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Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser

Termin 2016-19

Institution Svendborg Erhvervsskole og Gymnasier

Uddannelse HHX

Fag og niveau Engelsk A

Lærer(e) Agnete Fog

Hold HHA 2016-19

Oversigt over gennemførte undervisningsforløb – emner markeret med rødt, er de emner vi opgiver til eksamen.

Titel 1 Grammatik, skriftlighed og analyseværktøjer

Titel 2 Into business: entrepreneurs, CSR and culture – UK focus

Titel 3 Short stories and linguistics + Sprog- og kulturforløb

Titel 4 Sports – USA & UK

Titel 5 Fantasy

Titel 6 Terrorism and “The Reluctant Fundamentalist”

Titel 7 Gunocracy in the USA

Titel 8 Dublin Ireland

Titel 9 Global Project with SAC

Titel 10 Travellers, tourists and daredevils

Titel 11 Globalization DIO

Titel 12 Canada Area Study

Titel 13 Science facts and fiction

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Titel 1

Grammatik, skriftlighed og analyseværktøjer

Indhold Guld grammatik Online gammatikker (Systime) Andet Business emails


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Væsentligste arbejdsformer

Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 2

Into business – entrepreneur, CSR and culture – UK Focus

Indhold Adler, Timothy: Government supports call for female-focused business

investment funds.


Asklund, Kasper: Culture at work p.140 + 141; c270, 271, 272

Bjerre Bach og Sielemann: Into Business. Systime iBog p125, 126, 136, 138 – i kapitlet

om Entrepreneurs.

Case: Mærsk In India

Company Profiles

1: af UK-virksomheder efter eget valg – fremlagt i klassen.

2: Company Profiles om Blizzard og Google (gruppearbejde, afsluttet

med en mundtlig prøve-eksamen)

Made in China: definition af CSR og samtaleøvelse om CSR (Fronter)

Valentin m.fl: FED Engelsk (iBog): siderne 136-158 i pbogen

Advertisement: Global Warming Ready


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Væsentligste arbejdsformer

Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 3

Short Stories and linguistics + Sprog- og kulturforløb

Indhold Ellis, Bret Easton: On the Beach (skriftlig aflevering – 5-paragraph essay) Finderup & Fog: Worlds of English, Systime 2017 (iBog)

- Language and Culture (hele kapitlet læst i grupper med PP fremlæggelser – minus Agard og Foer)

- Lively: The Happiest Days of Your Life - McAfee: This is my living room +

Appalachian English Rednecks calling Barack Obama Muslim and Half Breed

- Hughes: Coffee Break + om Simple’s Informal Language + African American Vernacular

- Singh: Karma + Indian English - Mudie: This Land + om Australsk engelsk

Om stilistik

Schlünssen, Ewa (2011), forlaget ØKNOM, An Introduction to Culture - theory, texts and exercises for students of English, side 7-12 (SOK. Med mundtlig gruppeeksamen)


Særlige fokuspunkter Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Væsentligste arbejdsformer

Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 4

Sports – USA & UK

Indhold Sports in the UK: Andersen & Petersen: From Where You Are. Systime iBog:

- Hornby, Nick: Faith (med skriftlig aflevering) - Whitcher, Kevin: 4x videoer om Football (iBogen)

Alexander, Lexi: Hooligans (film, 2005) + Chelsea rhyming-slang. Sports in the UK: lille kompendium med info om UK og sport, fodboldquiz, sponsorater mv.

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Wells, Darren: Making a new start. BBC 2 May, 2002.

Sports in the USA:

American Embassy: Sports in America

Greenberg, Richard: Take me out (play 2003) uddrag: Mason’s monologue on Baseball as a metaphor for democracy. + Youtubeklip med fremføring af: Mason’s monologue on Baseball as a metaphor for life.

Lewis & Hancock: The Blind Side: McFarland, USA (2009, film)

Mooney & White: Five key trends that are driving the business of sports. Stanford Business. April 28 2014:

Super Bowl Commercials, Febr. 2016



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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 5


Indhold Finderup & Fog: Worlds of Fantasy. Systime, 2005: - Finderup & Fog: What is Fantasy, pp.8-12

- Grossman, Lev: Feeding on Fantasy, pp.20-22

- Lewis, CS: Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe pp.23-33

- Tolkien, J. R.R.: The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring. The

Bridge of Khazad-Dûm pp.35-51 + filmuddrag af netop denne scene

Martin, George R.R: A Song of Ice and Fire vi så Benioff and Weiss “A Game of Thrones” Season 1, episode 1. Hertil gruppestudier med fremlæggelse af følgende artikler (i uddrag) – under overskriften: Another Game of Thrones:

- Lev Grossman: George R.R. Martin's Dance with Dragons: A Masterpiece Worthy of Tolkien

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TIME Thursday, July 07, 2011,8599,2081774,00.html

- Technology giants at war – Another game of thrones from The

Economist, 2012.



- Kaufman: ”Is Game of Thrones an allegory for global climate change?”+

watch the 2-minute video by Vox


- Sarah Hughes, Independent



- Ken Tucker, BBC


- Mark A. McCutcheon Academicalim (online scholarly blog)



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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 6

Terrorism and “The Reluctant Fundamentalist”

Indhold Bergen, Peter: Why do terrorists commit terrorism? New York Times 2016 Hamid, Moshin: The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Penguin Books, 2007 (hele værket)

Ismail, Aymann: Who’s afraid of Aymnan Ismail? How do American born Muslims radicalize? Sept. 21 2017 (tekst + video) HTTP://WWW.SLATE.COM/ARTICLES/VIDEO/WHOS_AFRAID_OF_AYMANN_ISMAIL/2017/09/HOW_DO_AMERICAN_BORN_MUSLIMS_RADICALIZE_I_ASKED_ONE_WHO_DID.HTML

Nair, Mira: The Reluctant Fundamentalist (film, 2012)


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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 7

Gunocracy in the USA

Indhold Frontline: Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA. Season 33, 4

Hilzik, Michael: 'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why

America can't control guns. Los Angeles Times. Oct 3, 2017

IHS.COM Economics Report April 2016. Aerospace and Defense Economic Impact Analysis file:///C:/Users/fog/Downloads/AD_Industry_Economic_Impact_Analysis_Final.pdf

Lockheed-Martin case-studies + Presentations McCarthy m.fl: America's passion for guns: ownership and violence by the numbers. The Guardian October 3, 2017

Pai, Priyanka: Top 10 Largest Weapons Manufacturing Companies in the World. Tharamat Magazine 15.07.14

Smith & Wesson homepage: Southpark: A brief history of the United States of America.

Tang og Stilling: Columbine and Beyond. Gyldendal 2006. Pp.90-97 US Gun Deaths: Wikipedia on: The world’s largest exporters + importers + manifacturers of arms/weapons


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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 8

Dublin Ireland

Indhold Ireland’s Four Nobel Prize Literature Winners. Who are Ireland's Nobel

laureates? (uddrag fra deres værker)

- Yeates: Easter, 1916 - Shaw: Pygmalion (My Fair Lady) - Beckett: Waiting for Godot - Heaney: The Gravballe Man

Jordan, Neil: Michael Collins (Film 1997) Joyce, James: From: Dubliners

- Araby (+ som stileemne) - Counterparts

Kellner, Peter: ‘Technology’ cannot make a hard border in Ireland soft. Independent 6 March 2018

Leary, Peter: There are three ways out of the Irish border impasse. All are closed to Theresa May. The Guardian, 1 March 2018

Litton, Helen: The Irish Famine 1845-1850. An illustrated history. Pp.9-18, 28, 50, 109, 106 Massie/Howard: Far and Away. (Film 1992) McCollum, Rosanne: The Island of Ireland. Systime iBog

A brief history of Ireland: id:125

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Side 8 af 13

Romei, Valentina: Why Northern Ireland needs to avoid a hard border. Financial Times. November 30, 2017 Studietur Marts 2018: EPIC, Guiness, Microsoft, Qualtrics, City walk mv. Med “Dubliners today” – skriftlig opgaver (observationer på turen)


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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 9

Global project with SAC

Indhold The Global Project: A Collaborative Effort between the US and Danish Students Studying International Business.

Spring 2018 Supervised by Professors Agnete Fog and Ali Kowsari

Scenario: You are the International Product Development Team for a global company: “The Danish American Business Entrepreneurs” or “DABE” for short. DABE is interested in expanding its marketing efforts and increasing its global sales worldwide. To do this, DABE is developing a brand new product-line, designed to appeal to a broad customer base internationally. To achieve this, they want the new product line to be flexible enough to be easily adaptable to different cultures. In additions, the product line will consist of a range of products that fit the needs of large range of purchasing powers. Based on your target country, design your product-line to:

- Include at least 3 products in the product-line and define the market

segmentation for each (for example: lower end, mid-range, and higher


- Define the Political, Economic, Cultural and Geographic conditions for

the market you select as it relates to your product-line (your packaging

and marketing campaign should reflect these conditions)

- Set price-points for your products entering your target market…you

must consider factors such as cost of development, currency exchange

rates, existence of local competition in the target market, etc.

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- Create appropriate packaging for each of the products in the product


- Create marketing campaign for the new product line that will fit the

needs of your target market.

Conditions: - Your team will consist of both the US and Danish students.

- Your team will be assigned a country as your target market.

- Your team will be assigned an Industry for your product-line (For

example: Healthcare or Consumer Goods)

- The design and manufacturing base of your new product line can be

either in the USA or Denmark (must explain why).

Deliverables for the project:

- A 1000-1500 Word paper or Marketing plan, detailing your process of

research, development, and completion of the project.

- A presentation, 20 slides, that highlights the main points and goals of

your project.

- A 20-minute presentation of the material by each team.


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Væsentligste arbejdsformer

Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 10

Travellers, tourists and daredevils

Indhold Bennett, Suzy: The world’s best travel blogs

Gordimer, Nadine: The ultimate safari. In: JUMP and other stories.

Bloomsbury, (1991) 2003 Poulsen og Nielsen: Travellers. Systime 2007.

- Milton: from: Paradise Lost: The Banishment - Botton: On Anticipation - Scott: The last entries; Letter to the public - Roach: Monster in a Ryokan

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Pierce, Michael: Active business communication. The Blog (Web-log) Systime 2008. pp.103-107 Potts: Slumming the golden arches. In: Finderup, Fog & Dohlmann: Worlds of Now. Systime iBog, 2016. Skriftlig opgave med at skrive egen “travel blog” + billedanalyse af forskellige travellers.


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Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Væsentligste arbejdsformer

Jf. bekendtgørelsen

Titel 11

Globalization - DIO

Indhold BBC documentary: The truth about immigration to the UK, 2014 (Documentary) Elliot, Larry: Brexit is a rejection of globalization. The Guardian June 26, 2016 (Article) Finderup, Fog & Dohlmann: Worlds of Now. Systime 2016:

- My Picture of a Globalized World: Students’ own pictures (Picture) - Stanmeyer, John: African migrants looking for cell signal by moonlight - Smith, Ali: The Go-Between (Short story) - Lewycka, Marina: Business Philosophy (Short story) - Arriaga/Iñárritu: Babel, 2006 (Film)

Giddens, Anthony: Runaway World in Clausen: Politics in a Global World. Systime 2008, pp.24-27 (Sociologist, non-ficiton) Josephson, Amelia: The Pros and Cons of Globalization. SmartAsset May21, 2018 (Article) Lohaus, Phillip: The bell of globalization cannot be un-rung. Pbs – Newshour July 26, 2016 (Column/Article)



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Titel 12

Canada Area Study

Indhold Anderson: Meng Wanzhou's rise through the ranks at Huawei

Atwood, Margaret: Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet (2009) from: Worlds of Now From: Finderup, Fog og Dohlmann: Worlds of Now. Systime (short story)

CBS: Huawei CFO (Chief Financial Officer) arrest stokes fears of trade war between China & U.S. min)

Cultural Genocide: 1: Cultural genocide: 2: Abuse in residential schools: 3: BBC 29 May, 2017: 4: Truth & Reconciliation: Stories From Residential School Survivors min) 5: Voices:

Harapyn: TD’s chief economist Beata Caranci speaks about the effect of the Huawei arrest on international trade + Canadian trade

History of Canada in a Nutshell:

(11 min)

I am Canadian. The Rant (Canadian Molson Beer commercial)

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Kirby: USMCA, Trump’s new NAFTA deal, explained in 500 words


National Post Canada – edited by H3A (diverse nyhedsartikler – ses på PadLetten)

Paddon: Little-known among consumers, Huawei has high profile in Canadian tech



Pors, Eva: Cross Country Canada:

Curnoe: Map of North America (+ Empty map of Canada)

Indigenous Peoples of Canada pp.89-92 (history)

Jew, Anne: Everyone Talked Loudly in Chinatown (short story)

Brenna: Wild Orchid (novel excerpt)

Ryga, George: Indian. From: Neuman: Northern Lights. Futurum 1988 (drama)

Walter Woodman & Peter Cederberg: Noah (kortfilm)

From: Andersen og Petersen: From Where You Are. Systime


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Titel 13

Science facts and fiction

Indhold Space – Mars

Bowie, David: Life on Mars (lyrics)

Diverse facts om Mars – klippet sammen fra NASA mv.

Godwin, Tom : The Cold Equations (short story) fra: Dann Simonsen: Fra

Frankenstein til Cyperpunk. Gyldendal pp.35-64

Inside SpaceX [National Geographic 2018 Documentary / ENG] (46:13)

Scott, Ridley: The Martian (film, 2015)

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Artificial Intelligence Aldiss, Brian: Super-Toys last all summer long. (short story) Guardian Editorial: The Guardian View on the Future of AI. 1.1.2019 Gruppearbejde med fremlæggelser om forskellige AI-fænomener: androids, smart home, surgical robots, therapy Wikipedia-opslag I udsnit (definition af AI)

Social Media and Data A brief history of Brexit Brexit – the Uncivil War (film, 2019) Finderup, Fog og Dohlmann: Worlds of Now. Systime: - Eggers, Dave: The Circle (novel excerpt) - Trump Unfiltered + kun tekst D - om potentialet i fiction/non-fiction:


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