

Pentru proba scris a examenului de licen sesiunea iunie 2012 fiecare student trebuie s aleag dou din urmtoarele apte domenii. Fiecare domeniu propune un numr de teme i o bibliografie minimal din care se vor formula subiectele la examenul scris. Astfel, din cele apte subiecte propuse, fiecare student va trebui s trateze dou subiecte, corespunznd domeniilor / tematicilor pe care le-a pregtit n prealabil. DOMENIUL 1. POLITICAL SCIENCE (TIINA POLITIC) TEMA TEMA TEMA TEMA 1. 2. 3. 4. tiina politic: domeniu i concepte Partide i sisteme de partide Democraia n perspectiv comparat Regimul politic romnesc dup 1989

Bibliografie - Barbu, Daniel, Republica absent, Nemira, Bucureti, 1999. - Dahl, Robert, Poliarhiile, Institutul European, Iai, 2000. - Fisichella, Domenico, tiina politic. Probleme, concepte, teorii, Polirom, Iai, 2007. - Lijphart, Arend, Modele ale democraiei, ediia a doua, Polirom, Iai, 2000. - Preda, Cristian, Introducere n tiina politic, Polirom, Iai, 2010. - Sartori, Giovanni, Ingineria constituional comparat, Institutul European, Iai, 2008. DOMENIUL 2. POLITICS AND SOCIETY IN MODERN EUROPE (POLITIC I SOCIETATE N EUROPA MODERN)

TEMA 1. The Empire, the papacy and state centralization as a bac kground to modern European history (Imperiul, papalitatea i centralizarea statelor monarhice ca fundal al istoriei moderne europene). TEMA 2. Politics and religious denomination in XVIth and XVIIth century Europe (Politic i confesiune religioas n Europa secolelor XVI-XVII). TEMA 3. Revolution and constitutional reform in the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth centuries (Revoluie i reform constituional n Europa secolelor XVII-XIX).

Bibliografie - Bernstein, Serge, Milza, Pierre, Istoria Europei [1994], vol. II-IV, Institutul European, Iai, 1998. - Davies, Norman, Europe. A History, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.

DOMENIUL 3. POLITICS AND SOCIETY IN TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE (POLITIC I SOCIETATE N EUROPA SECOLULUI XX) TEMA 1. Rzboiul Rece: origini, caracteristici, consecine. TEMA 2. Dictaturile comuniste n Europa Central i de Est: regimuri politice, reacii societale. TEMA 3. Micrile i regimurile fasciste: caracteristici comune, trsturi specifice. TEMA 4. Revoluiile din 1989: cauze, caracteristici, consecine. Bibliografie - Hobsbawn, Eric, The Age of the Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914-1991, Abacus, London, 1995 / (traducere n limba romn, Secolul extremelor, Lider, Bucureti, 1998). - Johnson, Paul, Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties, Harper Collins, New York, 1992 / (traducere n limba romn, O istorie a lumii moderne, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2003). - Judt, Tony, Postwar: A history of Europe since 1945, Pimlico, London, 2007 / (traducere n limba romn, Europa postbelic. O istorie a Europei dup 1945, Polirom, Iai, 2008). - Tismneanu, Vladimir (ed.), The Revolutions of 1989, Routledge, London, 1999 / (traducere n limba romn, Revoluiile din 1989: ntre trecut i viitor, Polirom, Iai, 1999).

DOMENIUL 4. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (RELAII INTERNAIONALE) TEMA 1. "International politics", "foreign policy", "international relations (common topics and topics specific to each concept, similarities and differences, common and specific analysis instruments) TEMA 2. The actors of international politics and the states role in international relations (the states as traditional actors, categories of actors, the concept of power in international relations, the concept of national power) TEMA 3. The UN system (bodies & other major structures, evolution, impact in international politics, contributions to the development of International law, debates on its reform)

TEMA 4. Major perspectives on international relations (major IR theories, interactions between academic analysis, policy design and political decision-making in international politics and foreign policy) Bibliografie - Archer, C. (2001) International Organizations, 3rd ed., London, Routledge. - Baylis, J., Smith, S., Owens, P. (2010) The Globalization of World Politics, 5th ed, Oxford, Oxford University Press (learning resources for students: ) - Burchill et al. (2009) Theories of international relations, ed. a 4-a, Palgrave Macmillan (pt. versiune n lb.romn a ed. a 3-a, Institutul European, 2008). - Carta Naiunilor Unite, San Francisco, 1945. - Chesterman, S., Franck, T.M., Malone, D.M. eds. (2008), Law and Practice of the United Nations: Documents and Commentary, Oxford, Oxford University Press. - Daws, S, Weiss, T.G. (2008) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations. Oxford, Oxford University Press. - MigaBeteliu, R. (2006), Organizaii internationale interguvernamentale, Bucureti, C.H. Beck.

DOMENIUL 5. POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY (SOCIOLOGIE POLITIC) TEMA 1. Stratificare social, inegalitate i ierarhie politic Bibliografie - Durkheim, E., Rules of Sociological Method, Free Press, London, NY, 1982. - Lipset, S.M. Issues in Social Class Analysis, in Revolution and Counterrevolution. Change and Persistence in Social Structures, Anchor Book, New York, 1970. ( - Mills, C.V., The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, 1956 - Saunders, Peter, Social Class and Stratification, Routledge, London, 1990. - Weber, Max, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, New York, Free Press, 1941. TEMA 2. Socializare i cultur politic Bibliografie - Almond, G., Verba , S., The Civic Culture Revisited, Newby Sage, 1989. - Klingemann, D. et al, Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe, Routledge Taylor and Francis, London 2006. - Putman, Robert D. et. al, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton University Press, 1994.

TEMA 3. Mobilizare i participare politic i electoral Conflicte politice Bibliografie - Arendt, H., On Revolution, Penguin, New York, 1990. - Mair, Peter, Party System Change, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997. - McLellan, David, Ideology, Open University Press, 1995. - Sartori, G., A Typology of Party Systems, in The Western European Party System, Peter Mair (ed.), Oxford University Press, anul, pp. 316-349. TEMA 4. Putere, autoritate si legitimitate politica. Teorii ale statului. Bibliografie - Havel, V., Power of the Powerless et al., M.E. Sharpe Inc., Armonk, New York, 1990. - Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, Cambridge University Press 1996. - Mills, C.W. (ed.), Max Weber. Essays in Sociology, Oxford University Press, 1959. - Weber, Max, Essays in Politics and Society, anul. DOMENIUL 6. EUROPEAN STUDIES (STUDII EUROPENE) TEMA 1. EU institutional framework European Council, Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Parliament, European Court of Justice (features, tasks, evolutions, relations with other EU institutions) TEMA 2. EU Policies (decision-making processes, institutional competences for policy design and implementation, evolution of major policies) TEMA 3. European Political Parties represented within the European Parliament (history, ideology, impact on EU development, political groups currently represented within the European Parliament) Bibliografie - European Union, official website, briefings (institutions, policies, decision-making etc.), - European Union, Treaty on European Union, consolidated version; Treaty on the Functioning of the-European Union, consolidated version; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union - Hix, S., Hoyland, B. The Political System of the European Union, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 - Hix S., Noury, A.G., Roland, G., Democratic Politics in the European Parliament, Cambridge University Press, 2007 (varianta n limba romn: CA Publishing, Cluj Napoca, 2009). - Wallace, H., Pollack, A.M, Young, A.R, (2010) Policy making in the European Union, 6th ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press (versiuni n lb.romn & francez a

ed. a 4-a)

DOMENIUL 7. CONTITUTIONALISM (CONSTITUIONALISM) TEMA 1. Constituie i constituionalism. TEMA 2. Regimurile semiprezideniale, o perspectiv comparat. TEMA 3. Justitiia constituional - modele comparate. Bibliografie - Elgie, Robert, Semipresidentialism: varions on a theme, in Journal of democracy, 3/ 2005, pp. 98-113. - Ferejohn, John, Pasquino, Pasquale, Constitutional adjudication: lessons from Europe, in Texas law review, 82/ 2004, pp. 1671- 1705. - Sajo, Andras, Limiting Government. An introduction to constitutionalism, CEU Press, Budapest, 1999.

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