  • 8/17/2019 Surah Al-Kahf - Ayah 2 (Part 3)


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    2.11 Day 16: Tafsir – Part 11




    2 (PART



    This video continues with the second ayah of Surah al-Kahf.

    ايش  ر 


    ح اأ م 

    ت أن

    ا ن ي

    ا ؤا 


    Grammarian Commentary


      The words


     can be related to ر

     or can be a second adjective for .



      is a prepositional phrase meaning ‘especially from Him’.

       as opposed to


      – they are two different expressions.

    o  When you translate them into English they come out to be the same – especially from Him.

    The difference is that when you say

     then you’re talking about proximity.

     is aboutcloseness and proximity. It can also be about possession and that what you possess is also close

    to you.

    o  When you say


      – then you are talking about something that is much closer to you than to

    the other and it is also more secure with you. It is much more private and especially yours. They

    both have a degree of possession but one adds a much stronger degree of possession and




    ر ك  [Surah Kahf: 10] – ن

     is something that is very special and can only come from Him.

    The argument that the grammarian Darwish is making is

    Two ways to look at it

    1.  That this is an adjective (ص) of the word  

    o  Sometimes a prepositional phrase – the book is there, it stands upright to warn of an intense

    war especially from Him.

      It might seem that the war is especially from Him.

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      So the war is of a kind that humanity has never seen before. And this conflict is a special

    test from Allah.

      This would further articulate the point that the conflict between the believers and the

    fitnah of Dajjal that this Surah deals with is a kind of conflict that humanity has never

    seen before and the intensity of it is something of divine nature.

      Because Allah swt has given for the first time Dajjal the kinds of powers that are not

    given to normal creation. So he has made it into a special kind of fitnah and trial that has

    never been seen before and thus it is   .

      Even the kinds of difficulties the believers will face have never been seen before. This is

    the meaning if you associate  and war with



    2.  It is related to ر

      – the book is there, it stands upright to warn especially from Him of an intense war



      – especially from him is associated with the warning.

      This kind of warning can only come from Him.

    This is known in grammar asااع

    . In other words there are 2 implications and they are both possiblein the Quran and because they are possible, then Allah intends both.

      You do not deny one of them over the other unless you have a good textual reason to do so. Otherwise

    you take both since there is room for both meanings in the language.

      Allah intends for you to appreciate that this word is like no other and that no one else will warn of this

    war the way the Quran will warn of this war.

    If the book is standing up straight – no  andج   – it fixes other people and sets them straight.

      If the world and society is deviating – your body will turn in its direction. But if there’s something for

    you to hold on to, then you won’t bend and you’ll stay straight.


    The stronger you hold on to this thing, the straighter you stay. The looser your tie gets, you start

    feeling the pressure from your surroundings.

      Allah is saying the people that will hold on to the Quran, they will see that there is a problem.

      The people who don’t hold on to it, they won’t feel the pressure and they’ll only feel resistance when

    they stand their ground.

    o  You don’t feel resistance when you go with the flow. That’s exactly what will happen in society.

    The vast majority of people will go with the flow and they won’t see a problem. But there will

    be people that hold on to the book and it will straighten them out since it is straight in and of


    o  We’re going to see a problem with stuff that most people will not be able to see. This kind of

    warning and red flag can only be raised by this book and no other faith or religion is going tosee a problem like we see a problem.

    Al-Shaarawi commented

      Allah is saying that you and I are going to be facing a fitnah that has never been faced before and we’re

    only going to see it as a fitnah if we are holding on to this book like nobody else would be able to see it.

    Nobody will have the power to rescue themselves from it. The only rescue will be Allah’s book. 

    Ibn Ashoor commented 

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    صدرا   – emanating from Him.

      Allah is offering the book as a refuge in this ayah as a source of protection. And as a source of

    protection, when you are facing Dajjal that you recite these ayaat.

      Right after this, there will be the story in which the young people sought protection and went into a

    cave. And when the story is done Allah will say [Surah Kahf: 27],

















    Other than the book and other than Allah you’re not going to find any refuge or protection.

    The entire story is about refuge and refuge is mentioned in the beginning and end of the story. The cave was

    their refuge. The Quran for us is our cave and where we will find ourselves immersed in Allah’s protection.

    ايش  ر 



    وح اأ م 

    ت أن

    ا ن ي




      – isب

     and theف

     on the word means that it is tied to something that came before.

    o  It is tied to the

     inل ر

      – the ف suggests that one of the goals of revelation is to

    congratulate the believers.

    Meanings of  and giving good news or congratulatingبشي

      Original Root Words –  اار  

      ا  –  اظر  – of something to sprout and to become manifest. When something is no longer

    hidden, it is  

        – used for skin of a person because that is what you see of a person

        – mortal beings because our skin shows as opposed to gorillas or bears whose skin is covered by

    fur. Our skin is visible which is why we are called  


     حو   - It is also the most that something can be in terms of beauty. Something

    that comes out and is extremely beautiful. Human skin is considered a symbol of beauty. In and of

    itself is a kind of beauty.


    The beauty of human beings is also captured inside the word



     يثأو   – to congratulate someone actually means to give them a kind

    of news, the effects of which show on their face. The color of their skin changes or their face lights up.

    Their face becomes beautiful and their smile because of what they hear.

       or   – is used in the Quran for intimacy or pleasure between a man and a woman.

    o  On a side note, the Quran is incredible because it never talks about sexuality with explicit

    language even though it deals with sexuality all the time. It always uses soft language and

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    figurative language to talk about rated R stuff without using dirty words. Highlighting the

    intimacy is  –  ة و

    وا  وأم ن   [Surah Baqarah: 187]

    o  When the earth sprouts flowers and herbage and greenery and fruits come out of the trees,

    they say ارأت   – the earth sprouted and is full of joy.



    و  – this book’s role is to bring joy, and to bring happiness and to light up the faces of those

    who truly believe – اؤ


      Who is the doer of

    و? Who is He?

    o  It could be Allah, it could be the Messenger and it could be the Book.

    o  So in other words when you are reciting the Quran you should feel like Allah Himself is putting a

    smile on your face. Allah is bringing you joy Himself.

    o  Of course He is doing this by means of His book and of course as you are reciting this you

    should have such an intimate relationship with the Messenger of Allah and such a closeness to

    him, that you should feel it is the messenger himself giving you a pat on the back and making

    you feel better.


    You should feel a closeness to the Prophet (pbuh) when you read the Quran and itscongratulations. These words are from Allah. So Allah is congratulating, but the words

    themselves are the book and the first voice that human beings hear behind those words

    was the Messenger’s voice. Even though we can’t hear that voice anymore we should

    imagine we can when we hear the Quran.

    o  ؤا 

    و. It is very powerful. We should feel that closeness to Allah’s messenger, the book

    and Allah Himself. Because in guidance, they are all together. It is inseparable.


    و  – those who truly believe. This is the kind of fitnah that if you just claim and barely have

    iman/faith you won’t survive.o  This optimism and congratulations will only come to those who have iron clad faith and they

    are holding on like nothing else. They are ؤا. 2ism faa3il.

      ؤا is believers which is different from يا  – those who believed.

    o  ؤا is actually a noun – it is timeless - versus يا  – which is combination of صإم  

    (يا) which is a noun but the operative word ا is a verb. Verbs by definition are temporary

    and caged in time. When your faith is concrete and has become a fixture inside of you, then the

    word used in the Quran is ؤا .

    When your faith is a work in progress, you’ve admitted it, you’ve accepted the faith, you’ve

    claimed it too, but it hasn’t settled yet, then you find يا .

      Which is why you don’t find in the Quran ؤا being criticized. They are never

    criticized in the Quran.

      However يا are criticized in the Q uran. People whose faith hasn’t been settled

    yet still have some issues that they have to work out.

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    o  م ن   ن ا  ي

    ا    [Surah As-Saff: 2]

      Those of you who claim to have faith, or have just begun to have your faith, how come

    you are saying things you don’t do? If you’re saying things you don’t do then it means

    your faith is not where it’s supposed to be.

    ا ي ا





    [Surah An-Nisa: 136]

      Those of you who have iman, have iman. It is saying complete your iman. You’re not

    there yet. You made the claim but you need to complete it and immerse yourself. Allah

    is congratulating those that have the strongest iman.


    Going back to the hadith that has to do with the fitnah of Dajjal. A believer will go to sleep a believer

    and wake up a disbeliever because his faith is not stable. This congratulation is only for people whose

    faith is stable.

    o   ؤ


     و  ؤ



      ذ  [Surah An-Nisa: 143]


    Not quite here or there. Caught between 2 sides. These people will not have a smile ontheir face. People of iman will. People of real firm iman

      If the book is firm, and you want your iman to be firm, you need to hold on to the book to keep it firm.

      Holding on to the book is no different than holding on to Allah. Holding on to the Quran is really you

    holding on to iman and Allah swt.

    When Allah congratulates – He has to be congratulating them for something –    يم  

      You congratulate for something – there has to be a preposition there. In Arabic the preposition is the




    ايش  ر 



    ا ؤا 


    ا نح اأ م 



    ا ن  – Adjective of the believers


    Expected language was ح اأ م 


      Allah removed the expected preposition ب   

      When the  is taken away, the meaning is kept intact, but what you are going to get is coming closerب

    to you and the one thing keeping it far away is the prepositionب

    .  What you are being congratulated about is being brought closer to you so you can hear about it

    closely. Immediacy of the reward that is captured when the . is removed from the equationب

      When people are in the time of fitnah of Dajjal, people are going to want immediate pleasures. Time

    will pass by quickly.

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      The believer is not going to see the results of his labor in this world. They’re going to see them in the

    afterlife but Allah is giving the believer consolation by saying its closer than you think. It ’s so close

    there’s not even time for a  ب

      The congratulations have been brought so close to him so he doesn’t feel like it is something not

    attainable. It’s right there that there. 

      This is an ayah about extreme fitna. Allah said His help is near.

    ايش  ر 



    ا ؤا 


    اح اأ م 




    ا ن  

    Key discussion in this ayah

      Contrast: on one hand there was a war – and we are being warned of the war and the war is in this

    dunya. The congratulations is of ح اأ  – great compensation and good news is about the next

    world. The bad news is now but the good news is after you die.


    Allah is moving every element of materialism from the heart of the believer in this Surah.

    o  One of the elements of materialism is that you start expecting compensation for your good

    deeds here in this dunya.

    o  This is a form of materialism. Because you’re only expecting material results.

    o  Even for Islam. We want Islam to flourish and victory but even that is material. That is

    secondary in the Quran.


    Every time Allah talks about the gain of land or spoils of war or victory over even

    Khaybar which is huge, or Makkah, the word that keeps coming up is أخى   – secondary

      Comparing to what you’re going to get in the next life, anything you gain in this life is

    nothing. Why are you so obsessed with worldly acquisition?


    When you hear of a war you’re immediately terrified. But then you hear

    congratulations, your first assumption is, at least we’re going to win the war. 

      That’s what you’re expecting. But Allah says, congratulations you’ll get stuff in Jannah.

      Meaning you should not have any hopes about winning the war but that

    shouldn’t be your goal. You’re losing sight.

      This needs to be internalized otherwise the rest of this ayah won’t make sense.

    The believers that do good deeds – 


    ات صالح are being congratulated.

       شيا   – shouldn’t it be اون   – there’s intense war so Allah should congratulate the

    believers who pick up their swords and participate in the war. But Allah doesn’t say that.

      Allah wants to congratulate people of serious conviction who do a few good deeds – ت


      What are the ت

    ا that the Quran emphasizes?

    o  اأا  - prayer

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    o  ياا   – being good to parents

    o    – Brotherhoodأخة

    o    – truthfulnessصق

    o  These are the ت

    ا that have always been there. But in times of fitnah, when the Muslim

    becomes materialistic in his mindset, what he thinks is an Islamic view, but is actuallymaterialistic; he sees these things as little.

    o  When your picture of Islam is built by a particular narrative, and a skewed view of the history of

    Islam, then you’re going to see some things as insignificant.


    ا  – Allah says some things are timeless in value. And people who do good deeds even the small ones

    they are valuable to Allah and they are ت


      It is a plural but it is an adjective and the thing being described is the noun – ت

    ا is a non human

    broken plural.o  The adjective should be singular feminine.

      ا was the expected plural.

      But Allah purposefully makes it a feminine plural.


    That does 2 things:

    1.  it reduces the quantity of the thing that you are describing and

    2.  it increases the value of the thing you are describing.

    o  The few things you are doing are far more valuable. And they are fewer in

    number because this is a lesser plural.



     is lesser thanا




     means you don’t have anendless list of good deeds you have to take care of; there are some

    fundamentals and basics you have to take care of and never

    underestimate their value.

    In a time of war, who in the world would think there is value in planting a seed?

      The Prophet (pbuh) says in the worst conflict that humanity has ever seen, if you’re in the middle of

    planting a seed, you should finish planting the seed.


    One seed does not produce all fruits. It produces one kind of fruit. Some seeds produce other

    vegetables and some produce different kinds of trees.


    Not everybody plants the same kinds of seeds. People are doing different kinds of good things.


    There are constantly going to be efforts that undermine the good that you are doing and to let you

    know what you are doing is not really valuable.


    ا  ش  ةواو 


    ن  [Surah Baqarah: 158]

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    Safa and marwa are from the ش 

      Symbol, gives you realization, it is the source of feelings, they are symbols that remind you of Allah and

    they are supposed to make you realize certain realities. As you are engaged in Safa and Marwa you are

    supposed to have certain feelings.

      When we do Safa and Marwa we are replicating Hajar’s movements.

      At the time, this Safa and Marwa were not sacred. Makkah was not sacred. It was a valley with no

    cultivation.  Haajar was running up and down two hills with her baby Ismail looking for water. But she doesn’t lose

    her trust in Allah. That is her fitnah. Her test is being a desert and having to run up and down. Her

    holding on to the hope in Allah is powerful that that valley became sacred for no other reason than

    that woman trying to save her baby.

      Millions of people run up and down between Safa and Marwa celebrating a woman trying to save her

    baby. You would think of that as such a small thing. But how big is it to Allah that He says, Safa and

    Marwa are from the rituals and symbols of Allah. Allah gave it such value.

    Those people are congratulated. The people will have a smile on their face.

      In other words, in the middle of a horrible war, where so many reasons to be sad and depressed exist,

    there’s going to be a bunch of people that are constantly going to be happy. And they’re going to be

    happy because they’re holding on to the Quran and the Quran is giving value to whatever little they

    are doing.

      Allah is appreciating the work they are doing. The world is falling apart but they are not. They’re

    standing up straight, . They’re aware of the war and they’re watching out and taking precaution but

    they also know that what they are doing is worth something huge.

      Maybe they won’t see the huge returns of it here but they’re going to see returns of it in the hereafter.

    They are overjoyed in the opportunity to serve.

    Light is the most valuable in dark times. That’s when you need the light the most.  People that are small sources of light, and people that are trying to do a little bit you can compare to a

    small little candle. In dark times you can do what you can until Allah brings His light. That is the attitude

    we need to internalize and that is being given to us here.

    Think of the frustrations of the Muslim Ummah today and the complaints that we have about what is

    happening to our Ummah today.

      There are people that are screaming at the top of their lungs and what they are calling for and

    encouraging the believers to have. Does it sound like they are calling for something in the akhirah or

    something in this dunya?

    o  They are constantly reminding you of the glory days and when the Muslims were in power and

    the disbelievers were in the bottom and how we need to be the leaders of the world and we

    need to have the power.

    o  Is this about Islam being dominant or you? If you don’t give this book its due, if you don’t give it

    its value then you will get terrible misguidance out of it as a punishment from Allah. Because

    Allah guides with this book and misguides with this book many.

    o  If you mistreat the book it will react and give you what you came for. You come to it with a

    problem or a bias and you will only further in your own bias. You come to it with hate and it will

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    only fill you with more hate. If you come to it seeking validation for what you think is right it wil

    only further you in that.

    o  But If you come to it saying I don’t know what is right, Oh Allah teach me then it will guide you.

    o  This is the fitnah of our time within ourselves. This is a kind of materialism that we are infected

    with. This surah’s job is to undo all forms of materialism, both internal and external.

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