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一一一一、、、、左撇子的权利左撇子的权利左撇子的权利左撇子的权利 ................................................................................. 2

二二二二、、、、奥巴马和他的奥巴马和他的奥巴马和他的奥巴马和他的““““多费口舌多费口舌多费口舌多费口舌””””演讲演讲演讲演讲 ................................................. 2

三三三三、、、、不同社会背景中成长的学生谈论语言的学习不同社会背景中成长的学生谈论语言的学习不同社会背景中成长的学生谈论语言的学习不同社会背景中成长的学生谈论语言的学习 ............................. 3

四四四四、、、、成为一名好学生成为一名好学生成为一名好学生成为一名好学生 ............................................................................. 4

五五五五、、、、女明星也可以擅长数学女明星也可以擅长数学女明星也可以擅长数学女明星也可以擅长数学 ................................................................. 4

六六六六、、、、会飞的企鹅会飞的企鹅会飞的企鹅会飞的企鹅 ..................................................................................... 5

七七七七、、、、美国科学能源博物馆核能演示主管布朗介绍核能发电过程美国科学能源博物馆核能演示主管布朗介绍核能发电过程美国科学能源博物馆核能演示主管布朗介绍核能发电过程美国科学能源博物馆核能演示主管布朗介绍核能发电过程 ..... 5

八八八八、、、、蔓延中的沙漠蔓延中的沙漠蔓延中的沙漠蔓延中的沙漠 ................................................................................. 6

九九九九、、、、网络三维看世界网络三维看世界网络三维看世界网络三维看世界 ............................................................................. 6

十十十十、、、、演员呼吁为日本地震海啸灾区献爱心演员呼吁为日本地震海啸灾区献爱心演员呼吁为日本地震海啸灾区献爱心演员呼吁为日本地震海啸灾区献爱心 ......................................... 7

十一十一十一十一、、、、单曲单曲单曲单曲“Friday”一举成名的一举成名的一举成名的一举成名的 13岁美国歌手岁美国歌手岁美国歌手岁美国歌手丽贝卡丽贝卡丽贝卡丽贝卡 ................... 8

十二十二十二十二、、、、卡尔的恐龙绘画梦想卡尔的恐龙绘画梦想卡尔的恐龙绘画梦想卡尔的恐龙绘画梦想 ................................................................. 9




学学学学 编辑编辑编辑编辑::::广东韶关吴老师广东韶关吴老师广东韶关吴老师广东韶关吴老师 QQ 380143811 edited by John Wu April , 2011

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1. Rights of Lefties




What do Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon have in

common?They were all left-handed! Once the southpaws were feared, neglected, and

punished... because use of the left hand was considered evil. the Latin word for "left" is

"sinister". Due to this prejudice against the left, left-handed people were forced to switch


2. Obama and his "Superfluous" Lip


The majority ruled that the state of New York

couldn't regulate the price of theater tickets

because in the opinion of the majority. They

argued in effect that the experience of attending

the theater was superfluous.

To many people the superfluous is necessary.

The theater is necessary. Dance is necessary.

Song is necessary. The arts are necessary. They

are a necessary part of our lives. The men and

women here tonight embody that idea. Their work

has enriched our lives. It's inspired us to greatness.

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Three students from Waseda International (New York)share their experiences on the

best way to learn a language.


Hello everyone, my name is Johan from Sweden.

The way I learned English was naturally by growing up.

But in Sweden, all media, all movies, and all music

are imported from English speaking countries, usually

America and England. So if we see a movie or TV

show, even a children's program, it's always subtitled.

Hi! I'm Aya and I'm from New York.

And I was born and raised there, so I look Japanese

but inside I'm American.

So, I kind of learned Japanese very naturally and

English at the same time. But right now, I'm learning

French. And I feel the best way to learn French is to

watch a lot of movies in French, but subtitles in

Japanese or English.

Hi, my name is Yua and I'm from Singapore.

I started learning Japanese when I was 12, and I

grew up learning English. So to me, the best way to

learn a language is actually to learn how to speak. And

so, whenever I have a piece of article like newspaper, I

would try reading them out aloud and make it more fluid

after reading it a few times.

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4. A Good Student


A diligent girl realizes that resting is as important as studying. Sue was

committed to learning, and she had a talent for getting good grades. Why

did her face get hot and her vision began to blur? In fact, Sue didn't sleep

much. Sue still had a portion of the test to finish. The teacher saw Sue's

apparent sickness. And …

5. Girls Can be Popular and Smart


Danica McKellar,The actress-turned-author explains that girls can be good at

math and still be fabulous.

Well, I always loved math in school. And

when I graduated with a degree in mathematics.

I noticed how many people were so shocked and

stunned that I had gone into math. So, I

wanted to help girls embrace the idea of

being smart. And embrace the idea that they

could be smart with math. And they could be

fabulous and popular and anything else they

wanna be.

I'm the author of this math book called

"Math Doesn't Suck" to help middle school

girls with math. And I'd like to tell you how

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to pronounce some numbers in English.

6. Flying Penguins (BBC English)


This recently discovered colony of penguins is unlike any other.They don't need

to huddle together every winter for protection against the bitter cold because these

little fellas can do something no other penguins can. Isn't that amazing? And how

do they use this incredible ability? Well, they fly thousands of miles to

rainforests of South America where they spend the winter basking in the tropical


7. How a Nuclear Power Plant Works


Water, boilers, turbines, and a reactor are a few things needed in producing electricity for

several generations. We're going to show you how a nuclear power plant works. This is

a nuclear reactor and here's where everything starts. The nuclear reactor splits

atoms to produce heat. The reactor core sends hot water over into the steam boilers.We

now refer to steam boilers as steam generators. We bring in cooler water down in

this section and as the cool water comes into the steam boilers, it's turned into

steam. Steam is routed across this top section which turns the blades of a turbine.

The turbine turns a generator which produces electricity.

Currently in Tennessee, we have two

nuclear power plants with a total operating

capacity of three units.That electricity

can then be used to supply up to 800,000

people. Once the electricity is produced, we

can use these two systems to cool down our

waters. Nuclear power plants have a useful

life expectancy of some 40 to 50 years.

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8. Growing Deserts


There are deserts all over the world. They can be found in Africa, China, South America and North America.

In some places, deserts are growing. This is a serious problem because deserts

destroy farmland ruin land where animals live. When people cannot grow food or find

animals to eat, they have to leave their homes. Sometimes, nature can cause deserts

to spread. Wind can move sand away from deserts and onto useful land. When there

is no rain for a long time, plants die and deserts grow. However, humans can also cause deserts to grow.

9. Explore the World in 3D


Over 600 million people have used Google Earth to explore the

world around them. They've traveled to the highest mountains and to the depths of

the ocean. They've seen the world's tallest buildings and the busiest cities. And

they've even been transported to ancient times in faraway lands.

Now, we're bringing all of these stunning 3D imagery and terrain to the web browser.

If you don't already have the Google Earth plug-in installed you'll be prompted to

download it. Let's start by exploring Florence, Italy. You can get a closer look

by using the slider to zoom in.

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10. The actor asks everyone to help the earthquake and

tsunami-hit Japan.


Days ago, we watched in collective horror as the earth shook and the waters rose

in Japan. Thousands lost their lives.

Many thousands more are still unaccounted for.And countless remain without food,

clean water, shelter or power in the bitter winter.

Today, we must act with collective resolve. In Japanese, we say, "gaman".

It means, "to endure with fortitude and dignity". In the spirit of "gaman", I

ask you for help today.Even small amounts, given with great amounts of heart, can

make a real difference.

George Takei: "Let's Make a Difference."

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11. A 13-year-old YouTube sensation

十一十一十一十一、、、、单曲单曲单曲单曲“Friday”一举成名一举成名一举成名一举成名的的的的 13 岁岁岁岁美国歌手美国歌手美国歌手美国歌手丽贝卡丽贝卡丽贝卡丽贝卡

Today, YouTube phenomenon Rebecca Black finally broke her silence over her Friday

music video which is now up to almost 17 million hits.

She spoke with Good Morning America's Andrea Canning, who is the same woman who

got the exclusive interview with Charlie Sheen. Rebecca talked about how much her

life has changed since last Friday, saying, "I can't even tell if I'm awake or not,

it's crazy." Black went on to say that the nasty comments she's been getting on her

YouTube and Twitter have been hurtful, and she said she didn't think she deserved

it. Rebecca added, "I think I have some talent on some level, I don't think I'm the

worst singer, but I don't think I'm the best singer." Seems fair enough. But this

may be where we draw the line. RB now wants to collaborate with none other than Justin

Bieber. She told Andrea, "I have Bieber fever, I am in love with Justin Bieber."

She then looked directly into the camera and spoke to the

Biebs, saying, "Justin, if you're watching this right now,

would you do a duet with me?" Now, Justin hasn't responded

yet, shocker I know.So, do you think this is a good idea?

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12. Dinosaur drawings


Carl was having a terrible day so he doodles and pretends to show off his dinosaur

at school.

It was the worst morning ever. When Carl woke up, he realized that he didn't

do his astronomy and chemistry homework. Also, the forecast called for rain and that

would affect baseball practice. Suddenly, his mother yelled, "Take out the garbage

right now!" When Carl returned from taking the garbage outside, he was all wet.

"What a terrible day!", he said. He walked to class. He put his umbrella on the

shelf and sat in the third row. He started drawing lightly on his paper.

Carl drew a huge dinosaur. What if it were real? He saw it in his mind. Carl's

class said, he was a genius for having a dinosaur. It could interfere with math class

too! Soon, Carl's fame spread through school. He taught his dinosaur to be very gentle

and put it on exhibit. But admission would only be given to those classmates who

paid him a fee. His idea was super.

Carl looked at his paper. As he was dreaming in class, he hadn't finished the


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