Page 1: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions
Page 2: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions

Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz


Zestaw cwiczeri

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Page 3: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions


Ksiazka, kt6ra trafia w Panstwa r?ce skierowana jest do osob przygotowujacych si? do egzaminu Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, tak wi?c skfada si? ona z zestawu cwiczeii na poziomie zaawansowanym. Zawarte w niej testy moga^ sluzyc zarowno zapoznaniu si? z zagadnieniami gramatyczno-leksykalnymi typowymi dla tego egzaminu, jak rowniez jako powtorka przed egzaminem. Jednoczesnie ksiazka moze przydac si? osobom, ktore nie zdaja^ egzaminu CAE jednakze chcialyby poszerzyc zasob slownictwa, udoskonalic umiej?tnosc stosowania wybranych struktur gramatycznych oraz wprawic si? w rozwiazywaniu testow na poziomie zaawansowanym.

Ksiazka sklada si? z czterech gtownych cz?sci: Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation oraz English in Use Exam Practice. Material zawarty w pierwszych trzech cz?sciach zostaf dobrany tak, aby okazac si? pomocnym przy rozwiazywaniu konkretnych testow egzaminacyjnych, czyli np. multiple choice gap fill, czy open gap fill. Przykfadowo, znajdujace si? w cz?sci gramatycznej cwiczenia na przedimki lub przyimki okaza. si? przydatne przy rozwiazywaniu testu typu open gap fill, natomiast cwiczenia na kolokacje maja, za zadanie przygotowanie do rozwiazania testu typu multiple choince gap fill. Ostatnia cz?sc ksiazki sprawdza umiej?tnosc rozwiazywania testow, podobnych do tych, ktore spotkaja^ Pahstwo w cz?sci egzaminacyjnej English in Use.

Niniejsza pozycja moze bye wykorzystana nie tyiko na zaj?ciach, ale rowniez podczas samodzielnej pracy, dzi?ki pelnemu kluczowi z odpowiedziami do cwiczen umieszczonemu na kohcu ksiazki.

Napisalam t? ksigzk?, aby podzielic si? doswiadczeniem zdobytym w pracy z grupami egzaminacyjnymi na poziomie CAE i mam nadziej?, ze zawarte w niej testy pomogq Panstwu w przygotowaniu si? do tego egzaminu.


Page 4: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions

Spis tresci

CAE Grammar Practice 7

Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9

Modal verbs 13

Gerund or Infinitive 17

Phrasal verbs 21

Prepositions and prepositional phrases 28

CAE Vocabulary Practice 3 3

Confused words 35

Word formation 50

Collocations and idioms 58

Compounds 64

Punctuation Practice 70

CAE English in Use, Exam Practice 7 3

Part 1 74

Part 2 84

Part 3 89

Part 4 94

Key to exercises 105


Page 5: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions

CAE Grammar Practice

Page 6: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions

Definite, indefinite and zero articles

Fill the gaps with the, a, an or no article.

1 Siberian tiger is threatened with extinction because it is

virtually impossible to trace cunning Russian poachers.

2 life of Marco Polo was full of bold and breathtaking adventures.

3. Today for several thousand dollars and with help of professional

mountaineers everyone can climb Mount Everest.

4. In Hyde Park in central London ordinary people can make

speeches and express their opinions on various issues.

5 bicycles standing on porch belong to our children's friends.

6 Mr Turner called you while you were out, but he didn't want to

leave a message, and said that he would call again later.

7 more I think of prospect of emigrating to Canada, less

idea appeals to me.

8. Don't you recognise the picture? It's Picasso!

9. We're trying to create friendly atmosphere in our company, and

therefore we often go out together after work.

10. If you happen to come late after midnight, try not to make noise as

other tenants are bound to be fast asleep at that t ime.

11 candidate for the advertised position should display in-depth

knowledge of IT related issues.

12. In his novels James Joyce depicts Dublin of his t imes.

13. W e stayed in New York for so short t ime that we had no chance to

see Statue of Liberty, not to mention other tourist attractions.

14. This region of Germany is renowned for excellent white wine its

vineyards turn out.


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15. According to the recently amended labour code, noise is classified

as a kind of pollution.

16 death of Czestaw Niemen is great loss to Polish music.

17. When I started working in television, my colleagues gave me hard

time, as happens to all rookies.

18. Jack is a real globetrotter. This year, for instance, he spent two months

in France, then went to Portugal, visiting on way his friends in

Madrid, then decided to stay in Sweden for three months and now he

has just set out for Netherlands.

19. As I see it, the most nerve-racking part of each practical English exam

is waiting for results.

20. With your fluent knowledge of English you can easily read such

magazines in English like Newsweek or Economist

21 dictionary is enormous help for novice translators.

22. The passer-by is reported to have been hit on head with beer

bottle and knocked unconscious by one of football hooligans.

23. In summer of 1996 raging storms swept through the country

wreaking havoc and causing panic.

24 computer has become so indispensable that it's difficult to imagine

life without this ingenious invention.

25. Do I get on with my neighbour well? Of course not! He's pain in

neck, always nagging about something for no apparent reason.

26 Bombay Restaurant offers remarkable selection of dishes

from India.

27 bicycle is environmentally-friendly means of transport.

28. Her child went down with mumps a couple of weeks ago, but now

he's as fit as fiddle.

29. I was woken up at break of dawn by knock on

door. I quickly put on my dressing gown, looked through peephole

and saw elderly woman.


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30. William Wallace devoted his whole life to fighting for freedom of


3 1 . Having looked through various travel brochures I came to

conclusion that it's not worth going on holidays to Greece for one week


32. I've been racking my brains, but I can't remember exact date of

opening of exhibition. I think it's Thursday, but I can't tell

you which week.

33. In my opinion, buying shares in this ailing company is quite risky


34. Yesterday at 5 p.m. there was pile-up on roundabout close to

where I live. First, driver of blue van didn't give right of

way to approaching sedan and cars collided. Then

cars behind didn't manage to slow down in t ime, and bumped into them.

blue van wasn't badly damaged, but sedan was really


35. A lot of people believe that it is unlikely for human beings to ever settle

in space.

36. I don't suppose man like your boss believes in life after


37. Ask Derek. He keeps up with exchange rate and should know if

currently value of euro against dollar is favourable or


38. The shortest way to England is through Straits of Dover.

39 only piece of information public prosecutor's office wanted to

give to press was tha t . . . . . . accused is going to stand trial

next Wednesday.

40. A lot of newlyweds choose Bahamas as destination for their

honeymoon trip.


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41 editor is person whose duties include supervising work

of journalists in his newspaper or magazine.

42 lion might have been provoked by very fact that lion-

tamer approached its cage.

43. Her father is ardent supporter of Republicans and wants her

to marry Republican.

44. Do you want to say that you talked to Thorn Yorke, singer?

That's unbelievable!

45. Maggie claims that believing strongly in God helped her

endure a lot of suffering in her life.

46. Every democratic country should guarantee freedom of


47. Newspapers in England can be classified into two types:

broadsheets and tabloids Times is example of


48. Tough measures should be taken to decrease amount of

noxious fumes in atmosphere.

49. As I was leaving office, I caught sight of two dodgy-looking

men coming into secretary's room.

50 crew aboard Canberra didn't realise that they were in

grave danger and were reluctant to abandon ship.


Page 10: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions

Modal verbs

I. Choose the best option to fill each gap.

1. I didn't know you didn't eat meat. You me

earlier! I would have prepared something vegetarian then.

a) could tell b) should have told c) should tell d) must have told

2. One smoke in this room. This is prohibited!

a) mustn't b) shouldn't c) won't d) needn't

3. Kate to the library, as they didn't have the

book for her. She could have called to ask instead.

a) needn't go b) couldn't have gone c) needn't have gone

d) ought to go

4. 'I can see that you are pretty busy at the moment.

I help you in any way?'

a) Should b) May c) Will d) Might

5. The notice says: 'Application forms be

submitted to the office within 15 days.'

a) must b) have to c) need to d) shall

6. 'You have told me it was a formal dinner! I

would have put on something smart. In my old jeans I felt like a bit of a


a) may b) needed c) might d) ought

7. She me that something was wrong. I could

see it clearly the moment she looked at me.

a) needn't have told b) mustn't have told c) didn't need to tell

d) can't have told


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8. I have much more free time when I was a

student and life seemed to be a piece of cake!

a) would b) was used to c) used to d) could

9. The curtains caught fire when the child was carelessly playing with

matches, but we put it out by ourselves.

a) could b) would c) could have d) were able to

10. You'd better steer clear of her today. She

be really irritable when she has a headache.

a) may b) can c) could d) might

11. Come on! Stop moaning! We hurry up or we'll be late for the


a) shall b) need c) have to d) must

12. Winter in our country be quite cold, so take a warm jacket and

some woollens.

a) may b) could c) is able to d) can

13. He be the owner of the newspaper, but it doesn't mean that he can

treat his employees like dirt.

a) might b) may c) can d) could

14. As the film is no longer on at cinemas, we as well watch it on DVD.

a) may b) can c) could d) shall

15. The instruction says that we write approximately 200 words on this


a) must b) shall c) can d) have to


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II. Paraphrase the italicised fragments in the following sentences

using modal verbs.

1. No wonder the engine didn't start. The tank was empty.

2. Although I tried hard to retrieve the file from the hard drive, it was gone


3. It is necessary that convoys delivering humanitarian aid reached the

famine-stricken area quickly.

4. It is possible that he changed his name after leaving the country to

avoid being recognised.

5. Whenever you sign a contract, always read carefully the text in fine

print in order not to accept unknowingly some unfavourable terms,

(use lest)

6. Jonathan looks very tired. He surely had a hectic day at work.

7. Ask the native inhabitants of the village. They will perhaps give you

more accurate information than the guidebook.

8. In my opinion the party is expected to win the election easily.

9. I'd like to ask my boss for a pay rise, but I'm afraid to do it. (use dare)


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10. The two girls spoke in undertones because they didn't want the boy to

overhear what they were saying, (use so that)

11. It's impossible that it was him that you saw at the cinema yesterday! He

left the country a week ago!

12. It's surprising that these city slickers are moving to live in the country

after all the disapproving remarks they've made about life on the farm.

13. I'm sure Brenda is watching her favourite sitcom because she isn't

answering the phone. She simply doesn't want anybody to disturb her.

14. Ritchie didn't want to sell his battered old Ford because he was very

sentimental about it.

15. It's typical of computer nerds to sitior hours on end in front of the

screen crunching algorithms.


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Gerund or infinitive

Put the verbs in brackets into -ing or infinitive form (bare infinitive or


1. I'm afraid we can't afford (buy) a new car. W e

have to save some more money and wait till next year.

2. Oh dear! I forgot (send) her a Christmas card!

She won't talk to me any more!

3. He advises me (not wear) my favourite pink shirt

for the job interview, as the boss hates that colour.

4. I'm sure I sent that letter! I remember (put) it in

the post box round the corner.

5. I think she is a great actress! I saw her (act) in a

play at the National Theatre last week. She held the audience


6. As we were passing by our neighbours' house, we heard Sam

(rehearse) for the concert.

7. Now that he's got married, he considers (move)

to a bigger flat.

8. She was made (accept) her new duties because

the boss threatened (dismiss) her if she didn't

accept them.

9. Jack denied (rummage) around in her papers.

He claimed that the mess was due to a wind's blow.

10. I regret (not go) with my friends to Ireland. They

had such a wonderful t ime there!


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11 . God knows why I agreed (look after) their little

son while they were on holiday! Never in my life have I seen such a

naughty kid!

12. If you don't finish this project till the end of the week, you risk

(lose) the job.

13. He warned me (not travel) in the mountains

alone, as one might easily get lost.

14. My dad encouraged me (try) again in spite of


15. He probably still hasn't got the money to pay me back, and that's why

he avoids (meet) me.

16. The defendant offered a bribe, but the judge refused

(take) it.

17. The airline strives (meet) the highest safety


18. Margaret can't help (binge) on chocolate when

she feels depressed.

19. It's no use (try) to sell state-of-the-art computers

to primary schools as they simply can't afford this.

20. Derek is such a womaniser! He can't resist (pick

up) all nice girls that he meets at work.

2 1 . The job involves (be) on call 24 hours a day.

22. W e regret (inform) you that your account is


23. The upset customer insisted on (speak) to the

manager immediately.

24. The policeman was accused of (traffic in) drugs

and was held in custody.

25. The professor reminded the students (come) to

the lecture 30 minutes earlier next week.


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26. After several hours of interrogation the suspect eventually admitted

(take) part in the bank robbery in Northampton

last week.

27. They don't allow (eat) in the library, so you'd

better put your sandwich back in your bag.

28. You shouldn't hesitate about (buy) this dress.

You really look stunning in it.

29. I didn't dare (ask) her this question. It was too


30. Tony suggested (invite) more people to the

party. He thinks that the more people there are, the more fun we may


3 1 . I didn't mean (offend) you, I didn't know that

such music really appealed to you. Now I feel deeply apologetic.

32. If you suffer f rom insomnia, and sleeping pills don't help you, try

(drink) a glass of milk before going to bed.

Believe me, it really helped in my case!

33. Excuse me, I don't speak English well. Can you help me

(fill) in this form?

34. He saw the fear in my eyes and hastened (add)

that I won't have to work on the project alone, but I'll have an assistant

to help me.

35. I'm afraid we will have to postpone (renovate)

our house for some time because at this moment we have more urgent


36. The writer was forced into exile two years ago, and in every interview

he gives, he says how much he longs (see) his

family. 37. He bribed one of the customs officers (smuggle)

a crate of wine.


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38. Doctor Jenkins, I do appreciate your (come)

here at such a short notice.

39. In my opinion you should forbid your son (go) to

parties for the next three months after his outrageous behaviour at the last party. That should teach him a lesson!

40. As Sheila had missed several consecutive classes in algebra, she

dreaded (meet) the teacher, who was known for being strict.

4 1 . Our company has been trying really hard to meet the deadline of

October 5 t h , but unfortunately we have failed (deliver) on time the last five packaging machines.

42. There's no point in (repair) this banger. You'd better sell it for scrap.

43. At the university meeting, the professor first discussed the items on the

agenda and went on (outline) the most important issues at the linguistic conference that he had just come back from.

44. I'm afraid this draft really needs (revise). There is a considerate number of content-related errors.

45. Look at his sad wrinkled face. He seems

(endure) a lot of hardship in his life. 46. Having spent the whole life in a tiny village, Gina couldn't imagine

(move) to one of the biggest cities in the


47. Do you fancy (go) for a drink after the training

session? 48. Although he is a prominent political figure, he doesn't mind

(meet) ordinary people. 49. If you want to boost your sales, it may be worth

(put) an advertisement in the local newspaper.

50. If I were him, I wouldn't waste time (apply) for a managerial position with such mediocre qualifications.


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Phrasal verbs

I. Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined expressions with the correct phrasal verbs in the right forms. In each sentence you are given part of the phrasal verb in boldface.

1. She is always criticising her neighbours behind their backs. RUN

2. He promised that he would come to help me, but he disappointed me

and didn't turn up. DOWN

3. He pretended that he was not a Scotsman, but his accent betrayed him.


4. I wanted to get the job, but they rejected my application because I didn't

know German well enough. TURN

5. They tried to deceive me, but I discovered their true intentions and

realised that they wanted to rob me of my money. THROUGH

6. Tom quarrelled with his boss and a couple of days later he was given

the sack. FELL

7. I can't bear the noise of my neighbour's lawn mower. It always wakes

me up in the morning. PUT


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8. At first we didn't like our new teacher but when we got to know him

better, we started to like him. TAKE

9. Patti resembles her mother in so many respects. For example, she is as

stubborn and as garrulous as her mother. AFTER

10. Before you go to your boss to ask for a pay rise, write down quickly the

points that you want to make to support your case. DOWN

11. You should persuade your brother-in-law to buy this car because it is

such a bargain. TALK

12. Being full of admiration for her as a singer, I rushed to buy a ticket for

her concert, the moment I heard she was coming to Poland. However,

her performance was far from what I had expected. Now, I can say I

much prefer listening to her CDs to going to her concerts. COME

13. The American Civil War between the North and the South started in

1861 and was won by the Union in 1865, when General Robert E. Lee

and his army were forced to surrender at Appomattox in Virginia.


14. I'm terribly sorry, I didn't have time to give you a hand with all the

preparations for the party. Please, let me help you with the cleaning

when the party finishes, so that I can compensate for it. UP


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15. The deal didn't come to completion because the company didn't agree

to the terms of payment that we proposed. THROUGH

16. When I organise a party it's always the same. Everything seems to go

according to plan, but at the last minute some problems appear

unexpectedly and spoil everything. CROP

17. The Turners arranged to get a mortgage from a building society to buy

this house and now their biggest concern is how to pay it off. OUT

18. Terry is a weird bloke. His behaviour is so baffling and his ideas seem

to be so contradictory that I've given up hope of understanding him.


19. The very sight of the restaurant with its shabby interior repelled me.

I wasn't starving to eat in a place like that. OFF

20. When I was shopping in the new mall I met Andrew accidentally.

I thought he was still on a scholarship in Frankfurt. INTO

2 1 . At the last session the municipal authorities resolved to demolish the

abandoned tenement buildings at Crocket Street. DOWN

22. When the flood subsided, we could see clearly that half of the town was

destroyed completely. WIPE


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23. He is just a budding playwright, but he has already his own theatre

company and they are performing a play in our city next week. ON

24. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of instances of xenophobia in the

world and people of different origins are often despised in both their

professional and their private lives. LOOK

25. Being the sole heir, Daniel inherited his grandmother's vast estate after

her death. INTO

26. Thousands of people employed in the steel industry in Poland have

been dismissed because some orders have dried up. LAY

27. If I hadn't been delayed by the traffic in the city centre, I would've

arrived on t ime for the meeting. UP

28. The price was exorbitant! I'm afraid the advertising agency really

overcharged you for the commercial. RIP

29. It goes without saying that James has brilliant acting abilities. Have you

seen him imitating the Prime Minister? That was side-splitting, I tell you!


30. The legal advisors of the two companies met to prepare the initial

version of the partnership contract. UP


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II. Complete the sentences with the word which best fits each space.

1. The testimony given by the defendant in court didn't up.

The person contradicted himself on several points.

A make B add C prove D join

2. The doctor's diagnosis is that the patient's neurosis has been brought

by frequent overwork.

A on B off C in D out

3. There are still some occurrences of strange behaviour among monkeys

that biologists find difficult to for.

A run B account C stand D reason

4. Calculating the time of your journey to Prague, you will have to

for the possible stops on the way, for example to refuel

your car or have some meals.

A watch B settle C allow D break

5. Whenever there is a climate change I suffer f rom a thumping headache.

However, as soon as I take a painkiller, the headache starts to


A leave B take C wear D let

6. You can go and buy the tickets for us and I'll see the

luggage until you get back.

A over B about C around D to

7. Mr Thomson, can I take tomorrow afternoon off because my fiancee is

leaving Poland for a couple of months and I'd like to her


A walk B drive C see D send


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8. The Great Depression set following the huge and sudden

fall of share prices on the US Stock Exchange in October 1929.

A forth B off C down D in

10. Everyone was over by his decision to quit a well-paid job

and move over to the countryside.

A taken B thrown C struck D bowled

10. Ladies and gentlemen, now I'd like us to discuss the proposal that Ms

Ridley put during the last meeting.

A across B in C forward D out

11 . When the journalist asked her a question in front of many cameras she

didn't utter a word. We all her reaction down to stress.

A put B laid C took D turned

12. When the leader of the expedition to the Arctic Circle offered to take

him there, he at the chance.

A called B jumped C got D came

13. When the professor advanced his theory at a medical conference a

couple of years ago, everyone was sceptical about its validity. However,

the latest research has it out.

A borne B carried C stood D cleared

14. After the car accident she was in a coma for the whole week but her

mother didn't lose hope that one day her daughter would


A be B bring C come D go

15. My teenage son kept begging me to buy him the latest version of this

computer game and I finally gave

A out B away C over D in


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16. I hope the con artist will not get with the insurance

swindle and will receive a proper punishment.

A away B off C over D out

17. In this book the film director shares the fun he's had in making films and

lets the reader in some of the secrets of his success.

A to B o n C through D for

18. Students with a high enough grade point average are eligible to

in for the Fulbright Scholarship.

A go B let C stand D put

19. Being the world champions they weren't going to for a

draw with a team from the Third Division.

A settle B fall C let D call

20. As for now, foreigners up only a small proportion of the

student community in our college.

A hold B fill C take D make


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Prepositions and prepositional phrases

Put the right preposition in each gap.

1. There has been a huge increase humidity in this region over the

last few months.

2. While Brian was working for the TRG company, he gained a huge

experience marketing, which turned out to be extremely useful in

his next job.

3. She has a real aptitude photographing. Her photographs are so


4. Jenny is still very angry her brother his attitude

her decision.

5. This pub always reminds me my student years. I often went

there with my mates after classes.

6. Please remind me the next credit instalment for our car. This

month it almost slipped my mind.

7. Don't take any notice the technicians. They will install the

hardware and be gone shortly.

8. Please welcome Prof. Wells, an expert phonetics. Professor,

you may take the floor.

9. Compulsive eaters often can't resist their cravings food,

regardless the time of day.

10. As our country has entered the EU, our farmers are now eligible

subsidies from a special EU fund.

11. Corporal Peters was given a medal recognition his

devotion to duty.


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12. His decision to downshift and swap his managerial position for a less

demanding one took everyone surprise.

13. Due to changes in her department she's been a lot of stress


14 fear that the boy may be age, the barman asked him to

produce an ID card before selling some beer.

15. Drug addicts are incapable controlling their actions when

suffering lack of drugs.

16. The scientists researching the nature of black holes believe to

be the verge a major breakthrough.

17. Adolescents rarely trust professional counsellors and choose to confide

their peers.

18. If you don't comply the rules of the game, the referee may award

a penalty against you.

19. The thugs were charged assault and battery.

20. Early models of this CPU were prone constant crashes when

working for a long t ime.

2 1 . I'm absolutely convinced that our students shall greatly benefit

the exchange programme with Harvard University.

22. My bank charges 1 zloty each transfer.

23. Although she had already been reprimanded by her superior her

casual outfits at work, she persisted wearing jeans.

24. Our production department prides itself its environmentally-

friendly technologies.

25. The essential skill the job of a nursery school teacher is to be

good children.

26. The sportsman is going to make an attempt beating the pole

vault record.

27. Pregnant women should eat food which is rich proteins.


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28. I was really surprised to find out that the naughty boy I knew has grown

such a well-mannered man.

29. The old king had no direct descendant and the people wondered who

would succeed the throne.

30. In the last interview the famous charity leader assured everybody that

he's very committed improving the standards of living of the


3 1 . One of the obvious advantages of city life country life is that

shops and leisure facilities are reach.

32. Many graphic designers claim that Apple computers are more user-

friendly comparison ordinary PCs.

33. The Daily Telegraph isn't a tabloid; the contrary, it is a serious

quality newspaper which usually supports the ideas of the Conservative


34. Manufacturers often increase their productivity the expense

the quality of goods.

35. The product has been withdrawn from the market response

dramatically poor interest in it from the target group customers.

36. Polish nurses, construction workers, engineers and IT specialists are

much demand in some European Union countries.

37. She gained such a top position virtue her hard work and


38. This charming little country's main industry is tourism as it is deficient

natural resources.

39. After Ken had gone skiing without proper warm clothes on, he was ill in

bed for a week influenza.

40. If you feed your dog only leftovers, no wonder it loses its fur.

4 1 . Professor Goodman's team of students has performed so well that

all likelihood they will get the scholarship.


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42. The majority of the participants of the panel discussion were

favour reintroducing the Welsh language into schools.

43. Can you tell me what became the cookery book I gave you for

your birthday three years ago?

44. Sales representatives' commission is commensurate their sales


45. Trained orang-utans have astounding capabilities learning

artificially created languages.

46. Middle aged men have unfathomable fondness red sports cars.

47. The mob's violent reaction to the government's declaration was

all proportion; many shops were devastated and vehicles burnt.

48. Our safari guide advised us leaving the vehicle fear

being attacked by wild animals.

49. Everybody expressed amazement how fast the child grew up.

50. The President's spokesperson stated that the President's decision

concerning the bill should no means be associated with the

upcoming election.


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CAE Vocabulary Practice

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Similar but different: confused words

Choose the suitable word to fill the sentences. Put the words in the

correct form where needed.

1. sensible/sensitive

a. Don't be so ! It was just a general remark,

I didn't mean to criticise you.

b. W e must think of a solution. There is no room

for mistakes any more.

c. This is a very issue, and I'd rather not talk

about it in public. I'm afraid my point of view may upset some people.


a. Nowadays malaria can be

b. He has been

but he has not been

c. Some time ago doctors couldn't

with drugs.

in hospital for two weeks now,



3. disinterested/uninterested

a. W e wanted to hear an objective opinion, hence we sought the advice

of a(n) counsellor.

b. I told her the story but she seemed She

hardly listened to me.

c. Jack is in learning anything, and that's why

he can't see any point in going to university.


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4. eminent/imminent

a. We can't do anything to prevent it. The disaster is

b. He is an scientist, well-known and respected

all around the world.

5. compliment/complement

a. The brown colour of her sweater her hazel

eyes perfectly.

b. The best way to win Susan over is to her on

her new clothes or hairstyle. She is so vain.

c. They each other nicely. She is a dreamy,

artistic soul and he keeps both feet on the ground.

6. stationary/stationery

a. We went to the department to buy some


b. The car collided with a vehicle, but

fortunately nobody was killed.

c. In winter it's difficult to practice sport outdoors. Therefore, I bought

a exercise bike.

7. raise/rise

a. This charity money to help homeless people.

b. The bag is too heavy for me to it. You can try.

c. The unemployment level dramatically

recently. The government must take some measures to improve the


d. Emily from the table and went over to the

window to see who had come to visit them.


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e. The Prime Minister promises that he has no intention of

taxes at present.

8. discrete/discreet

a. They are very reliable assistants, very They

wouldn't go gossiping about anything they discovered while working

for you.

b. There are two business consulting

companies in the town. The competition between them is very


c. The animals in the picture can be divided into several


d. You should ask only questions if you don't

want to offend her.

9. say/tell

a. The doctor me to stay in bed for a couple of


b. Anne him that she was going to leave the


c. What did she to you? Was it something about

my performance?

d. The twins are so much alike that I can't the

difference between them.

e. I wouldn't trust him. He's known for lies.


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10. do/make

a. Can you me a favour and buy these things

for me?

b. My son is so untidy! He never his bed in the

morning before going out to school.

c. I have a complaint to Can I see the


d. I'll my best to finish writing the article in t ime.

e. The storm a lot of damage on the island.

f. You must be thirsty. I'll you some tea.

g. I'm sorry to leave you for a moment but I have an urgent phone-call


11. hanged/hung

a. The picture has been badly It should be

lower, nearer the mantelpiece.

b. He was found guilty of treason and in front of

crowds of people.

c. He his coat on a hook and came into the


d. She couldn't stand her pangs of conscience, and

herself in the prison cell.

12. misuse/disuse

a. Many people in top positions power for their

own benefit, and exploit other people.

b. The term schizophrenia is frequently

nowadays. People use it to refer to various kinds of mere strange

behaviour, and don't realise the severity of the illness.

c. The goods are stored in a cinema.


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d. All the coalmines in the country stand

a lot of miners who worked there can't f ind a job.

e. Knowing law very well, she it on several



13. historic/historical

a. Kate is fond of reading

century England.

In 1945 there was a ...

novels about the 19

b. meeting of world leaders

which exerted a tremendous impact on the course of world events.

regaining our independence.

d. Wil l iam Wallace is an important figure for

Scottish people.

14. councillor/counsellor

a. He has plenty of brilliant ideas how to improve the work of the local

government. He'll certainly make a good

b. She and her husband often quarrelled, so they decided to seek help

from a marriage

15. envious/jealous

a. Steven was of his brother's new luxury car.

b. He has a very pretty wife and is blindly of her

each t ime she talks to or smiles at another man.

c. Children often feel when a new baby arrives.

They are afraid that their parents won't love them that much any


c. It is a date for our country, the day of


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16. negligible/negligent

a. He doesn't have a good reputation as a doctor. People say that he is

allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.

c. The damage done to our car in the accident was

so we decided not to sue the driver.

d. The price of the entrance ticket to the exhibition was

, almost for free.

17. assure/ensure/insure/reassure

a. I can you of my good intentions. I don't want

your harm.

b. You should your property against storm

in not giving the patients due care and


b. The judge stated that the teacher had been in


c. It's very careless of her that she hasn't

car yet.


d. Please that all the light

when you're leaving.

that all the lights are switched off

e. I tried to her and told he

didn't help much and she was still very worried.

her and told her some jokes, but it

f. That song their s>

European charts for a couple of months.

their success. It was on the tops of

g. The police her that they

to find her missing jewellery.

her that they would do their best


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18. compose/comprise/consist/include

a. The collection of around one hundred

pictures, and it , among others, the paintings

by Salvador Dali.

b. Two actors, one journalist and one teacher

the committee.

c. Students a high proportion of seasonal


d. The book is of 10 chapters.

19. cite/site/sight

a. Sunset over the sea is a beautiful

b. Let me at this point the words of the famous

19 t h century British writer Oscar Wilde.

c. During our stay in England we visited the of

the Battle of Hastings.

d. They excavated pottery and weapons from the Middle Ages on this


20. economic/economical

a. This is a very car. It doesn't use much petrol.

b. The subject of their debate is the government's


c. It's usually to buy products in large quantities.

d. The country has recently introduced some radical



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2 1 . farther/further

a. The place looks dangerous. We'd better not go any

b. This brochure gives you the basic information. If you have

questions, call the number below.

c. He preferred to run distances.

22. loose/lose

a. When he heard that his son scratched his brand new car, he

his temper.

b. The team is training intensively. They don't want to

the game.

c. She's some weight, and now her skirt is too

She must have it taken in.

23. effective/efficient

a. Aspirin is an medicine that helps to shake off

a cold.

b. We hope the ad will be in attracting

customers to buy our products.

c. She is a very worker. She carries out her

duties quickly and successfully.

d. This heating system is because it uses

comparatively little energy.

24. prudent/prudish

a. Don't take her to see that fi lm. She is quite

and she may feel offended by some of the sex scenes there.

b. It would be to read the contract before

signing it.


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c. He is a businessman. He carefully examines

the situation before making any final decisions.

25. classic/classical

a. His career is a example of how one can

become a rock star over night.

b. She displayed symptoms of depression.

c. I listen to music, as well as rock and jazz.

25. beside/besides

a. Jim came up and sat me. It was such a nice

feeling to have him by my side.

b. We didn't know anybody at the party Kevin

and Jessica.

c. She leads a very active life going to Spanish

evening classes twice a week she attends a dancing course every


d. I don't want to go to the concert. I don't like this kind of music;

, I feel pretty tired and would like to go to

sleep early.

27. illegible/eligible

a. He's an bachelor; rich, famous and

handsome. Every woman would like to marry him.

b. The handwriting on the prescription was"so

that the chemist couldn't decipher the names of the medicines.

c. Anyone over the age of 18 is to vote.


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28. worthless/invaluable

a. His support during our project was But for

him, we wouldn't have been so successful.

b. What we considered to be a genuine Picasso turned out to be

a forgery. As a result, the painting is now

c. She was criticised so much by her boss that after leaving his office,

she felt

29. non-flammable/inflammable

a. Firemen wear uniforms made of material to

protect them against fire.

b. This chemical is highly so don't use it near

a f lame.

30. blink/wink

a. She as she came out of the dark cave into

the bright sunlight.

b. Philip at me, and I realised that he was


c. I guess something must be wrong as the light on your video recorder

3 1 . politics/policy

a. In response to the recent incidents, the present government has

introduced some changes into its foreign and security


b. I'm not interested in at all. To be honest,


I think it's boring.

His ambition is to become a major figure in the country's

, the Prime Minister preferably.


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d. The company has adopted a firm

shoplift ing. on

32. amenities/facilities

a. One of the biggest advantages of living in the town over living in the

village is that it's close to shops, banks, schools and other

b. They're staying in a 5-star hotel with many leisure and sports

such as a swimming pool, gym and tennis


c. The school has special for disabled people.

33. morals/morale

a. The victory boosted the team's enormously.

b. Violent sex images on the Internet are deemed to be a danger to


c. Patriotic songs contributed a great deal to the

of the soldiers during the war.

34. industrial/industrious

a. Sam is a very worker. He works very hard

and stays sometimes after hours.

b. In Britain the Revolution took place between

1750 and 1850.

c. This is mainly an country with plenty of



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35. stimulant/stimulus

a. A good grade at school often acts as a to

develop one's knowledge.

b. Some people consider coffee to be a , and

drink it to feel more active and not sleepy.

c. The discovery of oil was a to the local economy.

36. glance/glimpse

a. Lucy yawned and took a at her watch. The lecture was so tedious.

b. I'm afraid I can't describe the robber well. I only caught a of him as he was running away.

c. He didn't have time to read any articles and only threw a cursory at the newspaper headlines.

37. laid/lain/lay

a. George the heavy box on the ground and

called a taxi. b. When she came back from the tiring climb in the mountains, first she

down on her bed, and then she started to

stretch her arms and legs. c. Oh no, don't disturb him right now! He has just

down on the floor and has started to do his meditation.

d. Seeing that they would inevitably lose the battle, they down their weapons.

e. Could you the table, please? The dinner is

almost ready.


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38. affect/effect

a. The last reforms had a devastating country's economy.

b. Bad weather always my mood. When it's

on the

cloudy, I often feel depressed.

39. unreadable/illegible

a. I'm sorry but I had difficulties reading your essay. Your handwriting is You'll have to rewrite the essay, and this

t ime try to take more care. b. In my opinion, this novel is The book is too

long, the plot is boring, and the style is awful.

40. access/excess

a. For the next week I won't be able to check e-mails. I'll be on a campsite and I won't have to the Internet.

b. An of information often makes it hard for us to take decisions and make reasonable judgements.

c. They're trying to improve to the museum for disabled visitors.

4 1 . persecute/prosecute

a. He is for fraud. The trial is going to take place next week.

b. During the early times of Christianity many Christians were

c. The victim has decided that she won't because she is terrified of what the Mafia can do to her family.

d. The people who opposed the political system were and massacred during the regime, and many

sought asylum in the neighbouring countries.


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42. vein/vain

a. She is so that people don't want to invite her

to parities. She thinks that she's the most intelligent and beautiful,

and looks down on everybody.

b. I tried in to persuade Bob not to invest his

money in the company, but he didn't want to change his mind.

c. Some drugs have to be injected directly into patients'

43. human/humane

a. Communicat ion with other people is a basic


b. Farmers should transport their livestock in more


c. They are campaigning for treatment of the


d. It is supposed that error was behind the


44. precede/proceed

a. Jeremy is a better manager than the man who


b. It is always helpful to one's lecture with a nice


c. Brian outlined his plans for the development of the company, and

then to explain them in more detail.

d. We' re not sure whether we still want to with

this business. There is not much demand for our products any more.


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45. gorilla/guerrilla

a feel miserable when they are kept in captivity

in a zoo.

b. His uncle fought in a army during the war.

46. heroin/heroine

a. The of his novel is an intelligent and beautiful

girl f rom a poor family who falls in love with an aristocrat.

b. Richard was found guilty of trafficking in and

sent to prison.

c. Joan of Arc is known as the French of the

Hundred Years' War.

47. prey/pray

a. The woman didn't give up hope and to God

every day for her son's return home from the war.

b. The lion has been stalking its for hours

before finally catching it.

c. As she was a very gullible person, she easily fell

to his false promises.

48. urban/urbane

a. Living in areas is not very healthy as the air

pollution is usually rather high there.

b. Mike is a very charming and person. He is

always full of remarks.


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49. perspective/prospective

a. The shop assistant should always be nice and polite to


b. The book is written from the of an oppressed

black person in a white community.

50. canvas/canvass

a. Candy usually works with oil paints on a

b. Before elections members of each political party

people from the local area.

c. These shoes are made of

Word formation

Complete each sentence with a word made from the word in capital letters.

1. When the foreign powers attacked the town they faced strong


2. You can't tell anybody about what you hear from me. This is a strictly

piece of information. CONFIDENCE

3. Ted is still a(n) worker. This is his first job

and he's been working in our company for only a month.


4. Betty is so ! She wants to have everything

immediately and hates waiting. She can really be a pain in the neck!



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5. In spite of the effort they've put into the work, the results are still


6. Jessica's father is extremely of his

daughter's boyfriends. He fears that they may be after her money.


7. This book describes the of many saints.


8. She told me that she loved him so much that she was ready to marry

him even without her parents' APPROVE

9. The of the expedition convinced him to

invest his money in it. SIGNIFY

10. When left on their own the kids are often up to some mischief. They can

be really , so you'd better watch them!


11. She was in a coma for two months, and we thought she would never


12. The fee in this sailing club is very high, and

I can't afford it now. MEMBER

13. While being a boss of the company he conducted a lot of

transactions. LEGAL

14. It is highly of you to accept the job and then

drop it after a few weeks. RESPONSE

15 behaviour to teachers is commonplace in

many schools nowadays. RESPECT

16. There is a wide of stores in this shopping

mall, f rom perfumeries to shops with sports equipment. VARY

17. Her failure to take any precautionary measures was described as an

instance of gross NEGLECT

18. I've taken out a to this music magazine.



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19. more and more people are enrolling in

foreign language courses. INCREASE

20. Steven Spielberg's latest film is really ! The

plot is spellbinding! REMARK

2 1 . The candidate's way of getting voters on his side is

He's exploiting the people's emotions.


22. I'm sorry but the model is currently W e

should obtain it next week. AVAILABLE

23. The crisis is There's nothing we can do to

prevent it. AVOID

24. The manager thinks that the best solution at the moment is to go into

with the other company. PARTNER

25. Before I donate money to this charity, I must be sure that it is

a organisation. PROFIT

26. If I were you, I wouldn't trust her. She's known to be a very

person and often breaks her promises.


27. The spokesperson stated that there won't be any major social reforms

in the future. SEE

28. You'd better not approach her with that request of yours at the moment.

She's exhausted after the whole day's work and may be quite


29. I know his behaviour may seem inexcusable at t imes, but believe me he

has good INTEND

30. At the back of the book you'll find some

notes, which may help you to grasp some of the author's ideas.



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3 1 . The appearance of a large pit in the field over the night is

Nobody has any clue who or what may

have done it. EXPLAIN

32. When the police entered the barn, they found some

materials stored there. EXPLODE

33. Prof. Stanley is studying the frequent of

violent storms in the area. OCCUR

34. My grandpa has an almost memory. He

remembers the events of World War II in detail. FALL

35. Today people all over the world light candles in

of the victims of the terrorist attack of 1 1 t h

September. REMEMBER

36. You shouldn't Charles. He's really a very

skilful and efficient worker. ESTIMATE

37. In my opinion, the film is a bit in the review.

I've seen it and it's not so good, besides the cast is badly chosen.


38. When Sheila told Peter about her problem, he listened

, and then offered to help her. SYMPATHY

39. The meeting is held to make it possible for the employees to air their


40. A lot of people make an that it's easier to

achieve success in highly developed countries. ASSUME

4 1 . In many Western countries there's a of

nurses, and they're looking for nurses from other countries. SHORT

42. When Rachel visited the district, she was struck by

the of its inhabitants. AFFLUENT

43. The of this successful actor surprised

everybody. He didn't boast about his achievements as other film stars



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44. The doctor told James that of stress was

indispensable if he wanted his health to improve. AVOID

45. The war seemed to be W e thought it

would never finish. • END

46. Ralph is a musician, and he works as

a freelance music journalist. ADD

47. She's a very person and is always unwilling

to change her mind. FLEXIBLE

48. The clinic takes care of people with severe physical


49. Many stray cats are a sight, they're so

skinny and sick. PITY

50. The politician argued for the of the old

system of taxation. RETAIN

5 1 . This remote mountain village is almost in

winter, as there's so much snow. ACCESS

52. Practising sport is to one's health because it

gives strength to the body. BENEFIT

53. She's been charged with tax EVADE

54. When he was asked about the party's approach to the problem of

unemployment, he gave some answers.


55. The company's annual has increased in

comparison with the last year, and now it's around £ 4 million. TURN

56. The news of the of war terrified people all

around the globe. BREAK

57. He refused to comply with the government's rules and regulations, and

as a result was tried for civil OBEY

58. Governments make laws, and the police should

them. FORCE


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59. The man was found guilty of robbery and sentenced to five years


60. W e haven't yet received the of your room

reservation. CONFIRM

5 1 . The dancer charmed everybody with her

movements. GRACE

62. With its weak army the country was

Therefore, it became an easy target for its neighbour. DEFENCE

63. I was so with thoughts that I didn't notice

when Eric came in. OCCUPY

64. The fee to the exhibition is rather exorbitant.


65. She was in expelling the boy from school.

He didn't do anything wrong. JUST

66. There're still examples of racial in the world.

People can't understand that we're all equal. JUST

67. W e will you of our decision at the end of the

week. NOTE

68. When I was at primary school, we often had to

a poem as our homework. MEMORY

69. I don't know him well, I've met him just a couple of t imes. He's only my

, not my friend. ACQUAINT

70. I must some money from my bank account.


7 1 . In Africa there still live many tribes that are

by civilisation. CORRUPT

72. They don't want to accept the banknote in any shop, explaining that it's


73. Because of a fire hazard it is to walk in

forests when it's dry. ADVISE


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74. Nowadays, many people can afford holidays abroad. COMPARE

75. At the ceremony she admitted that she would never have written the book without the of her parents.

COURAGE 76. It was quite of Jenny to criticise English

people when she knew that Karen's husband was an Englishman. SENSE

77. She finds it hard to confront and often

escapes to the world of her dreams. REAL 78. The boxer defeats his opponents so that

nobody wants to fight with him. EFFORT 79. Laura's date with Jim turned out to be

Their conversation was heavy going, and Laura went home after an hour. DISASTER

80 I'm going in the same direction today, so

I can give you a lift. COINCIDENCE 8 1 . The Thomsons live in a large house with a beautiful and

living-room, perfect for the many guests they invite for parties. SPACE

82. He tried to convince the jury that the against

him were false. ACCUSE 83. It was really of Sarah to phone and ask

about his health. THOUGHT 84. She is so ! She finds it difficult to make up

her mind even when she chooses something to drink. DECISION 85. What the politician is saying now is with

the statements he made a week ago. So how can we trust him? CONSIST

86. I think it's sheer to talk about family values when you're having an affair yourself. HYPOCRITE


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87. A lot of Catholics agree that euthanasia is

MORAL 88. We warn drivers to be careful as roads are very

SLIP 89. Last night the Rolling Stones gave an excellent

, just as always! PERFORM 90. Rick doesn't want to live in this town. He finds it

with its many factories and a lack of green

places. ATTRACT 9 1 . It's whether they will finish the road repairs

soon. They're working very slowly. DOUBT 92. How can you be so to the plight of the

people affected by the floods? One day it may happen to you, and you

may need help. DIFFERENCE 93. Every nation has a moment in its history

that the people would rather forget about. SHAME 94. The Times is one of the most popular

newspapers in England. DAY 95. The high rate of unemployment creates in many graduates deep

feelings of SECURE 96. Many celebrities show extreme to talk to

journalists. RELUCTANT 97. The of MPs were against the bill. MAJOR 98. They were celebrating the of slavery.

ABOLISH 99. A visit to the dentist is to many people quite a

experience. AGREE 100. If you're too , your boss may never respect



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Collocations and Idioms

In the sentences below choose which word or words best fit each gap, forming the correct collocation or idiomatic phrase.

1. He still bears a against Tony for choosing somebody

else to represent their company at the conference three years ago.

a) grievance b) complaint c) grudge d) regret

2. When Mrs Jones was leaving the building, she sight

of two suspicious looking men quarrelling at the car park.

a) got b) caught c) lost d) took

3. Time and they still hadn't heard anything from their


a) moved b) went c) went on d) passed

4. She has to go on a course in cooking because next

month she's getting married.

a) crash b) speedy c) quick d) fast

5. You're up the wrong tree if you think that I will lend

you money.

a) barking b) shouting c) climbing d) looking

6. You've shaken hands with Bono, I don't believe you! You're

my leg!

a) pushing b) pulling c) holding d) pressing

7. Tomorrow we will go fishing, weather

a) agreeing b) allowing c) permitting d) giving

8. It was a of luck that I won the contest. There were

more knowledgeable people than me.

a) beam b) piece c) drop d) stroke


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3. I don't think that raising the issue during today's meeting would

any useful purpose.

a) reach b) provide c) serve d) perform

10. That's unfair that they dismissed him. He was always

his duties very conscientiously.

a) bringing off b) conducting c) fulfilling d) executing

11. The film didn't to my expectations. It was just


a) come down b) appeal c) live up d) work up

12. After hours of heated debates the two companies have finally

an agreement.

a) achieved b) reached c) accomplished d) established

13. Maggie a great pride in her collection of the Beatles

memorabilia. She shows it to everybody who visits her.

a) takes b) puts c) gets d) finds

14. I'm afraid you missed the of Prof. Hardcastle's

lecture. He claimed something completely different.

a) key b) core c) point d) punchline

15. Although Mary and Paul are apart in personality,

they make an excellent couple.

a) leagues b) ways c) miles d) poles

16. Many serial killers immense pleasure in tormenting

their victims before killing them.

a) derive b) get c) experience d) take

17. Bill Clinton's love affair with Monica Lewinsky the

news in the whole world. People were constantly chatting about it.

a) made b) delivered c) struck d) filled


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18. The two countries finally managed to a deal on oil


a) reach b) produce c) cut d) arrive at

19. Don't tell Ben about my plans for the evening. You know he can't

a secret.

a) save b) keep c) hold d) stop

20. Since Tom was made redundant, they can hardly make ends

a) meet b) cross c) link d) together

2 1 . Rescue teams continue to search for the people who got lost during

the avalanche, but after so many days hopes are

a) dying away b) disappearing c) fading d) flying away

22. I always have in my stomach before an exam. I can't

help feeling anxious and trembling all over.

a) bees b) ants c) tension d) butterflies

23. His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work

the drain.

a) into b) in c) down d) low

24. This leather bag is a real bargain! It's cheap!

a) bun b) dirt c) banana d) waste

25. When Brenda's father got to know that she scratched his car, he hit


a) roof b) ceiling c) table d) desk

26. The man was staggering from one side of the street to the other. He

was drunk.

a) deep b) hard c) strong d) blind

27. Polly is the of her father's eye. He indulges her every


a) pupil b) apple c) treasure d) jewel


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IS . After months of strenuous efforts he eventually managed to

Nelly's heart.

a) conquer b) achieve c) get hold of d) win

25. The Benetton's new advertising campaign aims to


a) raise b) put up c) boost d) elevate

30. If you keep washing this blouse, its beautiful bright colours will soon

a) wash out b) bleach c) vanish d) fade

31 . The two escaping prisoners were hiding behind the boxes until the

guard's footsteps

a) died away b) died down c) faded d) came to a halt

32. The witness was called upon to the court to evidence

at the trial.

a) provide b) supply c) make d) bring

33. The governments of the two countries into

negotiations in order to work out the arms reduction treaty,

a) went b) entered c) delved d) came

34. "It's high time we the issue of staff training", said

the chairperson at the meeting.

a) raised b) brought c) entered d) put up

35. You shouldn't worry. I can assure you that herbal remedies have no


a) negative b) side c) harmful d) periphery

36. The bank employee will trial for embezzlement.

a) pass b) go through c) face d) stand


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37. The sun was shining, birds were and I was lying

amidst trees in my uncle's orchard, having absolutely nothing to do.

Could life be more beautiful?

a) chirping b) squeaking c) giggling d) whimpering

38. Birmingham University has recently a survey into the

British people's attitudes to foxhunting.

a) carried b) conducted c) administered d) directed

39. When Joan heard the terrible news, she felt devastated. However, she

was brave, and managed to tears until she got back


a) hide away b) hold up c) fight back d) keep in

40. As the teacher was again droning on about environmental problems,

Nancy couldn't help feeling bored, and she covered her mouth to

a yawn.

a) prevent b) stop c) stifle d) hold

4 1 . If you want to learn to drive you should take of what

your instructor tells you.

a) care b) attention c) consideration d) notice

42. Helen was disappointed when she learnt that she

hadn't won the beauty contest.

a) enormously b) bitterly c) strongly d) heavily

43. In my opinion the only aim of the band's outrageous behaviour on stage

is to the media's attention.

a) seize b) obtain c) attract d) gain

44. Peter an attempt to resume his career as a musician,

but he failed. His break was too long.

a) took b) undertook c) made d) did


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45. Roger the trouble to inform me about the results


a) took b) made c) underwent d) undertook

46. Mrs Goddard's condition was so bad that she had to

an operation.

a) go on b) undergo c) take d) go through

47. The company Mark's application because he didn't

have the necessary qualifications for the job.

a) put aside b) sent off c) turned down d) threw down

48. I some valuable experience while working for the

previous company.

a) gained b) received c) collected d) earned

49. I'm the web to find some interesting materials for my

research paper.

a) combing b) browsing c) looking through d) scanning

50. It's a convention to end a letter with "I'm sending you my


a) hot b) hearty c) kind d) deep


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Noun + noun

I. Match the nouns from column A to the appropriate nouns from

column B to make compound words.

1 wind B a benefit

2 eye b light

3 will c esteem

4 chain d chart

5 hay e sore

6 man f arms

7 unemployment g ends

8 self h fall

9 spot i power

10 book i screen

11 mouth k witness

12 fire I fever

13 flow m piece

14 wind n smoker

15 eye o hour

II. Fill the gaps with the correct noun + noun compounds.

1. This old tenement house is a(n) in this

newly rebuilt area.


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2. It easy to notice from his behaviour that his promotion to department

head really boosted his

3. The American law on the possession of is

said to be too lenient.

4 . Most people get butterflies in their stomachs when they are on stage

and about to step into the

5. For lottery winners a sudden often comes

as a shock and they don't have the faintest idea what to do with the


6. The original handmade samurai sword still takes a master blacksmith

hundreds of to complete.

7. According to a(n) the bomb went off at

exactly four o'clock p.m.

8. She tried several times to give up smoking, but unfortunately she didn't

have the to make it.

9. Jim can't find a job and he receives

which is not enough to make a decent living.

10. When spring comes and most plants start to blossom a lot of people

suffer from 11. It's hard to believe that being such a(n) he

enjoyed good health till the end of his life.

12. Driving through the seemingly impenetrable fog, he held his face quite

close to the

13. During the presentation the speaker used a(n) to show the sales figures for the last year.

14. Not many people realise that the and the

way you blow air through it is crucial for producing a clear sound when

playing a brass instrument. 15. Antique-looking brass go well with old

leather volumes.


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Adjective + noun

I. Match the adjectives from column A to the appropriate nouns from column B to make compound words.

1 hard

2 parting

3 nervous

4 wet

5 stuffed

6 hard

7 formative

8 thorough

9 general

10 prime

11 graphic

12 burning

13 necessary

14 rough

15 quick

a breakdown

b years

c public

d question

e sand

f evil

g detail

h labour

i blanket

J shot

k shoulder

I grounding

m suspect

n shirt

0 diamond

II. Fill the gaps with the correct adjective + noun compounds.

1. After his wife left him, he had a(n) and couldn't

cope with his everyday life.

2. I'm afraid something is wrong with my car. We'd better pull up on

the and check it.

3. Soap operas, reality shows, quizzes and sitcoms cater for the needs of



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4. Hercule Poirot was convinced that the widow was the

in his murder investigation.

5. Stop sitting in the corner! Come and join us on the dance floor! This is

such a groovy party and you're being a(n) !

6. All TV stations in the country showed the aftermath of the terrorist attack

in The pictures were really gory.

7. Some economists claim that unemployment is a(n)

of market economy.

8. Parents and their relationship has a decisive influence on children during


9. Seasoned travellers know how to avoid

when crossing desert.

10. The advert says that this course will give students a(n)

in accountancy.

11. The first item on the agenda during the meeting between the board and

the trade union was the of redundancy.

12. Fancy-dress parties are definitely not for

who feel they may look ridiculous.

13. The perpetrator was sentenced to four years

14. Our new companion on our journey through the countryside turned out

to be a(n) and the whole party really took to


15. Before she slammed the door behind her, she couldn't resist

a(n) at Sam and shouted to him never to

come to her again.


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Adjective + adjective

I. Match the adjectives from column A to the appropriate adjectives from column B to make compound words.

1 big B a eyed

2 wide b powered

3 ill c hearted

4 bitter d mannered

5 nuclear e reaching

6 hard f lasting

7 blue g headed

8 bad h sweet

9 fast i tempered

10 warm J witted

11 flat k asleep

12 ill I awake

13 long m hearted

14 far n broke

15 quick o equipped

II. Fill the gaps with the correct adjective + adjective compounds.

1. I've got memories of my childhood. There

were some wonderful t imes, but also some very sad moments.

2. She is constantly boasting about her achievements at work. She is so

3. Signing this contract may have

consequences for the future of our company.


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4. What a rude, boy! How could he say such

terrible things to that old man!

5. She is very and can immediately give a

clever reply.

6. She seems to be so ! She does not feel

any sympathy for the poor people she dismisses from the company.

7. Believe me! It's not a good moment to ask Rachel for a pay rise. She is

very today because she has a splitting


8. Everyone enjoyed staying at my grandmother's place. She was such

a(n) person.

9. I'm afraid the oil crisis may have effects

on the economy of our country.

10. USS Savannah was the first submarine in

the world.

11 . Having spent almost the whole day at the polling station, the reporter

went straight to bed and was soon

12. No wonder he's been chosen for the national team. He's always been

the coach's

13. George refused to lend his brother any money saying he was

14. The beautician who was to prepare my friend to the wedding ceremony

arrived to do the job. She had no

nailbrush, no mascara, and no tweezers.

15. Jessica suffers from insomnia, and very often is still

at 2 a.m.


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Punctuation Practice

Insert commas where necessary.

1. Betty entered the room looked at us with surprise shouted loudly and


2. Antonio Bradi 25 has been in coma for several weeks now.

3. The woman who usually cuts my hair has moved to another


4. Certain products e.g. eggs bread rolls oranges are often bought in


5. Do you know the scruffy man who lives on the third floor?

6. It is true that the price is extremely low. However we are more

concerned with the quality of the product.

7. It's a family of eight children all of whom are studying music.

8. Where 's the money that I lent you?

9. I told Simon that you were not interested in his offer.

10. Iggy our best athlete is so quick no one can match him.

1 1 . Stan lives in Pittsburgh New Jersey.

12. Susie our youngest daughter has just turned 5.

13. His life was in danger he told me.

14. The sport which she really likes to practise is softball.

15. The directors haven't decided whether they will recommend a dividend

or hold over the profits.

16. I've just met that Mrs. Rasher who wants to buy your car.

17. Fortunately the crowd dispersed peaceably. If they hadn't the police

might have had to use force.

18. Anyone who wants to try to pick a fight with him should know that he is

an ex-champion in karate.


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19. My mother bought me for Christmas a beautiful soft woollen cardigan.

20. White wine is to be enjoyed slightly cooled; red wine in ambient


2 1 . This is Henry whose wife teaches our children.

22. Is there any reason why we should leave so early?

23. By the time the fire brigade arrived the house had already burnt down.

24. It is the invoice that I'm looking for not the bill.

25. She spent all evening talking about her latest book which none of us

had ever heard of.

26. Frankly this is the most appalling concert I've ever been to.

27. This subject has become really popular. We are therefore quite certain

that it will attract many students to our university.

28. Mexico City which has a population of over 10 million is probably the

fastest growing city in the world.

29. Pink is often reserved for girls; blue colour for boys.

30. Lenny when the meeting is over come to my office please.

3 1 . The small man in the raincoat whom nobody recognised turned out to

be Olivia's first husband.

32. "I suppose so" grunted Jack.

33. Just before the wedding she changed her mind and decided not to

marry Alan which shocked all the guests.

34. Ralph neither speaks French nor understands it.

35. The Vikings known for their seafaring skills were the first to reach

America well before Christopher Columbus.

36. "Your information" I replied "is out of date."

37. Even a child knows that one shouldn't drink and drive.

38. Let me know if you can come or not.

39. After Vicky agreed to go out with him Martin became so self-confident.

40. Two coffees a cheese cake and an apple pie please.


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4 1 . The island boasts a fantastic landscape. Furthermore it has excellent

tourist facilities.

42. We've tested twenty types of overalls none of which is completely


43. These souvenirs are handcrafted not mass-produced in a factory.

44. The loan shark lent Greg a thousand bucks which was exactly the

amount he needed to solve his problems.

45. Perhaps if you have some time left we could try the new cafe on the


46. Nevertheless the idea seems promising enough to draw the Dean's


47. Seicento is definitely a decent car to get around the city. On the other

hand it is unsafe and uncomfortable.

48. The more you practise playing the violin the better you are at it.

49. Mr Fairclough who used to take care of our garden retired several

months ago.

50. Angela's date started to tell stupid jokes at which point she decided to



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CAE English in Use

Exam Practice

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Part 1 Practice

Choose the most suitable word for each gap in the texts below.

Text messaging

Every day more than a billion messages are zapped from one mobile phone

to another. However, although texting has become (1) in

Europe and Asia, it has failed to (2) off in America. Globally,

the average number of messages sent or received each month (3)

a mobile subscriber is now around 30, or one message per

day. In some parts of Asia, such as Singapore and the Philippines, where

large numbers of free messages are thrown in with monthly (4)

plans, the number of messages sent per subscriber per

month is as high as 200. But the (5) for America is just over

seven, according to the Cellular Telecommunication's Internet Association.

Why is such a high-tech nation eschewing texting?

The short answer is that in America talk is cheap. Because local

calls on land lines are usually free, wireless operators have to (6)

big "bundles" of minutes to (7) subscribers

to use mobile phones instead.

American telecoms regulations, which encouraged different mobile

operators to choose different, (8) technologies, are also

responsible for the dearth of texting. (9) last year did the

largest American operators agree to pass text messages between their

networks, an agreement still only patchily (10) Moreover,

texting is not (11) as standard in most subscription

packages in America, but as an extra for which customers must pay a few


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dollars per month. "You have to pay for it, most people's phones don't have

it, and I don't know how many of my friends have it (12) ,"

says Vince Tobkin, an analyst at Bain & Company in San Francisco. In text-

crazed Europe, in (13) all these conditions are (14)

by default and you can be pretty sure that your message

will get (15)

adapted from "No text please, we're American" in "The Economist"

1. A familiar B commonplace C prosaic D basic

2. A take B get C keep D show

3. A by B t o C from Dof f

4. A invoicing B cost C billing D pricing

5. A numeral B figure C score D rate

6. A suggest B recommend C propose D offer

7. A affect B press C persuade D make

8. A incompatible B unsuitable C modern D incompatable

9. A Just B Only C Already D About

10. A imposed B implemented C restricted D announced

11 . A rejected B involved C comprised D included

12. A empowered B installed C enabled D purchased

13. A contrast B particular C spite D itself

14. A met B made C followed D overruled

15. A by B through C into D ahead


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Bloodthirsty bears

Kenzo Kudo got in his car one day last May and drove out to a mountain

near Sapporo, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, to look for wild

vegetables. He never returned. Police found his body a few hundred meters

away with (1) marks on his legs. What happened, they

surmised, is that Kudo had the misfortune to run (2) a

brown bear.

The Japanese like their (3) animals as much as

anybody, but they're out for blood following an increase in bear encounters,

which often lead to maulings. Some farmers have taken (4)

shooting the bears, (5) on Hokkaido is perfectly legal.

The problem is that on Hokkaido, more people and bears now live

together in tighter quarters than anywhere else on earth. There are 5.6

million people and between 2,000 and 3,700 bears on an intensively farmed

island about the size of Pennsylvania. In recent years the bear population

has been falling due to rapid urban (6) , which is putting

bears and people on (7) course. Some of the recent

maulings occurred within 30 kilometres of Sapporo, making (8)

in the city of 2 million.

The spate of close encounters has (9) more than a

century ago, when fishermen began (10) Hokkaido rivers of

salmon, then a (11) of the brown-bear diet. The bears

became vegetarians, eating berries, wild mountain grapes, skunk cabbage

and hogweed. From the 1950s to the 1970s loggers began cutting down the

old-growth forests and (12) underbrush that once gave

bears an unusually good (13) Logging cleared space in

the forests that (14) blackberry and raspberry bushes to

thrive. In recent years forest regeneration and tree farms have replaced


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berry (15) , and the bears have been forced to look

elsewhere for food, bringing them closer to towns and cities.

adapted from 'The trouble with bears" in "Newsweek"

1. A bite B injury C wound D cut

2. A against B up C into D on

3. A furry B hairy C fluffy D tousled

4. A on B up C t o D a

5. A that B which C what D where

6. A increase B spread C extension D sprawl

7. A dangerous B collision C fighting D conflict

8. A stories B fuss C headlines D disaster

9. A roots B causes C reasons D results

10. A decreasing B depleting C diminishing D depriving

11. A foundation B fundamental C core D staple

12. A lavish B lush C sparse D trimmed

13. A home B safety C lodging D cover

14. A allowed B let C made D prolonged

15. A fields B areas C shreds D patches


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Dyslexic minds

Why some children (1) so much with reading used to be a

mystery. Now researchers know what's wrong - and what to do about it.

When some children look at a page of text, they can see letters' names.

They can even tell you what sounds those letters make. Nevertheless, even

for (2) high school students, to tell what words those letters

form is baffling, to say the (3) They see a wall, a hurdle

to get over, and often (4) that some letters are easier to

(5) out than others.

The condition is called dyslexia, a reading (6) that

persists (7) good schooling and normal or even above-

average intelligence. It's a handicap that (8) 10% of the

population, according to experts, though some put the figure higher - up to

20%. The exact (9) of the problem has eluded doctors,

teachers, parents and dyslexics themselves since it was first described

more than a century ago. (10) , it is so hard for skilled

readers to imagine what it's like not to be able to effortlessly absorb the

printed word that they often (11) the real problem is

laziness or obstinacy or a proud parent's inability to (12)

that his or her child isn't that smart (13) all.

The mystery may finally be starting to lift. The more researchers

learn about dyslexia, the more they realise it's a flaw not of character but

biology - specifically, the biology of the brain. A growing (14)

of scientific evidence suggests there is a glitch in the

neurological wiring of dyslexics that makes reading extremely difficult for

them. Fortunately, the science also (15) to new strategies

for overcoming the glitch. The most successful programs focus on

strengthening the brain's aptitude for linking letters to the sounds they


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represent. Some studies suggest that the right kinds of instruction provided

early enough may rewire the brain so thoroughly that the neurological glitch

disappears entirely.

adapted from 'The New Science of Dyslexia" in "Time"

1. A fight B strive C struggle D cope

2. A talkative B articulate C mindful D well-educated

3. A most B least C truth D fact

4. A admit B assume C predict D accept

5. A find B point C figure D make

6. A malfunction B disease C disorder D fault

7. A despite B although C besides D without

8. A affects B effects C influences D attacks

9. A type B characteristics C quality D nature

10. A However B Indeed C Really D Nevertheless

11. A doubt B reject C wonder D suspect

12. A decipher B decide C disagree D recognise

13. A in B for C to D after

14. A area B spread C body D aspect

15. A shows B aims C points D hints


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The future in biotechnology

Modern industry pollutes, and it also seems to cause significant changes to

the climate. What is needed is an industry that (1) the

benefits without the costs. And the (2) of such an industry

can now be (3)

That industry is based on biotechnology. At the moment, biotech's

main uses are in medicine and agriculture. However, its biggest long-term

impact may be industrial. Biotechnology will (4) demand for

oil by taking the cheapest raw (5) imaginable, carbon

dioxide and water, and using them to make fuel and plastics.

It is now possible to create enzymes that work thousands of times

faster than their natural counterparts. These should turn the manufacture of

ethanol as a petrol (6) from a subsidised boondoggle into

an industry that can pay its (7) Biotechnologists are also

working on enzymes that can (8) cellulose. Turning

cellulose into fermentable sugars really would give petrol a (9)

for its money.

The plastics industry, too, may be (10) by

biotechnology. There are now plastics made entirely by bacteria that have

had their metabolic pathways redesigned. Soon, plastics may be grown on

farms, in genetically engineered plants, rather than being (11)

in huge, centralised industrial plants.

Plastics and fuels made in this way would have several advantages.

They can be called "renewables", (12) nothing is depleted

to make them. They would be part of the natural carbon cycle, borrowing

that element from the atmosphere for a few months, and returning it when

they were burned or (13) That means that they could not


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possibly (14) to global warming. They would also be

environmentally friendly in other ways. Bioplastics are biodegradable, and

biofuels are a lot cleaner than petrol and diesel, and would be cleaner (15)

even than the fuel-cell technology.

All in all, the future could be green in ways that traditional

environmentalists had not expected.

adapted from "Saving the world in comfort" in 'The Economist"

1. A produces B collects C reaps D delivers

2. A glimmerings B age C impact D outgrowth

3. A distinguished B considered C discerned D viewed

4. A diminish B preserve C boost D satisfy

5. A deposits B resources C materials D stuff

6. A ingredient B additive C addition D particle

7. A road B route C course D way

8. A devour B absorb C digest D consume

9. A path B run C race D climb

10. A converted B transformed C modulated D substituted

11. A mingled B assembled C constructed D manufactured

12. A since B although C otherwise D therefore

13. A garbaged B wasted C dumped D disposed

14. A donate B provide C contribute D develop

15. A almost B overall C wholly D thoroughly


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Stop the anti-aging process

In government laboratories and elsewhere, scientists are (1)

a drug able to prolong life and youthful vigor. Studies of

caloric restriction are showing the way. As researchers on aging have

noted, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human

aging - the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases (2)

to infirmity as we grow older. But one intervention,

consumption of a low-calorie (3) nutritionally balanced diet,

works incredibly well in a broad (4) of animals, increasing

longevity and prolonging good health. Those (5) suggest

that caloric restriction could (6) aging in humans, too.

(7) , for maximum benefit, people would probably

have to reduce their caloric (8) by roughly 30 percent, (9)

to dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750. Few mortals

could (10) to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on

end. But what if someone could create a pill that (11) the

physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to go

hungry? Could such a caloric-restriction mimetic enable people to stay

healthy longer, (12) age-related disorders (such as

diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer) until very late in life?

The question was first (13) in the mid-1990s, after a

discovery of a chemical (14) that, in rodents, seemed to

reproduce many of caloric restriction's benefits. Since then the search has

been going on for a compound that would safely achieve the same feat in

people. There has been no success yet, but the (15) have

been informative and have fanned hope that caloric-restriction mimetics can

indeed be developed eventually.

adapted from "Scientific American" 'The Serious Search for an

Anti-Aging Pill"


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1. A searching B pursuing C questing D seeking

2. A vulnerability B defence C harmfulness D inclination

3. A nevertheless B even C still D yet

4. A range B span C number D scope

5. A deductions B goals C scores D findings

6. A detain B suspend C delay D hold

7. A Luckily B Eventually C Furthermore D Unfortunately

8. A digestion B intake C income D processing

9. A equivalent B commensurateC matching D counterpart

10. A obey B stick C follow D comply

11. A mocked B mimed C mimicked D mimiced

12. A triggering B cancelling C postponing D rejecting

13. A posed B roused C evoked D enquired

14. A factor B agent C composition D ingredient

15. A breakdowns B failures C faults D flaws


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Part 2 Practice

Complete the following texts by filling the gaps with ONE word only.

Eldest child

The first-born is an only child until the second child comes (1)

- when they go from (2) the centre of attention to sharing

the care (3) parents. This 'dethronement' may be extremely

traumatic and forever shape the first-born's outlook (4)

life. They may spend the rest of their lives striving (5) regain

their parents' approval. They could even unconsciously feel their parents

had (6) child (7) somehow they weren't

good (8) (9) may lead to feelings of

inadequacy and also contributes to resentment of subsequent siblings. The

first-born is often the least warm (10) frequently the most

hostile to their brothers and sisters.

First-born children always have novice parents, (11)

they grow up in (12) early atmosphere of greater parental

anxiety, (13) may leave the child anxious. New parents'

ambitions for (14) sons and daughters often get channelled

most into the first-born. But (15) other offspring arrive, they

become (16) relaxed about their aspirations for their

children. This may explain why first-borns are thought to be over-

represented (17) ambitious achievers. First-borns are

significantly more often found as world political leaders than (18)

other birth order position.

adapted from "Does your place in the family mould you for ever?" in Daily Mail


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The seal's body

Although seals spend some of their time out on rocks, sandy beaches, or

even snow and ice, they are really much (1) adapted for

living in water than on land. Their sleek streamlined shape, with the head merging into the body with no obvious neck, lets (2) move

through the water (3) only the smallest effort. For swimming, seals have flippers - a pair near the front of the body and a pair right at the rear. These flippers are actually modified arms and legs, in

which the long bones have become shorter, (4) the fingers and toes have become longer. Skin has developed as webbing (5)

the separate fingers and toes. (6) design gives the seal its four broad, paddle-like flippers. If you look closely at a

flipper, you (7) still see the five claws near the edge, the

animal's equivalent (8) your finger or toe nails. Because seals are warm-blooded animals, the temperature of their

bodies stays quite high (9) when they are swimming in cold

water. The dense covering of fine hairs over their bodies keeps them (10) losing some heat. But the layer of fatty blubber under their

skin does much more to keep them warm. Imagine that (11) rubber raincoat is your skin. Your sweater would then be (12)

the seal's blubber. Some species of seal have a thicker

blubber layer in winter, when the sea is colder, (13) in summer - just as you might wear an extra heavy sweater in cold weather!

The blubber is also important in two (14) ways. First, it helps the seals stay afloat while out at sea. Then, (15)

they come ashore and sometimes have to drag (16) over

rough ground, the blubber layer acts like a cushion. It prevents injury and

makes it more comfortable for the seals (17) lie out on the


adapted from 'The Seal on the Hocks" by Doug Allan


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Problems of longevity

It is in our nature to try to prolong life, (1) we should also

face (2) to the distinct difficulties that we would encounter if

we succeeded. If a successful longevity treatment (3) to

emerge suddenly out of all the new developments of medical science,

tacking on extra decades (4) even centuries to our lives, the

results could be disastrous. It might (5) well be a case of

the cure's being worse than the disease.

This (6) be true even for the individuals lucky

enough to receive the treatment. Presumably any treatment that conferred

long life would keep people generally healthy, but the extra years would be

a (7) of medical balancing act, akin (8) the

jugglers who dash about keeping plates spinning on top of poles. It would

be nerve-racking (9) best.

(10) if the treatments did little or (11)

to help one's memory? This is a crucial point that is (12)

overlooked in discussions of longevity. The brain is by (13)

the most complex organ known to us, and the workings of

memory are (14) really understood. Keeping the body alive

might be possible before we could do (15) to strengthen or

restore lost memories. Even the ordinary lifetime often seems too (16)

for human memory to hold or recall, and (17)

decades were tacked on, the long middle years of a life

might be substantially forgotten, leaving (18) dim memories

of childhood and recent events.

adapted from "Beware a Senior Society" in "Newsweek"


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South Africa plagued by HIV virus

Nearly one-in-four adults of working age in South Africa is believed to be

infected with (1) HIV/Aids virus. (2) is a

shocking statistic, and one (3) potentially catastrophic

economic and social consequences for the country.

The limp response from the South African government has already

been condemned, and it has been left to the country's financial community

to tackle what (4) become an epidemic.

At the forefront of a campaign to recognise, report and raise

awareness about (5) disease (6) the South

African Institute of Chartered Accountants (Saica). It is drafting guidelines

on Aids (7) be presented to the Johannesburg stock

exchange. These might (8) day be incorporated into its

listings requirements. Thingle Pather, a chartered accountant and project

director at Saica, heads the HIV working group that is putting together the

first draft.

Pather is working with the Global Reporting Initiative, an organisation

(9) issues guidelines on non-financial reporting, and the

South African Actuarial Society to put together a document that will push

(10) voluntary disclosure of information about the

prevalence levels of HIV/Aids and the estimated financial impact.

The draft document is likely to call on companies to reveal the extent

to (11) they (12) implemented an effective

Aids risk management strategy in eight areas of risk, including operational,

absenteeism, cost of employment, and target market. Responsibility for

reporting (13) information will rest (14) the

board of directors, who (15) have to decide to (16)

extent shareholders should be informed.

adapted from "Businesses count the cost of Aids epidemic" in 'The Guardian Weekly


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Dangerous tanning pills

Thousands of young women hoping for a summer tan are taking capsules that promise to turn (1) a beautiful golden colour (2)

protecting them from the sun's harmful rays. However, the vitamin-filled capsules - which are (3)

marketed in high-street chemists (4) an important skincare product - are to (5) investigated by a government medical agency following complaints from cancer scientists that women might

wrongly believe the once-a-day capsules (6) prevent them burning on the beach.

The manufacturers claim that the tanning pills prepare the skin for the sun by promoting (7) own sun protection mechanism. They state that interaction (8) the natural ingredients of palm fruit extract, lycopene, vitamin C and vitamin E increases the production of melanin, the pigment in the skin that protects (9)

body from ultraviolet rays.

Cancer Research UK, the leading cancer charity in Britain, (10) warning that the capsules afford (11)

protection against the sun. It is writing to the Government's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency this week asking for an

investigation. The agency says it will investigate (12)

complaint made by the charity. Dr Richard Sullivan, scientific adviser to Cancer Research UK, said:

Th is is dangerous because it makes people feel safe in the sun.' He said that the documentation presented by the manufacturers which outlines two studies carried (13) on the capsules was 'misleading

pseudo-science', and added: '(14) is no (15) thing as a safe tan anyway. A tan is a sign that your skin has been damaged by exposure (16) UV radiation.'

adapted from "Cancer doctors warn against tanning pills"


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Part 3 Practice

In most lines of the following three texts, there is ONE unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Cross out the word or tick the line as a correct one.

Coral reefs

1. Indonesia's coral reefs are in a trouble. Coral mining, industrial pollution and

2. toxic agricultural runoff all play a role in their destruction, but the fishermen

3. have been being the worst offenders. They not only bomb fish but also poison

4. them with cyanide, an equally destructive practice. Fishermen are also among

5. in the biggest potential victims of the devastation. Two thirds of Indonesia's 7,000

6. coastal villages are adjacent to coral reefs and thus are depend for their livelihood

7. on the harvest of reef fish and crustaceans. The disappearing reefs are already

8. leading back to a dramatic decline in the productivity of coastal fisheries and to

9. increasing turf wars among fishermen for the remaining of spoils. Indonesia's

10. reefs are vast - they cover for 51,000 square kilometres, surround 17,500


11. and stretch 3,500 kilometres from Sumatra to Irian Jaya but they are not much

12. infinite. Many foreign experts and Indonesians fear it that the region's entire

13. marine environment could be seriously and irreversibly damaged if the reefs

keep dying at their present rate.

adapted from "Saving the Coral Reefs" in "Newsweek" Nov. 12, 2001


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The new Robonaut

1. The new Robonaut, a collaborative effort with the Defense Advanced Research

2. Projects Agency, is also known as DARPA, has been under development at JSC

3. for the last in several years. Astronaut Nancy Currie stepped into an advanced

4. concept space suit to participate in the test as the squad leader. The task at his

5. hand was to assemble an aluminum truss of structure. Currie and her Robonaut

6. companions have assembled the truss several times, significantly cutting the


7. that required to complete the task on each run. After the structure was assembled,

8. the team installed electrical cable, with the Robonauts taking the cable out of its

9. package and by routing it around the truss to Currie, who connected it to the

truss 10. and using a standard EVA electrical connector and wire ties. To wrap up the test

11. series, they simulated what would happen if a hazardous chemical contaminated

12. Currie's space suit, with Currie using a special brush to remove off the

13. make-believe chemical one and then handing the brush to a Robonaut to clean

the places she couldn't.

excerpt from "Humans. Robots Work Together To Test Spacewalk Squad"


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Fizzy drinks and children

1. There was a time when children drank water or milk. That has been gone as surely 2. as short trousers for schoolboys and the rag and bone for man's horse and cart. 3. Wherever today's kids hang out - be it not in fast-food restaurants, in cinemas, at 4. home or at school - they are swigging cola and cans of fruit-flavoured fizz. Last 5. year more than 200 litres of the stuff bubbled down with each of their gullets. 6. And they are getting alarmingly fat. Could these facts be connected? It is

a suggestion

7. that makes the soft drinks industry be incandescent with rage, but the Geneva-8. based World Health Organisation (WHO) has for the first time nailed it to 9. the agenda in a ground-breaking draft report on obesity and nutrition. The report

10. urges those governments to clamp down on TV ads pushing "sugar-rich items" 11. only to impressionable thirsty youngsters and to consider slapping heavier taxes 12. on them. It suggests that school vending machines should be turned down into

13. scrap metal. This is all-out war. The WHO, however concerned about the rising tide of obesity

14. that is killing and debilitating millions in rich countries such as the United

15. States and Britain, and that is now edging into the poor countries to coexist 16. obscenely with malnutrition, means business. The soft drinks industry, which 17. appalled at this interference together with its global dominance, disputes not only 18. the scientific evidence but the WHO's right even to raise issues out of taxes and


adapted from "Are fizzy drinks doing this to our childrerf?" in "The Guardian Weekly"


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In most lines of the following two texts, there is either a spelling or a punctuation error. In the space provided write the correctly-spelled word or show the correct punctuation. Indicate the correct lines with a tick.

Scotland's islands

1. Scotland lays claim to 780 major islands. Two of Scotland's principial 2. island groups, Orkney and Shetland, lie of the north coast, and much 3. of their history and culture is routed in their ancient links with Norway 4. The Western Isles, or Outer Hebrides is the third important group, 5. while the Inner Hebrides, e.g. Skye and Mull, are magical, stepping 6. stones between the mainland and the outer isles. The east coast has 7. no inhabitated islands but some spectacular rocks in the Firth of 8. Forth. There are schedulled air services to Orkney, Shetland and 9. the Western Isles, as well as car and passanger ferry services whose

10. timetables change with the seasons. There are airstripes on some of 11. the Inner Hebrides, but unless you own or charter a light aircraft they 12. can only be reached in the best way possible: by sea. 13. 'Island-hopping with the ferries of Caledonian MacBrayne may be a 14. modest form of cruising but there are few seaways more gloriuos 15. The individual characters of the Inner Hebrides inspire loyality in 16. locals and visitors alike. Those who love Skye, will seldom be 17. persuaded that Mull has much to offer, while the passionatly insular 18. will despice both. The two largest islands lie close to the mainland 19. and have the most developed tourist-industries. But even at 20. the height of the tourist season both islands' offer plenty of 21. opportunity for solitude and repose; not to mention a strong,

sometimes intimidating sense of their essential wilderness.

adapted from "Scotland" by Julie Davidson


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Death penalty

I.That the U.S. executes people is troubleing to death-penalty 2. opponents around the world. But nowhere, perhaps does it pose 3. such a problem as in the European countries that share Americas 4. democratic values and maintain close economic military and cultural 5. ties with their transatlantic partner. "Europeans are apalled at 6. the unabated pursuit of the application of the death penalty in 7. the U.S., says Bianca Jagger, an official of Amnesty International 8. U.S.A. They cannot understand how the U.S. can claim to be 9. the leading champion of democracy and continue to apply the death

10. penalty." Belgian novelist and essayst Pierre Mertens similarly 11. observes," It is a tragic paradox that the delux country among 12. the democracies resorts to this kind of barbarity" Concerning 13. the question of capital punishment, the U.S. and its allys stand on 14. opposite sides of a great divide. All members of the European 15. Union's have banned the death penalty, and the organization actively 16. promotes its abolition througout the world. Brussels has made 17. abolition a precondition to E.U. membership, as has the 41-member 18. Council Of Europe, thereby spurring most East and Central European

aspirants to do away with capital punishment.

adapted from "Life or Death


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Part 4 Practice

Use the words in the boxes to the right of the text to form a word that fits in the same numbered space in the text.

Ice Age

Since the latest film by Roland Emmerich (1) The

Day After Tomorrow hit the cinemas with its grim tale of mankind struggling

with the approaching freeze, interest in ice ages, also called (2)

, has increased.

Ice age is a period featuring a (3) temperature

plunge by (4) 10°C, when polar ice sheets, having

many kilometres in (5) , creep towards the equator

and cover the Earth's surface, putting life on the planet at a (6)

risk. Such periods are estimated to descend upon

the Earth with the (7) of 10,000 years.

Ice ages are connected with the water cycle. Normally, sunlight

(8) water from the ocean. This water returns to the

ocean or to the sea in the form of rain. During winter, some of the water falls

as snow and ice, but in summer it melts and thus the cycle is maintained.

However, a (9) decrease in temperature may cause

(10) in the whole water cycle. A (11)

amount of snow and ice doesn't melt and piles up on land. Ice sheets at the

poles accumulate and (12) begin to creep downwards

as glaciers.

With so much current concern over the effects of global warming, the

prospect of the next ice age may seem (13)

Nevertheless, some scientists claim that (14) global


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warming can plunge average temperatures by several degrees in merely a

few decades, and hence trigger the (15) of an ice

age. This could be due to the thawing of Arctic ice which may disrupt deep

water currents responsible for the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream transports

warm (16) water to northern Europe and if it is shut

off, the temperature of the currents will plummet and the northern

(17) will freeze.

The forecasts of (18) vary. Some of them

predict that an ice age can start in the next few decades, while others state

that it will be millennia before it happens.














14) MAN

15) SET





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Who doesn't know the (1) green ogre called Shrek?

He is the title character of the computer-animated film adaptation of William

Steig's fairy tale which captivated kids and adults alike.

At the beginning of the film we see Shrek leading a (2)

existence in his swamp. He enjoys his peaceful (3)

from the society until the day of (4)

of some fairy tale characters by order of the evil (5)

Lord Farquaad. To the ogre's (6) ,

Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio, the Gingerbread Man and other (7)

settle in his swamp. Shrek immediately goes to Lord

Farquaad and demands (8) The (9)

Lord Farquaad promises the ogre the sole (10)

of the marsh provided that Shrek rescues Princess

Fiona from the lair of a (11) dragon. The ogre

embarks on the quest together with his new companion a talking Donkey.

From this time on Shrek's whole life changes beyond (12)

The plot of the film is (13) engaging, the

soundtrack is exuberant, but (14) it's the jokes, wit

and satire that make Shrek a winner. There are (15)

movie spoofs and amusing (16) to various fairytales.

The film also delivers an important message that you should be yourself and

see beyond surface beauty. Another (17) asset of

Shrek is its brilliant (18) animation. Given this, no

wonder the movie was awarded the first Oscar for Best Animated Feature.

Now, to the delight of the (19) big galoot's

fans, Shrek sequel is on at cinemas. Shrek 2 is as entertaining as the first

part and the computer animation is (20) and even

more advanced. The characters move more (21) and


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their (22) muscle movements indicate a careful study

of actual human movement. New characters are also introduced, including

the swashbuckling but cute Puss-in-Boots.

The phenomenon of the popularity of the film Shrek is enormous

though well-deserved.





|5) RULE





;10) OWN

;11) FEAR



[14) DOUBT


,16) REFER

17) DENY


19) LOVE

20) STUN

21) REAL

22) FACE


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The Beatles - the Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band of all Time

There have been in the history of rock'n'roll a lot of artists that at one time

were considered (1) phenomena. After some time

these stars appeared to be just a passing fad. However, some artists have

(2) in grasping the attention of the world until the

present. The Beatles (3) belong to them.

The Beatles achieved enormous commercial success racking up

more worldwide number-one singles and selling more records than any

other band in the history of popular music. The Fab Four also had really (4)

fans, which was particularly (5)

at the peak of Beatlemania between 1963 and 1971. Crowds were

screaming at the Beatles' concerts, girls fainted at the very sight of them,

and wherever the Boys went, there were (6) hordes

of fans in (7) so that police protection was a must. In

fact, the Beatles' security (8) cost more than those

for (9) or top politicians.

The bands' status stems not only from their immense popularity but

also from their artistic value. Though (10) a fair

number of the Beatles' songs are sweet and simple with trivial lyrics, they

were only (11) of the (12) of

the bands' activity. Over the course of their career, the music of the Beatles

was constantly evolving. The lyrics also became artistic, capturing the spirit

of the 60's and expressing the experiences and emotions of the generation.

The band started to experiment with sound, introduced exotic instruments

and bizarre sound effects. Their (13) acclaimed

record Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which comprises a vast

array of styles and (14) ideas, is considered by many

critics the most (15) album in the history of rock'n'roll


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music. It is believed that the release of this record marks the beginning of

rock'n'roll as a form of art.

Finally, the (16) of the Beatles manifests itself

in the impact they have had on other bands so far. Bob Dylan, another rock

icon, (17) this, saying: "They were pointing the

direction where music had to go". Not only did the Fab Four had numerous

(18) in style in their contemporary times, including

such bands as the Who or Cream, but also a lot of current rock artists, e.g.

Oasis, admit that they owe (19) to the Beatles.

The Beatles hold a special place in the history of music. The

phenomenon of the band's songs is that they are (20)

and continue to be loved by each generation. Many music critics agree that

the Beatles are the cornerstone of music and but for them, rock may not

have developed as well as it has done.

(1) STAND (16) GREAT


(3) SURE (18) FOLLOW







(10) ADMIT







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Madame Tussaud's

Madame Tussaud's, the (1) famous waxworks

museum, is one of London's most popular tourist attractions, with over 2

million visitors a year. It has been enchanting and entertaining the public

with its lifelike representations of the famous and (2)

pop stars and royalty for more than 200 years.

The story of Madame Tussaud is as gripping as that of the exhibition

itself. She was born Marie Grosholtz in 1761 in Strasbourg. She learnt the

art of wax modelling from Philippe Curtius, a physician, who employed her

mother as a housekeeper. Marie and her mother moved with Dr Curtius to

Paris. Curtius' exhibition of wax figures became successful and it started to

be (3) by the French royal family. Marie's talent was

noticed and she was invited to the royal court at Versailles to assist in the

(4) education of King Louis XVI's sister. During the

French Revolution Marie and her mother were (5) in

the Bastille for some years. When she was released, she was asked to

prepare the death masks of decapitated royalty and (6)

When Dr Curtius died, Marie inherited the business

and expanded it. Then she married a French engineer, Francois Tussaud,

however, they didn't live together long because she (7)

decided to take the exhibition to Great Britain. Madame Tussaud spent

about 33 years travelling the length and (8) of the

British Isles and presenting her growing collection. In 1835 her exhibition

settled permanently in London.

The wax figures in Madame Tussaud's Museum are placed in five

themed areas. "200 years of Madame Tussaud's" brings together the past,

present, and future of the exhibition. The display comprises both the earliest

figures, among them the original death mask of Robespierre and the half-

burned figure of George IV, damaged during the (9)


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fire of 1925, and the most current examples of sophisticated animated

figures, called 'audio-animatronics'. Here, there are also exhibits showing

how Madame Tussaud's (10) model from life -

taking many (11) and photographs. "Grand Hall" is a

section which assembles renowned kings and queens, great statesmen and

(12) religious leaders. Another themed area,

"Hollywood Legends", contains (13) of superstars of

the past and the present, which are accurate (14) of

real celebrities. There is also "The Spirit of London" which spans London's

history from Elizabethan times to the present day. The atmosphere of each

period is (15) using a host of special effects. Finally,

in the basement of the museum visitors find "The Chamber of Horrors"

which is a macabre collection of portraits of villains and murderers.

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum is constantly adding to its vast

collection, and the figures on display are (16) from

time to time with up-to-date portraits. No doubt, a trip to Madame Tussaud's

is a (17) experience.


(2) FAMOUS (14) LIKE


(4) ART (16) PLACE










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Stonehenge is surely one of Britain's greatest national icons which

(1) mystery and power. This prehistoric ritual monument is situated on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, southern England and it is said to have been built in three stages between about 3000 and 1000 BC.

Stonehenge is a (2) arrangement of large

stones called megaliths and is a celebrated example of Neolithic art. The monument consists of four concentric ranges of stones surrounded by a ditch with a ring of 56 pits known as Aubrey holes. The outermost range is a circle of large sandstone blocks called sarsen stones. Within this circle is a

circle of smaller blue stones (3) a horseshoe-shaped

arrangement of five pairs of large sarsen stones. Within this arrangement is a smaller horseshoe-shaped range of blue stones which surrounds the Altar

Stone. Moreover, there is a number of round barrows or (4) mounds in the vicinity of the main structure.

The question of who built Stonehenge still remains (5)

Many ancient peoples have been credited with the monument's construction over the years, but the most captivating and

enduring (6) has been to Celtic priests, the Druids.

This (7) , first made by the antiquary John Aubrey,

turns out to be (8) as by the time of the Druids, the

stones had already been standing for 2,000 years. Besides, the Druids didn't need stone structures because they worshipped in forest temples.

The original function of Stonehenge has also been a matter of conjecture. Some people have speculated that it was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth deities. Others have claimed that it was a sacred site for burying high-ranking citizens. However, the most probable seems to

be the idea that Stonehenge was an astronomical (9) for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar. The last theory


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was supported by the (10) of the American (11)

Gerald S. Hawkins, which were reported in 1964.

Hawkins combined computer measurements and astronomical information

and on this basis he concluded that Stonehenge complex could have been

used to predict the summer and winter solstices, the vernal and autumnal

equinoxes, and both (12) and lunar eclipses.

Moreover, all these predictions are believed to have been made with

remarkable (13) While we can't say with any (14)

what the real function of Stonehenge was or who

built it, the monument must have been very important to the ancients, as the

construction required a lot of effort and (15)

The modern age has not treated Stonehenge very well, despite the

lip service it pays to the (16) of heritage sites. There

is a major highway running no more than 100 yards away from the

monument and plenty of visitor facilities around it. The organisation, English

Heritage, has (17) the task of providing Stonehenge

with the dignified setting it deserves. According to the project, the

surrounding roads will be removed or tunnelled, the ploughed fields returned

to open grassland and a new visitor centre, which will blend into the

landscape, will be built. Although Stonehenge has been decimated through

the centuries by visitors and (18) forces alike, it

continues to be an awe-inspiring sight.




(4) BURY






(10) FIND


(12) SUN





(17) TAKE



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Key to Exercises

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Definite, indefinite and zero articles

I . The, - 2. The 3. the, - 4. - 5. The, the 6. A 7. The, the, the, the 8. a

9. a,- 10. a, the 11. A, an 12. the 13. a, the 14. an 15.- 16. The, a,- 17. a

18. the, the 19. the, the 20.-, the 21. A, an, - 22. the, a 23. the,-, - 24. The, -

25. a, the 26. The, a 27. The, an 28. -/the, a 29. the, -, a, the, the, an 30. the,

the/- 31. the 32. the, the, the, a 33. a 34. a, the, the, a, -, an, the, the, the, the

35. - 36. a, -, - 37. the, the, the 38. the 39. The, the, the/-, the, - 40. the, the

41. An, a, the 42. The, the, the 43. an, the, a 44. the, the 45. -,- 46. -, - 47. -,

-, The, an, a 48. the, -, the 49. the, -, the 50. The, the, -, -

Modal verbs

1.1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7c 8c 9d 10b 11 d

12d 13b 14a 15d

II. 1. wouldn't start 2. Try as I might 3. should reach 4. He may / might / could

have changed 5. lest you should accept 6. He must have had 7. may / might /

could give 8. should win 9. daren't do / don't dare to do 10. so that the boy

shouldn't overhear 11 It can't / couldn't have been 12. should be moving 13.

must be watching 14. couldn't have sold / wouldn't sell 15. computer nerds will sit

Gerund or infinitive

1. to buy 2. to send 3. not to wear 4. putting 5. act 6. rehearsing 7. moving 8. to accept, to dismiss 9. rummaging/having rummaged 10. not going/not having gone 11. to look after 12. losing 13. not to travel 14. to try 15. meeting 16. to take 17. to meet 18. binging 19. trying 20. picking up 21. being 22. to inform 23. speaking 24. trafficking/having trafficked 25. to come 26. (to) taking panV(to) having taken 27. eating 28. buying 29. to ask/ask 30. inviting 31. to offend 32. drinking 33. (to) fill 34. to add 35. renovating 36. to see 37. to smuggle 38. coming 39. to go 40. meeting 41. to deliver 42. repairing 43. to outline 44. revising/to be revised 45. to have endured 46. moving 47. going 48. meeting 49. putting 50. applying


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Phrasal Verbs


1. She is always running down her neighbours behind their backs. 2. He promised that he would come to help me, but he let me down and didn't turn


3. He pretended that he was not a Scotsman, but his accent gave him away.

4.1 wanted to get the job, but they turned down my application ...

5. They tried to deceive me, but I saw through their true intentions ...

6. Tom fell out with his boss and a couple of days later he was given the sack.

7. I can't put up with the noise of my neighbour's lawn mower.

8. ... but when we got to know him better, we took to him.

9. Patti takes after her mother in so many respects.

10. Before you go to your boss to ask for a pay rise, jot down the points ...

11. You should talk your brother-in-law into buying this car...

12. However, her performance didn't come up to my expectations.

13. The American Civil War between the North and the South broke out in 1861

14. ... so that I can make up for it.

15. The deal fell through because the company didn't agree to the terms of payment

16. ... but at the last minute some problems crop up

17. The Turners took out a mortgage from a building society to buy this house ...

18. ... that I've given up hope of making him out.

19. The very sight of the restaurant with its shabby interior put me off.

20. When I was shopping in the new mall I ran into Andrew.

21. ... the municipal authorities resolved to pull down the abandoned tenement

buildings ...

22. When the flood subsided, we could see clearly that half of the town was wiped


23. ... and they are putting on a play in our city next week.

24. are often looked down on in both their professional and their private lives.

25. Being the sole heir, Daniel came into his grandmother's vast estate ...

26. Thousands of people employed in the steel industry in Poland have been laid off


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27. If I hadn't been held up by the traffic in the city centre ...

28. I'm afraid the advertising agency really ripped you off for the commercial.

29. Have you seen him taking off the Prime Minister?

30. The legal advisors of the two companies met to draw up the initial version ...


1.b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. d 9. d 10. c 11. a 12. b 13. a 14. c

15. d 16. a 17. b 18. d 19. a 20. d Prepositions

1. in 2. in 3. for 4. with / at, about / over, to / towards 5. of 6. about 7. of

8. on/in 9. for, of 10. for 11. in, of 12. by 13. under 14. For, under 15.of,

from 16. into, on, of 17. in 18. with 19. with 20. to 21. from 22. for 23. for, in

24. on 25. for/in, with 26. at 27. in 28. into 29. to 30. to 31. over, within

32. in, with/to 33. on 34. at, of 35. in, to 36. in 37. by, of 38. in 39. with

40. on 41. in 42. in, of 43. of 44. with 45. for 46. for 47. out of 48. against,

for, of 49. at

50. by

Similar but different: confused words

I . a. sensitive b. sensible c. sensitive 2. a. treated b. treated, cured c. cure

3. a. disinterested b. uninterested c. uninterested 4. a. imminent b. eminent

5. a. complements/complemented b. compliment c. complement 6. a. stationery

b. stationary c. stationary 7. a. raises b. raise c. has risen d. rose e. raising

8. a. discreet b. discrete c. discrete d. discreet 9. a. told b. told c. say d. tell

e. telling 10. a. do b. makes c. make d. do e. has done/did f. make g. make

I I . a. hung b. hanged c. hung d. hanged 12. a. misuse b. misused

c. disused d. disused e. misused 13. a. historical b. historic c. historic

d. historical 14. a. councillor b. counsellor 15. a. envious/jealous b. jealous

c. envious/jealous 16. a. negligent b. negligent c. negligible d. negligible


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17. a. assure b. insure c. insured d. ensure e. reassure f. ensured

g. assured 18. a. consists, comprises/includes b. compose c. comprise

d. composed 19. a. sight b. cite c. site d. site 20. a. economical b. economic

c. economical d. economic 21. a. farther/further b. further c. farther/further

22. a. lost b. lose c. lost, loose 23. a. effective b. effective c. efficient

d. efficient 24. a. prudish b. prudent c. prudent 25. a. classic b. classic

c. classical 26. a. beside b. besides c. Besides d. besides 27. a. eligible

b. illegible c. eligible 28. a. invaluable b. worthless c. worthless 29. a. non­

flammable b. inflammable 30. a. blinked b. winked c. blinking 31. a. policies

b. politics c. politics d. policy 32. a. amenities b. facilities c. facilities

33. a. morale b. morals c. morale 34. a. industrious b. Industrial c. industrial

35. a. stimulus b. stimulant c. stimulus 36. a. glance b. glimpse c. glance

37. a. laid b. lay c. lain d. laid e. lay 38. a. effect b. affects 39. a. illegible

b. unreadable 40. a. access b. excess c. access 41. a. prosecuted

b. persecuted c. prosecute d. persecuted 42. a. vain b. vain c. veins

43. a. human b. humane c. humane d. human 44. a. preceded b. precede

c. proceeded d. proceed 45. a. Gorillas b. guerrilla 46. .a. heroine b. heroin

c. heroine 47. a. prayed b. prey c. prey 48. a. urban b. urbane

49. a. prospective b. perspective 50. a. canvas b. canvass c. canvas

Word formation

I . resistance 2. confidential 3. inexperienced 4. impatient 5. unsatisfactory

6. suspicious 7. martyrdom 8. approval 9. significance 10. troublesome

I I . consciousness 12. membership 13. illegal 14. irresponsible

15. disrespectful 16. variety 17. negligence 18. subscription 19. Increasingly

20. remarkable 21. contemptible 22. unavailable 23. unavoidable

24. partnership 25. non-profit 26. unreliable 27. foreseeable 28.. irritable

29. intentions 30. explanatory 31. inexplicable/unexplained 32. explosive

33. occurrences 34. infallible 35. remembrance 36. underestimate

37. overrated 38. sympathetically 39. grievances 40. assumption 41. shortage

42. affluence 43. modesty 44. avoidance 45. endless 46. additionally


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47. inflexible 48. disabilities 49. pitiful 50. retention 51. inaccessible

52. beneficial 53. evasion 54. evasive 55. turnover 56. outbreak

57. disobedience 58. enforce 59. imprisonment 60. confirmation

61. graceful 62. defenceless 63. preoccupied 64. admission 65. unjust

66. injustice 67. notify 68. memorise 69. acquaintance 70. withdraw

71. uncorrupted .72 forgery 73. inadvisable 74. comparatively

75. encouragement 76. insensitive 77. reality 78. effortlessly 79. disastrous

80. coincidentally 81. spacious 82. accusations 83. thoughtful 84. indecisive

85. inconsistent 86. hypocrisy 87. immoral 88. slippery 89. performance

90. unattractive 91. doubtful 92. indifferent 93. shameful 94. daily

95. insecurity 96. reluctance 97. majority 98. abolition 99. disagreeable

100. submissive

Collocations and Idioms

1.c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. c 11. c 12. b 13. a 14. c

15. d 16. d 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. a 21. c 22. d 23. c 24. b 25. a 26. d

27. b 28. d 29. c 30. d 31. a 32. a 33. b 34. a 35. b 36. d 37. a 38. b

39. c 40. c 41. d 42. b 43. c 44. c 45. a 46. b 47. c 48. a 49 b 50. c


Noun + noun

1.1 j windscreen, 2 k eyewitness, 3 i willpower, 4 n chain-smoker, 5 I hay

fever, 6 o man-hour, 7 a unemployment benefit, 8 c self-esteem, 9 b spotlight,

10 g bookends, 11m mouthpiece, 12 f firearms, 13 d flow chart, 14 h windfall,

15 e eyesore

II. 1. eyesore 2. self-esteem 3. firearms 4. spotlight 5. windfall 6. man-hours

7. eyewitness 8. willpower 9. unemployment benefit 10. hay fever 11. chain-

smoker 12. windscreen 13. flowchart 14. mouthpiece 15. bookends


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Adjective + noun

1.1 k hard shoulder, 2 j parting shot, 3 a nervous breakdown, 4 i wet blanket,

5 n stuffed shirt, 6 h hard labour, 7 b formative years, 8 I thorough grounding,

9 c general public, 10 m prime suspect, 11 g graphic detail, 12 d burning

question, 13 f necessary evil, 14 o rough diamond, 15 e quicksand

II. 1. nervous breakdown 2. hard shoulder 3. general public 4. prime suspect

5.wet blanket 6. graphic detail 7. necessary evil 8. formative years 9. quicksand

10. thorough grounding 11. burning question 12. stuffed shirts 13. hard labour 14. rough diamond 15. parting shot

Adjective + adjective

I. 1 g big-headed, 2 I wide awake, 3 i ill-tempered, 4 h bittersweet, 5 b

nuclear-powered, 6 m hard-hearted, 7 a blue-eyed, 8 d bad-mannered, 9 k fast

asleep, 10 c warm-hearted, 11 n flat broke, 12 o ill-equipped, 13 f long-lasting,

14 e far-reaching, 15 j quick-witted

11. 1. bittersweet 2. big-headed 3. far-reaching 4. bad-mannered 5. quick-witted

6. hard-hearted 7. ill-tempered 8. warm-hearted 9. long-lasting 10. nuclear-powered I I . fast asleep 12. blue-eyed 13. flat broke 14. ill-equipped 15. wide awake

Punctuation Practice

1. Betty entered the room, looked at us with surprise, shouted loudly(,) and


2. Antonio Bradi, 25, has been in coma for several weeks now.

3. correct

4. Certain products, e.g. eggs, rolls, oranges are often bought in dozens.

5. correct

6. It is true that the price is extremely low. However, we are more concerned with

the quality of the product.


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7. It's a family of eight children, all of whom are studying music. 8. correct 9. correct

10. Iggy, our best athlete, is so quick(,) no one can match him. 11. Stanley lives in Pittsburgh, New Jersey.

12. Susie, our youngest daughter, has just turned 5.

13. His life was in danger, he told me. 14. correct

15. The directors haven't decided whether they will recommend a dividend(,) or

hold over the profits.

16. correct

17. Fortunately, the crowd dispersed peaceably. If they hadn't, the police might

have had to use force.

18. correct

19. My mother bought me for Christmas a beautiful, soft woollen cardigan.

20. White wine is to be enjoyed slightly cooled; red wine, in ambient temperature.

21. This is Henry, whose wife teaches our children.

22. correct

23. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the house had already burnt down.

24. It is the invoice that I'm looking for, not the bill.

25. She spent all evening talking about her latest book, which none of us had ever

heard of.

26. Frankly, this is the most appalling concert I've ever been to.

27. This subject has become really popular. We are, therefore, quite certain that it

will attract many students to our university.

28. Mexico City, which has a population of over 10 million, is probably the fastest

growing city in the world.

29. Pink is often reserved for girls; blue colour, for boys.

30. Lenny, when the meeting is over, come to my office, please.

31. The small man in the raincoat, whom nobody recognized, turned out to be

Olivia's first husband.


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32. "I suppose so," grunted Jack.

33. Just before the wedding she changed her mind and decided not to marry Alan,

which shocked all the guests.

34. correct

35. The Vikings, known for their seafaring skills, were the first to reach America,

well before Christopher Columbus.

36. "Your information," he replied, "is out of date."

37. correct

38. correct

39. After Vicky agreed to go out with him, Martin became so self-confident.

40. Two coffees, a cheese cake and an apple pie, please.

41. The island boasts a fantastic landscape. Furthermore, it has excellent tourist


42. We've tested twenty types of overalls, none of which is completely waterproof.

43. These souvenirs are handcrafted, not mass-produced in a factory.

44. The loan shark lent Greg a thousand bucks, which was exactly the amount he

needed to solve his problems.

45. Perhaps, if you have some time left, we could try the new cafe on the corner?

46. Nevertheless, the idea seems promising enough to draw the Dean's attention.

47. Seicento is definitely a decent car to get around the city. On the other hand, it

is unsafe and uncomfortable.

48. The more you practise playing the violin, the better you are at it.

49. Mr Fairclough, who used to take care of our garden, retired several months


50. Angela's date started to tell stupid jokes, at which point she decided to leave.


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CAE English in Use Exam Practice

Parti Practice

Text messaging

1.b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. b 11. d 12. c 13. a 14. a

15. b

Bloodthirsty bears

1.a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. b 11. d 12. b 13. d 14. a

15. d

Dyslexic minds

1.c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. d 10. b 11. d 12. d 13. d 14. c

15. c

The future in biotechnology

1.d 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. b 11. d 12. a 13. c 14. c

15. b

Stop the anti-aging process

1.d 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. b 11. c 12. c 13. a 14. b

15. b

Part 2 Practice

Eldest child

1. along 2. being 3. of 4. on 5. to 6. another 7. because 8. enough

9. This 10. and 11. hence/therefore/thus 12. an 13. which 14. their

15. as/when 16. more 17. among 18. any


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The seal's body

1. better/more 2. them 3. with 4. while/whereas 5. between 6. This

7. will/can 8. of 9. even 10. from 11. a 12. like 13. than 14. other/more

15. when/as 16. themselves 17. to

Problems of longevity

I. but/however/nevertheless/nonetheless 2. up 3. were 4. or 5. very

6. would/could/might 7. kind/sort 8. to 10. what 11. nothing

12. often/sometimes 13. far 14. not 15. anything 16. much 17. if 18. only/just

South Africa plagued by HIV virus

l . the 2. It/This 3. with 4. has 5. the 6. is 7. to 8. one 9. that/which 10. for

II. which 12. have 13. this/such 14. with 15. will 16. what

Dangerous tanning pills

l . them 2. while 3. being 4. as 5. be 6. will 7. its 8. between 9. the 10. is 12. any/the 13. out 14. there 15. such 16. to

Part 3 Practice

Coral Reefs

1.a 2. the 3. being 4. correct 5. in 6. are 7. correct 8. back 9. of 10. for

11. much 13. correct

The New Robonaut

I. correct 2. is 3. in 4. his 5. of 6. have 7. that 8. correct 9. by 10. and

II. correct 12. off 13. one


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Fizzy Drinks and Children

1. correct 2. for 3. not 4. correct 5. with 6. correct 7. be 8. correct

9. correct 10. those 11. only 12. down 13. however 14. correct 15. the

16. which 17. together 18. out

Scotland's islands

I . principal 2. off 3. rooted 4. correct 5. Outer Hebrides, is the third

6. magical stepping 7. inhabited 8. scheduled 9. passenger 10. airstrips

I I . correct 12. correct 13.'Island-hopping' 14. glorious 15. loyalty

16. Those who love Skye will 17. passionately 18. despise 19. tourist industries

20. islands 21. repose - not to mention/repose, not to mention

Death penalty

1. troubling 2. But nowhere, perhaps, does it pose 3. America's

4. economic, military 5. appalled 6. correct 7. U.S.," says Bianca Jagger

8. U.S.A. "They cannot 9. correct 10. essayist 11. deluxe 12. barbarity."

13. allies 14. correct 15. Union 16. throughout 17. correct 18. Council of


Part 4 Practice

Ice Age

I . entitled 2. glaciations 3. considerable 4. approximately 5. thickness 6. staggering 7. frequency 8. evaporates 9. significant 10. disruption

I I . substantial 12. consequently 13. negligible 14. man-made 15. onset

16. equatorial 17. hemisphere 18. climatologists


Page 111: Sylwia Wojciechowska-Bartkiewicz - · CAE Grammar Practice 7 Definite, indefinite and zero articles 9 Modal verbs 13 Gerund or Infinitive 17 Phrasal verbs 21 Prepositions


1. agreeable 2. solitary 3. detachment 4. eviction 5. ruler 6. bewilderment

7. creatures 8. explanation 9. crafty 10. ownership 11. fearsome / fearful

12. recognition 13. thoroughly 14. undoubtedly 15. numerous / innumerable

16. references 17. undeniable 18. digital 19. loveable / lovable 20. stunning

21. realistically 22. facial

The Beatles - the greatest rock'n'roll band of all time

1. outstanding 2. succeeded 3. surely 4. devoted 5. noticeable 6. hysterical

7. pursuit 8. arrangements 9. royalty 10. admittedly 11. characteristic

12. commencement 13. universally 14. innovative / innovatory 15. revolutionary

16. greatness 17. acknowledged 18. followers 19. inspiration 20. immortal

Madame Tussaud's

I . globally 2. infamous 3. patronized 4. artistic 5. imprisoned

6. revolutionaries 7. courageously 8. breadth 9. disastrous 10. sculptors

I I . measurements 12. influential 13. depictions 14. likenesses 15. recreated

16. replaced 17. memorable


1. symbolises 2. circular 3. enclosing 4. burial 5. unanswered 6. attribution

7. assumption 8. erroneous 9. observatory 10. findings 11. astronomer

12. solar 13. accuracy 14. certainty 15. commitment 16. preservation

17. undertake 18. climatic


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