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    The first recorded description of nephrotic syndrome dates to the 15th century. Later,

    Volhard and Fahr popularised the term nephrosis, using it to describe a major classification of

    bilateral renal disease. Today, nephrotic syndrome is recognised as a common chronic illness in

    childhood (Eddy AA & Symons JM, 2003)

    The estimated annual incidence of nephrotic syndrome in healthy children is 2 to 7 new

    cases per 100,000 children younger than 18 years of age, making it a relatively common major

    disease in pediatrics. The peak age of onset occurs at 2 to 3 years except for the rare, congenital

    type of nephrosis. Approximately 50% of affected children are ages 1 to 4 years; 75% are

    younger than age 10 years. In addition, even the most benign form of the nephrotic syndrome is,

    by nature, a recurrent disorder, so each new-onset case likely will continue to manifest disease

    for some time. Nephrotic syndrome is one of the most frequent reasons for referral to a pediatric

    nephrologist for evaluation, although its insidious onset frequently causes delay in diagnosis.

    Careful examination of the anatomy of a nephron permits characterization of the glomerular

    basement membrane as the barrier between the circulation and the external environment. Thus,the glomerular membrane, which permits passage in an adult of approximately 180 L/d of fluid,

    is the final determinant of how much of the solute originally contained in this volume enters the

    tubular lumen. The normal glomerular membrane is remarkably selective for protein compared

    with other solutes. Once this selectivity is lost, the ensuing proteinuria defines not only the

    diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome, but many pathophysiologic consequences as well (Roth KS et

    al, 2002)

    Childhood nephrotic syndromes are most commonly caused by one of two idiopathic

    diseases: minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

    (FSGS). A third distinct type, membranous nephropathy, is rare in children. Other causes of

    isolated nephrotic syndrome can be subdivided into two major categories: rare genetic disorders,

    and secondary diseases associated with drugs, infections, or neoplasia. The cause of idiopathic

    nephrotic syndrome remains unknown, but evidence suggests it may be a primary T-cell disorder

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    that leads to glomerular podocyte dysfunction. Genetic studies in children with familial nephrotic

    syndrome have identified mutations in genes that encode important podocyte proteins. Patients

    with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome are initially treated with corticosteroids. Steroid-

    responsiveness is of greater prognostic use than renal histology. Several second-line drugs,

    including alkylating agents, ciclosporin, and levamisole, may be effective for complicated and

    steroid-unresponsive MCNS and FSGS patients. Nephrotic syndrome is associated with several

    medical complications, the most severe and potentially fatal being bacterial infections and

    thromboembolism. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is a chronic relapsing disease for most steroid-

    responsive patients, whereas most children with refractory FSGS ultimately develop end-stage

    renal disease. Research is being done to further elucidate the disorders molecular pathogenesis,

    identify new prognostic indicators, and to develop better approaches to treatment (Eddy AA,

    Symons JM, 2003)

    1.1. Objective

    The aim of this study is to explore more about the theoretical aspects on Nephrotic

    Syndrome, also to emphasis and to integrate the theory and application of Nephrotic Syndrome

    case in daily life.

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    Thesine qua non of the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome is the presence of urinary protein, with

    the albumin disproportionately greater than the globulin, deriving from a loss of glomerular

    membrane selectivity. In the pediatric age group, urinary protein loss of 50 mg/kg per 24 hours

    or greater is a firm diagnostic criterion. It is imperative to recognize the distinctive origin of the

    proteinuria in the glomerulus rather than the tubule; nephrotic syndrome may be seen as

    exclusively glomerular in origin without any associated tubular dysfunction. Additionally, as a

    syndrome, the clinical picture may be either primary or secondary, and underlying causes must

    be excluded (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    The nephrotic syndrome (NS). consisting of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and

    hyperlipidemia, is a common complication of glomerular disease in children and adults (Tune

    BR & Mendoza SA, 1997).


    Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome has a reported incidence of two to seven cases per 100 000

    children and a prevalence of nearly 16 cases per 100 000. There are three distinct histological

    variants of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: minimal-change nephrotic syndrome

    (MCNS), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), and membranous nephropathy. MCNS

    and FSGS may represent opposite ends of one pathophysiological process or distinct disease

    entities. By contrast, membranous nephropathy is a distinct disease associated with prominent

    immune complex deposits located between glomerular podocytes and the glomerular basement

    membrane. Membranous nephropathy is rare in children (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    The annual incidence of nephrotic syndrome in most countries in the Western Hemisphere is

    estimated to range from 2 to 7 new cases per 100,000 children, and the prevalence is about 16

    cases per 100,000 children. There is a male preponderance among young children, at a ratio of

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    2:1 to females, although this gender disparity disappears by adolescence, making the incidence in

    adolescents and adults equal among males and females (Gbadegesin R & Smoyer WE, 2008).

    The incidence of nephrotic syndrome has been fairly stable over the last 30 years, but there are

    suggestions that the histopathologic patterns may be changing. For example, reports from

    different parts of the world indicate an increasing occurrence of focal segmental

    glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) not only after adjusting for variations in renal biopsy practices but

    also based on the generous assumption that all patients who did not have a renal biopsy had

    minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) (Gbadegesin R & Smoyer WE, 2008).

    Ethnic origin may affect the histological variant and the response to immunosuppressive

    treatment. In particular, Hispanic and black patients are more likely to have steroid-unresponsive

    nephrotic syndrome than are white patients. Age at initial presentation has an important impact

    on the disease distribution frequency. 70% of MCNS patients are younger than 5 years; 2030%

    of adolescent nephrotic patients have MCNS. FSGS develops in children at a median age of 6

    years. During the first year of life, congenital (birth to age 3 months) and infantile (312 months)

    genetic disorders and congenital infections are much more common than MCNS and FSGS.

    Inherited forms of steroid-responsive and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome are being

    increasingly recognised (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    Not all cases of MCNS or FSGS are idiopathic. MCNS can occur in association with lymphoid

    tumours or immunomodulatory drugs. FSGS is the most common histological variant in patients

    with HIV nephropathy. Renal lesions resembling idiopathic FSGS may also be present in

    proteinuric patients with other primary renal disorders, such as chronic glomerulonephritis,

    reflux nephropathy, and oligomeganephronia (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).


    Idiopathic (primary) nephrotic syndrome

    - Minimal change (80-90%)

    - Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) (10-20%)

    Secondary nephrotic syndrome (HSP, SLE, MPGN)

    Congenital nephrotic syndrome

    (Fahmi N, 2011)

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    Children who present with the typical features of nephrotic syndrome (see below) are generally

    responsive to steroid treatment and a renal biopsy, were it performed, would be likely to show

    minimal change nephrotic syndrome. Those with atypical features are more likely to be

    unresponsive to steroid treatment, and a biopsy more likely to show FSGS or one of the other

    forms of nephrotic syndrome. Therefore children with typical features are started on steroids

    without recourse to renal biopsy. Those with atypical features should therefore undergo renal

    biopsy before receiving steroid treatment (Fahmi N, 2011).


    Age 1-10 years < 1yr, > 10years

    Normotensive Hypertensive

    Normal Adrenal Function Elevated Creatinine

    +/- Microscopic Haematuria Macroscopic Haematuria



    1 Genetic Disorders

    Nephrotic Syndrome Typical

    - Finnish-type congenital nephrotic syndrome

    - FSGS- Diffuse mesangial sclerosis

    - Denys-Drash syndrome

    - Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia

    Proteinuria with or without Nephrotic Syndrome

    - Nail-patella syndrome

    - Alports syndrome

    Multi system syndromes with or without Nephrotic Syndrome

    - Galloway-Mowat syndrome

    - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

    - Jeunes syndrome

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    - Cockaynes syndrome

    - Laurence-Moon-Biedl-Bardet syndrome

    Metabolic disorders with or without Nephrotic Syndrome

    - Alagille syndrome

    - -1 antitrypsin deficiency

    - Fabry disease

    - Glutaric acidaemia

    - Glycogen storage disease

    - Hurlers syndrome

    - Lipoprotein disorders

    - Mitochondrial cytopathies

    - Sickle-cell disease

    Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome

    - MCNS

    - FSGS

    - Membranous nephropathy

    2 Secondary Causes


    - Hepatitis B, C

    - HIV-1

    - Malaria

    - Syphilis

    - Toxoplasmosis


    - Penicillamine


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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    Immunological or Allergic Disorder

    - Castlemans disease

    - Kimuras disease

    - Bee sting

    - Food allergens

    Associated with Malignant Disease

    - Lymphoma

    - Leukaemia

    Glomerular hyperfiltration

    - Oligomeganephronia

    - Morbid obesity- Adaptation to nephron reduction

    *May also be consequence of inflammatory glomerular disorders, normally associated

    with features of nephritiseg, vasculitis, lupus nephritis, membranoproliferative

    glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy.

    (Allison A Eddy, Jordan M Symons., Nephrotic syndrome in childhood, THE LANCET, Vol

    362, August 23, 2003)


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    The pathogenesis of MCD is unclear, but there is a strong evidence of immune dysregulation,

    chiefly involving cell-mediated immunity (CMI). The tendency of nephrotic syndrome to

    manifest and relapse after viral infections or an atopic episode, the association with HLA

    antigens and Hodgkins lymphoma, and the therapeutic response to steroids and cyclosporine A

    (CsA) support this view. The occurrence of prolonged remissions following measles, which

    downregulates CMI further endorses this hypothesis. Abnormalities of T cell subsets and/or

    function have been variably reported in a number of patients with MCD9-11. Most of the

    functional abnormalities that are described are not specific and might represent an effect (rather

    than a cause) of the disease (Bangga A & Mantan M, 2005).

    2.5.1 Cytokine bias

    Recent knowledge on functional subdivisions of the immune response has been applied to

    understand the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome. Broadly, antigen presentation to T

    lymphocytes results in a polarized immune response, which may be type 1 [dominated by -

    interferon, interleukin (IL) 2] or type 2 (IL4, IL10 or IL13). Type 1 cytokines predominate in

    cell-mediated immunity and type 2 cytokines in some aspects of humoral immunity. Type 2

    cytokines are particularly associated with atopy and class switching of B cells for production of

    IgG4 and IgE13. The findings of increased plasma levels of IgE, relatively normal IgG4 (with

    decreased IgG1 and IgG2), and association with atopy suggest type 2 cytokine bias in subjects

    with MCD. Increased systemic production of representative cytokines, chiefly IL4 is also

    reported14. In vitro studies suggest that podocytes express receptors for IL4 and IL1314.

    Activation of these receptors, by respective cytokines, might disrupt glomerular permeability

    resulting in proteinuria. The clinical benefits on treatment with levamisole, which augments type

    1 and downregulates type 2 cytokines also support the above hypothesis (Bangga A & Mantan

    M, 2005).

    Examination, by immunohistochemistry renal biopsies from 30 consecutive patients with steroid-

    resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS), secondary to MCD and FSGS, for T cells expressing type

    1 or type 2 cytokines.It was found that there was a significantly higher proportion of IL4 and

    IL10 bearing T cells compared to those expressing interferon-(IFN-) or IL2. The precise

    mechanism/s by which the cytokine bias might affect glomerular permeability is however, not

    clear (Bangga A & Mantan M, 2005).

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    2.5.2. Nephrotic syndrome a podocytopathy

    For many years the attention of researchers was focussed on the glomerular basement membrane

    or extraglomerular factors as being responsible for increased glomerular permeability. Recent

    evidence suggests that the primary defect in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome might be at the level

    of podocyte, the glomerular visceral epithelial cell. Injury to the podocyte can occur in many

    immune and non-immune renal diseases. Podocyte injury or structural inherited defects are

    increasingly implicated in the occurrence of glomerular proteinuria. Some viruses like HIV,

    parvovirus B19 and simian SV40 may directly cause injury to the podocyte (Bangga A &

    Mantan M, 2005).

    Mutations in genes encoding several podocyte proteins have been identified in children with

    familial nephrotic syndrome (Table III). A structurally defective podocyte or deficient basement

    membrane protein may result in loss of permselectivity and nephrotic range proteinuria. Such

    patients are less likely to respond to immunosuppressive therapy and progress to end stage renal

    failure19. The most implicated mutation involves the NPHS1 gene, encoding the protein nephrin.

    This transmembrane protein is present in the slit diaphragm between the podocytes (Fig. 1).

    Mutations in nephrin are responsible for the congenital Finnish nephrotic syndrome8.

    Abnormalities of another gene, the NPHS2 gene encoding podocin, results in recessively

    inherited FSGS. This mutation is also found in 10-30 per cent of sporadic onset steroid-resistant

    FSGS. The gene for autosomal dominant FSGS has been identified on chromosome 19, encoding

    alpha-actinin-4. Some other implicated genes are WT1 (Wilms tumour suppressor gene),

    FSGS2 and LMX1B (nail patella syndrome). Mutations in WT1 are associated with Denys-

    Drash syndrome (characterized by male pseudohermaphroditism, nephrotic syndrome and

    Wilms tumour) and Frasier syndrome (male pseudohermaphroditism, FSGS and

    gonadoblastomas). Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) may rarely be familial; a locus

    has been mapped to chromosome 1q25, close to but distinct from the podocin gene20. Nephrotic

    syndrome with FSGS has also been reported in patients with mitochondrial cytopathies,

    presenting with isolated nephrotic syndrome or in association with myopathy, encephalopathy

    and lactic acidosis (Bangga A & Mantan M, 2005)

    A hypothesis unifying the observed immunological abnormalities, increased glomerular

    permeability and evidence of podocyte injury is yet to be proposed. The speculation that critical

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    podocyte proteins might be potential targets for T cell cytokines or vascular permeability factors,

    though attractive needs confirmation. Availability of tests to detect genetic mutations shall

    enable screening of patients with SRNS for such defects in the future. The role of

    immunosuppressive medications in subjects with these mutations is limited (Bangga A &

    Mantan M, 2005)


    2.6.1. Proteinuria

    Children with MCD, although massively proteinuria, do not have a generalized glomerular leak

    to macromolecules. The clearance of neutral macromolecules in MCD is actually less than

    normal over a range of molecular radii. In contrast, the clearance of anionic macromolecules is

    significantly increased. This and several other lines of evidence suggest that proteinuria results

    from a loss of the fixed negative charges of anionic glycosaminoglycans in the glomerular

    capillary wall. The mechanism by which these charges are lost has not been defined. A highly

    cationic protein in the plasma and urine of children with MCD has been recently described, but

    the pathogenic significance of this protein has not been determined (Tune BR & Mendoza SA,


    2.6.2. Oedema

    The traditional view has been that massive albuminuria in NS causes a decrease in intravascular

    oncotic pressure, which allows extravasation of fluid, resulting in hypovolemia, increased

    aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion, and renal salt and water retention. Consistent

    with this mechanism are the observations that, in MCD of childhood, edema seldom occurs when

    serum albumin levels are above 2.0 g/dL and the elevated hematocrit, prerenal azotemia, and

    fluid retention during relapse may be improved by intravenous infusions of salt-poor albumin

    (Tune BR & Mendoza SA, 1997).

    The principal clinical manifestation of nephrotic syndrome is oedema, the pathogenesis of which

    remains controversial. Traditional teaching supports the so-called underfill theory, in which

    proteinuria and subsequent hypoalbuminaemia lead to decreased intravascular oncotic pressure.

    This pressure results in translocation of plasma water into the interstitial space; secondary

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    sodium retention develops to compensate for intravascular volume contraction (Eddy AA,

    Symons JM, 2003).

    The underfill theory is intuitively attractive and data showing that nephrotic patients have

    contracted intravascular volume, reduced glomerular filtration rate, and raised renin and

    aldosterone concentrations support the concept. Critics of the underfill theory point to studies in

    which some nephrotic patients have normal or even increased intravascular pressure. Plasma

    renin activity is not universally increased in nephrotic patients. Volume expansion and head-out

    water immersion do not consistently suppress the neurohumoral response and cause natriuresis,

    as would be expected if the plasma volume were contracted. The overfill theory, proposed in

    response to these criticisms, suggests that the abnormality leading to nephrotic oedema is a

    primary defect in sodium excretion. The observation that in rats with unilateral proteinuria,

    sodium avidity is increased in only the proteinuric kidney provides experimental support. The

    cause of the increased sodium retention remains unknown, but is thought to occur in the distal

    tubules, perhaps mediated by resistance to atrial natriuretic peptide (Eddy AA, Symons JM,


    Although the overfill theory is gaining favour, it is not universally accepted and may not be

    sufficient to explain oedema formation in childhood nephrotic syndrome. Studies of children

    with MCNS in particular report variability in measurements of intravascular volume status. The

    underfill and overfill mechanisms are not necessarily mutually exclusive, dependent on the stage

    of nephrotic syndrome, the rate of development of hypoproteinaemia, and absolute plasma

    oncotic pressure (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    Children with MCNS frequently present with rapid onset of proteinuria and oedema formation;

    intravascular volume contraction (underfill) is common in this acute setting but may be less

    operant later in their course. By contrast, patients with chronic forms of persistent nephrotic

    syndrome may have continuing sodium retention and thus be more prone to oedema from overfill

    mechanisms (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    Finally. patients with congenital analbuminemia typically have little or no edema. An alternative

    explanation for retention of salt and water in NS is a decreased GFR, with a decreased filtration

    fraction (Tune BR & Mendoza SA, 1997).

    2.6.3. Hyperlipidaemia

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    Hyperlipidaemia, with raised serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, is a hallmark of

    nephrotic syndrome. This complication results from complex interactions between disordered

    lipoprotein metabolism, medications, and dietary factors. Increased hepatic lipoprotein synthesis,

    in response to low plasma oncotic pressure, as a consequence of the urinary loss of an as-yet

    unidentified regulatory substance, or both, is thought to play a key pathogenetic part. Studies in

    experimental nephrotic syndrome models have identified several enzymatic changes that alter

    lipid biosynthesis and degradation. These include increased hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-

    coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and acyl-coenzyme A-cholesterol acyltransferase activities,

    and decreased cholesterol 7 hydroxylase and lipoprotein lipase activities. Variability of

    apolipoprotein (a) may also contribute to differences in lipid concentrations during active

    nephrotic syndrome and remission (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).


    2.7.1. Clinical Diagnostic Criteria

    The diagnostic criteria are:

    1) Generalized edema;

    2) Hypoproteinemia (< 2 g/dL [20 g/L]), with disproportionately low albumin in relation to


    3) Urine protein (mg/dL) to urine creatinine (mg/dL) ratio in excess of 2 in a first morning void

    or a 24-hour urine protein that exceeds 50 mg/kg body weight; and

    4) Hypercholesterolemia (> 200 mg/dL [5.17 mmol/L]).

    The reduced serum albumin, which can fall to as low as 0.5 g/dL (5 g/L), causes a marked

    reduction in plasma oncotic pressure. Consequently, circulatory volume is lost to the interstitial

    spaces, resulting in generalized edema. Often, the initial swelling is observed as facial (especially

    periorbital) and pretibial edema, with prominent swelling of the scrotum or labia also seen. An

    additional consequence of the lowered oncotic pressure is reduced perfusion of the splanchnic

    capillary bed, which can cause abdominal pain. Pleural effusions may form, and frank pulmonary

    edema also may occur, with either or both resulting in tachypnea and chest pain. Levels of serum

    cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein cholesterol are consistently elevated. The mechanism(s)

    underlying these changes are not understood completely, in part due to the complexity of lipid

    transport and the difficulties inherent in human clinical studies. Increases in very-low density and

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    low-density lipoprotein (VLDL and LDL, respectively) cholesterol are characteristic findings.

    VLDL-cholesterol is increased as a consequence of decreased hepatic catabolism, thus increasing

    circulating triglyceride and cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol is increased due to an enhanced

    synthetic rate. What remains to be elucidated is the cause for these disturbances in hepatic lipid

    metabolism. Primary nephrotic syndrome may occur at any age, from the neonate to the adult.

    The neonatal or congenital nephrotic syndrome, also called Finnish congenital nephrosis, is

    clearly defined as a genetic mutation in the nephrin gene and has been mapped to chromosome

    19q13.1. Nephrin is a glomerular basement membrane protein that participates in formation of

    anionic-rich sites, causing electrochemical repulsion of plasma proteins. The mutation also has

    been reported in a Mennonite group in Pennsylvania who have no Finnish heritage and is

    believed to have arisen independent of the Finnish type. Primary childhood nephrotic syndrome

    rarely appears before 18 months to 2 years of age and peaks in incidence at about 3 years of age

    (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    2.7.2. Laboratory Findings

    The primary laboratory feature of the nephrotic syndrome is a marked proteinuria, in excess of

    50mg/kg per 24 hours. The excreted protein is predominantly albumin, although

    immunoglobulins (Igs) also are lost. In uncomplicated cases of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, it

    is unusual to see gross hematuria in the presence of proteinuria, although microscopic hematuria

    occurs in a sizeable proportion of cases. For patients who have gross hematuria and proteinuria,

    IgA nephropathy always must be a diagnostic consideration (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    In the presence of clinical edema, measurement of serum protein will yield low values; the serum

    albumin is likely to be 2.0 g/dL (20 g/L) or lower. Albumin concentrations as low as 0.5 g/100

    mL can be seen, and the albumin/globulin ratio is commonly less than 1.0. Concomitantly and

    directly related to the reduced serum protein, hypocalcemia is found frequently, as reflected in

    reduced total and ionized fractions. However, hypocalcemia rarely is manifested clinically. Of

    much greater significance than hypocalcemia to patients who have nephrotic syndrome is the

    increased concentrations of coagulation factors, especially those of highmolecular weight.

    Thrombin also is increased, while fibrinolytic activity and circulating quantities of platelet

    adhesion inhibitors are decreased. As a consequence of these changes, as well as the

    intravascular hypovolemia, affected patients are at greatly increased risk of thrombosis. In

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    addition, IgG in plasma is reduced, which in combination with large steroid doses, may

    predispose to infection. Children who become oliguric fromdiminished intravascular volume

    have a tendency to develop hyperkalemia. The use of diuretics may complicate the electrolyte

    disturbances further, necessitating close monitoring of serum electrolyte levels during treatment

    (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    2.7.3. The Need for a Renal Biopsy

    In the acute stage of childhood nephrotic syndrome, especially during the initial episode, renal

    biopsy usually is unnecessary. The key indications for biopsy in any renal disorder are the need

    to make a specific diagnosis for therapeutic reasons or to provide a prognosis. The treatment of

    initial-onset nephrotic syndrome is the same, irrespective of cause, and the need for determining

    a prognosis never can outweigh the risks of thrombosis, bleeding, and infection due to a biopsy

    in the acute stage of the disorder (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    The subsequent disease course in a patient can help to determine the timing of a renal biopsy. In

    an uncomplicated case in which proteinuria clears within a few weeks in response to orally

    administered corticosteroids and normal renal function, the diagnosis is presumed to be minimal-

    change nephrotic syndrome. If there is no significant proteinuria between relapses that continue

    to respond promptly to corticosteroids, this diagnosis is strengthened. If the child is younger than

    10 years of age at the initial presentation, no renal biopsy need be considered. At age 10 years or

    older, the increasing risk of underlying primary disease compels the need to obtain a biopsy for

    histologic diagnosis. In such cases, renal biopsy can be deferred until the child is stable and the

    familys anxieties over the immediate medical problems have dissipated (Roth KS et al, 2002).

    In contrast, when there is poor or no response of the initial episode after 4 to 6 weeks of standard

    treatment (defined as steroid-resistance disease), biopsy should be considered as soon as the

    patient is medically stable. In such cases, the biopsy is essential to distinguish the nature and

    severity of the glomerular process, which may be primary or secondary (Table 3). It should be

    clear from the plethora of types and causes of glomerular nephropathy that treatments and

    prognoses vary considerably, making specific diagnosis imperative. Because proteinuria and

    microscopic hematuria are injury responses of the glomerulus, the need for clarification through

    renal biopsy is plain. (Roth KS et al, 2002).

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    Beyond the issue of renal biopsy for initial diagnosis, there are circumstances in which a

    subsequent biopsy may be considered. Glomerular injury may evolve over time such that the

    clinical findings (eg, increasing proteinuria, development of chronic renal insufficiency) change

    significantly. Such cases may represent progression of a disease that initially was diagnosed as

    minimal-change nephrosis by biopsy or progressive injury to the kidney by an underlying disease

    such as lupus nephropathy. In these situations, a second renal biopsy should be considered for

    evaluation of progressive renal disease. Technological developments in ultrasonography have

    reduced significantly the risk associated with percutaneous renal biopsy in children. Moreover,

    the improvements in electron microscopy equipment and technique, coupled with decades of

    observation, have enhanced the ability of the histopathologist to interpret the specimen

    accurately. Nonetheless, a renal biopsy is not always essential to good medical care, and its use

    should be viewed judiciously in all patients (Roth KS et al, 2002).


    Before steroid treatment started, the following examinations must be conducted:

    i. Measurement of weight and height

    ii. Measurement of blood pressure

    iii. Physical examination to look for signs or symptoms of systemic diseases, such as SLE,

    Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

    iv. Finding focus of infection in the teeth, ears, or worm infections. Each infection have to be

    eradicated before start of steroid therapy

    v. Mantoux test. If the result is positive, given INH prophylaxis for 6 months with steroids,

    and if found tuberculosis, administered antituberculosis drugs.

    2.8.1. Spesific Treatment

    A. Treatment for Initial Therapy

    1) Prednisone

    When the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome has been made, prednisone treatment can be started

    in children with typical features. Children with atypical features should be referred to pediatric

    nephrology for consideration of renal biopsy.

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    There is increasing evidence that longer initial courses of prednisone are associated with a lower

    incidence of relapse, and therefore a 12-week initial course is recommended. The dose of

    prednisone is based on surface area.

    60 mg/m2/day for 4 weeks (maximim 80 mg)

    40 mg/m2/on alternate days for 4 weeks (maximum 60mg)

    Reduce dose by 5-10mg/m2 each week for another 4 weeks then stop

    Prednisone can be given as a single dose in the morning with food, or as divided doses during the

    day. Patients should be issued with a steroid warning card, and they should be aware of the side

    effects and risks of steroid treatment. If prednisone causes gastric irritation, start ranitidine 2

    mg/kgBW bid for the duration of steroid treatment.

    2) Albumin

    The clinical indications for albumin are:

    Clinical hypovolaemia

    Symptomatic oedema

    A low serum albumin alone is not an indication for intravenous albumin. If there is evidence of

    hypovolaemia, give 1 g/kg 20% albumin (5ml/kg) over 4 - 6 hours. Give 2 mg/kg of iv

    furosemide mid-infusion. If clinically shocked give 10ml/kg 4.5% albumin. Children should be

    closely monitored during albumin infusions, and where possible they should be administeredduring working hours.

    3) Penicillin Prophylaxis

    Whilst nephrotic, children are at increased risk of infection, particularly with encapsulated

    organisms such as pneumococcus. There is no evidence that antibiotic prophylaxis is of benefit,

    and some centres do not use prophylaxis. Penicillin V can be given while there is proteinuria and

    discontinued when the child goes into remission. Grossly oedematous children are at risk of

    cellulitis and may benefit from antibiotic prophylaxis. Dose for under 5 years old is 125 mg bid

    and for 5 years or above is 250 mg bid.

    4) Salt/Fluid Restriction

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    A low salt diet is used to try to prevent further fluid retention and oedema. Fluid restriction may

    also be helpful. These restrictions are lifted once the child goes into remission.

    5) Vaccination

    Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended for children with NS. Consider giving at the time of

    diagnosis. Varicella vaccination is only available on a named patient basis.

    2.8.2 Treatment for Relapse Nephrotic syndrome

    The patient should be examined for infections, which should be treated before initiating steroid

    therapy. Appropriate therapy of an infection might rarely result in spontaneous remission,

    thereby avoiding the need for treatment with corticosteroids. Antibiotic for infections should be

    given 5-7 days.

    Prednisone is administered at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day (single or divided doses) until urine protein

    is trace or nil for three consecutive days (maximal for 4 weeks). Subsequently, prednisone is

    given in a single morning dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4 weeks, and then

    discontinued. The usual duration of treatment for a relapse is thus 5-6 weeks. Prolongation of

    therapy is not necessary for patients with infrequent relapses. In case the patient is not in

    remission despite two weeks treatment with daily prednisone, the treatment is extended for 2

    more weeks. Patients showing no remission despite 4 weeks treatment with daily prednisone

    should be referred for evaluation.

    2.8.3. Treatment for Frequent Relapse or Steroid Dependence Nephrotic Syndrome

    There are 4 options for treatment frequent relapse or steroid dependence nephrotic syndrome

    - Long term Steroid

    Full dose prednisone is given then continued by alternating dose, 1,5 mg/kgBW. This regiment is

    decreased tapperingly 0,2 mg/kgBW each 2 weeks. Dose reduction is performed up to the

    smallest dose that does not cause relapse of between 0.1 to 0.5 mg / kg alternating. This dose is

    called the thershold dose and can be maintained for 6-12 months, then tried to stop.

    When relapse occurred at doses between 0.1-0.5 mg/kgBB alternating, it will be treated with

    prednisone 1 mg/kgBB in divided doses, given every day until remission occurs. After remission,

    the prednisone was reduced to 0.8 mg/kgBW administered in alternating, then lowered to 0.2

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    mg/kgBW every 2 weeks, until one phase (0.2 mg/kgBW) in the dose of prednisone at the time

    of relapse previous or the last relapse.

    - Levamisole

    Levamisole is administered at a dose of 2-2.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4-12 months. Co-

    treatment with prednisone at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days is given for 2-4 weeks; its

    dose is gradually reduced by 0.15-0.25 mg/kg every 4 weeks to a maintenance dose of 0.25-0.5

    mg/kg that is continued for six or more months. Occasionally, it might be possible to discontinue

    treatment with corticosteroids. The chief side effect of levamisole is leukopenia; flu-like

    symptoms, liver toxicity, convulsions and skin rash are rare. The leukocyte count should be

    monitored every 12-16 weeks.

    - Cytostatistics Agent

    Cytostatics agent that most commonly used in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome are

    cyclophosphamide (CPA) or chlorambucil. Cyclophosphamide can be administered orally at a

    dose of 2-3 mg/kgBW/day in single dose, or intravenously or puls. Puls CPA administered at a

    dose of 500-750 mg/m2 BSA, which was dissolved in 250 ml NaCl 0,9% solution, administered

    over 2 hours. Puls CPA administered doses of 7 times, with 1-month intervals (total duration of

    CPA puls administration is 6 months). Side effects of CPA are nausea, vomiting, bone marrow

    depression, alopecia, hemorrhagic cystitis, azoospermia, and in the long term can lead to

    malignancy. Therefore need to monitor the examination of peripheral blood hemoglobin,

    leukocytes, platelets, each 1-2 times a week. When the number of leukocytes

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    In the steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome who do not respond to levamisole or cytostatic can

    be given MMF. MMF administered at a dose of 800-1200 mg/m2 BSA or 25-30 mg/kgBW

    together with a reduction in steroid dosage for 12-24 months. MMF side effects are abdominal

    pain, diarrhea, leucopenia.

    Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome that is unresponsive to steroid treatment or cytostatics suggested

    to cyclosporine administration at a dose of 4-5 mg/kgBW/day (100-150 mg/m2 BSA). The dose

    of cyclosporine to maintain blood levels between 150-250 ng/ml. On frequent relapse nephrotic

    syndrome or steroid dependent, CYA can cause and maintain remission, so that the steroid can

    be reduced or stopped, but when CYA discontinued, relapse will usually return (dependent


    2.8.4. Treatmet for Steroid Resistance Nephrotic Syndrome

    For steroid resistance nephrotic syndrome, the treatment is

    Oral cytostatic: cyclophosphamide 2-3 mg/kgBW/day single dose for 3-6 months.

    Predison alternating doses of 40 mg/m2 BSA/day for oral administration of

    cyclophosphamide. Later prednisone in tapering-off with a dose of 1 mg/kgBW/day

    for 1 month, followed by 0,5 mg/kgBW/day for 1 month (long tapering-off of 2



    Puls cyclophosphamide at a dose of 500-750 mg/m2 BSA given by intravenous

    infusion or once a month for 6 months which may be continued depending on the


    Prednisone alternating doses of 40 mg/m2 BSA/day for administrating

    cyclophosphamide puls (6 months). Later prednisone in tapering-off with a dose of 1

    mg/kgBW/day for 1 month, followed by 0,5 mg/kgBW/day for 1 month (long

    tepering-off 2 months).

    2.8.5. Nonspesific Treatment

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    A. Diets

    A balanced diet, adequate in protein (1.5-2 g/kgBW) and calories is recommended. Patients with

    persistent proteinuria should receive 2-2,5 g/kgBW of protein daily. Not more than 30% calories

    should be derived from fat and saturated fats avoided. While salt restriction is not necessary in

    most patients with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome, reduction of salt intake (1-2 g per day)

    is advised for those with persistent edema. Salt should not be added to salads and fruits, and

    snacks containing high salt avoided. Since treatment with corticosteroids stimulates appetite,

    parents should be advised regarding ensuring physical activity and preventing excessive weight


    B. Diuretics

    Fluid restriction is recommended as long as there is severe edema. Usually given loop diuretics

    such as furosemide 1-3 mg/kgBW/day, if necessary combined with spironolactone (aldosterone

    antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretic) 2-4 mg/kgBW/day. Before administration of diuretics, it

    should be excluded the possibility of hypovolemia. On diuretic use more than 1-2 weeks is

    necessary to monitor blood electrolytes potassium and sodium. If diuretic administration did not

    succeed (refractory edema), it usually occurs because of severe hypovolemia or

    hypoalbuminemia ( 1 g/dL), albumin infusion may be given 20-25% at a dose of 1 g / kg for 2-

    4 hours to draw fluid from the interstitial tissue and ends with the provision of intravenous

    furosemide 1-2 mg / kg. If necessary, the suspension of albumin may be given alternate days to

    allow a shift of fluid and prevent fluid overload. When ascites so severe that it interferes with

    breathing, repeatedly ascites puncture can be performed.


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    Medical complications of nephrotic syndrome are potentially serious. They can be divided into

    two major subgroups: acute complications related to the nephrotic state, especially infections and

    thromboembolic disease, and long-term sequelae of nephrotic syndrome and its treatment,

    especially effects on bones, growth, and the cardiovascular system. A third important area is the

    psychological impact and social demands on children who have nephrotic syndrome, and their

    families (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    2.9.1. Infectious complications

    Serious infection, especially cellulitis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, can complicate

    nephrotic syndrome. The rate of peritonitis is 26%, and overwhelming infection still carries a

    mortality rate of 15%. Susceptibility to bacterial infection is related to multiple predisposing

    factors (figure 4). Impaired complement-dependent opsonisation delays clearance of

    encapsulated micro-organisms, especially Streptococcus pneumoniae (figure 4). Pneumococcal

    vaccination is recommended for patients who have nephrotic syndrome. Prophylactic treatment

    with penicillin during relapses has been suggested but few data support this practice. Patients are

    also predisposed to gram-negative bacterial infections. Since many children with idiopathic

    nephrotic syndrome are varicella non-immune, varicella exposure and infection require special

    consideration. Prophylactic treatment with varicella zoster immune globulin is recommended for

    non-immune patients taking immunosuppressive treatments. Once remission is achieved,

    immunisation with varicella vaccine seems safe and effective, although additional doses may be

    required to achieve full immunity. Concomitant use of oral aciclovir may also prevent serious

    varicella infection in patients receiving corticosteroids (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    2.9.2. Thromboembolic complications

    Nephrotic patients are at significantly increased risk of thrombosis, with complication rates

    reported as high as 40% in adults. Although thrombosis risk is apparently lower in nephrotic

    children (1850%), these events can be severe. Multiple factors contribute to the dysregulated

    coagulation state of nephrotic syndrome (figure 5). No one laboratory test can reliably predict the

    real thrombotic risk. Fibrinogen concentration has been proposed as a surrogate marker. Other

    factors that increase thrombotic risk in nephrotic patients include diuretic use, corticosteroid

    treatment, immobilisation, and the presence of in-dwelling catheters. If a clot is noted in a

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    nephrotic child, investigation for an inherited coagulation abnormality is still recommended

    (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    Prophylactic anticoagulation is not recommended because of its own inherent risks. However,

    after treatment of a documented clot, use of prophylactic warfarin has been recommended for at

    least 6 months, and perhaps during future relapses. In-dwelling venous catheters should be

    avoided, but if absolutely necessary, prophylactic anticoagulation should be considered. Low-

    molecular-weight heparin is an attractive alternative agent, but it requires sufficient antithrombin

    III substrate to be effective. Aspirin may also be considered for anticoagulation, especially if

    thrombocytosis is severe (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    2.9.3. Cardiovascular disease

    Multiple factors raise concerns for cardiovascular sequelae in children with long-term nephrotic

    syndrome, including exposure to corticosteroids, hyperlipidaemia, oxidant stress, hypertension,

    hypercoagulability, and anaemia (erythropoietin-responsive anaemia is a rare complication).

    Nephrotic syndrome in adulthood is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

    Myocardial infarction in young children with nephrotic syndrome has been reported, but the

    relative risk has not been calculated. In adults with nephrotic syndrome, HMG-CoA reductase

    inhibitors can control hyperlipidaemia and limit its complications. Whether or not to treat

    hyperlipidaemia in nephrotic children has been a source of controversy, especially since most

    children have treatable renal disease. Adequate safety and efficacy data for HMG-CoA-reductase

    inhibitors in children are not available, despite small case series in which decreased serum lipids

    have been reported. Persistent hyperlipidaemia in unremitting childhood nephrotic syndrome is

    concerning, but there is little evidence as yet to guide treatment or predict future outcome (Eddy

    AA, Symons JM, 2003).

    2.9.4. Other medical complications

    Despite theoretical risks of bone-density reduction with corticosteroid use, the prevalence of

    bone disease in children with nephrotic syndrome is not yet clear. In addition to steroids, there

    are other potential causes of bone disease in nephrotic syndrome. Urinary loss of vitamin-D-

    binding protein, a 59 kd carrier protein for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, may cause vitamin D

    deficiency and, less commonly, secondary hyperparathyroidism. Other potential medical

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    complications include drug toxic effects, hypothyroidism and acute renal failure. Although

    diuretics and albumin infusions can successfully treat symptomatic oedema, injudicious use can

    lead to either acute volume overload or intravascular depletion, dependent on the cause of

    oedema (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).


    The most important prognostic indicator in nephrotic syndrome is steroid responsiveness.

    Overall, 6080% of steroid-responsive nephrotic children will relapse and about 60% of those

    will have five or more relapses. Age older than 4 years at presentation and remission within 79

    days of the start of steroid treatment in the absence of micro haematuria are predictive of fewer

    relapses. In a natural-history study of 398 children, the proportion that became non-relapsers rose

    from 44% at 1 year to 69% at 5 years, and 84% at 10 years. For the steroid-resistant FSGS

    patients, the clinical course is typically very challenging. With current treatments, a few children

    will ultimately achieve a sustained remission with one of the second-line or third-line drugs. For

    patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome, progression to end-stage renal disease is inevitable.

    Some of these children have such a difficult clinical course because of refractory oedema, severe

    infections, thromboembolic complications, or a combination of these, that bilateral

    nephrectomies and dialysis provide welcome relief. For this subgroup, the ultimate treatment

    goal is renal transplantation, despite the haunting reality that FSGS will recur in about 25% of

    renal allografts. For patients who have familial forms of nephrotic syndrome,

    immunosuppressive treatment is ineffective; definitive treatment requires renal transplantation.

    Most of these patients do well after transplantation. Although the original genetic renal disease

    does not recur in the renal allograft, nephrotic syndrome has been noted in a subset of patients as

    a consequence of immunological attack on a new antigen encountered for the first time in the

    transplanted kidney (eg, injury mediated by antibody to nephrin in children with congenital

    nephrotic syndrome). Although much has been learned about the management of childhood

    nephrotic syndrome, this chronic disorder remains challenging. Advances in molecular genetics

    offer hope of new pathogenetic insights. Multicentre clinical trials are needed to improve current

    treatments and prevent acute and long-term complications (Eddy AA, Symons JM, 2003).


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    Among pediatric nephrologists there are two definitions of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome

    (SRNS). The definition introduced by the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children

    (ISKDC) and used by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Pdiatrische Nephrologie (APN) is widely

    accepted as follows:

    No urinary remission within 4 weeks of prednisone therapy 60mg/m2/day.

    The other definition, employed by the Society of French Speaking Pediatric Nephrologists,


    No urinary remission following 4 weeks of prednisone 60mg/m2/day followed by three

    intravenous pulses of methylpredisolone.

    The rationale for both definitions is the experience that almost all patients with minimal change

    who respond will do so within 4 weeks (Figure 16-1) and only a small percentage will respond

    later (often called late responders). It is of great importance for interpretation of clinical data and

    studies to know the patients age and the definition used.


    The incidence of SRNs varies throughout the world. The incidence of minimal change versus

    other histologies in patients biopsied because of nephrotic syndrome varies among children and

    adults and among children from the Northern Hemisphere and those from Africa. There are also

    different patterns in South America and Asia. It should be kept in mind that these comparisons

    are relative, because the initial therapy with steroids cannot be compared between children and

    adults. Furthermore there are no data about how different pharmacogenetic backgrounds and

    therapeutic doses of prednisone with different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profi les

    infl uence response to treatment. In addition, race appears to have an important impact on the

    histology associated with nephrotic syndrome. Although the incidence of nephrotic syndrome

    has remained stable over the last 30 years, evidence from the literature suggests that the total

    number of patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is increasing, especially in

    South Africa and India.

    A weak predictor for the probability of FSGS as opposed to minimal change nephrotic syndrome

    (MCNS) is age. In children with MCNS, about 80% are diagnosed before the age of 6 compared

    with 50% of those with FSGS lesions in histology.


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    As described in earlier chapters, the key element in the pathogenesis of proteinuria in nephrotic

    syndrome is the podocyte. Since the discovery of a mutation in the nephrin gene in patients with

    congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type, the biology of the podocyte has become a

    center of interest. With the description of new gene mutations and altered gene products

    responsible for the structure function and signaling of podocytes, understanding of diseases with

    proteinuria has increased; however, with more knowledge, the number of questions has also

    increased. In general, one can distinguish two mechanisms leading to proteinuria: con-

    genital and acquired.

    During embryonic development, the outer part of the GBM is made by podocytes. Major

    podocytes need a full complement of proteins for building up complex structures as well as for

    signaling (Figure 16-5). A major function of podocytes is to perform as a buttress against the

    pressure of the glomerular capillaries. Any stress and functional impairment, as well as podocyte

    loss, may compromise the filtration barrier and lead to proteinuria.

    It is logical that congenital defects may be somewhat resistant to any kind of pharmacologic

    treatment. In acquired diseases the major goal should be eliminating the cause of podocyte

    injury, as well as allowing the podocytes to recover and restoring their function after injury.

    Since podocytes have not been shown to replicate, any loss must be compensated by those

    remaining. Continuing podocyte loss may be critical below a certain threshold, which is

    estimated as a loss of more than 20% (Figure 16-6). As shown by Kriz and others, a decreasing

    podocyte number leads to denuded GBM areas that will come into contact with the parietal

    epithelial cells lining Bowmans capsule by force of the intracapillary pressure. Once sclerotic

    lesions are established, a point of no return for these lesions is reached. Misdirected filtration

    (Figure 16-7) via the glomerular basement areas attached to Bowmans capsule and into the

    periglomerular and peritubular interstitium leads to infl ammation and scarring of the renal

    cortex. Therefore any treatment should try to regenerate podocyte function before sclerotic

    lesions appear. It is amazing that the classical hypothesis of the immortal podocyte has never

    been questioned. The fact that a cell with such a highly developed structure should live for

    almost 70 years is doubtful. If there is podocyte turnover, it might be so low that it has escaped

    the attention of investigators. To what extent stem cells might contribute to podocyte turnover

    has to be studied. However, such a possibility may be attractive for future therapeutic

    approaches. The inflammatory changes leading to tubulointerstitial scarring should be regarded

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    as an important part of this disease leading to end-stage renal failure. The understanding of such

    processes, especially the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), is of great interest. A detailed

    understanding may provide a rationale for specific interventions in the future. Until then,

    nonspecific immunosuppressive effects that dampen this process are used.


    An overview of the variety of conditions associated with FSGS is given in Table 16-2, and recent

    advances in genetics and mutations associated with SRNS are covered in Chapter 13. Recently

    Hinkes 12 described a new mutation leading to SRNS, called NPHS3. The gene product is

    phospholipase Cepsilon (PLCE1). This mutation causes early-onset nephrotic syndrome leading

    to end-stage kidney disease in young children. Kidney histology of affected individuals show

    diffuse mesangiosclerosis (DMS). The gene product is expressed in the developing kidney in

    mature glomerular podocytes, which has been shown to lead to an arrest of normal glomerular

    development. Interestingly, a few patients with this mutation might respond to

    immunosuppressive therapy.

    SRNS may be part of syndromatic diseases as listed in Table 16-2 (see examples, Figures 16-8

    and 16-9). Careful clinical examination is essential to rule out minor abnormalities suggestive of

    syndromatic forms of nephrotic syndrome to avoid unnecessary steroid treatment. In many cases,

    however, steroid therapy will start first and genetic investigations will be initiated only if steroid

    resistance has been confirmed by the classical definition. In the clinical day-to-day practice there

    is sometimes a tremendous delay between the request for genetic testing and when the result will

    be available. Because there are no markers predicting a gene defect, many patients may undergo

    further immunosuppressive therapy until a clear diagnosis is established.

    During this time, any therapy with irreversible or severe side effects should be avoided. Up to

    now it has been shown that immunosuppressive therapy is of no value in patients with NPHS1,

    NPHS2, WT1, and TRPC6 mutations. Ruf et al have reported that out of 165 families with

    SRNS, 43 (26%) showed homozygote or compound heterozygote mutations in the NPHS2 gene

    (podocin). In contrast, no mutations were found in 120 families with steroid-sensitive nephrotic

    syndrome. None of the patients with homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the

    NPHS2 gene who were treated with cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide demonstrated complete

    remission of the nephrotic syndrome. The geographic variation of NPHS2 mutations is of

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    importance. Maruyama et al. reported that mutations in the NPHS2 gene are uncommon in

    Japanese pediatric patients with SRNS.


    There is evidence from many clinical observations that a circulating factor targets the kidney,

    leading to proteinuria and glomerular sclerotic lesions. Most striking are observations about the

    recurrence of proteinuria within hours after renal transplantation in some patients who had end-

    stage renal failure with FSGS. The nature of the factor has yet to be defined. Some call it the

    Savin factor, because major work has been carried out by Virginia Savin and her group to isolate

    it. This factor is believed to be removable by plasma separation, and anecdotal data on successful

    treatment after recurrence of FSGS post-transplant support this possibility. Some clinical

    observations point toward suppressive effects with the use of immunosuppressive drugs,

    especially calcineurin inhibitors. Such concepts are attractive treatment strategies; however, no

    reliable tests for identifying such a factor have been elaborated.


    A review of the current literature about treatment of children with SRNS reveals that many

    children with familial or syndromic FSGS or with the known mutations still receive too much

    immunosuppressive therapy either initially or after an escalation with current available

    immunosuppressive drugs. A metaanalysis of randomized controlled prospective trials in SRNS

    with FSGS without genetic testing demonstrates that cyclosporin may lead to a complete

    remission in almost one third of children. In contrast, neither oral nor intravenous

    cyclophosphamide demonstrates any effect on remission. A major problem in reviewing the

    literature was that most studies were nonrandomized and retrospective, with low numbers of

    patients. In approximately two thirds of the studies, the number of patients was less than 10.

    Other studies have included both children and adults with MCNS and mesangial proliferation.

    The fact that different age groups may have different underlying diseases has been ignored. A

    further problem is that the steroid therapy used, as well as the definitions, did not meet the

    international accepted standards. Most studies focused on short-term effects, and long-term

    studies are lacking. In children, attention should be focused on side effects of therapy and

    comorbidity, such as impaired growth and body configuration.

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    Specific Agents


    In the early 1990s, Mendoza et al. treated patients with SRNS due to FSGS with a protocol

    involving infusions of high doses of methylprednisolone, often in combination with oral

    alkylating agents. Twenty-three children have been treated in this manner, with a follow-up of 46

    +/ 5 months. Twelve of them went into complete remission, six had minimal to moderate

    proteinuria, and four remained nephrotic. Each had a normal glomerular filtration rate. One child

    developed chronic renal failure and subsequently died while on dialysis. These results appear

    significantly better than in previous series of children with FSGS. More cases have been added to

    this first series, and the so-called Mendoza protocol has been used in many centers. However, a

    prospective randomized controlled trial has never been published. Concerns about

    methylprednisolone side effects left many clinicians reluctant to employ this protocol but

    stimulated a search for new drugs allowing steroid sparing.

    The mode of action of corticosteroids was speculative and unclear until recently. Experimental

    data from Fujii et al. may offer new insights into possible mechanisms for efficacy. Fujii

    demonstrated defective nephrin transport following endoplasmic reticulum-stress; that is,

    endoplasmic reticulum stress in podocytes may cause alteration of nephrin N-glycosylation,

    which may be an underlying factor in the pathogenesis of the proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome.

    Dexa-methasone may restore this imbalance by stimulating expression of mitochondrial genes,

    resulting in production of ATP, which is an essential factor for proper folding machinery aided

    by the ER chaperones. It is unclear if there will be a place for dexamethasone in future

    therapeutic proposals.

    Calcineurin Inhibitors

    Calcineurin inhibitors have been used more in an empirical manner than on the basis of clear

    rationale. Cyclosporin is a calcineurin inhibitor that suppresses immune response by

    downregulating the transcription of various cytokine genes. The most significant of these

    cytokines is interleukin-2, which serves as the major activation factor for T cells in numerous

    immunologic processes. Cyclosporin inhibits cytokine production from T helper cells (Th1 and

    Th2) and also has an inhibitory effect on antigen-presenting cells (Langerhans and dendritic

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    cells), which are the main agents of T-cell stimulation. A further effect of interleukin-2 inhibition

    is a reduction in B-cell activation and subsequent antibody production. Interleukin-2 levels are

    known to become elevated during proteinuria and to normalize during remission in adults with

    idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and in children with MCNS or FSGS.

    However, this pattern of interleukin-2 activity is felt to be part of a more widespread disorder of

    cellular immunity that results in nephrotic syndrome rather than being causal of proteinuria. It

    has been reported that cyclosporin has some antiproteinuric action on glomerular perm

    selectivity to proteins that is unrelated to its immunosuppressive properties. Among these are an

    influence on perm-selectivity and charge selectivity, and impairment of glomerular filtration rate.

    These data come from various human studies and animal models with no immunologically

    mediated disease. Some studies revealed that lesions from the primary glomerular disease had

    either not regressed or had continued to progress.

    An uncontrolled trial in the early 1990s showed that about half of the patients had a stable course

    during cyclosporin treatment, whereas the others were resistant to the treatment (Figure 16-10).

    Knowledge of the various genetic and nongenetic causes of SRNS might easily explain this

    difference in response.

    The first controlled data about efficacy of cyclosporin in SRNS came from Lieberman and

    Tejani: they performed a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of cyclosporin in 25

    children with steroid-resistant idiopathic FSGS. Cyclosporin significantly reduced proteinuria

    and increased serum albumin levels. Interestingly, hypercholesterolemia seemed to antagonize

    the effect of cyclosporin, leading to the proposal to increase the dose according to cholesterol


    This has been cited in the literature quite often, but apparently has not been translated into

    clinical use as discerned from review of the literature. Major concerns were the nephrotoxic side

    effects of cyclosporin, as well as a fear that progression of the disease might be indistinguishable

    from toxicity. The French Society of Pediatric Nephrology published its experience with 65

    children with steroid-resistant idiopathic nephrosis. Patients were treated with cyclosporin at 150

    to 200 mg/m2 in combination with prednisone at 30 mg/m2 daily for 1 month and on alternate

    days for 5 months. Renal biopsy showed minimal change disease in 45 children and FSGS in 20.

    Twenty-seven patients achieved complete remission.

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    A study in adult patients provided Level I evidence for efficacy of cyclosporin. In this study a

    26-week regimen of cyclosporin therapy was compared with placebo in 49 patients with steroid-

    resistant FSGS; both groups also received low-dose prednisone. Further evidence was provided

    by Ponticelli et al.

    Cyclosporin was compared to symptomatic treatment in 44 patients (adults and children) with

    SRNS. Eight (57%) cyclosporin-treated patients attained remission (complete or partial). Three

    (16%) control patients had partial remissions, but details regarding their diagnoses were

    incomplete. The majority of remitters had relapsed by the end of month when cyclosporin was


    The Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Pdiatrische Nephrologie (APN) conducted a prospective

    randomized trial that included children with SRNS at initial manifestation. Six months of

    treatment with cyclosporin (trough level 80 to 120 ng/L) versus 6 months of treatment with

    cyclophosphamide (6 500 mg/m2) were compared. Although the goal was to involve 60

    patients, the study was stopped after the inclusion of 32. A complete remission was achieved in 2

    out of 15 receiving cyclosporin and in 2 out of 17 receiving cyclophosphamide; a partial

    remission was obtained in 7 out of 15 versus 2 out of 17. It was concluded that initial response

    with cyclosporin was better than with cyclophos phamide pulses (60% vs. 17%). Complete

    remission after week 24 was similar in both groups. In those who did not respond to

    cyclophosphamide, a successful remission was achieved in 45% with cyclosporin. Safety in both

    arms was comparable.

    Recently Franz and colleagues presented data that cyclosporin protects podocyte stress fi bers

    through stabilization of synaptopodin protein expression. If this is supported by future

    experimental data, a nonimmunologic approach for the treatment might be envisaged. A pilot

    trial of tacrolimus in the management of SRNS was published by McCauley et al. in 1993. All

    patients except one experienced at least a 50% reduction in protein excretion at some time during

    tacrolimus therapy. No controlled study has been carried out, and only uncontrolled experiences

    have been published. Loeffl er reported a series of 16 patients resistant to other

    immunosuppressive drugs. In this mixed group he concluded that tacrolimus is an effective,

    well-tolerated medication for treatment-resistant forms of nephrotic syndrome in children,

    resulting in a complete remission rate of 81% and a partial remission rate of 13%.

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    More data and a prospective trial are needed to confirm these promising results and to

    demonstrate the safety of this approach. As of now, of the newer immunosuppressive agents only

    cyclosporin has been approved for use in nephrotic syndrome by licensing authorities in some

    countries. An algorithm for the use of cyclosporin in SRNS (Figure 16-11) has been proposed.

    (Result of an expert meeting, London, 2005.)

    Antiproliferative Agents

    Azathioprine and vincristine have been used by some individuals but have not been widely

    recommended because of the lack of positive results. Cyclophosphamide has failed to prove any

    benefit, although many investigators have included this drug in their armamentarium. In most of

    the reports, drug combinations were employed that did not allow separation of single drug

    effects. The prospective trial of the APN mentioned earlier was stopped because of the inferiority

    of cyclophosphamide to cyclosporin.

    Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) has attracted investigators interest because of its nonnephrotoxic

    profi le. Some uncontrolled trials point toward possible benefi ts, but (a) the lack of control

    data, (b) the anecdotal character, (c) the possible selection bias in reporting, and (d) the fact that

    this drug has been in routine use for more than 10 years in the transplant setting but no robust

    data are available demonstrating any effect for prevention of posttransplant recurrence of

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    original disease all argue against premature recommendations. One should await the results of

    the trial being undertaken in the United States under the auspices of the National Institutes of

    Health, wherein treatment with cyclosporin over 26 weeks will be compared with MMF/pulse

    steroids and continued for 52 weeks if response of proteinuria occurs. Both treatment arms

    include low-dose prednisone and ACE inhibitor therapy. Patients will be recruited at more than

    130 sites in North America.

    Antiproteinuric Treatment

    There is strong evidence from studies in adult patients that ACE inhibitors effectively lower

    proteinuria in various diseases involving proteinuria. These results have been accepted by many

    pediatric nephrologists as a robust argument for introducing ACE inhibitors for their patients

    with proteinuria. The dilemma is that in pediatric patients this has led to off-label use without

    proper phase II and III trials. A large series of pediatric patients have been treated with ramipril

    in the Escape Triala prospective assessment of the renoprotective efficacy of ACE inhibition

    and intensified blood pressure control. In this assessment, 397 children (ages 3 to 18 years) with

    chronic renal failure (GFR 11 to 80 ml/min/1.73m2) and elevated or high-normal BP received

    ramipril (6 mg/m2) following a 6-month run-in period, including a 2-month washout of any

    previous ACE inhibitors.

    Blood pressure was reduced with equal efficacy daytime and nighttime. Urinary protein

    excretion was reduced by 50% on average, with similar relative efficacy in patients with

    hypo/dysplastic nephropathies and glomerulopathies. The magnitude of proteinuria reduction

    depended on baseline proteinuria (r = 0.32, p < 0.0001), and was correlated with the

    antihypertensive effi cacy of the drug (r = 0.22, p < 0.001). Small, uncontrolled trials in

    pediatric patients with persistant nephritic syndrome also found some reduction of proteinuria.

    The positive interpretation of a renoprotective effect of ACE inhibitors with and without AT1

    receptor antagonist has made it unlikely that children are left without such treatment.

  • 7/29/2019 SRNS Lapkas Sham & Justin


    (Bagga A, Management of Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome, Indian Society of Pediatric

    Nephrology, Volume 46, January 17, 2009)


    Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome is not a single entity. The most dominant lesion is focal

    segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Better understanding of the underlying diseases and

    mechanisms will guide future treatment. Early genetic diagnosis might help to avoid ineffective

    but harmful immunosuppressive therapy (Hoyer PF et al, 2008)

  • 7/29/2019 SRNS Lapkas Sham & Justin



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