Page 1: Tagħrif fuq l-iStaāun tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Mistoqsijiet … · 2016-11-24 · Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-IŜvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent






Ver.2 (08/08/2014)

Tagħrif fuq l-iStaāun tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti). 1. Kemm ser jinħarāu Liëenzji Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014? Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-IŜvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima ser joħroā Ŝewā tipi ta’ Liëenzji Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 għal kull min hu eliāibbli: Liëenzja Speëjali għall-insib tal-Pluviera/Malvizz u Liëenzja Speëjali għall-insib tal-Għasafar tal-Għana. Dawn il-Liëenzji Speëjali m’humiex trasferibbli. Sabiex applikant ikun eliāibbli għall-Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa, irid japplika għal (jew ikollu diāa fil-pussess tiegħu) Liëenzja Āenerali għall-insib tal-għasafar (Carnet de Chasse għall-insib tal-għasafar) valida. Il-Carnet de Chasse 2014–2015 irid jiāi ittimbrat minn għaqda rikonoxxuta li tirrappreŜenta il-kaëëaturi/nassaba kif ukoll mid-WBRU jew mill-Pulizija.

2. Meta u fi x’ħin jista’ jiāi pprattikat l-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014? L-insib għall-Pluviera, Malvizz u s-seba’ speëi tal-Għasafar tal-Għana ser ikun permissibbli mit-Tnejn 20 ta’ Ottubru 2014 sal-Erbgħa 31 ta’ Diëembru 2014. F’dan il-perjodu, l-insib jista’ jsir minn sagħtejn qabel tlugħ ix-xemx sa sagħtejn wara nŜul ix-xemx kemm matul il-āimgħa kif ukoll Nhar ta’ Sibt u Ħadd, u fil-Festi Pubbliëi.

3. Xi speëi jistgħu jinqabdu? L-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 ser jiftaħ għal disa’ speëi, taħt Ŝewā derogi separati—deroga għall-Malvizz (Turdus philomelos) u l-Pluviera (Pluvialis apricaria) u deroga għas-seba’ speëi tal-għana: il-Āojjin (Carduelis cannabina), il-Gardell (Carduelis carduelis), il-Verdun (Carduelis chloris), l-Ekra (Carduelis spinus), TaŜ-śebbuā (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), l-iSponsun (Fringilla coelebs) u l-Apparell (Serinus serinus).

4. Kemm hi l-kwota nazzjonali tal-insib? Il-kwota nazzjonali hija ta’ massimu ta’:

Speëi Kwota Nazzjoniali

Malvizz 5,000 Pluviera 700 Āojjin 12,000 Sponsun 5,000 Verdun 4,500 Ekra 2,350 Apparell 2,350 Gardell 800 TaŜ-śebbuā 500

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5. Kemm nista’ naqbad għasafar? Biex jiāi rispettat il-limitu ta’ għasafar li jistgħu jinqabdu fil-Ħarifa 2014, se tingħata kwota massima ta’ sitt (6) Mlievez/Pluvieri għal kull liëenzja li tinħareā għall-Insib tal-Malvizz u l-Pluviera u ta’ għaxar (10) għasafar tal-għana għal kull liëenzja li tinħareā għall-Insib tal-għasafar tal-għana. L-istaāun tal-insib jingħalaq malli jintlaħaq il-limitu nazzjonali ta’ għasafar li jistgħu jiāu minsuba. Jekk jintlaħaq il-limitu ta’ speëi waħda ta’ għasafar biss, l-istaāun jingħalaq immedjatament b’rispett ta’ dik l-ispeëi biss u jibqa’ miftuħ sakemm tintlaħaq il-kwota nazzjonali għall-ispeëi l-oħra. L-istaāun jingħalaq awtomatikament sagħtejn wara nŜul ix-xemx fil-31 ta’ Diëembru 2014 anka jekk ma tintlaħaqx il-kwota nazzjonali.

6. Kif jista’ jsir l-Insib, u x’daqs ta’ mnasab / xbiek nista’ nuŜa? Kull persuna liëenzjata għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 għandha tuŜa biss xbieki tradizzjonali u selettivi li jikkonsistu f’Ŝewā xibkiet paralleli mifruxa ëatti ma’ l-art li jaqbdu l-għasafar billi jinqelbu fuq xulxin ma’ l-art, u li jiāu kkargati, meqluba u mrodda lura biss mill-bniedem mingħajr l-uŜu ta’ mezzi ta’ saħħa esterna, inkluŜi mezzi elettriëi, elettroniëi, jew mekkaniëi. L-uŜu ta’ molol jew lastiku huwa permess, dment li dawn jintramaw biss bl-idejn u mhux b’xi saħħa esterna. Id-daqs tal-malji tax-xbieki ma jridx ikun inqas minn 30 millimetru f’kaŜ li persuna tkun liëenzjata biss għall-insib tal-Malvizz u l-Pluviera u, f’dan il-kaŜ, id-daqs tal-mansab ma jridx ikun aktar minn sittin (60) metri kwadri [646 piedi kwadri] kull xibka. Min japplika għall-insib tal-għasafar tal-għana biss jista’ juŜa xbiek bid-daqs tal-malji mhux inqas minn 18-il millimetru iŜda ma jistax juŜa mansab b’daqs ta’ aktar minn tmienja-u-tletin (38) metri kwadri [409 piedi kwadri] kull xibka. Min japplika għaŜ-Ŝewā Liëenzji Speëjali (Pluvieri/Mlievez u Tal-Għana) jista’ juŜa xbieki bil-qisien għall-insib tal-Pluvieri/Mlievez jekk wieħed miŜ-Ŝewā stazzjonijiet rreāistrati f’isem in-nassab jintuŜa esklussivament għall-insib tal-Pluviera u/jew Malvizz u mhux għall-insib tal-għasafar tal-għana (ara d-dettalji rispettivi hawn taħt).

Tip ta’ Liëenzja Malji Daqs massimu kull xibka Leāislazzjoni

A. Pluviera/Malvizz biss 30mm 60m² L.S. 504.1131

B. Tal-Għana biss 18mm 38m² L.S. 504.1242

ê. Pluviera/Malvizz u Tal-Għana 18mm 38m² (jekk il-persuna liëenzjata ser tonsob kemm għal tal-għana u Pluvieri/Mlievez minn l-istess stazzjon tal-insib)

L.S. 504.113

L.S. 504.124

30mm 60m² (jekk il-persuna liëenzjata ser tonsob esklussivament għall-Pluvieri/Mlievez iŜda mhux għall-għasafar tal-għana ukoll minn l-istess stazzjon tal-insib)

7. Fejn ma nistax nonsob u lhiem huma Ŝ-śoni Protetti fejn l-insib ma jistax isir? L-insib m’huwiex permess f’dawn iŜ-śoni Protetti:

1. Fi kwalunkwe sit āewwa l-konfini ta’ Santwarji tal-Għasafar u Bajjiet Protetti, kif indikati fil-Leāislazzjoni Sussidjarja (L.S.) 504.713;

2. F’abitati naturali protetti āewwa siti Natura 2000; u

1 LS 504.113:

2 LS 504.124:

3 LS 504.71:

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3. F’abitati naturali protetti oħra, inkluŜ śoni ta’ Importanza Ekoloāika u Siti ta’ Importaza Xjentifika Skedati Livell 1 u 2.

Mhux ser jiāu aëëettati mnasab āodda li saru wara l-2012 anka jekk mhux f’śona Protetta. L-insib mhux permess āewwa l-konfini ta’ Santwarji tal-Għasafar jew Bajjiet Protetti. Jekk is-sit ikun āewwa l-konfini ta’ Ŝoni protetti oħra kif imsemmija f’punt 2 jew 3 hawn fuq, jiāi aëëettat biss jekk ikun ikkonfermat li l-mansab jidher fuq ir-ritratti mill-ajru datati 2012 jew tas-snin ta’ qabel, jew reāistrat mal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija sal-aħħar ta’ Diëembru 2012 kif ukoll, fiŜ-Ŝewā kaŜi, l-għalqa tkun āiet reāistrata mad-Dipartiment tal-Agrikultura jew l-Aāenzija tal-Pagamenti qabel l-aħħar ta’ Lulju 2014. Il-verifika tar-ritratti mill-ajru u t-timbri tal-pulizija tapplika ukoll għal kull sit ieħor barra Ŝ-Ŝoni protetti biex jiāi aëëertat li jiāu aëëettati biss dawk l-imnasab li saru sal-2012.

8. Kemm nista’ nirreāistra imnasab? Waqt il-proëess tat-tiādid tar-reāistru tal-imnasab trid tissottometti sa massimu ta’ Ŝewā mapep (site plans) differenti (Ŝewā kopji ta’ kull mappa) li juru b’mod preëiŜ fejn qedin l-imnasab li ser tuŜa waqt l-istaāun tal-insib fil-Ħarifa 2014. F’kull mappa (u kopji tagħha) trid timmarka b’linja ħamra kemm il-periferija tas-sit (site boundary) kif ukoll kull mansab immarkat individwalment. Tista’ timmarka sa massimu ta’ erba’ imnasab li jridu jkunu mqassma hekk:

(a) jew mappa waħda b’sit wieħed li fih ma jridx ikun hemm immarkati aktar minn erba’ imnasab: massimu ta’ Ŝewā imnasab minn dura u massimu ta’ tnejn oħra minn dura oħra (ara EŜempju ‘A’); jew

(b) mappa waħda b’Ŝewā siti separati fejn f’kull sit ma jridx ikun hemm immarkati aktar minn Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda (ara EŜempju ‘B’); jew

(c) Ŝewā mapep fejn f’kull mappa ma jridx ikun hemm immarkat aktar minn sit wieħed b’massimu ta’ Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda (ara Site Plan 1 u Site Plan 2 f’ EŜempju ‘ê’).

EŜempju ‘A’ EŜempju ‘B’

EŜempju ‘ê’

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9. X’hinu live-capturing station u jistgħu japplikaw aktar minn persuna waħda fuq l-istess mansab / imnasab?

“Live-capturing station” huwa “sett ta’ mnasab”, fraŜi kollettiva li tfisser “massimu ta’ Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda”. M’hemm l-ebda limitu ta’ kemm persuni jistgħu japplikaw fuq l-istess sett ta’ mnasab li jikkonforma mal-kriterji stabbiliti mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit, dment li jiāi osservat il-massimu ta’ erba’ imnasab (tnejn minn dura u tnejn minn dura oħra) għall-kull applikant u li dawn l-imnasab, flimkien mal-periferija tas-sit, ikunu immarkati b’linja ħamra kif spjegat u muri f’Sezzjoni 8 u approvati mid-WBRU. 10. Kif nista’ nikkonferma li l-imnasab li ser nagħmel uŜu minnhom humiex f’śona Protetta? Qabel ma l-applikanti japplikaw għall-Liëenzja Speëjali tal-Insib iridu jikkonfermaw jekk l-imnasab li ser juŜaw humiex f’śona Protetta, kif spjegat f’Sezzjoni 7. Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit għaddejja bil-proëess ta’ verifika flimkien mal-Paying Agency fil-Front Office Ta’ Qali u x-Xewkija, Għawdex u il-MEPA (St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana u r-Rabat, Għawdex). Jiāu milqugħa biss dawk il-mapep li l-kwalità tagħhom tikkonforma mal-kriterji mniŜŜla f’dan l-Anness.

11. L-imnasab li ser nagħmel uŜu minnhom iridu jkunu irreāistrati? Iva. Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit ser tivverifika li l-ebda mansab ma jkun f’śona Protetta u li ma jiāux aëëettati mnasab āodda li saru wara l-2012. Wara li jsiru dawn il-verifiki, l-uffiëjali tal-Wild Birds Regulation Unit jittimbraw l-mapep “Approved – WBRU” u jiffirmawhom. F’kaŜ li fuq mappa waħda ikun hemm xi mnasab li ma jilqgħux il-kriterji stabbiliti iŜda oħrajn ikunu aëëettabbli, l-uffiëjali tad-WBRU xorta jittimbraw il-mappa “Approved – WBRU” iŜda jingassaw dawk l-imnasab li m’humiex aëëettabbli. Għandhom jiāu ppreŜentati Ŝewā kopji ta’ kull mappa għall-approvazzjoni tad-WBRU. Jekk mansab ser jiāi rreāistrat fuq aktar minn persuna waħda tista’ tmur persuna waħda għan-nom tal-persuni kollha dment li tieħu magħha l-ID Cards tagħhom. Ser isiru verifiki addizzjonali wara li jagħlaq il-perjodu għall-liëenzji tal-insib u dawk il-mapep li jkun sarilhom xi tibdil jew li għandhom timbru tad-WBRU avolja ma jilqgħux il-kriterji kollha (eŜ. applikant jirreāistra aktar minn Ŝewā live-capturing stations), jew f’kaŜ li t-talba għar-reāistrazzjoni tal-art ma tintlaqgħax mid-Dipartiment tal-Agrikultura, iwassal għar-revoka tal-istess mapep u possibilment anka tal-Liëenzja/i Speëjali.

12. Fejn u meta nista’ napplika? L-uffiëëji kollha tal-MaltaPost jilqgħu l-applikazzjoni għall-Liëenzja Āenerali tal-Insib u għall-Liëenzji Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 mit-Tlieta 15 ta’ Lulju sas-Sibt 2 t’Awissu, waqt il-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ. Ma jiāux aëëettati aktar applikazzjonijiet wara dan il-perjodu. Mal-applikazzjoni, kull applikant irid jippreŜenta sa massimu ta’ Ŝewā mapep ittimbrati, iffirmati u datati mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (Ŝewā kopji ta’ kull mappa), il-karta tal-identità u, min diāa għandu Liëenzja Āenerali għall-Insib, il-ktieb tal-Carnet de Chasse – għall-insib tal-għasafar 2014–2015 tiegħu ittimbrat mill-Pulizija u minn għaqda rikonoxxuta li tirrappreŜenta lill-kaëëaturi u n-nassaba. F’kaŜ li l-Carnet de Chasse tas-sena l-oħra ma āiex imāedded, trid tippreŜenta tal-2013–2014. Formoli tal-applikazzjoni ser jiāu pprovduti mill-MaltaPost. Jekk ser tapplikalek persuna oħra f’ismek, apparti l-Carnet de Chasse – għall-insib tal-Għasafar u l-karta tal-identità tiegħek, jew il-liëenzja tas-sewqan tiegħek (jew kopja tal-karta tal-identità jew tal-liëenzja tas-sewqan tiegħek f’kaŜ li tkun indispost fil-perjodu li jiftħu l-applikazzjonijiet), dik il-persuna trid tippreŜenta ukoll il-karta tal-identità tagħha.

13. X’inhu l-ħlas marbut mal-Liëenzja Āenerali u mal-Liëenzji Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa? Il-ħlas marbut mal-applikazzjoni għal Liëenzja Āenerali tal-Insib (Carnet de Chasse) għal min qed japplika l-ewwel darba u anka għal dawk li iridu jāeddu l-liëenzja āenerali tal-insib li tkun skadiet (din tiskadi wara sentejn jekk ma tiāāedditx) huwa ta’ €20 + €30 għall-eŜami + €13.98 ħlas tal-pulizija (= €63.98). Il-ħlas marbut mal-applikazzjoni għall-Liëenzji Speëjali huwa ta’ €55-il waħda. Il-

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ħlas irid isir mal-applikazzjoni. L-applikanti huma mitluba iŜommu ir-riëevuta bħala konferma li l-ammont dovut tħallas.

14. X’għamla u kulur ser ikunu ië-ërieket provduti? Ië-ërieket approvati mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit jistgħu jitlibbsu darba biss ma’ sieq l-għasfur (single-use rings) u għandhom marka uffiëjali. Dawn għandhom jitpoāāew ma’ sieq l-għasfur minn nassab stess skont kif indikat fil-Liëenzja Speëjali tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa. Ië-ërieket bojod għandhom jintuŜaw fuq l-iSponsun, il-Āojjin, il-Gardell, l-Apparell u l-Ekra, filwaqt li dawk ħodor fuq il-Verdun, l-oranājo fuq TaŜ-śebbuā, il-ħomor fuq il-Pluviera u s-sofor fuq il-Malvizz.

15. Kemm jiswew ië-ërieket? Ië-ërieket ser jitqassmu b’miŜata ta’ ħamsin ëenteŜmu tal-ewro (€0.50) kull ëurkett. Il-ħlas isir lill-MaltaPost skont l-ammont indikat fuq l-applikazjoni dakinhar li tiāi sottomessa l-istess applikazzjoni. M’humiex ser jingħataw aktar ërieket mill-ammont imniŜŜel fl-applikazzjoni u ma jistax jintalab ammont ta’ ërieket li jaqbeŜ il-massimu indikat fil-formola tal-applikazzjoni.

16. X’għandi nŜomm fuqi waqt l-insib? Waqt li tkun qed tonsob u anka meta tkun sejjer lejn il-post tal-insib u lura, obbligat bil-liāi li ŜŜomm fuqek dokument ta’ identifikazzjoni, il-Liëenzja Speëjali tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Malvizz/Pluviera u/jew Tal-Għana skont għal liem tkun applikajt), il-ktieb tal-Carnet de Chasse – għall-insib tal-Għasafar 2014–2015 u, imwaħħla miegħu, il-mappa/mapep ittimbrata/i u ffirmata/i mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit. Importanti li dawn il-mapep (sa massimu ta’ Ŝewā mapep differenti) jibqgħu imwaħħla mal-Carnet de Chasse mhux mal-Liëenzja/i Speëjali. śomm ukoll biex tikteb fuq il-Carnet de Chasse.

17. Kemm jista’ jkolli Mlievez u Pluvieri fuq il-post tal-insib? Persuni li għandhom fil-pussess tagħhom Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib tal-Malvizz/Pluviera jistgħu jpoāāu sa massimu ta’ għaxar (10) Mlievez u/jew Pluvieri āewwa, jew madwar, sett wieħed biss ta’ mnasab (massimu ta’ Ŝewā mnasab minn dura waħda) f’kull ħin biex jintuŜaw bħala għajat u taħrik (live-decoys), irrispettivament ta’ kemm hemm nassaba liëenzjati fuq l-istess sett ta’ mnasab. Nassab ma jistax ikollu fil-pussess tiegħu aktar minn 10 Pluvieri/Mlievez meta jkun fuq il-post tal-insib kif ukoll waqt li jkun sejjer jew āej mill-istess post tal-insib, ħlief jekk l-ammont li jaqbeŜ dan il-limitu ikun ikkonfermat li diāa āie iddikkjarat minn-nassab minn numru tal-mowbajl tiegħu u, qabel jitlaq minn fuq il-post, miktub fil-Carnet de Chasse. L-għajat u t-taħrik (Pluvieri/Mlievez) għandhom jitlibbsu ëurkett apposta maħruā mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit li jista’ jintlibes darba biss, kif spjegat f’Sezzjoni 14. Dawn ië-ërieket jaslu għand l-applikant flimkien mal-Liëenzja Speëjali permezz ta’ posta reāistrata.

18. Kemm jista’ jkolli Għasafar tal-Għana fuq il-post tal-insib? Persuni li għandhom fil-pussess tagħhom Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib tal-Għasafar tal-Għana jistgħu jpoāāu sa massimu ta’ wieħed u għoxrin (21) għasfur tal-għana u/jew bgħula āewwa, jew madwar, sett wieħed biss ta’ mnasab (massimu ta’ Ŝewā mnasab minn dura waħda) f’kull ħin biex jintuŜaw bħala għajat u taħrik (live-decoys), irrispettivament ta’ kemm hemm nassaba liëenzjati fuq l-istess sett ta’ mnasab. Pero’ il-massimu ta’ għajat u taħrik minn kull speëi/bgħula ma jridx jaqbeŜ sebgħa. Dan ifisser li jista’ jkollok sa massimu ta’ 3 għajat/taħrik mis-seba’ speëi/bgħula f’daqqa, jew sa massimu ta’ 7 għajat/taħrik minn tlett speëi/bgħula biss, jew kwalunkwe taħlita ta’ għasafar tal-għana/bgħula basta ma taqbisx il-limitu ta’ 21 b’kollox li fost dan il-limitu jista’ ikun hemm mhux aktar minn 7 ta’ l-istess speëi/bgħula (eŜ. 7 āojjini, 4 vrieden, 3 apparelli, 2 TaŜ-śebbuā, 3 sponsuni, gardell u ekra). Nassab ma jistax jaqbeŜ dawn il-limiti meta jkun fuq il-post tal-insib u

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lanqas waqt li jkun sejjer jew āej mill-istess post tal-insib, ħlief jekk l-ammont li jaëëedi dawn il-limiti ikun ikkonfermat li diāa āie iddikkjarat minn-nassab minn numru tal-mowbajl tiegħu u, qabel jitlaq minn fuq il-post, miktub fil-Carnet de Chasse.

L-għajat u t-taħrik irid ikollhom f’saqajhom ëurkett magħluq (seamless closed ring) jew ëurkett maħruā mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit li jista’ jintlibes darba biss. Dawn ta’ l-aħħar jaslu għand l-applikant flimkien mal-Liëenzja Speëjali permezz ta’ posta reāistrata. Huwa illegali li tuŜa għasafar tal-għana għal għajat u taħrik mingħajr wieħed minn dawn iŜ-Ŝewā tipi ta’ ërieket. Ta’ min wieħed ifakkar li l-ammont ta’ ërieket maħruā mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit għal tal-għana għal kull nassab jikkorrispondi mal-kwota individwali ta’ kemm nassab jista’ jaqbad għasafar tal-għana, kif spjegat f’Sezzjoni 5, dment li l-kwota nazzjonali għal xi speëi ma tkunx intlaħqet qabel jagħlaq l-istaāun.

19. X’hinu l-obbligu tiegħi bil-liāi meta naqbad għasfur li għalih jien liëenzjat? Kull nassab li jingħata Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 huwa obbligat bil-liāi sabiex, immedjatament kif jaqbad għasfur li għalih huwa liëenzjat, iëempel minn numru tal-mowbajl li jkun niŜŜel fl-applikazzjoni fuq in-numru indikat fil-Liëenzja Speëjali. Huwa importanti ħafna illi fl-applikazzjoni tniŜŜel in-numru tal-mowbajl (wieħed biss) li se jkun dejjem miegħek waqt l-insib; nuqqas ta’ dan jista’ itellef ië-ëans li tonsob. F’kaŜ li l-għasfur li taqbad jappartjeni għas-seba’ speëi tal-għana inti ukoll obbligat bil-liāi li eŜatt wara li tkun iddikjarajt xi qbadt tlibbess ëurkett, maħruā mill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit abbonat ma’ dik l-ispeëi, f’sieq l-għasfur (ara Sezzjoni 14). Kull persuna li jkollha Liëenzja għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 ser tkun ukoll mgħarrfa minnufih (permezz tas-servizz ta’ SMS fuq in-numru indikat minn dik il-persuna fl-applikazzjoni għal-Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014) bl-għeluq tal-istaāun kollhu jekk tintlaħaq il-kwota nazzjonali, u bl-għeluq ta’ parti mill-Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 f’kaŜ li tintlaħaq il-kwota ta’ xi speëi minnhom.

20. X’għandi nagħmel jekk naqbad għasfur b’ëurkett xjentifiku f’saqajh? Jekk inti taqbad għasfur b’ëurkett xjentifiku f’saqajh għandek tniŜŜel id-dettalji kollha ta’ fuq ië-ëurkett u timla il-formola mehmuŜa mal-liëenzja. L-għasfur għandu jitħarrab dak il-ħin stess minn fuq il-post li tkun qbadtu anka jekk jappartjeni għal xi wieħed mill-ispeëi li tkun liëenzjat li taqbad. Il-formola b’tali dettalji għandha tintbagħat lill-Wild Birds Regulation Unit fuq l-indirizz indikat fuq l-istess formola immedjatament wara li jingħalaq l-istaāun.

21. Kif ser ikun Ŝgurat l-infurzar tal-kundizzjonijiet tal-Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-

Ħarifa? Il-Gvern huwa kommess li jkompli jaħdem fuq is-superviŜjoni u l-infurzar tal-istaāun tal-insib biex jiāi aëëertat li jinŜammu l-limiti tal-insib. Ser jiŜdiedu l-Pulizija ngaāāati mal-Unit għall-Infurzar tal-Liāi Amministrattiva (ALE), u se jiāu ngaāāati ukoll marixxalli għall-perjodu tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa. Għal kull elf (1,000) nassab li jkun fil-pussess ta’ Liëenzja Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014, għandu jkun hemm fuq ix-xogħol għall-inqas seba’ (7) uffiëjali tal-Pulizija u/jew marixxalli matul is-siegħat kollha li fihom ikun miftuħ l-istaāun tal-insib fil-Ħarifa. Barra dawn is-siegħat, għandu jkun hemm għall-inqas Ŝewā (2) uffiëjali tal-Pulizija u/jew marixalli. Il-Pulizija, assistita mill-marixxalli kif jista’ jkun meħtieā, għandha tkompli twettaq verifiki fuq il-post għall-inqas āimgħatejn wara li jkun għalaq l-istaāun tal-insib fil-Ħarifa, sabiex jipprevjenu l-insib illegali. Wara li jkun għalaq l-istaāun tal-insib fil-Ħarifa, għal kull elf (1,000) Liëenzja għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa maħruāa dik is-sena għandu jkun hemm ngaāāati għall-inqas tliet (3) uffiëjali tal-Pulizija u/jew marixxalli.

Minbarra l-obbligu li jëemplu fuq in-numru indikat fil-Liëenzja Speëjali immedjatament malli jaqbdu għasfur li għalih huma liëenzjati li jonsbu (u li jlibbsu ëurkett f’sieq kull għasfur tal-għana li

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jinqabad), in-nassaba huma obbligati ukoll li jimlew il-Carnet de Chasse bid-dettalji rispettivi qabel ma jitilqu minn fuq il-post tal-insib. Sabiex jiāu evitati problemi ta’ infurzar, in-nassab għandu jniŜŜel id-data fil-Carnet de Chasse kull meta jasal fuq il-post tal-insib. Wara li n-nassab iŜarma, iŜda qabel ma jitlaq minn fuq il-post tal-insib, irid iniŜŜel x’qabad u jekk ma jkun qabad xejn irid iniŜŜel ‘0’ jew ‘X’. Dawn huma aspetti importanti ħafna relatati mad-Deroga u ser jiāu osservati u infurzati b’mod strett. Il-Pulizija, kif assistita mill-marixxali kif jista’ jkun meħtieā, ser tagħmel spot checks regolari biex jiāu sorveljati l-kundizzjonijiet kollha marbuta mal-istaāun tal-insib fil-Ħarifa. Mhux ser jiāi tollerat ebda ksur tar-regolamenti. Min jinqabad jikser ir-regoli u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-Liëenzji Speëjali għall-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 jitlef il-Liëenzja Speëjali tal-Insib, il-Liëenzja Āenerali tal-Insib u jingħata ukoll penali oħra skont il-liāi, skont is-severità tal-kaŜ.

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1. Il-mapep (u kopji tagħhom) iridu jinqraw sew u juru b’mod tajjeb il-basemap li normalment tinkludi trejqiet, ħbula, għelieqi u elementi oħra tal-pajsaāā (il-basemap hija estratt mis-survey sheets).

2. Mapep iffejdjati jew mapep mingħajr ma juru il-periferija tas-sit u l-imnasab immarkati individwalment ma jiāux aëëettati (ara punti 6 and 7 dwar il-periferiji tas-sit u tal-imnasab).

3. Il-mapep għandhom preferibilment ikunu estratt mill-aħħar survey sheets ta’ daqs A4 jew A3, fi skala ta’ 1:2500 bil-koordini X u Y (kif pprovduti mill-MEPA u d-Dipartiment tal-Artijiet).

4. Mapep bi skala differenti u mingħajr il-koordini huma aëëettabbli ukoll. Pero’ dawn il-mapep iridu juru b’mod tajjeb l-elementi tal-pasjaāā madwar is-sit tal-applikant (bħal toroq, għelieqi, eëë) kif ukoll l-ismijiet tal-inħawi (eŜ., ‘Wied l-Aħmar’, ‘Ir-Ramlija’, eëë.).

5. Mnasab immarkati fuq ritratti mill-ajru m’humiex aëëettabbli SAKEMM dawn ma āewx pprovduti mill-Paying Agency/Dipartiment tal-Agrikultura, f’liema kaŜ il-koordini tas-sit iridu ukoll ikunu murija tajjeb (inaëëettabbli jekk il-koordini tas-sit ma jkunux murija).

6. Il-periferija tal-post tal-insib trid tkun immarkata bl-aħmar fuq KULL kopja tal-mappa.

L-imnasab iridu ukoll jiāu murija individwalment b’bordura ħamra fuq kull kopja tal-mappa4.

7. Mapep immarkati ħaŜin, per eŜempju b’ëirku jew ‘X’, ma jiāux aëëettati. Il-periferija tas-sit trid tkun mgħoddija kemm jista’ jkun ma’ elementi fiŜiëi tal-pajsaāā kif murija fuq il-mappa stess (eŜ, il-ħitan tas-sejjiegħ mad-dawra tal-għalqa tal-applikant), dment li dawn l-elementi jeŜistu.

8. L-applikanti jistgħu jimmarkaw sa massimu ta’ erba’ mnasab:

(a) erba’ mnasab fuq sit wieħed tal-insib fuq mappa waħda (massimu ta’ Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda u tnejn minn dura oħra); jew

(b) Ŝewā siti tal-insib separati fuq mappa waħda fejn f’kull sit hemm mhux iktar minn Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda; jew

(c) Ŝewā mapep, fejn f’kull mappa hemm immarkat post tal-insib wieħed li fih mhux aktar minn Ŝewā imnasab minn dura waħda.

4 Il-post tal-insib ifisser il-periferija kollha tas-sit tal-applikant (eż. l-għalqa tal-applikant) li fiha hemm l-

imnasab. L-applikant ma jistax jirreġistra aktar minn erba’ mnasab (mhux aktar minn tnejn minn dura u

tnejn minn dura oħra) u sa massimu ta’ żewġ mapep differenti.

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Information on the Autumn 2014 Live-capturing Season (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How many Special Licenses for Autumn 2014 live-capturing season will be issued? The Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) within the Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change will issue two types of Special Licenses for live-capturing in Autumn 2014 to anyone who is eligible: a Special License for the live-capturing of Golden Plover/Song Thrush and a Special License for the live-capturing of Finches. These Special Licenses are non-transferable. Eligible applicants are those who are either in possession of a valid General Live-capturing License (Carnet de Chasse għall-insib tal-għasafar) and those who apply for such general license. In both cases the 2014–2015 Carnet de Chasse must be stamped by a recognized hunting/live-capturing organization as well as the Wild Birds Regulation Unit or the Police.

2. On which days and at what time can live-capturing in Autumn 2014 be practiced? Live-capturing for Golden Plover, Song Thrush and the seven finch species shall be permitted between Monday 20th October 2014 and Wednesday 31st December 2014, both dates included. Live-capturing during this period may only take place between two hours before sunrise and two hours after sunset during the week, on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

3. Which species may be live-captured? The Autumn 2014 live-capturing season shall open for nine species under two separate derogations—a derogation for the live-capturing of Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) and Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) and a derogation for the live-capturing of the seven finch species: Linnet (Carduelis cannabina), Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris), Siskin (Carduelis spinus), Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and Serin (Serinus serinus).

4. What is the live-capturing quota for Autumn 2014 (national bag limit)? The quota (national bag limit) is a maximum of:

Species National Bag Limit

Song Thrush 5,000 Golden Plover 700 Linnet 12,000 Chaffinch 5,000 Greenfinch 4,500 Siskin 2,350 Serin 2,350 Goldfinch 800 Hawfinch 500






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5. How many birds can I live-capture? In order for the national bag limit to be respected during the Autumn 2014 live-capturing season, an individual seasonal bag limit is also set. An individual in possession of a Special License for the live-capturing of Song Thrush and Golden Plover will have a maximum bag limit of of six (6) birds (any combination of Song Thrushes and/or Golden Plovers up to a total of six). An individual in possession of a Special License for the live-capturing of Finches will have a maximum bag limit of ten (10) birds (any combination from the seven finch species up to a total of ten finches).The live-capturing season shall close as soon as the national bag limit is reached. If the national bag limit of any one of the nine species is reached, then the season for that species is immediately closed and will remain open for the other species until their respective quota has been reached. The Autumn 2014 live-capturing season will automatically close two hours after sunset on 31st December 2014 even if none of the national bag limits per species is reached.

6. How can live-capturing be carried out and what mesh / net size can I use? Persons licensed to live-capture during Autumn 2014 can only use traditional manually-operated selective clap-nets consisting of two parallel nets spread flat on the ground which capture birds by clapping over each other on the ground, and which are armed and operated solely by human intervention without the use of any external power means including electrical, electronic, or mechanical. The use of metal or rubber springs is acceptable, provided these are operated solely by the live-capturer without the use of external power means. The mesh size shall not be less than 30mm if the live-capturer is licensed for Song Thrush/Golden Plover only, in which case the clap-net area shall not exceed sixty (60) square metres [646 square feet] per net. Live-capturers in possession of a Special License for the live-capturing of finches only may use nets with a mesh-size of not less than 18mm but in this case the largest size of each net shall not exceed (38) square metres [409 square feet]. Live-capturers in possession of both Special Licenses (Golden Plover/Song Thrush and Finches) may use nets for Golden Plover/Song Thrush if one of the two live-capturing stations registered on the licensee is used exclusively for the live-capturing of Golden Plover/Song Thrush and not for finches ((refer to the following table).

Type of License Mesh-size Maximum area of each net Legislation

A. Golden Plover/Song Thrush only 30mm 60m² S.L. 504.1135

B. Finches only 18mm 38m² S.L. 504.1246

C. Golden Plover/Song Thrush and Finches 18mm 38m² (if the licensee will be live-capturing Finches as well as Golden Plover/Song Thrush from the same live-capturing station)

S.L. 504.113

S.L. 504.124

30mm 60m² (only if the licensee will be live-capturing Golden Plover/Song Thrush but not Finches from the same live-capturing station)

7. Where is live-capturing prohibited? Live-capturing is prohibited within these Protected Areas:

1. Any site located within the boundaries of Bird Sanctuaries and Protected Beaches as defined in the Subsidiary Legislation (S.L.) 504.717;

5 LS 504.113:

6 LS 504.124:

7 LS 504.71:

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2. Protected natural habitats located within Natura 2000 sites;

3. Other protected natural habitats, including Scheduled Level 1 and Level 2 Areas of Ecological Importance and Sites of Scientific Importance.

Live-capturing stations set up after 2012 will not be accepted even if these are located outside Protected Areas. Live-capturing is also not allowed within the boundaries of a Bird Sanctuary or a Protected Beach. Should a site be located within a protected area specified in point 2 or 3 above, it will only be accepted if the live-capturing station(s) are visible on the aerial photos dated up to 2012, or registered with the Commissioner of Police by the end of December 2012 and in both cases, the field registered with the Department of Agriculture or Paying Agency before end July 2014. The verification process with respect to aerial photographs and police stamps also applies to any site outside protected areas to ensure that live-capturing takes place on live-capturing stations established by 2012.

8. How many clap-nets can I register? During the period within which the register of live-capturing stations is updated, you are required to submit up to two different site plans (two copies of each site plan) showing the precise location of each pair of clap-nets that you will be using during the Autumn 2014 live-capturing season. The site plan and copies must clearly show the site boundary as well as each pair of clap-nets in red ink. You can mark up to a maximum of four pairs of clap-nets, as follows:

(a) one site plan with a single live-capturing site boundary showing not more than four pairs of clap-nets: a maximum of two pairs of clap-nets from one hide and a maximum of two pairs of clap-nets from another hide (see Example ‘A’); or

(b) one site plan with two separate live-capturing site boundaries, each site showing not more than two pairs of clap-nets from a single hide (see Example ‘B’); or

(c) two separate site plans where each site plan shows the boundary of a single live-capturing site containing not more than two pairs of clap-nets from a single hide (see Site Plan 1 and Site Plan 2 in Example ‘C’).

Example ‘A’ Example ‘B’

Example ‘C’

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9. What is a live-capturing station and can more than one applicant apply on the same live-capturing station(s)?

A “live-capturing station” is a collective term which means “a maximum of two pairs of clap-nets from a single hide”, as illustrated in Section 8. Live-capturing stations that meet the criteria established by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit can be registered on more than one applicant; provided the limit of four pairs of clap-nets (not more than two live-capturing stations) per applicant is respected and such stations, together with the live-capturing site boundary, are properly marked on the site plan(s) as specified in Section 8 above and endorsed by WBRU.

10. How can I confirm that the live-capturing station is not located within a Protected Area? Before applicants submit their live-capturing application they need to verify that none of their live-capturing stations are located within a Protected Area, as defined in Section 7. The Wild Birds Regulation Unit is verifying each live-capturing station in conjunction with the Paying Agency at Ta’ Qali (Front Office) and Xewkija, Gozo as well as MEPA (St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana and Victoria, Gozo). Only good-quality site plans conforming to the criteria listed in this Annex will be vetted.

11. Should my live-capturing stations be registered? Yes. The Wild Birds Regulation Unit will assess all live-capturing stations to verify that none are located within a Protected Area and to ensure that those set-up after 2012 will not be endorsed. After the necessary verifications the site plans will be stamped as “Approved – WBRU” and signed by officials of the Wild Birds Regulation Unit. In the event that on any one site plan not all clap-net pairs or live-capturing stations (as the case may be) meet the eligibility criteria, the Wild Birds Regulation Unit will stamp those site plans as “Approved – WBRU” but any clap-net pair(s) or live-capturing station that do not meet the necessary criteria will be crossed out. Two copies of each site plan must be presented for endorsement. A person may register on behalf of other persons interested in using the same live-capturing station as long as s/he presents their ID Cards. Post-application verifications will also be carried out and should any site plan be found to have been amended or of it bears a stamp of approval despite not meeting the eligibility criteria (e.g. applicant registering more than two live-capturing stations) or if the land registration request is not approved by the Department of Agriculture, will lead to the revocation of such site plan and may also lead to the revocation of the Special Licence(s).

12. Where can I apply and when? Eligible applicants may apply at any MaltaPost branch for a live-capturing general license and the Autumn 2014 live-capturing Special License(s) between Tuesday 15th July and Saturday 2nd July, both dates included, during opening hours. No further applications will be accepted after this period. Upon application, each applicant must present up to two different site plans that have already been stamped, signed and dated by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit (two copies each), his/her Identity Card and, if already in possession of a general live-capturing licence, his/her Carnet de Chasse – għall-insib tal-għasafar 2014–2015 stamped by the Police and a recognised organisation that represents hunters/live-capturers or the 2013–2014 Carnet de Chasse if this was not renewed. Application forms will be provided by MaltaPost. Any person may apply on behalf of the applicant provided that, apart from the applicant’s Carnet de Chasse (if already in possession of a valid general live-capturing licence) and Identity Card (or applicant’s driving license or a copy of applicant’s Identity Card/driving license in case the applicant is unable to apply in person during the application period), that person also presents his/her Identity Card.

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13. How much do I have to pay when applying for a general live-capturing license and for the Autumn 2014 special license(s)?

Applicants whose general live-capturing license expired (expires after two years if not renewed) and wish to renew it, as well as those who wish to apply for a general live-capturing license for the first time, will pay twenty Euros (€20) + €30 examination fee + €13.98 police fee (= €63.98). The Autumn 2014 Live-capturing Special Licenses cost fifty-five Euros (€55) each, also payable on application. Applicants are requested to keep the receipt as a confirmation that the respective payment has been effected.

14. What colour are the rings that will be supplied and what kind of rings are these?

The rings approved by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit have an official marking and are single-use type, which means that they can only be fitted on a bird once. These single-use rings have to be placed around the bird’s leg by the live-capturer himself according to the instructions provided in the Autumn live-capturing special license. White rings are for the Chaffinch, Linnet, Goldfinch, Serin and Siskin, green rings are for the Greenfinch, orange for Hawfinches, red for Golden Plover and yellow for Song Thrush.

15. What is the cost of the rings?

Single-use rings will be distributed at a fee of fifty euro cents (€0.50) per ring. Payment for the rings shall be effected at the MaltaPost branch according to the amount of rings indicated by the applicant on the application form. No additional rings over and above those specified by the applicant on the application form will be supplied and the amount requested cannot exceed the maximum limit specified in the application form.

16. Which documents shall I keep in my possession whilst live-capturing? Whilst at the live-capturing station or on the way to/from the live-capturing station, a live-capturer must keep in his possession an identification document, the Autumn 2014 Special Live-Capturing License(s), the Carnet de Chasse Booklet – for live-capturing of birds 2014–2015, and the site plan(s) duly stamped and signed by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit. It is important that the site plan/s (up to a maximum of two different site plans) remain attached with the General License (Carnet de Chasse) not with the Special License. Also keep a pen handy for filling in the Carnet de Chasse.

17. How many Golden Plovers and Song Thrushes can I have as live-decoys on the live-

capturing station at any one time? Persons licensed for the live-capturing of Golden Plovers and Song Thrushes can only place up to ten (10) Golden Plovers and/or Song Thrushes within/around a single live-capturing station (maximum of two clap-net pairs from one hide) at any one time to be used as live-decoys, irrespective of the number of individuals licensed on that same live-capturing station. Furthermore, no person shall have in his possession whilst at the live-capturing station, or whilst travelling to/from the live-capturing station, more than 10 Golden Plovers and/or Song Thrushes used as live-decoys, provided the live-capturer can demonstrate that any number exceeding this limit has been caught that same day and duly reported from his mobile number. These live-decoys have to be fitted with a single-use ring issued specifically for this purpose by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit, as specified in Section 14. The single-use rings will be sent to the applicant together with the Special License via registered mail.

Page 14: Tagħrif fuq l-iStaāun tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Mistoqsijiet … · 2016-11-24 · Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-IŜvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent

18. How many finches / hybrids can I use as live-decoys on the live-capturing station at any one time?

A person licensed for the live-capturing of finches can only place up to twenty-one (21) finches and/or hybrids within/around a single live-capturing station (maximum of two clap-net pairs from one hide) at any one time to be used as live-decoys, irrespective of the number of individuals licensed on that same live-capturing station. However, the maximum number of live-decoys from each species/hybrid cannot exceed seven birds. This means that a live-capturer can have either up to three live-decoys from all the seven finch species/hybrids at any one time, or up to seven live-decoys from three species/hybrids only, or any combination as long as the total limit of 21 is not exceeded, of which not more than 7 can be from the same species/hybrids (e.g., 7 Linnets, 4 Greenfinches, 3 Serins, 2 Hawfinches, 3 Chaffinches, a Goldfinch and a Siskin). Furthermore, no person shall have in his possession whilst at the live-capturing station, or whilst travelling to/from the live-capturing station, more than 21 finches/hybrids or more than 7 finches/hybrids of the same species used as live-decoys. These live-decoys have to be fitted with either a seamless closed ring or a single-use ring issued specifically for this purpose by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit, as specified in Section 14. The single-use rings will be sent to the applicant together with the Special License via registered mail. It is illegal to use finches that are not fitted with a closed ring or a single-use ring as live-decoys. It should be noted that the number of single-use rings for finches issued per licensee by the Wild Birds Regulation Unit corresponds to the individual bag limit per licensee as explained in Section 5, unless the overall national bag limit has been reached.

19. What is my legal obligation whenever I catch a bird? Any live-capturer in possession of an Autumn 2014 live-capturing license is legally required to report his catch on the number indicated on the Special License as soon as a bird which he is licensed for has been caught. All reportings have to be carried out from the mobile number that the licensee registered in his application form. It is of utmost importance that the number specified during the application process is the one kept by the live-capturer whilst in the field. Only one mobile number per applicant will be accepted. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the live-capturing license. Licensed finch live-capturers are also legally required to place a single-use ring immediately after the bird is caught and reported. The colour of the single-use rings is species-specific, as explained in Section 14. Each live-capturer holding an Autumn 2014 live-capturing license shall also be informed immediately (by means of a text message (SMS) on the number indicated by that person in the application for an Autumn 2014 live-capturing license) when the season is closed completely if the national limit is reached, and with the closure of part of the Autumn 2014 live-capturing license in the case that the limit is reached for a particular species.

20. What should I do if I catch a bird that has a scientific ring? Details of the ring should be recorded and the ring-recovery form attached to the license should be appropriately filled with such details. The bird should then be immediately released on site, even if it belongs to one of the species you are licensed to live-capture. The duly-filled in form shall be forwarded to the Wild Birds Regulation Unit on the address indicated on the same form as soon as the Autumn 2014 live-capturing season is closed.

21. How is the enforcement of the conditions of the Autumn live-capturing license 2014

going to be ensured? The Government is committed to continue to work on supervision and enforcement to ensure that the quotas are not exceeded. Additional Police within the Administration Law Enforcement (ALE) Unit and marshals shall also be employed during the Autumn live-capturing season. For each one thousand (1000) live-capturers in possession of the Special License for Autumn 2014 live-capturing season, seven (7) police officers or marshals shall be on duty during the hours when Autumn live-

Page 15: Tagħrif fuq l-iStaāun tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Mistoqsijiet … · 2016-11-24 · Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-IŜvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent

capturing is permitted. Outside these hours, at least two (2) Police officers or marshals shall also be on duty. The Police, assisted by marshals as may be necessary, shall continue to carry out on-site verifications until at least two weeks following the end of the autumn live-capturing season, in order to prevent illegal live-capturing. Following the closure of the Autumn live-capturing season, for every one thousand (1000) Autumn Live-capturing Licenses issued at least three (3) Police officers and/or marshals shall be on duty.

Apart from the requirement to immediately report each catch on the number specified on the License, live-capturers are also required to fill in the Carnet de Chasse with the respective details before leaving the live-capturing station. To avoid any problems with enforcement, live-capturers should write down the date on the Carnet de Chasse as soon as they arrive on the live-capturing station. Just before leaving the live-capturing station the licensee must write down his catch and if nothing has been caught on that particular day he should write ‘0’ or ‘X’ in the respective column. These requirements are important aspects related to the Derogation and will be strictly observed and enforced.

The Police, as assisted by marshals as may be necessary, shall carry out regular spot checks so as to monitor all the conditions related to the Autumn live-capturing season. Any violations of the regulations will not be tolerated. Anyone caught breaching the rules and conditions of Autumn 2014 live-capturing license loses the Autumn live-capturing license and the general live-capturing license, and will also be given other penalties under the law, according to the severity of the case.

Page 16: Tagħrif fuq l-iStaāun tal-Insib fil-Ħarifa 2014 (Mistoqsijiet … · 2016-11-24 · Il-Wild Birds Regulation Unit (WBRU) fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-IŜvilupp Sostenibbli, Ambjent


1. Site plans (and their copies) should be legible and clearly show the basemap (the basemap is an extract from the survey sheets).

2. Very faint site plans or site plans without a clearly marked site boundary or clap-net area are not acceptable (see points 6 and 7 on site boundaries and the boundaries of clap-net areas).

3. Preferably, site plans should be an A4 or A3-size extract from the latest survey sheets, at a scale of 1:2500 with X and Y coordinates (as provided by MEPA and the Land Department).

4. Other smaller or larger scale site plans without coordinates are also acceptable. In this case, however, the site plan must clearly show the land features surrounding the applicant’s site boundary (such as roads, fields etc) AND the area names (e.g., ‘Wied l-Aħmar’, ‘Ir-Ramlija’, etc.).

5. Sites marked on aerial photos are not acceptable EXCEPT site plans provided by the Paying Agency/Department of Agriculture, in which case the site coordinates must also be clearly shown (unacceptable if site coordinates are not shown).

6. The boundary of applicant’s live-capturing site should be clearly outlined in red on ALL copies of the site plans. The footprint area of each pair of clap-nets (mansab) must also be individually marked in red on all copies of the site plans8.

7. Site plans inappropriately marked with for example an ‘X’ or a circled area are not acceptable. The site boundary must be aligned as much as possible with physical features (e.g., applicant’s rubble walls that enclose his/her site), if these features exist.

8. Applicants are only allowed to mark up to four clap-nets (mnasab), either:

(a) four clap-nets within a single live-capturing site on one site plan (two pairs of clap-nets from two separate hides); or

(b) two separate live-capturing sites on one site plan with each live-capturing site having not more than two pairs of clap-nets from one hide; or

(c) two site plans, with each site plan showing a single live-capturing site containing not more than two pairs of clap-nets from one hide.

8 A live-capturing site refers to applicant’s entire site boundary (e.g., applicant’s field) in which the pairs of

clap-nets (mnasab) are located. The applicant can only register up to four pairs of clap-nets (mnasab) (not

more than two mnasab from one hide and another two from a second hide), up to a maximum of two

different site plans.

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