的吗?建议:汉到英可以看书,因为听汉语不会有听不懂的问题,英到汉的话,无论如何以听为主,边听边自己译,千万不要对着书看!


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2 看书慢。慢的原因是:你把口译当笔译了.看一句汉语,总对自己口译不放心,要看看参考译文.我的建议是:除非你真的翻不出来,或特别奇怪的,否则自己翻过就可以了.口译是看你是不是表达出了意思,不是要你把一点一滴细节的翻出来.

3 对自己太善良,做真题的时候,听了第一句,哎,有点难.然后不自觉的去翻答案,




  1. 听力 Spot Dictation

  20个空,每个 1.5分,只有名、动、形、副词直接扣分,视该次考试的标准及该单词在词组中的重要程度扣分,比如,a vital element如果 vital没写,扣 0.5分,element同理,如果 a不写,不直接扣,教师在卷面做标注,比如红点,然后20个格子阅完后视标注情况整体再扣 1-3分。 不是很严重的拼写错误不扣分,比如 resistant写成 resident。 允许适当连笔书写,只要不影响老师的评改。

  2. 听力选择


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  共 20题,每题 1分,共计 20分。

  3. 听力Note-taking & Gap-filling

  所听的内容文字长度为 700词左右,语速为每分钟 170词左右,听一遍。在给出的长度为 200词左右的所听内容的概述中,有 20个空白要求考生填写,每空填一个词。20格,每格 1分,答案基本是确定的,有限的,阅卷标准会给出可以接受的近义词,比如答案是 decrease,那么凡是写到下降这个意思的词,都可以考虑算对,这些词会由阅卷指导委员会给出。

  4. 听译 Sentence & Passage translation

  句子翻译每句 3分,也是整体评分,比如通读译文,大致给出是 0,1,2,3 档,这个标准与第二试的口译一致,要求给出大意,及主要的细节;要求逐字对应,不得出现严重误译,反译。举个简单例子,原文是Britain witnessed sharp increase in its criminal activities from l999 to 2003。如果译文是 1999-2003年间英国犯罪率上升了。那么基本是满分3分,不强求要把 sharp体现出来,而witness目睹了这个意思也不用很精确。如果写成 1999-2002,扣 0.5,如果没写


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出犯罪率或者犯罪案件这个概念,得分不超过 1分,因为意思都不对了。如果把 increase译成了犯罪率下降,起码扣 1分。

  段落翻译两篇,一般是 7+8分,passage的概念可以按照 2-3句句子来理解,评分标准同理。高口这个部分阅卷相对宽松,允许出现部分细节的遗漏。比如原文是 in the areas Of economy,finance,trade,shipping,insurance,realestate,六个关键词一般译出五个就肯定是满分,如果那次考试普遍得分较低,四个也可以不扣分。


  1. 阅读选择

  共 20题单项选择,每题 2.5分,共计 50分。

  2. 短文回答问题

  共三篇文章,10道题目,每道题 5分,总计 50分。



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  翻译部分,英译中和中译英各占 50分。实行整体评分,并不精确到每句评分再加总分。阅卷者先浏览全篇译文,根据对培训时给出的各个等级 samples的理解,先大致确定哪一档次,比如 20-30,30-40,然后根据几个重点评分处,比如某长句,某几个容易出错的难词,得出是高端还是低端,比如是 30+还是 40,最后结合卷面情况,进一步确定最后得分。实际阅卷中,老师的时间很紧张,到后面卷面是否整洁易读会是很重要的因素。


2010 秋季英语中、高级口译口试报名通知 浏览次数:485 次             发布时间:2010-10-12

一、参加上海考点英语高、中级口译口试报名事项:   (一)报名范围:准考证前四位号码为 1009、1003、0909、0903的“英语高级口译”、“英语中级口译”笔试合格者。  (二)报名日期:2010年 10月 14日至 10月 19日(含双休日)  (三)报名时间:8:30-11:00;13:30-16:00


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  (四)报名地点:大连西路 550 号上海外国语大学 3 号楼底楼中门厅。  (五)报名注意事项:  1、报名需带:(1)准考证;(2)网上查阅笔试成绩合格的打印页;(3)报名考务费:英语高级口试 210 元;英语中级口试 180 元。  2、代报名者必须带齐考生的以上必备资料和报名考务费。  3、在外省市考点参加笔试的考生,如需要在上海考点参加英语口试,请在报名有效期内到所在考点报名。  二、参加南京、宁波、武汉考点英语高、中级口译口试有关事项请在2010年 10月 14日至 10月 19日(含双休日)与该考点联系:     上海外语口译证书考试委员会办公室  特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。

新东方内部--朱巧莲老师高口口试冲刺班完全笔记流利+观点正确准考证+身份证+口试证(笔试)4篇8 段,有一篇来源于书上,三篇来自书外英译汉 《口译案例》朱老师的书口语社会话题口译都是经典的峰会(AIDS峰会等)interpret part

A4 纸:folded in half.正反面英译汉2 篇 faster process.


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不是direction 开始前2 篇 英译汉 一篇2 段 2 篇4 段后2 篇 汉译英 (一二段联系,三四段联系)记note,主不变不记主Stanford university 记S↘

一直重复使用,难题重复使用重复考前一年的考题口译8 段6 段正确即可口语不及格翻译再好也无效四个topics example

评分:错译漏译(1/3)不及格错译漏译(1/4)及格6 句话,少翻2 句话 不及格可漏词,不可漏句子5句一般,一句漏,过4 句perfect,2 句漏,没过6 句全有,都有误,过misleading

翻译出五段来的人是有很多的大声的背诵大声读出来记忆是默读的2 倍


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推荐网站 口译资料无限网 听力12:30 前过 5:30 出very boring and very tiring 巧克力+水体力上collapse

what happened to Japanese economy. 记:? J eco.

the answer may surprise you. Ans ◎(此号中间的小圆是小嘴,代表惊讶之意)

中间多记一点,前后少记一点最易忘记是中间那一部分速记符,不要写完:友好不写“友好”写个”友”,所有词语都遵守这个原则,另一些常用速记符我以附近的形式传了上去!练短时记忆,别人说2 句话你要重复说9 个内容,不相干,说5~7 个,每天练五分钟即可,可以是9 家著名公司,如,ibm,apple 这样的口语题目大学1/3




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经济法律counterfeit 伪造,赝品,假冒主句重要,从句可编,英翻中 4 个全对中翻英 对2 个 never give up

总想争取的人有机会总想放弃的人总无机会细节可不要翻句子打好则得分,主谓宾打好口译:准,顺,快(info 是否complete)专有名词不能乱说,照读音来念,会翻,不会重复名+介(先拎出来翻)(shorten the sentence)(shorten,shorten,shorten)找主谓宾动词自创,不记英词抽像名词翻动词数字出错,马上1/3 不得分后面改前面的,分可加回来从句可漏,A and B 翻A 即可红烧鱼:fish in soil source


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八宝鸭:eight-treasure dark

红烧肉:pork in soil source

清蒸草头:stir fried

煎排骨:fried pork chop

写完数字写逗号,写完逗号写数字。Thirty thousand:300,000

Twenty one billion one hundred eighty million two hundred

fifty thounsand 21,180,250,000

(中文听到:) 3 亿4 千7 百8 十2 万8 千8 百7 十7.


翻时说: three hundred forty seven million eighty hundred

twenty eight thousand eight hundred seventy

seven.(有这么难就恭喜你啦!中大奖啦!呵呵:))1.harmonious society



5.superstition 迷信(高口口语题目不认识,恭喜你啦,中头彩,看你怎么吹!:))以上2,3,4 最重要,五月份备考同学必备。


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6.reform:entrance exam




1 下午问上午同学:问汉语主题是什么?(吐血推荐)2 当天复习,口译书重点,重单词,能记几个记几个。Structure your speech

1. what:disadvantage and advantage

2. 反驳3. 罗列中译英:简单句,简单句,简单句(复杂句变简单句。变成自己的语言)英译中:不要看答案。(平时复习最好不要)抽几层意思来打分。口语好的同学,在口试的翻译部分有优势。老师可能看你前面翻了五个句子,最后一个句子翻的差强人意,他/她会在试卷上写:口语好,建议通过。(朱老师曾是改卷教师,she said,因为还有复评人)所以建议大家把口语练好,oral

English does count!谁说口语不重要!(中口有结巴的,高口好像很少,朱老师原话:)英译中十大主题:1. 国际交往(联合国)


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全球问题双边关系2. 旅游3. 英美文化4. 经济5. 商务管理(dell,ibm,intel,microsoft)6. 投资7. 贸易8. 教育(univisity)9. 大会发言10. 公司(developing process)中译英十大主题:1. 基本国情(领导人发言)2. 传统文化3. 旅游4. 贸易5. 友好往来6. 投资7. 一国二制8. 全球事务(中在UN remarks)9. 对外关系(5 原则)10. 大会发言


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另,如果觉得在口试时笔记纸不够,可以找考官要。以上是我在新东方听课的笔记,当然,还有更多的东西是无法通过这些笔记传达出来的,朱巧莲老师曾是克林顿总统中国访问时的陪同翻译。其它的啥也不说啦!想见这样的牛人还是自己亲自去新东方体验一下吧。If you just wanna ask for more!


成,在考场上秀出你自己!good luck guys!


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1. 高级口译翻译数字理论2. 高级口译现行评分标准3. 英译汉翻译技能4. 汉译英翻译重点5. 高级口译翻译十大原则和十大经典句型

第一章 高级口译翻译数字理论



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I have a yellow face. ╳I have a pale face. ╳I have a withered complexion. ╱

Backgroundeconomic equality经济平等╳经济均衡化╱efficiency Vs effectiveness效率 Vs 效能performance绩效我宣布……开幕了I declare …open╳I declare the commencement of …╳… is herewith inaugurated.╱

meeting 非正式会议conference 正式大型会议session 特定主题专业会议

CultureWhite elephant白象请愿书round robin

Diversificationthink tank智囊团


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Expressiveness Faithfulness Gracefulness

第二章 高级口译评分标准1) Wording Accuracy2) Phrase Accuracy3) Paraphrasing Nativeness

Swallowing small companies, the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans read and watch.

4) Sequence CoherencyMy father is a good teacher who is kind to his students.由于我父亲对学生好,他是一个好老师

5) Spelling, Punctuation and Tense拼写:拼错一个单词扣一分,同样的错误不扣分时态举例: 中国人民一直希望世界太平。The Chinese people are always loving world peace.

时态重点词would1、would表示意愿I would be only too glad to help you.

2、表示一种特人的行为That’s just what he would say.

It would rain on the day we chose for a picnic.


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3、so that… would表示目的、结果so that + can will may (现在/过去时态)表示目的She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them.

总结:第 1、2、5点考察考生硬功,约占比例 80%第 3、4点考察考生软功,需在平日不断积累

第三章 英译汉翻译技能




3.1 加注(Annotation)通常是外来语

1、音译加注1) pizza 2) Toyota3) Sahara4) Sauna5) AIDS6) Jazz7) In my Walter Mitty dreams I am a prima ballerina.8) He did it a Jordan.9) It was Friday and soon they‘d go out and get drink.10) He pretended to be a Thursday VIP and fit in with the local community quite well.


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2、直译加注Zero Ground Sesame Street Oval Office specified risk material 高风险物质tabloidtree hugger极端环保主义者rock石毒But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”, caught between kids and parents.但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。 He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “s/h/it”.他建议,真正既全面又符合政治正确性的代词应是“她或他或它”。 You told me the other day that you were going to write anything about him yourself. It would be rather like a dog in the manger to keep to yourself a whole lot of material that you have no intention of using.前些日子,你告诉我你自己不打算写有关他的任何东西,可你却又占着大批资料自己不用这岂不是狗占马槽(太自私了)了吗?The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that rarely leave hope at bottom.政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子,(后患无穷),主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss.人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过是犹大之吻,(居心险恶)。A measure of privatization of adoption is called for, with a diminution in the powers of ideological apartheiders of the Nanny State.随着“保姆国家”(福利国家的贬称)中那些思想上支持种族隔离的人的势力的减弱,人们要求在收养方面有一定程度的民间化。We might look upon the glory of our Rust Belt states, where there are hundreds of vast steel mills that are at least 40 years out of date and also spew smoke that causes acid rain.我们可以看一下我们的铁锈带()昔日的“荣耀”,那里有几百家落伍至少四十年的大型钢铁厂,至今还喷吐着能够引起酸雨的浓烟。


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3.2 释义 (Paraphrase)


1) Bill’s new girlfriend is certainly a knockout. 尤物2) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 内奸3) The weather forecast seems to be accurate. No sooner had I fortunately come back

home than rain poured cats and dogs.——touchwood. 老天保佑4) Don’t you think it’s weird for a husband to appreciate his pinups with his wife?  美女照

5) He was smooth and agreeable. 八面玲珑6) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 过度的肥胖或消瘦

7) He acts a lot older than his years. 少年老成8) The kid went through fire and flood to save his mother.  赴汤蹈火9) Mary is now between the devil and the deep sea on dealing with her job. 进退维谷10) That fellow is always an easy-going guy. He always throws her cares to the winds. 无忧无虑;把烦恼抛至九霄云外

11) The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars. 搭车

3.3 增词 (Amplification)



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1) 世纪伟人邓小平Mr. Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures in the twentieth century

2) 班门弄斧show off one’s proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter

3) 三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。The wit of three cobblers combined surpasses Zhuge Liang, the master mind.

2、根据逻辑关系需要增补汉语重义合、英语重形合。增加连词成分3、根据语法需要增补1)增加量词an elephant

a martial music

Soon the whole sky is azure and flaming.不一会儿,万里晴空已是一片火红。2)增加时、体和语气(重点)Yesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house.昨天夜晚我曾看见她跪在房子前面。The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve the health of the human race.正在进行The surgeons weren’t sure how long my new joints would last. But they’re holding up fine.那些外科医生(当时)不能肯定我的新关节可以维持多久,但是它们(至今还是)运转良好。It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time, as all did, since I had voluntarily come to church.既然我来教堂出于自愿,仅仅为了礼貌起见,我(本应当)和大家一起下跪。She would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes, and brushing her black hair. Then she would stand by the mirror and admire herself.她(总是)要花好几个小时为自己盛装打扮,梳理她乌黑的头发。之后她还(常常)照着镜子自我欣赏一番。I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of parenthood and the love of eight children.


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我有幸(先后)获得两位美丽贤惠的妻子带来的幸福,体验过为人之父的乐趣和八个子女的爱。3)增加适当词语区别单复数The lion is the king of animals.狮子是百兽之王。The slogan “Press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.“坚持下去”的口号已经解决并将继续解决人类的各种问题。Now, years later, that evening’s loveliness——I so nearly missed——is one of my most cherished memories.如今多少年过去了,那个我差点失之交臂的迷人傍晚,如今却成了我最珍贵的记忆。She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea.她热情地将客人们迎了进来,然后给他们各端上一杯茶。4)增补表达词Fortune knocks at every man’s door once in a life, but in a good many cases, the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her.每一个人的一生中,幸运女神都只来敲一次门,可是许多情况下,那个受到眷顾的人竟在隔壁的酒馆里,听不见她敲门。French managers are Napoleonic and their management style is imperial.法国经理人是拿破仑式(内松外紧)的人物,有着帝王般的管理风格。Long-stemmed models ankled through the lobby.身材修长的模特袅袅婷婷地从厅中走过。

具体译法所谓具体译法,就是在翻译过程中把原文中抽象或比较抽象的单词、词组、成语或句子用具体或比较具体的单词、词组、成语或句子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失,使译文产生与原文同样的效果。A 词缀法-tion 作用;过程We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water.我们决不能忽视水的蒸发作用。erosion of steel 钢的腐蚀(作用)Many changes take place during the transformation.


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在转化过程中出现了许多变化。During transportation, the driver should be careful.在驾驶过程中,司机要小心。-ing 做法;行为All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding.大家都被他那种吹毛求疵的做法激怒了。-ness 状态;气质;心情We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.我们都被他那种崇高气质所深深打动。humbleness 谦虚作风We all look down upon his humbleness.我们都看不起他这种贱相(卑微的态度)。We have to do our utmost to ameliorate the backwardness of our nation.我们必须全力以赴改变国家的落后面貌。John’s lightheartedness, however, did not last long.然而,约翰这种轻松愉悦的心情没有持续很久。-ity 性;与-able和-tive相关reasonability 合理性sensibility  合理性sensitivity  敏感性creativity  创造性originality  创造性ingenuity  创造性readability  可读性flexibility  柔韧性、可塑性、灵活性、延展性B 集合名词法family 家庭 家庭成员team, group, family, class, committee, community, city, country, world

Our team is playing well. 今天我们对整体发挥的不错(隐含之意;对部分队员不满)Our team are playing well. 我们球队每个人都打疯了(隐含之意;对每个队员都非常满意)C 比喻法


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very timid 非常胆小 胆小如鼠very strong 非常强壮 壮得像头牛

D 成语法a great and through-going change 巨大而彻底的变化 翻天覆地的变化very anxious to return home 回家心切 归心似箭

5)增补重复词(连词、承上启下的词、概括词)We have discussed our safety and sanitary regulations.我们已经讨论了安全规则和卫生规则。

We left so much in Vietnam——so much innocence, so many dreams, so many good men and women.我们在越南失去的东西太多了——失去许许多多无辜的生命,失去许许多多美梦,失去许许多多善良的男男女女。He had become a master of evasion: his main response to criticism is to threaten, filibuster and delay.他已是个回避问题的老手:其回应批评的主要方法是一威胁、二阻挠、三拖延。Mary was ready to go, but first she wanted her book to be in print.玛丽准备走了,但先要目睹她那本书出版后才瞑目。

3.4 减词 (Omission)


从语法角度进行减省冠词连词介词代词As a frequent moviegoer, I am keeping abreast of the latest development of Hollywood movies.我是电影院里的常客,通晓好莱坞电影最新动态。


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We can not discover any material in an element but itself.在一个元素里,除元素本身外,不可能再发现其他物质。I framed the words in my mind, “Pardon me, but have I done something to offend you?”我心里在嘀咕:“对不起,我做了什么事冒犯了您?”As it is late, let us go to bed.不早了,睡吧

代词省略——抽象代词、泛指代词1)有些做宾语的代词 I am going to have it. 我想去吃2)泛指的英语人称代词做主语3)指代抽象名词的代词

Ford’s basic wage of $5 a day caused not only a wage explosion in the city, it also caused a population explosion. 4)物主代词5)形式主语和形式宾语 it

从修饰角度进行减省The hardest part of any big project is to begin.任何一个大项目最艰难的是起步。There are plenty of opportunities to attend community events and volunteer your services.参与社区活动以及提供志愿服务的机会多得很。The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach.车辆的代用燃料是我们将要着手处理的一个问题。To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.学习不容易,应用更不容易。In mid-1977, world sea-going tonnage amounted to 338.5 million grt which reflects a rise of 5.8% in grt over mid-1976, compared with a corresponding increase of 9% from mid-1975 to mid-1976.1977年年中,世界远洋船吨位共达 3.385 亿注册总吨,比 1976 年年中注册总吨增加了 5.8% ,而 1976 年年中比 1975 年年中注册总吨增加了 9% 。


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3.5 转换 (Shift of perspective)

大体可分为 7 种:①词类转换(转性);②句子成分转换;③表达方式转换;④自然语序和倒装语序转换;⑤正面表达与反面表达转换;⑥主动语态与被动语态转换;⑦分句转换。一、词类转换

1. 名词到动词1)表示心理状态和观点表达的名词。My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once.我建议他立刻戒烟。opinionthoughtobjectionrefusaldeclarationdeclinationproposalsuggestion


2)“七感”以及衍生名词For millions of immigrants, the Statue of Liberty was their first sight of the promising land.数百万移民一踏上这块希望的土地,第一眼看到的是自由女神像。sight hearingtouchsmellingtastefeelinghunch/intuition


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Large numbers enjoy the spectator sports.许多人喜欢观看比赛。3) 加 er或 or结尾的动词派生词,不表示身份或职业,而有较强的动作意味。a fast runner跑得很快,a smart learner学得很快a good liar你真会说谎a bad kisser你吻技真差You are such a loser! 你真逊!

4) 四大基本趋势以及任何表示动态变化的名词increasedecreasestabilizationfluctuation

The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years.在过去的 20 年当中,美国航空业迅猛发展。extensionconcentrationdilutiongrowthboomprosperity

2. 介词到动词1) off 脱离;离开;出去;走了2)beyond 超过The book is beyond my understanding.我根本读不懂这本书。The classroom is beyond its maximum seating capacity.这个教室坐不下那么多人。Beyond paradise

3) above / below超过/ 低于It’s below the average level.


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4) with /without 具有;拥有/缺乏;没有5)from/to 包括;如the developing countries from China to Brazil包括中国、巴西在内的发展中国家如中国、巴西的发展中国家from derive from 来源于free from脱离to gift to you赠与;给6)over 战胜The victory of justice over arbitrary acts, of reason over decadence and blindness, of democracy over imperialism, of good over evil.正义战胜了专断行为,理智战胜了堕落和盲目,民主战胜了帝国主义,善战胜了恶。7) under 客观的具有;under the policyunder the assumption

中国政府无义务承诺The Chinese government is under no obligation to

8)during 赶上During the 10th anniversary of our corporation’s founding, I’d like to have 35% off the original price.3. 形容词和副词互转Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad. 我国政府十分关心海外侨胞。4. 动词到名词Our proposal was warmly welcomed by all the representatives.我们的提议得到了全体代表的热烈欢迎。The girl impressed her relatives’ favorably with her vivacity and sense of humor.这个女孩以她的活泼和幽默感给她亲戚们留下了极好的印象。The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.上周日,来访客和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。


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二、句子成分转换句子成分转换是指英语中的某一句子成分已成汉语时转换成另一种句子成分。1、主语和宾语转换有灵动词:有生命的主语接无灵动词:无生命的主语接American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.托马斯 · 杰斐逊 对美国的教育事业做出了巨大贡献。Her presence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.她虽没有完全失去镇静,可是却又找不出话可说。Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day.他于 9 月 3 日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下了安特卫普。2、定语和宾语转换Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.自建国以来,每一代美国人都被要求宣誓效忠于祖国。3、定语和状语转换He will give an immediate reply.他会立即答复。三、表达方式转换score, dozen, decade, quarter

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.87年She will be back in the last ten days of June.六月下旬During the first part of his life, Watt studied weather and storm.年轻时His father is in his sixties.年逾花甲She has been a widow only for six months.他丈夫死了不到半年。Our men’s wear 25% discount.七五折You are quite a stranger here. 这里的人不认识你There used to be a river here two centuries back of this. 两个世纪以前


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I’m low IQ, you know. 我很笨; low EQ(吃不开);low AQ(沉不住气)

There is always a place for you at your table.请你随时来吃便饭。四、正面表达与反面表达转换——正反译法有些从正面表达的东西在汉语中却习惯从反面来表达,而有些从反面表达的东西在汉语中却习惯从正面来表达。这就是我们通常所说的“正反译法”。

英语正面表达转换为汉语反面表达frost-free refrigerator无霜冰箱duty-free zone免税区carefree无忧无虑的Wet paint!油漆未干!Stop talking nonsense!别胡扯了!He yelled “Freeze!”他大喝一声:“不许动!”Keep off the lawn!请勿践踏草坪!I failed to understand your meaning.我弄不懂你的意思。The coffee is too sweet to bear.咖啡甜得让人受不了。Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you?你想知道她为什么不想见到你?Her husband hates to see her stony face.她丈夫不愿意见到她那张面无表情的脸。


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A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards.行为不检点的人,日后往往要后悔。The naughty boy is far from honest and his excuse is pretty thin.这个调皮的男孩很不老实,他的借口一点也站不住脚。You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it.你现在已经激起我的好奇心了,那现在你别在卖关子了。Appearances are often deceptive.外表往往是靠不住的。At the news of his father’s death, he remained quiet for several days.一听到他父亲的死讯,他好几天一言不发。 英语反面表达转换为汉语正面表达I adhered to all the courtesies I had been taught. This frustrated my son to no end.我遵从所有我学过的礼貌和规矩,这使我儿子大为失望。 You can’t be too careful.你越仔细越好。We could not be more mistaken.我们大错特错。The United Nations Organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.到目前为止,联合国辜负了世界人民寄予的希望。For three weeks I held both jobs, working from eight in the morning until midnight. Never in my life have I been happier.三周来我身兼两职,每天从早上八点一直工作到午夜。我的一生中以那段时光最为快乐。五、被动语态与主动语态转换(转态译法)1、被动到主动1)多种被动词“受……”、“遭……”、“由……”、“给……”、“为……所……”、“予以……”、“加以……”He was released immediately after Oct 7.一过十月七号,他获释了。He was described as impressed by Deng’s flexibility.据说他为邓(小平)的灵活态度所感动


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2)省略被动词(同时可以作及物、不及物的词)The risk of global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced.全球核冲突的危险性已经大大减小了。 (注意:在此 been可以删除,四大趋势的词都可同样使用)Over 700 of the world’s finest footballers were gathered in Japan and South Korea for the 17th World Cup tournament.700多名世界顶尖足球运动员聚集在日本和韩国参加第 17届世界杯比赛。3)主被交换

a) 主语+谓语+状语 结构的被动句,结构调整为:状语 + 谓语 + 宾语(原主语) ,Movies were first made in Hollywood before WWI.一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影。

b) 主语(受动者)+谓语+(by)施动者 结构的被动句, 处理为施动者 + 谓语 + 受动者 的主动结构

The mobile phone boom is driven by the young adults.年轻人推动了移动电话市场的繁荣。

4)形式主语法“据……” It is said that… 据说……It is reported that… 据报道……It is calculated that… 据统计……

不定代词“有人”、“大家”、“人们”It is believed that… 有人(我们、人们)相信(认为)……It is generally considered that… 大家认为……It is well-known… 众所周知……It is rarely known… 鲜为人知……2、主动到被动1) 马路两旁是整齐的梧桐树。

The avenue was lined with neatly-spaced plane trees.

2) 我也佩服你的见解。I was also struck by your suggestions.

3) 全国人民所渴望的政治协商会议现在开幕了。The Political Consultative Conference so eagerly awaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated.


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4) 全国同胞们,中华人民共和国现已宣告成立。Fellow-countrymen, the founding of the People’s Republic of China is proclaimed.

3.6归化 (Adaptation)

由于文化上的差异,英译汉时有时直译原文就会使译入语读者感到费解,甚至误解。这时就有必要借用汉语中意义相同或相近、且具有自己鲜明文化色彩的表达法对原文加以归化。常用于翻译成语、典故、形象词等文化色彩较浓的表达方式1) have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下2) to be cut at elbows 捉襟见肘3) at sword’s points 强烈分歧4) Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无词5) A little pot is soon hot 量小易怒6) I don’t understand how he can think she is good-looking, but beauty is in the eye of the


7) He may always possess merits which make up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts.他也许总是保持着弥补一切的优点,失之东隅的,他可以收之桑榆。

8) It was a case of diamond cut diamond. They thought they were going to beat Barcelona. In fact they lost the game 0:3.强中自有强中手,他们以为可以痛宰巴塞罗那,事实上他们 0:3惨败。

9) All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day they’ll come out on top.你只有破釜沉舟跟他们拚,或许有朝一日会出头的。

10) The students must be enjoying the speech, because they’re laughing their heads off.学生们笑得前仰后合,他们一定是很欣赏这个演讲。


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3.7切分 (Division)

所谓切分就是指根据汉语的句法特点,把英语的句子分解成两个或两个以上的单位,以求译文在正确传达原文的思想内容的前提上明白晓畅。 单词分译单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词分译成一个句子。目的:1、句法上的需要 2、修辞上的需要 1) At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全,不招风险。2) The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.每个帐篷内怎么布置,这就要看各个使用者的性格了。3) Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said.朱莉亚姨妈接连向坐在旁边的人打听加布里埃尔刚才说了些什么,却没有问出个所以然来。4) The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle.美军司令上将尼米兹怠于出战,这是可以理解的。 短语分译短语分译是指把原文中的一个短语分译成一个句子。

1) The intent to make an immediate gift must be clear and unmistakable, and the transfer must take immediate and permanent effect.直接赠与的意向必须明白无误,转让行为必须立即产生效力,且该效力应具有永久性。

2) Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 hundred years old.这座桥是 1192年修建的,至今已经有 700多年的历史了。

3) Several blocks from the park, running parallel to it, Clement Street bustles like a second Chinatown with dozens of ethnic restaurants. 离公园几个街区便是与公园平行的克莱门特街。那儿有十几家民族餐馆,热闹得如同

第二个唐人街。 句子分译句子分译可以分为简单句的分译,并列复合句的分译,主从复合句的分译以及长句的


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分译。1) His wealth enables him to do everything.他有钱,什么事都能干。

2) His contemptuous attitude towards us is contemptible.他以藐视的态度对待我们,这种态度是可鄙的。

3.8 合并 (Combination)

主要是中译英First Enron was a company. Then it was a scandal. Now it is a transitive verb. “安然”起初是一家公司的名字,然后成了一桩丑闻的代名词,现在又用作一个及物动词。

第四章 汉译英翻译重点英、汉当中语言的类型特点: 1、汉语:语意性语言,力求考究字与语意及其相关关系,注意内容的意会性,其句法特点是:主语可以由不同类别的词语担当,主语隐含、不显或无主语的情况时常可见,谓语成分比较复杂,且不受主语支配,没有人称、数、时态的变化,句与句之间多无明示逻辑关系的连接词,汉语句子看似松散,如流水般无定式可依。2、英语:语法性语言,重点研究主谓、序列及其相关词类,句子结构受形式逻辑制约,注重形式严谨,其句法特征是:主语突出,易于识别,只能由名词或名词性的词语担当,谓语绝对受主语支配,在人称和数上面必须与主语保持一致,有时态、语态和语气的变化,句与句之间都与明示逻辑关系的连接词相连,英语依法构句,形式完整而严密。英语是主语显著语,英语构建在主谓轴上,确定主谓语是成功构句、保证译文与原文功能相似、语意相符的关键。

4.1 主语的确定原文主语作主语:场合有限重新确定主语

(比较翻译)1) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。

a) The turn of the century finds China most attractive on the diplomatic arena.b) At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities.


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中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。Great changes have taken place in China.China has witnessed tremendous changes.

2) 一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。a. China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world.b. In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the

world greatly.

3) 胎 又瘪了。a. We’ve got another flat tire.b. Our tire is flat again.

4) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。a. It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints.b. We can’t judge people from their appearance, just as we can’t measure the ocean by pints.

增补主语1、推敲语境2、考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!

起大风了。It’s blowing hard.

用劳动实现自己的理想,用理想指导自己的劳动。You realize your ideals through labor and you guide your labor by ideals.

1) 中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪的驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the

glorious destination of modernization.b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the

waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.

2) 我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers.b. Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.

3) 他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就赢得了大家的信任。a. His outspokenness and readiness to make friends with anyone soon won their trust.


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b. He was very outspoken and always ready to make friends with anyone, so he won their trust.

4) 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。a. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.b. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries.

5) 轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their

quality has continued to improve.b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and

richer variety.

6) 楼的质量不好。a. The building is not well built.b. The quality of the building is poor.

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.

真是太荒谬了。It’s utterly absurd.

只有冷静才能成功。Success depends on calm minds.

端午节吃粽子。On the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat zongzi.

上海近几年发生的巨大变化赢得了全世界人民的赞叹。That Shanghai has changed greatly in recent years has won admiration from people all over the world.


1) 中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。a. The Central Government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of the HKSAR.b. The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.

2) 中国的经济将融入世界经济的大潮。58

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a. The economy of China will merge into the tide of the world economy.b. The economy of China will converge with that of the world economy.

3) 这事到了现在,还是时时记起。a. Even now, this remains fresh in my memory.b. Even now, I still often think about it.

4) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。a. The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.b. At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities.

5) 在同新闻界谈话的时候,上海人使用越来越多的最高级形容词。a. When they talk to press, the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the

superlative degree.b. You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree

when they talk to the press.

6) 我又闲了一个多月了啦! a. I’ve been idle for another month now.b. Another month now and I’ve had no work.

7) (颐和园)1900年遭八国联军破坏。a. The palace was reduced to ruins by the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.b. The palace suffered ravage in the hands of the allied forces of the eight foreign powers.

8) 她们逐渐地镇定下来,有了自信。a. They gradually calmed down, restored self-confidence.b. Gradually, they calmed down and regained self-confidence.

9) 封建社会代替奴隶社会,资本主义代替封建主义,社会主义经历一个过程发展后必然代替资本主义。Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

10)(一个世纪以来,中国人民在前进道路上经历了三次历史性的巨大变化……)第一次是辛亥革命,……第二次是中华人民共和国的成立,……第三次是改革开放……The first change was represented by the Revolution of 1911…The second change was marked by the founding of the People’s Republic of China…The third change was featured by the reform, opening-up policy…

谓语的确定应该基于构句(语法)的需要1) 农业搞好了,农民能自给,五亿人口就稳定了。

a. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure.

b. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting, then the 500


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million people will feel secure.

2) 关于如何改进市民的居住条件问题市政府给予了充分重视。a. Full attention has been paid by the municipal government to the improvement of the housing

conditions of the urban inhabitants.b. The municipal government has paid full attention to the housing conditions of the urban


脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是源自明朝的故事。The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Peking operas, is based on a story handed down from the Ming Dynasty.

意大利著名旅游家马可·波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己是在天堂。”The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world, where one feels as if he was in paradise.”

英雄造时势,时势造英雄。Heroes create the times, the times produce their heroes.

一踏进门槛,屋子里的混乱景象使我吃了一惊。Crossing the threshold, I was taken aback by the mess in the house.

四川被称为“天府之国”。Sichuan is noted as the “Land of Abundance”.

4.3 语序的调整英、汉相同点:“主语+谓语+宾语”(SVO)或“施事+行为+受事”为基本语序英、汉相异点:句内的语序的灵活性,以及定语、状语等次要成分位置的差异,汉译英需要调整语序

句内主要成分位置的调整沙发上坐着一个人。A man was sitting on a couch.

马可·波罗的中国之行,给他留下最深刻印象的是杭州西湖之秀美。The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou was what impressed Marco Polo most during his trip to China.


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汉语状语的位置一般在主语和谓语之间,呈“主语→状语→谓语→宾语”模式;英语状语一般出现在宾语后的句尾,呈“主语→谓语→宾语→状语”模式。1) 我们明天上午九时动身。

We are going to start at nine tomorrow morning.

2) 这本书是三天前买的。The book was bought three days ago.

3) 他每晚都要看电视。He watches TV every evening.

4) 在机器中 很多能量是由于部件之间的摩擦而损失的。In a machine a great deal of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts.

5) 他们很细心地观察化学变化。They observed the chemical reaction with great care.They observed with great care the chemical reaction.

6) 他们肩并肩地以疯狂速度向那座石塔奔去。They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.Side by side and at a fantastic speed they ran towards the stone pagoda.Side by side they ran at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.


“动词→方式→地点→时间”的顺序。大会将于①今年九月②在北京③隆重开幕。The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September.

①他每晚②都在图书馆③用心读书。He reads hard in the library every evening.

他①一九三五年②八月③二十二日④早晨⑤六点三十分诞生在⑴湖南的⑵一个小县城。He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935.

设在位于①纽约市②中心③一座摩天大楼④第四十层楼里的⑤那间办公室,就是他工作的小天地。The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.


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定语位置的调整浩瀚的大海The vast sea

古老的中原文化The time-honored Central Plain culture

举世闻名的万里长城The world-famous Great Wall

一九四九年解放以前,中国人民曾经遭受①世界罕见的②恶性通货膨胀的灾祸。Before liberation in 1949 the Chinese people suffered from ②some of the worst inflation①the world had ever known.

①中国现存②规模最大③保存最完好的古代建筑群。③the best-preserved ②magnificent ancient architectural complexes①in China

第五章 翻译十大原则

1) 动宾连接原则:翻译动宾短语时,先考虑宾语的成分中国人民始终希望天下太平,希望各国人民友好相处。The Chinese people are always looking forward to global peace and friendship among all nations.The Chinese people are always hoping that the world is at peace and people of all nations will coexist friendlily.

avoid the stupid and short-sighted traps摆脱束缚打破禁锢摆脱羁绊

2) 时态原则中华民族历来爱好自由和和平。The Chinese people have always been cherishing freedom and peace.The Chinese people always cherish freedom and peace.The Chinese people are always cherishing freedom and peace.


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China was, remains to be

中国人民更深感自由与和平的珍贵。The Chinese people have cherished freedom and peace than ever.

After all, China and Cuba and other targets of U.S. –led criticism in the committee were always going to vote and lobby against Washington.毕竟中国、古巴等一些在人权委员会中受到以美国为首批评的国家,总是投票或游说反对美国政府。虚拟语气用“本应当……”

3) 主语确定原则这一目标的实现,最直接的应该是老百姓住得更宽敞了,更舒服了。The citizens will live more spaciously and comfortably, benefiting most directly from achieving the goal.(重新确定主语)其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。To be frank, if we leave aside mathematics and bypass the abundant formulas, the basic principles of the discipline (of science) are understandable and appreciable.(增补主语)They cannot control who crosses their borders either physically or culturally.无论是外人入境,或是文化入侵,政府都已无能为力。(重新确定主语,宾语变主语)注:there be 句型:状语变主语They have been increasingly chagrined by Washington’s tendency to ignore the international consensus on issues ranging from the use of land mines to the Kyoto climate change treaty.从地雷禁用条款到京都防止气候变暖条约等一系列问题,美国政府总是对国际舆论置若罔闻,使得这些(倒戈)国家越来越失望/懊恼。

4) 谓语最小化原则今年的亚太经济贸易合作组织会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and investment among all APEC members for the start of a new


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round of negotiations by WTO. 如何化解谓语:1、动词变为名词       2、多使用介词短语:with; through 3、多使用分词短语       4、多使用 to do sth.目的状语       5、最后一个谓语:使用“,which 引导的非限定性定语从句”显然,许多美国的传统支持国家没有投票支持美国,以此对美国奉行单边主义表示不满。Many traditional U.S. supporters clearly withdrew their votes to signal displeasure over U.S. unilateralism.

5) 动宾换序原则:处理较长宾语的方法:1、谓语变成能够直接接宾语的表达形式

The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China.在新千年,经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此做出反应。

2、先译宾语,再译主谓The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university.研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。

6) 句群逻辑关系原则六种重要的逻辑关系:1、表原因关系,联结词:因为、所以、因此、由于2、转折关系:虽然、但是、然而,不过3、条件关系:如果、假如、只要……就,一旦4、让步关系:尽管、就算……也、即使……也5、时间先后关系:……之后,接着……6、结果关系:从而、导致经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。Thanks to the rapid development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology has been laid in the western region of China. The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China


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中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新、技术创新和体制创新,这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。Through creating a favorable background, China will be devoted to building a national system for innovation to promote the innovation in knowledge, technology and system, which is the only path/indispensable/essential for China to achieve cross-century/trans-century/century-crossing/turn-of-the-century development.

7) 连接原则不仅考虑逻辑关系,还要区分主谓语、次谓语书无所不读,全无所惑,并不着急,教书做事,均甚认真,往往吃亏,也不后悔。Not vexed by reading comprehensively though futilely, I deal seriously with teaching and handling affairs and have no regret for suffering losses.

中国加入世界贸易组织的谈判已经进行了 15年了。中国的立场始终如一。China has been engaged in the talks for entry into the WTO for 15 years with its consistent stance.

8) 减少 of原则经济全球化的深入发展提高了人民的生活水平。The furthering economic globalization has improved people’s living standard.

中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.

我们之间关系的发展,使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.

楼的质量不好。The building is not well built.

当 of能够转化成’s的所属关系时

9) 名词词组与分句互译原则They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent.基金会提供了一种方式,可以让有钱人和大公司能实际支配花去税款的方式。注:宾语中出现5w1h的从句,转化成名词词组But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid.


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但新千年盖茨对此持怀疑态度,热衷于施舍和政府援助。注:对于一般的形容词短语,可以转化简单主谓分句The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university.研究生是否存在,大学是否存在资金偿还能力,这些都取决于项目预算。注:of架构的名词词组,如果不表示所属关系,极可能变成“是否”从句

10)妖词原则From a small beginning at the turn of the century ……本世纪初,基金会的数量并不多。 Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.亚洲国家的经济总量将超过其他国家地区的总和。Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.这些国家虽然呈现出欣欣向荣的态势,但其中还有许多处于极端贫穷的弱势人口,还有少部分人口极端富有。 The major feature of project money, whether its source is government or business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract for each project, so that the investigator’s independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts.无论来自于政府或商界,项目资金的重要特点是其建立在契约上,即不同的项目可以争取相同的项目资金,因此调研人员要取得独立,就必须得到连续的研究项目。

第六章 高级口译翻译十大经典句表示真题例句

表示模拟例句1. leave sb the choice of … or … 要么…,要么…;或者 ★(选择类经典句)

Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。


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The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.

 2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事 ★(使动类经典句)(重点)

The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政 /把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。

他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台。The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.

能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings.

3. it was the memories of 追溯到… ★(回忆类经典句)Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’ development.追溯到 1964年东京及 1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。

4. on the premise/ground/prerequisite/proposition/hypothesis/presuuposition that 基于一个前提… ★(假设类经典句)中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。The Chinese proclaimed/declared to adopt/implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China.

Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.对投资者的建议是以利率会继续下跌为根据的。

5. be bound to 必定…;一定… ★(意愿类经典句)西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large.

Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.正义战争必然要战胜侵略战争。


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6. a matter of sth/doing sth 与……有关的情况或问题 ★(描述类经典句)(重点)Considering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being ‘poor’ won’t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.”请思考一下同一个人现在及八年前说的话。“说到底,‘贫穷’与其说是生活在贫穷的国家里,还不如说是技艺不精。”

处理这些问题全凭经验。Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.

7. This is the similar case with/when 这恰如;正如;也会 ★(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart’s musical pieces.

除此以外,老百姓的服务性消费,如教育,信息,旅游等消费也会大量增长。Besides, this is also the case with the citizen’s expenditure such as education, information, traveling.

8. be exemplified by 这一点也证明了…;这点反映在以下事实:…★(举例类经典句)This American desire to keep the children’s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是晚些时候才告诉孩子们,这一点也证实了美国人想把儿童的世界和成人的世界隔离开的愿望。美国人想把儿童和成人的世界划清界限,这一愿望还反映在以下事实:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将消息告诉他们的子女。

The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools.体力劳动者在任何场合通常都相当自在。收入档次不同的人上同一所学校,这个事实多少说明了这一点。 其它词如: illustrate demonstrate represent embody

9. constitute… (不用于进行式)是;认为 ★(判断类经典句)历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship.


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我的决定不应视为先例。My decision does not constitute a precedent.

The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.这一失败是我们外交上的一次较大的挫折。

10. witness… 见证… ★(发生类经典句)(重点)a time or event witnesses sth/sb in a particular situation or doing a particular thing.经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.

在下一轮的会谈中,我们将宣布中东地区永久停火协议,对此我抱有乐观态度并充满希望。I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East.

练习:在中国西南部,发生了一起严重的汽车撞人事件,死伤约 30人。The southwest part of China witnesses a serious car crash with a casualty of about 30 people.





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序言 口译的今昔



第一章 会议发言一、欢迎辞1、单词预热 official launch on the occasion of


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opening ceremonylong-termenthusiastic, enthusiasm, dynamic, dynamics, energy, energetic, vigor, vigorouscradle of ancient civilizationchildhood dreamdelegationmeet old friends and establish new contactscosmopolitan city国际化大都市 cosmopolis metropolitan大都会 city, metropolis, harbour, portappreciation, gratefularrivalfriends coming from afarcooperationstrategic partnershipBon Voyagehave a safe trip homemeet sb all the waywish sb a unforgettable journeyextend/express one’s warm welcome todistinguished guests,VIPhoston behalf offacultystaffcrewmake contribution to

2、口译速记技巧 缩略词、缩写符号保留前几个字母保留开头和结尾的发音字母根据英语的发音进行速记

1. 掌握常用速记符号和方法对于口译考生,笔者推荐以下几类:A.保留大写字母或第一音节经济:E 教育:Edu 文化:C 政治:P 科技:ST 卫生:H旅游:T 环境:En 工业:I 农业:AB.简写缩略AFAC:as far as … is concerned(就……而言)LFT:look forward to (期待)ASAP:as soon as possible(尽快)C.图像⊕ 高兴,同意,满意等,如:happy, pleased, satisfied, agree…


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◎ 悲伤,生气,不满,不同意等,如:sad, angry, irritated, unsatisfied, sorrowful, discomfort, disagree…

⊙ 会议,如 conference, meeting, seminar, symposium… □ 国家,地区,如:中国:□C,俄国:□RD.符号﹢高兴,男性,同意,增加等,如 happy, male, agree, many, +2=more, +3=most, beneficial, good, beautiful, great, gorgeous…-悲伤,女性,不同意,减少等,如 sad, female, disagree, little, few, -2=less, -3=least, lack of, short of… √同意,正确等,如:agree, correct, right…×不同意,错误等,如:disagree, incorrect…↑增长,进步等,如:increase, soar, mushroom, rocket, make progress…↓下降,退步,恶化等,如 decrease, sink, slide, subside, plump, plunge, drop, degrade,

deteriorate…>多于,超过 , 比……低一级等,如:more than, greater than, begger than, better than,

superior to, surpass, transcend, overtake…<少于,比……低级等,如:less than, lower than, smaller than, inferior to…~大约,如:approximately, about, around, some, nearly, almost, similar to…/否定,清除,如:clear, settle, solve, tackle, conquer, eliminate, extinct…﹦与……同等,如:stand for, refer to, means, that is to say, in other words, be equal to, as…as, same as…∥竞争对手,如:competitor, rival, opponent, enemy, counterpart…≠与……不同,如:differ from, different from, distinct, unique…$金钱,利益,如:interest, benefit, money, fund, capital…E.标点?问题,麻烦,障碍,如:question, issue, difficult, hardship, barrier, obstacle…:主观想法和说辞,如:think, consider, speak, say, talk, mark, announce, declare, hope, 例:repeat或 reaffirm可以用:2来替代,声明支持可以用+:来替代,谴责用-:.表时间前后,如去年.y,明年 y., 后天 d..,前天..d,两周后w..现举例段落进行速记说明:女士们,先生们,尊贵的来宾们:今天我很荣幸能够代表北京大学全体师生向来自美国教育代表团一行致以热烈的欢迎,希望你们在今后的两周内在中国过得愉快。速记符号:-/+, VIP, d, ⊕代 BJ Uni all wel US Edu dele, :w.., ⊕□C

3、高频短句I regard it my great honor/pleasure/privilege to have the rare opportunity to have name, title visit our city of ____, which is crowned as _______, and I do hope that Your Honor enjoy your stay here and see by your own eyes the great hospitality of people here as well as its fabulous dynamics.


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二、感谢辞1、单词预热extraordinaryutmost courtesygenuine friendshipdiversitygracious invitationhospitablehospitalityheart-feltsinceresincerityremarkableaccomplishmentfeatsImpress impressiveparticipate, participantfruitful=rewardingat the close ofjoin sb in the toast to_______, cheers!At the joyous moment/time of ____, I, on behalf of _____, would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to ____ who ____ .Now, may I ask you to join me in a toast to____, cheers!

三、会议发言symposium, seminarguests from various circlesprofoundconstructivereference and studya complete successopening addressclosing addresspanel discussioninterpretersimultaneous interpreterexchange views onin a wide range of areasshared desiremutual understanding and trust/respect/benefit


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be convinced thathave positive/negative impact onbilateral relationin the principal ofequality, hand in handwork togetherbased onon the basis ofprecondition/prerequisite

I have the honor to introduceI now have the pleasure of introducing to you the first distinguished speaker…The next speaker is Mr. Bryan, who will now deliver his address to the conferenceI would like to call the meeting to order

高频短句1 今天晚上我们在这里设宴欢迎应。。。邀请前来我国访问的。。。阁下和。。。其它贵宾们,感到十分荣幸。We are honored to host the dinner this evening in honor of distinguished…and other honorable guests from…who have come to China at the invitation of …

2 将作为新的一页载入。。。友好的史册be remembered as a shining page in the history of … friendship

3 首先,请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎。Allow me , first of all, to express our hearty welcome to our distinguished guests coming from afar.

4 我代表。。。欢迎各位朋友访问中国On behalf of …, I wish to welcome our friends who have come to visit China.

5 我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请I will surely remember you and your invitation to him.

6 今天,我们怀着愉快的心情同。。。欢聚一堂We are joyfully gathering here today with…

7 今天我们怀着无限惜别的心情,欢送。。。With a sense of great sorrow we bid farewell today to…

8 今天,我们在这里集会隆重纪念。。。周年We meet here today to solemnly commemorate the anniversary of …

9 女士们,先生们,欢迎各位的光临。演出很快就要开始了,请尽快入座。Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert would start soon. Please make yourself seated. Thank you.

10 主席先生,我怀着非常愉快的心情出席本届年会,值此大会开幕之际,我为能有机会就和平与发展问题进行发言,谨向东道主致以深深的谢意。与此同时,我向所有与会代表致以崇高的敬意。Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host


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for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respect for all the representatives present at the meeting.

三、真题练习1、练习 1尊敬的新西兰贵宾,女士们、先生们,我能在此为新西兰贵宾主持隆重的欢迎仪式深感荣幸和愉快。中国和新西兰相距遥远,但两国人民长期以来一直友好交往。这些年里,我们在政治、经济、文化、教育领域进行了真诚的、卓有成效的合作。Distinguished guests from New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honored and pleased to be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests. It's true that it's a long way from China to New Zealand, but the peoples from the two nations have long been friendly to each other. During the years, we have conducted sincere and fruitful co-operations in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and so on.

随着两国人民之间交往的日趋频繁,我,作为一名中国学者,有机会多次访问新西兰,在那儿学习,讲学和交流。新西兰美丽的自然风景、充足的阳光和宜人的气候、安静舒适的学习环境以及和蔼友善的人民给我留下了深刻的印象。With more and more exchanges between the two peoples, I, as a Chinese scholar, have had opportunities to visit New Zealand many times, studying, lecturing and exchanging ideas. I'm deeply impressed by her beautiful scenery, plenty of sunshine, agreeable climate, quiet and comfortable study environment, as well as its people who are kind and friendly.

2、练习 2尊敬的代表们、女士们、先生们:我很高兴能代表新西兰政府欢迎各位来到新西兰政治文化金融中心。值此第二届环境保护部长级非正式会议召开之际,我想对你们所有的人,尊敬的代表们和相关国际环保组织的代表们,表示最热诚的问候。 Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of New Zealand, I take the pleasure in welcoming you to the cultural, administrative, economic and financial center of New Zealand. I would like to extend my warmest greeting to all of you, delegates and representatives of international organizations involved in environmental protection, upon the opening of the Second Informal Meeting of the Environment Ministers.//

环境保护非常重要。这是政府优先考虑的事项。为此,新西兰政府已增加了对环境保护的预算拨款并给环保部以机会来动员国际性支持。仅在过去四年里,政府对环保的预算拨款已增加了两倍多。Environmental protection is very crucial. It is the priority of the government's agenda, In this sense, the Government of New Zealand has increased budget allocations for environmental management and provided opportunity to the Ministry of Environment to mobilize international support for the sector. Only during the last four years, government's budget for environmental protection has more than tripled.

3、练习 3我为能在此设宴招待威廉斯副总统及夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此机会


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It is my privilege and great pleasure to hold this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests. I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all. A remark in "The Anlects" of Confucius best expresses what I feel now. "It is such a delight that I have friends visiting from afar!" Evidently, Vice President Williams's current visit has demonstrated his Excellency's determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries. I am deeply convinced that frequent exchanges of visits between the top government officials of the two countries are beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace of and stability of the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole.

孔子 Confucius孟子 Mencius论语 Analects

四、中英文表达方式差异例句:Mount Tai, which is located in Shandong Province and covers an area of 360 square kilometers, (located in Shandong Province and covering an area of 369 square kilometers)

两个基本原则:主动和被动的原则表达主动,现在分词表达被动,过去分词练习:a bridge linking China with Americaa measure taken by Chinese Governmentn+being donean issue being discussedn+having doneChina having entered into the WTON+having been +doingChinese Government having beening safeguarding the interests and rights of medium-sized or small countries

五、中国古代谚语、成语、典故补充天生万物,唯人为贵Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.


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People are the most important element in the state, next are the government and grain, least is the ruler himself.

二人同心,其利断金And as a saying from The Book of Changes goes, ”If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.

一乡之善士斯友一乡之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士。In so many different ways, we are upholding the teachings of Mencius, who said:”A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community;a good citizen of the world will befriend the other citizens of the world.”

不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深渊,不知地之厚也。One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss.

但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。We wigh each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.

独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day.二人同心,其利断金。If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.

海内存知己,天涯若比邻。A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

祸兮,福之所倚;福兮,祸之所伏。Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies.

举首望明月,低头思故乡。Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.

礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give but to receive, or vice versa.

两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day?

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.


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Quick-minded and eager to learn, he is never ashamed to consult his inferiors.

天生我材必有用。Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use.

天时不如地利,地利不如人和。Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.

天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.

无为其所不为,无欲其所不欲,如此而已矣。Don’t do what should not be done; don’t desire what should not be desired. That is all.

学而不厌,侮人不倦。Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.

学如逆水行舟,不进则退。Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。We widen our views three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs./Exhausting my eyes to a thousand li further, I am ascending one more story of the tower.

第二章 旅游一、 高频词汇、短语


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国际化大都市         cosmopolitan city / cosmopolis大都会            metropolitan city/metropolis旅游热点           tourist attraction必游之地           a must tourist attraction商务旅游           business tour蜜月之旅           honeymoon trip旅游旺季           tourist season旅游目的地          tourist destination历史文化名城         a well-known historic and cultural city长江三角洲          the Yangtze River Delta高架公路           elevated highway浦东新区           Pu dong New Area自助游            DIY tour纪念品            souvenirs旅行社            travel agency路线             itinerary导游讲解员          guide interpreter联合国教科文组织      United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization直辖市            municipality directly under Central Government万国建筑博览         exhibition of International Architecture世界文化遗产保护地      World Heritage Sites(WHS)天下奇观           wondrous spectacle名胜古迹           famous scenic spots and places of historical interest古建筑群           ancient architectural complex避暑胜地           summer resort黄金线路           hot travel route标准、豪华游         normal/luxury tour国内游            inbound tourism出境游            outbound tourism旅游黄金周          golden week for tourism自然保护区          natural reserve/nature preservation zone随团旅行           group travel星级饭店           star-grade hotel强迫购物           forced purchase多功能厅           multi-functional hall亭、台、楼、阁        pavilion, terrace, mansion, tower长廊             corridor湖石假山           lakeside rocks and rockeries陵墓             emperor's mausoleum/tomb塔              pagoda; tower坛              alter九曲桥            zigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings古玩店            antique/curio shop


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世界七大奇迹         seven wonders of the world缩影             miniature历史文物           historical relics发掘             unearth朝代             dynasty自然景观           natural landscape植物园            botanical garden少数民族           ethnic minority西域             western countries信息港            info port; Cyber port不夜城            ever-bright city主题公园           theme park原始森林           virgin forest园林建筑           garden architecture江南水乡           the South of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River鱼米之乡           land of honey and milk古董             antique工艺  workmanship手工艺            craftsmanship滑雪胜地           skiing resort国家公园           national park后裔             descendant要塞             fort城堡             castle山区             mountainous region盆地             basin丝绸之路           the Silk Road野生动物园          safari park水族馆            aquarium观光电梯           sightseeing lift金贸大厦           Jin Mao Tower世博会            World Exposition渡轮             ferryboat游轮             cruise盛典             pageantry公共交通           public transit往返旅行           round trip长途汽车           long distance coach时差             jet lag出租车            taxi/cab免下车银行          drive-in bank国际驾照           international driver's license汽车旅馆           motel前台             reception desk


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健身房            gym住宿             accommodation入住             check in退房             check out卡拉OK            karaoke闭路电视           closed-circuit television公寓式酒店          apartment hotel小旅馆、招待所        hostel直达航班           non-stop flight增值税            Value Added Tax(VAT)山林小屋           lodge高原反应           altitude stress大堂             lobby套房             suite轻轨             proline/LRT磁悬浮列车          maglev train头等舱            first class经济舱            coach class商务舱 business class人生意外伤害险        PAI(personal accident insurance)保存完好           well-preserved湖光山色           landscape of lakes and hills陡峭的            precipitous如画的            picturesque琳琅满目           an eyeful of goodies流连忘返           too delighted to leave吉利的            propitious宏伟的            majestic蜿蜒曲折           winding, zigzagging无边无际           boundless , endless心旷神怡           soothed and relaxed庄严肃穆           solemn优雅的            graceful/elegant/exquisite/delicate诱人景色           inviting views悬崖绝壁           cliff/precipice仙境             wonderland烟波浩渺           a wide expanse of misty waters雄伟险峻           precipitous奇花异草  exotic flowers and herbs波光鳞鳞 sparkling苍松翠柏 green pines and cypresses 层峦叠嶂 range upon range of mountains the hues rise around姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colours / colourful崇山峻岭 steep mountains


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传移景幻 Each turn of the belt afford different scenery纯洁 purity雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted pillars洞天福地 scenery of exceptional charm阴云避日 over cast飞流急湍 whirl pools and rapids峰回路转 the path running twist among the peaks高超工艺 exquisite workmanship古香古色 be of antique beauty华丽的 gorgeous极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see金碧辉煌 splendid and magnificent尽收眼底 hold a panoramic view惊叹不已 be marveled / marvel at惊涛拍岸 ranging waves pond on the banks乐不思蜀 too delighted to be homesick 玲珑剔透 exquisitely carved绿水清山 green hills and clear waters掮客骚人 manive letters奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks奇珍异宝 real treasure巧妙设计 well designed青山不断 green hill rode on endlessly清澈见底 limpid曲折 tortuous群山环抱 surrounded by mountains日出日落的壮丽景色 the glory of the sunrise or sunset 如诗的 poetic山峦叠翠 range upon the range of green hills山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape闪闪发光 glittering / sparking / twinkling赏心悦目 delightful天方夜谭 the Arabian Nights天下奇观 wonder/marvelous spectacle蜿蜒流淌的河水 winding river威然屹立 towering蔚为壮观 splendid, spectacular闻名遐迩 known far and wide/famous/world renowned无法抗拒的 overpowering熙熙攘攘 crowded, hustle and bustle鲜花盛开 flowers in blossom相映成趣 form delightful contrast心旷神怡 complete relax and happy绚丽多姿 colorful


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一览无余 hold all views in sight / in a single gloms依山傍水 nestling under a mountain and near a river意犹未尽 lingering around郁郁葱葱 luxuriously green枝繁叶茂 luxuriant庄严 grandeur壮丽景色 spectacular scene忽明忽暗幻影叠显 mysterious veiled in mountain mist船行水上,人游画中 people tour in picture while boating sail on water上有天堂,下有苏杭 In Heaven, there is paradise; and on earth,

there is Suzhou and Hangzhou五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳 trips to china’s five great mountains trips to other mountains

unnecessary, and trips to Huangshan trips to five great mountains unnecessary

桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林 Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin

五岳 China’s five great secret/divine mountains天下第一奇山 the most fantastic mountain under haven黄山四绝,奇 松,怪石,云海,温泉 the four unique scenic futures: Picturesque rocks,

legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs.国家公园 national park洞穴/岩洞 cave / cover溶洞 water eroded cave石灰岩洞 lime stone cave石笋 stalagmite钟乳石 stalactite瀑布 waterfall /chute / fall / Linn 间歇泉 geyser古墓 ancient tomb石窟 grotto净坛 altar石舫 stone boat湖心亭 mid lake pavilion水榭 waterside pavilion莲花池 lotus pond教堂 church天主教大教堂 Cathedral 修道院 abbey / cloister / monastery尼姑庵 Buddhist nunnery佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land 琉璃瓦 glaze tile宫殿 palace hall, chamber皇城 imperial city护城河 moat


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御花园 imperial garden行宫 temporary imperial palace for a short stay皇太后 empress dowager皇妃 Imperial Concubine宰相 Prime-Minister太监 court eunuch四大金刚 the Four gardens 十八罗汉 The Eighteen disciples of the Buddha出土文物 unearthed culture relics甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones青铜器 bronze ware景泰蓝 cloisonné 青瓷 celadon陶瓷 ceramic陶器 earthenware泥塑 clay figurine折扇 folding fan檀香扇 sandalwood fan手工艺品 artifact / handicraft雕漆器 carved-lacquer-wear刺绣品 embroidery苏绣 Suzhou embroidery挂毯 tapestry 唐三彩 tri-colored glazed pottery of Tang dynasty金石印章 metal and stone seals字画卷轴 scrolls of calligraphy and painting国画 traditional Chinese painting山水/水墨画 landscape / ink painting文房四宝 the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study, writing brush, ink,

inkstone paper园林建筑 garden architecture天下第一泉 the finest spring under heaven天下第一奇洞 the most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere这座寺庙历史悠久,可以追溯到初唐时期。This temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.该城市有全国规模最大、最富盛名的园林。The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.这座殿堂的建筑艺术,集中代表了我国宋朝的建筑风格。The architecture of this hall best represents the architecture of Song Dynasty.

二、 高频短句1 上海是世界上最大的港口城市之一。这座昔日远东第一大都市已发展成为中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科技、信息和文化中心。


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Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports. Formerly the largest metropolis of the Far East, Shanghai has become China’s important center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture.

2 作为一座文化名城,上海以她独特的风韵吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。As a noted historic and cultural city, Shanghai attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.

3 上海同时也是美食家的乐园,全市数以千计的餐馆汇集了国内外各大名菜,尤其是上海的本邦菜,特别受到海外人士的青睐。Shanghai is also a cherished paradise for gourmets, boasting thousands of restaurants serving a complete list of well-known Chinese and international cuisines, among which the Shanghai food enjoys particular popularity among overseas visitors.

4 登上东方明珠塔观光层,或俯视浦江对岸的外滩万国建筑博览群,或举目鸟瞰全市,无限风光,尽收眼底,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。Standing on the observation floor of the Oriental Pearl of TV Tower and looking around, you will see across the Huangpu River the famous Bund lined up with a dazzling exhibition of architectural creations of international styles and the charming skyline of the whole city in the distance-endless soothing vistas that one will find it difficult to turn away from.

5 中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两类。前者多见于北方,后者则多见于南方,尤以苏州、无锡和南京三地为甚。Chinese gardens can be divided into two categories, the imperial and the private. The former are seen most frequently in northern China, while more of the latter can be found in the south, especially in Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.

6 南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山亭,小巧玲珑,布局精明,尽显其自然美,令人赏心悦目。Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye, the streams , bridges, rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own.

三、 真题练习●欢迎各位游览东海世界公园。东海世界公园是一座集世界各地名胜之大成的主题公园,其规模为远东同类公园之冠。你置身于包括世界七大奇观在内的 100多处历史名胜与自然景观之中,一日便可游遍天下美景。Welcome to the Donghai World Park. The Donghai World Park, which is the largest theme park of its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features a complete collection of the well-known world scenic spots. Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the Seven Wonders of the World, you will easily fulfill your dream of touring around the world in a day.园内各类微型景观的选料大多为汉白玉、大理石、花岗石等优质石料,这些景观的制作工艺


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精湛无比,独具匠心,其复制程度之精确,形象之逼真,足可以假乱真,令游人叹为观止。The miniature replicas of the selected scenic sights were constructed out of top grade stones of white jade, marble and granite, all boasting exquisite workmanship and ingenious design. The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of the dazzling arrays of the exact scenic reproductions that are unbelievable true to the original.

● 中国有着令人自豪的历史和美好的未来。我很高兴从过去曾是中国的古都,如今仍是中国中心区域的西安开始我的行程。我在我们国家的中心区域长大。我知道一个民族的性格是由居住在那里的勤劳的人民所决定的。China is blessed with both a proud his history and the promise of tomorrow. I am delighted to begin my journey in Xian, once the capital of China, still the heartland of the Chinese people. I was raised in the heartland of my own country. I know that the character of a nation is determined by the hard-working people who live here.我期待着明天参观兵马俑和古城墙。我期待着更多的了解中国对人类知识积累所做出的巨大贡献,这些知识涉及医药、印刷、数学和天文学等领域。正是基于这些发现,整个世界才有了诸多的进步。Tomorrow, I look for forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls. I look forward to learning more about China’s great contributions to the store of human knowledge, from medicine and printing to mathematics and astronomy-discoveries on which so much of the whole world’s progress is based.

● 为纪念敦煌藏经洞发现 100年,今年 7月至 8月在中国历史博物馆隆重举行了“敦煌艺术大展“。据报道,此次展览是历次敦煌艺术展览规模最大、展出文物最多的一次。许多展品都是第一次与观众见面。In order to mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Library Cave at Dunhuang, a grand Dunhuang art show opened from July through August this year at the National Museum of Chinese History. It was reported that, different from previous Dunhuang art shows, this one was the largest in size and boasts of the greatest number of exhibits. Many exhibits were being shown to the public for the first time.

boast 在旅游类文章中通常表示“拥有”这次展览还向世人展示了 80余张珍贵图片,生动地向人们述说了敦煌一百年来经历的劫难和屈辱的历史。举办这样的展览的意义在于向全世界展示我国敦煌艺术的精华,让全世界的人民都来了解中华民族的优秀文化。The exhibition also showed to the public more than 80 (cherished) photos and pictures, vividly telling people the great calamity and humiliation of Dunhuang in the past one hundred years. The significance/importance of such exhibition was to show/lay in showing to the world the cream of Dunhuang art so as to enable the people of the world to understand the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

● London, the capital of the United Kingdom, has a population of about 7 million and an area of 1580 sq km. Although it no longer ranks among the world’s most populous cities, London is still one of the


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world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. For example, it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century.

伦敦是联合王国的首都,人口 700万,面积 1580平方公里。今天的伦敦虽然已不再是世界人口最多的城市之一,但仍然是世界主要的古曲文化和通俗文化中心之一。例如,自 16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院之美誉。London boasts many world-famous tourist attractions. The most impressive sight-seeing places include the Big Ben, the Oxford Street, and of course the Buckingham Palace, where thousands of tourists come to watch the pageantry, the Changing of Guards. London itself is a living museum, with more than 2000 years of history and culture. The jewel in this cultural crown is the British Museum, with more than 4 million exhibits.Big Ben 大本钟Oxford Street 牛津街Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫pageantry皇家典礼the Changing of Guards换岗仪式伦敦拥有许多世界著名的旅游胜地,令人印象最深刻的观光景点有大自鸣钟、牛津街,当然还有白金汉宫,成千上万的旅游者到那里观看(皇家)卫队换岗典礼。伦敦自身就是一座活生生的博物馆,有着 2000年的历史文化。大英博物馆则是镶刻在这顶文化皇冠上的一颗宝石,拥有 400万余件展品。● Australia is an exceptionally beautiful country. This is the world’s smallest continent and yet the largest island. Here the tourist will witness with admiration a variety of astonishing environments, from tropical beaches to white snow-covered fields, from vast deserts to rain forests.澳大利亚是一个异常美丽的国家。这是世界上最小的大陆,但也是世界上最大的岛屿。游客在这里可以观赏到各种地形风貌,从热带海滩到白雪覆盖的田野,从大沙漠到热带雨林,景观各异,令人叹为观止。The tourists will also admire a wide array of unique and intriguing animals and plants, and a sunny and comfortable climate, and meet an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people. From the tourists’ viewpoint, Australia is one of the world’s most attractive lands.游客还可以欣赏澳大利亚境内的各种珍禽奇兽,奇花异草,享受这里充足的阳光和宜人的气候。结识富有情趣、和蔼友善、胸襟宽广的澳洲人。在旅游者看来,澳大利亚是世界上最吸引人的国家之一● 泰山海拔 1545米,是我国四大名山之一。其巅峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。沿石梯 而上,登山远眺,只见山外有山,景外有景。Rising to 1545 meters above sea level, Mount Tai is one of China’s four renowned great mountains. Yuhuangding, Mount Tai’s highest peak, stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks. Following a stone staircase all the way up and looking in the distance, one will enjoy the views of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.泰山壮观的自然风光和历史名胜,激发了历代文人雅士为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作,他们留下的石刻碑文,另游客目不暇接,叹为观止。


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Mount Tai’s natural scenery and historical sites have inspired writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties to produce numerous great works of all time. The tourist will marvel at a dazzling exhibition of their inscriptions carved in stones.

口译技巧:1、熟练掌握单词2、熟练掌握高频模版句四、景点介绍常见句型1、主语+插入语+谓语动词+宾语泰山位于中国山东省境内,方圆约 360平方公里,是中国五岳之首。Mount Tai, located in Shandong Province and covering an area of 360 square kilometers, is the first of China’s Five Mountains.

2、……的+名词离江苏省著名旅游城市仅 40公里之遥的周庄,被誉为中国的威尼斯是全国著名的旅游景点。Zhouzhuang, only 40 kilometers away from Suzhou, a famous tourist city in Jiangsu Province, is crowned as “the Oriental Venice”.

太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。这里气候宜人,特产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区,泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。Like a bright pearl set on the Taihu Lake and situated in the center of the beautiful and fertile Changjiang Delta in southern Jiangsu Province, Wuxi is one of China’s major tourist cities, with its pleasant climate, rich natural resources and picturesque scenery. Cutting through the city is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient project equal in fame to the Great Wall. A trip along the river will enable the visitor to get to know the customs and life styles of the local people.

距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华,碧波万顷,渔帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋头渚巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩渺的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为“太湖佳绝处”。Seven kilometers from downtown Wuxi is a popular scenic area known as Meiliang. There, the Taihu Lake is at its best: the vast expanse of blue waters is dotted by fishing boasts against an enchanting background of mist-shrouded hills. Of the scenic spots in the area, the huge rock name Yuantouzhu resembles a turtle’s head. The rock commands a distant view of the boundless Taihu Lake. It is lauded by GuoMoruo, a renowned Chinese poet, as the “best spot of the Taihu Lake.”


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第三章 经济

一、高频词汇、短语中国加入世贸组织       after China’s entry into/accession to the WTO国内生产总值         GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国民生产总值         GNP(Gross National Product)经济全球化          economic globalization经济体制改革         economic restructuring通货膨胀           inflation通货紧缩           deflation货币政策           monetary policy市场准入           market access预算             budget银行业            banking核心竞争力          core competitiveness贬值             depreciation增值             appreciation流通             circulation/distribution多元化            diversification萧条             depression经济回报           economic returns技术、劳动、资本知识     technology-intensive/labor-intensive/capital-intensive密集型产业          knowledge-intensive industries向市场经济转轨        switch to a market economy恶性循环           vicious cycle/circle良性循环           beneficent/virtuous cycle经济技术开发区        an economic and technological development zone经济特区           a special economic zone刺激内需           stimulate domestic demand兼并破产           merger and bankruptcy股份制            the joint stock system经济可持续发展        sustained economic growth泡沫经济           bubble economy总裁             president优惠券            coupon物价指数           price index外汇储备           foreign exchange reserve黄金储备           gold reserve融资             financing发行股票、债券        issue shares and bonds


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本金与利息          principal and interest商业银行           commercial bank财政收入           fiscal revenue金融危机           financial crisis个人所得税          individual income tax关税             tariff证券交易所          securities exchange股市             stock market期货市场           futures market反倾销            anti-dumping补贴             subsidies欧元、欧元区         Euro/Euroland流动资金           circulating funds有价证券           portfolio股票指数           stock index上市公司           listed company牛市、熊市          a bull/bear market股民,股东          shareholder/stockholder纳斯达克指数         the NASDAQ index(National Association of Securities

Deal Automated Quotations)国库券            state treasury bonds市场疲软           a slack/sluggish/sagging/inactive market招商             invite/attract investment贸易顺差、逆差        trade surplus/deficit贸易伙伴           trade partner关税壁垒           tariff wall/customs barrier基础设施           infrastructure投资热点           a hot destination for investment年营业额           annual business volume(turnover)双赢             a win-win situation改善出口商品结构       improve the export product mix双边、多边贸易谈判      bilateral/multi-lateral trade negotiation贸易自由化          trade liberalization保税区            bonded area/free trade zone最惠国待遇          MFN(most favored nation)treatment销售网点           sales outlets独家经销代理         exclusive selling agency专卖店            exclusive agency/franchised store分期付款           installment payment回扣             kickback(sales commission)直销             direct sale贴现率            discount rate经济弊病           economic ills传统产业           conventional industries


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相对优势           comparative advantage商业条款           commerce clause注册会计师          certificated public accountant(CPA)定金、存储          deposit管理知识           managerial expertise有效需求           effective demand公平竞争           fair competition跨国公司           transnational/international corporation外资企业           foreign-funded enterprise团队精神           team spirit企业转型           transformation注册资本           registered capital新兴市场           emerging market创业精神           enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit企业家            entrepreneur精英             elite电子交易           electronic business风险管理           risk management透明管理           transparency management固定资产           fixed assets灰色收入           gray income政府开支           government spending博彩业            lottery industry制造业            manufacturing industry动力             incentive恶性通货膨胀         hyperinflation有限公司           limited liability corporation出租业务           leasing需求不足           inefficient demand工业化            industrialization凯恩斯            Keynes凯恩斯主义          Keynesian theory机制             mechanism微观经济学          microeconomics垄断             monopoly过热             overheating寡头政治           oligarchy机会成本           opportunity cost购买力            purchasing power政权、机制          regime生产力            productivity私有化            privatization投资组合           portfolio退休金、养老金        pension


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人均国民生产总值       per capita GNP专利             patent衰退、滑坡          slump上涨             surge/soar/climb/rise缺乏             scarcity宏观调控体系         macro-control system资源配置           the distribution/allocation of resources全天候服务          24-hour service交易             transaction东南亚国家联盟        ASEAN(Association of South-East Asian Nations)欧盟             EU(European Union)贸易制裁           trade sanction贸易集团           trade bloc繁荣             prosperous/prosperity首付             down-payment房契、产权          title房地产开发商         real estate developer拉动经济增长         fuel economic growth民营企业           non-public enterprise贫富悬殊           income disparity贫困地区           impoverished areas市政工程           municipal works/public works货币坚挺           strong/firm劳务输出           export of labor services减员增效           downsize staffs and improve efficiency发展势头           momentum of growth招商银行           Merchants Bank建设银行           Construction Bank交通银行           Bank of Communication中国银行           Bank of China农业银行           Agricultural Bank工商银行           Industrial & Commercial Bank衣食住行           food, clothing, housing and transport中国电信           China Telecom中国移动           China Mobile中国联通           China Unicom中国出口商品交易会      China Export Commodities Fair(Guangzhou Fair)优化             optimize免税期            tax holiday消费税            consumption tax下岗人员           laid-off workers试点工程、项目        pilot project波动             fluctuation补偿贸易           compensation trade


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净利润            net profit批发价            wholesale price尝试性定购          trial/try-out order互补互惠的合作关系      complementary and mutual beneficial partnership不良贷款 bad loan 投资银行 investment bank          高盛银行 Goldman Sachs花旗银行 City Bank 汇丰银行 HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)美洲银行 Bank of America德意志银行 Deutsch Bank破产保护 bankruptcy protection经济突然膨胀 bloom品牌 brand's name翻一番 double增加两倍 triple翻两番 quadruple

二、高频短句1 世界贸易组织成立于 1995年 1月 1日,其前身是关税与贸易总协定。

The World Organization (WTO), whose predecessor was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was established on January 1, 1995.

2 加入世界贸易组织意味着在进口政策方面要承担一些约束性的任务。这就要求中国要调整其贸易政策,并且进行经济体制改革。Joining the WTO means assuming binding obligations in respect of import policies-obligations which will necessitate an adjustment in China’s trade policies and economic restructuring.

3 中国加入世界贸易组织的意义不仅在于贸易方面,而且关系到中国将来在世界经济中所起的作用以及全球经济未来的发展方向。China’s entry into the WTO is about more than trade, it is about China’s future role in the world economy and about the future direction of the global economic development.

4 外国直接在华投资可以在最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势。中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善,我们还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策。Direct foreign investment in China maximizes the strengths of both parties concerned. China has massive land, abundant natural resources, huge cheap labor, low taxation, a growing consumer market, improving infrastructure and of course, a stable social and political environment with attractive investment policies.


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5 现在西方人都在谈论去东方投资。显然越来越多的外国公司纷纷涌入中国,而上海的浦东地区是人们投资的首选目的地之一。现在的问题不在于是否去东方投资,而在于何时去投资为好,如何去投资为好。In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, and the Pudong area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destinations. Today it is not a matter of whether to go east, but when and how.

6 海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番。出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多种缘由。Overseas investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years. There are many reasons for this rising investment fever.

7 目前在浦东的前 200家强强联姻的企业中,具有自我设计和开发能力的虽然不多,但中方大约有 200名副总经理、1000名部门经理、3000名高中级工程技术人员 、30000名熟练工人正在一边干,一边学。

Currently, among Pudong’s 200 biggest joint ventures, not many have independent designing and developing capabilities. However, on the Chinese side, about 200 deputy managing directors,1000 division managers,3000 senior and intermediate-level engineers and technologists and 30000 skilled workers have been learning on the job.

8. 美国通用汽车公司、德国巴斯夫公司、日立电器公司等一批跨国公司的高级职员在谈到他们总部的投资意图时无不坦陈,外方看中的是浦东在其全球战略中的地域优势、良好的投资环境和企业素质。When senior representatives of General Motors of the United States, BSF of Germany and Hitachi Electric of Japan talked about their investment in Pudong, they all pointed to Pudong’s geographical advantage, good investment environment and the high quality of local enterprises as Pudong’s attractions for their respective firms in their global strategy.

9. 这些企业和人才,正以其产业关联性和协作关系,最终带动长江流域乃至全国数千家企业,面向国内、国际两个市场,进行一体化生产和销售,使浦东成为溶现代中国产业世界经济主流的龙头和纽带。These enterprises and talents, through production-related association and cooperation, are expected to boost thousands of enterprises in the Yangtze River Valley, as well as in other parts of the country, engaging in integrated production and sales for both domestic and international markets. By doing so,Pudong will functions as a leader and bridge to integrate China’s modern industry with the mainstream of the world’s economy.

10.中国经济发展出现了高增长、低通胀的新局面。国民经济继续快速增长,市场物价基本稳定。China’s economic development has entered a new stage which is characteristically one of high growth and low inflation. The national economy continues to grow rapidly and market prices


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remain basically stable.

11.据统计,去年我国国内生产总值完成 74772 亿元(9008.7 亿美元),比上年增长 8.8%,其中,第一产业增长 3.5%,第二产业增长 10.8%,第三产业增长 8.2%。Statistics for the last year show that China’s gross domestic product reached 7,477.2 billion yuan (US$900.87 billion),an increase of 8.8 percent over the previous year, among which primary industry grew by 3.5 percent, secondary industry 10.8 percent,, and tertiary industry 8.2 percent.

12.亚太经合组织的唯一使命,就是开展经济合作,不宜把讨论的范畴扩展到社会、政治、安全等非经济领域。要坚持有所为有所不为的原则,专心致志推进经济合作。The sole mission of APEC is to promote economic cooperation. It should refrain from extending the scope of its discussions to social, political security and other non-economic fields. It is necessary to concentrate our efforts on advancing economic cooperation in a spirit of doing certain things and refraining from doing other things.

13.有人认为,深圳和香港能形成一个经济圈,说不定可以发展成为一个亚太经济中心。然而,更多的人认为,深圳应该当好内地与香港之间的桥梁。深圳正在借助香港的优势发展自己。经过 15年的发展,深圳已逐步发展成为一个国际商埠。Some people hold the view that Shenzhen and Hong Kong may form an economic zone and become a new economic center in the Asia-Pacific region. However, more people are of the opinion that Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and the mainland. Shenzhen is making good use of the advantages of Hong Kong’s economy to develop itself. Over the last 15 years, Shenzhen has gradually developed into an international commercial port.

三、口译练习●In a recent television interview the Malaysian prime Minister expressed his deep concern about economic situation in his country. Malaysia has undergone financial difficulties from the combined impact of the world financial crisis, decline in world oil prices and its own prolonged recession. The direct reason for those difficulties was that investors lacked confidence in the Malaysian economy.

在最近一次电视采访中,马来西亚总理对其国家的经济形势深表忧虑。马来西亚受世界金融危机、世界石油价格下跌以及本国长时间经济萧条的共同影响,经历了一段金融困难时期。这次困境的直接原因是投资者对马来西亚经济缺乏信心。∥ ●Due to reform of the currency system, high inflation and major financial frauds, most people had little confidence in domestic commercial banks and even doubted the financial policies for the Central Bank and the government. The government and the rubber industrial companies are in severe dispute over settlement of the latter’s tax bill. As a result, many foreign companies intended to stay away from further involvement in


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the country’s development of economy.  由于货币制度改革,通货膨胀及重大金融失误,绝大多数老百姓对国内商业银行很少有信心,甚至怀疑央行和政府的金融政策。政府的橡胶工业公司就解决后者的税收问题激烈争论。因此,众多外国公司不愿再进一步介入国家的经济发展。●国家统计局日前对 100对经济学专家进行了调查。多数专家认为上半年经济走势趋好,经济状况较理想。对于下半年的宏观经济走势,超过 80%的专家预期会比上半年更好一些。The National Bureau of Statistics has conducted a survey among one hundred Chinese economists. Most of them think that the economic trends during the first half of the year were favorable and the economic situation is quite ideal. With regards to the macroeconomic trends for the second half, over 80% of those polled predicted that the second half would be better than the first half.

所有专家都预期今年的经济增长速度将高于去年,平均预期值为 8%左右。但与此同时,不少专家认为,如果没有进一步的资金投入,下半年的经济增长速度可能低于上半年。

With regards to China’s economic growth this year, all experts predict a higher figure than that of last year, the average forecast being about 8%. However, at the same time, many experts argue that without a new round of infusion of funds, the economic growth rate of the second half could be lower than that of the first half.

●经济学家们认为,由于价格总水平的长期下降,使企业无法认清市场需求,无法确定投资方向,结果使企业的发展,经济的增长受到很大的影响。Economists say that if the prices have been dropping for long periods of time, the enterprises will be at

a lass as to where the market demand is and don’t know where to invest. Consequently, the companies’

development and the economic growth are greatly affected.

目前,中国市场的价格运行出现了一些积极的变化,但由于社会商品供过于求的矛盾依然突出,价格回升的基础关不稳固。经济界人士仍担心年底前能否走出通货紧缩的阴影。Although there have been positive changes in the fluctuation of prices, the foundation of a rebound in prices isn’t firm due to the fact that the supply is still greater than the demand. Whether China is able to escape the shadow of deflation by the end of the year is still of much concern to those in the economic circle.

●我们想通过改革在我国确立有中国特色的社会主义市场经济的体制。我们为此做了长期的准备工作。中央政府,各级地方政府以及大型国有企业之间都取得了一致的看法。What we want to achieve through reform is to establish a socialist market economy w


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ith Chinese characteristics in our country. We had a long process of preparation for t

his reform. A consensus was built among the central government, local governments 

of various levels, and large state-owned enterprises.

我们高兴地看到,全国以及各行各业的总的情况是稳定的。经济增长远远超过了预期的目标。外国在华直接投资也达到有史以来的最高水平。对我国经济发展的前景我持非常乐观的态度。 We are glad that the general situation in the country and in all industries has been st

able. The economic growth far exceeds our expectations. And we’ve seen an unprec

edented level of direct foreign investment in China. I’m very optimistic about the futu

re of our economic development.

●自 70年代后期,中国向世界开放以来,到 1998年 7月底,中国已批准了三十一万四千余个外资,其中一半以上已开始运作。据《中国信息报》报道,这些项目的外资签约总量为五千四百多亿美元。By the end of July 1998, China had approved more than three hundred and fourteen thousand foreign-invested projects since its opening to the rest of the world in the late 1970s and more than half has begun operating. The China Information reported that these projects have a combined contractual foreign investment of over US $ 540 billion.

在过去的五年中,外商投资急剧上升,在我国经济发展中起了重大的作用。1993年以来,中国一直是继美国之后的第二大外资受益国。The last five years has witnessed the drastic growth of foreign investment, which has been playing a vital role in the development of our economy. Since 1993, China has remained the second largest recipient of foreign funds, after the United States.

四、口译词汇扩展 经营范围 line/scope of business独家经销代理 exclusive selling agency讨价还价 bargain回佣 return commission季节性折扣 seasonal discount离岸价 F.O.B (即 Free On Board)离岸加运费价 C&F (即 Cost and Freight);CFR装运港船边交货价 F.A.S (即 Free Alongside Ship)目的港船边交货 F.O.S (即 Free Over Side)到岸加佣金价 C.I.F.C (即 Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission)实/虚盘 firm/non-firm offer现/期货价 spot/forward price


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开/收盘价 opening/closing price批发价 wholesale price零售价 retail price净利润 net profit现货 spot goods库存有限 limited stock尝试性订购 trial/try-out order现金结算 cash settlement信用证结算 payment by letter of credit(L/C)定金 down payment分期付款 payment by installments违约 breach of the contract/agreement贸易索赔 business claim要求赔偿损失 claim for a compensation of the loss/damage易货贸易 barter trade补偿贸易 compensation trade市场准入 market access双赢战略 win-win strategy股东 shareholder; Stockholder电子商务 e-commerce; E-business外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve我们愿意同贵公司建立业务关系。We wish to enter into business relations with your company.本报价随行就市 This offer is subject to market fluctuation.您能否给我一些最新的含详细价格单的商品目录?我想回去仔细研究一下。 Can I have your latest catalogs with detailed prices to take home for a closer examination?感谢您对我方的询盘迅速做出的答复。 Thank you for your quick response to our inquiry.请给我一个有效期为 90天的 C.I.F报价,目的港为洛杉矶,报价含 5%的佣金。 I’d like to hear your quotation on a C.I.F Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of a 5% agent’s commission in your quotation.我方的报盘自今日起一周内有效,以后可按每日市价变动/随行就市。 Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to the market price of the day.我方的报价是优惠的,我们的调价是有限的,目前我们无法接受您的还盘。 Our quotation is favorable in your interest, and there is a limit to our price adjustment. Currently we just cannot accept your counter-offer.我们来讨论一下付款方式吧。I would like to discuss the terms of payment with you.如果贵方到期未能按时付款,我方将终止合同,并提出索赔。 Should you fail to honor your payment in due time, we would terminate the contract and lodge a claim against you.如果货运耽搁,你会得到全额退款。


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You would get a full refund if there should be a delay in the shipment.在我们结束谈判之前我想在合同里加一个条款,我对口头约定不放心。 Before we wrap up everything, I’d like to add a clause to the contract. I’m not comfortable with the verbal agreement.

根据我们这些天来的会谈,我希望今天能与你们草签一份协定,然后定下正式签约的日期 Today I would like to sign a protocol with you based on our meetings during the last few days, and set a date for an official signing ceremony.我认为这是一个双赢的协议。 I consider this a win-win agreement.

五、真实场景口译模拟练习A:下午好,我能为您做些什么吗?B:Well, I’m interested in your new line of business. May I look at your CIF price sheet of auto parts?A:当然可以。我们最近扩大了业务范围以便更好地为我们的远东亚洲客户服务,尤其是为中国客户服务。中国是一个无人敢忽视的巨大市场。我公司愿意同一切有兴趣的中国客户建立业务关系。B:That’s very nice to hear. We would like to import auto parts from your company on a regular basis, provided your prices compare favorably with those of others. To be frank with you, your listed prices are indeed among the least competitive. I’d like to hear your most recent quotations.A:我方最近作了调价。当然我不是说我们所报是终结价。按我们的惯例,为了推动我们将来业务关系的发展,我们愿意给新客户以最公道的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失,我们也在所不惜。B:But my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is very unattractive. Besides, I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff. In any case, I ’d rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount.A:我们保证货物的质量。我们有免费样品供您检查。至于折扣问题,我们可以将价目单上的开价再减去 5%。这是我方的底盘,对不起,我们不准备接受还盘。B:I appreciate your frankness. Though there is still a gap between your rock-bottom prices and my expectations, I’m willing to sign contracts with you. I’d like what you said; I’m doing this for the development of our future business relations.A:太好了。让我们把合同文本的技术处理交给我们的助手去办吧。我想请您去喝一杯,庆祝我们第一笔生意的顺利成交。B:Thank you very much. I believe this initial cooperation will lead to many more in the future.


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第四章 文化一、 高频词汇、短语  

民间艺术         folk arts高雅艺术         refined art戏剧艺术         theatrical art电影艺术         cinematographic art爱国主义精神       patriotism文化产业         culture industry文化事业         cultural undertaking文化交流         cross-cultural communication文化冲突         culture shock乡村文化         rural culture民族文化         national culture表演艺术         performing art文化底蕴         cultural deposit华夏祖先         the Chinese ancestors同宗同源         of the same origin中国文学         Chinese literature中国武术         Chinese martial art/Kung Fu中国书法         Chinese calligraphy哲学家          philosopher四大发明         the four great inventions of ancient China火药           gunpowder造纸术          paper-making印刷术          printing指南针          the compass四书           the Four Books大学           the Great Learning中庸           the Doctrine of the Mean论语           the Analects of Confucius孟子           the Mencius孔子           Confucius孟子           Mencius老子           Lao Tzu庄子           Chuang Tzu墨子           Mo Tzu


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孙子           Sun Tzu中国画          traditional Chinese painting水墨画          Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting武术门派         styles or schools of martial art习武健身         practice martial art for fitness古代格斗术        ancient form of combat武林高手         top martial artist气功           Qigong; deep breathing exercises空手道          karate拳击           boxing击剑           fencing跆拳道          tae kwon do柔道           judo中国武术协会       Chinese Martial Art Association武侠小说         tales of roving knights/kung fu novels汉学家          sinologist偏旁部首         radical笔画           stroke中国热          Sinomania汉语的四声调       the four tones of Chinese characters平声           level tone上声           rising tone仄声           falling-rising tone去声           falling tone孙子兵法         the Art of War西游记          Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West三国演义         Romance of Three Kingdoms红楼梦          Dreams of the Red Mansions水浒传          Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin资治通鉴         History as a Mirror春秋           the Spring and Autumn Annals史记           Historical Records诗经           the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes书经           the Book of History易经           I Ching; the Book of Changes礼记           the Book of Rites三字经          three-character scripture/three-word chant八股文          eight-part essay/stereotyped writing五言绝句         five-character quatrain七言律诗         seven-character octave四合院          quadrangle京剧           Peking Opera独角戏          monodrama杂技           acrobatics


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相声           witty dialogue comedy, standup comedy马戏           circus show哑剧           pantomime; mime踩高跷          stilt walk说书           story-telling木偶戏          puppet show口技           ventriloquism京剧票友         amateur performer of Peking Opera篆刻           seal cutting图章           seal工艺           workmanship/craftsmanship手工艺品         handicraft泥人           clay figure唐三彩          trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty陶器           pottery苏绣           Suzhou embroidery文房四宝         the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study-a writing brush,             an ink stick, an ink stone and paper寓言           fable神话           mythology传说           legend十二生肖         zodiac公历           gregorian calendar阴历           lunar calendar对联           antithetical couplet天干           heavenly stem地支           earthly branch闰年           leap year二十四节气        the twenty-four solar terms本命年          one’s year of birth in the circle of twelve years传统节日         traditional holidays春节           Spring Festival元宵节          Lantern Festival清明节          Pure Brightness Festival端午节          dragon boat festival中秋节          Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节          Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day才子佳人         gifted scholars and beautiful ladies中华文明         Chinese civilization朝代           dynasty中外学者         Chinese and overseas scholars考古学家         archaeologist人类学家         anthropologist进化论          Darwinism


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无神论          atheism宿命论          determinism启蒙运动         enlightenment辩证的          dialectic先知           illuminati佛教           Buddhism儒教           Confucianism道教           Taoism形而上学         metaphysics基督教          Christianity新教           Protestant天主教          Catholicism洗礼           baptism伊斯兰教         Islam教堂           Church寺庙           temple修道院          abbey礼拜堂          chapel斋月           Ramadan; month of fast喇嘛           Lama邪教           cult宗教仪式         religious ritual异教徒          infidel宗教矛盾         religious contradictions孔庙           temple of Confucius天主教堂 cathedral《中高级口译考试词汇必备》篆书 seal script / seal character隶书…… official script行书 running script草书…… cursive script楷书…… regular script拜年 pay a new year visit爆竹、鞭炮 firecracker除夕 Eve of Chinese new year春联 spring couplets辞旧迎新 bring out the old year and ring in the new 饺子 boiled dumpling锅贴 pot sticker庙会 temple fair鸣钟辞旧岁 ring out the old year年画 traditional new year pictures年夜饭 the eve feast / family reunion dinner on lunar new year's eve年终大扫除 year end household cleaning


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守岁 stay up late on the new year's eve压岁钱 new year gift money / money given to children as a new year gift舞龙 dragon dance元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯 festival lantern灯谜 lantern riddle狮子舞 lion dance清明节 Pure Brightness Festival扫墓 perform sacrifices to one's ancestors or relatives祭祖 offer sacrifices to the ancestors踏青 go for an outing in spring赛龙舟 dragon-boat race粽子 pyramid shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves亡灵 departed soul忠臣 loyal minister屈原 the poet月饼 mooncake赏月 appreciate the glorious full moon桂花 sweet osmanthus赏菊 admire the beauty of chrysanthemum登高 climb mountain中药 TCM(traditional chinese medicine)秦始皇 the first emperor / emperor Qin皇太后 empress dowager汉高祖刘邦 founder of the Han dynasty (206 B.C---220 A.D)文明摇篮 cradle of civilization明清两代 Ming and Qing dynasties中华文明 Chinese civilization历史学家 historian地理学家 geographer江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of Yangtse River水乡景色 riverside scenery

culinary artcolor, aroma and tastelayoutcold dishraw materialsblending of seasoningart of proper seasoningtexture of foodslicing techniquessuckling pigspastry


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yellow rice winestrong white liquortoasttake a sipsteamed bread/buncalorystaple food

二、 高频短句1 中华文明博大精深、源远流长。

The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, and has a long history.

2 现代化的交通、电信与大众传媒手段使世界变得越来越小,国际社会如同一个地球村,居住在地球村里的各国人民在文化交流和冲撞中和睦相处、彼此尊重、共求发展。Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes, while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.

3 当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。不同的文化应该相互学习,取长补短。In this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation and different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses.

4 在广泛的文化交流中,一个民族的文化必须保持本民族的鲜明特色。我认为,文化交流不是让外来文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富各民族的文化。The culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures. Cultural exchange, I think, is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.

5 中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下了浩如烟海的文化典籍。China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategist, scientists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.

6 春秋战国时期出现的“百家争鸣”局面和老子孔子等诸子百家的学说,在世界思想史上占有重要的地位。The scene of “contention of a hundred schools of thought” brought forth in the Spring and Autumn Period 2500 years ago and the Warring States Period over 2200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought and their exponents such as Lao Tzu and Confucius about 2400 years ago all occupy a very important position in the world history of philosophy.


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7 不同文化背景的人在一起时会做出一些令对方感到不舒服的事,他们并非故意要这样做,有时甚至连自己都未察觉。People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable, without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.

8 大多数美国人通常天真、率直,友好坦率,喜欢结识人,欢迎客人来访,愿意召集正式的或非正式的聚会。Most Americans are usually spontaneous, friendly and open, and enjoy meeting new people, having guests and dringing people together formally or informally.

9 美国人往往不拘礼节,讲话毫无拘束。所以,要是你的美国主人做出了使你感到不舒服的事,你应该设法让他们知道你的感受。他们会喜欢你的诚实态度,尽量不再做令你不快的事。They tend to be informal and speak freely. So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable, try to let them know how you feel. They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.

10 中餐桌上最神奇、最有特色的用餐工具莫过于筷子。几千年来我们中国人一直视筷子为一种最简单同时也是最有效的用餐工具。No eating tools on the Chinese dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks. For thousands of years we Chinese have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for meals.

  三、 口译练习部分

课件要求:该部分是中译英的练习,老师读中文的时候先不要同步出现版书,声音空白处再出现中文。教师公布英文答案的时候,声音和版书同步。拥有 5000多年的文明史,这是我们中国人的骄傲。中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在 2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说。以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说流派,这就是有名的“诸子百家”。The 5000-year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese. The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term” the masters’ hundred schools.”

中华民族传统文化中有它的许多珍贵品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。比如,强调仁爱强调群体,强调和而不同,强调天下为公。特别是“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的爱国情操,“民为邦本”“民贵君轻”的民本思想,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的待人之道。The traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic. For example, they lay stress on the importance of kindness and love in human relations, on the interest of the community, on seeking harmony without uniformity and on the idea that the world is for all. Especially, patriotism as embodied in the saying ”Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country”; the populist ideas that “people are the foundation of the country” and that “people are the more important than the monarch”; the code of conduct of “Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you”.


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孔子:Confucius儒家学说:Confucianism 社会主义:socialism社会主义者:socialist资本主义:capitalism资本主义者:capitalist道家学说:Taoism流派、学派:school诸子百家:the masters’ hundred schools.

Populist:人民性的Democratic:民主性的 (注意其发音)the interest of the community:天下为公Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country”:天下兴亡,匹夫有责 民为邦本 people centered / human oriented 己所不欲,勿施于人 do not force others to do what you don't like toHe was buried in trees.他被埋在树下。他被埋在树林里/ 灌木丛中他最终长眠于青山翠柏之中。Last night Wang Xiaoer's mother called him in and said to him very seriously, "you are not young any more, and it is about the right time that you find a right girl and have a family. Just a couple of days ago, the matchmaker Mrs. Wang in the neighbor village introduce you a very beautiful girl whose name was Ruhua, and she was tender considerate and hardworking, but the only problem she's got is she eats a lot."昨夜,王母唤小二进了屋,语重心长对他道:“你也老大不小了,该考虑结婚成家的大事了。前些日子,临村的王媒婆给你介绍了一位叫做如花的姑娘,她貌美如花,温柔贤惠,吃苦耐劳,但唯一美中不足的是食量太大了。”媒人matchmaker

弄堂在上海话里表示连接房子的巷子或巷子连接的房子。在弄堂里除了叫卖零食点心之外还有叫卖青菜、活鸡活鸭的,补皮鞋之类。他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。它反映了上海人的文化、生活方式与心态。//Nongtang is the local term used by Shanghai people for linong, which means a lane that connects houses or a group of houses connected by lanes. In Nongtangs, besides hawkings of snack there were hawkings of vegetables, even live chicken and duck; Once or twice in a week, there would be hawking of redering services, such as repairing shoes. Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see. It reflects the culture, life-style and philosophy of Shanghai people.


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由于弄堂房子家家户户紧挨着,共同分享屋前屋后的弄堂,平时出入照面时常会打个招呼或寒暄几句。它的优点是这里的生活富于邻里感,邻居相互帮助,“远亲不如近邻”在这里最能体现。在上海正在进行着的大规模的城市改造中,有些质量较佳的弄堂将予保留。//The houses in Longtangs, generally two storied, are proximately attached to each other in rows, sharing the same front and back lanes. People living along the same lane had the habit of nodding or greeting each other when passing by, some even had the mood to chat a little while. The advantages of the Nongtang life lie in the good neighborhood relationship,” good neighbors are more helpful than far away relatives” proved to be true in Shanghai. As the city is now undergoing a large-scale reconstruction, those Nongtangs of comparative good quality will be conserved.







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文学硕士,获英国皇家口语协会口语认证和美国跨文化协会培训师认证。曾为包括美国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、以色列、芬兰等多国使领馆作同声翻译。参与编著《高级口译考试笔试备考精要》一书。二、通过高级口译考试的基本素质:1、 汉语功底扎实2、 英文基本功强3、 思维清晰、口齿伶俐4、 非常好的心理素质三、听力与口语的关系听力、记忆、构思、表达在英译汉阶段,听力更是重中之重。四、课程介绍本课程以题型为线索开展,必须的参考资料有《上海市高级口译考试实考试卷汇编》图书及磁带《高级口译笔试备考精要》

第一章 Spot-dictation 填词听写

一、题型剖析这部分为主观试题。要求考生准确填写出试题中的空缺部分。听写文字内容长度为 350词左右,语速为每分钟 150词左右。 录音朗读时间 2-3 分钟。试题中有 20处标号的空缺部分要求考生填写,填写部分的单词、短语长度为 2-6个单词。听写内容播放后有 4-5 分钟时间供考生填写。注意:高级口译听力考试中的所有录音材料只放一遍,ONLY ONCE。



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二、技巧速成 22 字原则:边听边看边写,善用简写,不懂放弃,语法复查,小心誊抄。解析:1、边听边看边写

Spot-dictation 要求考生一边听录音,一边填写出文章中的空白。可是往往考生容易出现两种失误:要么把文章中已经有的内容当作了听写内容现在了空格中;要么看串了空格,把第五空填在第六空,第六空写在第七空...形成了恶性循环(vicious circle)。所以在听和写的同时,必须留心下一个空的位置。只有要耳、眼、手并用,才能顺利解


“求全”是很多考生做这个大题时的心理。但就是这个“求全”的心理造成了考生的失分。由于空格与空格之间的时间间隔短,空格中单词的数目不定,考生如果记下一个空格的所有每个单词,往往会漏听了下面一个甚至几个空格。所以要尽可能的使用简写符号,以保证能成功地捕捉到下一个空格。3、不懂放弃  高级口译听力中遇到个别不熟悉的单词和词组是很正常的。听音过程中没有时间琢磨和推敲,遇到不懂的词句只能果断放弃。4、语法检查  注意:听音的时候一边听一边写到试卷上,最后写在答题纸上。19空和 20空直接写在答题纸上三、真题分析(一)、逐题讲解本篇是英式英语的读法,调式变化比较明显。逐句讲解分析:For centuries Oxford has been at Britain's intellectual heart, perhaps the___________(1) intellectual heart:智囊、智能中心答案:most prestigious

among Europe's many ancient universities. It is an exclusive greenhouse in which the country's

exclusive:排外的、高端的greenhouse:温室花房_____________(2) are bred, and it lies only 50 miles from London

  答案:socially important people socially简写s


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important简写:imppeople简写 pl

, close to the centers of power—Parliament, the Law Courts and the City. City:注意美式和英式的不同发音Oxford University has _____________(3) 答案:attracted students and scholars简写:attr stud scho

from all over the world who have gone on to achieve the highest position in their own countries _____________(4),

答案:in politics

administration, science and the arts. Oxford alumini include _____________(5), administration:管理、行政部门alumini:拉丁词,关注这类词的发音答案:numerous eminent scientists numerous是常见的 number的同根词,简写为 num scientists 简写为 sci注意:通常用小圆圈表示人。literary figures and such overseas politicians as American President Bill Clint on and former

Pakistani _____________(6) Benazir Bhutto. literary figures:文艺人才Bill Clint:克林顿答案:Prime Minister注意:Prime Minister的发音,这里体现了音变中的叠合现象Fewer positions _____________(7) 答案:in academic world学术界are grander than being head of an Oxford college. Usually the post _____________(8)答案:requires the combined talents

of diplomat, administrator and academic. As Sir Roger Bannister, former Master of Pembroke College, put it :“_____________(9)

答案:Leading an Oxford college注意:L要大写高口考试中的填词听写部分评分原则实词错误,如名词、动词、副词、形容词、数词,错一个扣 0.5分小错误两至三个错扣 0.5分通过语法检查减少小错误


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was a new challenge. You have to recognize _____________(10)答案:the needs and aspirationsneeds and aspirations体现平衡原则均是复数of the students and you have to help _____________(11). 答案:realise them

The three-year period students spend at Oxford is the most important of their lives; it _____________(12)

答案:shapes their future careers确定职业特别关注 shapes their future careers的表达法and the friendships they form in their university days will _____________(13).”答案:last for ever

Every year, _____________(14) 答案:among thousands of applicants

from home and abroad only a few hundred are chosen by each college through an increasingly _____________(15).

答案:competitive process

Once they are accepted, the undergraduates benefit from _____________(16). undergraduates本科生英式研究生表达 graduate答案:a range of traditional privileges注意:高口中遇到非常难的单词请立即放弃。与此同时,高口中一些很难的考察单词会在上下文中出现,目的是为了考察考生的辩音能力。The most notable and the rarest of these privileges in the one to one tutorial, at which a

student _____________(17)答案:present his or her work

to the tutor. It is a personal system that goes back to the 13th century. The relationship of _____________(18)

答案:profound respect and trust

that can develop between teacher and pupil pupil除了指小学生,同时还指大学生over three years can be lasting as it is_____________(19). 答案:academically rewarding

Years after students have left the university, they often return to their tutors _____________(20).


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答案:for advice and guidance   注意:19空和 20空直接直接写在答题纸上(二)解题技巧分析1、填写听写部分难点:听、记、写2、分析试卷的步骤第一:按规定的时间、方法,在规定的压力下完成题目。第二:多次听不出的时候,要停下来寻找听力盲点。(注意一定要先听,再看文字答案)首先从词汇寻找听力盲点,音、形、义相互结合记忆。其次就是长句语法解析,最后是

文化背景。第二章 口译听力语音关突破技巧



打破汉语中顽固的“字”的概念。 汉语讲究字正腔圆,一字一音,除了“儿”化音外,相邻的字在发音时界限分明。而


连读现象是高级口译听力考试的语音测试重点,特别在 Spot-dictation中尤为突出,必须引起足够的重视!

所谓连读,即前一个单词结尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音相连读。连读实考例子:2004年 3月考高口真题Today I’m going to talk about what is pop art…pop art:很有特色的连读现象辅音+元音 That is easy

⌣ 辅音 +元音 She is in trouble ⌣辅音 +元音 keep on going ⌣辅音 +元音 set in motion (进入议事日程)⌣辅音 +元音 our own


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辅音 +元音 of all ages

辅音+元音 come on in

辅音+元音 come on

连读练习:an old man, skin-instructor, ski-instructor, ill at east, CNN, etc.


音两次,而是合并成一个音,同时发音延长。高级口译听力历年最典型实例 a couple of hours ’ s unlight (前一个“s”容易漏掉)some money eating and drinking habits Prime Minister more rain

3、同化 “同化现象”指两个音相遇,不读它们的叠合音,而是读一个新的音。同化现象的两大类:a 加入滑动半元音1. +=

last year Nice to meet you

2. +=would you please ...

3. += this year I miss you

4. +=Here is your ticket

b 的连读辨音单词之间或单词内部中的 “t”读快了会演变成/n/的发音。attitude—annitude interview—innerviewinteresting—inneresting representative—represennative want to—wanna going to—gonna


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音。对英语的语音没有切身的体会,听力很难得到质的提高。Without a very solid foundation of pronunciation,your English can not go far.




美音 英音spare


purpose /

高级口译听力历年最典型实例chairman, horse, dirty


美音 英音city



高级口译听力历年最典型实例waiter, winter, actor, yesterday, chapter


字母 a的发音出现在-ss, -st, -th, -ff, -ef, -nce 等前面时,美音把 a读为/美音 英音



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高级口译听力历年最典型实例汇编answer, advance, after, ask, banana, branch, castle, commander, example, fast, France, glance, glass, half, last, etc.

(四)由“hot dog” 看字母 “o”在美音中的发音 字母 “o” 在美音读为而在英音中读为

美音 英音bottle




高级口译听力历年最典型实例odd, lock, pot, sock, watch, fog, nod, solve, rocket, monopoly(垄断), shop, etc.

(五)字母 u和 ew在英音和美音的不同字母 u和 ew在 l, d, n, t 之后, 美音倾向于读, 而英音倾向读

美音 英音Due




高级口译听力历年最典型实例value,opportunity,true,stupid,tune,supermarket,virtue, etc.


美音 英音Clerk





Epoch (新纪元)


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(七)词尾特殊读音 –ile在美音中“ile” 读为在英音中读为高级口译听力历年最典型实例

美音 英音fertile (肥沃)

hostil e (敌意)

missile (导弹)

textil e (纺织品)

小帖士: 除在词汇层面上英式英语和美式英语有发音的不同外,还有语调上的差别。因此,语调的培养也非常重要。来听听 BBS和VOA不同的播音感觉

第三章 高级口译听力笔记简写符号简写符号一般可以分为两种:一代一:即一个符号只代表一个固定的单词(包括单词各种词性的变化)。一代多:即一个符号可以代表一类意思的多个单词。 对于 Spot-dictation, 以使用“一代一”的符号为宜。但是鉴于简写符号的整体性,我们

把两种简写符号列在一起,请读者注意甄别。一、地名简写高级口译听力部分要求考生准确拼写出主要国家的名称和首都。 如果要把每个国家的

名称完整的记录下来.会很费时间。因此,常用国名的记录方法应常记心中,比如K=Korea, SD= Sweden, SW=Switzerland等等。 有时还可以借助“|-”来表示东、西、南、北、中等方位。例如: the Republic of Korea(ROK,南朝鲜 ),表示为“ -

K ”; 相应的 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK,北朝鲜) , 就可以表示为“K-” , Central London,表示为 LD。Western Europe(西欧)表示为“|EU”,Eastern Germany (东德)表示为“G|”。练习:Eastern Europe, South Africa, North China, Western Germany, South Asia,Central Ital



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英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如 IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。


MKT: marketMGR: manager MSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive

(二)保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insurance EXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O

(三)保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people

(四)根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through

(五)高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词 原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCMPE Compete/competitive


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CMU CommunicationCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountEXCH ExchangeEXT ExtentINFO InformationI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessagePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleaseREF ReferenceSEC SectionSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRF TrafficWT WeightXL Extra large

三、字母、图像o 表示“人”people/person,因为“o”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个

词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:Jo。 表示政府,统治:government,govern

希腊字母读,近似 government, 所以就用来表示 govern, government。governmental official 可以表示为

表示政治:politics, political希腊字母读,近似 politics, political。那么 politician就可以表示为

表示效率:efficient, effective。为效率符号。


A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。

B 表示商业:business。C× 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation


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“C×”中的“×”表示反对,字母“C”将反对的概念缩小为 conflict 和 confrontation。

W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是 work的第一个字母。所以W就可以用来表示 worker, 而 “ ” (小圆圈)在字母上方表示 employer, 在字母下方表示 employee。

i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母 i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。

U U 看酷似一个酒杯,在笔记中表示合同、协议(treaty, agreement)一般只有在谈判成功、协议成交后才会表示“举杯祝贺”。如果在 U 内填入 2,就可以表示为 bilateral(双边的) , 填入 3 表示为trilateral (三边的)。填入在 U中填入 1表示: Unilateralism(单边主义),填入 m (multiple) 表示多边主义。如果在U上加一个“/”表示谈判破裂。

O 表示“国家”、“民族”、“领土”等:country, state, nation, etc.O表示进口,O表示出口这个符号酷似一把椅子,可以表示主持、主办:chair, host, preside over。那么在此符号上加表示主席,主持人:chairman, host, etc.

表示“领导人”:leader, head那么 head of government, head of company 便可以表示为

⊙ 圆圈表示一个圆桌,中间一点表示一盆花,这个符号就可以表示会议、开会等:meeting,conference, negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium

∞ 这个符号看上像条鱼,所以表示“捕鱼业”等合 fishery 有关的词汇。O 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全

球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc. 表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc. 表示不满、生气 unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc.O 表示听到、众所周之:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already

heard of, etc.O 表示漠不关心、无动于衷: indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, don’t care much,


四、箭头 表示到达、传达:go into,arrive at,give to,send to,present to etc.

表示导致、引导:lead to, result in, in the direction of, etc.表示屈服:submit to

表示来自于:be/come from,return,receive from, etc.表示追溯到:come/go back to,originate

表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc.表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch,open, start, etc.表示发展、加强、推进:develop,strengthen, promote, etc


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表示“波折”:ups and downs, twists and turns, roller coaster, etc.

五、数学符号+ 表示“多”: many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.++(+2) 表示“多”的比较级:more+3 表示“多”的最高级:most- 表示“少”: little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc.× 表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念:wrong/incorrect, something

bad,notorious,negative, etc. > 表示“多于”概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc.

表示“高” 概念:superior to,surpass, etc.< 表示“少于”概念:less/smaller,etc.

表示“低”概念:inferior to,etc. = 表示“同等”概念:means,that is to say, in other words,the same as,be

equal to, etc.表示“对手”概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc.

( ) 表示“在......之间”:among, within, etc.≠ 表示“不同”概念:be different from, etc.

表示“无敌”概念:matchless, peerless, etc. ~ 表示“大约”概念:about/around,or so, approximately, etc./ 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念:cross out, eliminate, etc.

六、标点等: 表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.? 表示“问题”:question,issue,例如:台湾问题:tw? . (dot) 这个“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样

“.d”表示 yesterday, “.y”表示 last year, “.2m”表示 two month ago。Wk表示week“y”表示 this year, “y2.” two year later“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.”

∧ 表示转折 but yet however √ 表示“好的“状态,right/good,famous/well-known,etc.

表示“同意”状态,stand up for,support, agree with sb, certain/ affirmative, etc.

☆ 表 示 “ 重 要 的 ” 状 态 : important , exemplary ( 模 范 的 ) best,outstanding,brilliant,etc.

表示“交流”状态:exchange,mutual, etc.& 表示“和”,“与”:and,together with,along with, accompany,along

with,further more,etc.∥ 表示“结束”:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc.

七、 较长单词的处理办法-ism 简写为 m 例如:socialism Sm


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-tion 简 简写为 n 例如:standardization (标准化) stdn

-cian 简 简写为 o 例如:technician techo

-ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing (市场营销) MKTg

-ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd

-ment 简写为 mt 例如:amendment amdmt

-able/ible/ble 简写为 bl 例如:available avbl-ful 简写为 fl 例如:meaningful mnfl

八、使用简写笔记符号三原则听力考试中应遵循:脑记为主,笔记为辅”的原则。编写《高级口译听力简写符号》的初衷是帮助考生记忆和理解文章,但不能喧宾夺主完全依赖简写符号进行记忆。听力中的简写符号应遵循: “实用,快速,个性化”的原则。简写符号因人而异,中英文兼可,只要能便于记忆和书写。“坚持练习,产生条件反射”初学简写笔记符号的考生往往还是抑制不住把单词写全的冲动。只有多加练习,才会熟能生巧。九、 能力培养Dictation 三步走第一步:听音先将听力材料先听一遍,看看自己能听懂多少,再听写。开始练习Dictation,可以听半句话写半句话。随着自己听写水平的不断提高,可以将时间间隔拉长——听一句写一句,不断加大时间间隔。当你能一次听写两句时候,大脑对英语的记忆容量就“扩容”(memory expansion)到了两句(新闻英语的两句话,还是很有挑战性的)。随着不断记忆力的“扩容”,再去做高级口译的听力题只会有一种难以抑制的感觉——“It’s a piece of cake”。遇到听不出来的单词,尽量查字典(最好是英英词典),实在没法了,才对参考文章。这样主要是为了增强辩音能力。同时也是为了增大声音与脑子反应之间刺激强度。第二步:参照答案 参照是非常重要的一个环节,也是最容易被忽视的的一个环节。参照答案应当遵循以下四大板块寻找、克服听力盲点,树立正确的听觉记忆:语音:检查连读、失去爆破等音变知识的漏洞。词汇:弥补词汇的盲点。语法:掌握较复杂的语法结构。文化背景:习得新文化背景知识。第三步:背诵翻译背诵听力盲点,直到脱口而出。选取一句话翻译成汉语。第二天将这句话回译为英语,看看能不能译到原文的效果。


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第四章 Listening Comprehension 听力理解

一、题型剖析这部分为客观试题-单项选择。共 20空,每题一分,20分。听力材料分为三大板块:

单边类:Talk(讲座),每次考试一篇。 双边类:Conversation(对话)and Interview(采访),每次考试各一篇。新闻类:News Broadcasting, 每次考试有五条短新闻。

录音语速为每分钟 170词左右。每道选择题后有 12-15 秒的间隙。注意:对于不同体裁的听力材料解题,难点和要点也各有差别。将按各体裁板块的特点进行分


二、高级口译听力理解三步走:(一)Pre-listening: 听前稳定情绪:听力考试前必须Maintain your confidence。不要因为一处的失误,影响做题情绪。快速扫读选择项,预测、寻找记忆重点。若选项中出现人名、地名、数字、时间等时,要特别留心它们的对应事物。对应关系是近年来的考查的新趋向。

(二)While-Listening:听中思想集中:听音的过程中要 concentrate on the task,但情绪也不可过分紧张。有“化境”之感: 进行联想,把可能出现的内容和自己的知识背景结合起来,思想要介入到要听的内容中,使自己融入听力材料——Make a picture in your mind! 把抽象的文字变成形象的图画反映在脑海中。这样就有了动态图像的帮助,就有利于我们避开“直接翻译的无序性”,以至抓住了高级口译听力的主干而不是细枝末节,从而走出了“听了后面,忘了前面”的“怪圈”。迅速笔记:在听音中要利用预测时得到的潜在信息(人名、地名、数字、时间)把握听音的重点,利用符号、图示等方法迅速笔记,以促进有效记忆。抓住关键词:听音时的笔记很重要,沿着主题的思路进行归纳和总结。耳眼并用: 就是一边用耳听,一边用眼浏览选择项,进行分析和归纳,做到听与浏览相结合,听与思考及记忆相结合,这一过程必须在短时间内完成。(三)Post-listening 听后听完录音之后要迅速会议和整理所听懂的内容。


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采取排除法、归纳法等解题。注意:高口听力不要做任何层次的延伸和递进三、单边类:Talk解题思路(一)题型剖析讲座所涉及的中心话题相当广泛:包括政治(如英国的教育制度),经济、文化教育、语言文学、科普等。听力文段有 600-700字,5分钟左右读完。就 Talk本身的语言特色而言,可以将其分为两大类:正式 Talk和非正式 Talk。正式 Talk的特色 语言规范(以 Formal language为主)


非正式 Talk 的特色


(二)难点阐述正式 Talk说话人语言精练,语速比非正式略快。考生反应:词汇量过大;句子结构复杂;信息量大,记下了后半句,忘了前半句。非正式 Talk的难点和双边类相似:语言逻辑性不强,“听”似没有整体脉络,“绊脚石”影响听力理解。

(三)技巧速成 Talk是高口听力中比较难的一块,由于其篇幅长、信息量大,难于听一遍录音就把全文

记住。有些考生基本听不懂,有些只能抓住支离破碎的几个词或几句话,短文讲了什么,什么是要点,都全然不知,根本无法答题。例外一些考生能听懂一部分,但是关键词抓不住,具体情节没有听好,对全文内容记得短短续续、迷迷糊糊、似是而非,回答问题时毫无把握,只能凑对答案。所以必须特别注意以下几点:抓主题,理脉络预测选项, 寻找记忆重点(参照前文,不再累述)(四)高口 talk中的“路标词”1.衔接词

表示逻辑前后顺序to begin with, FinallyNext


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Eventually递进关系MoreoverMeanwhile since thenshortly after

表示序数FirstSecond表示比较和对比的词句unlike in contraston the contrary Despitein spite of on the other handOtherwiseWhereasLikewisein like mannerSimilarlyJust as 表示因果关系because of Due to owing tothanks to as a resultfor this reasonconsequentlyaccordinglyThereforein this way表示附加的词句in additionfurthermoremoreoverwhat’s morenot only... but alsoapart from

举例To illustrate this point, let’s look


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at...Allow me to cite an exampleLet’s take ... for exampleTo exemplify what I mean, I’ll show you总结In short/in a word...To cut a long story short...The point I am trying to make is...

(五)英语思维破解长句长度大,结构复杂的句子是 Talk中主要的听力障碍之一。高级口译听力中的长句即使




四、双边类解题(一)题型剖析Interview(采访):一问一答。问话的形式可以是Wh-question (what, who, when, where, why and how)或者为反意疑问句和一般疑问句。这些问题对听力考题有提示作用。考生务必要抓住这些问题,这样就可以在随后的答话中找到答案。Conversation(对话):双方各抒己见,有时也会对对方的观点加以评论。提问顺序和情节发展有时不是平行进行的。 (二)难点阐述“双边类”听力材料有很强的口语气息,大量使用英语口头语 (spoken English)和习语(idiomatic expression),而这些往往成了听力的“拦路虎”.“双边类”模仿实际生活中的对话,谈话的逻辑层次难以捕捉。考生普遍反应虽然每句话基本能够听懂,但整篇文章下来, 却“只见树木,不见森林”,回答“主题题”还是无从入手。“双边类”题目的另一个“绊脚石”就是对话中的停顿、重复和自我更正。如:“er”, “mum”, “well”, “um” etc; 以及重复、更正和解释说明的插入语。如:“that is to say...”, “what I mean is...”, “Let me put it this way...”, “...I think...”,


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“...It seems to me that...”,etc.

考生听到这些“停顿”和“重复”时的“本能反映”是:干扰思路,同时自觉不自觉地要开会儿小差,好像是在等说话人把语言整理清楚再接着听。但殊不知,这些“绊脚石”后面往往是考点所在呀! 因为经过更正、整理过的语言才是说话人真正想表达的意思,我们在说汉语时也常用“我的意思是...”, “在我看来”,“应该这么说...”等来重点突出自己的主要观点。(三)技巧速成 预测选项, 寻找记忆重点做到三心”

关心问答和重复 在双边类解题过程中要特别关心 “interviewee”是如何针对“interviewer”的


小心“绊脚石” 即兴的问答,边说边想,逻辑性不强,造成起上下文思路衔接不紧,考生在听音中不容易抓住实质的中心内容。说话人的更正、重复、语序颠倒,尤其是停顿,会分散考生的注意力,影响听的质量。高级口译听力中的“双边类”题目之所以要设置“绊脚石”, 就是为了要检

查考生在真实的场景中有没有“抗干扰”能力, 能否“拨云见日”进而顺利抓住说话人要表达的主要信息,忽略次要的,甚至是错误信息。 留心“信息词”: 强转折、强对比、唯一性、最高级、序数词

第五章 高口考试新闻类解题

一、题型剖析高级口译听力中的新闻来自VOA和 BBC等英语广播和电视节目中有关政治、社会、经济、文化教育、科技等方面的新闻报道和记者采访或现场报道。高级口译新闻听力不是VOA等的原声录音,而是由非播音员朗读的。高级口译听力的新闻基本上来源于一年之内发生的国际事件,所以考生要注意关注时事,保持与时俱进。二、难点阐述新闻英语涵盖面广,对词汇量的要求较高。高级口译着重考查新闻导语(每条新闻第一句话)。高级口译近年来每次考试出现 5条不同的短新闻(News Briefing)。听辨出不同条的新闻是解题的关键!三、技巧速成


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预测选项, 寻找记忆重点(参照前文,不再累述)把握新闻的程式化结构——倒金字塔结构英语新闻独特的程式结构:倒金字塔,即按新闻时事内容和重要性的顺序安排全文。英语新闻将最重要、最生动、最能吸引人的新闻事实放在全条新闻开头,称导语(lead)。次要的放在导语之后,依次排列,最不重要的放在末尾。所以,导语是对新闻内容的浓缩,把握了导语也就把握了一则新闻的概要。考生在听音过程中,必须对每则新闻的开始部分倍加留心,以获取该新闻的精髓。而且高级口译每次都对新闻导语着重考查。新闻所有的句子都是为了回答 what, who, where, when, why and how(即:5个W和 1

个H)。但是,必须明白,在这个 5个W和 1个H中,what是核心,who紧跟其后,这两个W几乎同时出现在新闻的首句中,这正是新闻报道的目的所在。 when, where, why 和how 都是为了更清楚地说明导语。抓住了新闻的结构程式,自然会提高收听的针对性,减少盲目性,理解程度就能得以

加深。由于 when, where, who和who是围绕着what而转的,如果考试中因粗心或紧张等因素,一时抓不住导语,还可以通过后面的why和 how进行逆向推理,what还是会搞清楚的。四、重要国家、地理名称

名词/形容词 简写 国家/地区 首都/首府Afghanistan, Afghan, AF 阿富汗 KabulAlbania, Albanian AL 阿尔巴尼亚 TiranaArgentina, Argentine, Argentinean AR 阿根廷 Buenos Aires Australia AA 澳大利亚 CanberraAustria, Austrian A 奥地利 Vienna Belgium, Belgian B 比利时 Brussels Brazil, Brazilian BR 巴西 Brasilia Cambodia, Cambodian CM 柬埔寨 Phnom Penh (金边)Canada CA 加拿大 Ottawa Cuba CU 古巴 Havana Czech, Czechish CZ 捷克 PragueDemark D 丹麦 CopenhagenEast Timor, East Timorese, ET 东帝汶 DiliEgypt, Egyptian EG 埃及 CairoFinland, Finnish, Finn F 芬兰 Helsinki France, French FR 法国 Paris Germany, German G 德国 Boon, BerlinGreece, Greek GR 希腊 Athens

Hungary, Hungarian HU 匈牙利 BudapestItaly, Italian IT 意大利 RomeIndonesia, Indonesian IA 印度尼西亚 JakartaIran, Iranian IR 伊朗 Tehran (德黑兰)Iraq, Iraqi IK 伊拉克 BaghdadIreland EL 爱尔兰 Dublin


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Japan J 日本 Tokyo

Israel, Israeli IS 以色列 Tel Aviv (特拉维夫)Jerusalem 耶路撒冷Jordan(闭塞音) JO 约旦 Amman(阿曼)Kenya 肯尼亚 Nairobi Malaysia, Malaysian MA 马来西亚 Kuala LumpurMexico, Mexican ME 墨西哥 Mexico City Mongolia MG 蒙古 Ulan BatorNepal vs Naples, Nepalese 尼泊尔 Katmandu (加德满都) Netherlands, Holland, Dutch HO 荷兰 Hague

荷兰三宝:tulip、windmill、clogNorway, Norwegian 挪威 Oslo Palestine PAL 巴勒斯坦 Palestine Pakistan, Pakistani PK 巴基斯坦 Islamabad

Peru, Peruvian 秘鲁 LimaPhilippines, Philippine, Filipino PH 菲律宾 ManilaPoland, Polish, Pole POL 波兰 WarsawPortugal, Portuguese 葡萄牙 LisbonPuerto Rico, 波多黎各Republic of Korea (ROK), South Korea


韩国 Seoul

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Korea

K 朝鲜 Pyongyang

Russia, Russian RU 俄罗斯 MoscowScotland, Scot, Scottish 苏格兰 Edinburgh Singapore/Singaporean SGP(SD) 新加坡 SingaporeSpain, Spanish, ES(SP) 西班牙 Madrid

Switzerland, Swiss SW 瑞士 Berne, (伯尔尼)Sweden, Swedish SD 瑞典 StockholmThailand TH 泰国 BangkokVenezuela 委内瑞拉 Caracas (加拉加斯)

Viet Nam, Vietnamese VN 越南 Hanoi Yugoslavia YU 南斯拉夫 Belgrade

Wales 威尔士 CardiffZimbabwe, Zimbabwean ZI 津巴布韦 Harare


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第六章 高口听力中必备的特殊词汇


Danube 多瑙河(欧洲南部河流)Nile 尼罗河(非洲东北部河流)Rhine 莱茵河(源出瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山,贯

穿西欧多国)Mississippi 密西西比河(发源于美国中北部湖沼区,

南注墨西哥湾Seine 塞纳河[法国]Amazon 亚马逊河(南美洲大河)

山脉:Alps 阿尔卑斯山Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉Everest 珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰)Rockies 洛矶山脉

二、国际机构、组织的缩写ABC warfare: Atomic-biological-chemical warfare 原子、生物、化学战ABM Treaty: Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 反弹道导弹条约ADB: Asian Development Bank 亚洲发展银行 AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症AID: Agency for International Development 国际开发总署APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织ARATS: Association for Relations Across Taiwan Straights 海峡两岸关系协会ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟ATM: Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机BP: British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 疯牛病CIA: Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体Commonwealth 英联邦国家CPPCC: Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (中国) 全国人民政治协商会议 CTBT: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核武器条约 DPRK: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国DMZ: Demilitarized Zone非军事区ERM: Exchange Rate Mechanism欧洲货币体系汇率机制EU: European Union 欧盟FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 美国联邦调查局GATT: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定GMT: Greenwich Mean Time=Universal Time 格林尼治时间/世界时间GNP: Gross National Product 国民生产总值


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GDP: Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值HAMAS: 哈马斯IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字委员会ILO: International Labor Organization国际劳工组织(联合国)IMF: International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织IOC: International Olympic Committee国际奥林匹克委员会 IRA:Irish Republican Army 爱尔兰共和军IPR: Intellectual property rights 知识产权LCD: Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LSE: London Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所M&A: Merger and Acquisition 兼并与收购MP: Member of Parliament (英国)下院议员NAM: Non-aligned Movement 不结盟运动 NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和航天局NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织NBA: National Basketball Association美国职业篮球联赛NGO: Non-governmental Organization 非政府机构NMD: National Missile Defense国家导弹防御系统NPC: National People’s Congress (中国)全国人民代表大会OAU: Organization of African Unity 非统,非洲统一组织 OFT: Office of Fair Trading 公平交易局OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries欧佩克石油输出国家组织OTC: Over-the-Counter 场外交易/非处方药PLO: Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织PNTR: Permanent Normal Trade Relation 永久正常贸易关系 ROK: Republic of Korea 韩国 SAR: Special Administrative Region (香港/澳门)特别行政区SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeSEF: Straits Exchange Foundation (台湾)海峡交流基金会SEZ: Special Economic Zone (中国)经济特区UPU: Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织UNDP: United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国开发计划署UNICEF:United Nations Children's Fund联合国儿童基金会 WB: World Bank 世界银行WFP: World Food Program (联合国)世界粮食计划署WHO: World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WTO: World Trade Organization 世贸组织WTO: World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织三、国际政要科菲·安南 (Kofi A. Annan)联合国秘书长金正日 (Kim Jong Il) 朝鲜领导人


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小泉纯一郎 (Junichiro Koizumi) 日本首相亚西尔·阿拉法特 (Yasser Arafat) 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿里埃勒·沙龙(Ariel Sharon) 以色列总理沙龙卡扎菲(Gaddafi)利比亚领导人托尼·布莱尔 (Tony Blair)英国首相弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 俄罗斯联邦总统康多莉扎·赖斯 (Condoleezza Rice) 美国国务卿科林·卢瑟·鲍威尔 (Colin Luther Powell) 美国前任国务卿( Secretary of State)艾伦·格林斯潘 (Alan Greenspan) 美联储主席(Board of Governors/Chairman of the Federal Reserve System)四、词汇归类不同性质的新闻是由不同的词组成的,每种新闻都有一个相对固定的用词范畴,在一

个范畴中的词汇,不管如何搭配,一般只适合描述一种性质的新闻。如在巴以冲突的新闻中, Israel, Palestinian leader, withdraw撤军 , West Bank, terrorist, Jerusalem, HAMAS, 等等是“出镜率”较高的词汇。这种词组组合,虽然没有“物以类聚”的性质,但却自然形成了一个词群(word


五、新闻词汇新闻动词 普通动词 词义aid help 帮助ask require 要求back support 支持ban prohibit 禁止bid attempt 试图check examine 检查curb control/ restrict 控制cut reduce 减少end terminate 终止face confront 对抗head direct 指导hurt injure 伤害kill murder 谋杀launch begin 开始poise ready for action 准备行动use utilize 使用voice express 表示top exceed 超过trade exchange 交易talk negotiation 谈判


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第七章 双边类真题讲解

一、真题讲解一:11. (A) The language used by the locals.

(B) Driving on the wrong side of the road. (C) Naming of the same objects in different ways. (D) All different types of bright colours on men.

12. (A) “Chips” and “crisps”. (B) “Queue” and “line”.(C) “Fries” and “potato”. (D) “Mate” and “Love”本题重点是英式和美式词汇的对比····讲解:薯条 chips(英式);French fries(美式)薯片 crisps(英式);potato chips(美式) 排队“line” (美式);“Queue” (英式)

13. (A) He has a generally negative view of Britain and the British. (B) He is interested in getting to know Britain. (C) He is not happy in Britain. (D) He feels completely at home in Britain. feel at home 非常适应

14. (A) So many men wear earrings in one of their ears. (B) People here are politically radical. (C) Young women often wear black. (D) Everyone looks like Madonna.

15. (A) Because Britain has a close affinity with the USA. (B) Because Britain has been so much affected by US policies. (C) Because Britain is closer to continental Europe than the USA. (D) Because Britain is more concerned now with world affairs than it used to be.

2、英式英语和美式英语的词汇辩析美式英语 英式英语apartment house block of flats (一座楼房隔成数家的)公寓住宅Band-aides sticking plaster 创可贴barber gentleman's hairdresser 理发师bathroom / restroom WC (water closet) 厕所


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beauty parlor ladies hairdresser 美容师billboard hoarding (户外)广告牌bobby pin Kirby grip 发夹broil grill 烧烤can tin 罐candy sweets 糖果check (from a bank) cheque 支票chips (potato) crisps 薯片cleaning woman daily help 清洁房间的女仆cookies sweet biscuits (甜)饼干cracker biscuits 饼干dead-end street cul-de-sac 死胡同dessert sweet, pudding 餐后甜点diaper nappy (婴儿)尿布drugstore chemist 药店elevator lift 电梯eraser rubber 橡皮faucet tap 水龙头first floor ground floor (楼房)第一层flashlight torch 手电flat tire puncture tyre 漏了气的车胎gas / gasoline petrol 汽油gingersnaps ginger nuts 姜汁饼干glasses (for the eyes) spectacles 眼镜kerosene paraffin 煤油,灯油,火油lawyer solicitor 初级律师

barrister 高级律师 律师

mail box post box 邮箱movie film 电影pants trousers 裤子reserve book 预定round-trip (ticket) return 往返(飞机、火车)票sedan car saloon car 轿车sidewalk pavement / footpath 人行道sneakers tennis shoes, gym shoes 运动鞋stand in line queue 排队subway

underground / tube (a subway is a pedestrian tunnel)

地铁sweater pullover 外套,毛衣topcoat overcoat 大衣unlisted telephone ex-directory 不在电话簿上的vest waistcoat 马甲windshield windscreen 挡风玻璃


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二、真题讲解二11. (A) When she was 50. (B) Less than 20 years ago. (C) A little more than 20 years ago. (D) Around 30 years ago.

12. (A) They find it difficult to get jobs in law. (B) They can’t practice full time. (C) They get married and have children. (D) They find the pay is not competitive.

13. (A) She feels that she is helping people solve problems. (B) She is completely free to schedule her own time. (C) She is amply rewarded through hard work. (D) She thinks that her career wins her high respect.

14. (A) Family cases are often reserved for female barristers. (B) Male and female barristers are not treated equally. (C) Barristers have to wear wigs and gowns but solicitors are not allowed to. (D) The job is very demanding on her time.

15. (A) The female judges are tougher on women than male judges. (B) The male judges are not so sympathetic to women as female judges. (C) Clients are sometimes trained as to how to behave towards female barristers. (D) Male and female barristers retire at approximately the same age.

Question No. 11. When did the woman become a barrister?11. (A) When she was 50. (B) Less than 20 years ago. (C) A little more than 20 years ago. (D) Around 30 years ago. (Woman) When I was called to the Bar, 20 odd years ago.Bar:律师界It was really quite unusual. Er, these days, I think about half of the people who are qualifying are women but, erm, because there's a high drop-out rate of women they either find it more difficult to get places in Chambers, or they get married, they have children, they can't practise full-time…

Question No. 12. Which of the following is NOT cited as a reason for the high dropout rate of women barristers?12. (A) They find it difficult to get jobs in law. (B) They can’t practice full time. (C) They get married and have children.


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(D) They find the pay is not competitive.Question No. 13. What does the woman enjoy about her work?

13. (A) She feels that she is helping people solve problems. (B) She is completely free to schedule her own time. (C) She is amply rewarded through hard work. (D) She thinks that her career wins her high respect.

Question No. 14. What does the woman NOT enjoy about her work?14. (A) Family cases are often reserved for female barristers. (B) Male and female barristers are not treated equally. (C) Barristers have to wear wigs and gowns but solicitors are not allowed to. (D) The job is very demanding on her time.

关键词:Bar exam 律师资格考试Question No. 15. Which of the following statements is true, according to the woman?15. (A) The female judges are tougher on women than male judges. (B) The male judges are not so sympathetic to women as female judges. (C) Clients are sometimes trained as to how to behave towards female barristers. (D) Male and female barristers retire at approximately the same age.

Key:B D B C B

三、真题讲解三:Questions 1 to 5Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.  1. (A) For two years. (B) For one year.

(C) For three or four months. (D) For five or six weeks. 数字及其对应题2. (A) To cook breakfasts. (B) to comb her daughter’s hair.

(C) To water the garden. (D) To do sewing.

3. (A) There’s too much work to do. (B) She doesn’t get paid enough.(C) She hasn’t got a desk or a telephone. (D) Her office is too small.

4. (A) In three months time. (B) In November. (C) Next month. (D) Two weeks from now.

5. (A) She is a female Welsh MP. (B) She’s the first black woman to get into Parliament. (C) She’s not been nominated by any political party. (D) She’s not a member of either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party.


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Question No. 1. How long has the woman been an MP when the conversation took place?(Man) You have been an MP for five or six weeks now. Is it as you expected it to be?1. (A) For two years. (B) For one year.

(C) For three or four months. (D) For five or six weeks.

Question No. 2. What did her mother use to do when listening to the news?when she was combing my hair when I was a little girl. I used to listen to that avidly, and form sort of views on the world and what I would do if I was Prime Minister, and um, I remember one of my earliest ambitions was to be Secretary-General of the United Nations.2. (A) To cook breakfasts. (B) to comb her daughter’s hair.

(C) To water the garden. (D) To do sewing.

Question No. 3. What is the woman complaining about?3. (A) There’s too much work to do. (B) She doesn’t get paid enough.

(C) She hasn’t got a desk or a telephone. (D) Her office is too small. (Woman) I dislike the fact the House of Commons in many ways is a very amateur place, I still haven't got a desk or a telephone, which makes it very difficult to work. I dislike the kind of 'clubby' atmosphere, it's a bit like a gentleman's club, and I really came there to do a job of work, and I dislike — there's an awful lot of backbiting goes on there, and I dislike that.

Question No. 4. When is she going to get her missing office equipment?4. (A) In three months time. (B) In November.

(C) Next month. (D) Two weeks from now. (Man) You still haven't got a desk after six weeks. Is ... Any idea when you will get a desk, and a telephone.(Woman) I'm told that I won't get one now until October, if then.(Man) Which is, er, another three months' time.(Woman) That's right.

Question No. 5. What is unusual about her being an MP?5. (A) She is a female Welsh MP.

(B) She’s the first black woman to get into Parliament. (C) She’s not been nominated by any political party. (D) She’s not a member of either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party.

第八章 新闻类题型



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新闻题解题技巧:1、首句原则2、新闻词汇的总结积累试卷一 Questions 6 to 10Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) The digging of a major tunnel was slowing down.

(B) A water supply project failed because of unexpected difficulties. (C) Eight people were killed in a train accident. (D) A helicopter was reported missing.

7. (A) To go on providing humanitarian aid. (B) To increase the food supply. (C) To revise the oil-for-food programme. (D) To lift the embargo on his country.humanitarian aid 人道援助oil-for-food programme  石油换食品计划lift the embargo 解除禁运8. (A) To cut down on the US military presence in Europe. (B) To increase the European Union's military influence. (C) To make combined efforts to sustain its economic growth. (D) To take concrete actions to stop arms race.

9. (A) Sex discrimination in the U.S troops is far less obvious than in other fields of American life. (B) Race relations have considerably improved in the US military. (C) There are more black or Hispanic officers in the armed services than before.(D) Many minority military personnel complained about negative race relations.

Hispanic 拉丁裔的10. (A) 4.4%. (B) 11.2% (C) 14.4%. (D) 44%.

Questions 6 to 10Question No. 6. What happened according to the report from Manila?6. (A) The digging of a major tunnel was slowing down.

(B) A water supply project failed because of unexpected difficulties. (C) Eight people were killed in a train accident. (D) A helicopter was reported missing.

MANILA: A helicopter carrying eight people was reported missing after it unloaded a cargo of food and other provisions for workers digging a major tunnel for a water supply project for Manila, an official said yesterday.

Question No. 7. What did the Iraqi Ambassador ask the United Nations to do?7. (A) To go on providing humanitarian aid. (B) To increase the food supply. (C) To revise the oil-for-food programme. (D) To lift the embargo on his country.UNITED NATIONS: Iraq asked the United Nations to continue providing humanitarian aid


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despite cutting off exports of crude oil under the UN's oil-for-food programme, UN officials said.

Question No. 8. What was proposed at the joint meeting staged by the European Union?8. (A) To cut down on the US military presence in Europe. (B) To increase the European Union's military influence. (C) To make combined efforts to sustain its economic growth. (D) To take concrete actions to stop arms race. LONDON: For the first time in its 42-year history, the European Union (EU) staged a joint meeting of foreign affairs and defence ministers to debate how the union can acquire a security dimension consistent with its economic strength. During that meeting, Britain and France proposed that Europe, by either 2002 or 2003, should possess the capacity to deploy a rapid reaction force of some 50, 000 troops in a peacekeeping operation in or around the EU. The proposal received a strong response, which is indicative that the EU is making concrete efforts to bolster its military clout in Europe.

Question No. 9. What was disclosed in a survey released by the US Defence Department on Tuesday?9. (A) Sex discrimination in the U.S troops is far less obvious than in other fields of American life.

(B) Race relations have considerably improved in the US military. (C) There are more black or Hispanic officers in the armed services than before.(D) Many minority military personnel complained about negative race relations.

WASHINGTON: A high percentage of blacks, Hispanics and other minorities in the US military complained in a survey released by the Pentagon on Tuesday that they have experienced racially offensive behaviour in the armed services. In the virtually unprecedented Defence Department survey of more than 40,000 US troops, one in five blacks responding also said they felt race relations played a negative part in their prospects for promotion or assignment. But the survey, taken in 1997, indicated that military personnel felt Pentagon efforts to promote good race relations and equal opportunity were succeeding and that discrimination in uniform was far less pronounced than in other areas of American life.

Question No. 10. As compared with the same period last year, how much did Japan's trade surplus drop?TOKYO: Japan's trade surplus plunged 14. 4 per cent in October from its level a year ago, the government said yesterday. Government official blamed the strong yen for severely damaging exports. The trade surplus dropped to US $ 11. 2 billion, the Finance Ministry reported, making October the seventh month in a row for a drop in the trade surplus. "Japan's exports have been pressed by the sharp appreciation of the yen against the US dollar, which mainly contributed to the surplus fall," said Naoko Ogata, an analyst at the Sakura Research Institute. "With the yen rising to current levels, exporters are finding it difficult to make a profit."10. (A) 4.4%. (B) 11.2% (C) 14.4%. (D) 44%.


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各 国 货 币afghani 阿富汗尼baht 泰铢dinar 第纳尔(部分阿拉伯国家使用)dollar 元(美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰,香港,新加坡

等国家或地区使用的货币单位)euro 欧元florin 弗罗林(荷兰盾与匈牙利货币的英文名称)franc 法郎(法国,比利时,瑞士等国使用的货币单位)krona 克朗(瑞典及冰岛的货币单位)lira 里拉(意大利货币单位)mark 马克(德国货币单位)peseta 比塞塔(西班牙货币单位)pound / pound sterling 英镑rouble 卢布(51前苏联货币单位)rubee 卢比(印度、巴基斯坦等国使用的货币单位)yen 日元

货 币 问 题appreciate 增值,涨价cash 现金cent 美分credit card 信用卡currency 货币depreciation 贬值devaluation (货币)贬值dime (美)一角硬币dollar link system 美元联系汇率制度greenback 美钞ounce 盎司

股 票 市 场Amex (American Stock Exchange) 美国证券交易所assess 对财产评估back 拖欠bad loan 坏账,呆帐bailout 帮助度过困境balloon 分期付款中最后数目大的一笔barometer 晴雨表basis point 基点bear market 熊市blue-chip 股票等热门Forex = foreign exchange 外汇交易


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bull market 牛市bullish 牛市的Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数dead loan 死帐delist 从上市证券中除名discount 贴现dog (美国俚语)不好的股票discount rate 贴现率down 付现款equity 财产价值,股票face value 面值Hang Seng Index 恒生指数holding 股票,财产initial share 原始股liquidate 清算list 上市证券NASDAQ

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System纳斯达克(<美>全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会)

NAV = Net Asset Value 净资产new issue 新上市股票NYSE New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所,也叫 Big

BoardNYSE Volume 纽约股票交易量policy 保险单preferred stock 优先股premium 保险金,奖金,佣金proceeds 收入,收益rescue package 一揽子救援计划S & P 500 Standard and Poor’s 500 Composite Price Index标准普尔股

票价格指数Securities(注意是复数) 证券Shares(英)= stock(美) 股票shore up 支撑solvent 有偿还能力的speculate 投机transaction 一笔交易turmoil 混乱

经济 / 股票上涨climb 攀升gain 上涨go up 上涨grow 上涨leap (数量)剧增


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in the black 赢利rise 上涨rebound 反弹recover 恢复,回升skyrocket 暴涨

经济 / 股票下跌bungee - jumping 出盘collapse 暴跌cut 下跌decline 下跌dip 下跌一点dive 急剧下降go down 下跌level off 稳定lose 减少nosedive 暴跌plunge 暴跌plummet 暴跌slump 暴跌slip 降低

经济 / 股票波动fluctuate 波动jumpy 浮动的roller coaster 急转突变volatile 易波动的

其他金融词汇arrear 欠账Black Tuesday 黑色星期二(1929年 10月 29日,华尔街股市暴跌)bubble economy 泡沫经济deflation 通货紧缩dumping / anti - dumping 倾销/反倾销monopoly 垄断trade barrier 贸易壁垒frailty 脆弱globalization 全球化glut 供过于求lion's share 最大的份额living standard 生活标准niche 可盈利的市场pyramid sale 传销

二、 真题分析二Questions 6 to 10


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Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) 1.3 billon dollars. (B) 500 million dollars.

(C) 20 million dollars. (D) 10 million dollars.

7. (A) That the boy not be granted an asylum hearing. (B) That the boy’s Miami relatives have the right to keep the boy.(C) That the boy be prevented from leaving the country. (D) That only a parent can act for the boy.

8. (A) Because the government has introduced new investment policies. (B) Because the inflation rate hit an all-time low in Jana.(C) Because high-tech industries have drawn a lot of investment from other countries.(D) Because foreign companies bought shares of Japanese firms.

9. (A) To discuss Israel’s new peace proposals. (B) To decide on a secret location for a new round of peace talks. (C) To work out a framework peace deal. (D) To negotiate the date for Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon.

10. (A) A major breakthrough has been made in the talks between the opposing sides. (B) More than 30 foreign hostages are still held by the rebels. (C) A new government will be formed within the next 24 to 36 hours. (D) Foreign intervention is very much needed to stable the domestic situation.

Questions 6 to 10Question No. 6. How much money has been paid to the Nazi Germany Holocaust survivors?6. (A) 1.3 billon dollars. (B) 500 million dollars.

(C) 20 million dollars. (D) 10 million dollars. Though the US $ 1. 3 billion Swiss bank settlement with Nazi Germany Holocaust survivors has yet to be finalized, $ 20 million already has been paid to some 2,500 claimants, the World Jewish Congress said on Wednesday.

Question No. 7. What's the ruling by the US Circuit Court of Appeals?7. (A) That the boy not be granted an asylum hearing.

(B) That the boy’s Miami relatives have the right to keep the boy.(C) That the boy be prevented from leaving the country. (D) That only a parent can act for the boy.

A federal appeals court yesterday sided with the father of Elian Gonzalez, rejecting a request by the Cuban boy's Miami relatives that he be granted an asylum hearing with immigration officials. A three-judge panel of the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals said the Immigration and Naturalization Service's decision that only a parent can act for his 6-year-old child in immigration matters "comes within the range of reasonable choices." It said that held true even if the parent was in another country and the child was in the United States.


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Immigration and Naturalization Service's美国移民局Question No. 8. Why did foreign investment in Japan rise to a record high?8. (A) Because the government has introduced new investment policies.

(B) Because the inflation rate hit an all-time low in Jana.(C) Because high-tech industries have drawn a lot of investment from other countries.(D) Because foreign companies bought shares of Japanese firms.

The major reason for the strong increase was purchases of shares in Japanese companies as seen in large business deals such as the tie-up by Renault and Nissan.

Question No. 9. What's the purpose of the resumed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians?9. (A) To discuss Israel’s new peace proposals.

(B) To decide on a secret location for a new round of peace talks. (C) To work out a framework peace deal. (D) To negotiate the date for Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon.

Israel and the Palestinians were expected to resume negotiations at a secret location yesterday aimed at hammering out a framework deal as controversy swirled about reports of Israeli "concessions" to win peace.hammer out敲定Question No. 10. Which of the following statements is true about the situation in Fiji?10. (A) A major breakthrough has been made in the talks between the opposing sides.

(B) More than 30 foreign hostages are still held by the rebels. (C) A new government will be formed within the next 24 to 36 hours. (D) Foreign intervention is very much needed to stable the domestic situation.

三、 真题分析三Questions 6 to 10 6. (A) To issue a final statement propped by the US. (B) To support a US missile defence plan.(C) To continue consultations with the US on the issue.(D) To review the situation of US military presence in Europe.

7. (A) The schedule for government talks on trade between the two countries.(B) A wide but unspecified range of world issues of mutual interest.(C) The US agricultural exports to Japan.(D) Plans to reform Japan’s economy.

8. (A) Below 1 per cent. (B) Around 2.5 per cent.(C) 2.9 per cent.(D) From 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent.


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9. (A) Police blamed the riots mainly on ultra-rightwing nationalists and white power supremacist.

(B) The riots were triggered by the general election scheduled for June.(C) The riots occurred in a rundown town of South England.(D) A considerable number of deaths and injuries were reported in local newspaper.

rundown 筋疲力尽、破败10. (A) Three people on a village lane.

(B) A bridge built to commemorate the Olympics.(C) Several vehicles on a suburban highway.(D) A building near a police station.

highway 公路Questions 6 to 10Question No. 6. What did the NATO foreign ministers decide at the meeting yesterday?6. (A) To issue a final statement propped by the US. (B) To support a US missile defence plan.(C) To continue consultations with the US on the issue.(D) To review the situation of US military presence in Europe.

BUDAPEST: NATO foreign ministers yesterday decided not to back a US missile defence plan but agreed to continue consultations with Washington on the issue.NATO 北约The final statement by the council of NATO foreign ministers, the decision-making body of the western military alliance, said the NATO allies welcomed consultations initiated by US President George W. Bush on the American strategic review, including missile defence.Body 此处指决策机构Question No. 7. What is the Japanese Prime Minister expected to talk about during his first meeting with the US President?7. (A) The schedule for government talks on trade between the two countries.

(B) A wide but unspecified range of world issues of mutual interest.(C) The US agricultural exports to Japan.(D) Plans to reform Japan’s economy.

Question No. 8. According to the president of the European Central Bank, what might be the inflation rate in the Euro-zone for the year 2002?8. (A) Below 1 per cent.

(B) Around 2.5 per cent.(C) 2.9 per cent.(D) From 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent.


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Question No. 9. Which of the following statements is true about the recent race riots in England?9. (A) Police blamed the riots mainly on ultra-rightwing nationalists and white power

supremacist.(B) The riots were triggered by the general election scheduled for June.(C) The riots occurred in a rundown town of South England.(D) A considerable number of deaths and injuries were reported in local newspaper.

Rundown 筋疲力尽、破败Britain's worst race riots for years have brought into the open the determination of Asian and black youths to challenge a mainly white society in which their immigrant parents were simply happy to find a place to live. The weekend violence, which burst onto the British political agenda in the middle of an election campaign, typified the struggle for identity many of the youths in immigrant communities endure in modern Britain.

Question No. 10. According to the news, what did a South Korean military helicopter crash onto?10. (A) Three people on a village lane.

(B) A bridge built to commemorate the Olympics.(C) Several vehicles on a suburban highway.(D) A building near a police station.

第九章 单边类真题讲解 

一、真题一讲解  习题一 Questions 16 to 20Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.16. (A) Local government in parts of Britain.

(B) Education at Oxford University.(C) The financing of a university by a county council.(D) Council housing in England and Wales.

17. (A) Two. (B) Three.(C) Four. (D) Five.

18. (A) Housing and local plans. (B) Highways, libraries and museums.(C) Dustbin collection and environmental health.(D) Swimming baths.

19. (A) The Minister of Education is elected every four years.(B) The Minister of Education meets regularly with county councilors.(C) Most of the county councilors on the Education Committee are Paid officials.(D) County councils actually run the schools and colleges in the area.

20. (A) The employment of qualified teachers.


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(B) The role of parents in school education.(C) The question of pupil-teacher ratio.(D) The communication between parents and teachers.

Question No. 16. What is the topic of this lecture?16. (A) Local government in parts of Britain.

(B) Education at Oxford University.(C) The financing of a university by a county council.

(D) Council housing in England and Wales.(Man) I'd like to talk about local government in England and Wales…

Question No. 17. How many main types of council are there in England and Wales?17. (A) Two. (B) Three.

(C) Four. (D) Five.

Question No. 18. Which of the following is NOT listed as the major responsibilities of thedistrict councils?18. (A) Housing and local plans.

(B) Highways, libraries and museums.(C) Dustbin collection and environmental health.(D) Swimming baths.

Question No. 19. Which of the following statements is TRUE about education in this country? 19. (A) The Minister of Education is elected every four years.

(B) The Minister of Education meets regularly with county councilors.(C) Most of the county councilors on the Education Committee are Paid officials.(D) County councils actually run the schools and colleges in the area.

Question No. 20. Which issue is all the time considered by the Education Committee?20. (A) The employment of qualified teachers.

(B) The role of parents in school education.(C) The question of pupil-teacher ratio.(D) The communication between parents and teachers.

第十章 笔记题填空题型讲解一、解题技巧这部分为主观试题。所听的内容是一篇长度在 700词左右,语速为每分钟 170词。测试时间为 15分钟,其中听录音时间为 5分钟左右,答题时间为 10 分钟。所听文章的体裁只有一种:讲座。考生边听录音,边做笔记。录音放完,才会拿到第二卷。考生要在给出的 200词左右的概述(所听文章的简写版)中的 20个空白处填入 20个词——即每空只能一词。这 20个词的两大特色:


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难点阐述听音结束后才能拿到试卷,所以考生听音前对文章无从预测。笔记难做,空难填有三种不同层次的笔记:没有笔记——不能边听边做笔记。很多内容记忆不下来。到了填写的时候,脑中只能回荡着两个英文单词“Mission Impossible”。笔记的含金量低——虽有笔记,而且笔记内容洋洋洒洒一张纸,但量大而质低。笔记凌乱——难以识别。好像听到,也记下来了,但找笔记的过程太费劲、太浪费时间。




在文章的开始部分, 即开头的几句话,必然出现讲座所要讨论的中心话题。开门见山型:

[2000. 3 实考试题]I’ m going to talk about acid rain, a subject which many people have heard of but very few understand fully.[2000.9 实考试题]In 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49 th state , symbolizing a change of attitude from that held in 1967, when the peninsula was purchased from Russia. [2001. 3 实考试题]Beyond doubt, the jeans phenomenon is a seismic event in the history of dress, and not only in the United States. Indeed, the habit of wearing jeans is—along with computer, the copying machine, rock music, polio vaccine, and the hydrogen bomb—one of the major contributions of the United States to the postwar world at large.genes (基因)—jeans(牛仔裤)高级口译听力历年最典型实例汇编add(增加)—ad(广告)base (基础)—bass(低音乐器)bite(咬)—byte(字节)chilli(辣)—chilly(冷)complimentary(赞扬的)—complementary(补充的)


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core(核心)—corps(军团)cruise(巡航)—crews(船员) dessert(甜点)—desert(遗弃)die(死亡)—dye(染)flee(逃脱)—flea(跳蚤)flower(花)—flour(面粉)fur(毛皮)—fir(杉树)guerrilla(游击队)—gorilla(黑猩猩)heal(治疗)—heel(鞋后跟)heroin(海洛因)—heroine(女英雄、女主角)him(他)—hymn(赞美诗)I’ll(我将要)—isle(岛屿)—aisle(走道)idle(空闲的)—idol(偶像)nose(鼻子)—knows(知道)lightning(闪电)—lightening(启迪、启发)made(制造)—maid(女佣)marshal(元帅)—martial(武力的)mayor(市长)—mare(母驴)missed(错过的)—mist(薄雾)not(不)—knot(结)ours(我们的)—hours(小时)overseas(海外)—oversees(监督、视察)peer(儿时的玩伴、同一级别的人)—pier(港口)pigeon(鸽子)—pidgin(混合语)q(字母q)—queue(队列、长队)sensor(传感器)—censor(审查)sore(疼痛的)—soar(升高)sole(唯一的)—soul(灵魂)stationary(常驻的、驻扎的)—stationery(文具)straight(直的)—strait(直的)sweet(甜的)——suite(套房)

不管是那种类型,考生在听音过程中必须警惕下列短语和句式:I am going to talk about... Today I want to discuss problems of ... and in particular I want to talk about those problems which are...Today I would like to continue our discussion of ...Today I’d like to mention ...One of my main important things about ... is ...Let’s move on to another argument ... In spite of,however ...Although I think..., I do think...What I would like to emphasize ...


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以及其他以what 开头的主语从句。笔记技巧巧用笔记纸考生会在听录音前拿到一张笔记纸(除去指示语,可以利用的面积只有 2/3),考生可以从背面开始作笔记,尽量在背面把笔记做完。 听义不跟词很多考生在做笔记一门心思在“听词”“记词”上,时忽略了对内容的理解,没有理解


笔记填空的实质要把握原文的“message” 而不是“words”。所以要“听义不跟词”,也就是“得意而忘言”(《庄子·外物》)。笔记的原则把听到的每一句话的要点写在一行,超过千万不要把两句话的意思写在一行否则找笔记


注意信息词信息词之后必须做笔记!顺序词Firstly, Secondly, First of all, Then, FinallyOn one hand ... on the other ... 排比信息前兆词 高级口译每次都对对排比内容进行考查,而且往往排比所在即考点所在。由于排比内容密度大、速度快,考生往往难以把握。即使意识到了是“排比”,也是“为时已晚”。 所以必须对排比信息的“前兆词”高度警惕!There are many ... but I’ll just talk (focus on, mention) three of themFor example:For instance:in the following areas (fields)... have such characteristics as . .熟练运用笔记符号通过词汇固定搭配、和上下文的语义猜词填空二、真题讲解一试卷一 本部分 SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling声音考题原文

Acid rain is a kind of ____________(1) pollution which is hanging over our heads and coming down in many different ways such as rain and ____________(2). It damages


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____________(3), lakes and rivers, buildings and even human ____________(4). Several chemicals, including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ____________(5), are involved in causing acid rain. These chemicals either come directly from power ____________(6) chimneys and cars, or are formed from a ____________(7) of pollutant gases. Sulphur dioxide is the one chemical which is often ____________(8) with acid rain. It is mainly ____________(9) by large ____________(10) burning power stations. It ____________(11) places thousands of miles away as well as areas ____________(12) the power stations. To ____________(13) more and worse environmental effects from acid rain, we have short-term and long-term solutions. We shouldn't just ____________(14) up our power station chimneys and car ____________(15). We should also change the way society thinks and reacts. We need to ____________(16) energy by increasing ____________(17). We also need to ____________(18) our way of transport, that is, create a more efficient transport system which depends less on ____________(19) cars and more on a good ____________(20) transport network.

笔记示范:acid rain what, why, 解 now& futu pollutant air 头rain, mist, snow, hail, ×forest, L R(lakes and river),bldg,healthcntl : cause chemcl

3SO2, NO2, ozone

primary direct ↑power station chimney

↑1/2: car& pw st

二级 污 cmbn N&H car exhau↑sunlight reactsummer, city edge

# +3 pl . acid rain, asso——SO271% SO2 emit UK ,

coal p s, Midlands × fall near fac p s travel b4 rain 环 -dying fac ps 遍 Uk Wales, Scot, marked effaffd: lakes, ,#


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解:stop catastrophe short long term 解short: × emissn fac ps long: change S thinking,×just clean ps chimney, car ex* chan react think1st less energy recycling reuse EU US 2nd chan trans sys personal car×, public trans nwk√conserve energy, rationale trans, cln, less 污#

推荐教材:《高级口译听力教材》三、 真题讲解二1999年 3月文字补充:每个空的答案SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Note-taking and Gap-fillingDirections: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk only once. While listening to the talk, you may take notes no the important points so that you can have enough information to complete a gapfilling task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You are required to write ONE word or figure only in each lank. You will not get your ANSWER BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talk. Advertising is important to companies because no company can make a _profit_______(1) on any product unless it advertises it first in the ______media______(2). There are three categories of media: print, broadcast and ___direct_______(3). The print media consist of newspapers and ___magazines_____(4). Newspaper ads can reach large numbers of people, but they are not very ____exciting_______(5) or glamorous. Magazine advertisement allows a business to direct its ads to the people who are most ___interested________(6) in the product, but it can be very expensive. The broadcast media include ___radio_______(7) and television. Of all the media, television is the most dramatic. so television ads are easy to _____remember_____(8). What's more, almost everybody watches TV, and most TV programmes are broadcast _nationally_____(9). TV ads are viewed by millions of people all over the country. TV advertisement is enormously ___expensive________(10). The most common direct medium is the ___mail_______(11). The advantage is that the ad goes directly in the ____potential_______(12) customer's hands. But these ads are often called “___junk_____(13) mail”, and are thrown away without being ___read/opened________(14).


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Another direct medium is _____billboards________(15), those huge signs on the street. The message on billboards is ____permanent________(16), but it has to be very ___short______(17). The third type of direct medium is signs and _____posters_______(18), which are usually used in point of purchase advertising and can be found in ___supermarkets___________(19) and shop windows. The advantage is that they are _____cheap_________(20).

四、 三合一惯用语 Words Collocation名词+名词● rules and regulations(各种条例)● facts and figures(事实和数字)● merits and demerits(优缺点)● pros and cons(赞成和反对的理由)● ways and means (各种方法)● oddities and absurdities:异样或不合情理的感觉● aches and pains:周身疼痛● chapter and verse:(常和动词 give或 quote连用)注明……的出处或详情● heaven and earth:(常和move连用)竭尽全力● hustle and bustle:喧闹● rack and ruin:(常和 go to连用)遭破坏● ups and downs:盛衰;浮沉● law and order(法律秩序;法纪)● do's and dont's (应注意的事项)● bag and baggage(连同全部财物)● doom and gloom(失望与不快)● odds and ends:各种不值钱的小物品● bits and pieces:零星物件● board and lodging:食宿● hammer and tongs:(常和 go at it连用)闹哄哄地争吵● hue and cry:嘈杂声● ifs and buts:各种借口● stuff and nonsense:胡说八道㈡ 动词+动词 ● aid and abet (唆使别人干坏事)● forgive and forget(宽恕他人) ● pick and choose(细心选择;挑剔)● Chop and change: 变化无常 ● Do or die:不是成功便是失败死亡 ● Rant and rave: 大声责怪 ● Toss and turn: 辗转难眠 ●Dine and wine : 吃吃喝喝


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● Bow and scrape: 打躬作揖 ● groan and moan(不停地埋怨)● give and take(互相让步)● wear and tear:耗损 ● Make or break:成功或失败● Hum and haw: 踌躇 ● Sink or swim: 不论好歹● Wait and see: 耐心等待 ● Scrimp and scrape: 尽量节省

㈢ 形容词+形容词 ● fair and square(公平地) ● hale and hearty(健壮活泼地) ● cut and dried:早已决定的● bright and breezy:活泼轻快的 ● rough and ready:粗略的● short and sweet:简短扼要

㈣ 副词+副词 ● first and foremost(首先) ● here and there(到处)● By and large: 大体上 ● More or less: 或多或少;差不多● On and off : 断断续续地 ● Up and about: 恢复健康 ● Little by little: 渐渐地● far and away(远远地)● In and out: 进进出出 ● now and then:偶尔●As and when:当● To and fro: 来来往往地 ● By and by: 不久之后● Through and through: 从头到尾地;彻底三合一词汇的作用:1、提高听力能力2、提高语感3、口语表达时的延迟帮助

第十一章  听译部分Listening translation 听译


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这部分为主观题。要求考生在听懂和理解原话的基础上,译出原话的主要内容。 这部分考试是上海英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试的一道“特色菜”,对考生的综合能力要求很高。听译内容分为句子听译(sentence translation)和段落听译(passage translation)。句子听译共5个,每个3分。长度为 30个词左右。后留有60秒的时间间隙供考生翻译书写。

句子听译从近几年的考试来看,句子听译一般会有 2-3个句子单句,有时单句之间会有一定的逻辑关系。


段落听译段落听译共有2个,一个7分一个8分;段落长度为100个词左右。每段后有 200 秒左右的间隙共考生翻译书写。 段落听译两段文章主要有以下四大体裁: 新闻类:叙述一个新闻事实,常考灾难性新闻。广告类:播出一则广告。 地理类:叙述一个国家或地区的地理特征和人文背景。考生应调动自己的知识积累,以促进对文段的理解和记忆。逻辑、数字类:这种文段表面上介绍一种新事物或事件,实则考查考生对文段的理解程度和逻辑脉络的把握程度。注意:听译部分的考查侧重点在于听懂和理解,而不在翻译技巧,不必也没有时间讲究翻译的辞藻,所以考生只要能够把听力材料的主要内容翻译成通顺的汉语即可。





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常是听了下半句忘了上半句,一长段听下来脑子中只剩了最后一句。原因:脑中英文的 storage太小——即短时记忆能力欠佳。解决的办法:Dictation (听写)和 Shadowing(跟读)

笔记的关键在熟练 同笔记填空中笔记的难点一样,存在三种不同类型的笔记。“译”的关键在速度。 多于大多数考生而言,50 秒译出三句子、200 秒译出 7-9个句子,并把他们工整的写出来决不是件易事。而英语中的一些语法结构和中英文语序的差异都事听译的“拦路虎”。考生在实考中,由于紧张等原因,往往听漏或者听错第一个词甚至第一句话。而听译中的第一句话往往是这段听译材料的中心句,暗示整段材料的体裁,更重要的是给听力文段奠定了感情基调和逻辑倾向。



翻译高级口译听译 8 字翻译原则:顺句操作,随机调整。顺句操作:顺句操作:听译的第一原则,也是最经济的原则。与笔译相比,听译不允许考生有时间去反复琢磨如何译得称心。考生只能按听到意思的顺序一句句译下去。高级口译听译中的大部分句子均可参照这一原则进行翻译。

[2000.9 实考试题]Please remind other members of the board ① that nomination for Chair and Secretary ② should be made by the end of next year ③ . 请提醒董事会其他成员 ① ,董事会主席和秘书的提名工作 ② 应在下周末前完成 ③ 。[2002.9 实考试题]Briefly ① , I ’ m proposing that the government should take action to eliminate smoking ② , a complete ban on all cigarette sponsorship and adverting ③ , even at the point of sal e ④ . 简而言之 ① ,我建议政府采取行动禁烟 ② ,完全禁止烟草公司的赞助活动和香烟广告 ③ ,甚至在销售点也是如此 ④ 。


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随机调整由于英汉语言分属两个不同的语系,语言的顺序不可能完全一样。随机调整。1.时间、原因状语提前。[2002.9 实考试题]It was the worst earthquake that the country had suffered for over three decades. Thousand of residents have a second night camped out in parks and gardens.这是 30 年来 该国遭受的最严重的地震,数千居民连续第二夜在公园和花园里露宿。[高级口译教材]Shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday, undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets.受到证券和货币市场波动的影响,伦敦证券交易所的交易额较周五大幅下降。-ed 分词作原因状语[2001.9 实考试题]Some Asian economies now face the danger of overheating as labor and other costs rise , and inflation climbs.随着劳力和其他成本提高 , 通货膨胀攀升 ,有些亚洲国家经济现在面临过热危险。as引导的原因状语[2001.9 实考试题]Business dealers predict that the Chinese currency is expected to remain strong with expanded trade surplus.贸易商预测,由于贸易出超增加,人民币有望保持坚挺。with引导的原因状语2.消息来源的处理[2002.3 实考试题]The Internet is viewed as the information superhighway, but it can also be the misinformation superhighway, warns a psychologist at the 5 th International Conference on Internet. 互联网被看作是信息高速路,但也可以被看作是错误信息高速路,在第五届互联网国际会议上有一位心理学家这样警告说。或者如果消息来源短可以将消息来源提前。[高级口译教材 p346]Six people were injured in the store fire and fire-fighters rescued at least five people trapped on the roof of the burning building, fire officials said.消防官员说有 6人在这场商店火灾中受伤,消防队员从起火建筑物的房顶营救了 5个被困在那里的人。定语从句的处理在高级口译听译中一般将英语的定语从句译为独立句。[2000.9 实考试题]Child labor is just one symptom of the appalling poverty in the world, which deprived children of their basic right to education and freedom.


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童工现象仅是世界上可怕的贫困状况之一,这种贫困剥夺了孩子受教育和享受自由的基本权利。[2000.3 实考试题]Shanghai is a world-famous metropolitan city. Shanghai has been a window to the west; it is the city in which my country and yours issued the communique that began our modern friendship. 上海是世界著名大都市,是面向西方的窗口。我们两国曾在这个城市里发表了开创我们之间当代友好关系的公报。

全真接触地理类[高级口译听力教材]原文 笔记On the western side of the mainland of Britain lies Wales.

|Br –Wales

It is a mountainous region with a very strong cultural identity of its own.

山 cul

It has its own music, its own poetry, its own national game—rugby—it even had its own prince because the Queen’s eldest son, Prince Charles, is Prince of Wales.

music poetry O game: rugby


And, of course, it had its own language. own lg For many, Welsh is their first language and it’s growing as a second language.

welsh 1 lg2 lg

All Welsh people speak English but it’s a countrywhere you often hear two languages spoken.

all: Eng ∧2 lg

The Welsh even have their television channel,with no English spoken on it at all.

tele Eng

So culturally, it is separate from England, but, politically, it is still rules from London.

cul / Eng LD



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二语言的人正在增加。所有威尔士人都会说英语,但在这里你常常听到人们讲两种语言。威尔士甚至有自己的电视频道,完全不讲英语。因此从文化上来说,它与英格兰相分离,但从政治上讲,它又受伦敦统治。广告类[2000.9 实考试题]原文 笔记Here’s a job possibly for somebody who’s a school leaver.

job —— schl leaver

It requires no experience at all,but training will be given on the job.

requ exper train given

And the pay is 300 dollars a week. 300$/wkWhat is the job?Well, it’s a shop-assistant in a busy supermarket.

assit busy mark

It is a full-time job, but the big think is, you don’t need any experience.

ful time * exper

So if you’re just leaving school and fancy working in a supermarket, try that.


You get one day off during the week and you must work one late evening till 9:30 p.m.

1 d off late 9:30 pm

OK? So that’s a shop-assistant.Well, if you fancy any sort of those jobs, give us a call here at the East Radio.

E radio

这里有个工作可能适合毕业离校生,完全不需要经验,会提供岗位培训。工资是每周 300 元。这是什么工作?是个生意兴隆的超市的营业员,是个全职工作,但好处是你不需要有经验因此,如果你即将毕业离校,而想到超市工作,可以试试。你每周休息一天,但是有一天必须做到晚上 9:30。这是职位是营业员。如果你想找一个这样的工作,请给我们东方电视台来电话。逻辑类[2002.9 实考试题]原文 笔记Recent government figures indicate that our standard of living is rising, but they don’t take into account important factors like pollution, crime and stress of the modern socity.

: std

∧ polu crim stress m S

What people want above all is security and an environmentwhere their children can grow to be

? pl: 安 环

child health adult


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healthy adults.In the past wages were much lower, but then people could go out without constantly having to look over their shoulder,and mums could send their kinds to play in the streets without worrying they’d be attacked or offered drugs by someone.

. wage low∧ go look

mum child street

atk drug






第一章 高口阅读概况

一 高口阅读概况


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笔译考察:听力、阅读、翻译30分钟的阅读题目考核时间阅读分成两个部分:即 Scection2和 Scection5。Scection2中有四篇文章,题型为

选择题,共 20道题目。 Scection5共有三篇文章,题型为简答题,共 10道题目。参考资料《英语高级口译全真试题集》

二 提高阅读六大准备工作1、词汇

1) 基础 8000词参考资料:TOEFL词汇

2) 新闻词:back 支持hit 变得流行起来  上海新东方学校论坛  阅读攻略版参考资料:《单挑》

专业词topic: society, politics, law, economy & finance, ethics(bioethics, scientific breakthrough), terrorism, space research, arts and literature, entertainment, etc.


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infertility不育症embryo胚胎germline genetic manipulation种系基因控制IVF 试管受孕

4) 时事词:

annus horribilis 大灾年、恐怖的年份advergame电玩游戏

5) 外来词:oolong,chic,avant-garde, zeitgeist

2、句子结构: 长句短读




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第二章 真题分析 一

2002年 3月 section2 Questions 1~5(全真试题集 P95)重点在于分析文章的主线和枝节信息

第一段Helen Beasley says she did not set out to become a surrogate mother. Helen Beasley 文章开头出现的一个人物


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文章中人物的作用:1、文章的主角 Leading role2、议论文中的 Example

3、被引用者的话 Quotation

东西方新闻报道焦点不同:西方新闻更愿意暴露社会上尖锐、新奇、有争议的事件。The 26-year-old legal secretary from Shrewsbury, England, a single mom with a 9-year old

son, was thinking more about becoming a paid egg donor.egg donor. 卵子捐献者本句很具体,目的是为了说明第一句话。When she bought her first computer and did some research on the Internet, the tales of

childless couples she came across broke her heart, she says, and made her think of going one step further, as some 20, 000 surrogate moms do each year in the U.S. "

本句也非常具体,也是对第一句话的说明和支持。The more I thought about it, "she says, "the more I thought of happy endings."本句的目的也是为了证明第一句话所表达的主旨。注意:英美一流报刊文章通常是倒三角结构,文章的前三分之一一定会表明文章主旨、核心、

线索。 第二段Six-and-a-half months after her first surrogate pregnancy began, as twin babies kick inside

her, Beasley could not be much farther from a happy ending.主句:Beasley could not be much farther from a happy ending 说明这篇文章描述的是一


She’s mired in a bitter legal battle with Charles Wheeler and Martha Berman, the San Francisco attorneys who found her classified ad on the Internet and flew her over last March for a trip to a fertility clinic.

Mired 使……深陷泥潭本句中有很多具体的描述,这些具体的东西在阅读的时候都可以被忽视,我们只需明

确主角陷入了官司中。Pregnant with one more baby than Wheeler and Berman wanted, Beasley says, she has

received only 1, 000 of the 20, 000 they originally agreed to pay her. 本句中有很多数字,而数字往往是可以被忽略的。

The fate of the twins she’s carrying but does not want or have legal rights to will be decided by a California court, in one of the most bizarre surrogacy cases yet.


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文章的第二段把案子的背景信息告诉了大家。第三段:Beasley acknowledges the Wheeler and Berman, who have refused to talk to the media, made

it clear in their discussions that they wanted just one child. What’s more, notes Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode, "theirs was a very extensive

contract.What’s more :更有甚者重要连接词及用法:Furthermore,moreover,that is,that is to say,i.e,also

等递进连接词后面的信息更加重要Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode:文章中的头衔可以略看

There were 50 clause providing for every contingency, "including the case of a multiple pregnancy, a real possibility given that three donor eggs fertilized by Wheeler’s sperm were implanted in Beasley’s womb. Contingency:可能性、偶然性Including的出现说明接下来的文字要列举一系列的内容,这些列举内容都是非常具体的,不太可能成为主题句,在口译阅读中可以略看。The contract required Beasley to honor the couple’s decision about whether to have a selective reduction, the termination of one or more fetuses in a multiple pregnancy. Fetuses:胚胎Still, Beasley says, "I didn’t realize they would go so ballistic" over the idea of twins.Ballistic:勃然大怒第三段的主题在于What’s more引出的句子中,关键词 extensive特别记录,第三段的很多内容与合同、官司有关。

第四段:Beasley claims she would have gone through with the selective reduction has Wheeler and

Berman made the arrangements early in the pregnancy. But, as she tells it, there was a lengthy e-mail row between the two sides after Beasley

returned to England:But关键转折词,异曲同工的词还有 however, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless这些词后面


2. The word "row" in the sentence "there was a lengthy email row between the two sides"(Para. 4) can be replaced by ________.


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(A) negotiation磋商 (B) argument 争吵(C) communication交流 (D) dialogue对话

it was a petty affair in which each accused the other of going on vacation without warning, but it took weeks to mediate.

By the time Wheeler and Berman booked Beasley’s flight to California for the reduction, it was week 13 of her pregnancy, she says.

第四段的关键在于明确文章中的两方人物有争执。第五段At that stage, Beasley felt that terminating a fetus was wrong. Plus, the late date increased the

risk that both fetuses would be lost in the procedure. Her high blood pressure was already complicating the pregnancy.

At that stage:在那个阶段 以上三句话,是在并列说明一个主题,内容很具体,可以略看Beasley claims that Wheeler and Berman’s lawyer, who declined to comment, presented her with two options: to terminate one fetus as requested or terminate both and still get paid.本句也是并列说明,可以略看。第六段Unwilling to do either, Beasley tried to compromise option of seeking other potential parent. 从本句看出,本段开始的内容将是主人公“寻找出路”的地方。She says both sides offered candidates but fought over what-if anything-the newcomers

would pay Wheeler and Berman for their in-vitro fertilization and donor-egg expenses.-if anything-



In Britain the matter would have been simpler. There, surrogate mothers have full legal rights to the babies they bear for at least the first six weeks. But since the contract was signed in California, Beasley, now living in San Diego, supported by her lawyer there, is suing to sever the couple’s rights over the children and claim unspecified damages.

Britain、California:地点强对比往往会蕴含着考点By last Thursday the blood was so bad that Berman had the man who came to serve her with


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papers thrown out of her office building.Blood:脾气本句内容非常具体,不会成为考点。第七段This very pubic debacle has surrogacy supporters pretty steamed too. "The only victims I see

in this case are those babies and surrogate parenting itself, "says Shirley Zager, director of the Illinois-based Organization of Parents Through Surrogacy, herself a surrogate mother. Shirley Zager, director of the Illinois-based Organization of Parents Through Surrogacy, herself a surrogate mother. 从语者的经历和头衔可以推测出语者的支持倾向

According to law professor Rhode, changes of heart happen in only 4 out of every 10, 000 legal surrogate arrangements; however, such cases usually involve the surrogate mom wanting to keep her offspring after they’re born

And even though they have been through a lot together, Beasley has no such plans for the

twins. "Financially, emotionally, I don’t have the means, "she says. Their happy ending will have to wait.

1. According to the passages, Helen Beasley became a surrogate mother mainly because______.(A) she wanted to have a daughter of her own

(B) she liked to be a voluntary egg donor (C) she had much sympathy for those childless families (D) she needed the money from surrogate parenting答案来源:When she bought her first computer and did some research on the Internet, the tales of childless couples she came across broke her heart, she says, and made her think of going one step further, as some 20, 000 surrogate moms do each year in the U.S. "本题是细节题,可以从上下文找到答案。2. The word "row" in the sentence "there was a lengthy email row between the two sides"(Para.

4) can be replaced by ________.(A) negotiation (B) argument(C) communication (D) dialogue

3. It can be found from the passages that the contract between Beasley and Wheeler and Berman_____.(A) was unfair to the surrogate mother

(B) was quite comprehensive and accepted by both parties (C) did not include clauses related to multiple pregnancy (D) specified the reduction of payment in case of multiple pregnancy(B) Comprehensive与第三段关键词 extensive形成呼应


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注意:类似这样的题目一定优先选择主题相符的答案,这是非常的主题原则。4. According to the passage, Beasley refused to terminate one of the fetuses out of all the

following reasons EXCEPT that____.(A) her high blood pressure would lead to danger in operation

(B) both of the twin fetuses would face the risk of being lost (C) the termination would be too late after week 13 of her pregnancy (D) the decision to reduce fetuses was cruel and unethical答案来源第五段5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

(A) Beasley is going to keep the twins herself. (B) Both sides are seeking potential parents. (C) The laws concerning surrogate mothering are different in the two countries. (D) The case is quite unusual compared with most other surrogate cases.


第三章 真题分析 二

(全真试题集 P72)阅读技巧:抓主题,具体细节如名人的话、数字、头衔可以跳读。本篇文章的阅读关键在于抓住主题。



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Supermarket group Tesco, now the biggest retailer in the UK, rang up its

first £1bn profit last year and yesterday claimed to be the fastest growing major retailer in the world.

Now:时间强对比词。The 700-strong chain, once regarded as a downmarket pile-it-high-and-

sell-it-cheap business, is raking in sales of nearly £ 23bn a year and

producing a profit of £3m a day.

Downmarket:底端市场pile-it-high-and-sell-it-cheap薄利多销rake in 赚取、获得

Only one UK retailer-Marks Spencer-has ever breached the £1bn barrier before and M S has since suffered an aboutt-turn in its fortunes. In made

only £430m last year.


第二段Despite criticism from consumer groups and some farmers’

representatives, Tesco, which now accounts for £25 of every £100 spent on groceries in UK, insisted it was not making excessive profits.

Despite:尽管类似的词 although、though、in spite, in spite of, etc.引导让步状语从句,


Chief executive Terry Leahy said the chain was making only just over £3


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profit from every £100 purchase and deputy chairman David Reid said the growth had been driven by “better service, quality and value for money”.

有具体数字和“牛人”的具体内容可以忽略。本段只需特别关注关键句 insisted it was not making excessive profits.

第三段The supermarket has also benefited from the lackluster performance

of some of its rivals, especially Sainsbury.

Also:引出另外一个关键原因Lackluster:缺乏光泽Unitl 1995 Sainsbury was bigger than Tesco,but it last reported profits

were barely half Tesoco’s £1bn. Safeway, which made £236m last year, is turning itself into a new breed of small-scale hypermarket while Asda, with

£330m profit last year, appears to have lost some of its momentum since

its takeover by the American Wal-Mart discount chain. Tesco’s £1.05bn profit, which was generated in the year to the end of February, is 12% up on last year. Sales were up 11.9%.


第四段Earlier this year-in the wake of a two-year competition commission

inquiry which cleared the supermarkets of making excessive profits-Tony Blair accused the supermarkets of having shoppers in “an armlock”, but Tesco denied its profits and success were being driven by squeezing

suppliers. It said it had cut prices by £1bn over the past five years and that its prices were now 11% lower than in 1996.



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第五段A spokesman for the company said: “Our profits have been growing in

the with sales for a number of years. In other words, it is not margin expansion, or any rip-off, that is driving the profit growth.” “And in as much as farmers are experiencing tough times, why blame it on the supermarkets? Other macro factors are more important. Farm profits are extremely cyclical and in recent years the strong pound and the travails associated with BSE have been the main issues.”

A spokesman for the company公司官方发言人的观点一定是正方观点In other words:换句话说margin expansion:边际利润扩张rip-off:敲竹杠in as much as:因为macro factors:宏观因素Cyclical:周期性的Travails:艰难BSE =MCD:疯牛病

第六段But a spokeswoman for the National Consumer Protection Council

said: “It is high time Tesco cut their prices more and gave the customers more benefit from their profits”, while Michael Hart, of the Small And Family Alliance, accused the supermarkets of being a “new food baronial class”. The Liberal Democrats’ agriculture spokesman, Colin Breed, called for the appointment of a retail regulator “who would not be in the pockets of the supermarkets.”

But说明观点发生变化National Consumer Protection Council:消费者保护协会Small And Family Alliance:小家庭农场联合会


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Liberal Democrats:自由民主党人注意:Reading Objectives: 正反论证,做好笔记baronial class:贵族阶层But the National Farmers’ Union, while admitting that some of its

members would find the earnings “hard to comprehend”, backed the company. Spokeswoman Helen Lo said farmers hit by crises like BSE and foot and mouth should work with the big grocers, rather than “wage a war” on them. She said: “I think the way forward is to get farmers to muscle together to make a better profit for themselves, and they should look at efficiencies of operations.”

Tesco is driving its growth through international expansion, and now operates 65 hypermarkets abroad, mostly in central Europe and Asia.

Sales at those stores climbed to nearly £3bn last year and they produced

profits of £74m. At home, the group last year sold £45m of DVD players and TVs, extended its clothing range put 8,00 new nonfood products on its shelves.


Mr. Leahy outlined plans to spend £1bn opening more Tesco outlets in the UK this year. He intends to double both the number of Tesco Express stores on Esso forecourts to 100 and the number of Tesco Extra hypermarkets to around 45. The expansion plans are expected to create 20,000 new jobs-half in the UK-meaning Tesco’s worldwide payroll will rise to 260,000. The Tesco. com grocery home delivery business also brings in profits. The online grocer is now the biggest e-tailer in the world. Its 1m

registered users 70,000 weekly shoppers spend £6m a week.

1. This passage is mainly about .(A) a comparison of supermarket groups in Britain(B) criticism of supermarkets from consumer groups(C) Tescon’s growth through international expansion

(D) Tesco’s first £1bn profit growth and its consequent reponses


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主题题解题原则:1、篇幅原则:篇幅越长越有课程是主题2、抽象原则2. Which of the following shows the right order of supermarkets according

to the profits they made last year?(A) Marks Spencer, Sainsbury, Safeway, Asda, Tesco(B) Tesco, Sainsbury, Marks Spencer, Asda, Safeway(C) Asda, Tesco, Sainbury, Safeway, Marks Spencer(D) Safeway, Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda, Marks Spencer

3. Which of the following parties or organizations sympathizes with Tesco?(A) The Liberal Democrats(B) The National Consumer Protection Council(C) The National Farmers’ Union(D) The Labour Party

4. The expression “in the pockets of” from the sentence “The Liberal Democrats’ agriculture spokesman, Colin Breed, called for the

appointment of a retail regulator `who would not be in the pockets of

the supermarkets'”. (Para. 6) can be replaced by .(A) in line with (B) in the control of (C) in support of (D) in

opposition to

5. According to the passage, all of the following contribute to Tesco’s profit growth EXCEPT .(A) implementation of its margin-expansion policy(B) expansion of markets abroad(C) fast grow of e-tailing business(D) improvement of service and quality

Reading Objectives: 正反论证,做好笔记


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第四章 真题分析 三

2000 年 3 月 section2 6-10

Questions 6~10

Reading Objectives: 进一步理解时间强对比的写法,理解 example的功能You saw the stories of the embarrassment at Encyclopedia Britannica last week as the

company's highly advertised free Web site was jammed into nonfunctioning.Encyclopedia Britannica:大英百科全书jam:堵塞,拥挤nonfunctioning.:瘫痪句子的主体:the stories of the embarrassment

The stories were of some 10 million hits a day clogging the site, www. britannica. com; of three separate apologies given to would be users of the free reference service; of promises to get the thing up and running, perhaps as early as this week. 考点:分号引出并列(细节)三个细节用;连接,细节非常具体,不是重点部分,可以略看,More striking, though, is what the stories didn't say: What an extraordinary thing it is that people around the world suddenly have access—free access—to knowledge that would have been the envy of a university professor earlier in my own lifetime.

考点:although, though, even though, in spite of,despite, albeit后面的内容鄙视What an extraordinary:感叹句,这种奇怪的事情非常值得报道。have access to=have=be accessible to



相关题目解析:6. The author cites the example of Encyclopedia Britannica at the beginning of the passage mainly

to show that ________.(A) its Web site is the target of millions of hackers


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(B) the Web site can be repaired soon (C) it is one of the major signs of knowledge explosion(D) it is the symbol of the arrival of encyclopedic age

Example题分两种:考 example的 function或者 content,section 2考前者较多,遇到这种题目不要留恋细节内容,要看上下文比较抽象和概括的内容。小帖士:如果文章是一个小故事,我们应该关注隐藏在故事背后的深层抽象道理。

As for ordinary people, I remember how the encyclopedia salesmen would come around with their sample volumes, their memorized spiels and their offers of “easy” terms if you'd only sign up for Compton's or World Book.本句也是细节描写,可以略读。另外,本句是对过去的描写,隐藏了时间强对比的信息。spiel 喋喋不休“easy” terms:优惠条款

Owning an encyclopedia—or “a set of encyclopedias”, as we used to say—was a pretty big deal for families of modest means, an unaffordable luxury for many of the folk in my hometown. And now it's all free—or will be as soon as Britannica works out the bugs. Bug:错误Now宣告了主体内容的出现The reason it's free is the Britannica, whose hard-copy sales are down some 80 percent since 1990, is forced to compete with Microsoft-s dominant Encarta Encyclopedia.本句比较细节,因此不太可能是主题句。

But the encyclopedia is just one small illustration of the explosion both in knowledge and in our access to it since Thomas Jefferson's modest book collection formed the nucleus of the Library of Congress.Not only does my own house now contain more books than Jefferson ever owned, but my access to public libraries, bookstores and, of course, the Web, gives my family information resources beyond the imagination of world-class scholars a short time ago.


I've just had a phone call from a friend who tells me that, in preparation for an upcoming trip to Benin, she's downloaded 75 to 100 pages of information, from a score of sites, on that West African country—information on everything from the local currency, political situation and weather to the latest local news and the street address of the American embassy. 本段又出现了一个故事,具体的故事可以略看,关键是隐藏在故事后的道理。


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“I'm starting to feel almost like I know the place, even though I've never been there,” she said. Marco Polo, eat your heart out.对应题目讲解7. Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the sentence “Marco Polo, eat your heart

out.” (Para.4)?(A) Marco polo would be sad to know about the easy access to information about the world.(B) Marco polo would sincerely welcome the information age.(C) Marco polo would be happy to learn to use the Web.(D) Marco polo would never believe the story from the author's friend.考点:围绕主题找到句子在上下文中的作用、意义

Nor is it just information that is so profusely available. Nor:否定Profusely:丰盛Think of the difficulties confronting a 19th-century music lover. He could, of course, hear local folk artists.19th-century :时间强对比But if he had a fondness for, say, Bach or Beethoven, he'd have to hire an orchestra and a place for it to perform—which means he'd have to be wealthy. Today, any teenager with a CD player (or even an FM radio) can hear almost any music of his of her choosing, performed by top musicians, virtually at will. The same youngster could, at a whim, look at tens of thousands of paintings from the National Gallery of Art.Today:时间强对比

Think of laws forbidding anyone to teach slaves to read. Think of Hitler's book burnings. Think of all the attempts over the years to enforce either orthodoxy or the status quo by putting learning off-limits, and you begin to sense the power of what is happening. The walls of caste and class have not been razed, but they are suddenly, irrevocably, more porous.Think of… Think of… Think of:并列的内容不太可能成为主题Orthodoxy:正统观念status:拉丁词,现状caste:这里指严格分化的社会阶层raze:夷为平地irrevocably:不可撤销的porous:多孔的

And yet not completely porous. Yet:强对比The pertinence of the “digital divide” is a reminder that some Americans remain cut off from the power of the knowledge revolution. Pertinence:恰当、适当digital divide:数字鸿沟


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cut off from:被……排除在外注意:上下文逻辑出现跳跃,可能就是出题的位置所在

We have to get serious not merely about the technology but also the psychology of bridging that divide. We have to infect our turned-off adults and our uninspired children with the desire to know more of what is within their grasp already and the oceans more that shortly will be.We have to…We have to 并列句,不太可能是主题句Uninspired:无灵感的Ocean:差距

If that's true of end-of-the-century America, it is immeasurably worse for much of the rest of the world. As U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan remarked in a recent speech, “Half the worlds population has never even made, or received, a telephone call.”我们要关注隐藏在名人引言后的含义,而不是具体引言本身。9. The author quotes U.N. Secretary Generals remark in the last paragraph mainly to demonstrate

that _________.(A) telephone is more important to the Web than the poor(B) digital revolution will be welcomed by the poor (C) the gap between the rich and the poor can be wider in the information age (D) half the world's population will benefit from knowledge explosion

10. The last two paragraphs of the passage can be perceived as __________.(A) the summary of the whole passage (B) the introduction of the concept “digital divide”(C) the prediction about America in the new century (D) the warning of issues behind technological progress本题是结构功能题8. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

(A) Both Compton's and World Book are encyclopedias.(B) Encarta Encyclopedia is giving way to Encyclopedia Britannica.(C) The sales of Encyclopedia Britannica have been going down dramatically over the past

decade.(D) Encyclopedia Britannica opens its Web site to attract more readers.

本题是“杀手”题型,可以放到最后来做Other Reading Skills:



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二.句义理解题要和主题挂钩三.抓住强对比四. 最后两段深化主题

第五章 真题分析 四

2002 年 9 月 section2 6-10

Reading Objectives: 进一步理解 example的功能,熟悉按时间顺序写作的方式 Bill Gates is not the only American entrepreneur with business plan to save the world.There are thousands. Consider Steve Kirsch, who had just turned 35 when he had everything he could want.Adobe, the software giant, had just purchased one of his startups, Eframe, The sale made Kirsch very rich, with a share in a private jet, an estate in California' s Los Altos Hills and a burning question: what to do with the rest of a 50 million fortune? After a few years of doling out money to traditional charities-his alma mater, the United Way-Kirsch got ambitious. He set up his own foundation to benefit "everyone", funding research on everything from cancer to near-earth objects. "It is guaranteed that we will be hit by an asteroid sometime in the future, "perhaps "before we end this phone conversation. "Kirsch explains. "It would cost several billion lives, and we can save those lives for 50 million, which is less than the cost of a private jet. I call it enlightened self-interest."对应题目6. Why does the author introduce some American millionaires at the beginning of the passage?

(A) To introduce the rapid growth of American millionaires. (B) To show how they become millionaires. (C) To display the relationship between business and philanthropy. (D) To explain their changing attitude towards charities.Example功能题 Startups:创业公司dole out捐款alma mater(拉丁词)母校alumna校友 alumni 男校友alumnae女校友self-interest 谋求私利


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American philanthropy isn't what it used to be. American philanthropy isn't what it used to be.:时间强对比的暗示本句推断出了第六题的答案。

Gone are the days when old money was doled out by bureaucrats from mahogany-paneled rooms. More people are giving out more money than ever before, at much younger ages, and to a much wider variety of causes. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's call for private charity to replace government largesse was greeted with hoots of liberal derision-and an outbreak of giving. Largesse:慷慨Hoot:嘲讽Derision:嘲讽Outbreak:爆发The number of private foundations rose from 22, 000 in 1980 to 55, 000 today. They now dole out about 23.3 billion a year, a 700 percent increase since 1980.

And many are the offspring of capitalists, who bring the language of business to charity. Vanessa Kirsch, president and founder of the entrepreneurial charity New Profit Inc., says, "There's this new breed of social entrepreneurs coming out of Harvard Business School or failed dot -coms, and they're saying, ‘I want to make big things happen.’"对应题目:7. The author mentions Ronald Reagan's call for private charity to replace government largesse

as .(A) Ronald Reagan was the then American President

(B) his call was severely criticized by the public (C) Ronald Reagan first understood the significance of private foundations (D) his call received mixed responses but pointed the way for philanthropy

注:first, all, only not at all, most, never等绝对选项不选如果一个答案能够包容另一个答案,我们通常选择可以包容其他答案的那一个。

8. The expression "who bring the language of business to charity" from the sentence "And many are the offspring of capitalists, who bring the language of business to charity. "(Para. 2) means .(A) who run charities in the same way as they run businesses

(B) who uphold the principles of business in managing charities (C) who manage the money they send to charities (D) who think philanthropists should receive training

Their outlook is increasingly global, in the Gates mold. The share of funding that the 1, 000


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largest foundations devote to international causes jumped from 11.3 percent in 1999 to 16.3 percent in 2000. And while the U.S. government is often criticized for stingy foreign aid (well under 1 percent of GNP each year), the same can't be said of private donors, who now give away 2.1 percent of U.S.GNP each year. "No nation comes even remotely close to the U.S. on these things, "says Scott Walker of the Philanthropy Roundtable. "If you're in Sweden or France, it's something the government is supposed to do. If you were in England, it is the nobility. Americans don't think it's enough to say, ‘I gave at the office with taxes.’"Sweden or France:出现多个地点,地点强对比,有可能是考点所在9. Which of the following can be concluded from Scott Walker's comment(Para. 3)?

(A) Charities in European countries are run by the governmental department. (B)America should earnestly learn the practice of charity from France and Sweden. (C) European countries should learn from American charity. (D) The concept of American charity is different from that of European ones.

To be sure, business and philanthropy are old bedfellows in the United States. The Rockefellers, the Carnegies and the Fords set the mold. But many were what Mark Dowie, author of "American Foundations: An Investigative History, "calls" s. o. b. s"patrons of "symphonies, operas, ballets, "and "museums and hospitals where rich people go to die. "The new foundations are more like "quasi-public trusts progressive institutions of change, "argues Dowie. The new movers and shakers of American charity are more likely to be flashy TV titans like Ted Turner. The story of how Turner gave away a billion is a founding legend of this class. In a cab on his way to make a speech at the United Nations, the cable titan, sick of official U.S. reluctance to pay U.N. dues, decided to pony up 1 billion himself. This shamed Washington and inspired imitators. "It is a lot more personality-oriented in this culture of new wealth, "says Ellen Dadisman, vice president of the Council on Foundations. "It's sort of like wealth meets People magazine."pony up:一次性付清

In Silicon Vallsey, the new fashion is called "venture philanthropy. "According to one survey, 83 percent of valley households give to charity, compared with 69 percent nationally. But they prefer to "invest, "not "give. "And to attract "investors, "fund-raisers promise hands-on management of the nonprofits they support. hands-on management:参与管理方式nonprofit 非盈利机构They demand seats on the board, set performance goals and plan an exit strategy in case expectations aren't met. "Traditionally, foundations have not been as invasive, "says Dadisman. "They didn't go to the nonprofit and say, “How much are you paying for rent? Why are you using these old-fashioned computers?’"It may be invasive, but if it works it could help save the world. Even from asteroids.

10. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(A) Charities will become profitable businesses in the future.

(B) More people in Silicon Valley give money to charity.


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(C) Management of charities is required to undergo changes. (D) Foundations are beginning to check how the charities are running.

解题总结:文章最重要的句子:American philanthropy isn't what it used to be.

Other Reading Skills:

一. first, all, only not at all, must, never等绝对选项不选二. 包含性好的选项优先考虑三.地点强对比考点四.强对比突出的是现在

第六章 真题分析 五

2000 年 3 月 section2 16-20

Reading Objectives: 熟悉先破后立的论证方式,巩固边读边做笔记的方法,重

点是学会找主题句Questions 16~20

Mitsubishi Motors just announced plans to cut 10,000 jobs. Last week Nissan, now owned by Renault and answering to its tough-minded foreign boss, pledged to slash 16,500. Similar reports from Tokyo for the past year have been greeted by American and British economists as signals that at last the famous Japanese practice of permanent employment is vanishing—a profound, traumatic transformation that they insist Japan needs.本段中,由大公司的实例引出欧美学者的观点

But there is less to trend than meets the eye. Reading past the headlines, one discovers that


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Mitsubishi's cuts will not take full effect until March 2004. Even Nissan's new chief operating officer, Carlos Ghosn, known to the world as “The Cost Killer,” will spread out the downsizing over three years. And Japan's companies are making many of their adjustments through attrition, hiring freezes, voluntary retirement buyouts and reassignment of employees to subsidiaries. What is striking about what is happening now is not that is represents a change in the way companies deal with workers, but that it shows remarkable continuity in nearly desperate economic times. But there is less to trend than meets the eye. Reading past the headlines有强转折词,本句很有可能是主题句第二句话很具体,不太可能是主题句What is striking引导的内容需要重点读17. Which of the following best paraphrases the statement “there is less to the trend than meets the eye” (Para.2)

(A) Everything can be observed through the trend. (B) The trend is superficial rather than fundamental. (C) The trend shows the continuity of Japanese recruiting practice.(D) The trend tells us little about the Japanese employment system.

For decades, American analysts have been predicting that a change in the Japanese ways of doing business was imminent. In good times, like the 60's or 80's, labor shortages and affluence were expected to lead employees to reject the status quo and start job hopping. In bad times, like the 70's or 90's, the pressure of the bottom line was expected to lead bosses “finally” to a proper market based system of employment.

Imminent:即将到来In good times与 In bad times的对应job hopping:跳槽The analysts who make these predictions do not understand the deep

historical roots of Japan's employment practices, roots sunk in its legal system, the structure of schools, its systems of job recruiting and skill development, its decades-old cooperative relations between companies and unions, and the implicit expectations we call culture.

On the very day of the Nissan announcement, a back-page story in Japanese newspapers showed how firm the grip of these foots can be. The game maker Sega had fired a 35 -year-old man for “lack of ability”. He protested with a lawsuit, and the courts ruled in his favor. They called the termination an “abuse of the right to fire,”decided the company had made “insufficient effort to train the employee” and ordered Sega to pay back wages. 本段用实例证明作者观点,反驳欧美学者的观点。20. The author uses the example of the game maker Sega to show ________.

(A) the importance of economic reform in Japan (B) the progress of Japanese legal system (C) the contradiction between labour and capital (D) the cultural influence in employment practice


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(A) the importance of economic reform in Japan ―― Japan does, of course, need economic reform. But the country's current crisis is rooted….

Japan does, of course, need economic reform. But the country's current crisis is rooted in a paralyzed financial system and stagnant consumer demand, especially at home. It is not a crisis of unproductive or lazy systems of industrial production. The financial system needs a thorough housecleaning, not only more transparent and effective regulation, but also internal reforms to insure that banks make more serious risk assessment when they start lending aggressively again. The country also needs public works spending and tax cuts to get commerce moving faster.(本段阐述了作者想要的解决方法)But it is probably a good thing that the Japanese system resists the sort of change that would

please the economic seers who thrill to misleading reports about huge employee cutbacks. A working person's prescription for change would first note that the cuts that have taken place, timid as they are by American standards, have shaken the confidence of consumers. Job security and stable wages, and public policies to insure them, could reduce fears and make people feel more comfortable about buying, increasing domestic demand and promoting recovery.

It is worth remembering that for several decades, with the familiar employment system in place, the productivity of Japanese industrial organizations and their ability to cope with shocks—like the oil crises or the tripling of the value of the yen against the dollar—was the envy of the world.cope with shocks:应付危机的能力16. Which of the basic writing skills does the author mainly use in the passage?

(A) classification 分类法 (B) definition 定义法(C) illustration 例证法 (D) argumentation 论证法本文是先破后立的论证法的典型。17. Which of the following best paraphrases the statement “there is less to the trend than meets the eye”

(A) Everything can be observed through the trend. (B) The trend is superficial rather than fundamental. (C) The trend shows the continuity of Japanese recruiting practice.(D) The trend tells us little about the Japanese employment system.

18. Which of the following shows the authors major concern?(A) The necessity of reform of Japanese financial system.(B) American and British economists-view towards Japanese practice of permanent

employment.(C) The justification of the continuity of Japanese employment practice.(D) The relationship between Japanese culture and its systems of job reruiting.


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19. According to the author, all of the following can be concluded from the passage EXCEPT that ________.(A) Japanese system of employment is also applicable to western countries (B) American analysts prediction is not well-grounded (C) the “profound, traumatic transformation” in Japanese employment practice will not occur (D) the Japanese employment system contributes greatly to its development of productivity

20. The author uses the example of the game maker Sega to show ________.(A) the importance of economic reform in Japan (B) the progress of Japanese legal system (C) the contradiction between labour and capital (D) the cultural influence in employment practice

第七章 Section 5 应考策略

一、Section 5 解题原则先看题目—再定位关键词—最后找到答案,改写原文用自己的语言表达注意:10-20%题目很难,适当放弃

二、Section 5 题型分析1.细节题:考细节内容或功能最典型的是例子功能题


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2.词义句义理解题: Section 5 中词义句义理解题的考法往往是考句子在上下文的功能,要求考生从


3.定义题:在上下文中找答案,把握回答的套用句式:A is kind of B,which means……


4. 描述题:标志词:introduce,describe,give a brief summary,what do you know about


20-30 字为宜。

5.解释题:常常让考试解释 analogy,comparison,metaphor



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8 题,考生避免求全心理,可以考虑放弃一些过难的题目。答案长度以 20-30


第八章 section 5的答题技巧

2002 年 3 月 section5 7-10

Reading Objectives: 学会 section 5的答题技巧,辩明题型,先读题目,后定位并


7、 Why does the author begin the article with the description of one's flying experience?

第 7题是例子功能题:不需要看懂例子,重点是第二段的第一句:This is to

compare the flying accident/experience with the global economic situation. Just as

theflying accident, the worldwide economic slowdown will probably lead to a

globaleconomic crisis without proper management and control.

Think of yourself flying across the country. An engine starts sputtering; cause for alarm, sure, but the pilot does that folksy number—"Aw, shucks, little problem here"—and assures you the others can take the strain. Then a second engine goes out; the sweat trickles down your neck, but your reckon you'll make it to the ground safely. But if the third, and then the fourth, flame out Think of通常会引出一个具体的例子flame out突然冒火

The global economy hasn't crashed just yet. But a world—wide slowdown is giving analysts everywhere a bad case of the jitters. The key reason: this, says Robert Hormats, vice chairman of Goldman Sachs International, is "the first synchronized downturn since the 1980s," when high interest rates squeezed the world economy like an orange. During the last U.S. recession, 10years ago, Europe was in its post—cold war euphoria, while the Asian economies were the stuff of miracle. By the time a financial crisis declared the Asian tigers in 1997—98, the U.S. economy was in the middle of its technology boom.


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从本段看出,文章讲的不是飞行问题而是经济问题。Why does the author begin the article with the description of one's flying experience?This is to compare the flying accident/experience with the global economic

situation.Just as the flying accident, the worldwide economic slowdown will

probably lead to aglobal economic crisis without proper management and control.

This time around, both the U.S. and German economies are flatlining, while that of Japan

continues its slow, downward spiral. The Japanese unemployment rate has risen to 5%, while the Nikkei stock market index last week touched lows not seen since 1984. The world's three most powerful engines are out of juice. Worry.

8、Explain the sentence from paragraph 4 "But globalization, it turns out, has a reverse gear."

第 8题词义句义题:考句子功能,找上下文抽象句, 关键是体现时间强对比。Why are this year's economic woes so widespread? Blame globalization, the increase in cross

—border trade and investment, that has bound the world economy closer together than ever before. In good times, globalization spreads the wealth. The astonishing growth of the U.S. economy in the lat 1990s spilled over into countries from Taiwan (which makes the microchips that power your computer) to Ireland (a prime destination for U.S. firms outsourcing manufacturing). But globalization, it turns out, has a reverse gear. Once it was plain—by last winter—that technology firms had vastly overestimated demand, the consequent retrenchment spread far beyond the Bay Area. Last week, for example, Baltimore Technologies, the jewel in Ireland's high—tech sector, slashed jobs in an effort to achieve profitability.

8、Explain the sentence from paragraph 4 "But globalization, it turns out, has a reverse gear."

When the economy is good, the globalization has positive effects on it, but during

bad times globalization also has the negative influences on it。答题技巧:把时间强对比表现在自己的答案中,可以获取较高的分数。

9、Why does the author mention the Great Depression of the 1930s?

第 9题词义句义题:体现类比Signs of global recession inevitably conjure up thoughts of the last time the whole world


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went to hell in a hand basket: the Great Depression of the 1930s.In truth, we're a long way from breadlines, and policymakers understand the forces that move the economy today much better than they did then. But one lesson of the 1930s is worth remembering. In an interconnected world, points out Jeffrey Garter, dean of the Yale school of management, a small spark can start a huge conflagration. In 1930 it looked as if the consequences of the 1929market crash might be contained; it was the collapse in 1931of the Austrian bank Creditanstalt that turned a market correction into a worldwide slump. Similarly, the global financial crisis of 1997—98 started with the devaluation of the Thai bath—though Thailand's whole economy is about the size of Kentucky's.

9、Why does the author mention the Great Depression of the 1930s?

The author uses the comparison between the current economic situation and the

1930sgreat Depression in order to illustration a good lesson worth remembering, that

is, asmall country financial crisis may lead to a global economic crash.

10、What do you know about the arguments over the $8 billion international rescue package for Argentina?

第 10题描述题:要用简洁的文字描述清楚事件、观点That's one reason why, after much dickering, the Administration last week signed off on an

$8 billion international rescue package for Argentina (an economy about the size of North lending tax dollars paid by American plumbers and retail clerks to a country that careens from one debt crisis to the next. But in the end, as Goldman Sachs' Hormats puts it, "pragmatism triumphed over ideology." If Argentina had defaulted on its debt, investors might have pulled out of other emerging markets, triggering a real crash. In a nervous world, It's best to avoid anything that leads to a loss of confidence. Might anything else tip the mood from mere gloom to catastrophe? "A huge amount," says Yale Garten, "is hinging on the American consumer." In today's planes, one really strong engine can get you safely to your destination. But expect a bumpy ride. Default 拖欠Trigger 引发

10、What do you know about the arguments over the $8 billion international rescue package for Argentina?

Despite some people were strongly against the rescue package, the American

government signed off the plan for Argentina which was in a debt crisis, because if

defaulting, Argentina will lose the confidence of investors, and hence this will trigger a

real crash.


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第九章 总结

一、复习方法:1、按照 topic复习:1)、environment:2000年 3月 Section2 第一篇2000年 9月 Section2 第一篇2000年 9月 Section2 第二篇


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2)、law:2000年 9月 Section5第一篇2001年 3月 Section2 第三篇2001年 3月 Section5 第三篇2002年 9月 Section5 第三篇

3)、ethics (bioethics、medicine):00/09 S5 第二篇、01/03 S2 第二篇、01/09 S2 第

四篇、02/03 S2 第四篇、02/09 S5 第二篇

4)、terrorism:02/03 S2 第二篇、02/09 S2 第四篇注意:高口的文章中通常不会单纯的描述恐怖事件的具体内容,而是隐藏在恐


5)、space research:03/09 S2 第一篇、03/03 S2 第三篇

6)、arts and literature:00/03 S2 第三篇、00/09 S2 第三、四篇、01/09 S2 第三篇

02/09 S2 第一篇

7)、entertainment:01/03 S5 第一篇、03/09 S2 第三篇、03/03 S2 第四篇190

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8)、human resourses:00/03 S5 第二篇、03/09 S5 第一篇9)、society: 00/09 S2 第二篇、01/03 S2 第四篇、01/09 S5 第一篇、01/09 S5 第三篇、

02/03 S2 第三篇、10)economy and finance:00/09 S5 第三篇、01/03 S2 第一篇、01/09 S5 第二篇 、

02/09 S2 第三篇、03/09 S2 第四篇注:高口的文章至少要反复看 6 遍以上

2、按照论证方式复习:声音文件九 11:11~16:52

以新闻为例,可以分成硬新闻:对事件的单纯讲述软新闻:对事件的深刻反思和探讨软新闻、新闻评论文中常用的五种论证方法及例文:1)议论文写作套路:提出问题,分析问题,解决问题三段节奏。02/03 S2 第二、四篇, 02/09 S2 第二篇, 05/03 S5 第二、四篇


提出解决方法。00/03 S2 第二篇, 02/03 S2 第三篇


01/09S2 第三篇, 04/09 S2第三篇, 05/03 S2 第四篇4). 正反论证写作套路:作者会站在一个中立的位置去阐述正反方的观点,考生的关键是区分正反

不同的观点。00/03 S2 第一、三篇, 00/09 S2 第二篇, 01/09 S2 第一、二篇, 05/03 S2 第一篇, S5 第一篇


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5). 先破再立(最难的一种)写作套路:抨击某一观点的同时,阐述自己的观点。

00/03(习题一)S2 第四篇, 01/09(习题四) S2 第四篇


1、单词:复习、组织作题过程中遇到的单词。按照 topic组织复习单词

2、句子:长句短读:善于挖掘句子的关键词、关键信息。3、背景知识:05/03 S2 第四篇dominion of new haven:背景和殖民地时期有关Sabbath:背景和宗教有关,指安息日Blue laws:背景和新殖民有关,指苛刻的法律Liturgy:宗教背景词汇,指圣餐仪式Pope:教皇Apostle:耶稣的圣徒以上的词汇透露了一个信息,本篇文章跟宗教有关


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Forth commandment:十戒中的第四条-- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all

your work; But in the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: in it you shall

not do any work…

No. 16.:The “blue laws” referred to in the passage____.

No. 18.:In writing the sentence “Social conservatives may want to honor the Fourth

Commandment, but businesses want the income, states need the tax revenue, and busy

families want the flexibility.”, the author ___

4、 主题:得主题者得天下主题句一定在前三段牢记主题句常出现的位置

5、题型:高口 Section 2 题型总结细节题和词义句义题比例高达 66%,说明 2/3 的题考点明确,考生可以努力拿分。分析得出:找主题是得分的关键



词 义 句 义

理解题判断题 主题题 推断题 其他

00/03 6 4 4 3 1 3 3


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00/09 9 1 4 3 2 1 1

01/03 7 3 5 3 1 2 2

01/09 7 2 4 4 2 2 1

02/03 4 0 9 3 1 1 2

02/09 6 3 9 3 1 0 1

03/03 4 1 9 5 1 1 0

03/09 7 4 4 5 2 0 2

04/03 8 5 8 3 1 0 0

04/09 8 5 8 2 2 0 0

05/03 6 1 8 2 2 1 1

  72(32.7%) 29(13.2%) 72(32.7%) 36(16.4%) 16(7.3%) 11(5%) 13(6%)

注意:高口 Section 5不可能考全文主题题


报纸期刊推荐:New York Times

Los Angeles Times

Washington Post

杂志时代周刊 time商业周刊 business新闻周刊 news week

泰晤士报 times卫报 guardian金融时报 financial times经济学家 economist


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05/03高口:奴性基因(04/10/17: Times)广告电玩游戏 (04/11/29: Newsweek)

星期日今昔 (04/08: Time)

失控的温室效应(04/10/11: Guardian)

俄石油经济 (04/12/06: Business week)


主讲老师 汪海涛


一. 中高级口译考试“热” 1.证明高水平英语能力中高级口译注重听、说、读、写各方面的能力,是最有效的证明2.地区认可度高-就业通行证各地区对英语的认可程度不同:华北、东北地区看重四、六级;西部地区看重四级;华


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二. 听译训练策略中高级口语考试中,翻译为重点,听译、笔译、口译的知识量大,形式多样(12:30-13:48)

1.先练听写-再练听译逐词记录,不怕反复,一句一句听,保证听写的正确性,然后再翻译2.化整为零-化零为整段落翻译信息太长,应循序渐进,把长段落划分为较短的部分后听写,随着能力的提高,逐步加大难度3.精听速记-笔录信息平时多做速记练习(shorthand writing),只抓关键词,抓住主谓宾、主系表,注意数字和时间例: Our families and communities are stronger. Crime is at a 25-year low. What’s more, over seven million Americans have been lifted out of poverty.单词记录方法:长单词,记首字母、简写;


三. 笔译训练策略1.广泛收集各类词汇中级口译词汇为 6000,而对于高级口译则是 knows no bound许多词汇、短语不能直译,要精妙表达,要不择手段的收集词汇多读英文报纸,了解新闻术语,尤其是:政府新闻动态,网络科技术语、金融贸易术语、医疗体育术语、旅游级导游词、导游术语、医术文学表达等例:纳米技术:nanometer technology

克隆技术:cloning technology转基因食品:genetically modified food死机:system halted垃圾邮件:spam升值:appreciate上市:go IPO(initial public offering)海啸:tsunami猪链球菌病:pig disease affected by streptococcus suis禽流感:bird flu超级女生:Mongolian Cow Super Girl Contest海选:wide selection from a large number of candidates商品房:commercial residential houses经济适用房:economically affordable houses神舟六号发射:successfully launching of Shenzhou No.6 Space Shuttle地铁:metro/subway/tube


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轻轨:elevated train磁悬浮:magnetically levitated train

2.把握各种翻译手段翻译所追求的境界是:信、达、雅原则:翻译非一日之功,但大量的翻译可以提速   多读翻译方面的理论著作   运用增词法、减词法、换词法以及倒译、分译、合译等多种手段处理翻译3.参照样本英汉互译翻译练习不能只求数量,也要注重质量,要选择样本进行对照最开始可以使用杂志作为样本,以后可以使用小说等素材推荐杂志《英语世界》

四. 口译训练策略1.培养良好口译状态不要紧张,注意表情状态,训练前先做深呼吸冷静从容,发音清晰,吐字清楚、随机应变2.手脚并用突破段落适当记录关键词,对时间、数字要敏感3.进行三种口译训练(1) 偷听训练法听公车上、办公室身旁的人说什么,然后翻译,并说出来(2) 报纸训练法以报纸为素材,读一句,翻一句,遇见生词,马上查(3) 影片训练法找有兴趣的电影,精读、精听第一遍:先看情节,看中文字幕第二遍:英文字幕第三遍:没有字幕第四遍:关掉声音,看中(英)文字幕,做配音


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主讲老师: 邱政政


“口”若悬河、“译”统天下——中高级口译考试制胜全攻略   本课程由上海新东方学校口译教研组与新东方在线共同打造。   主讲人介绍: 新东方著名听力、口语、口译教学专家及托福教学与研究专家,新东方集团培训师,上海新东方学校英语综合能力部主任,口译教研组副组长。首创 "M7英语听说教学法"。1999年加入北京新东方,至今已成功面授学员 20余万人,是上海新东方人气最旺的明星教师。


一. 中高级口译考试综述1、口译考试的“三高”特色层次高、难度高、含金量高求职通行证、黄金证书、进入职场的金手指


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考试形式:根据口译特点,中口以测试口译水平为主要目标,试题从听、说、读、译等四个方面对考生语言运用能力进行全面测试。考试采用客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方式。笔试部分客观试题占35%,主观试题占 65%,充分说明口译考试需要拥有过硬的英语实力。第一阶段综合笔试分成四部分:听力、阅读、英译汉、汉译英。考试时间 150

分钟,听力 40分钟,阅读 50分钟,英译汉 30分钟,汉译英 30分钟。其中听力 90分,阅读 60分,双译各 50分,合格为 150分。第二阶段:口试分成口语和口译两部分,考试时间共 25分钟



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以测试口译水平为主要目标,试题从听、说、读、译等四个方面对考生语言运用能力进行全面测试。考试采用客观试题与主观试题相结合,主观题的比例更重,占到 75%。第一阶段综合笔试分六部分:听力、阅读、翻译(英译汉)、听译、阅读、翻译(汉译英)。每部分考试时间 30分钟,总考试时间 180分钟。每部分 50

分,总分 300分,合格为 180分。第二阶段:口试分成口语和口译两部分,考试时间共 25分钟


4、口译考生笔试十大须知  ①考点就近选择



  ③了解考试时间  ④带好准考证和身份证  ⑤上海地区,中高级口译考试笔试听力部门是通过收听上海东方广播电台

都市 792播音进行的。请考生自带好电池和收音机。  ⑥考试时关闭一切通讯工具,考前 10分钟进场。  ⑦中高级口译考试听力部分结束后考生才可以离场。笔试考试结束 10分钟


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内,考生不得离场。  ⑧考生必须使用圆珠笔或钢笔等书写工具答题。不得使用铅笔、修正液、修

正带,违者不给分。  ⑨准考证妥善保管,直到领取到证书。  ⑩笔试合格者两年内可以报考口试。口试报考事项可以在笔试结束四周内在



考场号 _______ 教室 _______ 考试日期 ________ 监考教师 ________ 

时间考试前程序号内 容 要 求

1 7:15 以前监考人员到考务办公室(某某教室)报到进行考前培训,培训 结束后到工程馆 303室领试卷。

7:50 监考人员进入考场,贴座位号,同时将考试时间写在黑板上: 将收音机频率调至AM792或 89.9。

8:00 接纳考生入场,检查考生两证(准考证和身份证),指点考生入座。4 8:10 宣读考生须知。

4.1 发上半场考试试卷和答题纸(试卷第一、二、三部分,按应考人数实数 发放)。并指导学生调试频道。

8:30 考试正式开始,电台开始播放录音。4.3 第一部分听力结束后,收回缺考考生的试卷和答题纸,并在试卷袋上填

缺考考生的准考证号。 检查考生是否在答题纸上写好姓名和准考证号,并加以指导。

5 9:00 考生开始做试卷第二、三部分。  10:00 上半场考试结束(以铃声为准)。各考场派一老师到考办领取点心。

5.1 10:00-10:10 考间休息。考生原地休息,不能离开考场。5.2 收回上半场试卷和答题纸。5.3 发放下半场考试记录纸(按实考人数发放)。5.4 10:10 下半场考试开始(以铃声为准),学生调试频道。5.5 10:15 电台开始播放第一篇录音。5.6 当第一篇录音播完后,接电台发放下半场试卷和答题纸。5.7 10:45 听力结束,考生开始做下半场考试第五、六部分。


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6 11:45 全部考试结束(以铃声为准)6.1 请考生坐在座位上,监考人员按顺序收回下半场试卷和答题纸,并清点

数目。 如清点无误,请考生离场。

6.3 整理试卷和答题纸;试卷(包括空白卷)按序号排好后放入原试卷袋, 不用装订;答题纸按准考证顺序号排好后送考务办公室装订密封后放入

试卷袋,缺考答题纸不装订,另放入试卷袋即可。 如发现试卷缺损必须及时追回。

1. 下半场听力结束后,请将上半场的试卷和答题纸先送考务办公室。

2. 在上半场和下半场考试结束前 10分钟,监考人员可提醒考生离考试结束的时间。

3. 下半场考试结束前 10分钟内考生不能离场。

三个小提醒:① 下半场听力结束后,上半场的试卷和答题纸会首先送进考务办公室。② 上半场和下半场考试结束前 10分钟,监考老师会提醒考生时间。③ 下半场考试结束前 10分钟内考生不得离场。



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1、input 与 output相结合,输入和输出的结合输入:平时多积累语言素材输出:大胆开口说英文


3、Model 与Multiply相结合,模仿与扩展的结合模仿各种语言材料的各个细节。扩展就是在模仿跟读的基础上,大力发散和扩充高频口语词汇、句式的意思和使用方法。

4、Mine 与Memorize相结合,挖掘与背诵的结合挖掘了语言的内涵后加以有目的的背诵



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