Download - Tablet 1





1 .. 2555 3,000 ISBN 978-616-202-614-0 .3 10300 0-2288-5707-8 0-2282-2861 Website : (Tablet) : , 2555. 200

(Tablet) (Tablet) 549 183 (Tablet) (Tablet) (Tablet) OTPC (One Tablet Per Child) 1 588,967 2555 (Tablet) 1 : 2 (Tablet) 3 (Tablet) 4 (Tablet) 5 (Tablet) (Tablet) ( ) 26 2555

9 (White Board) () Tablet ( - -) () Tablet

Google Youtube Ubiquitous Education ---- ( = = )

(Ubiquitous Education Era) 1 1 (.) (.) () (.) (.) () . 11 21 2555

(Tablet) 1 1. 2. (Tablet) 3. (Tablet) 4.

(Tablet) 5. (Tablet) (Tablet) (Tablet) 1 08.00-10.30 . . 10.31-12.00 . 1 : 13.00-14.30 . 1 : () 14.31-17.00 . 2 () 19.00-21.30 . ICT - Apps for Android - . - Content Server (Window / Linux) 2 08.00-10.30 . 2 () 10.31-12.00 . 2 ()

13.00-14.30 . 14.31-17.00 . 19.00-21.30 .

3 08.00-10.30 . 10.31-12.00 .

2 () 3 () ICT - Apps for Android - . - Content Server (Window / Linux) 3 ( ) 3 ( ICT) 4 (/ Apps) 4 (/ ) ICT - Apps for Android - . - Content Server (Window / Linux) 5 - - -

13.00-14.30 .

14.31-17.00 . 19.00-21.30 .

4 08.00-10.30 . 10.31-12.00 . 13.00-14.30 . 14.31-17.00 .

/ 1. - - - - Google (Gmail)

2. - (Windows7) - - / - Apps Mirror Sender - Apps Mobi Show - Apps AirDroid 3. - WiFi & HDMI V 1.4 - (WP920) - (Visualizer) - (Web Camera) - - Leased Line 20 Mbps ( 75%) - 150 USER

1. 23 2554 (Cyber Home) (Tablet for Education) OTPC (One Tablet Per Child) 1 588,967 (Tablet) 2555 1


2. 2.1 2.2 3. 2551 4. 4.1 4.2 5. 5 1 : : 2 : (Tablet) 3 : (Tablet) 4 : (Tablet) 5 : (Tablet) 6. - 2555 7. 8. 80 80

1 : 1.1 - 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 (Tablet) 2.1 2.2 (Android Setting) 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 (Tablet) 3.1 ICT 3.2 ICT 3.3 ICT 3.4 Applications 3.5 4 (Tablet) 4.1 4.2 /Apps 4.3 4.4

1 3 12 16 18 20 22 25 27 35 47 73 83 89 93 101 104 126 127 141 143 144 149 156


5 (Tablet) 5.1 5.2

177 179 181 187 188

1 : 3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)



One Tablet Per Child

/ 1) 1 - 2) (15 ) 3) PPT 4) (30 ) (10.30-12:00.) 1. / (45 ) - 2. -BuzzGroup (30 ) 2.1 2.2 3. (15 ) (13.00-14:30.) 4. -BuzzGroup(45 ) 4.1 4.2 5. (15 ) 6. / (30 )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



1.1 -

1. / 1.1 (Cognitive Domain) (Skills Domain) (Affective Domain) (Career Domain) (Life Skills Domain) Education () () () () Education Educare (Pull out) (Science) (Profession) (Science) 3 (Nomenclature) / (Mode of Inquiries) 8 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)



One Tablet Per Child2. (Systems Approach) CIPOF Model (Context-C) (Input-I) (Process-P) (Output-O) (Feedback-F) 2.1 (ContextorCircumstance) 2.2 (Input) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.3 (Process) (Process Efficiency) (Instructional design) 2.4 (Output) (Product Effectiveness) 5 () ( ) () ( ( )


2.5 (Feedback) 5 CIPOF Model 3. 10 () 3.1 (PerfectMan) 3.2 (Self-Sufficiency) 3.3 (ThaiUniqueness) (Transformative Education) (Centrality of Experience) (Critical Reflection) (Rational Discourse) (Deep learning) (Autonomous Thinking) (Construing) (Validating) / (Reformulating) 3.4 (BalancingSpiritualandMaterialism) 3.5 (BalancingTraditionalandModern WaysofLife)



One Tablet Per Child

3.6 (ThaiContent-BasedCurriculum) 3.7 (DevelopingLifeSkills) 3.8 (DevelopingHome-in-SchoolConcept) (Learning Organization) 3.9 (DevelopingKnowledgeBasesand KnowledgeManagement) (Life-long education) (Life-along education) 3.10(IntegratingFullCycleEvaluation) 4. 4.1 6 4.1.1 (Educational Philosophy) 4.1.2 (Mission) 25 (Slogan) (Motto)


4.1.3 3 5 10 ( ---) 4.1.4 (Commitments/Mandates) 4.1.5 4.1.6 (Targets) 4.2 (HILLS Model) (MAPS Model, EMASIS Model) (HEARTIBE Model) 4.2.1 HILLS Model (. ) 5 (1) H-Healthy Organization- (2) I-Intellectual Organization- (3) L-Learning Organization (4) L-Living Organization- (5) S-Smart Organization 4.2.2 MAPS Model (. ) (MAPS) 4 (1) M-Music (2) A-Arts (3) P-Play and Physical Activities (4) S-Spiritual Development 4.2.3 EMASIS Model ( . ) 6 (1) Emotional Quality- (2) Moral Quality- (3) Adversity Quality (4) Social Quality (5) Intelligence Quality (6) Spiritual Quality 10 4.2.4 HEARTIBE Model ( . ) 8 1) H-Humanistic 2) E-Epistemology



One Tablet Per Child3) A-Architectural Design 5 (1) (Home-in-School) (2) (Knowledge Center) (3) (Experience Center) (4) (Service Center) (5) (Supporting Facilities) 4) R-Realistic Assessment 5) T-Thai Ways / 6) I-Integrated Whole 3 7) B-Borderless 8) E-Experience-Based 4.3 (Curriculum) 4.3.1 (Content-Based Curriculum) (Nomenclature) (Body of Content) (Mode of Inquiries) 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


4.3.2 (Competency-Based Curriculum) 4.3.3 (Experience-Based Curriculum) 4.4 (Instructional System) 4.5 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4.6 (Educational Environment)



One Tablet Per Child 2 4.7 (Summative Evaluation) 1) (Prior Learning Evaluation) 2) (Evaluation of Process) 3) (Evaluation of Products) 4.8 4


4.8.1 4.8.2 / 4.8.3 (Self Assessment Report-SAR) (Annual Report) 4.8.4 (Self Assessment Report-SAR) (Annual Report) ()



One Tablet Per Child


1968 .. 1970-1980 (Super Computer) (Main Frame Computer) (Mini Computer) (Micro Computer) 1975 IBM IBM 5100 (Portable Computer) Labtop Computer Toshiba Notebook () Notebook Netbook 2001 Microsoft Tablet PC 2010 Tablet Personal Computer Tablet Computer Apple iPad 2010 Tablet Pad Tablet Pad (Mobile or Portable Computer) .


1. (Touch Screen) (Virtual Keypad) (Stylus) Tablet ( - -) 2. 2.1 Broadcast Ubiquitous (=Existing everywhere) Ubiquitology Pakawantology ( -----) () (U-Classroom) (U-School) (U-Organization) (U-Community) 2.2



One Tablet Per Child3. 6 1) (Learning Center) (Video) PDF 2) (Online Knowledge Center) Google, Youtube 3) Facebook, Skype, Line, WhatsApp 4) (Virtual Laboratory) 5) 6) 4. 3 (Administration) (Academic)(Services)

4.1 (Administration) 4.2 (Academic) 1.1


4.2.1 (Tablets as core media) (Tablet Experience Based Learning Approach-TEBLA) 4.2.2 (Tablets as Supplementary) (Tablet-Integrated Instructional System-TIIS) (Tablet Integrated Learning-TIL) 4.2.3 (Tablet-Blended Learning-TBL) (Tablet Experience-Based Approach-TEBA) 4.3 (Services)



1.3 (TBLA) (TEBA)



One Tablet Per Child

1.3 / / 1. (Ubiquitous Educational Area) 1) (Ubiquitous Learning Center) 2) ( ) 3) (Online Knowledge Center) 4) Wi Max 5) ETV, DLF, Teacher TV, Truevision, STOU-TV 6) 7) Skype, Tango, LINE 8) Google and Youtube Learning with Facebook-GULF Model; Social Media Experience-Based Approach-SMEBA) ; Virtual Experience-Based Approach-VEBA 9) ICT (Educational Area ICT Service Center) 10) 2. 1) 2) (Ubiquitous Learning Unit-ULU) 3) ( )


4) Online Knowledge Unit (OKU) (e-Book) 5) EAS, ETV, DLF, Teacher TV, Truevision, STOU-TV 6) Prachoom Model 7) Skype, Tango, LINE 8) Google and Youtube Learning with Facebook-GULF Model; Social Media Experience-Based Approach-SMEBA) ; Virtual Experience-Based Approach-VEBA 9) ICT (School Area ICT Service Center) 10) 3. 1) (1) WiFi (2) (3) 2) LCD 3) (1) (2) (3) (4) 4) Server (Access Point) (Narrow Cast)



One Tablet Per Child


1. 1) 2) 3) CIPOF Model 4) 5) 2. 1) 2) 3) 8 4) 3 1 5) 3. 1) 2)



4) 5) 6) 4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. 1) () 2) ( ) 3) () 4) ( ) 5) ( )



One Tablet Per Child

1.5 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2. 1) 2) 3) 4)


3. 1) 2) 3) LCD 4) 4. 1) 2) 3) 4)



One Tablet Per Child

1.6 1. (Morality) 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 1. (Creativity) 2. (Honesty) 3. (Mindfulness) 4. (Courageous)


5. (Contentment) 6. (Adversity) 7. (Gratefulness) 8. (Mercy) 9. (Alert) 10. (Searching) 2. (Ethics) ( , 2530) 1. 2. 3.



One Tablet Per Child4. 5. 6.


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