Page 1: Sumatran Tigers Fact Sheet for Kids 6-12 Years Old

Sumatran Tiger Fact Sheet

Sumatran tigers are the smallest species of tigers today. On average, they are a little over 2 meters long. Sumatran tigers have the darkest coats of any tigers and their stripes are quite close together for camouflage. They have very long whiskers, which helps them to sense what is happening around them. Wild Sumatran Tigers live only in Indonesia. There are less than 350 Sumatran Tigers in the wild. Most of them live in Indonesian National Parks. There are also 361 Sumatran Tigers living in zoos. Sumatran tigers are critically endangered. This means that the population of mature adults that can reproduce is lower than 250 tigers, their overall population has declined significantly in the last 10 years or 3 generations, there are a small number of cubs growing into adult tigers, and their habitat size is decreasing fast. WORD PUZZLE RANSUMAT ERTIG: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ DONINIAES: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KERSSIHW: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REDENDANGE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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