  • ЧАЙКОВСКИЙ: ДЕТСКИЙ АЛЬБОМ (TCHAIKOVSKY: CHILDREN'S ALBUM)1. Утренняя молитва (Morning prayer)2. Зимнее утро (Winter morning)3. Игра в лошадки (Playing Hobby-Horses)4. Мама (Mama)5. Марш деревянных солдатиков (March of the wooden soldiers)6. Болезнь куклы (The doll's ilness)7. Похороны куклы (The doll's funeral)8. Вальс (Waltz)9. Новая кукла (The new doll)10. Мазурка (Mazurka)11. Русская песня (Russian song)12. Мужик на гармонике играет (A peasant playing accordeon)13. Камаринская (Kamarinskaya)14. Полька (Polka)15. Итальянская песенка (Italian song)16. Старинная французская песенка (Old French song)17. Немецкая песенка (German song)18. Неаполитанская песенка (Neapolitan song)19. Нянина сказка (Nanny's fairytale)20. Баба-яга (Baba-Yaga)21. Сладкая грёза (Sweet dream)22. Песня жаворонка (Song of the lark)23. Шарманщик поёт (The organgrinder sings)24. В церкви (In church)Table of contentsTRANSLATIONS OF THE FOOTNOTESPage 2: This publication is based on P. Jurgenson's edition (P. Tchaikovsky. Complete Piano Works. Volume 4), overseen and corrected by the authorPage 4: * This pp is absent in Jurgenson's edition. Added according to the autograph.Page 23: * In the autograph, there is the second octave E (instead of G)Page 27: * In the autograph, the first phrase (meas. 1-9) has an E flat in every measure, as the first quarter of the left hand; the same in the recapitulation

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