Page 1: · t·, eo quod in excercitu natus nomen calceamenti militaris, quod est caliga,6 sortitus est. Hie Tiberio successit,


b 1. s 1 rex Britonum obiit, relictis duo bus Kym e mu

filii<>, Guyderio 2 et Arvi.rago, sed Guyderius 3 regnw:n

· dum t 1-1"butum dene~rat, Romanos contra se suscip1ens, ~



a · · c"·at""·e Romwno et de P071tio Pil<tlu.] [De a to t nvp 1 v 1

GAlUS 6 nepos Tiberii ex fratre Germanico, dictus ~t 01111.

Caligula, eo quod in excercitu natus nomen calceamenti

militaris, quod est caliga,6 sortitus est. Hie Tiberio

· t ovem 7 mensibus successit, quasi quatuor anrus e n

Hie omnium sceleratissimus, 'l'iberii dede· regnaturus.

deum cceli et tcme se vocari prrocepit. cora purgavit ;

. 1 J limis collocari Unde et statuam suam m tempo eroso

I Kimbclinus, A ~ Guidcrico, B. 3 Guidcricus, B. ~ The whole slightly vnricd as

usual in C.D. The last sentence

h precl'lliDJ is tmnsposed to t e

chapter. C •• MS. 6 Gaius, from .A.B. i "!I' ' G Caligula, MSS. 'i quatuor, B.


come .first, and hadde the empere.1 Kynbelynus 2 kyng of TnEvJsA. Britouns deydc, and. lefte after hynt tweye soncs, Guyderius and Arvern~us; s but Guyderius ffeng 1 ]1e kyngdom, and wcrnede 6 tribute, and so he made jJC Romayns arise o.Jenst 6 hynt.

Capitulum septimum.

GAYUS, Tibcl"ius his nevew of his [ Gaius.] 7 broper ger­mayn, was i-clepecl Caligula,8 for he was i-bore in Jle oost.O lie hndde pe name of a kny3 t his leg harneys, 1o ]1at hattc culiguln.11 Pis was emperour after Tyberius, and regnedo as it wore fonrc Jere and nyne monpes,l2 and wl\8 [a] 7 swipe wicked18 mnn,14 and clellSede aile pe sehamc of Tybcrius. lie 16 made men elope 16 hym god of hevene and of 01·pe ; ]101-foro he made his ymnge i-eetto in pe temple of Ierusnlem; he lay by

!burbc. eommenge in the morowo was made emperour and. successor :MS.llinL. to ltym. Kymbelinus kynge of Britones diede this tyme, 2261. lcvenge after bym too sonnes, Guiderius and Arviragus. But A tmu~mi· Guiderius succodengo in that realme did prouoeatc gi·ctcly the grnclonc. hate of the Romanes agoyne him, in that he denyede to pay a tribute to theyme.

Capitulum septimwn.

GAYUS tho son of Germannit::us, cnllede Caligula, reioycede Gnyns. that name in that he was borne in the myddes of an hoste, reignenge iiij . yore and ix. monethes. This Guius was replete with wiekydnesse, eommaundede hym to be cnllede the Jorde of hcuyn and of exthe. Wherefore he cnusede an yntnge, made f. 205. a. to his similitude, to be sette in pe temple of Ierusalem ;

1 cmpyre, Cx. • Kymbclinus, {J. und Cx. 3 Arvirag1t11, Cx. 1 had, Cx. " warned, Cx. 6 a}e.tcs, oy. 7 From a. 8 Galygula, Cx. g hooste, Cx.

10 Legge ltan1cysed, Cx. u hat caligla, {J. ; heete Galggula,

Cx. 1: •Mnethes, Cx. " wgklu:d, "Y· II an ydle disposed ma11, C.x. 15 Hcllllld, Cx. 16 cal!e, Cx.

I \

Page 2: · t·, eo quod in excercitu natus nomen calceamenti militaris, quod est caliga,6 sortitus est. Hie Tiberio successit,


2 duabus eororibus suis intnlit. fecit.t " Stuprum quoque '

• 3 t filiam corrupit. Sorores " Ex una ettam na am

. .•• exilio condemnavit:• Hie prima " t::tndem s1c

Su.l anno Herodero Agrippam nuper per

" imperii . t l\beravit et regem Judcru

" Tiberiuro mcarcera um ' ~ Herodem Antipam

'' fecit." Secunda rcgni sui anno

incestuosum, una c um Herodiade a.dultera, accusante

d ' t exilio. . a perpetuo con eronaV1 Puellam

Agnppa, . b · t 7 Sed et 8 tertio

Saltaverat terra abs01' Ul . voro quro

' · Jud..,ro prrosidem, imperii anno Gains o Piu<ttum '""

in multis accusaturo, apud Vienniaro lO Galliro exilio

· sm quia inde m opprobrium genens '

t u De aCCUS(ttione Pilati.l2 .Accusa-



verant 13

era. od

J d . quod " innocentes occidisset, qu

eum u rel in teroplo

t'b sl<<ttuas rrentilium J udreis rec1aman 1 us b

b oblata aquae-. pecunia sacrre cor anre

Posuisset, quod ex . tt fccisset; quod ettam

ductum usque in domum suam ul' t nee . domum suam transt u;se '

stolam sacordotalem tn

1 From A.B.c.n. ~ Stupro, A.B. 3 E:r quctrum u>W, .A.B. . • ct sc sic corrt'l'tas rclcyovtl'

A.B. 6 sui) om. A. o eos added in B. !d 7 In' Lege nda Sa>•ctorwn, addc

in C.D.

s et) om. B. . Co !fA'• )IS. 9 Gaius, fromA.B· • 10 Viemtarn (sic), B. 11 erant, B. ~~ A.B. omit title. 13 cnim, added in B.

11 el, B.


his ownc sustres, and gat a dou)tel' on pat oon, and lay by pat TnEvlsA. oj1er 1 nfterwnrd, and at j1e lnste be excited 2 his sustres pat he haddo i-ln.y by. pis is a pe firste 3ere of his empere de-lyverede llerodes Agrippa [out of prisoun, and made hym kyn~ of po Iewerye. Tiberius hadde i-prisoned llerodes Ag1'1ppa].4 pe seeounde 3ere of his kyngdom he exciled Ilerodes Antipa, nnd Herodias ]1at badde i-lyved in spouse-brecho 6 wip llerodes Antipa, and Herodes Agrippa aeeusedo hem ; j1e eorpe swelowede 6 pe wcncho Jlat tomblede.7 But Gn.yus pe jlridde )ere of his empe1·e 8 exiled Pylatus iustico of pe Iewerie,9 n.ud sente hym in to Vion, pat is in Jle reume 1o of ·France, in despite of his kyng, for he was i-bore pere.u Po lewes aceusede Pilatus pat he slou) 12 men gilteles,13 pat he hadde i-setto ymages of men of straunge naciouns in jle temple n.Jenst pe wille of lowes; also jlnt he haddo i-tako money 14 of [tho] 15 holy h·esorie, and i-made a water condite 16

in to his owne hous; also Jmt he hadde i-take pe stole 17 of preostohood 18 in to his owne hous, and wolde not delyvere hit

---------~-abuscnge his sustres, puttenge theym ia to exile after that MS.IIAR1-. abusion. This Gaius mnde llerodes Agrippa kynge of Iewery, 2261.

putte in prison af01·e by Tiberi us, in the firste yere of his A t~i­n•igne. Also he condempncde, in the secunde yei·e orr· his grucione. r<>ignc, Herodes Antipa for ineeste with Herodias his wife, to perpetualle exile, by the accusation of Ilerodes Agrippa; and the earth openenge deuourede the dojhter of the seide Ile•·odias. Then Gaius putte Pilate to exile in to Vienna of Frauuce, aeeusede afore hym in mony thynges, in opprobry of hys kylll'ede, for he was bome in those partes. For the lewes nccusede bym that he did sle innoccntes, and that he putte ymag<>s of the Gentiles in the temple ageyne theire wille, ancl that he made condites of water to come in to his place of the silnyr of theire holy cofre. And also that be toke the prestes stole homo to his place, nnd wolde not suffre tbeyme to haue

~ dou;ter, a., {3., ."~·• nnd Cx. ; e;eyled, Cx., et in.frn.

ts) om. {3., -y., nod Cx. 4 From a., {3., -y., and Cx. G brucli, {3. ; brucite, 'Y· ' swolewede, 'Y· ; swolowyd, Cx. ~ lombtUie, a. and 'Y·; tombled, Cx.

empyre, Cx. 9J Cx IO cwry, .

reme, 'Y· ; royalme, Cx.

11 In the margin is written, "Pi-" lat ys a Frenchman."

1, slowe, Cx. 13 g11ltles, 'Y· 11 many, Cx. 15 From {3. and Cx. IG couduyt, 'Y· 17 stoole, {3. 19 prystl10de, Cx.

Page 3: · t·, eo quod in excercitu natus nomen calceamenti militaris, quod est caliga,6 sortitus est. Hie Tiberio successit,

366 ,... • MULPH1 HIGDEN


d to diebus fcstiv summo sacerdoti nisi pretio a

in carcerem die quadam tradcre volnisset. l!tissus ergo

d Pomum accommodato propria.

cultro 1 ad pm·gan. um


manu se intercmit. Qui cum 2 moli ingenti alliga.tus

maligni maligno ap-in Tiberim pl·ojiceretur, spiritus

tonitrua circa locum pla.udan.tes inundationes, pestes,

· Idcirco Romani ,lpsum commovebant.

. ~t_. apud Rbodano s ftuvio merser

Vienniam,5 qure 8

censebatur, et Vigena,7 quasi tunc locus maledictionis

Sed et ibi pestilentia ut prius via J ebenmc, dicebatm·.

s Losanire sepelierunt ; sed et excitat..'l., cives loci ipsum

· quodatn . d ver prrefatum 1n ibi indigenre turbatl ca a

. t ubi u~que 'b circumsepto iromlsei'Ull ' puteo montl us

In historia scbolaB­bodie sonitus terribiles audiuntur.

I cultc/lo, n. ~cum) om. n. 3 Bodmw, A. • immerseru11l, A.D.

• Viemwm, n. 6 qui, n. 1 Viena, n. I ppm (siC), n.


but for hire 1 to pe prince of prcostcs 2 in pe holy dayes. TnEVJSA.

).>anne he was puttc in prisoun, and borwede 3 a knyf for to pare an nppel, and slou) hym self perwip [and] l wip his owne hood. And he 6 was i-bounde to a greet stoon, and i-jn·owe 6 into Tyber. ).>anne wicked 7 spirites made ioyo wip hym pat wikked 8 was also, and made pestilence and greet risynge of wate1· and greet pondrynge aboute pat place. per-fm·e pe Romayns drou_; o hym up 1o of Ty her, and prewe hym in to Rono A vi en; 11 11at place was po i-graunted the place 12 of corsynge, and also it batte 13 Vi gonia, as hit were via, pat is a weye, and of I ehenne, pat is pe vnley of children of decp-ncsse.H But perc fil 15 [a] 16 pestilence also, and ]1e men of )1e place buriede hym at Losane ; and perc also men of ]1e con-tray were afrayed,17 and dcde 18 pat body in to 19 a putte pat is byclipped al aboute wip billes.zo pere is Jit i-berde griscliche 21

here and noyse. In Historiu. Scolastica 22 hit is i-rad 23 pat

hit in holy daies withowte that they scholde Jiffe a certeyne MS. ILutL. :;umme of money to hym. 'Whiche putte in to prison, hauengo 2261. a knyfc to pare an apple, did sle hym selfe per with, whiche was caste in to Tiber with a barete wcit.hte tyede and made A tm!Jsmi-7 grnCIOUO. l\1~te to hym. But wickede spirittcs ioyenge of that pray, movede tho water moche, causenge greto thundro and li~h-tengc. Wherefore the Romanes takenge hym owte of Tiber, ca~te hym in to the water callede Rodanus, at Vienna, callcdo then the place of cursenge, and Vigcnna, as a way to helle. But that place trowblede soOI·c, the citesynncs b01-yede hym at Lisania. Then men dwellenge in that place, trowblede with that cm·ion, caste that body in to a pytte compassedo with hilles in a circuitc, where terrible voices and sowndes bo herde. Also hit is reddo in the story scolasticnllc, that Pilate, accusede of

1 lwyre, {3., "f., and Cx. • precsles, Cx. : b?rewyd, Cx.

} rom a.,')'., and Cx. • he] om. Cx. "tltrowe11 Cx 7 , •

u•yl.ltetlc, -y. ; ylle, Cx .. : u·yltltcd, "I· ; ylle, Cx. 1,,drowe, Cx.

11 1tp] out, Cx.

1• at Vien, a., {3., .,.., and CY. · plase, Cx.

11 !tete, Cx. u chyldent of dec~pness, "I· ; ckp-

nesse, Cx. ~~ ful, "I· 16 From Cx. 17 effraycd, Cx. 18 dude, 'Y· 1o to] om. 'Y· and Cx. ~ llulles, 'Y· ~~ !tarde grysely, Cx. -~ ecclesiastica, Cx. :1 it is rcdde, C:x.

Page 4: · t·, eo quod in excercitu natus nomen calceamenti militaris, quod est caliga,6 sortitus est. Hie Tiberio successit,


ticn. legitur quod Pilatus a Judreis 1 apud Tiberium

t apud Luadunum Gallire deportatus sit. Run.2

accusa us, o

U'raque historia sine repugnantia salvari

Et potest ~

d Post accusation em J udroorum sit intelligendo quo .

d tatus et quod post revers10nem apud Lugdunum epor '

Vcronica 3 ipsum de Volusiani. de J erosolimis cum

: t ut (Traviorem recipcret con<lemna-exilio revocaveu , o

t. Quod autem Pilo.tus,. propria se G inter-wnem. '

fecit Eusebius et Bedn. contestantur.n

CAP. Vlll.

CUtu<lio irnpeJ·atOl'e Romano gestis.] [De rebus a

• • Gaii. 7 et Drusi, interfecto Jam cuunrus patruus

Herodis Agrippre assumptUI Gaio,o ope et industria

." Augusto, et regnavlt q

est ad imperium, mense . . uod Hie memorire mrre fuit, D1Sl q

quindecim annis.

Britanniam 11 subjugavit;

1 a Judais] om. B. ~ Ran.] om. E . 3 postquam Casar audisset s~­

vitia Pilati in Christum, ni\dcd m

c.n. • seipsum, added in B. 'se] om. B.

nnm cihi et potus ac

· btlY "aJiel1. G The chapter is shg

as usunl, in C.D. . Caii, )IS. 7 Gaii] from ,A.B. •

a jam] om. A. B . Cti!JO• )18. 9 Gaio] from A. · • 10 quasi] om. B. 11 BriUnmias, A.


)le lewes 1 nccusede Pilatus to Tiberius, and )lat Pilatus was TBEVIU..

i-bore to Lugduns in Frnunce [1),],2 and [that] 3 eij1er storie may be saved wip oute wjj, seienge,4 forto understonde ]mt he was i-bore to 5 l:.ugduns after tho nccusntioun of the lewes; and after put Volusianus was i-como a_>en from lerusnlem he clepcd 6 hym outo of 11e excilynge fotto fonge 7 harder dnmp-nacioun. Euscbius and Bedn witoessith s pat Pi latus slowj 9

hym self will his owne bond. Claudius.10

Capitulum octavum.

CLA.lJDJUS, )'e emo ll of Gayus and of Drusus,l2 whanne Gayus was i-slawe, was made empcrour by slei11e 13 and help of Ilerodes Agrippn, and bygan to regno in Lnmmcsse monpe,u and regnedo as it were fiftene _>ere. pis his dedcs beop 15

selde 16 in mynde, but pat he made the Britouns sogette; 17

Aburbe. the l ewes afore Tiberius, was sende to Lugduno in Fraunce. l'tiS.llinL. ])_,. And either story may be sah·ede with owtc repugnauncc, 2261. undorstondengo that Pilate was sende to Lugdune by the A. t;,;.;;1_ accusation of .t.ho lowes, nod that he was callede from exile gmclone. after the com men go of tho messynger Volusinn from lerusnlem, that ho myjhte bane a more grevous condcmpnncion. And that Pilate did slo hym selfe, Bede and Eusebius bere f. 205. b. wytteuesso.

Capitulum octavum.

CL.A.cmus, the uncle of Gaius and of Drusus, began to regne aftm· the dothe of Gaius, thro helpe of Ilerodes Agrippa, in the monethe of Auguste, whiche reignede xv. Y~re. This Claudius did noo thynge of commendacion in Ius tyme, but that he made tJ1o ylo of Briteyne subiecte to

! l_,uwP&, Cx. ·From a.,')'., nud Cx. 3 From Cx. • wil>syggyng. "Y·; &ayengc, Cx. 6 lo) into, Cx. ~ callyd, Cx. ; ha~:e, Cx. Wll>leBS~I , /3.

1 slewe, Cx.


IO Claudius] om. Cx. 11 eame, Cx. 12 Drusis, "Y· 13 Rleyhte, C.x. 14 moneth, Cx. u The dedes of tllis be selde, Cx. 1' sylde, a. 17 suget, /3.; subget, Cx.


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