Page 1: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes
Page 2: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes


Humanost in prostor

19. 12. 2017−27. 5. 2018


Humanity and Space

Page 3: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes



Razstava Stanko Kristl, arhitekt. Humanost in prostor je še ena v seriji monografskih predstavitev, s katerimi Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje predstavlja najpomembnejše arhitekte in oblikovalce 20. stoletja v Sloveniji. Predstavitev Stanka Kristla v Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje je še posebnega pomena, saj z razstavo njegova dela postajajo tudi del nacionalne zbirke arhitekture.

Čeprav Kristl sodi med najbolj inovativne in najvplivnejše arhitekte slovenskega modernizma in se je predstavljal na številnih razstavah doma in v tujini, je razstava v MAO prva celovita predstavitev njegovega dela.

Dela, predstavljena na razstavi, pričajo o vrednotah, ki jih je Stanko Kristl zagovarjal vse življenje. Prizadeval si je, da bi bila njegova arhitektura vedno odgovor na potrebe ljudi, ki jim je namenjena. To temeljno izhodišče ga je vodilo pri eksperimentiranju in iskanju prostorskih in socialnih inovacij v arhitekturi. Kristl se je s tem namenom v povezavi s svojimi projekti loteval temeljitih raziskovanj psihologije in sociologije. Njegovi projekti zajemajo širok spekter arhitekturnih nalog, od urbanizma in stanovanjske gradnje do vrtcev in šol. Še posebej je zaslovel kot arhitekt številnih bolnišnic, od znamenitega Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani do bolnišnic v mnogih mestih nekdanje Jugoslavije in po svetu, vključno z neuresničenim projektom Centra za fizikalno medicino in rehabilitacijo v Kuvajtu.

Razstava Stanko Kristl, arhitekt. Humanost in prostor je rezultat več let trajajoče raziskave, ki sta se je lotila arhitekta Tina Gregorič in Tadej Glažar ter jo nadaljevala skupaj s kustosinjo Majo Vardjan pod okriljem MAO. S tem je projekt dobil razsežnost, primerno pomenu arhitekta Stanka Kristla in njegovega dela za zgodovino in razvoj slovenske arhitekture.

Vsem kustosom se zahvaljujem za izjemno delo, ki so ga opravili z raziskavo in predstavitvijo arhitektovega dela. Prav posebej pa se zahvaljujem arhitektu Stanku Kristlu, ki je pripravo razstave ves čas budno spremljal in jo navdihoval s svojim pronicljivim in širokim razmišljanjem ter tudi poklonil svoja dela za zbirko muzeja. Prav tako se zahvaljujem partnerjem oz. ustanovam, ki so podprle izvedbo tega projekta: Zavodu Trajekt, Oddelku za urejanje prostora Mestne občine Ljubljana, Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani, Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti, API arhitektom in arhitektu Gregorju Riharju.

Matevž ČelikMAO, direktor


Stanko Kristl, Architect. Humanity and Space continues the series of monographic exhibitions at the Museum of Architecture and Design showcasing the most important Slovenian architects and designers of the 20th century. This presentation of Stanko Kristl at the Museum is of particular importance, since the event marks the inclusion of his works into the national architectural collection.

Although Kristl is considered one of the most innovative and influential architects of Slovene modernism and has been shown at numerous exhibitions both at home and abroad, this exhibition in MAO represents the first comprehensive overview of his work ever.

The works presented at the exhibition bear witness to the values Stanko Kristl advocated all his life. Through his architecture he worked to present answers to the needs of people – for which it was intended. This basic premise served as the guiding principle in his experiments and his search for spatial and social innovation in architecture. In order to make this a reality, and in conjunction with his projects, Kristl would embark on extensive research into the psychological and sociological dimension of design. His projects cover a particularly broad spectrum of architectural assignments, from urban planning, housing, kindergartens and schools. In particular, he has earned the reputation as architect of numerous hospitals, most notably the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, as well as hospitals elsewhere in former Yugoslavia and around the world, including an unrealized project for the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center in Kuwait.

The exhibition Stanko Kristl, Architect. Humanity and Space is the result of an extensive research effort that was first initiated by architects Tina Gregorič and Tadej Glažar, which then continued in close collaboration with curator Maja Vardjan under the auspices of MAO. This collaborative effort lent the project a dimension befitting the architect and his significance for the history and development of Slovene architecture.

I would like to thank the curators for their outstanding efforts in researching and preparing the materials that comprise this presentation of the architect’s work. My special thanks goes to architect Stanko Kristl, for keeping a close, critical eye on the preparation of this exhibition, for inspiring both it and the museum with his comprehensive and insightful thinking, and for donating his work to our museum’s collection. Thanks are due also to the partners and institutions that supported the realisation of this ambitious project: Zavod Trajekt, Department of Urban Planning of the City of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, API arhitekti and architect Gregor Rihar.

Matevž ČelikMAO, Director

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STANKO KRISTL, ARHITEKT Humanost in prostor

Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes med najvidnejše slovenske arhitekte; njegova dela so ob svojem nastanku vznemirjala tako domačo kot mednarodno javnost – in tako je še danes. Kot arhitekt v najširšem smislu si Stanko Kristl skozi svoje projekte in raziskave neprestano zastavlja temeljno vprašanje arhitekture: kaj je arhitektura v odnosu do človeka?

Človek in njegovo doživljanje prostora – to je ključna tema, ki izrazito zaznamuje raziskovalno-oblikovalski pristop arhitekta Stanka Kristla. V svojih arhitekturnih projektih, številnih člankih in raziskavah nenehno izpostavlja nujnost vključevanja sociologije in psihologije pri snovanju prostora. Raziskovanje prvinskega dojemanja prostora in zaznavanja še nerojenega otroka je določilo radikalno zasnovo vrtca Mladi rod v Ljubljani; študija integralnih načinov posredovanja znanja je vodila h konceptu Osnovne šole Franceta Prešerna v Kranju; razvoj kompleksne, sistemske metodologije projektiranja pa je omogočil sočasno projektiranje in gradnjo diagnostično-terapevtsko-servisnega objekta Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani.

Vloga arhitekture pri razvoju človeka in družbe je osrednja misel znotraj Kristlovega večplastnega arhitekturnega ustvarjanja, v vseh merilih, od regulacije mest do patenta stropa in oblikovanja knjige, od kompleksnih bolnišnic do raznolikih bivalnih prostorov in spomenikov.

Stanko Kristl se zavestno izogiba ponavljanju rešitev in se v svojih projektih nenehno sprašuje o bistvu osnovnih arhitekturnih programov, kot so stanovanje, šola, vrtec, bolnišnica, enodružinska hiša, ter jih vedno znova poskuša redefinirati. V vsaki nalogi presega zgolj iskanje funkcionalnih prostorskih rešitev za dane programe, saj s svojim celostnim pristopom k projektiranju stremi k spremembam ustaljenih konceptov šolanja, bivanja in zdravljenja ter k oblikovanju alternative obstoječim normam in načinom delovanja. Večplastno raziskovanje posameznega programa je osnova za njegov konceptualni arhitekturni odgovor, ki večkrat prevzame vlogo zgrajenega prototipa. Prilagajanje merilu posameznega uporabnika, otroka ali odraslega, bolnega ali zdravega, mladega ali starejšega, izkazuje popolno predanost ideji humanega v arhitekturi.

Vodilne lastnosti Kristlovega ustvarjanja so eksperiment, inventivnost in sistemskost, ki se prepletajo na prostorski, tehnološki in socialni ravni. Stavbe so oblikovane kot odprte strukture, ki v veliki meri omogočajo prilagajanje, spreminjanje in razvoj v času. Njihova pojavnost je večinoma določena z vidno konstrukcijsko zasnovo, z eksperimentalno uporabo nekonvencionalnih materialov ter z inovativnimi detajli in tehnološkimi patenti, ki jih povezuje ekonomičnost gradnje in vzdrževanja objektov. Zaradi inovativnega raziskovalnega pristopa so njegove zgradbe pogosto prestopale meje znanega in uveljavljenega ter zato sprožale tako izrazito (strokovno in laično) navdušenje kot tudi zagrizen odpor.

Kristlova realizirana arhitekturna dela so bila nagrajena s številnimi priznanji za izjemne arhitekturne dosežke in pomembno določajo slovensko arhitekturno

dediščino 20. stoletja ter pomenijo samosvoj prispevek k eksperimentalni evropski povojni arhitekturi.

Stanko Kristl skupaj z Otonom Jugovcem, Savinom Severjem, Majdo Dobravec, Milanom Miheličem, Ilijo Arnautovićem, Marto in Francetom Ivanškom, Milošem Bončo, Janezom Lajovcem, Gregom Košakom in drugimi tvori jedro najvidnejše skupine študentov arhitekta in profesorja Edvarda Ravnikarja. Povezujejo jih osnovna miselna načela, vendar so znotraj inovativne in konsistentne produkcije slovenske arhitekture šestdesetih let, kjer je koncept stavbe jasno izražen tako v konstrukciji kot v detajlu in kjer je pojmovanje arhitekture vse, od kljuke do urbanizma, kot posamezniki ustvarili njihove različne avtorske izpeljave. Kristl se je najodločneje osredotočil na humani vidik arhitekture. Človeka je postavil v središče kot primarni razlog za arhitekturo, saj je trdil, da ga je modernizem v svoji dogmatski funkcionalnosti – z zadovoljevanjem zgolj fizioloških potreb – zapostavil. V nenehnem iskanju humanega je verjel in učil, da arhitektura lahko vzgaja, zdravi in plemeniti človeka, in s to idejo deluje tudi danes.

Razstava Stanko Kristl, arhitekt. Humanost in prostor predstavlja bogati univerzum arhitekta in je organizirana v štiri bistvene tematske sklope: Bivanje, Šolanje, Zdravje in Spomin. Osnovana je bila na podlagi večletnega raziskovanja arhitektovega osebnega arhiva ter tudi s pomočjo dodatnih virov in pogovorov z arhitektom. Originalni načrti in risbe iz njegovega arhiva so dopolnjeni s serijo posebej za razstavo izdelanih maket, diagramov in velikoformatnih barvnih fotografij, ki odslikujejo posebno osredotočenost znotraj obsežnega arhitektovega opusa ter omogočajo novo vizualno izkušnjo Kristlove arhitekture.

Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan

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Architect, professor, explorer, innovator, humanist, academic, perpetual critic and designer of everyday life. Today, Stanko Kristl is considered one of the most prominent Slovenian architects, a man whose work has provoked and inspired local and international publics alike, both during the process of their creation and up to the present day. As an architect in the broadest sense of the term, Stanko Kristl uses his projects and research work to pose, at every opportunity, the fundamental question of architecture: What is architecture in relation to human?

People and their perception of space is a key theme in his work, one that has left a significant mark on architect Kristl’s design research approach. In his architectural projects, in numerous articles and research papers, he repeatedly underlines the necessity to integrate sociology and psychology into the architectural design process. Research work into a kind of primal comprehension of space and the perceptions of an unborn child set the stage and direction for the radical design of the Mladi rod kindergarten in Ljubljana; a study of integrated teaching methods led to the concept for the France Prešeren Elementary School in Kranj; and the development of complex and systemic design methodologies allowed for the simultaneous design and construction of the Diagnostic Therapeutic Service building of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana.

The role of architecture in the development of the individual and society defines the pivotal thought process of his multifaceted production at all scales, from town planning to technical ceiling patents and book design, from complex hospital designs to diverse dwelling models and monuments.

Stanko Kristl consciously avoids repeating the same solutions, and within his projects constantly questions the true nature of basic architectural programmes – apartment, school, kindergarten, hospital, family house – and tries to redefine them over and over again. In each of his projects he goes beyond the mere search for functional spatial solutions to the given assignment; instead, with his comprehensive approach to architectural design he strives for change in established concepts of education, housing and healthcare, and seeks to design alternatives to the existing standards and modes of work. Multi-layered research into each individual program forms the basis of his architectural response, which often assumes the role of a built prototype. Adapting to the scale of the individual user, be it a child or an adult, the sick or the healthy, young or old, he demonstrates his absolute commitment to the idea of humanity in architecture.

The dominant characteristics of Kristl’s work, such as experimentation, inventiveness and systemic approach intertwine on a spatial, technological and sociological level. He designs buildings as open structures that over time allow for a high degree of adaptation, change and development. Their appearance is largely determined by their visible structural design, experimental use of unconventional materials, and innovative details and technological patents in order to achieve economically efficient construction and later maintenance of

the buildings. His research-based innovative approach resulted in architectures that transcended the borders of what was known and established, and so provoked both extreme enthusiasm and fanatical resistance from both the professional and general publics.

Kristl’s realized architectures have been awarded with numerous prizes for outstanding architectural achievement, making and marking a crucial impact on Slovenian 20th century architectural heritage and in the process constituting a unique contribution to post-war experimental architecture in Europe.

Stanko Kristl defines the core of the most influential group of students that studied under architect and professor Edvard Ravnikar, among them Oton Jugovec, Savin Sever, Majda Dobravec, Milan Mihelič, Ilija Arnautović, Marta and France Ivanšek, Miloš Bonča, Janez Lajovic, Grega Košak, and others. They all shared certain underlying intellectual principles, yet as individuals they each created their own distinctive body of work within the consistently innovative production of Slovenian architecture in the 1960s, where the concept of a building is clearly expressed in the structure itself as well as in the details, where everything, from a door handle to entire urban plans count as architecture. Kristl’s unique and decisive focus centred on the humane aspect of architecture, which he posited as the primary reason for architecture, claiming that modernism, with its dogmatic functionality working only to address people’s physiological needs, failed as a whole to address the human component. Perpetually searching for the humane, he believed and taught that architecture can educate, heal and work to evolve what it is to be human. This same idea stands at the core of his work, even today.

The exhibition Stanko Kristl, Architect. Humanity and Space presents the architect’s rich universe of work as organized into four topics: Dwelling, Education, Health and Memory. The scheme is based on several years of exploring the architect’s personal archives, as well as additional sources, publications and interviews with the architect. Apart from the original designs and drawings from his archive, the exhibition presents a series of models, diagrams and large-format colour photographs made especially for this exhibition, which will reflect a special kind of focus within the architect’s extensive body of work, and enable a new visual experience of Kristl’s architecture.

Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan

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BIVANJEAtrijske hiše BorsetovaLjubljana, 1959−1964DWELLINGAtrium Houses in Borsetova StreetLjubljana, 1959−1964

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“Imprecise formulations when speaking and writing about architecture, and one-sided discussions on issues encountered by architects and society as a whole, degrade our work, with the assumption that architecture is above all a reflection of the economic situation and construction-related expertise. This is further enhanced by the conventional education of the client and the architect in the ‘functionalist’ ideology of the 1920s and 1930s, which resulted in research into the ‘minimum measurements’ that came to typify the ‘Neufert’ phenomenon. But as an eternally sensitive medium, architecture in its various construction tasks must take into consideration a broad range of circumstances and respond to various mutual relationships and points of view. It expresses itself in a visual order based on the clear analyses of functional, social, cultural and other problems.” −Stanko Kristl, 1969

»Nepreciznost formuliranja, ko govorimo in pišemo o arhitekturi, in enostrano obravnavana problematika, s katero se srečujeta arhitekt in družba, ponižuje naše delo do domneve, da je arhitektura predvsem izraz gospodarskega položaja in gradbene usposobljenosti. Temu botruje še konvencionalna vzgoja naročnika in arhitekta v miselnosti ‘funkcionalizma’ dvajsetih in tridesetih let, katere rezultat so raziskave v smeri ‘minimalnih mer’ s tipičnim pojavom ‘Neuferta’. Arhitektura pa mora kot večni občutljiv medij v vseh svojih različnih gradbenih nalogah upoštevati mnogovrstne okoliščine in reagirati na različne medsebojne odnose in nazore. Izraža se v nekem vizualnem redu, ki sloni na jasnih analizah funkcionalnih, socioloških, kulturnih in še kakih problemov.« −Stanko Kristl, 1969

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BIVANJETrgovsko-stanovanjski blokVelenje, 1962−1963DWELLINGCommercial and Apartment BlockVelenje, 1962−1963

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1716“This apartment block was built when the town was still under development. It was my belief then that, when talking about a town, every construction should show respect for it. Like in the Middle Ages, when people dwelled safely behind town walls, and they tried to compensate for that, to give back to the town by building pleasant houses and workshops, by making them beautiful. This is the kind of respectful attitude that is missing today. I suggested that the cladding of the apartment block be made of simple, unfired brick. There was no money. But at least we managed to get thermal insulation. When I made the conceptual designs for this apartment block I wanted to create a sense of drama. I opened up the ground floor and I wanted this apartment block itself to be able to say why it is the way it is. That is why on the outside everything is glazed, completely transparent. And because of the children, the windows in the apartments reach all the way down to the floor.” −Stanko Kristl, 2015

»Ta blok je bil grajen, ko se je mesto še ustvarjalo. Računal sem, da mora vsaka gradnja imeti spoštljiv odnos do mesta, če govorimo o mestu. Kot v srednjem veku, ko so ljudje bivali varno za obzidjem, so se poskušali mestu oddolžiti, ko so gradili svoje delavnice, hiške, in to povrniti mestu s prijetnostjo, z lepoto objekta. To je spoštljiv odnos, ki ga danes nimamo več. Predlagal sem, da blok obložimo z navadno, nežgano opeko. Ni bilo denarja. Smo pa vsaj pridobili toplotno izolacijo. Ko sem delal zasnove tega bloka, sem hotel ustvariti vtis dramatičnosti. Pritličje sem odprl in želel sem, da ta blok pripoveduje, kako sploh lahko stoji. Zato je zunaj vse zastekljeno, čisto prozorno. In tudi okna v stanovanjih so do tal, zaradi otrok.« −Stanko Kristl, 2015

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ŠOLANJEOsnovna šola Franceta PrešernaKranj, 1965–1968EDUCATIONFrance Prešeren Elementary SchoolKranj, 1965–1968

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“Every society presents its construction experts with tasks that are simply not of equal importance. ‘The order’ depends on various factors, particularly ‘the philosophy of time.’ For this reason, tasks that directly serve the community must be given priority in our society. One such area of activity is undoubtedly the building of schools. The problem of a school building or a complex of buildings is even more difficult for the architect, because the implementation of the project directly educates or distorts the exceptional perceptiveness and adaptability of the younger generation.” −Stanko Kristl, 1969

»Vsaka družba postavlja pred gradbene strokovnjake naloge, ki po svojem pomenu ne morejo biti enačene. ‘Vrstni red’ je odvisen od različnih dejavnikov, zlasti od ‘filozofije časa’. Tako morajo pri nas stati na prvem mestu tiste naloge, ki neposredno služijo skupnosti. Eno teh dejavnih področij je prav gotovo graditev šol. Za arhitekta je problem zidave šolskega objekta ali sklopa objektov še kočljivejši, ker s svojo uresničitvijo neposredno vzgaja ali pa pači za dojemanje in prilagajanje izredno dovzetno mlado rast.« −Stanko Kristl, 1969

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ŠOLANJEVrtec Mladi rodLjubljana, 1969–1972EDUCATIONMladi rod KindergartenLjubljana, 1969–1972

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2524“It was my intention to design non-rectangular playrooms – they are kind of trapezoidal, with spatial curves that are meant to make children more or less consciously apprehensive of those primal senses that they began recognising when in the soft caress of their mother’s embrace. […] With the architecture of this building, it was our desire to create a more humane environment for our population than the one offered by the already excessively degraded housing developments; however, not at the expense of higher investment costs but rather with more effort and commitment on the part of all the parties involved, from the investor to the contractor.” −Stanko Kristl, 1973

»Oblikovno so igralnice namenoma nepravokotnega tlorisa – so nekako trapezaste, s prostorskimi oblinami, to naj v otroku bolj ali manj zavestno zbuja tisto prvobitnost sveta, ki ga je začel zaznavati ob mehkobi svoje matere. […] Z arhitekturo tega objekta smo skušali ustvariti našemu človeku po že tako preveč razvrednotenih stanovanjskih naseljih bolj humano okolje, vendar ne na račun večjih investicij, temveč večjega napora in zavzetosti vseh sodelujočih, od investitorja do izvajalca.« −Stanko Kristl, 1973

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ZDRAVJEDiagnostično-terapevtsko-servisni objekt, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, 1968–1977HEALTHCAREDiagnostic Therapeutic Service building, University Medical CentreLjubljana, 1968–1977

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2928“The premise that led us in the drawing up of the architectural design for this hospital was the knowledge that we are dealing with a very complex and eminent human issue, one that demands to be treated in broad cultural and interdisciplinary terms. A hospital is a space with commonplace characteristics, yet it is also an unusual place where people deal with the deepest personal hardships; and also, even if they are not prone to it they are faced with the most basic questions of their own existence. […] Here, full attention is turned on human, and it is here that the criteria that guide the architect’s efforts to realize a hospital are found.” −Stanko Kristl, 1978

»Kot predpostavko arhitektonskega snovanja bolnišnice smo sprejeli spoznanje, da posegamo v zelo kompleksno in eminentno humanistično problematiko, ki terja široko kulturno in interdisciplinarno obravnavo. Bolnišnica je prostor z lastnostjo vsakdanjosti, obenem pa tisto nenavadno mesto, kjer ljudje obračunavajo z najglobljimi osebnimi stiskami in se, tudi če k temu sicer niso nagnjeni, soočajo z najosnovnejšimi vprašanji lastne eksistence. […] Vsa pozornost se osredotoča na človeka in tu iščemo kriterij vsega arhitektovega početja pri realizaciji bolnišnice.« −Stanko Kristl, 1978

Page 16: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes


NEDELJA V MAOUstvarjalne delavnice

7. 1. / 21. 1. / 4. 2. / 18. 2. / 4. 3. / 18. 3. /1. 4. / 14. 4. / 29. 4. / 13. 5. / 27. 5. ob 11. uri

Ustvarjalnica je prostor zabave, igre, ustvarjanja, spoznavanja in druženja. Prostor, kjer lahko otroci od 5. do 12. leta preživljajo prosti čas v spoznavanju arhitekture in oblikovanja. S pogovorom in zabavnimi učnimi pripomočki spoznavajo temo razstave, nato pa z novim znanjem in veliko domišljije ustvarjajo lastne izdelke. Pri mlajših so k sodelovanju vabljeni tudi starši, sicer pa jih vabimo, da se udeležijo hkratnega javnega vodstva po razstavi, ki ga izvajajo bodisi kustosi bodisi različni strokovnjaki.

Naslovi ustvarjalnic:

Moje telo – moja arhitekturaMala ura perspektive ali prostorski eksperimentNarava kot vir navdihaSvetlobna telesa – oblikovanje svetilStavbni plašč ali koža stavbe – papirna

plastika, igra rezovRitem v arhitekturi ali kaj imata skupnega

arhitektura in glasbaSpomin – spomenikiMoj vrtec, moja šola – spoznavanje s čutiliKo si hiša nadene plašč – v igri z opeko

Vodeni ogledi razstave in tematske delavnice – šole

Arhitekt in urbanist Stanko Kristl je eden pomembnejših arhitektov druge polovice 20. stoletja v Sloveniji. Skozi njegovo delo bodo učenci in dijaki spoznavali, kaj je dobra arhitektura in kaj pomeni interdisciplinarnost, saj je raziskovalni pristop arhitekta izhajal iz sodobnih pogledov in potreb po kakovostnem bivalnem okolju uporabnika, upoštevajoč tudi psihologijo in fiziologijo (posebej pri snovanju vrtcev in šol). Pobliže bodo spoznali različne vidike projektiranja v vseh merilih, od urbanizma do detajlov opreme.

Priporočene tematske delavnice:

Moje telo – moja arhitektura V 5+, OŠ 1, 2Mala ura perspektive ali prostorski eksperiment

OŠ 1, 2, 3Narava kot vir navdiha OŠ 1, 2, 3Ritem v arhitekturi ali kaj imata skupnega

arhitektura in glasba OŠ 1, 2Stavbni plašč ali koža stavbe – papirna

plastika, igra rezov OŠ 1, 2, 3, SŠ

NEDELJA V MAOVodeni ogledi

7. 1. / 21. 1. / 4. 2. / 18. 2. / 4. 3. / 18. 3. /1. 4. / 14. 4. / 29. 4. / 13. 5. / 27. 5. ob 11. uri

Nedelje v MAO so namenjene družinam in posameznikom, ki želijo dopoldan preživeti v naši družbi. Vsako drugo nedeljo se nam lahko pridružite na vodenem ogledu ali ustvarjalni delavnici za različne starostne skupine. Vodstvo omogoča podrobnejši vpogled v obširno arhitekturno ustvarjalnost slovenskega arhitekta Stanka Kristla, v posamezne projekte ter v razmišljanje kustosov in drugih priznanih strokovnjakov, ki s svojega gledišča predstavijo opus protagonista na razstavi.

Delo arhitekta Stanka Kristla nam bodo predstavili kustosi razstave in arhitekti: Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan in vabljeni strokovnjaki.


Na mesečnih ogledih pomembnih zgradb vas v svet snovanja, idej in arhitekturnih presežkov popeljejo strokovnjaki in drugi raziskovalci ter poznavalci arhitekturnih ustvarjalnih procesov.

Januar 2017: Splošna bolnišnica Izola, Izola −vodi: Rok Hočevar

Februar 2018: Vrtec Mladi rod, Ljubljana −vodi: Maja Vardjan

Marec 2018: Diagnostično-terapevtsko-servisni objekt, UKC, Ljubljana −vodi: Tadej Glažar

April 2018: Stanovanjski blok, Prule, Ljubljana −vodi: Martina Malešič, Uroš Rustja

Maj 2018: Trgovsko-stanovanjski blok, Velenje −vodi: Gregor Gojević

September 2018: Osnovna šola Franceta Prešerna, Kranj −vodi: Tina Gregorič


Vloga arhitekture pri razvoju človeka in družbeSkozi serijo izjav Kristlovih sodelavcev, študentov in uporabnikov njegovih zgradb bomo osvetlili vpliv arhitektovih konceptov na vsakdanje aktivnosti človeka.

Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanjeLjubljana, februar 2018

Stanko Kristl in ljubljanska šola za arhitekturoDogodek bo skozi serijo predavanj in pogovorov obravnaval Kristlovo vlogo profesorja ter njegov teoretični in praktični pristop k izobraževanju na ljubljanski šoli za arhitekturo.

Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljanamarec 2018


Arhitektura za zdravje Razstava bo na ogled v Splošni bolnišnici Izola: v avli, pred specialističnimi ambulantami in v hospitalnem bloku bodo urejena tri območja, kjer si bo mogoče ogledati vizijo razvoja bolnišnice Izola in s pomočjo razlage pojma arhitektura za zdravje tudi razumeti, na kakšne načine lahko arhitektura blagodejno vpliva na počutje človeka.

Avtor: Rok HočevarSplošna bolnišnica Izola, od 20. 12. 2017 do 31. 1. 2018

50 let Osnovne šole Franceta Prešerna v KranjuSerija dogodkov ob petdesetletnici obstoja Osnovne šole Franceta Prešerna, ki pomeni enega od vrhuncev gradnje šolskih objektov pri nas.

Osnovna šola Franceta Prešerna, Kranjjesen 2018

Obiščite nas

Podrobnejše informacije o razstavah in programih so na voljo na spletni strani

Vodstva in udeležbo na delavnicah je treba potrditi vsaj 5 delovnih dni vnaprej.

Za spremljevalce in učitelje je vstop brezplačen.

Informacije, prijave in najava skupin

Natalija Lapajne, Elizabeta Petruša ŠtrukeljT 01 578 42 82 01 578 42 86E [email protected]

Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa.

Page 17: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes


SUNDAY AT MAO:Creative workshops

Jan 7, 21 / Feb 4, 18 / Mar 4, 18 /Apr 1, 14, 29 / May 5, 27 at 11.00

Sunday Creative Workshops are a place of fun, play, creativity, learning and socialising, where children aged 5 to 12 can spend their free time learning about architecture and design. Through conversation and fun learning tools we explore exhibitions topics, then use what we’ve learned, together with a great deal of imagination, to create our own items. Parents are welcomed to accompany children under five or take part in one of our guided tours led by one of our curators or other experts.

Themes for the creative workshops:

My Body – My ArchitectureSpatial Experiment or A Short Lesson in

PerspectiveNature as a Source of InspirationLamps and Lights – Lighting DesignBuilding Envelope or the Skin of a Building –

Paper Sculpting and Sections in PlayRhythm in Architecture or What Do

Architecture and Music Have in Common?Memory – Monuments My Kindergarten, My School – Learning with

Our Senses When a House Puts on a Coat – Playing with


Guided exhibition tours and themed workshops for schools

Architect and urbanist Stanko Kristl is one of the most prominent Slovenian architects of the second half of the 20th century. Through his work, children will learn about what makes good architecture; and about the meaning of interdisciplinarity as so vividly seen in the architect’s approach to study, which was based on his distinctly modern views and the need for quality living environments, taking into account both psychology and physiology as well (especially when designing architecture for kindergartens and schools). Children will have the chance to closely examine various aspects of architectural design, ranging from urban planning to detailed interior design.


My Body – My Architecture A Short Lesson in Perspective or Spatial

Experiment Nature as a Source of Inspiration Rhythm in Architecture or What Do

Architecture and Music Have in Common? Building Envelope or the Skin of a Building –

Paper Sculpturing and Sections at Play

SUNDAY AT MAOGuided tours

Jan 7, 21 / Feb 4, 18 / Mar 4, 18 /Apr 1, 14, 29 / May 5, 27 at 11.00

Sundays at MAO are aimed at families and people who want to spend a few hours in our company. Join us every other Sunday for a guided tour or take part in a workshop tailored to various age groups. Guided tours offer detailed insights into the extensive body of the architectural work of Slovenian architect Stanko Kristl. The tours will present some of the architect’s projects, as well as provide some insight into the curator’s thinking, together with the thinking of other renowned experts who will, each from their own perspective, present the architect’s oeuvre.

The work of architect Stanko Kristl will be presented by exhibition curators and architects Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan and others.


The concept of this monthly event is to provide guided tours of important buildings, and offer insights into ideas, the creative process and architectural achievements. Tours are led by scholars, experts and other practitioners of creative architectural processes.

January 2017: General Hospital Izola, Izola −tour guide: Rok Hočevar

February 2018: Mladi rod Kindergarten, Ljubljana −tour guide: Maja Vardjan

March 2018: Diagnostic Therapeutic Service, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana −tour guide: Tadej Glažar

April 2018: Apartment Block, Prule, Ljubljana −tour guide: Martina Malešič, Uroš Rustja

May 2018: Commercial and Apartment Block, Velenje −tour guides: Gregor Gojević

September 2018: France Prešeren Elementary School, Kranj −tour guide: Tina Gregorič

Visit us

Detailed information on our exhibitions and programs is available at

Guided tours and participation at workshops must be confirmed at least 5 workdays in advance.

Free entrance for teachers and accompanying persons.

Information, applications, arrangements

Natalija Lapajne, Elizabeta Petruša ŠtrukeljT 01 578 42 82 01 578 42 86E [email protected]

We reserve the right to change programs as required.


The Role of Architecture in the Development of Man and SocietyThe thoughts and words of Kristl’s associates, students and users of his buildings will help us shed some light on the influence of the architect’s concepts on people’s everyday activities.

Museum of Architecture and DesignLjubljana, February 2018

Stanko Kristl and the Ljubljana School of ArchitectureA series of lectures and talks about Kristl’s role as a professor and his theoretical and practical approach to educational process at the Ljubljana School of Architecture.

Faculty of Architecture, LjubljanaMarch 2018


Architecture for HealthAn exhibition hosted by Izola General Hospital. The hospital foyer will be divided into three areas, with displays showing their vision for the future development of the hospital. Some insight into the term “Architecture for Health” will help visitors understand the ways architecture can have a beneficial effect on people’s wellbeing.

Author: Rok HočevarIzola General Hospital, from Dec 20 to Jan 31, 2018

50th Anniversary of France Prešeren Elementary School A series of events commemorating the 50th anniversary of Kristl’s project for the France Prešeren Elementary School, one of the highlights of school construction in Slovenia.

France Prešeren Elementary School, KranjAutumn 2018

Page 18: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes

STANKO KRISTL, ARHITEKTHumanost in prostor


19. 12. 2017−27. 5. 2018

Izdal/Published by:Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanjeMuseum of Architecture and Design

Pot na Fužine 2, SI-1000 LjubljanaSlovenija/Slovenia

Za izdajatelja/For publisher:Matevž Čelik

Uredniki/Editors: Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan

Prevod/Translations: Darja Horvatič

Lektoriranje/Copy Editing: Katja Paladin (SLO), Jeff Bickert (ENG)

Grafično oblikovanje/Graphic Design: Ajdin Bašić

Fotografije/Photographs:Tomaž Gregorič

Aksonometrije projektov/ Project Axonometrics: Dekleva Gregorič arhitekti

Tisk/Print: Collegium GraphicumŠtevilo izvodov/Print Run: 700

Ljubljana, december 2017

© 2017 Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje in avtorji. Vse pravice pridržane.© 2017 Museum of Architecture and Design and authors. All rights reserved.

Ta brošura je izšla ob razstavi Stanko Kristl, arhitekt. Humanost in prostor.

This booklet is published for the exhibition Stanko Kristl, Architect. Humanity and Space.

Kustosi/Curators: Tadej Glažar, Tina Gregorič, Maja Vardjan

Oblikovanje in postavitev razstave/Exhibition Design and Set up: Dekleva Gregorič arhitekti (Aljoša Dekleva, Tina Gregorič, Vid Zabel), Tadej Glažar, Maja Vardjan

Strokovna sodelavca/Consultants: Rok Hočevar, Vid Zabel

Grafično oblikovanje/Graphic Design: Ajdin Bašić

Fotografije/Photographs: Tomaž Gregorič, Janez Kališnik, Joco Žnidaršič, Miran Kambič, Andrej Hrausky

Makete/Models: Samo Kralj

Video/Video: David Lotrič

Marketing/Marketing: Nataša Celec

Asistent marketinga/Marketing Assistant: Maja Kovačič

Odnosi z javnostjo/Public Relations: Ana Kuntarič

Koordinator projekta/Project Manager: Nikola Pongrac

Izobraževalni program/Educational Programme: Natalija Lapajne, Elizabeta Petruša Štrukelj

Sodelavci/Collaborators: Miha Dereani, Gregor Dražil, Jure Grohar, Jure Henigsman, Špela Habič, Andraž Intihar

Tehnična ekipa/Technical Team: Matjaž Rozina, Tadej Golob

Zahvala/Special thanks: Anton Bohinc, Miha Denša, Vid de Gleria, Andrej Hrausky, Miran Kambič, Aljoša Kotnjek, Aleš Krdžić, Agueda Pelayo, Cvetka Požar, Uroš Rustja, Jože Šimenc, Marko Zaplatil


Opening hours:Tuesday–Sunday10 am–6 pm

Gregor Rihar, u.d.i.a.


Stran 12 / Page 13

Stanko Kristl, »Atrijska hiša«, Sinteza, 13, 14, 1969, str. 61

Stran 16 / Page 17

Robert Potokar, »Modernizem z osebnim pristopom/Modernism with a personal approach«, intervju s Stankom Kristlom/Interview with Stanko Kristl, Piranesi, 36, vol. 23, 2015 str. 28

Stran 20 / Page 21

Stanko Kristl, »Osnovna šola Franceta Prešerna Kranj«, Sinteza, 15, 1969, str. 43, 45

Stran 24 / Page 25

Stanko Kristl, »Vzgojnovarstvena ustanova Mladi rod, Črtomirova ulica, Ljubljana«, Sinteza, 26, 27, 1973, str. 79

Stran 28 / Page 29

Stanko Kristl, »Diagnostično terapevtski servisni objekti Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani«, Sinteza, 43, 44, 1978, str. 55

Pot na Fužine 21000 LjubljanaSlovenia

Page 19: STANKO KRISTL, - MAO · Humanost in prostor Stanko Kristl, arhitekt, profesor, raziskovalec, inovator, humanist, akademik ter nenehni kritik in sooblikovalec vsakdana, sodi danes

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