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  • 8/14/2019 Syngo Grappa Druck


    syngo GRAPPAPowered by Tim

  • 8/14/2019 Syngo Grappa Druck



    GRAPPA is a Siemens exclusive, k-space

    based parallel imaging technique. GRAPPA

    is important clinically because GRAPPA

    can be applied through the entire body,

    head-to-toe at smaller FoVs without

    artifacts. All Tim matrix coils, array coils

    and various combinations of coil elements

    are compatible with GRAPPA. Both 2D

    and 3D scans can utilize GRAPPA to speed

    acquisition and/or resolution.

    Clinical Role1. Higher Speed:

    a) GRAPPA with Tim matrix coils

    gives maximum freedom in

    selecting the slice orientation

    and acceleration factors.

    b) Speed can be utilized to improve

    temporal resolution in dynamic

    studies and cardiac exams.

    c) Reducing scan times and

    breath-hold periods particularly

    for uncooperative patients and

    children can eliminate certainmovement artifacts (Figure 1).

    2. Better resolution and anatomical


    a) The time saved with speed can be

    utilized for high resolution scans

    achieved in the same scan times

    (Figures 2A2C).

    b) Alternatively, the anatomical

    coverage (increase TR and # of

    slices) can be increased keeping

    the time the same.

    Figure 1: Primary sclerosing cholangitis. 2 min. 3D MRCP with iPAT factor 4.

    Institute of Clinical Radiology, University Hospitals, Grosshadern,

    Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.

    syngo GRAPPAPowered by Tim

  • 8/14/2019 Syngo Grappa Druck



    3. Reduction of artifacts:

    a) Using GRAPPA permits MR

    parameter changes like TE and

    bandwidth that help reduce

    susceptibility artifacts particularly

    for EPI based sequences. This is

    beneficial in the orbital, nasal sinus

    and posterior fossa regions in the


    Figure 3A: Without GRAPPA more distortions. Figure 3B: With GRAPPA less distortions.

    Figure 4:

    GRAPPA 2, 3D Fat Sat

    VIBE, 120 slices in

    16 sec breath-hold,

    2 mm partitions.

    Courtesy of NYU,

    MAGNETOM Avanto.

    Figure 2A: 3D WE TrueFISP, GRAPPA 2. Figure 2B: Fat Sat , GRAPPA 2, 2:12, 3.5, 8 cm. Figure 2C: GRAPPA 2, 2:00, 2 mm, 9 cm.

  • 8/14/2019 Syngo Grappa Druck


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