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Gridding Report

Tue Jun 03 18:46:06 2014

Elasped time for gridding: 0.00 seconds

Data Source

Source Data File Name: E:\Semester Akhir\Tugas Akhir\Bahan TA\Data PT. Indominco Mandiri\Mapping\Peta Presentasi\Data strike-dip-kualitas.xls

X Column: A

Y Column: B

Z Column: M

Data Counts

Active Data:17

Original Data:17

Excluded Data:0

Deleted Duplicates:0

Retained Duplicates:0

Artificial Data:0

Superseded Data:0

Univariate Statistics


Minimum: 541329135304279

25%-tile: 541678146435380

Median: 541863154325963

75%-tile: 542293168676226

Maximum: 542590191346761

Midrange: 541959.5163325520

Range: 126156042482

Interquartile Range: 6152224846

Median Abs. Deviation: 3621141405

Mean: 541974.5882352916010.4117647065803.5294117647

Trim Mean (10%): 541976.615967.5333333335841.3333333333

Standard Deviation: 380.170404334921874.1592643361647.19413558448

Variance: 144529.536332183512472.9480969418860.24913495

Coef. of Variation: 0.11151733534296

Coef. of Skewness: -0.73949551359925

Inter-Variable Correlation


X:1.000 0.596 -0.007

Y:1.000 -0.275


Inter-Variable Covariance





Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters


Parameter Value: 0.41499147918199-0.14517115562051-216787.05666206

Standard Error: 0.533129081314560.10814443695523287914.53640589

Inter-Parameter Correlations


A:1.000 0.596 -1.000

B:1.000 -0.592



Source df Sum of Squares Mean SquareF


Residual: 146308342.8527527450595.91805376

Total: 167120624.2352941

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.11407446253311

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation|Delta Z|

Minimum: 27.730849247724109

25%-tile: 128.65846260546275

Median: 179.60233851484313

75%-tile: 374.89331815865553

Maximum: 1134.3059551991925

Midrange: 581.018402223381017

Range: 1106.57510595131816

Interquartile Range: 246.23485555319278

Median Abs. Deviation: 118.13916010435167

Mean: 278.98839944068490.70588235294

Trim Mean (10%): 238.71773240298420.53333333333

Standard Deviation: 264.85512583941413.68342040543

Variance: 70148.237683412171133.97231834

Coef. of Variation: 0.949340999017890.84303741871163

Coef. of Skewness: 1.88459994338392.3561564655864

Root Mean Square: 384.68528007435641.81479828228

Mean Square: 147982.76470588411926.23529412

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 2.4056680936524E-006

Clark and Evans: 0.86543408354994

Skellam: 38.025561413971

Exclusion Filtering

Exclusion Filter String:Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering

Duplicate Points to Keep:First

X Duplicate Tolerance:0.00015

Y Duplicate Tolerance:0.00066

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering

Breakline Filtering:Not In Use

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Kriging

Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model

Component Type: Linear

Anisotropy Angle: 0

Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters

No Search (use all data):true

Output Grid

Grid File Name: E:\Semester Akhir\Tugas Akhir\Bahan TA\Data PT. Indominco Mandiri\Mapping\Peta Presentasi\Data strike-dip-kualitasCV.grd

Grid Size: 100 rows x 100 columns

Total Nodes:10000

Filled Nodes:10000

Blanked Nodes:0

Grid Geometry

X Minimum:541329

X Maximum:542590

X Spacing:12.737373737374

Y Minimum:13530

Y Maximum:19134

Y Spacing:56.606060606061

Grid Statistics

Z Minimum:4281.6697747103

Z 25%-tile:4834.3071326501

Z Median:5432.9191621493

Z 75%-tile:6099.5757057441

Z Maximum:6757.3984556399

Z Midrange:5519.5341151751

Z Range:2475.7286809296

Z Interquartile Range:1265.2685730941

Z Median Abs. Deviation:629.86200556476

Z Mean:5472.8318205432

Z Trim Mean (10%):5467.7611949567

Z Standard Deviation:677.06037225909

Z Variance:458410.74768362

Z Coef. of Variation:0.12371298707145

Z Coef. of Skewness:0.10291507986058

Z Root Mean Square:5514.5533711837

Z Mean Square:30410298.883633

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